PL 10/07/1970 - 30183� -` PLANNING COrIlKISSION MEETING OGTOBER 7, 1970 PAGE 1 The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairmaa Erickson. ROLL CALL : Members Present: Minish, Harris, Erickson, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke Members Absent: None APPR4VE PLANNING CO1�lISSION MINUTES: SEPTEI�ER 9 1970 Mr. Sc medeke explained that he abetained from votiag oa the approval of the �'� , minutea becauae he did not have time to read ti�em before the meeting and wished the miautes to aho�r thie correctioa. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, ,seconded by Minish, thst the Planning Commissior� mtr�utes of September 9, 1970 be approved as corrected. Upon a voicp vpte, a11 voting aye, the aeotion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: SEPTII�ER 15, 1970 ^ 1�170N by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of September 15, 1970. Upon �" a voice vote, all voting aye, the m�tion carried unanir�ously. RECEIVE BUILDIDTG STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOIYIl�iITTEE MINUTLS: SEPTE!'�ER .39� 1970 MOTION by Mi711Sh� seconded by Fitzpatrick, that �Ile Plgnniny CO�++� �.LOIi receive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Con�Crol Subcommittee meeting af September 28, 1970. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, tbe motion carried unanimously- RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: SEPTEI�IDER 29. 19i0 1�TION�by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plannir�g Commission receive the minutes of the Board of Appesls meeting of September 29, 1970. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried ��nanimp�yqj�, RECEIVE PARKS � RECREATiON CO�IIrIISSION MINUTES : SEPTII�ER 28. 1970 MOTION by Fitzp�trick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Comnission receive the minutes of the Parks � Recreation Coammission minutes of September 28, 1970. Upon a voice vote, aZ1 voting aye, the motion carried unanim�usly. � Planning Commission Meetin� - October 7, 1970 Pa�e 2 � 1. PUBLIC HEARING: _SPECIAL USE PERMLT. SP �70-11, C. H. BENJArIIN: Lots 1 thru ' S, Block 4, Adams Street Addition, to build a second garage on Lot 2. Fridley Code Section 45.051-2A. Chairman Erickson, referring to Council mrinutes of October 5, 1970, stated Mr. Benjamin could receive a building permit upon receipt of a petition aigned by the surrounding neighbors saying they did not object to the second garage. Mr. Benjamin called attention to the fact that the Building Inspection Department told him to get the names of the people within 200 feet, while the application form given him by the Engineering Department stated 300 feet. Chairman Erickson request the Engineering Department check this with the Ordinance and City Code. Mr. and Mrs. David Pohl, 5891 West Moore Lake Drive, and owners of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Adams Street Addition were present. Mr. Pohl said theq had no objections to the proposed aecond garage. � Mr. Benjamin stated his plans were to build a second unattached garage on Lot 2 even with the existing dwelling on Lot 3. He stated he had many chances to eell two lots, but unless he could find a buyer for the "whole package", he wouldn't sell. Referring to the euisting garage, he said that it is at the back of Lot 3 abutting the alley and there is a steep drop off on the West side of the alley making it imposaible for him to use it in the winter. The alley has never been ^ opened, and Mr. Benjamin has had to do whatever maintaining necessary in order _ to get out. When the houses on the lots in back of his property were built, the contractor took the dirt from the alley, aad when he was asked who gave him permission, the aaswer wae no one told him it was an alleq. T'b.e � as]ced him how he got in aad out of the alley. Mr. Benjamin said "you back dvwu aad pull out or pull out and back down". 1Kr. Benjamin commented on the width of Jefferson Street saying that o�'iginal�.y it was a full 30 foot atreet. The Council decided to offaet the street �`iv� feet and the people were left with about a 20 foot street. Mr. Benjamin said that after the neighbors were sesured he was askin� for �ust a two car garage, there were no objections. He presented a list of the naffies of the property owners within 200 feet. 1►l�TION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Co�iss�on receive the list of property owners within 200 feet of 5708 Jeffer�on Street as preserlted by C. H. Benjamin (later on identified as Exhibit "A") . Upon s voic� vote, all voting aye, the motion carried »nani�ously. Mr. Benj�min etated the secoad garage would be used for his caxs, and the a1d ane woulfl be for the fxeezer, boat, trailer and oti�er miseellau�oqer°i��. The driveway would not be blacktopped, but he would use black dirt aad clay an$ cobblestones for the front of the drive out towards the street. M�DTION by Minish� seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the reading of the Public � Hearing Not.i.ce be waived and close the Public Nearing fox a Special Use ��.�it, SP �170-11, C. H. Benja�fn, to bu31d a�econd gerage on Lot 2, Block a, Adaras Street Addition as per City Code Section 45.051-2A. Upon a voice vote, a.I1 vat.�ng aye, the motion car,ried unanir�ously E Planning Commission Meetin� - October 7. 1970 Pa�e 3 ^ MpTION by Fitzpatrick, s�conded by Minish, that the Plsnning Coa¢ni�sion recam�end approval of the S$ec3a1 Use Permit, SP i�70-11, bg C. X. Be,nj�tair�, to build a second garage o�n Lot 2, Block 4, Ada� Street Addition as pe,t C�,�y Code, Section 45.051-2A. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the mot.ion c�.�r��d u�animausly ,� ,� Mr. Benjmnin brought forward a letter addressed to Oliver R. Erickso�, Chair- man which, he said, was shown to the neighbors before the petition was eigaed. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Aarris, that the Public Aearing of the Special Use Permit, SP #70-11, be reopened foz the purpose of receiving the letter addressed to Oliver R. Erickson, Chsirman, Planning Co�ission, arsd hereaftet be referred to as Exhibit "B", being a statement by Mr. Benjamin as to the circuar- stances an� manner in which the Special Use Peratit was presented. �l�n a voi�e vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �ION by Harris, seconded by Minish, that the list of property ow�er� withi� 200 fe�t of 5708 Jefferson Street be aonsidered as Exhibit "A" and also �n add�- tional document in reference to the letter czddressed to Chairman Eriaksari and a°eferred t�'xhibit "B". Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion �a�rtied �animously. . 1vOTION by Narris, secanded by Sc,t�imedeke, that the Plenning Can�i.ssion close the r�opened Public 9esr3ng of the Special Use Permit, SP #70-11, by C. A. Benj�^ min, to build a secand garage on Lot 2, Block 4, Adams Street Addition as per Section Section 45.051,-2A of the City Code. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Erickson, in reviewing the request� �aid 1Kx. Benjamin would use the secvad garage for storing cars, that there.is no waq in the world he could use the old garage for cars as �here de�initelq is a very sevese drop facing West on •the a11eq. The alley ie shown on the plat, but probably never was opened. The Plaaning Cammissioa has recommended a�proval of the request for a second garage �d ask that it go before Counc3.l on Tuesday, October 13, 1970. 2. CONTINIJED: PLANTING �OULEVARD (40 FT.) IN I�ORE LARE flIGHLANDS 4T8 ADDITION: Mr. �'itzpatrick said that he brought thie up at the last Parke S R�ecreation Cotp�i.esion meeting. Ttie Co�aatasion is atill working on it and the information will be ready in the near future. The Parks and Recreation meete on the 4th Manday of the mqnth, aad he estended an invitation for any of the Planning Co� ffieeian members to attend. J�D 0 _UB1�TT : There being no further business, Chairman Erickson adjouraed the meeting at 9:10 P.M. pectf�u�� s� tted flaze 0'Brian Recording 5ecretary