PL 09/01/1971 - 7397,�
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8:00 P.M.
FRANGIS GIRDLER: Part of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 25 2
to be rezoned from R-3 (general multiple family dwelling) to 4-S
CR-1 (general office and limited business).
Public Hearing closed.
Construct a second garage on Lot 12, Block 1, Holiday Hills
Addition per Code Section 45.051, 2, A.
BERRY: To construct a double bungalow on Lots 3 and 4, Block 4,
Ostman's Third Addition per City Code 45.051, 3, D.
material is not ready.
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The me�ting was called to order by Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick at
8:05 P.M.
Members Present: Minish, Fitzpatrick, Zeglen
Members Absent: Erickson, Schmedeke
Others Present: Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Cormnission minutes
of August 4, 1971 be approved. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, the motion
carried unan.imously.
1NOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission receive
the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee meeting of
� August 5, 1971. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Coaanission receive
the minutes qf the Board o€ Appeals meeting of August 10, 1971. Upon a voice
vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
of City Code.
DICH: Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Oak Hill Addition - to
ay nursery and learning center under Section 45.051,
Public Hearing closed.
Misa Jean Shrum and Mr. James Leidich represented the petitioner.
Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick informed the audience that the public hearing
was closed but no recommendation was made to the Council. The City Attorney
was asked to give an opinion whether or not the City could permit nursery
schools in an R-1 District provided a special uae permit was approved. His
answer to the question wae in the affirmative.
1NOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeqlen, that the Planning Conm�ission receive
the letter from Virgil C. Herrick, City Attorney, dated Augus� 13, 1971 in which
he stated the Planning Commission could permit nursery schools in an R-1 District
under a Special Use Permit. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the aation
'�` carried unanirrausly.
Planninq Commission Meeting Au�ust 18, 1971 _ Page 2
Mr. Zeglen stated he had driven by the Learning Center in Robbinsdale
and he thought 1t was a nice looking building.
Mr. Leidich said the building in Fridley would be architecturally the
same except it would be larger. The lots in Fridley are on the same level as
Darrel Clark added that the adjoining residents were not objecting to the
use, but had questions about the trespassers on the vacant lots between their
houses and the proposed building. He continued the utilities will come down
from the North, and the petitioner is prepared to petition Council for them.
Mr. Minish felt the day nursery and lesrning center was a reasonable use
of the property. The question before the Planning Commission was whether or
not a day nursery would be permissible under R-1 zoning, and that has been
answered by the City Attorney. The other concern was fencing Lots 1, 2 and 3,
but rather wait to see if, in spite of the proposed building, the trespassers
continued to use Lot 3 to get to Target, the stipulation of fencing Lot 3 could
be made a condition of the Special Use Permit. Mr. Clark said tihgt Mr. Herrin-
ger, owner of the property, would have to be contacted, and hopefully, would
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission recom-
mend approval_of the �equest for a Special Use Permit, 5P #71r09, by Social
Dynamics, Inc. to construct and operate a day nursery and learning center dn
Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, dak Hill Addition under Section 45.05I, 3, F, of the
City Code with the co�di�ion that the petitioner fo2low through on the petition
for utilities, and that the fence be extended across the rear of Lot 3 to pre-
vent people cutting across to go to Target. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
the motion carried unanimously.
FRANCIS GIRDLER: Part of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 25, to be
xezoned from R-3 (general multiple family dwelling) to CR-1 (general
office and limited business).
Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick read the Public Hearing Notice.
Inasmuch as Mr. Sheridan, the owner, was the only one present, and the
applicant, Mr. Girdler, would be late, Chairman Fitzpatrick stated that he
would entertain a motion to continue the request until later in the evening.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeqlen, that the rezoning request, ZOA
#71-05, by Real Estate 10, Inc. be tabled until the applicant appears. Upon
a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Block 1, Revised Auditor s Subdivision No. 10, to rezone from R-1 to R-2
(double bungalow).
The Public Hearing Notice was read by Ctiairman Fitzpatrick.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Reese were preserit.
Mr. Reese explained they were purchasing this Pj::perty if the rezoning
Planning Commission Meeting - August 18, 1971 _ Page 3
� went through as they plan to build a double bungalow on the North half of the
lot and then later split the lot and construct another double bungalow on the
South half.
Phillip J. 0'Loughlin, 5387. Altura Road: Mr. 0'Loughlin said he was
speaking for his father. He said they owned the lot directly to the South of
Lot 16. He asked Mr. Reese where the buildings would be placed.
Mr. Reese said the house on the North half would be facing County Road H,
and the bungalow on the ��a�hthisftimeld HecsaidnthereAwould.beHnoschangesyinad
not requested a lot spli
the elevation of the North half.
Mr. 0'Loughlin said they would object to splitting of the lots and the
building of two double bungalows. He asked Mr. Reese what type of double
bungalow he planned to build.
Mr. Reese said there would be a three car garage for each unit, but they
had not ordered plans until the zoning was decided.
Mr. Clark said that if the request were granted, Mr. Reese would have to
have an easement to be served by water from 69th Avenue. Chairman Fitzpatrick
asked for area requirements. Mr. Clark answered that the lot is large enough
to split. It is more than 20,000 square feet making 10,000 square feet for
each double bungalow. The area is sufficient to meet the requirements.
� Mr. 0'Loughlin said that he would like to see plans of the proposed
Chairman Fitzpatrick explained that the application is a rezoning
request. If the rezoning were approved, they would then be building within
the pertnitted uses. The request will come up again before the Council.
Mr. Reese said that it is a large lot and they did not feel they could
afford the taxes for the whole lot, and that was why they would build on half
until they could see their way clear to build another bungalow.
Mrs. Reese also added that they are buying the lot, and plan to build a
double bungalow on the North end of the lot and they would be moving in and
renting out the other part. They hoped some day, with the taxes on the
whole lot being high, to split the lot and build a second bungalow, as they
did not anticipate being able to pay taxes on the large lot indefinitely. If
they didn't split the lot, it would put them in the position where they would
have to lawer the quality of the construction. To help them out with the
financing of the double bungalow, they might have to sell the second lot. They
did not plan to change anything on the lot, such as trees and elevation. The
lot adjoining on the East is on the same level. Mr. O�Loughlin's lot is on
the South, and South of that is Rice Creek.
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission close
th� public hearing of the rezoning request, ZOA #71-06, by Dona1'd W. Reese to
rezone from R-1 to R-2 (double bungalow) Lot 16, Block 1, Revised Auditor's
� Subdivision �10. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, thc motion carried
Planning Commission Meetin� - Au�ust 18, 1971 Page 4
Mr. Minish said there are single family homes adjoining Lot 16, a park to
^ the South, single family across Central Avenue with the exception of Medtronics
and Onan's to the North, neither of which would be detrimental to single family
homes, and the intention �to seek a 1ot split later on, is not desirable. He
would like an explanat�on why rezoning was more desirable than a special use
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission recom-
mend to Council denial of the rezoninq request, ZOA #71-06, by Donald W. Reese
of I.Qt 16, B1ock 1, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 10, to rezone from R-1
(sinqle family dwellings) to R-2 (double bungalows) because of the number of
single family dwellings in the area, the property is close to a park, and the
lot could be developed under R-1.
Chairman Fitzpatrick said the MOTION was open for further discussion.
Mrs. Reese said that when they applied for R-2 aoning, they talked to the
people �ho owned the neighboring lots. They told the owners of their intentions
and felt these people wouid be at the meeting if they opposed the request. On
the North is Medtronics and Onan's. The 0'Loughlin lot is between their
property and the park. They did not believe their plans would detract from the
neighborhood. In the listing of the lot in the local paper, it was stated that
the land could be zoned R-2.
Chairman Fitzpatriek asked how many single family residences were in the
c�ose area. He was told nine. Then he asked how many were notified. Three
,..� of them were within 300 feet and were notified.
Mr. Zeglen asked about the lots to the East, Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20.
Mr. Clark said these houses on 69th are older homes and axe set back about 60
feet and a little more centrally located on the lot's. The owners have not
expressed any idea of splitting, and there are no easements on the South end
of the lots. They could be landlocked lots.
MOTION: Upon a voice vote, a11 votinq aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Minish, seconded hy Zeqlen, that the Planninq Commission reopen
the public heaxing of ZOA #71-05, by Rea1 Estate 10, Inc. to rezone from R-3
to CR-1 part of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivzsion No. 25. Upon a voice vote, a11
voting aye, the motion earried unanimously.
Because of a conflict of interest, Mr. Minish excused himself from
participating in the proceedings.
Mr. Girdier explained his firm was buying the property o€ Mr. Sheridan
for Cheir home off�ce on a piece of property which they feel will enhance the
value of the surrounding properties. They plan to occupy the first floor,
offices in the basement and second floor for rental. Because theirs is real
� estate business, there will be very little traffic as far as the public is con-
cerned other than closing transactions with buyers and seilers and the salesmen.
Planning Commissian Meeting - August 18, 1971 _ Page 5
� Mr. Azt Gearman, White Bear Lake, Minn.: He said that he owned the
adjacent property on the corner. He has been involved with the area for the last
four or five years with thel�oon Corporation attempting to get a lot split. He
owns two a�artment buildings right behind this parcel. If the whole corner
were zoned or developed like it should be, it would be one development. He did
not know what the proposed building would do to the rest of the property,
whether it would increase or decrease the valuation.
Mr. Clark said the apartment houses were built when the Terry Addition
was still active, but the plat was never recorded. Council would like a plat
ra�her than a lot split. The whole area should be platted.
Mr. Gearman �aid that to put CR-1 zoning in the center of what is now
R-3 property would detract fXOm the whole area.
Mr. Girdler said Mr. Gearman's concern is that he would like the property
R-3 for multiple dwellings. An office building of this size has been in resi-
dential communities and there were no complaints.
Mr. Sheridan said that he believed that when this area was originally
platted, it went through and was approved by Council. It was the intention
of the Council that the lot would be split. He found out now that Lots 3, 4
and S are not split as far as the City records shoGt. It was split at the
time of the sale and registered with the County, It would seem to him splitting
Lots 3, 4 and S would be the logical way to proceed.
Chairman Fitzpatrick said that the question of whether or not the lot sp it
request was denied does not apply to the rezoning request. This item will be
continued of necessity until the next Planning Commission on September 1, 1971.
Gerald (Bill) Iwin, 5605 Humboldt Avenue So., Mpls.: He said he has been
connected with this property for seven or eight years with the people who tried
to record the plat. They had to give it up. Is there sewer and water on the
street that goes in front (Hillwind)? He was told there is a watermain but
no sewer. The petitioner would have to get an easement acros$ Mr. Iwin's
property to get to the sewer on Polk Street. If this rezoning request goes
through, Mr. Iwin asked if it would be possible �or the whole area to be rezoned?
It would be detrimental to the residential property.
Mr. Sheridan said he believed there was a misunderstanding as this
part of Lot 5 does not abut any property except R-3 zoning. The frontage road
is R-3.
Mr. Clark added that the Council Minutes of March 6, 1967 do not state
specifically the intent of the motion wherein it asked Mr. Gearman to plat
his piece.
1►�TION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission close
the Publie Hearing of the rezoning request, ZOA #71-05, Real Estate 10, Inc.
to rezone from R-3 to CR-1 part of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 25. Upon
a voiae vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousl,y.
Planninq Commission Meeting - August 18, 1971 Page 6 _
� CHEVROLET: For New and U$ed Car Sales on Parcela 2850, 4350 and 4360,
Section 12, per City Code, 45.101, 3, B in a C-2S Aistrict.
The representatives for the Viking Special Use Permit application were
Wyman Smith, Jerry Brady and Kenneth Isaacson.
Chairman Fitzpatrick read the public hearing notice.
Mr. Wyman Smith explained that he was before the Planning Commission on
behalf of Viking Chevrolet. The Com�ission was kind enough to rezone the
pxopexty on University Avenue last spring. Since then they found out the Com-
mittee from General Motors would not approve the location. In order to stay
in Fr�dley, this was the one thing he encouraged them to do. The Viking people
have signed an agreement for the purchase o� this property wheXe the Edison
Homes are. Mr. Toberman, who owned the Edison Homes, hae sold the company.
They are going to vacate the land and the lease will be terminated. Viking will
be able to make use of the existing building. Jerry Brady and Ken Isaacson
have met with the City Engineering staff. There will have to be some upgrading
of the site requirements.
Mr. Brady said the recommendations of the City Engineer for the black-
topped area on �he South would be some curb cuts for service areas and closing
in present blacktop. There would be no structural changes on the outside of
the building, but there would be some internally.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission c ose
the Public Hearing for a Special Use Permit, 5P #72-10, Viking Chevrolet, for
a New and Used Cax Sa1es on Parcels 2850, 435Q and 4360, Section 12, per City
Cod� 45.101, 3, B in a C-2S District. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the
motion Garried unanimously.
Chairman Fitzpatrick asked about such details as screening and land-
scaping -- how they should be handled at this time. Mr. Clark said the Com-
mis�ion could recommend to Council that the Building Standards-Design Control
Subcomm�ittee check the plans as long as there is going to be internal structural
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission recom-
mend approval to the Council of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP
#71-10, by Viking Chevrolet for New and Used Car 5ales on Parcels 2850, 4350
and 4360 in Section 12, as per City Code, 45.101, 3, B in a C-2S District
with the stipulation that Council refer the request fox review by the Building-
Standards-Design Control Subcommittee. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye,
the motion carried unanimously.
North 813 feet of the East 3/4 0� NF3& of Section 13. (69th Avenue
at East City Limits.�
Chairman Fitzpatrick commented that this request has been discussed for
some time. Not long ago the Co�ission had a proposal before them which they
asked some attempt be made to increase the green area5 and decrease the pro-
portion of building and blacktop within the whole area.
Planning Commission Meeting - August 18, 1971 Page 7
� Roger Larson, James Wiensch and Frank Reese were present for the townhouse
The improvements in the green areas were noted. Mr. Reese said that
attached garages or tuck under garages are better adapted to sloping land--
this land is level so that it would be no improvement in this instance. They
now have 60 feet between structures. The sidewalks and doors are basically
the same circulation system. Dumpsters will be inside of the building and
refuse will be hauled away. There is a forty foot right of way along the East
side, which will be deeded over at the time of the building. They are allowing
for a future right of way along the West side.
Chairman Fitzpatrick explained that the City will have a slope easement
of 160 feet North on Rice Creek and the developers cannot build on it, but can
use it for density and the City would retain ownership.
Mr. Reese continued that there will be trees around the homes. The homes
will be three bedrooms, full bath, full basement, no walkout, have individual
furnace and central air conditioning.
Darrel Clark e�lained that the preliminary plan before the Planning Com-
mission becomes the basis for the final plan after Council approves it. The
Commission now is to approve the arrangement of buildings, density and the units
for every 3,000 square feet and accept the layout.
^ Mr. Zeglen had some doubts about the parking.
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Conmiission recom-
mend approval of the preliminary plan of the Townhouse Development as submitted
and presented to the Planninq Commission, dated Auqust 18, 1971. Upon a voice
vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
HARLAND E. BERRY: �o construct a double bungalow on Lots 3 and 4, Block 4,
Ostman's Third Addition per City Code, 45.051, 3, D, on September 1, 1971.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission confirm
the public hearing date of September I, 197I of a request for a Special Use
Permit, SP #71-12, by Harland E. Berry to construct a double bungalow on Lots
3 and 4, Block 4, Ostman's Third Addition per City Code 45.051, 3, D. Upon a
voice vote, a11 voting aye, the r�otion carried unanimously.
7. LOT SPLIT RE UEST: L.S. 4�71-09, ING SIVERTS, JR.: Part of Lot C, Registered
Land Survey No. 3- for building site.
Mr. Siverts' request is to split Lot C. His home is on the North end.
The area of Lqt C is approximately 34,450 square feet. The Southern portion
would be split in such a fashion so as to give the proposed buyer about 20,000
or more square feet.
' The County Surveyor, Roland W. Anderson, submitted a statement addresse
to Mr. Siverts and the Planning Comanission,to inform the:�: that the Mortgage
Planning Commission Meeting - August 18, 1971 Page 8
Loan Survey dated August 17, 197� would be acceptable in the Anoka County
� Registrar of Title Office.
Mr. Clark explained that when a lot split is not complicated or involved,
it is not necessary to go to the Plats & Subdivisions Subcommittee. The Chair-
m�n of this Committee, Mr. Schmedeke, met with Mr. Siverts.
MOTION by ZegZen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission recom-
mend approval of the request for a Lot Split, L.S. #71-09, of part of Lot C,
Registered Land Survey No. 3 for a buildinq site as indicated on Mortgage Land
Survey by Suburban Engineering, Inc. dated August 17, I971. Upon a voice vote,
a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
DICK'S NORTH STAR: Lots 3, 4, and 5, Block 7, Berlin Addition. To sell
recreational trailers per Code 45.101, 3, N.
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the PZanning Commission confirm
the public hearing date of September 22, 1971 for the request of a Special Use
Permit, SP #71-I3, Dick's North Star to sell recreational trailers as per Code
450101, 3, N, on Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 7, Berlin Addition. Upon a voice vote,
a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Chsirman Fitzpatrick said that the letter from Mr. Winston Jacobson dated
July 18, 1971 regarding this land came before the Park Commission. Because the
amount of the property involved is large, they felt whatever could be done
should be by the County Commissioners in conjunction with the City. The area is
too large and expensive, but it is the kind of tl�ing they would like to preserve
for open space. Mr. Jacobson's concern was that he was afraid the City of
Fridley was about to dump Burlington-Northern excavation there. The area is
much more wild and populated with wild life than any other piece of property in
Mr. Clark said that the City would have to give the land owner permission
to have fill dumped on the land. The land will be opened up with sewer and
water soon.
Chairman Fitzpatrick wondered if the City could postpone the land getting
Mr. Minish wondered if it would be permissible to make a recommendation
nQ� to permit fill to be dumped in that area while the City contacts the
appropriate County Agencies for their recommendation. In the meantime, the
boundary lines should be set.
Mr. Clark suggested Main Street which runs about 1300 feet West of Univer-
sity Avenue and at the East edge of the park. This lan3 is lower than the park
� land and has peaty soil. Council's attention could be !rought to the fact
th�t filling this land and developing it would be a los�� of wild life preserve.
Planning Commission Meeting - August 18, 1971 Page 9 �
Mr. Minish said he realized this is a late time to bring up the matter,
^ but something should be sent to the County for their permission and a resolu-
tion drawn up requesting the preservation of this land.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission recom-
mend to Council that they take action to see that not another fi11 from the
Burlingtan-Northern is allowed to be dumped on the parcel generally North of
79th Avenue between University Avenue and the railroad tracks until such time
as contact can be made between proper City Officials and County Board to consider
what is apropos of preservation for a�Park. Upon a voice vote, a11
voting aye, the motion carried unanimou���':"`�y
10. REPORT ON GUIDE LINES FOR SUBSTANDARD LOTS: To be continued as material
is not ready.
There being no further business, Chairman Fitzpatrick adjourned the
meeting at 10:40 P.M.
Res ectfully, submitted
`��-- �-C C • !'-`".= .-r : �-
Hazei 0'Brian
Recording Secretary
- __.._ - ---- -- -- _ _ •- - - --__ _ ---
_---- - __f
_ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ =n �_...
.Jl a..7
X Rezoning
� Special Use Permit
1Qumbez ZOg �71-05 _
��� (� ;� ��
;CANT' 3 SIGNATt7RE o � - ;�,�e`'��/:�
�� p � �s+.,+ 10 Tn
i�ancis J. Gir3ler, President
AddYC88 3y��--�.(th,--, Av--°rnla Rnrfi����� Minn��5�22
Lot Splita
ppproval of Pze-
liminary Plat
?elephone Number �2 fi ?1 _
j Approval of Finsl
� /
� �", �l�-E%�Lc-���c -��% P l a t
Streets or pll.ey�- . .
Addzes8 ��j'� Nill�rir, �.oad.��ri�3LPS� �t�^n. VSC.ation9
Te2ephone N�anber 788 61,'�,� Other
Stseet I�ocatioa of Property �0,� H;l��j,� oad� rid,1�,y,�,t2no
� Legal Description of _ PropertyJi,��„ 4nd� tor Sub Dj,�IiS1Qr+ � K�A�+� on 24 r�ar�; .�3,0 T'�IP 24
,-� �r�.th the �xception of that part thereoi lyi.�� '�Test of the Northeasterlj� ri�ht away line
a ,� a •? r�� �"a, S l,
� of a line drawn.from� a point in the North line of said distance Lot 5 distance pf
,..�Q..�L' -�---+� �fi . +h� 11t.,,•#,1,0� c+ c�r er -- —
preseat Zanin$ Classification � �
Existiag Use of the Property eacant lot _'
proposed 2oning Cla�sification, Special Use, Variance or other request �it
S� anc - � I��e�, qn s� �e var�i -
Deacribe briefly Lhe T�ipe of Use aad the Improvement Progosed $ea1 Estate �B;i��sc.
f-F- n a r
lcreage of Property 1/2 acrea +
Has the Preaant Applicant Previoualy Sought to Rezone, Ylat� Obtain a Lot Split,
Obtain � Variance or Special Uee Permit an the Subject Site or Part of It? Na0
�. . i�That waa Aequested Fee Encloaed $ 40,00
^ a__ / " � s �r33
Date Filed Date of Hearing
�. ��_
Planning Gommiasion MeetinA - August 4, 1971 P��e 4
Mr. A1 Barnett of Target Stores asked what would happen to the swamp.
Mr. Clark said the land was zoned R-1 and the owner was John Glover. Sheldon
Mortenson was taking care of his affairs.
MOTiDN by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the PZanning Commission close
the public hearing of the Special Use Pexmit, SP #71-09, by Social Dynamics,
Inc., James Leidich, to build and operate a day nursery and learning center
under Sect�on 45.051, 3, F of the City Coale on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Dak Xi11
Addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Erickaon asked for the location of the learning center in Robbins-
dale so that tho�e members who could would visit it.-� Mr. Leidich said the
add�ess was 4012 Adair Avenue, across the street from the Jeanette A. Fair
F�.ementary School (3915 Adair) and located betvreen two hames.
Chairman Erickson said he would like to view one af th� facilities, and
while waiting for two weeks before the neut meeting, request an opinion from the
City Attorney as to whether or not the Commission can interpret the City Code
by approvi-ag the request in R-1 District.
l�1pTI0N by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Gommission table fqr
t[vr� weeks (August 18, 1971) the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #71-09, by
SociaZ Dynamics, Znc, by James A. Leidich, to build and operate a day nursesy
and Iearning center under Section 45.051, 3, F of the City Code on Lots 1 and 2,
B1xk l, Oak Hi11 Addition. Upon a voice v�ote, a1Z voting aye, the motion carried
� unanimously.
GIRDLER, PRESIDENT: Part of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 25 to be
rezoned from R-3 (genexal multiple family dwellings) to CR-1) general office
and limited business).
Darrel Clark said the Commiasion was now dealing with a parcel of graund
that had metes and bounde description and not approved by the City Council.
There is the question of the legality of the lot split which reaulted from the
apartments being built simultaneously with the platting.
Mr. Girdler said that he waA not aware of this problem.
Chairman Erickson said tt�at, in order to split assessments, a lot spl�.t is
required by the City. Evidently what happensd was that part of the property
waa sold and part af the pzoperty was never assesaed. If this is the case, the
awner should be willing to split the lot.
Darrel Clark said that you really have to stretch the lot split ordinance
to legally fit the lot split division. (Mr. Girdler stated the title was
abstract.) Bernard Julkowski had the plat approved but found some title problems
and could not record it. The apartment house had been built on the premise that
the plat would be recorded aad this parcel ie the result of the apartment house
aplit. If all the owners eould go together and plat, lot for lot, there would
,�., �, be a lot and block description.
Tbe Commission and Mr. .Girdler checked the final unrecorded plat.
� r�
Planninp Commission Meeting -�►uAUSt 4. 1971 Page 5
Chairanan Erickson said that there was no proposal at the time of the. plat
^ to do anything with this parcel. Now the description reads "Lot 5, except
that part ---------", a metes and bounds description. It seemed to him that
matter should be resolved. If the Commission and Council desire to act favor-
ably on the request, they should put in what�.ver conditions they want as far
as the descriptions are concerned, but he thought the matter of the petition
should be considered fi,rst. He could not see any sense talking about the
necessity of filing a plat on that ane lot until the request for rezoning ia
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission con-
firm the date of August 18, 1971 for a public hearing of a XezAning request,
ZOA N�1-05, Rea1 Estate 10, Inc. by Francis J. Girdler, to rezone part af Lot 5,
Auditor's Subdivision No. 25 to be rezoned from R-3 (general multiple family
dwellings) to CR-1 (general t�ffice and Zimited business). Upon a voice vate,
all voting aye, the motion carried unaniatously.
Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 10; Rezone from R-1 to R-2 (double
Mr. Donald W. Reese was present.
Chairman Erickson said that he wanted Mr. Reese to be awaxe of the set-
backs required under R-2. Mr. Reese said he haII been b�iefed by Mr. Herlofsky,
� and that they do not plan ta build for a year. He said they had been looking
for property for a year. They gave up on zoned property. The realtor ran an
ad that this lot could probably be rezoned.
Chairman Ericicson said that the setbacks on the property on the East has
to be considered. All of the houses East are setback further than 35 feet.
Mr, Reese would have to have a waiver of the ordinance as he could not be more
than six feet ahead of the houses on either side.
Mr. Reese said if the rezoning request went through, they thought that
eventually they could split the lot into two lots.
Chairman Exickson said there is the possibility it could be done, but
thexe would be no room fox a street easement. The lot for sale just South
of this property has a driveway, but it is only a driveway. There are other
problems at the East of this area. There is no sewer on Central Avenue. Water
is on zhe other s�de of Central, but this line could be extended. There is
sewer down tk►e middle of 69th Avenue from Central Avenue to the City Limits.
Mr. Reese should retain an easement to go from the_back of the lot out to 69th
MOTTON by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission confirm
�he public hearing date of August 18, 1971 for the rezoning request, 20A
#71-06, by Donald W. Reese, to rezone from R-1 ta R-2 (double bungalow) Lot 16,
81ock 1, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 10. Upon a voice vot.e, all voti�g
aye, the rration carried unanimously.
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Notice is hereby given that the Planniag Commission
of the City of Fz`idley will meet �n the Council Chaabera of the
City Hall at 8:00 P.M. on WednQSday, September 1, 1971 Co con--
aider the following matter:
A request for a Special Uae Permit, SP �71-11.,
for David 0. Harris, as per Section 45.051, 2,
^ A, Fridley City Code, to coaetruct a second
garage on Lot 12, B1ock 1, Holiday Hille
Generally located at 470 Rice Creek Bou�.evard.
Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the
above matter may be heard at this meeting.
Fublish: Au�u$t 18, 1971
August 25, 1971
, ^
pumber SP �71-11 .
Addresa L�7�R; �P (: k Rflul2vard j��
Telephane Number �qme 784-2496 Office 560-7792
�s :.�: ..�.
R Special Use Permit
I.ot Splits
Approval of Pre-
Iiminary Plat
Approval of Final
Streets or pll.ey�--.._
Addreae �Sa P Vacations
Telephone Number Samp Othes'
Street Locatioa of Property 47 ttice Greel�,�oulevard
`Legal Deacription of.Property �r 1?,, R1ock 1� g l� idav Hills �d3i�io,��
present Zoning Classification R_�
Existing Uae of the Property RQ�j �_;, ; 1 , " -
proposed Zoning Cla�sification, Special Use, Variance or other request SP� �,
� r
Deacribe briefly the Zjipe of Use and the Improvement Proposed R,;�d �._ond ga a
�er C�ity Code 45.051, 2A in an R-1 District.
Acreage of Propezty
Eaa the Preaent Applicant Previoualy Sought Co Rezone, Flat� Obtain a Lot Split,
Obtain a-Variance or Special Use Permit on the Subject Site or Part of It?
What waa Requeated Fee Encloaed $ 20.00
Date Filad tiate of Hearing
_ � ,_
Mailing List - SP #71-11
�avid 0. Harris
Virgil Herrick
477 Rice Creek Terrace
Duane E. Prairie
489 Rice Creek Terrace
John W. Fink
465 Rice Creek Terrace
Douglas E. Nieman
' 451 Rice Cre�k Terrace
Arthur Sandgren
435 Rice Creek Terrace
Emory Solie
419 Rice Creek Terrace
Roy J. Schultz
403 Rice Creek Terrace
Bernard G. Black ',
389 Riee Creek Ter�ace
W. Paul Newman
375 Rice Creek Terrace
Arthur J. Swanson
361 Rice Creek Terrace
Joseph J. Polanski
347 Rice Creek Terxace
Donald S. Babinski
333 Rice Creek Terrace
Paul H. Dannenberg
315 Rice Creek Terrace
DuWayne Bakke
454 Rice Creek Blvd.
Kenneth A. Gere
511 Rice Creek Blvd.
Alford J. Haley
501 Rice Creek Blvd.
� ►....—,.ew
�� '
Plan. Com. Aug. 13, 1971
James Grossman
456 Rice Creek Blvd.
Clifford F. Ash
460 Rice Creek Blvd.
David 0. Harris
470 Rice Creek Blvd.
Robert Peterson
480 Rice Creek Blvd.
Ronald E. Johnson
490 Rice Creek Blvd.
Kenneth Stacey
SQQ ��;ce Cxeek Blvd.
, r�
� �:-w.
SP �71-11: David 0. Harris
Construct a 2nd garage
OWNER' S NAME : �` � C7G�/��:_t� BUILDER: �''Q�-`e.
ADDRE$S ; � / r �l( /:�?.��%?�:�"�',•'�• ,,���!✓� ADDRESS • � �
NO•. � � STREET•
I,OT : ( Z BLOCK: I ADDITION : �o.� �.-�- -c_. � �� .t
Applicant attach tp this forni �ao Certificatea of Survey of Lot and proposed
bu� location dx�awrt on these Certificates.
To Be Used As:
��'�ti'!?`�,.-C_ Front: 3�f Depth• �-4 Height• f�
Square Feet: ��� Cubic Feet: �� 2 0
Front;. Depth; Height• �
Squaze Feet; Cubic Feet:
e of Construction: --�- { °--�
ljtp /��tif:� Estimated Cost: $ �2_,r,+-�' w�
To Be Completed; �%��� � e,�., ,, � � >;;h�_�f�„�
The nndersigned hereby makes applicatinn for a�ermit for the work herein
apecified, agreeing to do all wo�k in attict accordance the Ci,ty o�
Fridley Ordinances nnd rulinge of the Department of Buildings, and hereby
declares that,all the facts and representations atated ia this application
are true and correct.
� �, � .-�--�� .
�'.-- .� " '�'/ ' �-'" •• `�r` ;,;.w _,
DATE : SIGNATURE : _ r .' - i . .
' � - �-:�--c
(See Reverse Side For Additional Infnrmation.j �
�' ,�% � SP �71-11 - David 0. Harris
/ � � � ,; ; _:;- �;� , ,--;�„-� ,�--, ,, Construct a 2nd garage
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Notice is hereby given that the Planning Com-
mission of the City of Fridley will m+eet in the Council
Chamber of the City Hall at 9:00 P.M. on Wednesday,
September 1, 1971 to consider the following matter:
A request for a Special Use Permit,
SP �71-12,by Harland E. Berry to con-
struct a double bungalow in an R-1
Diatrict as per Fridley City Code
Section 45.051, 3, D, aa Lots 3 and 4,
Block 4, Ostman's Third Addition.
Generally located in 690Q Block of East
River Road.
Anyone desiring to be heard with xeference to
the above matter may be heard at this meeting.
Publish: August 18, �.971
August 25, 1971
p��z SP f671-12
Preaent Zoning Classification ,`�/'� _. �� �.. __.-�• ✓ .
ApPL2CAY9T' S S IGNA _�2�`-(;� �-, M�/'; �/��i} �.� >
Addre�e ' �,
_.:.�-�` s
Telephone N�ber 7,;��_ � ���
PROPERTY �tE�' S SIGNAI"U� � ;���,L-,,•- � f /��.��'�u�
Addres� " � � � , � `� `
Telephone Number �,��.7�_
� Special Uo� P�rmit
________Va r iance
Lot Splitm
Approval of Pr�-
liminary Plat
Approv�l of Final
Strcets or All.ey�_.,
Existing Uss of th� pr
---.--� -
Proposed Zoain� Claasifieation, Special Us�. v�rt�nrp ^,- .,r�,o,. ,.e,....,e.
�6� � �I
q '1
..���s�ve orierly the T�rpe of Use and Lhe Improve�acnt Prcpoeed
� _ _�
/lcreage of Pzoperty � f,�r-;�� .�-'�, o��� ��
Has th� prestat Applicaat Fravioualy :3ought to R�zon�, Pl�t� pbtain s Lot Split,
Obtaia a Varianc� or Special U�e peP�it on th� Subj�ct Site or Part of It?
— � j r .�J iahen? �C''' � / � G �
What vaa Requested -,�����j Z�,J �,��, O1�
�" Fee Enclo�ed $ �o
Aato Fil�� �s7 � 3
,� Date o€ H�ar�n�
. _ � i_..,._ .�.
'� Public Hearing Notice: SP 4�71-12 - iiarland E. Berry
Before Planning Commission: Au�ust 16, 1971
..Mailed .
J. A. Pietrzak
80 70th Way
F. H. Rudeen
I20 70th Way
E. R. Jorgenson
6951 East River �td.
E. E. Moore
6941 East River Rd.
8ichard C. Jeranson
6911 East River Rd.
D. M. Winkel
6901 East River Rd.
LeRoy E. Peterson
6825 Hickory St.
Fridley - '
Wm. B. Thompson
6835 East River Rd.
George H. Bjorklund
48 69th Way -
Gir1 Scout Council
127 North 7th St.-Rm. 200
Mpls. 55403
Lorraine R. Hanson
6901 Hickory Drive
� Dr. T. H. Lester
6909 Hickory Drive
Clarence C. Mitchell
6917 Hickory Drive
Robert A. Schmidt
6925 Hickory Drive
William C. Hoffman
6900 Hickory Drive
Richard Miller
6906 Hickory Drive
Carl Tarmoen
6912 Hickory Drive
Fred M. Peterson
6918 Hickory Drive
Willis G. Larson
6922 Hickory Drive
Henry Mengelkoch
70 70th Way
John Johnson
�i926 Hickory Drive
����t, � • : -_ Z � /�w::�j f'�4 �1' �°',� ati��
�^'� Me�ting wa� ca�led ot order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Fitzpatrick.
MEMBERS P�ES�NT; Fitzpatrick, Blair, Olson,, Wagar.
QTHERS PRESENT: Mrs. Merle Otten, 5311 4th Stxeet N.E., 55421, 560-5577, Park on 5th.
Merl� J. Otten, 5311 4th Street N.E., 55�F21, 56Q-5577, Fark on 5th.
Richard L: Byers, 5300 Sth Street N.E., 55A21, 560-4306, Fark on 5th.
Gary Novak, ,53i5 4th Street N.E., 55421, 560-2974, Park on 5th.
Wi,nston J�cobson, 121 79th Way N.E., 55432, 786-5226, North Park Area,
Joan Jarash, 5917 2nd Street N.E., 55432, 560-2872, Park on 2nd.
• Mxs. Harry Holmberg, 5765 Main Street N.E „ 55432, 560-477I, Park on 2nd.
David Wade, 299 67th Avenue N.E., 55432, 560-3363, Jay Park Ice Ri.nk.
Paul Brown, Director of Parks and R�creation.
Ralph Volkman, Park Foreman.
Curtis Dahlberg, Park Planner,
Cathie Stordahl, Secretary ta the Commission.
Several residents were again present to discuss the considexation of a�ot park to be
located on �,ot 21, Block 10, of the Hyde Park Addition. The City Manager and the
Director of Parks and Recreation felt that this area was too small, and they suggested
Lots 1- 4, Block 24, Hyde Park Addition, which is generally located at 59th and 2nd
Street$. The apprvxim�te size is 63' X 129'.
A lady in the audience said that they had agxeed that thia was a better location, but
Lhe lot ment�.oned in the original petition was a free lot which wouldn't involve
money �or the purchass of land. Another lady wanted to know i£ thzs wasn't the more
� feasible idea, due to the lack of available funds for the purchase of land. Couldn't
the gifted on� be used instead?
Mr. Fitzpatrick suggested that the Commission recommend the purchase of the better lots
to the City Council and if they don't approve o£ the idea, then we cauld possible
�onsider the gifted parcel.
Mr. Olson suggested that we tabl� the idea until the four lot area could be considered
in the �.972 Budget for land acquisition.
Mr. ,�lair requested that Mr. Brown obtain more information on this.
M�TIUN b��4an Secanded 6 B.�a,vc .to �,nean ona.te .the a Lo� l- 4 B.�oeF� 24
H e Pan an .c.n,ta e e,t on eona eh.atcan e Caun , T e
o n c.ah�r,c: .
'There is a definite need for a Tot Lot in the area South af Freeway #694 and West of
`1th Street, accord�ng to residents of that area who were present at the meeting. They
felt that the need is now. I� the development of this area's park is not done in the
ve�y near future, the children ►+ho would be the proper age for a Tot Lot, wi.11 be too
r'� ald .
M�TION b Blu>v�. Seconde.d 6 G! cvc �to �eeom,ne�E xha.z we. .i.n.eon ona.te .i.r�.to �h.e 191
. e auh.c e o ►a�cope on a o o eoa o eu e cth.e
Oh �cmned.<.cL�eCN z0 �r�2 NOn.t1t o
Minutes of Parks and Recreation Commis�ion Meetin�y July 26, 1971. Page 2
--� .
A J,ady in the audience suggested that we red tag the property so it isn't sold before
we can act on the �urchase oi �t. The Commission agxeed and Mr. Brown will take care
of this ,
, � � , �r
►��ii I� �:� ► :► :
On July 18, 1971, Mr. Winston Jacobson directed a letter to Mayor Kirkham and the
Fridley City Council, cancerning the development of the North Park Area. Mr.
Jacobson was concerned that the City Administration was urging all property owners
with low land to cQntact the City and it would arrange with Burlington Northern to
dump its excess dirt on their property. According to Mx. Jacobson, the area especially
mentipned was the low swamp land north of 79th Avenue between University Avenue and
the railroad tracks. Mr. Jacobson asked if the Commissioners had spent any of their
time looking over the area? He pointed out that there are deer, beaver, fox, birds,
and numerous otheranimals which he wouldn't have believed possible in a Metropolitan
area, if he hadn't seen it himself. He mentioned that there was presently a beaver
dam. Mr. Jacobson informed the Commission that disturbing this area would be a drastic
mistake because there are so few areas of this quality remaining. He said that minor
improveraents wouldn't cause any harm, but that total development of the area would
destroy it.
� Mr. Wagar suggested that before we buy any additional park space, we should develop
the parcels we already have.
Mr. Olson suggested that perhaps we should approach Anoka County regarding the purchase
of the I�orth Park Area. He said that we can't actually afford it and if we could
obtain some aid from the County, it would put a different light on the subject.
Mr. Fitzpatrick indicated that approaching the County was a good idea.
Mr. Jacobson pointed out that some of the ideas which have been discussed for this
particular area are ball diamonds and perhaps a golf course.
Mx. David Wade was pxesent on behalf of his 7 year old son who took up a petition
from the area residents fox the installation of an ice skating rink at Jay Park..
Mr. Wade pointed out that there aren't any facilities available to the children of
this area unless they cross a major street or highway. The closest rink would be
at Sylvan Hills Park and this is South of Mississippi Street. For children this age,
it's too dangerous.
Mr. Olson said �hat although he felt Mr. Wade and his son have a legitimate complaint
and request, what it all boils down to is the lack of man power to maintain the rinks
we already have.
^ Mr. Brown and Mr. Fitzpatr�ck both sugg�sted that Mr. Wade approach his Councilmen
regarding more hours and manpower for the Park Department for the development and
maintenance of add�tional ice skating rinks.
1972 suin��r,
The 1972 Budget was discussed by��he �y��nissioners. �1r. Bxown xas directed to add
the Hyde Park axea, the parcels located in Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville,
and any othe�' petitioned areas, to the 1972 Budget request.
Minutes a£ Parks and Recrsation Commiss�on Meeting, July 26, 1971. Page 3
1972 aua��' Cca� �T� :
'Th�s Commission questioned the need for a Ch,ippex. Both Mx. Brown and Mr. Volkman
i�dica��ed that there was a definite need for this piece of equipment. Mr. Volkman
iT�farmed the Commission that on numerous occasions, this piece of equipment would
be us�d fox the disposal of tree trimmings, trees which have either been cut down
or mi,ght have £ailen, and in reverse, the wood chips which are the end result of
the operation, come in handy in landscaping. They are used around the base of trees
�nd shru6s, or for decoration in other landscaping.
The c�uestion af the need �or additional tennis courts was mentioned. Mr. Fitzpatrick
said that there is definitely a need for more courts. He informed the Commission that
hs had had many c�.11s xegarding the use af the courts by both the schools and residents.
All c�lls indieat�d that there is a shortage.
Mr. Fitzpatxick asked Mr. Brown when the Budget was to be ready for Council. Mr. Brown
said that it was due oan or about August �, 1971. Mr. Wagar suggested that a Special
Meeting dat�e be set to discu�s the Budget in greater detail. The CQmmissioners
agreed that there should be a special meeting on August 9, 1971, at 7:3Q p.m., to
further discuss the 1972 Budget,
MOTTON by S�i.m►nF.en, Secanded by B�.a,uc, #a nece, �h.e pefi,i.t,i.on aubm.i.tte.d 6y -the 500
�ock., �.Cy S.�icee� The can�r,i.ed.
Th+� Camtpiss3oners discussed the location of the lot propased as a ball field for the
area represented by the Sp0 Block, Ely Street Gang. The lot in reference is on Dover
Stxeet and wauld be far too small for a ballfield.
MUTION 6y S�rri�en, Seeonded by Gktgcuc, .% .i:n.�onm �h.ese 6ayd �ha,t .i.n .the. eb�;imafi,i.on a�
.the Cor�n.i�a�.an, �h.i.a cvice.a �,a -too dma.GC .tv be deve,eaped a E�a.���.e,�.d. Thelce ane
.two o�h�. panfus, Sp�.ng &woFz Panfz a►�l Cna.i.g Pack., .c.n .the .c;rnmed,i.a.te evicea, wh, .they
cou.Zd ube ��on �h�i.a pw�.pa�e. The Mo.t, ca�,i.ed.
The Commissioner� instruc�ed Mr. Brown to proceed with the puxchase of land in the
Ruth Cixcle Area.
MUTION .�p ud,��cvcn xhe, mee, a.t 18? 1�5 p.►n.
The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, September 27, 1971, at 7:3Q p.m.,,_in
the� Gammunity Room at Civic Center.
Respectfully submitted,
i� .
CA , �peretary to t e Commission
^ Meeting was called to oxder at 7:40 p.m. by Chairman Fitzpatrick.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Fitzpatrick, Blair, Olson, Stimmler.
OTH�RS PRESENT: Mrs. Merle Otten, 5311 �th Street N.E., 55421, 560-5577, Park on 5th.
� Merle J. Otten, 5311 4th Stxeat N.E., 55421, 560-5577, Park on 5th.
Richard L. Byers, 5300 Sth Street N.E., 55421, 560-4306, Park on 5th.
Gary Novak, 5315 4th Street N.E., 55421, 560-2974, Park on 5th.
Earl Miller, 401 53rd Avenue N.E., 55421, 560-5616, Park on 5th.
puane Prestby, 361 66th Avenu� N.E., 55432, 560-2158, F.Y.F.A.
Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation.
Gurtis Dahlbcrg, Park Flanner.
Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to the Commission.
MI NUTES OF JULY 26, 1971 r�Er t r�c �
MOTION by B�, Seeonded by S.t,imrr�etc, �a appnave �.�he�,te,a os .the Regu.ean Panh,a
and Ree.�.e,a.t.i.on Comrru,6��.an b�ee.�;i,n.g, da.ted Ju.Py 26, 1911. The Mo�i.on ccrtvc,i.ed.
Five residents of the neighborhood located South of Freeway #b94 and West of 7th
Street, were once again present to request a Tot Lat for their ��eighborhood. At the
July 26th Commission Meeting, the Commission heard their requesZ and agreed that they
� were in need of some type of facility. These sma11 children would have to cross
7th Street, in order to play at a park, the closest being Oak Hill park, whieh they
didn't feel. was large enough to handle the nwnber of children found in the surrounding
neighborhoods. The area these residents are requesting is one of two areas available
for this purpose. It consists of three lots and they request only a swing set and sand
bax. The other area is located along University Avenue, where the entrance and exit
ramps are located £or Fxeeway �694. The residents refuse to allow their children tQ
play this close to two major highaay systEms.
At the July 26th meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission, a Motion was made and
seconded, to recommend to the City Council, that we incorporate into the 1972 Budget,
the purchase of property �or a Tot Lot and the cost of developing the area located
approximately 5334 5th Street N.E., or immediately to the North of that address. A
lady in the audience suggested that we red tag the property so it isn't sold before we
can act on the purchase of it. The Commission agreed and instructed h(r, Brown to take
care of this. The Motion carried.
On July 29, 1971, Mr. Brown submitted a recommendation ta the City Manager, Mr. Davis,
infc�xming him that the Commission had reviewed the rec�uest of the rssidents of
Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville, and made the iollowing recommendations: 1.
Obtain state owned lots mentioned in the petition by allocating funds in the 1972
Budget. 2. Red Tag lots so they are not sold. 3. Obtain cost estimates £or
dcvelopment of the area. Mr. Brown went on to say the following: "As Director of
the Department, I. do not feel that the City needs another tot lot in this immediate
area. We h�ve Oak Hill Park which is located on 54th and 7th Streets and i feel this
park, with its curxent facilities, serves the area that is'makir:g the request."
'Upon recei�L of the m�mo, Mr. Davis and Mr. Brown drove out and looked over the sight.
Mr. Davis made the same recommendation to the City Council.
Mr. Brown didn't arrive at the August 30th meeting until 8:00, so this line of
discussion was postponed until his arrival.
Minutes of Parks and R�cxeation Commission Meeting, August 30, 197�. Page 2
,. _ _ __ . . . _
Mx. Duane Prestby, member of the Fridley Youth Football Association, was present on
behalf of President Tom Nielsen and the Fridley Youth Football Association, to make
a request of the Parks and Recreation Commission to honor their request for two football
tea�as from Crystal to enter the Fridley group for the season.
Mr. Prestby informed the Commission that one of their members, acting under his own
power and not under the power of the Football Association, had informed the two teams
in Crystal that they could play footbail with the Fridley Football Association.
Crystal has only 55 boys registered, so there really aren't enough to have their own
gxoup. Upon approval of their request to play with Fridley, the boys all went out to
buy the regulation mo�aea shoes which Fridley requires, to replace their cleated shoes.
Rsgistration fees were collected and the two teams volunteered to pay $50.00 per team
to the Parks and Recreation Department, for payment of of£icials.
'fhe F.Y.F.A. refused to accept the two teams into the Association, due to a policy
they haYe and this meant that the boys would not be able to play football this season.
After revzewing Grystal's plea, the F.Y.F.A. voted to accept Crystal into the
Association, if they received approval from the Parks and Recreation Commission.
The te�n$ o� the agreement will be that all games wil.l be played in �xidley, because
of insuxance reasons, with each oP the Fridley House Teams playing each of the
Crystal teams once. There are a total of six Cub Teams. The Crystal teams will not
be eligible for the trophy which will be presented to the winning team at the close of
^ the seasan. Crystal will have to conform to al], the rules and regulations of the
Fridley Youth Football AssoCiation and will have to pay $50.00 per team to the Parks
and Recreation Department for the payment of officials �or their games.
The Commissian asked if the F.Y.F.A. anticipated any problems and Mr. Prestby remarked
that they felt all problems could be handled.
M�TION by t�a.uc, Secanda.ct by S.t,imm�.en, �o pehrn.i.t xhe .ixuo Fao.tba.ZE �e.ama �o
e,n.te�. p�ay w i,i'h -the �n.c:de e y yo cuth �o o.�ba.e.e A.� a a e.c.a.ti.o n, aa� pa.ym en,t a�$ 5 0. 0 0 p e�c
�eam �o � h.e Pa�. h, a a v c d Reen e. a�. i. on D e p a�, t a n e n, t, � o eoveh. � he cod� o� z h.e a���. c. � a.�.
The Mo.t;i.on c.a�vc�.�d.
Upon arrival of Mr. Brown, the discussior` of the request for a Tot Lot for the residents
of Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville, resumed.
M�'. Fitzpatrick briefed Mr. Brown on the previous discussion and informed him that the
Com�aission's action at the July 26th meeting was to incorporate this Tot Park into the
1972 $udget request.
Mr. Olsan pointed out that on July 26th, five Comsissioners approved this request, and
then, because o� some memorandum, which the Commission has not seen, this request was
disapproved. Mxs. Otten said that the City Manager refused to red tag or secure the
lot in any way. Mrs. Otten reported that she had talked to both Mr. Brown and Mr.
Davis on separate occasions, and they informed her that they didn�t need a park.
Mx. Olson pointed out that the Commission's xecon�endations have either been ignored
or there is a t�emendous lack of communication regarding this subject,
Mr. Brown informed the area residents and the Commission that he was not in agreement
Mith the decision to provide funds for the purchase �� ,�j�velopment of a Tot Lot in
Minutes of Parks and Recreation Commission Mee�i�, A�ust 30, 1971. Page 3
� their area. He said that he and Mr. Davis had driven down to the sight and checked
out the two possibilities and felt that Oak Hill Park was adequate to handle the
children in the neighborhood. He said that he respected the opinion and decisions of
the Commission, but that he felt that there was no real need to have a park only 2�
blocks away from one already in existance.
It was pointed out that there was no traffic control at the intersection of 54th and
7th Streets, and perhaps this would aid the children in safely crossing over to the
Mrs. Qtten asked Mr. Brown who had the final authority, the Co�smission or Mr. Brown?
Mr, Brown said that they were two entirely different situations. The Commission
answers directly to the City Council and he is part of Mr. Davis' Administrative
Sta£f and their decision was strictly an administrative one and not necessarily
reflecting the opinion of the Commission. He pointed out that in this instance, they
were not in agreement.
T'�e Commission decided that a Motion was in order to reconfirm their views for the
Mayor and the City Council.
Mt?TTON by 0.?,aon, Seeonded by Ke.ani., .to aay .tha.t �.b �h.e baa.i.a 6e,i.,a.g uaed .ta ne�ude �h.e
pa�c.Fz xv be .Coea.ted .i,rc Nam.i,P.tan'o Add.i�'.i.on �o Meekan.i.e,�v.i.P.�e, wa.b .iha.t DaFz H.i,P� Pcvck
��ao eX.ode �o aua�c�c.a.n,t ano.the�. pa�c.F� .i,.n zh.e .immed�, ane.a, xh.e Com►u,aa�.an waa naz .c:n.
DISCUSSION: Mr. Stimmler asked Mr. Olson to further define the intent of his Motion.
Mr, Olson said that the intent of h�s Motion is to inform the Administrat�on that the
Commission doesn't agree and they feel the request should be rec4nsidexed.
Mr. Stiimnler said that if the Motion was reworded, he would vote in favor of it, but
he felt that the Motion, in its present state, was not descriptive of the feelings
of the Commission. Mx. Olson agreed to reword the Motion.
MUTIUN 6 O.eaon Seeanded b B�.a,uc
ru,a�ica.tcan necar�a en e a.
Counc.i.,� an.d �he C.i
v e. e o n
Mr. Brown informed the Commission that he had received many nice reports on the
installation of the fountain at Moore Lake Beach and Park, by the Fxidley Lxons Club.
He told them that the warning signs had been damaged already and had to be replaced,
but that there would be minor occurances of this type until the newness wears off.
Mn. Brown reported that a thank you letter had been sent to the Lions Club on behalf
o� the City, the Co�►ission, and the Department. .
''� Mr.. Bra�wn told t�e Commission that the Shell 4i1 Company, locat�d on 61st and University
Avenue N.E., haS donated 9 Arbor Vitae (evergreen) trees to be �elocated at Moore Lake
Beach and Park, to the north of the Tennis Courts.
Minutes of Paxks and Recreation Commission Meetin�� Au�ust 30, 1971. Page 4
Mr. Bxown �,nformed the Commission that the irrigation system at The Commons Park will be
turn�d on, for the first time in its entirety, tonight (August 30th). The system has
been tested, but this will be the first opportunity to see it in full operation. Both
the Civic Center and The Commons systems are completely installed now and will be in
Mr. Brown informed the Commission that Viewcon is being planned with the Par�C faeilities
in mind. He showed them the blue prints of the acreage which will include roughly 20
to 21 acres. The City Council has red tagged this area for park development. Approx-
imately 9� acres will remain undeveloped for the most part. The other remaining
aerea$e, which covers about I1z acres, will b�e developed into a fine faci,lity, which can
be used for all City residents. They are also planning both an indoor and an outdoor
facility, which will be str�ctly far the residents of the complex.
Mr. Brawn asked the Commission for their opinion of this project. The Commissioners
felt that they would like to survey the area on foot before making any decisions.
The Commissioners will meet with Mx. Brown at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 7, in the
Grace High School parking lot, to walk over the area being discussed, before deciding
whether or not to participate in this praject.
Mr. Olson inquired about the sanitary situation at Moore Lake Beach and Park. Mr.
�rown told him that every time someane gets an ear ache, it's blamed on the poor
conditions at the Beach. In Mr. Brown's estimation, the lake is no more unsafe
or unclean than any other lake.
Mr. Bxown told the Commission that the money set aside for the dredging of Moore Lake
last year will be combined with the money set aside this year and they're hoping to
proceed with the project this �all. They will be dredging the beach area only and will
expar�d farther, only as money permits. The material taken off of the lak� bottom will
be dumped at the north end of East Moore Lake.
Mr. Olson asked Mr. Brown if he €elt this was necessaxy. Mr. Brown said that most
definitely it was. There are still fish and ducks in this lake, and there will be
swimmers next seaSOn. This dredging will make it safer for all concerned.
_ �. ��. .;�►'� �1►1�'1
h10Ti0N by D�an, Seeonded by S��c, �o ad�awen �h.e mee, at 9:25 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be held on September 27, 1971, at 7:30 p.m., in the
CommunitZ Room at Frid�ey Civic Center. PLEASE NOTE: Our meeting place will be
permanently s�tuated in the Community Room, due to the lack o£ space in the Conferenee
;pect;Eully submitted,
Q�%ZG�� C.t�
AT E RDp L, SeGretary to t e Commission