PL 03/03/1971 - 31096��
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Erickson at 8:00 P.M.
Members Present: Minish,
rlembers Absent: None
Others Present: Darrel
7.eglen, Erickson, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke
Clark, Engineering Assistant
Mr. Fitzpatrick called attention to the motion on Page 6 pertaining to
the approval of the rezoning and special use permit requests by Colonial
Services, Inc. and stated the intent of the Planning Commission would be
stated correc�ly if, in the next to the last line of the motion, the words
'°until that time" are deleted -- service bays are not to be allowed.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission
Minutes of February 17, 1971 be approved with the following correction:
"---that the second reading of the ordinance be held up until the plans
are approved and the service bays not be allowed" as stated above. Upon
a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Zeqlen, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission
receive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee
meeting of February 18, 1971. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Co�rm�.ission
receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of February 23, Z971.
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Erickson asked that the Order of Agenda be changed as he
wished to absent himself during the discussion of Item 1, taking the items
in the following order: Items 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 1.
1. SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE: Proposed preliminary plat, P.S. �71-01, by
Keith Harstad being part of Lot 7, Auditor�s Subdivision �22 (Rice
Creek Road and Stinson Boulevard and approximately 1'� acres).
^ 2. SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE: The American Oil Company by John P. Young-
� da1e, petitions for rezoning and special uae permit for all that part
of the NF3� of the N[,�� of Section 11 that lies East of the centerline
of University Avenue and No�Cth of the centerline of Osborne Road as
said roads are now laid out and constructed (1960).
Plannir�g C�mmission Meetin� - March 3� 1971 Page 2
�'"`` MUTIUN by Zeglen, seconded hy Minish, that the Planning Commission set
a public hearing date of April 7, 1971 for consideration of a Preliminary
Plat, P.S. #71-01, by Keith Harstad, being part of Lot 7, Auditor's Sub-
di vision #22 and a request for rezoning, ZOA #71-C�3 and a Special Use Permit,
SF 1i71-03 to rezone from R-3 to C-2 to permit a SPrvice station, `or part of
the NE�� of the NW� of Section 11 by the American Oi1 Co. ilnon a voice vote,
alI voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Erickson explained that this item was brought up as a recommenda-
tion from the City Engineer for study of future service station sites, and
to question whether or not we need additional service stations in.this com-
munity. Darrel Clark said the City Engineer would be present for the
March 17th meeting.
MOTION by Fitzpatri ck, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planninq Commission
table the i tem ,�f Review and Fo1•mulation of Policy Rec�arding Future Develop-
ment of Gas Stations to the March Z7, 1971 meeting. Upon a voice vote, a11
voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
� Chairman Erickson stated this item was in answer to a letter written to
the City regarding the ordinance on garages. A copy of the letter was in-
cluded in the agenda. He continued, that he felt strongly about this, and
he would like the Planning Commission to study the ordinance and come back pn
March 17, 1971 with their own thoughts. He felt that items concerning build-
ing codes and zoning in this community should be brought before the Planning
Commission. In his opinion, any changes in zoning or building should not be
made without a public hearing to give the people an opportunity to express
their thoughts.
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission
table the item Considera tion of City Zoning Ordinance to Require Double Garages
for Single Family Dwellings and Four Stall Garages for Two Family Dwellings
until the March 17, 1971 Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
Regarding this item, Chairman Erickson said he also expressed interest
that the City consider adoption of the 1970 Uniform Building Code. In this
regard, he wrote to Council e�cpressing his interest to have a hearing before
the Planning Co�ission and any other interested parties of the City with
regard to the adoption of this Code and they be given an opportunity to
express their opinions.
He asked that the meeting be advertised in the Sun Newspaper and by
^ letter to any interested Body.
Plannin� Commission Meetin� - March 3, 1971 Page 3
� Mr. Minish wondered if it would be possible to send notices to contractors
who have done business in the City in the past year. He added that the Commnis-
sion would be interested in the thoughts and comments of the people in the
The Commission decided to have notices of the March 17th meeting sent
to City general contractors, carpenter union and masonry union.
MOTION by Minish, seconded b� 2eglen, that the PZanning Commission table
to March 17, 1971 the item Adoption of the 1970 Uniform Building Code and
notify the Sun Newspaper of the pubZic hearing, in addition to sending notices
to general contractors, the carpenters' union and the masonry union and any
other Body that might be interested. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Erickson turned the Chair over to Mr. Fitzpatrick.
South 395 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Lot 4, except that part of West
132 feet lying South of North 328.9 feet, Lots 5 and 6, except South
23 feet, Auditor's Subdivision ��22.
Mr. R. C. Ernst was present and stated there had been a meeting with the
neighbors last week. They met in the basement of Mr. and Mrs. David Wieland's
home, who, most generously, served doughnuts and coffee during the meeting.
� They had a most interesting discussion which led to what he believed would
be a solution to the problem. He distributed a sheet summarizing the results
of the meeting and explained the four items listed below:
1. No more than every other lot fronting on Arthur Street and Mississippi
Street are to be used for two family dwellings.
2. The overflow creek shall be located in the dedicated right of way
South of 64th Avenue in line with Arthur Street and in a Westerly
direction approximately bisecting the lots fronting on Rice Creek
3. The overflow creek shall be constructed with maximum side slopes
of 4to1.
4. The Applicant agrees to construct the retention pond and creek to
the project boundary at no cost to the drainage area. The City
shall acquire easements and construct the creek between the develop-
ment and Central Avenue.
He continued, that there was concern for the neighbors on 64th Avenue,
Arthur Street and Mississippi Street abutting two family dwellings. Because
of this, the decision was made that only every other lot on Arthur and Missis-
sippi Streets would be two family dwellings; that there would be no two
family dwellings adjacent to each other.. There was also concern for the
location of the overflow creek which would drain the retention pond. The
people on 64th were concerned about the creek coming through the back of their
lots because, some day, 63rd Avenue may go through the center of their lots.
�.1 The topo� map showed that presently there is a 33 foot right of way dedicated
from 64th Avenue South to Rice Creek Road �here the overflow from the pond
� could flow South to rear line of the lots facing Rice Creek Road. This whole
area could become the rear lot line of a tier of lots fronting Rice Creek
Road, This seem�d �p b� a real gpod so��}t�Q� �or the area. There is still
Planning Commias�on Meeti� °- March 3, 1971 � Pa�e 4
�'- the matter of how to cross tihe last two lots adjacent to Central Avenue.
There was also quite a lot of concern about the type of construction for the
overflow creek. It should be something that would not become a hazard to the
children in the neighborhood. It was felt a maximum slope of 4 to 1 would
be adequate protection. The maintenance of the creek would consist of cleaning
it out.
The cost of the retention pond was brought up. The petitioners would pay
for the construction of the pond and overflow and total internal costs oi
the development, but beyond that, the City would be asked to build.
Mr. Ernst was asked if the pond would remain the same size as shown on
the map, and he answered that the pond shown on the map consists of about four
different ponds. They intend to consolidate the four ponds into one. He
believed there would be about 4 acres of water, about 2 acres of land in the
park and the rest of the property platted lots.
Mr. David Wieland commented, going over the summary of the meeting held
in his home presented this evening by Mr. Ernst, they did have a meeting and
did discuss Items 1, 2 and 3, but no agreement was made by a vote. The 4th
item was not discussed. Mr. Ernst put that in on his own.
Referring to Item 1, Mr. Wieland added, in reference to the comment
about only every other lot along Arthur Street and Mississippi Street being
two f amily dwellings, this would certainly be more acceptable; however, they
n still would like to see the land left R-1. The location of the overflow creek
was discussed and it would be more acceptable to the people on 64th if it
were shifted to the South so that he and the other people along 64th Avenue
could, if 63rd Avenue were put in, split their parcels in half. In fact, he
stated he already had started oa l�use plans for his netv fiome. He faondered
if owners along Rice Creek Road had been consulted about tfiis new location.
Item 4 on the sheet was not discussed.
Darrel Clark answered that those people within 300 f eet of the rezoning
request were notified of the zoning hearing.
Mr. Ernst added that, referring to the creek, about half the proper[y
fronting Rice Creek.Road is tax delinquent property owned by the State.
This would be a good time to acquire easements.
Darrel Clark said that generally speaking, the storm sewer is a problem
whether this land is developed single or two family dwellings.
Mr. Wieland said if a storm^was going to be put in in a temporary fashion,
there should be a time table so that the ditch would not be there indefin�itely.
Even if it were a shallow slope, the people would not want it forever.
Mr. Robert Erickaon felt a temporary measure was not the answer. �y
waiting to put in a permanent storm sewer, the cost would be more than i�t
would be now. The temporary situation was not desirable. He regretted the
Chairman was not at the table, but felt the Commission should be able to act,
and if the members present felt they could not make a decision, they should
reject the whole thing.
Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick explained that there is a drainage problem
Plannin� Commission Meetin� - March 3, 1971 Pa�e 5
�- of the land which is not too much affected by which way this property would
be developed. The problem is already here. The matter before the Commission
is to hear a rezoning request on the whole parcel.
The Engineering Assistant said the City has had two public hearings on a
storm sewer for this area already. Both times the people did not want it and
Council did not order it in.
Mr. Eyler felt the problem should be taken care of in the right way, or
there could be a real problem in the future.
Mr. Robert Erickson still objected to the absent Chairman saying the
people here this evening have seen Mr. Erickson step down. The people do not
know what is going on behind these doors.
Mr. Zeglen explained that, because the Cha3rman had a personal interest
in the request, he stepped down. This was not an unusual procedure in any
Commission or Council. There are five members appointed to the Planning Com-
mission and there are no alternate members appointed. Three is a quorum and
there are four members here now.
Mr. Oliver Erickson addressed the audience. He said that he did not know
who the gentleman (Mr. Robert Erickson) was or his interest in this particular
area. He would take objection to the insinuation that the Commission could
not effectively act without the regular chairman. The Commission would
�, function just as strong and independently as if they were five members. Mr.
Robert Erickson suggested something going on behind the scene -- this is
untrue. The Com�nission felt that this was a problem area and he had a personal
interest in the area. The petitioners thought their plans were a reasonable
solution to the area. There is no indecision by the Planning Commission --
the delay was requested by the petitioners.
Mr. Robert Erickson said that he didn't say the Commission was running
short, but was minus a member. He still thought this Commission would be
better off appointing an impartial source acting to work with the Engineering
Department and the Planning Commission to come up with a satisfactory proposal.
A citizen who lived near the corner of Fridley and Mississippi Streets
asked where the drainage pond would be fsom Mississippi and how would the
water get from Fridley Street to the pond, His land was about 6 inches above
the water table. Darrel Clark answered that it would go through a conduit.
He then asked about the cleaning of the ditch and who would pay for that?
Darrel Clark said it would probably have to be done every three or four years
at City expense.
Mr. Wieland asked if the 4 to 1 slope would be all the way down to Central
Avenue from Arthur Street? Darrel Clark answered a 4 to 1 slope is fairly
ateep but not steep enough for one to fall down.
� Mr. Wieland asked how long would a temporary ditch be allowed to remaia
n since none of theae costs would be absorbed by the people living in the area?
Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick stated that the Planning Commission is only
a recommending body to the Council and he could not say at this time if any
mention of the drainage would be in the motion.
Plan�ing Coa�mission Meetin� - March 3, 1971 Page 6
Mr. Wieland then asked for the exact location of the storm drain.
The Engineering Assistant explained that, at the rezoning level, recom-
mendations can be made but stipulations are put on by the Council. Before
the ditch is actually constructed, there would probably be an improvement
hearing and at that time, there is an actual preliminary study and decision
made on cost and location of the improvements.
Mr. Schmedeke said he would have to disagree with Mr. Robert Erickson on
the Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick not being qualified or a good one. If he
weren't qualified, he would not be appointed by Council. If he weren't a
good fellow, he wouldn't have reopened the hearing to give the people another
chance to express their feelings. Nothing is being accomplished by arguing
or hassling. In the past there were not enough people in favor of the storm
sewer plan by the City and now there are not enough people in favor of it so
the petitioner asked for an open ditch. Mr. Robert Erickson accused the Plan-
ning Commission of dragging their feet and wasting time. Mr. Schmedeke asked
him if he knew where the 0'Bannon �roperty was. He said the Comntission worked
a year with the people in this area to get a good plan. They did not hustle
them or j�n something doum their throats, so this request could take longer
than just tonight. He expected, because Mr. Ernst had met with the people,
a complete plat would be presented. He did not know if what was presented
this evening was a complete plan. He was still wondering where the creek
would go and who would pay for it. Another thing, Mr. Schmedeke said, the
City is getting the opportunity to get a lot of fill from the railroad comp any
� for free. If this were true, it may be what some of the homes in this area
could use for their backyards.
Mr. Eyler said he had already put on his lot twelve loads of fill which
includes seven loads of black dirt at $15.00 a load, and he didn't need any
Mr. Schmedeke continued that he was hoping to suggest that the Commission
take a look at this land when the snow and ice were gone. He said he also
knew of another rezoning that took five years. Some of these problems are
not solved quickly. It was no use getting mad and condemning each other.
A creek could be quite something nice to look at. He did not know how long
water would be in the ditch, but he had seen some creeks that were very
Mr. DeMars said the area is low ground and the water just sets there.
There is only a flow of water in the spring when there is a runoff or heavy
Mr. Ernst was asked why he requested rezoning to R-2. He answered that
if single family homes were to be constructed on the property, the petitioners
would be unable to pay for the ponding and ditching. It was a matter of
A citizen rose and said he signed the petition against the rezoning and
n is still against it.
Darrel Olson commented that regarding every other lot on Arthur and
Mississippi Streets being a two family dwelling, he would rather not change the
zoning at all. There were too many questions reg��d�ng sewer left unanswered.
As far as the ���Qnin$, he d3.dn't feel anything accomplished. He
Plannin� Commisri.on Meeting -- Piarch 3, 1171 ]'age- 7
�� was definitely against it.
A citizen said that he believed at the meeting in Mr. Wieland's home
Mr. Ernst proposed everv other lot would be a two family home if the land
were zoned R-2. No person came out and actually wanted the R-2 zoning. He
wanted to know if it went R-2 against the wishes of the people, would the
real estate people go along with every other lot?
, Mr. Robert Erickson asked if it wouldn't be better to appoint a committee
to work with Mro Ernst. Problems have been brought out but no solutions.
Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick said that was the whole idea of the public
hearing -- to get all problems aired. It seemed the real problem at the
hearing was the storm sewer and perhaps the time had come for another hearing
on that.
In answer to Mr. Minish's question why it was not feasible to have
single family lots on Arthur Street, Mr. Ernst said that two f amily dwelling
lots are worth more and the petitioner must recover as much as he can to pay
for the cost of the retention pond as that is very expensive. They.felt
it was a good compromise for a storm sewer. About 50% of the lots would be
developed R-2 and the balance single family. A typical lot would be 75'x135'.
The Engineering Assistant roughly described the area which would be
served by the storm sewer as Rice Creek on the North, Old Gravel Pit on the
i� South, Central Avenue on the West and not quite to Stinson Boulevard on the
Mr. Schmedeke eaid he expected more agreement with the people. He believed
more thought should have been given to developing the land with R-1 on the
outside of the area and the center to be R-2. There are still plenty of objec-
tions, and he wondered if the request should be continued.
Mr. Zeglen asked if the Planning Commission could legally tell the
petitioner where, or where not, to put R-�. Actiag e•f+A{ n*+ �'itzpatrick said
he believed Council could require a buffer around the outside of the area,
but his understanding was the Planning Commission's decision should consider
just the rezoning.
Mr. Minish said he was in favor of the project having all single family
dwellings along Arthur Street and Mississippi Street. fle felt it might be
desirable to have this request referred back to Mr. Ernat. The cost of the
retention pond would have to be recovered by the developer and could be under
rezoning to R-2. He was favorable towards rezoning to a certain extent. The
question of a drainage ditch was sep arate from the rezoning and injected an
unnecessary controversial isaue.
Mr. Ernst said the next step would be to develop a preliminary plat
which they would have to bring in for approval. He stated he would appreciate
the Planning Commiasion voting on the rezoning request this evening.
Mr. Minish added that the motion should probably include putting an out-
side limit that one half of the lots be two family dwellings and the Council
could act on where the particular lots might be specif�.ed.
Planning Commission Meeti.n� � March 3, 1971 Page 8
The Engineering Assistant brought up the fact that perhaps half of the
lots would be very desirable and half might be less buildable. In what order
could the lots be developed so that the desirable lots would not go first for
the two faa►ily dwellings?
MGTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission recom-
mend tf�e rezoning request, ZOA #70-07, Richland, Incorporated by R. C. Ernst
for the South 395 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Lot 4, except that part of the
West 132 teet Iying South of the North 328.9 feet, Lots 5 and 6, except the
South 23 feet, of Auditor's Subdivision #22 be rezoned from R-1 (single
family dwellings) to R-2 (two fainily dwellings) be approved with the condition
that a11 of the lots facing Arthur Street and M.ississippi Street be sinqle
fam.ily dwellings, and at a maximum, only one half of the lots in the entire
area be permitted for two family dwellings. The overflow creek sha.Zl be
Iocated in the dedicated right of way South of 64th Avenue from Arthur Street
and in a Westerly direction approximately bisecting the Iots fronting on
Rice Creek Road to Central Avenue. The overflow creek sha11 be constructed
with maximum side slopes of 4 to 1. The applicant agrees to construct the
retention pond and creek to the project boundary at no cost to the drainage
area. The City sha11 acquire easements and construct the creek between the
development and Central Avenue. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the
motion carried vnanimously.
As a further recou�mendation, Mr. Minish stated that it would be desirable
to consider a permanent storm sewer for this area, as one of the most explosive
� issues discussed was the matter of drainage in this area. There is recogni-
tion on the part of most of the people that a storm sewer is essential and
appropriate to consider at this time.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission meeting
of March 3, 197I be adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Upon a voice vote, a1I voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted
�- ,-o . .�
�.. LG C l' �� G C4�--�.
Haz�l 0'Brian
Recording Secretary
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