PL 10/21/1970 - 31074i�
The meet3ng was called to order by Chairman Erickson at S:QO P.M.
Meml�era Presents Minish, Harris, Erickson, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Darrel Clark, Engineering Assist�t
l�7TION by Minishs seconded by barris, that the Planning Co�m¢nission M3nutes
of October 7, 1970 be approved as writtene Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
the motiou carried vnanimously.
MOTION by Min3sh, seconded by Fitapatr3ck, t.hat the Planning Cormaission
receive the minutes of the Bosrd of Appeals �eting of October 13, I970. Upon
a voice vote, a11 voting sye, the motion carried unanimously.
- MOTION by Alinish, �econded by Narris, that the Planning Co�i��ion reopen
the approval of the minutes of October 7, 1970. flparl a voice vote, all voting
aye, the motion carr3ed unenimously.
The miautes of October 7, 1970 atated the a�stention from votia� by Mr.
Schmedeke wa� for the September 9, 1970 miautes, but he actv�ally abetained
from votiag on the minutes of August 19, i970.
MOT.�ON by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Plans�ing Commission
minutes of October 7, 1970 be amended as stated aboye. Upon a vpice vote, a11
noting aye, the motion carried unanimo�sly.
1. LOT SPbIT REQUEST, L.S. ��70-12, BY S�J�IIT GEAR, INC.: Lqt 6, Auditor's
St�. 1�,r78 -- to split off the South 200 feet of the East 363 feet, the
bal�ce of the property has been sold.
Mr. 8. J. Rohnen of Summit Gear, Incorporated wes present.
The Plate 6 Subdivisions-Streets b Utilities Subcommittee convened at 7s00
o'clock this eveaing end considered this request. Mr. Schmedeke eupiqined that
the Sub�o�ai.ttee recan�ended approval to split off the Soath Z00 feet ofe �he
Last 363 feet of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivi�ion �78 (locatios of Summit Ge�r Co.�.
The 6alance of Lot 6, together with Lot 7, was sold to the zailroad comp'a�y.
Plannint� Commissi_on Meetin� - October 21, 1970 _ Page 2
The Subcommittee wished to call attention to the fact that the East 33
�� feet of Lot 6 was being used for Main Street, but the half section does not
show it, although the street is in. Theq felt the deed had been signed but
not recorded. flowever, the City legally owns the property becauae the road
hae been there since 1956 and became a public street.
Reference was made to Parcel 1900, the �2.5 �oot descri��fon gap and the
Comnissioa agreed this would be no problem as it is located between Lots 6
and 7.which are under one ownership. They would assume the railroad company
had acquired it. The railroad company was told about the description gap. In
orier to �et a clear title, the original owner has to be contacted. If he i�
"long gone" or cannot be located, then the title has to be cleared by the �ourt.
Darrel Clark explained they have sold off more than half of Lot 6, �nd
}he lot split request wou].d split the land into two pieces. Su�nit Gear Company
wouia still meet all the requirements of the osdinsnce for setbacks, etc. Gear Ca�pany sold the land about a year ago but was not aware they had
to have a lot split approved before the assessmenta could be ap lit.
MOTTON by Schmedeke, seconded by liarris, that the Planning Co�i.ssion
reco�end approval to the City Council of the 1ot split request, L.S. #70-12,
by Suaanit Gear, Incorporated to split off the South 200 feet of the Esst 363
feet of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision �78 as described in the Lot Split AppliCa�
tion subject to the determination that the proper easea�nt d�ed �'or the 33 �Q�'�
along Main Street be filed in Anoka County. Upo� a voice vote, all voting �y��
the mot.i.on carried unanimously.
i� '
As explaine+i bq Darrel Clark, the reseon for platting is th$t eact� build�-
iag wi11 have its separat� mortgage and assesements. The re�istrar of de�ds
would not accept the preaent description8 inasmuch as the laad ie torYena.
Streets and utilities easements cannot be dedicated unlesa they plat. Accord�
ing to the achedule, Phase l is the application for the mortgage.
Darrel Clark continued that the Subcommittee, which met prev�ously tl'�a
eventng raised many questions and they are going to ask information from the
City Attorney. There are two fee awners. Lots 1 through 6, Pearaon`s �t��
Addi'tian is owned by Five Sands, Inc. and Pearson's Inc. owns the portion �o
the South. •
MCiTION by Aarris, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commissior�
confirm the public hearing date of November 4, 1970 for the preliminazy platf
P.S. #90-04� Five Sands,by Five 5ands, Incorpo�ated. ilpon a voice vote, ��1
vottng aye, the motion catrried unan3mously.
3. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: l..�• ir/u-t.�. arurri +��+.w••.• ••r---•---- --
.TAMES M. NEILSON: Lota 8 and 9, Block 6, Spring Brook P
Mr. Neilson was unable to be present.
Planning Commission Meetin� - October 21, 197Q Pa�e 3
The Engineering Assistant said that the reason for splitting is to take a
� small part of Lot 8 and give that small part to Lots 9 and 10, and then give
a amall portion of Lot 9 to go with Lots 6, 7 and 8. Back in 1960, the lots
had been split, but the petitioners did not want to uae this description �d
were asking for a new split, which they fe].t wouTd straighten the 10�. 1ine.
This property is under one ownership and probably will be up for sale. �'he
area requirements are adeq�ate.
The Commission commented on the fact that, under the reque�t, the new lot
line would be only 5 feet from the garage and a�oted the house faced Longfellow
Avenue. Considering the amount of land involved, Chairman Erickson suggested
a new Xot line which would give a straight line to the lots and al].ow the
southerly tract more room North of the garage. The certificate of survey.
dated May 26, 1970, presented this evening was designated as "�xhib�it A"• A
line was drawn from the Northesst corner of Lot 8 and marked point "A" ta a
point on the'West line of Lot 9 located 69 feet North af the southwest corn�r
of Lot 10 and marked point "B".
MOTION by Harris� seconded by Minish, that the Planning Coirm►ission recom�-
mend approval of Lot Sp1it L.S. #70-13, Duffy Lumber Company bg James M• Ne��son,
attorney, of Lots 8 and 9, Block 6, Spring Brook Park with the following sug-
gested change: On the street line running from a point from the Northeast
corner of Lot 8, designated as point "A", to � point on the West line of ,T,ot 9
Zocated 69 feet North of the Southwest corner of Lot 10, designateci as point
"B" as per Exhibit ",A" of October 21, 1970; the reason being that und��r t1a� o�d
proposa�, they did not have enough rear yard setback, and, a1so, the reco�erlder3
^ change of the Commission would give more area to the sout,�e�ly site �nd ,�tz11
accoraplish a straight 1ine. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting a�e, the motion
carried unanitrtously,
Mr. Schmedeke explained that the Subcomm3�kee received thi� �nfoxmati,oa
only this evening. The Subcommittee would have liked to walk ove� the ��.t��
but felt that perhaps the petitioner had a reason for requesting thia l�n�,
but on the other hand, Chairman Erickson�s suggestion seems to be ve�►
The Commis$ion expressed their thanks to Mr. Fitzpatrick, Chairman of
Parks and �ecreation Commnission., for the informative report on "Trees and
Shrubs $est Suited �o Fridleq Soil". An item of aurprise was that the box ��.de�
and maple were related.
Mr. Schmedeke said that he wished to thank the Parks and Recreation
pepartment on behalf of the Plannin� Commission for their tim� and ef�prt pu�
into th�.s �tudy. He thought Paul Browa and, Ralph Volkman should be congx�tu-
lated. Ae fel� he learned a lot by reading the report. He thougt�t �he �u;l��.d--
ing Inspection Department should be given this repozt for thei� uae, '�e wA�m
�dered if the City ehould try pl�nting evergreen in the Planting Boulevaxd.
ae telt that t�e Parks and Recreation Co�ission should make a p�.an for th�
area and suggest ways of accomplishing it. D�rrel Clark mention�ed that the��
�,,,1 is a c1�a at the high achool that does a lot of outside natu�� wA�l�. In
Planziin� Commission Meeting - October 21, 1970 Pa�e 4
other areas, there have been cases where th��e is a credit in nature studyo
� Mr. Fitzpatrick fel� the Com�ission should not only consider a solution to the
1 Planting Strip in Moore Lake HYghlands 4th Addition, but considex improving
landscaping o� gasoline stations.
Chairman Erickson asked if the City had ever given any thought to starting
its own nursery. The members agreed that this should be considered by the
Parks and Recreation Commission.
M�. Schmedeke pasaed a:ound a copy of the SeptQmber and October iasue of
Th¢� Conasxva�ion Volunteer pub]�ished by �he State Conservation Aep�rt��t�t,
The booklet had many interesting and little known facts about t=ee�.
There be�:g no further business,. Chairman Erickson adjourned the meeting
at 9:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
Hazel 0'Brian
Recording Secretary
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