PL 04/19/1972 - 7412n � ^ . . AGENDA PLANNING COMMISSI�N MEETING APRIL 19, 1972 8:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: PAGES ROLL CALL• APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: APRIL 5, 1972 1-g RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: APRIL 6, 1972 9-15 RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: APRIL 11� 1972 16-22 I. LOOPBACRS (CONTINUED): �- Maps available at the meeting. '�`"2• ENVIRONMENTAL QL'ALITY COA'Il�'IISSION I?�' THE CITY OF FR�DL�'Y: 23-25 3. CONTINUED: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE MUNICIPAL DEVELOPI�NT PLAN: �- 4. APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY TOWNHOUSE PLAN FOR ROBERT L. MCGREGOR: 14-15 North 824.7 feet of West Quarter of the Northeast Quarter af the Northeast QuarCer, Section 13. �"1 • �.. , Y. '� A G E N D A PI.E1I�iNING COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 19, 1J72 � CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: APYROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: APRIL 5, 1972 RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: � APRIL 6, 1972 � RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: APRIL 11, 1972 ; I i. LOOPBACKS (CONTINUED): � � Maps available at the meeting. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: 3. CONTINUED: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE MUNICIPAL DEVEL4PMENT PLAN: ! f i �� ��,,rQ,i��"�' ` � ��%� , � : ��� � _ f ��� d"°� v� J�� 8:00 P.M. PAGES 1-8 9-15 16-22 7" 23-25 � PLANNING COl�'IISS�ON MEETING CITY OF FRIDLEY APRIL S, �972 PAGE 1 In the absence of the Chairman, the meeting was cal�ed to order at B.IA F.M. by Acting Chairman Edward J. Fitzpatrick. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Minish, Zeglen, Schmedeke, Fitzpatri.ck Membex Abseat: Erickson Others Present: Darrel Clark, Eng�neering Assistant APPROVE PLANNING CO1�tISSION MINUTES: MARCH 22, 1972 ___.._.— MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeqlen, that the Planr�ing Commiss.iA� a�prQVe the mfnutes of the March 22, 1972 meeting. Upon a voice vote, a1.I voti�q ays, the trption carried unarumously. R,$CEIVE BUILDING STAND�('iRDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOi�tITTEE_ MINUT�S : MARCH 23. �972 M�OTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Pla»ninq Gommi�sio� .�eceiv� tl�e minutes of the Building 5taadards-Design Control 5ubcommittee meeti�g o�' Mazah 23, 1972. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion ca.�r.ied una,n-�mau+��y• � KECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: MARCH 28, 1972 .... MnTIpN by Minish, seconded by Zeqlen, that the Planninq Comm.��s.�Q� .ta�e�v� the minutes of the Board of Appeals meetinq of March 28, 19i2. U,pczt� a �oi�e vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanirr�usly. S & UTILITIES , p10TION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Planrai�n� Cotnmissica� x'e�a.�Ve the minutes of the Plats & Subdivisions�SGxeetS & Utilities Subcommittee mee�i7�� p� March 29, 197a. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motio� caT�'ied t�nan.imously. � 1. : PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT P. S. �92-Q1 �IEATH�R HII�I�S � KE 0 BANNON: Being a replat of Aud�tor'� Subdi�i.aioq ^��, Mr, Mike 0'Banaon anc� Mr. Merlin Gasl�.t� represented �he pet�t�on. MO�'ION by Schmedeke, seconded by �e�len, t1�at �he �.�at�in� Co�s�io,� F✓a��� t,�e z�eading of the Public Nearing for the proposed Prel.�minaty Plat� A�S. #�.��Q�� b� Mike O'B�nnon being $ teplat of Lot 23, Auditor`s Su.k�divzs.�or� #2,2. u$p�i � vo.�ce vote, a11 voting mye, the mot.ion carr�ed una�nimous.�y. � Rlanning Commissinn Meetin� - April 5, 1972 Page 2 I � Darrel Clark gave a short explanation of the meeting with the Plats & Fub- divisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee. The street study and plan of the Rice Creek Area prepared in 1968 by the Subcommnittees and the Planniag Commissian was to be used as a guide line for plats that would occux in the futurs fax thi-s area. Mr. 0'Bannon has about one half dozen new houses built. There is a� s�.igbt change of the road in the proposed plat of Heather Hills 2nd Addition. Tl�e cul de sac dropa further South than the one in the original plan. This el�.mi�►atea the possibility of a street going out to Central Avenue. Thexe are �wo mecesaes� one going up the laill and the other over to Benjamin Stxeet. Mr. Clark continued that the Subcommittee recam�aended app�'QVa�. o� �hs plat and that the plan adopted in 1968 be changed to show th� cu1 d�e aac.a. Membex'� of the Peoples Church seemed to like this idea better than having Cha sXx'��t run through their property and exiting on Central Avenue. They were� cQt�c�xt��d in Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utili�ies that Rice �reek Road aad Aenjau�i�► Street ssnitary sewers were not deep enough ior a gravi.ty sys�e�a� bu� aftax check- � ing further at the end of the meeting, they believe the sant�tary aewer ca�A b� taken from the cul de sac, go to Benjamia Street and out to Rics Cxeak Road. The lots are all standard size and larger. Utilities are in placs naw. Fa� drainage, there'will probably be a storm sewer installed and d�ain it�tA �he , gouthwest corner. ,�. �-- Rev. Hendexson �aid, speaking for the members of the Chu�ch, they f��� �ha� '� this is probably as good a compromise that they have been able to wotk out. y They would look with approval on the cul de sac. Z`hey rathex f€�var thia pl�'� ^ over the one worked out earlier. Mrs. Wayne i+lelch, 6115 Woody Lane: She asked if this meanC th�t da�ix�itelY there would be no entranc� on Central Aveaue. The plaa was ex�+lai��d to hs� that the South road does not go through, however, thexe taay be one f�am t1�a t�sw northerly street. Mr. Schmedeke said his Subcommittee looked at this reque�t a week ago. �le was one of the members that worked with this study from the begixtn�t�g• TheY felt they had something to start with and they did. Millex Home$ are bei�g built on the East area and Mr. 0'Bannon on the Westerly part. Mrs. Sko�r s�x�� o� the three large property owners to the West, agreed. Th� P�aplas Glnuxch lpoked favorably on this px�esent plan. Considering the three la�rge grop+��tY owners and the present plan, the Subcommittee felt this waa th� pl�n tc► S� w�th• Sanitary sewer and a street are gaing aut to Benjamit� so that easamet��s ax� t�5�t needed from the Church property• The Subcommittee approved �h� pla�l• Rev. Henderson eaid they would like to feel the cul. de ,sae f��c th� ���F��� Church also be coneidered. They would lilce , to feel that thi�ss show �.n �hs xe�Q�d � � M�c. Schmedeke read the moti�n of the Subcouimittee whieh showed thi� b+�d ��x'�ady been done. � MQT.ION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the P1ant�ing Commis�s�o11 C�Q�a �1� 8ub1iC Hearing of the proposed p1at, P.S. #72-01, Heather Ni11s 2nd Addi��vl7 by Mil�e Q'B�nnon being a replat of Lot 23, Auditox's SubdiVisiox� #??. iJ�on a VRi�� vote, a11 vota.ng aye, the motion carried unanimously. � p comment was made about the cul de sacs showing on the or1$1aa1 s�udy plan as "temporary". �t was expiained by Mr. Claxk that they axe dedicated aa �lanninQ Commission Meetina - Anril 5. 1972 P � temporary cul de sacs and the dedication is made. They are less than 900 feet long and have two outlets. � MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the PZanning Commissio» recom- mend approval to the Council of the Preliminary Plat, P.S. #72-01, Heathex H.�11s 2nd Addition by Mike_O`Bannon subject to the plan approved i� 1968 baing chaMged to show a cu1 de sac in the Feoples Church property and alsv a cul de saa v,� the 3xd Phase of the Heather Hills area of Mike O'Bannon's plat, Upon z� vo.zc� vote, all vvting aye, the motion caxried unanimously. 2. VACATION REQUEST: SAV 4�72-03, GENE HETLAND: Vacate alleys in ��.c►ck 7, . Oaaway Additioa, North/South alley between Beech Street and �lm Street and the East/Weat alley that exists now. Mr. Gene Hetland and Mr. Ray Carlson were again presenC for this item. �ir. Schtnedeke ssid this item was before his Subcommittee a weak ago. Th�y approved the request, but asked that all the people owning property in �l4c�c 7 bs nptified of the meeting before the Planning Commission th�s �ve�i.t��. The reason Mr. Hetland gave for the request was the �Vortk�/Sou�h a11ey w�s not being used for anything. For that reason, he felt there was no puxpo�e having it. There are utility easements in the alley, but as �ar as Ch� bu1ld�.ttgs are concerned, a11 access is from the front of the lots. Richard Harris, 6200 Riverview Terrace: First of al�, he s$id, he at�jeCts to "T" alleys. They serve no purpose, especially in industr�.al areaa. �e c�au�.d , see where there would be a possible use fox the �ast/Weat alley ba�au�e �� does open on Beech and Elm. It probably would serve a purp4s� leavi.T�� th� ����� -West alley intact. Mr. Schmedeke said it was a good painC. There are sma11 1t�Ca s�n 77�h W�y Richard (pick) Johnson, Harstad Co.: He had na objectio� to the N+a�th/6Qt�t11 alley, but the East/West could be an access fox the smal� houses and maks ��si��' to build an the lots facing 77th Way. , Mr. �itzpatriek noted Chat no one.preseat this evening agoke in �avs�x of yacsting the East/West alley. The signatures on the vacatior� appl�catiot� o� t�te � property owners were checked. 4 � I .� �Ix. Glaxk added: that the ditch running in tk►e East/W��� d�.recC�.on tk��QUi�h ` Blocks 5, 6, 7 and 8 will be abandoned as a storia sewer is gc5ing to ba inst�l.led i�'�$tI� Avenue. fle was not sure the City would physically fi�1 th� di�ch ��. '1'he`water and stAxm sewer should be completed th�s fall. Mr. Ray Carlson asked if the area c�uld not be fill�d in w��b d1xt, MOTION by Minish, seconded by Schmedelce, that the 8lanninq CpxrtmissiUxd � x�ecomm�nd to the Council approval of the vacation �teguest, SAV i�7��Q�, +�y ��nQ Ne�land to vacate the lvorth/South a1.Iey in 81ock 7, Qnaw��i �l�tditi��� retaining the utility easements, but the East/West a11ey ,�hauld �'�Mai� t�� �t exists. U,pon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, the mot�.on carz�ied unat3.i�au�1�1, � � ^� �, Plannin�CommiasiDa M�eeting - April 5, 1972 Page 4 3. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. �E72-02, RONALD E. SMITH: Lots 15 and 16, Block 4, and Lots 8, 9 and l0, Block 1, Adams Street Addition. To make three 66 2/3 feet lots from 5 forty foot lots. Mr. Dave Anderson was present to answer any questions. Mr. Schmedeke stated that the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Sub- eom�3.ttee a week ago approved the lot split ia this fashion because thexe are five lots, aimilar in size, abutting this propexty to the �ast that were spl.it into thzee (6 2/3 feet lots. They were O.K.'D. Mr. Clark said the total lot area measured 200 feet. The xequest Mr. Schmedeke referred to was Lots 3 through 7, located to the reat of the lots being coasidered th3s evening. There was some discussion and difference of opinion whether or not we should try to make one standard �at and the othex two 60 foot lots. The request was approved by a majority vote and Council app�oved the split as requested. Mr. Dave Anderson said they have built several homes in th�s area. Th�y ar� negotiating for this land now providing they can get the lot sp].i�, MOTION by Mini�h, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commis�ipn �'eccammer�d to Council appzoval of the Lot Sp1it Request, L.5. #72-02, by Ron�.�d E. Sm�th to make three 66 2/3 feet Iots from five 40 foot lots using Lots .Z5 �nd �6, B1ock 4, and Lots 8, 9 and 10, BZock 1, Adams 5treet AdditiQn. Upor� a voi�e vote, M�inish, Zeglen, Fitzpatrick voting aye, Schmedeke abstain.i��, th� �rKa'tiQn carr�i ed . Mr. Schmedeke explained his abstention by saying the reasqn be�t�g this particular type of lot split. He is Chairman of the Pl�ts & SubdiVi��.ona�StreeKs & Utilities Subcommittee and he felt if this man could come �n at�d assk �o�C a 66 2/3 foot lot, it would be hard for him, as Chairman, �o ask ��pXti�r mat� tp plat 75 foot lots. He did not look unfavorably if i.t wexe a haxd�h�.p case. �f there were three 40 foot lots �nd divided evenly, t�o objec�iart. �� the�e we�'s five 40 foot lots, and two lots could be full sized, he would agres Go building on a 40 foo� lot providing the lot was wed�ed between two t�ames. Tk�e re�s�at� Eor abstaining was that by abstaining, he was voting w�th them but nQt ab�ecKing �ex se. He did not think the 3ubcommittee Chairman should car�doc►e thia th�.tt$. 7.'h%s is the second request.' �,..noth�p f-^�t was that the previous �equest was approved by Council and went through. k. Inasbruck North Addition being K�nneth Noxdauae, Architect, was prese�t artd explait�ed that ��,�Cxar had been aubmitted by Viewcon, Inc. as to how the utilities would be handled and the landscaping on thi.s site. Originally they submitted a requeat �sa� Pivs quadromini�ms, but now they have added four to this making a tQta1. o�' n�.t�e� Darrel Clark poin�ed out several i�etas on the layout used this ev�ni��• A quadrouninium is a�roup o� iaur dwelli.ng uni�s. �ach g�coup ef fc�ux wi�ll h�v� four garages. Vehicles can park in front of t�e gaxagea. The, aui�d�.�g Staa�d�sda� PlanninS Commission Meeting April 5, 1972 _ Page 5 _.T.�.�._._ .r � Desigt� Control Subcommittee u�:g�.''. {.{f yzre�t pa~?=;i.ng stalls be made available, �ut not necessarily on the streets. The streets are 26 feet wide and this restr�cts travel through the area if parking wexe permitted on the street. The City requires two parking stalls for apartment houses. The City also tries to have the curves lengthened to make it easier for trucks. They f�el ws should have $ome sort of turn around on the South end. Mr. Nordaune said they have incorporated that in the plan. Mr. Clark added that the City has not seen a sanitary sewer proposal or water, but that is ao problem. The storm �ewer in the whale project is being carried through a series of ponds with ultimate outlet in New Brighton. Negotia- tions with New Brighton are in progress, but if not appxoved, an alternate route ' will have to be effected which could affect costs and locatioa. The densities on the different phases, if the project is completed, wou�d be 826 uaits. They are.a little under the original f igure of $50. Mr. Zeglen brought up the matter of the new Building Code which goes �.nto effect on July 1, 1972. Darrel C1ark said we can use our own Building Code until July lst of this year. Viewcon has a letter going to Counci�. on the lOth of April asking they be allowed to build models with single wa�l now. Counci�. wi�.l act on that letter. The problem of parking should be resolved before the project is devsloped, � rlr. Minish comamented, because then the City would have some conXxol over it. - Mr. Nordaune said if the tenants created a problem by parking boats, recreational equipment aad weekend parties, the Association would have to aolve that problem by providing additional parking areas. He stated they wers x'equired to furnish two stalls per unit. He agreed that there should be continuous access for emergency vehicles. They could make the plan contingent upon a� agreeab�.e solution with the City. � The Copuanission members felt they would like to see oa the plans where the stxeets in the whole area would go. Mr. Clark said if a road should be conti�ued South, it should be show� r�n the plan. The Commission would still be hav�ag another look at ��e plana• Ncaw they should recoaunend whatever they feel is necessary. Goun�il W111 ���, �t�� the petitioner wi11 have to come track tc the P�,anning CommiasioA. Ig Cha Plan° niag Commission and Council decide there should be or�e mo�� patrk�.ng s�al�., it would not necessarily be shown on the plan. Until. they et�Tt �u��ing xQ�dl� ; through, they don't know where the additional parking sta7.ls wauld lae 1r� �he � terrai.n. 1b�OTIQN by Zeglen. that the Plannin� Commission recommer�d ap�rvval Qi �kh� pz�elimYnary P1ans for the V�.ewcon, Inc. Phase I, 9 four unit c�uadrom.i�iuma* �� �he cqndominium portion of the total multiple unit complex on paxt Qt 4ut�G+� H. Iru�.�bruck NQrth with the exaeption that if t�here are any cond.i�.ions o� t,,h� additional paxking stal1s. that these be worked aut wit?a ttla Gity Gpu�n��1, and tha cant�nuation of the street South from �Phase T th.�ou�1� xT.I b� �hvwr�• The 1�1QTION FAILED for lack of a second. 1 - Anril 5. 1972 6 ^ 'The members felt therP st��Y�.}�:� ;.. �=�,.7�e �ru��-.':i!.ons for off street paxking, and it should be sketched on the plan as to the nwnber and the ratio of parking stalls away £rom the front of the garages. � Mr. Nardauae esid it seemed the Comanission was asking for more tha� twa parking stalls and it would be difficult in this situatiou �a comply. Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick said he did not accept the tandem park�ng aga�a. ^ There must be access to each stall, not as the plans show, one pax�lcing atall in the garage and the aecond one to be in the driveway in front af tha gara$e• A discussion followed regarding the use of bxick with Mr. Ze$lea saY�.ag the Subcommittee--felt there was enough brick on the buildings. A further problem was the difficulty of the on-street parki.ng. 1MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Schmedelce, that the Planning Comtnission z'eCOm- mend approval of the Preliminary Plans for the Yiewcon, Ir�a. (9 foux un.�� qusdrominiums) Phase I in the condominium portion of the total multiple un.it complex on part of Outlot H, Innsbruck North Additiox�, with the l�ol�lowi�B �u�� gestions:. Psrk.�tng as shown on the plans w311 remain as drawn (�a�d�Rt p�tk�nglJ the off-street p�arking wi11 have to be resolved by the Nome Owtie.��s A��oC����Q� or Council; the continuation of the street South to Fha�sv iI ax�d IIT� t.ha ,;;� Sast/West road be continued 20 feet to 30 feet beyond Blocks 7 ar�d 8�GT � ,,. tuxn around; that Viewcon be alZowed to start a moalel Quadz'pm.ii9.ium u�an Cou17�.�1 approval of the Prel3minary Plan if the storm sewer out#a11 �� set��9d+ �1i�� a voice vote, Fitzpatrick, Zeglen, Schmedeke voting aye, Mi�iash vo�.ir�Q ��� �� mpt.ion c�rried. 5. $ob Schroer, Jerry Schroer and Dave Rick were present, Bob Schroer explaiaed that the swit�ing pool ventuxe was nsat handlt�d ��xis� f aCtorily last year ar►d now the Green Giant people requested y�ur,co���d�rati�n �fax a tranafer and extension of the Special Use Permit to �hem. H� xe£t»rxad to a letter dated March 28, 1972 from the Green Giaat Home &�ardet� Ger1t��'� e Inc., which the Planning Couanission ha� befc�re them statin� Chey "w�x� pY�" pared to accept full responsibility and accountability fox compl��nca wi�th appl3.cabls codes". Mr. Schroer continued that one of the tk►�n$� �Q� ��►�����s� wae that the small house be xemoved. It is there yet. The ppalo w�r� �ak�t► dows► as recommnended. The landscaping was done, but not �Cept up. Th� ������ were mandatory and still exist. The px'ovision to come ba�k 1� pataber �'Q�' review of the pex'mit was never done. This was not a pxofit�b�e vexttu�'� �a�� year, but the Green Giant people wish to xemain in the sw�.ma►i.n8 poql bu�lAe�s� sspeciali�y aa ane o� the campetition in Fridley will nat be i.n the busi,nae� ;.thi� year. ^ TY►� litkle house sitting in the fenG�d-in area i$ ati1� th�xs� Z� �+� � well con�truated building aad very attractive. Its uae �.s mo���y �qs h��d Q�� materia�. and display of pool supplies. An extension phone was 1n�t��.l!�d� � Pla�ning Commission Meeting - April 5, 1972 ---- Page � I /'`� Most of the actual closing of �:'�� s=:.�t � was dcsne inside the main building of the Garden Center. They would like to keep the house there because it ia an emergsncy type of thi�g for adverse weather waiting in there until a shower passes. Mr. Schroer continued that there are other style poals besides what they have on display. The landecaping w311 improve quite a bit in that caraer, They were also in the process of making additional parking North of Che mai,t� building. Th� c$bana was at the main entrar�ce hopefully to aell w�.th ths pat�l setup . '. Mr. Schmedeke said ao �anitary facilities. temporary buildings. this was a temporary buildin� with no faurdatiali aad The Comm►ission have tried to shy away from the MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission zecGmmerid to Counci3 that the Special Use Permit, SP #71-07, be grant�d �o the G�aefl G�+�rtt Home & Garden Centers, Inc. for the purpose of above qround sw.imminq poo.� di����y and to allow the cabana structure to be used again fox a one yeax �+ez'ic�d �t� �+€ the date of approval. Upon a voice vote, Minish, Fitzpatrick, Zeg.ian vo�.�ng ��de� Schmedeke voting nay, the motion carried. 6.LQOPBACKS: ��— Mr. Schmedeke said that these loopbacks are aCtractive fa7: a s��rvi�e �����p� � use.' He felt a service station could be built behind a service d��.ve �nd �h��e would be no need for a loopback. The station would be 75 feet �xo� the ma��l thoroughfare under a regular loopback, but the station built behir�d Gh� sexvice drive would be back 150 feet. What we are saying and asking i.� tha� the �4�ese goes back the same distance as the service driue wouid be if the�e w�R � service drive next to the Highway. Th.e secqnd recommendativn i� th�t khe �xi.� should be the same as that of the White Knight Car Wash on 73xd AveAU� at�d University. The more he thought about it, if the service dr�.ve waa be�w�et� �1�+� service station and the main thoroughfare, the station wou�.d automaCi�ally b� put back. ; �; -�I Mr. Clark �aid th�t service stations and any drive-1n typ� of pa�roaa�� ' have �o have a Special Use Permit and app�ax befo�e the Pl�nr►i.tig Cc�A1mi.�eiA� and Council. Where medians axe construc�ed, they 8a Past thQ f�xat �t��x�t��e" Where th�are is a 150' fao� median, the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets 8 T7t��i��.+3s Subcotmaittee thought the Pl�n�lin� Cc�t��:�ssion, shou�.d considex t�o ex�.�a a�i Ch� main str��� or cross street. �lHe eQntinued that the new lots being crea�ed are induetx��l, 1�Bht �.t�dus-� txi�l or coimnercial. These lots are at least 3/4 of an acre. Mr. Schmedeke said tl��t it will b� up to tha �ui.ldipg Inap��tax ar�d �ui7.d��� gtandard�-�Design Control Subcommittee to see �hat a nice sta�lon ia bu�i�.�+ Th� �exvice stations are improving themselves as far as looks a�� co������d. Mr. Min�.sh asked for dxawings of the loopbacks for ttnr �ext m�e��.t�8• �, Actin$ Chairmar� Fitzpatrick tab�ed the i,t�w o� LoopbaGk� aG Ch� AP�'�l� 19�h meeti��. � , , �: Meetins� - April 5 P 7. PLANTING BOULEVARA: 40 FEET 1�ORE LAKE HIGHLANDS 4TH ADDITION: The �arks & Recreation Com�ission discussed this item about a year ago. Mr. Schmedeke said that the area abutting Highway ��65 should have a chance to develop. If trees were glanted in thia boulevard, making a beautiful natural buffer, maybe there would be a chance to develop. The strip could have side- walks to go to Locke Park. Or the schools could participate by planting trees 1n coajunction with a conservation course. Mx. Brian Ingvalson is the teacher of horticulture at the Senior High School. It was felt that Mr. Utter, Cau�cil- mai► at Large, be made cognizant of the request. The Planning Commission should take advant�ge of Earth Week, if it ian't too late, aad �lso Arbox Week. $. SURVEY OF 4Q FOOT LOTS IN FRIDLEY: Mr. Schmedeke said that after the survey of 40 foot lots in the PJ.ymouth Addition, he thou�ht it might be advisable to have a survey of k0 �oot lots in other parts of the City. This time in R-1 and R-2 Districts. In particular, h6 was thinking of Oak Grove A�diti�=�. He fF�� �hat the people owning 40 foot lpts, if in the past they wexe told they could not build on them, would giv� up and not come back to check. He was trying to get these lots Qr� t�� tax rolls. � Mr. Minish did not agree. He did not feel the need to go qn a wholesa7.� _ campaign. This item was discussed, but no action taken. t � ADJOURNMENT : There 1�eing no furthex business, Act�ng Chaix�aan Fitzpatriek ad�QUrr��d the tneeting at 11:15 P.M. ,' . ResA�ctfu��y_ �u�i}�i.ttsd , p ( �( •-!'4��it..,�c.-��t Hi�2@�� �i � �X'�.8� ". Recording Secretax'y ^ r BUILDING STANDAxDS-DRSIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEF.TING_OF APRIL 6, 1972 The �etiag was called to order by Chairman Zeglen at 8:10 P.M. 0 I+lE1�B&S PRBSLtNT: MSMBERS AB3ENTs OTHERS PBSSSI�IT: Zeglen, White, 3imonesu, Tonco, Lindblad None Peter H�rlo€sky, Administrative /lssistant ML)TI�T BY TOACO to approve the minutes of the March 23, 1972 meeting as w�itten. Seconded by WHITB. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1. CONSID�SATION OF A RBQUSST TO iJSE �4 DOiIBLB-WIDTH TRAILER FOR AN_OFFICE LOCATED ON PARCEL 2650 AI1D PART OF PARCSL 2600, SECTION 12, T-30, R-24 s*tnYe rrura�rv_ 'rut� SAt� BEIl� 7625 VIRON ROAD N.E., FSIDLEY, MINNESQTA. ^ Mr. Mike Rotter and Mr. Dan Ryan were present to present the request. Mr. Rotter said the trailer will be 24 feet by 52 feet. The unit will be modified to change the tour bedrooms into four offices. There will be two restrooans and a sliding glass door entrance. The exterior will be alumimum siding. Mr. Herlofsky said the plan presented has a 15 foot setback and the zoaing ordinance calls for 20 feet. This would have to be changed to conform. Mr. Tonco asked if this was going to be a temporary permit. Mr. Zeglen said they had applied for and received a five year special use permit. Mr. Herlofsky read the 14 stipulatians of the special use permit. These stipulations will be included in the motion. Mr. Tonco mentioned that all parking areas for trailers should be crush- ed rock with oil. Mr. Ryan said they will be using Class V aggregate as it was a better base and gave less water trouble, Mr. Tonco asked if they were going to install a sidewalk around the oifice. Mr. Rotter answered no. Mr. Zeglen said the parkin$ areas had to be five feet away .from the trailer office and he didn't think there should be a parking space in front of the entrance. Mr. Herlofsky said each parking space should be 20' x 10'. Mr. Tonco asked about the curbing around Che blacktop. Mr. Rotter said ,� they intended to use bituminous curbing. Mr. Tonco said �s this was for a period of five years it couldn�t be considered temporary, so they would have to install poured 6"x12" concrete curbing. All members of the Aoard agreed with this. Mr. Tonco said they also wanted a 10 foot radius os� all entr aacss $a ma�1c� p�►_ �he.: P} ap � � ^ r'1 $uilding Standards Design Control Subcommittee Meeting Of April 6, 1972 � �e1$E: � Mr. White stated they would need a more detail�d laadscapiag p1aA ta preseut�to Council. Mr. Rotter asked if plastic hedges would be allawed in front of the office. The Board said they had ao objec�iou to this but this decisioa would be made by the Couucil also. The areas to be sodded were noted on the plan. Mr. Herlofsky asked about the security lighting. Mr. Ro�ter sai.d iC would be indirect lighting. Mr. Tonco asked about facilities for storage of traah. Mr. RoGtex said they would be using a dumpster. Mr. Tonca said if the �rash area should become unsightly we would require the Crash sta�age areta to be scxeened. MOTION BY WHITE to recommend to the City Council approval pf ths request to use a double-width trailer for an office with Che followlrig, stipulationa: 1. Front setback be changed from 15 feet to 20 feet. ' 2. Poured 6"x12" concrete curbing around all b�.acktop areaa. i� 3. Crushed rock parking area for trailexs be oi.l�d, 4. All landscaped areas to be sodded. 5. Lanckscaping plan be presented to Counc;il. 6. 14 Stipulations of Special Use Permit be part af the cnot�pt�. 1. The special use permit is to be $overned by a ce�cti�iCat� � of occupancy, issued after the #.mpxovemeat is itl p1�aGet and a11 City Inspectors have signed it that all conditl�Q�A� ' have been met. Z. The special use permit is to be effective for a p��'i.od A�` five years duration. • 3. When permanent faci.lities are bui1C, the owne�' is ta pro^ vide an easement for roadway to Osborne Road behiAd th� Frostop Drive-in. n, 4. The area outlin,ed on the Plot Plan is to be blacktapped. 5. The office is to be at l.east 24' x 48' ot� conc�ete� {a�ocks and to be skirted to give the appearancs af a perm�n�T�t structure. 6, Tbe landscaping is to be done accordin� to Ci1e �At�ds�mp�i��, plan and blacktopped and curbed. � • , �� /'`� ^ � � Building Standards-Design Control Subco�mmittee Meeting of April 6,_1972 Page 3 7. Units to be a minimum of 8 feet apart with a maximum of 30 units at the site. 8, The parking lot to be curbed with blacktop curb and striped for customers and employee parking. (Bla�ktop curb not allowed by Building Standards) 9. There shall be not less Chan four security kight+� a�rpu�ttd �hedperimeter. 10. There axe to be wood walks to all units from th� blaektop area. J.1. Security fence to be provided on the south side of prQp�xty fram where khe trailers start ta the eastexn edge. 12. All vacant property to be graded and seeded. The G�.ty �A$ipeet�' added that this was agreed to with th� pxevious owa�t at�d he felt that agreement would still cove� it. 13. The sign is to conform to City Ordinances without a variance, and be the proper distance back from the service �oad. 14. The office will be taxed as a permanent skructura. SeCOlided by SIMONEAU. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the mo�iot� carried unanimously. 2. CONSIDERATION HOUSE BUILDIN� ADDITION, THE (REQUEST BY H ESOTA.) OF A REQUEST TA CONSTRUCT A SPECULATIVE OFFICE i3OCATEA ON LOT 5, BLOCK 3, EAST RANCH ESTATES SAME BEING•7701 MAIN STREET N.E. FRIDLEY, MINN ,RRIS ERECTZON CO.. 6210 RIVERVIEW TERRACE, FRI � Mr. Dick Harris and Mr. Harold Harris were present to presen� the requ���. This speculative building will have 9,000 square feet o� warehause and 1,200 square feet of offite space. The exterior of the bu�.ldln$ wi�� 1�e� painted concrete block. The office area will have br�ck veneex on the north and soutl� ends with painted concrete block and panel 15 txim p�► ��� front. Mx. Herlofsky said we need a� elevation plan showing the �0�10$�s'�F111j�' �OX drainage purposes. He also stated we require a$ faot setback on th� rear of the praper�y so the concrete curb wou�d have to be maved in 5�eet. The p'�an has the requi7ced front setback of 20 feet and Mr. Harxis agreed to ��5 feet setback on the south side of the property. Th�.& w�.11 ������ sitate moving the location of the building 5 feet to the north. M�. �i��'��S �hangecl the parking areas on the plan due Co this move, but �here wij.l be Z8 p�rking spaces which meets the parking requirements fox �he squa�s fooGage o£ the building. Mr. Harris also stated that th� drivew��ta W�.�.�. be 25 feet w1de. Mr. Tonco said we wanted a 10 foot radius on a11 �ox'n��t�� All blacktop areas will hay� poyxed 6"x12!� poured conc�e�p ��};�jin$, � Buildin� Standards-Design Control Subcommittee Meeting of April 6, 1972 Page 4 � Mr. Tonco said �if a renter of this building stored heavy equipmenk an the property we would require a screening fence around the starags axaa, We would also require a screened area for a dumpster if the trash stA�ag� area was unsightly. We would also like to see the secuxity 1i$h�in$ noted on the p1aa. 3. ^ All sodded areas are marked on the plaa and will have Gr�en Ash aAd Itussiat► O�ive tree� plantings as noted on tt�a plan. MOTION BY TONCO to recoumnend to the Ci.ty Councll approv�l, of the requea� to constru�t a speculative office and warehc�use bui.ld�.ng wlth �he fallpwin� stipulatiops; 1. Provide security lighting. 2. 5�oot setbaGk on the rear prAper�y line. SeGOnded by WHITE. Upon a voice vote, all vQtin$ ay�, Gh� taoClari CAr�'iad unanimously. �. LOTS 16, 17, 18 AND 19i BLOCK 7875 BEECH STREET N.E COMPANY. INC.. 7101 H Mr. Dick Johnson was present to present the request. Mr, JahnsQn said , 'the dimensions of the building had been cut down three �eet so Ch� building will be 110 feet by 70 feet. This building wil�, b� coast�ucCed with four separate services so it can be rented to 1, 2, 3 a� k peapl�. �, �� n The exterior of the building will be bonded brick and cancxete block, xhis wi.11 make a 12" masonry wall. All'exposed block trim wi�.1� be� g&ii�C�d, Mx. Zeglen asked about security lighting, Mr. Johnsoa sa�d �haxe Wc�uj,d be �,ights around the doora o� the buildi.ng. Mr. Tanao stated he wmRCed some security lighting around the building. Mr. Johnson said they were pavin� the alley. Mr. Herlofsky said our ordinance required poured 6"x12" cancre�a curbi�n� around all blacktop areas, Mr. Toneo asked about tr�ah storage and disposal. Mre �T011AAAA �aid usua��y each �enant was xesgonsible fox k�is owu, Usually dumpstera wex� u��d. Mr. Tonco said if the trash areas were not maintai�ed we wou�.d requi.rQ �h�� a screened area be provided, Mr, Johason said if he had four te�aat� iG would be hard to have a centrally located tr�sh di�posal area, MOTIQN BY TONCQ to recrna�eixl to the City Cou�c�.l approva� of t�t� ��au�$� Co construct a speculative commercial building with the �allawing st�,pu��t#�At1�t 1, Pqured 6"x12" concrete curb a�round a11 blacktop area�, n •�z .� u (} � .� �, �, R ' Building Standards Aesign Control Subcoirnnittee Meeting of April_6, 1972 Pa$e 5 2. �rovide security lighting around building. 3. Refuse containers be placed at owners opCion. Ownex i� encouraged to provide scxeened area for storing of xe�use. Seconded by W�iITE. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 03 59 5 STREET N.E. TO LOT 24, BLOCK 9 N 16' X 20' GARAG� F? PARK ADAITION� THE . (REQiJEST BY �UGE; Mx. Eugene Keske was present to present the request. , Clarence Belisle, Building Iaspector, prepared an inspection r�epo�'C and submitted photographs of the garage. Mr. $elisle's report was as follows: "Studs and rafters are framed 16" on center. Requixe� wind bracing as sheathing is horizontal boards. Facial �teeds scrapit�g ��d painting. Condition fair to good. Applicant advi�ed to obta.i�, ver- ification survey before building permit can be issued at 5933 M�in StreeX N.E." Mr, Zeglen asked Mr. Keske if he was aw�re of this repar�. #�a �a�d he was and wa¢ prepared to meek all the conditions. He said bs wouJ�d be putting in frost footings for the garage siab and the garg�� wou'�d be braced for moving. MOTION BY LINDBLAD to r�commend to the City Counci.l a��rovaj. o� Che requesk to move the existing garage. Seconded by WHITE. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the tpot�on carrf�ed unanimoualy. USED AS A �� N.E 4'��l ON LOT 25 AND 26 7331 BAI�R STREE Mx. pon She�ly was present to p�esent �he request, Thia addi.�ioa i� jy�t � parg o� what th�y had requested befare but �h�.s wil� f1� Xheix' rt�eds aG this �ime. This �+,380 square foot additioA wi�l be painted �pncreCe blo�k at�d they will paint the entixe buildin� at tha �am� Cime. M�r � Herl.afsk� sGated that �hey w�nt inc�.udeci in the impraY�aen� c��� pths pxlvate road ou� to 7��d A�venue, a co�exe�e apran ot� t�►e e�►txa�c�� Wi��► �t 2p.�oot �adiva and a cxown. on the asphalt lip* �� Building Standards Design Control Subco�mittee Meeting of April 6, 1972 � page 6 When asked about dumpsters, Mr. Shelly said they had two, one fa� stee� scraps and one for paper. Mr. Herlafsky said they had to provide drainage on the ramp drlveway into the new addition. The sign has to be 10 foot from ths p�op�xfiy line and requires a separate permit. MOTION BY WHITE to recommend to the City Council approval of the �eque�t � to construct an addition to the existing building with the �ollowing , stipulations: �'�1 � 6. 1. Concrete apron oa entrance to private road. 2. 20 foot.,,radius on entrance to priva�e road. 3. Crown alley witti agphalt lip. 4. Provide drainage for ratng driveway. Seconded by SIMONEAU. Upot� a voice vote, all voting �ye, carried unanimou$ly. ERATION OF A REQUEST FOR DEVELOPI�NT TO BE LOCATED R(W�i) OF THE NORTHEAST Q OF SECTION 12, T-30, $-24 Y_ I�NNESO'tA 55432. (REQ ON THE NORTH 824.7 FEET 0 ARTER (NE�) OF THE NORTHE THE SAME BEING 1500 69TH EST BY ROBERT L. MCGREGOR SOTA 55408 . ) the mation OR OWN- T�T ST QUART�R AVENUE N�E 2$28 STH Mr, Zeglen read the townhouse ordinance pertaining to prelimi��xy p�.a�t 3pproval. (Sectian 45.142, A to I) Mr. Herlof�ky started Che diacussi�on on Che setbacks. Mr. MeGregox agreed to the front 35 faot setback, The side setbacjcs wi�l bs approximately 20 feet when �he final site plan is drawn, MT. McGxsga� taak exception to a wide setback on the rear of the propert�y. He h�s doaated land for a park and reduced the total units fu'om �i3 to 40 and, if he ha's to give up more land he couida't fit his p�a� on th� remaining gxopert3�. He said he would be putting in a tra�.l dc�m, �o Che park ax�ea . Mr. McGr�gor said th� land �rea for the development Was ger£eeC�.y �1�1t. , They will be using what th�y exeavate for the baseu�e'nts to mak� it m4X� ralling a�d give a va�ianca to the terxain, Th�y wili be u�1►�$ xQCka, stones and planting to add tp the landsea�ing. He will bu�.�d �wc� paR�1a aAProximately 2�' to 3' deep, Thexe w111 be a iaotbrid��. Th�a� poada will be used for drai.nags. T�ey will k�e able tv drai.n the pQad� ��a� Cleani.ag. It wi].1 be in the bylaws that Che ponds musC bs k��t e1��4t�, ; iti .ths w�.�ntaz Ches� pands will be maint��,�ed as skati.n� xink� �t��i � warmi.�►g hqus� will be pravided. Mr. McGregor expla�n�d tha ��.l��n�, �t�d �,�d draining of the ponds, �4 � Buildin Standards-Desi n Control Subcommittee Meetin of A Pa$�67 1972 The forty (40) �ownhous�s will be built i� clustera and will have t�a 4-bedroom un�ts and thirty 3-bedroom units. There will be a ga�a$e for each uaiG and two parking spaces. Becausa of the uniqus plan for the units the only common wall is on Ch� secand floor with a drive through area underaeath. This coBm►on wall will have Cwo 2x� walls with 5/8" sheet rocking on both walls and both walls insu�ated. The townhouses will have all double wall construction with independe�t joists on a laininated beam so there is no connectioa between the f�oors of one unit ta the other for the transmittal of sound. The exterior will be a board and batten type of construction in medium to d�rk hues af brown. Each unit will have a balcony. The outdoor �ighting will be reostat pole lights that are self-light�ng. Mr. Tonco asked about the width of the streeta �n Che deve�opment. Mr. McGregor said they would be 25 feet wide. Mr, Tonco asked if there were any trees on this pro�erty. Mr. McGxegAx said the back of,.th� property was heavily wooded wiCh Neverdl O�ka. He has had the oaks checked�and some were diseased and would be remavad but he will keep as maay as he can. �he Board felt the preliminary plan presented by Mr. McGregor was v�xY ^ �a�mendable especially his building p�ans. ^ MOTION BY TONCO to recommend to the City Council app�oya� o� the xequast for preliminary plan approval for a townhouse developmenC ae preae�te�. Seconded by WHITE. Upon a voice vote, all voGing aye, the motion �arried unanimously. Chairnnan Zeglen $djourned the meeting at 11:00 P,M. Respectfully submitted, ��.���ti z , ``Aorothy $v son, Secretary 15 �� � The Minutes 0,_ f'1'i-�e Board Of APP�aIs :��:i:z. -�:, �tf_ A��.a.� ��... 1972 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Minish at 7:30 P.M. 1. MEN�ERS PRESENT: Minish, Crowder, Har�u, Sondheimer, Wahlberg 1�'�ERS ABSENT : None pTHERS pRESENT: Clarence Belisle - Building Inspectox 1�OTI4N by Harju to appxove the March 28, 1972 minutea as wriXtet�. Seconded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� Che tao�iat� �ax'�ied unanimously. Mr. Dockter and Mr. Gene Eggext, of Sussel Company, were px�sent to pr�se.�� tha request. ^ Chairman Minish explained that this item had been tabled at the last nte�ti�� �A allow-�tiwe fox the new notices to be sent to the propexty c�mers surx'ou�ding th�.s pxaperty. He asked the Board metnbers if they had any furthex y,ues�,i.Q�s a� �he� r�quest. �e survey, pictures and plan were looked at again by the �oaxd a�be��s• MOTION by Crowder to receive the letter of "no obj�ction" fxom I�r. K1sin whA �.� the adjacent property owner. Seconded by Wahlberg. Upon a voice vote, there being x�o tlays, t�e �o�1oA cai"xild unaninwusly. M�. Sot�dheim�er asked where Mx. Klein's dwelling is in xelation ta �he addi��.C►ct propased. Mx. Doc�C�er answered Mr. Klein's �e�x^�a�ns °ai.11 be ad,�acent to the �iv�n� axe�a portion of the additi.on and his dwe�ling is 10 feet from ttie cot�n pTApex�y IiAA. Mar. Eggext said thexe will be no windows facing Mr. Klein's dwelling bu� �h�r� wil.l be sliding glass doors to the rear. i�ir. Beli.sle a�ked how they propoaed to vent the attic as i.t had Ca b� acc�napl��i�sd it� axeas other than on the �ast side. Mr. Eggext said they wi11 not cut into the existing �ttic but wil]. ve�� th� additian aeparately. This way they will get away fxom having a dead v�ll.�y. � Mx�, Haxju asked what the hardehip was for the var�anca? Mr. AOckter answexed �hey war�t more living axea a�d th:ts is th� ot�ly way t'��y qat� build o��a the houee �@ the back of the.house is a walkout.. �� The Minutes Of The Board Of Appeals Meeting of April 11, 1972 Page 2 1�yDTION by Crowder to close the public hearing. � Seconded by Wahlberg. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motian caxried unanimously. Mr. Crowder stated he was not very pleased with the area between the two s�xucturea but he can understand them wanting to enter the family room from the kitchen. Mr. Sondheimer stated he would go along with the variance if all the fir� requirements are maintained. Mr. Harju atated this type of hardship could apply to anybody but th,e plan i� �ot objectionable. 1�OTION by Crowder to recommend approval of the variance to the City Council with the atipulationa that: 1. The wall fronting the neighbors dwelling conform to $11 the necessary fire � requirementa. 2. The family room contain no openings on the wall fronting the neighbors dwall��ng. Seconded by Sotadhe�mer. Upon a vaice vote, there being no r�ays, the motion G�xried unanimvusly. MOTION by Crowdex to xeceive the correspondence from Spring Lake Park whick� 6taXed they had no objectiona to the variance that was approved for the siga a� Bob's ^ Produce Ranch. Seconded by Wah,lberg. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the taoti.a�t Catrxisd unanimously. 2. A�REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053 4B, 4. FRIDLE� CITY CODE. TO REDi10E TH� Mx. Julkowski was present to present the request. A veri.fication survey of the lot and a picture of the lot wera ehow� to the Board. Mr. Julkowski said he has 19 feet between hia houae and the side lat �.ine �d he would like to build an 18 foot attached gaxage as he need�s a 2 car gaxa$e• Wh�t� the houaes wexe built in this area they positio�ned� them right in the C�ater a� �3e� lot:�o there i� not enough room to build an atta,ched gaxage without a v�xi��cs. The`back yard slopes dqwn about 3 to 4 feet so I don't want to build �t de�a���d garage as it would require fill to build it. Mx, Growder asked it th� driveway would still come off�Bacon as it doss nvw a�1d ttow £ax the adjoini�.mg property owners house is away �rom the p�'opex�y lin�+. � � �� The Minutes Of The Board Of Appeals Meeting of April 11, 1972 Page 3 Mr. Dockter answerad tl�e drive sa ��. ��:��: �==ir. th�:: �=�•x.�z�: �.nd he added the neighbors houae is 15 feet away fram the property line with no windaws on the aatds of hia house. The Board asked if the surrounding pxoperties had attached or detached garages. Mr. Belis�e shawed them the aerial photo of the area and it showed the propsxtiea have detached garages except for the corner lot. Mx. Belisle said they had received a variance for their attached garage. Mr. Harju sa�d the neighbors have apparently filled in Che back yaxda i�n oxd�x to build detaclned garages. He asked Mr. Julkowski if he had the neighbox writ�s � lettex of "no objection". Mr. Julkowski said he had talked to the neighbor but he didxi't get a i.etkex �zc�m him. Mr. Son�eimer asked Mr. Belisle if he could guesa at' how a�uch fi].1 wauld ba necessary in order to build a detached garage on this lot, Mr. Belisle answered he couldn't malce a guess but the gar$ge probably wouldn't have to be xaisad to drain to the atreet as there is a dxainage ease�ten� �10�1� the back property line. Mrs. Walhberg asked if Mr. Julkowski had given any thought �o bui].din� a detached garage. � 1�. Julkowski said he had thought about it but he didn't want to b�tild a deCa�h�d garage because he would have to build the back yard up and there would be ��.a� ot space was�ed for the driveway. Mr. Belisle stated that with a 1 foot side yard, it is almos� impossible �A tt�e�p from draining on the adjacent property. Mrs. Wah�bexg asked haw much of an overhang was on the pxesent hous�, Mr. Julkawaki answered about 2 feet. He added there wi�l be x�o dpax fxam Gbe gara$e to the house. The house has a back dpor and he will pµt a baek do�ax �ct the garage and have poasibly a cement walk between the two, 1�DxI0N by Sondheimer to close �he publi:: heari.�ng u Seconded by;Haxju. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, th� mp��Qt� F��'x��� unaniaious ly: °� M�r. Crawdex said he is not �nvinced that th'�xs is a hardship aa tl'►� o�h�x auxxqu►nding garagea have be� placed in the back yards. �.s Mr. Harju �aid he agreed that there is a problem ia that the housea ax+� �a��exsd on t'�e lots and in this case there will be 15 feet between sCxucturea. He gelt that there are 3 a].ternatives that could be followed: bui.ld a�itigls cax $�tr�8s, bui.ld a detached garage or buy part of the neighbors pxopeTtyR � i9 The Minutes of xhe Board Of Appeals Meeting Of April 11, 1972 Page 4 ^ Mrs, Walhberg said she is not happy with the overhang as it wi11 be pushin� th� lot line but then there will be 15 feet between structures. Mr, Harju said that with a 1 foot side yard, there is vixtually no raa� �4 ��� wa�k around the garage without walking on the neighbors �and, Mr. Julkawski said that with back doors on both the house and garage thexe wau�d be no xeason to go around the garage on that side. Mr. Crowdex said as it stands now he would be against the variance bu� he wauld be in favox of allawing the applicant time to try and get the cast �ac�v�'s i.nvolved for an attached garage versus a detached garage to try and cox�vi.ACe k�im that there would be a hardehip in having to build a detached garage. lrir. �ulkawski said he could get the cost factors as his fafiher ia a gene��1 contxactor. . MUTION by Crawder to table this request until the petitioner comes back w�.�h ec�e � type of infprmation to show that there would be a hardship in having to build a detached garage iastead of what is proposed. ^ 3. . Seconded by Wahlberg. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the m��ion car�Ci�d unanimously. Mr. Silseth was present to present the request. A suryey �d pictuxe ca� Gh� 1Q� were shawn to the Board. Mr. Silseth explained he has been working with an architect i.n �inding a hou�9� to iit on this vacant lot and the architect suggested he go be�oxe the Boaxd to see how �ch of a variance he could get. Mx. Crowder asked if he meant he has not picked out a house y�t bu� i.f the . vaxiance were approved then he would pick out a houae Co �it th� v�xi�nca. Mr, $ilseth answered yes. He added he does own the lot bu� th�Y ��v� �no houe� � pl.an as yet. �he lot has plenty of frontage xaom but then �he lo� tapexs dc�wn toward the back ao there wi11 be a problem witl� Che side yards. �e is t7F'y�A� to find out haw �uch of a variance he can get so he will kaow how bi.$ af a ' house�he c$n build. Mr. Sondhe�,mer asked if I,ot 6, which is vacant at this time, w�11 be d�velap�d `in tk�e, near future. � �ix, Silseth eaid he didn't knaw but the owner of that lot, Mx, T. �xick�QFt� wae� �n the audience.' - � • The Minutes Of The Boaxd Of Appeals Meeting Of April 11, 1972 Page 5 � The Board asked about the location �f tre, house c�x� Lot 4. Mr. Si�seth said the house on Lot 4 is approximately 13 feet fxom th� lot lia� so there would be about 16 feet between structuxes, 7.'he adjaaent bedrooms would be along the side of the proposed garage. ^ Mxs. Walhberg asked if there are any bedroom windows alo�g t�iat adjaG�nt wall. Mr. Silseth said that there are bedroom windows. Mrs. Walhberg asked how wide of a house could be built withouG a vaziat�ce. Mr. Belisle said approximately a 60 foot house could be built wi,thou� vaxiance$. Mr. Thure Erickson, owner of Lot 6, said he would like ta vo�ce his objections to this variance. He said he has known Rusty far 16 years a�id he valuee his friendship but he felt in the long run it would be betLex ta abje�t �caw. H� �aid that moving Mr. Silseth's house closer to the lot line would encxoach upon hie vacant lot. The lots are fairly large and if the houses are bui.lt to cc�de the lots would continue to stay this way. He plans to sell th�.s lot, wi�hiA a year o� so, and he felt the people who buy it would not like hav�.ng Mr, S�.l�e�1�'s house closer to their lot than it was supposed to be. He sai,d if Mz., Silseth'� ,- variance is granted, he will probably have to get a vari.ance on �hat �id� of his lot also when he decidea to develope it. Mx. Crowder asked Mr. Silseth if he plana to live in this houa� w�e�i ifi is bu�lt. Mx. Silseth said that he did. Mx. Minish stated he could not see a hardahip as this lot could be b�i.1t on without any variances. He said he would like to see a specific houae plan positioned on this lot before a decision was made ori the variance. He said w�,� a specitic house plan maybe a variance would be necessary but th.ea it might not. Mx. Harju said he didn't like the idea of having the living axea tha� el.ase to the lot line. Mr. Sondheimer said the applicant should taake templa�es o� the houae and gaxag� and m�ove them axound on a larger acale survey to find a inoxe suitabls locat�.on. Mx. Silse�h said they had done that but on 3 feet they only �ained 4 in�hes. Mx. Erickson said he had talked to Mr, Sjodin, owner of Lot 4, and he had been , concerned about the variance but he'woxks t�ights so it wou�.d b� haxd �ar hi.m to come to the meeting. Mxa. Wahlberg said ahe would like to s�e maxe apeaifics befors the vaxiartae �s acted on. Mc;`PIOiN by Wahlberg to table thi.a request until the applicant x�turns w��h �pox� r . i���xmation. Seconded by Harju. Upon a voi�e vote, thexe being no �.ays, �he moti.on p�rxied unani�nous ly . /'\ F �� The Minutes Of The Board OF Appeals Meeting Of Aprii 11, 1972 page 6 4. A REQUEST FJP. A VARIANCF. OF SLC :.��A__p; 5 ��53,__'a�'�.�,,."��IDLEY CITY CODE� TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD UIR�MENT FOR LIVING AREA FROM 10 F'EET TO 5.1 FEET TO ALLOW THE EXISTING ATTACHED GARAGE TO BE CONVERTED TO LIVING AREA ON LOT 6$LOCK 2 GARTEN'S ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 140 RICKARD ROAD N.E. FRIDLEY, �tINNESOTA. SRE UEST BY MR. DENNIS OTTIIK, 140 RICKARD ROAD N.E , FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ottem were present to present the request. A verification suxveX and pictures of the lot were shown to the Boaxd. ^ Mx. Ottem explained they want to convert the existing garage to liv�ng �xe�e as naw they ha,ve to come through the living ropm to get into the garage, y want to build a detached garage on the other side of the house and in the back yard. Mr. Belisle asked what would be done with the existing driveway. Mr. Ottem said he would have only 1 driveway to the future garage arid the existing driveway would be removed. Mr..Minish asked why they couldn't add onto another part of Che house. Mr. Ottem said the houae is a split level design with a sloped rpof and it wouldn't be feasible to add on any other way. Mr. Crowder questioned the large amount of living area this conversion would make. Mrs. Ottem said the house has 3 levels but it has nu basement, just a crawl space. 'I'he Board brought up the separation between structures. Mx. Ottem said there is approximately 12 feet between structures. He added they wouldn't be adding onto the house but just converting what is already there. He said he had talkQd to his neighbor and he meant to get a letter of "no objection" from him but he wasn't home tonight. 1Kr. Crowder said there must be a window on the wa�l that faces the adjacent pxopexty and asked if this window would be removed. Mr. Ottem said that it would be remcsveci. ` MOTION by Crowder to close the public hearing. Seconded by Harju. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mot�.qn carried u,nanimously. Mr. $elisle stated the neceasary f ire wall would have to be installed. MOTION by Harju to reoo�►er�d approval of the variance to Council with the stipulations that: l. The normal fir� protection requirements be followed. r1 2. Z"here be no windaws on the East side of the existing garage. 'I'he reason for the apProval is that the hardship is the layout of th� house Rrevents a,ny other exgansiczn plans because they would be economically unfeasible. Seconded by Crowder,. Upon a voice vote, the�e be�ng no nay&, t�,e motion carried unanimously. - � �� The Minutes Of The Soard 0� Appeals Meetin� Of April 11, 1972 Page 7 �� Mr. Sondheimer com�eated that he thought the Board should require a lettex fxam the adjacant property awner� on all variances and aiso that the Board should not be required to act on variances without adequate plans. � �'1 The Board members had a diacussion on thes� 2 items. AAJQURNMENT : The meeting was adjourned by Chairroan Minish at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submi�ted, MARY #IINTZ Secretary ORDI�IAI3CF i�0. � ' �� ; _ � AI3 QRDIi�t^.IdCt� E•STAB�IS;Iu�IG Ait F.T�NIRO:di,'�,IT:.L �UALITY COA�i�SSICi1 IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY 11ND �Ec�IhII�G r � � . � DUZ'I�S AI�iU RL;�PG:�ISIBILITIFS � .. �� TFIE CITY COUidCIL Or THL CITY OF FR.IDLEY, l�:IN`��OTA, C�-�:IiiS: � , . Section 1. En��_ronmen�.l aua.1.� tt,,^cor��ai ss ion . The City Counci7_ of the City of Fr�.dley, recogni.zing the profound impsct aT ^�.nt s activit3• on the interrelati.o�: of all aomponents of the natual enj: � ���i?���nt, particiil.arly the pro°ot:nd influences of population growth, urbaniz� �_on, industrial er.pa..�sion, resotzrcE exp]_o:tat� on and �ie.�► and ex-aanding tecN�iolog4 'S ar�d recog:�iza.ng further' tha criti cal importance of naintaining and impxovin� �:.�� environnent�.l quality of Fric�l.eST ta the overall welfare of ihe ci�;izens of F� idley, does herebJ establish the Fridley �.viro�r��nta.l Qua.lity Co�:��issio�. Section 2. Defi_nition of. E�iviro:�.r�ei?t. For pur�oses of this ordinarc�, euvir�r,�uetit 13 f�6f�r�ed AS a.l.l 02' tiic i'i8 �uT31 t,t1y31C�:�.1 :.:30U.i CCS� �'.^.e �.t10 L2c: � _ resources and the r,�.�n-�ade envirorutLent, and including tre sensorily perce�ved features of noise, sight and smell. Natural physical res�urca� including t�a air; land, t�.=ate: {both surface and sub-surface), all planLS and anir�als and ��n _ - himself . _ �ectiou 3. Purpose• The Comriission is ests�bZ�shed for tre purpose of advising +.he City Council and the Ci-ty Planriing Coa�m.ission and sub-com�i�tees thereof on all naat �ers concern? �g thE qv,�lity of the Citiy envirer.ment, includir_� the review and recc�end�.tions or polie?es for and the pr��otion of interest uithi_n tha City in the n�.a.inte�ance and imprcve�ent of th� quality of the City enviro:u�ant. Sect�.e:� �.. L*at�_es �r.d Resoonsibi.li.t�_es. The duties and respons:�bilities of t�ie Co�r.�issicn s.�il b�: � . (a} to gather tiinely and �.uthori�.,�t; ve infor��!.tion co�icert;ing the conditio�s and trer_ds ir. the c,�3i.ity of. the City enviz•o:�►z:�nt, bo+.�h ctu•rent and pres��ectiv.�, tc �r.�l,r4�: a..c'� inter;:�.•�t �uch i.:ifor�:Ztion f, r th� purpose of ,�. ,deter�inYng whether such conditions and trends a:e int��rierin�, or ara likely to �,,4 int�r. fere, *aith the achiez*e�ent of tha policy of �aint�k�'�:�.ino and iniproring the � �•'quality of ths Cit� envire�ment �md to compile and sub�.�c to the Council reports �� relatirg to s�ucr. studies and 4rer�ds; - � '� :�, ' (b) to develop ar_d recomn:�nd policies to the �ity Cot:.ncil for the • �purposes of fost�ring �he mainten4nce and i�provement or the Cityts environ�nental . qu�.lity; . (c) to conduct, in cooperation wi�h the City planning Commission when appro�riate or k�hen requested by the City Council, suc� �nvestigations, studies and ar�alyses relatino to ecological systems and enviro�:t�ntal quality t�i.thin. the City, �s the City Council may requast; (d� to docu�ent and define cha.nges in the nai.Taral environment of the City, including the plant and ani��.l sy�stems, and to �.cc�ulate necessary data for a continuing �.nalysis of thsse change� and an interpretation of their under- lyi�g causes and to submit reports thereon to the Counci�; t"'` �� (e) _ with the perm.ission or at the rea,uest of the City Council, to ass�st the City in se�king the assistance of education3l and governmental insLitutions in �dentifyir_o, protecting and promoting thQ use of n� tUral �reas vithin the City as 2.n educational resource; (f) to promote �n enlightened public atirareness and concern for the 0 - environr.ent a�ono �.dults and childrer. alike; (g) to conQUCt meatings of the Com�-�ission ope.i to th�. public so t�.�.t concerned citizans �ay attend and will b� encoura.oed to contrib�,zte; (h) t�ith t�-�e parctt.ission or at the rea.uest of t'r.� City Council, to coor3i.nate activities �ritl-� otiher com.�:i��ities and agar�c�e;� as the City Council M�y request; - (i} t� m.31.e and iurnish such studies and reco� �ndations witii respect ^ to matters o° enviror_:�en±�.l policv and legislatic:� as th�. Cit;/ Co�:�nczl m.a.y request; (j) to repo*_•t periodic�.11y to the City Counci?. on the aciivi{;ies of the Co►e�ission. �-� r" `� Section 5. Memb�rsliip. 1'he Conur,ission shall consist of seven �embers� �� _ , all appeinted by the t�a.��or with ttie consent of a m.ajority.of the me�bers of the City .' •Council. riemb�rs o£ the Co�aission shall be residents of the City, shall have an ,�"� . interest in the eavironmant of the City, aiid shAl1 be app�inted with due regard to � � their fitness for the efficient ci�s�:tch of tY:e functio*:s, duties and responsibilities . . , vested in ai�d inposed upon tiie Conunission. r:e�bers or the Co�iss�on shall serve - without conp��sation. The Chais�.n shall ba appointed tzt--large. The rea�aining � six nembe� s shall consist o£ two members fro� each City 4?ard. Memb�rs of the Commissic:� sl�a.11 be ap�ointed for terms of three years, eacept for high school - or colle�e students who shall be appoinied for terms of or_e year each, and except for the first Commi.ssion appointed, krhich sh�ll ha.ve two �embers with ene-�ear - ter�s, one each fro� t?�rd 1 and Tr'�,rd 2, tTrro mamb�rs with ttro-year terms, one each from Ward 3 and 4'ard 1, and three me�bers with three-year terms, one each from 1�Iard 2 and Ward 3, plus the At--Large Chairman. Upon the expiration of his ti32iIl Oi Gii 3.i.c� 1 iu2u^.ti3v-�P 5�.�.1 C'v11 v1.iLlic ti0 SEii V2 lLrl ulZ iliS SllCCOSSOT' uiti'u..aZ2 ii:� ti 8 � been appointed. r1n3• p�rson appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed shall be appoir.ttd for the re�aa.inder of such term. Membars of the Comm.ission may resign vol�;�ntari]_y . or be removed from office by majority vote of the Council. - Section 6. Or�anization. The Com�rission sh�ll: � � • (a) Adopt such byla��s as shall be necessary or desirable for the coneuct of its business. • � ; • (b) Ee assi�z�ed a staff-secretar� from the City Ad�inistration. The secretai•y shall perfor� only such clerical �uties on bahalf of the Corrauission as tnay be assigned by the Cha.iruian t��ith the consent �f the City r'.ana�er. Additional advisory staff m3y be assigned to the Com,-nission by the City l��nager. - Section 7. This ordinance s'.zall be in full force ancl effect upon its ^� passage �.nd publ? catio*�. .