PL 04/08/1970 - 7350__ ; _ � ' - � � ' PLANNING CO�SSION MEETING ` APRIL 8, 1970 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: PAGES` APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTESs MARCH 1$, 1970 1-3 RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION GONII�4ISSION MINUTES: MARCH 16, 1970 4-7 . RECEIVE BOARD OF AFPEALS MINUTES: MARCH 2S, I970 $-12 1. LOT 3'LIT REQUEST: L:S. 4�70-03, CLARENCE FOSSE: Lot 20, 13-15 ^ Auditor's Subdivision ��129. To split for residential site. �' Represented by Maynard Sieve of Apollo Realty. 2. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. ��70-04, GIL-MORs INC. (SHELDON 16-18 MORTENSON): Lot,S, Auditor's Subdivision ��153 (split off parcel at Southwest corner - 185x225). . _ � /� U/� ��'z�< _-e; 11 ..' �C' ����.'�'s' �- � � i� •cZ�' dY� � �.�� -o� � ,, � PLANNING OOIrIl�IISSION 1�ETING MARCH 1$, 1970 PAGE 1 The meeting wae called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Erickson. R01.I. CALL : �_ Members Present: i�tyhra, Mittelstadt, Erickson, Jensen, Fitzpatrick Members Absent: Noae Others Present: Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant Visitors: Eldon Schmedeke, Richard Harris APPROVE PLANNING CO1�Il�lISSION MINUTES: MARCH 4. 1970 1MDZ'ION by Jensen, seconded by !►littelstadt, that the Planning Commission minutes of alarch 4, I970 be approved. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEAI.S MINUTES: MARCH 11. 1970 MOTION by alittelstadt, seconded by Jensen, that the PZanning Conmission ^ receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meetinq of 1�Iarch 11, 1970. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousZy. ORDER OF AGENDA: Chairman Erickeon stated that Item #2 had been withdrawn. The petitioner for the rezoning request, ZOA #69-12, Robert V. Pritchard, to rezone from R-1 (aingle family dwellings) to R-3A (apartments and multiple dwellings) the South 2/3rds of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision �108 withdrew his request and will reapply for rexoning on a larger area. 1. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING RE UEST ZOA #70-03 GEORGE NELSON: The of Lot 30 and the N� of Lot 31, eacept the North 125 feet of Auditor's Subdivision �129 to be rezoned from R-1 (single familq) to R-3A (apartments and multiple dwellings). Preaent to discuss the rezoning request were George Nelson, Sr., William I�rlin, George Nelson, Jr. and Otto Schmid. . The layout for the apartment complex t�as displayed. Mr. Schmid called attention to the profile of the buildings, laadscaping and parking, explaining again that they were trying to "play dawn" the parking lot as much as possible �rith the use of berms as a screen. Mr. Myhra recalled that at the last meeting someone mentioaed that, at the � present time, there is a problem concerning the children trying to get over to , Flanary Park which is on the North side of Onondaga Street. He felt the Plaa- ning Com�nission should, at tht_s time, consider a type of path to the Park, PlanninA Com�ieaion MeetinA March 18. 1970 , pa��_ - � especially if the North 125 feet of Lots 30 and 31 were to be developed for I'1 eingle family reaidences, that there vouid be children Wanting to get over to the playground. In tha diacussion th.at folloved, tbe Planaiag Com�iasion decided this was not a'roblem for the Con�ission to coilaider in conjunction with the rezoning requeat, but should be discussed and called to the attention of the;Council. They felt a path or walkway oa the site of the 25 foot easement at the West edge of Lot 30 w�ould euffice. Mr. �Telson, Sr. said that they would be willing to put up a fence to keep tbe children from cutting thzough the yarde, and havin� an opening for a bicycle or walk. Mr. Merlin asked it be part of the minutes that the petitioner would be agreeable to put up a fence if it Mere Council's wiahes. George A. Hanaon, 1476 Onondaga Street: He reiterated his former commenta, and said the neighbors and he were wondering why R-1 property should be rezoned to apartments when there i� plenty of R-3 laad atill available. Further, there �tas never a request to put a street through the middle of the lots. The neigh- bors have recently received a notice from the schoolboard that they are going to bus 150 children from that area to Blaine. He felt apartments would bring in more children and this would aggravate the problem. Chairman Erickson explained the easement through the center of the lots wae put there in case the people would want to sell off the back part of their lota, but it would not be used if they did not wish to sell. Pertaining to the placing ^ of the apartment buildings on the property, the City does have control through the Building Iaepection Department and Building Standards-Design Control Subcom- mittee. Dennis Aexbet, 1482 Onondaga Street: He said he was still against the idea of apartments. Gordon Gnasdoskey, 1491 Onondaga Street: He said that he moved in that area to specifically get away from apartm�nts. New homes are still being built there. Mr. Myhra, referring to the Apartment Study the Planning Commission recently completed, said that what we have always thought to be true is not necessarily so. People do move out from apsrt�nte and the ratio in older apart�nts is lawer than the new ones. The comments most heard were basically the mobility of the renters which presents problems of children coming and going. Mr. Fitzpatrick added that the apartr:ent atudy showed that the oldest apart�nts in Fridley do not have more children than the neweat ones. Mr. Mittelstadt thanked the people for comir.g again to the Public Hearing, and especially Mr. flanson who took ti� off work to do so. 1M�TION by 1►IitteZstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Comrnis- sion close the Pvblic Hearing of the rezoning request, ZOA #70-03, by George G. Nelson to rezone from R-1 (single family) to R-3A (apartments and multiple ^ j dwellings) the iV'� of Lot 30 and the 1V'� of Lot 31, except the North 125 feet, Elenniag Commiesion Meeting March 18, 1970 Page 3 — � of 11nal�tor's Subdiviaion No. 129. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion ^ carried unaniaausly. ' Mr. Fitzpatrick felt that, inaa�uch aa various City Co�isaions.have heard this request elevea tiaes, that it Mas aent to the Couacil and sent back dara, the rezoning request shouid now be a Council decision. Mr. Myhra stated that the situation ha�� not changed sinca the la�t time this �am�e requeat was before the Planning Commission. There is so�e 600 feet bet�rreen streets and if there is going to be single family developsent West of thia complex, we muat provide a street pattern which could be used, if aad �vhen, people on the South side of Oaondaga Street and West of this proposal wieh to develop the South half of their property. Thie apartment proposal, if developed vith the dedication of a atreet easeaent along the West boundary, gives the people to the West an opportunity to s�vtlop their property. The proposal provides for the open apace adjacent to the R-1 and therefore seems to be a good plan. The building would be on that portion of the land already zoned for apartmenta. He stated, that to deny this requeat, would not solve the problem of developing this area. The idea of R-3 and R-1 joining at rear lines ia better than having them face each other on a street. Mr. Myhra felt that the motion passed last year expressed the Planning Commiasion feelings. ^ Mr. Jensen referred to the motion sent to the Council on May 22, 1969 which shaws t�e thinking of the Planning Com�iasion. He said he did aot like to disagree with the neighbors;: but he did feel that the point of contact between single family and atultiple is atill the best when developed along the rear lot line rather than a street and this plan does achieve this sort of develop�nt. If the Planning Com�ission can provide options for future devQloping, they are serving the neighborhood and community in proper fashion. ^ MOTION by Jensen, seconded by 1NitteZstadt, that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the rezoning request, ZOA #70-03, by George N. Nelson, to rezone.from R-Z (sinqle family dwellings) to R-3A (apartments and multiple dwellings) that part of the N� of Lots 30 and 31, except the North 125 feet of Auditor's Subdivision No. 129 with the provision that the petitioner provide an easement Por street,� walkway and utility purposes on the West 30 feet from Onondaga Street to a point 25 feet South of the Southeast corner of Lot 28, and provide no vehicular access be alZowed from the multiple zoning to the street easement, and that such area of this said easement be allowed in computing density of the multiple dwelling pro�ect ;n R-3A. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �`� I ;�i' MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Commission meeting of March 18, 1970 be adjourned at e:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted � E'C�i� `�-�-�- Ha�l 0' Brian Recording Secretary MINUTES OF REGULAit PARKS �KI�ID R�'�itE�IT�ON COMr1ISSI0N MEETING, 1�lARCH 16, 1970. - ,� � Meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Fitzpatrick. � MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESEiVT : Fitzpatrick, Blair, Stimmler, Ash. None. Larry Stickler, 6825 washington Street, 560-4963, F.Y.F.A. Frank Hart, 6000 3rd Street N.E., 633-1061, F.Y.F.A. Glenn Engstrom, 6340 Washington Street, 560-5840, F.Y.F.A. Sam Iaquinto, 6071 6th Street, 560-4643, F.Y.F.A. Barbara Hughes, 348 Rice Creek Terrace, 560-2618. Betty Ann Mech, 1315 66th Avenue, 786T1197, Nature Trail. Ron Burton, 741 Pandora Drive, 560-1626, Fridley School Teacher. Beverly Hlavac, 6231 Trinity Drive N.E., 560-6457, L.W.V. Wayne Wellan, 6793 Overton Drive, 560-4141, J.C.'s. Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation. RICE CREEK NATURE TRAIL. Mrs. Betty Ann Mech was invited to the meeting to better explain her proposal for a Nature Trail and Nature Center along Rice Creek. She opened her presentation with a 20 minute film on the importance and operation of such a center. Mrs. Mech stated that she had already met Vith the Parks and Recreation Commission in New Brighton, Minnesota, and that they are planning to huild a Nature Center along the east side of Long Lake, which could be very easily connected with one in Fridley. She indicated that Metronics owns some of the land along the creak and that they plan to put picnic tables in this area r�ith the hope of preserving its natural beauty. /'� Mr. Ron Burton, a teacher in the Fridley School System, stated that he felt a Nature Center would be a great asset to the schools. He said that they are already using the creek for study in Conservation and Horticulture classes. Mr. Burton, a member of M.A.C.E., said that with the over population problem as it is, soon there will be very little, if any, natural habitation left. Mr. Burton felt that people are using all the facilities along Rice Creek and especially Locke Park. He said that he knew of several people who would be willing to man such a.center, so it wouldn't necessarily involve money for manpower in the actual operation of the center. Mr. Fitzpatrick stated that we've had this in mind for some time, but that we've been waiting for the owners of the homes in this area to request such a project. Mr. Blair asked if a Citizens Committee could contact some of the people to see just how many of them would be interested? Mr. B�rton said that.thep would and that he felt that Locke Park is over-used to the point that if Me worked at it hard enough, he was relatively sure that we could �et so�e financing for the project. Mr. Wayne Wellan, a rqpr�sen�3tive of the Fridley Jaycees, was presenL aod said th�t he was sure his organization would be willin� to back a Nature Center as long as it didn't involve a lot of land purchasinQ. Mrs. Barbara Hughes, spe�king as a citizen of Fridley, said that she was sure ^ there were manbers of the League of Momen Voters and the Fridley Womsn's Club who'd be very interested in this type of a project, since they have always supported the Parks and Recreati�n Programs. �.. ^ Minutes of Regular Meeting, March 16, 1970 pa��_ ? NA'IURE TRAIL (con't.): Mr. Fitzpatrick questioned how much advertising should be done in regard to this project. He said that there is the possibility that some presently low-valued properties could be increased considerably. He felt, too, that the general public shouldn't be completely left out in the dark. Mrs. Mech used the example of the Hennepin County Center, and pointed out that they had gone outside of Hennepin County to find a suitable area. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that there seems to be enough civic interest. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that a Commission member could volunteer to be on the committee. MOTION by Blair, Seconded by Stimmler, to form a Citizens Committee to investigate the proposal of a Natural Trai1 and Nature Center along Rice Creek and to see if there is any encouragement from the citizens of Fridley. The Motion carried. FRIDLEY YOUTH FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION. Mr. Larry Stickler, Mr. Frank Hart, Mr. Glenn Engstrom, and Mr. Sam Iaquinto were invited to present their recommendations for the 1970 - 1971 Youth Football Season. Mr. Iaquinto said that there were 325 boys, a$es 8 to 13, registered for the � 1969 - 1970 season. There are three traveling teams and they play with 8 other communities. The three divisions are Pee Wee, ages 9 to 10, with a maximwn weight of 100 pounds; Light Cubs, ages 11 to 12, with a maximum weight of 110 pounds; and Heavy Cubs, ages 12 to 13, with a maximum weight of 120 pounds. Each team has a maximum of 25 boys. The classification for divisions that they use are set up by the N.R.P.A. The Fridley Parks and Recreation Director, plus the Fridley Parks and Recreation Commission, are members of the N.R.P.A. � For the 1970 - 1971 Season, they plan to have 6 Pee Wee teams, ages 8 to 10, with a maximum of 100 pounds, and 4 Cub teams, ages 11 to 13, with a maximum of 120'pounds. The season will begin the third week of August and will run until the second Sunday in November. The 3 txaveling teams are covered by a Major Medieal Insurance policy and the other teams are covered by Major Dental. Mr. Iaquinto said he felt the fields were inadequate for play, due to the�turf. He said there were plenty of fields and the size was no problem, but that they were overly dry. Mr. Brown stated t'.,..�t �n overland irrigation system for parks is planned for the coming season. Mr. Iaquinto made a request for a ful�-time coordinator for Football, like there is in several of the other sports. The Association said that all the Cubs try out for the traveling teams before the House teams are formed. The registration fee is $2.00 and each boy must have at least one of his parents present to register. The parents must sign a waiver. The Football Association's main complaint was the overlapping between the Football Season and the Hoekey Season, along with the condition of the fields. Mr. Brown said that there should be a week rest period between the two sports and the COmmission agreed. � � : sl Minutes of Reguler Meeting= March 16, 1970 Pa�e 3 MINUTES pF THE REGULAR MEETENG OF FEBRUARY 23, 1870. ^ MOTION by Stimmler: Seconded by Ash, to accapt the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 23, 1970. The Motion carried. 1969 REVIEW PLUS 1970 SUI�IER PROGRAM. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if the well house project for Locke Park was not passed by the council, would it affect any of the programs planned by the Parks and Recreation Department? Mr. Brown said that the only thing it would affect is the 1971 Budget. MOTION by Ash, Seconded by Blair, to accept the 1969 Review and 1970 Summer Program. The Motion carried. REVIEW CONCES5IONS. MOTION by Blair, Seeonded by Stimmler, for the Parks and Recreation Department to operate the Concessians at Moore Lake Beach-this summer. Mr. Ash was concerned over the sale of too many items. DISCUSSION: Mr. Blair asked if there'd be any expense in taking oaer these Concessions. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that there was, but it should be considered in terms of an added service. The Canada Dry Company provides the pop machinery, so it wo�ld only involve the purchasing of a pop corn maker, and a freezer for the ice cream. Mr. Brown felt that it would eventually be self-supporting. � Mr. Ash asked to amend the Motion to include only the sale of pop, pop corn, and ice cream. All agreed. The Motion carried. nONATIONS. Mr. Stimmler suggested that the three donations being held in the General Fund for the Parks and Recreation Department, be u�ed to purchase a camera and projector, as requested by Mr. Brown in the 1971 Preliminary Program Plan, under division "F". All agreed that this was a good idea. 1971 PRELIMINARY PROGRAM. Reviewing letter "b" under the Summer Recreation Program, Mr. Stimmler questioned how much interest there'd be in a Couples Softball Program. Both Mr. Brown and Mr. Blair confirmed that the�e was interest �nd th�t there'd been requests for such a program. Reviewing letter "d", under the Summer Recreation , Mr. Stimmler and Mr. Ash asked about the demand for paddle boats and their approximate cost. Mr. Brown said that he felt that thebe would be good ac�ceptance of this part of the program and used Como Park in St. Paul as an example. Mr. Ash asked if it would be possible to contract people to provide �hese services at less cost to the City and the Commission agreed that it would be good to check into this. � Letter "d" also includes a proposed fishing aier. Mr. Ash asked if there were any fish in Moore Lake and Mr. "rown assured him that there were. � ^ ^ Minutes of Reg�lar Meeting, March 16, 1970 Pa�e 4 197� PREI�IMINARY PROGRAM (con't.): Letter "g" under�Winter Recreation, requasts a Movie Night. Nr. Sti�msler felt there were plenty of other groups in the City who offered such a program and that we'd merely be duplicating and competing with them. Everyone agreed that this item should be omitted. � Mr. Brown indicated that letter "e" under Winter Recreation should be omitted because of lack of communication b@tween the school system and bis department. He stated that the schools seem to have a complete program of their own. All agreed that this item should also be omitted. Mr. Stimmler questioned letter "b'°, division 18, under Park Development. He asked Mr. Brown if there was any plan to develop the Riverview Heights property, in the near future, a�d Mr. Brown indicated that there wasn�t. All agreed that this item should ba omitted from the program. It was suggested that Mr. Ed Braddock, Fridley Park Consultant, be invited to attend the Apri1 Commission meeting to discuss Locke Park and Chases Island. MOTION by Stimmler, Seconded by Blair, to invite Mr. Ed Braddock to attend the April 27th Cwmaission Meeting. The Motion carried. Mr. Stimmler suggested that the naming of the new parks be given much thought and made a separate item on the agenda. MOTION by Ash, Seconded by Blair, to accept the 1971 Preliminary Program Plan with the suggested changes. The Motion carried. � CORRESPONDENCE. MOTION by Blair, Seconded by Ash, to receive the letter from MisS Kathleen Fletcher. The Motion carried. Mr. Fitzpatrick will.answer the letter. MOTION by Blair, Seconded by Stimmler, to receive the letter from the Surburban Recreation Association, dated March 6, 1970. The Commission felt that they presently did not have $300.00 to devote tc this proposal. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN. The Commission members agreed to delay the election of a Vice Chairman until such time as the City Council has appointed the new Commission members. ADJOURNMENT. MOTION by Stimmler, Sec'nded by Agh, to adjo;arry the meeting at 11:20 P.M. The next regular meeting will be i::=1d on Mor�ay, April 27, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. in the conference room at Civic Center. Respectfully submitted, ^ � CATHIE STORDAHL,'Commission Secretary ^ 1. � 2. /'1 THE MINUT&S OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS 1�ffiBTING OF MARCH 25, 1970 , The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mitteletadt at 7:30 P.M. �ERS PRESENT: Mittelstadt, Ahonen, Harris, Minish, 0'Bannon OTHERS PRESENT: Clarence Belisle-Building Inapector A1 Bagstad-Building Official The minutes of i�tarch 11, 1970 were corrected on page 5 to read: Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, Minish, Harris and Mitteletadt voting aye, Ahonen abstaining, the motion carried. MpTION by Minish to approve the minutes of the Masch 11, 1970 meeting as a�ended . Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Mitteletadt read the City Couacil Minutea of March 16, 1970 that concerned the Board of Appeals items of the March 11, 1970 meeting. CRAIGWAY ESTATES 2ND ADDITION. THE SAME BEING 361 BLLLAIRE WAY N.E.. FRIDI,EY. NNESOTA. UEST BY 1�IIt. DONALD J. DIBOS 361 BELLAIRE WAY N.E. FRIDLEY MINNESO A. Mr. Donald J. Dibos was present to present the request. A aurvey of the lot, dated March 11, 1970, showing the existing dwelling and the proposed addition was shown to the Board. Mr. Dibos explained that the exiating garage will be turned iato living area with part of it being storage space. The proposed garage will be built in front of the existing garage and will be 20 feet by 24 feet. Mr. Dibos presented a letter to the Board, which was aigned by the propertr- owner to the West of Mr. Dibos lot, Mr. Carl Britton, stating he did not object to the proposed conatruction. 1HOTION by 0'Banaoa to receive the letter signed by Mr. Britton. Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. �isirn►an Mittelstadt added for a mattex of record that the property owner of tJhe lot to the Bast of Mr. Dibos, was notified of the public hearing and apparently has no objection to the conatruction. � The Minutes of the Board of Appeala Meeting of March 25, 1970 _ pBAe 2 A sketch of the proposed work was shown to the Board. Mr. Dibos stated that /'1 this is the only direction he can go to expand his home as the home is a two story walk out in the back and there is a steep slope to the land which preventa building without fill being brought in. There would be no posaible way of adding on to either side of the house�as the sideyards are at the minimum requirement now. MpTION by Minish to close the two public hearings on 361 Bellaire Way N.E. Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a vo�ce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. I�i0TI0N by Minish to recoffiend to the City Council approval of the two requests for the following reasons: 1. The front yard setback requeet of 20 feet would be farther back than the setback on the structure to the West, 351 Bellaire Way N.E., so it will not czeate any traffic hazard as far as visibility is concerned. 2. It is a hardship in the fact that there is no room to the East to add onto the house, and the slope to the North preventa building without a lot of exgense. 3. The requested sideyard setback is �erely to conform to what is already there. The existing structure will not have to be moved in any way. ^ Seconded by 0'Bannon. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ^� 3. A REQUEST FOR VARIANCES OF SECTION 45.053 4C TO REI7UCE THE MINII�JM REA Y D LOT DEPTfi UIRF.MENT FROiM 25 FEET TO 20 FEET AND SECTION 45.153 2 flp,,.tr•v Tvv evrroer_rr nr ��tnt�rr YARn DEPTHS OF EXISTING BUILDINGS WIT Mr. Orrin Lovelace and Mr. George Wells were present to present the requeste. Mr. George Wells, 6553 Oakley Drive N.E., is the owner of the propetty and Mr. Lavelace is the proposed buyer. ' A drawing of the North l00 feet of Lot 8C and the two adjoiai�g lote, Lot 8A and the South � of Lot 8C, was shown to the Board. This drawiag sh�ed the position of the existing homes on Lot 8A and the South '� of Lot 8C, a�ad also the proposed dwelling. Mr. Wells explained his home, on the North side of the North � of Lot 8C, is setback approximately 100 feet from the street and the house to the South of the North 100' of Lot 8C is setback only 36 feet. The average setback of the two would be 67� feet. � � The Mirnitee of the Board of Appaals MRetinB of March 25, 1970 Page 3 Mr. Wells was aslced about the lot split he was granted on the North 100' of � Lot 8C. Mr. Wells axplai�ned that he had asked for 12 feet to be split from ttse North 100' of Lot 8C, to act as a buffer or fencing area between his property and the property in question, in the event eomsone would build:on it. This lot eplit was graated last fall. He explained further that the Nortii 100 feet of Lot 8B ie naw landlocked and unbuildable aad he plans to leave it that way for a playground. In the event the land was sold, the road would be constructed on the East aide of the landlocked property arid it would not effect the North 100 feet of Lot 8C. MOTION by 0'Bannon to close the public hearing. Seconded by Minish. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by 0'Bannon to reco�uend to the City Council approval of the request for the following reasoas: 1. The land has already been split, by previous 6ouncil action, and it is � impossible to build a dwelling on the land by taking the mean setback, and still come close to the rear yard requirement. 2. The requested setback is equal to the setback of the house on the South. � Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, there bein g no nays, the motion carried unaaimously. 4. A I��UEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.052, 1, FRLD�LEY CITY CODE. TO INCREASE THE MAXI1rII1M HEIGHT OF A RADIO ANTENNA FROT4 20 FEET ABOVE I)_WELLING ROOF TO 50 & 9. BLOCK 5. SPRING BROOK PARK BY WILLIAM H. 159 LONGFELLOW STREET N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA.1 Mr. William Ham was.present to present the requeat. Mr. Ham presented a petition to the Board, signed by five surrounding property owners, which states they have no obje�tion to the antenna. MOTION by Harris to receive the petition. Seconded by Minish. Upon a voice vo*.,e, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Ham brought with him r�ugh sketches of the general concept of the antenna and certificates showing his membership in civilian and military organizations connected with amateur radio operators. He explained to the Board the materials that will be used to anchor the tower and also what the antenna is made of. He said the antenna wi11 be 50 feet high and will weigh lesa than 50 pounds. ^ Mr. Don McCarty, 144 Longfellow, was present but had no objections to the antenna. The l�iinutes of the Board of Appeala Meeti� of March 25, 1970 __ P+�e 4 Mr. Frank Zimbal, 161 Longfellaw, stated he objectad to the antenna ae 1i�e radio broadcastimg already interferee with hie televieion and radio. Ha � was aleo concarned with tMe ante�na poesibly falling onto hi� houta in a stroag wind etosm or falling from baing covered with alast and �aaw. /'� /'1 Mr. Hsm replied that the a�snna ie desigaed xo sitii�tand any normal weather conditiane and also that he had inaurance to caves any daoaga cause:� by .the anteaaa in the event it would fall down. Mr. Bagstad etated hs had called a t.v. ahop and they statnd ham aatennas could bother t.v. receptioa unleee a filtratioa element was uaed. This el�snent could eliminate 80X to 1007. of the interference. Mr. Bagstad aleo said he cil led tMe F.C.C. which eaid that nostiaally a ham op�rator would not cauee interfereace. Citizen band radioe have caused t.v. interferaace by overloading and overflowing the frequeacy. They couldn't eay inter�areace would never happea but normally thare would be ao interfersnce. Mr. Miniah aeked Mr. H�am why he aeeded the extra height? Mr. Hem replied that he wae a Navy affiliated radio operator that helps servicn men overeeas talk with their familiee in the 1�ain Citiea area frse of charge. The higher the tawer the bigger the contact area would be. Mr. Beliele etated that the City does have Nuieance Ordinaacee that would control aay exceseive iaterferencea w ith private televiaions or radios. Portione of Chapter 34, Fridley City Code, which covers nuieancea were read to the applicant and the audience. Mr. Harrie asked if permite were iesued for radio antennae? Mr. Belisle aaswer4d that they were not. Mr. Harria etated that he would like and check to eee that the antenna ie approved. to eae saneone from the City go out put up correctly if the requeet ie 1�DTION by Harrie to close the public hearing. Seconc�ed by Miniah. Upon a voice vote, there beingtino naye, the motion carried unattimous ly . Mr. Ahoaea said he reco�nended that in the caee of approval that there be periodic reviewe by the Council and automatic revoking of the permit in the caee of a change ia ownership. I�OTION by Minish to recammend to the City Couacil, apprwal of the request for the following reasone, and with the following stipulatione: 1. The height is aecessary to carry out hia Navy aatmnitment. 2. On the condition that plans ahowing etreas, location and structural deeign be eubmitted to the Building Inepection Department for their review and approval. �, y , �i � tes of the Board of Appeals 1970 3. The adjacent property to the East is zoned M-1 and in ?�I-1 the chance of ^ a si=nilar situation arising is minimal. 4. With proper supervision of the structure and proper maintenance there will be virtually no chance for it to fall onto Mr. Zimbal's property. 5. The structure be inspected by the City after it is erected. 6. There ie a certain amount of control under �ur Public Nuisance Chapter in the City Code to protect the surrounding neighbora from exceseive interference. Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimouely. Mr. Minish: I understand that I will shortly be taking over as Chairman of the Board of Appeals and I would like to say that in the last two years or more that I have been associated with Don Mittelstadt and Dick Harris that it has been a veey worthwhile experience for me and that I'm going to miss our association on the Board and wish them well. Mr. Mittelstadt: Thank you, we appreciate it. I've never had a nicer asaociation than I've had on the Board of Appcala and the Planning Co�ission. It's an experience you should not deny yourself if you ever get the chance. Mr. Ahonen: I just want to inject that the City Council should take heed ^ of the great deal of experience you have had on the Board of Appeals and the Planning Coua�ission and I'm sure there are positions on other comaissiona within the City that could use your experieace and its been a very enjoyable experience working with you both. ADJOURPS��TT : The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Mittelstadt at 9:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 1 n U MARY HIN -� Secretary ^ � Form #5-6s � LOT SPLI T APPLI CAT I O.N. CITY OF FRIDLEY r� .� .��� � � � � r,*a U � � � � .c �d �q���� ,0 3 � +� m �+ � � � o � °°,°� +� ao at or°:u�i,-��i oa�i�a ���� o�o�i� m ��� � ., APPLICANT: L�t ._ - . ��. i %�---v . _�; �wnx�ss • ,: � � - � - i -� ��_ : � _, � . _. �., � - _ .� � �� �� . � $treet City 2ip Code• TELEPHONE # % r' �/ - 1 � J i� •. _?�: � _. <; _ �/ c' y Home Business I PROP�TY OWN�R( S } �'F _ ,.: � f -=/l_t. .�.,• � . _< � /G �:� WN R °- ADDRESS(ES) !-�'�•.; - i_��L.t! � 6�>�;_�� �- - .fe:lF�;. _1� ca.nt � s z.ot sP��t �,.s. ��r�-�� Dat� F�.led,�, •:� � � Fee:� l.� �� Rece�.pt � -�r� Cour�cj,l' Ac�ion L'�s�� REhfiARKS: street ���y � ��p vvae ���__ �. �; , Street -, City Zi.p Gode . TF,'I,�o� #( s ) ,��c�-. `...z . 4 . _ ��.- �� ��. _ Home Business . . �operty Location on Street or ExaCt Street Address (IF A�1Y� � %�•',' _ /._�. �� /:_.�._ � ,ti � o.�� ..�.�...� .�� Legal Desexipt�.o�, o�' Pxoperty: G� n � '` .� r C � _..�: � ( t � - 'i ', _ . i;. r� - ; � ;' Reason fox LQt Split: ��� _,; 1 l,c., �—c:_c�r �i . _ r�_ :�'.,f. . ( .,. , I �( _ ,.._Z:, L��-/ .� 1 Area ty��,,, _ sq. � t Zqnin� C�,asa�.��-cat�p �� The undersigned hereby declaxes that all the �a��s a.nd representations stated in this application are true and correct. %' � � /'�'�r .�.—, � �, ��..s -�— � -.___ DATE:,� � >� � c'._ - 3 i "i 7. -.SIGNAZ'[IRE�, � � � ...� , �. .t� � T�� BELOW FOR CITY USE ONLY (Se11 reveree eid� fo� additioxta.l i��ruo�is�'-� � �� PI,$TS & SIIBS: Date c1f Consideration - Remaxks : - - ,.�_. � PLA�t�NG C0I�I5SI0N: Date of Conaideration - � . R�m�ke a CITY COUNCIL: Date of Consideratiox� - R�w�xk� s ... .. . _ _ __ , 1 ;. ... . . . . _ _"..._�'_ _'___" " ' . ... _ _.___Jt_�.��-.... 4.. ��._. �.. _..._.._ � ..... _. _ � ."_. __ -�._.. �. . . � � ��� r / �1 � / \ � a . \ . . � 0 ....,........... . I � � 1 i � I � I �a��c,E � I i i �� - f � �o��� I . � I I l 1 ! �o' - --- --�.�- .�---.- ?�' — / � L. S . 4�70-03 '��z L�. 20, A.S. ��129 Clarence Fosse _..2 3: r�? _:__A � � .--_iv�__ � � � . , � ': . , ..L �i��e� '�.� � � .al ' ' � .a.�,.�_.�. .: �.'.:.." - . �, ^"� Y."°�'.�+.Y.L .•�n.� ♦�µ: � . . . �_�.,..; .. � �, �w��:.,r..�.� . .'. y . . , rfY" I a;.` �""�'" - � � `y � � :r7 � � ` . G , T-----�6-'�'�-3 -.,�,�, �'z�/���:lJ�:� , �,�L, i`d.�: ---------- - -- � _. � ��,r— 4.. r (�'6v) � CLAREVCE FOS SE ; L. S. �70--03 � �� , 7s�> :���,.� i"✓E�i�.f✓on L. 20 A. 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S�� �. � C_ � ti% jK'�`% � ��/� /L% � Street CitY Zi� Code � Street City Zig Cod� TETaFaPHONE #( S ) _ � Home ' Business . ,�opertiy Locat�.on on Street or Exact Street Addreas ( IF A.�TY)_ ,� ,Z�� /��, j� �l ��_��- r, ,� Legal Desc�iptio�, of Pxoperty: � � ' " ��� _ `_ v v v /` r �� V � /F'd� n �X, /a . �( L/' iJ .aa _ . n _ . 1 � � �.. � or LQt Split: T C; -��.�� ��' �'"- � � �C� �?Y /�/l ./.�%l ,> � Tota1 Area o� �roperty� ' / / G.�� % �, �l ��_��sq. ft. t Fresent Zo.nir� C�as /_2.; C/%(. % f�l/ �' i The undersigned hereby declares that all the #'acts and representations stated in this applicat on are true a,nd correct. �, ��- ��/% DATE; ��Z�''��/,� 3G SIGNATiIRE �, �`' �=f� -�///�� B� OW�ITY USE ONLY PLAT$ & SIIBS: Date pf Coneideration - Remarka; (Se� �everee eide fo� additio�a,l ix�tr�e���tes��I � FI�INN�NG COMNiISSION: Date of Consideration - RQAI�ITkB ; CITY COUNCIL: Date of Conaideration - �iea4axka s - ..,�.. ,. _ _.�.� ... ., _--___ . 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