PL 04/07/1971 - 31098� PI�ANNING CO�IISSION MEETING I�R7CL 7, 1971 PAGE 1 The meeting was called to order by i:hairman Erickson at 8:05 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Preeent: Zeglen, Erickson, Fitzpatrick, Schnedeke Meanber Absent : Miniah Others Present: Darrel Clark, Engineering A�sistaat, Peter Herlofsky, Planniag Asaistant, Robert Aldrich, Fire Prevention Chief, Hank Muhich, Chief Building Inspector APPRpVE PLANNIlJG ()OrII►iLSSION MINUTES: MARCIi 17, 1971 The follcwing four corrections were requeated by Chairman Erickson: Page l, Item 1, first aentence -- strike out the word "becauee", put a period after "1967 Uniform Building Code", makiag a new sentence of "iie decided to requeat a public hearing on the item". Page 2, the last aenteace inaert after roof "24" centers" , the sentence to read "---require 5/8" sheathing on the roof 24" centers b�sically for duplex and aingle family structuree". /"'� Page 3, 2nd paragr�h, the last two words in the paragraph should read "be atronger" rather than"hold better°'. '°--but it does happen that �" will be stronger". Page 3, Section 46.030, the word "well" ahould be replaced with "reasonable" to read as follows "---as 12" masonry is reasonable bela�w grade". MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Corrcnission minutes be approved with the above tour corrections for the March 17, 1971 meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unantmously. RECEIVE PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS & UTII.ITIES SUBCOP�IIrIITTEE MINUTES: MARCH i�, 1971: " MOTIOAI by Schmedeke, seaonded by Fitzpatrick, tl�at the Planning Coumission receive the minutes P1ats & Svbdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcomaittee meet- ing of March 17, 1971. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unaf ni mous ly . RECEIVE BIJILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOL�IITTEE MINUTES: MARCH 18, 1971: MOTION bg Zeqlen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Co�►i.ssion receive the m.inutes of the Bu�lding Standsrds-D�esign Control Subcommittee meet- ing of March 18, 1971. flpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. . ,� RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: MARCH 23, 1971: I�DTION by Zeglen, sec�vnded by Fitzpatsick, thst the Planning CoQnmission recei ve the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of March 23, 1971. Pla�ning Commission Meeting - April 7, 1971 Page 2 �, Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. -- RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION WA�IISSION MINUTES: FEBRUARY 22, 1971: MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Ccxnmission receive the minutes of the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting of February 22, 1971. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motiora carried unanimously. RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION CON�ff SSION MINUTES: �RCH 22, 1971: MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting of March 22, 1971. Upon a voice vote. all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1. PUBLIC HEARING° PItOPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. ,1�'71-01, SILVER OAKS WEST, BY KEITH HARSTAD: Part of Lot 7, Auditor°s Subdivision ��22 (Rice Creek Road and Stinson Boulevard - approximately 1'� acres). MOTION by 5chmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission waive the reading of the Public Hearing notice for the Preliminary Plat, P.S. #i71-01, SiZver Oaks West by Keith Harstad. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the ar�tion carried unanimously o Mr. Schmedeke explained that the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee approved the preliminary plat, P.S. 4t71-01. He continued that there are three lots f acing Stinson Boulevard and one lot facing Rice Creek Road. The �' lots in the center of the preliminary plat were made into one outlot because � they could not be serviced with water and sewer at this time.. The petitioner agreed to this and on that basis, the Subcommittee approved the request. The cul de sac shown on the outlot was a part of the original street plan for this area. Mr. Harstad agreed with the cul de sac unless they could come up with something superior. Mr. Schmedeke explained the Subcommittee felt the cul de sac could be moved depending on the way the outlot was developed. Darrel Clark said that Mr. Cochran, owner of the property to the West, sold it to Mr. Robert Miller. Mr. Miller was in the office recently and he did not offer any comments whether or not he liked the plat. Mr. Schmedeke said that he went through the area before the request came to the Subcommittee. He noticed that homes are pretty well built up on Stinson Boulevard. The lots in the proposed plat seem to conform pretty much with the rest of the area. Sewer and water is available, but he would suggest red tagging the outlot until utilities and streets are in. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission recommend to Council approval of the proposed Preliminary Plat, P.5. #71-01, Silver Daks West, by Keith Harstad being part of Lot 7, Auditor's Subdivision #22, approximately 1� acres, subjec�t to red tagginq the Dutlot until such time as utilities and streets are in. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �` Plaaning Cammisaion Meetia� - April 7, 1971 Pa�te 3 -�--m 2. POBLIC HEARING: BEZODTING REQUEST. ZOA �71-03, A1�8ICAN OIL C0. BY JOHN P. �, YOUNGDALE: To rezone that part of the NF}� of the D1G�� of Section 11 lying East of the ceaterliae of University Avenue and North of the ceaterline of Oeborne Road �a said roads are aow laid out and conetructed (1960) from R-3 to C-2. Generally located at the Northeaat corner of University Avenue and Osborne Road. � 3. PUBLIC HEARING: SPECIAI, iJSE PERMIT, SP .�71-03, AI+II:RICAN OIL C0. BY JOflN P. YOUNGDALE: To conetruct on the Nprtheaet corner of University Avenue and Osborne Road a service station in a C-2 District p�r Citq Code, Section 45.101, 3E. Chairmaa Erickson iaformed the audience that the public hearings for the rezoning request and special use permit would be coneidered at the same time. He then read the public hearing notice for the rezoning request, Z0� �i71-03;. Americaa Oil Company. MOTION by Fi tzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Coaunission wai ve the readinq of th� publi c hearing notice for the special use permit, 5P #71-03, American Oal Company by John P. Youngdale. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Erickeon explained that the legal description for the apecial use permit is part of the area that the rezoning request covered. Mr. John Youngdale revi.�wfed the previous history of this rezoning request. ^ Se said about 13 years ago he was the persan involved with the purchase of said property from Bernard Julkowski and wife. At that time, the land wae zoned to R-3 and a permit could be obtained by apecial use permit froaa Council for con° struction of a service etation. The Coa� aay transferred him to California and, while he wae gone. the uees permitted under R-3 were changed in 1969 so that service etatione were not allowed under R-3. No�w an application ie made to rezoae the property to C-2 and aek for a apecial uae permit at the same time to construct a eervice station which is allowable under C-2. He felt it would be desirable to plan for the development of the property which would normally come undex a C-2 District. He hes entered into a contract to sell the uauaed portion of the property to Dick Ernet. The architecture of the service station they would build would also be used for the type of building planned by Mr. Ernat. Mr. Lowell (8ed) Ridg�ay, membes of Minnesota Petroleum Council, presented slides depicting aesvice etatians and their contributions to the betterment of co�uni ties . Mr. Yo�tgdale continued that in the development of this property, Mr. Ernat assisted him in preparing a general land use plan for the portion they are selling him. In connection with that, Mr. Ernst called upon Aaoka Countq Highway Engineer to ask if the'��laas for their driveways, etc., would be acceptable. Mr. Luadheim gave his appaoval for the driveway arrangement. The layout of the service station was shawn by Mr. Fred Housenga. He atated they were alerted to the fact of the trip arrangement for the traffic signal at the intereectiou, but they felt their drivewaqs would not conflict with it. � P1�nisiS Commi�aioa l�eetiag -�pril 7, 1971 ���� � � Mr. Youagdale eai.d that a related iesue waa the involvement with water and sewer needed to make vee o# the prop�rty and develop it. It was augge�ted the Americaa 011 Co�pany appeal to the Village of Spriag Lake Park to give them permiseion to tie into their saaitary eewer connection which abuts the property on the North line. At the Spring Y��kke Park Covacil meetiag on Monday, April 5, 1971, the Council agraed to accept the deciaion.of Fridleq. Copies of the Spring Lake Park m�eting were givea to the Co�aisaion. Referring to the layout of the service station, Mr. Youngdale said this was a preciae rendering of what they would like to build. It iacorporates all the fia�est �nd lateat fe�tur�e in service atation deaign. Mr. Emst°s development would have e��ctly► s�he eam�e architectural taeatment. In answer to Mr. zeglen°a question of w�iy the American Oil was building a station on that particular coraer when there was oae on Osborne aad T.H. �65. Mr. Youngdale said that he has, for twenty yeare, been iavolved in planning eervice statiane acr�a the countrq. University and Osborne, in their opinion, ie a definite arterial m�rket. Thexe ia the pea�ding development of �hopping centers. They u�e wh�t they call "h�lo effect". This is i�aving filling stations within desigaated ar��s, not too far apart ao that the people in the area become faa�iliar with the i.ocations of the stationa, aad if theq need a service, and it ie not convenient to go to the usual filling ai:atioa, they knaw where th�re ie another Standaa�d Station in their area. 'rhep feel it ie a tqpe of advertising. Darrel Clark s�d that the sewer service would come from Spring Lake Park, and agreed to by their Couacil, but the REC charges would still have to be worked �„� out. There will not be a aervice drive ad�acent to University Avenue. There would be two driveways from the service station onto Oeborae Road and also an opening between the aervice etation and the area Mr. Ernst is developing. This area has a driveway at the Eastern edge of the paxlcing lot onto Oaborne Road. There is the possibility in the future that Spring Lake Park might want an entrance at the North edge. Chairman Erickson asked if it would be posaible to pxohib�� �����ce drive. The Engineering Aseietant esid th�g no e�effi�ax� c�uid �� granted to the City of Fridley unlesa the City would accept it. There is no aervice drive at the North edge of the property becauae the buildings are tight up to Uaivereitq Avenue. Mr. Schmedeke was very pleased to see tsees beiag ueed in the plan for the landecaping. Mr. Youagdale said it was in the landecaping plan along with using a redwood fence. Peter Herlofeky brought out the f act that the zoning to the North in Spsing Lake Park is induatrial -- to the South in Fridleq, it is R-1. The poiat of the property ends at the curve of Oeborne Road and Terrace Road in Spring Lak� Park is 400 feet to the East. There was a diecueeion about filling stations selling care, repairing cars, renting U-Haule, etc. If a filling etation ien't making a living juet selling gae, the ownes turns to other means of earning power. Although he could take on other prodttcte with a epecial use permft request, it would be pretty hard to turn dowa a requeat because of hardship. Mr. Youngdale said the American Oil Co. defiaitely froane on thi� practice and tries to diacourage it as much as posaible. Mr. flousenga said he wae also a member of the Minaeeota Petroleum Institute and they are working vith the Citq of Minneapolis ior a syetem of renting or a permit syetem for trailers' �ah3,ch c� be included in en ordin�nce. P1a�nainA Commission Meeting -. April 7, 1971 Pa�e 5 Mr. Schmedeke asked about sellin� autos at a filling station. Mr. Youngdale � eaid the Am�eric�u Oil Co. does not like to have their stations in the u�ed car sale�. Mr. Ralph Lyna, 7599 Univexsity Avenue: Mr. Lyna said he protested the requeet for a filling station �he first time 1t was presented. He had even coneidered prote�ting it in court at that time. �e felt the City of Fridley had ample serviee stations. He noted a redwood fence iaould be built to protect apaxtanent houses, but every ear would illuminate his bedroom. Traffic situationt He underetood there would be a trip signal. At times in the morning and after- noon he has had to wait ten minutea before he could get on Osborne. Another tra�fic light would �am it up complet�ly. He thought the Plaaning Commission has an obligation to pxotect the citizen who lives in Fridley. He was �gainst the rezoning request. In anawer to Chair�an Ericksota's queetion of what he wouid like to see there, Mr. Lynn said a lesser form of businese -- he didn't plan beyond that. Robert Ahonen, 330 Osbor�ne Roads When this property was under the old zoning ordinance and the J urisdiction of.the Board of Appeals, the Board of� Appeals denied the requeet for a filling station on this same corner and that decision was upheld by the Citq Council. He did not think the situation or atmosphere changed, but the City of Fridley ha�s changed. Perhapa there should be a little more cooperation with the property to the North. Apparently this has beea done with sewer aad water. Se fel� the Planning Cammission should wait and see what the developments are going to be to the North before we n clutter up the iatersection. We maq have a boulevard dawn the center of the road which prohibits left hand turns. In line with this, there is the problem of trailersA��iwe get people to quit requesting trailer licenses? The answer is obvioua. You �imply limit the number of gas atations so that everyone can make a living without selling trailers. The Planning Co�ission is making a atudy of gas stationa. It �i.ght be well to wait until the close of that atudy to determine whether we have taken � atep forward and wish we had talcen two steps backwards. Soatetime ago there was a problem of resale of residential property facing cam�aercial or industrial zoned property. He did naw know whether that was still a consideration with the loaning compaaies. This is a coneideration, however, for thoae who are in R-1 District and wi11 be facing an industrial district in Spring Lake Pas�. He thought the Ca�mission ahould wait. He felt there wae a better uae far that piece of land, and the Commission should consider if it would be safetq wise for their children and in the beat interests for the Citg of Fridley. Bill Swana�, 310.Oeborae Road: Mr. Swanson said he had nothin� more to add. He was naturally againat the requeet because he wae the one who would be living acroae the etseet from the gas station: Mr. Ernet eaid he m�t w�ith the landowaaer of the property Dlorth of this area. Negotiatione are uader way for the sale of the vaeant propertq to the North for a medLcal clinic, and North of that is a park. He presented a petition aigned by eight i�ediate property ownere who favored the service station. � MOTION by Fitzpatrick, see�onded by Zegler�, to receive tI� petition presented by R. C. Ernst and �igned by e3ght property avners in favor of the rezoning application, ZOA �i71-03, and Spec�al Use Pez•adit, SP �171-03, and give the date of this meeting (April 7, 1971) to the petit3ora. Upoaa a voice vote, all voting aye, the moti on carried unanimously. � Plau�nin___gn , Commiseion P�tin� - April 7, 1971 Page 6 MOTION by Fitzpaitsick, secnnded by Sctimedeke, that the Planning Ca�i.ssion �� recs3ve a map des3gneted as Exhtbit Nl, wi�i t3� follaring �nscr�ption "Approved 3-23-71 aubj�ct to �oncarsence of C�ty of Fridley, E. J. Lundheim". Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion �arra�ed �aimously. Chairman Brickaan referred to the letter i.a the L►�eada on Page 40A fr�m the F'ridley Assembly of t�od.(�urch written by Rev. G. Mark Deayes� paator. The letzer was ia protest to aaother aervice station at.the lateseection of IIniver- aity Avenue and Oshorne Road.becau�e there are two-filliag statione presently ths�e. IUDTIadN by Schm�delVrre, secoaded bg Fitzpatr�ck, thnt. the P3aruiing Comm,ission close the public hearing of the rtzontng reque�t, ZOA �t71-03,to rezo� from R-3 to C-2 and s reqaest for a specisl use pez�it, SP N71-03, to c.onstruct a service station iA an C-2 �istrict by t.he Americen Oil Coa+pany represented 1� John P. Youngdale. Upaa a vatce vote. all voting aye, tiie motion carried unas�imously. 1�. 2eglea �ug��sted the item be table8 for at least a manth. Mr. 3chm�edeke would lika.it delaqed also becauee tbi� evening was the first time they were shvwn plans and it would only be fair t� give the Co�isaion more time for etudy. Chairmsn Erickson agseed and alao for t�e sake of not taking up vnaeceasary additi�al time of the petitioaer. It would be well to contiaue for 30 daqs and review after the �tudy of gas �tatione. MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Schmedeke, that the rezoning request, ZOA �^ �71-03, and the special uee reque�t, SP �i71-03, by Americari Oi1 Company be continued for 30 day8 at which time the Planning Co�tssion should have come to �ome kind of conclu�ion after tlie study of the future development of gas stetians. Upon � vaice vote, all voting aye, the motion carr�ed unanimo�Zg. Chairman �rickaoa iaformed the audience that theae requests would be heard again on May 5. 1971. 4. BY VIRCIL Ht�SICgs Part of Lote Z and 3, Auditos's 3ubdiviaion No. 59, to vrovide a nev beildiaB site off 63rd Avenue. Tbe Bngiaeesiag Aeeiataat explain�d tha� thie.property is under one awner�hip at thia time. The parcel is divided at the Yeas of the lot line to make a building aita for aaother atructuxe facing 63rd Aveaue. Both parcel� are 25,000 oquare feet. Z°!�e onlq question ie that of the legal descriptions. They are a bit lengthy.but have ao anglee os bearings. Tiie Subco�ittee felt that to require a plat fox.juet two lote wae asking for a bit too much. Chairman Ericicsa� asked for ti►e dee�ription. He explained the reason beiag the obvi.oue rslatioaship of.the party involved wi.th the Citq is such that hs did not feel the petitioner ehould be put into a poaition where he could get any criticism. Darrel Clark read the description of the parcel where ths building naw is T"'1 � Lota 2 azid 3 escept Sand.y Terrace. � This would be thm firet description, the eecond oae is the total deaeription of t�ue firet one with the eaceptions. P 1� g Comtaia e�ion MM�e�tin� - Ap ril 7, 19 71 P at�e 7 � Mr. Fitzpatrick asked for further cl�riflcation of �.engthy descriptiona. Darr�l Clark sa�d that if there were tbzee or four lote i.� � row, tl�e descrip- tioae would be too difficult, but when there a;e only two, it is questionable whether or not to plat. I� you a11ow two lot plat+s, thexe would be � t�emen- dou� number of plata. Mr. Schmedelce added that if another partq came along with two parcels, under this aircumetaace, the planning Co�i.seion would have to allow it. Daxrel Clark. sai.d that on torreas property, tnete$ and bounds descriptions will aot be accepted by the Couaty. They would want eithex a plat or regi$tered �aad eurvey. Both o� theae parcele will be sexved with sewer froan 63rd Avenue. The eewer line would run over to 63rd with a lift pump ta the northerly portioa of the new parcel. �h� watermain is on both 63xd Avenue aad University Aveaue. The lift pump ia privately owaed. 1�TION by Schmedeke, seconded by F.itapatrick, that the Planning Gommission zecommend approval to the Council of the 1ot split request, L.S. #71-04, by Brookview Investment Company, represented by V�rgi�. 8err�ck, of part of I,ots 2 and 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 59, to provide a new building s3te off 63rd Avenue. Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, ttie aeotion catried unaniaeously. 10. � n This is a x�e� paragraph to explaia the reeson to�c suggesting the changes i�t ths Uaifoa�m Buildf,ag Cod;�.� 46.01. The purpoae of this ordinance is to provide ataadards suited to the environment of our ca�mmunity. Some of theBe atandarde are more reatrictive ti�an other communities by design, with the intention of offering the citizens of our comaaunitq safeguards above the minimum standards established bq the Uniform Building Code. The sectione noted in this chapter of the code do not deal with the aesthetics of a building bu� oulq with the provisions which govern their conatruction, and it is our intention to pro- mote the health, safety, and general welfare of our com�nuaity through �ea�.iatic, practical and enforceable buildin� conatruc- tion etandards. 46.011. Non-controveseial. M�DTION by Fitzpatr3ck, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commiss.ton approve 46.O1Z. Upon a voice vote, a1.I voting sye, the motion carried unanimously, 46.021. Chairman Erickson.said this section propoaes to do what the Citq had done before. He wrote a letter to U.B.C. referring to the queation of roof sheathing. Theq anewered that the Code does permit '�" roof sheathing, and edge block, too. Certain '�" ply- ,�"!� wood was acceptable for 24" centere. Also 5/8" is acceptable for 24" center. Part of the inapectiou duty ie to be assured the materials are being used that are required. The Chief Building Inepector said the plywood ie etamped whether it is �", '�", etG. Wheu there is mo �tamp, the� p��qo� �o�� a�� 9neet the requirtmente. Planait�, Comai.saion Meeting - April 7, 1971 PaSe 8 � MOTION by Scluaedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planna.ng Com- miss�on appz�ove Q6.021. Upvn a voi ce vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unsnimously. � 46.022. No objections. MOTION by Sahmedeke� seconded bg Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Com- mission appxove �6.022. Upon a voi ce vote, all vot.�ng aye, the arotion carried unanimousl�. 46.023. No objectiona. . MOTION by Sohmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, thst the Planning Com- mission approved 46.023. Upon a vo�ce vote, a11 votinq aye, the �otion carrie�i unanimously. 46.024. There was an objection to the laet paragraph in thie sect�on. "All wa11s betweea attached garages and frame buildings sha11 have sheath- ing extending from top plate to bottom plate". J The objection was because thie wa11 does not tie the house together with the garage. It was felt to be an unneceeeary expense. The com- ment was that the sheathing would increase the atrength of the wall, but being an interior wall, it was unnecessary. Other communities which have adopted the U.B.C. are not requiring some of these things. MOTION by Schmedeke that the PZanning Commission approve 46.024 as written. The !►1�TION died because of lack of a second. MOTION by Zeglen, secanded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Cotrmii.ssion approve 46.024 with the exclusion of the last sentence "All walls between attached garages and frame buildings shall have sheathing extendirx,� from top plate to bottam plate". �Tpon a voice vote, Zeglen, Erickson and Fitzpatrick voting sye, and Schmedeke voting nay, the motion carried. 46.025. The Commiasion felt the 5/8" plywood requirement should be reduced to '�" . MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission approve 46.025 with the 5/8" plywood requirement reduced to �". Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motfon carried unanimously. 46.030. No�ob,jections. 46.031. 46.032. � . . � MOTION by Fitzpstriak, secanded by Schmedeke, that d6.030, 46.031 and 46.032 be approved by the Planning Commission as printed. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � 46.040. The diecuseion ceatered arouad the typea of acceas to roofs, such as stairways or ship'e ladders, and the coat which wae approximated at $2,000. Mr. Schmedeke felt the square footage of the building should be a��rtqx �.A ���e���g th�� tyP�s of �,acea� ��� ��I��,�t�d� were to be allowed�ior the City Officials in determiaing compliance for roof � � r� Planniag Cammiasion Maetiag - Apri1 7, 1971 P8$e 9 acceas aud $ppliances, they ehould get gu3.de linea. k6.041. 46.042. 46.043. k6.044. No objectioas. M171'IDN by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that �06.0�0, 46.041. 46.042, g6.043 and 46.044 be approved by the Planning Commission as printed. Upon a voice vote, aIl voting aye, the motion carried unanirnously. , 46.049. 46.050. 46.051. 46.052. 46.053. 46.054. 46.055. No objections. MOTION by Scl�medeke, seconded by Fitapatrick, that the Planning Coar- m.ission approve 46.049, 46.050, 46.051, 46.052� 46.053, 66.054 �nd 4�.055. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the �tion carried unanimousl9• 46.056. Robert Aldrich, Fire Prevention Chief, was present in response to a request fraaa the Planniag Commission for more inf ormation. Chief Aldrich said that fl occupaacies are apartment buildings. This section does not represent a new approach to the problem in Fridley. As soon as the City adopte a new code, it might,be wise to incorporate these amendmenta to the code and make for a little easier distribu- tion of information. We have been requiriag standpipes in multiple dwellings for a couple of years. The Fire Department of the City has a three man crew for night calls. With �tandpipes in multiple build- ings, it is a much easier task for the three men to control a fire on the inside of the building while additional help is on the way. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, secanded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Com- mission accept 46.056. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the �tion carried unanimously. 46.057. Chief Aldrich 8aid that the Fire Department hae been requiriag this type of manual alarm 8ystem for the past two years. fle said that most requiremente of the other co�unities are more restrictive than what Fridley is a�king. Based on the Fire Department's euperience, he could not justify in his own mind the aeed to go any further in regard to alarc� and warning �yetems. They have had euperience here and also in Coliaobia Heights. There have been some pretty good sized fires going and all the people were not aware of it. The alarm is manually operated.and the units are relatively inexpensive. Oae of the bi�gest � .. pxob�.ema -#3t -ap�=ta�ent bi�ldings -=is s tairwells and doors . With the doora closed, tbere is one hour proteetion. The alarm ringe the bell and cloaes the doora. plannin�,Commi.seioa MeetinJt - April 7� 1971 Page 14 � � 1�TIQN by Fitzpatrick, seconded bg Schmedeke, th$t the Planning Com- mis�iari accept 46.057, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the tt�otion carried unanimously. 46.058. Chie# Aldrich stated the laet senteace Wae va11d regarding gypp�m jointa being rough taped to prevent penetratloa of gases and odors. 46.059. The one hour fire wa11 wae required for separation even in double bungalaws. Thie would tend to protect the building also. 1�7TIOAt by P'�tzpatrick, sec:onded by Schmedeke, that 46.058 and 46.059 b� approved by the PZanning Co�ission. Upon a voice vote, all votfng sye, the motion caxried unanimously. 46.060. This �esction goes back to 1966. 46.061. 1'his w� �re restrictive th�n the U.B.C. 46.062. Tn his opiai�u �e a fire fighter, Ctiief Aldrich eaid the U.B.C. is a little bit too generous in areas of separation. 46.063. No objections. 46.064. 46.065. 46.067. /'1 MOTION by .5chmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that tt� Planning Cor�ission approve the items on �Page 198 in the Agenda, Aaately, 46.060, 46.06I, 46.062, 46.063, 46.064, 46.065 and 46.067. Upoa a voic� vote. all voting aye, the motion carried uneni�eously• 46.080. Chairman Erickson had no objection but wondered if it was of any particular value. They wished they could make the people complete their conetructian. . The Chief 8uildiag Inspector eaid that depart�nt hae to reinspect everq spring �d that ie costing tbe Citq more for inepection. Last qear there vere at least tea ceses aad most of them were aingle f amily uait4. The policq hae been tv chasge double fees for the second permit, if wor�ing after permit tias expired. . �h8lxman Eticksoa asked if the Citq Attoraey could suggest any way to legally euforce completion of a structure. AATiO1V by Fitapatr�ck, second�i by Z�glen. that the P1ann�Lng Commission approve A6.080 subject to tbe City Attorney reseaxching a possible solution to leg�lly enforce co�npletion of a bu3lding structure. Upon s voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried uraaniaausly. 46.081. No objectioas. /^� A�R70A1 by Saha�ehe. seconded by . Fitspatricic that the Plarsn3ng Com- , mission approve 46.OI1. Upon a voice vot�, alI wtatng aye, the �aotion carried uuar�imousl y. Planning Comu�iesioa Meetit� blpril 7, 1971 P�e � ._•.—�_ ----�------ .----- � - — � 46.2 Chief A1dr3.c$ eaid that if �ome sort of security eyetem or device wae not ueed� soms of these people are going to fiad probl�ma placing insuxaace. Tbe types of locka were d�scussed. Chairmaa Erickaoa said that moet problems seem to be regard�ng a compliance by existing buildings. F�r in�taace, emall buildings with �lboxes ineide -- they really don't� have a place where they can put aaother door. avw can they complq? �A 1ot of th� buildings have open stai.r we11s, Chief Aldricb..added. Chairman Erickson wondered if there were aome way to give tha building dep artment discretion. Chief Aldrich said that it is a problem with the buildinga already constructed. In a amall veatibule, a door would be a hazard where you go right up or da�m a stairway. There is no p�oblem on new coastructioa. The Chief Building Inspector said theq realize they cannot enforce 100X. Chairman Erickson wondered if the buildiag depart�eat could be held reaponeible if that part of the ... ordinance ia not enforceable. The Engineering Assiatant said that if a varia�ce were requested, the City ie protected. Referring to Item 4, Hank Muhich eaid that Brooklyn Center adopted this and have been real satisfied with the resulta. Mr. 3chmedeke believed that about 75X would conform, but haw could the City enforce the ordin�ce, even wlth the time limit. Item 4 reads "Al1 existing n multiple family buildings not conforming with eubsection (2) ahall be corrected, madlfied, adjusted or otherwi�e made to comply with the gbove requirement not later than January, 1973". Chairman Lrickson wondered if they could come ia aad get a variance on hardship cases, but the question of flexibility ariaea. He felt this was a problem for the Council and City Attorney to work on. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission approve 46.2. Upon a voice vote, all voting age, the motion carried unanimously. 46.5 ldo objectiona. MOTZON by Fitzpatrick� seconaTed by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission �pprove 46.5. Upan a voice vote, all voting sye, the motion carried unanimously. pDJOURN'MENT : Chairman Erickson adjourned the meeting at 11:55 P.M. 8espectfully submitted Hazel 0'Brian Recording Secretary n /,; ./ /� / � . J,� 1"la�-z�,i� �a7r?7» fSSldrl / /���trc. � f � � r� r� �xr — ,��r, 1 7. ��/ � -- - -�� = _� ��_,�� ------------ --_!'`��_d ye s� ----- � i..; � �8 �_-3�� 3_ tf` s3� a------ ---- �—,� 7� fo "3��t� � --��6 �,S`�Pi-v! c �� / ----- ----- � --� " " --���'G��/GZ� ���-� — f- ------ . _ �%�%' �' � � ----- - ---- --- - -- - -�?-��-- - -�� ------ -_ ��_� �- -- __ ____ x/ � � �- j _ � - ---- -- — ----� � �--- ------ ---------- -- 7 �� ---���s-_7' � - ? �6 -�z/ 6 -- lF a ssr �`� ;�� � � �r, 2-3 � � -- � _ _ - - -- ---1