PL 03/18/1970 - 30171i� � PLANNING COl�lIISSION 1�ETING MARCfl 1$, 1970 PAGE 1 The �eting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairmaa Erickaoa. R01.L CAi+L : Membera Present: i�yhra, 1Kittelstadt, Erickson, Jensen, Fitzpatrick Membere Absent: None Others Presenta Darrel Clark, Engineeriag Assietant Visitore: Eldon Schmedeke, Richard flarris APPYi0�1E PY.A�TNYNG COI�IISSION MINUTES : MARCH 4, 1970 !►IOZ70N bg Jensen, seconded by 1N3ttelstadt, that the Planni.ng Co�ission reinutes of l�Jarch 4, 1970 be approved. Upon a vo3ce vote, a1I voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS 1rIINUTES: MARCS 11, 1970 MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commtssion �,,, receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of l�larch 11, 1970. Upon a voice vote, a11 vot3ng aye, the motion carried unan3mously. ORDER OF AGENDA° Chairman Erickson stated that Item �2 had been withdrawn. The petitioner for the rezoning request, ZOA #69-12, Robert V. Psitchard, to rezone from R-1 (eiagle family dwellinge) to R-3A (apartments and multiple dwellinga) the South 2/3rds of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivieion 1�108 withdrew his request and will reapply for rezoning on a larger area. 1. CONTINUED PUBLIC $EARING: REZONING RE UEST ZOA �70-03 GEORGE NELSON: The of Lot 30 and the N'� of Lot 31, egcept the North 125 feet of Auditor's Subdivision �i129 to be rezoned from R-1 (single family) to R-3A (apartments and multiple dwellings). Present to diacuss the rezoning request were George Nelson, Sr., William Merlin, George Nelson, Jr. and O�to Schmid. • The layout for the apartment complex was displayed. Mr. Schmid called attention to the profile of the buildinge, landscaping and parking; explaining again that they were trying to "plaq down" the parking lot se much as possible with the use of berms as a screen. Mr. Myhra recalled that at the last meeting someone mentioaed that, at the ^ present time, there is a problem concerning the children tryin� to get over to Flanary Park which ia on the Nort1� side of Onondaga Street. fle felt the Plan- ning Com�nission should, at thts time, consider a type of path to the Park, FlanninA C�ni�eion I�eetinA March 18. 1970 � Pa�e 2 ' especially if the North 125 feet of Lots 30 and 31 wexe to be dev�loped for � eingle fa�ily reeidences. that there wouid be ciiildren waating to get o�er to the playgrouad. In the discusaion that follc�ead, the Planning Ca�iasion decided tiais wae aot e�roble� for the Commissioa to c�ider in conjunction with the rezoning request. but �hould be discuased and called to the attention of tbe;Coumm�il. They ¢elt a path or walkway oa the eite of the 25 foot easement at the West edge of Lot 30 w�uld�eufffce. Mr. Nelson, Sr. said �hat theq would be willing to put up a f�nce to keep the children fxom cutting through the qarde, �d bavi.n� an opening for a biaycle or walk. Mr. Merlin asked it be p�t cf the minutes that the petitioner would be agreeable to put up a fence if it a+ere Couacil's wishee. George A. flaason, 1476 Oaondaga Street: Ee reiterated his for�r comm�nte, �aad eaid the neighbors and he were wondering why R-1 property should be rezoned to apartmente when there ie plenty of R-3 land etill available. Further, there wa� never a request to put a stre�t through the mi.ddle�of the lots. The neigh- bors h�ve recently received a notice from the schoolboard that they are going to bus 150 children from that area to Elaine. fle felt apartmente would bsing in more children and thie would ag�ravate the problem. Chaiz�man Erickson explained the easement through the center of the lots wae put there in case the people would waait to sell off the back part of their lote, but it would aot be used if they did not wish to sell. Pertaining to the placing of the apartment buildinge on the property, the City does have control through ^ the Building Inspection Department and Building Standards-Design Control Subco�-- mittee. Dennia Herbet� 1482 Oaondaga Street: He said he was atill against the idea of apartments. Gordon Gnasdoskey, 1491 Onondaga Street: Se said that he moved in that area to specifically get away fro� apartments. ldew homes are still being built there. Mr. Myhra, referring to the Apartment Study the Planning Commieaion recently completed, said that what we have alwaqs thought to be true is not necessarily so. People do move out from ap�rtments and the ratio in older apartments is lawer than the new ones. The comments most heard were baeically the mobility of the renters which presents problems of children coming and going. Mr. Fitzpatrick added that ttae apartr:ent atudy ahowed that the oldest apartments in Fridley do not hav� more children than the newest ones. plr. Mi.ttelstadt thanked the people for camir.g again to the Public Hearing, and eapecially Mr. Hanson who took time off work to do so. �OTION by Mittelstad�o �econded by Fitzp�trick, that the Planning Co�is- s�on close the Public Fiearing of the rezon3ng request, ZOA N70-03, by George G. Nelson to rezone from R-1 (single family) to R-3A (apartments and multiple n j dwellings) the 11� of Lot 30 arad the N�i of Lot 31, escept the North 125 feet, , + �1$nning Co�iseion I�feetinst March l�s 1970 �a�e 3 � ,�� . of Auditor's Subdivision No. 129. Upon s vo�ce vot�, a11 voting aye, the mota[on � carried unan,fmously. ' Mr. Fitzpatrick felt that, inasffiuch ae various City Commiseions,have heazd ttiia requ�t eleven time8, that it pas sent to the Council aad aent back dawn, the rezoning reque�t thouid na�i be a Coa�ci.l deci�ion. Mr. Myhra stated that the �ituation h�• not ch�ged �ince the laet time thia aea�e requeat was before the Plaaniag Co�iseion. 1'here is eome 600 feet bstween streeta and if there i� goixig to be siagle famiiy 8evelopment Weet of thie catmpleu, we muat provide a street pattega wlsict� could be used, if and vhen, people on the South aide of Onondaga Street and West of thia propoeal wieh to develc�p the South half of thefr propertpo Thi� apaxt�ent proposal. if developed with the dedication of a etreet � easement along the Weat boundaxy, gives the people to the Weet an opportunity to s�ve1�Q their property. 1'he propoeal provi.dea for the open apace ad�acent �o t6e R-1 and therefore seema to be a good plan. The building would be on that portion of the land already zoned for apartments. He atated, �hat to deny thie requeet, would not Bolve the problem of deveiopiag this area. The idea of � 3�nd �-1 joining at rear lines is better thau h�ving them face each other aa� a street. P4r. Myhra felt that the ffiotion p�seed last year expressed the Planniag Co�moisaion feelings. ,�y Mr. Jeasen referred to the motion sent to the Council on May 22, 1969 which sho�ws t�e thinking of the Planning Comm4i.ssion. He said he did not like to disagree with the neighbors;; but he did feel that the point of contact between single familq and m�altiple is still the beat when developed along the rear lot line rather than a street and thia plan does achieve this sort of development. If the Planning Commissllon can provide options for future developing, they �re sea-ving ttae nei�hborho�d �d co�unity in psoper fashion. � MOTION by Jensen, seconded By Mi��els�dt, that the Planning Co�ission recommend approval of the rezoning request, ZOA #70-03, by George N. Nelson, �o-rezone_from R-I (sinyle family dwellings) to R-3A (apartments and multiple dwellings) that part of the N'� of Lots 30 and 31, except the North 125 feet of Auditor's Subdivision No. 129 with the provision that the petitioner provide an essement tor street, walkway and utility purposes on the West 30 feet from Onondaga Street to a point 25 feet South o� the Southeast corner of Lot 2�, and provide no vehicular access be allowed froat the multiple zoning to the street essement, and that such area of this said easement be allowed in computing density of the multiple dwelling pro?ect :�n R-3A. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani�usly. ADJOIIRNMENT : MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Commission ateeting of March 18, 1970 be adjourned at 8:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted 7�k� � � ��c: � , �- Aa� 0'Brian Recording Secretary