PL 08/19/1970 - 7359�
�.� �
A G E N D A -
AUGUST 19, 1970 8:00 P.M. :
AUGUST 6, 1970 �
NORTH, P.S. ��70-03, BY VIEWCON, INC.: That partion of the E�
of the S� of Section 24.
VIEWCON, INC.: For that portion of the E� of the SE� of Section 22-24
24 to be rezoned from R-1 to R-3 (general multiple family dwellings) 25-29
or R-3A (apartments only).
.To improve parking lot on South 150 feet of Lot 18, Brookview
Addition, Section 45.071 (3F).
(Still in Subcommittee) �
HEIGHTS: September 1, 1970, 8:00 P.M., Field House, 530 Mi11 Street
N.E. Re: Amending the city zoning ordinance regarding automobile
display and salesrooms.
�i�� � 18 �- -� f �K
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AUGUST 5, 1970 PAGE 1
The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Harris at 8:10 P.M.
Members Present: Minish, Harris, Schmedeke
Members Absent: Erickson, Fitzpatrick
Others Present: Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant
Peter J. Herlofsky, Planning Assistant
t ,
I at portion o t e E 1 o t e o ect�.on �4
==Znns�bxuc c ort � .
or t at portion o t e E o t e o ection to e
rezaned from R-1 to R-3 (General Multiple-'°�amyly�D�$11iag�)=or�R=3A
(Apartments Only). -
ACting Chairman Harris suggested that the first two items on the
agenda be consi�dered at the same time as they both involve the same
devClopment. The audience was told that since the Public HeariAg had
^ nOt been closed the floor was open for comment.
M�', James R. Duacand-1553 Berne Road - Commented that he livos
�directly across from where the townhouse apartments are proposed.
�lanning Comm�ssion Meeting - August 5, 1970 �a8� 2
852 unit's of apartments means at least 1600 cars traveling back and forth
daily. This will definitely hamper traffic on Silver Lake Road. Their
school system already needs help and the children from the apartments
will just make matters worse. •
He also stated that they had hand picked their lot and it was very
expensive and a Hi�rise apartment building would bring down their
property value.
Acting Chairman Harris explained that technically this was not a
H�Trise apartment. These buildings are only three stories ta11 and a
H�wxise is at least 6 stories tall.
Mr. Durand said that this did not matter, he still did not wa�fi
to s�t �n his yard and look at apartments. He was against the project.
Mr. William Dietz'1280 Hathaway Lane - stated that it was his
understand�ng that Hathaway Lane was going to be made to continue to
Matterhoxn Drive. Because of the elevation and the increased flow of
traffic he and other residents were concerned about an additiona� txaffie
pxob�em at Mooxe Lake and Central Avenue. He wondered if there had be��
��y studies done on this area and what our plans were fox it.
Daxxel C1axk explained that there was a study in progress on th@
�ntersection at the South end of Moore Lake and Hwy. #65, but that it
had not been completed yet. He also explained that the necessity o£
connecting`Hathaway to Matterhorn would be decided by the City and he
was sure that they would be willing to listen to the people's comments
be�oxe making a f�.nal decision.
Mx. Dietz added that they had been assured that this arsa would
xemaia� Ral and felt that t�ey were entitled to residential traffic.
He £elt that the people would take the straightest route and go strai,$ht
dot�m Hathaway rather then up to Gardena and around.
Daxrel Clark commented that more thought will probably be gi.ven to
the of Hathaway I.ane and that it might not be done at a11,
The developer doesn�t xeally care if Hathaway Lane is opened becaus�
h�iS p�an will work ei.ther way.
Mx. Chaxles Van Eeckhout (Vie�rcon representative) told the
auda:ence that his company has already modified its plans to ref].ect th�
changes suggested by the Planning Commission. Regis Lane�can nvw��
c4nneGt tv Matterhorn and 17S feet South there is a connectior� £ox -
anothex' road. Al�o, because of the view from Bexne Road and noise frpm
the �reeway it has been decided to move the multiple dwellings a0 fest
from �he ireeway and leave the area in a natural state. This shauld
supply very substantial screening because of the natural veg�ta��.on,
�ossa.bly close to 100� .
The multip les will be small buildings, approximate�.y 49 feet by
$Q feet, so that they can accomodate the diffexent grade chang�s. '�he,
^ apa�xtments are actually not much largex then some of the ramb].exs in -
P�anning Co�amission Meeting - August 5, 1970 Page 3
^ The individual apartment units will be sold on a condominium basis.
Building in this way xather then all single family dwellings saves
� much more of the wilderness area.
These will be deluxe buildings. The,�' people will be homeownsss'?t
not renters and they will be vote�s and good citizens.
Ludie M. Thomas-5353 Matterhorn Circle - asked about the populatio�
density. This should be Considexed a major problem.
Mr. Van Eeckhout said that there would be approximately 7.4 un�ts
pex acra. The l and 2 bedroom townhouse units will have 2��2 to 3
people per unit. The 120 single �amily homes will probably have 4
per home.or approximately 2700 people. -
Mr. David A. Doehler-1281 Hathaway Lane - stated that the South
end of Moore Lake is a major traffic problem now. Population density
just msans more automobile density and this is what concerns him.
There'is no real outlet to Silver Lake Road planned to help the probTe�.
He felt i� was human nature to stick to a route once you get used to
using it sa a gaod route should be devised now befoxe the development
is Gpmpleted. A good Silver Lake Road outlet would prevent a real
traf£�c pxoblem.:It was no good to change just to make one.p�rso� ��FFY�
Darrel Clark asked if he was aware that there was a road to Silver
Lake Road.
^ Mr. Doehler xeplied t�at he was but what he had in mind was a r�al
�aod xoad, p�ssibly foux lanes with lights.
The �lanning
County lines ?
Daxr.�e1 Clark
Gross a�ny County
in RamseY County.
Comm�ssion was as�ed if the project will be crossing
replied that the Innsbruck pxoject itself will not
lines but Viewcon does own propexty across �he 1i.z��
Act�.ng Ghairman Haxris comme�rt.ed that the residential lots on
West �3.d'e�of the project which abutt Parkview Homes are the real
txaf��.�, g��b�rators fox Fxa.dley. T�ere wi�ll be an access fram the
ssC�it�t� o� 'th�► proj ect to Silver Lake Road.
�k�.. �an Eeckhout said that Viewcon has indicated that they
Wi�lr-d�di:cate+.;�i�the�'.za�h��>�f �ray o�t�,to:u3l�rsr. �ake Raad': to. the
E�t�* o�£`=Frid�ey: It will be up to the Fridley Engineering Depart�ent
to design a road that will handle the traffic. The State Highway
D�gartm�nt and the Ramsey County Highway Department see no prcab�.em �nd
wi11 commence design on their sections of the road as soon as t��y ara
sut'e the projsct is going ahead. The road is'really a governm�nt
probl�m and ViewconRs hands are tied. They are trying to design an
a�dequate system, '
Mx. Yan Esckhout further explained that the interchange is a
n di,amond �nterchange and the State has many ways of u�grading it but
�,t �s:juat`n�beceming necessary.
P1ann�ng Cammission Meeting - August 5, 1970 Page 4
Mr. Bergman-5503 Regis Trail - stated that he had heard at a City
� Council meeting that the State Highway Department was considering
revising the intersection at Hwy. #65 and Old Central.
Darrel Clark said that the State has been taking traffic counts and
using other methods to study the intersection to improve its design so
that it could better handle traffic on Hill.�ind Road to Central.
Auring the busy hours now Hillwind is practically useless.
Mr. R.D. Blohm-1605 Berne Road - felt that the traffic p�an should
be set up well in advance of the completion of the buildings sa that
the xesidents of the area did not have to suffer for fiv� years while
it was being completed. He also wondered if any thought had been given
to the sewage problem.
Darrel Clark explained that the problem had been given much thought
but no definite plans had been drawn. The present sewer laterals
would not handle the problem in the conventional manner but reservoirs
or holding ponds which would discharge the sewage during the oii hours
wou�d probably take care of the problem. These systems are expensiv�,
but the burden is on the developers. Any assessments would be made
to the acreage in the project. -
Acting Chairman Harris commented that the people could not be
assessed for something which would not benefit their property.
Mr. Blohm then asked �f the new children added to the axea would `
� not overload an already troubled school system ?
Darxel C1ark said that this area is in the Columbia Heigh�s school
sYstem and they would have to ask the Columbia Heights Schvol 8oar�._
He continued that our recent Apartment Survey shows that the poorest
taxpayexs are single family dwellings. Apartments moxe then pay th�ir
way in the school system.
Mr. Van Esckhout explained that he had spoken to the Calumbia
Heights School Board and they had told him that the number a£ grade
school age school children in this area was on the decli�e so they
would bs able to handle the children from the project. The proje�t
Will be pa�ing enough in taxes to build a new 4 or 5 million dollar
s�hool. It wi11 be a definite tax advantage. ,
�udie Thomas asked where the outlets were located and was told that
th�y were: Matterhorn to Gardena; Hillwind, Regis, Hathaway to the Wes�;
an� th� un�named route East to Silver Lake Road.
Mr, Donald A. Zappa-1549 Berne Road - said that he was told wh�n h�
moved into the axea that it was all zoned residential and would stay
that way. Th�s �s a first class area and he wanted it to stay th�t
war. He was aga�nst the project.
Acting Chairman Harris asked if there were any camments fram th�
^ P1�nnin� Commission members.
�1ann�n$ Commission Meeting - August 5, 197p Page S
Mx. Schmedeke said that he was glad that the people had come ta
the Public Hearings, it gave the members a chance to hear both szdes
^ of the question. The tra�£ic seemed to be the main problem and he
wondexed i� a loop back, possibly on Hiliwind, would he�p �he pxobl�m,
Mr. Durand commented that the traffic is impo�tant bu� so is the
appearance o£ the bu�lding and Viewcon had not shown any pictures o£
the proposed apaxtment buildings.
Mr. Yan Eeckhout expla�ned that the apartments would be very simi'lar
in appeaxance to the apartments at Viewcon�s praject at Twin Lakes
N�rth. 'They would be changed only to make them more compatible to th@
£or�St �rea in Innsbruck. This factor had been given very caxeiul
atte�t�on. The��aet�a� bu�lding �lans will have to come befaxs �he
��ann�hg Commissian £or approval before they axe buil�.
Mr. Minish asked if the buildings were similar to those at Twi�
Lakes Noxth then why not bring pictures of this project to at least
g�ve the people some idea of what will be going in. He then askod ii
Y�ewco� had done any traffic studies of its own on the area.
Mr. Van �eckhout answered that their study figured far about
3t600 txips in and out of the development daily. They guessed that.
about 2/3 of these would use Silver Lake Road and most would be fxee-
way oriented. These were just guesses and th�y would need mar� �
in£oxmation fox better figures.
�r. Minish asked if the figure af 2/3 of the people usin� Silv�z
�ake Ro�d was based on the fact that Silver Lake Road was to b� upgrad�d?
Mr. Yan Eeckhout answered that it did not really make any dif£eren�e
that the people wou�d use Silver Lake Road regardless. The��S�ate
High�ay Aepartment has said that as soon as they have tan��ble
ev�dsnce, such as the rezoning, that the project was going throu�h they
will start upgrading the xoad. The people will not be i� thexe for
from 3 to 5 years,
Act�.n�'Chairman Harxis asked if there were any questions conc+�rni�g
the Plat. He thought that some of the grades in the area were pxe��Ly
Darrel C1ark coiamented that the highest grade he had seen was 6$'
a�nd thn,t ti�.s� �ra,s w�tiu:n t�ie Ci.ty standards. Hathaway and Fillmor�
a�e bot& 10�.
Act��ng Cha�.�man Harris stated that it seemed that some af thesa
st�eets xould be diff�.cult to put in and wondered i£ the Gity's
St�d�l�akdsg�fi�s�ions £ar curb and gutter and black top sfireet�
would suf�'ice.
Darrel Clark answered that a 6� grade was not really vexy st�ep,
onl� a matter of a xise o� 6rf�et�ter�v���'10Q £eet.
, Pl�nn�n� Commission Meeting - August 5, 1970 Page 6
Mr. Va� Eeckhout added that Suburban Engineering had done the
p�ans fpx the pxoject and that he was sure that they had done a f��e
/'� jAb and none oi the streets would be too difficult.
Acting Chairman Harxis then asked how many buildable lots there
were in the residential area?
Mr. Van �eckhout answered that 100 out of the 120 lots were buildable
at a reasonable cost and the other 20 they would either have to se11 at
a lass or not develop at all.
Acting Chairman Harris commented that they would nofi like to see
these 20 lots on the tax delinquent rolls.
Mr. Van Eeckhout said that all of the lots would economically stand
on their own two feet, it was just that a few wouldn�t be very
Acting Chairman Harris asked if the swampy land near the la�e would
cause problems in installing streets and utilities, ox if th� low
areas would have footing and foundation problems.
Mx, Van Eeckhout stated that Viewcon had made sevexal bor�ngs and
fihat there was actually very little peat in the area. Besides they
only have one site on low ground, the rest of the sites are on th�
r�dges of the hills overlooking the low areas.
Mx. llonald A. Zappa-1549 Berne Road - said that he cou�d npt s�e
how bu�lding to�nhouse apartments would save trees.
Mx. Van Eeckhout explained that there will be from 200 to �00
�eet of undisturbed land between the buildings. Residential dwellings
�ave more or less formal lawns in front and back, the apartments will
just have small grass areas, possibly none at all. The gaxage$ wi�1.
be attached to the buildings and there will be additional p�x�i��
in back.
Ac�ing Chaixman Harris asked if anything had been done b�����
�axks and Recreation Commission about the park Viewcon was off�x�n� to
the C�ty on the North end of the project?
Darrel Clark answered that they hadn't met yet but he was s�xe th��
they would accept the land because they had been thinking of ac�u��in�
some tax foxfeit lots �n the same area.
Mr. Dav�d Doehlex commented that in the East the freeway in�ex-
ehanges have la�ge clovexlea£s for access to the freeways �rom laxge
developr�ents. He also thought that the traffic problem should be tak�n
c�xe of before the l�nd is developed.
Ae��ng Cha�rman Harris stated that thexe were situations like this
a11 ovez Fx�dley. The City �ad doubled its population in the �ast
ten y�a�s and is growing too fast to take care of all its problems.
Th�s area is one of the �ew large open spaces left in the City.
��c�use of t�e many pxoblems involved with development o£ the area he
w�s not �xepa�ed to vote unt�l the full Planning Cammission was px�se�t.
Planning Commission Meeting - August 5, 1970 Pags �
Mx. Minish asked if it would be possible for the Commission to �ee
p�ctures of the development at Twin Lakes North to get some idea of
^ what �he project would look like.
Mr. Van Eeckhout said that it would probablf be a bett�x idea for
the Planning Commission and any other interested members of the
audience to actually view the development at Twin Lakes North.
Acting Ghairman Harris asked if there were any other possibilities
in developing the area? - -
Mr. Yan Eeckhout explained that it would not be feasibls to build
sa.ngle fami:ly dwellings all aver the area unless the land was free.
`2Q0 units would not cover the cost of the project and the ctSmpany do�s
have tca shaw a pro£it. They will build the homes themse�ves ox tauild
to �r� pwners speciiications. Construction of the single £amily -
dwe].lings is planned €or this fall and they hope to market them very
qu�.ckly .
Mr. Minish asked why the apartments were condominium instead pf
xental units.
Mr. Van Eeckhout explained that the rent for apaxtments would ha�e
to be around $25Q per montI�, they could be purchased for �175 per
manth. Su�cveys have shown that tfiere is a high demand for thi.S typ+�- �'
o�' housing in the area. The price of each unit would pxQbably run
be�ween $19,QOO and $25,000.
^ MOTION b Schmedeke seconded b Minish that the Plannin
Commas��on cont�.nue to t� Au ust i i meetin consi erata.on o�
t e �o ose �e �.minar P at --03 Vzewcon nc. o-t e
o t e 1 a Sect�on 24� an t e ezonin Re uest •U5
�� �ewcon nc. to rezone t e E 1 o t e S T o Sect�.on to
r�zane xam to �. on a vo�;ce vote a vot�n a e t e moti n
ca�x�:e � unanimous y.
Tt was then deci.ded that the Planning Gommission and any othsr
�.nterest�d paxties would meet with the Viewcon representatives at
'�win Lakes North at 6:30 P.M. August 12, 1970.
Acting Chairman Harris declared a recess at 9:55 P.M. �z�d
reconvened at 10:05 P.M.
: To canstruct a secon garage on Lot 3,$loc , px�n�
Bro� Park Addition under Section 45.051, 2A, Accessoxy Uses
(Page 12 Zoning Code).
Planning Commi.ssion Meeting - August 5, 1970 PaB� $
^ rt u
by Schmedeke
Hearing Noti
. Canton: To
oninQ Gode).
seconded b Minis
e ox Spec�al Use
construct a second
on un er Section 4
s, t,�waive
ermit Requ
Qarage on
the readin of
st: SP��^
ot 34, 81oc
ccessorv Uses
Mx. Arthur E. Canton-402 Longfellow Drive - explained to the
Pl.anning Commission that the reason.he�waated to build a secand
garage w8�c}- that his present garage �as too small for his car. He
would like to use this garage for storage of his picnic tables and
snvw plow and use the second garage for his car.
Mr. Ho�rard 0. Rick�410 Longfellow Drive - stated that the gaxage
wauld be Wi�hin 12 feet of his garage and he had no objections fia ifi.
Mrs. Scott-391"Ldng£ella�r - sai�d that.:s8e �,�ves=acxoss the st'�eet
from '�he property and has no objection to the second garage, She
stated that Mr. Canton has always kept his propexty up very nicely.
Acting Chairman Harris a'sked if there would be any problem with the
xec{uirement that the structure be 15 feet from any livin� area?
Daxxel Glark answered that the structure met all the rsquix�m�nts,
A representative fxom the �ussel Garage Company showed:the
�lannir�g Commission a sketch of t,he proposed garage. Both garages a�rp
situated beh�.nd the house. The new struGture will bs 24 fe@t by 28 £��t.,
�,,,1 Th�xe wi17: be driveways into both structures and the autside of thQ
new garage wi11���match the house as closely as possible.
MOTION b Schmedeke seconded b Minish
close e u �.c earin o t e ecia se.
� rt ur .: anton: a construct a secon axa
T n TOO ar ition un er ection .
a� on�.n o e, on a voice vote a
carra,e unanlmous y.
e on
, ccessory s��s _
votlna a Chairman Harris asked if there was any further discussion �
on the Special Use Pexmit.
NlOTION b Minish seconded b Schmedeke that the Plannin
Commi�s�on recommen a roval to t e Cit ouncil o t e ec�a1
�rmst: SP 70-09 Art ur E. Canton to construct a secan ar
ot B oc S rin Broo Par A ition un er Sectson .
ccessor ses Pa e 1 onin Co e wit t e con �t�ons t at t
exter or o t e secon ara e matc t e ex stin ouse an t at
� a r�.vewa to t e secon ara e. U on a voice vote a voti
aYe, t e motion carrie unanimouslv.
Mr, Schmedeke stated that he didn�t feel that the City'should giva
^ up the planting stxip as l�ong as we alxeady owned it. He felt th�t
th� p�obl.em should be re£erred to the Parks Department. Th� area ��
i�o Ho�'se than Chase Island which may £lood out every coupls y�a�s.-
Fos&ibly there cou�d be some picnic tables set up or a hors�shpa couxt.
Planning Commission Meeting - August 5, 1970 Page 9
Acting Chairman Harris commented that the problem should be under
� the jurisdiction of the Parks Department. The immediate problem is
the debris on the strip.
Mr. Schmedeke added that birch, willow and popal trees grow on the
strip now and he was sure that evergreens could be introduced.
MOTION b Schmedeke seconded b Minish that the Plannin '
Commission re er t e ro lem o t e 40 oot lantin oulevar in Moore
La e Hi lan s 4t A ition to the Par s and Recreation Commission or
stu to see t e easa ilit o usin it or an o en s ace axea. n
an o en s ace area is not easa e t at t e ar s an Rscreat�on
Cqmmiss�on s oul ma e xecommen ations or its use. U on a voice vote
a 1 voting, aye, t e motion carrie unanimously.
Inter-League Stu y ommission ate July 22, 1970.
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish that the Planning Commissio
receive the letter from the Lea ue of Women Voters in re ard tiv �i��
�ce Cxee Waters e Inter-Lea ue Stu Commission ate ul 970�
pon a voice vote, al voting aye, t e motion carrie unanimous .,
� Mr. Feter Herlofsky from the Planning Department was pr�sent.
Mr. Herlofsky explained that the signs that the Planning Depaxtment
had in mind were 9 inch color coded signs exactly like the ones which
th� Minneapolis Street Department will be using. Green des�gnated
North-South streets, brown designated East-West stxeets.
Mr. Schmedeke thanked Mr. Nasim Qureshi, City Engineex-Direetox
of Planning for the information he had compiled on the stxeet signs
and said that he was glad something was being done. He added that he
agreed with the color scheme, size, and placement of the signs as shown
on the Planning Department�s map but thought that the placement should
b�$�n immediately and instead of placing the signs at different
intersections that one main thoroughfare, such as Mississippi Stxeet,
should use the new signs completely. �
Mx. Minish and Acting Chairman Harris�agreed tMat Mississippi
Street should be used as a trial street.
Acting Chairman Harris asked what the difference in price was
between the 6 inch sign and the 9 inch sign?
Mr, Herlofsky replied that there was a three dollax difference
betWeen the two signs.and added that only the signs wou�d have to b�
�eplaced, the:street sign posts were useable.
Plan��ng Commission Meeting - August 5r 1970 Page 10
see this
me►��;on c�,xx��.ea unan�.mpustr.
Acting Chairman Harris adjourned the Planning Commission meeting
at 10:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
���� �� ���
Nikki Finck -
A�ting Secretary
The meeting was called to order by Chairmaa Harris at 8:03 P.M.
1��lSERS PRBSBI�IT: Harrie, Tonco, White, Gnerre
OTHERS PRESEI�: flaak I�buhich-Chief Building Inapector
MOTION by Tonco to approve the minutes of the July 23, 1970 me�ting as
Seconded by White. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
�UI3T. 4230 CENT
LOT 7,
�T N.E.
: 1. BRCO'S
Mr. Walquist was preaeat to present the request.
Mr. Walquist stated that the building would be masonry construction with
face brick exterior. It will have a maasard roof with cedar shakes.
The Board stated that louvres would have to be put in for ventilation in
the overhang of the roof to prevent dry rot. They also stated that a fire
block would have to be put in the roof.
The building will have steel studs with 16" centers on all framiag. Type X
eheetrock which is fire resistant will also be used.
MOTION by Tonco to recuaia�end approval to the Council to grant a building
permit for the propoaed deatal clinic subject to the follawing stipulat�one:
1. That the roof will be machine cut cedar shakea.
2. That louvres will be put in for ventilation in the roof.
3. That fire blocking be put in the mansard roof.
Seconded by White. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
Mr. Grauake was preeent to present the request.
Mr. Graunke stated that he was goiag to take the garage apart at the cortte�s
sud that he would then put the walls up on a concrete slab. Ae ia also
going'to put a hip roof on the garage to match the house roof.
A report from the Building Inspection �epartment w�as presented to the
Board. The report atated that the �iuilding had a Mhite cedar exterior and
an asphalt roof. All atuda and rafters are 16" centera on all framing,
There 16 a need for ane or two more collar ties �4 �;�n� the buildit►g up
to City code. Oae glass pane ia b�'akaa aa the entrsace door bt}� qtherNises
the garage ia in very good caadition throughout.
, �.
Buildin,� Standard.-Desiaa Control Meetin� of Au�tuet 6, 1970 Page 2
Mr. Graunke •tated that the ahingles will be the same as on the houee.
MOTIOIi bq Tonco to recoamend approval to move the garage with the location
to be determiaed by a aurvey.
Seconded bq iihita. Upcn a voice vote, all votiag aye, the motion carried
Mr. Gnerre arrived at 8:45 P.M.
The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Harris at 8:47 P.M.
xespectfully submitted,
Tfie aeeting wae called to order by Chaii�tn Minish at 7:32 P.M.
r�8&S PRESENT: Minish, Drigane, Ahonen, Sondhaimer, 0'Bannon
OZ��BS PRBSENT: A1 Bagstad-Building Official
I�TION by Ahonen to approve the minutea of the July 28, 1970 �eeting ae
Seconded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there being no naye, the motioa
carried unanimously.
Chairman Minieh reported to the Board the Couaci.l�iaction oa the July 28, 1970
Board of Appeals items.
Mr. Jerome Manley was present to present his request.
A euzvey of the lot, dated July 24, 1970, showing the proposed addition was
shawn to the Board. A photo of the lot, taken by the Buitding Inepectar,
was also aho�m to the Board.
^ Mr. Manley explained that at the time hia home was built the zoning laws
pennited a 14.2 foot aetback on the atreet side.of a corner lot. He will omly
be constructing a patio, with frost footings, at this time, but in the futu�ce
he hopea to incloee it and make it som� type of living area. The addition
will be 20.4 feet by 15.0 feet and will be added onto the South side of the
house, flush with the West eide. He wants to have the addition flueh with
the West side because there is a kitchen door on the South side of the house
and the addition would be to close to this door if he were required to
maintain the 17.5 foot setback.
0'Bannon asked if he had contacted any of hie neighbors concerning this
req,ueet for the variance.
Mr. Manley anewered he had contacted them but they had no objectiono.
1�TtON by 0'Bannon to clo�e the public hearing.
Secomded by Drigsna. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, th�trrtlan
carried uaanin�ous lq . ,
I�TION by 0'Bannaa to recaa�send approval of the request to the Citq Couacil
for the following rea�ona:
�. 7�e addition will not protsvde any further to the side atreet than the
prssent dwelling.
^ 2. The addition will not block the view of any other structures.
�'; _ 1 �
The Minutes of the Board of Aapeala Meetint� of AuAUSt 11� 1970 Page 2
� 3. There will be no traffic hazards caused by thia addition.
4. This was the proper setback at the time the home was constructed
in 1955.
5. There were no objections from any surrounding property awners.
Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion
carried unanimouely.
Mr. John Ravnik, Sales Rep. for Conm�ander Board, was present to p�cesent
the request. .
Mr. Ravnik explained the Frontier Club is located along Old Central
Avenue which has a 30 foot easement. There ie also a rather large xow
of dense trees on the South side of this lot which restricta the
visibility of the Club from the North bound traffic.
He explained further that the aign will be placed in the middle of the
/'\ block and right on the property line. This would enable the North baund
traffic a longez time to read the sign.
Mr. 0'Bannon asked if they had considered pla�ing the eign�on the North
end of the lot.
Mr. Ravnik said that they had but that there is also a raw of txees on
the North that might restrict the sign.
Mr. Ravnik st�ated the sign will be a two pole pylon with a 2 foot by 8
foot sign board on the top, interior lighted with a plastic fac�, and
a 6 foot by 8`foot changeable message sign baard below. Tiie message
sign board will display the entertainment appearing at the Club.
There was a discusaion on the location of the proposed aign but si.nce
there was no survey of the lot available, no exact location could be
1�TION by Ahonen to table this request until the applicant can submt,t a
su�cvey of the lot shawing the exact location of the proposed sig�n aad
also a drawing of what'the eign will look like.
Seconded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the
atotio�n carried unanimously.
�'he meeting was adjourned by ChaiYman Minish at 8:15 P.M.
xespectfully submitted�
Maxq Hintz
� �. ._ � �
. .....�_ _�._.. ...r....._...� —
1�eeting was called to order at ?:30 p.m, by Chairmaa Fitzpatrick.
�MEMBERS PRESENT: Fitzpatrick, Blair, Ash, Novitsky, Olson.
OTHERS PRESENT: Bob 0'Neill, 861 Rice Cx�ek Terrace, 560-1272, Tenais 8 1►�nicips�l Pool,
Don Johnson, 7500.Hayes Street NE, 786-4618, Municipal Pooi.
Wayne Hyland, 5800 East River Road, 560-0782, Tennis.
K�ith B. Hart, 6230 Jupiter Road, 560-2311, Public Relations.
. Willian Ssxson, 6801 7th Str�et NB, 560-3297, Municipal Pool.
Barbara Hughes, 548 Rice Creek Terrace, 560-2618, Nature �'rail.
Curtis Dahlberg, Park Planner.
Paul Brown, Director of,Parks and Recreation.
Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to Coamission.
Tti+e question has been brought before the Cao�eission in regard to ti►e Fridlep
Schocl District �14 usin� the public tennis courts every afternoon during the
�prin� ionths. S�e of the citizens have voiced co�plaints, statiag that
the� were unable to make use of the courts in the afternoons beca�usl� L�e sc.�►ools
Nere always monppo�izing them. Mr. Wayne Hylaud, Tennis Instructor, Mas pxesent
�n behal� of th� schools, in order to clarify the probla�as and perhaps fit�d sc�e
suitable solutions. .
Mr. #f�land indicated that there were approxiaiately 28 Senior High S�ho01 bays
an�i'2� ninth grade boys enrolled in Tennis during the past sehool �eax. The�►
use,the Co�ons tennis courts froa� as early in spring as weathex pe�rtits, until
/'`1 schaol is out in .7une. The courts are used from 3.00 to 5:00 p.�, unle�s tltere
• is a match and tlaen they' use fre� 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Mr. i,tyla� indic�ted
� that he was unaKare�of the problem we were refering to. He said tha�t he hui
been the Tennis Instructor for the schools for the past txa years �tnd-h� had �not
encountered any problems with citizens wanting the use of the courts during -
those particu�ar hours.
Mr. �lson-asked if it would be possible to adjust their playing so th�tt or►e �ourt
could be made avai�able in the event that someone wanted to play? iie ssid t�tey
could proceed as before unless someone asked to use on� of the courts and then,
adjust th�selves accordingly. Mr. Hyland said that he didn't see an� r+t�tsoa �►t►y
this couldn't be arranged.
1►f�T��Mi by�Q;�on, Seeonded by. B�.a,in, �ta ne,Cy vK �#he opK.n�on o� �:e� 4'en� -
Tn4��tuc,�ah �o uae h,i.6 owrc good �udgen�en,t .to ad�uax .�he�. aehedutee .to .inc�Cude_, _
e,L�i.zena who dea.v�.ed .to peay Ten►tii,a .
D�iscussion: Mr. Ash asked if it would be in order for A�. Hrown to �vrito a lettQr
to pr,�Hanson at the schools, asking for inforsation in regard to.the schoAl
i�uildit�g Tennis Courts of their own.
Mx. Npvit�ky su�ga�ted that a si�n be posted infonainR any interested �rarties ;
shou�d �il or Nrite tha Parks and Recreatie�► Depu��nt in re�aacd to tAe hour�
the courts are available for open play. Tbis Mould aTao tel� us ho�t many p�l•
a�e`'rp�li�'interested i.a uaing the couxts: -
,�'1 �. �ty�et�d fe�is that the �ur�aca at the Commons is a very good one and ti�tt
f�nces +raa�ld preserve it. _
Tl�� lu4'.�.un cavra�ted.
Minutes of the Regvlar Meeting, Jul� 27, 1970 Pa�e 2
� , �
�"� Mr. Bob 0'Neill was present to see if there were any plans in the i�ediate.
future for a Municipal pool. He was representin� the Swim Club and said that
he knew the club would be very willing to help in any way possible.
Mr. Blair asked if this would be a heated pool and the approximate dates it
would be open. Mr. 0'Neill said that in Minnesota it would almc�st�hsv� to be
a heated pool in order rto gain full benefit from it.� The season �vould �xtend
from Memorial Day until one or two weeks after Labor Day.
Mr. 0'Neill gave three suggestions for sights for the poo1. He suggested The
Commons, Moore Lake Beach, just adjacent to the lake, and next to the Colw4bia
Mr. 0'Neill and those present for the proposed paol, said that they Nill proceed
with petitions and whatever else is necessary to obtain a municipal pool in Fridley.
Mrs. Barbsra Hughes was present to discuss the proposed Rice Creek Nature Trail.
and any prngress that has been made. She mentioned the meeting at Medtxonic,
which Mr. Brown attended, and both Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Brown felt that there
was much interest. The Metropolitan Park Commission representative was v�ry
i.nterested and offered assistance in the form of a contribution or federal aid.
The Parks and Recreation Commission feels that we should have wore commut�ication
with the general public through the newspaper. Mr. Keith B. Hart will work with
the Eomnission and the Parks and Recreation Department, on a volunte�r basi�,
and will take pzctures and report special events to the Fridley Sun N�spaper,
with the hope t1�at we'll receive better coverage on our activities.
Mr. Olson and Mr. Brown hav� communicated with the executives of the Flanery
8stata, with the hope of putting to good use, the donation of $1000. The Park
has Already been named "Flanery Park" afte� the late Mr. William L. Flan�ry.
Mx. $rowm Itas wzitten a letter to Mrs. Burton Johnson, asking if there is some
sp�cial tYpe of Memorisl which they would prefer to have installed.
CORRBSPOAIDENCE . B.l,a.c'n, Seconded by Nov.i.taky, �o aeeep.t a,�.� eann.eapondenee.
Mr. Juan Salas wrote a letter ta tho�Cwmnission, with the hope of introducing
Soc�ex to�Fxidley. He has offered to set up the px�graa, with the help oi Luia
Castellanws, and would work on a volunteer basis until the program xaa s�t up
and runniAg smoothly. Soccer would run through the mor�th of Septe�bor and
OctAber,'and would involve boys from ages 8 to 12.
Mr. Blair asked Mr. Brown if he thought there'd be very much interest. Mx.
Barown said that he thought Soccer would involve boys who wexen''k quite ready
for:football and would possibly include some boys who otherwise would not get
�.nvolv�d in spoxts.
� _ :�. e'
Minutes of the Regular ldeeting, July 27, 1970 Page 3
SOCCER (cou't):
^ MOTI�N by O�Zaon, Secoruled by Nou.i.ta�y,
PnognaM �on fin.i.d.eey, and�.u.e,ted Mn.
on,i.a� baa.i,a .'The Mo�'.i,on aa�v�i.e.d.
.to acce.p.t �h.e pnopaaa.Q �on a Socce�c
8�cown .tv .i,nc.�ude .i..t .i.n ,th.e Fa.e.� Pnagnam
Mrs. Patricia Commers wrote a letter to the Commission, in regard to setting up
Hallet clrasses for girls from sixth grade to high school. The classes would
last for 45 minutes for the grade school girls and one hour for high school girls.
The Cc�nmission discussed the fact that there really isn't much recxeation planned
Pox the girls through tho winter months and they decided to invite Mrs. Conuaexs
to the next Commission mee.ting ta furthex discuss tha possibilit�es,
MOTIpN by Aah, Seeonded by Nov.i,t,ak.y, �o .i.nv.i,te ►Wi,d. Commena xa -the nex.t Pwck4
ccnd Ree�ce.a.t.�.on Commi.ab.i.c�n mee.ting on Augub.t 24, 19y0, -to di,�eet,b.b �he po44tib-i.e,i.t.i.e4
o� a Ba.f,Ce,t �an -ti�.e g�a �i.►1 �n.i.d.�ey. The Ma.ti.on cann�.ed.
Ths Commission xeceived a Memo from the City Manager in regard to park land
grants and the status of park land acquisition. Tbere will be a meeting in
reSpect to this memo on;August 3, at 6:30 p.m. and Mr. Blair, Mx. Nov�tsky, and
Mr. $rawn p�an to attend to discuss the budget and proposed pxoperties.
A special Commission meeting is tentatively set for Monday, August 17, to discuss
the Budget and prepare it for the Council. The meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. in
the conference room at Civic Center.
Th,e Commission requested
be px+esent at the August
that a representative of the Fridley Police De�artment
24th meeting, to discuss the vandalism problems in the
M�cR'sob`Bsrnette sant a letter to the Commission in regaxd to building a Golf
Co�irse fn Fridley.
� � . . '� . .. . . y . _
MOT�AN by Adh, Seeonded by O.Cdon, ,to xl+.e nequed� bon a Ga.�� Gowcae� urtde�.
ctdv.L4 ¢m�aat, 1'he Moz.i.on ea�.i.ed.
'fhe Comunissian discussad the fact that a Bond Issue would be necessary if Fridley
Was to have eithex a Municipal Pool or Golf Courso. Mr. Ash seemed to th�.nk thae
thf's isart th�_•propex time for a Bond Issue and Mr. Novitsky sa:Ld that he felt
ottx hand� wex� tied as fax as further development, unless we prace�d a�ond
�"1, Ia�sue,
Mr, Novitsky s�ated that the portion af Fridley which lies sauth of highw�ty �694
ha� very l,ittle as far as park developaenx. He ���c� that there a�e.many childreA
w�o-1�.'v� in thi� area and in oxder to play baii ox �o swi�i�t�, ��pY must bo
; - .� ,. . � .k , . . _ . _
Minutes of the Re�ular Meeting, Jul� 27, 1970 Page 4
BOND ISSUES (con't):
�°i� transported across 694 to parks and beach. He feels that the Commission should
seriously consider development in this area in the near future.
Mr. Novitsky reminded the Commission that items which are too large to be included
in the budget can only be developed through a bond issue and he feels that now is
as good a time as any to approach the people for aid in special developments.
MOTION by O.e.aon, Seconded by Nav.i,t,�h.y, #a ad�owcn �h,e mee,t, a.t 10:15 p.m.
The next Special Meeting will be held on Monday, August 17, at 7;30 p.m, in the
conference room at Civic Center.
The next Regular Meeting will be held on Monday, August 24, at 7:30 p.m. i.n the
conference room at Civic Center.
Respectfully submitted,
� �
CATHIE STORDAHL, Secretary to Commission
_ _..
� 9
^ . - '
Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing
' � of the Planning Comm►ission of the. City of Fridley in the City Hall _
at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on July 22, 1970 in the Couricil
Chamber at 8:OD P.M. for tfie purpose of:
Consideration of a Proposed Preliminary Plat,
/"� - P.S. ��70-03, .�Innsbruck North by Viewcon, `
l _ Incorporated of that portion of •.:�ze East Half
-of the South Half of Section 24 lying North of
Interstate 4�694, T-30, R-24, City af Fridley, .
Coun�y of Anoka, Minnesota. " �
� Generally located North of Highway ��694 between
Matterhorn Drive and the Fridley-New Brighton
boundary. _
'`Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above � -
matter may be heard at this time.
. � :
Publish: July 8, 1970
July 15, 1970 .
l'1 .
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Addre�s ..�"��J,�/ �5�,�:'�j �t�• �''��AAproval of Pre-
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Telephone Nu�►ber �.�' � � �s�a
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Proposed Zoniag Cla�sificatioa, Special Use, Variance or other reque�t
- _..-.._..._
Deacsibe 6riefly the lype of Use and the Improvenrcnt Propoa�d
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- � t� `+
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/'�Dat� Filad Date of Hearin� ��
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:;iTY `; , Lii��iTS l - ; ,
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Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public
Hearing of the Planning Conomnission of the City of Fridley in the
City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on July 22, 1970
in the Council Cbamber at 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of:
Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA #70-05,
by Viewcon, Incorporated for that portion of the
�.,� East Half of tfie Southeast Quarter of Section 24,
to be rezoned from R-1 (single family dwellings)
to R-3 (general multiple family dwellings) or R-3A
(apartments only), all lyiag North of Interstate
�694, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka,
Generally located North of Highway #694 between
Arthur Street extenaiot�and the Fridley-New Brighton
Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above
matter may be heard at this time.
Publish: July 8, 1970
July 15, 1970
:. .
purber ZOA ��70-05
AddreQe__��J D � �S �% �Q - ��2 .l.�l.'�TL'.�z--
• Telephone Nuanber_ 2,���
- - --
�tto�R1'�r o�wrtEx' S Sicxnrux8 V I l.'��.a� ��JG
Addreso ___ C,#�t�,A �:�
Telephone Number '
_ _ �G a.�
�L N�11
!_,Rstoniag � -
Specia2 Use Per,mit
Lot &plits
Approval of Pre-
liminarp Plat ' "
Appraval of Final
��Streets or AI]
Street Locatioa of Property
Legal Description of Property ���_ PQ{Z.="� q� p� '`('►-� � %�, y ,� �
• 5. � ..;� '" ,
r'1- t� � 's�Gi. 2.� '�". �[� '� �. � c-`l 1 �a l� ��� 1`��
J _ � � 1. N . �9 �.( �
__ ,
Present Zoning Classification (,?��"'?�,� (R-1 Single Family Dwellings)
- �
Exiatfng Uaa of th� Property__ �IL�,�;.p�p�J,`j" _
proposed Zoaiag Claaeificatioa, Special Use, Variance or other request
. �A{'��.TA1��"A;�'�' �qhii�}Ca --�R-3, �eneral multiple familv or R-3A a.partments)
Deacribe briefly the Type of-Uae and the Improve�rtt Propoaed i��P���.�d� . C,a��a
-r°�a t� t� I� t� t�4 �'tJ �t.. ,� A. t% IU t TS
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Planning Commisaion Meeting - July 22, 1970 P�e �F
/'1 Mr. Minish asked if the Planning Com�iaeiaa should recoma►end approval of the
Special Use Permi.t, and if the Council were to approve the Plat aad the Special
Use Per�ait, would that mean the petitioner could use the land for only a parking
lot? Darrel Clark answered "qes"; however, if they wish to build more units tham
the R-3 land wi11 allo�w, they would need a variance.
Mr. Harris asked 1f there would be screening along the new North line. Mr.
Merlin answe�ed that theq do want to have screening. They do not kaow what k�nd
yet, as same people �ike a fence and some don't.
, MOTION by Scinnedeke, secondec�, by Min.ish, that the P1ann.zng Corr�riissian close
the public hearing for a Special Use Pezmit, SP �70-08, by Geozge N. Nelson t`oz�
ar1 automobile parkinq 1ot and recreation area ta be located on the Nortt� Aatlf
of Lots 30 an8 31, except the North 125 feet of Auditor's Subdivis�an No. 129.
Upon a vaice vot�, all aye, the rration carried unan�mously.
C�aix�a,�n Eri.clxson concluded that the request is about the eame as that pre�
sen��d in ttYe pae*, exeept there are no buildinga ou the North piece. The Cow-
miaeion has spent something over a year studying this problem, has appxovsd it
�w1ae, feeling that the ar�a is somewhat of a problem because of the leagth o!
t�e ],ots cri Onondaga and th�s is probably a reasoaable use. He wpuld like to
aee th�t the �ecreatiox� area be moved to th� West.aud the parkiag to the East to
give gremter pxotectloa to thr 'residential axea and ��xict access �o Qnc�dag�t.
Mq�pN by M.inish, seconded by Schmedek�, that' the Pla,nn�nq �aat�,issic�n �.r�v�+-
^ me�d approval t� the Coun�.i1 of the SpeciaZ UsQ Pez�, 5P l�?��08, ,'�1 Geo�o N.
Nelson fcar an automobile parking lot and xecreational area ta ba locat�3d On th�►
• N� of Lots 30 and 31, exaept the North 125 feet of Auditor's Subdiv.�s�on No. 129
w1 �h the candi ti or�s tha t:the pe t.i- t.i oner reverse the Zoca t.i. on of the recrea ti ot�al
area with txi,e parking area, e�ect screeru nq between the residential lots and the
re�reat�on and parking area, and that there be no access to Onondaga Stxee�.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the rr�otion carried unanimously.
Mx. Minish added tha� the reason for the approval is that the proposed-t�e
of the,�erty, with a.S�ecial Use Perrnit, allows greater flexibility oaa ti�e
9vuth portion, thus making.-better use of the property.
VIBWCON� INC.: That portion of the F}� of the S� of Section 24.
portian of the E'� of the SF3� of Section 24 to be rezoned from R-1 ta R�3
(geaeral multiple family dwellinge) or R-3A (apartments only).
The Public Hearing Notices for the Proposed Preliminary Plat, P.S. �70-09,
Innsbruck North and the Rezoning Request, Z0A #70-OS, £or that pqrtion of the E�
of the SFr�' of Section 24 to be rezoned from R-1 to R-3 or R-3A, by Viewcot�, Inc.
�exe read by Chairman Erickson.
The petitiona were represented by Charles Van Eeckhout and Darre� Farr.
^ Ths Engiaeering Asaistan4t explained the petitioner has pux the R�l 1ot+�
ia Che Weat�z'1y portian of tha proposed plat totalling six blocke; and �he,
, , Easterlq poxtion into t�+q large outlota (C 6 D) for mu7.tiple dwellix�s ttiCh �
Ootiot � beitt= a storm seWer holding basia as N��,�, �� park for the reeideat�.
tin � J 1 2z 19 ` s
T'he P�.ats & Sul�divi,aioas-St�eeta & Uti].it�.ea Subcammittee e:aaaimed the propa�ed'
pla� gxeviously thi� evening and reconamended approval. Qutlota C and D s�y be
replatted later.
i�r. Farr explai.ned that the initial precept wae whether or not they could
bvGild a residential development economically feasible and sti11 wai.ntain khe
character of the site. xhe plan that eventually evalved is econvmically feasible
and they believe maintains the natural amenity and character of the site. Their
thinking was as fo�lawss 1) The affect on adjacent xesidential property. 2)
How tk�ey could have propex �.ngress and egr�es sa as not to create a burdaue0lM=
�xa�fic pxoblem. 3) Qther considexat�on was �hether iC cauld be� p�'ogeriy •r7c� '-- �
viced by utilities. k) Ecanomics. Could they actually achieve enaugh d�,sitp
to make it a pico#`itable venture. � _ ,
Mr. Farr continued that tiaving held two meetings with taast pf the people
pr¢aent th�s evening, they had considered thei.r queations and desires. 8a+aically,
the l.$nd use breakdawn is as �ol.lows: 60 acxea of single hoa�s with two
7,vte to the acrs; 8S� wn�ts of tawnhouse type aF�irtments with � de�s#tp of il
unite ta the acre, aaaking an, average density of 7.3 unita pex acre: Tt►e -�
Na�tiiarly p�.eee, which pxojects from the pzaposed plat and wi�1 be dsdiclt�ed '
�o� gark p�rpoaes, canCaias about 10 to 12 acres. They felt they t1�v� dpt�� '
wha� the p�ople, in geueral� de�ixe. �i� referred to the map vf the Wa�t����;�i4;
�c��a which ahaWed wh�t they pxopas�d Cc do with �he e1Ag1e faa�l�y ze�ideAC��`�``
Tlne lo��xs�.�ea w�.l�: be av�r minia�um size. The 27fr uaits �o tl�;� EewC Kill b1� '
,� �aim�.lar ta thos� �n Bxbokly�, Center. �'he unite az� all aingl� ap�xtmenti w�.it�, �
f acinQ on� direation. The.buildings are 2� to 3 stories laecause �# Cha grados,
They have also purchased the land to the East tv Silver Lake Rp�d �0� 8 1RR,�0�
access in that direction. - r::
�he Chairmau aeked about the tax forfeit lots adjacent to the.propertq the
petitianer`intends to doaate for p ark, and Darrel Clark said the.City haa recen�ly.
by Resolut�an, asked that the County wi.thhold from their tax forfeit sale aev�er�t1
ot� the lot�s, about 10 acres, so that there would be a commox� bouAdary bet�een
the twa aites. - ,:- ,,
George 0. Nustad, 5365 Matterhorn prive: Mr. Nustad said he w�ae a xepre�su�*
tative af the Innsbruck Hame Owners' Aasociation, and��he Board had held a tq��t�
ing Tuesda,y night. He was directed to say they were in support of the plac►�-s►s
presenxed by Viewcon, Inc.
Herman J. Bergman, 5503 Regis Trail: He said, as pointed out �iy Viewcou,
they had met with them an two occasions. Viewcon had been considerate of th�
taishes of the people. Reggrding �ezoning, Viewcon had certainly pxavi.ded an, -
adequate buffer for the �eighbors oa the West -- no objections at all. It th�e.
apeciiic plan were to be approved and actually follvwed, he would have ao abjec-
tions. He wondered if thexe wexe so� way to control the construation $o ttt�t .
'the acCual. construction of a single family would be requiared, and i� Cha
R�1 did aat get built, theq could not come in with tawnhouses.
- Chairma�a Erickaon said the anawer to that�ts it is difficult Co tell �
^ deve].oper haw he is going to develop, but if the plat were accepted and raco�rded,
�� Would be difficult to change the R-1. This way it serves to protect the Ci�q
�e Che land w111 be platted.
Virg�.Aia Walberg, 5659 Regia Trail: She had heard the atatement taads th�t
to�mhou►aea can be built in R-l. St��+ w�s �.nto�rmed that ie ia pexmi��i�i��a� 613t
_ °: .� . ,
F1 Commissian Meetin � Jul 22 1970 ' P e b
^ �h!!�a are manq stipulatione to follaa aad that the densitq would have to be
� the s am� as R-1.
Roger D. Bloh�: He wanted to know hav far back th� buildings are goiag to
be from �iwy. �694. Mr. Farr aaid the resideati�l i� an tixe West and t�e apaxt-
meata are proposed to b� f airly close to the right of way, about 30 feeC from
the r�&ht o� way snd will be three story buildiage. Hawever, appraval by the
Cownci.l,does mot necessarily mean that this plan will be adopted.
Mr, 81ohu� said hie uuderatanding was that there would be approximately 8S0
umits. He did nat feel that Silver Lake Road, �;n conjunction wiLh MatterhorA
8rid&e aud the overpass o£ #694, would be able to handle the traffic fro�a thi�t
aarea wiChout-, � cloverleaf.• Silver Lak.e Aaad ie dangerous juat as it is. Whea
he looks from=his property across the highwap, he is mainly conceraed the
apart�n.ts b�ing ao alo�e to #b94. As far ae he was conceraed, �te thought ths
City af Fridley and the Highway Department should give it same study l�efore thq
traffia becomes a pxoblem.
th�s thing the Chairman wanted to clarify was that it does aot appear a
8p��ia1 �ise Permit �a aeeded for tawnhouaes aa before the tawnhouae appl�catioA
ie pr�s�t�d, the �eequ�st goes to.�uildiag Standa�ds-Design-Contxol Subaca�am,itt��
�t►d -theaa� to;the Cauacil. If khey apProve it� the aPPliaataLon gvee bacl� Cc� thi�'
P7.�aiug Cotatai.s+aioA tb be check�d and the final plan gaes before Council. :
. M�. H�rtaaA Bergman esk�d for a confirmatioa af a conanent. If Cha rsqta�t
^ fox a prel.�minary plat is approved, that p�.at would have a t► ef��cC oA
auy #uture �vwi�ilous� requtest? Chairman Erickaon said hs believed �t would in` �1��1
tuinds o� the �'lannin� Con�saiom ox Council, being that the p�.at is presented
a.s a simgl� family d�velppment. It wauld be di�ficult to get a tow�nhouse pro,jopX
� approved.
Jataes A. Polzak, 1527 Trollhagen Drive: Mr. Polzak idenCi�ied hims�l�' as
l��ee�deat o� the Innsbruck Hotne Owners Association. He referred �o ��,e px�iv�pWi
attempts for developing ths land. The people 'fLad presumed that t% land would
sCay� uader R-l; however, -it Was �conceivable that ebis �arge beauXifuJ, tract.
of land cauld remain u�uch longer se it is. It was felt the otb�er p�.aae we�a :
aegative, buC thia plan does represeat a con�i.stant developmeat of tbe aret �.bat
�.s aatisfaatory to � those o� the Board. I� gives a huffex zoa�; gi�vea tiu peo�la
oa the West ten lots of buffer zoue; tract pattern -- they doa�C�e�pect tiu kir►�d.
of prablema �hey have aeen in other plans. 8e kne�e tiiat "evil lurka in tha
hearts of all men" but the Board did aat have aay reasoa to suapsct Ciue F+t�.
geople and have been pl�ased with their qualitq of ainceritp. Th�y are aakSag
for a plat which Would establiah the area to the {Jest as single family. �b+�y
favor Lhe rezonimg change and the plat aad will support them.
Herman Bergman: He would like to suggest the Gommiseion recam�e!nd
appraval af the rezoning and the preliminaxy glat w�.th one additional coaaw�s�tt.
In the con,versatious with Viewcon, they have diecussed the �xtension of Re��.�
Trsil into the developmeat are$ to line up with their Southerly thxougb, aC�sQt.
7�'hey are coacerned with the amount of traffic through their �r�stdential arsa,
He was suggee�ing thaC Regie trail go through but not �ine up with the�r ��augh
/'1, atseet. Ferhapa the t�hrough street could be routed more to the Soutl� ��.an th�a
gropoaed plat now ehqwe --- about 15p or 200 feet to line up witl� H�1lwind Roa$.
He thought that should pxovide a better all around egress pattern for emergQacy
�ehic7�es gett�ag in and etill maintain a moderate traffic problem in �he reai�-
dsmtial area.
� _ ��
Planniu C�mnission Meetin - Jul 22 1910 P I
^ H�tha�ay Lane 3.s a State Aid Road, and has a very steeg grad�e aa it. 1�tCt�s�
ha�a Dx�.ve ie a Stat� Aid Road and it will have to be e�tend�d North �a
Qardenn. The origiaal alignment was to curve to the East. The Grace High Sch;ool
aaked that it be �.ocated one lot depth West of their West boundax�►. There ia a
wa�ermain ],ocated in the p�esent alignment which is East o£ Che neNr alignment 8ud
probably would have to be relocated at the 1Vorthern part of this plat. It would
be a pxobleaa for the p�oposed through street ta line up with Matterhozc► Dr1ve
at a poiat which wauld not intersect Regis Trai1 as that would be on S�aCe p�op�rCy.
Mr. Bergman wondered i£ tk�� through street could not lins up with Hill�iad, per-
. h�pe �hey cou�d offset ta the south and dead end Re�i.s Trai7., but wiCh th� s����s�R
R�gis Txai� aould go throi�gh and then dead ead at Matterhorn. Chaira�t 8ri-ck�1o�A-
sai.d ba x�aliz�d it woul.d be des�xable for them to hav� that acae�a.
. I.awe1� Me].lu�, 5517 �Regis Tra11: Wonde�ed if �he sewers �eres largs e�ottgh ',
to harid7.� the pxopoeed density, and if the watesliaes were big enou�. " '
Aa�rr�� Cl,ark eaid, regarding water, there wpuld be no problem. Thsxe i� a-
lk inch water�aain running dowrk Matterhorn Dr1ve a� Che prese�t t3.tne. FQ� �t4�
aewex, Viewcon propases uaing ponding axeas oa the s1�e for outf�lle. S�.itary
sewer ia th�: r�a1 gxobl.em and mvat expenaive, but there are Chree poseib�litips-.-:_
to consider: part in New 8righton and part �n �'ridley, all in New �r�.gi�tc�a_�d
tl�irdly, hold Ghe sewage �n res�rvoixs and dischar�� ft at o�f peak haure� 'Tbt�.
E�t�.i�ee��:u�, A.saisC+�p�tt :ssid I�e had talked . to Mr. Qu�a�itt Wood � Vill�lge $A�iA44�`. �4!
Naw 8ar�.ghta�a who atdmi�tsd that they a�re a 1itt1� bie slow an th��.� cs►mglotw �Y�r�
�1� aew�� dssign, xhey wuu�.d b� wil�.ir�$ ta acaept the se�a�e �.� �hey h�d tk�e '�
��p�ciC�. ��:�au�e o� tt►e terrain, lift stat�c� wpuld probably laavs to 1�s:�►�.
� i� co�njunct�.an wi�h a�ay of th� othsr methods.
Fouzi Rehani, 1545 Berne Road: He would 1ike, to knaw �theth�r Mr. Po�.��c
spoke'For �he uaembers af Che Board o� Tnnsbruck Home 0wners Assoclation, a� i�:.
there was an actual poll of the members. There are six people ot� the Spard�
His positian was the same as Mr. Blohm's. He ].ives directly South o€ #b94 �t�d.
i� concsxned about the views.
Mr. B�,ohm asked why �he request was �cr apartnient zoni�ng. M�, Van. �e�l,�hq�t:,;.
answered that �t was a� apartuaent building, not a townhouse, and they ar� Fa1],pd-.
a,taw�hou�se tyge of apartments. Tt�e unita run all the way _f;om the fr-cAt �� �
` � the back. The liviAg rooms:and dinimg rooms face a common gxeen �xea, Mr.<$�;Q��a
sald that because the townhouse �partments will be built so cloae tv the H�.ghnraq
and directlp facing hie property, and the traffic probl.em theq will creat�, etnd
if noC ao7,ved when this petition comes up before the Council fox a h�aring,;t�e
will px�aent hie objectioas to the Cauncil.
Mr. Van Eeckhout said he believed the praject might be finished ia iraai
three ta five years, If Chey get approval fro4n the Council, they waut�d itm�►edi�,tsly
b�ai�ng in the plat on the Westerly part of the concept. �.'hey intend �o develAp
t��a R 1 at►d the tow=ihouse ; apariments aimultaneously as much as pc�ssible,
Mr, Harria stated his concerti was that if this should be a five year p�o;j*Ct�
there would necesearily be a large amount of dust, moving of d�.�et at�d geasra�,
caa$tructian in� the single family area. �Over this��emgth of Cimo, he could ge��
aeive eoma problema with the neighbora. Mr. Van Eeckhout aaswered they intor�d`
^ to �ome in on ihe proposed penaan,eat road fram Silver Lake Road.
�: :
Pl Cowmisaioa Meetia - Jul 22 1970 P e 8
N�T.TON by btaxri,�, secpnded by Minisi�, that the P1an�aing Commis8ion aontinuo
,►� to th� August 5, .�970 m�eet�tnq consideration o�' the Prv,po.sed Prel�Lrzt�nax�y P.��ttr
F.9. NiQr03, by V�ewcon, ,Inc. of the E'� of tbe S'� of Seckion ?4, �nc� �hw Ra�tvr�-
�ng Regueet, ZOA #70-05, by viewaon, Tnc. to xezone the E'� oP the S8'� aP SQat�on
24 tv ,rezpne iaCOm R-1 to R-3. Upon a voice v�ote, a.�.Z voting �ye, the mot�qr�
oa�ried unanimously.
Aa explained bq Darxel Clark, thia is the only planting strip i� the�Ci�y
at �he present tin�, This piece of propexty ie law, and there is +a aulvert_an
Wes� Mooxe Lake prlve for'dzainage. T'here might be a prob�e�a with d�aimag� i�
tha laad were �i11ed. Tk�ey. fe1t� �boux the only tree .that wi�,1 $iaw in ttiat. �ty�e
oP 1,aud'�s the'w�11ow.� Th� suggestion was.made-to either plank qr abaudo� t��+
strip. 7't►e Planaing Cou�saion decided to" atudy this item u�re.
'�o action. .
AA10UR2iM�NT : _
Chaiaema� �rick�rnn adjourcied the Plaaning Coa�moiseioa at 3.Os4Q P.M•
I�spectf 1,1� aubmitted
'"� x�x i o � axi�
Recording Secretary
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^ HINNE50TA . .'
lfvrber SP �70-1U
�Special Use Pes�mit
APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ..�� i�-��-.�-�-'ti-t—_ Lot Split•
� Addreas S"�r� �- �.�� � C� ApProval of Pre-
Telephone Number .Sl;t� �- �� / � liminary Ylat
- . - —'��w�,�ar. -l��-m.�- ��. ----�— APProval of Fiaal -
_ - _-- -.
- Plat
PROFERTY aG1NER' S SIGNATURE ����� .-�. ' �''����►-�.- %�..%*-9�
� r- .._....._....gtreets or All.a�-.._.
Addresa � �j,� / � �� .S Vacationa .
. _ l�- _ _
Telephone N�mber ��� - / f > � _ _ Other
Street Locatioa of Property ,�c�� I/� � r�-G'�� �GS' �� �� /`�r--�
Legal . DESCription of . Property ��z��/ /s'� ' ��i�-1 /� " � _
present Zoning Clsssification
Bxistiag U�e of th� Property.!���-y_.m� _
� '
Yropoaed Zoniag Cleasification, Special Use, Variaoce or other requeot
r �i�. _ �v�"���^` -�� _ S e: G; _ �' ; 0 1 3, .
Deacribe briefly the Tjrpe of Us• and the Improvem�nt Proposed i��-C��r
��.� .!L
rea�e of Property �,s�' �c l� . :
Ha� the Pr�a�nt A�►plicsat Pr�vtously �ought ta Re�o��, Ylat, Obtsin a Lot Split,
_ Obtaip a Vsriaace or �pecial Use Permit oa the Sub;^ct Site or Part oi It2 Y._+"�'S,_
What Waa aequeated Fee EncYoted $�2, 0, 0 U (�r� �,�0 �
_ � 2��.
/1Dat� Fil�d � Date of Hearing �
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SP #70-10 North Air Home Assoc.
. : (Gerald E. Herron)
To improve parking lot on South
150 Ft. of Lot 18, Brookview Addition
. ,.
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• SP �70-10: North Air Home Assoc.
. __ _ _ _ . . _ __ __. (Gerald E. Herron�
. To improve parking lot on South
_150 ft. of Lot 18, Brookview Addition,
I .
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- � . -G:� . , . .�Gerald E. Herr.on
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.� ' : To improve �parking lot on Sout
.- : 15O ft. of Lo� 18, Brookview A df � �
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� NOTiC$ OF HEAR't�IQ �>-2_ .
c� _ , �
!h� Flanning a�d Zoniug Co�smi.ssion af fhe City �of Calumbia iieig�ts tirill hold a
pttblic heari�ag at 8 otclock P.M. Ta�sday Septesnber 2� 19?0 $t the Field 8onae:
53� Mf.].l Strset �i.$. This -hearing xil�. be for. the ptzrpose oi detes�ini.t�g the
advisakd.l3.ty and pra cbicability of amez�ding the city soning ordinsuace
�uto�tob3le diaplay and salearaoms as tollo�rt '�
Q .
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• la�eud Sec�.an 5•b IISES PEFfi�+QTTBD AND EJC�LIIDED� C-1 snd C-1-3 ,i�STRtC'�S
sa�ne�a a. vsES ��r�r2�rm, 4. by deletiaag �Antcmabile di.aplay and a$lea-
1'OOdta� theTei�Ot�.
�dd to sectian 5•6•a., t,he follc�ixtg:
, .
"11. Auto�aobile Agenciea !ar the aale, atoraga� diaplay, x�pair and . of �Il types of aa�r motor vehiclee and the aa].� ot mer-
cha�tc#�.se as is ord3nar31y sold by mator veh3ola dealert� end vhen
� accesscry thereto, the sale� �torage, display� repa3r a�d ser�rica
ot aZl typeg of uaed motor vehicles, the perPorms�ce ot bodg and
t�der repair, averhduling� reiaz�ilding a�d painti.�ag. ?ia stt�h
Qutomabile ggency shall � ccrostructed r�or shall a bn3ldiAg per-
m3.t thare�or be issued uqless and u�t.f.l #�e ,City Councfl ahaU.
have approved a pla�ned nrd.t develbpment plazt therefor. Such
, planued unit de valap�ae�t plan shall iaclude a plat plan for the
Automobi.le Agency shos� the locati.on ot a�21 substaatial con-
, t.e�nplated improveme�a#�s thereon and such per�armance atandarc3a
_ . theretor aa the City Co�ncil sha11 rsqu�re. Tbe pla�aned uu3.t
- develop6ment plab as approved by the City Council $hall become .
a part of the aouing reqairemeuts for tha resl estate for �ie�.
the pZan is apprav�ed. Any substapt3a2 cliange ixi the agproved
pl.anu�ed unit dev�lopment plan shall xequire sui�miasia�a to and
approval by the City Cauncil." _ `
.S�bhesd 7.A.7 p�G SPACE�R�TIO� the follovings
"�, provided itirther t,tiat for Antwaabile Agencies� as aet Sorth
�} � ` in Secti.on 5•6.A.7.1., t�he ratio ahall be one parki�g atall !or
each ],2�500 square reet of lot.area or for each 250 sqaare
��eet af f'laor area af that part of the fiuilding xhich is used
!or ahowraom aud otfice pnrposes� whiche�►ar is leaa.'�
� A21 persot�a having an intereat therein are aoiified to be preaent at aaid hearing
and will be giv�ea en opportunity to be hearci reganiing the ProPosed a ct#.on befare
linal determinatian is made. .
Malco]m 0. Wataon� C3ty Menager