PL 10/20/1971 - 30205� . �,- PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1971 PAGE 1 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Erickson at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Membera Absent: Others Present: Minieh, Zeglen, Erickson, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke. None Darrel Clark, Engineering Aasistant APPROVE PLANNING CONIl�ISSION MINUTES: OCTOBER 6. 1971 MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Comm:ission Minutes of October 6, 1971 be approved. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOIrIl�IITTEE MINUTES: OCTOBER 7, 1971 MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control Subco�►ittee meeting of October 7, 1971. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the m�tion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MIANTES: OCTOBEx 12, 1971 ,i"'� MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitapatrick, that the Planning Co�niss3on receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of October 12, 1971. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. i"1 RECEIVE PARRS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 27, 1971 MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Co�ission receive the au.nutes of the Parks 6 Recreation Comm.ission meeting of September 27, 1971. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani�usly. l. TO MECHANICSVILLE: Rezone from R-3 to C-2 (general Darrel Clark said that the City Administration added p�roperty at 53rd Avenue and University to the request and advertised at the same time. ZOA AA'BLTON' S ADT iness areas). the Staadard Oil asked that it be M�OTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that th� Planning Con�ission ca�nfirm the public hearing date of November 3, 1971 for the rezoning request, ZOA 1i71-08, by General Realty for Lots 16 through 22, Blxk 13, 8amilton's Addition to MechanicsvilZe to be rezoned from R-3 to C-2 (general business areas). Upon a voice vote, a1� voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Planaing Commission Meetin - October 20 1971 Pa e 2 �, 2. �� � � ,r.1-��, a� l�l.71L�, ra,n,.L� nur�5� 1N(:.: To rezone the Westerly 600 feet of the Northerly 750 feet of the NFr� of the N[$� of Section 12 from M-1 (light industrial areas) to C-2S (general ahopping areas). Darrel Clark explained that this item includes the Frostop Drive In on Osborne Avenue and Highway �`65. The owner is not one of the petitioners. His land will be included in the publication. MOTION by Fitapatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Co�nission confirm the pubZic hearing date of November 3, 1971 for the rezoning request, ZOA #7Z-09, by Cast.Ie Mobile Homes, Inc., to rezone the Westerly 600 feet of the NortherZy 750 feet of the NE� of the NW3Z of Section Z2, from M-1 (light industrial areas) to C-2S (general shopping areas). Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, the motian carried unanimously. 3. y�� u••���...4 ++e��� vr ivuvr,r��tc ,s, ty /1 • IiEQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #71-14. CASTLE 1�OBILE HOA�S, INC.: For the location of Mobile Home Sales on the Westerly 600 feet of the Southerly 320 feet of the Northerly 750 feet of the NE� of the NT� of Section 12, per Section 45.101 - 3N of the Fridley City Code. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Corr�ission confirm the public hearing date of November 3, 1971 for the special use permit, SP #71-14., requested by Castle MobiZe Xomes, Inc., to locate a Mobile Homes SaZes on the Westerly 600 feet of the Southerly 320 feet of the NortherZy 750 feet of the NE'� of the Nfd� of Section 12, per Section 45.101 - 3N of the Fridley City Code. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanirreousZy. 4. I IC t of Matterhora Drive OF 971: PROPOSED PLAT FOR PHA . Outlot F located � mile .I. �694. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the PZanning Commission confirm the pnblic hearing date of November 3, 1971 for the propos�aT p1a��.fo� �baBe�.I and II of the Townhouse area by Viewcon, Inc, being Outlot F Iocated � mile East of Matterhorn Drive and a� mile North of I. N694. Upon a voice vote, aZ1 voting aye, the �tion carried unaniaeously. 5. East E Section : North 813 feet of the Mr• Frank L. Reeae, Architect for the Project, aad Roger Larson, the petitioner, were present. Mr. Reese stated th�t nothing had been changed from the preliminary approval sad he understood that now this meeting is for the matter of detail. The final plans for the development were studied page by page, and Mr. Reese ahowed a colored drawing of the townhouse apartment. The 28 units will house 140 families. The homes will be in clusters of four. Theq are attempting to provide individuality by the use of several stain colors and different types of woods for the exterior. �o homes were designed with one color and the other groups of two homes with different colors. They were not uaing fireplaces. Planning Co�aisaion MeetiaA - October 20, 1971 Page 3 There is a large a�ount of green area and the park area above the creek will be � dedicated to the Citq. In addition tennis courts, familq barbecue area and play- � ground area is provided. There will be a Tot Lot in �he middle of the playground. with modern equipme�e. 1'°�aey were provi�i�� ffio�e than FHA asked for. . Referring to grading, the South 2/3 of the property drains naturally into the creek. The landscapiag will be in terms of trees, shrubberq, sidewalk.s and curbs. In front of each home there will be a tree aad ash trees were recommended for the backyards. '1'hey will not introduce fences sa they prefer the natural and open look of trees and buehes to break up the backyards. Easementa are provided oa the West side of the property for future road-- �e road has been dedicated along the East side. Street lighting will be pro- vided. They have tppical. plumbiag, electrical heating and ventilation plans drawn within the units. Bide have been talcen and theq feel theq are within the eatimates and could have the project going this fall. � In answer to Mr. Fitzpatrick's queation of why there were no windows in the ead walls oa the second floor, Mr. R�ae said that, basicallq, these units have to be de�igaed to have most of the wiadows ia the front and back. All the ventilation aad light requirements are aet up ao that the windows in the front and back meet the requirements. The lower wiadow shown on the drawing is in the dining room. Upstafrs there has to be room for closets an� bathroom along the side walls. There will be a full ba�ement, Mr. Ree�e. continued, and partitioned to bre�e up utili.ty �d �torage sp�ce. It will be uafinished -- no paneling or ^ painting. There will be nine detached garage buildings. They do not show a concrete patio:as FHA frowas upon it. Tlse three bedroom units will have 600 equare feet for each floor. The windows are five feet high, 33 inches wide and the bottom.of the window is 18" above the floor. Mr. Zeglea eaid that when the request wae before the Building Staadards- Desiga Control Subcommittee, the Subco�ittee felt chaagee should be made in the windows. Mr. Fitapatrick dida't think it would bother the people to have more windows and he felt it would be more desirable. Mr. Reese said it would cost about $100 per opening to add more windows. If they hoped to change the effect of the ead of the wall, the best thing to do would be to use different type� of wood rather than adding more windows. Mr. Minish aeked haw manq structureo were in the Development. Mr. Reese eaid there were 28 townhouee units, 9 garage buildiags, and they were using 8 different staina. Mr. Minish thought, that becau�e ti�ey were dealing r�ith a spec�.al �%r�e of property, a�el hame would help ia under•standing h�w the whole concept would look. � Mr. iteese said thep liadn't buiit a�del, .although o� af ttieir c�ace�u� � �se ho� the garage axea would reiate to tbe homes around �.t. Mr. Zeglen read the miautee of the Building Standarda-Deeign Control Sub- committee meeting of Auguat 5, 1971.for review. Planniag Commiseion Meeting - October 20, 1971 Page 4 Com�ent waa made that there would be small lights at each front door which will serve a functional purpose ae well as decorative. The street lights would �� f be 150 Watt Mercury Vapor and installed on 20 foot poles. Chairman Erickson said that he could aot accept aome of the architecture that is really odd. This plan is basic architecture, but with very little interest -- he did aot �aow what the anewer waa. Mr. Reeae esplaiaed that FH�► i� using the eame type of cost ae they did six years ago. Building costs have risen, and they have to try to build within that price. Chairman Erick�on eaid he wasn't criticizing the deaiga as they were doing the best they could under FBA, but he wondered if they couldn't do better. Se asked if the reatal-goal was medium or low income. Mr. Roger Lareon said they would not call it low iacome. They would be asking about $270 per month. Chairmsn Erickaon �aid in that reatal range, he did not feel the units looked it. The Coaiasica.recognfzes these uaits are large aad spacious. It is a tr�mendous la�out and deeerves something iadividual. fle believed a much better job could he dane. The general layout is fine, and he was not knocking the low cost wnita. The commen�t was made that the etructures looked like barracks. Mr. Zeglen �aid the reat of the plans are good. � Mr. Schmedeke said the location was ideal for thie type of development. ` However, the esteriors ehould be dressed up, perhape block or stone. There should be at least one more window on the end wall. Chairmaa Erickaoa eaid the bigger objection is the blank wall, but he wae not prepared to-eay whether or not a window ar brick was the answer. Mr. Miaish said that the real feeliag rel�ted to the total deaign �;.-when you visualize 28-of these uaits scattered around, the.result would be a lot of _ s�eness. A better deaign would give improvement to the area as it is a desirable large tract of land. MOTION by Mi.n:ish, seconded by Schmedelse, that the Planning Co�iss3on table until Novem�ber 3, 1971 the Fiz�al Review of the Townhou,se Development by Roger Larson of the North 813 feet of the East 3/4 of the Northeast Quartez of the Northeast Quarter of Section 13. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Erickaon repeated that there wae general approval of the proposal. ADJOURNI�TT : Chairman Erickson adjourned the Planning Commiesion meeting at 9:45 P.M. there being no further business. �.,, Sespectfully submitted Hazel 0'B=ian Recordin� Se��etsry