PL 03/04/1970 - 31070,�
MARCH 4, 1970
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Acting Chairman Jensen.
Meabers Present: Myhra, Jensen, Fitzpatrick
Members Absent: Erickson, Mittelstadt
Others Present: Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant
MD�'IDN b� Myh.�a, seconded bg Fi�zpafirack, �that �ie Planning Commission
approve the Planning Coraraassion minu�es of February 18, 1970. Upon a voice
vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carPied uraanianously.
MOTION by Fitapatrick, seconded Abc� Mylua� fi�at tl�e P1�.�ng Coui�s�ioaa
receive the minutes of the Paz°ks & Recxeatio� Corra�ssion meeting o.� Feb�°aa�r� 23,
1970. Upon a voice vate, aZl voting ayeo the motaon carried ran�eimous3y.
The Agenda r�a� to b� considered in tize o��de�e w�itten, �d �dded a� It�ffi 5,
was the Lot Split 4�70-02 lsy Eugene Bonn�t�..
Acting Chaira�an Jeasen st�.ted th�t Igems 3� aad 2 would be considered
together as both were public he�rin�s relativ�e to the saffie p_rope�gyo
YU1fL1(; HN.AlQTNG; �
Block 3, Comm4erce P
(general business).
YU1iLl(: H.r;AR1NG: 5PECI�
Block 3, Commerce Park.
self service car wash.
to rezone from C-1 (local
USE.PERMIT, SP �170-01,
For automatic car w�sh
COI�'ON: Lot 1,
iness) to C-2
ON: Lot 1,
sales aad
The public hearing notice for the rezoning request, 20A �70-02, bq Steve
Coddon for Lot 1, Block 3, Com�erce Park to be rezoned from C-1 (local b�i�ess)
to C-2 (general busfness) was read by Acting Chairman Jensen.
The public heariag notice fos the Special Use Permit, SP �70-01, for Steve
CoBdon on Lot 1, B].ock 3, Connnerce Park requestin� an automatic car wash,
gasolene sales and self service car wash in a C-2 District was read by Acting
Chairman Jeasen.
Mr. Coddon introduceci Mr. Ron fleskin, attorney, who represented Dameron,
Inc. Mr. Heskin ahowed a scale size model of the automatic car wash and com-
mented on the capacity of the two types of car washes involved in this develop-
PlanninA Com�ission Meetin� March 4. 1970 Page 2
ment. Se indicated that there would be no access onto University Avenue or
73rd Avenue and that the access off the service drive would be 75 feet from
�^1 � the coraer.
The Acting Chair�an a�ked for cora�ents from the public m- there were none.
�CITION by 1�lyhra, seconded by Fitzpatrickr that the public hesring �'or ��
rezonfng reqoest, ZG1A #70-02, to rezone Lot 1, BZock 3, Ca�erce �az°1c I� -.�
Steve CoBdon from C-1 (1xa1 business) to C-2 (general business) and the public
hearing for the Special Use Permit, SP 1�70-01 by Steve Coddon for an automatic
car wash, qaso3ene sales and self service aar wash, be closed. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. fleskin said the automatic car wash would be masonry and have a Man-
sard roof. Inasmuch as the Dameron, Inc. is a Southern Company, the pl�a� of
the buildings being adapted to the Minnesota climate and the Uniform
Buildiag Code. The building design and layout would go before the Building
Standards-Desiga Control Subcon�ittee.
liS�OTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plannis�g Comaussion
recommend appaoval to the City Council of the rezoning request, ZC►A #70-OZ,
Steve Coddon, to rezone from.C-1 (1oca.Z business) to C-Z (qeneraZ business),
Lot Z, Block 3, Co�erce Park. Upon a voice vote. aZl voting aye, tlae �tion
carried unanimously.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the PZanning Com�ssion
recomaeend to the City CounciZ approvaZ of the Special U�e Perrntt, SP �i70-01,
^ to construct an auto�tic car washB gasoZene �aZes �rad seZf service c�r w�sla
requested by Steve Coddon, on Lot Z, BZock 3, Coma�rce Park. Upon a voic�
vote, a11 voting aye, the rreotion carried unanimousZyo
N'� of Lot 30 and the N'� of Lo� 31, except the North 125 feet, �f
Auditor�s Sul�division �{'129 rezoned from R-1 (single family) to R-3A
(apartmaat and multiple dwellings).
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Co�ssi�n
dispense with the reading of the Public Xearing Notice. Upon a voice vote,
s1.Z voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. William Merlin, lawyer for Mr. Nelson, Sr. and the Fnvest�nt Co�any,
euplained that the rezoning request was.approved by the Platnaing Com�s�imn
laet qear and the Council had asked th�t the request be held up until �Il�e
apartment study w�s completed by the Planning Commii.ssion. At t�is ���ge� ��ae�
were especially inte�ested in makin� the mfddle of the lota �avoual'�1� for
proper develop�ent. Mr. Nelson, Sr. said they would like to develop the South
Half of the lots for apartments constructing the kind of byildings which would
be aa asset to the commuaity and economicallq sound to operate. The area neas
R-1 would be used for parking and open space. They fe�1 there ie � nee� fo�
this type of units.
Mr. Otto Schmid of Urban Planning and Design, Inc. e�plained further the
plans for Lot 30. The rezoning requeat was for an R-3A District between a
�'"1 R-1 and R-2 District, and using the problem area in the middle t�f the lot
for parking and recreation. He continued that the ffio�t promi.nent thimmg �a� ���
Plannin� Commission Meetin� F�rch 4, 1970 a Pa�e 3
site of apartmenta is the parking lot and th�ir desi�n wouYd have the parking
�..1 lot pretty much out of sight by the use, of berm� go �cre�n tfiem.
Mr. Nelson, Sr. answered Actin� Chair�ssa Jen�en°s qu�ry regarding aa
easem�ent for street purposea saying the� had agreed not to use the strip
aloag the West edge of Lot 30 (25 feet back o� the lot limme) so that in the
event the property owmers fe�cing 73rd Avenue atnd Onondaga Street wsat to
opea access to the back of their propertg►9 tiaey could. Yn the meantime, they
would landacape the easement said use i� uaitil such time as the property ownere
would want a street.
The Eagineering Assistant referred to the g�r�ge which w�s built close
to the lot line and would have to be moved 3.f a street went thsou�ka. �'la� ���°
had atated at a previ.ous .amee�ting �hat he r�� not interested in gettin� the
road now, and did not waat to look ont on tt�e �e�vice agea of apartmeats.
Mr. Schmid contint�d they felt tl�f� if this ].�nd c��re �llo�aed to develop
by itself, it �ould end up as a pgoble�a a�ea s�ad woulci be developed in a
haphazard wa�. If this were zoned f or R 3A, � ffiore logical, better pl�nned
layout could be presented incorpoxatin� the land�caping �nd recreation, and
aa far as the� co'tild eee, the hoames aroxand it �rould not be �ffected.
Mr. Dennis Herbst, 1482 Ononda��, adffiitted he wss �he mr�aner of the ��age
- � earlier in the meeting. �e a�keda ��en if the st�eet was left in,
who arould paq for movin� his garage so that people could go thgough there.
He -could. not aee apartments. .I�Yr. �hra asked l�iro �er�bst if i� would be po�sible
to 8eii the back pazt of his lot �aithou� movin� the g��a��a Mro �ierb�� ��id
� "yes".
George A. �ianaon, 1476 Onondaga, said �e was no� in favor of ap�rtments.
In the event they would have to sell �ff the back of their lo�, they taould be
selling to people who would want to build homes, but he w�s not �ure �hey
would if surrounded by apartments. Ttae land was zoned R=1 before thei�°
request for R-3A and �he petitioners were well aware of that f�ct. He did.�
not think this was proper. He felt it woul� d�v�luate the surrounding
properties. fle felt the Plannin� Co�L�sion, by approving the rezoxaing,
wou].d be encroaching on residential are�, a�d planning a futuxe �hetto. �"tae
owners are trqing to maintain single family homes.
Gordon Gnasdoskeq, 1491 Onoadaga: he said he lives in F].anary Park.
There are lots of children using the park and it cre�tes an awful lot of
traffic. They moved fzom Minneapolie to get a�aay from apartments. If apazt-
menta are put in, there will be more traffic. �e would not w�nt to see a
a�,ce area spoiled bq apartmenta.
Everett Schmidt, 7400 L�k.eside Roada � reported th�t �11 the people in
the area are against the reaoning.
Robert Persgard, 7430 Lakeside Ro�ds �e said that thie was the thisd
ti� he came to the meetings to object to the rezonin�. �� ���ted thi� was
a residential area and there are new homes going up and it is a potential
market for more. There ia alwaqs room for new homea ia� the area.
Planning Co�i�aioa Mee�in� March 4. 1970 Pa�e 4
. Mr. George Hanson: He attended the meeting last year foa� the rezoniag
� and then the request was tabled to another meeting. fle worka nights and has to
take time to come down to City Hall aind it cc�ste him money everyr time.
. Mr. William Merlin: He atated �hey had considered the poseibility of an
East/West street gaing through so they would not be sittin� wi�h a large piece
of property that was landlocked. He knew Mz. PTelson was doing everything pos-
sible to avoid hurtiag the neighbors. Whatever k,ind of screening was aecessary
to make the si,te look nice, they would want to do. They are proposing to aink
the parking lot to impsove the site and use screeningo If the people would
like somethiag further in the waq of.screening, they would cooperate.
The Engineering Aasistant explained tha� there was no definite dedication
for a road, but there is an overall pls�n which includes a street from the
East to the West.
Mr. Nelson, Sr. s�id, that as far as �he lots on Onond�ga Siereet are coa-
cerned, single family dwellings �re being platt�d, but Lhe �rend is to more
multiple dwelling�, partlq because of the very diffieult money situation in
financiag private homes. As far as having access to run through people's
yarde, they have agreed to an easement �n ithe West side of I,ot 30 and this
would permit anyone to go throughe
Mr. Haason said that he did not know who would b�sy property f�om him
if there were apartments all around him.
Mr. Nelson, Jre stated that improvement co�t fog street �d utilities
^ would make this land so high priced th�t i� woaald be difficul.t to �ell.
Mr. Hanson objected to the petitioners laaid on the assiamption that
it would be rezoned. fle said the people there already had $4,000 assessments
and that the petitioner should be able to pay the asses�ments �rithout rezoning--
the same as the rest of the people had to.
In �iscuasing the disposition of the rezoning request, Mx. Fitzpatrick
stated that this was the tenth time this arem h�d been on the City Agendas.
The Planning Commiseion does have a problem in that it has recommended
approval of thi� same request a year ago. The ffiotion from the Planning Commis-
sioa minutes of Maq 22, 1969, Page 5, w�s read by Acting Chairman Jensen.
Mr. Myhra reviewed the past action of the Pl�nning Commissioa when the
motion to reco�end approval of the rezoning request was made unanimously,
referring to the proposed street pattern studq made by the Planning Commiaeion
for t�is area if, and when, it was developed. This pattern would enable the
owners of the large 1ots, which face Onondaga �nd 73rd Avenue, to aell off the
back part of the lots and have street access to either Onondaga Street or 73rd
Avenue. Tlie property on the Soutt► side of 73rd Avenue was industrial and the
property North of Onondaga taas residential. This re�oaing request provided
an R-1 strip facing Onondaga, and the piece facing 73rd Avenue would be R-3A.
There were also further stipulationa reg��din� ease��ts.
Mr. Hanson had stated that he worked nights and took time off from work
to attead the meetings, azad this was aia unnecess�ry hardship coming four or
��1 five times. . �
Pl��� �o�.��ion Meetia� Aqarch 4, 1970
�a�ee 5
Actin� Chairman Jeasen esplained that is.etipulation �2, in tbe p������
motion re�ommending approval of the rezoning requeat. considerati� �� �iden
^ to the road pattera that would be required if the property awnera deaired to
s�ll off the bac& portion of their lota without rezaning. The Planning Commis-
aion has kept the master glan open for this posaibility. He coatiaued that
the only.vay for a person to deteYmine whether a rezoaing would, os would not
be poss�ble, wae to apply for rezoning and anyone who owas property in the
citq of Fridleq has the privilege o£ comimmg in to applq for � rezonin�. He
did feel the Planning Co�iss3on is attempting to hawe the best i�terests of
th� people at heart.
The Plaaning Commission was unanimous in the feeliag of ha� a11 me�bers
present for the reconmmendation.
MOTION by Plyhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the PZanning Conmt3ssion
continue until �.., I8, 1970 the rezoniax� request, ZOA #70-03, by George
Nelson of the North Xa1f of Lot 30 and North Ha1f of Lot 30, except tiie
North 125 feet, of Auditor's Subdivision q1Z9 to be rezoned from R-1 (siragle
family) to R-3A (apartment and multiple dwelZings), and no�ifg the people on
the maiZing Zist if the m�eeting wi11 not be held at that time. Upon a voice
vote, a1I voting aye, the motion carried unan�,mouslye
PRI_TCHARD. The Sou�h 2%3 of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivi.��o�n �i08 to Pue
rezoned from R-1 (single family) to R-3A (apartmeat�).
Mr. Pritchard explained that he taad been out of town, that he had no�
^ been able to get together with all the people involved in the asea, and he
had beea trying to contact the owuer Lot 2. He then asked permission ta
continue his rezoni �
ng request to the � 18, 1970 meeting in order tm
�et together with Mr. Nelson �nd the othes prope�ty owners to try to �evelotp
the area as one piece.
MOTION by Fitzpa�rick, seconded by A9yhra, that the Planning Commission
continue until March 18, 1970 meeting the rezoning reguest, ZOA #69-Z2 by
Robert V. Pritchard of the South 2/3�ds of Lot 4, Auditor's St�bdivisaon ��c08
to be rezoned from R-1 to R-3A. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aa�e, tlae
motion carried unanimously.
Acting Chairman Jensen informed Mr. Pritchard that if he were �uccee�ful
in his plans, there will be further delay because a�new pr�blic heariag would
have to be held for the new request.
5. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L S ,�70-02, EUGENE BOIdNETT; The rear 101 fee� of
Lot 4, Block 1, Nagel's Woodlands.
The Engineering Aasistant eaplained the background of the area. �'o�ar
lots in this end of the plat were owa►ed by Vi Na�el. Jamisoaa constsuc�e� i�he
telephone building on Lot 1 and the easterly part of Lot 4. A lo� split w�s
approve at that time for Lot 4. Mre Bonnett is asking for approval to s�lit
th�t part of Lot 4 South of his pgopesty (Lot 2) . Tiie original dga�.na�e a�n�
utility easements between Lots 1, 2, 3 axid 4 being on the South edge o£ I,o�s
1, 2 and 3 and the North edge of Lot, were vacated and transferred to ghe
/'� South edge of Lot 4. The only problem is that we would end up with a ve�
amall corner lot. Mr. Bonnett was informed that a certificate of survey
Planning Comffiission Meetin� Ma�ch 4, 1970 Page 6
. �
�,.� ' woul�l be requixed i1� gie. were to build s but the present _ gequire�nt is f or a
, le�al description of the splits �d th�t it b� �tao�t axad accurate.
1�TION by l�l�hra, seconded by F'stzpatrick, that the PZanning Corr¢nission
recommend approval of the Lot Sp1it request, L.Se #70-02,�by Eugene Bonnett
� and that the portion of Lot 4 SoutPa of dzis Lot 2 be combined r�sith. Lot 2 arid
ti�at the remaaning Westerly portion of I,�t 4 be combined with Lot Z as one
• bu3ZaTing site. Udnon a voice vote, a1.1 votang ay�, ��aotion carried
,unanimously. •
� 1�TIO1V by hlyhra, seconded by F'atzpatrick, that the Planreing Commission
adopt the following Resolvtion:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commsssio� of tP�e City of Fridleg,
Anoka County, Minnesota as follows:
- WHEREAS, fn recent public hearings before �he Planning Comenission
� . regarding rezoning of property to mult3nle dwellinq, re%rences
- have been made to the recent Land Use Tax Survey Reporta
NXERE�I.S, information conta��en eaitisi.n sa�� .z�eporf �s u�ei'ul, factuaZe
and does answer man� questions pre�riously unsgabstarstiatec? with local
condi tions,
TBEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED �hat the F°rialec� PZanrasng Commission
recommends ghe Fr3dley Ci�y Council authos�i�e �he P.a?ministrat�ton �o
prepare said report for public use with the omission of the
supportive data rels�ing to 1ega1 descriptions, valuations and
censvs data relative to �ndavidual parcelso '
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the �tion carried unanimously.
�� .
MOTION by Myhra. seconded by Fitzpatrick. that the PZanning Commission
a�etiny of N9arc�h 4, 197C be adjourned at 9:40 P.1K. Upon a voice vote, the
,t�Q�ion carried.
Respectfully.submitted � .
H�zel 0'Brian - Recording Secretary
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