PL 11/19/1969 - 31031�
The meeting w�s called to order at 7:30 PoM. by Acting Chairman Jensen.
Members Present: Myhra, Mittelstadt, Jensen, Fitzpatrick
Member Absent: Erickson
Others Present: Darrel Clark, Eagi,neering Assistant
A correction was made for Page 5, the 9�h and lOth line from the top of the
page. The sentences should�read "The proble�n is with the smaller complex, there
is parking oa the street and not all the stalls are used in the parking lots. The
larger apartmen� units do not seem to have �his problem in most cases."
MOTYON by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Commission
minutes of November 5, 1969 be approved as corrected. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, rthe motion carried unaniffiously.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Co�ission receive
the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control meeting of November 6, 1969.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Commi$sion receive
the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of November 12, 1969. Upoa a voice
vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Property between 40th and 41st Avenues in vicinity of Grand and California
Streets to be rezoned from R-1 to M-2 (heavy industrial)for railroad classi-
fication yard.
The notice of tt�e public hearing was read by Acting Chairman Jensen.
Russell D. Thompson, Superintendent, and James Anderson were representing �he
Northern Pacific Railway.
An aerial map, with an overlay of the proposed improvements, including the.
property in the City of Minneapolis, Columbia Aeights and Fridley, was used in.the
discussion. The discussion this evening was primarily for the rezoaing of a
triangular piece of property designated as Tract "A", some of which was formerly
owned by Mrs. Mabel Gadbois, and a small triangular piece owned by Minnesota
Silica Sand.Company. The property in question is 3ust North of 40th Avenue and is
approximately 700 feet long. The area right below the property is zoned M-2, the
area South (Columbia Heights) i� �Q}��d � 2, a.�d tl�� a�ea East is R-1, residential,
which does not have a high d�a��.ty. � •
Planain� �o�.ssi�n �2e�tin� - Nov�mber 198 �9�� Pa�e 2
� Mr. Tho�pson gaee a resume of the background of this request. The present
yard is outdsied and does not efficiently h�ndle the volume of cars. The improve-
ment is t� be an automatic classification yard. Computers will control the cars
and retarders will be used to control the speed of the cars. The cars will be
handled without swi�ching back and forth, thereby lessening the noise, cars can be
moved fas�er, �here will be less damage to the cargo and a�safety feature for the
workmen, as they will not have to ride the cars. In conjunction with the yard
construction, the Northern Pacific will construct an overpass at 43rd Avenue which
will eliminate traffic being tied up. They did not feel the improvement would
generate more noise. The switching of the cars would be by gravity. The receiv-
ing yard is oa the West end, the trains will pull in, cut off the engine, go up the
50 foot hill and be cut off, one by one, and cl�ssify on the various tracks. The
control is by computers.
Mr. Thompson said that if the prospee�ive merger with the Great Northern
Railway did not go through, the Northern Pacific would be updatiag the property
anyway, but not as extensive. By being able to �ive better service, the Northern
Pacific feels they would also 1oe helping the industries in the Twin Cities and
attracting new ones.
The slope, which is the new feature of the improvement, is 50 feet high and
470 feet from the centerline of Main Street at the point of beginning and sloping
down to a goint about where 41st Avenue would intersect the area that be
rezoned, to carry on down along the property to 43rd Avenue. The slope would be
1:1 to the existing ground land. The type of material should be sandstone. The
area, that can be seeded, will have white clover to hold the earth. On this type
of slope, the Northern Pacific will construct a fence, approximately 20 feet back
from the top of the slope. The fenc� will continue in to the area in Columbia
Heights and along the top of the slope in Minneapolis.
Mr. Thompson r�as asked if the line of their ownership coincided with the line
of what they were aslcing for rezoning and he said that they own about 75% of the
They would have a yard with 55 classification tracks and would be a better
type of operation. Mr. Thompson called attention to the statement on Pag� 4 of
the Board of Appeals �eting of November 12, 1969 "first elevation which is about
15 fee�" should read "54 feet".
The meeting was turned over to the public with Acting Chairman Jensen remiad-
ing the audience that the hearing was for the queation of rezoning, not determin-
ing the propriety of the proposed co�struction project, but recognize it is a step
in the ultimate goal of the petitioner. The amount of land involved is approxi-
mately 2.1 acres to be rezoned from R-1 (single family dwelling) to M-2 (heavy
industrial). He added that there would be a public hearing on December 3, 1969
relative to the Special Use Permit.
Denis Bertrand, 4042 Main Street, stated he called the bank who has his mort-
gage and was told that if he were to apply for a mortgage now, they would not give
it to him because of the proximity of the railroad yard. He felt the rezoning
�..1 would adversely affect the saleability of his home, and that when he would try to
sell his proper�y, he would suffer a financial loss. For that reason, he wished
�o go on record as opposing the and ask the Planning Commission to deny
the request.
�i�nn�i� �o���s�i�� ����ing ��avember 19a 1969 Page 3
pierrill So Bird, 3525 South Humboldt Avenue, Minneapolis, representing
Minnesota Silica Sand Comp�ny said he was present for observation. They were a
little bit against the railroad coming in, but feel they have a bigger problem
that will be pe�manento If this yard is built9 they would be out of business.
They were not for or againste
It was pointed out that, because of the right of eminent domain, the railroad
companies may condemn property tthey may need. Mr. Thompson said that they did not
wish to use this powero
Forrest Cornelius, 201 48th Avenue NeE. (owns 4020 Main Street) asked why the
rsilroad company waited unt31 residential p�operty was built up in the area before
makin� the improvement. He mentioned that the Plana�ing and Zoning Commission of
Columbia Heights had turned down the request.
Mr. Thompson replied tha� they will be meeting with the City Council of
Columbia Heights within a week. Referring to not doing something with this property,
the merger with Great Northern Ra3lway has been held up, not from their own doing.
They had no control over this operation. If they were to remain competitive 3.n
railroading, they will have to construct a new yard.
Mr. Cornelius asked if they could not move further out. In answer, Mr.
Thompson said they had looked at all sorts of possibilities9 but they have a good
yard in operation here. The qard was built in 1883, they built the major portion
n in 1911, and was expanded again in 1917. He said they have considered the property
_ North of Interstate No. 694 for the piggyback area, but do not feel they have to
move it at the present time. Referring to taxes, Mr. Thompson said they were haadi-
capped in Minnesota because of the law in not being able to point to their taxes.
Eugene Lashinski, owner of 4030 Main Street, said he lived in the area in the
past and was familiar with the noise, but did not believe it will be quieter be-
cause of the retarders and asked how manq more cars will be processed and why it
would be quietter. Mr. Nelson answered that�they expect a 70% increase in cars and
will be classified by the new method. Mr. Lashinski asked how Mr. Nelson felt the
improvemeni� wi11 alleviate traffic on Main Street. Mx. Nelson said that there is
traffic coming up 37th, 38th and 39th Avenue which would not be there after the
yard is constructed because those areas now occupied by businesses will then be
Mr. Lashinski stated he owned property in the vicinity of the improvement and
he wished he didn't because it will drop in value. He commented that if you can't
get a mortgage, who has the cash? He was definitely opposed to the rezoning.
R. H. Brokopp, General Land Agent for the Great Northern Railwaq Company,
stated that we should not lose sight of the fact that this is something greater
than Fridley, but it is for the entire Twin City area. If the interchange of rail-
road cars can be facilitated, it wi11 benefit everything around the area. The
community of St. Paul started out as a transportation center, Minneapolis wholesale,
milling and other centers. The Northern Pacific yard has been here for manq years.
There are houses that have been built up adjacent to the trackage and people live
�"� there. Locke Lake area is practically built up to the trackage al.l the way around --
houses back up against the tracks. The area that is in question is still somewhat
of an industrial area and the community should be aware of the fact that they need
some industrial to support the community, but a large industrial area needs a
A�� 'F
Planniaa� ����.s�i�� I��etin� - Nov�ffiber 19, 19�� �a�� 4
� railroad se�rice. TnThat sae are doing here, we are not talking about a large area,
but � rather small area when considering the area of Fridley. The City should try
to preserve an iadustrial site along the railroad right of waq. The Great Northern
Railway supports the Northern Pacific and would like to see the zoning ctaange as
Mr. Bertrand commented on the different type of noise the regarders would make.
He w�s 3nformed by Mr. Mittelstadt that the Board of Appeals would make recommesda-
The Commission felt they should not act on the rezoniag this evening because
the Board of Appeals will meet on the 26th of November and they would like to wait
fo� �heir decision. Also, the Council of Columbia Heights will be meeting before
the publ.ic hearing of the Planning Commission on December 3rd.
MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission
continue the public hearing of the rezoning request, ZOA 4�69-11, Northern Pacific
Railway Company to rezone from R-1 to M-2 (heavy industrial) the propertq between
40th and 41st Avenues in the vicinity of Grand and California Streets to be
rezoned for a railroad classification yard. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
^ MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Commission receive
- the Land Use and Tax Survey Report, School District No. 14, Fridley, Minnesota,
November, 1969 and Memo, Misc. ��69-50, from the City Engineer-Director of Planning
per�ai.ning to the report. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
3. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. ��69-24, RODNEY BILLMANs Lo� 14, Block 2, Innsbruck
5th Addition. Split in half for purchase by Lots 13 and 15.
Mr. Billman was present.
The Engineering Assistant explained that this was the same type of request
the Planning Commission considered about a year ago also in Innsbruck. He said
copies were available'of the purchase agreement from both owners. The descriptions
are a little lengthq but very clear. The owner of the home on Lot 13, Dr. Schrader,
and the owner of the home on Lot 15, Mr. Marsh, wish to purchase the ad3oining halves
of Lot 14 to pick up more land.
The Acting Chairman asked the opinion of the members on the following: 1)
Is there any necessity to pass the request on to the Subcommittee? The answer was
"no". 2) Are you satisfied that the description is simple enough to meet our
normal standards for lot splits? The answer was in the affirmative.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Co�ission recom-
r,.,, mend to the City Couneil approval of the Lot Split, L.S. ��69-24, Rodney Billman,
of Lot 14, Block 2, Innsbruck 5th Addition, and the legal description to be adopted
which statements appear on Pages 21 and 23 of the Planning Commission and are
dated November 13, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Acting Chairman Jeasen
abstaining, the motion passed-
Plannin� �� ss�o� MeetinR ° N�vember 19� 1969 p�� 5
MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission
meetin� of November 19, 1969 be adjourned at 8:50 P.M. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted
Hazel 0'Brian
Recording Secretary
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