PL 10/06/1971 - 7399�
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1. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. ��71-10, ADOLPH R. ELASKY: To split
Lots 9, 10 and 11, Block 4, Adams Street Addition into 2
building sites.
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8:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick.
Members Present: Minish, Zeglen, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke
Member Absent: Erickson
Others Present: Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant
MOTION by Sclunedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission
minutes of September 1, 1971 be approved. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye,
the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission receive
the Building 5tandards-Design Control Subcommittee minutes of September 2, 1971.
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planninq Commission receive
the Board of Appeals minutes of September 21, 1971. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
To construct double bungalows on Lots 3 and 4, Block 4, Ostman's Third
Addition per City Code 45.051, 3, D.
The Public Hearing Notice was read by Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick.
Mr. Roger L. Peterson restated the reasons for the request. The plan is to
build two double bungalows, one on Lot 3 and one on Lot 4. The buildings will
look exactly like a home (pictures were shown to the audience). Because of the
terrain, a basement will be put in and that expense would add too much to construct
single family homes. It has taken a lot of fill to bring the lots up to the level
of the street and there was expense connected with that. A high line comes through
the middle of the front yards. East R3ver Road does not add to the attractiveness
of the lots. They have tried to sell the lots as single family homes, but wex'e
unable to do so.
W. C. Hoffman, 6900 flickory Drive: He referred to the letters he had written
objecting to the request for a double bungalow dated August 22, 1971, September 5,
1971 and July 5, 1969. He stated the same request had been made before and was
turned down. The neighbors were in favor of some building on these lots, but not
double bungalows. The geighbors have been cleaning up the lots for three or £ive
years and have asked to do burning on the lots as they are nothing less than a
City dump. He felt the first notice was subterfuge, the second notice corr'ectly
stated two bungalows. They were still not in favor of the request. He wondered
if the Commission realized that their i�p�@ wot��,�, be devaluated by allowing two
Planning Commission Meeting September 22, 1971
Page 2
double bungalows to be built there. Probably this was a money making proposition
^ but he felt the neighborhood should be left as it is -- a single unit housing
Mrs. Ted Lester, 6909 Hickory Drive: Her feelings about the situation were
similar to Col. Hoffman's.There were no personal objections to Mr. Berry, nor to
renters, but their place was not in a single family zoning.
Mrs. Carl Tormoen, 6912 Hickory Drive: Recently a realtor told them this
would lower the value of their property.
Mr. John Lindquist, 6901 East River Road: He concurred in what has been said.
Mr. Carl Tormoen, 6912 Hickory Drive: He felt the lots should remain single
family dwelling area for the school as well as the whole neighborhood.
Douglas Ostien, 6918 Hickory Drive: _He concurred with what had been said.
Mr. Peterson said that they have removed everything from boulders to trees
on the two lots. People still drive by and think it is a dump. They felt that
by building a presentable bungalow, they were not out to devaluate the property
in the neighborhood, but trying to improve it. He felt an attractive duplex
that looks like a home is much nicer than boulders, trees, etc.
Mrs. Lester asked him why they did not build a single family home. He
answered that East River Road is not desirable for homes as they never had a call
� for the sale of the lots. If they could have sold them, they certainly would.
Down the street two blocks there are two double bungalows, side by side, and
you would have to agree with him it has improved the area 100X. Neither one is
downgrading the area. As far as rent is concerned, he said they would be talking
about $190 a month.
Mr. Tormoen said the problem is that renters do not take care of the property�
and this can't be controlled even by the owner. Mr. Peterson said they would not
want people coming in and destroying the property. Mr. Hoffman agreed that Mr.
Berry could not control that type of thing.
Darrel Clark said that a double bungalow is permitted with a Special Use
Permit under the R-1 District.
Mr. Hoffman said that this man has been turned down two or three times. Why
should the time of the City Council and City be taken over and over again, and
not have this settled two, three or four years ago. It seemed "vigil�ce is the
price of liberty".
Chairman Fitzpatrick answered that any property owner has the right to m�k�
a request such as this periodically. If there are objections, they have to b�
heard periodically. .
Mr. Peterson was asked why it was not feasible financially to put up the
same structure for single family.• He answered that you could never se11 a ein;gle
family home for the same price of a double bungalow. They have tried to sel�.
� lots in the past and they will not sell.
Mrs. Lester asked if Fridley has any ruling on owners taking care of empty
lots, and Darrel Clark said the City has a Weed Ordinance whereby a person owniti�,
planning Commission Meeting - Se tember 22, 1971 _ PaSe 3
lots cuts the weeds, but if he does not, the City cuts the weeds and the bill g0e6
� on the taxes.
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission clos�
the Public Hearing of the SpeciaZ Use Permit, SP #71-12, Harland E. Berry, to
construct double bungalows on Lots 3 and 4, B1ock 4, Ostman's Third Addition
as per City Code 45.051, 3, D. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission deny
the request for a 5pecial Use Permit, 5P #71-12, by Harland E. Berry to cpr��t�uct
double bungalows on Lots 3 and 4, BZock 4, Ostman's Third Addition as per C.ity
Code 45.051, 3, D, for the foZlowing reasons: This is an ideal R-1 District;
it would create double traffic problems for these lots enterinq and exiting onto
East River Road; most people in the area expected this parcel to be developed
as it is now zoned. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried
Mr. Minish stated he wished to clarify the allusion to subterfuge regarding
the Public Hearing Notice. The Notice published on August 18th and August 25th
for the Hearing on September 1, 1971 contained the following typographiCa�
error: "---to construct double bungalow on Lots 3 and 4---". The action 0�` the
Planning Commission was to make the people aware of the error and a corre¢��d
Notice, published September 8th and September 15th reading "---to construct
double bungalows on Lots 3 and 4---" was inserted in the paper. A Notice of
explanation and a copy of the Public Hearing Notice was mailed to the people.
Mr. Minish concurred with the problem of traffic on East River Road. The
high line would be of no more a problem to these lots as the other lots it} th4
neighborhood which it crossed. This particular area has a schoo� and Gix1 BCOUt
Camp across the street which they thought was necessary for single family d�aVelop-
ment. Once before when he was on the Board of Appeals, this request came u�
before the Board and at that time, the recommendation was for denial for thq�
same reasons. He didn`t feel the situatian had changed.
STAR: Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 7, Berlin Addition. To sell recreational
trailers per City Code 45.101, 3, N.
No one was present to discuss the request.
Chairman Fitzpatrick read the Public Hearing Notice.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Cormnission receive
the opinion from the City Attorney in a 2'etter dated September 9, 1971 stating
"it is perfectly Iega1 and reasonable to require a 5pecial Use Permit for the
expansion of a nonconforming use" and the correspondence from Peter Nerlafsky
requesting the information dated September 2, 1971. Upon a voice vo�e, �tl�
voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Clark explained that this service station is in M-2 District and hae
^ been there for many, many years under a legal nonconforming use. Because it
was zoned M-2, and there was nothing in the Zoning Ordinance for a trailer use,
it was felt there should be a 9pecial Use Permit for the servi.ce station and
extend his service for rental of trailers. This would be an expansion of the
Planning Commission Meeting September 22, 1971 _ Pa�� �
business, but in addition, the Co�nission can affirm or deny the sale of traile�8
^ on the same premises.
Mr. Schmedeke said that this seems to be the type of thing the Planning Com-
. mission has been trying to prevent. He would be the last to deny the petitioner
the'operation of the station. To approve selling travel trailers would open
the door to used cars, motorcycles, two wheel trailers. He was afraid that what
they would be doing would be allowing each station to come in and start w�th
this procedure and eventually selling used cars and trailers out of the s�ation�
Mr. Clark said the petitioner had been selling the trailers, and when 1t
Fame to our attention, he was notified he would have to apply for a Special Ua�
Leonard Samuelson, former Councilman, said that he agreed with Mr. Schmedeke
and was on that side of the fence. Generally speaking, the service stations in
Fridley have insufficient land areas to dispense trailers. He thought that
suxiliary sales such as this does somewhat ruin the aesthetics of a service
station. It does not give a clean look he would desire for Fridley.
Referring to "covers" (camper units for pickup trucks) Mr. Minish asked if
the request is denied, did that mean the station cannot sell covers as well?
Mr. Clark said the Commission could limit what they felt could be sold in
the open.
� MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission clos�
the Public Hearing of the request for a 5pecial Use Permit, SP #71-13, Dick's
North Star to se11 recreational trailers on Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 7, Berlil7
Addition as per City Code 45.I01, 3, N, and to recommend the continuing use oP
the Service Station, bvt to deny the addition of retail sales on the following
grounds: Service Stations are not permitted to se11 travel trailers under the
Fridley Ordinance No. 483. Used travel trailers and used autos�are sold under
the same state license. Approving this permit could be the procedure to
encourage the sale of used travel trailers and used cars on service station
sites. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
PRESIDENT: Lots 23 through 30, Block 13, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanica�
vil e rezoned from R-3 to C-2 for a"Little Dea:�orn" warehouse and
sales office.
MOTION by 5chmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission waive
the reading of the Public Hearing Notice for the rezoning request, ZOA ��,��07�
by Way Dar Land Corp., Wayne Peterson, for Lots 23 to 30, Block 13, Ham�.lto�7��
Addition to Mechanicsville to be rezoned from R-3 to C-2. Upon a voice ypG��
a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �
Mr. Wayne Peterson and Mr. Leonard Samuelson were present.
Mr. Samuelson explained that the property lies immediately North of the
�' Metro 500 Service Station and Easterly of the service drive of University Avenue.
The lots have been cut up due to the acquisition of the Highway Department in
the interchange of I. #694 and T.H. �47. This property is in the Southeast
quadrant of the interchange. At the South corner of 54th Avenue, the Highway
Department has constructed a cul de sac. The pet���,�}��rs are requesting a
Ylannin Commission Meetin - Se tember 22 1971
a rezoning change so that Mr. Peterson can construct a 7,600 square foot building
^ which will also incorporate a basement. It will be a warehouse for automobile
parts for Model T and A cars and referred to as "Little Dearborn". There are
no repair facilities, no maintaining cars. Parts needed are manufactured by the
• Ford Motor Company. The warehouse here will then service individual people who
do their own remodelling and their buiiding. Their business is strictly over
the counter sales. The�traffic is in and out, maybe thirty or forty cars a
day. They felt that since there is a service station immediately to the South,
and a dead end cul de sac on the North, the requested rezoning would lend itself
to a reasonable good land use. The proposed structure would look quite contem-
porary and would lend itself genGrally to an improvement of the area.
Chairman Fitzpatrick noted that the Public Hearing Notice was sent to a large
number of people and none were present, but one letter was received concurring
with the request. The letter was from the filling station to the South (Metro
500). �
Mr. Clark said that the Standard Oil Station got a Special Use Permit when
that procedure was allowed, and the Metro 500 is older than the zoning ordinance.
The owner may come in with a similar request as the Commission heard this evening
in Item 2.
MOTION b� Minish, seconded br� Zeglen, that the PZanninq Commission close the
Public Hearing for the Rezoninq Request, ZOA #71-07, Way Dar Land Corp. to rezone
from R-3 to C-2 Lots 23 to 30, B1ock 13, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Peterson said that during the summer, they usually have from forty to
fifty sale tags per day; in the winter about twenty to forty. They have four
full time employees and two employees part time, and the number increases in the
summer. They serve the upper midwest area - Chicago to Colorado - a five state
area. They specialize in new parts for aritique cars. They do not scrap or junk
cars. There are approximately about ten to fifteen companies, the same type as
this one, and they are referred to as "Little Dearborn". Each of them"manufacture
a few items and interchange the molds buying from each other. No manufacturing
is done on the premises. �
Mr. Schmedeke asked if blue spruce could be used in the landscaping, and
wondered if some could be used along the alley. Mr. Samuelson explained that
the alley is used by the residents and they could not encroach on the alley
right of way. They are putting a complete Model A on display. They do meet
City requirements as far as parking requirements, land area and building setbacks.
Mr. Schmedeke felt this would be an ideal area for evergreens. He also felt
this land should have been commercial years ago. If the Company did not generate
a lot of traffic, he thought the request was a good use of the land.
Mr. Clark said he had received one call on the rezoning request, but the
caller did not comment whether or not he was in favor.
Mr. Peterson said he received two calls asking for further information.
PlazLning Commission Meeting Se tember 22, 1971 _ Page 6
� MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission recommend
approval of the Rezoning Request, ZOA #71-07, by Way Dar Land Corp., Wayne
Peterson, to rezone from R-3 (general multiple family dwellings) to C-2 (gene�al
business area), Lots 23 through 30, Block 13, Hamilton`s Addition to MechaniCS-
ville to construct a warehouse and sales office for a LittZe Dearborn, with the
stipulation that the second reading of the Ordinance be held up until the building
permit was given. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani-
4. VACATION REQUEST• SAV 4�71-04, EDGAR A. HOUSER: Vacation of Gumwood S�reeC
between 77th Way and 78th Avenue and also vacation of the alley running
on Westerly property line from 77th Way to 78th Avenue in Lots 1 through 8,
Block 5, Onaway Addition.
Darrel Clark said the application was brought in today together with the
signatures of almost all the people concerned. Mr. Houser should also get a
release from Northern States Power Co., Minneapolis Gas Company, Northwestern
Bell Telephone Co. and the owner of Block 5 to dedicate the other part of the
cul de sac for turn around on 78th Avenue. The North half of the land is vaaant�
The petitioner will either sell or build. The Southern half is occupied.
Access is on 77th Way. The power line is on Gumwood and is overhead. Mr. Haus�r
has built his own sewer -- one lot depth North of 77th Way. The North ha1�
of the block will be served by 78th Avenue. The easements for the Gas Company
and North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District are along the railroad tracks. The
huge 315 KV power lines�are also along the tracks.
The alley will be dedicated back to the City for utility easements. This
will prohibit the alley being opened outside of the land owners.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission reCOm-
mend that the Council act favorably on the vacation request of SAV �i71-04, by
Edgar Houser, for the vacation of Gumwood Street between 77th Way and 78th Avenu�
and also the vacation of the a11ey running on Westerly property line from 77th
Way to 78th Avenue in Lots 1 through 8, Block 5, Onaway Addition because it is
appropriate with the current development of the area, subject to the dedication
of the cul de sac on 78th Avenue at Western terminus and dedication of easements
for any existing utilities. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carxi�d
There being no further business, Chairman Fitzpatrick adjourned the meeting
at 10:00 P.M.
Respectfull� submitted
��¢ � C� �'��.__
Ha�l 0' Brian
Recording Secretary
_ �
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Zeglen at 8:10 P.M.
MEMBEI�S PRESENT: Zeglen, Tonco, Lindblad
1�MBERS ABSEATr: White, Gnerre
OTHERS PRESENT: Hank Muhich-Chief Building Inspector
MOTION by White to approve the minutes of the September 2, 1971 meeting as
Seconded by Lindblad, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
ON. STAGE �1E (1) TO
. , 29
Mr. W. V. Anderson, District Manager of the Ceco Corporation and Foster W.
Dunwiddie AIA, of Miller Dunwiddie Architects Inc, were present to present
the request.
Mr. Dunwiddie explained that the Ceco Corporation was a major producer of
pre€abricated steel members for concrrete work in the building induatry. He
presented photographs of the ten acre site they have obtained in Fridley.
West of the site is the Burlington Northern Railroad property; South of the
site if the Minnesota Linseed Oil Company; North of the site is five acres
of uadeveloped laad, beyond that is Railroad AcceaBVSiesi.�and tfie Esstern part
of the site faces Main Street.
This request covera the first�stage of a three stage development. This first
stage to be commenced in 1971, the second in 1972, and the third in 1973. The
first stage is for a 60' x 115' forms reconditioning building and a 20' x 40'
lumber cutting building. These two buildings will be constructed on the north-
west section of the site. Stage 2 is a propoaed reinforcing steel fabrication
building and Stage 3 is a Merchant Trade and office building.
They will inatall an 8' precast concrete doubie TT acreening fence on the
east side facing Main Street. This will be set in 150' from the property line.
They will plant 15 2�" diaa�eter sunmit ash trees ia front of this fence. They
will continue the chain link feace, that is alread� on the south side, along
the west and north eidea of the property. Mr. Zeglen aeked them if they could
slot the north side of the chain link fence so that area would be acteened �rom
view. Mr. Dunwiddie said they would do that or else continue the concrete
double TT fence to provide acreening.
Mr. Anderaon said they would be storing lumber in this area that comes in neat-
ly baaded and stactied. '
There will be a roadway in the north point of the east side. This wil]. have a
bituminous surface and be 26 ft. wide with a 10'ft. radius on all blacktop
�"� cornera. It will have a aolid netal paneled gate. At the end of the naadway
and surrouadiag the first stags of buildiag thar will ase clase 5, cruehad
aggregate. Thia �►ill b• 6" deep ia traffic areaa and 4" deep in the reat of
tb� area. Tba> >rill lcsap tbia satssii►1 oiled. �. Oupmniddie said tDe rea�on
B�i�d�ng Standards Design Control Meeting of September 23, 1971 Page 2
they wanted to use this material was because until they were in the later stages
of development they wouldn't know what the traffic patterns would be. They move
� most of their material with fork�lifts so thay didn't want any curbing installed.
A bituminous surface would break up without curbing. Mr. Zeglen asked them if
ti�ey would use this material uatil all three stages were completed. Mr. Dunwiddie
said as soon as the secoad stage was completed they would be using curbing and
a bituminous material for their parking facilities. Mr. Lindblad said that as
long as this was all within their own confines and would all be screened he had
no objection to this.
Mr, Dunwiddie said the fotens recc�sditioniag buiidi�g would be an all steel
building with a rigid steel frame. The outside would have acrylic rosin enameled
siding. The cutting building would be of similar design and all the buildiugs
in the development would be the same cDlor or colore. Mr. Anderson did show
the committee pictures of the proposed building material.
Mr. Mulich asked Mr. Anderson how many people would be employed when the devel-
opment was complete. Mr. Anderaon said he thought there would be 50 to 60 em-
ployees. They employ many people out in the field but they wouldn't be coming
�o this area. When the development is comple[ed there will be parking facilites
for 68 cars .
Mr. Lindblad asked how they would dispose of their waste material. Mr. Anderaon
said they xi�l have very little waete material on the site as they use the lumber
over again untti just small pieces are �taste. They vill truck out this waste, tha
same as they do at the canstruction sitea.
^ Mr. 2eglen asked if there �rould be a noise probl�. Mr. Anderson said they would
use an 8' x 6' hydraulic presa inside the large buildiag. Becauae the work wae
done in the buildings he didn't think noiae would be any problem.
Mr. Zeglen asked how much of the tea acrea would be ia use aad they said it was
well under the 4� ma�cimum iand us� .
MOTION by Toaco to recaa�end approval of the firmt stage of co�ptructiou with
the notatio� in red on the plans. The notations are:
1. Insert slats in sta�el cyclone fence.
- 2. Poured co�crete curbing arouad all biac�C top
outeide of the gate.
Motion seconded by Lindblad. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
earried unaminously.
The meeting was adjouraed by Chairman Zeglen at 9s�10 P.M.
Respectfull submitted,
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Street City Zip Code
TELEPHONE # � v �.- � � �`'3
Home Business
PROPEftTY OWNgt ( S) S��'► � a s �9 �'� V �
Applicant's Name
Lot Split� 71-
Date Filed:
Fee:$/_�_Receipt #�� � j' �
Council Action:Da�e ,I
REMARi{S : j
Street City " Zip Code
Street City Zip Code
Home Bus s s
Property Location on Street t- 't`� I � ' � S-�' N �(
or �act Street gddrees (IF ANY) � 7 d W A 5��.�G, �.� /� -� ��
Legal Description of Property: ,
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Reason for Lot Split:
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The undereig:ned hereby declares that all the facts and
repreaentationa stated in thia application axe true and
DATE: l � � SIGNATDRE � �� _
BELOW FOR CITY IISE ONLY (SeQ rever�e eide fog-ad.ditionai instrue�ione)
PLATS & SIIBS: Date of Consideration -
PLANNZNG COMMISSION: Date o� Consideration -
CITY COiTNCIL: Date of Co.nsideration -
__��� _ _ __ _ _
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LS. 4�71-10: Adolph R. Elasky
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The meeting was called to order by Chairman Minish at 7:34 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Minish, Drigans, Sondheimer, Wall
1�SiiERS ABSENT : Har ju
OTHIItS PRESENT: Clarence Belisle-Building Inspector
Mr. Sondheimer noted a typographical error in line 8 of paragraph 1 in the August
10, 1971 minutes; professing be changed to proteating.
MOTION by Drigans to approve the minutes of the August 10, 1971 meeting as
Seconded by taTall. U�on a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried
unanimously. .
Chairn�an Minish stated the action talien by the Council on the August 10, 1971
Board items.
KEQUIR��7'i Fs�i 35 �� TO 25 �Ei:T �iD SE�TiC�V 45.053, 4C. TO REDUCE THE REAR
li BLOCK 4 Al�t��S S�iE�T ADAITIOAi 3'�iE SAME BEII� 555-57t� �VEATii� A�TD 5703
W1�SH3's'yG��� S'�%�i AI.� .��;I��� f�G.`��. (�U�ST BY 2+�t A R ELASKY, $5I7-
/� � n.rer, ♦c�r.+�rTrs+ onTr�mi vTAIATTtADl1T YC MTT.TTTG'C(1TA � �
Mr. A. R. Elasky was present to present the request.
A sketch showing the location of both dwellings and detached garages on the lots
was shown to the Boa�d.
Mr. Belisle shawed the Board the aerial photo of the area and pointed out the
iots are on the cornef of Washington Street and a paved alley inste�d of 57th
• Mr. Elasky stated the lots are each 40 feet wide and 129 feet deep. He said the
taxes on all the lots were $816.00 last year, including assessments, so he is
forced to develope the land and not just let it sit there. He continued that the
house proposed for both lots has the same floor plan and he wanted one house to
face Washington Street and the other to face the alley so they would not be
identical. , �
Mr. Belisle pointed out that the Zoning Ordinance states, "Fox lots resulting
from lot splits having less than the 75 foot lot width shall have a minimum of
a si�le attached gar�,ge." �tr. El�sky shows detac.hed garages for both lots
which would have to be ciianged to be attached.
Chairnian Minish suggested that since the house has to be addressed on Washington
Street, as the house cannot be addressed on the alley, that the principle
entrance be changed to also face Washin�ton Street. If this house was to have
�, it's main entrance on Washington the variances asked for would be unnecessary.
. . A i � ..ic..
_ . . . . � . .. _ . . _ . . . . . .. . '. . . .. .. . _ . _ .._ . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . � �
The Board of ApPeals Minutes of September 21, 1971 Pa�e 2___
^ Mr. Belisle suggested alternate designs for the houses, like having one house roof
gabled and the other hipped to change the similarity between them if they were
both to face Washington Street.
Chairman Minish stated that since the applicant can build on the lots without a
variance, he could not see where the hardship exists. However, he could see a
reason for granting a variance if after splitting the lots there was no way in
which to build on them.
Chairman Minish said Mr. Harju had talked to him and he was concerned about the
house facing the alley as it would also be facing the back yards of houses across
the street.
There were no adjacent property ownexs present to object to the variance.
Mr. Elasky stated the only reason he could think of for the neighbors to object to
hi.m building this house would be that they would be losing a place for their
children to play.
Mr. Drigans stated he would like to see M�. Elasky withdraw this request because
at this time the Board could not see a hardship and if they were to vote on the
request and deny it the applicant could not come before the Board again �or 6
monChs. Se felt the applicant should first apply for the lot split and then try
to fit the house on the lot to confo�m to the code, with the Boaxd of Appeals
� being the last resort.
� Mr. Wall said he agreed with Mr. Drigans in that the attached garage was just
brought up to Che applicant tonighr and possibly he could come up with a better
arra ngement for the house on the lot.
MOTION by Drigans to table this request until Mr. Elasky comes in with a more
presentable plan and until after the lot split has been acted an.
Seconded by Sondheimer.J Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried
unani.mous ly .
The meeting was adjourned by Chairman at 8:25 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
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L.S:..��71-10: Adolph R. Elasky
To split L. g, 10, 11, B1. 4,
Washington Street Addition into
� ' 2 building sites.
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