PL 08/05/1970 - 7358-
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' 1 •
A G E N D A -
MINUTES:. JULY 22, 1970
JULY 23, 1970
��70-03 BY VIEWCON, INC.: That portion of the E� of the S� of
� Section 24 -- Innsbruck North.
VIEWCON„_INC.: For that portion of the E� of the SE� of
Section 24 to be rezoned from R-1 to R-3 (general multiple
family dwellings) or R-3A (apartments only).
The Public Hearings were not closed.
ARTHUR E. CANTON: To construct a second garage on Lot 34,
Block 2, Spring Brook Park Addition under Section 45.051,
2A, Accessory Uses (Page 12 Zoning Code).
__.. . �. �e�
Inter-League Study Commission dated July 22, 1970.
8:00 P.M.
_ 1-8
38-40 �
JULY 22, 1970
The �eting was called to order by Chairman Erickson at $:05 P.M.
Members Present: Minish, Erickson, Schmedeke, Aarris
Member Abseat: Fitzpatrick
Others Present: Darrel Clark, Eagineeriag Asaist�t
1N�TION b� Mini�h, secanded by Harris, that the Planning Cc�fli,�atiQn 1b�nuta�t
of Ju1y 8, 1970 be approved. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting dye, the rpotion
carried unanimously.
i �� • * ww
AX,iTIQN b.y Sci�medeke, secauded by 1�iin,ish. that the Planning, ��Ya.iss�on re�4�v�
the m,isiutes o�' the P.Iats � Std�d�vis�ana-Stz�ets 6 iltiZ.ities St�bcv�ittee meet.i�
of Ju1� 8, 1�70. Upon a voice vote, a1.i vating aye, the �ot�on carried uttanimou��ty.
MOTION by Naxris, seconded by Schmedeke, that tke Planning C�issian rece.iv9
the �rinutes of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcomaittee rpeeting pf
Ju1y 9, 197G. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carrfed una�i�oou�ly,_
1tlnTION by rlinish, seconded by Xarris, that the Planning Coa�missiat� rec�eive
the minutes of the Board Appeals meeting of Ju2g 14, 1970. Upo�n a voict trots, d11
veting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
: Lots 30 and 31,�Auditor'e
No, 129.
NELSON: For an automobile parking lot and recreatioa area to be lo�ca�ted
on the N� of Lots 30 aad 31, except the North 125 feet, of�Auditor'e Sub-
diviaiaa #129.
The Engineering A�gei$tant euggeated that, becavae these txo requssts iavolv«
the aame piece of grouad and development, and t�at the plat is coutingeaC upcm
the 3pecial Use Permit, they could be considered at the same time.
Rlaanini� Co�miasion Meet�+ July 22,, i9.�o r�
The Public Heariag Notices for the Pro�osed Preliminary Plat, P.S. �i0-02,
� by George N. Nelaon for Lots 30 and 31, Auditor's Subdivision �`129, and the Special
Use Permit Request, SP �70-08, by George N. Nelson, for an automobile parking lot
and recreatioa area to be located on the N� of Lots 30 and 31, except the North
125 feet of Auditor's Subdivision #129 were read by Chairman Erickson.
Mr. Nelaon, Sr., Mr. Nelson, Jr., M=. William Merlin and Mr. Ottq Schmid of
Urban Planning & Desiga, Inc. were present.
Mr. Nel$on, Sr. reviewed the saying their intentions were to build
apartu►�nts. 4riginally they took atepc �o rezone the whole aite bscsuee Chere
ha�d been some objections to build apartment buildings on property aa►ed residen-
tial.. Now they decided to restrict themselves to building on ths laad $cmed fo�:
apartmeata, uae the rest of the land for parking and subdivide the six IoCA o�
Oacmdaga Street. The lots on 0aondaga wi11 be 80'x125` except the i�esterly lot
wt�ich will be 115'x12S' to allaw for a-30 foQt easement on the Westerly �dge for
future road.
�hh. Otto Schatid explained thst the-project hae the s� layout aa p�ose�t�d >
laet �t.��er, with the exception the 8partmen� buildings will be o�a propaxty
zoaed R-3, a�►d they �re ssking £or a Special, Use Permit fox pa�r�.Ag. aud r�scrs�tCioA�l
�res. Ti�e i�YCs t�►ould be mcre attractive if they wexe allvwed �o 'c�lap ths i�Z�a
bet�r�e�t'th�e �� oa -�baadaga Street and the epartm�nts for pa�ridng �ud `racac+�t'ti'p�
for the apsTtme�►ts . `
Mr. Will�.am Merlin added that, as an alternat�.ve to ths plst, they K�ld `
^ like the` Plauniag Co�nissian to consider the poeai.bility qf a st�aet thrv�t�t t1�s
�l.tldls vf the block eo that they can da srnaething with the ivasr pOxt�OA 0$>C�
� biock. They believe there is a particular hardship beeause of the� ituie���°part of
the black. These are long lots, and they wouid like some way to develop tha
,�aare axea; therefore, they weYe saking far a Special IIee Permit or Vari�nce.
:8ecavse a Variauce �<' 5pecial Use Permft is heard by differen� comml.tteee, it -
was decided� to begin the Special Use Permit.
_ .
' Chairmaa.Ericksou said they had about 19,QQ0 square feet-and theg caul$ $O
ta the Board ��> APPeale far a variaace oa� the.area requis�te.
Mr. George Hanson, 1476 Onondaga Street: He said the proposed plax �11
�:give the petitioner the same density as if they had rezoned. 1) The neighbo�e
felt the request ehould be denied because oE schooling. The child�en in this:
area right now are being bussed to Blaine School. 2) Looking on the map, the
area ail arouad the S'� of Lote 30 and 31 are zoned R-3. We don`t believa the
C•c►tmn.tsaion, because aomeone wants to speculate on R-1 property, should feel iL
should be granted. At the CovaGil n�eeting they had a petition agait�st the "
rezoning of 60 sigaatures, everyone in the area, except two people. They doct�t
object to the apartment building on 73rd Avenue but. as fetr aa rezauimg R�];
property to increase the densitq for the apartments by making a parking aud
recreational area, they do object. Last year the Planning Coaaiaa�.ort Q.�.'d tha
rezo�ia,g xeQua►t but Council turaed it dawn for the people. This �►ear ths sa�e.
�e thought t.he Couacil took ix►to consideration the Wants of the Norkiag pepple
in this area. When every pereon in that whole area does not wan� ss�a�► apsrtmeA�
there, there will be no benefit from it. Ee would like to aee the Comaisaion
� denp it:
Plannin� Commission Meetiag - Julv 22� 1970 PaSe 3
^ Mr. Hanson waa informed that the Gouacil did not deny the last request --
the petitioner withdrew the request. A].so that the Spring Lake Park School
District was studying the possibility of a new school on Osborne Road and Lake-
side Road.
Nick Barrett, 7450 Lakeside: When he applied for a new home, he was told
he was going into one of the finest districts in Fridley. He was born amd raised
ia Chicaga so he knows what it is to have tenemeats and apartments. He lived
in Southeast M3.mneapolis for ten or fifteen years. At first it was one af ths
best places you could live in a11 of Minaeapolis. If you take a trip dowu thsre
nat�tt, you will see what happens with a11 your apartments aad everything. That
wae why he moved a�way from there -- undesirable characters and living conditior�a.
What he had seen so far this evening, he would hate to see came to pass.
Robert Persgard, 7430 Lakeaide: If the petitioner could build th� houaes
fir�t on pnondaga snd s��1 them before tlie apartments were, taaybe Che
peaple �rpuld be given more consideration, as they might not like the apartmen�a.
Tf the aparCments were built first, he didn't think the houses wauld se11,
Chairaian Erickson explained the proposed plat would be "L" shaped, it wtau,�d
bs tttie :�hc�le piece without any buildings , The Special Uae P��ait wa,s fo�' parkiAg
at►d r�cr�ational purposes. Mr. Harxis wondered if the SpeciaX Uss Feru�.t Wsre
gxant�d, wou7�d Mr. Nelson have to get a variance. The answer waa ha wauld 1� ite
w�tted to build more units than the land zoned R-3 permits.
� Mr, Geoxge Hanson: I� Xhe Fridley Code does not allow more than 4Q uani.ta
- �or the a�aount of land Mr. Nelson plans to use, then there would b� mo�e thatt
ample pa�'king space aad there would be no need to get a Special Uas Permit for
Mr. Nelson said the zoning ordinance provides, w3th the density as it �.s�
amp�e room for p arking two cars_pex unit. -
MiDTTON Ix� Narr3s� .seconded by Minish, tha� the P.� Comm.tssion c,�c�e ;;
the p�ublic hearing of the propqsed Prelim.inary Plat,-P.S. #70-Q2, by Geosge N.
Nels�n fox Lots 30 and 31, Auditor's Subdivision #129. Upon a vo�ca vote, a�il
vpting aye. the motion carxied unanimously.
Mr. flarria questioned if there cauld be the possibility of access oato
Oaomdaga Street from the parking area. The Engineering Assistaat sai'd that oae
way of preventing this would be to.put the recxeation area next to the 30 foot
easeuient and s� allaw tra£fic from Onondaga to the parking lot. The Weste�ly
115 fpo� corner lot, even with the.dedication of 30 feeC will preaent ao prAbl�m.
Chairaaan-Erickaon..asked the copies of the preliminary sketch used this
exening be ntmnbered and dated, _
MpTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commis5ion recam-
�eertd approval to the Counci� o� the proposed Preliminary P1at, P.S. #70-02, by
Geoz�gR N. Nelson of Lots 30 and 31, Auditox`s Subdivision No. 129 �ubject to 't�he
^ �ecessaz'y 30 foot easement for a rosd on the West side of the plat. sub,jeat tp
aAg b�ie�r u�ila:;bq esse�nt,s,, thatt •the plat in�r2�8es.:e11�°�ix lots on Onondaga
Street and the other laxge parcel to remain in one. upon a voice vote, a11 vo�.in�
dye, the motion carried unar�imausly.
pla�aning Coaimisaion Meeting - July 22, 1970 — p�e �
^ Mr. Miniah asked if the Planning Commission should recom�end approval of the
Special Use Pertai.t, and if the Council were to approve the Plat and the Speclal
Use Permit, would that mean the petitioner could use the land for aaly a parking
lot? Aarrel Clark answered "qes"; hawever, if they wish to build more un�.ts than
the R-3 land will allo�w, they would need a variance.
Mr. Harris asked if there would be screening along the new North lime. Mx.
Merlin answexed that they do want to have screening. They do not know what kind
yet, as some people like a fence and some don't.
. MOTION by Schmedeke, secondec� by Minish, that the Planning Commission close
fihe public hearing for a Special Use Permit, SP #70-08, by Geozge N. Ne.lsa� t'oz^
ari au�omob.ile park.fng .Iot and recreation area ta be loc�ted on the North Aatlt`
of Lots 30 and 32, except the North 125 feet of Auditor's Subdivision No. 1a9.
Upan a vaice vot�, a11 votAng aye, the mot�on carr�ed unanimously.
��a�.r,� :,r. .r,ri.c�c�r con�luded that the request is about the same as that pr�-
a�ni;ed in �i-e ��a�, excep� .her� are no buildings on the North plece. Th� Co�er-
mia�ion h� spent som�thi�ag over a year studying this probl�m, has app�'oved it
twiae, feeling that the �x�.a is so�what of a problem because oP ths leagth o�
tk�e �.ots ox, Onand�ga and th:is is probably a reasonable use. He wpuld like to
aee tha� the recreation area be moved to the West.aad the parking to th� East to
�iv� g�e��er pra�ectioa to th� residential area and ��xi.ct acceea �o Oncaad�ga.
��'Tp,N by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that' the Planniny ��.iesian � TeoGm-
^ mex�d approval to the Gouncil of the Special Use Pez7nit, SF �70-08, by Geo�rge A1.
Nelson �or an automob.ile parAing lot and recreational area ta ba loaated vn th�
iV� of Lats 30 and 31, exaept the North 125 feet of Avditor's Subdivis�on No. l2�
- w.��h t�ie conditions that the petitioner reverse the location of the .rec,reat:.iottta�
area with the parking area, e.�ect screening between the residential 1ot� and the
reereation and parkzng area, and that there be no access to Onondaga Street. ;
Upon a voice vote� a11 voting aye, the rrtotion carried vnanimously.
Mr. Minish added that the reasora for the approval is that the pro,posed u8�
of the property, with a S�ecial Use Permit, allows greater flexibil.ity o�ta the
South port.ton, thus making.better vse of.the property.
VIEWCON, INC.: That portion of the E'r� of the S'� of Section 24.
portion of the E� of �he SF},� of Section 24 to be rezoned fraw R-1 to A�3
(geueral multiple family dwellings) or R-3A (apartments ortly).
The Public Hearing Notices for the Proposed Preliminary Plat, P.S. �70-03,
InnsbruGk North az�d the Itezoning Request, Z0A #70-OS, for that �ortion of the ��
of the SF},� of Sectioa 24 to be rezoned from R-1 to R-3 or R-3A, by Vlearcon, Ina.
�ere regd by Chairman Erickson.
The petitione were represented by Charles Van Eeckhout and Darxel Farr.
^ The l►seistant explained the petitioner hes ut �he R-1 1oLa;
�.a the Weat�rly portion ctf the proposed plat totalling six b ocke; �awd the,
, . Eaaterly pox�ion inta tao large outlota (C 6 D) for multiple dwellixt�a Witb
0�2pC � beint a stostin eever holdiag basin as ���,�, �� p�trk for the �ceoi,d�nt�.
. : .- I
`, a t3n � J 1 22 19
Tt►►e P�.dta & Su�di�,eiaus-St�ee�a & Utilit�.�ea Snbco�t.ttee e�camimed the propa�ed
plat previously this evening and recoumeaded appraval. Outlots C aad D ms�y be
replatted later.
M�c. F�rr explained that the initial precept was whether or not they could
build a residential development economically feasible and sti11 mai.ntaia the
character of the site. The plan that eventually evolved ie ecoaamically f�asible
and they believe maintains the natural amenity and character of tha site. Tl�eir
thinkiag was as fo�lo�wst 1) The affect on adjacent residential propertq. 2)
How �krey could have prppex ingress and egreea sa as not to create a burdaauo�e
�ra�fic p�coble�a. 3) Other` consideration was Nhether it cauld bo �proger�.y siT» '_ �''
vicw$ by utill�iea. k) Eco�omics. Coul.d theq actual�.y achieve enaugh ��rity,
�o make i� a pxo�itable veature. � '
Mr. Farr continued that having held two meetings with most of the people
preaeat this ev�ning, they had considered their queationa and desirae. Sasically�
the l�nd use breakdown is ae follaws: 60 ac�es of single brnase �ith�CWo
lots to the� acre; 8S2 uz�itQ of to�nrahouae type apaztaaents with a de�a�t�► of il
uriits ta �he acre, naaking an average density of 7.3 units pex ac�e. T'be -
NortitsrZy gteee, which projecte from the proposed plat and wikl be dsdia�tCed `
for p$rk pv�rposes, contaiae about 10 to 12 acres. They felt they b$v� dpa4 =
wltat the� p�ople, i�n ge4eral., desise. H� referred to the map oi tt� We�t4xl� �b4;
acrt�s wh�ch shs�sd wha� they pxopased Co dp with �l�e elugle P`ami�y re�ida�ce�'� `
The �.ot�ai�ca �.1�: be ovsr mini�um size. The 27b ar� tc t�e BeNC Ki11 bp ,
^ e�.n�lar �ca those� 1A �BroQ&1pr� Cent�r. �'he ur►ite are all e�.ng1� �pi�xtment t�C+l, '
facing ane direc�ion. The.bui�.diugs are 2� to � storiee bacause of �he gradis.
They have also purchased the land to the East to Silver I�ake Road fo� a utaja�
acceea in that direction. r;
The Chairiaan aeked about the tax forfeit iots adjacent to the:pxopertq.the
petlXionex intends to donate for park, and Darrel Clark said the.C�.ty hea reCeACly,
by Resolution, asked that the County wi.thhold from their tax forfeit eale.�aetirex�l
of �he lo�s, about 10 acres, so that there would be a common bpu�.darp betweeit
the two sites. - . : .'
George 0. Nustad, 5365 Matterhom Arive: Mr. Nustad said he wa$ a rsprsseA-
tative of the Innsbruick Hame Owners' Aasociation, and�the Board had held a aN�et-
�.ng Tueeda� night. He was directed to say they were in support of the plana-�
presenCed by Viewcon, Inc.
Herman J. Bergmaa, 5503 Regis Trail: He said, as pointed out bp Viewcoa,
they had met with them an two occasions. Viewcon had been coasidera�e af ths
taishss af the people. Regarding �ezoning, Viewcon had certainly provided i�n
adequ$te buffer for the neighbors on the West -- no objections at all. If thlrr..
speciii,c plan were to be approved and actuallq follvwed, he would have no abjee-
tions. He wandered if there were some way to control the construatio�cs ao that
'the actual caast�uction of a aingle fam� dwelling would be required, and if Che
R�1 did nat get built, they could not come in with tawnhouses.
Chairsasn Ericicaon said the anawer to that�fa it is difficult to tell a
� develaper how he is going to develop, but if th� plat were accepted and recordsd,
it �►ould be d�fficult to change the R-1. This way it serves to prote�t the Ci.Cq
+a�e Che l,and will be platted.
Virgiaia Walberg, 5459 Regie Trail. She had heard the statem�ent a►�tds th�t
to�mt►ousee can be built in R-�l. SI�e w�s �ntosmsd that it ia psxmi,��i�i��t� b1iC:
_ , _ .: ,� �
Fl Commission Meetia � Jul 22 1970 � P e 6
� �h/�� are manq atipulatione to follaw and that the deYisity vould have to be
� the a ame as R-1.
Roger D. Bloha: He wanted to know haw far back th� buildings axe goiag to
be from Hwy. �694. 14r. Farr aaid the residential i�s oa the Weat and ths apart-
�ata are pacoposed to be fai.rly close to the ri,ght of waq, about 30 feet fr�a
the right o# way snd �+ill be three story buildiage. Aowever, apprvval by the
Couacil,does not neceesarily mean that this plan will be adopted.
Mr. B1ohm eaid his uuderstanding was that there would be approxitaately 8S0
v�,ite. He did not feel that Silver Lake Road, #:n conjunction with Matterhoru
Bridge aud the overpass o� #694, would be �ble �o handle the traffic from thi�
area wiCtwut � clov�rleaE,• Silver Lake Aaad ia dangerous just as it is. Whem
he looks fxom property acroas the highwap, he is mainly cancerned with the
�aartm�nts b��g ao close tv #694. As far as he was cancerc�ed, k�e thought tha-
City af Fridley ,a�ad the Highway Departmeat ehould give it sotae study before th0
�ac�ffic becom�.s a problem,
Aae thin$ the Chairman wanted to clarify was that it does mot appear a
Bpecia�. �ise Pe�sai.t is needed for towahouses aa be�ore the tawnhouae appl�caticm
�.� p�eaentect, �he requ�st goes t�-8u3.1ding Standarda-Design GoA�'ts�l Subccma�it���
�d th+as� to` the Coua.ail. If Chey apPxove it� the applicax�.on goee baal� ta the� `
Flanniug Comwiasion to be checked and the fi�a1 plan �oes befor� Gouncil. :;
Mx. Hertnaa Bergman �aked �or a confirmatiom of a comment. Ti Che re�qri�lt
^ �px a pra7.�ninaxy plat ia approved, that p�at would have a megativa effect va
auq iuture �Q�►hause requeat? Chairman Erickson sa3d he bel�ieved it wou�:d ir�"'�1�•
minde oP the Plannin� Commi.gaion or Council, being that the p�at is presented`'
a.s a'si�►gle �amily development. It would be difficult to get a�ow�house px�o,jop�
� approved.
Jamet A. Polzak, 1527 Trollhagen Drive: Mr. Polzak identifi.,e�l I�im�e.lf as
F�e�iden�t o� Che Innsbruck Hotae Owners Aasociati.on. He referred to xbs prev�,put
attemp�s for developing the land. The people had presumed tt�at t%.e laad would
atary� under R-1; however, it vas inconceivable that thi.s large beauxifuJ, trae�
af laad cauld re�►ain much longer as it is. It was felt the oth�x p1aa� wa�s
negative, buC thig plan does represent a cor�ietant developmeat of tbe $xet �tba�
is aatiafaatory to � ti�ose o� the Board. _ It gives a buffer zome; $i�vaa tiu pe�ple
aA the West ten lots of buffer zone; tract pattern -�- they doa�C`e�cpeet tiu kie►d
O� ��'p�i�.E�i18 they have aeen in other plaas. He kna�s t1u►t `"evi.1, lurka i,� tha
�tearts of all mea" but the Board did nat have aap reaaon to suape�ct Cita F��.'
' people and have beea pleased with their qualitq of ainceritg. T�ey are aek�.mg
€or a plat which Wou1d establish the area to the iiest as aingle family. Th�y
favor the rezoning change and the plat and will support them.
Herman �ergman: He would like to euggest the Planuing Co�mmiasion zecoaaatead
appraval af the rezoning aad the prelimivary plat with oae additional co�wemi.
It► the conversatious with Viewcon, theq have discusaed the extension of Re��.a
Trail into the developmeat area to �.ine up with their Southerly throug� a��e�t.
7�'hey are coucerned wlth the amount of traffic through their r�e�,demtial ar�a,.
He was suggesting tha� Regis trail go through but not line up with their ttiraugh
/� atreet. Perhaps the through atreet could be xouted more to th�e Sout� th,an tt't�
gropoaed plat naw ehows --- about 15p or 200 feet ta line up with Hi.l�lwind Av�d.
He thought that should provide a better all around egreas pattern for emergsacq
vehiales gekt�.n� in and etill maintain a moderatQ traf�ic problem in tha xeai�
� dential area.
Plaanin Commisaion Meeti.n - Jul 22 1970 F 7 I
H�thaway Lane is a State Aid Road, and h$s a very steep grade caa it. Mattsx�•
i"'1 harn Dr�.ve is a State Aid Road and it wi11 have to b� ea���nd�d North Go
(�ardan�. The ori.ginal alignment was to curve to the East. The Grace Hi$h School
asked that it be located one lot depth Weet of theix West boundarx. There i.+� a
wazermai.� located in the present alignment which is East of the ne� a1lgr�ment atid
probably would have to be relocated at the Northern part of this plat. It would
be a probleai for the pxopos�ed through street to line up with Mattexhoza Drive
at a polnt which would not intersect Regis Trai1 as that would be on Stats p�op�rty.
Mr. Ber�atan wondered �£ Ck►� through street could not lins up with t�,llwlnd, per-
, haps Ch�y cou�d offset ta the Sou,th and dead end Regis TraiX, but with th�a al��e�'
Aegis Txai� could• go thxough and then dead end at Matterharn. C�airman 8rlci�t�toA
said he� �ealiz�d it woul�d be desirab�.e for them to have that acce�e,
i.awal� Mellum, 5517 Regis Trai1: Wondezed if �he sewe�e wers large e�+�a
Co handle the propoeed densi.ty, and if the waterlines were big enough.
Da"�rel Cl.ark said, xegarding watsr, there wpuld be no proble�a. There ie a-
lk �.ntch wate�na�in �unning down, Mattexho�rn Dxive at the pres�nt ti�a:. Fo'� et0�'W
�ewer, Vi�wCOn proposes using ponding areas on the slte foz ou�falla. SaAttary
sewex ia the real pxoblem and most e�cpenaive, but there are three goasib111E14s --
to�: part �.n New Brigh,ton and part �n Fridley, al�. in New 8r�.ghtC�. _�d
tl��.rdly, t�c��.d the sewage in reservoixe and discharg� it �t o�� peak hau�ca � Th�
Er��,r�c�e��.ng Asais�ent said i�e had talked Co Mr. Queatin Woad� Vi�,1�,ge RA��'�s��.�,i'
Naw 8r�iatrnn whc� admitted that they axe a 1itt1� bit s7.ow an the�.r caTapl�t� oY�r�
�1�. s�raer ds�ign. Tl�e�r wc�u�,d b� wi7.�.ir�g ta acaept the �e�age if they ht�d t'�o ''
c�paci.ty. ��cau�e a� the terrain, lift atat�onQ would prubably havs to be�°va►s�-
� i� conjt�t�ct�.on with any of tt�� other mexhods.
Fau�i Rehani, 1545 Berne Road: He would like ta knaw t�heth�r Mr. Po�z�k :
spoke for the members of the Board of Innsbruck �Iome Owners Association, o� �.i:
there was an actual poll of the members. There are six people on th� Bpard«
iiis pasitian was the same as Mr. 81ohm's. He lives directly Sauth of �b94 an�l-
�is. conc�;med about the views.
Mr. R�,ohm asked why �he request was for apartment zoni�ng, M�. Van_Ee�1�q��,.;.
answered that �t was ar� �apartment building, not a tawnhouse, and they ar�a Fa11+�d
a;tc�mhouse �ype of apartments., The units run all the way _fram Che frot�t tc�
the backw The living ro� �a aining rooms face a common gxeer� az�ea. Mr. �lahm
said tha� bec�use the tawnhouse apartmeata will be built sq close tv the 1��.$hv��y
aud dixectlq facing his property, and the traffic probJ.em thep wiJ.l create, et�d
if not salved when this petition comes up before the Council fo� a he+axlAg�;t�e
wi.�.l pxesent his objections to the Cauncil.
Mr. Van Eeckhout said he believed the project mlght be finished in f�atp,
three tp five years, If thap get �pproval froan the Council, theq wou]�d i�edist�ly
be�ng i� the plat on the W�stexly part of the concept. They intead �a devel�p
tt�e R 1 atnd the tawnhouse;apartments aimultaneously as much as pvseibl�.
Mr, Harris atated his concern was that if this ahvuld be a five yea,r p�ctjoc�,
there would necessarily be a large amount of duet, moving of d�.�t and ganere��
CQ�IS�T{3C�ipA in the single faiaily area. �Over this leagth of tiws, hs could pex-� �
� some problema with the neighbors. Mr. Vait Eeckhout answersd they i.atend
� ta Came i� on the proposed perman,ent road fram Silver Lake Roa�d.
P1 Cotami.ssion Meetia - Jul 22 1970 P a 8 I
14�'1'.TON by Harr�L�r. �secpnded by Mizu:eh. that the Pl�nninq Comm�tssic�sl aont�nuo
/1 tp tha August S, 1970 �eting considerat.�an oaf the Propased Pre.l�rr+�rutry P,i�tGr
F.9. N7pr03, by Viewcon, ,Tnc. of the E'� of tb� S� og Sectio� ?4, �nc9 tl�er R�r�or�-
�ng Reque�t, ZOA #70-05, by viewcon, Inc. to razon� the F,'� of the SR� ai �aar�ian
24 tv xezane ixom R-1 to R-3. Upon a vo�ce v�ote, a1�Z voting dtyQ, th� rqp�io�
oa�ried unanimously.
As euplaiaed by Aarrel Claxic, this is the only plantfag �tr#p it� the� Gity
at the pxesent time. Thie pi�ce af property is 1aw� and there i$ +a aulvert pa
Wee� Mpore Lake Drive for drainage. There might be a prob�.e�a � d�alAag� if'
the laud were �illed. Ttiey. fe1t� �bou� the only tree that wi�l grsnv in �k�at`�_�type
of' 1,aad" fis the' w�.11ow: The suggestioa was. made� to either plarix or abaado� �ha
sCrip. ThQ Plannin� Cp�ssion decidQd to atudy this item mare.
No �ction.
Chai.s�nan �rickarnn adjourned the Planning Coam�iseion m�eetiag a� 1Q=4Q
l�spectf 11y submitted
Haz 1. 0'� iA��,•�-
Recording Secretary
JULY 22, 1970
Page 1
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by Chairman Schmedeke.
Members Present:
Member Absent:
Others Present:
portion of the E'� of
Crawder, Meissner, Schmedeke
Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant
PI,AT, P.S. #70-03
the S� of Section
• That
Mr. Charlee Van Eeckhout �vas gresent representing Vie�con, Inc. He explained
that tt�eq were asking for a reaoning for the Eaeterly half of this 120 acres, and
woyld be`platting the entire area. The streete and lots were shcrwn o� the pre-
liminary plat given to the Subcono�ittee for atudy. The teYrain ia rough3 sa�e o�
the �ats were simple to use and some could not be used, probably for nu�ny Ys�'e•
There are approximately 100 lots that are very nicelq situated. T"he plut will
conaist of one area containing the single famll,y resideaces on the Weeterly portlon
of the 7.and, and the balanc� will be 0utlot C and Outlot A. These Outlots �►i11
contain the condominiwa type of apartments which are about the slze of a large
ram�ler. There will be 12 unita per bui.lding with 7� units per acre including the
park land which is a 12 acre parcel. Outlot A ie a sma11 lot in the Northwest
cornex of the property and Outlot B is a storm sewex holding basin and park for -
the residents.
The proposed Matterhorn Drive (Stste-l4�d�$�reet) was discussed. Origlnally
it was aligned East of the present proposal, but there would be mo prablem changing
In �swer to Mr. Crawder's question, the Engineering Assistant sald the watex
eupplq tiill be no problem, we have a trunk line in Matterhorn Drive. The saaitary
se+wer is the problem, but it ia not one that ca�}ot be solved. The City has.aa'
8 inch eewer running up Hathaway Lane, and it ia nearing.capacity. He didn�C be-
lieve Frid],ey could take all of the capacity, but it was hoped New Brighton cou�.d
take part into their aystem. This is one of the fine points that had not been
studisd yet because the density hasn't been detexmined. Probably we would have to
have lift atationa, and perhaps part could be by gravity. Another solutian Would
be underground atorage and pump out the reservoir during off peak houre.
Mr. Van Eeckhout said that this had been done in Brooklyn Park, and he felt
ths sewex pxoblem Wae more of a mechaniaal oae which could be worked out w�.th th�
d.ty. Referring to the proposed plat, he continued that the Westerly portian`
i�ould contain b blocks, With Outlot A, which was too small for a buildab�r� aite,
and the area they Were aaking to be rezoned would contain Outlots B, C and D.
Out1oC B i� the etorm $ewer holding basin. This is an attxactive parcel and Would
add a lot to the project as it would be uaed for a central park �or the use o�
the reaidents and would have a walking path. As far as the residential lota wsre
concerned, there were no minimum lota, ae there will"be two lota to the aare.
Plats & Subs. Str. & Util Subcom M�eetiat� - July 22, 1970 P8$e 2
� Mr. Van Eeckhout said they are planning to have uaderground utilities.
The Engineering Assistant explained that easements are not shown on the pre-
liminary plat, but the developer will be informed what the City needs be��►re the
iinal plat is drawn. There probably would be a dedication of 50 feet for the street
with aa additional 10 feet fox utilities. The street pattern was diacussed, and
th� Commission gave approval to the layout. At the request of the petiCioners,
gegis pxiye was cloeed to prevent traffic from the proposed pla�, but it wa,a d�t�x-
mined that Hathaway L�ne wvuld have to remain opea. The two State Aid raads thrcugh
the area ar� Hathaway Lane and the propoaed extension of Mattexhorn.Uxive. .
Mr. Meieaner asked if Viewcon had followed the City's Cods regardi�g the 1�
parking stalls per unit. They Had. Then he aak.ed that, with the contour o# the
laad being shawa and the placement of the roads and lots, were they ant�.cipating
a lot o� grading or 11ve within the contours and go up and dawa the h311.s. <Mr. Van
Eeckhout answered they would do a mi.nimum amount of grading and worlc with the
Enginaeriag Ae�axtuu�nt. They would do as little with the land as;poseible to
�aaintaia the character of the land. At this time, the platting hae been studied
�p�t$iderably more than ather problems' as they realize when the plat ie fi.�.�d� ,.
tk�at ia it. _
MpTTpN by Crawdex, seconded by Meissner, thdt the Plats � Sulidivi��ior��-
St,reets and Ut�,Tities Subcom�ittee recommend approval to the Plaruisng Commi�saton
v�' the ,pxoposed Brelim:fnary P1at. P.S. #70-03, Tnnsb,ruck North. by Vi�rwc�rt. I'��.
�or �khat ,portic+� oP the 8'� of the S� oF Section 24, as shown on �he doaument
/'� s�ud�ed by the Subcor�nittee this evening dated Ju1y 17, 1970. Upon a voioe'vat�,
all voting aye, the motion carxied"unanimously.
MDTION by Meissner, seconded by Crowder, that the P1ats & Subdivision5-St.�'oet�s
& Subcommittee meeting be adjourned at 7:5Q P.M. Upon a voice vo�e, al,�
vating aye. the motion carried unanimously,
, .
Res ect ull�► submitted
Q% �.f.,,�
Ha Bxi azi
Recording Secretary
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Aarris at 8:04 P.M.
�EItS PRESENT: Harris, Tonco, Gnerre, Hart
OTHERS "PRESENT: Hank Muhich-Chief Building Inspector
MpTION by Tonco to approve the minutes of the July 9, 1970 meeting as written.
Seconded by Gnerre. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
Mr, Eugene Bonnett was present to present the request.
Mr. $onnett sCated that the exterioi of the additi.on will be the same as
ua Che pres�ent building. The present buildiag has painted block Walls aad
tha addiEion will be painted to match the existing buildiug. A 16" c�nt
'b1o4k wa11 would be provided along the drainag� easement on the �au�h sida
of Che property to prevent any further washing out of fill over Che black-
Cop of the prr�p�rty ta the south.
Mf. 8onnett would also provide sci'eening by inaerting slats into Che exlsting
cyclone fence along the west line of the parking area as well as the westerly
20 �eet of the south line.
�he Board asked Mr. Bonnett if he was going to have any type of security
lighting in the back. Mr. Bonnett stated that he would be putting one in
on the back o£ the addition.
I°�D'�ION by Gnerre to recommend approval of a building permit for the addition
to the auto body shop.
Seconded by Tonco. Upon a voice vote, all voting�aye, the motion carried
N0. 79, THE 3AME BEING 48TH 6
Mr. T. W. Collins was present to present the request.
1�9x. Collins stated that the new building will be replacing the preaent
guard house, The present guard house will be removed with the approval of
the Fed'eral Government. The new guard house will be built at the main
ent�ance, The building will have a wood roof and the building will be
�aca br�ck.
MOTIQ� by Tonco to reco�nend approval of a building permit to construct
a guard house, � _
'Secoaded by Gnerre. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, tha motiou carxied
unanimous ly . �- '
Buildiag Standards-Design Control Meeting of July 23, 1970 Page 2�
Mr. Richard Reanie, Mr. Ken Ellison and Mr. Ed Sheldon were present to
present the request.
Mr. Ellison stated that the Lot had been brought up to grade according
to what had beaa diacussed with Mr. Qureshi.
The building will be am all block building. �he exteriox will be p�tin�ed
wisite. The upper and lower deck of the building wi11 b� apa�creC&. Ths
bui�ding is to be aetback 100 feet according to City code. Also, a11 ths
easementa for the property have been recorded.
Mr. Hart arrived at 8:35 P.M.
�he trailers will be parked at the back of the building. The�a will be
�o fpeight aC thia terminal. There will be aecurity lighta-
a�� the bui,idistg as sho�vn oci the plans . The green areas were also
•hc� t�u the plans ,
M�, �e�taia etated thar there is ta be a louage oo the secaAd flaox.
'�''i'i��e ' lo�e wil.l hav� accan�aodatiaas for � the "dxiv�s �to g�+Dp �'='�
wil? �tc�t ba aap cooking facllitiea .
Tbe Boe►rd sCated that they would need a secand a►eans of egress in case
of a fire.
Tt was decided that perhaps they could put iu a door on the secottd floor
where they now show windows. This door wouid open onto the roof of the
buildiag for acceas to the mechanical roof unita as well as provide
amather means a� egress.
1't�,e Board asked if the parking area in the back would be asphalt, Mr,
Reac►ie said that theq had planned to use grayel aud oil because asphalt
would not hold up with all the turning around oi the heavily loaded
Crail�re. Tt was then stated that according to the City code all parkitig
are+as muet be asphalt, concrete, or other hardeurface.
I�TIOW by Gnerre to recammend approval of a building perm�t sub,�ecc to
the following stipulatioas:
1. Put up a aCop sign for the trucks to stop before entering the street.
Zr Provi,de a second means of egzess from the lounge area.
3. Provide a 10 foot radius oa all concrete curbiag around i$lands and
�� i
Buildia8 3tandarde-DeaiSn Contxol MeetinS of July 23, 1970 Page 3
� SecoAded by Toaco. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the wotio� carried
. ,
AD�i0UR1�NT s
The meeting was adjourned by C'hairman Harris at 9:28 P.M.
xespactfully submitCed,
/ 1
/ \
.��� ;, .�.Q E�.�,.u,�4�.,�a,,,� �
� ��
Secretary '
j_ . . .. . . . .. . _
� _ l�
, ...,..,..,_..� �
^ �.'he meeting wae called to order by Chairman Minish at 7:35 P.M.
MEMBERS PB�SENT: Miniah, Ahonen, 0'Bannon, Sondheimer
I�1ERS ABSENT : Dr igans
1�TION by 0'Bannon to approve the minutes of the July 14, 1970 meeting as
Seaonded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, the;e being no naye, the motion
carried unanimously. �
M7c. Ralph Schermann was pxesent to present hie r�quest.
A aurvey shawing tha location of the preeent 'houae and the prapaaed �axa���,
aad a pictuxe of the lot wexe ahowa to the Board. �
1�tr. �che�caaaan explained that there ie a fos�asl diniag roaa wlndcrW �td a
^ ao�rue�r kitchen windaw vn the Weat side of the houae. Tf he would 'have t0
follo�w �he requirewoante of the Code and place the garage 30 feet baci� �rom
74th Avenue, the gaxage would caver up both of the WindaWS. He st+�tad ha
h�te nArxowed the garage as muah ae he can but it will still be only LO �est
frota the Weet aide of the houee and �+.85 feet froai the lot line. Tt wil�. ba
a 24 foot by 20 foot daible garage.
Chaixmaa Minieh asked if he had talked to any of hie neighbors abou� the
variance. �
Mx. Scherm�tnn �tated the lot to the West of the garage is vacant, tha house
acra�e the atreet ie rental property (the people felt they had no ri�h� to
esr �uything about it as they are renting) and th� ppople disec�ly to ihe
Noxth oE hia propesty t►ava ao objections ae tha�� house facea the cu1 de ese.
IrpTI,ON by Sondheimex to cloae the public hearing.
Secomded by Ahonen. Upan a voice vote, there being no naye, the motion
carsiad unaaimouslp.
1�)TION b�► 0'�on to reco�uend to the City Couacil approval of the reque�t
for the �allowixsg �reaeons:
1, To preeerva the fo:msl diaing rorna wiadaw . •
2. The+ 25 foot aetbsck doe� not hiader the viei+ of the inter�ection.
^ .
3. A hause could be buil� to face either 76th Aveuue or Meado�nnoor Driva
oa.Che empty lot tc the West of thie property and thie requee� Woul�d
t�ot obatx'uct �ha building o� it at all.
t . �� �
�,,, Tt►e Minutes of the Board of A ealo Meetin of ,Tul 28 1970 Pa � 2
Seconded by Sondheimer.' Upon a voice vote, there bsi,ng no ne�yR, the aation
c+t't'�ried unaniu�uolq.
Ap.T0iJR1�ENT :
Th,� m�eting was adjcurned by Chaira�an Miuieh nt 8:A3 P.M.
Aespe��fully sub��ted,
� .
'�Y HIN�
M�4R �
__- _ 1�
, : . _ - .. . _
� � :_ .
. _ _ _ . >� __ _ . �
BEFORE 1'HE _ _ .
- -- - � __
, _
_ , ._: _
Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing
of the Planning Commission of the.City of Fridley in the City Hall
at 6431"University Avenue Northeast on July 22, 1970 in the Council
Chamber at 8:00 P.M. for tfie purpose of: . _
� � Consideration of a Proposed Preliminary Plat,
/'1 P.S. ��70-03, . Innsbruck North by Viewcon,
- +: Incorporated of that portion of �.:ze East Half
of the South Half of Section 24 lying North of � �"� "" `
- Interstate 4�694, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley,
- County of Anoka, Minnesota.
- Generally located North of Highway 4�694 beiween
Matterhorn Drive and the Fridley-New'Brighton
boundary . .
Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above �-- " �
matter may be heard at this time. : __� ._ '
Publish:. July 8, 1970
July 15, 1970 -
• . _ , .
-- q �
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^ -._._,._tt�zoniag � .
�y��r P.S. #70-03 BLAEK FDREST ADDITION �_Specfal Use P�zmit
, _ __ : �`_Variance _
r _
APPLICANT'S SIGNATETRE D( l.._=�.t,%C..qk1 ��,. ,_Lot Splita
Addre�s_ .J �O/ �.s��� �s�• 4�'� _
___-______I►FProval of Pre-
,. .- _ liminary Plit
Telephone Number ��� 2 ���► ,
_ _ _�_.
` Approv:l of Final'
_ _ - . _- - _ _ _ - •
. ,
Addz��s ' _„_,._,_�Streets or Alle�-.._ _
. .�1 d / �S � �� Vacatio�s � •
T�lephoac Number� S �?, -Z,�� _ �
�`QCties _ -- �
Street Locatioa of Property . , I
P y�� ���h� � L� � _ Q . 1
Legal Oeacription of Pro ert 7
°�°• • •• �,
_`t� s!�. s��� z� r. 3� z� � L y, �,� �(�, .
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or- � .��� _ : -
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Preseat Zoning Cla�sification �.- 1 � �
Existing 1Jre of th� Property_ ,
!%� w,��'
�. �
Propoaed Zoaing Claasification,.Special iT�e,-Varfance-or-atber-reque�t
- _ u - ;_. .� : .:�
D�acribe brieily the Zype of �1se and.the Improvec�at Pr�pDaed �� - .
J►crea�e' oE Praperty f G'�O ?�'
, . : .
Hss tAe ps�s�nt Applieaat pr�viouaiy Sought ta Resoa�, Plat� Obtain • Lat Split,
Obtala a Variaace or S,�ecial Uee Permit on the Subj�ct Site or Yart af It?
When? �
iihat vas �equeated "
' Pae Encloied $ �_ ��...
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Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public
Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the
City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Juiy 22, 1970 �-
in the Council Chamber at 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of:
Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA ��70-05,
� d _ by Viewcon, Incorgorated for that portion of the
- East Ha1f of the Soutfi e�st Quarter of Sectian 24,
to be rezoned from R-1 (single fami�.y dwellings)
to R-3 (general multiple family dwellings) or R-3A
(apartments only), all lying North of Interstate
�i�694, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka,
Minnesota. ,
Generally located North of Highway #694 between
Arthur Street extension and tlle Fridley-New Brighton
boundary. :
� Anyone desi"ring to be heard with reference to the above
matter may be heard at this time. _ _
Publish: July 8, 1970
^ July 15, 1970
�r ZOA �70-05
At!'i.ICANT' 8 SIGNATURE •• (�,Q � L
Addr�s• SSDI �S�b � - �R.l.L1►,)TL''�2►
Telephon� Nu�ber �33•2 ��
raopea�r o�wt�a � s sicru►rvRa 1�JGo�J �J�.
Si yy 1
_,__,Sp�cial Uae P�s,�it
___Lot Splita
Approval of !s�-
li�inary Plat
______Approvsl oi �iaai
Adds�a• Ss,.,,�� .• __.__,�Str��t• or wll,e�•-.._
� VaaatiAa�
Ttlephoa� Nua�ber ' �_Other
scs..c Locacta� of prcP.rcy
L�=�1 Sc�ipt on of Property_��l �T pOr%TI �DW OF Tli 'lr' �. y�L�.�....�
S�GT• 2� T. SO 'jZ 2�{ �.y ��J 6 1�/oiQ
lrt��ot Zonia� Cla��ification �P � (R-1 Single Family Dwellings)
Exiatia: U�• of th� prop�r�y_ ��G��'(- �
.._-_ _.....,._._,.
�copo�ed Zooia� Cla�aificatioa, 8p�cial Uae, Variaace or other r�qu��t
_ QPAf�.TM�,'i1i T�OIJ �Ni(� (R 3, general multivle familv er R_�A n„fl,.r,�e..«a
D��cribe bri�tly the 1yp� oi t1a� and the Impsov�ent Propoaed F�iP@ Q,pX .�
�cst�� ot Pro�rty _APPQ.oY ( =—
U+t� tb� tr�a�at Applicsat Ps�vioualy Sou�ht to R�son�. Plat� Obtata a Lot 8plit�
Ob�sio a V�tiaae� or Sp�cial Use Persit oa th� Subj�ct 8it� or P�st o! It?
ilhat Ma• teque�t�d !�� Enclo�ed � �.�
�Dat• �il�d % L O ���-,' � t�a �F�''
Date oi He�x�n�
_ ' _ • , _ __ ___ . _ - _ _ ___.__ . ��.�.
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___ � � _ _ _ _.. _ ' . . : ` ._ _ . _ i
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b � _. .
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• � � . • •.
/-� 1. �EZgNING REQUE�T Z4A ��'70-05, VIEk�GON INC. Public Hearing Notices ;
2. PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. �70-03, BLACK FOREST ADDITION Mai.led July 7, 197�'.
Mr: & Mrs. Grant E. Christianson 'Mr. & Mrs. James Durand
5540 Regis Trai1 155'-Berne.Road
.; Fridley . Fridley �
Mr. & Mrs. James Loff `Acres,.Inc. :
1.248 Hathaway Lane . � 1214 lst National Bank Bldg.
Fridley _ Mpls. . . _
: Anthony Gneere- _- .- - Mr. Mrs. John Powers
1202 Hathaway Lane . 1fi13 Berne Road
Fridley � Fridley
_ , - _ ___
Archdiocese of St. Pau1 Mr. & Mrs. Ovel Johnsrud - -
,� . _ _
_ ,. 226 Summit Ave. _ :5801-Tenntson Dri�e : _
St. Paul . . . Fridley �
- Audubon Park Church of Christ Mr, & Mrs. Jacob Wiens �
1280 Regis Lane _ . 5809 Arthur st.:N.E, ..
Fridley �� • Fridley _ �
^ , \
- Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. Palkert Arvid Carlson & Son,-Inc.-., __-_ �„__ -
_ � 5545�Matterhorn � 3200 France Ave. S.
Fridley � Mpls. - �.
Mr. & Mrs. Olaf Swensan Mr. & Mrs. Aoward Dunkley ,
- 1457 Windemere Drive 5550 Regis Trail -
. Fridley __ _ _ _ _ �'r3.dley . • _
___ Mr. & Mrs.Nei]. Spellman Mr. & Mrs. Loren N. Argabright
- 2310 Ore, ur�' -°1a�4 , 5520 Regis Trail .
- - _
New Brighton Fridley .
' Mr. & Mrs. Joan Phillipp:e Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hudrlik .. -
' 1461 Windemere Drive -_ 5502 Regis Trail
Fridley _ , : Fridley ` _ ' •
_. . . . ._
. . Mr. & Mrs. Robt. Harnon . MY. & Mrs. Pau1 Riddle .._
. 1481 Windemere Drive 1225 Regis Terrace
_ _ : ' Fridley : Fridley -� -
. Mr. & Mrs. Pa�l Williams � Mr. & Mrs. Donald Heyda
_ 1601 Berne Road � 1224 Regis Terrace
Fridley _ �'ridley . ;
y-, Mr. & Mrs. Delores Blohn Mr. George D. Bukovich
1605 Berne Road 1244 Regis Terrace
Fridley . Fridl_ey
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Zappa • Mr. & Mrs. Kermit W. Person
. 1459 Berne Road . 1223 Regis Terrace �
: Fridley � _ ' Fridley
., ,. _ _ _ :
- -. . �
. _. .
, - -
� : -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._.. _ : . _ . _. __ _ _ ---_ ._ __ ____ .___ _ _ _. . _ _._ _____ L i
u" " ' �
_ . � . . � .,
. � Mailing List for Public Hearings �'� "• Page 2 ��
^ . - �
ZOA �70-05 ,: - __ •
:P.S. �70-03 � .
Mr. Henrik Olson Mr. & Nrs. Herman F. Bergman�
1911 Benjamin St. N.E. 3503 Regis Trail
Mpls. . .' Fridley
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Bostram Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Dietz
� 6382 Baker Ave. . 1280 Hathaway I�ane
--- � Fridley _ _ - - _ � . Fridley
�Mr. & Mrs. Richard Edin � Mr. & Mrs. John Donahoe ~ �
5699 Regis Trail 155 Windsor Drive
Fridley New Brighton �
Mr . &
� Mr. & Mrs. David A. Petterson Mr. & Mrs. James Luff -
- 5679 Regis Trail I248 Hathaway Lane
Fridley � Fridley .
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wahlbert, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Doebler
�,,, 5669 Regis Trail - 1281 Hathaway Lane
Fridley . Frid7.ey
� Mr. & Mrs. LaVerne Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Lutz
5653 Regis Trail 1265 Hathaway Lane �
Fridley Fr3,dley .
Mr. & Mrs. Wilmar Adams Mr. & Mrs. Roger Sonstegard
5603 Regis Trail 1249 Hathaway Lane
Fridley . Fridley
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin F. Corbet� Mr. &*".xs. Doyle Mullen
5591 Regis Trail 1233 Hathaway Lane �
Fridley �
�Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Aho ' �
5577 Regis Trail Vill2ge of New Brighton �
Fridley 803 Fifth Avenue N.W.
- ... New Brighton i
Mr: & Mrs. Harold E. Obert ': . �
5561 Kegis Trail � . �
_ Fridley � . _
- _ �
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. D. Shontz ;
� 5547 Regis Trail - : _ i
Fridley . . ,
^ Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Morin
_ 5531 Regis Trail .
Fridley `_ � � _ �
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell C. Mellum • . . , -
5517 Regis Trail • . �' �
� c.t-cY oF ��aL�Y
64� 1. U N.[V.ERSI T Y AV �.1�`
S � � � � • � r
^ ��i 2;1°J i � PM ,.
AM 14ll12123456
r� ��lt�l 1 t{ t t 1 1�
� Fridley Planning �ommission
Fridley City Hall - .
University hvenue
Fridley, ��i.nnesota, 551+�
, 23
• P.S. �70-03: E� of S�, Sec. 24
Innsbruck North
Viewcon, Inc.
1513 Berne Road
Fridley, rlinnesota 551�21
Ju�y 25, 1970 _
I have just received a renor•t that the Innsbruck Homeowners Association
has recorru��lended that you accent the plans of Viet•rcon, Inc. to rezone
the 130 acres :Jorth of 69L� to multiple direlling.
Tr7e are members of that Association and were never consulted about this
decision ar�cl heartil,y disapprove oi it. Before you decide in favor of
this company i,re wish you would go to the intersection of Old Central,
New �Central, Hillwind Road and I�ioore Lake Drive on a Friday or Saturday
eveinin� and observe the traffic there, 4�lith people making right-turns-
on-red, and traff.ic cor:ting in froni a11. directions, it is nex-t to
impossible to make a left turn off of Hillwind, Z'1e shudder to think .
what this situation will become if you approve this rezonin�.
irJe also shudder to think what wilJ_ happen to T3orth Park School which is
already bursting at the searrts with over 800 students.
Feople have spoken out before on other such plans for this area and I �
think it is unfair for the public to constantly have to be a_w�.tchdog
over this area. as new and different people propose the same sort of
rezoning. If the area. was zoned single dwellin� it must have been be- _
cause it was feasible to build single],y homes there. If it is �
not to be used this way it would Make a lovely nature preserve and
Park• - .
� Please do not consider that the Innsbruck Homeoti•mers Bowrd spea.ks the
rhinds of the me:nbership. I ir.�.gine a lot of us will reconsic�er joining '
if these important positions which directl?T affec�t us are taken without
consulting us. :
cc: Fridley Homeowners President
Yours truly,
�, ' �' /``�� ',
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-___ _
Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the
City of Fridl.ey will meet in the Council Chamber of the City Hall
' at 8:00 P.M. on Wednesday, August 5, 1970 to consider the fo].lowing
A request for a Special Use Permit (SP ��70-Q9� for
• Arthur E. Canton, as per Section 45.051, 2A, Fridley
City Code to construct a garage on Lot 34, Block 2,
' Spring Brook Park Addition.
Generally located at 402 Longfel�.ow Street Northeast.
Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above
matter may be heard at this meeting.
Publish: July 22, 1970
. July 29, 1970
Chairman '
Planning Commission
� �i�__ 2 _:
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• I Arthur E. Canton �
� � -. SP 4�70-09 .�
��� Construct garage on
�''� ` - -Lot 34, B1. 2, Spr. Br. Pk. Add �
_ f _.
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Arthur E. Canton
SP ��70-09
Canstruct garage on
L. 34, B1. 2, Spring
Brook Park Addition
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�/_ '' AnD�SS : /.1' ,� c; C_�:.��2t /�.,�, — ..: S-� j? ���
ADDRESS : 7` l� � r•i c/=�- [-I�, ��,
_(:.; ..
No: ���: � s��� : .1 <<:->�_ �� 1 < <.C.,�-�..c )
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IAT:.�'.� �_=,',_'IiBLOCK: ��; _. _ ADDITION: �'J��:�;,r;�'i f���,�`- �- C;.'i..�.j? �(t'{���/.
. . � I �
Appl3.canfi attacli to this for.m 3t��o Certif.ica_tes of Suxvey of T�ot and proposed
buildj.nb location dra�,rn on these Ceitif_icates. ��
= To �� u��a ���: �t: �-� �_1L�_-�� rU����-��., � . !
, ►
_�'15� Front: ?,j' Depth: ��' Height:
Square Fec�t: �%� Cubic Feet;� /%� c%
� Front: Depth: Hei�ht:
- , Square �eet; Cubic FeeL-:
, 7'ype o� Const�zction: f C�i�i C"_ Estimated Cost: S�/�-:. �`'--� .
To Be Com, 7.eted: .-�� c1 <<, -s ' .
_ /
The un2exsi�ned her.eby n�kes applicati�n fo� a pexnit for the work herein
speci.fied, agreei_ng to do all work in st�-i.ct accordance with the City of
Fri.dley Oxdinai�ces a:�d rulings of the Department oi Buildi.ngs, and he�eby that all the facts and xepresentations stated in this application
axe txue and co�.xect.
� �
j� ,
DATE : � I r � - C : , � `� - ,% � SIGNATURE : � r__; . � �? - �<, �/ : ,� �,�._��l-/�
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(See Reverse For Addi�ional Infoi-r.rat-ion.)
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REIVlAINff�dG �"J�`,l..1... ,��
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SP ��70-09 : Construct garage ' -- • _ __ ._, ,�1 _�
on L. 34 Bl. 2, S r. Br. Pk. Add. i
C� "` �� 5 7
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�829-247'tt AVENUG SOUTH • . •. � � � COLl$tI'L1Ct garage on
` ' �,5 %• f`l �, . L.� 34, B1. 2, Spring(�j
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League of �.omen Voters
Rice Creek.'���.tershed
Inter-League wtudy �
Ci OHL'111't'i, 88
July 22, 1970
Dear Sirs:
- The Lea�ue ot '��omen Voters have long •been active in
- -- -- __- __ _
�upport of "clean t�ra-�er." In 1968, nine I,eagues t�ritlziz? the
Rice Creek 'aatershed form�d an Inter-Le�.gue Rice Creek
Tiatershed Study Comrni1�tee. Leagues particip�tin�; �re-re Arden
Hil7.s, Blaine, ��ridley, D�e�-�r Fri�;hton, �oseville, �horevietr:r,
St. Aniilon}r� St. Faul ar,.d �.�hite i:ear. These Lea?ues renre-
sent people t!ho either liva o?i la.r_ds r,;h.ich c':rain into ^ice
Creek, or use ti:*ater from the cree'� (St. Paul ';:�ater Department
users}• A1tYiou ;h the.•e �.re 27 cornmLmitias in the ':atershed,
not all have League of :�or�:en Voters �roups.
The study cor:Lni�� �ee met i;�or..�hly aa:zd comoiled ir.foi�na-
tion on the ti�ater use, developmant, a�?.d '�robYa;ns o£ nic� C'reek.
The findings af the connj�i-�tee ^rere presented to r�embers for
discL?ssion over f,'ne 2�rear ne� i.od. In Abr� 1, 1970 a consen-
st�s of opirion abou� Rice Cr•ee?� :ras reached. T'�.ere t���s
tmanimous a�;reement t'_iat tr.ere i.s a need for re� oovern-
ment acstion in managinF• ttle ,�,ratei resources of the ��ratershed;
and �Lhat the preser,.t s�Tstem (combination of local governments
an.d s�ate a�encies) is no� satisfactory.
The >>osition s�a.�emen.t ircluded represe��.ts the oninion
of 850 Lea;;ue irem��ers in :�he i�ice rreek atershed. Also enclosed
is te-st�.mony. ;iven co �c'�.e � e'�olitan Paik 1leserve Board on
1�4a.y 28, 1970.
A 20 minu�t;e slide ��reser..tation d.e?�? cting ?-�!ater uses from
� the source of Pice Cree?�'co its mouth is ava�lable from the
studf car�ur_it'cee s"or vieT�ri�� �;o anyone in.te� ested.
The League of '�o:��en Vo-Lers has a con'cint�ir-�; interest
in developments ��rithin '�Ize Rice Creek �.+atersiied, and would
rrelcome any comMents you might have.
l�xs. EBi��rard La.rsen,
792 '�. Cotm�y �oad I
St. Paul, 55112
�� . �
_ �
_ __ _
. _ a.� ��. .
;� • , �
, Nu�,�' ;:;; .ly:.v
y . -
The Leagues of Women Vote�s in the Ri�e Craek Txater�he� b�iieva that �the 1�ng
term trend to��rard urbar_ization in t'r_e •,�ratershed ���iil causP �rrater resource
problems to develop unless pa�eventive governmen� aaticn is talcen no�v�
Comprehensive long�:ange planning, t�ritii �egicnal ccoperati�;., determination of
best ].and uses, and citizen participation is esaen'�ial to co�trol po3lutian
__ __ _ _ - - -- _ __ _._ _.
and orotect vrater sun�lies. Present governxnPnta,i units a�one are inadequato to
mee� the problems -�� an approach using s �ror g�:� "z cn rR�.�t�ape :iian
Council and i�s boards or a gavornmen� unit a�.ci^., �;�.-te�°sn.E:�. �_i-iss ���i-;,n ti1a�:�o
Council revierJal power, and st_ on poli.tical and fi.� aa,.i_:1 corrm_,mar�+�s "'r.o
aooperation is necassary for effectiiva CGrioFI"1Tii'F?.�?x �. ,�? cec�e :ormen � of the
water resources.
Al+'nLIn�I��.?TIO�T J;r� ' ..
RICE CREE� Sr�ATEitSi�� COTTSII+rati5 STATE:�-Pr,T?T �y 25y �97a
� Nine local Lc�a uas of Ti�omen Voters totallin ei� ht hundred.,and fif"'t members K
g , g g y_ ,..,.
participated in the study and consensvs. The Leagues, from upst-ream and duy,rn- .
stream areas of the �ratershed are: �lyden Hills� Blaine., Fridley., �New Bri�hton,
� Roseville, Shoreviev�,, St. Anthony, . St. .Paul, and �'+hitie Bear . � _ -, . _ , -
� r
* �he Leagues believc� that:the long�tarm trend to�.ard urbanization in the Rice
Creek '+�latershed wi].1 cause vaater resource problems to develop unless preventive
government action is taken nov1. � ��.- . _ �, .- ' " -� , _ _
* beague members believe the most important rlater resource prablems are gol-
lution=.oantrol and protection of vrater sup�ly._:All pollution -- Prom storm
water runofz^, sanitary sawage, and industrial.vraste -� should be controlle8.
League members want to see Rice Croek protected as a source of supply for St,
Paul 'a'la�er Department users, and as its possible role as an impor�ant tirater re-
charge area is inves�igated. All vrater resource areas shoul.d minimize other
problems (such as flooding prevention,, provisicn o£ adeq�aa�e dr�ainage� provision
of open space and recreation� protection of wildlis^e, and conzral of eutrophi--
cation). '
* League members agree that comprehensive, l�ng-ran�e �lanning is of paramount
importance for effective v�.rater resource management'in the Rice Creak t��a.tershod. �•
Regional cooperationa determination of best land uses. and citizen participation
were seen as integra]. parts of cor�prehensive long-�range pla�x�.ing�
An example of the kind of decision tha� might ensu� tuid:r a pa?icy of determ-
^ ination of best land use is that keeping open space vroulci p� ote :� th�: �Nater
" supply, provido time for long range plr�nning, and fox• further inv3stigation of
curren� evidence that major seep€ to underground aquifers occurs in the Rice
Creek watershed -- and greatly influence all facets of the vrator problem. It
might be that the best use, from the metropo2itan vievrpoint, yJOUld be limited
Citizens of the a�rea involved and affected should have the opportunity to
influenee plan.s and decisions.
* League members overtrhelmingly agree there 3.s a pressing need for government
action, and that governmental units, as presently organized, are inadequate to
solve the problems of clean v��ater supplyi poilution� and drainago. Of primary
importance to League members is that our goals �e mets that there be government
actian now to undertake co:nprehensive long--range planning to protect the vJater
supply and to control pollution.
* League members agree a netiJ form for overall planning is needed. RRost leagues
preforred �the :.on�ept of usi:ng guidelines developed by Pdetropolitan Cotmcil
and its boards to further the goals of �Jater resource management vrhich received
priority. Hot�rever, m�.ny favored creating a governmAnt unit (rlatershed district,
special district, or joint potiJers ��reement) along ti�ratershed lines to furthor
tho goals, wi�h ;!2otro Council having roviecra.l poerers over such a Lmit.
�Visest use of the Rice Creek waters is more than a one-commtm ity or o:1e-county
problem; by "regional", Le�gue members meant at least all the tiaatershed regivn,
/� and that the 'iregion" should includo those cor�nunities that are involved or
_ .. ��
-_ �
^* To effectivaly manage water resou� ces, the Leag4.e �: �� �icna:! tiv�.;.er. c:n� �.~�►�r,,
I!�Irs. Danald Clusen states, there are other criteria m�:�e �m,r.ortan-� tr.e
form of government, This consensus shovys tha;l; our me�:be:�.� �ei�e�e ��hal; icoF
and that either form of governmentaZ agency can re::eive the �Le�.guc,s �. supp�rt
if the goals stated are met. � �� �" � '�
... . , , . , � _ , _ ._ .
Metropolitan Caunc'..1 v:�ou].d have to have greater ��cnrrer to implement and enforce
development guidelines resulting from its long range� studies on •'land and .water - •
use. A gover'xlmental unit formed along natural tinra.tershed boundaries r�vould have
to strong poliiical and financial sup.port �to meet the goals.
. ., .. . ,. _. - . . . _ �
* What is n.eeded is-strong political and financial comanitment to cooperation� ;
for effective management of the watQr resources of the Rice Creek watershed. _
. . .
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ID' FAVOR OF T�� i ROPOS�D Py$I�S �. QP£f? cPkCE CFll�FI�F? �Or TI�
��'.ETROPOLI^lliR' D�V"�LGPT,��'�iT GLfIDE� PR�►�..:c�i�?`f'LD.P.�1AY 28, ?.970 at
^ T� PUELIC I-�kRl�TG Ii'�LD EY i.c� I��TZO.�OI.,ITADI COtTtI�I� . .
I am r�ss. r� icholas E. Duff, Chair��an of the Cow�riL. �' ��?�':ropo:� �•�sn Area �'
LePgu�s of '�Yomen Voters spea.king ir iavor of �the propus.e�+...�'ar:�-,� .�- �pen Spaee ` " .
Chapter For the I!�etropolii,an �evelo�:�,lent Guide, I ropr..esetl�. t�e�.34� local �
I�+�Is in this Ty.�in Ci�iF�s area-� bo�h central citiies _�.nd sut�iz��s, �or, s.ta�ed �
alnhabetically-- from Anoka to '�:�oodbury -- .°rith some.:3,500 mem�iers. .� -'
_ , . , . -
It� �vas our very real pleasure to Vror?L in �he 19G9 session o�' ��ie�Legisla-
ture and help establish the r�'e�ropclitan Park Pesorve �oardo' Yot: have dor_e a , �-
truly remar;yable job v�rith your char;e T"rcrn th.e Leg9.slature to�.00me up �:rith'�a -
Parks an.d Open Space S�jstei;t pT'opOSa.�--� esnecially r�m�arizable ;si:nce .the Legisla- � �
ture provided you v�ith no ftmds and �n ��ditian to this, beca�:se four. �ill vras
_,, ,
pass�d t.'•Ze last da�* of t?ze ses�ion, ,a cors�itutiona:t cloud ha,ngs .ove� ��our �
head. -:':�e s�ar_d in tremendous admi_ra�ion of the fi.ii.a job fcu hase �d:,n� •to date:
Thank �goodrsess" vou have this able sta£f ori loe�n `i'rom thE ?"e=�r,c.p �1:����i "Go�icil and �'
�2 mi? lion of state cigarette tax m.oney` to hopei"uli;y s �a.-r•t Z�'o�z .on ari acquisition �
program after adoption of this secLion .of t}�e Develop::�nt �vid� - � � - • - ' � �
Timing is of criticaZ imnortanae v�i�h t'_nis pro;ram, '�Ye do hope� thi.s proposed
chapter for the Guide is adapted by �he Cour:ci:i as uoon as pos�ibi.e, '��Te share
your concern to 'protect our uriique and ir��o.rtart oper... .spac� are�.� such as rivers,
strea�s, �la'�es, flood�3lains and rretlands, Lez me ta.�:e ��pe.:.ii'ic loca�icnr '
the Rice. �reelr waters�+ed, a.nd exolair�. a fe�•� critica?. n�=res as s�an '�y t?�e `Leagues
o#' ��omen Voters in Arden �� il�]_s, ilaine, Fridley,; I�Te�rr :'r� ;h�,on5 �aseville,
�Shoreview, St. Anthony Village, St. Paul rznd ':�dhite Bear� Tr�_s is �tng Rice �
` Creek '+Vaters'zed. In �he words af P�irs. ?�ichard Phill�_ps,, �h�i- a:d3,_�r� •
- • , . _ . _ _ . ., , Y.s . - .
'rThe last �'etiti* years l�ave seen a terrific bu-rst of urc�n e;�pan;s�on in the "
northeas•t �suburbs vrhich drain ini;o Rice Creek: In Fri3ley and; Riet��r-trighton,
near the mouth of �ice Cree?r, `much of t'_ne lar.�.d aZon_o the creel{ has �een spoi�en
for - either heavily developed �(Slide ;;1�-5 of i,oc'ie Lal�e) or saved as county or
municipal park land (slide ;;= 5G of i.°ahn.�rien). Eut otir concei^r.s no:�r turn north
up the watershed,, now on the frin�es of ur'a�.nizat? on. Here't!se problems seem
�reater (Slide �;`-8). Soils in t:�is re�;iur.._ are �raria'�le - s�ndy, r.�edzL�m loam
and peat ar bogc;y areas ir �erspersedo �iise development here tiri11 require
careful a�tention to r..atural characceristics. Your ;;uidelines, as�stated in this
proposed chapter for �he Developm�nt Gu�de, S�rould be most helpf u1 here. - also are o-ther probler:s in tnis zvatershed - a hi�h Trr�.ter tAble (Slide �
� 4) and seasonal flooding .(4 slides Sho�s�:-in� same place sprin� 8: fall ;'--1Z � 14
all in the Geor�e �:�atch Lalce area) �':�e reco�nize -that there are legitimate
pressures on t:iese commuziities to develop. Fu�; we are concerned that too often
the approach tal�en is to fill lo�r lar.ds or restrict na�u�-al se�.sor_al flooding, '"
which. only transiers �'ch.e nroblems dor�nstream. Full irnnlement�.tion of this . �
proposed chapter �for the Development Guide vrould minimize. �such pro'olems. �
Implementation soon is needed to make this chapter effecti�e. (sometimes '
�re v��isr i�L coL�ld have teen ti�esterday.) Comnletion of Interstate Higtr.�ray 35 �
(Slide �;;` 10) *�ill bring more buildir..g to the ver,y area.s T.�e consider of Arime
/�i..mportar_ce - the Lino La?-es region. --'e are pleased to no�e ;�our interest in
recreation open snace -��ot�r selec'-i.on. of oriori��� na.r?: sites. '��Te feel the
Lino Lakes site is extremely irn�ortance, tnat thiVs area is a Irey area oi the
Rice Creelc r�ratershed (Slide �;-� 26 of nark site).
� ��
.. . �., ,�
, . . ' , .,
� Cotmcil of I�Z�;tropolitaM Area Leaou�;s of dTo?:��,i �locers -� �: �
nuJe share your concern for the needs of muiti� pu;°po�e oaen s�a;;s a�ia ,��ould
just note the many uses these lal�es noi� serve - wa�er st;rn,-�y ,or tfie City of � ,
St. Paul, tivhich controls over 2,000 acres hers, a variAtSr �f rec�ea•ciar, uses
and wildlife and �or_di:.g area �'or• floods �`�.�e cic hope p�ese�t developmem+
along here can be con.+..roll�d to nave a*n�,n;.mum imp�.ct oxi t�e. v:at�r system and . .
�+re earnestly hone t'�at a ti�Ta�r ��ri?.l be fovnd to carry ov.t. tne Lino Ltx?ces chain . •..
Park �ro�osal. The ver�� �;i�lnra;T 35 vv}:ic'� increases 1'.ze �ress?.lre z"or development •
inereases the areas of desirabiiit� as A��A�?�. It is more accessible to a .
larger nart of the metropolitan area. nortunatel;� much of t'zis land is sti11
snarsely settled - there is time io prevent haphaza.rd development if �re act now.
• _ --- ._ .
Besides protection and acquisitior.. of �he Rice Creek 'Yatershedts:natural
features ar_d o��' the Lino Lakes ChAin Park, �te tr�auld •l�ke to:. put in a sn�cia7. . � ,
p�ug for short --�erm objectives �3i 9, ar_d 30a on page 25 of yqur pr.oposed chap-
t�r for the DevelonMent Guide. '��e feel t�:ses are extremely importan't enabling
aotions for cozhprelzensive long range planning vrhich considers lvisest use of �.:
land and i:raters. i�isest usa of the Rice Cree?� �,�aters is more than a one
community or one-county pro:.lem. but yvl't�lOLi't stron; guidelines it may be treated
in disjointed fashion by individual municipal efiorts. li.�so, ��aays must be devised
to enhance and encoura;;e citizen.s of �he area in the plannin� and implenentatian
of tliese guidelines so t�1at t��eir int;erests and needs are listened to." : ,
Throughout the metropolitan area, �-;e are nleased to note your interest in .,
�water access areas - the �00 soree acres of �rrater related parks, the su*ir�r►ing, �'
- picnicicing, biking and hilcing o��?ortunities. Let me spend a moment on �i?:ing
and hi�cing �rails because our St. Louis Park� L':'IV plus the Golden Va11ey League �
have done extensive t�rork on i�hose to�io-s. (See at�acned St. Louis Par� Lipdate ,
publi�ation). Here's (shocr) the Golden 'dalley nap -- vtith the extensive trail .
system marked out. They have been z�rorl�ing on tnat program for years and are
frustrated at every turn becaL�se it�s so very difficult for one municipality �'
alone to float an exter_sive program such as tha� u•hich, of course, z1TouZd Ue �
used by the rest of us1 too. ," .• ,.
__ 7n t::�e south?^resterr! sLtbur�s, our "den Prairie unit. states it this �say:
"'.�Te T,rere very much in favor of �he villa^,e's plan to ��.zrc.�ase some of its
pa�!f lar.d in ar-eas «here there iras � lalteshore. '.:e crere concerned about the
industrial zoning north of tl�e Anderson Lal,:es and south of Interstate 494. I�'ov�r,
however, there is .frorlta;�e v:�med by �the villa�;e,. so th�.t the lak:eshore of Anderson
La.1�es z+rill be par��land most of the way around...It is the village's intent that
all of the 1aLeshore will be public lar_d...':'�e feel t.zat t,?is areas is deserving
oi the top priority given it b�r the ?•�:etro-iolitan Council as the site for
a I+�etropolitan Park." . -
Thank �*ou for this opportr.nity to ap�ear here tonight in behalf of these
local Leagves and our r.ietro�olitan coi.�ncil of I;���TS to �irge your adoptzon of t'n_is
very find Parks � Open Space Policies, System Plan &. Program Chap�er for the
�etropolitan Development vuide.
,- .
MEMO TO: Planning Commission
MEMO FROM: Nasim M. Qureshi, City Engineer
MEMO #: Misc. #70-20
DATE: July 30, 1970
RE: Street Name sign Standards
Gentlemen: _
In December of 1967, our City upgraded its street name
sign standards. The sign size was changed from a 4" width to
the present 6" width. The name plate we are using naw is a
one piece extruded aluminum blade with reflectorized silver
white surface.
The Engineering Department is making some additional
recommendations in regard to an overall improvement in our
street sign standards. We are submitting this report to
the Planning Commission for your�review, as your body has
shown�some interest in th is area.
The recommendations are as follows: (see accompanying
Major Roads:
< < ��
a) Color Code
Fridley should use the color code of reflectorized
green for the north-south streets and reflectorized
brown for the east west streets, however these
colors will only be used for the intersections noted
on the accompanying map.
b) Size �
The 9" width signs should only be used on the main
thoroughfares in our community, see accompanying map.
Minor Roads:
The 6" width sign with reflectorized silver-white
surface should continue to be used else�ahere through-
out the city.
� Basis for Recommendations:
1) Minneapolis and St. Paul have recently adopted this
color code and as a part of the Metropolitan area we
should maintain a certain amount of uniformity.
_ 39
2j The 9° width signs are needed primarily on the arterial
roads which carry a larger amount of traffic at
greater speeds.
3) The 6" width signs are sufficient on our residential
- streets which_carry-smaller volume of traffic and
where traffic should be moving at a slower speed
especially at intersections. Also the 6" width signs
fit into the character of a residential area better
than the larger signs, and so the use of the larger
signs does not merit the additional cast.
The basis of the pra.orities is to make changes where
� �hey would be most effective, and also to keep making
/1 . use of our existing sign ma.terials as much as possible.
- ' Alsa, our recommendations are to keep making these
changes depending on the availablity of funds and also
co-ordinating th�se changes with street improvements
wherever possible.
1j The intersections shawn by squares should be replaced
with 9" width signs.
2) The intersections marked with circles could_have a
9" width sign denoting the intersecting street and a
6" width sign denoting the thoroughfare. This would
allow for a more economic way of getting the most out
of our initial costs, with all of the intersections
, having two 9", width signs as additional monies become
� Enc . Map
Submitted by
�� �u Q�,��, �
City Engineer-Director of Planning '
- . . �Q
r _ `�. qG . Street Name Signs
_ � �-_
J ' � .
� — =r �.,�z,.,.ti,A,a�.��a �
i � ,� ���r� � , FRI DLEY
w� •• .
__ _ N
Mi E
� �
r,,.a -
��' i .,o�. 1�=`— =.��—�'�?�='=`�—j�
-- �
� ; � � LEGEND
�0 r_
� 9�� WI DTH ( PRIORITY # 1)
��� ; ' _ ,
��� c _ �� �� .
� 9 � 6 WIDTH
- ' � ( PRIORITY # 2 )
, N-S , green
- E-W, brown ,
p� .��! ��- 4 �., . _
i _ _ �� --..�=