PL 03/22/1972 - 7410�
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LOT SPLIT•REQUEST:�.L.S. �71-08 BY CLIFF4RD THOE: The East 17-2Q i
125 feet of Lat ].8,-Block.2, Central View Manor. The owner 3-4
: ^ _wishes to split off residence, approximately 70`x100' and sell
balance of lot to s rvic� statio lessee.
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Progosed Qrdinance AmendinQ Section 45.103 Relating to the Lot �
Area and Zot Width Requirements for C-1, C-1S, C-2, C-2S. !
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MARCH 8, 1972
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Erickson at 8:00 P.M.
Members Preeent:
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Minish, Zeglen, Exickson, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke
Peter J. Herlofsky, Plaaaing Assistant
1�lOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the P1ann3ng Commission minutes
of February 23, 1972 be approved. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the m�otion
carried unani�usly. �
FEBxUARY 23, 1972
1►lOTION 2�'Schmedeke, seconded by F.itzpatrick, that the Camrp.ia�.�Qt�
receive the minutes of the Plats & Subdivi,sions-Streets & Utilities ,5ubconep�tt�e�
meeting of February 23, 1972. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, �he mat.iori
/� carried unanimously.
I�OTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, tha� the P�a,nx�ing Goma�isa�vr3
receive the minutes of the Parks & Recrestion Commission meeting oP Jant��.�y 31,
,i972. Upon a voice vote� aZ1 voting aye, the motion carr�ed unat3imously.
1�TION by 1�inish� seconded by Ze�1en, that the Planning Comm.�ss,ion x��.ivt�
the minutes of the 8oard of Appeals meeting of February 29, 197?. Upon a vo.iae
vQ�e, a11 vot3ng aye, the raotion carxied unanimously.
Mr. 2eglen� Chairuwa of the Building Staudards-Desiga Conrxol Subcoimai�taa
reques�ed the tpllowing coxrection be made: "1�OTION bp Tonco to recamauet►d tc► �ha
City Council appxoval o� the �relimiaary conce t plans for Phase T�---�-�'
� MQT.ION by Zeglen, �ecos�ded by M�ni�I�, that the P1atu�ng Ccammia�.iaz� reoo.�V�
�,h� minutes of the Buildi�g ,Standards-Aesign Contxol Subaomm.ittea meeting at
Fe.bruar�i 24, 1972 subjeCt to t�he above co��ection. Upon �t voice Yote, �11 Yat�x��r
�y�, thQ mot.ion carried ur�tanimously.
Sit���e �ami,ly h�me with rental unit �.n basement. R-1 Di��rict,
Planning Commission Meeting.- March 8, 1972 Page 2
The Chairman said tbis item would be contiaued at the request of the petitioner.
To enlarge the $ite to iaclude Ea�t kS Peat o� Lot 3s Block l, Oak �i.11
Addition to permit coastructioa and operatioa Of (�8�► AuXSQ� and 1earn3�ng
aeater per Ci.ty Cod� 45.451, 3-F.
3.. IAT SPLIT REQUSST: L.S. �72-41 GEit�tAL HBRRINGBRa �,at 3' 81oak �, Oak H111
- Addition to be aplit in half to creat� aae 75 �oox xes�.deat�.al 1ot, re�r►ainde�c
used for elope snd backyard for Leazaing Tree Aay Caxe Centpr.
k. VACATION REQUEST.: SAV #72-f11, RUSSELL M. HEDGE: vaaat� Madieon a�re�� �,yin��
between Blocks 1 and 2, Oak Hill Addition.
Tnaamuch as t#�ese Items are interrelated, Chaixmaa Ericka� dirac�e�d th�a
d�,scussioa to include all three.
MpxTQN by Schmedeke, seconded by Fi tz�trick, that the ,�1snn�ng Co�m.t�sa,�c►n
Ws,�v� the .readinq of the Public Hearinq for the Rev�sion to #he S,peC.ia1 ��re
' Pe�armit, SP #71-49, by Social Dynantics. Upon a voice vote, a11 vo�ir�� ayo� thm
mp�ion carried unanimously.
Peter flerlofsky explaiaed that the vacation pf MadisaA Street a#fsated ��.�
t�h�ree requesta. Because of the placement of a storu� �ewe� on tha 3.ofi th�t $GtC1��
�,. �naamiaa was goiag to use for their buildin�, the plans had to ba c�a��ed �nd
awve the building. Whea Madison Street ie vacated, the Easterly 45 ���t p� i�o� �
w�.11 be added to Lot 2 of the Social Dynamics pxopexty. �"his k5 ��et w�.11 giv�
the T,earning �enter more recreatio� are�. Lot 3 w�.11 then have !+� faeC� ��G��
�1Y�t►� 4S feee to Social Dynamics and the East h$�f of vacated Madison t��xer�
s��.ah i� 3Q £eet making a legal size lot of 75 feet. '�he Q�ha� half o! ths
���ceet w�.il go to Mr. Hedga.
Chairmau Erickson asked if the City saw eomethin8 abaut �ha bui].diag �o�
�qcial A�namics being different from what they showed axiginall�r,
�r, Herlofsky aaswe�red that the 1apQU►t would be chan�ed aome`rhaC. ��
qxi�iz�a1 l�uilding waa 80'x72� , but becau�e of the stos-�n aew�r: th� �� ���-
��.o'� are �6' x6 $' . � - -
Mr. Herringer eaid that at the time �t�e Stat�+ waa �iven p�ag�xty �o�' tha
�'�ce�way, the�► also took the draiaage ea�emeut. Th� ea�em�eat �ae neva�r ahowa o�
�h�a 'iialf Sec�ion. The original building �was on the Stat� easen�nC axtd t'�a�
waa� why Sociai Dy�amics had to narrov and lengthen their buildin�.
Mr. Schmedeke aaid tbere wer� a aoµp7.� of ti�iage tha� he �elt ae�+ded pos�
d�.aau��ioa* HQ underetands thexe: i� same kiad af atorm a�ewer p�.pe go�.�g ��p
b� tiadear �he Learning Care Centsr. Tha othes thiag i.� ths Standard Oil Co�aay
p��.p�s1.�n� ove� the South 25 fset of the prapsrt�► which i�nc],udss a 6 t'QOt �t�►x
�ae�an�at aad a�.0 foot utility �aseuteAG 0� ti�e NQrth a� tha prap�xty. e
p�.�e a�ader the Day Care Geuter ie the �ae that bothers hiau Che �naa�.
Mic. Sexria�er st;id. it wae �eae�s�ry for drai�a$s gp�ug ��om th� Noxth k4
the 9out.k�. In qrder to m�intaiaa tha� dr��mage ��hey had two a9.xaacnaxe�. Qa�
waa to �ua a pipe axouad the outside. The other w�s ta �ua a aast ix'on pi��
Plaaning Com�niesioa MeetinA - March 8, 1972 Page 3
� dirQCtlq uader the buildiag. Comstock & Davia recom�ended cast iron under the
^ building. Now it is an open ditch draining the area over Lot 2. Th� pipe,
half way in the �lot, is already there. We will add to the pipe aad �o Noxth.
When the entire area is developed, the drainage iaay go to a different place.
1MOTZON by Fitzp�trick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Public Neaxing for the
Revisiott to the SpeciaZ Uae Permit, SP �71-09, by Socisl Aynamics, tp enlarge
the site to include the Sast 45 feet of Lot 3, Block 1, Oak N.i11 Addition be
closed. Upon a voice vote, a.I1 voting aye, the mdtion carried unar��mously.
1�OTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plar�nir�g Commiasion
reco�mer�d approval to the City Council of the vacation request, SAY #7�-01� by
Russell Xedge to vacate Madison Street lying between 8locks 1 and 2, Oak H�11
Addition subject to retainfng the Northerly 10 fset for utatl�ty and �z'a,irlage�
the Southerly 25 feet far Standard OiZ Compang pipeline, a dec��cation pt' ti�e
Nesterly 4 feet of Irot I, Elock 2 for the oZd existing Wsterntai�n, dediaatiqn A�°
the Southerly 6 feet of Block 1 and the Southerly 6 feet of I+ot l� �loek �� �d
the dedication of the Northerly 10 feat of Block 1. Upon a voice yote, atll
vnting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
NbTION by Schmedeke, seconded by 2eglen, that the Planning Comm.a.ssio�n
reco+renend approval of the Lot 5plit request, L.S. �72-01, by Gerral �.
Berringer to split Lot 3, BZock 1, Oak Hi11 Addition in half subject �o t,h�
City receiving a 10 foot easement on the North and a,six foot easement oA the
South subject to the vacat�on of the street. Upon a voice vote, a11 vot.i�� aye�
the motion carried unanimously.
1�TION by F3tzpatrick, seconded by Ninish, that the Planning Commi��ra[an
rec�mmead to the Counci3 approval of the Revision to the Spec�al Use Pesm3�,
SP A�71-09, Social Dynamics to enlarge the site to inclvde the East 4S feet Qf
Lot 3, Block 1, Oak HiZl Add3tion to permit constructio» and opexatiqn o.� �
day nursery and lesrnfng center per City Code 45.051, 3-F. Upon a voice vot��
a11 voting aye, the motion carr3ed unantmously.
5. LOT SPLIT UEST: L.S. �71-08 BY CLIFFORD THOE: The �as� 125 fee� of
Lot 1, Block 2, Central View Manor. O�mer wiehes to ep11t aff resid�acs,
approximately 70'x100', and aell balance of lot to service atatioA les�e�.
Mr. Clifford Thoe was present.
Mr. Schmedeke ezplained Lhat thie item was hefore the Subeompt�.ttee'a coup�.e
of �Cimet�. One time they aent it back becauoe of the hookup of the sewer lims.
About aix months later the request again cam� before them, and the Subaousaixta�
rscommended approval. Mr. Schmedeke aaid the aew size of the lot wae much
a�aiallax thsn the City raquirementa. He pereonally felt that, 1AElSA1�tGti ae Chi.a
�vas something that happened in the past� and I�lt. Tboe hr�a a chaacs to �e1�. Che
coe�aercial part of the propQrty 1c�epiag the part hia home ie bui1� a�. Thio ia
another example of tho reaaon for changing the Zoning Qrdinaacs ],ot requ�.rs-
menta in commer�cial areae. He also felt the fee oWnez probably k�a� tho right
to do pret�y much aa he likea with his pxoperty. He thought Chat, at eotpe
timQ in the future, vsrq likely thls pro�erty wi.11 be be£are tha SubcomialCt�e
Ni,th a requetrt fos one parcel.
P lanni:► Commisaion M�eetia - March S 1972
Chairmaa Erick.son �aid th�►t if I�Z. Tboa �cld the atati.ou, 'hi.e co�aast� Na�
the fact, as Mr. Schmedske said, that �e t�ould aoatinue �o have the eu�.��i���
use of the propertq, that ie� co�mercial propexty Ftith at houso QA it.
Coimais�ion did split the prope�cty, they tiere creatiag a 7,4Q0 �gt��x� �oQ� 'P��'�''�
c�f property. iie did not thiak thn commuaity wou�.d Want them to dp th��.
The Chai�nan contiaued th8t he did Nieh to helg rir� Thoa a�d h�e FxQ���•
If the Conmtission $id approve tk�a lot aplit, tt�e Citq Wou�.d h�Ya �o haY1► R��
kind.of apreemeat th�t �chpsmaller thaudmany othexcp�ee�o� PxQF�x�YaAt.
land with the houpe is w
Mu. Thoe said he had been ia this place ever since 1951. #1� �aked 1£
the�re would be an objection to continuing the smaller pa�ccel a$ a re�id�nce saY�x
the yeara. What is the main objection? Be wac ta7.d that th� �'l��►t��.'�$ Cc�1a�.�0�GA
has been working with the Zoning Ordinance and the last chaaga N�a ��,000 aqua�c�
feet for C-1 and C-2. The 7,000 aquare feet is too small an area. Mre Tt348
aaid he was put in this P�Sroadn heelostrthatemuch ou theeSauth�e�ids� �� ��d
to dedicate 33� feet for a ,
This could almost be considered to be a hardship case cat�mentsd M'�. �cth�odek�t
so if the City could draw up an agreemeat whereby thie homesite woul�l x�Yax'k
� back to the station, there would be some protectlon.
The Chairman aaid the taxes can be aplit, but not tbe aaasseu►ent� wi�h0u�
going through the City procedure Eor a lot �plit. It 1a posa�bla to pufi C11�
mortgag@ on the pxoperty, even if the taxes as'� aot spli�v
rlr. Thoe said the Qtation would be mortga�ed separately.
Chairmaa Ericksoa �aid he would auggest the Coum�iesion find out �he ���Ta'�a
to the following items before they rule on it; �
�,) Whether or not the City could impose any rs�trictione pn tha us�►t�� Ch�-
property $o tha heq,woul not be forced to grant �� � _
�, ` .ic�c-..ce. - -
2) If the divlsson were made, would th tsxea be divided7�v�,_
3) Wau1d asaessments be dividedY
Mr. Schmedeke would like to see a covenant on th� home th�t Mx'� T'hoo Q��
�p Chat it wc�uld clear the City if , in the future, eomeone� shou�.d �vaAt td
• ues �hat sma11 �iece �or a commercial use.
1MpTI4N by Minish. seconded by Schmedake, that the Planri�nQ Cot�i,a�ot7 t+�tb�ta►
the ,Lot Split request, L.S. M71-08, by Clifford Thoe to sp13t Gh� Sa�� 1.?�' t���
of Lot 18. 81xk ?, Gentxa2 View Nanor by splitting off ti�� zas�deAVe. U„pccu3
q� �trp.iae vote, al1 vating aye, the motion carried unani�nou�sly.
k.5 fee�� of the Westerly 1
tv build a�wo car garage.
MaC. Laureat was preaent.
, BY JQSEPH A. LAURENT s Yaaa�e ��►�e �Ap�pr�71
_-�____.__._..,.._ L�.,.9_._ �w
eet of Lot � � ��.OGR .F � S��}i�����' � VQi�{�i �r "'�
- March 8. 197
Mr. Schmedeke stated it concerned him a bit when this request catne in
because the storm sewer wae so cloae to the proposed garage. He was infoxn►ed by
the City staff that if Mr. Laurent put the top of the fooCin$� at th�u��h�
elevation as the bottom of the storm cewer, they pv�adi��Q�the�grau ds that
addition next to his home. The Subcotam�3.ttee app .
the City said it would aot hinder or harm our storm draia.
i�ix. Laurent said he had a split entry home with the garage takiag up about
± pne half of the actual width of the house. If he could put on axtother gaiage,
he could finish the basement area.
There follawed a discus�ion of the possibility of changing the lacation
of the garage, but Mr. Laurent decided to leave the petition as arigi��lly
Mb'!'ION by Schmedeke, secondeal by Fitzpatxick, that the Plar� Comm����4n
recommend to Cou.ncil approval of the Vacation request, SAV #72�02� by JpsQPh
g. Laurent to vacate the Easterly 4.5 feet of the Westerly 15 feet of I�A� ��
Blxk 1, 5warLStrom`s Court Addition only in the area to be occupiecl ky t�he
pro,posed garage, subject to keepiand obtaining ahcertificateaof s�rveyQ�+��!'��� Qn
as the bottom of the storm sewer
the dfinensions of the description before the Ordinance is passed. U,�pc�ri � YQ�a�
yote, all voting aye, t�ie motion carried unanimously.
�+ 7.
Ry pppgpV�, pg PHASE I(5 Four uu
um portion of total multiple unit
o� Part
Outlot H.
Mr. Ken Nordaune represeated Viewcon, Inc.� a new architect with Vi�wcoA.
l�ir. Herlofsky used a map on the proj�ctor and explained what hae been
developed, saying that Phsee�It�d�eithen paintednouththe area forr�he��aado-
permits have not been taken
Cha�rman Erickson explaiaed the procedure for the appxoval o� the dsv�log�
tusnt saying the applicatioa f irat is submitted to the Building Standaxde-A�e�.$t1
Control Subcommittee. Their recommendations are submitted to the YlanniA$ Co'�°
tui.ssion aad both recommendations are eubmitted to Gouncil for approval o� tha
p��l�,�iaary plan. If Council approves, the final plan will. be filed at th�
Bu�.ldiug Inapection Departmeatra�eesubmittedetotCouncil�for�fi.nal acGio�n ���
the�.x' recoffinendatione and they
,1Mp�'ION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Gom�n.i�9,�0� $�P�''�ve
�,pre1�„tnfrsary concept of Phase I(5 Foux Unit Quadrominiums) by Y��WCGnr �t�¢'
;��ng th� condominium portion of the tota� multiPje unit comp.l�x loaatec� ara
p�z't of Outlot H. Upon a voice vote, a.�l vottng aye, the motion catr�ed
tm�i.mously. '
gRTpLEY NEWSLETTERa Ma�. '�er7.ofsky eubtai.tted a rough draft o£ ar� ast�,cio �Qr
the Newsle�ter conc�rniag th� �'�'anrovedCth�e�contentaWOfkthe articl�e.�ghomeive
Pl�tu. The Plaiu►ing Com�miasion app
a ��_
'«,: ,
PlanaiaS Commnisaion M�etin� March 8, 1972
Page 6
Mr. Herlofsky stated that C-1 and C-1S Uees are basically small business.
In C-2 and C-2S aii 8��8eforroutaid ttype of f$cilitiesrandaUses which ecial
IIae Permit baeic y
isquire outside epace. '
idaps were ehaw iAdicatiag the C-1 and C-2 a�eas in Fxidley. Discussion
ApTION by Schmedeke. seconded by Fitzpat.z'ick, that the Planning Commission
reco�oend to Council approval of amenaling Section 45.103, Paragraph 1 and ,?,
and Ordinance No. 459, published June 24, 1970, to read as followss
I. Lot Area: A 1ot area of not less than Z0,000 square feet is xequired for
one mnil building, howevgr, if the lot widti� for a lot is a mi.nimum of
160 feet, the lot ares requirement of 20,000 square feet is waived, and
no ainimum lot area 3s required.
Z. Lot Width: A lot aidth of not 1es� than 160 feet is requ�red at tlie required
setback, hor✓ever, if the lot area for a Iot is a mi.nimum of 20,Op0 square
feet, the 1ot width requirement of 160 feet is wafved and no minimwa 1ot
width is z'equired.
ppon a� voice vote, Zeglen, Brickson, 5chmedeke, Fitzpatr3ck a�e, Minish
voting nay. the motion carried.
Mr, Minish stated he opposed the motion per ae because he would t�e in �avox
of eliminating the lot ares and lot width requirements.
1� Mr. Schmedeke, referring to the lot study of tax forfeit substaadaxd in
aize lote, aglced if it would be posaible for the Planaing Commiseion ta ask
the Gity staff to notify owaars of lots they felt Nere buildable to see if
they can get them worked on -- especially the lots on Univeraity Avsnue.
The owners of these lots are probably not aware that aew guide liaee have beeA
approved. One such persoa would be Mr. Cline.
2) Mr. Schmedeke theu brought the matter of streets and alleyr� it► the City oi
Fxidley tbat he felt should be vacated.
Waehington Street and Jeffexson Street aear the Hedge loz on 53xd Aveaus
a�re only one lot in length. Again he wondered if the City staff could che�l�
,and see how many of thsse substandard atreeta we have throughout the Citp.
Mr. �Ii.nlah com�nented that this, perhape, could be somethlr►g that� would t�.s
ia with the Comprehensive plan -- could be a reasonable goa1.
Tbere being no fusthex.busineas, Chairman Erickson adjourued the me�ZiAg
at 11:OS P.M.
Reapectfully submitted
Hazel Q'8rian
Racording Secretary
_ /
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m., by Chairman Fitzpatrick.
�EMBERS PRESENT: Fitzpatrick, Blair, Stimmler, Wagar.
560-5056, Locke Lake Park.
OTHERS PRESENT: R. E. Stewart, 17 - 67th Way N.E., 55432,
Doug Luraly, 40 Rice CrPek Way, 55432, 560-0303, Locke Lake Park.
Lars G. Anderson, 6696 Ashton Avenue NE, 55432, 560-7499, Locke Lake.
Dick Blair, 40 - 66� Way NE, 55432, 560•5972, Locke Lake Park.
Ken Meredith, il - 67th Way N.E., 55432, 566-7035, Locke Lake Park.
55432 786-1022 Spring Lake.
Barbara Haake, 2740 County Road I, Mpls, � �Spring Lake.
J a m e s Men gelhock, 533 81st Avenue N.E., 55432, 784-9695,
Harry Matti, 7901 Monroe Street N.E., 55432, 784-2106, Sp r i ng L a k e.
Mary E; len Black, :�89 R:.ce Creek '?'errace, 55432, 560-9327, L.�q.V.
Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation.
Ralph Volkman, Park Foreman.
Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to the Commission.
Several guests were present from Spring Lake Park and Moundsview, to discuss Fridley's
plans for the development of the park property referred to as John Erickson Park, on
the southwesterly portion of Spring Lake. Discussion was opened by a member of the
group, asking Mr. Brown to e�cplain the City's plans for the lake.
Mr. Brown statecl that whtnever tliere is a body of water and a 90 degree temperature,
people are sure to be found making use of the lake and any facilities available to
/�them. Mr. Brown explained that there is a liability problem here because there is
no supervision of any kind and swimmers are out in the water with inflatable toys
which are definitely hazardous. The maiz�_purpose of Fridlay's development on Spring
Lake is to provide a life guard for a certain number of hours each day, to contxoT
the use of these objects and insure the safety of the swimmers. Mr. Brown pointed
out that it has nevex been the intention of the City Administration and th� Cammission
to develop another Moore Lake, for the size of the property just doesn't warxant it,
The main purpose is to provide fox those who swim there.
Mrs. Haake pointed out that Spring Lake and Moundsview presently maintain a beach on
the north side of the lake, referred to as Lakeside. Thexe is also an ald beach on
the southeast corner of che lak� which was previously closed when Lakeside opened,
but it still draws small crowds of people. When Lakeside has a large number of peopls
making use of its facilities, the overflow crowd ends up at the old,beach which is
unsupervised. They also pointad out that this property is provately owned, sa it's
�{uite haxd to force the swimmers tp vaca�Ce to a supervised area.
Mr. Blair pointed out that possibly John Ericksan would draw these peaple into a
moxe developed, supervised area and eventually eliminate the old beach altogether.
The CaunGilman from Moundsview asked Mr. 8rawn if they had a pla.n far parkin$. Mr.
Brown stated that hexe again, thay were thinking too big. Mr. Brown said that the
facil�ty would be primarily fox the residents around the axea and would cater to the
foot txaffic. The Councilman asked how we planned ta control this. He stated that
where thare iS water and an excessively warm temperature, thexe's just going to be a
cxowd. kle £elt that the major problem is going to Ue in parking.
Anathor su$gestion was the �ossiblity of combining efforts and expanding the beach
on further around the lake, joining the one at Lakeside,
Mr�, Haake asked i£ the two cc�amunities wou�¢ kq a�v�,�ed of the happe�nirtgs at Sprin$
I,�k� ar��j ��', �xQwn said that they �mqst definitely would,
Minutes of the Parks F, Recreation Commission Meeting, February 28, 1972. Pa�e 2
^ Present at the meeting were five gentlemen who were interested in the p�'oppsec� �rade
of properties near Locke Lake Park. They questioned the lot lines and proposed p�.ans
for the trade.
The owner has agreed to trade a lot on the north end (which is pxesently ours) fQx two
lots on the south end of his property, and the City would have to p�ck up th� b�ll fc�x
the special assessments owed. The owner has also requested that the G�ty vac�ts the
alley easement for his use. The City has denied the request to vacat� th� �11Q�,
partly due to the fact that it would cut into the park property, cons�derably. Nlrt
Fitzpatrick pointed out that there are two parts of this proposal to be consid�x�d,
First, there is the possibly of trading the propexties, and also, the need �or spm�
type of recreational facilities for the neighborhood. The propexty whiCh w� a�ll:��dy
own is pretty vertical and would be pretty much impossible to develop ���a mucj� a�
a facility. There has been open land available in the past, but this wo��t be l�rid
available for long.
Mr. Brown stated that prese�tly the trade is in a state of limbo, '�'ho +�wri��' h�� R�o
idea and the City has anothex. The City is obligated to provide sotRO�hing �s��' �'��
people in the area, but there are some legal technicalities �� thls ��x'��.��1aT �y��
of arrangement and we are presently uncertain as to whether or r�ot the C�ty ��A
trade a tax forfeit lot for a p�ivate lot. We have been able to �ec�iv� t�� �a�'�a1.t
property for public use, but whether or not this type o� axrangemeTt'� Ct�ti b� �l�d�
znvolvi,ng a private lot is �not yet known. The contractor stated th�fi 11e wi1� Aot
just sell this lot to the City. He wants to either trade �ots or 1�aY� th� ��t t�p
� the way that ,it is . The whole idea of the trade oxiginated in th� P1��►t��n� �om11►iss�oA .
They were able to check the area carefully enough ta see that eventual�y, theTe wAU�d
be no land available for xecxeational purposes, and they felt that pxs�vi�ic►r�� sh�►���
be made now, while the area is still in the constxuction phases. He wauld x�the�'
ha�a the land t�at he presently owns, but j�as agreed to trade, i£ tk�e b�C'� t�Xe� ��d
assessments were paid by the City.
Mr. �xAwn $tated that anothex possibilit�► for this area is the �ropexty ��a x�o ilo�t�
and west o� Redeemer Luthern Church, The church owns quite a bit of �.and b�Gk �.� th@��
�nd it�s possible that th� City could nsgotiate with them ovex th� use �nd d+�v��o�moRt
of some of the parcels, for park purposes.
�1:11 pa�r�ies pr�sent agreed that our present Park pxoperties axe not ��xg� +�rtcau,�h ox
1�y�� et��u�h to dev�lop inta a useable park. The �ommission agxeed xo i�lvesti$�t$
+�1,1, �o�sibi�ities for a park in tha� axea,
�Ix�. F�'��p�trick called the Coa�aissioner's attention to the City Manag���� M�m�,
d�ted Fabruary 2�, 1972, concexning Paxk i,and Acquisitions fa� 1972. Accord�.n�
�� th� msm�, the Commiss3an has been �nvited to attend a City �aunci� m�at�t�,� tQ
c��s�u�� '�hese acqu�sitions and theix priaxities, and this wa.7�1 taka placa at �ome
pp��nt i.r� th� a�egular February Commission meeting, Mx. Fitzpatrick felt that th�
CQm�mi���Q�t �hou�d d�scuss the properties a.nd have some d�f�.nite ide�s, b��'��+� �h�y
m�� w�fi� th� Council.
^ M�. �ti�ler recoa+mended that we review the priorities we've received, Mx. F��zp�atx'�.ck
���$� �� r�� want to make avai].able another $13,QOO�Aq for aGquisi��,ot� thi� yea�'4 M��
����,� �e�om�ended that Me �it the Rice Creek Road area for this year. MT.'P�t�p�tTi�k
�ta,��� �hat we cou�d poss��il��! �e�er the Nortt� P?�'}� �a�ment for ano�her y�ax a�d make
�va�l���g �n e�dditio�al $�3,t�00.00 f�r acqufsit�.oi�. W� hav� enou�h to C�v�a� t�t�
Minutes o� the Parks F� Recreation Commission Meeting, February 28, 1972. Page 3
the purchase of the Hyde Park area, for which we are obligated, accoxding ta Mr.
Mr. Brown stated that if the memo of the City Manager is followed, we should be able
to purchase, or at least make payment on the North Park area, the Rice Creek Park
area, the Locke Lake Park area, a�td the area in Hamilton's addition to Mechanicsvi�le,
�£ we defex payment of $13,156.00 for North Park this year and imake the balan�a o�'
$4Q,000.00 due in 1973. We would also have to authorize the purchas� oP the �ots �n
the Hyde Park area, for a price not to exceed $12,000.00. Mr. Brown x'ecomme�tdsd th�t
we further discuss the four lots in Hyde Park, with the City �ngineer.
_ —
M�'. Fitzpatrick informed the Commissioners that Elmer Olson has submit�ed h�.s foz'm�l
resignation to the City Council with a copy to the Chairman of the Pa�ks and Rs�x�+a�t�Qn
Commission. Mr. Fitzpatrick suggested that a letter be written to Mr. Qls!�n, ex�T�ssing
gratitude for his work on the Commission.
M�TION by B.�.cwc, Secanded by Glagan, �a dih.ecx Mn. B�r.awn za uu�.ixe a.�e.iie�c �o �Qhme�.
Comm.i.ab.�anetc, F.eme�c O.Zaan, expneaa�.ng and gnazi.tude �a�c h�c.& Wanh On �te
Camm.i.s�a�,an. The Max,i.on ea�vr.i.ed.
Mr. F�tzpatxick reported that he and Mr. Blair had attended a me�et�.ri$ wi�th �en� H�b�,�;
who:'s in charge o£ the elementary schools activities and facilities, tha P�"inc�.�al o�
the Seniox High School, and a member of the school board, to di�GUSS t�he V�'��QU�
activ�t�.�s offered by the schools and the City, and tha use of the a�ementaxy
gymnasiums for some of the progxams.
Mr. Blair stated that he would like to see one ox two vf the schools op�t��d 1�g �p �i1�
kids t� ju�t go in and shoot baskets on a Saturday afternoon, �1�. �1aix �aid t��tt h+�
had a�proa�hed the people from the schools about this and that �hey xe�.l�,y didtt�� a�y
�hey couldn't.
1��'. B1a�.� said that he had spoken to the school offi.cials several year� �.�o� x���T��11�
co�n�et�,t�v� basketbal l for the boys, between the diffexent schoo�s . Th� �t�sw��' �t�
�ec�i,ved was that they shouldn�t be subjected to this type o� competit�o�{� Mr� �����`
��1t that they wexe competin$ i� school everyday, and that this wa� �ip'� � s&�1����tA�"�+'
M47I��I �y 1�ea.i.n, seconded by wa.gan, xo appnove xhe M�.nu.�ea a� -the Re.�w�t�t, Pa�,fi� A.r6d
R�e�c.e.Q,�i.�� Camm.La�a�:an Mee.t,Lng, da.ted lanuany 3l , i 912. The Ma.t,tan ca�c.ted,
�i ANF«RY �STA"� �
M�', 9�'pwn a�k�� �he Commission to reopen the discussion of tha spendii�g o�' th4 A1C��a�'
/"� i� t�@ F1���ry �szate, He recommended the installatian of lighting, �ax' Fl�t��►�'y �&
g�;,p q� �w� paxk� whict� da nat presently have lighting.
�l�°, �l�i� e��ked �� '�he H4���� R�nl� cqu�,d bc �n�ar�ed t� �+���}�,�.tion s�.zeg �x, Y��i�!&�
���Q���$ �j��t i� would involve the addition of a cauple of se�ti,q�� �� '�Qa�d� �!�
tes of the_ Parks
Recreation Commission Meeting, Februaxy 28, 19�2• �aSe 4
' the length and width of the present rink, and it'll be ready fox a full season of
action. Mr. Volkman also recommended that these lights be put on a timer so that
it wouldn't involve having a man go up to the park just to tuxn the lights on.
These lights will be beneficial to hockey, football, baseball, and softball., as
well as to the neighborhood childxen who play there. Mr. Volkman pointed out that.
there is presently $2,000.00 in the budget for the lighting of F�anexy Paxk, a�1d
with the additional $1,000.00, we d be able to install the steel poles and timex,
along with any other extras, to make the whole lighting structure outsxandin� and
the way it should be.
Mr. Bxown also pointed out that we would probably have a little money laft oVex tA
put toward the lighting of Meadowlands Park. He stated that woodan po�es w�ll haVe
to be used here, but that, hopefully, we'll be able �o come up with snau$h ma�erial�
to put up minimum lighting by the end of the Summer.
MOTI�N by B.ea.i�c, Seeanded by Sx,i.nmtiL�c, xa .utiaxJt.ue,t M�c. Bn.awn xa �.acee.d �h.R�
�,na�aX,ea.t', ab .the� .�n F.eaneny Pa�cf�, and �a ube �'h.e $l ,000,00 g�.�� �
�h,e �,ea,ne�ey ��a,ie u.a a mea.nb �a xha� end. The e.ahh.i..ed.
Mr. Fitzpatrick directed the Commissioner's attention to the repoxt prapa��d by
membexs of the Fridley League of Women Voters, regarding the Parks in FxidleY
� and the facilities available at each one, along with th.e proposed addit�,on� �oT th�
next few years. Mr. Browri explained that the women had met with him on vaxious
occasions, to prepare this information, and that the pxoposed additions w�Ta tak6n
from the Department's Comprehensive Plan.
'�he Commission would like to formall.y thank the League of Women Voters for px�pa�'�,t��
�hi� x�port.
197Z t��Tttv� �T�s �
�'h� Cpmtnissioners agreed that the fourth Monday of each mor�th was accegta,bl� a.'�d
�hould xemain as the regularly scheduled maeting date for the parks a�td �ecx�atioTt
�ommission-in 1972.
MDTI�IN by S�i.m►nee�c, Secanded by Glagwi., xa ne-e.2ec.t Van B�a.i�. a� U�� �h�"!� �� ���
pc�,Fuy cen�.d Recne,ci#', Cpmm,�.an. The Mox,can ecuv�.i.e.d.
Mr, (a��'y Stimmler, Pxesident of the Hockey Assaciation of ���.dley, �eque�t�d 'kh�t
�,�� �Q�uq���i.on grant additional ice time �t tk�e Commons J.C. Rink, to tt�e 'Txa�Y�lliA$
Ba��,�; 5�px��e - Anderson Team, who are still campeting.
This additionai, time w��
to b� on '�'u'uesday and Thursday night fxom 6:30 to 8:30�.m., and the warmin� h�ua�
�,�� ��,���5 were also requested for this pexiod of time, Mr. Bror�m and tl�� �Q�R����Q±�
���]��t se+� np harm in this, so permission was granted,
Mc?fi�ON b� �.a.�., Se�anded by Wagan, �o penmi-i �h.e Tnave,�C:ng �a►�.tam, S�e � AndP.�pn
�cac.�'.i.ce � zhe C mmone a.C. R�nf� oC� T���� �t�d Th.w�ada.y ►�u.�h�a ��om 6;3Q
��am � �rv p �.�! �:� . ,�
�vv 8;� 4 p� m�,�nd �a maFze u,� e���he, bu,i-Zd.�.n9 an� .P�.g f�ia . Tha. Mv�i.v n��d,
2 . ��. ,P_.
° :��. .. .
Minutes of the Parks � Recreation Commission Meeting, February 28, 1972• Page 5
�.1011FtM�ENT �
MOTI�N �o ad�ounn �h.e a,t 10:40 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be held on March 27, 1972, at 7:30 p.m „ in the
Cammunity Room at Fridley Civic Center.
Respectfully submitted,
% / ' �rt'�z�
L. ��� `
CATHIE STORDAHL, Secretary to the Commission.
�i. �
. �2
The meeting was called to order by Chairn�an Minish at 7:40 P.M. �
MF,I�ERS PRESENT: Miniah, Crowder, Sondheimer
MEI�ERS A$SENT: Harju, Wahlbexg
pTHERS pRESENT: Clarence Belisle - Building Inspector
Mx, CxoWdex said the February 29, 1972 minutes should be amended ar1 gage 1.
The mation to clo�e the public hearing was seconded by Crowder inetead of
b� Sondheimer.
1�i0TI0N by Cxc?wder to apprave the minutea of the February 29, 1972 meetii►S as
Seconded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, ther� being n9 nays, t'�e uw�ion
caxxied unanimously.
Mx�. Charles Jahanson was present to preaent the request.
^ Chaia�man Minish stated this item wae tabled at the February 29� �.972 me�atit�$
to ��lqw the Board membere to discuss this variance with Mr. Johanscm.
�e� ,Jahanaon stated he waats to uae this lot to the beet advantage. Havin�
�he house set at ati angte, as proposed, the view would be dawastxeaut i.a����►d
of �c,rward the flood area housea. He said he could put a smaller houa� on �hs
1gt a�d not have any problems but he would pxefer to uae this s�lit �txy
hau�e plan on the lot. Ae picked thia house p1a�n bec�use �.t has a dif�er�nk
deeigrt about it and he likes to build housea that have a deaign th�►t i.� Aot
�Z, �Qbanson eaid there ie a 36 foat boulevard� per lot suxvey, on 79th Way
�hich is a lot wider than �n average boulevard. Tk►ere �hould��� bs any
pxoblems with traffic vieibility i� the varianae was granted a$ xhe�re wuuid,
be k6 �ee't between the house and the pavemeat.
�e (�xpwdex aeksd if he had a buyer for thia houee.
�. �'ohanson said he does aot have a b�y�r �or t4ia bou,ae a� ye� bu� he� �41�
�� would be a ahame to build a�mallex bouse an thi• 1ot. kIa ha$ �+�.��d tQ
'�ui1d �hia �ouee far the "Parade of Iiomea" but he had to �etart canets�ation
vn a�n,a�he�r �.ot for that purpoae because o� the time elemea�,
��s �s�ard asked about how �he driveWay would exit.
Mx. �7aha�nao� said he pl�as to have the dxiva exi� on A1den WaY. Th�• vtauld be
^ � Ahoxter da�ive with les� of aa H�+ ehoG the e�1ev��ia�� on th�.� i��►�
sq h� lc�aws the driveway will ba decent.
Th� Minutes Of The Board 0� A eaTs Meet of March 14 19 2 �'a ��
Mr. Johauson said the fxont yard setback i.a platuied to kee�p in a�.ig�mae�C witt► tb�
� Qth�x lo�� and witt� the curve of tlze stxeet. The lot dixectly ta the SouCh �.s
vacamt a� this time buC he pl.ane to use it withia �h� year.
Mac. Sondheiu�er asked how the grade xuns on tl�ie lol�.
M�, ��hanean s aic� tl�e 1ot runa fairly �lat and then dxops of f versr �'t�axply. 7"he
����� s�����o� ���� �� s�� ae said that he would�lc►ee oome�tx�e�a�i ���ha�detQ
�� �a�cim�m �ode el�vatioa. Ii
po�i��.Qn the house further bask on the lot.
�c. ,7aha�soa added that during the last 5 years in the "Reggie Award�" categoxy
of plac�nent of a house on a lot, he has won eithex 1st or 2nd plac� each ysatx.
�; �aid i� takes a lat more than luck to win thie.
rp�pN by Crawder to recamnend approval of this xaqueet ta �he City Caunc3.�. �ax
tize �o�lowing xeasone :
�� Th� haxdshi� heing shoWn, to maximize the ttse of the loC, particu��xly wi�th
�he boul.evaxd, trees and grade of the lot.
� e ��,$ �.ot required a house of somewhat unusual desigt� and thi.e particulax '
'hause �its that bill.
�. 4�� r�aomuend that the exit o� tk�e driveway be to Al,den Way aa oppaaed xa
� 9 tk� Way •
ge�p�nd�d by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, thexe being ao n�ye' the +�G�ot�
cax�ri.ed ��naai.mously,
�. g. �w��,�o� waa xepreae�nting Caetle Mabile Komee �n thia requ�st. A �?Y1pCQ
pg t�� �i�ting si�n aad a cop�r af the half eectiot� ioap �howing th� 3�o��t�ictA
o� �� a���:c�� th� property Ware ahawn ta the Board.
Mx. �a�cm eta�ed Castls Mobil� Homes i.� in Cl�e p�coceea �� �vi,� ti�e�ir
eac�.eti�ig sa].�a �ffice to this property and there i� a�n �xist�.� �la�$el�
Ou�tdVO� ,lk��x�i�in� 1ail.lboard or� the propesty. Tlne � �.e 25 fs�� by �2
�e�t. 1�� oaid �hey wouid like to �et the variance ao the eig�n �am b� �va�
�o� tha�,x bus�.n�es sign i.x�$tea�d o� havix� �a mv�e t.inis ex�.Qttn�g b��,�ira�xd
�u�'�h�� ta the No�th and hacvi,ng ta put up anothsr sign fo� their 'pull�A�o� �i�t,
�x°. ����.��e �aid the City would xathex have �he billbvaxd �� thi.s �o�aC�.pn '�ha=1�
xR have Z s a��na �
The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of March 14. 1972 PaAe 3
Mr. Crowder asked if this sign would stay classified as a bil�board if the
variance was granted or would it be classified as a businese sign.
Mr. Belisle said it would stay a billboard becauae it ie awned by scmmebody
other than the propexty awner.
Chai�an Miniah asked who would awn the sign.
Mz. Swaason said Naegele would own the sign and Castle,,Mobile Haaea wau�.d laaae
i.t from them.
Mx. Belisle added that if the property was to change hands, the aign could
poesibly revert back to being used as a billboard.
Mr, Crawder stated he would feel a whole lot more secure if he knew that i.f
� after the Board granted the request, the sign would become either a sign or
a billboard.
r: ,'� .,•b �.
'Mr. Sondheimer added this will probably set a precedent.
Chainoan Minish stated Castle Mobile Homea was gratited a Special Use Pertnit
b y the Cit y Council to operate their buaineae at thia location for � period
of 5 years only. At the end of 5 years they will have to go back b�£oxe
Council if they want to continue at thia location. Thia variance if gra�ted�
would be for Castle Mobile Homes only as long as they are at thia 1oca�ion�
ao the Board isn't looking at a permanent fixture. Also, according to pu� �
ei,gn ardinance, all fxee standing advertising eigne that are non-conf�rming
a� tlue time the ordinance waa adopted have 5 year� from that date to �aA�c►�
to the ordinance.
Grawder aeked if there was �Y�like�flashingalighta,Wneon lights��stc�,�to
M,obile Homes fxom adding th g
th� ai8n=
Mx. Belisle stated that would be coneidered altering the aign and thay anisx
cox�foanu to the code. If for any reaeon thie billboard is reawveci, the� eigt►
a�p� p�xtnitt�d would revert back to only 100 equaxe fest at that ie the�
p�cim�uta e ize �n th ia z oning .
�Tlpp by Sac�dheimer to close the public hearing.
$e�GO�d�d by Crowdex. Upon a voice vote, there being no anays, Che mati.oA
ca7rxie�d u�animoualy.
�. Cxawder atated he would agree with the Engi�neexitig Departm�ent ix4 haVi�g
only 1 a�.gn to identify thie property and he hetd n4 about chan��.ng
t'h+� bil,lboard to a bueineae ei�n. He would recou�aead that thia aign cauld
os�1y eaci�� as a buainesa aign for the tiuie that Castle M�bi1e $oa�e is stC
thia 1o�ation and also that there ba no other bueinesa aigne.
'k�QTTpN by Cxawder to recommend to Council approval af tha requea� w�th the
�o1l�awing etipulatione:
7„ �'he�'e b¢ only l. busineas sign allowed on thie pxoperty.
The Minutes of the Board of A eala Meetin of March 14 1972
2. This aign will only exist as a business aigt� fox the tiu►e that Cas�l� Mobils
/'1 Aomes is at thie location.
M�c. Sondheimer added the stipulation that:
�, The Sign stay as it is except for the inacriptio� chaxlg,e fox the sales offiCe.
9eao�adeci by Sc�ndheimer. Upon a voice vote, t�ere being no aays, the mo��.oa
carxi�d unanimously.
'M�c, Dav�d Dvckter and Mr, Roger Omtbedt of Suasel Company were pxeaent to
p�eeeat Che xequest.
A euxvey ehawing the addition drawn in, a plan layout of the �tdd#�tion� �d
photoe o� the dwelliag were shawn to the Board.
� �! �ockter explained he plana to add on a 16 foot by 10.7 foot f�ni.].y �p�u►
-� tl'►a� will be flush with the back of the house. The existing doox aud p��ct
ot the w�11 will be removed and a 6 foot arch wi1J. be installed betweeA th�
� a, m� il� r xoom addition and the kitchen. The garaga will. be positioned ahe�d
og the �a� room and wiYl extend 5. 3 fee t a hea d o f t h e h o u s e. '� e g a x a$�
w'�11`be 16 feet by 21.5 feet.
Th� ex��tin� dwelling has a front yard aetback o� 40 feet and a aide yaxd
��,�b�,�� Q� �p.7 feet. The�front yaxd variance asked for is 3/LO Q� a�oQt
.�tAd the $arage r►eeds only a 3,/10 of a foot variance. The living axea �►dd�.ltion
�eeda a 5.3 foot variance.
�'tx. Crawde� asked haw:c�oae to this lot line is the houae oa tt►e ad�acent 1Qt?
�, �sliele shawed the Board a verificatie� nd aetQbacke39dieet�frc►m��h���
ek�vRaed C1ze house 10 feet from the lot lin �,
�xpnt �.pt �i�t�e, This dwelling has bedrooms along the adjoinix►g li,ne.
�� �h� vax':LaACe were granted there would be 14.7 feet between st�rutcCuxsa.
A�. C,xcawd�x a�ked Mr. Doc�Cter it he now usea thia same area �ax p�ki�tg hie
����' �,� �,� �h� iaadily room would be encloesd.
M�, �oGkt�x anaw�xed he doeA uae thie area for �arking and the �amil.y �ooa►
�Qu�,� be� e�c�.oasd. There would be no windows facing the nei�hbox� gxv�sx��.
� �'1���� wau�.d be �lidin� doors facing the back yaxd and thexs wauld ba or►�
��►daw �� �h� gaxa�e.
�� �Qndheitae� asked why he didn't uiave the propo�ed addition tawa�rd Ghe
�aak uwxa,
The Miautes of the Board of Appeals Meetinf� of March 14, 1972 Page 5
r,,, ki�c. packter answered he has a walk-out houae and the back yard drope down. This
wvuld require landacaping before it could be built on.
Mr. Crawder askad if there wa� an easement along tha side property 1ine.
M�, Aocktex said no, they were along the back lot line.
p�aisman Minish asked if he had talked to his aeighbo_r about the variance.
�'Ir. 1?ockter answered he had talked with him about it. The ne3.ghbor �ad a death
in his i,:m►ediate fa�aily and �he funeral was today.
Chaixmaa Minish said he thought the Board should know the neighbors apiniaa of
th� var�,suce befoxe they make a decision on the request. �le aeked M�r. Dockter
if he could get.a lettex from his neighbor that would state his opinio�n of the
vaxi.ancea .
Mp�TpN by Son�eimer to table this request until March 28, 1972 to allow Cbe
agplicant time to get a letter from hia neighbor.
B�GOnded by Crowder. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the u�otian asrsi�ad
t�a�i,mous ly,
,AI�TQU1t�Il�II:NT •
^ �'h� taeeting was ad j ourned at 8: 50 P.M. by Chaira�an Minish .
'�i,�ss�ec��tlly submitted,
� �
MAR.X �NT �^
f �,►7
; Sb0•3450
�ito rid[e �
t� c�
March 14, 1972
- �, Virgil C. fterrick
City Attornep
6279 University Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Minn. 55432
� , �ar Mr. Herrick:
� , At the Planning Commission meeting of March 8, 1972, the
�: Couunission requested your opinion on the following items:
_ -. The Pianning Commission has a lot split requ�st before it.
The property in question is zoned commercial and has a single family
home Iocated on one portion and a gas station on the other. The
_:_ petitioner is requesting a lat split so that he can sell off the gas
station portion and continue to live in his house. The Planning
-. Cam�cnission's dilemna is how to grant the request without creating a
ditficult situation for the City by allowing twa substandard lots,
with the Commission`s greatest concern being the smaller proposed
_., , . single family par'cel._
"A Therefore, can the request that an agreement be made that
would restrict the use of the parcel where the single family home
exists to that of a single family home without rezoning this parcel,
and allow for its use as commercial only when combined with the
` original or a sufficient size parcel to meet our ordinances.
The Planning Commission would appreciate a reply before
their March 22nd meeting.
Thank you for your cooperation.
�^�Yours very truly
.� � ,� �
��t�_ j, . ��=-�-� ��: �
Flanning Assistant f
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. .. .. . . . . � . . . . . . . � . . . � . LAW OFFICES � � . . .. . . . . . .
�"'\ •
� � 366 6A3T MAIN STREET
'r\ � . . . . . � . . . . . . � � � � �
CwnwLESR.wEAVER'��� � � � . � � .. . � ANOKA,MINNE30TA-$.5303 �
� � NERMAN L.TAILE . . . . � � . � 421-6�413 . . �� �.
VIROII C.HERRICK� . . � � � . . . . � � �� � .
. ' • . MaY•Gih . 'Z'f�� 7A�q. . . 6279 UNIVHR3ITV AVENUE N.6. � ..
� . � l� � . . FRIDLEY, MtNNESOTA�33432
� RO��ERT M�UNN�S � �� � � � �
� . JAMES D.GIBBS . � : . � � - � 560-3660 �
� � FREDE.RICK W..KEI$ER.JR. . . . � . � ' . � � �
�� � � � � � � � � COON �RAPIp$,MINN.B$433
� � . � . . � . .. . . 765-1330 � . . � �..
Mr. Peter J. Herlofsky, � �
L.S. ��71-08: CZifford Thoe i
Planning Assistant _ E. 125 ft. of L. 18, B1. 2,
City of Fridley Central View Manor.
643I University Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mzrinesota 5542I
Dear Mr. HerZofskz�:
I acknowledge receipt of your lettcr of'March Z4, Z972, wherein
the Planning Commission requests an opinion cancerning a certain Zot split.
In t�our letter, yau indicated that a property owner owns propert� presentlg
zoned commerciaZ. On this property is a qasoline service station and a
residence. The owner desires to se1Z the service station but maintain his
residence in the house. You ask whether the city can split the Zot and
yet maintain some contral over the use of the property presentl� having
the single family residence.
` J"'`t •
I beZieve that the city and the property owner can enter into
an agreement wherebz� the use of that portion of the Zot be Iimited to a �
single fami3y home, or in the alternative, that if it is to be sold that
it must be sold in conjunction with the adjoining propertr� contazning the �
service station. This would be a mutual agreement, the consideration for j
which would be the,granting of the 1ot split. A simi.Zar type agreement was '
entered into between the citr� and the developers of Xoliday North. You may :
wish to examzne that agreement.
- Perhaps a better alternative would be to have the property owner
exploxe the possibility of sedZing the entixe tract to the prospective bu�er
of the service station, with a provision in the sale that he may continue �
to Zive in the singZe famzly home for an agreed upon Iength of time and at
with our without additional consideration, depending on the negotiation
between the land owner and the prospective purchaser of the service station.
If the rental course was followed, the city would nat need to split
the Zot arid the problems that you refer to would be avoided.
Since Zr�.
. . . . . . . {/�/��n ��'�-C� /� �,���� � � � .
. . . . . � .�---!"� .A `! .54-�7 ' .
. .. . . . . . . � � . � .
^ Virgil C. Herrick
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�' �:; ORDINANCE NO; �
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s.The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows;
SECTIQN 1. Section 45.103, Subdivision 1 of the Fridley City Code
is hereby amended to read as follows: �
_ I) Lot Area -
A Iot area of not less than 20,000 square feet is
required for one main building, however, if the
lot width for a lot is a minimum of 150 feet, the
lot area requirement of 20,000 square feet is
waived, and no minimum lot area is xequired.
2) Lot Width -
A l:ot width of not less than 160 feet is required
at the required setback, however, if the lot area
� , for a loC is a minimum of 20,000 sqare feet, the
1ot width requir.ement of 160 feet is waived and �
ao minimum lot width is required. -
� ,
" OF ,1972. .
MAYOR - Frank G. Liebl
CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell
First Readfng:
Second Reading:
Publish.. ... .