PL 05/17/1972 - 7414' \
MAY 17, 1972
8:00 P.M:
-: �.. k
MAY 4, 1972
UILDING PERMIT: G. L. MILLER: Lots 13 and 14, Block 2,
^ v� ommerce Park. For Snowmobile & Sales Service by A-1 Motor
� Sports. Considered borderline use under CR-2 zoning.
-� See Page 3, second item, of your MEMO TO DEPARTMENT HEADS.
Copies of CR-1 and CR-2 Ordinance for your study.
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The meeting �ras called to osder by Chairman Erickson a� 8:03 P.�3,
Members Preseat: Misish, Bricksoa! 2eglen, Schmedeke, Fitapat�ick
M�s�r� �bsent: None
�thars Pr�seat; dfarrei �lark: ��aeria8 �ssist�t
� �� �.S�J�ox r�N�rr�s: a�a��+ �gs ii%2
�R'ZON by Schmedeke, seco�aded b� Fitzpatric&, tiuzt the PZaatsing Corr�niss.#on
minutes of Apr31 19, 1972 be appsoved. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting sye, the
m�tior� carried ur�animously.
�EI`TE BO� OP �PEAi.S -Mi�S : I�PItII. 25 : 1472
• ' 1�DTI0�1 b� Zeglea, �ec�aded bs� S�h�edelc�. �t�at the �3anning Co�oeissian xeceive
t�ie �i�tes of tbe Board of Appeals meeting of A�sril 23, I�7�. IT�rou a voice vo�e,
',., a2l sroting aye, the motion carried unanirsous�y.
. �'�A�D�-DESI�AT CO1��lL ���H�iITTEE PQNUTBS: APRIL 20, 1972
1�TZOa by S�g2�n, secanded by fi tzpatrick, tlsat t.%e Planning eaamnission
s�caeivae t.i�e Ai,n��s of the euilding St�rsd�rda-D�eaign Contz�l Su3�c�a.ittee minutes
of Apri1 Z0, 29?2e Upon a v�oice vot�, s11 voting aye, tt�e m�tion �carried
(6{ffii�li�i��� s . .
�. �apo zznrr�� ��►t� e� sgas �ivsAS �r dv�uE �. r . : Lo c. 9 , �� , 1 � ,
B2cck 3, fly Park tion plus vacat�d stre�t. _
Chsiz�sa i�fos�ms� t� Camaission tfiat the Covacil harl referrod
t1ri� i�am .at Lhs l4ay iat meei�u� to this Camiasiaa b�f�re they �ould act. Ths
si�e of t�e 3ot daea not conform �o ths �sssat toas, b�i � Pl�aing Conaniasion
l�s s�c�andsd a chsa;s of t�s 3ot iisas uudtt ti�s ta�ercisl zoaes.
Mr. Fitspatsic�c ask�d if that tias the oaly r�oc� tt►e request was aen� buc�
to tbs Com�iseion. Dan�l Claric aaid he had talked to Mt. Daris a�sd Pet�r Aerlof-
aky awd ttut �ru tl�ir i�ssssivn sieo. Conocil ft2t t�rey should not approve
t�e ger�it uf.tAe�et P`ia�aing Gcaisafan `s i�noKl�d�e.
Mr. �►zvid Sia�s, representing the raquest, c�me forWazd with �vised plans
� including the changes suggested by the Bu3lding Standarde-Design Co�ntro� Subcom-
�ittee. These were atudied.
Plaaning Com�ai.ssion Meeting - May 3, 1972 Page 2
^ MC)TION by Schmedeke, sec+onded by Zeqlen, that the Planning Comrn�:ssion
recoaaaend to Council approval to construct the 2�pata Restaurant on Taots 9, �16
and 17, Block 13, Ngde Park Addition plus the vacated 59th Street subject to the
recoaQaendations made by the Building Standards-Design Control Subaomr�titte� �nd
that a row ot evergreeas be plarsted a� the �ast sie�e of the redwaod %nce. Upo,�
a voice vcte, aII voting age, the ma�i.c� carried �asia�c�rfrs.�g.
Chafrmaa Erickeon said the Planning Cammni.esioa h�td recc�eaded to Cauacil
that they reduce the area.require�nt from 25,�00 to 20,Q00 �quare feet�aAd 200
front footaga to 16II front footage. Thic reQuest �eCs the k60 feet a�nd �h�
minimum 20,OD0 square foot requirement. The Ordinance has mot passed �� �h��
point. The petiti�er has �aked permiesioa to buil& a xestau�caut c�tl Cha pxag�rty.
i+�e are �erely requesting Co�acil to grant this request.
. To rezone from �-1 to R-3 fax To�mhouee$ �nd
i!�')TI[� by Sci�delre, secoz�ded b� Fitzp�atrick, tliat tlle PZanning Co,mm,is,sion
isaive the sead�g of the Ptab3i� �leari�g Notat�e iar the Re�ng Reqpes�, ZQA
�73-03, �'he Ws31 Corpora�afon by D�iuiis lradri�a I��de� Estate� to reaone �'a�arrt
R°i tv !t-3 f�r T�ni�use� a� Apartmerats. �lpcm a voice voQte, a1Z i�a��� ���.
the �tian carried unan3m�us3y.
�ra Nei2 Webes: �rchitect for tiae Wail Corp., �sid the la�t prp�oaal �►�a fo�°
�,,� ��azr lsr�e agaztmeat buildiags which .was deaied. Theq have a new b�Ceakdowta with
�i�� �3 t�onse �.fte aad iQ5 apart�reat� whfch g�ves a tfltal of 16$ dwe11�.A�
affitss ��1ffit ta put a thr�e s�ory aad t�a sta�p atpartmeat ats't�a�ursa ot� �he
�ra edg� of L3� site. �ottg the Dl�xth aad �ast si�� ti�ey have+, pufi th�i�
. 1'6e parking lot is ia t� lap ares so ti�at it �s nat visible �`rom
a^��ident#al �areas, Yau step down to a different lavel 2a�dscape. -flat�.=a� �b�e
- ��� raquir�aeht� is~�ther:}�ond,�ag area. T1aey ha�te hse� told by t�e C�ty ��►at they
aaed 12 acre feet of pandiag area to take care of the rua off. 'Z'h��e ar+� two
�tary to�i�auses, but not appreciably larger than the r�sideaces ac�oaa tt�e
street. The three story apartment build�ng ia th� #artbest away ��om th�a
_ e�cistit�g residences. �ey have tried te sho�r a 1ot of green space �and beCt�een
tbe naits t:�ere �s gr�ea sgace. The materials for the aps�tmemts �ou2d p�Qbab�.y
be ro�gh sawa cedar. 1'he �artments sre oae or fi�ro hedraom�s; 55 sme bed�aotu
and S� two bedroam agartmeate. Tttere are two and three beduoc�m t�u;hou�a ��ta
�ith 1,150 square feet for the t�wo bedroom $nd 1,35fl �q�sre feet �o� �he th�ee
bedroo�.` The towa�auses each have a garage. The zan3ug requireme�tCa �A�' p��ki.n$
are �.� psri�.33�g etails per uait and an additfon af ose :half staT1 fox eaa'� �tddi-
tivaal bedroam over oae per uait. '�here are 1$3 sp.azes fQ� ap��tn�nta
aad for to�wahouses 7$ oa eite ope�c parkin$ �nd 63 garages.
IIr. Weber said the setback would be 35 feet aad berms are ta �� p�c>po�ed,
Mr. Wail said ha hoped this new plan would be the ansWer fo�c the uae �a�"
�tttis land. He felt theq had co�e s long wap from the othex glan b�► hav�n� �wo
storp apartmmut buildings aad the towahauaeg. TEiis plap eli,minate� th� t���!d �Qx
an additioual storm sewer charge. They were open for fc�rther sugge��ia}��, The
� �il.y is a ga�d 20X Iass thaa the previons plan. It drop�ed fro� �.8 to 12 ua�.t$
per a�xe. .
Planning Commiasion Meeting - May 3, �.972 Pa�,e 3
�, . , � ... -�-.,..-.,r
� . A. F. Miiler, 525 BennQtt Drive: fle said they paid fpr a�toru�+�e�T�x aAd
� drainage aad he coulda't aee that poading aa a aolution ta this s�t�xm a�w�r.
The neighbors bave all paid their storm sewer aaaesaments. 1'be Ci,ky tAa$e a,
deal whereby they rna all the water out of the Com�ons Park into thi� p,xqtu�d.
He did not fe�l this should be alicwed or that i� wauld be fair fax �hem tp
have the draiqage pond a� it �uld be �t�gn�►t t�ater aad uiould get pr�tty
deeg duriag a flaah €Iocd. There i� a seorm Q�wer ia the area wt�ic� rt:ns up
hfll instead pf do�mhill, but does Aot include the poading area. �e+ �etiLionex
should have tp put in a stoi^m sewer.
Jamea H. Langeafeld, 79 b3'� Way: He asked if it wasn't up to ths ox�aniza-
tion and C�pany to take care of their own drsiaage rather than the �axpaysze
take the hurden. He felt the petitionar shauld take car� of their ehare oi the
stor� sewer charge. He xas aot too �ch against th� project itself.
Mr. Wall said that'it seems nobody wauts a pond thQre. The water seetn,� to
sppear through the ground. Tha Riedela also paid for the storm sew��`. I� +�
etorm sewer is put into the whole site. the aaseasmeats wi11 be sp11t to th�
benefitiag os�aers, bnt the Wall Corp. would be only paying their shar�,
i�. iiilisr s;id that 15 ar 16 yQars sgo Fi#tb Street �as �.acluded i�l th�
assess�eat for tiiat storm aszrsr. fle fQlt t�e miautes vould sbow Ghs� Ch� R�!ede7.
prcrpertp �aas pot aases�ed because the �tors sew�r did not go i�a thexe, �a�ch
` co�ntractor that developed in this area had to #uraish the s�or� se�e� �p� t�#e
house he built. .
^ Robert McPhersoa, 500 Bennett Drive: He wished to di�cuse �hs �xa��i�
probl,em. He eaid that cara will be going out oa Mississl�pi Stxe�t, ,��s� WARde�ed
ii this vould cz�at� s big traffic probl�. ia t2�e ru�h hnurs, he s�id �h�y
caaaot get �n t.�e st�eet naw. The traffic is gstti�g $a heavy on �.asi�s�.ppi.
nwr, t�e �s suYe they weze going to have problems th�re. This �.s a act�c►pj� a�ea
sad the bi_ggest race track ia Fridleq. WE �hauld attempt to �tllevi�lt+� evs'�C'y
bit of traffic we can from that street for thQ protection of vuz ch3.�d�cen. I�
is a big problam. He refsrred to the setback of 35 fest �aying "��s w� gs��mg
to have an a�phalt �ungle acrosa the atreQt from us"? Mr. Wall is �bss����+��.y
�erong to say we vouid like the property left the paq it is. t�ia wa��d 7.�ks Co
have the �ro�erty dev�ioped to somethiag iik$ the conditions Frexe wh�� w� �
out here.
William A. Sitchiaga, b270 6th 8t.: ?here are t�o biacka �f xs��.deAt�al
ther8. �eventii Street �rould be covered with toWnhonses, but we�,.alAAg b3xd
A,�ue, West of 7th Street, would be looking into the thrRe s�oxy ap�rC�en�
bufld��e snd they vould �aok right down in hia backyaxd, The �ra���,G gzoblem
is terrific aad �his will add te it. AaythinE eiae he could say abrpttt 'Ch�
�ezaniag �ould be agaiast it. Se kaes� Mr. ilall had tried, but � ati,ll s�s�ys
it is aot t#�e �lace #or multiples.
The qu�ation wss asked what t'he bsnefite w�aYe the p�eojec� �apld �ici�q� t9
"the City of lridley. .
iSr. pall �mswared that the ta:es th�t would be g�aerated �av�1d be �u�l�tam�ial,
�,,, Se r.o�1d sssv�e the Citq of Fridley coutd uee ngw residentia� hvv�ea, '�hexe
� wlii be etaltiple #amily d�ellings but still tbep are somebody'� boa�. We� thi�
tkce Citp naeds: ne� houses. This tqpe of desi$a �ould p�abab�.y pi'odv�t� ��X
children. Obvioualy� the� are aot gof�g to baa childrea. �a�t�au].d ���� ki����
as�e �.ess c#i.Idrea per acre thBt would use a achoo2. oery f�+t ���'es�s go �.t�tv
that �ie�re.l�p�ea� �o street coet and maintenance �tre 7.ess, W�s� oi` �ha r�eaY��.vp�
Planning Commission MeetinR - Mav 3, 1972 PAg,e 4
�'"� meat ie coamnexcisl. He would aesume the people liviug �.n the towrthauses aald
apartments would be about the same kind of people that live ia Fridle�y Aow,
.' The toamhouses would be in the price b�cacket of $28,Q00 to $40,Opq. �'i�� tawn-�
• houses are for sale per unit just like a house. A one bedroou� unifi in tk�e
apartments would rent for $160 and the two bedroom for $2Q0. From a market �tand-
point, they would not want to build anything that no one would want to buy a�
Mrs. Joseph Tapsak, 510 Miesissippi: She stated she objects to the who�e
plaa. The only way a child has to get to the Fridley Comm4ona Park is by 7th
Street and because of the traffic there naw, she will not let he� ch11d �p by
himself to the park. This project would add to the danger.
Mr. Wall said that basically this is not real expensive la�,d, Z� Che �.and
were given to him, he would not put single family residential ot� this pro�►exty.
Nor are the siagle family homes beiag built today the same kind o� ho�ts�t�g as
are already built. He admitted the traffic is a probl�m, but amyChing gpin� in
there would generate traffic.
Leif flenricksen, 495 Miseiesippi: Before he came to Fridiey he 11vs�1 ia an
apartment and the owner lived there, too. It wae kept up nice, buC �ow �ha� �k�e
apartmeat he occupied is reated,��it looks like a dump. He would bate to �e� �ha�
happen to a nice piece of ground. He atill would like to see R�.edel get 'h�s
naney out of the propertq. Ae thought there could be 55 lots oa t�is p�'ape�t�►
�hich could be sold for single family homes aad the Riedele still get � gQod
"chunk of gold" .
�"1 •
William L. Simms, 6281 5th Street: He said he waa agai,nst the xezq��A�
as it affects the whale com�unity around it.
Virgil Mullins, 6331 7th Street: The laat time this rezo��.n$ w�,� 1axc��gt��
up, the City was asked to make a study of it. Was it done?
Chairman Erickson anewered that the area was being presemt�.q at�d�ed umder
the Comprehensive Plan, a study for the City. No conclusio�s 'hav� be��p Tcaat�ed
Donald L. Larson, 6310 Jeffersoa: Thi4 project would p�ac�iaal�y dOV►�1�
the deae�.ty of single family zoning. He objected.
Lloyd Bennethum, 369 66th Avenue: He asked the rate or per�e���gR p�`
accupancy of apartmenta in Fridley at the present time. If these apaxtla�eA�� ars
built, presuming this resoning goes through, are they goiag La �av� �sAam�s�
Wauld this eatablieh:an injurious precedent in Fridley? #ie w�e p��'�iGU�.a�ly
i.t►texested in the four lots on the corner of Univexsity AveRue �c� 66th ,�Y�mue.
�f a pr�cedent was �stablished now, haw caa we saq "no" to othe�a wk�s� wax�t �o
Geox�e Mei�sner, 373 Miasiss�ppi: Re�arding.occupancy� Li�+� pc��p�A+�y �A
. k�Iitaaeapalis of apartments ia less than 70X right now. �ie w�u�.d �ike ta �ay the
' Wall Corp. has made an atteWpt to meet Qame of the objectioae �Te h�d t�k�� �.���
� time. Traffic ia stiil the same concern. It seeme to be utade���at�d ��►5�
everqone on the Planning Co�isaion knows it. He had asked abp�tt h+�Vit�g ��tQp
7.ight on 5th Street and Miesissippi because he hae seen seve�al a�c�,+��pC� t'��r�,
Planning Commisaioa M�eetiag - May 3, 1972 Page 5 I
� He �►as told it was not a fea�iblQ situation. fle opposed the rezoniag generally,
' particularlq the apartmeats. The attempt to include apartments is repugaaat.
If it were all towahouses, he was not sure that was the anewer. He thought the
problems with setbacke aad landscape were miafmal, but gonding and sewer wexe
difficult. If Mr. Wall would like 'to make a statement that he would guarant�a
there would be no etorm sever assessment Iater to the City, if t�e would take Ck�s
risk of that probiem coming up at a later date, it would help.
Mr. Wall said it was his honest opiaion, assuming thie developtp,ent
approved, that because of the neighbors, we have a ponding a�ea, k�e pb�tld take
up hie share of the asaessments. If they p�t a pond in thexe, we h$ve to take
' care of it aad it has to look gaod.
The people were afraid the pond would overflow duriag a i�eavy �a1A,
Mr. M�eissner aaked for a ahow of hand� of the people imteresCed im th�
rezoaing aad then of those who were oppoeed to the rezoning. xt appsaxsd to ba
James Liston, 6360 Washiagton St.: fle a�ked �ho would mai�tati� th� ��hQUaes.
Mr. Wall aaswered the Asaociation. Then he asked about the dep�h pP th� pApd.
Mr. Weber aaid only a ssa].1 portioa would be maiatained coatinually. '�1'i►��� X�.1��
be a gradual run off so that the poad will only fill up during ��to�ipn.
Mr. Clark eaid there is an overflaw pipe �ad will conaec� �,mto th� �x#.�t�ng
liae of 7th Street and B�naett Drive. Chairmaa Erickson sa�d the pat�d ��
� iatended to be'a retention poad.
Mr. Liaton eaid that everq time there ia a heavy rain, ia f�can� st� his
�arage theq have a fountain six feet high out o! the ground. Thes'� �s a b�'ea�C
in the pipe aad he picicQd up the tab for it.
Mrs. Robert McPherson said that whea there is a rsal bad storm, W�te+� c4taes
doan from Missisaippi on 7th Street and also comes doWa Benmett ]�'i�Ye. Th�
water backs up and lifta up the manhole covers.
Mr. Clark esid�the City had had hearings an atorm sewer systema, �3ooAebody
hss to come up with $250,000 to build a ae� one.
Mre. McPher�on aaked why the Riedel property was aot puxcbased �o� �'��'�k+
Mr. Fitzpatricic esid it �ae beeauae When the Park Departmemt put u� �t bo�c� ��ppe�
oaly 1,000 voted and 600 were agaiast the issue. This is the taain �easot� �hs
City doee not have enough money for parka and the closeaess of tk�� e�is�it►�
Com�wns Park. '
Mr. McPherson suggeoted buildiag housing �or the elder]y. �t i� �A i��al
loce�tion, close to shopping and bus.
�Sr. Wall eaid he thought it was a good ide� aad they �uld b� �w11�i?�g to
include oae or something differeat. Whea they look at a�iec� o� g�outid, �.'� ��
ae real estate developers. Fortunately theq hare been right taar� �hAU Wxs��►$ 0;
r1 �hey would not be here toaight. Theq felt thie area was ideal far �,p�t��t�}�G�
and tawahouaea. Theq felt this would improve the area.
� Cou�issian Meeting - Mav S, 1972 Fase 6 I
^ Oue person felt the pond would be an attxactive auisance.
Mr. Schmedeke aelced if the Riedel property was a$sessed for the Miasi�s�ppi
Street improvemient? Mr. Clark said he thought it wa� assessed for curb and gutter
oaly being Miesiaaippi Street ie a State Aid road. 7th Street was assessed as
a normal street. Mr. Schmedeke seked him to aee if the Riedel people paid their
share of the storm sewer and sanitary sewer. If properly aesessed, ti�ey would
have everq right to u�e roads•-Ehe same as you and I.
M�..�l�ieiseuer-aske� for an explaastion of the difference between R-3 and R-3A
Chairmaa Erickson rep�ied that R-3A would be strictly mult�.ple uaits a�d
R-3 sllaws apartaaeats aad aultiple dwelliugs. He the� read from the prd�,nance.
James A. Thayer, 377 66th Ave.: He asked if I�r. Wall ever had expexieaee
with ponding -- how it wi11 fuaction uader rain conditione? What would happeu
if that pand.were full up -- where would it flow? Basically, th� ove�flaw from
.' that pond would;remais� oa that site was the saswer.
Mr. M,cPherson wondered if there would be aay pollution in conneatiox� w;�th
the pond.
1MDTIOIV b� Sch�tedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Couanias�ox� close
the Pnblic.He`aring of the Rezoning Request, ZOA #72-03, bq the Wa11 Cor,pvratio�
^ to rezone from R-1 to ,�R-3 for Townhouses and Apari�nents on the Riede�, p.�4per�y.:
Upcn a voi�e v,o#e,''sIl"voting aye, the motion asrried unanimously.
Mr. Schmedeke saicY that he has lived ia thia area for sose�. a� kt�awa
the Riedel property quite �Il. i�e hss ao coanection with the presemC d�v�],ppea�.
Revtewia$ the history,`the Aiedei groperty wa� rented to a farmer t�►a kep� bia
cattle ,on irt. Children akated there ia tbe winter. 7.'he �lan preseA�ed tk��.s
eveniag by the Wal3 Corp. is the first ane he has seen a�d he thou$h� th�� W�e
a sensiblQ plaa,
Mr. Schmed�ke co�tinued that he'd like to read a short ezcerpt �rou1 t'�e
Regular Councfl Meeting of May I8, 1970 an Page 6, about the ce��ex o� tMs �i�at
paragraph referriag to a statement by Norman 8ladel: "He said tha� he �pu1d �o�
find anq for prior to 1956, but'he understood that at pms tim�+ tha
ltiedel gropertq:wa$ zoned commercial". Mr. Schmedeke said this h�a caueed a
hardship tv other peaple, includiag himself, who knew they weTe also za�,ed co�ar
mercial laefore 1956 aad suddenly their records were lost. If t�te xeco�'da �ad
not been'lost,,�you would haVe a commercial area todaq. The developa�C �aid he
was willing to coatribute an extra amouat taward� the storm sewer. In 1�is
opinian, a holdiag pond will solve the situation. A ator� sewer had besc� pu�
in. �'he City aho�ld check and see who has paid for one. �m �ll psabab�3��ty, the
Citq may have made an error. In fact they have done it going dow� UA�Y���i.ty.
This was hia hva�le 'opinioa.
Mr. Schmedeke aaid he was going to jump around a bit. iihext t�� V1e��oA �eop14
camE in, we had a traffic problem and every time a neW deve�.ope� aAm�� i.i�� Ke
�"1 �have a traf#ic pxoblem.. We cannot tell a deva�.opex be caano� 0�4 p�q�e��y. Tl�e
waterehed district is another thing that confuses him or t,�hat +atic��G� �h�y
entail. fle did not see a atorm sewer catcb basin ia either �th p� 6th ���e�t�.
Plannin� Commission Meetinst - May 3, 1972 �age 7
, . ��.
The p�tes must have b4en runaing into the Riedel propexty. �hp xest o� the w,��q�x
is running North into three culvert� on 63rd Avaaue. ,As faac a� thinkin� abou�
this property being a park, he did not feel this should be con�idered as a park
because the Fridlsq Com�oas Park is close. Children have grow� up ia h�,s are&
without a playgrouad.of �ay kind. As far aa children falling ��to a pool, he
did not thiak Itice Creek was fenced. The amall children should be watct�ed care�
fully. Until all these queetions are aaswered, he can't give am answer. If a
home for the elderlq ware put up, he did not know if t'heq could be suxe it would
be for the elderlq, but law income.
1M�TION by Sci�medeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the �lanning Commission
continue the Rezoning Request, 20A �7?-03, by the Wa11 Corporation to rezone
from R-1 to R-3 for Townhouses and Apartments on the Riedel property:until the
Jt�ne 7, 1972 meet3ng. Upon a voice vote, a11 vot�ng aye, the �nation carried
Mr. Minish eaid the traffic coacerns him, particularlp exiting on Mississippi
Street. He would like the petitioner to do aome studies and see it it would be
poesible to have an entrance onlq on MiQaissippi Street.
The audieace was informed that the next meeting aould be on June 7th and
no notices would be sent out.
3. PUBLIC HEABING: �i.+ZO1�iING REQUEST, -Z00 i7Z-04. i.BI(� IriVESTl�N'r, i1vc. , nz
^ JOiIDi R. DOYLE„ PRES.IDSNT: Lota 12 through 17, West 5 fe�t of Lot 18, Block
16, Fridleq Park. R�eaone from it 1 to CR-1 (general offi�e and limited
• � • busiaeos) � for xeai ��ta�e .Of fice.
IYt�TION by F�tspatrick, seconded by Zeylen, thst the Planning Com�ission
waive the reading of tAe Public gearing Notice for the Resoning Request, ZQ�A
M7?-04, Leigh Investawnt, Inc. by John R. Doyle, President. Upon a voice vpte,
ell voting sye, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Erickaon, at the requeat of Mr. Doyle, read the zoning x'eStr���ions
on the Cx 1 Ordinance.
Mr. Doyle explained his plans using drawinga to illuetrste the chaagss �a
the home. fle said this is a�odeat home. They aould like to go into tb�e �ouse
and use this dwelling se a real estate office for the purpoae ai` caaduc�ing a
business. The reason for asking a rezoaing was due to the fa�� that at �h�.a
point and time, he did not intend to live in ths house, but upder CA �, he could
do so. Be intend� to use the house for coaducting of seal es�ate buaine�a�. He
intende to remodel the otructure, give it 'ore of an up-to-dats appearaa�e, loqk
aell, blead well �rith the �urrounding aei�hborhood, crnepl�men� the housea i�► the
area. The houae aill have a chalet appearance, small foye� a�d front ro�m
togethar. They xould not be adding more apace to the houae. Ttt�y Wi�.l ext�ad
�or a porch aad entry oa the front of the building itoelf. ,A�q Par ae the Way
it fita on the land it�elf, they were making vsry little cha�ge to the,exi+a�i�ag
propertq. The driveway to the garag4 `vill have a turn arowad, �'hexe are ��cee�
to tha aide and foace xith provisions for ohrube. Tre�s to ti}e back an�d f�can�.
Tbe antraace to the p�rtias lot �rill be oato 63rd Way, WesC o� �'he house. ��
N�11 not pase by anyone's drive�ray.
Rlannin� Commisaioa Meeting - Ma 3, 1972 Parte 8
. . _......_ ,
� Mr. Doyle coatinued stating the total area is aix 1ots. The properxy to the
. East aloag the tracks ia zoa►ed indngtrisl. The prope�tg to the rear �.$ �oxted and
occupied by a duplex and tenters. There is a�t South of here, acro�� �as�
River Road, which he uaderatands has beQn chaaged to �t dup,Iex zoafng. Ttxe�► felt
this zoning would blend ia with the neighborhood very nicely. It Will b� kept
, up aad in good conditioa, if not better than what it is aow, Thexe wi,��. be �
small parkiag lot. During the rush hour traffic, they expect vi��ual�.y Aq more
than what the duplexsa generate. There will be one small,sign fa3��.y close to
Eaat River Soad. It ie expected to be of normal size, about 30 or kQ squa�re
feet. There will be no chaaging to aay type of induatrial ot manu�a��u�iAg.
It is aet up ia such a�waq now that if you lived ia the property, yq�, cauld uss
it as a amall real eatate office.
Paul Kumhera, 134 63� Wap: He said he had afae pages of ai�ttuxee ot
peopie who are against this rezoning. Oae of the rea�oas would bs t'�s +�dd��i.onal
traffic problem, t�e area fa residential now aad tbeq fe1.t tha� epe.m thle �ype
of commercfal zoniag would devalue their property. He tboup�ht tb�a aoald be
an opeaing wedge �o make all the property from Mi�sissippi Stresfi ko ii�ght�'�y
�694 coimnercial. They were just putting their foot in the door. �te pra�mAt�d
the petitions, -
MDTION bq Schmsdeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the P1ar�.i�� Co�s�►�on
receive the petitio»s aqain�t the rezoning request, ZOA A�7?-04, .by ,I',a►.tgl� �'rJY�t�
ment Znc., Jofin R. D�ay1e, president, the sigAdt�les beisig C011�:t'ed ky Jl�i'�e
Gerald Gerber, 6275 �ast River Road, Raymcnd K. liumann, 4� 62� Way asad 1M,��►.
Ai�lliam iloyt, 190 6Znd Way. Upon a voice vore. a11 votfng a�e, t,he mc+C.ica�
/'1 carried vnanimously.
Richard Brawi►, 6�103 Esst xiver Road: �ie waated to 'know wbiat di.�'i���ncs 1�
mskea who geta ths petitiona aa loag aa ths pQOple know who signR it�. �� K+�+s
opposed to the rezoning. flQ'd like to kaaw haw gou would make ap �ncoaapi+ca�us
sign. Be thought it Waa a foot in tbe door.
Mr. Doyle waa asked why he cho�e thia particulu si�e aad he an�w�ed thia
arsa was choeen'bacauoe it waa on East River �oad �fii¢h i� � h��ly C�c�Y���d
road. It obvioualy �vu a gr4at deal of s:poourE to tzaffic at thia 14c�t�aA.
It is readily a�ccsssibl�. Tha or�inanca in Fridlsy rsquirss � s�l� ���. The
remodeling of th� hoae its�lf vill ba attractive. With soaething lik� ��i.� im.
the area, it upgradiag. Ther� ia-iaduatrial soning a1oQg tbs x��1rC►ad
tracke. Sooner or later ycZu Will have iaduatr�at devalopaent here� bu� tt��y
are ia aa excell�nt positioa to act aa a buffar, Ser day �t qi11 b� dav��op�d.
They are making a proposal �fiich they tesl vill tu�re Li�e lea�t �soup,� o� im�ac�
and the greateet amount of protection to the area itaelf,
Ed Ellis, 70 63rd Way: He moved in Fridley ia 1948. They i��ve pa�id +��1 of
th�ir asse8smeate ae a home awaer. B� did not Naat co�mercial� �rapex�y aaxA��
the atreet from him and he objects to the resoaiag.
Gerald G. Gerber, 6275 East River Road; He aas opFosed to �esaTa�.A� Ai
this property.
^ i�iildred King, 71 63� Way: She asked What ben�#it wi11 th�.s be Cp �l�qs� w�a
live here?
Planning Co�ission Meeting - May 3, 1972 , Pa�e 9
^ � Mr. Doyle snswered that the tax base of the property would ga up gai�Cs
appreciably. Theq would aot be produciag any children fxom here iAta thB �ahoa�
syatem to contribute more heavily towarde schoolo than what you da yaux�s],vea.
They would be in the im�ediate area to help service theix paeds whet� you �eC
readq to sell or buy property.
Mr. Doyle continued that he had no connection with any other property in
the area. No other deeigns oa rezoning aaything. Theq were rezoniag to a very
limited commercial etatus. They are imposing the leaat amount of �mpacC oA
the area.
Mra. Gerald Gerber said she lived across the street from Mr. Doy.le's pro-
posed bu�lding. She can't get excited ovQr the parking let.
Mr. �iarry Crawders 146 63rd Way: fle would compliasnt Mr. Doyle. His plaa
might be well for thQ area except for spot re�oniag, traffic problems, spaci-
fically East River Boad ahich is heavily traveled aad Mhich makes it attractive
for com�ercial uae. The lota there arQ quite lar�e, Mt►ich again ma�kes it
attractive to commo�arcial property. Moat of ths ho�es are quite modeat, same
are vacant, one haa buzaed. While Mr. Doyle's place �ight aell mak� th� a�sa
look good. he was afraid of the next rsquest aad the nest one juet beca�use it
doea not lend itself to large ho�nea.
, ' Aaother citizem said that, ia hia opinion, notices ahould be a�enG �q �►eople
more than 300 fseL away,
� Loren fiolle, 33 63rd Way: He agreed �►ith tLt rast -- tha,t this �s ���a�t
to get it all co�ercial.
Mr. Doqle presented s petftion Which hs had ciscul.�tad for f�vo�riag a� ibe
NDTION bg Zeg1�n, secaondsd by tit�atsick, t.b+et t,l�e Planniug �o�tis�.�Qn
rece�ve the petition c�rc�lited by Jo1�n 1�. #bylo in iav�z� of the rezo�n9' request,
ZOA �Y72-04, by Leigi� Inves�taient, Ina�o:'paratsd. i7pvr� � voice vote, a�.T,i vat�i�ag
aye, ti�e m�tion csrr�ed �aniaansl�.
M'1Ti�V by Zeglss�, secan8ed by 3chm�ddn. t?�tt t?� Piu�atrig Co�ti��ion
s+e4'eive the letter fraw illz�. an8 !lra. Charl�a Bens.inqer, 6?55 Bast R#Per Rcaad,
requeat�ng the3r neuaea be rea�wd tro�e the D�lf petition and +�i�e �et�at- �'�'4�t
11Ir. a�T :tKta. D. � J. A�i�ering, 182 6� N:y r�quasting thia l�tter bR cot��da�'ed
as a vote ng�inst the rsaoning request, tWl M7?-04. Upon a voice vote, mll
voting a�e, the mation carried ur�ani�atsly.
• Mr. Doyle said the general area condats of very �odeet heae�� �bguC
$1$,500. It �rould bs vsry difficult to evea talk about buildiAg a hot�s�a �or
Lh�t �xice noa. It i� �oing ta bscome more and mors difiicult to se11. 8otue
people ia th�'�rea ha�s ovar built for the ax�a. You are bow4d on oae A�.�� by
a very heavi�� travolfd soad aad ari tha other by the induatsial �s�a, �1.�
'rlli forc4 the i��ue. A� induatrias come ia hsre, aad it �rill cop�e � the�p wil�
forc.� the whole araa to beco'e i,ndnstrial. Whea •that come�, thia t�tols a��$
� is going to go. Dales� you aboliab Eaat Biver-Road altogether, �t �4 �oin� to
h�tppen. fle Was not co�ing ia t�yiai to oppoee Lhe �rhole neighborhaod. 3�ach
propert� o�aer has t�s right ta ua� �is property. Theee are a11 �ewa7.l �qt�.
• 8a had chected the pia�s a�d everpthiaa ia this aras �oaaiafia of 4� Foa� �.QL�.
Planning Com�nission MsstiaA - I�Iay 3, 1972 Pa;�,10 �
^ Richard itarria, 6200 Ri.verview Terracet fle had to agree with Harry CraNd�s.
It has been for a long ti�e tbat he did.aot �o alon= nith spot rezoning. The
Mhole Bsst �tives Road situatioa ia a mish saah but two vronge do aot n�ke a�igiit.
There was a proposal bafore Couacil that a atudy be made of thia situation, put
that got side trackad. fl� woadared if it vould be poaoible for Mr. Doyle to
hava the real estate office oa this propertq by �pecial u�e permit aad tha� �
study be initiatad oa.the whol.o zoaiag alon� Eaat River l��d aud get ].ines �ret up.
Chairman Erickson sxplaiaad �to Mr. Barrie that under our ordinanca i� W�m
aot ;os�ible for a special u�e per�it. The Planaing Commnisaion i� natr otwi�ng
a Coaprahenaiva Plan for the City of Fridley and it will probably ba �inishad
within the next aixty daye.
Mr. Harris thought it might ��a vell for Mx. Doyle to vait s+i�b '�is x�qusst
uatil the Comprehensive Plaa ia fiaishad.
Ms. Doyle said th4re•�ould b� parkiag spacs for 10 cars. �'he cua�o��� a�nd
sa�essan will be pasking ia Lhe front on the Bast side a� the parce�,.
iie: coatinued tbat -the dawatairs of the houss doe� _not lend �t�e],� t�►��.� to
offica space. The diaing and living roo� aould be ideal for recsptioq Xo�c�e
aad iile�. In real estate office you do lilce to have same kind o� p�c�Y��y
�ere you csn talk to theae people away fram the hubbub. •They �ould haY� �`AUr
offices on the aecond floor.
Mrs. Gerber aaked Mr. Doyle wbat would happen if he had to gi.Pe t�'► Gh� Q��i.ce.
^ Mr. Doyle said if �omsthing happea�d to him, thQrs wa$ ao May �� c�u�,1,d
kaa� thia. A� to the graea areaa, he had Ao reaaon at this point to �lwke �ny
ciaaa�ea hsre. It �rae aot really an ar�a he would wsat to u�e �n bu�Id on or
espa�nd the office. Hs wants to use the building for an office aac� ou� o� Che
lots for purpose� of parking.
l�fr. Bllia aaid hs knev tAey were in for a neM �tra4t aad curb i� t�e ��aar
future. Hs kaew thers irill bs oo�e big s�sass�anta agaiast the prope�ty, ��
tbought �lr. Doyle abonld chmge hia miad about bolding the lots opem.�
Richud Ditto�, 6291 Rivervia� Tsrracs: ila felt very much in �.ine i+i�#
Dick Harsia. fle did not go aloa� aith �pot r�so�ia�. He tbougi►t 14r. Do�►la
should wsit. fla uovld be very diaappointsd if lil�ething aaan't done abou�
buffering along the railroad �ucb u�Ql4ts crn�ercial developAeA�•
l�TIO�I by Mis�lsh, ssco�ed by F1t.�patrick, that tbe Publie Be�r,�n9 0#' �h�
Rezoning R�qaeat, ZOa N72-04, by L�.igh tnv�st�wnt, Inc. by Johr� R. D�yl�,
Preaident, be closed. vpon a vnice a�te, s11 v�oting �ye, the aK►tior� a�ri�d
Cbairosn 8rictson �splaiaad to Mr. Dayla that, if he trished, bi� �Rqt�os�
could be d�laysd uatil tha Planains Comaisoion co�eplatad ths stndy of tt��
Ca�prsiisaai9� �1an .oi 1►ridl��. This �rould b� a �attsr of tMO or �b�ee pwl��hs �
Or the Plaimins Co��ai�aioa could act oa it toaight.
Mr. Sct�ad�i�e said be toured the assa thi• aitsrnoon,. He sap �.ats v� aica
hass�, Many �s� �mdsr $20,000 that he'd like to o�m. Cleaned up, pai.axe� and
t�i�d up, the�'d look seal aic�. H� didn't ti►ink the �rta h�►d deter�or���d
da�,a to tl�e point ab�e�ce the� •hovld be� 1��cking �on tb�. On the Gis�t •�da tuce
a4�luti�ul ho�es. The ones next to the Gra�k �hpu�� ao� be meat�,oned as t'�A
Planning Commiasion Meeting - Mav 3. 1972 � Pa�e 11
^ the aroag side of the tracks". He met Mr. Doyle before. He advised him that
w� have many.areaa in the City of Fridley it would be we11 for him to look at
aad would like the type of house he would be developing. In his opinion, if a
parfiy comes in to do com�ercial buBiness, he ehould be in a commercial area.
� /'�
Mr. Zeglen asked if it weren't true that if a maa lives in the hause hs
could have his owa business in the hou�e, even though it would be � xra�Pia
hazard. _
Mr. Miaish said he was terribly coacerned about the tra�fic aiCtsa��or�•
The problem is severe and aerious for a number of years. It has beeA uAd�� study.
Even though the Coamoiaaioa completed their plan aad came up wi�h ����,tdy� hes
would be opposed to thia request priacipally because o� kMe £act ChaC ug �o
tea o� more care being funneled out to the East River Itoad traffic p�rc►b��t,
Mr. Schmedeke said that this is spot zoaiag. �Ie was sure sven �tfte� �he
s�udy is completed, the Commission would not approve apot zoaing.
l�JIpTIpmN by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Gcmuutss.�on
recc�mmend to Council denisl of the l�ezoning Roquest, ZOA �17,?-04, ,by �,e�igl�
Investment, Inc. , John R. Dbyle, to rezone froar R-1 to CR-.1 (ge,�era� p�`,�ia�
and limited business) Lots 12 through 17, and the West S feet pf Lat .TB, ,B.�e�k
16, Fridley Park for Rea1 Bstate Office. Upon a voice vate, a.i1 vo�a:ny d��e,
the motion aarr3ed unanimouslg.
To rezone from R-1 to R-3 geaeral multiple family dwelliags fo� �m
apartment complex�Lot 39, Revised Auditor's Subdivision N7� except �ax�
to Greeawood 1�5640.
Mr. and Mre. Einar porstad were present.
l�TIQN by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the p��,ing Com'n�aa�icr�
waive the reading of the Public Nesring Notice for the Re,zc��.ing R�uestr �C�A
#72-05, by Einar "Ted" D�rstad to rezone from R,1 to R-3 (genetal �t�.�G.ip1�
family da►�I13ngs) for an apartment aomplex on Lot ,39, Revised Audi�p�'�s ,Sub-
d3vision #77 except Parcel NS640. Upoa a voice vote, a11 vq#.�ng ay,s, tah�a A�C.�c►A
casried unsnimously. �
�Ir. Dorstad said that whea he came to Fridley on Decemb�r 20, �.97Q� �c�ross
the etreet f;om thie propertq was a filling atation, A& W�Loutbee� aad F���a
��chen. �,ot 16 was not com�ercial. There were no new houses. ��,re ws��
t►ouaes acrose trom commercial. They were adivsed by five di�feT�AC g�tap�,s t�sy
should aot attempt to make it commerciel property. However, i.t �� �,p� �sa��y
R-1 property. If they hed R-3, they would build alpagside Mx. Gree�waod�a
property. They want buildings nice enough that they'd N�tat to �iv� AexX �o.
EIe could uaderstand objactian� euch as diffexsat cases wh��� �qultipl� dwa�.�iags
x�re vacant later on. That ia nothiag nsw to anyone. Bu� ypu ju�9� c+AA�C aQUn�
on selling single dwellings across from a].1 that commercial atea. �'he�a ��a
be�n some thought or discueaion putting a�treet througii Xhe taiddle a� �1�,� �e�d.
Oae plan was across the water easement which io the exteas�oA oi 7�th Wt�y �d
t�is was an a�.teraate plan. If the atreet weaC through, �a px'iCS p� the 1A'�d
would b� cut considerablq.
Plauning Commisaioa Meetiag - May 3, 1972 Pat�e 12
� Bert �llis, 115 Talmadge Way: He stated he circulated a petitiaa of a�I
of tha peopls on Talssdge Way and 75th Way. He received signstu�cea pf 100X of
everybodp involved. They do not waut to live �cross the street Psom ap��t�tez�t
buildings or industrial the eame as Ted. They felt apartment bui�,diAgs �m �h��
area would affect their property. If gou start changi,ng the rexqm�ag ia pns
area spottedly, it should then be done oa a city wide baeis, wi�}� s� thaugbtt
of the geople involved being landowners. It is a creep�ag paxa�,ypia. �Y�t�,
if everythiag oa the Baet side of East 8iver Road were induetrial, �ha� �.a mo '
� �eaeoa fo�c it to increase. .
�1�'l70N by Sciu�dehe, seconded by Fitzpatrick, thst the PZanr�,�tng Co���s,�on
receiv�e the Petition submftted b� 8e�t F11is objecting to the re¢onair�g z�eqqe�t,
ZOA N?2-05, by Sfmt "Ted" Ib�stad. ETpo� a vat_ce vote, a11 votin9 a�e, �o
mvtion carried unar�fmously.
. Larry Chavalfer,_ 4$ Tslmadge Way: He said that he Iived acro�a �roin th�s
l�nd, fle had never qet ssen a request msde for a rezoning without �c�me sox� of
plaa, plat or building. If the request wa� granted, what is goiog up the�re.
He would like to go on r�card aa ogpoefng because cr€ spot rezoaiag ar►d �� d�.d
not Waat the area across the atreet to be e big apartmeat.
Janice Desa, 65 76th Way: Because of all the apartmeats a�d eompl���e� p�
EasC River Road, sc►me of which are 8bout to be rented, Mr�'. De�u objeatad Go
the additioaai traffic problem this rezoaiag would bring. Why take q�a Tit�l.e
block for more apartments when three sides are residentfal? We shoµ�.c� ���.�n�C
about that.
Anthonp J. Hogan, 133 7'Sth Way: He believed that manp of t'he� peopl�e ��e
very apprehensive as there is another three acrea to the North uadevesloged.
'The rezo��g will €ali like dominoes whea it gQts going. He aaid �� wo�id p�t
build a home across from cownercf�l. �'he people who live there aaw are �tu�k
Harold J. Plaof, 91 75th Waq: He stated he was oppased tQ the �es�ot�iA�.
C. M. �.am, 12Q Talmadge Way: He said he lived in the area agp�ui.tpaCs�.y
17 years. fle was strongly against the proposal.
A. S. Lucast, i00 Talmsdge �Tay: T[�ep would not want ta build �aa�'o�a �'xaa►
eon�ercfal. Tttere are several iots faefng Tal�adge. They objec�ed vs�r tau���.
Jim Beaa, 15Q Talmadge Waq; Ha haa lived there far 25 �re$�cs. I�et q�►t�lda� �
help b�iag sympathstic With Mr. Dorstad, but t�tis requsat �rould pu� ths Ci�y
in the position of spot rezoning. They appreciate hia pla�tniag th�s p�.�ce o�
�roperty, but feel ft could be divided into single familq reside�;c�a,
�eorge J. Dean. 65 .75t.b Wap: He €elt the traffic prob].eut shat�l� b� b��ught
up again. If the rezoning were approveds l�r. Dorstad would conet�uc� h�.�
multfple �wellings and they would add aaother IOE} to 15Q cars usiag �aa� it�.ver
Road. . They are going to have to- get oa B�aL River Rarsc� son�haw or $o c►�t �p
ttie South. There will be a Iot more trafftc tham thexe is RaW. �� Wou�d
^ �kefinitel.y have ta go on record as being opposed to the rezoaing.
Pianning Comwiss,ion Meeting - May 3, 1972 Paste 13
� �_.___ __„�_�
^ , Roger Wexch, 55 75th Way: Who makes the final deci�ioa? Chai.rm� �rickpoa
, an�wered that the Citq Couacil daes. Mr. Welch t&an asked if 100x Qf tb�e
ra�ideat� are opposQd, what leverage havQ th4q on the Couacil? Ch�irutap $��cic�ipn
said Couacil will listen to the people. The present zoaing is what ypu �re�'e� ,--
the petitioaer is the oae who hae to prove his case.
1U�OTION. by 1�l3�ish, seconded by Fitzpatri�lc, that the plannfAg CoAUni�a�iicatt plose
the Public Xearfng af the Rezoning Reguest, ZQA #7?-05, by si� �ged'� pq.���d.
Upson a voi�e vote, al� voting aye, the motioa carrfed ru�ariimouaZr�.
Mr, Minish said, thst from the diecussion, this pareel could be dsveloped
in siagle €amiiy dwelliags and still accoo�►adate the part of the property
abutting East xiver Road. If the petitioner wanted to modify hfa regue�t, �e
v�ld take a second look. It did not aeem sppropriate to reaone the whc�.e
parcel .to R-3. .
Mr. Schmedeke asid that he ag�eed. With so mat�y people objecting, 1� j,s
hard to agree with the petitianer. He wotil.d like to see the owner devej,op h�.s
land, but with so many people agafnet the rezoaing, he felt Mr. Dorstad $hould
come in with aaothez plaa.
�sirmaa Er�ckaou addressed Mr. Dorstad Qaying tFiat uuless he waaGsd �q
modii3► tb� �eque�t� ,at this time, thea he �o�.d 2�ane tv aait for �ix moatha to
bring ia �ay request. He was not threatening him wit% deaial. �e cati3,d xi�l.nk
it ovex unti�. the �lanning Commissioa meat� on June 7th. Mi:"Derst�d �t�re�d
to that.
� ,. PlIC'M70N bi� l�lfnish, secanded by Schmedeke, t�at the Planning Coasnissio� table
to Jurie 7, 1972 the rezoning request. 20A M7?-05, by 8�ner ^Ted^ Dor�tad. �o
rezone froan R-1' Zo R-3 l9eneral mult#p2� faat�ly d�+oelZinqs) T.ot 39, ;R�y.��ed
Audttpr's S'ubdiv3sion #77 ear�t p�art to +Graenaaad �Y3�40. U�on a voice vspte,
aI2 �+ating a�e, �he motion carried uasnim�us3y.
rezaae from C-1 local businese aresa to C�-2 tgeaeral business axea�)
Lot 1, Bloc� 1, Cammerce�Park.
STORLS: To continue�a aezvfce statioa and permit tbe add�tion �af Z a
and displap of gsrdea and Iawn �upplies per Code Section 45.101, Se�ct�aa B,
3-E, to be located aai Lot i, BLock i, Comooerce Park.
Mr. L. 3. Haug, repreaenting the petit�cra-� �as preseat.
�TION b� Mirush, sec�or�Ted by Zeglen, that the Planning Comraiss��o� �►��Ye
the resding of the Public 9earing Notice for the Rezaning �teqetest, �0,� �p7,�RQb,
bg Western Stores to rezone from C-1 (Iocal business aress) �o C-,? �gen�ex�1
business aress� oa Lot 1, B1ock 1, Co�rce Park. Upon a poxcae vpte, ajl
v�oting aye, the motion carr�ed unanim�nsly.
1yC1TIOP by lUir�ish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Coa�n�sS�or,� wa�Ye
^ tMe a�ading of the Public Eesring Notice for consideration o# a S,pec.i.a1 T�se
Pez�it, SP �72-02, by Western Stores to continue a service statit�A and p��'rt�i�
the aaa�tion of sales and display of ga�,d�n and lawn supplies ,per Cc�da Se���on
4�.101, Section B, 3-E to be ,�ocated on ,i.ot 1, B3ocJk 1, Ca�nerce ,p�k. U�on
a voice vote, a13 voting aye, the m�tion carried unanim�usly.
Plaaaiag Coa�is$ion MeetinA - Mav 3, 1972 � ,�_ � page 14 _
^ M�. �g esplai�ted tirat about April lat they set up a miniature garden
c�ntez. They feuad ti�ey � selling on public proparty. They quickly t�r�thd�`ew.
Theg �re told to applp f�r �: Sgeci�l �se Permit. Be fozmd aut, whe�q h� �pp�,ied
� the Specisl IIse PQrmit! t�t ia ��@- tEe��. �tatiaa age� fcr �3�e�e �d �
at fi.�tat tims, t�g �ere za� C-I� �t etst�aa �ras P� fa Eba�t �tx#.G�,
Th�a �.9G4 �e �e�ice stakt€�t cst�OrF c� fra� C-I t� �--�, �,�,g6,�
i�$ statian hgs bsea operatiag e�ader � I is�tead ctf G-�,
R�e€erriag ta map� he �ed �bere tbe greeu ��p,s �c�. �bte �a��a].
area t.i�e� are �g n,o�� i� I�'x8t�' _ 3itsg � 23.%e st �a� ��.t 1�there
t� � t� sestrirted f�t tlseiar t� n�. t�e �ia�e B��ea �t�c #i�
�psf�. Ist to J:tl.g lst, rea�e�sh�.,�e �� g+e�r.
�r. Schmed�ke said l�e did �€ct tbi�k a�ervice sta� �� s�, o�tt�ide
displ.ay. He fEit �t �lida�€ �ld siso be deterre� bec.�t�se L�e� �� jxe
���Y�nB �he�� fertf Iizers outsi�,
3� ���e �d sc� �f�sc t� tb� rresasr��ag. �e s�tLad t4 a�d� us t
�ee� � t�be a�� sseq�est. ��gtem�t �ra�s m� ti� t8e mi�%a�u�e ga�den
'�� � F� �F ��� s� taicett dc�a ia J�1.�. T� �� aa th� Boa�rd of
Agp�si� �t 3+�, � sEstiaa wss gfv�ct }�ex�ssio� tet �a� ttt+� si� ��ea Nith
t�e stip�3.atiou t� no other signs wo��ci be dtsp3a�f at�eac t�st �a Weatern
�i$a �a �he s�en►ire station and ti►� free �taadiag PY� �Sa- TIa:� di�p7.+�yed
�ess�� a�.� aasi s$vertising �vizes i.a v��lation o# �e agreemenk iA 1�71.
Mr. S�ug safd he. ca�e to this statica fscna In�a a year ago, R�.gh� Ao�
^ the� �ve a blacttop �anF camfag fg. At Lhe �atrsace they dicim�t eAd t� with
au� reai curbing aac�= � tbeg 3�e L�e dir� s�ia� mraF- �e hl�cktog cux'bing
�iI � i�c at the �trsace and tit�, ��,r ari�.I get t�e � 8��8 �8�11�•
�e �t ia ti�e mia�ature gardea is a�t �2.56�, ��er had axopped
do� at #�e C�ty of�ices and ask�i if _it_��.iaZ u� p�rai� ��d�d. 13a �+o►a
toitl ��as� t� l4eep t�se ,area ciean. i� t3�ey hs�e aIl ti�i� m��rch�tdise. W��
��ea��y �s sayia$ svas t�t be �=s at the �arr.y tt��if t� Citp o�` �i.d3.�t, �e
�rou].� 3.�.1�e ta �e va.�il 3une ISth ta c2�ar ti� atock. 1�at �II� t� th�e �.ast
time t�ep �riil hav� g g�rdea �te��
� 3r�} �f,�h, sec+anaTed b� -3c�ede�re, t�ist i%e P�tt�g G�ssiv�
�ast3�3be r�nt32 Juae 7, I972 tiss re2cynf�g r�t� ��72-06r aztsT t.�e ca�,q3dera�
tiol� r7f a_S�ec382 �Ise F-e37i►i t, 5� ��Z-!a?, ' by W�erii �,
� +� V�'t�G'e VCt�l� �
a� ���9 ��, � .�+c�ion �arried ur��.s1�.
' i�r. �tiaish asked if f t �rere possib�.,G�.e, �e�� �.0 . �
. � � �� . ,
7� �i� t �AY 9fT2-�+4 �� .� Ii�G. � �ac$Le
1�Iat �l.veane be�eea Lo� 5, Block 2 it�e �# rai2r�.
� 2j A�3�y i� Blor.� #. 3� tTi�amed s�xee� bstw�een 8�k 3 s�d �t�
�►� �finaamed $ireei bttween �lack �i �d 3, Berlin Adt�itioa.
�a�brled #o J� 7, �72 meeting.
Planaing Commiasi:on M�eeting — Map 3, 1972 F�t�e L5
,.__._.�. � � , ,
A member of the Laa�gue of Women Voters wi11 give �he p�a�at�ta�icaA.
�� Mrs. Carolyn Rouee, Z1Et Si.ce Cr�ek $lvd., repree�te8 C'b�e Le�ue a!` Wome�►
Voters. She diatributed to the Piasu�iag Co�i��ion m�mb�rs t#te boak n�'�ta
Lastd IIs� Puzzle" prepared iig t�ee Couacil of i�etropclitsn Area La�etgcies+
Mro. Rause said tisat the League hopes as �ttie Co�tss�am xoxka AA ths
Camprehensive Plan, titey=_wou�d call on �: tbe Leagua 3,f tk�e�e Nae aAy Kay they
could help.
The Cammis�iaa appreciated receiviag the "TI�e Land Use Puz�1�" aad alao
the �aGt that Mrs. Rause atayad to the "bitter end".
�DJ� ;
There b�ing ao fu=th�er bnsinese, Q�aisms� Erfcksoa adjouraed the taeetiag
at �:QO `
Res ectful��..,�u tted
Heze 0'Briaa
R,ecording Secretary
The �oeeting vas called to order by Chairmao Zeglen at 8:10 P;M:
�B1tS P�BSffiPr: Zeglen, Simoneau, . White, Tonco
�� �s�: Lindblad .
�RS PRESE�: Peter ilerlofskp, �pimfnistrative Assistaat
M0�1'I0� by Zeglen to waive the reading of the miautes of the April 20, 1972
Secvnded bq Simoaeau.
carried unauimouely.
Upon a voice vote, all votiag aye, the motion �
Mr. �lvia l�itac6ke tras present ta preseat the request.
Mr. Herlofaky iaformed l�s�. DTftschke he needed aa engiaeer's stamp on hia
; ^ Mr. Zeglen aoted there va� only parking for four cars and the Code calls
for aix. Mr. Mitschke said there were two parkiag spaces ia the open
srea. Mr. Tonco esid he would like some greea area ia front of these
parkiatg spacea. He though if he started the arc at i7 feet t�ere �tould
atill be easy accesa to the off-street parking. l�r. Tonco esid the Code�
required 6"x12" poured concrete curb around all blacktop areas. .We also
vaat a lp foot radius on all driveway entraacea.
The eide setbacks oa the plaa �er 10' aad 10'. Thie has beea changed �o
15 feet oa the �iorth lot line aad 5 feet cn the park side. This setbaak
�as approved by the Bngineering Departmeat. Mr. Toaco waats it t�Qted
tbat the Board was avare that the aide setbacka ahould be 15' snd IS�,
Mr. Tonco asked about garbage disposal. I�r. Nitschke eaid tbere wasA'�
any good location for garbage cans but they wcxild be enclosed and would
� probably be located in two places for conveaience.
Mr.�White told l�r. xitachke his contractor had to be licenced in Fridley*
� �a this license had to be approved by the City Couacil, he should be
. �ura the applicatioa Was n�ade in tis� for him to get his permit.
Mr. Zeglen asked about aecurity lighta. Mr. Nitschke said thexe wou�,d
be four Iights on the garagea and a gas light Iocated near the f�p�tt g��p�
Each uait �+ill have their o�m patio or court yard. There will be th;�e
aeparate entrancee.
' Mr. lfitschks said t6e exterior w�.11 be rough savn cedar o�' boa�d oa
bQard cons�ruCtio¢ iri�h b�icl� ve�eer trim on the loWe�r poxtioa o� th�
front . T6e roof will have asphalt shingles . The ga�rages wi,l.l b� tk�e�
i ' \
��e. The unfta t+ill feature sunken liviag rooms and vaulted ceiliags
upstaira. ?ir. Bitschi�e will occupy ane of the units.
Mr. 1litachke aaid he vould put up a chaia link feace oa his property
lina oext to tE�e park for protectfon.� He mag p�t a decoratfve feace in
, front of it. f
ffic. 8itacbice dfd not preaeat a landscaptng giaa.
^ �.
. .
. .
�D?IOli by TOliCO to reca�end to the City Council approval af the request
to cautruct a triples tiith the folloviag stipulatioas: •
1• 6"zI2" poured cancrate curb uound all blacktop.
2. IO' radfu� cn eatrancea.-
3. 8od arta ia €roat of off-street pari�iag. .
4. Side �etbacks IS' a�d S',
�, �tgiaeer's sta�►p cc� plaas.
6. Install.chain liak feace on South pzopertp liae.
7. Prapare landacapiog plan.
Sac�oad� bg ilhite .
ilpca a �roice vo�e, a11 voti� aye, the motion carried
�• �°° ��C � l�r. 8ick trast vere graaent tc gresent the r�quest.
�. �lea said:�he pl�e �� parki8g aPsces and tbe Code requi.res 44,.
Il�. t�sak aa#d: tkey � avch � narrar► sli�r �tf �a� to aQrk �rit� ��ct
i# the� cnt dtraa c�n the aige of tfie buiidi�g tbey �uld seet ti�t gar�Cfag
req�ir�eats. Tbey are $oiag to apply fmr a v8riaace a€ d�e �fr�
r�ulst�oas #rom the 'Baard of 1lppeals so they vould be ab�.� to c�tst�re�ct
the bni�din8 as PZa�e�. lfr. Zegle� aafd the Eoard Would conaide� �h,is
r�9uest on EtEt basis Lhat t�g gat tlre v�faace.
l�t� �aai� ssfd- the ezterior i►ou1� bs alc�tmmum, brfek aac� cancrete biock.
�t sa€d-Ehe b�ock would be paiaEEd Eo mste� t�e �ic�c. T�e �at�ri�l for
E�t roof is cedar s�iiag�ea .�r .�oaco aake� �st lc#ad of €2as�rfag they
�ri11 �ss. Mr. lCraak •afd it �rauld 'be galvaniznd irvn.
l�. H�rlofsk� safd: t6eg xf,il ha� to bear the cost of the atreet i�mproY�at
� ,
� �
Snildin� StatiLdards-Design Coatrol Subcommittee M�eetiug af May 4, 1972
Page 3
and curbiag oa Osborae Boad. They will also have to supply a traffic
pattera fram the Standard Oil Station aad Osborne Road. Mr. Ernst
said they have exchanged easementa vitb Standard Otl. Mr. Srnst a�ked
if the street grades had beea establfshed. Mr. Herlofsky ssid he would
Lave to c�eck on that �rith the Bngial�ering Departmeat.
Mr. Lr�k sefd they plannad to have five areas for storee ia this
aervice center. One area woul� bE �ed for a superette. �Ir, �onca
. uiced if there wauld be ffre walla betweea atores. Hs. lCrank said
tbey �ou2d d�o �tever the Code ra�nires. •
T6tir land�capiag plaa sho�s green ash trses a�d lc�w plaatf��ga. Mr.
Ze�lan asked that ths green ash nexE to the building be..chsttged to
aa�e type of evergreea. • .
l�i� 3Y W8I1E to recasoead to the City Cauncil apgroval of the
req�est to caaatract a ssrvice center se�hject to the� being graated
a vari�ace o# tha pa�ldag re�tlatio�ns €ram the Board of AppEsals, xfth
t�a ioliaviag atipulations:
1. Bear th� cost of street improvement and curb�� oi QsH�ne Boad;
• 2. Supplg a traffic pattera fran tbe Standard Oi1 Ststfon aad
/'� " Osborae 8aad. ' �
Saceodad �f Toaco. iTpau a voice vota, all votiag spe, the �tion
carsied tmaaiacx:��g.
i�tc. Dave Pl�illips aas preseat to preseat t�a xequest.
Mr. P'hillips �aid the� had changed the plane of the quadramiatums �d
�rere starting all ove�c. They have eleminated the tuck-under garagea
aad vill build spYft entrg to�ahousea �iCh ao baaements. They vill
be bat1E s��b o� grade itith footings. Yhere nfil be carpeting aad pad
iaa�lled o�_ the slsb �d ttsey Nill be beated xith couater flos+ furnaces.
Ms. Tmco saiud if they were going to we sisgle �all ccx�sts�ctiQn. I�r.
Pbilligs aaid thep vere gaing to follow the Sta�e Building f�e after 3uly
lst. Mr. ?onao uk,ed ta have it marked on the plans that an� cc�stsuction
st�rted b�€are JuI� Z, l4T2 must ha�re do�ble Wa11 ccnst�uctian. The
' tfe�le ��� coost�ctfoa voald be vofd uatti that time. �.
Mtc. ?aaeo sa#� t�is ia tbt Ltrird tfma �re bave looked at� ta�ahouse plana;
and as tbese arere ne� plans again he thos�ghE �ievcva sl�u�d bear the�
cott of procssaing thea. Mr. Phillips sa�d if ti�ey vez.a required to pa�r
the fe� agaia he vas ��rs they would comply. '
, ,
' , Y "' ,
� �
Buildi� Standards-Design Control Subcammittee M�eeting of May 4, 1972
.', Page 4
Mr. White �sked to see the site plan so he could determine where these �
quadra�ini�tms vould be located. Mr. Phillips said it was the same site
as those first proposed, exteaded so�what south so 15 units of 4 could
be coostructed. . •
' �+
Mr. Phillips said there will be o+�e garage for each uait plus aff-street
p,tsting. The�r � probably have more off-street parking tiiaa ahown oii
the plsn bnt they waated to go through and stake the tree� first ta se�e
bar many could be saved before more parking is planaed. Mr. Zeglen said
he vu bappy;to-see they Were ahle to gst all khe parkiag off the s�reet:
Ms. P'6illips said the street wauld be a conCfauous loop with no dead
ends. The posted apeed would be 20 m.p.h.
� Mr. Phillipe said they will have an A and B plaa wbich��ill be fdeatical
except one would have a patio daoY and the other would have windc�s. The
�zterior trim will be plywood siding witlt cedar trim boards and aa asphalt
�hingie roof . ,
M�OTIa1 BY TO�TCO� to reccamend to the Citg Council approval of the request
. for prelimiaary pl� apProval for fifte� {15� 4 unit qusdrasinie�ms
vitb the aotation tbat no •ingle wall caastruction be alla�ed bnfore
. ..Jul� 1, 1972.
- . � y . ' . . , � - ' .
3eevod�d by White. IIpon a voic� vote, all voting aqe, the motion carsied
.. via�m%oualy.
C6air�aa Zeglea adjourned tbe meetiag at 9:40.
_ �esp�tfuYly aubmitted,
rot� E nsoa, Secretary
^ The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mini�h at 7s30 P.M.
MEl�ERS PRESENT; Minish, Wahlherg
�IDP�.S ABSENT: Crowder, Harju, Sondheiaer
pTtIERS PRESENT: Clarence Belisle - Building Inspecto7c
i�1TI4N by i+ishlberg tcr wafve sece.gting the minutes o£ Xhe ,l�pxi� 2�� �97� �seC�,�g
untfl the May 23� 19�2 meeting.
Seaonded by Minish. Upan a�r�%e vote, there being �o aaa�e, tl�e mati� c�t�i�d�
l�lD�ION bg Wahlberg ta ws#ve tfie read�sg o€ the put�Iic �earing �t�.�e.
Sec�aded by ?iiaish. �ipoa a voice ::�ote, the�ee �in8 ��Y�, Che mot.�.an �axrl.ed.
Hr. �agebrigtsen �aas preaent to pr$sent hia requeat. Ae explati,nsd he� �t�tc� ���►$d
�hi,s lat ia i968 to CB-1 aad in 1959 the new Zoning Ordin�ace ws� gasire�d e��Ci�
the sc�usrE favtage re�ufre�rtt at �S, (�?4 equare feet. �e aaid he o.atn u�aC +�'�� �h�
o�#e�r requfr�ts a€ t�t E3�r.�faance excegt thE square footage,
/'\ t�a�,� l�ai,sh �t o�e� tt�e P�$�nfng �c�nissic�a �.tea for �e� rezoRing �'�que��
ia� 7.968. _
�:irman Minish asked if there �ere aay plsas #or ih� buildiag �� ��t�pctead
Ca be bui�t on this lot.
p�� �ngebrigtsen a�ered he only haa tentative pia�e fo= a deAtal e1�im#,a T��
he daea aat i�sve a�xy p�laaa ctrawa up. Re fe�t he cculd mset tt�e o�her 7�e4u�i���ta
p� the �e a�ch �a �ngs afde gar�, beif�ding s�€ea,. etc., bux 'he wanted �o
make sur� he cou�.d bst�d o� the �at befose �te weat t.g the eapenses a� �aviit� ��
�trdt#��e�t draw uP anY P� •
�s, �+lahlb�rg asked when the cflststra�i�� ��u�d atart �# i:t �+ts �1o�ed�
�tir. Iagebrigtaen an�eer8d he really couldn't say.
M�CS,, wai�lberg aaid tiut if the variance was granted �ithouC se� ��► �Z+I►Ae �
�r of t� busisiesses that sre arpprcrved ta CR-I Zoning could be bui.],� c� �hi�
�.o�. If eomet�iag at�esr t6aa a deatsl c�i�rfc �as built it migh� gean�+7c�t�e
t€�ff�� �Ie�e.
�i� M�nis� stated �e �ould 1�ice t� ee� w�a� tbe gark#ng cot�f����c�€ �Iauld
� be�are a decisian is made on #be variance. Ae ssid tbe� Boa�cc� doea�t�� �s�qt
�� u�ny �loyees theze would be in the building and i# the Hagrd g�c+�'�Ced �h�
�ar�ce Without knoWing. what is to be b;tilt it cvutld c�etlta �tZl�,it� �obleRt�:
� ,
px, �ngebri.gts�n said there is 800 aquare feet available for �axki� c.a�e.
'�, $�1is1e ata�ed �hst i� room for afiaat 4 cars,
The Minutea of the Board of Appeals Meeting of May 9, 1972 __ Pu�e 2
Mxs. Wahlberg felt that this request was premature in that no glans wer�
/'� drawn up. She said the Board has had sianilar requeats that w�xe tablad �or
sp�cific plan� and ahe felt it would be unfair to the aei$hbox'i�oad Cp gx�A�
this vari,ance without kaawing exactly what woald be constx�tc�e�d,
pr. Ingebxigtsen said it didn't seem fair, in vie�t of the �a�� t.��tt �4A �t��
gxaated the reza�iag in 1968 and then in 1969 the changa in �rce�z�,�t�OAq
oaGUrrec�. He eaid fie doesn't have aay assurance that ii tie 'hAd p�#�OR th�►t
the reque�t would be approved, He said he wanted to clear t.�t�.s Y+��1A��
before he went to the expense of hiring an architect. He s$id �e� doea���
want to mslce a move without heiag pretty aure he can build it.
i�r, Belisle said we woulda't require complete archit�tusal plexte �o� ti1�
Bqard, just s plot plaa or a preliminary plan,
Chairman Mittish added the plan should gfve ths Baard �o�e ides a� the Ilq,t��xe
footage of the building, number af employees, parkfng spaces a�nd gene�c�I
Dr. Ingebrigtaen said he had been advieed by City �iall to gat �oma sv�� Q�
plana before the meeting but he thought he Would clear this up fix��.
i�?TYON by Wahlberg to cloae the public hearing.
Secoaded by Mi�:�.eh'. Upoa a vofce vote, thexe no :tays� th� wo�i,on aax,r�,ed.
b1QT�tl�i by Wahlbe�g� to table thie raquest until a prelimi�nary p�o� p�,a�}z �,#
,� eu�IDitted, .
�ec�mded by Minieh. Upon a �oice vote, there bei,ng no aays� the mqt,i,p�n �����d,
�, DeGaacdaex was ptesent to present the request.
��3ha�raan Minish stated this item waa tabled to ailaW tima far �he� n�w z�Qt�ase
tp be sent out for the change in the rear yard aetback.
�. D�ardner ahawed Eha bcsard tbe new layout oA the survey a.nd the �cnt�s
p��ta. i�. peGardner preeanted a picture of tha lot and �tated #x� �uttq7C��,
dxa�'�age a� the I�t #s to�ud aice Creek Way.
'�. D, �,umby, �0 Rice Creek Way, adjace�t property o�me7r, e�paae �'vs�s�c+� �o
di�ct�ss his drai�agn problem.
�!�7c, AeGardner said he could put a ewale in the cor�er af ba�h I�o�• atad au�
d�wic the I�fi Iine betwaen th� Iot� about a foo�. This t+ould i�atp�o�V�� �l�
� ��c�t��►a�� as Chere 1�► a hu� ttfere now.
�e Minutes of the Board of ApPeala Meetin� of Mav 9, 1972 Paae 3
• rlr. Lumby said he would go along with the swal� as it would help remedy the
drainage problem. �
Mt. DeGardnex said he didn`t realize there was such a drainage problem until
he went out to the lot today.
Chairmen Minish said that the ewa1� aounds like a goad approach �o ttte
problem. �
Mr. L. Ha�er, 41 - 6b� Way, adjaceat property awnex, was al�o pxeas�n� �o
discuss his objections. Ae objeeted to the garage being so cla$e �o hi�
bedroom windowe. He aleo said Mr. �.umby a�td himself had m�asu7ced ��'a� ���
curb to the arriginal houBe location, 2i.5 feet fross bfi� Way, m�,d ti�t�y �'ound
the original house plan wauld not hinder the corner �€fsibilitq �s they had
suspected. He was in favor of the origiaal location bette= thaa th�e
Mr. DeGardnsr said he changed the iocation of the hou�e becauae �h� ,
majority af the neighbors, at the last meeting, wanted it chaage+d. Thg tt�w
location oE the garage vill aot be at►y closer to the lot Cban th�
original request. Naw the house Itnea up with l�ir. H�ner' e hotxss and ie
only a few feet in front .of Mr. Lumbg'e houso an� he fe�t it I.001c� �i.c�
this waq.
1�r. A. Fost¢r, 59 Rice Creek Way, houee directly across stree�, �aid I1� fs1�
��s �'ar ae the aeethetics, it loolc8 better this way as it linae ap b�xte�
with both house�, but he said thie location takes away most a� th� b�ak y���*
�Ir. Lumby saict he gareaaallY Iii�eB the original pl�tn, but ba ��o ob�����iQ�
�itber way.
Ghairman Minish sai� that- eince there was �oma diaauaeio�t �� �� ��1#� me����►S
�bout the bad corner at Aice Creek Way and 6b� Way, he vould rec�Ad t��IC
the �ouncil make a study a�aut chaagiu8 it.
�iTION !�q 'Wahlberg to close the public heariag.
Seconded by Minish. Upoa a voice vote, there being Ao �a�s# C�� 1Aua���+�4 R+���=�*
��, Wahlberg said her #eeliag is to ga along with ths new p7copc�BA� Wh3�Gk�
Mr.. DeGardner dre� up on the basia of the obfectiaaa Ea hi4 a�'1gi'�1a1 p�'a�o��1
br�r the property o�nera. He has made a distfact effort ta a�ecm�od+e��� ���.
a��bors and he hae resolved the • drainage proble�a WtCh Mac. T�u�ab�►.
��Q� by Wahlberg to reca�end to the City Cwiacil approva�l o� th� �����
witit the under�tanding that Mr. DeGardaer maka acma arraag�m�s�,ts w�Gt�
�i7�, Lumby about tha drainage.
9ecoaded by Minish. Upon a voice vote, ther� bsing ao nays� �e �RO�io�1 Gi�x�i�+d�
� 3,
� �3
The M�nu�es of �h �Board of App,_ eals Meetin� of Mav 9. 1972 Page �+
M�otion by Wahlberg to waive re��fng the pub2ic hearing.
Seconded by Minish, Upon a voice vote, there bei�g no nays� the up�io� c.�xx'�Ad.
Mar� M�rrison and �1r. Dahiberg of Amber Conatr�ctioa �ere p�a�ea� ta p�esex�� th�
request. A gicture af the �o� and canstruction plans were aha�wr� to tkt� J3oa�cd,
Mr. Morrisan stated his gseaee�t gsrage is 2 feet €roae the lot Ii�e. �e �as �
�ars aad he neads a dou�Ie gazage so �ie would Iikt s variance to bu�.�.d stt a��act��ad
double garage uaing the slab that fs existing. Ae alao felt the dcrable gara�e
aould imptave the spgearanae of the honse. �
i�bc. 'M�rrtaoa pre�ated to the �oard a letter of no ob jection writteu by hi.a
neiAhbor Dr. K. I�gehrigtsen.
�TIDN by Wa&lberg ta receive ttte letter of nQ objec�ion.
$ecvnded by klfnish. iTpoa ��iee �rate, there beitig no nays= the uw�i�ox� ��,x7c� d.
^ Gl�a�ixivaa Minish asked why the garage couldn`t be built in tiie back y��cd�
M�. �vrrison answered the houae is a walk-out aad there i� a steep ba�nk so i� i�
a�mee� ;Ladpoasihle tc. build in the back.
M�, DahTberg said the wster tab2e ie vary h#gt� in t#rie area and t'�e baak y��'d �s
abou►t 6��et be�.aw the street.
�, Be��.�8�� asked if there are frost foatinga under tha existing garag�.
�x. M�o�'riaon said there are frost foatings.
��p'�1 1�r Wahlberg to Elo�e tite' public hearfng.
���aa�ded by Miaish. IIpon a voice vote, there being no naya, the t�a�iom car��.�d.
C�a,�,�nar► �in�sY� $tated he felt it is a reasonabls zequeet as it is no� �t��e�Gi�
the t�ei�hbor a��rmc�re than the existing garage is and it seeme there is s�o at�t�+�`
w�ly �c� eaxp�attnd the garage.
��pN b�► Wahlberg to r�comnead to the City Council approval of �he ��que�t,
�dap�td,ed �i Mi�rieb. Ugon a vaice vote, .tl�re being no nays, �h� taot�.ct� G��c��sd.
The Minutes of the Board of A eals Meet of Ma 1� 5
^ P'i�. E�n�� Gam� foYward to discusa informally wi,th tk�e Rpa�d ��.� ��1',�,#� ��►��,a
shortage fvx his propoeed shopping c.�eter tc► i�e Iocated �� �15 Qobc►�t,s. }I�
�ai,d he could either ask for tfie varfaace o� be could cut the� bt�i��#,q� dp�wap
bt�t i►e woul.d Iike t� k�c� t� B�rd`a €eelf�gs on wtist �a si�occ�.d dc�.
�D�iOUR�NT: � _
T�►e aaeeting was adjourned by Chair�an Mtaish at 8:40 P,M.
�ulr�ract�ullg a�bo�itted,
, �,,��-
' \
Ul�v 4, 1972
RE: A-1 ti40TOR SPO4TS
73%4 U'! i VERS i TY AVE. ;Ve" �LOTS I3 $.L4� COMMERCE PARK�
COUNC I L MEET I N6 � WH ( CH ( U�IDE �STAND !W ( LL 8E il10NDA�f �
i CAN BE REACHED BY PHONE AT 529-92%1� flR 535-6633 AFTER
/ . �
, � , �
. � ��^�
� �
� 1 i i
NOTE: Appllcant should
obtain building permit
DrOC@d��rP i nfflrmn� i!_
from Building Inepection
�;I��: � � /�'� �� � �"'�'� ' __ Department Secretary.
ADDRESS: ��'/ �,�/�i/�.�,f �'1/ /4y� S�Q� NOTE: A Certified Survey of the lot,
Street City Zip Code showing the location of the foundati n,
TELEPHONE: �'� �.. S 6�� once it has been constructed, will be
8ome Husinese required before proceeding with the
.� ! �._
f raming .
��Sc�� � �� 3 �r�- �� �,�Kr r����r ��� s.
Strest � City Zip Code
Street City Zip Code
TELEPHONE N0. ( S) ��5�' G' � 13 S� y��l� �
gome Bueineee
� Property Loc�tion on Str.eet
or Ezact Street Addreee :(if sny�: `�3 �� ���v• 1�Ur l�h_
Lega1 D e �ip ion of Property:
�.4 l �c-�-' . , r
.�-� �l r�n� �2 , C� ��)��
Area o
rty �",2 c-r-� sq. ft.
t Zoning C
sification C=-
Proposed Building Uee: ���G���` P'f �/f/h _F �/�� /+T �ff� /="S �- S E�'l�iC/=
B�ilding Dimen�ions:
Front S�� Depth � 4 Height /%�/ C
3quare Ft . � �'`�''�' • _ Cubio Ft . ` :� �' �'
Type ot' Cr�e�etruction: /3�ii c �1�1�_ •
Eetimsted Co�t �� 5� �'�'� To Be Completed l�� Y / �f' %2
�..__. -
- ICA2iT' S 3IGI(ATIJREi �' � -� , -
DATEs� � ��. „_ �PPL :.�
, ��
�reliminary specifications:
�asic strueturei 50• wide, wall height 10' front 24', 14' rear 3��', overall
length of �0'.
t�a�st conform to all building, plu�, heating and electrical co�es for the
City of Fridley.
�lan roof far future expansion of front 24' of building to tv�o stories.
Cement black construction, flat pitch and gravel roof.
Rest rooms and washroom to have ceramic tile floors and walls to 5' height.
entire shawer to be ceramic.
Shor•rroom and offices to be finishe�i with wood paneling.�
rarts room to have pogboard walis.
Showroor•►, �arts room, hallway to have vinyl-asbestos tile flo�rs. Offices to
be car�ete�.
Sprinkler system to be installe� througY.out service and �arts area?
Suspen�?e� - illu;ninated ceiling in showroom, parts room, offices.
AirBconditioning in all but service area.
Separate heat control for serviceaata area. Heat an�i air uucts in ceilings.
�` Thermo�ane win^iows. �' w x�' h panels as shanvn in �ra.�ing, across front arn�
15' on each side of buil:ing.
Glass entry r?oors in showroom to 3�s 3�;' an�3 5�-' (9' opening) in �vi�th,
designe� to be used �eparately.
3' x 12• steal, orefinished, overhead door in service �e�artr.ent. 3' steel
pe��estrian r3oor in service department.
3• wi�th of stone over plastic along south side of building, th�;n �+' si�e:valk
entire length of huiL�ing connecte�3 to buil�ing at c��orv�ays.
Shoti•rroor► side of parts counter to be non-or ening glass. Sliding -�oors on
parts room si�e. Tou vf co�ntsr to be 30" �eep.
There rt:�st be a floor !rain in service area.
There must be an exhaust fan in service area.
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