PL 06/03/1970 - 31072n
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Erickson at 8:07 P.M.
Members Present: Minish,
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Darrel
Harris, Erickson, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke
Clark, Engineering Assistant
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Narris, that the Planning Corranission
Minutes of May 20, 1970 .be approved. Upon a voice vote, a1I �sating sye, the
,. .motion carried unanimousZy.
MAY 20, 1970
MOTION by 5chmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Coamtission
recei ve the minutes of the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & UtiZities Subcoaanittee
aeeeting of May 20, 1970. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Harris, that the Planning Conanission receive
the minutes of the Bosrd of.Appeals meeting of May 26, Z970. Upon a voice vote,
a11 voting aye, the minutes carried unani�ously. ,
MOTION by Harris, seconded bx� Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission
receive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcoa�mittee meeting
of May 21, 1970. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, the motion carried unanimously,
MOTION by Fitapatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission
receive the minutes of the Parks & Recrea tion Commission meeting of May 25, 1970.
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanirrtously.
MOTION by Narris, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Co�ission
Agenda be taken in the order as written. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried tu�animvusly.
Plaaning Commission Meeting - June 3 1970 pa�e 2
-� INC. (GLENN W. MISCI�CE); To permit retail sales of campers, trailers, motor
homes, recreatioaal equipment in a C-2S District (general ahopping areas)
to be located on Lots 1 and 5, Block 1, Herwal 2nd Addition.
Mr. Mischke was present.
Chairmaa Erickson reviewed the diecussion of the May 20th meeting when the
Planuing Commission had a motion �for denial, but the motion failed for lack of a
aecoad and a new motion was made to continue the request so that the petitioner
could present a plot plan. Mr. Mischke had the plan with him and it was placed
on the easel for the benefit of the audience. The print of the structure showed
the entrance at the front of the building, but Mr. Mischke thought it should be
changed to a side entrance. The plot indicated that..the area to the rear would
be y�sed for storage and diaplay with a 6 foot cyclone fence around it. The
frontage would be 125 feet and the depth 450 feet -- the West 20 feet would not
be used.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission re-
open the public Aearing of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #70-02, by
Recreation Equipment Sa1es, Inc. to permit retail sales of recreational equip-
m+ent in a C-2S District on Lots Z and 5, B1ock I,• Nerwal 2nd Addition. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimousZy.
Don Savelkoul, 916 West Moore Lake Drive: Mr. Savelkoul atated he was
Secretarq of the'Fridley Recreation Center. He eaid he was interested in the
^ grawth aad development of the community. Whatever ia being requested this
evenin� is not permitted under the general ordinance, as he underatands it.
There was no problem with the funeral home and the veterinary clinic, but if
Mi'. Mischke was proposing a pure and simple building, there would be no problem
n�• The request involved campers, recreational �rehicles aad other thin�s of
this nature, all to be on display and that was the point he waa>against. There
would be no obj ectioae from the reaidents and allied places if Mr. A4ischke
would be asking for the building only, as ahawa on the plan, but when this
involved trailera, campers, vehicles, recreational equipment and auch things in
the open, there are obje�tions and very aound objections and not only by �ust
thoae who were here tonight, but others. He felt Fridley had reached a atage
where we do not have to downgrade, but up�rade...If a deviation were to be made,
it ahould be for the better. Why a deviation at this time? He would sincerely
urge that this Planning Commission insist on maintaining standards. He hac� seen
this thing happen to the South where a million dollar corporation tried to get
in Columbia Heights and deviate from standarda, and that application was '
denied. He said we are talkin� about a trailer or some other kind of vehicle
which is not permitted under our ordinance, that residents and business men
are opposed to it, and he asked that the Planning Commission, as the represen-
tative of the people, will not deviate downward aad insiat oa compliance of the
ordinance which has been enacted.
Staa Carlson, 6219 Baker Avenue N.E.: He stated his home was right behind
and South of this land. He opposed the request. Looking at the building, he
felt it was fine and the shaded green part, but fences of the kind proposed,
are a real eqesore to the neighborhood. The neighbors were interested in the
r"`\ treatment back of the lot. A tour of Fridley and other communities would show
there are a lot of trailer sales. We do not aeed anq more in Fridley. Do aot
dowag�ade, but upgrade.
Planning Co�ission Meetin� - June 3, 1970 Pa�e 3
- In anawer to Mr. Schmedeke's question whether or not Mr. Savelkoul, as an
attorney had ever asked for a Special Use Permit for a client, Mr. Savelkoul
� replied that he had never asked for a Special U�e Permit in the City of Fridley
or in any other place. Mr. Schmedeke asked if Mr. Savelkoul was aware that
there is a 40 foot planting strip, and that Mr. Miachke had offered to put in
evergreens to protect the neighbors. Mr. Savelkoul replied that you would still
be looking at autos, campers and recreational equipment and it was still an
eyesore, and he would not want to look at it.
Eugene Lawson, 1026 64th Avenue N.E.: Mr. Lawson said that he came to the
meeting to oppose the request for the same reasons as Mr. Savelkoul pointed out.
Mrs. Eugene Lawaon: She said that, when they moved to Fridley in 1954,
they were told that the property involved in this requeat would be a park. They
would like to see something there that they would be proud to have their friends
Mr. Mischke said the recreational equipment would be put behind the buildingo
Mr. Eugene Lawson expressed the opinion that he felt a trailer salea would
not do their property any good.
Mr. Stan Carlson: Several years ago he talked to Mr. Walquist who told him
he had a lead on a men interested in the property and would put a furniture
atore there.
Mr. Mischke said the property was sold to him in 1963 and he told Mr. Wal-
quist what he was going to use it for.
Mr. Savelkoul said that he had checiced on the real estate holding, and as
far as he knew, the whole property is under the name of Herwal at the registrar
of deeds. The property sold to the funeral home aad the veterinary clinic was by
the same individual.
�TION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission
close the Public Hearing of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #70-02,
by RecreationaZ Equipment Sa1es, Inc. (Glenn W. Mischke) to permit retaiZ sales
of recrestional equipment in a C-2S District on Lots 1 and 5, BZock 1, XerwaZ
2nd Addition. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousZy.
Mr. Harris said he had spent some time inspectiag the property, and, tn his
opinion, the back half of Lot 5 is uabuildable, as it is mostly cattails.
� Mr. Stan Carlson: He understood that, at some time in the past, there was
talk about putting apartment houses there.
' Mr. Schmedeke brought up th� fact that there is a saaitary sewer easement
between Lota 1 and 5, and there can never be a building conatructed over it.
The.Engineering Assistant pointed out that the sewer serves this property and
the aervice station. The cafe is hooked up to the North.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said he wished to point out this request has been on tha-�--- -
Planning Commiasion agenda for three consecutive meetings.
Mr. Minish couimented that at the previous meeting, he had made a motion to
deny the requeat. He did not feel that anything more had been offered at this
Plaaning Commission Meetiat� - June 3, 1970 • Pa�e 4
meeting to make him change his mind. He did have a,better idea now as to the
fence, but added he was still opposed to open sales and storage area.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Corranission
recommend denia� to the City Council of the Special Use Permi.t request, SP �t70-02,
by Recrestion Equipment Sales, Inc., Glenn W. Mischke, to permit retail sales of
campers, trailers, motor homes, recreational equipment in a C-2S District (general
shopping areas) to be located on Lots 1 and 5, Herwal 2nd Addition. Upon a voice
vote, Minish, Fitzpatrick and Harris voting aye, Schmedeke voting nay, and Chair-
man Erickson abstaining, the motion carried.
Mr. Harria said he had looked at several areas which had outside storage
and he was not impressed with the way they were conducted. He also walked
around the area in questioa and did not think the business would fit in with
the established concept. He wondered if Mr. Mischke would have an alternate
proposal and get together with the City Administration rather than leaving the
piece of ground dormant and unproductive.
Chairman Ericicson informed the audience this request would be heard before
Couacil on Juae 15, 1970 and Council will not hold a hearing unless they choose
to call one.
11, Lots 15 thru 20, Block 2, Meadowmoor Terrace. To permit housing for the
Elderly and Senior Citizens.
'� Mr. Arthur Winters, 7651 Central Avenue Northeast represented Mr. Chies.
His e.uplanation for the Special Use Permit was to build housing for the Elderly
and Senior Citizens.
Thia plan comea under the HUD Program No. 236 wiiich is a low rent type,
the rent being in the neighborhood of $99.00 a month. The renter pays the amouat
he caa afford and the government subsidizes the balance. There would be the
regular real estate taxes and the property would be assessed as any other parcel
of land, the only difference being that��_.�ren�.is subsidized.
The plana are for one bedroom imits, no basement, but there is an area for
washing clothes in the �t�lity room. Plans were submitted to Spring Constructioa
for frame coastruction. They subsequently fouad out that, under HUD rules, con-
crete was apecified, probably from the standpoint of fireproofing.
There would be ten 52'x48' four unit buildings one story high on twelve
75's120' lots.
They knocked on the doors of seventeen propertq owners, Mr. Winters saw
twelve people -- ten of the twelve signed a petition approving the plan, but
he did not get to see the rest of the neighbors. The Petition was presented
to the Planning Co�i.ssion.
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the P.Zanning Coam�ission
receive Petition No. 7-1970 approving the Specisi Use Permit request, SP �i70-03
� by Edward Chies to housing for the Elderlg and Senior Citizens zn an R-1
� D3stri ct. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unaniarausly.
c y
Planning Co�iseion Meetin� - June 3, 1970 Paf�e 5
The Engineering Aasistant com�ented that there is a fairly high water table
�'� in this area. Mr. Winters said that the homes they are building on Meadowmoor
Drive, South of this proposed complex, are all split entries, and they are
raised up quite high. The response of the people he visited there shawed no
objections. In fact, he really didn't have any serious objections from the
The statement was made by Darrel Clark that the lots in this requeat are all
zoned R-1. Under R-1, a Special Use Permit is required for the type of the
housing. It was noted that Lots 5 and 21 have R-1 zoning and they abut Lots 4
and 22, which are zoned C-1 (local business). The C-1 area included Lots 1 thru
4 and Lots 22 thru 26, Meadowmoor Terrace. Mr. Winters stated he understood
that this proposal was to abut the C-1 District and he would talk to his client
to see what he would want to do with Lots 5 and 21. As Mr. Chies owns all the
lots, this can be corrected.
Louis Stoffers, 7676 Bacon Drive: He stated he has been a resident in the
area for four yea�rs. Across the street from his house, the tornado took a
house and after ihree years, nothing was ever done. He asked Mr. Chies to do
something with this property and even went to the Council. Council sent lettera
out to cut the grass, but nothing was done. Now he wants to build this housing.
Right after he bought his house from Mr. Chies, he had some action �gainst him,
which was four years ago. If Mr. Chies didn't take care of him four years ago,
he wondered how long he would keep this property before selling to someone else
who would say they wouldn't have to follow the rules �omeone made five years
ago. Mr. Stoffers a�.so wondered if there would be an increase or decrease in the
value of his home. He didn't have anything personal against Mr. Chies, just
in his business end.
Mr. Win,ters told the Planning Commission that Mr. Stoffers was not object-
ing to what Mr. Chies is doing, but he wants to make sure that Mr. Chies has to
follow through with what he said. All Mr. Winters could add was that it would
be his peraonal view, building under the HZJD program, money will be withheld
until the work is done the way it was �greed upori.
Mrs. Donald Nelson: She mentioned that there is approximately forty little
children on Bacon Drive and the increase in traffic would be hazardous.
Chairman Erickson asked Mrs. Nelson if she would have the same objections
if the parking were on Osborne Road. She thought that would help, but it is a
busy street already.
Mrs. Nelson continued that the type of building that is put on a slab is
bound to affect the property value. Most of the houses in the area were rented
from Mr. Chies and the renters had great difficulty getting maintenance done
on the houaes. The people are afraid of the care this housing project would
Referring to.the parking, Mr. Wintera explained that oae of the reasons
for having the parking lots on MeadaRa�moor Drive was because Osborae Road is a
fast track at the preaent time. He didn't believe this housing would be a
dowagrade factor in the area.
Michael Sandahl, 7651 Bacon Drive:
that homes built on slabs would dowagrade
He thought the crux of the matter is
ttce area. Some of the homes will
Planniag Commission Meetin� - June 3, 1970 � Page 6
,.., deteriorate quite rapidly. Ae was sure the elderly could not keep them up,
` and the homes would degenerate rapidly. The value of their homes would go
down. He ob j ected.
MnTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission
close the Public Hearing of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #70-02, by
Edward Chies, to permit housing for the Elderly and Senior Citizens on Lots 6
through 1Z, Lots 15 through 20, Block 2, Meadowmoor Terrace. Upon a voice vote,
a11 voting aye, the motion carried unani�usly.
The Chairmen suggested the Planning Commsiseion should have more information
concerning the HUD P.rogram as f ar as occupancy of atructure, requirements as far
as maintenance of buildings and grounds, construction of the buildings, owaer-
ship, etc.
1h�TION by 8arris, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Co�n.ission continue
until the next raeeting (June Z7th) the request for a Special Use Perau:t, SP
#70-03, by Edward Chies to permit housing for the Elderly and Senior Citizens
in an R-1 Distriot under the XUD Program No. 236. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, the rr�tion carried unaniaausly.
HOLDING CO.: Part of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision ,�59. Part of vacant
lot 120 x100') to be used for Mobile Home Sales.
� Mr. Emil Novak, 6225 University Avenue N.E. introduced himself as manager
_ of the Moon Plaza property and representing the petitioner. He explained there
are lon� range plans for a permanent structure on thie area, but the financial
aituation, auch as it is, and not having a prime tenant at hand, they considered
that in the interim period they could use the land for the sale of mobile hotaee.
These mobile homes would be "Select Homea of Cannon Falls", expensive units,
and at any time, no more than faur homes would be on display. The prime reason
, for the better class homes would be to upgrade the tenancy of the mobile home
park. The property line of the lot we are talking about would be right at the
North end of the existing structure running to the property line of the Rice
Creek Office Building and is aside and apart from the general shopping area.
David 0. Harris, 470 Rice Creek Blvd.: Mr. Harria etated he wa� one of the
owners of 6279 University Avenue alon� with Dr. George J. Hayano, who was also
present this evening, and Vir�i1 Herrick. He recognized the right of the
petitioner to ask for this type of waiver. He added, we are talking about a
large area that extends from City Ha11 to St. William's Church. Q1,1 businesa
is conducted within the structures and are permaaent. We feel that such an
endeavor would certainly be a detriment to the area in general, and specifically
to our structure. They felt the people renting from them did not expect anything
else, beside the shopping center, would be in their view from that side of the
building. They made a substantial investment in the area and own land behind
their building. fle did not think a mobile home salea in the area would enhance
it. Se was here to object to this requeat on behalf of himself and the other
ownere of the Rice Creek Office Building.
Dr. Hayano said Mr. Harris expresaed his viewa.
Planning Com�tasion Meetin� - June 3, 1970 �'� �age 7
— .____
,� Mr. Novak said that many people feel there is some stigma attached to
' mobile homes. The sale of mobile homes is not in their long range plan, but
temporary until they are in a position to build a structure such as they have
in the preliminary design. It would be a two story structure, roughly 10,000
or 12,000 feet on each floor and L shaped. He would like to comment in their
defenae, that the rear of the shopping center has been unsightly in the last
few months, but it has been taken care of no�w, snd he did not wish to reflect
on the request for the Special Use Permit.
Mr. David Harris commented that he was not against mobile home parks and
sales. Since he has been on the Council, there have been several mobile ho�ne
parks and mobile home sales permitted. Ae didn't feel he could be classified
as anti-mobile homes, but he just felt this request is in the wrong location.
He thought in that area, it is not reasonable or feasible, especially in an
area where they are doing business primarily within the structures.
Mr. Novak answered the question of where they would be conducting their
business, and he said they could maintain an office withia the present shopping
structure with the access coming out onto this property. There would be a
covered arcade to the shopping center where there would be access to public
facilities, or they could operate in one of the units which were for sale.
1►1bTION bz� Xarris, seconded by Minish, that the PZanning Coauti.ssion c.Iose
the Public Hearing of the request for a 5pecial Use Permit, SP #70-04, by A. T.
Gearman DBA R� A Holding Co. for part of the vacant Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision
#59 to be used for Mobile Home Sales. U,pon a voice vote, a1.I voting aye, the
-'�, r�tion carried unanimously.
Mr. Schmedeke esid that he had a few mobile homes aad realized theq talce
�µ�_ up a lot of the area ���e agreed thia area could not contain more than �o�ur.
J,y.�„�u� "�� He noticed the lot was,�the proper size but does not fit the minimum of �"�;000
square feet. He felt it was asking too much for this particular area and for
the present zoning ordinance. He did not see �ere they would have to delay
this or study it.
Mr. Harris said he concurred with Mr. Schmedeke and also believed it did
not fit in with the sesthetics of the area.
MOTION br� Harris, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Co�ission recora-
mend to Council the denial of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #70-04,
by A. T. Geararan, DBA R� A Holding Company, to permit Mobile Home Sales;in
C-2S District (general shopping areas) to be Zocated in the Northerly portton
of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No. 59. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the
m�o ti on carri ed unani irtousl y.
Mr. Minish recalled that when the Board of Appeals granted a permit to
Castle Mobile Somes on Hwy. ��65, the permit was �ranted with the stipulation that
the property should be kept up, but the petitioner lost the incentive. fle,
personally, was not impressed with their operation. Because this request ia
for a temporary sales, it is f urther reason for denial.
,,.,� Mr. Fitzpat�ick felt the Planning Commission ehould be consistent with
' other requests of the same type and the denial was in accordance with this.
Plannin$ Commission Meetin� - June 3, 1970 p�e $
-� �,�—_
Mr. Schmedeke said the Police Department did a wonderful job on traffic
accident survey. He gave the following statistics taken from the report:
Uaiversity Avenue, North and South of I. 4�694 from 53rd Avenue to 57th
Avenue: 26 personal in_iuries, 39 property dama�e.
East River Road, North and South of I. ,��'694 from 53rd Avenue to 57th Avenues
28 personal iniuries, 39 property damage, 2 fatal.
Highway ��65, North and So.uth of I. 4�694 from 53ri Avenue to Weat�Moore Lake
Drive: 28 personal iniuries, 29 property damages.
It was also noted the accidents were caused by failure to stop, coafusion,
failure to yield, improper lane change and improper turn.
This makes a total of 189 accidents, 2 fatal, from February 3, 1967 to
December 3, 1969.
Mr. Schmedeke proposed putting signs on the bridge and passed around a
drawing of what he had in mind to the Commission. He had found a few errors of
advanced warning signs coming North on University Avenue, signa left after a
semphore was installed. _
The Engineering Aasistant reported that corrections would be made where a
sign was hidden by signals, but the Highway Department would be relectant to
put signs on the bridge because they would be too difficult to maintain and
mount. The Department did not do that type of mounting but would have to take
• There followed
changes of I. #�694
the hazards.
a discussion of errors in design in the past oa the inter-
at the three highways and suggestions for correction of
MOTION by Harris, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Co�anission reco�ez�d
to Council the adoption of the following Resolution Regarding the Imp�ovement
of the Directional and Lane Identification Signs of Interstate No. 694 Inter-
changes with Anoka County Highcvay No. 1 and 5tate Trunk Highway No. 47 with the
addition of pertinent data supplied by the PoZice Department to be attached to
the Resolution. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
BE IT RESOLVED BY the Planning Commission of the City of
Fridley, Anoka Cotui�y, Minnesota as follows:
�" , _..�' ,
plannint� Commission Meetins� - June 3, 1970 I I p8� y_
. WHEREAS, the interchanges of Interstate Highway No. 694
at Anoka County Highway No. 1 and at State Trunk Highway No. 47 are
not of the familiar cloverleaf design, and
WiiEREASy the present traffic movements are confusing and
cause a traffiG hazard which endangers life and property, and
WHEREAS, much of the confusion is caused by the lack of
sufficient directional and lane identification signs and
WHEREAS, the Plats and Subdivisions-Streets and Utilities
Subcommittee have studied and have made a recommendation to aid the
motorist, _ •
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Fridley Planaing
Commission urges the Fridley City Council to act to request the
Minnesota Highway Department to install overhead bridge mounted
lane marking signs to be lightEd if possible on the Interstate
No. 694 bridges over the Anoka County Highway No. 1 and State Trunk
Highway No. 47. .
OF JUNE, 1970.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the P1anrl�ng Commission
urge the CounciZ to consider alternatives to the present intersection of I.
#694 at T.H. #47 and East River Rd. incZuding requesting the X,ighwa� pepartment
for other designs that would avoid traffic signals and to change the structure
of the intersections possibly to a cloverZeaf and to eliaunate the crpssovers
of oncoming traffic without eliminating the access. Upon a voice vote, alI
voting aye, the motion carried unanimovsly.
Mr. Harria commaented that the Planning Commission is pretty limited in
what they can do. Perhaps the signalling is a step forward or backwards. He
thought abnut a13.�the� could ressonably ask for is to clean up the �acceas and
improve on what is down there.
Mr. Schmedeke called attention to the reflectorized street signs in
Columbia Heights on 40th Avenue between Central aad University Avenues, and
recommended the members of the Planning Co�ssion inepect them.
- . -'`- �90=05, �%: � 4T�S=:L. � ROBIT�ISf�N �Y. �:--D�. :.G7A�it�OiA, . HLS=�TORNEY: To
^ construct a service station on Lots l t�xu 6, Lot 9� aad No�t� 68�
of Lot 20, Central Avenue Addition.
Planniag Commission Meeting - June 3, 1970 Pat�e 10
° MOTION by Minish, seconded by Narris, that the Planning Coumtission confirm
the Public Hearing date of �une 17, 1970 for the request of a Special Use Permit,
� SP #70-05, Cpl. James L. Robinson by G. D. Giancola, his Attorney� to construct
a service station on Lots 1 through 6, Lot 9, and North 68 feet of Lot 20,
Centra.� Avenue Addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
P S. ��70-01. BUGER JONES PLAT :
for �olf driving raage.
art of the S of the N4�fi� of Section 2,
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Harris, that the Commission set the
Public Hearing date of Ju1y 8, 1970 for the Proposed Preliminary Plat, P.S.
�i70-Ol by Roger Jones for part of the SW�y of tbe Nfa3� of Section 2- Upon a voice
vote, a11 voting aye� the motion carried unanimously.
Darrel Clark co�nented that the Memo shows.that Council acts as final
authority and the action of the Board of Appeals would be in the form of a
recommendation. Se stated the administration ia working on a proposal where
the Board of Appeals could act on directly and their recommendation would be
final. The di�ference is that there would be some guide lines.
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission
^ aoncur with the amendment proposed by the City Manager in his Memo #80-527-70,
dated May 27, 1970 to the Planning Comnu ssion but to request that the wording
� " 300 feet" be added in place of "any other affected property awners".
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
The Chairman said this action is the result of a letter he wrote relating
to C property that was zoned before 1955, and could not maet the new zoning
ordinance requirements. No action was necessary.
11:05 P.M.
Chairman Erickson adjourned the Planning Co�►ission meeting at
Res ectfullq submitted
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