PL 02/17/1971 - 7385�
FEBRiTARY i7, 1971
M-2 (iieavy industrial� to C�2 (general business areas) �.
parcel 600 feet in depth alon� tfie centerline of proposed
83rd Avenue from R/W line of University Avenue and 1,675
feet North from centerline of propose� 83rd Avenue.
Public Hearing closed February 1, 1971 meeting.
SERVICES CO.: To rezor_� tfiat part of B1ock l, Fridley
Ir_dustr� al Pa.r. k P1at 1 l.ving N.E, of Hwv. ��65 West Service
Drive as now laf3 out and traveled from MS-2 (fieavy indus--
ir�al� to C�Z �general business�.; S.�, corner of Hwy.. 4�65
& 73rd A�e, �
�Y COLO�TIAL SLRVTCES CO.� To locate a service station as
�er�Section 45,1Q1, 3E, �ri.dley Gity Code in a:C-2 District
on. tFiat part o� Block l, '�ridley Industrial Park f'lat 1
lya�ng Nortfieast of Hwy. ��65 WTest Service Drive as now laid
out ^.nd trav�led..
��.c.c�L-s-ou-- ' �
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8:00 P.M.
L_ ..:.
FEBRUARY 3, 1971
The meetinR was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Erickson.
Members Present: Minish, Zeglen, Erickson, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the minutes of the Planning
Commission meeting of January 20, 1971 be approved. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously. �
JANUARY 20, 1971
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission receive
the minutes of the P1ats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee meeting
of January 20, 1971. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the rreotion carried
� - --
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission_ receive
the minutes of the Buildinq Standards-Design Control Subcommittee meeting of
January 19, 1971. Dpon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission receive
the minutes of the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting of December 28, 1970.
Upon a voice vote, aZ1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the P3anning Commission receive the
minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of January 25, 1971. Upon a voice vote,
a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
R. C. ERNST: South 395 feet of Lo't.1,Lots 2 and 3, Lot 4, except that.part
of the West 132 feet lying South of tfie North 328.9 fee�, Lots 5 and 6, except
the South 230 feet thereof, Auditor's Subdivision No. 22 to be rezoned from
R-1 (one far.iily dwelling district) to R-2 (two family districts) .
planni�g Commission Meetin� - February 3, 1971 ��-2 -
The Cfiairman stated that because I�e was involved in this request, and certainly
� could not vote, he asked Mr•. Fitzpatrick to chair the meeting, and he would not
take part in the conversation. A citizen asked if someone else would vote in his
place. He was informed tfiat it takes a simple majority for the Planning Commission
to make a recommendation to the Council.
Mr. Ernst s�id tfiat a number of question� were raised by the people of the
neighborhood, and he felt some had not been answered properly. He requested the
Planning Commission to table the rezoning request for a period of 30 to 60 days
in order to have more time to secure satisfactory answers to the questions and
also an opportunity to meet with the people in the neighborhood and discuss the
project and come up with a plan acceptable to the neighborhood.
Mr. David Wieland said the people felt there was no need to rezone from R-1
to R-2 -- it is zoned R-1 and they would like to keep it that way.
Mr. Fitzpatrick explained that the Planning Commission could not vote on the
petition now inasmuch as P?r. Ernst requested the Commission to table it.
1�TION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission table
the rezoning request� ZOA #70-07, requested by Richland, Inc., represented by
R. C. Ernst, for 30 to_60 days to give the petitioner more time to study the
problems. Upon a voice vote, Minish, Zeglen, Fitzpatrick and Schmedeke voting
aye, Erickson abstaining, the motion carried.
Mr. Schmedeke stated there were some questions he would have liked answered'
� because certain facts were not completely clear to him. He wondered if it would
be acceptable to fiave R-1 homes on the perimeter of the land, and have the R-2
structures, perhaps two rows, in tfie center� If the center was 300 feet away
from the outer boundaries, he Mr. Ernst probably would not have any tr.ouble
rezoning to two family homes. If this were the case, Mr. Fitzpatrick said he
was not certain the people more than 300 feet away notified.
Mr. Schmedeke continued that the drainage plans were not too clear to him,
for example, who would be assessed and how wide would the ditch be. He felt
it would be a more acceptable and attractive job using the 40 foot easement.
A walk area could be proposed, leave some of the natural vegetation to attract
and keen the wildlife that is there now, and construct the banks so that the
area would look like a creek.
Mr. Wieland said that the storm drainage ditch would be crossing his property.
He would like to have a vote on the land remaining R-l. He knew 90% of the
people were against the rezoning. As R-1 property, the land is valuable and could
be drained. R-2 would be four times as valuable, but only to the people who own
the property. The rest of the people will not see the value of it. He would
request a motion to deny the request outright.
Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick explained that the property is R-1. The owner has
' the right, at any time, to petition for a rezoning, and he may again in the future.
In the meantime the motion to table the request was in order, but in so far as
Mr. k'ieland's stat�ment, �he property in question is zoned R-1 and will remain so
^ until chan�ed by the Council.
One of the citizens asked if the request to table was for the petition to be
continued at a later date or withdrawn.
lanni.n Commis�ion Meetin ��ebruarv 3 1971 Pa e 3
Mr. Ernst answered that the request was to table. The intent was not to with-
^ draw, but table the decision on the matter and give the petitioners additional
time to answer some of the questions which were raised.
The audience were informed that tabling an item was not unusual. In this
case, the public hearing was closed. The members of the audience will receive
notices when t�is request comes bacic on the ?genda.
Before Chairman Erickson returned to the chair, he addressed the audience
saying, first of all, he owns ten acres which was owned by Mr. Gardner and was
about to be lost by taxes. He worked on a purchase price agreeable to both of
them. He had not talked to any member of the Planning Commission about this
item, nor would he in the future. Neither would he vote on it. They feel there
has not been complete understanding betzaeen themselves and the people. They
want the opportunity,to study further and the opportunity to sit dowiz with the
people and get their views, to see if they can get together, and if the people
did not change their minds, they can go ahead and vote against it.
Chairman Erickson had looked at the area for some time and felt it was one
of the problem areas in the City. If they cannot work out anything satisfactory
to the people, who can object, then they will try to work out another plan in
some other way. In no case were they trying to "pull anything", but they would
like to sit down and talk about it with all the interested parties.
Chairman Erickson continued -- there was a comment about the duplexes in
Columbia Heights -- very bad, but he could show some pictures of some that are
� good. He did not think anything is slum if a man takes care of his property.
He thought that restricting the size of houses was incorrect. If a man wanted
to live in a house without a garage, he should be able to do so, but the City Code
does not permit it any more. He did not intend to hurt anybody by his construc-
tion or anybody he sold to. If anyone wanted to look at the homes he has built,
he would be glad to take them around.
Mr. Eyler said he understood Mr. Erickson would sit down and talk to them
individually, but he felt it should be the whole group.
Mr. Erickson said that was just what he wanted to -- sit down with all of
the peop le.
Mr. Wieland offered his basement for the meeting:
JOHNSON: To permit construction of a double bungalow in an R-1 District as
per Fridley City Code, Section 45.051, 3D, to be located on Lot 7, Block l,
A1 Rose Addition.
The public hearing notice was read by Chairman Erickson.
Mr. Albert Johnson said he was asking for a permit to build a dauble bungalow
facing East River Road. He would have a contractor build the double bungalow, and
^ he would occupy half of it.
glanni��, Commi.asi,on I�eeting < k'ehruary 3, 1971 �age 4
_-��--�-�- z�
Tfie Engineering Assi:stant e�plained tfiat the final plat of A1 Rose Addition
^ has been approved, but Suburban Engineering has not €inisfied tfie hard shell.
The sketch is basically correct as far as the placing of the lots.. The final
, plat was approved by Council last December. On the final plat, we are asking for
a driveway easement to be provided between Lots 5 and 6 in order to have access to
the street from the rear of the lot, depending upon what happens to East River
Road. Mr. Johnson might want access to the rear rather than to drive out on East
Ftiver Road. Ten feet would be asked from each lot. This is a condition oi the
plat. The property to the North is the Eva Erickson plat and contains single
family homes. To tfie South is the Evanoff home and also some double bungalows.
Chairman Erickson asked if there raas the possibility that additional right of
way might be asked for East River Road. Darrel Clark answered that it was thought,
at one time, that the right of caay would be taken on this side, but the County
Engineer decided to take it off the railroad easement on the East side.
In regard to water and sewer, they would go up the drivecaay easement.
Mr. Zeglen asked who owned Lot 5. Mr. Johnson said he had a purchase agree-
ment to sell Lot 5 and he hoped the driveway easement would not interfere with
the sale.
The Engi�ieering Assistant stated that Mr. Johnson should be encouraged to
use the back road for access if it makes a nice looking layout. It was going to
be difficult to get onto E.ast River Road, Access to the rear would be a great
advantage to him.
Mr. Johnson said he plans to have the house facing East River Road and have
the garage in the back of the house. He had wanted access to East River Roa�i
and could use his�s driveway onto East River Road.
Chairman Erickson informed Mr. Johnson that he could not build any closer to
the street than the average setback of the houses on either side of his lot
without a variance from the Board of Appeals. He then asked Mr. Johnson if it
were his desire to face East River Road and enter off East River Road? As the
Commission understands it, the easement for the driveway is already granted.
In answer to Mr. Fitzpatrick`s query if there was anyone in the audience
interested in the request, the gentleman who lived to the Nortfi said the only
reason he came was that he would like to know where Mr. Johnson was putting
his house and to get a general idea of what he is going to do. He did not agree
or disagree.
Chairman Erickson asked Darrel Clark about the East River Road prop-osal
relating to the median. Darrel Clark answered that the Council will have a
continued hearing on Monday night, February fith. The median will be from Inter-
state #694 to iKississippi Street wit1� crossovers at Mississippi Street, 6ist
Way (Stevenson School) and the Filister Apartments.
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission
recommend to Council approval of the Special Use Permit, SP #71-01, by Albert M.
Johnson to permit construction of a double bungaloir in an R-1 District as per
Fridley City Code, Section 45.051, 3D, to be located on Lot 7, B1ock 1� A1 Rose
Addition with the stipulation that its access be over an easement between
I;ots 5 and 6 to Alden Way. Upon a voice vote, a1I voting aye, the motion carried
lanni� Comm�.ss,i.qn Meetin - Februar 3 1971 Page 5
Mr. Minisfi. wished to mention an area of concern to him which referred to the
/� access on East River Road or the alternate of going out at the rear of the lots.
At this time he did not know enough about what Mr. Johnson intends to build lans
. that he had nothing on which to base an opinion. When the building permit p
go before the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee, there would be suf-
ficient opportunity for the City to study tfie nlans.
Mr. Schmedeke felt that if the easement �or access to the rear of the lot were
on the plat, it would be used for that purpose.
Darrel Clark said the easement for the driveway was not talked about until
it reached the Council in December for the final plat. At the time it came before
the Planning Commission, tfiere was no talk about improving East R.iver Road. The
easement was added by Council. .
Chairman Erickson said this request would not have to go before the Building
Standards-Design Control Subcommittee. As long as provisions c�ere made in the
final plat for a driveway to the rear of the lot, the problem of an additional
exit on East River Road would not be compounded.
Mr. Schmedeke said he was certain the petitioner could see the safety factor
of not allowing another exit on East River Road. The amount of traffic on
some of the i,ity streets, and especially East River Road, is getting to be quite
a problem.
-- CHEVROLET, INC.: Rezone from M-2 (heavy industrial) to C-2 (general business
areas) a parcel 600 feet in depth along the centerline of proposed 83rd
Avenue from right of way line of University Avenue and 1,675 feet North from
centerline of proposed 83rd Avenue.
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission
waive the reading of the public hearing notice. Upon a voicc vote, a11 voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Representatives of the rezoning request present at this meeting were Wyman
Smith, representing the applicant, Ray Wormsbecker, involved in the selling,
Jerry Brady, Manager of Viking Chevrolet, Inc., and Tom Boemer of Ba1co Building
Mr. Wyman Smith explained the rezoning request involved a parcel of about 23
acres. The Southerly boundary is at the center of what would be 83rd Avenue.
Eighty-Third Avenue would be where the watermain runs West to the railroad tracks.
The City does have some dedir_ations for utility purposes, but the SoLth boundary
of this property, of what my client is buying, comes in the center of the road
where there probably will be dedication for i33rd Avenue. The depth is 60C feet
back from University Avenue. They were not asking for rezoning on the Western
600 feet of the original parcel -- it is to remain M-2. Thi.s property would
adjoin the area which the City has acquired for park land and, hopefulZy, a
golf course sometime. The people he represents are in business in St. Paul, but
had to relocate because of the City development plan. Viking Chevrolet plans
to locate in Fridley and they have the appr�ual of t�ie district and regional
divisions and tentative approval from Detroit. They ha�e an option on this iand
until May lst.
Rlanni�g COmmi,s.s,i.on Meetin -- Fehruar 3 1971 Pa e 6
�-�-s-c-c��-ct---c�c'�� .
Mr. Smith said that he had cfiecked with the City staff about sewer and water.
Water is available. The sewer would come from along the railroad tracks and down
� proposed 83rd Avenue. The�company is hopefully going to ask for a slip on and
off on University Avenue from the State. They may have difficulty with this, but
' this is what the planning people from General Motors would prefer.
The Engineering Assistant added the information that Viking Chevrolet would
occupy the mid� le part of the Easterly Half ;f Parcel 3000. :
Mr. Tom Boemer of Balco Building Systems displayed the model of the proposed
plan. They will use the center of the parcel because it is the high portion. The
area is pretty much devoid of trees. The foliage on the North and South indicated
on the model are existing trees. The landscaping would be a low type of land-
scaping. They would propose to set the building approximately four feet above
the high point of University Avenue. The building would be set on a crown and
d r o p o f f about one foot in all directions. The� have a setback from the inside
lane of the service lane of 100 feet permitting limited display. There was an
area primarily for customer parking. There is room for the display of, 250 autos
on the property, new and used cars. At the rear of the building there would be
a new car storage and truck display.
Mr. Wyman Smith said that the building contains about 35,000 square feet, sub-
ject to some possible deviation, but no more than 5% one way or another. The
showroom is 7,200 square feet. The building will be a glazed structure, f lat
roof, most likely at this time, stone or some type masonry frontage with metal
curtain wall on the other three sides.
Chairman Erickson said he understood Mr. Smith
strip along University Avenue. He said it was not
University Avenue, setbacks are to be 150 �eet. He
a possible street layout for the whole area.
to say there would be a 50 foot
dedicated yet. Also, from
then asked Darrel Clark about
Darrel Clark then�e�lained that it was proposed that Main Street will run
all the way from Osborne Road North to 85th Avenue, 600 feet to the West of this
property, and the Westerly edge of Parcel 3000. The Service Drive is going to
be dedicated fx�m East Ranch Estates bringing the road up to 79th Avenue. The
driving range is about 81st Avenue, and that area had provided property for a
Service Drive. In all cases, the Service Drive has been looped back from
University Avenue. The crossovers will be at $3rd Avenue, 85th Avenue. Parcel
3200 is being looked at by the Y.M.C.A.
A gentleman from Spring Lake Park asked where the water and sewer for the
area �*ould fiook llD and what school district would they be in.
Mr. Wyman Smith said that the school district would be Snring Lake Park. The
waterline is presently in on 83rd Avenue. The sewer line would run from North
Suburban Sanit�ry Sewer line East of the rai?road tracks and down 83rd AvPnue.
In answer to the question of a storm sewer, Mr. Smith said that a storm sewer
in that large area is in a state of flux. As the contractor pointed out, the
area of this request is the high part of these three pieces. He did not see
any immediate prob�e:� with this aspect. As he understands it, the City's proble;:?.
of working out the storr.l se�aer is depend�nt on working on a scheme i,rith Spring
Lake Park in a litigatian. The conflict seems to be over tfie amount Spring Lake
Park should contribute to the storm sewer.
�lanning Commis.sion Meeting ��ebruarv 3, 1971 _ Page 7
Mr. Scfimedeke asked who would be paying for a sanitary se�aer.
The Engineering Assistant said that it would depend upon which direction the
, sanitary sewer comes from. If it goes down a street with City owned property
adjacent, the City has to participate in the expense of putting that line down
th�� ��treet. If this line were served from the South, this situation could be
avoided. Beca�ase this property is a new undeveloped area, there is;no design
for the direction the storm sewer would go.
Mr. Scfimedeke commented that there must be other property owners that will
be assessed for storm sewer. If they are assessed for it before they sell their
property, th.e assessments will be so high tha� it will be hard to sell.
Mr. Wyman Smith said that he was acquainted with the owners West of the
property and over to the railroad tracks. They have already had assessments and
they have been very costly. With construction money loosening up, these people
feel it is the right time for development. They realize they are going to have
to pay for the extension of the pipes to whatever property is served. They
hoped the City would work out the sanitary sewer lines so that the City would
not be stuck because of the park. He was sure that Viking Chevrolet realized
that they are going to have to pay normal�costs. .
The owner to the North of the proposed rezoning request was represented by
Mr. George Walquist.
Mr. Zeglen asked what affect would it have on the property if heavy industrial
� came in to tiie North. Mr. Jerry Brady said there would be no effect. With the
-= amount of land they have, they cannot foresee it would be a nroblem. Mr. Smith
added, as they were owners of the proposed parcel, including land to the
North and South, they were protected from encroachment.
Mr. Schmedeke said the thing he disliked about the rezoning request was the
downgrade zoning. He felt he would like to see this type of project moved to the
area of Bob Schroer`s East Ranch Estates. The development of University Avenue
would then be gradually moving to the North instead of jumping into a parcel in
the middle of nowhere. Being quite familiar with tliis type of business, he sa�3
it is not a wonderful tax base. There will be a sma1Z one story building wi_th
many, many cars standing around. The storage area will, no doubt, be blacktopped.
It would have been a lot better to continue the developing of University Avenue
by acquiring land just North of Bob`s Produce Ranch instead of downgrading the
overall planning of the City. This was what he called true spot zoning.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said, as Park representative on the Planning Commission, he
has some obligation to look at what affect the rezoning might have on the park
property. However, this park property is so new and uncertain as to what direc-
tion it is going to develop that he really didn't have any. specific comments.
The Park Depari.ment did look at this proper�� but found i.t to be too expe:_sive
to purchase so, although he was interested in that aspect of it, he did not have
any specific questions to ask about it. There was the poss�bility of the Y.M.C.A.
going in to the North. He wondered if it would be in order to ask what stage
it has been reached?
� Mr. George Walq_uist anscaered that the Y.M.C.A. has an option on the land until
September. They were anticipating the money will be raised in the summer. His
�lanni�p Commi.ssion Meeting - k'ebruary �3, 1971 _ Page 8
personal feelings about the whole West side of University Avenue was that the
� whole thing should be zoned to Commercial and not M-1 or M-2.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the public hearing be closed
for the rezoninq request, ZOA #71-01 by Wyman Smith for Viking ChevroZet, Inc. to
rezone from M-2 to C-2 the East Half of Parcel 3000. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting
aye, the motio.� carried unanimously.
Chairman Erickson said that frankly, he would like to study this request for
a couple of weeks, together witk� the plans of the Y.M.C.A.
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission continue
to February 17, 1971 for further study the rezoning request, ZOA #71-01 by Wyman
Smith for Viking Chevrolet, Inc. to rezone from M-2 (heavy industrial area) to
C-2 (generaZ business areas) the East Half of Parcel 3000. Upon a voice vote,
a11 votinq aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Minish asked if the Parks & Recreation Cominission had considered this
Mr. Fitzpatrick answered they had not, but they did have a ineeting the
following Monday night. He explained that the actual acquisition of the park
land by the City was not a project of the Park Commission at any point. Once
the land is acquired, it will be the responsibility of the Park Commission to
carry on the development from there. It has not been discussed any more because
of the f act that in the process of acquiring the property, the City was to acquire.
� the land under discussior. this evening. It was found to be too expensive. This
` whole project has been more in the hands of the Council than the Parks and Recrea-
tion Commission. •
COLONIAI. SERVICES CO.: To rezone that part of Block l, Fridley Industrial Park
Plat 1 lying Northeast of Hwy. 4�65 West Service Drive as now laid out and
traveled from M-2 (heavy industrial) to C-2 (general business). (Southwest corner
of Hwy. 4�65 and 73rd Ave.)
Mr. Minish disqualified himself and did not participate in the discussion.
As explained by the Engineering Assistant, in order to get the land needed
for the loopb ack on the Southwest corner of Hwy. ��65 and 73rd Avenue, there was
a three way negotiation for land by Target Warehouse, Taco Towne and the City of
Fridley. The area is approximately 35,000 square feet, �'1 -^, and is zoned
M-2. �
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Fi tzpatrick, that the Planning Commission confirm
the public hearing date of February Z7, 1.971 for the rezoning request, ZOA #71-02,
Colonial Services Co. to rezone part of B1ock 1, Frldley Industrial Park Plat l
from M-2 to C-2. Upon a v.oice vote, aZ1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
/..� � 5. COTI�'I�1M FUBLIC =.rA�ZI`i!= ��'�E OF ��L,BRUARY 17, _1971: REQUEST FO�t A SPECI�.L USE
PERMIT,^SP ��71-02, BY C(?LOi�IAL SERVICES CO.: To locate a�Service Station as
� per Section 45.101, 3E, Fridley City Code in a C-2 District on that part o£
Block 1, Fri3ley Industrial Park Plat 1 lying Northeast of Highway ��65 West
Service Drive as now laid out anc'� traveled.
. . . . ._ . . __ . . . . . 1 . � � � . . . . . .. a..,.�-+- �
�lann3-�g Coz�mi.,ssi.,on I`�eeting -- �ebruar 3 1971 Page 9
MOTI'ON by Zeglen, seconded b� Fitzpatr�ck, tfiat the Planning Commiss�.on con-
firm tfie public hearing date of February 17r 1g71 for tfie request for a Special
Use Permit, SP #7It02r bg Colonial Services Co. to locate a service station on
part of Block 1� Fridley.Industrial Park Plat 1. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
The letter requested the attendance of Chairman Ezickson and Mr. Fitz-
patrick, along with other City Officials to 4ttend regarding future plans for
Fridley on Tuesday, February 16, 1971 at 8:00 P.M. in the Community Room of City
Hall. Chairman Erickson read the letter �and stated he would be attending.
There being no further business, Chairman E�ickson adjourned tHe meeting
at 10:10 P.M. ,
Respectfully submitted
�� d
Ha 1 0'Brian
Recording Secretary
M�:NUT�� �3F R���.S�Ak !'�RKv Ar'�'�1 RECI��.ATIQh3 CU►�9IS�s��i �9E�T�N�, 4T�NUARY 25� 1971.
Meeting was called to order at 7;A0 p.m. by Chairma�n Fitzpatrick.
^ MEMBERS PRESENT: Fitapatrick, Blair, Qlson, Stimanler, Wagar.
OTHERS PRESENT: Mrs. Carolyn Rouse, 210 Rice Creek Boulevard, 786-7132, L.W.V.
Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation.
Ralph Volkman, Park Foxeman.
Curtis Dahlberg, Park Planner.
Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to Commission.
The Commission's attention was drawn to the xeport that Mx. Volkman, Park Foreman,
had prepared regarding the bxeak-ins at the Park Garage. The cost of installing
an alarm system by Security Alarm Systems was stated as $127.00 and it should
have read $i57.00. Regarding the last paragraph in the same section of the
minutes, it states the time•element involved in working out of the City Garage
as opposed to the Park Garage. This paragraph should be striken from the
minutes because it deals with a different matter entirely.
M�TION by BQa,in, Seconded by O.P.avn, xo appn.ave zh.e�e�, a.� co�vicec,te.d, a� �the
neg � me ng on iTecem e�c , iifT�:— e a an ca,�vc,c.e .
Mr. Fitzpatrick directed Mr. Brown to invite Mike 0'Bannon, County Commissioner,
to attend the February 22, 1971 meeting of the Parks and Recreation Cotnmission,
/', to discuss the North Park Area. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Brown for a brief
rundown on the purchasing status of the North Park Area. Mr. Brown said that
there are four parcels with which we are concerned. The first is #300, involving
30 arces. This was purchased under the 1970 Budget. The second parcel is #10,
involving 34 acres, and we have put a down payment on it. The third parcel is
I�600, involving 64 acres, and the fourth is #60, involving 2 acres. Parcels
#600 and #60 have no money paid on them yet, but the City holds the option to
Mr. 0'Bannon is being invited to the meeting to discuss the possibilities of
obtaining money for the purchase of the North Park Area.
MOTIUN b y, Seeonded b y S.t,�c, �o �.nv.i.te Mn. M-i.h,e �' &tnnan, Coun.ty
Camm.i.6a�,aneh. �an Anafla Caun,ty, zo cc..itend xhe febnuan.y 22, �991 mee, The
Mafi,i.on ca�,i.ed.
Mr. Brown requested that several items be added to the evening's agenda for
discussion. The items added were: 1. New Phones in Warming Houses; 2. Babe
Ruth Baseball; Midget Baseball; 3. Mr. Jaeger's Property Donation; and 4.
Girl's Gym Night.
Mr. Fitzpatrick approved the additions to the agenda.
Mr. Blair suggested that letters be sent to the Fridley High School, requesting
that a representative of the school, perhaps the Student Council President,
attend the Parks and Recreation Commission Meetings to voice their opinions on
proposed programs, as well as present programs.
Mznut�� o� Reg�a�a� �1e�t���, �tinu-��25� 19�1 Page Z
� Mr. Brown told the Commission that he had never been ap�xoached by stud�nts,
representing the school, regarding either the present programs and how to
improve them, or ideas £or new programs.
fidOTlc�N by S�imrn.�en, Secanded 6y 8�a.i�c, �a dElcec,t �Wc. B�cawn �a wju.te a.Ce,t,ien
�.nv.izc:ng a nepneaerut�.t, a� .the Fn.i.d�ey Schaa.ea .ta a.t,tend -ihe meP.t, a� .tyze
Pcv�.fta and Rech.ea�`, Com►n.i,�s.6.can, �a .a�cve a,� a Ya�th Adv.i,3an, g�.v�,ng �ugge,��`.i.on�
negacding aun plee.b er�.t and pnv�aa ed pnognams • A eapy a��he �e�;teh a h.ou,ed be,t�ed �a Dn. Nanden, Supetc.�.n.ienden.t� The Ma� ecvUc.c:ed.
Mr. Brown talked to the Commission about starting a Babe Ruth Baseball Program
in Fridley. This would supplant the Midget Program and serve as an extension
of the Little League. He said that the teams would have to find a sponsor.
Uniforms would be the biggest expense, but this would be atasorbed by the
sponsor, rather than by the City. The City would have to provide the fields
and special equipment, but not the registration fees or uniforms.
Each team must be registered with the National Babe Ruth League and the chaxge
is $10 per team. In addition to this fee, each team must also pay $10 registra-
tion fee to the State League and then there is a$10 League Fee which would have
tq be paid to the District. A newly organized league does not have to register
wzth the�National Office the first year, but they would be required to join the
State League and also the District. The City MUST join the group because it's
� an Association. Jim Peck is the area chairman.
Insurance is required, but we already have a poliey covering our regular Summer
Baseball activities, and it could be exchanged to cover Babe Ruth.
The Babe Ruth Program is divided into two groups, the Jr. Babe Ruth, which
invalves boys ages 13, 14, and 15, and the Sr. Babe Ruth, which involves boys
a�es 16, 17, and 18. The Commission asked if this wasn't similar to our present
Midget program. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if the boys and parents actually wanted
such a pragram, cr if we'd be initiating a program which was only desired by
non-residents. Mr. Brown said that the request came from the Fridley High School
Baseball Coach.
The Commission felt that more discussion was needed with people connected with
the present Baseball program. Ray Price was in charge of Sr. Babe Ruth last year
and it was decided that he should be invited to the meeting in February.
MOTIUN by B.2cwc, Seeanded by tUagan, �v evvLta.c.x Mn. Ray Pn,�ce, and .the L.i.�t,ee
League Bciseba..e,2 Ca��ca, and �.nvtiie �h.em -ta a#:tend �h,e �ebnu.a�cy 22, 1971
mee� a� �he Patckr� and Camm.i,b�s�an, �a di,acu�a �h.e pat,�s�.bti?.i�,i.e�
a� �.v� �the Babe Rc.�.-th Ba.deba.�. Pnagnam �,n F�c,�.de.ey. The Mv�, ecuvu.ed.
The question of accepting the donation of Block Z, Riverview Heights Aadition,
by Mr. Jaeger, was once again brought up for discussion, Th,e City would be
� obligated to take over the delinquent taxes and this would involve a sizeable
amount of money. The Commission had decided, at a previous meeting, that they
were not interested in this property, but the City Council has requested that
it be reviewed once again. Mervin Herrmann, City Assessor, has recommended
that we not accept this donatzon.
M�nut�5 of Reg�lar �eetin�,���n�a�xy 25, 1971 _ Page 3
After some discussion, Mr. Olson made the recommendation that the offer should
once again be turned down because we do not have a�eed for it.
M�TIdN by O.P..aan, Seconded
�.ai�c za .twcn down �h.� a
v env�.ew
veauae a . e a
Mn. Jaeae�i. �a
Mx. Fitzpatrick asked for a report on the skating rink at Summit Square Park.
He xeviewed that the City Council had ordered the posting af signs giving
permission for hockey players to use the rink at specified hours. The pennis
Schroeder's had their lawyer write a letter to the City, informing them that
the matter would be taken to court if need be, to stop such activities because
of the position their home was placed in. They had already had extensive damage
to their home and their children were not free to play in their own yard fox
fear of being hit by flying pucks. Upon receiving this letter, the City Council
repealed their previous action and declared that there would be no Hockey playing
at Summit Square. The hour which the Council had speci�ied was 8:00 in the
evening and the buys did not follow this scheduling. They were playing hockey
at ali hours of the day.
Mr. Brown informed the Commission that he had been conferring with Mr. Brunsell,
Acting City Manager, and the Burlington Northern Railroad, trying to set up
an agreement by which the City could lease some land just south of the Reserve
� Supply on Main Street, about two block north of Plymouth Square Park. The
land is fairly flat and we've received a favorable response from the railroad
in respect to this. It is doubtful that this could be settled in time for use
this winter, but it has possibilities for next winter.
The leasing of this land would be set up with the installation of a hockey rink,
general skating rink, portable warming house, and possibly some back stops for
baseball, in mind. Curt Dahlberg, Park Planner, drafted some sketches of
possible plans for this area and forwarded them to Burlington Northern.
Mr. Brown asked the Commission if they wanted to change the Commission meeting
date for 1971. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked for comments and all agreed that the
f ourth Monday of each month had worked out quite well for everyone and all
agreed that it should be continued.
MUTION by S�, Secanded by U.eaan, �o appnove �the bau��,th Manday a�
marLth. a.b .the negu,ea�c mee�', da�e �an �he Panh,� and Reene.azc:an Camm.i,ab�.on. The
Ma� ccuvu.ed.
Mr. Brown said that he had been approached regarding the donation of about 12
acres of land which is located north of Preeway #694, and east of Highway �65,
on Gardena, by the Viewcon Development Company. The Viewcon Company is planning
� to build an apartment complex in this area and would like to have this property,
which they are donating to the City, developed into a park for the residents o�
the complex. Mr. Brown said that he was negitiating with the builders, trying
to obtain land within the complex itself. It would be a focal point for the
complex. He said that 2 or 3 acres would make a nice sized park for this purpose,
M�fiut�s Uf Re�i�i�r ?�eetzr: , �r�u�ry 25 9 1�71 Page �
;�._._m` '
and it wouldn't be just a wooded area which cbuldn't be developed without great
time and expense to the City.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Brown to keep them informed of his progress in this
„inattex .
The Commissioner's attention was drawn to the fact that five new phones have
been installed in the parks. These are all pay phones and are to be used by
the visitors to the parks. The locations of the phones are Sylvan Hills Park
Shelter Building, Lacke Park, West Shelter Building, Madsen Park Shelter
Building, an� the two drive-up phones are located in the South Commons Parking
I,ot and the East Locke Park Parking Lot.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked about the status of the Grace High School Skating Rink.
Mr. Brown said that the rink was to be a general skating rink, but the land
slopes too much to hold the water. Ice maintenance has been discontinued for
this season.
Mr. Bxown was asked to report on the status of an alarm system for the Park
Garage. He said that Ralph Volkman had been working with the C11ief of Fire
Prevention, Bob Aldrich. Mr. Volkman said that they had contacted Bacon's
Electric, and they suggested that the system be leased. All the best alarms
are leased. He said that it was the "fly-by-night" companies who sell the
system and then aren't around to repair them if anything goes wrong.
The City Council approved the installation of the system and the Department is
presently awaiting prices and the hopefully rapid installation.
The Commissioner's attention was again drawfl to the proposed pool at the Diek
Waldstein residence in Melody Manor Addition. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if there
was any further development and Mr. Brown said that they would be meeting to
discuss the plans in detail.
1972 BUDGET.
Mr. Olson made the following suggestions for the 1972 Budget priorities. He
said he felt that an irrigation system for The Commons should have top priority.
He felt that the Park Garage was most important, as well as the topsoiling for
The Commons and immediate action for a Hockey Rink south of Freeway #694.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said that a Hockey Rink for
� Wagar asked about some further development
Flanery Park was important and Mr.
at Meadowlands Park.
Mr. Brown said that he had been approached regarding a Gym Night for Girl's,
where they could exercise, play basketball, etc., and would be sort of like a
M�nut�� Qf Ro��?ar �eeta�g� �M�nu�=�� 25, l��i Page 5
^` Women's "Trimnastic Night". The Commission felt it would be a worthwhile
venture and should definitely be considexed for the Winter of 1971 - 1972.
Mr. Blair asked if there'd be any interest in Girl's Basketball. Mr. Brown
said that the schools seem to feel that they offer enough along this line and
the proposal has gone no farther.
Mr. Fitzpatrick mentioned an article in the paper regarding the availability
of fill in the near future. He asked if our Department would have any use
for this.
Mr. Dahlberg said that this fill was shale rock which is used for retaining
walls and costs us approximately $3 a ton, which involves several thousand
dollars for a small area. He felt that it would be worthwhile to purchase some
of this fill and store it for future use. It would involve quite a saYings.
Mr., Fitzpatrick asked if there was any further discussion on Snowmobiling? He
said he had received numerous calls, but that-the City Council was preparing an
ordnance which should take care of these questions and problems. Mr. Brown
briefed the Commission on the progress. A copy of the Ordnance #472, dealing
with snowmobiles, will be mailed to the Commission.
Mr. Volkman told the Commission that the Department had received 93 applications
for the position of Park Laborer. After reviewing the applications, Mr. Brown
and he had decided upon five men to call in for interviews. After deciding on
the man to hire, the Degartment was confronted with a problem in the Public
Works Department. They had an extra man on their payroll and asked the Park
Department to hire this man for the new position. The Park Department agreed
to do this and as a result, Richard Cameron is now the sixth Park Maintenance
Man in the Department. He added that Mr. Cameron was working out quite well.
Mr. Brown informed the Commission that a new man had been hired to maintain the
outside o£ City Hall. His name is Danny Doyle, and he started the first week in
February. He is clearing the sidewalks of snow and this summer he will be in
charge of mowing, trimming, and watering. He works approximately 3 hours a day,
five days a week, and will receive $2.00 an hour.
M�TION �a ad1aunn Zhe meezc:ng a.t 9;37 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, February 22, 1971, at 7:30 p.m,
in the conference room at Civic Center.
Respectfully submitted,
. ,,�
u.t� ��__--�--!��-,°'�'`, '`' �
CATHIE STORDAHL, Secretary to Commissie�n
''"` �_ �
AP�I.ICI�T'S SIG��TU§LE �Iyman SmitFi, Attor•ney
Addres� 1Q5� Builders Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn.
Telephoc�� id�ber 339-1481
PRO�RT'�' CW�'iYEx'S SYGidATV�E Vikina CFi_evrolet, Inc.
Addre�� 917 Grand Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota
w X Retonia�
Special Use Pext�it
Lot Splits
Approval of Yt�-
lfminazy Plat
Appxovgl of Final
_______�S t ree t s or Allrp--.._
Teleph9ne N�►ber 226-3403 Other
Stze�t Loc�tiaa of P�operty 83rd antl University Avenue N.E.
Legal D:�crip�ion of Prop�gty a narrp� 6_��PQ in de_th alon the center line of
� ro osed 83rd Ave. �l.E. from tfie r1ght of way line o�n�versi y venue. . a
�Qet r� th from the center line of t�e proposed 83rd Ave. N.E., being located
� in the NI� 4 of tFie N[�4 of Section 2, Townsh�p 3, ange , no .
Prea�n[ Zonin� C1��aific�Cian M2
Exiatin� U�� of th� Pxo�erty_ � ' _
Propo��d Zonica� Clarasific8tion, S�a�cial �1�=�, Vsri�?:ace Qr ot�:�s req�pat
Dascxib� briefly th� �'yg� of U6� �nd th� I�pzov���nt Pr��sos�d
cnmmerci�,] - pri;marily automobi:le sales and service agency
�creBIIcx of Pro��rty 23 acres�
H�8 tt�� �r��i�at A�plic��t Previo��ly �s�u�ht �o R��on�, �lat� Obtain n Lot Split,
Obtaia a Varicanc� or �p�ci�l U�e F���it on tb� �ubj�ct Site ar F�rt og It? ��
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Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission
of the �ity of Fridiey will meet in the Council Chamber of
the City Hall at $:00 P.M. on Wednesday, February l7, 1971
to consider the following matter:
, Consideration of a rezoning request, Z0� ��71-02,
by Colonial Services Company to rezone that part
^ of Block l, Fridley Industrial Park Plat 1 lying
— Northeast of Higfiway i�65 West Service Drive as
now laid out and traveled from M-2 (Heavy Indus-
trial) to C-2 (General Business) lying in the
- South Half of Section 12.
Generally located in the Southwest corner of
Highway ��65 and 73rd Avenue�.
.Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above
matter may be heard at this meeting.
Publish: February 3, 1971
February 10, 1471
Id�Ber_ #%l —d y'
_„_, ✓ Rezonin�
___.___Special Uae Perntit
AYPLICliYdT' S SYGt�ATU�`,� � � �
��� -t'/ - Lot Splito
.CiP�tl�� / c).P.J E2t/c( G �
Addreea � ,�-> > � -� �s �_pppravml of Pre-
� ���� liminsry Plat
Telephon� �i�aber �� %- �
Approval of Fin�l
�--� F le t
P�OFERTY �'�fiTE�' S SZGh'A1"!T ��,,���i�1
'r'�e � d� ������ �^Streets or Al].e'�-..
Addre���c��.�' /f%�4//P � /� � Vacstioa� _
Tel�pho�a� N�ber - � Other
Stre�t Loc�tioa� of Pro��rtY-_ �/�.�<�i.c�� � �S n= �7_-� �"'� �%>P ,
I.egal D��crip�ion of psopezty ��-�pc,l,P�.,/ -
Preacsnt Zonin� Cl��aificmti�a� ��j����-��'/�,� �'�_ ��1
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Existin� Um� of thx Pro�s�a�ty_ /� �,��--
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Propo��d Zo�ic�g Cle�sific�tion, Sp�cial U��, Vari�s��e ex othex reqs�eet
_ ������ � � - ,2
Deacrib� Eoriefly ehe Ty�� �g Ua� �n� ti�e Imp�ov��nt Pr�pom�d
`� � r �/� � *� �iC �'/O.cJ =-- �f?iS'/YlA �i nf
Acr@��;� o� Prop�rty�. �� �-
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Has th�a pr�e�sc�e �9plicant �s�vi���ly ��u,�ht to �t���cas, Plat� d�tain � t,ot Split,
Obtain � Vmri��ee or �p^ci�l U�e ��r�it an th� Subj�ct Sit� or Part of It? Na
i�4�►s�n? -
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Number �-U �� 7/—a2-� , ,
'i`he uadereigned understands that;. (a) A list of all residents and owners of pro-
perty within 300 feet must be attached to
this application.
(b) This application m�st be signed by all
o��ners of rhz property, or an explanation
�i�en why this is not the case.
� (G) Responsibili�ty for any defect in the pro-
� eeeding� zesul.ting from the failuYe to list
the names End a�d-re�ses of all residents
�nd property oo�r�e-rs of property within 300
feet of the prop��ty in question, belongs
to the undcrsi�ned.
Residents and Owners of �roperty within 300 feet:� �D�SS
�.��- �7-
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A sketch of proposed property and structure mu�c be dra��n on the br�ck of this
form or attached, showing the following: 1. yorth Dire�tian
2. Locatioa of Proposed Structuze oa lot.
3. Diaoensior�s of property, proposed
� �tractur�, and front and side set-backe.
4. Street Names
S. Location �nd use of adjacent exiating
buildin�s (caithin 300 feet).
Tht undersigned hereby declages that all the facts and representations ata[ed ia
thie application axe tru� ��►d correct. ,
3IGivATURE _��� ��:�G1���c/�'
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Ap�roved D�nied By the�3oasd �� �ppeais date the Following Conrlitions:
�,P�,x�ovpd .. Denied - -- by th� Plaznin� Coca�is�ion or� _ ---
^ Sub j�ct to th� ;�ilotain; �:cnditions: .
' date
Approved Denied by the �ouncil on
---°--'--' date
Subject to the Follawing Conditions:
Form FC 100
SP ��71-02, �r �r rr
Puhlic Hearing Notices: Mailed 1/29/71
(Before Planning Commission)
Colonial Services Co.
Attn. Lance Norderhus
2835 Nicollet Ave.
Mpls. 55408
Target Warehouse
7120 Highway ��65
Fridley - 55432
Chuck's Gulf Service
7315 Highway ��65
Fridley - 55432
Superamerica-D�yision of
Northwestern Refining
$ 5 West Broadway
St. Louis Park, Minn.
� Attention: Real Estate Office
Fridley Terrace
7400 Highway ��65
Fridley - 55432.
ZOA �71-02: Colonial Services Co,
SP �71-02: Colonial S.ervices Co.
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Notice is h.ereby given that the Planning Commission of
the City of Fridley will meet in the Council Chamber of the City
Hall at 8:00 P.M. on Wednesday, February 17, 1971 to consider
the following matter:
A request for a Special Use Permit (SP ��71-02) by
^ Colonial Services Company for tfie location of a
Service Station as per Section 45.101, 3E, Fridley
City Coc�e in a C-2 District on that part of Block 1,
Fridley Industrial Park Plat 1 lying Northeast of
Higiiway ��65 West Service Drive as now laid out and
Generally located in the Southwest eorner of Hwy.
��65 and 73rd Avenue.
Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the ab�ve
matter may be heard at this meeting. -
Publish: February 3, 1971
February 10, 1971
�� `
l��ber �� �` 7/-b�_
APPLICl�NT' S SIGNATtJ�'.E_L��� / � ��.
c� 02��/-1-�(i�C�
Address ���'..���//� z- �����.
Telephon� id�ber_ _ ��� —_5����
PROpERTY (�r�1NEA' S SIGNA3'lJ1tE _�( jc�,Gn�o( �.�i
AddreOS �37.�s /J%�� z` �r'/e /%��%S
Telephane Number_ ��-�— S��
Strcet Locatioa of Prop�r
Legal D�scription of Property
. �` lS � "
� Resoniag
� Speci�l Use P@ttiait
I,ot Splito
Approval of Pxe-
liminary Plat
Appraval of Finaal
Strtets or pll�—.._
pree�nt Zoning Cle��ificntian �.�ic�crS �`ri�l
Exiatinq Ua� of thP Prop�rty // �-,�,�/,�- • _
Propo�ed Zos�ing C1a�8ificmtion, S��cial U€�, VarfEnce or other requeo�
�,,���.�r / �i.l � _-l�t� � � �. 4�+ . ° �.� C�yS C�� � �
Describ� bri�fly the Typ� of U�� �nd the Ympzovt�^nt PzQ�os�d
Acre�Ge of Progaerty � p � �-�-.
�l�s th� Pree�at A�plic�e�t Pr�vio�a�ly ��u�ht to R��enc�, P18t� O�tain a Lot Sp2itt,
Obtaia s Vtri�cace or Sp�cial U�e F�ze�it on th� Subjs�ct Site or Part at It?�
kt�ma? .
i�ti�t e,ra� ,:;�,.;�� ;..�r�? ��� Enclo��d $�� �
^ ° �.�..-�, - — ..�r�.._»�,�.__�,...,..�.��.,,.,...._._ v /' �t' r�- �-- cf 7 3 tv
Date Filod � Dat� o� �:���ei:��
Number S P� 71 - 0 2� ,
.-� � yndersig+ned understands that;' (a) A list of all residents and owners of pro-
perty 41�t111R 300 feet must be atteched to
this application.
(b) This application m�st be signed by ell
oo�ners of tha property, or an explanation
�iven why t�is is not the case.
� (c) Responsibility for any defect in the pro-
� eeedings resul.tin� from the failure to list
the names End a�dresses of all residents
ttnd propert� owr�e•rs of property within 300
feet of the prop�.ty in questior►, belongs
to the undcrsi�ned.
Residents and Owners of �roperty within 300 feet:� �D�SS
S" �-- .���i�� _ - -
A sketch of proposed property and structvre mu�t'be dra4m on the back of this
form ot attached, showing the followin�: 2: �catianroftProposed StYUCture en lot.
3. Dimensions of property� proposed
�tructure, and front and side set-backa.
� 4. Stieet Names
� S, Location und use of adjacent existing
buildin�s (within 300 feet).
The undersigned hereby declages that all the facts and representations stated ia
thia application are true and correct. !
DATE o�� �`l� SIGivATU =' �-�'�/ � �
R����� �' APPLIS[`/!!ii%�}YY T),r-�--� • �
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* * # * * * ��At * *
Approved Denied By the•�oszd o� �ppeais the Follosain� Conditions;
Approved Denied � by the Plannin� Commission on
Subj��c� t� t�Q '��llow�n� �ondita�n��
' date
� •
Approved __,Denied _ by the �ouncil on
_.�_ date
Subject to the Foll����ing Conditiocas:
gorm PC 100
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SP 4�71-02: Colonial Services Co. _ L_ � .
ZOA 4�i1-02: Colonial Services Co. -- -- ---
Rezone fram M-2 to �-2 �nd Specia� {��e Permit sa
for Champlain Service Station ' —+ �o'
. _
Date Received February 9, 1971
4 �' �< �:° �
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�. C'. `�' ,
_. �.�.t.�--�,
� `-. � ��_ -TL' _ t��,
Petitivn No, 10-1971
Object Requests the aceuisition of land for park purposes. The genEral
7oc�tion of the park is between Mississippi Street and Rice Creek
Road, Stinson B�vd. and Arthur Street.
Petition Checked By /�f,%� _ Date ��/����
Percen�t Sig*iing /�a ► �c? �� Pv%r�. 0 --
Referred to City Coun�il
Pet . ��1�-19I1
page 1
Gle, the undersigned, request the sauth�395 ft. of lots 1, lots 2
and 3, lot 4 except that part of th� west'132 ft• lying south of the
n�rth 328•9 ft•, lots 5 and 6 except the s�uth 2�0 ft• thereof,
^ auditors Sub-Division No. 22; all.lying in the south half of section
13, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, generally 2ocated
between Mississippi Street and Rice Creek Road, Stinson Blvd• and
Arthur Street, be acquired and made into a park by the City of
Fridley• We request that the major portion of this parl�be left in
its natural state r�r educational and ec�lc�.i�al value•
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� � Pet . ��10-1971
We, the undersigned, request the soutWe3�5132.ft� lyinglsouthsof the
and 3, 1f�t 4 except that part of the
^n�rth 32&•9 ft., lots 5 and 6 except the s-�uth- 230 ft. �hereof,
auditors Sub-Division No. 22; all lying in the south half of sect?on
13, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, tounty of Anoka, generally located
between Mississippi Street.and Rice Creek Road, Stinson Blvd• and
Arthur Street, be acquired and made into a park by the City of
fridley• We request that the major portion of this park be left in
its natural state f�r educational and ecola�ical value•
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Pet . ��10-1971
?age 3
We, the undersigned, request the south 39S ft• of lots lsouthsof the
and 3, l��t 4 except that part of the west 132 ft. lying
� n�rth 328.9 ft., lots 5�nd 6�xcept the s�uth 2?t7 ft. thereof,
auditors Sub Division No• 22, a1l.lying in th� south half of sectior�
13, T-30, R-24, City �f Fridley, County of Anoka, generally located
� between f1ississippi Street and Rice Creek Road, Stinson Blvd• and
Arthur Street, be acquired and made into a parfc by the City of
Friciley• We request that the major portion of this park be left in
its natur�l state for educational and ec�1���ica1 value•
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