PL 10/07/1970 - 7361_,_ <-. _ . _. — — � — t....._�. � /'1 � A G E N D A PLANNING COA�IISSIQN MEETING OCTOBER 7, 1970 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: APPRQVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINtJ�ES: SEPTEMBER 9, 1970 RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 15, 1970 RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS--DESIGN CONTROL MINUTES: SEPTEM6ER 28� 1970 RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: SEPTEMB R 29 1970 ��.��., �a-�� � %.F�.it��-�ri-�C���,,.�, s '' _ z fS�l `'J71� 1. PUELIC HEARING: SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP ��70-11, C. H. BENJAMIN: Lots 1 thru 5, Block 4, Adams Street Addition, to build a second garage on Lot 2. Fridley Code Section 45.051-2A 2. CONTINUED: PLANTING BOULEVARD (40 F'T.) IN MOORE LAKE HIGHLANDS 4TH ADDITION: tr' � bC � �� � v '" �' - � � ��� _ d,� ���n..e-PL'� � s6o - y-� �'o �� 8:00 P.M. PAGF. 1-5 6-7 8-9 10-12 Z3-20 � � PLANNING COI�IISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 9, 1970 1'AGE �, �he� meeti.�g was called to order at 8t00 P.M. by Chairman �zickaoa. ROLL CAI.L: Memb�xs Present; Memb e=s Absent: 4there Preaent: Er�ckson, �i.t�paCrick, Schmedeke, Harris, M�n�sh None Darzel Clark, Engineering Aasistant APPRpVE �'i.pNNING COMhIISSION MINUTE3: AUGUST 19 1970 1��'IAN by N�rtis, seconded b� Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Catuniss.ion mit�utes• cr,� Augu�t 19, .1970 be approved. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, t,l'�� mo�Ion c+a�,�'ried une4nimously. RE� �'OARD 0�' APPEALS MINUTES: AU6UST 25, 1970 MO�'.ION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the PZanning Comro.ission z��.itre� the rainu�es of the Board of Appeals meeting of August 25, 1970. Upon a voice yp��� s1,I vot.ing 8ye, tlae motion carried unanimously. �CEIVE PARKS & RECREATION C01�4fIISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 24 1970 MOTI'p!V by F�tzpatrick, seconded by Schrreedeke, that the Plan�ing Commi�sa.q� ��_ ce3v�s the minutes of the Parks & Recreation Co�rission meeting of August 24, 1�ip. Dpon et vAice vote, all vvting aye, the Aption carried unaniaeusly. 1. �UBLIC HEARING2 SPECTAi. i1.r,F. PF.RMTT RFl1T112cT cv f7IL�n an vnnwar •Tn ni,..� SOCIATION: To improve parking lot on the South 150 feet o� Lot 18, B�opk� aw Addition, per Section 45.071 (3F) City Code. ��ts of Co�umbu$) Ths �ublic hearing notice was read by Chairman Erickson. Mr. Mark Brenny, Vice President oE North Air Home Association, expl�tined t�te�� Ghe+ ��$htq of Columbus needed more parking space and purchased this land. N� they �ant to blacktop the parking space. Ch+�irmau �rickeon asked if Mr. Brenny unclerstood the property �s zaned ��3 aad ia al,fbject ko certain minimum requirements such as front yard setback of 25 fee�t, side yard a�nd rear yard minimum setback is 5 feet. Mr. Breunq said they have pia,m�ed fox a five foat c�eara,nce off the back of the parking lot, �he SouCt► 5Q fe�t wil� b� used for s road, and 65 feet will ba blacktopped. Th� entraAa� Mi11 be pt� 6$th P1ace and the driveaay at the corner oi the lat. Mr. Br�x�ay $a�d Chere aoµld not be an additional exit, but the present exit will be msde la�'g�r. Tba,�3raiaage pr�lem was diacus�ed. Mr. Brenny 8sid that he had talkad to Mr. C7.a;'k `rl�bout draia�ge, aad he Was told that thexe were plana for a�tor�s e�t�x, � ?�'ha Gauaai�. m�nutea of August 18, 1969 showed the motion for the approvs� o� �h� � �Ot e�11t �69-1Q gtated a Qublic hearing for storm sewer servicee to b$th Ave�►u� a1�d C��el Ro�c� area should be aet up and the request tabled uatil th� p���,� haar�.a; �raA co�apleted. The hearin� was held bµ� th4 p�op�a ��xe aga��� �ha p�cq,�ea�, ;� �� Plsnning Cammisaion Meetiag - Sevtember 9,z 1970 pag� a ^ : Mr. Harris asked what was being done with the water naw, and Mr. Erenny �tsWered that the water runs off into the sCreet. Mr. �xenny a�id they have put i.n about 100 yarde of fill and will pi�ch th+� lot �o �o11pw the co�tqurs of the older parking lot. Chai,r�n Erick.son asked the Ex�gineering Assiatant if the culvert going und�� the �ervi�e road of T.H. #65 drained that area, Darxel C1ark explained that th� ditch ��ong the highway should be �,owered ta drain the water from this area, �ecause tt�e land is about even with the highway ditch, the culvert is us�ally �u�l aad should b+a cleaned regularlp. The Minnesota Highway Department wil�. not lawex the ditch becsuse of the ha�ard a� having a deep ditch next to a highway. Th� p�rk- iag 1pt wpu,l�d have to be $raded h,igi�er thaa it is no� to tie into the �tre�t ��ad�. �� �.�d �s� the $a�x o� the parking lot i.s law and filled with cattails. Ckta�raiaa Erickson mentioned tha� �he Building Standards-Deeign CQntrol Sub- conma,i.t�,�� �,ou1d w�,t to se� this xeque$t, and that Mr. Brennq shou7,d �aa�il��.ari�e hia�el�' w�,��} the requirements pf the Qrdinance. He felt he could nok obj�et to �hia �equ�s� fo� a apecial use pe�nit although there is a problem of d�ainage �- �.t is part oi a 1ar�er problem which wi11, have to be solved later on� The street t+as puC 1n w1,�haut the sto�n sewer. The street is fairly flat, but the hi�h pa�mt i,8 betWeem Bighway i�65 and I,ucia Lane and the law spot is in the curve, Winter px�e���tp a ptpbleu� of �ce and in the spring the water collects there. MQT,TON �y l�asrfs, seconded by Mi.nish, that the Publfc Xearing be alas�i �p� � the S,perc31t1 Use ;Peszait reqaest, SP �70-10, by North Air Hoa�e Associatior� ta impscaV� ' ' the p��'Jki,t�g lot p,� the So�th 154 %e� of ,�ot Z8, Brookview Addit.�an, p�r SecG��� �1�.071 (3,�'� of t,t�e City Code. Upon a voice v�te, aZl voting aye, the rt�tion C���'�� unan,imously. I"k, Pitzpatrick, after looking at the liat of people Who zeceived publ:�c h�+��*� �n� n�oticea, cotnmented that none of the people were preaent at this pub�.�c hea��.t��, l4pT�'ON by Narris, seconde8 by Minish, that the Planninq Camm,i,ssipn ��ptr�p�ts� etppraval pf the request for a Special Use Permit, SF #70-.�4, by Noz'th Aiz Hv� e�.��oc.�qt�pr� for the impravement of the ,parking Zot o� the South ,250 �ee� v.� I,�ca� ,�Q, 8tookv�iep► i�ddition as per Sectiqn 45.071 (3F) of the City Code aith fihe ,���pp���sa� th,�t �t p1p� �v.�ara be m�de of the ,park.ing 1,pt and brought before the Builc3any a�'��3d�li'd�+� DBS.�� CpnL�OT SubCOm[qittQe as per Zoning Ordinance adopted November 3, 1�69. �i,pca� A vq3v� vO�e. a1.� vpti�g aye, the motion carried unanitnously. Ae�e�sin� to the mailin$ list of the people within 300 feet, Chairman �r1�c+sQA aaked if �h� Ltst was checked inasmuch as he did aot see the apartment pw�n��� p� ��, He edi.d he was no� goiag against the mation but Would request Chat the ow�e� p� ���e apartm�nt be giv�n the minutes qf this me�ti�tg. Mx. �arria etated be would �.�,ke the City Adminietratian to tak� aaoth�� �,�Q'� �� tb�+l I��Ax'm� e�vs� aituatio�n. �s �' \ � Plsnning Comat�aiaa l�ieetin� - Seutember 9, 1970 pag� g � ^ Mx. Ernat explained that the area is a 40 acre tract. There aie Qix or �even d�►ellinga oA the perimeter, but tlx� property awners have been reduced fxam eix to tv►o. Tbe p�COj�cC wauld be developed similarly to the sketch presented this eveaing. 7'k'ha� 7.and is s�ot�►�d R-1 and he was requeating R-2 to allow construction af two family dwelli.ng�. iie xrullzed this is a prob�em piece of ground. By allowing double b.ungal�cx+�r �ud dvp�exes, the cpnatx�uctiqt� costs would not be too high. Referri�� �ct Che '"lak� �,�ea", Mr, Ernst said the pond contains about five acres an.d it wo�id b� ded�.aaked tp th� City for paxk pu�poses. All the lots shown on the sketch m�e� �,� City ��qt�i�enten�a as to lot area. Tte�axding drainage, the wat�x conaentrates ia the lake area with �he pv�xilow goxng out Cp th� West into the existing ditch which leads into Maore T+alce�. �'h� �agineexing Assistant aaid that all the streets to the North in thia �t��aa h�tve beeA itnprovsd and are paved and have curb and gutter. Right of w�� has beett pravided �].ong �he school property on Arthur Street for a atorm se�rer to Rice ����1c i�' the C�,ty ordexed it. _ The alternative ia a type of sy$tem with ditch improvementa. The present di�r� datea b�►ck to about 1920. Dus to nature as well as people filling i� with 1es�va�, eC�,, th1� ditch is filled in many places so that one could not �asily idet�ti�y �.� pvw. Ii' Chis sy�tem t�rorked out, the cost would be much less expensive thati a �stv'rm sc.wter at�d ��ould be part of soa�e improvement �roject. Originally the ditch w�W builk by �tta I# cke�.son with the help of other neighbors. At that time, Missis�ippi St�ceex �ras lpwes aad would flood every spring. The paads extend it►�� R�aasey Cpu��y, �� Mr: ��'as� was asked if he would go ahead with the project whethe�' ox� z�o� �h� • �1.ty would zequest a atorm sewer q� the ditch for drainage. Mr. Ernet re�li�d �h�t p�obAbly uot with the storm sewer plan. Ci��i��aaa 8rickaon reported that the City Engineer had meation�d a£uCu�� oP' aae td�.lic� dol�prs for the storm sewer in the whole Rice Creek �►x��. M�. Harri�e felt the ditch system would be the same as a rete��ion baei�n. ,� eo�,cr�ets �atructux�a could be put at the outlet to control the wa`�er 1eve1. I�c. Haxria consaented thaC the x-2 wouXd have R-1 district sround it -� hp�le# t0 tbe llorth �d Weat, to the South Coc�ran�'s pit and 0'Bannon is building � cOtapl� o!` houiea, Mr. Goch�atn mi$ht probably end up with a retention basin aloo. A�r�a�, Clark o�.d Ai.ghland I,ake in the East�rn border of Tmnsbruck has a aitni�.ar co�tzc►�, stxuC��t#�. TheTe� ia a gste to p►aintain definite levels of water. Perhape� thiil typs of'aoptrol ie the aqswer. Co�neats w�re m�de that the MissiRaippi River had never be�n as la�t a+s it �.p ttow� a1�d Rice C��elc, toA, is at a lvw ebb. It would be advisabls to ac,mat� up w�,tk� �ame mekhod of xetaiaing water wherever poasible, not only in th�s are�a, but �Q in 'o�kt�e�� parts a� thc City. Mx. �arria cc�m�eated that it would be a inistalc.e tq tal,c�s tha e�Corm W�ter to can�rete pipes �ad let run; of�. �t wpuld be be�t�ac eo h+�Y� r�CsmCion b�i�e aad txy to keep tbe water for the dry apel�la. M�', �rnst e�i.d that he had talked with the people in the are+� e�d thep Ms�� it� � �avpx o� �vple�a and double bungalowa. His firat thought wa� Co develop wu1,Ci��Oq but aft�x talkin� t�riith some of the people who oppoeed th�s idea, he de�tde� op $-+�� �� ��1� th�re M+�s a need �or this typ+� of building with the high c�at of housimg. Planaia� Cammission Meeting - Sevtember 9, 1970 PaAe 4 ^ M�. Schmedeke �sked if Mr. Ermst planaed to do the building himself. M�. ��na�C said he did aot,'but will put the lots up for sale. Attention wea called to the fact thatt sl,agle faaily houees are permitted under the ordinance in it 2 districts. If�c. $rnet Wqs asked if he �ere s�wars of the fact thst TaWnhouses caa b� bui�t in I�-2, a�ad if it wa� his intantion to limit the request to tvo fsmily dwellings. �. E1�t At�ttared that at thia time,it was. Because taanhouaes could get i��a qt.�i.te aa slabosate type of davelopment, he did not think he would Want to go �nta the meci�aaics �a�' aetti,mg up the deve�op�►ent itt this area. � Ms. ��xris asked if Mr. Ernet would have any lots that were unbui.ldable o� diffiC4lt Co build an. Mr. ErneC anawered theq have not tak.en exteasive soil bsil�r�.s►� ea he cctyxd nq� aas�er, The information he received is that the �ubsoil is sanQ Mi1th very 1lttle peat. Mr. �rris asked Mr. Ernst if he would ast n� a preliadaas�r meeting with the psople involved a�ong the ditch, and Mr. Ernst agreed that he iatended to do it. M�. L�rast aaid he hss a total of 7$ building sites. Under the lot area res- quire�ent� pf tha C1ty, they could develv� 3.3 lots per acre. They have thi��►-� five dive].ap�ble acrea. The eite would yi.eld 115 eingle family homes. The l�tyout psesenCed tbis eveaing accounts for 78 stzucturea. There are no proble�s with uti�.3.tise, Tb�e aeWez pt� 64th Aveuus is large saough. Water service ie on fouic aides. Tt�e aewe� capacity ie ade4ua�e. H.e thaated the Co�i.sBion aad eaid tha� they h�d bea+n verq hel�ful. ^, 3. PI.ANT�NG BQULEVARD 40 FOOT IN I�0(?RE LARE HIRiLJSTDS 4TH ADDITI011: (Sti11 �.A Subco�uittee. Th� P�trka aad Recreation Coimaisaion would prepare a report, Mr. Fitzpatzi.ck •ai�, �o� the plaoaCing boulevard. 8is uaderatanding was that, origiaally, th� ittt�C o1` t�is s�Xip Was ecreening for the people to the West. i'he planti� boqleva�'d i� ia bad repair now, and �ythiag the Plaaning Commisaion could reco� �asmd �o bq�t�tify the area would help screen a prosp�ctive buslnese fr9m the R-� prc�erty. Mr. SaYw�edeke wondered if the City could obtain small tr�es f�e4 of ch�rg�o. H� Mau1d li.ke to aee svergreen tree� pla�ted a4 theq Would eventna2ly give a solid aad beautiful screen with a minimvai of iitraintenance �ecause there would b� tu� 1e�tves to �taka in the �all. . Mr. �'i.t�patxick said the prob.lem iu the Park Department is they are unde�'� �anned. 1'he City takea on additional land to develap for parks, but not �tddi����,, 'men �p do �be woxk. The Park Aepartment is very presaed �or workers. If C�� �C�y �ou�.d gxade the planting etrip and then ane of the civic organizations in the �ty h�e �+il�in� �a cot�tribute to the developmsat of the planting etxip, a�d �hg ��X Sepu�� pu�, �n th� seedXinge ae a special praject, the solution to �he prab.�e� Q� the plaaati.a$ atrip xould be solved. �'k.. Fi��patri.ck agreed to brimg thie itea up� at the ne:t Parks aad Recr�a�i9t� mea►tia�, • � Planning Commission Meeting - September 9. 1970 Pa�e S /'� l�. pISCUSSION RE PRELIMINARY CHECK ON SIZE OF SEWERS FOR N$W DEV�LOPMFDiTSt 7.'h� Comnission asked if it were poeaible for the Engineerin� Deparqner►t CQ �h�ck ���. new plane xegarding tha size of se�era needed, notiag whak type o� de�vel- opmenta were going in aad whether or not exiatiag sewers were adequate be�ore Ch� Planning Commiasion considered the xequest. The Engineering Aasistant eacplained that the City Engineeriug Department wae cancerned, but was not ataffed for that type of work. The bui�.dinge and land are checked for conformance with the City Ordinances, but the eeWe�s are - p�,r� of the Consu�.tant's reaponsibility. S. INFORMATION REE�UEST RE IAT SPLIT BY CARL SORENS�EN: Mr� SoreneQa ownr twa kQ foot lats with a tax forfeit lot in bet�een --� �ot� �.� �uud 20 witb Lot 19 taac forfait, 81ock Z, Oak Grove Additioa to Fr�d�.�y Pa�'k (Attoka S�reat) . . . A� wovld like to knew if he purchased the middle lot, would h� bs a1lvFrad ta m��e� two b0 fc�ot lots. The Co�nnia�ion atated they couid naE m�ke that - dstex'tqi�,atian unti], Mr. Sorensen submitted a formal request and tt►e�y had ��.l�s to �tu�lY th� area. n ,�uoux�rrr ; T�ere bein� no further bueiness, Chairman Erickson adjousned �he meating �t A��O P.M. Rea�ectf�y s�ted P fl$Z (i �Br1Ai1 Recordiag Secretax�y !'\ . s THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF SEPTENIBER 15. 1970 '� The meeting was called to order by Chairman Minish at 7:35 P.M. 1��ERS PRESENT: Minish, Ahonen, Sondheimer MEMBERS ABSENT: 0'Bannon, Drigans OTHERS PRESENT: A1 Bagstad-Building Official-Inspector MOTION by Ahonen to approve the minutes of the August 25, 1970 meeting as written. Seconded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Minish reported to the Board that the Council on September 8, 1970 had revie�wed the Board's action from the August 25 meeting, and approved all recoimnendations . 1. A RE(2UEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 4A, 1�0 REDUCE THE FRONT YARA SETBACK REQUIREMENT FROT�I 35 FEET TO 23 FEET TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A Mrs. �ugen� Henkel was present to present the request. � A survey showing the existing building and a aketch showing the propoaed additiun were shown to the Board. ^ MaCa. Henksl explained they cannot economically place the addition cm,to the b�,ck ai the dwelling because of the steep slope to the back o� the �.ot. She also added they had no alternate plans for the addition. Mx. Ahonen asked if they had contacted any of the neighbors about this xeque�t. Mre. Henkel said she had but they had no objections. She stated furtber Chat all af the houses are in line. The survey showa that Hillcrest Drive is eurved ia fxoat of Lots 1$, 19 and 20 and the Board could not visualize Che pasition� of the adjacent houses. �lOTION by Ahonen to table the motion to enable the Board to view the site tQ check the positiona of the adjacent dwellings. Secottded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there be�ng no nays, t he mo��q� carried un,tnimouely, Chais7pan Mi.nish info�aed Mrs. Henkel that this itemn will be back on Che ad��nd8 �or the September 29, 197p meeting. 0 � /� /'\ � The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of September 15, 1970 Page 2 . A VARIANCE OF SEC AREA REQUIREMENT F OF A �N 45.073, lA, SUBPARAGRAPH 2 L TO REDUCE TH : 17,000 SQUARE FEET TO 16,267 SQUARE FEET UNIT APAR�NT BUILDING ON LOTS 28, 29 ANA 15. HAMILTON'S ADDITION TO MECHANICSVILLE_THE SAME BEING 53tf1- E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY MR. MARCOL EIBENSTEINER, 21 AVEDTUE. NEW BRIGHTON. MINNESOTA.) Mr. Marcol Eibensteiner, owner, and Mr. Bob Eibensteiner, builder, were present to present the request. Plans for the apartment and a survey of the lots were presented to the Board. Mr. Ei.bensteiner explained that they have a buyer for the proposed bui.�diz�g as the plane are naw drawn. The building will be made up of 5 two b�droom ��ita with one efficiency unit. The buyer wants the efficiency for his mothex in law. The buyer wi11 also be living in the apartment. Mx. Eibet�stsinex then explained the general appearance of the building and the general make�up. Mr. Ahonen asked what type of buildings occupied the adjacent lots. Mr. Eibensteiner stated that there was a duplex to the South and acxose the stxeet there was a 4-plex and there were also some vacant lots. He added that he has shown the land to other prospective buyers but as soon as they see the area and look at the apartments across the street they are not as �.ntere�ted as these buildings are not kept up. I�r. Ahonen stated that he had driven past what he thought was the right axea and he remembezed seeing single family dwellings in the area. I�(JTION by Sondheimer to close the public hearing. Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carxied unanimously. MOTTON by Ahonen to table the request until the September 29, 1970 meeting to enable the members of the Board to inspect the area. $econded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motiqn caxried unanimously. AATOURNMENT: 7.'t�e meeting was adjourned at 8:12 P,M. by Chairnian Minish. ltes�ectfully submi.tted, � °� � MARY HINT Searetary � � � � � BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 28, 1970 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Harris at $:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Aarris, Tonco, White, Hart MEMBERS ABSENT: Gnerre OTHERS PRESENT: Hank Muhich-Chief Building Inspector MOTION by White to approve the minutes of the August 6, 1970 meeting as written. Seconded by Hart. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1.. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A FOOD PROCESSING PLANT TO Bia LOCATED ON LOT 4, BLOCK 4, COr�MERCE PARK, THE SAME BEING 7350 COI�HCE LANE, FRIALEX, MINfldESOTA. (REQUEST BY TOTINO'S FINER FOODS, 5701 W. 36TH STREET,'MII�IEAPOLIS ,,... MINNESOTA 55416.) "--' Mr. Robert Willow and Mr. Terry Taylor of Totino's Finer Foods, Mr. Keith $ednarowski of Raueahorst, and Mr. Jack Horgan of Abe W. Mathews Engineering Co. were present to present the request. Mr. Tonco arrived at 8z03 P.M. Mr. Keith Bednarowski stated that the building will be about 62,000 sq. ft. f,.� The o£fice axea will be brick with glass windows of either solar bronze or gray wi.th matching panels beneath. The factory area will be 12" masonry ^ block which will be paiated. The freezer area will be a building within the building. It will be made of freezer panels and will be higher that� the rest of the building. A plot plan also showed the green areas and the locations of the trees to be planted. There would also be parking for about� 90 cars. � ^ There will be a flour unloading buildiag behind the main building by the railroad tracks. The flour will be unloaded from the railroad cars with a sealed car loader system to prevent any flour dust from escaping. The ��our will go to the building thrcugh overhead 4" pipes using a blower syatem. It will be blown into bins inside the building which also have dust collectors. The Board asked what the flour unloading building was to be built of. Mr. Bednarowski stated that it had not been decided yet. The Board then atated that a final plan on the building was to be submitted before a permit was issued. Mr. Tonco asked what type of garbage disposal they would be using and if there was to be a screened-in area. They said that they will have a compactor in the back of the buil$ing. It will be all metal and they had not planned on any type of screening. It was then stated by the Board that screening would be required �f the refuse area is not kept in an orderly maaner. The Bpard then questioned whether they had �aken any so�l tests. ,U Building Standards-Design Control Meeting of September 28, 1970 Pa�e 2 ^ �__ �,,.,\ They stated that preliminary borings have been taken and that more will be taken now that the actual location of the building had been dete�ined. It was then stated that a copy of the fiaal borings should be given to the Building Department. After studying the plans further, it was noted that there was concrete curbing arouad th� blacktop area and wherever possible a minimuan 10 foot radius on all curbing around islands and entries. It was suggeated also that security lights be put around the building. Also if any mechauical equipment ie put on the roof, an inside stairway is required with a lockable hatch. MOTION by Tonco to recom�end approval of the concept of the buildiag and because of the approaching winter conditions to reco�nend approval of a foundation permit upon the submission of complete structural plans and the pe�nit to terminate at grade level and go no further•until a camplete set of building plans including mechanical and electrical is given to the Building Department. The permit will also be subject to the following stipulations: 1. Complete drawings on flour storage building to be submitted to the Building Department. 2. Screening would be required if the refuse area is not kept ia an ^ orderly maaner. � 3. Provide a minimum 10 foot radius on all concrete curbing around islands and entries wherever possible. 4. Provide security lighting around the building. 5. .If any mechanical equi�nt is put on the roof, an iaside stairway is required with a lockable hatch. Secoaded by Hart. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. AAt0URN1�.NT • The meetiag was adjourned by Chairman Harris at 9:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ���� CAROL CHUDEK Secretary ^ ^ � ^ � 4 i c THE MZNUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEAI,S MF,�TING OF SEPTEt�ER 29, 1970 The meeting was called to order at 7:50 P.M. by Chairman Minish. MErlBERS PRESENT: Minish, Drigans, 0'Bannon rIE[�ERS ABSENT: Ahonen, Sondheimer OTHERS PRESENT: A1 Bagstad-Building Official Appraving the minutes of the September 15, 1970 meeting was delayed until the next meeting. 1. A R�QUEST FOR A DARIANCE OF SE�TION 45.053, 4A. TO RED[10E THE FRONT YARD MOTION by 0'Bannon to remave this item from table. Seconded by Drigans. Up�� a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Henkel.was present to present the request. A eurvey was shawn to the Board which showed the houae is set back 43 feet instead o# 35 feet so the variance would he from 43 feet to 34 feet instead of from 35 feet to 23 feet. � The addition will be 12 feet by 13 feet and will be placed at the front of the ^ existing garage. The present garage is back approximately 4 feet from the front of the house. Part of the existing garage will be turned into a family xoom after the proposed garage is built. � ^ Mr. Henkel stated he had talked to his neighbors about the variance and they had no objections. There are e�vergreen trees between his lot and his neighbor to the North so the garage will not restrict the vie�w of his neighbor. The garages on the adjacent lota are both toward his property. He can not build the.addition onto the back of his present garage as the grade of the property is q�tite steep. MpTION by Drigans to close the public hearing. Secaaded by 0'Bannon. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Drigane to recoumend approval to the Council of a variance from 43 feet to 34 feet for the follawing reasons: 1. The terrain of the back yasd is a hardship as it slopes quite steeply. 2. The conformity of the houses are such that there are no obstructions of vie�w. 3. There were no objections from thQ neighbors. Seconded by 0'Da:mon. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � _ . '� '� The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of September 29, 1970 Page 2 /'1 2. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SEETION 43.07 1 ^ TO PERMiT THE CONS �� MUTION by Drigans to remave this item from table. 2 1- Secanded by 0'Bannon. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Eibensteiner was present to present the request. Mr. Eibensteiner explained the measurem�ta of the lots are 119 feet by 136.75 feet which includes half of a dedicated alley running along the East side of the lots. , Mr. Bagstad read Section 45.153, 3, of the City Code, which states "In computing the depth of a rear yard for any building where the rear line of the lots adjoin an alley, � of the width of such alley may be included as rear yard depth --". The survey showing the layout of the,building oa the lot and the plane for the apartment were shawn to the Board and were discussed. � The building will have 5 two bedroom units with 1 efficiency, 6 garages and /'1 6 parking spaces, and will be all brick with a maasard roof. The building will be owaer occupied so it will be kept up. Mr. Eibensteiner stated he had talked to the surrounding neighbors and none of them had any objections to the building. The property is surrounded by a duplex, a 4-plex and a cemet�ry across the street. , MOTION by 0'Bannon to close the public hearing. Seconded by Drigans. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 1�9DTION by 0'Bannon to recom�nend apprwal of the request to the City Council for the follawing reasons: 1. The hardship is the land ia not suitable for any other type of atructure and anything smaller than a 5-plex would not be economically feasible. 2. The building will be of high quality construction. 3. The exterior of the building will be brick. Seconded by Drigan8. Upon a voice vote, there beiitg no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � r'1 /'1 �'1 3. i''� The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of September 29, 1970 Page 3 A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 4B, SUBPARAGRAPH 3. FRIDLEY CITX CODE. TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACK REQUIRII�NT FRO�I 5 FEET TO 4 FEET 6 INCHES TO PERMIT THE CaNSTRUCTION OF AN ATTACHED GARAGE Q�TTO AN ERISTING Mr. LaFond was present to pxesent the request. A survey dated August 21, 1970, was shawn to the Board which shvwed the - v ariance needed would be less than 6 inches. Mr. LaF'ond stated the proposed garage will be 20 feet by 24 feet and will be even with the back of the house and even with the main part of the house and not the jog. 1�OTION by Drigans to close the public hearing. Seconded by 0'Baxinon. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by 0'Bannon to recoumend approval�to the City Council of the request for the following reasons: ^ 1. The neighbors had no objections. � 2. Variance is less than 6 inches. 3. Applicant doesn't have a garage and a garage will be a� imprwement to the home. 3econded by Drigans. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Bill�l�NT:. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. by Chaixman Minish. Respectfully submitted, MARY HINTZ Secretary ^, � 12 MINUTES OF REGULAR PARKS AND RECREATION COI�NISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 28, 1970. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Fitzpatrick. /"1 MEMBERS PRESENT: Fitzpatrick, Blair, Novitsky, Olson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Ash. OTHERS PRESENT: Carolyn Rouse, 210 Rice Creek Blvd., 786-7132, League of Women Voters. Ralph Volkman, Park Foreman. Curt Dahlberg, Park Planner. Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to Commission. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 24, 1970. MOTION by B.ea.i�c., Seconded by �.?,�an, �a accep� .the m.i.nu�ea a� �he Regu�ah. Mee,ti.ng an Augu4.t 24, 1910. The Mo.t,i,on cc�,i.ed. SQUARE DANCING. Mr. Fitzpatrick called the Commission's attention to the letter received from Mr. Jim Sackett in regard to Square Dancing. Mr. Sackett asked the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Parks and Recreation Department if they would be interested in sponsoring him as a caller for a Square Dancing Activity. It would be run on a non-profit basis. The expense of the caller and other supplies would be obtained by charging a small admission. M�TION by 0.2aon, Seconded by Nav.i,taFzy, xa nece,i.ve .the co�vr.eapondence �nom Mn.. Sack.e,t;t, .i.n negcrh.d zo Squane Danc.ing. The Ma.tian ccvc�.i.ed. BUDGET. �1 Mx. Fitzpatrick asked the Commission if they had reviewed the revised proposed budget which reflected the changes that the Commission itself had made. All members present stated that they had reviewed it and felt it was ready to bs pxesented to the Council. They all felt that the changes which had been made were correct. LAWGON. Mr. Blair made reference to the LAiVCON (Land and Water Conservation Funds) Funds which wexe available. He asked if you had to have some specific development and plans in order to obtain the funds? Mr. Novitsky asked if you coald change the plans after you had obtained the funds? Mr. Fitzpatrick said that there are certain gualifications and patterns which must be followed, but that it was also flexible, as long as it maintained eertain standards. Mr. Olsofl asked if we had ever approached the County in regard to financing some of our projects and Mr. Fitzpatrick said that he didn't think we had. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that the original plan for the North Park axea, as far as finances were concerned, was to get half of the amount from Federal Aid and the other halE from the State. Mx. Olson suggested that we approach the County to see what funds were available at this'time, to aid in the project. KINDS.OF TREES FOR FRIDLEY. Mr. Novitsky asked if there had been any progress in the request from the Planning /1 Commission fox a list of trees which would best grow in Fridley soil. Mr. Volkman, Park Foxeman, Stated that they had been working on the project and, hopefu�ly, it would be completed soon. Minutes of the Regular Meeting, SePtember 28, 1970 Page 2 KINDS OF TREES FOR FRIDLEY (continued). ^ Mr. Fi'tzpatrick stated that there was a forty foot planting strip behind a Commercial area on Highway #65, which has caught much debris and the City Planning Commission would like to plant trees and shrubs there and develop the area into a scenic'spot. Mr. Novitsky indicated that he had had numerous calls in regard to boulevards and txees in Fridley and he would appreciate the list as soon as possible. PARK GARAGE. The Commission asked Mr. Volkman if there were any new developments as fax as a new Park Garage was concerned. Mr. Volkman said that the most recent proposal wa� to build a 50' X 80' structure in the southeast corner of the lot which presently houses the City Garage. The proposed Budget for 1971 calls far $21,000.00 for the construction of a new Park Garage and the present plan is for a baked-on steel structure. BUDGET - PERSONAL SERdICES. Mr. Olson asked for an explanation for the need of two (2) additional full time raaintenance men. Mr. Fitzpatrick stated that we need more men to compensate fox the increased development. Mr. Olson asked if we had acquired more land ox if the reasoning was elsewhere. Mr. Volkman said that we hadn't acquired much additional land, but that the addition of more recreational activities (he referred to the new Soccer Program which was started this fall) and the fact � that they were developing the present parks in finer detail were the reasons behind the need for more men. Mr. Novitsky suggested that the City Hall area be taken out of the hands af the Park Department and all agreed that it rvould be a good idea. SALE OF PARK PROPERTY. Mr. Biair suggested that the property between 75th and 76th, near Flanery, and the axea behind the watertower in Innsbruck, be placed on the market fpr sa1a, Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if research on the backround of these two areas could be done and the items placed on the adjenda for the October 26 meeting. A thi�d tract of land was also requested to be placed on the adjenda; that being the area just north of Chases Island. The Commission requested as much baekxound as pas�ible. CHERI LANE PROPERTY. Mr. Novitsky asked about the park progerty at the North end of Cheri Lane, The txact is believed to include a poxtion of a bank and a strip of land� a�prox�mately six feet wide which runs along the edge of private peoperty. The homeownex ha� asked if he could move his fence out and include this six foot piece of land inside his yard. He does not seem to want to purchase the 1and, but he would bs willing to maintain it if it were inside his fence. Mr. Novitsky asked i� the dsfinite description of the land eould be made in detail before such a decision /� was made. The Commission will delay any further action, pendi�ng the results of �he study. Minutes of the Regular Meeting, September 28, 1970 Page 3 MEAUOWLANDS PARK. 1"'� Mr. Volkman showed the Commission three maps of the proposed development at Meadowlands Park. He gave a brief description of where the drainage system would be located and said that it would involve some fill in the low areas. He also showed the proposed locations of the ball.diamonds, football field, and the present location of the apparatus area. PARK MAINTENANCE CLINIC. Mr. Volkman gave a brief rundown of the Park Maintenance Clinic held in Chicago, Illinois on September 14, 15, and 16, which he attended on behalf of the Department. ADJOURNMENT. MOTION by B.Cai�c, Seconded by O�aan, �a ad1owcn �lie mee.t.i.ng at 8:50 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, October 26, 1970, at 7:30 p.m., in the conference room at Civic Center. Respectfully submitted, �, �.��.--�-� Gt�Q..�Z� CATHIE STORDAHL, Secretary to Commission �� � OPFICIAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING CO1�IlrIISSION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No�ice is hereby given that the Planning Com�aiasion of th�s City of Bxidley wi11 meet in the Couticil Chaanbera o£ the City Sa],l at 8tQ0 �.M. on Wedneeday, October 7, 1970 to consider the followin� matter: A xequest for a Special Use Permit (SP #70-17,) ^ for C. a. Benjaanin, as per Sectioa 45.051, 2A, , Fridley Cf.tq Code, to construct a second garage on Lota 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 4, Adams Street Addition. Generally located at 5708 Jefferson Street Northeast. Aayone desiring to be heard with refeYence �a the abovs m�tGer may be heaxd at this meeting. Pu►61�h: Septembex 23, 1970 Seprember 30, 197p ^ � � OLIVER R.•ERICRSON CHAIRMAN PLANNI1dG CpMMISSION �� r � � __ _ , ; _. _ , _ _ CITY OF FRIDLEY � MINNESOTA YFANNING AND ZONING FORM p�g�r SP ��70-11 __ . __ _. _._ ` ------ ____.. -- ►.W-.a-. I . � AYPLICAt1T' S SIGNATIJRE .. . � C. A. Benj in 55 32 Addresa ,_�7�������,.��t rT F Fri r�l c�T 332-2262 Ext. 232 or 234 Bus. Telephone Nuauber 560 7254_ g, PROPERTY aWNE�'S SIGNATURE Same as above Addses• �� �� Telephone Number ' " " TYPE dF'REQUEST _,_,_„_Resoniag X Special Uae Petmit Veriance Lot Splits Approval of Pze- lfminary Plat Approval of Ficul Plat ______�,Streets or All..e�-.._ Vacatione Other Street Locatioa of Property 5708 Jefferson St. N.E. Legal Deacription of Property Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 4, Adams Street Addition ^ � Pres�nt Zoning C1asQification R-1 . Existiag Use of th� Property_ RpG;�,�nr;aj � . —..--_.._-�. Propo�ed Zoaing Cla�sification, Special Use, Variance or other xequeet Tn hti�1�1 2nd garage on Lot 2 for cars. Old garage for storage of 2 wheel trailer, deep freeze, a�d-b e �t� . � � Deacribe briefly the 1j►pe of Us� and the Improve�at Pr�poeed - � . .. - Acr�age of Property � - ilas the Pr�soat Ag�plicant Previously Saught to Rezono� Plat� Obtain a Lot 8plit, Qbtaia � Voriance or Sp�cial Use Yermit on tbe Subject Site or part of It?��. When? : What va� Bequested Fee Enclosed $�p.�p �jat� Filed. ' . � 3'3 yc 2-/ Date of Hesrin� , � �. . r; �`:pLANNII�I� ANTi ZONYNG FORM Number SP 4�70-1_ 1 � . • PACE 2 _. . ::�e uadercigned understends that: ��� peYiytv�i,thin1300sfeettmust�bewattechedpto _ this application. (b� This applicatfon must be;signed by aI! . owners of the property, or an explanation given why this is nat the case. - (c) Respansibilxty for any defect ia the pro- � eeedings zesultin� from the failure to list - the names End a3dresses of all residents �nd Qrapert f owrae•rs of propexty within 300 feet of the prop�rty in question, belongs � to the undersi�ned. ___Resideata and Owners of �roperty within 300 feet:� _ PERSONS � ADDRESS � See Attached List '�_ .r.� � u 0 _ f___ - __: _ A sketch of proposed property aad structure"�aust be draa�n on the�back of this � form or attached, showing the following; 1. �orth Dire�tion 2. Location of Yroposed Structure oa loC. � . . `-3,- pi�ensions of property� proposed � atructurP, and front and side set-backs. 4. Street Names � __...�_S, .__�ation �nd _use of ad jacent existing ` � buildings (within 300 feet). -"���`The undersigciea-hereby declarea -that -si1 -the- facts- and-representations stated in ----- - ihis application are true and coxrect. ____ _--_ _----- _ _ _ _ ___ __ - . _. _ -- �- - - __ __ _ � _ � . . _ _ ___._..� ____ DATE � 7/ p' O SIC'ivATiJRE�,� . . , (AP ANT) - , .' � .. . . . •.. • * �k # dlr ,k ,k '�t �k �k hPProved ..Denied � By the soszd n� �PPeals. �._. Subject.to the Followin� Conditions: . �date Approved Denied_ __� by the Pianntn�, Commissian on Subject to the Fallo�aing Conditions: ' dete � Approved Denied by the Council an r� Subject to the Fallowfng Conditions: � date , . . _ . __-- _ __ ___ - _ _Form PC 100 . . , : --- _ _ _ ____ _ - , � , _ _ t�,,.,- s:;;. - . _._._ ,-_ _ _ _ _ • _. -- --.__. _____ _. __ . �� � People Within 200 Feet on 5708 Jefferson Street N.E. � SP �70-11 - C. H. Benjamin � Lots 1-5, B1. 4, Adams Street Addition '� C. H. Benjamin 5708 Jefferson Street N.E. _Jacob Kramer Wishek, North Dakota 58495 David L. Pohl 5891 West Moore Lake Drive N.E. : - i George E. Gunderson 4706-2nd Street N.E. � State of Minnesota Vernon Gunderson A. R. Elasky Lillian M. Frerichs George Tyler ' Carl Sorenson Gordan Johnson Edward Marciniak r'�; Howard LaBelle �. _______ _ - James Thompson George Otterdahl - Paridon Colstrom __�.Terome - -O l s on _ --- ---�aYl-Adams __ __�__-..�,.�{}ssell-£�venson ' 1 � 0 c/o A. R. Elasky, 5517-12th Avenue S., Mp1s. 5517-12th Avenue South, Mpls. 5705 Washington Street N.E. 5707 Washington Street N.E. 4615 University Avenue N.E., Mpls. . 611-58th Avznue N.E. 601-5$th Avenue N.E. ` ,5780 Madison Street N.E. 5760 Madison Street N.E. 5770 Madison Street N.E. 5750 Madison Street N.E. _5740_Madison Street N.E. ------5800 Jefferson Street N.E. -------3801-Washington Street N.E. _Mailed: Sept.'18, 1970 ♦ . . . � . . . .. . __�,_:_______. l�AAin 7453 � , � � 3.: � / 9. '� J Exisr ; � Gf`iJ�. a 0.7� Q � . N /'1 --------- - ------ ---- --- -- -- - -<- �� cE�TaFicATE oF s���rEy . _ _: ______-_______ -_-_ r -_ . -A_ __ -_- MAin 7454 METROPOLlT�;N iAN� SURVEYORS 8� ENGItvEERS . 1210 MARQIiETTE AVENUE SP ��70-11 >, - MINhEAFOUS 3, MINNESOTA �, H. Benjamin � Lots 1-5, B1. 4 Adams Street Add. . � � ^' �`V /2 9 � . '_ Zo.3 o , fxis7.- � OWELL. � /2 9 �� 67. �--30' � � � � �} a � � O � F � I � ti -e— 30' - � '�.1 • _ �RON _ _ _ �cale; 1'' _ - 34 � i�1c hrrcbu ccrtifir TNAT WE HAVE ON THIS 2 7 Ti`i DAY OF._ /i�fsiRCf� , 195�3, MADE A SURVEY OF THE REAL ESTATE DESCRlBEC AS LaT 3,� B�ecX' �¢� _.I��ii-1s STREET . _,ADO/T/ON� �/LLAG�' OF FR/��LEY, _ _ _ . _ . __ . __ _ f,�'VO�<I COUNTY, Mitv,dESOTA, a5 SHOWN ON iHE ABOVE PLAT. ' • " METROPOIiTAN LAND SURVEYORS & ENGINEERS SURVEY MADE FOR C fi! BE�Yd/��S/, IN /'� hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report s prepared by me or under my direct superyision AT THE R�QUEST OF C•y BEnlJ.9itT/N -- and that 1 am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the Lows of the State of Nlinnesota. ��C /� I � ' ; Job No. L. S/i/6 '.J � �C:" °_ _. � _ L`����� Reg. No. 31"05 , -�vtinnedpolis license"No. %8s0 - -BookNo. _ /S`_. :Sheef No. .� � /"\ REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 21, 1970 VISITORS: _ , �.� � PAGE 12 PETIT ON NO. 13-1970 - TO REFRAIN FRUM COIdSTRUCTION OF STDEWALKS ON EITHER SIDE OF WEST MQORE LAKE DRIVE FROM TFiE POINT JUST EAST QF HAKER STREET WHERE TFir: PRESEDIT SIDEWALKS END, TO C�,t20L DRIVE: Mr. Curtis Hebeisen, 901 West Moore Lake Drive, was present to present this petitlon against the sidewalks on West Moore Lake Drive. He read the petition aloud and said that a11 the people on the street had signed it. He said that he had noticed in the Minutes that no one was in favor of the sidewalks. He asked that the Council consider this and give a favorable action. MOTION by Counailman Harris to receive Petition No. 13-1970. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion earried. Mayor Kirkham informed the audience that this petition will be on the next ReguZar Council Agenda October 5, 1970 and will be considered then. PETITION NO. 14-1970 - FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 4�d STREET BETWEEN 53RD AVENUE AND 54TH AVENUE: A resident in the area presented this petition and said that he had over 50� of the signatures in favor of the constxuction. The City Engineer. said. that tk��s was oriqinal].y ordered in, then all of 4th Street was deleted at the last m�e�ting in response to another petition against the improvement. Counciltaan Harris said that when the petition against the impravemer�t w�s submitt,ed, they also said that it wa�s over 50$. The City Engineer pointed out that the petition against the improvement was for all of 4th Street up to the Outer Drive of I. 694, this petition in favor is just from 53rd to 54th. .They appear to have more than 50�. Mayor Kirkham said that there �hould be a reviec� �ade before any action b� the Council. The resident said that he thought that there were � that did not sign, and 9 signed the petition. He said that this street was part of the 10 gear street improvement plan. He added that the signatures are the home owners, and not renters. Mayo� Kirk`--�► told the audience that the Co?ancil will con- sider.all aspects and it will be an the Agenda October 5th. BUILAIAIG PERfliIT FOit SECOND GAi271GE BY MR. BE�IJAMIN, 5708 JEx�ERSQN STREET: Mr. Benja¢nin explained that his lots were all 40' lots and he cur�ently has a requeat in for a special use permit for the construction of a second garaqe on I�ot 2. �'he hous� and existing �araqe are on L�t 3. The proc�dure for a special use pe��nit would take 4 or 5 weeks and he was anuious to get it up befpre the winter came on. He said that�.�he bmnk has been cut aff so the existinq garaqe is worthless for his car although he uses it to store a freezer and two boats. He said that the existing gar�ge is still good and he just finiai�ed givinq it two�coats of paint. The new garage would be for two /'� cars and wauld face east, whiah is the street. Ha ashed if there was any way he could get permi$sion for the second garage soonez than the legal requirezesnts atate. The City Engineer explained that the special use p�rmit is a requirement to t�aintain the residential quality of the nei.ghborhood. It is xequix'e� t4 }�� hearc� j��t th� P���i�nq C�ies�.on and tk}�r� the �ovr�Ci.l. The Pla�ning Commis�ion n I .. _ _ _ 0 • REGU'LAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 21, 1970 � !''1 � �.:.�:,s � � a� PAGE 13 ' . is a�eetinq October 7th, sa it could be before the Cauneil the second meeting� o� the month. Mr. Benjamin feaxed that the procedure woulcl take too long. Mayor Kirkham said that the Council has dorie this sort of thing be€ore, although there would still be the requizement of a statement of no objection fre�i ihe neighbors, Councilmari Harris asked hc�' many received notices. Councilman Sheridan said that it appeared that there were 19 notices sent an� of ihese 13 or 14 were xesid�nts. Mr. Benjamin pointed out that he has roan� fox two hauses and two garages as he owns several lots. � MOTZON by Coun�i].man Sheridan �ko authorize the Administration to give the building permit to Mr. Benjamin upon the receipt of a petiti.on by the suzroundinq�.xesidents that they hav�_no objection. � � Councilman Sheridan told Mr. Benjami.n ta make up a letter in the form of a petition and have them sign it, ihen present it at City Hall. This would • give about two waeks more time for i+ir. Benjamin to const�^uct his garsge. SECONDED by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Itirkham declared the motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVF,NiENT: SAN�TARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATER IMP�20VEMENT PROJECT SS&SW #100: Mayor Kirkham read the Public Hearing Notice aloud and asked if theze were any c�n°nts from the audience, with no response.. The City Engineer said that thexe was a petition fram the i�nderson Development plat to get service to thgir plat. Z'here are two ways to serve this area with sanitary sewer"and sho�aed the g�.ans on the sareen, �laining that Plan A is a more complete p�an, and would serve the area to the south of the plat also, so that when the area develops, the sewer would already be in. Plan B would be�ju9t to s�rve the plat, and would be moxe ex}�ensive rate pa� foot. Plan B is more costiv because it covers less land �nd thexe is a erossing acrass Central Avznue. He said that he had hcped that the peo�le o*�rning the land south of a,nciarson �evelapment would be pxesent so the Council could get their views. Councilman Haxris asked where the assessment would be placec3. The City Engineer said tnat more notices were sent aut than necessary, and the as�essment wau2d be against the property abutting Central Avenue. Council- man Harris asked if there r�rould be any assessr.tent on the propezty alonq T.H. #65, an<3 tha City Engineer said no. He said that the stors� sewer facility wnu2d eventually be needed and he had included it in these plans. He �hen shav�ed the assessment area an th� screen. Zt was pointed out'that the sanitary sewer assessment fox P].an A would be $18.92 p�r foor and far Plan B$22.09 per foot. Councilm�.-� Harris said that Plan A seems to he the logical way to develop the land and it would be less costly. Cauncilman Bxeider asked wi�at yras the Gity Engineer's reccmunendation. The City Engineer.said that the whole ares will eventualiy need storm sewer and ib wou2d be a Counci� decisian whether to put it in now, or wait until the area develops. There is no probiem with floodir.g at this time, except for once in �. while thexe is a prablem with Fireside prive. CounciL�nan Breider asked if i�. wou2d not be cheaper to put in both at the s� time, Z'he City Engineer said that the advantage wouZd be that the equipment would already be in the neighborhooc?�, so for this reason it would be cheaper. A�nesnber �of tha audience said that 3.� the sto�ut sewer is not put i� �ow� �he� b3��ktog ��d have to be to�n..u�s � ai� }�ter, He�said that he would b� �n �-, _. . favor af it gaing in�now. He added that they�needed.'the sewer in Anderson � L "�1.1 .° � •' ° •` � . . . ^Y ���� ` r : � . /+�.:' � /i1.II ? � ,, � � o A' _: <<..-t - + � `� -- : _, , o 0 ; a �: �, v. ip� �� i1f [J.. l � : a � o � � � .1��.: iJflt �. � ; 9 � �y o � F � ,_ __ . ��,�, - � � � � . � , � � .� ° � � T.. .1b <<�-- T .: � �' ° � '�. 9 � lt.�� • h-- r, : E . � _' m � =•,.6: .�3-d . -f' ` t'' . � �f .coT� _._'f.i . ___tJt.i:'___� * � ,� � � w � � � ..�s. � i � . F..� ^ ' 1 ' . . h � � t� . . . _ _rjs,s- - �� . . �I � . �� �� , � a ��.E. :�f:� � r8i3 .1 /3 •, ,o .. �� ; � .�fir t�s.tr--- � _Y � , ,a ' � � . • h 2 Y.�.1/ � .�f// -. . �� �� � /") `% ^ ` a,.4 � . ,_fS./c ��� /J,aiO.. _. � �. . � . .. �, 5" / � ,� a . .:-�1 . . .r3fot_,'. � � y' % �� �� 4 . � �� t� �'/• � �% J ' i/ ,:' :j ';1 i.S . 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