PL 09/09/1970 - 30182j�i i"1 PLANNING COMMi�ffSSIOAT MEETING SEPTEP�BER 9, 1970 P��}� � The meetimg was �alled to order a� 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Erickson. ROLIa C�[.�, t �temb�ss �rQS�nt: 1�ei�exs Abaent: Qthexs Present: Erickson, Fit�patrick, Schmedeke, Harris, M�.ni�h None Darrel Clark9 Engineeriag Assistant APPROVI� �I�AIVDTING COP�lISSION 1KINU'�E3: AUGUST 19. 1970 ��'Z(,�V by Xarris, second�d bx� Fitzpatrick, t.h�t the Planning C�ssion mtnutes• oi ,Ae�gu�t 19, 1970 be appz'oved. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting sye, t.la� mo�alon ca�'ri�d uraatn�Lmously. R�� 80ARD 0$ APPEALS MINDT�St AU�UST 25. 1970 MOTIOlV by Alinis�, seconded by Fitzpatrick, t.h�at the Plsnning Co�ni�s�on �eo�.iTr� �he minutes of the Bosrd of Appeals meeting of August Z5, 1970. Upon s votce V���, a1,I voting aye, t13e motion carried unanimously. $�CEIVE PARRS &�ECREATION COA�SS�ON P'IINUTES: AIIGUST 24, 1970 _ N10�TpW by F'3tzpatrick, secor�ded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commi���p� �� Cei ve tho minutes of the Parks � Recrea tion Commission meet3ng of August 24, .��10. Opo� a vcaiae vote� aZ1 vating sye, the mot.i.on carried unentmcusly. 1. PUBLIC HEARTNG: SPECidL i1sE PFRA�fYT RFntrnc�r_ ev a1'r�in xv �noTn sT� v.�ra . ASSOCIATION: To improve parking lot on the South 150 feet of Lot 18, BE viaw Additlon, per Seetion 45.071 (3F) City Code. ��n�t$ o# Co�umbu�) Ths public heariag notice wae read by Chairman Ericksoa. 1rlr. Mark Brenny, Vice President of North Air Home Aasociation, esplai.�ed t�l�.P the Kaighte of �plumbus needed more parking space and purchased this land. No� they w�at to blacktop the parking space. Ch�i�man �ricksoa aeked if M�. Brennq underetood the property �s zau�d ��3 a�d ia �Etb�ect to certain miai.�um requirements suci� aa froat ya�d setback o$ 2S ie�t, ei.d� yard aad rear yard minimum setback is 5 feet. Mr. Brenay said they k�ave p�.�ed fox a five foot clearance off the bacic of the parking lot, the Soltt�h 50 feet url].1 be used for a road, aud 65 feet will be blacktopped. Th� entr�c� wil� be o� 68th P1ace and the driveway at the corner of the lot. Mr. S��aay �t��d thase �o�t1d not be an additf.onal eacit, but the present exit will b� made la�g��ce � drai�ag� problem wae diecusesd. Mr. Brenny eaid that he had t�lked Ze �'dz', Cla�1� abon� dxaia4ge, and he was �old that there were plana for a etona e�t��. � Tlz� Gouu��l. mi�utee oF Au$uet 18, 1969 eh�ed the motion for tbe �pproval o! tb� ;�ot s�f9.it i�69��.0 atated a public hearing for storm sewer aervicea to b�th tiv��� �d G'hatuael. Ro�c� are� ahould be set up and the request tabled unt11 th� p��� t��aria� �+aa completed. The hearin� was held b�G th� p�op�e ��re aga�t �b� p�o,����, P1_a�►niag Commiesion Meetin� - SeEtember 9, 1970 Pag� a ,� Mr. Harris aaked what was being done with the water nov, and Mr. Breany � �mswered that the water runs off into the street. Mr. ��enny �aid theq have put ia about 100 yards of fill aad will pi�c11 t1t� ].�t to �o11gw the� �ontc�urs of the older pazking lot. Chairm�n Erickson asked the Ea�i,neering Assiatant if the culvert going uud�� the �erviCe �oad of T.H. #65 drained tha� area. Darrel Clark explained that �la� ditc.t�i �1ot�g the highway should be l,owered to drain the water fram thia area. ��catu� th� land ie about even with tl�e highway ditch, the culvert 3s �et�allp �u��. aad ei�ould be clsaaed regularlq. Tkae Mianesota Highway Department w�11 not lc�w�� the ditch becauee of the hazard of having a deep ditch next to a highway. Th� p��'k�- iag 1ot wauid have to be graded hi��er than it is now to tie into the �treeC g����. The �.�1ud �Q� the $a�st o� the parkiag lot is law and filled with cattails. �h��q� Eri�kson meptioned tb�at Che Building Standarde-Deaign Cantrol Su1a� commit��ea would waat to see this xeq�e�t, aad that Mr. Brenny shou�d �a��.iar��� 'biima��.f w�,�� the �equiremeats pf th� ordi,naace. fle felt he could aot ob,���t �a thie sequ�s� Po� a epecial use pexnnit although there is a problem of dx�.ae�ge �°°� �� ie pa�t o�° a larger problem which will have to be solved late�c on. The street w�s put in without the storan sewer. The street ia fairly flat, but the hi$� PA��t �.4 bet�ee�a �ighway �65 and Lucia Laae and the low epot is in the curve. Winter p�f����� a p�oblen� o$ ice and ia the s�ring the water collects there. iltp�Q11► by �a�ris, seconded by Minish, that the Pvbl3c Xearing be c1as� �As ^ tile 8,�cia.I Use Pez�.it request, SP �70-10, by North Air 8ome Association �o .i�.��y� the paslc�g 1ot on the South 150 �eet of Lot 18, Br�kv3ew Addition, p�� ���t._i�afd - 45.071 (3F1 0#' the Ci ty Code. Upon a votce vote, all voting aye, the �oti�� �aR'�'��d unan�motr�ly e Idt. i�'itapatrick, after looking at the liet of people who received pub��,e �s�� �.n� gotic��, cotmmented that none of the people were preeent at thie pt�b�,�c h����.tn$, !�Z'I'QN by b�arris, seconded by Minish, that the Plenning Cousn.ission 1r�����I ap��ova1 pt` the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #70-10, by Noz�th Aa.r Av� �.s�o��}t.�vn for the improvement of the parking 1ot on the Soath .150 �fe�t �.f b�� ��, 8�'ookv.iew Additiom as per Sectiqn 6�5.071 (3F) of the C3ty Code with t,i�� ���6�$��t�� �iat � plo1; �.1an� be mac�e of the parking .Iot and broaght before �he Bu3ld�ng a��C�°a�l�sc��� I�es,��1 COJ�t.�'01 SubcOmalitt�e as per Zonin�r Ordinence adopted November �, .��69, �A�� � v��c�w v�tg. a11 voting aye, the motion carried unan.imously. I�e�e��in� to the mailing list of the people withia 300 fQeC, Chai�m ���,���� �sk�d if �ha Liat �as checked inasmuch ae he did not see the apax�tment vwaie��� �� �,t, Se ��i.d #►e wae not goiag against the motion but would request that tt�e a�wx�e� Qg �h� apattt��a�t b� giv�n the minutes of thi� �eeti�tg. 1�. 'Ei�rris atated be would l�.ke tbe City Adminietration to take aaotl�e� ���k aL �i�� ��qrn► aewas situation. 2s � 0 Rice Creek Road asid Artl�uac Stzs��, Plaaning Commiseian l�eetin� - September 9, 1970 Pa�e 3,� � Mr. $rast explaine.d that the area is a 40 acre tract. There ai� eix or ��vea dwelli�tge ou th� perimeter, but th� propesty awners have been reduced fram ai�s ta two. Tbe proj�c� would be developed s�m�L�.ar�.y to the aketch presented this eveaing. '�.°hs �and �s �oaed a 1 aad he was requesting R-2 to allow construction of two family dwelliag�. He �e�lized t'his is a problem piece of graund. By allowing doub�� b�angalo�wq �ud duplexe�, the canstxu�tioa coets would not be too high. Referring, tp the "l�tk� a'�ea" ��I�. Emst aaid the pond contaias about five �cre� and it wou�d b� dediaaxed Co th� City �or paxk pu�posee. All the lots showa on the aketeh m��t t,t�� �1ty xaqt�i.�emen�s as to lo� area. �te$�urding draina�e, the watex coacentrates in the lake area w�th the� Qv�zf�.�w go�og out �a th� West iato the exiating ditch which leads into Mop�� �ake. Th4 �Agim�exing Aseietaat said that all the stseets to the No�th in this �t�Q� �hsve b�eA improved and are paved a��1 have curb and gutter. Right of way has beett prqvided �t�.ong �he school property on ,Arthus Street for a stoxm se�rez to Rice Cxs�lc if the City ordered it. - - Tht alterpative is a tqpe of system with ditch improvements. 7.'he pres�n� d�Ca�2 date� back to about 1920. Due to r�ature as well as people filling it with 1e�W�a, gtC., th� $itch is fi11�d in u�aay places so that one could aot easily ideat�$y �� nvw. IF thie eyatem �rarked out, the coat would be much less expene3ve than t� �st4� sewer sud +�hould be part of some lmprovement pro�ect. Originally the ditch w� bub.lt by Pet� Mickelson with tl�e help of other nei$hbora. At that time, Missia�ippi 8t�ceet vae lawes aad would flood everq spring. The pande extend in�� Iia�ey C,gv��y. � 1�; �rast was asked if he would go ahead with the project whethex o�etno� �h� .� Citq wov�d zequest a storm sewer o� the ditch for drainage. Mr. Ernet repl��d �l��i� p�cob�bly aqt with the storm sewer plan. t�ai,�a �riCkeon reported that the City Engineer had mentioae� a��tuE'� �! oa�e �'illi,cm dol�ats for the sto�m sewer in the whole Rice Creek Axea. l�k. '�asri� felt the ditch system would b� the ea�e as a rete�tioa b�e�t�. �1 �o�aa�ate atructurs could be put at the outlet to control the wa�er �.evei. Mr. �arris comn�ented tha� the �-2 wauld have R-1 district arouaid i� �� hg#�� tp tbe� Np�th �d Weat, to the South Coc��aa�s pit and O�Bannon is building a��t�p�e qt bo�tee. Mr• Cochsata mi.ght probably ead up with a retention baslr� also. A��7��� C].ar�t sai.d AiSblead Lake 1n the East�ra border of Innsbruck has a�it�ilar cota���l Sttu�tys�. '�'here� it� $ g$te to maintain definite levels of wates. P�xh�p� �'�,� t�►ge+ o� 'co�txol ie the aaswer. Co�t?tta we�re m�de that the Mississippi River had aever been �s 1vW a� �,� �,� 9�c�w, �d Riae Cr�ek, too, ia at a lpw ebb. Ie would b�: advisab9.� t�i com� up w��'h ��� t�st.hc+d of x�teining water wher�ver possible, not onlp in this are�� bu� a�� ira ��Gh��' p�rta a� th� City, Mr. �arrie commented that it would be � iai�t�� �Q �alt� �h� atora �►ates to eoncsete pipes and let rua off . It would be beC��x� ��g ��Y� xe+�et��i��► basime s�nd try to kee8 th� water for the dry epelle. t�i�. $�cu�t eaid that he had tallced with the peopl� ia the a��a� �d zt�mq Ksr� �a� ^ �a�►�� A� �luple�a sad dot�ble bungalow� . His first thought wae �o dev�lop t�sl�ip��� but a�tsr Calkiag �rith some of the people who opposed �h�s idea, he d�cid�� o� �q$, as �p�.� th�sa �as a aeed �or this type of building with the high coat of houa��g. Plaaaia� Cammiasion Meetin� - Septemher 9, 1970 Pa�e 4 � Mu. Schmedeke a�sb�ed if Mr. Erast plaaaed to do the building himaelf. M�, ���t ! eaid he did aot, but will put the lote � for sale. Atteatiaa �rae called to the fact ttia� �iagle f�mily houeee axe perm�tte:d uader tbe ordinance in R-2 diskricts. Mt. 8rnet wqa aeked if he were �ar� of the fact that Tawnhouses caa be built ia 1�-2, t�d !.f it was his intention to limit the requeet to two fandlq dwellings. �. Btnrt aaewes�td �ha►t at thie time,it was, Because townhouaes could get into qt�it� am slaborata types of d�velopment, h� did aot thiak �e would w�nt to go into the faechanics ca�° aettimg up the deve�o��at .ia this area. � ltt. �$rrie a�ked �f Mr. �rnst would hav� any lote that were unbui.ldable o� diffiaeu�.t �o build cm. Mr. Erast an�wered they hav� aot �aken eaten�ive eoil b�+It�s1� es� he cottld nQt �awer. The infosmatioa he received ia that the �ubeoil i• eand Wit� very little p��t. Mr. Rarsis aeked Mr. Lrnat if he would set np a preli�d.na�r ueting with tb� psaple isivolved a�ong Ctse ditch, a$d Mr. Ernet agreed that he iateuded to do it. Mr. Erne� eaid he h�s � total of 78 building eites. IInder the lot area r� quiremepb of thea City, tiiey could dev�log 3.3 lots per acre. They haee thir�►� fivs d�v�l�able aGres, The site yaould yield 115 eingle family homes. The l�o�ut psesente�d thie eveaing accounts for 78 atguetureso There are no probl� w�th qtili�ies. The �ewer pti 64P.h Av�ua is large eaough. Water service i� on fou� sidea. Tbe.aewex cspacitq ie adequ$�e. 8e thanl�d the Commissioa and said t.�ett they had be�u ve�r helpful. � 3. PI.ANT�NG BQUi.EVA1tD 40 FOOT IN A�ORE LAR� flYC.�L�+iD6 4Z'B ADDITIO� s (Stil�. �-� i�A Subcam�ittee. Th� P�rke a�ad Recreatian Co�daeion would pr�pare a report, Mr. i�f.tapatr�� said, Po� the p�+�m�ing boulevard. �i.s uaderet�ng wao that, originall�, tt�� io��nt o� t.�is stXip wae ecreening for th� people to the Wee�. The planting 'boqlevax� is ia bad repair naw, aad anything the Pleaning Co�issio� cou].d rec�- �ud to be��t�X�.fy the area would help ecreen a prosp�ctive bu�ineee frc�m th� R.-�� Pr�Pe��' • Mr. Sc.hmedeke woadered if the Ci�y could obtain amall tseee fxee of char��e ��e�►ould like to see svergreen tree� pla�ted ae they would event�a2ly giv� a �olid �ud b�aautiful acseea with a minimum of �raiatensace��because there would b� �a ' leavee to sak� ia the �all. Mx�: Fj.tzpatricic said the prob.�em in the Park Department is the�► ar� uade�� �aaAed. The City takee on additioaal land to develop for parlce�, buk not �ddi��,�� � tA do t.be woxk, The Park Department is very presaed �or wcrkers. �f t� C�tp wovld $�ade the p1+�ting etsip and then oae of the civic orgaaizatioas iai tlu ��p �p �i1�.aR Co comtsibute to the developm�sat oi the planting etx�ip, and t� ��� S�outa pua �s� th� eeedlinga as a spacial project, the solution ta �he probl��aa o�° the plaatia� �trip �ould be aoived. 1'lS.• F���patra.c� a�reed to bsing thie item up � at the neat Parka sad Rs�s��t��.9� �Lini, � n Planaing Commission Meeting - Se�tember 9. 1970 Page S r"�,_ 4. pISCUSSION RE pRELIMINARY CHECK ON SIZE OF SEWERS FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTSt 7.'fz� Co�iseion aeked if it were poesible for the Engineeriag DepartmaAt �o ch��k a�.�. new plans regarding tt►s eize of sewera needed, aotiag what tqpe of dev�l- opm�nte were going in aad whether or not exietiag sewere wer� adequate be�ors th�� Plantbiag Commissfon considered the request. The Engineering Assistaat eaplained that the Citq Engineering �partment waa conceraed, but was not staffed for that type of work. The bui�.dings aad land aa'e checked for conformance with the City Ordinances, but the sewet'e ar� part of the Coasultant's reapqn,sibility. S, INFORMATION REQUEST RE IAT SPLIT BY CARL SORLNS�N: MsP Soreasen own� two kQ foot lot� with a tax forfeit lot in betwee� -- I,o�� �� e�d 20 with Lot 19 tax forfei�, 81ock 2, Oak Grove Additio�n to Faid�.+�y P�rk il�ac�ca Stre�t). � - . " . �e would like to lmaw if he purchased the middle lot, would be be allvwed t� aaa�ee two 60 foot lota. 'Tt�e Commiseion stated they could not make that � d�t+�a'�i�atian until Mr. Soreusen submitted a formal requeat and they had ti� Eo ���dY Ch� area. � AATOIIRI�Al�NT s - There bein� no further businesa, Chairman Erickson adjourned the meetia�g �� 9 : �SO P . M. d .� � Re�pectf�y�ted P flaz O�Br1an Reco;diag Secretasy