PL 05/19/1971 - 30196/ \� ^ PLANNING OD�IISSION MEETING MAY 19, 1971 8:00 P.M. PAGE 1 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Erickson at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members present: Minish, Zeglen, Erickson, Schmedeke Member absent: Fitzpatrick Others present: Darrel Clark, Engineering Aasistant, Peter Herlofsky, Planning Assiatant ORDER OF AGENDA: Chairman Erickson called attention to the addition of two items and stated the Agenda would be taken in the order as written and amended. APPROVE PLANNING COrIlrIISSION MINUTES : MAY 5 1971 MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission Minutes of May 5, 197I be approved. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, the motion carried unani�nsZy. • RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL MLNUTES: MAY 6 1971 MOTIOAi by Minish, seconded by Schmedekeo that the Planning Caamission receive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcouanittee meet- ing of May 6, 1971. Upon a voi ce vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: MAY 11 1971 MOTIDN bg Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the PZanning Corr�ission receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of May Z1, 1971. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. l. PUBLIC HEARINGt REQIIEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �71 04, THOMAS ANNETT: Lot 17, Blocic 2, Bennett Palmer Additioa. To conatruct a aecond garage -- 3ection 45.051, 2A. Mr. Thomas Annett said the neighbora did not seem to object to his building a second garage. It would be a sozt of novelty building with a roof of cedar ehakea. Ae needed a second garage for etorage, especially for his boat. fle had a certificate of eurveq which indicated the poaition of the second garage to be on the South. Chairman Erickeon said he drove by Mr. Annett's reaidence. He wondered about the access to the new garage meeting the sideyard requirements of the Code. Mr. Annett said if he put the garage on the North side, it would be out � of the question for him to uae it there. In his arrangement for the garage on the South, the driveway would pass by the present garage, and the width of the driveway, according to the aurvey, would be 7.4 feet. The standard width of a driveway is 8 f eet . �lanning Commission Meeting - May 19, 1971 Page 2 � Mr. Annett �aid tl�ere i� a fence bet`ae� h� lot and the neighbor's, and ,�`� the present driveway is blacktopped. Mr. Schmedeke said he did not like narrow driveways and felt Mr. Annett would h�ve trouble getting a vehicle to the garage with so little space for �ine�erability o Mr. Annett felt that because the neighbors signed the second sheet of the application, it constituted their approval. Chairman Erickaon explained that there would have to be a statement indicating the fact of approval at the top of the list of names in order for it to be a bona fide statement of approval. He continued that the Planning Commission is also concerned with the neighbors as well as the sideyards. He asked that Mr. Annett brin� the certificate o£ survey to his neighbor on the South, Mr. Carrahar9 and ask him to sign the certificate of srarvey and bring it Lro the Council meeting on June 7, 1971. MOTION by Zegien, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission recogaaend approval to the Cosancil of the Special Use Permit, SP #71-04, by Thomas Annett, to construct a second garage on Lot 17, Block 2, Bennett Palmer Addi tion per Sectaon 45.051, 2A, subject to getting a notarized statement fr� the nei ghbor �o the South indicating he recognizes the location of the drive- way and has no objection. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried casianaa�ousa y . 2. LOT SPLIT REQUEST9 LoS. �71-07, PDQ STORES OF MINNESaTA, INC BY CHARLES �..\ G1EST: Lot 5, Block 1, Maple Manor Addition - to split in half for two building sites. Mx. West was pre�ent. Mr. Schmedeke, Chairman of Plats & Subdivisions-Streets 6 Utilities Subco� mittee reported that the Subcono�i.ttee approved the lot split at a meeting earlier this evening. Lot 4 is owned by �he same party who vwns Lot 5. 1�enty- five feet of Lot 4 extends North and abuts Lot 5 at the Westerly �dge. The Subcommittee felt if Mr. West could get an easement over the 25 feet for drive- way, it would make the lot to the West in the proposed split almoat meet the area requirements of the City for a lot. PDQ Stores plan to put their building on the East half of Lot 5. Taking into consideration the fact that there is no poasibility of acquirin� more land to bring the lots up to City Code, the Sub- committee approved the lot sglit reco�ending that the Westerly lot obtain an easement for ingress and egress, that the PDQ building be placed on the Easterly half of the lot, and the existing easements for utilities remain the same. Darrel Clark showed on the map of the area where the 25 feet of Lot 4 abuts Lot 5 and e�lained that it was put there at the time of platting to con- form to parking requirements. In the plat there are several inatances of thia lcind of planning and for the same reason: If an easement on the West 25 feet were granted, the driving facilities for the Western half of Lot 5 would be outside the boundary lot line. These is a poeaibilitq that a building could be added on to the propoaed PDQ atore if a buyer for a compatible businesa was secured. �� Planning Commission Meeting - May 19, 1971 Pa�e 3 �,,` Mr. West explained the arran.gement for purchasing the property. An investor is purchasing the property and will build the building. PDQ will pay rent to him. Originally they had proposed one large building without splitting the lot, but they found they would have ended up with a piece of property 128'x130' which, in otfier areas, would be sufficient for a building. They found out they could not use this, becau�e, according to Fridley City Code, they would be about 2,000 square feet short. They hoped to be able to show that one lot was suffi- cient for thei�$nd the other lot would be no problem for the right development. Darrel Clark sa:td there would be a violation in the rear yard. Mr. West then explained that the deliveries would�come through the front door for secuxitq reasone, and there will be a back door. There will be a green space in the front and blacktop in the back. Regarding the plans for the Westerly half of Lot 5, they do not know whether it will be a free standing building or an attached one. The lot split will be recorded at the time the Westerly lot is sold. They are really looking for one large building for the two lots. One way or the other, they cannot �o on economically aupporting the whole piece of property on their own. Mro Schmedeke pointed ou� the easement �cross the Souith portion of the lot is for utilitiea. The sewer is in the Southeast corner. MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by 2eglen, that the Planning Commission recom- mend to Covncil approval of the Lot Split request, L.S. #71-07, by PDp Food Stores of Minnesota, Inc. of Lot 5, BZoak 1, Maple Manor Addition subject to �"'� the e�risting easements , with the rec�mendation that the Westerly lot has the availabili ty of 25 feet of the adjoining Lot 4 to be used as a driveway, and with the further recorr�endation that the PDp building be placed on the Easterly • half of Lot 5. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the �tion carr3ed unartfmousZy. 3. CONFIRM PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF JUNE 9, 1971: Special Use Permit, SP �71-08, Skelly Oil Co., for con,�truction of a service station on Lot 1, Block 1, Pearson's lst Addition. AUTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, t.hat the PZanning Co�nission confirm the public hearing date of June 9, 1971 for the SpeciaZ Use Permit, SP #71-08, Ske11y Oil Co. for the construction of a service station on Lot 1, B1ock 1, Pearson's lst Addi tion. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousZy. 4. ODNFIRM PUBLIC i�ARING DATE OF JUNE 9. 1971: Rezoniag request, ZOA �%71-04, Bryant Investment Co. (Wm. Barbush) to rezone from M�2 to C-2 the area bounded by 81st Avenue on the South, 83rd Avenue on the North, proposed Main Street extended on the West and IIniversitq Avenue on the East. MOTION by Minish, seconded by;:�ieglen, that the P.Zanning Commission confirm the pvbZic hearing date of June 9, 1971 for the Rezoning Request� ZOA #7Z-04, Brysnt Investnrent Co. to rezone from M-2 (heavy industrial) to C-2 (general busi- n ness) the area bounded by 81st Avenue on the Sou�h, 83rd Avenue on the North, proposed Main Street extended on the West and Dni versity Avenue on the East. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting sye, the motion carried unanimously. Pla.nning Commisaion Meeting - May 19, 1971 p�� d� 5. CONFIRM PiJ�i,IC giEARING DATE OF JTJiJE 23 1971: Proposed Preliminary Plat, /""� Briardale, by Richard Miller being a replat of Block 3 and Outlots 1 and 2 of Coc�ran's Addition. MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that �he Plasirainq Corr�nassioaa con- firm the public hearing date of June 23, 1971 for the proposed prelianinary plat, P.S. #7.i-02, BriardaZe, by Richard Mi11er being a replat of Block 3 and Outlots 1 and 2, Cochran's Addition. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unan.fmously. 6. CONTINUED: POLICY REGARDING FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF GAS STATIONS: The Cammission requeated the number of gas stations that had gone out of business in Fridley. Mr. Herlofsky gave the following information: Out of business: Texaco (61et and University); Standard (Fairmont and East River Road); Favre (8255 East River Road). Chaage o£ awnership: Standard (53rd Ave- nue and U�iversity). Applying £or Special Use Permft: North Star (4040 East River Road). The Metro "500" is requesting a license for the former Favre Station and will be given one when the deficieacies liated by the Building Inspection Depart- meat are taken care of. Peter Herlofsky referred to the Special IIse Permit as a means for controlling certain specified useso We cannot arbitrarily eliminate gas etations. He felt ^ the Zoning Ordinance must belp define the policy of the City more clearly. A Special Use Permit is flexible. It does not mean the City has to approve every application for a Special Use Permit, because if it did, it would defeat the whole purpose of a Special Uae system. Ghairman Erickson referred to Section 45.101, Uses Permitted, C-2 and C-2S: and aslced if all the conditions listed were met, could a Special Use Permit be denied? Mr. Minish said his concern wae fia� many gas statione are enough, traffic volwne on major highways, aud ha�r manp citiaens need more gas stations and facilities. . Mr. Herlofsky felt that if the atatione meet the requirements in the Zoning Ordinance in C-2 and C-2S, or if tfiey feel they can meet the requiremeata, it is only fair to give them a chance. 'I'he Chairmaa.-�id he wondered if tI�e Coa�iasion was trqing to put a stop to the number of service stations? The way this proposed change is written, we will actuallq require the Council to see theee cpnditions are met. Should we not be trying to tahe aome of the burden from the Council? Mr. 1Ki.nish commented that billboarde have been stopped. Maybe the same criteria could be used for gas atationa. Mr. Herlofsky eaid he felt the Sign Ordinaace makes the applicant aware /""`� of what the City wante. We still have the billboards, but we have private enterprise cooperating by more clearly defining our atandarda (example: "Welcome to Fridley" aigna). Planning Commission Meeting - May 19, 1971 Page 5 Mr. Minish said the Commission should try to decide what they want by way �.� of policy, if it is justifiable and in the best interest of Fridley. What is the extent of their authority in denying a Special Use Permit. Under what condi� tions and under what criteria a Special Use JPe2°�it can be denied, and to foa�as- late a policy that would stand a chance in court. Darrel Clark pointed out the purpoee of the Zoning Ordinance. The follow- ing is an excerpt of the first paragraph in Ordinance No. 441, Section 1, 45.01:� "---- the purpose of which is to promote the health, safetq, morals, comfort, conveniemce, prosperity and general welfare, and have been made in consideration of the character of each diatrict and with a view towards conserving the value of buildings and land and encouraging the most appropriate use of land thxough- out the City". Chairman Erickaon asked Peter Herlofsky if he could rework Section 45.19 of the City Code to inc�rporate the items touched upon in the evening's discus- sion. Mr. Minish added that referring to denial, no where does it spell out what conditions. What ie the general nature of the iaquiry?� What are the types of conditiona by esample or a broad statement? Did we have any basis for granting or denying? Or could we recommend granting unless we find such and such condi- tions exist? Againet or the way the business is conducted. � Chairman Erickaon said he was pretty well satiefied with the revision relative to service stations and would like the Section 45.19 to be brought back to the Planning Co�mmission at the next meeting. �� The Commiesion continued the Policy Regarding Future Development of Gas Stations until the next meeting and requested it be the first item on the Agenda. ADJOURNMENT : There being no further buainesa, Chairman Erickson adjourned the meeting at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted flazel 0'Brian Recording Secretary �