PL 02/03/1971 - 31094/�.'
PA4� 1
Ths meetimg was called to order at 8;00 P.M. by Chai�aan Erick�Qn.
Members Present: Minish,
Membere Absent: None
Qthexe Preser�t: Darral
Zeglen, Erickaon, Fitzpatrick. Schmede�ke
Clark, �ngineexing Asei�tant
1MDTIpN by Zeglen, seconded by Fi�zpatxick, that the minu�es of �he Planning
Co�is�ion meeting of Janustry 20, 1971 be approved. Upon a voice vo�e, a11 votir�g
aye, the motion carr:ied unanimously.
JADIUARY 20, 1971
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded b� Zeglen, that the Planning CommisS�o�n a�ece�ve
ti�e minutes of the P1ats 6 Subdivis�for�s Streets 6 Util�t3es Subccxnmfttee ateeting
of Janua�ry 20, 1971. vpon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motio� carzied
MOTIDN by Minish, seconded, by Sclamedeke, that the Plann�,ng Co�►.isa�on receive
the minutes of the Building Standards-Does�gn Control Subconm►.ittee meet3ag of
January 19, Z971. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried un�l7imot�,�1y.
MOl'ION by Fitzpatxick, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Corrm�i�sian ,��sceive
the minutes af the Parks & Recreat�on Corr�nission meeting o� pecembe.r 28, 1970.
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unan�mousTy.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commutssion seceivp the
minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of January 25, 197Z. Upp� a vp�ce vo��,
all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
R. C. ERNST: South 395 feet of Lo't:�,Lots 2 and 3, Lot 4, except that paxt
of the West 132 feet lying South of the North 32$.9 feet, Lo�s 5 amd 6, �xc�pt
the South 230 feet thereof, Auditor's Subdivision No. 22 to be �ezvz�ed �'=o�m
R-1 (one dwelling district) to R-2 (two family dwelling distxicts).
R1 C ion e.etfa ��eb�uar 3 1971 Pa 2
��, The Ciiairm�aa sta,ted that bec�u�e I�e wr�a invalved in this r�queet, aad �esl�a�aly
could not vote. he asked Mr. Fitzpatrick tq chair the meeting� and he would npt
zake part in tl�e convereation. A citizen aeked if someone elee wc�uld vote in hie
place. He was informed that it takes a eimpl� majority for th� Planning Cammiesion
to �ake a xeco�endatio�x to the Counci�.
Mr. Erns�t said that a numbes of que�tione were raised by th�. people af the
neighborhoods and he felt some had not bee� a�wered properly. He requ��sted the
Plataning Co�nission to table the rezoning r�qu�et for a period of 30 to 60 days
in order to hav� ffiore zime to secure �ati�factqry anewsrs to the ques�ions aad
also an opportunity �o meet with the people in the nei�hbqrhood a�si discuss th�
project �nd come up with a plan acceptable to the a��igtabarhood.
Mr. David Wielaad said the people felt there was no need to rezo�e from R-1
to R-2 -� it is zoned R-1 and they would lfke to keep it that way.
Mr. Fitzpatrick explained that the Planning Go�aieeion could not vote pn, Ghe
petition no� iaasmuch as Mr. Ernst requeated tl�e Gommiasion to �ab�e it.
!+!�TION bg Schmedeke, seconded by R9inish, that the Planning Comrr+ission tab��
the �e�on3rig reque�t, ZOA #70-07, requested by R,ichland, �nc., represerated by
R. G: Es�nst, for 30 to 60 days to give the pet.itioner more timQ fio stuaTy th�
,problems. Upon a voice vote, Minish, Zeglen, Fitzpatrick and Schmedeke voting
aye, Erfckson abstaining, the motion carried.
� Mr. Schmedeke etated there were eome queations h� would have liked anewer�d
because certain facts were not completely clear to him. He wondered if it would
be acceptable to have R-1 homes on the peximeter pf the land, and bave the R-2
structures, perhaps two rows, in the center. If the center was 300 feet away
from t�e outer bou�daries, he Mr. Ernst probably would not h�v� any troub��
rezoning ta two family homes. If thie were the case, Mr. Fitzpatrick said he
was not cert�in the people more than 300 feet away would be notified.
Mr. Schmedeke continued that the drainage plans were not too clear to h�.m,
for�example, who would be assessed a.nd how wide would the ditch be. He fe�G
it would be a��tore acceptable and attractive job using the 40 foot �asement.
A waik area could be propos�d, le�ve some of the natural vegetation to attract
and keep the wildlife that ie there now, and construct the banks so that the
area would look like a c�eek.
Mr. Wieland said that the storm drainage ditch would be eros�ing his property.
He would like to have a vote on the land remaining R-1. He knew 90% of the
people were against the rezoning. As R-1 property, the land is valuable and could
be drained. R-2 would be four times as valuable, but only to �he people who awn
the property. The xest of the people will not see the value of it. He would
request a motion to deny the request outright.
Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick explained that the property is R-1. �'he owner has
the right, at any time, to petition for a rezoning, and he may again in tlne �uture.
In the meantime the motion to table the request was in order, but in so far as
Mr. Wieland'a statement, the property in question is zoned R-1 and will rem�ir� so
� until changed by the Council.
One of the citizena asked if the request to table was for the petition to be
coatinued at a later date or withdrawn.
n eet ��raa� 3� 1971 �a s 3
�� Ms. Ernet ar4tswer�d tha� the reques� w�e to tr�ble. T'lqe �t�teat wat� not to with-
dxa�, but t�.bl� the d��ieion om �'�e matte� s�nd giv� the �e�itionere addition�il,
tim� ta an.swer �ome of the queekions which were raieedm
The audieace were infor�ed that tabling an item was not untteual. Tn this
case, t�n� public taearing wa� cloaedo The members of the audierace will receive
a�ot�eea wlxen this request comes back on �Yae ��enda.
$efo�e �a�ia�►� ��on r�turned �v tt�� chair, Yae �ddre��ed thc audi.�a�ce.
sayiag, #���t o� all. he or�a� ten acre� wh�ch w�� �ed tsy Mx o(�axdne� �a�cY wae
�bou� to �e lost bg► taxe�. He woz°ked on � purcha�e price a��eeable �o both of
them. iie had not t�lk�d �o �ny n�e�ber �o� ��e Plsnaaiisag Commis�ion a'bou� thie�
item, nor would he in the future. Neitiaer would �ae vote on it. Th�y feel there
has not bee� compiete understanding betwe�n them��lvee and th� peopl�e. They
want the vppor�unity,to study further and �he opportunity tc� sit denm wiih the
people adaad $et theig viewa, to see if they can get to��th�x' and if t'he people
did aot change their mi�ds, they can �o ah�ad and vote against it.
C�afx'man Erfckson had looked at the area fot eome time �nd felt �t wa�a one
of ttu g►roblem areas in the City. If they cannot work out anything sati�fac�ory
to the people, who can ob�ect, then thegr wi].1 trry to work out anatt�er plan in
�ome ot�ee� way. In no case were they trying to "�ull anythin�"9 but �hey would
like to sit dow� a�d talk about it witix all the i:ntereated paxt�.es.
Chairman �rickson continued -- the�ee wa� a comment abou� the duplexe� in
Columbia Heights °- very bad, but he could show some pictures of aome tl�at are
� good. He did not think anything is slum if a maa takea care of his property.
He thou$ht that restricting the �ize of houses was incorr�ct. If a�a�a Wanted
Xo live in a house wi�hout a garage, he should be able to do soo bt�t the C�.ty Gode
does not pexmit it any more. iie did not intend ta hu�t anybody by his C.onstxuc-
tion or �raybody he sold too Zf anyone wanted to look at the hotnes i�e has built,
'he would be glad to take them around.
lrlr. Eyler sa�d he understood Mr. Erickson would sit dourn and talk �o �hem
individually, but he,fe�,t it should be the whole group.
Mr. �rick�on s�id that was just what he wanted to -- sit down with all of
the people.
Mr< Wieland offered his basement for the tneeting:
JOHNSON: To permit construction of a double bungalow in an R-1 District as
pe� F�idley City Code, Section 45.051, 3D, to be located on Lot 7, Block 1,
A1 Rose Addition.
The public hearing notice was read by Chairman Erickson.
Mra Albert John�on said he was asking for a per�it to build a doubl� bun�alow
facing East River Road. He would have a contractor build the double bungalow, and
he would occupy half of it.
1 C Q� �leet e�ua � 1971 � e 4
n Ti`ie Engfnee��.ag A��i�tant �ala%�iecl tfi�� tFi� fi�l plat of A1 Rose Additi�an
i� beea approved, yut SuburTi� En�fneer�n� Ybas ��t fiai.ehed tfie h�rd �+laell.
The sk�tcFi is basically corr�ct as fmr ae the placing of the lote. The fiaal
plat was appxoved by Council lmat December. On the final plat. we are asking £os
a driv�wag easement to be provided be�aieen Lote 5 and 6 in orde� to #�ave acc�se to
tia� st�ee� from the re�r of g�e lot, dependin� upan wh�t happe�}e �o ��et River
Aogd. I�Ir� Jo%soA migIat want access to the re�r a^�ther than to drive out on �ast
Rive� Roade Ten feat would be asked ir�m each lot. Thia is a condit�pn pf the.
plat. Tlae pxoperty to the Nor�I� is the Eva Erickson plat and contait►s single
��mily I��mes . To �he S�u�� i� �.he Eva�.oi�i ho�e an� �lso some double b�r�gaipw� .
Ch�i.a-�aan Erickson aslc�d if ghere w$s the possibility that addition�l right of
way nti.�t�t be asked for �ast ]�iver Itoada Uarrel Cla�k answered that it was thought,
at one time, that the ri�ht of way would be taken on thie eide, but the Cour�ty
Eng�neer decided to �ake ft off the ��lroad eaeement on �he �ast e�d�.
In regard to water and sewer, ti�ey would go up the driveway easement.
Msa Ze�len �slced who owned Lot 5. Mr. Joixn.s�n said he had � purchase �gree-
meat Co ae11 Lo� 5�nd he hoped the driveway easement woul,d not interfexe w�th
the sale.
The $ngineeriag Aseistane stated that Mr. Johnaon ehould be encouraged to
use the back road £or access if it makes a nice laoking layout. It was going to
be difficult to �et onto East River Road� Access to the rear would be a$reat
advantage to him.
Mr. Jofinson aaid he plans to have the houae fac�ng Eaet River Road and have
the garage in the back of the house. He had wanted accese to.E�st River Ro$d_-
and could use his mother-in-law�s driveway onto East River Road.
Chairman Erickson informed Mre Johnson that he could not build any closer to
the street than the average setback o$ the houses on either side of �iie lot
without a variance from the Board of Appeals. He then asked Mr. Johnson if it
w�re his desire to face East River Road and enter off Eaat River Road? As the
Commis�ion under�tas'.ds it� tIae easement for the driveway is already granted.
In answer to Mr. Fitzpatrickes query if there was anyone in the audience
interested in the requeat, the gentleman who lived to the North said the only
reason he came was that he would lika to know where Mr. Johnson was putting
his house and to get a�eneral idea of what he is going to do. He did nat agree
or disa�ree.
Chairman Erickson asked Darrel Clark about the East River Road proposal
relating to the median. Darrel Clark answered that the Council will have a
continued hearing on Monday night, February 8th. The median will be from Int�er-
atate ��694 to Mississippi Street with crossovera at Mississippi Street, 61�t
Way (Stevenson School) and tl�e Filister Apartments.
MOTION by E'it2patricJc, seconded by Minish, that �he Planning Caanmission
recommend to Council approval of the Special Use Permit, SP #�1-01, by AZbert M.
� Johnso.n to permit construction of a double bungalow in an R-1 District as per
Fridley City Code, Section 45.051, 3D, to be Iocated on Lot 7, B1ock Z� A1 Ros�
Rddition Hrith the stipulation tihat its access be over an easement between
Lots 5 and 6 to Alden Way. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion caTried
1 C � - Fe ua 3 1971 Pa � 5
� M�r. Min�e� �rrisi►ed to �entipn �. �r�e� o� c��cern to h�sm whiah xe�erred to the
acC�s oa Ea�t River l�oad or kh� altemate of �oia� out at xhe sear oi tt�e lote .
At thie time he did aot knaw en�ugh about what Mr. JohneQn intends tr� bui�.d eo
Ch�� h�a �ad natIaing on wki�h=to• ba�� at�. opinion. Wt�eA ths bu�ldiag pe�rmit p�at►�
$o be�ore ti�e Suilding Standarde-Hesign Control 3ubca�ittee, there would be eu�-
i�cient cppoxtut�ity �or the City to study the plane.
Mr. Sehiaedeke fe].t that i�f the eas�aemt for acc�sa to the rear of the lat w�re
oa thc� plat, it would be us�ed for that purpoee.
Darrel Claxk �aid the �as�ment for the driveway wae not ta�ked about until
ik reaci4ed the Couacil i�n Decembe� for the final plat. At tl�e time it aame be�ore
th� Pl�ning Com�ssion, there was mo talk, about ial'proving East River Road. Th�
eai9@meAt w8s added by Cauncil.
Chairman Erickson said this request would not have to go beiEore tlne Buildi�g
Str�nda�cds-Desiga Contxol Subcomaa,ittee. As loag as pxoviaione were mad� iu the
final plat for a driveway to the rear of the 1ot� the probl�m c�� an� additional,
e�.t on Ea�t River Ro�d would not T�e compounded.
Mr. S�hmecieke said he was cer�ain the petitioner could see the eaf�ty f�ctor
of noC �1lowing anather exit on Eas�t Rive� Road. Th� amot�nt af traffic an
�otae of the City streete,�aad especially East River Road� ie geteing �p be quite
a problem.
Ci�V1tOLETt INC.: Rezone from M-2 (heavy �ndustrial) to C,2 (��nexal bu�ine$s
area�) a parcel 600 feet in depth along the cen��rline of propoeed a3rd
Aven�e f�om right of way line cif University �venue atid 1,675 feet �Torth from
centerline of proposed 63rd Avenue.
MOTION by F3�zpatr3ak, seconded by Schmedelce, that �khe P�Ianninq Coauniss3on
wa3ve the read3ng of the pubZic hearing notice. Upon a vo3ee vote, a�l voting
aye, the mation carried unan3mously.
Repx��sentatives of the rezoning �cequeat pre�ent at thie ute�ting were Wyman
Smifih, representing the applicant, Ray Wormsbecker, involvpd in the selling,
Jerry Brady, Manager of Viking Chevrolet, Inc., and Tom Boemer oE Ba1GO Buildiag
Mr. Wyman Smith explained the rezoning xequest involved a paxcel of about 23
acres. The Southerly boundary is at the cente� of what would be 83rd Avenu�.
$ighty-�hird �venue would be where the watermain xuns West to th� rai]ro�d tr$ek�.
The City does have some dedications for utilitq purposes, but the South bound,ary
pf thia property, of what my client is buqing, cam�e in the center of Ghe �coad
where there probablq will be dedication for 83rd Avenue. The depth is 600 ieet
back from University Avenue. They were not asking fQr rezoning on the Westexn
60Q feet of the original parcel -- it is to remain M-2. This property would
�adjoin the area which the City has acquired for park �.and and, hop�fu�.lye a
goi€ course sometime. ihe people he represente are�in bus�nea� in St. Yaul, but
had to relocate because of the City development plan. Viking Chevx'olet plana
^ to locate in Fridley and they have the approval of the distr�ct and regional,
divisions and tentative approval from Aetroit. Theq have aa opti.on on th�.s land
uat�.l Maq 1� t .
1 n �� � e�ru r 3 1971 Pa � 6
Mr. Staith e�id that he h�d c�ecked wit� th�. City etaff �bout aewsr and w�ter.
�; Watex �e availab].e. '1'he sewer wou�.d come frrna along th� railroad tracks and down
propoaed 83rd Avenue. The campatay ie hopefu],ly going to asl� for a elip on and
off on Unive�eity Aveaue from �h� State. They maq have difficultq with thie, but
thi$ ia what the p�annin$ p�ople from General Motors would pr�fer.
The �ngineering Assista�t added the i.nforlaatian that Viking ChQVrQlet would
occupq tl�e middle par� of the Eaaterlp $alf of Pareel 30000
Mxo �o�a Boemer pf Ba1co Building Systeun� displayed the mode]. of the p�opoaed
plan. They will use the c�n�ter of the parcel becau$e it is the higta portion. The
area fs pretty much devoid of trees. The foliage on the No�c�h and Svuth indicated
on the m�del are existi�� trees. The land�caping wauld be a�vw �ype �f land-
scaping. �'iiey wottld propos� to set the bu�.ldin� approxiffiately four feet aboee
the high poia� of IIniversity Avenue. The building would be sEt on a crown and
drop off about on� foot in all di,recti,one. They ha�e a eetback from the in�ide
lane �£ the aervice lane o# 100 feet permitting limited display. �here was an
area pgimarilq foa� customer paxking. There ie room for zhe di�splay of Z50 sutos
on•th� property, new and used car�. At the �rear of the buildiag there would b�
� new cax storage axid truck di�play.
Mr. Wyman S� �aid that the building �on�ains about 35,OQ0 eqasase ��et, eub-
ject to some possibl� deviation, but no moge than Sr one way or another. The
ehowxoom ie 7,200 �quare feeto The buildirtg will be a glazed atruc�ure, f lat
roof, moat likely at this time, stone or �ome type masonry frontage with �aetal
curtain wall on the other three sides.
n Chair�an Erickaon said he understood Mr. Smith to say the�re� would be a 50 foot
strip alaag University Avenue. He said it wae not dedicated yet. Al�o, from
Univeraity Avenue, aetbacks are to be 150 feet. He then asked Aar�el Clark about
a poesi,ble atreet layout for the whole area.
Dasrel Clar�C then explained that it was propoaed that Main Stxeet will run
all the way from Osborne Road North to 85th Avenue, 600 feet to the West of this
property, and the Westerly edge of Parce�. 3000. The.Service Drive i.e going to
be dedicated fXom East Ranch Eetates bringing the road up to 79th Avenue. The
driving xange is about Sls� Avenue, and that area had provided property for a
Service Arive. In a11 cases, the Service Drive has been looped back from
University Avenue. 7.'he crossovera will be at 83xd Avenue, 85th Avenue. Pa�cel
3200 is being loo�Ced at by the Y.M.C.Aa
A gentleman f�rom Spring Lake Park asked where the water and sewer for the
area �ould hook up and what school districfi would they be in.
Mr. Wyman Smith said that the school district would be Spring Lalcs Park. The
waterline is preaently in on 83rd Avenue. The sewer line would run fzom North
Suburban Sanitary Sewer line East of the railroad t�acks atid down 83rd Avenue.
In anawer to the question of a storm sewer, Mr. Smith said that a storm �ewes
in that large area is in a state of flux. As the contractox pointed out, the
area of this request is the high part of these three pieces. He did not see
any immediate problem with this aspect. As he understands it, the City`s probleffi
n of working out the storm sewer is dependent on working on a scheme with Spring
Lake Park in a litigation. The conflict aeema to be over the amount Spring Lake
Park should contribute to the storm sewer.
�leau�,xa� ��a��o� �e�e�a� �ebru��� 1971 �age 3
.,,,p.. YO�. . �..�.a��o �rsa� . � .
Y+�r. Scia��dek.� a��C�d wiao �ould b� psyia�� �o� � eatni�aay aewer.
� T1c�e Engisaeering As�isstant �aid that it wou�,d depead upon which directio�a the
eani�arcy sewer comee from. If it goea dawn a street with Ci,ty owaed propert�
adjacent, tine City has to participate in �he expeaee of putti�� that line down
the �t��et. If thi.s lita� were served trom the 6outh, thie situat�,on could be
avoidedo Be�.�use this property is a new undeveloped area, there i� no de��gn
fo�' the direction the storm sewer �aould go.
P�Ira ��iunedelz� co�e�ted th�t there must be o�her property owner� that eai11
�e asee�sed for �tor� ee�rer. If they are assessed far it before they �e11 their
propextya tI�e �sees�nenta wi11 be �o taigh that it wi11 be hard to aell.
Ma�, Wy�an said that he w�s acquainted with the vwners We�tt of the
property and over to the xailroad tracks. They have already had asaesamente and
they Iaave been very costly. With conata�ction tnoney loosening up, the�e people
feel it is the rigiat time £or development. They realize they �re �oin� to have
to pay for the exten�ion of the pipes to whatever p�'operty is served. They
hoped tl�e City would work out tiae �ani�.ary sewer lia�es so that the City would
not be stuck b�cause of tlae parke H� w�s sur� that Viking Chevrol�t realized
that they a�e going to have to pay normal eoats.
The pranner to the NortI� of the proposed rezoning reque�t was repre�s�nted by
Mr. Geor�e Walquist.
M�. Zeglen asked what affect would it have on the proper�y if heavy industrial
�„� came ia to t�.e North. Mr. Jerry Brady said there would be no effect. Wfth the
` amount of land they have, they cannot foresee it would be a vroblem. Mr. Smith
added th�t, �s they were owners of the proposed parcel, including 1�and to the
North and South, they were protected from encroachment.
Mx. Sctunedeke said �he thing he disliked about the rezoaing requeet was the
down�r�de zoning. Iie felt he would lik� to see this type of pro�ect moved to the
area of Bob Schroer�a East Ranch Eatatea. The development of University Avenue
would then be gradually moving to the North instead of jumping into a parcel in
the middle of nawhere. Being quite familiar with this type of business, he said
it is not a wonderful tax base. There will be a ama11 one etory building with
many, many cars standing around. The storage area will, no doubt, be blacktopped.
IC would have been $ lot better to continue the developing of University Avenue
by acquiring land juet North of Bob`s Produce Ranch instead of downgrading the
overall planning of the City. This was what he called true spot zoning.
Mr. Fitapatrick said, as Park representative on the Planning Commiasion, he
has some Qbligation to look at what affect the rezoning might have an the park
property. However, this park propert.y new and uncertain as to what direc-
tion i� is going to develop that he really didn't have any specific comments.
The Park Department did look at this property but found it to be too expensive
to purchase so, although he was interested in that aspect of it, he did not hHVe
any specific queations to ask about it. There was the possibility of the Y.M.C.A.
going in to the North. He wondered if it would be in order to ask what stage
it has been r�ached?
�-�, Mr. George Walquiet answered that the Y.M.C.A. has an optiox� on the land until
September. They were anticipating the money will be raised in the au�ner. His
1��. C ei.oaa I�et�.aa� - JFebru��r 39 �.�71
�l' ■ • iw� • I �O ■ • 'Yn� �I�1����
pexsonal feeliags al�out the whole West eide of Univeref�y Avenue was that �he
whol� th�ng should bp zor�ed to Couanercial and not M-1 or M-2. '
MoT,ION by Mi,ni,sh, seavncYed by Fitzpatr3ck, that th� pub��a hear�rig b� clos�d
fox t,he rezoning request, ZOA #91-OI by Wy�n Smith for Chev�olet, ir�c. to
rezone from M-2 to C-2 the Esst Ha1f of Parael,.3Q00. Upan a vo�ce vqte, al.t vot,ing
aye. �he mot.�on carried unan�m�ouslyo
Ghairmaa Erickeon said that �rankly, he would l,ike to etudy thie request for
a couple of weeks, Gogether with the plans Qf the YpM.C.A.
MOTTON by S�hmedeke, seconded by Zegl�n, thczt the Plannfng eommissipn cpntinue
to FeBruary 17, 1971 for further study the rezoning .�equest, ZOA �i7,1-01 ,'by Wyman
Smith for Viking Chevrolet, to rezone from M-2 (heavy industrial area) tp
C,2 (gerreral business areas) the East Ha1f of Parcel 3000. Upon a voice vote,
a11 vot.znq aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Miniah asked if the Parks & Recreation Comomies3on had concsidered thie
Plir. Fitzpatrick auswered they had not, but th�y did have a meeting the
following Monday ni�ht. He explained that the actual acquisition of the park
iand by tfie City was not a project of the Park Commi�aion at any poiat. Or�ce
the land is acquired, it wi11 be the reaponsibility of the Park Commission to
carry on tl�e development from there. It has not been discussed any mor� because
of the fact that in the process of acquiring the property, the Ci�y was to acqtt�.re
the land under diacussion this evenin�. It was �oun.d to be too expensive. Thi�
whole project has been more in the hands of the Council than the Parks and Rec�rea-
tion Commission.
COLONIAL SERVICES CO.: To rezone that part of Block 1, Fridley Industrial park
Plat 1 lying Northeast of Hwy. ��65 West Service Drive a� now laid vut ar�d
traveled f�om M-2 (heavy industrial) to C-2 (general business�. (Southwest corner
of Hwy. �ibS and 73rd Ave.)
Mr. Minish disqualified himaelf and did not participate in th� discuesion.
As explained by the �ngineering Aeaietant, in oxder to get the land needed
for the loopback on the Southweat corner of Hwy. ��65 and 73rd Avenue, there wae
a three way negotiation for land by Target Warehouse, Taco Towne and the Cit�► of
Fridl y. The xea� s,� proximate y 35,000 e�quare feet_ � and is zoned
M-2����-�u���� � ✓��'"�'�'� /%t�a,��
MOTION by Zeglex�, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Commission co�firm
the public hearing date of February 17, I973 for the rezonirig request, ZOA #71-02,
Colonial Services Co. to rezone part of Block 1, Fridley Industrial Park Plat 1
from M-2 to C-2. tlpon a v.oice vote, a11 voting aye, the mption carr,ied unan�Arou�ly.
PERM�T, SP 1�71-02, BY COLONIAL SERVICES CO.: To locate a Service St$tion as
�� per Section 45.101, 3E, Fridley City Code in a C-2 Distric� on that paxt of
Block 1, Fridley Industrial Park Plat 1 lying Northeast of Highway �t65 West
Service Drive as now laid out and traveled.
� 1 � �� ���tian� � ��hru��v 3 � 19 71 ��8,�,� 9 �
�.�.�.�..��.��.. ,.�. �.,...--._�.-
I►i�T�N b� Zeg2�ae 5reconded b� F�t�pa�r�.c&, t�at the Planni�ng Comm%�on �on�
r"1 fi�an th� publfc 5eazirig d$te of February 17, 1471 for the r�quest Por $ Special
ilse Pex�a:t, SP #7Z-42, by Colonial S�rv,ic�sr Co. to locate a�ervice �ta�tion on
part of �1ock 1, Fridley IriBu�trial P�tzk Plat 1. Upon a voice vofie, a11 vot,ing
aye, the mot�on c�rried unantmously.
The let�er requ�sted the attendance of Chairman Esickaon and P%°. �i�z-
p�trick, alon� �ith ott�er City Officials to attend regaxdit� future plan� for
Fridley on Tuesday, Febru�ry 16, 1971 at 8:00 P.M. iq th� Coasn�unity Aoam of Ci.ty
Iiall. Chairman Erickson read the letter and atat�d he would be �ttendirag.
�'1�,are being no further business, Chairman Erickson adjouraed the meeting
at 10:10 P.M. '
Respectfully submitted
H'�� � an `°w`-
Recording Secretary
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