PL 08/19/1970 - 30181� �1 ^ 1°LANNING COMMISSION A9EETING AUGUST 19, 1970 1'AG� 1 The meetin� was called to order at 8:05 P.Mo by Cha�I�maz� Er����o�, �tOLL CALL • �ie�ers Present: Member Abaent: Others Present: Minish, Fitzpatrick, Erickeon, Harris Schmedeke Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant AI'PROVE PLANNING COMMISSION 1�QNUTES ; AUGUST 5 1970 AlOTION by lrlinish, seconded by Xarris, that the PZanning Co�.ission Mint�t�� of August 5, 1970 be approved. Upon a rroice vote, a11 voting aye, the tr�ogion carried unanimously. MOTION by Naaris, seconded by 1Kini,�h, that'the Planra�ng Commiss�on rece��� the minutes of the Bai,Iding Standards-,Desiym Control Subcommittee �ee��rag of ��9�g g, Z970. Upon a voice vote, alZ voting ay�, the moti,on carriet� ta�ana�ously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: AUGUST 11 1970 �►10TI01V by Minash, seconded by Fitapatricir, that the Planning Commission seceive the minutes of the Board of Appeels meeting of Aug�st 11, 1970. Uppn e voi�e vote, s13 voting aye, the motion carried una.nimously� ��I� PARKS AND BECREATION COPIhIISSION MINUTES; JULY 27 1970 MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitxpatrick, that t1�e Planning Co�tiss.�on recei ve the m.inutes of the Parks and Recreation Coam�ission meeting pf JuZy 27, 1970. Upon a voice vote, a.I1 votiny aye, the motion carried unanimously, �1�, OF AGENDA; 1. �. �hair�aan, Erickson �tt��ed �he -��� -�ret�td Pzcaceed as enritten. CONTINUED PUgLIC �ARIt�r. � A�tivnes+r an�, T..�....... __ ._ _ + • V • N I V-V. Section 24. _• That portion of the E3g of For that ------- -_... "•"'+. ��� +�iv-u, t��[ VIEWCAN IN6 portioa of the E'� of the SF3� of Section 24 to be rezoned f�om R-1 to R-3 (general multiple fam�Llq dwellin�s) or R-3A (apgrtme�ate o�ly). Planning Commission Meeting - Au�ust 19, 1970 p8�t8 2 —_ ___...___— The public hearing notices for the proposed preliminar.y plat, InnBbruck ,� North, P.S. �i70-03, and the rezoning request, 20A �70-OS by Viewcon, Inc. were read by Chairman Erickeon. Mr. R. D. Blohm. 1605 Berne Road, aeked if the members of the Planning Commiesion had seen some of the buildings Viewcon had conatructed. The Chairman informed the public that at the last meeting there was an invitation eutended to the Planning Commiasion, Council and the public to vi�w their project at lwiia Lakes. Mr. Harrfs said that Mr. Schmedeke, Darrel Clark, Mr. Breider and he had a conducted tour through the project. Mr. MiniBh and Chairmaa EricksoA had also viewed them. One of the differences between a townhouse and towahouea- apartment ia that each apartment is a one floor unit from froat to back. The townhouse-apartment conaists of two six unit buildings connected. Mr. C. E. Van Eeckhout (Chuek) of Vi�wcon, Iac. said they inteud to bttild the seme plan in Fridley with slight modifications to accommo$�te aiagle family concept. For example, they would put petitions between the garages end make them larger, with a hallway eo that the garages caa be locked from the laeide aad outaide. There are some interior layout changea to be made, but the b�eiC coaeept is the same. There will be a larger dining and kitchen a�ea. Mrs. �yle Mullin, 1233 Hathaway Lane wanted to know if it were vut o1' order to ask for a quick explanation of the plan as it pertaina to traffic, density and zoning inasmuch as this was her first meeting. Chaisman E�cigksos� reviewed the Viewcon layout. � Mr. William Dietz, 1280 Hathaway Lane: Hie question was ia coajuACtipts with a traffic atudy of Hathaway Lane and possible extension tc Matterh4t'A Drive. According to hia uaderstanding of the proposed plans, there would be about 2,500 cars, and if they follo�aed the normal course of the tr�ffic p�tt�ra, they would be using Hathawaq Lane to get out to Highwaq 065. He de�iait�ly felt that the condition of the atreet was not conducive to thie entsa t�caffic. Mr. C. M. Engebretson, 5375 Matterhorn Drive: He aeked about the laAd that was to be donated for a park by the petitioner. The total acr�age wae 12 acYee and Mr. Fitzpatrick (Chairman of Parks � Recreation) said there was abcut the same amount of tas forfeit land adjacent to thie property which the C�ty contemplated purchasing. � Mrs. Mullin was opposed to using the land for anything except R-l. The traffic between the time of 4:30 and 5:00 on Old Central Aveaue and fli�hway 1�6�. is eutremely heavy naw. She felt the proposed project would add to the t��$!i� probleaa. She thought thia was a poor plaa. There was then a discussion�of the intersection of Matterhorn Drive t�ud Hath�waq Lane. There would be no problem with the water on Matterhora Drive because the watermain was in and the ground wa� at grade, but where Matterho� iatersecta Hathaway, there ia a steep grade -- about 10 foot differential sud 10% grade going to Central Avenue which would malce it difficult to driv� with winter ice. Mr. Van Eeckhout said there are certain advanta�es to closing ��th�aay �.-� Laae as far as Viewcon is conceraed. If the final plat is approved, ae presaAted thia evening, with Hathaway Lane tqing up to Matterhora Drive, an adjustmeat Plennia� Commission Meetinst - AuAust 19, 1970 Paste 3 could be made later on to close the etreet by a vacation requeet. Darrel Clark said that if the etreet were closed, which would automatically disconnect it '� from Matterhorn Drive, Hathaway Lane would have to be removed from the State Aid syatem. If New Brighton would cooperate, and have the propoaed rQad which intersecta with Silver Lake Road deaignated as State Aid, Fridley could conaid�r deaigaatiag its portion State Aid alao. If Hathaway Lane were closed, a turn arouad would have to be considerede A citiaen said that when they purchased their property, they checked th� whole area and fouad it was zoned R-1. They presumed it would stay this way. iie had not heard of anyone who approved thie plaa and he tho,ught the Planning Commisaion would go along with the reaidenta of the area. Mr. Blohm did aot #eel this type of area development would beae�it the City of Fridley. As this ia the largest tsact left in Fridleq to be developed� he felt aerioua cansideration should be given before a decision is reached. He wondered if the petitioaer would be permitted to come in some time in the future aad requeet the R-1 area to be rezoaed to multiples. Mr. Van Eeckhout anawered that perhaps auch a thing could be, but they had no plans to do ao. Mr. Eagebretaon asked which area would be developed firet. The answ��,' was they would probably start w3th the sin�le family dwellinge. Mr. lriiinish wondered if it wouid not depend upcm the selling of the lota whether or aot they start with eingle housee. He asked What typ� /"'� of financiag was available for thi� type of a pro�ect as he wou],d have g�e�t - conCern if the project could not be finiahed. Mr. Vaa Eeckhout said they have three fiaancial sources they a�Ce c�aeultir���� an insurance comp�aq, investment compeny and trust fund. He did �ot believs there wass the poesibility of not finishing the project. He e8id the coet oP eiagle family homes are going beyoad the reach of mo�t of the pgopls. The�ce i� a change in the houaing market in the direction of the tcwnhouee-apa=tmeute. �hey would begin t�e project late this fal�. or early �p�ring and com�lete ia ti�ree to five year�. �Thea a sale hae beea made, the buyer caa fiaan�e inde-� pendently or use Viewcon facilities. Their method of building would be, �p� ex�ple� to construct 100 uaits, and after eelling 75 of them, thep would bttild the aeafi 100. Mr. Van Eeckhout added they would petition for about one half o� tbe streete, Matterhorn Drive and the East/Weet road, upoa approval of th� petitiAae. He did not think it would make senae to build all the roads at oace. A diecussion follawed regarding poeaible unbuildable lots. The a8e�es�A�s for etreets, sewer aad water would emaunt to quite a bit ovex the vslue o$ some 1ata. If the City had to take over these lots, the apecial aseeseme��e� wouid then be borae by the City. Mr. pan Eeckhout eaid a poasible aolutic�� wott�d be to desigaate a certain n�amber of lote that would be coneidered un* bui.idabl� end eaempt aay aesessments for thia reasoa aad epread �he aa�eseat�at� over the buildamle lote. Then if the lote did revert to the Citq, the oply 10�4 wou�d be �he real estate tax. Hawev�r, it wae felt this procedu�es wQU1$ hsv� %'�1 �o be etudied bq th�a Citq. Attorney. P1�3n� C�eion Meetia� - August 19, 1970 ���e 4 M02°ION by Fitzpe�rick, seconded by l�liaush, that tlae Planr�ng Corr�.iss��n � close the public hesrings for the proposed Preliminas�y PZst, I�a�.sbr�ack Norglae P.S. #70-03, by Viewcon, Inc., for that portion of the E'� of the u� of S�c�i�n 2�, ..�ND �hhe rezoning request, ZOA �470-05, By Vi�,►oom, Inc. for tia€�t portion of fihe E� of the SE'� of Section 24 �o be rezoned fro�n It-I to R-3 (geraeral mult�plc� d�eZl�ngs) o� R-3A (apartmea�ts oaaly) o Upon a voice vote, s11 �rot.�ng �ye, t�� a�otion carraed unanimausZ�. Th� �torffi sewer p�oblem w�s discus�ed, �a�tf�ll� wc�aa�.� 5��; �a��d io�° �h� stoa� water i� the form of reten�ion b�sins ox suffips. �liear� ��u1s� be nss s��?+� o� ���.��le fayni�y dwelling lo�e Th� la?°�es� ��•��a►�ic�n s�� �� �_d 0��1�� �a wh��Pn 3� ��i�g �o be � �a������ �,�r�e �o� ��.� ���id�n�� e `The mal,�t�nanc� of ���.� are� is yet to to worked ou�o In �sw�� to the ques�tio�2 �f pxob�� �afth �h�.� �yp� of c�ystem, Darrel Clark s�.id th�at �hi� wiil be the �i�st o�a� in F�idley, �ut tae had talked writh the New Bz°ighton eagi�ae��s who �old hiaa they h�ve c�a�a.�Ce a£er� like this in New Brighton and they iaave had ao bad �acperi��ace �aith th�m, T•ix� V�a� �ecl�hoas� s�a�ed the inform�tio�a he had �ec�ived �ram la�a �a�iaae�r� i�a �e�ard �� °tl�e l,�slte in Out�os� � wae qas��e 3�terAsti�ago 'The level o� the �.aka 3.� 30 �eet abm�re soffi�e �� �2�� �� �� i�a gh� �ropo�e�1 ga�� 1€�rad, it �e g�e�ch�d a.aa a�. �r�ariic b�si�a wfthout aay c��y> ,A� t11� �r���� �ai�es aaacl e�a1���2a ��ie 1�1��8 it �vil1 infiltr��e down and the water wi11 di��ipmte. Ttae or�aarai� s�l�e we�e �epc;si�ed ih�ou�h natur�l p�oce�seso A ma�ox�ity of the 13t�1e tr.aaolla 3� �h� �►hole �re�a are mvs�13� g�av�l.. N[r. Fi�zpa�ricle, referring to the per�ons l�vin� Soutla of rF69�� ���ZO �i��w��e� to the buildings being too close to �he highway, asYced wh�t were you pl�auairs� �''1 to do there? Mr. Van Eeckhout said they axe leavia�g 50 feet �f t�aaiat���tr�� _ a�tural area> 2'he proposed plana for se�eg and water were �gain �ev�ewed. � far �e wa�es for the area was coaceraed, ther� did aot seem to be aay pos��- bi�.3.tq of sinkin� a aew �aell with a 1'� million gallon reservois ia thi� �Z�a�. At thie poiut the Chairman made the following s��sg►: I�e d3.d not have aay pa�t�Lcular ob�ection to the propos�Z; howeeer, if the Plaaanin$ Caat�isaiot� d�cid�d to recotmmead �pproval, he would suggeat the folle�iag s�ip�lations: 1) %Yaicterhorn Drive be imvxoved to G�rdenae Z) Land should be eitHer dedicated to the Cit 3j 4� 5) fi ) the impxoveuient of a s ciistric� to �empt from �sse�sment. That the petitioner dedicate the land shown �s °'Park" on the proposed p1at. ' " " ' Ckiairma.�a E��ckaon sug�es�ed thought s�iould be given �ko high xi�e �partme�a�s o � Aa7s r^3t�pat��.ck did not feel he could mak.e �he ��tioa because h�: had a�o� ' �iean io ti�.e rec�.t ffie�ttn.�s, but he �ras �e11 ea,ou�� infernied �o vo�e +� he had ��tadied ihe mintates. l�x, NL-Lra.ish felfi b.e was not, at tizia poinL9 stroxa.gly ira f�vvr of �the pza�ect. ,'"1 �"� Plaanin� Commiseion Mee.tin� - Au$ust 19, 1970 0� p��� g He felt there ahould be some way to preaer`re the terrain. He det�sity in the Twiia Lakes concept but said the ratio ie much in the Innsbruck North areao He did not feel he eould endor�e referred to the more cotnforta�le this propoeal. Mr. �iarris eaid he kaew that developing the area in question ia the same maansr as the Innsbruck area to the South wo�ald be economicallq diff�.cult, but it s�eme the trend i� away from single femily dwellings aad this dlstuxba him. It would be difficult to get someone to come in and put money in single family dwellings for the whole area. Also, he felt t�ere was no way in whi6h you could develop this land in single family dwelliags without completely ch�ngiAg the _ laadecape and disturbing it to a point where yau would not recogaiz� it. �ie check�d the Viewcon �ain Lakee project. 8e felt the interior o� the bulldin$� was very well, doae. The concept was not the common, ordinary rua of the mill typs of apart�ents. There is a very nice large recreation type of buildia� for the use of the residents. The density i� tlxe Ynnebruck N�rCh project ie nearly �g of what it is in the 1�ain Lakea. Mr. Fitzpatrick felt the proposal deeerved to be looked a� by the Couaail, 8nd �shou7.d not be held up any longer. l�r. Van lEeckhout aaid they had worked h�rd to save se mariy trees as they could. The townhouse-apartments would be the same as attached �in�le fam�tly residences with 200 feet or more of green area betweea the bui�dinga. The eiagle family resideuces will have 15 to 20 feet between them. They wexe certa�u a lot more tr�es in the East Half o.f the area can be ��ved thaa th� We�t where the single family homes would be. Mr. Harris said he realized that you cannot develop this g�touad �ad �$1c� �v�zybody hap�ye Mr. Van Eeckhout waa asked what was the den�ity he had accepted ita okher clties for the high rise apartments. The tppical ffgurea used we�e 40-�50 uaite per acr�. High rise apartments occupy only a small pereentage of the la�ad; they are more costly tq coastruct; the return is not as good° as that qf a tp�wn- house or towahouse-apartmeat. Ti�e original oamer does not awn the high �iQe building. Viewcon had talked with a lar�e numober of people fi�am the �dja��at bt�'�a before presenting their plans to the City. As a result o� theae a�etin�s� they have compromised their plan and they do not feel they have the ti�ne Co fight a high rise battle. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plannir�a Co�tssion r�fer without recoa�endation to Council the proposed prelimina�yy �v1at, %nASbsit�l� North, F,S. �70-03, by V��wcon, Inc. of that portion of the L�g of �he ,� q#" 9e�tion �?9 and th� rezoniny request, 20A �i70-05, by Viewcon, Tnc. for t,1�a� gci�t.�� �� the� E'� o€ #he SF.'� of Section 24 to be rezoned from R-1 to ,R-� (gen��q,� �1�p.�� Pamily taTwellings) or R-3�! (apartments only) but with the provision t.hat i:he 8tipulatians previously asade bu_ _the Chairman, as listed �lov. De cansiaTer�c±d unciZ should approve the proposals. Upon a voice vot�, Minish and �'.���4 eJc vot�ing aye, lYsrri� and Erickson vottng nay, the 1►�TION F�ITLEDo 1) Matterhoun 1'�rive be imp�oved to Gardena. Z) •L�ad s�ould be either dedicated to the City of Facidley or accepted by th� ^ Vi11a�e of New Brighton for the improvemen� ot a street f�om t'h� �aet 11c�� of the property to Silver Lake Road. 3) �sthaway Lane should not go through. Planning Ca�iesioa Meetintt - AuAUat 19, 1970 Pa�e 6 � 4) Auy apartmeats constructed along H694 ahould be held back far enough from the freeway right of way for a natural screen. 5) That the City ehould be given permission by the petitioner to deeigaate th�a avmber of poasible unbuildable lota in the R-1 district to exe�qpt from asseaement. 6) 1'hat the petitioner dedicate the land ahown as "Pask" on the proposed p],at.. The Chairman instructed that the minutes sho�,the members of the Planning Ccmm�ssion could not agree. P3r. Van Eeckhout asked that if thia meant the property was not beiag pYOp�rly developed, they would like to kncw what the Planning Commiasion would corteider ahould be done. They wovld be very Bensitive to any direction, fos obviaur�ly.there are aoiae objeations and some thiags that the CommiBaion did a�� Peel ehould be doae. They would like to kna� what they are and �hey would work with the Commiseion. Mr� Minish said the statement had been made it ia not feseible to devel�p the property A-l. Why. if the propertq is zoned �-1, is 1t aot developed that way? He felt there has been no facts �iven to juatify the stateiaent. When tbe Comm�ssior► is faced with a decisioa to change zoning from R-1 for propetty AP thi.s si�e, a gaod reaeoa ahould be given for deviating from that. �t may b� that ia R-1 you cect save only 20°6 of the trees and in your propo�al for tcow�a- house-a►paxtmente you can save 40�, but there we�re no figures to prov� it. IC wa� d1$ficult for him to make a recommendation that this proposed plaa i� C1�e 6est otie. � _ � Chairmaa �ricuson.told Mr. Van Eeckhout that both the Commissioa and thv publ�.c are very appreciat�ve of the work they put into this request. ae had iadicate$ he felt high rise in that area would be acceptable, at least to hi�, A11 the Con�seioa can do is pass their "th�alc you" and the Couacil w111 ta�ke theis decieioa. Mr. F�.tzpatrick added the property owaer &es the right to ultimaeelg► dev�lAp his property profltably, but he did not have any solution. The other p�opo�al that had beeA made generated insurmountable problems of traffic. This is a probleaa �or the City in $eneral. The right of the property a�mer aad tlie �i�1,1t of the surrouading reaidents not to be saddled with a problem seems to be wl���e Ch� ��.tuation sits -- without reco�endation. Mx. Harrie said, in his opiaion, it was not tt►e Viewcoa plaa oa th� way it wa+� done. It probably goea further back. When every one ia that area bou$hC thei�c homee �.t was zoaed A-1. Theq bought property with the idea this was �oi�$ to b� all �esidential. Perhape thie aituatioa is not oae o# ths P�.annia$ C�- miasion makiago 1�TZON by Minisb, seconded by Xarris, that the Planning Commiss�on rQCC��ti6� �own�il hold a hearing on these two requests at theix meetin� of Se,�vtemb�z' 1�� 19%0 �ven though the Planning Commission was unable to mak� a reao�rtendat.io�. V�tt a vo�c�e vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. n 3� SPECIqL RSE YERMIT REQUEST: NORTfl AIR �ME ASSOCTATION, 3P �70-10: To i� 8�ove parkiag lot on South 150 feet of Lot 18, Srookvi�w Addition, SeCt�prt 45.071 (3F) City Code. � Plannina Coamoisaioa Meetinst - AuRUSt 19, 1970 p g� MOTIO,N by Minish, seaor�ded by Narris, that the Planning Co�nission s�t t1a� �"'1 gublic J�e�ring date oP Septembe� 9, 1970 for tlae Special Use Permtt Rec�lae�t, A►�rth �ir ilome Association, SP N70,10, to improve the parking ,�ot on the aAta�l� 150 feet o� Lat 18, Brookview �lddition, Sect�on A5.071 (3F) City Code. Uppn � voic� vote, a11 voting aye, the �r►otion carried unaniraously. k. PLANTING BOULEVARD (40 FOOT) IN I�ORE LARE HIGHLANDS 4TH ADDITION. (St111 in Subcommittee No actioa necaseary. S. NOTICE OF HEARING: _ PLANNING AND ZOI�TTING COI�IISSION CITY pF COLiJl�IA � S�ptember 1, 197�, �:00 P.1�., Field House, 530 Mill Street IJ,�. �tea �4 �he City Zoniag Ordinance Regarding Automobile Display aad Salesrooms. MOTIOIV by M3nish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the P1ann�Ing Comm3ss�on receiva the No�ice of Hesring from the City of Columbia He3ghts amending t13e C3ty zoning ordinance regarding automobile display and salesrooms ar�d r�quest the �nyineering Department notify aZ1 residents of the Citc� oi Fz�idley liying w�t.?�atn 300 f�et. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motZOn carried unatut�usly. �OURNMENT: � 7.'he meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P.M. by Chairmaa Erickson. Respectf ully,�ubmit ted G��; Ie� V Y...c�.��-- Haz 0'Brian Recording Secretary �1