PL 12/08/1971 - 31110l"a�
DECFMBER 8, i971
The meeting was called te order at 8:00 P.Me by Chairman Erickaon.
Me�ers Pre�ent: Erickson,
Meffibers Abseat: Noae
Others Present: Naaim M.
Minieh, Zeglen, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke
Qureshi, City Engiaeer-Director of Planning
MOTION by Schmede&e, seconded by Zeqlen, that the Planning Commzssion approve
the m.inutes of the Planning Commission meeting of November 3, 1971. Upon a voice
vote, aZl voting aye, the �tion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Fitzpat,rick, that the Planning Coa�.i.ssion
rece�ve the minvtes of the Board of Ap�als meeting of November 23, 1971. Upon
^ a voice vote, voting aye, the motion carried unania�uslye
1�tOTION bg Zeglen, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Plaru�ing Co�nfssion receive
the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control 5ubco�.tttee meeting of
November 23, 1971. UpoA a voice vote, all voting aye, the mot3on carried
SW�ANSO,N: Lota 18 and 19, Auditor's Subdivieion 29 except the East 190 feet�
for a parkiag lot in vacant R-1 area per City Code 45.051 - 3E.
Chairman Erickeon read the public heariag notice.
Mr. Swaaeon a�i.d it was his understaading that there was to be no building
oa the laiad requested�for a parking lot. The propo�ed building will aet on the
coraer. but the plaas for the building have not been pre�ented yet.
Mr. Qureshi said there were homes all around the lot, and basically it ia a
piece of property with no acceas. Under the Zoaing Ordiaance, there ahould be
planting str�ps between the residential ar�a and the parking lot.
Mr. Swaneoa said he was going to put up a priating plant, 20,000 square feet
of buildiag on au area of about 3.1 acres. The plant 200 feet wide on
73rd pvenue and 100 fest in leagth. The building will be set on the Southwest
�', portion of the property. This ia the land where the Legioa Aall was and they
owa it aow• The tppe o£ priuting ie coa�ercial -- all kiada of joba� but not
Planning Commiss,ion Meetinp^- December 8� 1971 Page 2
� Chairman Erickson asked if the administration decided the psinting plant was
a permitted Use. Mr. Qureshi assured him it was.
Mr. Swanson said two members of the Council looked over his present building
in order to see what kind of a building would be coming in. His present location
is 782 29th Avenue Southeast and is known as Aetna Lithograph Company.
Mree Saba, 7345 Central Avenue: She was just wondering if the petitioner
would be putting up a fence between the parking lot and the homes.
Chairman Erickson told her the Commission and Council would require screening
and it ia also required in the Ordinance.
Mr. Swanson added that part of the plant is kept in operation all night. At
tlae very most ther� would be four or five caxs in the parking lot at night.
During the daytime there would be approximately 40 cars.
1�TIOA1 by Schr�deke, seconded by Fatzpatrick, that the Planning Commission
c1o�e the hearing for the Spec3al Use Permit, SP #71-15, bg Evert Swanson
concerning part of Lots 18 and Z9, Auditor's Subdtvis3on #29, except the East
�90 feet, for a parking lot in vacant R-1.area per C�ty Code 45.051, 3E� Upon
a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, the motion carr�ed unanimously.
Mr. Swanson said whatever regulations are asked for by the City of Fridley,
he agrees to follow.
— �:=
The Commission felt the cart was before the horse in this request. The
� petiti.oner was asking for a parking lot, on a landlocked piece of ground, but
� no mention was made who was going to use it.
The suggestion was made by Mr. Qureshi that if the Commission felt this
approach might b� satisfactory to them, they could approve the Special Use
�eriatt subject to getting approval of the plans for the building by the Building
Staadarde-Design Control Subcommittee and the Council.
1►�OTION by .Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commiss.ton
recanmrend a,pproval to the Council of the Special Use Permit, SP #71-15, by
.Evert R. Swanson, for part of Lots 18 and 19, Auditor's Subdivision #29 except
the East 190 feet, for a parking Zot in vacant R-1 area per City Code 45.051,
3E, subject to the approval of the pZans for the print3ng plant by the Building
Standards-Design Control Subcommittee and the City Council and that the require-
ments for screening of the parking area be met. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting
eye, the motion carried unanimously.
Pex Section 45.051, 2-A, Fridley City Code to conatruct an accessory building
for stora�e on Lot 6, Block 2, Moore Lake Aills Addition.
Mt. Everett Utter was present.
r�� The part of Mr. Ut�ter's lot that abuts Central Avenue is very low and close
__ to a storm culvert and that is the reason for putting the accessory building
on high �round. .
Planning Commission Meeting - December 8, 1971 Pa�e 3
Mr. Harold Lind, 6076 Woody Lane: There has been,,��oad put in, but �.f a
culvert were installeda Mr. Lind would have no objections. The drivewaq is in,
but no culvert under it.
Mr. Utter explained th�t seven years a�o Mr. Nelson and he got the City to
put in a temporary storm sewer that goee back to within 40 feet of Old Central
and empties there. When the County put in Old Central, he asked the County
if they would put � culvext on prieate l�ndo Water hae been running over the
propertq. As of now, it ie in the process of being coanected ao there would
not be any water problem once it is cona�ected.
The City Engia�es �aid th�t originally when this area was developed, there
was no storm sewer. In 1965 the Public Wo�ks Department put in a storm aewer.
Recentlq they have extended the pipe closer to the cu1'vert. Probably a culvert
wi.11 be inst�lled under the driveway next �pring, Hopefully the drainage problem
will be solved in thia axea and there will be no water standing on the lot South
of Lot 6. It is too l8te in the �eason now to finish the work.
MOTZON by Fitzpats°ick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission close
the publia hearing of the S�cial Use Permi�, SP #71-16, by Everett F. Utt�re
Upon a voice vote, a11 vo�ng aye, the rr�otion carried unaniireously.
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Comm.{ssion
r�co�►end to Council approval of the request for a Special Use Pez7nit, SP #71-16,
by Everett F. Utter to construct an aacessory storage building on Lot 6, Block Z,
,'"� Moore Lake Ni11s Addition per Section 45.051, �-A of the City Code. Upon a
: �.
voice vote, all voting aye, the motion csrraEed unani�usly.
Mr. Utter said he did not plan to build uatil the culvert is completed.
NOATHERN, INC.: Being a repl
except the South 200 feet o� Lot
of I-#694, Auditor's Subdiviaion
6, and East 333 feet of Lot 2
�i78, subject to easemeata of
� 3, 4, 6, 7 aad 8,
lying Northerly
Mr. Robert Ii. Brokopp, Supervisor of Title and Cloeing, of Burliagton
Not'thern Inc. wae preseat.
1�OTION by Schmedelceo seconded by Fitzgatrick, that tl�e P1ann�ng Commission
waive the reaaTing of the Public Bear3ng Notice for consideration of the proposed
preliminary plat, B.S. #?1-04, Eurlington Northern Irtdustrial Park P1at No. 1-
Fr�dley by Burl�ngton Northezn, Inc. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Qureehi eaid that this plat ia part of an agreement made with 8urlington
Northern about a year ago. The City wanted the East half of this property
platted into smaller lots so the land would not be occupied by the railroad
company but rather be sold to other developere for emaller industrial sitea.
They felt this would be oae way to provide a buffer between the railroad tr�clt�
for tha people liviag an the East aide of Main Street and aecondly getting aome
prop�rty back oa the City tax roll. The railroad company 18 oa the tax roll
now for the land, but the ad8itional tax would be for the buildings.
Platinin� Commission Meeting - December 8, 1971 _ ge 4
� Mr. Brokopp explaiaed that the Southern boundary, Lot 3, B1oGk 3, is �ot
'�� defim�tely decided yet because of legal claims conceraing Z-694, �nd by khe
time the final p�at is ready� they hope to have this solved.
Another part of the agreement was to give Main Street accesa it� line with
5?th Avenue and that access has been provided.
Mr. Schmedeke, Chairmau of Plats & Subdivisione-Stxeets & Utiiities Subcom-
mittee, added that this item was before his coarmittee aa hour prior to thi�
menting. He was happq to see the land was going to be developed for ema11
industrial �itee bordex�ing on Main Street. He thought the people �tt that area�
and hie are$ included� were afraid it would be a switchin� yard. �Ie felt t�e
C�.tq ehould be coa�plime�atin� th� r�ilro�d company for working the proble�n out
in fihis manne�a
In answer to Chairman Erickson's queatioa if there wexe any other �gxee�peAts
made betw�en the Council and railroad, Mr. Qureshi aaewersd "no". �h�xe wsre
no com�nittmentao merely the East 300 feet be platted iato �ndustrial ax�eae.
The watermain is in the m�..$dle of the property and eaaementa axs prQVlde��d for
that too.
Chaixman Ericksoa co�ented that. suppoae the City decided Chey do not want
a piggyback yard anywhere, could the City deny the requeet?
Probably they can, Mr. qureshi answered. The City doea have an ordinanae
that prohibits this Use.
� .
� Ch�irman Erickson contiaued� that supposing the plat ie approved aad ths.
City does not approve the request for a piggyback qard, would thie affect the
Mr. Qureshi said the City has access at 57th �nd 61et Avenue, and the
aewer line oa Main Street.
Chairman Ericic�on said he was not in favor of a piggyback qard.
Mr. Minish questioned whether or not there ahould be more access to the
iatexi.or lota.
Mr. Herbert H. Neeaer, 6220 Starlite Blvd.: Mr. Neeaer understood the
railroad tracks would stop at 61st, but a track was laid right behind his
ho�te aad thie was in addition to the maia line. To him it looked like skritch-
ing tracke.
Mr. Qpreshi said it probably was a temporary atorage yard until they got
their railroad yard on 43rd Avenue built. fle understood this was only a
tenipaxary use of the property.
Mr. Brokapp said he wae not prepared to talk about tracka� as he was aot
familiar with ft at all. It ia railro�d right of way and they have been there
loag before any housee were there. Beiag what it is, he thought they co�ld
atill be there a,nd operate-$a�d not do anything you would not exgact along
!"�, the rai�road rfght of way.
�laaning Co�amiseioa Meetin�t - December 8, 1971 ga��, ,�
� &obert Traczyk� 6Q00 Txlnitp A�iv�s a� wouid oppoee the ra�.7.road comin�
out om 6�at Avenqs with the piggpback. 61at Ave�uue ia a fairl}► new atre�t and
the� �uat put ia cuxb aAd gutt�x. Tha A�+ighborhood wa� �eGting away fxrnn
�his lc�ad of tr���ic. He compliut�nted the C�ty on tha�. He w$s �ppcaed to
pig;�yback. I� the Burlit�gtoa Ncrtheru owa� property o� the oth�r �ide o� the
tr+a�ke whi�h ].ead� into Ta�� Ri.ver 8,oad, why coulda'r they go aff �hat way?
blr. Qu�eehi eupl�iu�d that what tb� ra�.lraad crnapauy ie aow ie what
th� Gi�y requ�red th�a� to do. Tt�e C�.t�r do�e aot waat th�e property developed
into ano�her railroad u�e, but induatri$�.. Oas yeax a�o, w�th thi� in mind.
the C�.ty requixe�d the��to p�.at in oxdex to diecoura$e uee for rail�oad purpcsee.
The majo� pQrt3om of tka laad ow�ed by-tbe.railroad is heavy iaduetrial, but
tbe p�op��ty abutting 61�t Aveaue ie light iadustrial.
Williaai �'ink, 6].O1 Stas]:1t� Blvd.a Ae eaid th�p have lived �here a loag
tim�. Tk►ey had beea told thers would be ap�rtmeut� acxoss the axreet� but
aever iadustrial. At ana time the laad wae tQ bs platted far a�chool, but
tt�a p�i.��a w�e �ao bi�h. He under�tood a pa�k w+� propo�sd tQQ, but aow,
sud�ieuly, it 1s b�ck �o light induetri$lt
Ghai�maa �r�ckeoa sai.d the prope�ty had aot cb$uged �oa1a� �o� maap y�ax�e.
It wae ut�ortuaate� they wer�, �o�d that. _
P�a. Lo�ayAe, �iak� b107, S�arlit� 8].vd.t .Whea they movsd into their hou��,
they qt�atio�isd the rai�.so�d t�ack, Th�y w�r� t,c��.d th�rs wau�.d b� o�.� �raia
r� � day. 'Thay ahscked oa a i�wf�er zone. The City �ugiaeer at that �iiae came
ov�+r. Tti� oa].y thiag l�a waa coACerned witb was the t�s�a �h�t were n�v�r
' lt�nt�d.
Ghair�a� E��cks�n �aid xhe C�ty was n,ot r�epo�eible fQr the buf�ex ���n�.
Ms+�� �'inlc aaked if �he Gommisaioa felt the ligbt �.aduatrial would k�u�ct
their property and what about �he pax�k.
Kr• Fitxpaxrick explatned he wae ths Gh��rwan o� th� Farks and itecreat�.on
G�mmi�elcan �aqd Ghat thsy have discuaeed the uee o� t�ais laad, and down to
43rd AveAUe, for paxke �rom �iaae xp time. �t waR wuch toa e�eAeive pro�ar�q
for the City to buy.for pa�1u�. The City �ow h�s aa arraa�smeat �or the u��
o� �oa�e oi thi.� laad on 49�h far a park. but there aev�r was a real�etis poasi-
bili�y fox thi� �.amd to be acquired �or a park.
Mr. sr.hmedske eaid that he wae trying tQ briag out that thi� pr��ex�t progo�a�.
bo�desin$ on Maia Stree�, 3AQ f�et deep, to aut light iadu�trial bu��.ldinp�s
th�axe inetssd of �igBYbaFk eervicee� wae aur beat a1te��ua��, Tbe C1ty has
�oat�ol over th�► �yp� o� bulld�ings �c� the gt�eenery a�rouad them and to �ay how
xhey �hauld �� coastruated. He was at�re the a►embere o� thia Com�l.eeiQn y�ould
s�ot soll tb� peoplB down the rivsr to piggp6acl� eerylcse. ae haa been shautin�
a loAg ti�ne �ar �vexgse�a p�.an�iags fo� �andsc� aRd buffer. kie waa cert�i�
the City wa� c�o� trying tQ hurt th� g�ople.
Th� Plaaa►�ag Co�ia�iona augg�sted to Mx. aad Mre. �in�C that if the�► t�ad
kaowledge� that The� City wae a party ia tbe agr�ement for txee� #or a buf�er
�1' zqae� they ehQUld bxing it before th� Council. Asr. Minish beiieved this wa�
a matt�r of a prlvat� agr�e�qeat with Carleoa ax►d L$D1ne, aqad if tl��re �aa� a
wxitt�n ag;eem�At, it should be produced.
Planning Coimnission Meetin� - December 8, 1971 Page 6
,� Ronald McClain� 6Q07 Main Street: He wondered why there wasn't a railroad
crossing at 61st Avenue.
Mr. Qureshi said the City has gone befoxe the Public Service Commission of
the Railroad Commiasion r,equesting a crossing and was turned downo The way
it looks now, the railroad crossing is an impo�sibility. The City is working
to get a grade separation on Miss3ssippi Street so that we have better access
at that point.
P�r. Minish asked if the railroad approved the crossing on 61st Avenue and
the an�wer was they opposed it. He then asked why they opposed it.
Mro Brokopp answered that this would be a very large crossing. Extensive
hearings were held before the Railroad Commission and permission was refused.
The underpass on Miesis�sippi Street is more sensible in ordex to keep the
cars away from the tracks.
Mr. Brokopp said the City has aa eaeement for 61st Avenue access. They
gave up enough of their property so that access could be provided for Starlite
Boulevard. They cooperated again with the City at that time. This platting
of 61st Avenue ie not anythiag new, but was put on the'�lat by coincidence
with iche platting down in Sylvan Hills.
Mr. Minish �sked if two accesa roads would be sufficient. Mr. Fitzpatrick
said he had the same question. This proposal would be for pretty heavy traffic
^ alon� 61st Avenue.
Mr. Ferris D. Palmer, 6018 2nd St. N.E.: He eaid he did not know how long
th� railroad company owned the property. In 1950 cows were grazing behind
their lot. Why isa't the property zoned cominercial?
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the PZanning Commission
close the public hearing of the proposed Preliminary P1at, P.S. #71-04,
Burlington Northern Industrial Park P1at 1Vo. 1- Fridley, by Burlington
Northern, Inc. Upon a voice vote, aZl votinq aye, the motion carried
Chairmaa Exickaoa asked to see a copy of the Council Agreement with the
xailroad company. The City Eagineer passed out copies to all the members.
Mr. Qureshi said that the railroad would participate in the railroad
aeparation on Missise�.ppi Street, which, baeically, is County road. The City
requested by Resolutiou the need of the grade separatioa. Anoka County hae
engaged Engineexs to make a feasibilitq study. He continued that i.n the last
eight years the crossovex at Mississippi Street has been discusaed but the
County controls the road. Originally it was the railroad company that was
not favorable to the cros�over, but that ha� been aolved. The only support
the railroad will give Fridley is before the Railroad Co�isaion. The reasons
given for the delay by Anoka County were money and the people in the North
area who feel because it is a large sum of money, wiah the money could be
apent better elsewhere in the County. The County stil�. has a rural flavor.
r� The rallroad will be paying 10% of the cost.
Plaanin� Co�i.saion Meetint� - DecemUer �. 1971 pa�e i
Aqr. Miaieh made a co�ent regarding� the xail�coad campaAy aot to add �ay
new tracka NorGh of 61at Aveuue. Iu the discu�aeion that fol�.owsd, it ���
pointed out that within the railroad right of way, Burli.n�k�n Nc��thera dom�
have aome exicra coatrol. Mr. Minieta wondered if light i�du�t��.a�. was tl��
beat fo�cra oi zonin� for tihis are�. Mr. Qur�shi said this wou�.d �e tha h��hest
�Tse �f the l�xd becau�e of the �losene�e o� the track�. 'Rk�Q ��.ty ��n��t ��n�
down �ri�hout due eoffipe���tiom. Ctaaisiqan Erickson a�a�d that �n ��,+� oxi�it�a1
right �� way+ the ra�.l�oad co�qpaa�y c�u1d uae it in aay w�y they�ed w�,thin
Che 3.fr4it� o� the �edeg�l l�we Ia order to u�s moet caf the �rop�r.t}► b�fiwe�n
1��.� Street and th.� ��acke ��h� ra�lroad wi,ll have �to �ppl�► �ar pe�mi�� �ader
ou� t�sdi.�axicep Sa� th� g��p9,�a �d ttaa C�.ty dc� h�ve �o�a� prat��t�onw
Mr. �chm�d�l�� said �a . did aot �raaow wl�t �l�s tl�e Co�a3s�i4� cc�u�d �sle f or.
IC es���d th� ge�t��ioae� �a�e up with exactly what th� Counci]. a�l�d. H� wae
e�sre �hQ �embare an thi� Co��caioaa �r�uAd �ro� on Pig�ybacl�aa
Ev�n tbough the x°�iiroad plarae to u�e the Eaeterly 300 feee of the eatietir��
p�opeYty'it ie po�eible if there 1� a plant which a��de �nor� land th�A t11e
�lat providea, th�y can actually build by placing the atrueture on tlae loe
ir� �uch a faehion that they w111 juet Ae�d an ease�nt to get acee�s to Ma1n
S�ree�. Thie would be no problet�.
la0!'ION by Schutedeke, �eaonded by Zog3en, tt1�t th@ Planning Comm.i���AA
recan�aend to Counc3l approva.� o� the pro,posed �re�.imtaaa.�� PTat, p.S. �1i1-04,
8urlington Narthern Iadustr3al Park Plat 1Vo. 1- Fr�dle� bg ANxl�ngtQn Nc�athern,
^ I�c. be�Ag a�e,�1at pf the ��+st 333 fett of Lots 3, 4, 6, 7 arad 8, �xc�e,�t t.h�
_ South �00 feet nf Lot 6, and Esst 333 feet of Lot B ly��g Noatherly of I-#694,
14uditos�,s Subdivision No. 78 subject to Protactive Cove»,ant,� and Easem�nts oi'
recctrdm Upon a voice vote, a11 voting sy�, the u�otion carr.�ed uraar�imausly,
VACATION REQUEST: SAM T�I�IN_ SA9 �71-08: To vacate exiatin� all�y in
Bl,ock I0, �'ridiey Park Addition. �
Mr. Sa�a Templip, ti�e petitioaer, w�e pr���at.
M0�'ION by Fitzpatxiak, �ecottded by Schmemteke, that the Plaruitng� Cotr�as���a
Wsi ve the reading of tb� pt�bl�c hearing for the con�ider�tion of � p�opose�
P�,irtar� P,d�t, P.S. Od71-O5, Edg�water 6ardens P.iat 2, by Sam Templ.�n. U,pc�r�
4 vate, a�11 voting aye, the motion carriec9 unar�imously.
Tbe City Eagiaeer s�id he had two co�uaeate to make regardin� this plat.
The Southerxy two lote do aot meet the code width requiremeata, but the re�t
of the lots are adequate� and the averall area xequire�euts are met. Th�
r�qu�et for the a�ley vacation -- the Cit� fesls there is ao probl�m vaaating
ttie alley oa the Eaet, but the North alleq should not 'he vacated becau�e of
Locke Lake Bark. The alley ie part of th� public acc�se aad the C1ty �hould
x�taia it.
i �
planning Commissioa Meeting -�ecemher 8� 1�71 Pag �$
�it. Schiaedeke said th� Plat� & Subdivisloue-Street� & Uti.lit�es �ubGa�naittea
�pproved the plat with the atipulatiou that the a�leq to the North be kapt by
the City and subject to retai.n�.n� the draiaage easemeat
. MX. Temgl�n said he would �.ike to have the pottiou of the alley on the
Narth eud for the houee on that lota I� the Ci.ty retained the a11ey, the
back end of the lo� would be on�.y 65 �'eet. 'Tk'here are aome nice �xpenaive
home$ in that nei�hborhood. 8e would li�C�a to bu1�d alce homes even if
the �x�ck. #ie did aot th�.ak he could get a buyer for a t�ice expensive home
oa a�oo smal�. piece of ground.
� ,
Mr. Aobert Stewart, 17 6ith Way: H� asked if it was the fatention t� build
eia$le family dwe111ags. �'he aa�wer wa� "pes". Mr. St�wart said he had no
fuYthex questionso
Mx. Gordoa Aspansan, 17 Ri.ce Cseek Terrace: H� had uo ques�ions about
th�s bui�dinps, but wae iuterested in gettim� a p�rk for �h� ema11 chiidren af
th� are�. 8e would like to aee th� fir�t �.ot and perhapa th� aecond oae
puYchaeed fox a play park for the litt�e childxen b�cause thexe is ao euch
facil�.tp in the nefghboxhood now.
Mr. laines P. Glaser, 16 Rice Creek Way: He said he was told tha� originally,
wh�n Ed�ewater Gardsne wa� platted, they wa�t�d to buy thie �.aad from the rail-
x�oad comp�ay, but the railroad company wauld not sel�.. $e wou].d lik� to know
wbo iaitiated this particular action now. �e, also, aakecl ttaat if the under-
pase �oee throu$h, would Ashtor� Avenue bs cloesd for th� safety of th� childr�a
comiag out a� thie area.
Mr. Brokopp said the property had been fox aale at l.eaat for ten yeare that
he kaew o�. Mx. Templin thought tha pr�.ca was �oo h�gh in 1�68 -- now it i�
al]. ri�ht. There wa� nothiag underhanded about �t on his pa�t nox Mx. Te�utplin's.
Dorothy Stewart, 17 A1.E. 67th Way: She said ahe wa].ks her dog in the
Northex�.y lot area and there is a elight hill there. It wou�d make a nice
park and she felt that for all the taxes they pay, they ehou�d have a park
in that axea.
Mx. Templ�n eaid that in case the City would be intere�ted, he wauld be
happy to �a�.k about that lot fox park pu�poaea. The City had a�ood chance
to take a part of that ar�� that ia tax forfeit.
Mr. Qur�ehi mentioned Che fact that all of the lota South of �hs prapoeed
jl��C 8rB 1.8%�C lQ't�l.�i�l.e
Mx. Templlm esid that a� far ae plattiag i� coaceraed� ehexe ia a�A��ib��,i��►
t��y could get everybody ��tiafied. Ther� ie euch � th�.ng that utayb� with
t�t�X ].ot oA tk�e end bq Locke Lake, he could po�sib7.y swap with tax fo�f�it
Tk►e City Engiaeer said that prab�bl.y the City could do Qoatethiag l�.ka t%i�.
I� th�re 1� aa� way they can, �hey would like ta try it. I� they a� le►@�$1.].p
cta it, they would accept �Iir. Teartplin's offex.
Mr. Fitzpat��ck said that in view of the queatiana at thi� meetl�t�, he
waul� meke a motioa.
�laaaing Commiseion Meeting - Decemher 8� 1971 pag� g
� MOTION by Fitzpatrick. s�condad by Sahmed�lce. that �he pwbl.ic hear.�»g b�
aont.��ued until Janu�ry 12, 1972 ax�d tba� a alieok of the 1.i�t p� peopl� n�+ti-�
�.i,sd be made fox the propased Pr�limina�y P.���. P'S. N7�1�-05, �d�awatex Garderu
Plat 2, by Sam Teu►p1ir� be�ng a xeplat of Z,ots 1 thxctug�h 9, �laa� 10, Fr�d1�y
�ark Addition and fih� Vacation Request, SAV �71-�9, 9�m �'c�m,�1.i� �o vac�t� �h�
�xi�t.�ng ��.Iey in �1ock 10, F�ridley Park Additican. llpot� a v��o� votv. �11
vot�`n� ay�, t�i� a�t.�or� �arri�d uraanirqously.
6. LOT SPLIT REQUEST y�T S. �71-14 � BY EUNIC$ 0. ,FIiTGI�L,��iA,�T s�.oC 5� Slocl� 2,
�iverwoad Maaor Addltioae To eetablieh �ra bu�.�.dit�$ ait�s.
�c. and 1!3�s. Eag�lh�xdt were preeent.
The Ci.ty Engiaee� vxplain�d �hat bscau�e this ia s�ax'�e 1ot� Mr. �ags�,-
har�� was unable to s��.�l it a� �uGh, therefox� he wae askiag fox� a eplit. Mr.
�a�e�ardt pu� ia oa�.�► oae w�t�r an.d se�,esr eervice iox �ha lar�;c� l�t � az�d
now he would be required to put in aaoth�r. Qne xot wQU1d bs $pp�QUimat�ly
i5 feet and the other 79 feet wide. The lot� meet the are$ requirewea��.
Oa�e the 1ot �plit i� approved, the petitioner ia requixed to get a carti�icat�s
o� survey. The Co�i�aion cauld leave the surveq r�quire�aent ogen �a that if
M;r. Engelhagdt would have a buyer, it could-�e produced at that time.
l�TIO1V by �'itzpatr3ck, seconded b� Zeg1�,n, that the p.lanning �ommission
� recomme;ad to Council �he Iaot Split Request, L.S. #71-19, by Eun.�c� Q. ,En��l,
harqlt, to sp.lit Lo� 5, 81ock 2, Rive�rwoad Manor Additipn �� ard�r to ge� �wo
bu.�ldi�g s�t�s setbject to the understanding thexe is no abjectio,ns to a,n ��Ydi�
tional water and sewer aervice and that the c�rtif�cate of su,rvey be �ubmitt�d
at the time the lot is sold. Upo� a voiae vpt�, a11 voting �gQ, the rnot.ipn
carried unanimously.
7. LOT SPLIT xEQUEST: JOHIJ M. METCALFE; Lot 16, except the Eaeterly 165
feet thereof, Revised Auditor's Subdivisioa No. 23. For a propoaed
�econd bui.ldiag aixe.
The ��l�nation by the Citq Engineer was that although Rlvexview Terrace
gae� through the Easterly part of Lot 16, there ia adequate land for the sp11t.
Thexe is a hou$e on Lot 16 and Mr. Metcal£e plaae to �p13t off the froat oi the
lot, r�taiaiag �he Wept half of the lot wk�ere the house is and sell th� �th�r
half .
Mr. Sahmedeke paid that ths Plate & Subdiv�.pions-Str�et� & Utiliti�a Sub�
colmnitteB approved th� lot aplit with the eCipulatloa that Mr. Metcalfe work
with khe Engineexing Department to get all th� necessary easemeate aad v�he�
/ Chairman Erickeon coa�nented that the lot� would be approuimately 91 feet
wide and su �vBr�ge of 100 feet deep. If the �aeent�ut were take� off, th�
1 lote wauld be eubataadard. 8e wondered if Mr. Metcalfe wer� awar� th�►t whea be
etart� dig�ing for eewer aad water �hat tbe service would be fairly deep 1A t�s
�, middle lo�. It �.e lQwer'than the roadwaq, dependiag upon wh�xe the lot 1�.Ae
�� �ould be. He might not be able to relocate the �ervice..
, ��,�r.�� �ry
�" l2-
Plannin� Coimnisaion Meetin� - December 8, 1971 Pa�e lA
�^ �MOTIpN by Schm�deke, �econded by Fitzpatrick, that tl�e Planr�.inq �Qmm�ssion
; table the Lot Sp1it Request, .�,5. #71-15, by John M. Metcal'fe to split Lot 16,
exaept the Easterly 165 feet thereof, Rev3sed Audi'tor's Subdivi�ion No. ?3
until January 12, 1972. Upon a voice vote, a11 voti�g aye, the motion �arried
PERMIT, SP ��71-17, DON'S GULF SERVICE STATION. Request for U-Haul reat�ls
on Eaisterly 3S1 feet of Lot 12 and Eseterly 351 feet of the Southerly
20 feet of Lot 11, Auditor's Subdivi�ioa No. 155, except that part taken
for highway and etreet purposes, per Code Section k5.101, Subaection 6,
Paxagxaph 3E.
MOTION by Zegler�, seconded by Fitapatrick, that t$e plar�ning Commission set
the Public Nearing date of January Z2, 1972 for the Special Use Perm3t, SP
#71-17, by Don's Gu1f Serv�ce Station for U-Aau1 rentals. Upon a voiae vote,
a11 voting aye, the motton carried unanimously.
The Commieaioa set the dat� of January 26, 1972 as a study meeting for tha
Comprehensive Plaa for the City of Fridley.
The Commisaion decided to forego the Planning Commission meetiag of
Deceaibex 22, 1972. The next regular meeting of tha Pla�nin� Commi�.sioa will
be Ja�nuary 12, 1971.
Chairman Erickson said the question is if a petitioner, when he purchased
a 40 faot lo�, could legally build on it. In 1956 he could Aot build on 40
foot ].ota, aor aaa he today. 7.`he questioa now is what ahould the P1�nping�
CoAnni,eaion dQ about the�e lots.
7.'he Citq Eagiaeez referred to the McCline lota: They were tax fc�rfeit
be�fore �.963, since then no taxea were paid and the lot� went tax foxfeit
again. On two of the lots East of 3rd Street in the Plymouth Additiont, there
would be a way to build by vacating the street and adding the additional laad
to the lote. Thie would give Mr. McCline 70 �oot 1ots.
The Chairman �aid that wherever poseible, the Commiasioa should try to
work out sonte guide linea or statement of policy. The �tudy thia eveniag
would be confiaed to Plymouth Addition.
After a leagthy diecusaion amoag the members of the Planaing Commie�ion,
/,..., Mr. Qureahi sum�aarized the Commission's commeata as fol].owa s
P�a�ning Co�nis�aion Meeting - December 8, 1971 age l:
/"`� 47th Avenue: Lo� 3Q, Block 9(Lot East of 3rd St.)
�+8th Avenue: Lot 30, Block S(Lot East of 3rd St�)
Tp be ai�owed to build by vacating the Southerly half of the
�treet making the lota 70 feet wide. Total atructure to be
built on the 40 foot part of the lot.
48th Avenues Lot 15, Block 2(Lot on Weat side of 3rd St.)
Couaider allowing to build a emall house 1� stories hi�'h with
5 foot side yard to the Nortl�, House ta fit in with the
aeighboriug atructures.
4�th Aveaue: Lot 15, Block 3(Lot West o� 2� Street)
Cousider allowing to build a sia�le story, sival�. houe� with
5 foot eide yaxd to the North. aouse to fit in w�.th the i�eigh-
boriA� structu�ea.
46th Avenue: Lot 16, �lock il (Lot East of 2nd Stxeet)
Single atory sinall house witk� 5 foat side y�rd to the Noxth
to be coasidered. House to fit in with the aeighbor�.ng
�1 3rd Stxeet: Lot 11. Block 10
The Commiseion wanted to check further about the owaership
aad backgroumd.
47th Aveaue; Lot 30, Block 12 (Lot East of Main Street)
Should not be considered for constructioa because Q� the traffic
and crossi�g street traffic visual groblems.
49th Aveaue: Lot 30, Block 2(Lot oa coraex of 2� Street)
49th Avenue: Lot 30� Block 1(L,ot oA corner of University Avenue)
Shou�d aot �e considered for coastructiom because of the traffic
aad croasiag street traffic viaual problems.
Mr. Qureshi eaid that the Planning Caaaai.eaioa indicated that these recoat-
u�endatione should be forwarded to the Couac�.l with the followiag addifiioa�l
comments. The request for coaetruction ; these lots ahould atill go thrau�h
the Aoard of Appeals for vari.ancee so that there will be a chance o€ additioaal
diecuseion with the neighborhood before the City mak�s the fiaal decieion aa
allow�.ng the coa�truction. They also wauted these recommand��iona made available
to the Bcard of Appeals.
� Th�re b�iag na f urthex bu�iaeee, Chairman Tsricksoa ad� aurned tt�e �aeetl.Ag
at 11:40 P.M. ,
Respectfully submltted
i�rE'� �i�(,�1�t�c-ct.-r...
Haz 0'Brian - Aecordiag Searetary
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