PL 07/09/1969 - 31025�1
�'l�e �eting wae c�lled to osder at 7:30 P.M, by Chai�man Esickeon.
Membera Present: Myhra, Erickson, Jeneen, Fitzpatxick
Irlember Ab�ent: Mittelstadt
Othere Preaent: Engineering Aesistant Darrel Claslc
The following correction was made by Jen�en: On page 7, third line
�rom bottom of the page reads "wind up" and ehould be pline up".
MOTION by Jeneen, eeconded by Myhra, that the Plan�iag Com�i�eion
minutes of June 11, 1969 be approved as coz�rected. Ugon a voice �ote, all
voting eye, the �tion carried unaaimously.
1yDTI0N by Myhsa, eeconded by Jeneen, that the Plannia� Co�iesfon recsive
the Plate 6� Subdiviaioas-Streete � Utilities Subco�ittee miaute� dated
,..�, � July 2, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all .roting aqe, the �otioa carried un�animou�-
I�OTIOId by Janeen, ��coaded by Myh�a, that the Pl�ning C�imeio� ra�efve
the minutee of the Parke 6 Recreation C�ioeion Sgscial maetiag d�ted Jun�
11, 1969. Upon a voice vote, a11 votiag sye, th� motion carried un�ai�va�lq.
1rDTI0N by Jenenn, eeconded by Mq�sa, that the Planaing Co�ie�ion recaive
tba minute� of the Parke 6 Recreation Commi��ion dated June 23, 19b9. O�fon
a voice vote, all voti�g aye, the motion c�rried unaaim�u�lq.
1rDTI0N by Myhra, seconded bq Jene�, that the Pla�aing Coa�nisoion recaive
the minutee of the Board of Appeala dated June 25, 1969. Opoa a voicn vote,
all votiag aqe, the motion carried unanin�uely.
I�TION by J�.�en, aeconded by P�►hra, tha� the Planniag Co�ieoion receive
the minutee of the �uilding Standards-IIe�ign Control Subco�itte� datad June
25, 1969. Upon a voice �ote, all vo,*_ing aye, the �tioa carried unanimouel�►.
Plaaniat� Comnisaion Meetin� - Julv 9, 1969 �a�e 2
MOTION by Jensen, eeconded by Myhra, that the Planniag Co�ission receive
the minutee of the Building Standarde-Design Control Subco�ittee dated
July 2, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimouely
Chairman Erickeon reported that Item 5, continued rezoning requeet,
ZOA #69-08, by R. W. Wormsbecker be tabled for two week� at the sequest of
the petitioner.
MOTION by Myhra, eecoaded by Jensen, that the Planning Co�is�ion table
for two weeks the continued rezoaing request, ZOA �69-0�, R. W. Wormsbecker,
for the NW� o£ the NW�, except North 16.6 Acres and SW� of NW'� of Section 2;
also the North 34.68 Acrea of NE� of NE� of Section 3 to be se�oned from M-2
(heavy iaidu�trisl) to R-3 (general �ultiple dwelliaige). Upoaa a voice vote,
all voting aye, the ffiotion carried unanimously.
Chais�n Erickeon also added Iteffi 10: Apartm�nt Survey.
Subdivieioa �10, Auditor's Subdivision �94. Reaone fr� R-1 to R-3A.
Mr. and Mre. Balth�zos were present, but did xaot wieh to c nt.
Chair�aa Ericke� read the Notice of Public Hearing.
Curtie Shaw, 1386 Skywood Lane, presented a letter and petition oppoe-
iag the r�zonimga
A�OTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Petition �ted
July 7, 1969 oppoeing the rezonin,�, ZOA �69-10, with twenty-eight eigna-
turea preeented by Curtie Shaw be received by tlae Pla�ing Ca�nie�i� and
that the letter dated July 7, 1969 with five stgnaturee also be geceived.
Opon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani�ously.
The lettes dated �uly 7, 1969 wa� read for the benefit of the �veopl�.
Chairmaa Erickaon referred to the Building Ynepection file on the building
pesmite. In April 1965, a peJ-�it for a double bungalow by epecial uee
permit wae ieaued in an R-1 dietrict. Lettere were aubsequentlq writtea
after an inepection ehowing there were electrical facilities for three
familiee and etating thie wa8 in violation of the City Code aa tbe buildiag
permit was for a double bungalowe an Auguet, 1965 a letter Wae vrittan by
the Acting Citq Attorney etating that the services w�re not prima-facia
evidence, but that the awner sho��d receive a letter reminding him ttut only
two familiee were allo�ed end no .�ther occupaat would be permitted. In
1967 a letter from the City Attorneq indicatad a petition wae received that
. three families were living in the premise� violating the Code and ti� t�aa�
granted for correction. In August of 1968 Mr. Aakrum eent a memo to the
City Attorney advieiag him of the aimilar eituation. Naer we have the preeant
�"'�1 eituation in which th�y sre requeeting a epecial use permit for three
. familiee eo occupy a double buagalow. A letter written by Hank Muhich, Chief
Buildi�g Inepector, on May 22, 1969 stated the petition was deni�d by tha
Ylaanit� Co�i�eioa i�eeting - Julv 9, 1969 �a�� 3
City Council £or three familie� ia double buagalo�* aad th�y a�i�ed r��oning
lr-"� would be neceeeary. Since that time, t►e believed, the City had taken action
thso�a� l�ga� �oua�cil oa thia matter.
The Engineering Assietant said that ttie hearixag wae befare the court on
June 3, 1969 and th� �court ruled th8t the petitioner was in violatioa and
would have to vacate one unit before June 30, 1969 and thfs hae be�n done.
At the present time, there ase only two familiee living in the dt,ielling.
It wae brought up that it wae t e that in �he liet of people living
withia 300 feet, �ome of the namee o�adjaceat neigtibox� w�re left off.
The City relies on the petitioaer to supply n�s.
In aaswer to Mr. Shaw'e que�tion, he was informed the present occupants
were Mr. and Mxs. Don Thompson and Mr. and Mre. Balthazor.
Mr. Shaw sai�i he was living in the neighborhood at �he tim�e of the firet
epecial uee permit, but he was not too intereeted at that time,
M01TON by Jenseu, eeconded by Fitzpatgick, ttsat the Pla�iag Cot�iseion
close the public he�rin� of the rezoaiaig requeet, ZOA �69-10, G�orge Baltha-
zos, of Lot 3, Subdivision �10, Auditor's Subdivieion �94, to be rezonod
from R-1 to R-3A. Upon a voice vote, all voting aqe, �he �tion car�ied
unanimous lg� .
Mr. Myhra said he checked the requeet from a fin+ancial point of view.
r..� He added, it ie hard to go back aad reconstruct the thinking th�ough the
q�are. Deliberate violation qi�� !a`► i• pret�y h�rd to kaow. I�s. Haltha-
zor feele he hae to have a nuftiple ��lling to m�l� it £u�ible. 7.'ta� other
eide fe the a�a old probl� of epot zoninQ -- you ase h�lping an individual
out of a psoblem �nd ci�tiag a probl� �oa othe,r p�ople. He did not kaov
� if be wae r�ady to act on this.
Mr. Fitzpatrick eaid, that in viaa of � fact• th�t have co� up
toaight which are new, he vae rea�i for a motion to tablm.
1�TION by Fitzpatrfck, eecoaded by Myhra, that the Planniag Co�iesion
conti�ta until July 23 ti�e zesoning raquest, ZOA #69-10, Geosga Balthaaor,
of Lot 3, 3ubdiviaion �10; Auditor's Subdivioion �94, to be r�soned from
R-1 to R-3A. Upon a voice vote, all voting aqa, the �tion car$ied unanimously.
Mr. Mqhra eaid it wae hie undaretaading that ths Citq ha� not been
infosmed thst three familiea occupied the aiouble bungalow. He aleo etated
he Nauld not be preeent at the aext meeting. Mr. Balthasor was aeked if
it would be agreeable with him foa the r�oniag requast to be put aves to
Auguet 6a 1969 and he agreed.
1�TIOId bq Fit�patrick, �eco�ded by Myhra, that th� Pla�snia� Commi�eioa
8�end the motian to contirnie to Auguet 6, �969 the s�$oning requs�t, ZOA
f69-10, George Baltiusor, of Lot 3, Sub'divieion �10, Auditor'e 8�bdivision
�94 to be re$aned froffi R-1 to R-3A. Upon � voice voee, all voting aqe, the
mutioa caxri�d unani.mouelq.
� lire. Shaw referr�d to the 1e��are eent �o th� �alti�or'e by tha City
ead noted notht� wae �aid about rmceiviag a reply. The Chair�ea ann�ased
that tbnre were no r�pli�s � tha ��,let.
Planniag Co�nniseion Meeting - Julv 9, 1969 ���� 4
��` ESTATES (REVISED THOMAS SWANSON: All that part of Lot 34, Revised Auditor'a
Subdivision �7 lying East of the Eaet line of Block 1, Miesiseippi View
The public hearing was t�b�,e� at..the la�t meeting because the petitioaer
wae not preeent.
Becauee of conflict of iatereet, M�. Myhra remoaed himself from the dis-
The following were present for this item: Thomas Swanson, Mr. and Mrs.
B. Novak, Gordoa Sangster, Henry C. Dickineon, Ed Dx�opps and Don Nieleen.
Mr. Novak etated it was agreeable to them to add their property to the
plat as long se it was only one additional piece. They felt a large lot
would be more marketable thaa two smaller onee. They were informed that
eas�ente would be required for public acce�s, water and ee�wer. Mr. Novsk
would have a ahort driveway inatead of a long one. He asked haw soon the
improvements would be provided. Water and sewer could be under contract thie
fall aad completed in 1970. The earliest for the fiaal assessment roll prob-
ably would be in 1971 or 1972. The plattiug could be done this year. Ms.
Nielsea stated there would be a� drainage proble� as the weter in the epsing
of the year doea not run off.
Mr. Sangster, speaking as a resideat living in the area�expressed hie
� deaire to aee the exit to Eaet River Road left open eo as not to add to the
tsaffic using Riverview Terrace.
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, eeconded by ,Tensen, that the Planning Co�iseion
cloee the public hearing of the propoeed preliminary plat, P.S. �69-07,
Brentwood Eetatea (Revieed), Thomas Swaneon, for all that part of Lot 34,
Revised Auditor°e Subdivision �7 lying E�st of the East line of Block 1,
Mi�eiseippi View Addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unani�ualy.
With the approval of the petitioner and the intereeted parties prceent
this evening, the followiag motion wae made.
MOTION by Jeaeen, eeconded bq Fitzpatrick, that the Planaing Commiseion
table until Member Mittelatadt arrived, the propoeed preliminary plat, P.S.
#69-07, Brentwood Eetates (Revised) by Thomae Swanson of all that part of
Lot 34, Reviaed Auditor'e Subdivision �7 lyiug Sa,�t of the East line of
Bloek 1, Missiseippi View Addition. �
1�TION by Jeaeen, eecondad bq Fitzpatrick, to amend the �tion tabling
the proposed preliminary plat, P.S. �69-07, Bre�vood Estates (Revised) by
Thomas Swaaeon and continue the request to Julp 23, 1969. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, the m4tion casried u�tai�ously.
Planni� Commieaion Mee�in� - Juiy 99 1969 Pa�e 5
;� of W� of NE� of the NE� of Section 13, rezone from R-1 to R-3A. Public
hearing cloaed 6/11/69.
Mr. Weaterlund, Leslie Tidham and Darrel Bacon were preeent.
The Co�isaion felt they would lik� a full committee to act on thie
petition and expected the missing member to arrive later on.
MOTION by Myhra, eeconded by Fitzpatrick, that the re�oning requeet,
ZOA �69-08A, Kaye We�terlund, be tabled until later in the evening. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Continued on page 6.
of 7, Block 10, Hamilton's Addition to Mechaniceville, to resone from R-2 to
R-3A. Public hearing clo�ed 6/11/69.
Mr. Bx�ais Smoka, Leon Jaworeki and P. Aplikawski wer� present.
MOTION by Jeneen, Myhra, that the resoning request, ZOA
#69-09, Sacred Heart Pariah, be tabled until later in the evening. Upoa a
voice vote, ell voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Coatinued oa page 7
Action t8ken �o table for two weeks uader Order of Agenda.
6. LOT SPLIT RFQUEST: L.S. �`69-18, L. GEOAGE WELLS: The Eaet 12 feet of North
100 feet of Lot 8C, Second Reviaioa Auditor e Subdivieion �21.
Mr. and Mre. Welle were preeent.
Mr. Myhra said that the Subco�ittee discueeed the fact that Lot 8A
would need an additional accese on the Eeat if it ehould e�ver be split.
Mr. Wells explained they live on Lot SA which ie 100 feet in width and they
awa the North 100 feet of Lots 8C and 8B. Lot 8C is going to be put on the
market, and becsuse their houoe ie eituated in euch a faehion that they
would look directly into the backyard af the new lot, they would like to
take 12 feet from the Eaet line to be added to Lot SB which is naa ueed'as
l�tr. Welle had turned in the le�al descriptioa prepared by an attoraey
which ie ae follawe: Parcel �1: Nosth 100 feet of Lot 8C, eacapt the East
12 feet thereof, Auditor'e Subdivi�ioa #21, City of Fridley, Anoka County,
Mi�eeota. Parcel #2: North 100 feet of Lot SB, together s�ith the Eaet
12 feet of the North 100 feet of Lot 8C, all in Auditor'e Subdiviefon �21,
City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minne�ota.
�`� It wa8 felt that mo8t of the houees on Brookview are eetback pretty far,
_ and the people there are enjoyiag their backyarde, eo there is no splitting
of the lots in the foreaeeable future.
Plannin� Coffiission Meeting - Julv 9, 1969 PaAe 6
MOTION by Jenaen, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Cac�ission
�\ ;reco�end approval of the lot aplit requeat, L.S. �69-18, L. George Welle, -
�� iof the East 12 feet of the North 100 feet of Lot 8C, Second Revision Auditor's
.' Subdivision �21. Upon a voice vote, aYl voting aye, the motion canied
GALLAGHER: West S.acrea of NW� of SE�, except South 4 acres, Christie
Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher were present.
The Commission discussed the curve in Seventh Street. The curve is
South of the Gallagher property and the extra width was taken o£f the Riedel
property. In checking the width of the boulevard, it was felt there would be
, enough laad for sidewalks if they should ever be requixed.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Co�iasion
aet the public hearing date of July 23, 1969 for the proposedi preliminary
plat, P.S. �69-10, Gallagher Addition by William H. Gallagher, of the West
five acres of the NW� of the SE�, except South four acres, Christie Addition.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion casried unanimously.
1969 from League of Women Voters in Fridley opposing proposal.
n Chairman Erickson said that since the Planning Commiasion has not been
asked to give an opinion, �he letCer should be received.
I�TION by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Coffinission receive
the letter dated June 19, 1969 from the League of Women Voters in Fridley
oppoaing the YMCA proposed Suburban Facility on West Moore Lake Drive. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, the ffiotion carried unanimously.
1�DTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, to remove from the table the
rezoning request, ZOA �69-08A by Kaye WeSterlund. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Myhra said, in talking about the number of apartncente for the past
eix months or more aince he has been on the Planning CoaIInission, it seemed
to bim that to suddenly decide, becauee the Planning Commission has become
concerned with the problem of the number of requests for apartments, to
etart talking about stopping action on requests, was not good thinking.
If the Co�ission caa foresee a need for apartments in the area by Onan's,
such ae this one, they should look at it on its own merits.
At the Planning Coa�ission meeting of May 22, 1969, the Cou�iesfon felt
a report such as that of the Roseville Administrative Staff would be of
beaefit to Fridley. This wae "A Study to �amine the Tax Advantage or Dis-
advantage of the Apartments in Roseville and Their Affect On The Local
Schools". The Engineering Assistant said this information could be compiled
for Fridley without too much trouble if Council would so direct.
Planning Coffiission Meeting - July 9, 1969 Pa�e 7__
The Commission felt a study would be uaeful in answering questions
;� from the public aad helping them to make deciaion�. It wae felt a study
would be completed within 30 days. The headinge ahould coaeist of how
many unite ia Fsidley; how many could be built under our present zoning,
how many school children, particularly on avezage per unit; and tax dollare
and retum .
The Engineeriag Aseietaat reported a eurvey was made ia 1963. The
Co�iasion would be comparing this report with the propoaed survey. In
answer to the query of declaring a moritorium while the study was going
on, the Commiesion felt they "should do bueiness on a noz�l basis",
taking each sequest individually.
In regard to Mr. Westerluad's request, Mr. Myhra eaid the Planning
Co�ission was coacerned with the elevation lines. Using the County Auditor's
description, the rezoning request is for the North 824.7 feet of Parcel 300.
The balance of the lot wae not included. 'Z'he South end of the lot hae a
drop which is not buildable. The petitiones plans to leave the South part
as ie. Some of the neighbore were conceraed about the eetback of the
apartments and were iaformed the setback wae ehown to be 180 feet with
future garage� to take up so� of it. Mr. Westerlund was to have a certi-
ficate of aurvey prepared.
1�FOTION by Jensen, eeconded by Myhra, that the Planning Co�ission
recomm�end approval of the rezoniag requeet, ZOA �69-08A by Kaye Westerlund
of the Noxth �24.7 feet of the W� of the NE� of the NE� of Sectio� 13, to
�.-1 be rezoned from R-1 (eingle family dwellinge) to R-3A (Apsrtmente only)
_ with the conditioai that the deve�opar deed to the City the South 60 feet
of the deecribed tract and further agree that no dieturbance of the creek
bank below elevation of 880 would take place and that the developes would
further agree that the front setback would be a miaimum of 100 feet. Upon
a voice vote, all votin� aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Jeneemm added that thia particular tract ie appropriate for the
proposed u��. It happena to be oa the boundary of a large induetsial
tract; it also abute the tracC that was recently rezoned for �ultiple
dwellinga; and oa the South side a natural buffer of Rice Creek bottom
laad exiete. Accese to the property from the South would be extremely
diffieult because of the terraia and natural wooded area. The only area
that remaiae to be congidered ia the area to the Weet and it ie epareely
populated and would aot be adversely affected at thia tim�e. It would give
them an opportunity to develop =hat psoperty ueing the beet deeiga fsctors
that could be developecl to allow 8a interface betweea R-1 and R-3 zoaiag.
I�TION by Jeasen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Co�iseion
remave fram the table the coatinued re�oning request, ZOA �69-09, Sacred
Heast Pasith. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
� The Engineeriag Aseimtant �aid that �et of the property that the
� Chusch plane to eell, which is everythiag North of the South line of Lot 24,
� Block 10, ie already zoned �ultiple. The onlq part not aoned �ltipla ie
glannia� Co�i�sio� Meetin� ��ulv 9, 1969 pag� g
2� lota. The ce�Reterq ie in �lock 10 and �ae puscha�ed in 1915. Referring
r"`��� to Sth Street, he eaid the dedicated portion ie 30 feet wide. Fifth Street
wae dedicated a loag time ago, �nd there are twenty�two grave� on the East
half. Off 54th Avenue there was on�y one grave. These ase nine gravee
within 22" of the fence on 5th Street. There i� room for �e,000 �dditional
graves on the property the Chusch intend� to keep. The plat of iiamilton's
Addition to Mechanicsville was recorded in 1886.
The Church felt thfs w�a a good piece of land, but more land than they
could use. They had hoped to eell off the postion ti►ey didn't need and keep
the rest for the cemetery.
The Co�iseion discuseed the fact that the Eaet side of 5th Street was
vacated all the way up to the Freeway. Theq diecussed a provision that the
Eset half of Sth Str�et be dedicat�d on the front of the asea to be developed
�ltiple and aloaig the Free�ay providing a s�uvice drive over to 7th Street.
This would give the spa�tffiea�t� accea� to the E,aet or Weet.
MOTION by Myhra, �econded by Fit�patrick, that the Planning Co�iseion
rgco�end to Council approval of the rezoni�g requeet, ZOA �69-09, Sacred
Heart Pariaia, of Lote 5, 6, N� 7, Block 10, iiamilton'� Addition to Mechanics-
ville to be rezoned £som R�2 (limited multiple d�cllinge) to B-3�A (apartimente
only) fsom the ATorth line of the South H$lf of �ot 24 to the North line of
' the present ce�ter� paeoperty and a right of way for the continuance of the
service road between Fousth and Seventh Stre�t. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, ttae �otion caaried unaniEmouely.
n For further clarification, Jeneen eaid this se�oniRg would add only five
uaite to the number of apart�ate that cauld be built on the alreadq zoned
property and providee the Cemetery Aeeaciation the opportunity to put the
land to another use. Th�ir agree�nt to the �aditioas of the �tion would
assiet eolving street and tsaffic probleme that tlzey naw have.
Streets in Block 6, Ber1Ln Addition.
No one wa� preaent for the petition.
The �hairman reviewed the requeet �sying that the petition came to a halt
on one particular item, that of Northern Statee Power. ltao existing eemices
ia the Eaet/Weet etseet eketch ipdicated what portion that the Northesn Ststes
Pow�x hae aek�d to b� maintafned as utility eaeements. It wae decided that
Northern Statee Powex ehould draw up a private eas�ent with the Great Northern
Railroad, ae thfe would be the eimplest way of haadling it.
1�FOTION bq Jensea, seconded by Fitzpatx�.ck, that the Planning Co�iseion
recommead appraval of the vacatioa requeet, SAV �`69-03, Great Northern Railroad,
of tha alley and etseets in Block 6, Berlin Addition aubject to the righte
of the Northern Stat�s Po�aea ea��nt being handled privately between them
and tt�e Railroad ae far ae actual vacatioa, �ith a copy of the euscuted agree-
meat to be received bq the City. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
� motion carried unanimouely.
�la�� Co�ie�ion Meetin� - July 9, 1969 Page 9
Continuiag the eubject of an Apar�nt Survey
after revi�wing the M�mo from the City Sngineer,
Irlanager, th� following tentative liat for study wae
for the Gity of Fridley,
CM �69-10, to the Citq
Liet of buildinge presently occupied.
Number of uaite.
Tax baee and what they would have paid.
Age of building.
Aesseeed valuation: echool tan and regular tax.
Number of School children.
Ratio apartmente to eingle family.
Economic factor: dollar return.
Residents per acre.
It ie hoped that by comparing thie etudy with the one in 1963 preeented
this eveaing by the Engineering Aeeietant, the Pla:ming Co�ieeion will be
helped in decidia�g how meay apartmeate the caaminity needs.
Further co�ents were: Fitzpatrick: There ehould be County wide plan-
ning, ae we 'have obligatione to our neighbore. Jensen: One echoal of
thought is houeing should be concentrated. Traaeportation ie al�st impos-
sible. Myhra: What happeas in the future relating to the quality of
apartmente - question of Buildiag Code. Ericl�on: Co�oented that ecoaamic
conditioae have a lot to do witi► the emouut of people in apartments. Also,
regasdis�g constsuction -- get apartmente to a point where we don't have to
worry about them. Jensen: Si�e and number of unite. Fitzpatrick: The
zoning category "miltiple dwallit�ge" pesmits larga areae of dupleu and four-
plea, auch a8 thoee Eset of McDonald'e in Columbia Heights, aad referring
to appearaacee, thie ehould be checked.
The Co�iiesioa hoped to have thit eurvaq complatad bsfore Labor Day.
There being no fusther businese, Chairm4n Erickeon adjourned the
mneting .at 11:25 P.M.
Reepect�ily submitted
1 0'Brian
Recordi�g Sacretary
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