PL 10/08/1969 - 31028� � PLANNING CONIl�lISSION MEETING ocTOB�. e , 196g PAGE 1 The meeting was called to order by Chairu�an Erickson at 7:30 P,M, ROLL CALL: Members Present: Member Arsent: Others Present: Mittelstadt, Myhra Darrel Cla�i�, Je.nsen, Erickson, Fitzpatrick Engineering Assistant gPPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: �IIGUST 6, 1g69 MOTION by Jense.n, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Commission minutes of August 6, 1969 be approvedo IIpo.n a voice vote, all votin� aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BUILDING STAND�RD5-DFSIGN CON'I�ROL STTBCOMMITTEE MINUTES• gIIGUST 7, 1969 MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, tha,t the Planning Commission receive the Building Standards Design Control Subcommittee mi.nutes of �ugust 7, 1969. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BIIILDING STANDARDS DESIGN CONTROL SIIBCOMMITTEE MIN[JTES• AIIGIIST 21, 1g6g MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, tr�at the Planning Commission �``� receive the.Building Standaxds-Desig.n Control Subcommittee minutes of August 21, 196g. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried una.nimously. RECEIVE BIIILDING STANDARDS DESIGN COiVTR.OL SIIBCONINlITTEE MINUTES: SEPTII�Eft 4, 1g69 MOTION by Mattelstadt, seco.nded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission receive the Building Standards-Desig:n Control Subcommittee minutes of September 4, lg6g. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECENE BOBR.D OF gPFEALS MINUTES: 9UGIIST 1 1 69: MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, tha.t the �lanning Commission receive the Board of App.eals minutes of .@ugu�t 13, 196g. Upon. a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. _ RECEIVE BOAR� OF APPEALS MINIITES: gUGUST 27, 1969 MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, tha.t the Planning Commissio.n receive the Board of Appeals minutes of 9ugust 27, 196g. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion casried unanimously. RECEIVE BO�R.D OF A.PPEALS MINIITES : SEFr��t lo , 196g MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planni.ng Commissio.n receive the Board of 9ppeals mi.nutes of September 10, 196g. IIpon a voice vote, �.�.1 all voting aye, the motion carried unanimouely. Plannin� Comffiiasion Meeting - October 8, 1969 Pa,�e 2 R�EIPE BOARD OF 9PPEALS MINIITES: SEPT�IDER 24_ , 196� � MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatriok, that the Planning Commission reoeive the Boaxd of Appeals minutes oi September 24, �969. IIpoA a voice vote, a11 votin� aye, the motion carried una.nimou�ly. /"'`� RFCEIYE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINDTES: AIIGIIST 25, 1969 MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Mittelatadt, tha,t the Planning Commissio.n receive the Parks & Recreation Commission minutes of August 25, lg6g. IIpon a voiae vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. rt,al'a �!c SU.�DtYIS10NS-S'1*R�I'S & IITILITIE�S SIIBCON�lITT� MINTTTES: 1. 1969 MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Mittelstadt, tha.t the Planni� Commission reaeive the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets 8� IItiiities Subcqmmittee minutes of Ootober 1, 1969. IIpon a voice vote, all votin� aye, the motion aarried unanimou�ly. RECEIVE BIIILDING STANDARDS DE'SIGN CONTROL SUBCONIlKTTTEE MINIITE.Ss SEPTII�IDER 25, 1969 MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planni.ng Commission receive the Building Standards Design Control Subcommittee minutes of September 25, �969. IIpon a voice vote, all votin� aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1. : P The petitioner, �'homas Swanaon, could not be present and Mr. Edwin �� Dropps represe.nted him at the meetirt�. The Cha.irma.n brought the proceedings up to date noting the public heaxing wae cloaed on July 9, ].969 and the last meetix�g was August 6, 1969. The unsolved problems were the North�South road and the East�West road, whether or not access would be on East River Road or Riverview Terrace. Mr. Swanaon had been called regard�t� tablir�g of his petitioa and he had not objected. Because of the number of people present, the Planni:t� Commisaion had ao objectiona to re-openix� the discuseion at this time. Mr. Dropps said that Mr. Nielsen had agxeed to dedicate hia 25 feet ox� the Eaet aide of his lot, and Mr. Swanson ha,d a verbal agreement with Mr. Novak to wo�k out other easements„ Mr. Nielsen, owaer of Lot 31, asked that if by dedicating 25 fee�, this would leave him with a lot too small to be built on. His lot was approxima,tely 80'x227� with the houae being on the East side. He would be left with about 202�, and taking 102' for the lot with the houae, the second lot would be 100'. The solution would then be to go to the Board of Appeals and ask for a waiver of the lot size from 9,000 square feet to closer to 8,000 squaxe feet. Evelyxi Goldman, 3518 Madisox� Place: Mr. Nielt�en doea not have a road, but n e.n easement for access, and the school takes caxe of it. He wants to sell and, ha,s Planning Commission Meeting - October 8, 1969 Page 3 purcha.sed a house in another area, but he is penalized because of the street, as he cannot get an FHA loano Gordon San�ster, 7169 Riverview Terrace: He felt that by bringing the Ea.st�4+lest roal through to Riverview Terrace it would encoura,ge truck traffic where there is no traffic nowo He said he reco�nized the objections to East River Road access and felt the corner would not be any worse than coming out on glden Way and Stonybrooko It would permit trucks getting in and out of the area without going through the residentiaJ. streets and this would be a safety factor, The school board indicated a willingness to dedicate for a road going Ea.st�West, but they objected to a cul de sac as it would interfere with the playgroundo Mro Nielsen wondered if a less expeneive blacktopped road could be built, probably be a dead end, or go out to East River Road, He was told the City would object to a dead end because of the difficulty of plowing. It was felt that the schoolboard could co.ntrol the truck and bus traffic on the road if it went throu$h to Riverview Terrace. Mrs. Ho Dickinson, 7175 Riverview Terrace: We are against the road con- necting to Riverview Terraceo You would be bringing all these trucks in on the sharp turn on Riverview Terrace where all the childsen play around Logan Park. We have bee.n ag�a,inst it from the very beginning. There should be only a walk- � way up the proposed street and fence the walkway from Riverview Terrace to the school�roundso Then the street should go out to East River Road. Mro Be.nedict Novak sa.id that he would just as soon see the street go out to East River Road, Je.nsen said that the City ha,s been criticized by the County and by private individuals about safety on East River Road. It is a County road and not particulaxly safe one because of the volume of traffic. There �.re a great number of interseations. The City has ha.d under consideration, without speci- fically adopting it, a plax�.for reducing the number of intersections along Ea.st River Road from end to end. �'his is not o�ly one moxe i.ntersection, but ha.ppens to be a dangerous one because of the curve on East River Road. Mr. Sangster said this is the same incoaa.siatency as i.n Stevenaon School. There are many single dwelling lots facing East River Road. He did not feel they are making a problem to pass alon.g if the road goes out to East River Road. Further, he did not think this is a dangerous intersection if it is properly signalized. The School purchased three lots to change the entrance to Riverwood Schoolo Mro Jense.n said it was the traffic coming on East River Road whiah is the problem. Mr. Novak said he had not a.greed to having his land divided into three parcels. If M,ro Swanson wanted to buy it, all right, but otherwise he would keep it for himself. He was in favor of the road going East. n Planning Commisaion Meeting - October 8,1969 P�e 4 �, Mr. Dropps asked tha,t the Planning Commission ma,ke a deciaion this � 1 eveni.n� either for or against the petition. MOTTON by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, tha,t the Planni.n� Commis- sio.n re-study the aecondaxy plan and return the request to �he Plats & Subdivi- siona-Streets & IItilities Subcommittee with the posaibility of getti.ng access on East River Road. The Commission decided there were no new factors as Mr. Swanson does not own the property, and the request has been ma,de to reach a decision this evening, Mr. Mittelstadt withdrew the motion and Mr. Fitzpatrick the second. THE MOTION FAILIDe MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Mittelstadt, tha,t the Plannin� Commiasion recommend approval of the platting requests, P.S. #69--01, and P.S. #69-07, Brentwood Estates (Reviaed� be�ng the rear 43�•6 feet of Lot 35 and reax 401.9 feet of Lot 33, Revised Auditor's Subdivision #77 (P.S. #69-01� and that part of Lot 34, Reviaed gusiitor's Subdivision #77 that lies East of East line of Block 1, Miasissippi View Addition (P.S. #69-07� with the recommendatio.n tha.t street access be provided to Riverview Terrace including the recommendation of the Subcommittee as follows: (Feb. 6. 1.969) appxove with the atipulation that a 20 foot utility easement be provided from the cul de sac to East River Road. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, except Mittelstadt who voted nay, the motion aaxried. � The Commission felt the Northwest corner of the North�South road should be curved Ecu1 de eac� rather than a aquare corner for safety reaeona. Mr. Niels�n sa�.d tha.t if he dedicated 25 feet, he would rather �ot split the lot at the present time. 2. PROPOSID PRELIlKINARY PL�T: P.S. #69-11, ANDERSON DEPEI,OPMEN�P BY ANDERSON TRIICgING SII3VICE INC.: Northerly 750 feet of Easterly 720 feet of N�]Q of ND4 of Section 12. MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Jex►een, that the Plarmi..n� Commission re-affirm the public heaxing da.te of October 22, 1g69 for the proposed prelim- inary p1at, P.S. #6�-11, Anderson Development by Anderson Trucking Service, Inc�. of the Northerly 750 feet of the Ee.sterly 720 feet of �the NFI� of the NF4 of Section 12. IIpon a voice vote, all voti.n� aye, the motion carri�d unanimously. j. VACATION RDQTJEST: SAV #69-0�, THE.FIVE SANDS, RICHARD FqDALI, ��1'ORlVEY: Vacate two streeta: James Street lying East of Lot �, Peaxson's lst Addition and Weat of railroad tracks and the Street lying East of Block 1, Pearson�s lat Addition and lyin$ West of Lot 1, Block 2, Pearson�s lst �,ddition. The Er�ineering Asaistant said we are wai-�i�g for a responae from the �"'� utility companies , although th.ere is no reason to keep the utility easemex�t. It is vacant pro�erty. lccess to the complex will be on the most Westerly vacated atreet, and the other accesa is on Eaet River Road. Aa a matter af i�.formation, he aaid the Super ��,��ic�, �tation is on Lot 1, Block 1, Pearson's lst 9ddi.tion whioh fronts East River��pad �t 79th way. Planni�ng Commissio.n Meeting - October 8, �969 Page g ^ MOTION by Jenaen, seconded by Fi.tzpatrick, that the Planning Commiasion � recommend approval of SAV #69-07, The Five Sauds, Ixlco�porated by Richaxd Fudali, Qiae President, to vacate the etreets on either exld of $lock 2, Pearson'� lat $ddition and the turxi s.round easement South of 79th Way on James street iuclud- 1ng the vacation of the utility easemc�r�t �lo� the �outh litie of Block 2, Peaxson's lst Addition. IIpon a voice vote, all votix�g aye, the motion carried unan�mously. 4. �C6TION R�Q�T: SAD �69-fl8_wCITY OF FRIDLEY: The South 18 feet of 57th Place lyiz� East of the line eztex�ded North that is 20 feet Eaat of the Weat line of Lot 7, Bloak 7, City View Addition aud West of the line that ie 57.5 feet West of centerline of Southbound l�ne of T.H. #47. 5. QaCATIpN RF�UESTs SAV �69-Ogs CTTY OF F'RIDLEYs Paaate the 33 foot S�reet between 57th Place ax�d 57th Ave�.ue lyixig East of Lot 15, Block l and Weat of Lot 1, B�ock 2, City View Addition. Ins,smuch as these two items were interrelated, they were considered together. The Commiesion felt they would like some answers from the Plata � Sub- divisions-Streets & IIt�litiea Subcommittee regardin� the exchan�e of property for the vacat�.on of the 18 feet of a street and takix� 18 feet from a 66 foot street. ^ MOTION by Jensen, aeconded by Mittelatadt, that the Planning Commission table until Octobe,r 22, 1969 the vacation request, SA9 #69-08 and sAV #�6g-o9 by the City of Fridley and that the requests for vacation be sent to the Plats da Subdiviaioas-5treet$ & Utilities Subcommitt�e for their recommendatione. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carri.ed unan�mously. 6. VgCATION REQDF�T: SAY #69-10. THOMAS 8. ALBPRS: Yacation of Johnaon Street on the Weat line of Lot 1, Bloak 2, 3wa.natrom�e Court Addition. P,�esent for this requeat were Mr. Albers, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oulicky. The Copnmiesion felt that, as long as they rece�ved this request just this evenia�g, they would like to look over the property before makix�g a decision. Mr. Albera explained that at the North end is #694, the South end ie the Fridley water tower. The la.nd, as it stands ri�ht now, has half the land being� lsept by himself and his nei.g�hbors; the Oulickye. The area to the South is a aollectioxt epot because no one gives it any caace. The who�e xeason for this petition is that he needs the additioxial land to put up a decent sized attached S��e. The Cotnmiseion fel� there would not be a delay in aatiox� if they tabled the item until the next meeting and Couuc�.l could be asked to set the public hearipg date. MOTIOIJ by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, th�at the Planning Commis- eion table uutil October 22, 1969 the vacation requeat, SAV #69-i0 by Thoma� x. Albere of Johnaon Street on the West li.ne of� Lo� 1, Blook 2, Swanstrom�s Court Additiom and refer the r�lq�Qst "tv the P1ate do. Stibdivi�ioa�p,������t� & Uti�ities � . _�., .�� �� .�� ..��: �, , . �. , . � Planning Commission Meeting - October 8, 1g69 Page 6 �� Subaommittee and ask th� Council �o aet a public heaxin� date. IIpon a voice vote, all vot�n� aye, the motion carried unanimously.� 7. $PPRO�AT, OF PRELIMINARY DE�ELOPMENT PLAN FOR PD DISTRICT (ORD. #359) BY HOWARD DUMPHY: Reaffirm public heaxing date of October 22, �.9 9. Representing the petition were Howard Dumphy and James Solveson, who presented the new plans for the Development. ' The explana,tion of the Engineeri.ng Assistant was that the reason Mr. Dumphy went to court was that he had asked for rezoning on Lots 32, 33 �nd 34� Block 10, Spring Brook Paxk. 9 compromiae was reached tha.t these lots should not be rezoned but could be used for�parkan� under a special use permit. A new houae had been built o.n Lots 32 and 33 and the developer ca�n exercise the right to sell or keep the house. If the house should be sold, part of the back of the lot will have to be retained as a buffero Mr. Du�phy stated it wae his impression that the square foota.ge of the lots, walk and bouleva.rd would be counted in the overall foota.ge for the complex. He could also construct a building up to the lot line of Lot 35. Mr. Dumphy added that the commer.cial property was goi.ng to be exactly as originally preaented. They ha.ve lost the previous committments and will have to staxt all over. In regard to acceag, he said tha.t would be worked out with the engineering department as to how they would work the boulevard and �`^, sidewalk. There ase two accessQs. MOTION by Mittelatadt, seconded by Jensen, that the Pla.nning Commiseion verify the public hearin� date o� October 22, 1969 for the approval of the Pre- limi.naxy Development Plan for FD District (PD #68-�.0 and #b8-l0g) Howard Dumphy. �pon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motio.n carried una.nimously. 8. MIILTIPLE DWELI,ING STODY IN CITY OF FRIDI,EY: The En�ineering Assistant explained that the �t�dy was finishcd ezcept for the report from Columbi�a Heights, and the typing of the ma.terial. The Chairman wondered if the number of children per acre and the property taxes per acre per child could be compiled, perhaps picking out three typical si�le family dwelling blooka for comparison. From the figures obtain�d so far, it seemed there is � student per unit; twelve unit apartment wauld have 3 children. No action - continued to next meeting. 9. EAST RIVER ROAIJ: TURN I�ANES IINDERE,ASS NORTH AND SOIITH OF T.�. #694: The Commiss�on was concerned becauae of the rec�nt fatality. They � wondered if it would be ad,visable to check the plans to see if that portion of the intersection wa� conatructed accordix�g to �la.ras. It wae the unan�mous Planning Commission Meeting - October 8, 1969 Pa,ge 7 r'� opinion of the Planning Commission to pass a Resolution requesting wha.tever steps were necessary and available to improve the visibility and safety o� that portion of the highway. The EE`n�ineering gssistant was in,atructed to prepare such a Resolution for presentation to the Councilo i"'� � 10. MISCELLANEOUS: ZONII�TG ORDINANCE: fte Parking Stalls fox Apa,rtments: According to the Code, the present requirements are 1.5 cars per unz'ca Other subuxbs are now requiring 1 garage for each unit plus one stall, and cars are not permitted to park in front of the buildin�. The Commiasion felt a check ehould be made to see if Fridley's Code is obsolete as it pertains to parking requirements. AD�TO'ORNN�IT : MOTION by Mittelstadt, seco.nded by Jensen, that the Planning Com�ission meetir.i.� of October 8, 1969 be adjourned at 10:30 P.M. IIpon a voice vote, the motion carried. Reapectiully s�bmitted ' + / ` �' \ V ,f' .�= 1: .�t. ,,.. Hazel 0'Brian Recordin� Secretary �'1 �� : /� � � � -� � � �l a� -n r �-Z � � �rrz r,� i S s � a �Z � l � . ! �j� ���� � �/��"�.��'`"! ��,� �--�� ��s -' �i�% �J � % ��� �' "' ° �' � - � � • `� � i= � -J%` <'e"" � y� 1� � _...�/ /. � - j`% �-P' r�/�-� / J �� � �r � K��lyti'1�-�� ��' r l `V� � %/ , // --c� � �� ` 'C!� • � �Q'C� u�a���1� �� / ! ,���.�-�..� � ���.,��, �/�9 /���� l.�%�,��-- r �� / � � _/��t.�o � � �, � �,, , ,- � - f � � 1 'l �%INi°� � � : ,e-� . �� e �''/.2-�-Y,� ' / �U � � � " f . � ," F � ` . " *,�/ " ",r�.-?''�� �i ' .. � �� _ ` � 5o z 5 `' - �`.�"��1 �` t �"3/ � _ �' " .�'n " ,(/ � i ` : ` i` - d� , �-'�--___.� /`_ ��.Qi�'?��-L -��fr , � . ., ! � � � .� s-/����?�.� -�. -- � , -- � � � � , . �. � , � , ;� , - �/�� � :=�y � ��` ,,, , , qi �� ,... t� � - � ;+ I �. ,�.1' � � .. � i . � , _ . r3�.: ., ht W . � % 1���,�E�?� _ _.-- _