PL 06/21/1972 - 7416� � �1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER• A G E N D A , JUNE 21, 1972 ��i�`�_ .! , ��,4.�_°'-'''' � 8:00 P.M.- - --- � PAGES ROLL CALL: �' . ��!Lf.(��y`�� , _„ � fi a��d�"' APPROVE PLANNING COMMIS SION MINiJTES : JUNE 7, 19 7 2'� ° RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES:� ^ JUNE 8, 1972 31-35� ` 36-4� � , �= 14--2��, _ ,� 1-13��, BOARD OF APPEALS ::INUTES: JUNE 13, 1972 1. PUBLIC HEARING: SPECIAL USE PERMIT; SP 4�72-06s LARRY L. LUDrO�D (CHAMPZAIN PETROLEUM): To permit U-Haul Rentals per City Code 45.101, Section B, 3-E-1 located on that part of Block 1, Fridley Industrial Park Plat 1 lying 'ortheast of ighway ��65 West Ser 'ce Road. G� Z ...-+.e----�+ � C��t�.,�,,,,.,�t Q�o.�^�..�..0.� %x� /'rlfci��wu 2. (SP ��'72-07)s CONSIDE�ON OF A REQUEST TO EXTEND �ECIAL USE �r;' PERMIT� REYNOLD E. SLdANSON (CASTLE MOBILE HOMES) : To operate a S�� Mobile Home Sales Lot at 7151 T. H. �654, oranted July, 1969. Expiration date July 8, 1972. ' : �!� � � 41u� \ I ; : _ � a ' C � ' � 1 � 4►' C s ! 4l 1\ • . � / �'41 � ' ;► �Z�--- �� � ,... (� y�2�fQ�2� � � � ' 22-30 � /'� pl.annin Comm�-ssi.on Meetin - June 7 1972 F �'resex�t fqx� �he heari�g were Fred Wall, p��t�ia �"�add��, R�.G�l�xd 0► ���1tii�x'k16� N�=�1 Welabe�, I�v1� Shoquest. �a�,�uu3n ���Ck�en �.nfoxmec� the audience tl��� t�e �1ib11� �i��x��g 1��1d b"�0�� C�O��d� �'he �c►manission had been asked Eor information on the loCm'k�Qx� o� the ��Q]�► IseF'�� �tild �g�&&S�ents. '�'he �ngineering Assistant discussed the map showit�g ��i� ���� ��� �"��8�� �t�► �h� s�Qru� sewer projects printed in different colors. ��i� Riade� a��a� wa� ��E����a+�d .�4C �+�x' �.QO square feet but not for latera�s. The area �� �h� ��st w�� ���elB��d ,�1. Qp �e�' �,OQ �gt�are feet, 54� for the main and 44C �oz �he �at��alf k�+� �how�d �h� ��eas �o the 5outh that drain into the Riedel proge�rty ,��td hav� 11s�� be�t� �s��o���l �� a�.],. bl�. Schmedeke said that this answers his question about �h� prAp�zt�,+�8 t�8�t h�d r�p manholes but were adjacent to the Riedel. prope�tty. Mr. Claxk explained further that the first 300 �eet c►� Stb S���s�� d7��iA� SQ�tth. ,��,�, p� fith and 7th Streets basically run North and eventualiy inCO tha R:I�d�►�. g�copertY• �Ir. Schmedeke asked the Wall people if they had, a� �y �iwe, �s�x���.d�'��d �t�� k���k� �'i�� :�x�ste�,d of twp apartments. Mr. Richard Schwart� ar�swered �hey d;Ld ��'n= ��d�x' � hi�h xise building aad maintain a little more ope� space a�pur�d �,t, btat Cha� was as far as they had gone. It' would have some advax►tages an� at �he s�atA� r�tp� o��exed some disadvantages. They felt they did no�,want to do �t a� th:Ls �im�, 1��c. F�ed Wall said that if the City felt they really wa��ed $�i�l� �is� �p�rt-� p�t��� th�y wQUid be in favor. �'heir experience has been tha� i� the b��;�i�Ain�, ,tl�exe is a fair amount of support towards a high rise �o�e. the elc�srly, t�t�t tt�i� h�� a wa� of l��eaking down when the problem comes up o!: ,just wh4 i$ �pns�s����d �S.sl�sz�.y and what are the controls. �x. Zeglen said he read with some interest about hig� �ise b��.�ig bui�.� ��t �di�a� Any number of people, including some that thought thi� wpt�].d be ���?%�d �h�.r�� for the City, did not want to go in gover�ment iunds. Mr. Schwa�tz said that if there was interest in �}�e comtuuni�y, tk�� h�.�'� ���� �qu�,c� gq to �ive or eight stories. One of the disadvantage� �� �'h� ����.t� ��.$h �i�e �equ�rements. Mr. Wa11 added if there were $Teat ol��ections �� �tuild�Ag ���li ���s� ��1 F��d�-ey� it then becomes a political tk�ing to ge� ���c�tt��h. �ou���� �o� �1�� g�,�g��,y �,�ts dawn the traffic, one car fo� every fou�c uni�s, �� qu����4� is ��w �o be sure the apartmen� would be for just the elder�y. Mx. Minish said he crould aot see the bene�it of �eplacin� tw� ��9�y bu�.����i$e Wi�� � five o� s�x story building. 1+��'. Wa1]. s�id that the thinking now was the townk�s�u$es wot��.d be bu��.t �i�i�t �� �here would be enough time later to submit an �lterna�e p�.an. Ckiairman Erickson said that the only taay a community wou�.d hav� to �otl��Y�1 ^ ��� ��pe o� �k�ing would b� a recommendatioa to $ppzove the pr�ject. I'lannin� Co�ssion Meeting June 7, 1972 -��g� � Mx� M�t►i��h said that since the public heari�$ A�e��i1�g, 1�� tQQ� ��Q�'� �t � �gv�t c�s� ir�va�ving a deve�.aper of apartme�� la�t�.�d�.�g� 4A j��'QP�x�'� �1��ed �A�' � ' e�,t��1e family dwelli,ngs where single family dw�llin$s �QV1d 1�pt b� �0A�6��'uG�ild 4'A ,�p, �Cpnpmi�a� basis. In tha't situatior� substantial con���Ct��t�.o�k Co�C� WQ11�� ��Y4� �agi�;� it�voived to make the land buildable. The coux� �u�.ed �h�t� be����� th� ��x°^ �Qu���,�t�; proper�y had been developed as single family dwgl�.it��� �?� �'+������ ���� , ��}�� p�ppexty was zoned single family, the developex could tlog ��ve ��� 1���fp�'�CY ����a��d. The �i�ai7.arity to the Riedel properfiy i.s qu�t� s��=�ki�g. I1� k�is Qp��$��►, ��� W�11 p�'oposa� do�s not do austice to th� su�crsa�a�in� 1a�;si s�wx►e�s, �ie� �au�d th� ��ppp�a� �p� �g be aaceptable. �f townhouses could be cpp�at�b1Q wi�}� st��rQ�t����$ ��@�! �4 did not feel he would be adverse to seeing all. ta�wa�s����s, �tte� 'Co ��� �qw �he nei�hbors would react to high-rise and a4id-rise. If the &p�xtm�tn� �+Lt�ld�t��� y��g� de�eted and mid-rise for the elderly wete const�cucted, k�e w0�ld ��.r�d �.� t1o� p'��c:Ctionable providing the surrounding property owne�s we�'e �.n ��vo�c. �h� Chai�tnan said if Mr. Minish were correct in his asauu�E�.Q�t� th�� Wc��1d �c�qt��.xe ��q�h�� public hearing. '�r. ��.t���trick said he did not follow Mr. Minish's a�rgumemts �ha� � tu�d=v��.se �,Tp{�ld b�s �►ore eompatible with the surrounding area. Mr. Minish said this would give a greater amournt of opex� spa�e, �.�: �QU�d ���,��ip��.1y like to see the reaction of the people wha l�.ve there. ��s �-� � 1��ge �mount o£ open land, pretty much surrounded by deve�oped la�d. �'ir. G�.ark pointed out that even if the land were rezoned �o �t��, �h� ������4t��'� w�y�,� b� �'�quired to apply for a Special Use �ermit fp�t �om�s ���C t�e �ldt��ly. �i& /� �'e�d th� ��1lowing from the City Code pertaining to �.-1 Di��x'����? Pa$� 13# S�Ca ���,p� k.�.Q,�j,; 3.T�: "Hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, conv�lesce�,� l�ot��, hG�ne� �p� �he elderly": R-3 and R-3A, 45071, 3-G on Pa�e 28: "Hp$pi�����, �lit�i��, �,�x�;��� homes, convalescent homes, homes for the elderly". Ghairman �rickson said he did not think an apartment with e�dex�.y peo�le �� �,�y ��,F�e�'ent than apartments with young people. Mr. Schmed�ke said he felt a little different about thi� �'equ�s�. �� �e�t the ge��iti.o���rs have a nice project. The apartments are aetb��lc �.n �n ��Ceut�1� �o h=�6�� ����►• �ie reminded the Com�nissioners that �.n 195fi this l�.nd W�s �ot��d C��+x� . ��,��,,��d �ould easily have been a conglomerate development q� �a���i��. B��A$ ��� ���p��s Were loet, he did not know who decided this was R��. T11��� a�� �`t�l�� '�ptt��s Qn 63rd Avenue whose side yards would face the projec�. �� C�►c�ug�� t�� �;��q�,�sion wc�uld have to commend the Wall Corp. for coming up wi�h A p�'e�G� �c�Ql� ��s��,�ed p�.�n. They are not to blame for the s�orm sewe�. We m�w kt��w ��►at �a� ��eQ�a�.� wexe z�ot assessed and their water runs into the �tiede�, ��op��ty• ���� �l�Qp1� �a�r i�ev��' have to pay. Ia his opinioti it is a good project, and h� �fi�ough� �� y�p�t�� �e :�� �avor of the rezoning. �r, ��g,1e� sa�d his sentiments were the same. Ba$i��lly �he apa�t�et�ta ���t�� �p ��� baGk �f Sth Street where there is no resident�a� and t�hot���s ��s?u�d �h� ��g�Ay����, will, hide this development and will be a ni�e dev��,�?ptpe�,t �a�iA� C��Y ����, �� w�s �n �avor of the apartments. /1 ��, T�t�n�$h �omtaente�l th�t the Trezo�sa p�op��'ty on th� No���tw��� �Q�'��� Q� ��,���ss�P�� an� 5th Streets is zoned R-1. kix. ��.tzpatrick a��� ��� Cc�1�.1�8��t� ha� �� ���� �����cu�ty ��'ying to rezone with two se�arate owner$. Planning Commission Meeti - ,tune 7, 1972 ra `1yOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the P1ar�lainq Cpttt�.s$ica,� ;�cQn4'* /� mend to �ouncil approval of the Rezoning Reguest, �QA #72-4�r b� �� ���� ����F�� �,��n tQ �ezor�e from R-1 (single family dwellings) to R-3 (gen�r�1 mlu,�t�}��� t�����1 dw�l�ir�gs) for townhouses and apartments on the East Na�f of th� ���� #��2�' �'� '�� ,�ppt�lw��t Qu��k�r qf Section �4, except that part ,platted c�s �J��a1�c� 1�� Add�1��P� A�'id Upldnd 2nd Addition and except that part sold to Trezvnd� w.i�1'i �� ����'��+����� �;,�� �� �i�,�,�.� ty per ux�i t not to exceed th� de�asi ty �s show�i o�d �� ,�.�� ��'��� ,����,ja,�� A, dated June 7, 1972, and that the pe�itioner wou�s� �V� �Q �g�'�� �� �t,r�T1��t f�om the present outfall location to the existing �tom1 ��w�'�' c�� ������ T�,��,ve, and subject to the boundary survey tp show that tl�e �ctu�,i dt�'�'� 3s ��� �� �� �e pro,posal. Upon a voice vote, 5chmedeke, Erickson, Zegl�n, F���,p���'��� v��,i�g aye, Minish voting nay, the motion carried. M�'• �Chtn�d�ke did no� �hink he would r�ca�u►end a�ence �o� tl�� pe�t�d �� it y�gh� }�e uns:t�ht�y and the fact that Rice Creek is not f�n��d, 2, pONTINUEp• REZONING REQUEST, ZOA �72-05, EINER "TED" DORSTAp; I�At ��� �vised Auditor's Subdi�ision 1�77 except part to Gxee�twood, Faxcel �,��40. To rezone from R-1 to R-3 (general multiple family dwellings) fo� ag�r�mem� �omplex. • Publi� Hearing Closed. Mx. a�cid Mrs. Einer porstad were present. � IyQTZON by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the �Ptab,ii� H�a�'�nQ o� �� ���o�.ix�g �tequest, ZOA #72-05, by Einer "Ted" D�orstad be reopenec�. Upo�a � vpi�� ��e, a.I1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousl�. , Mr. Dorstad explained that they wished to change the rexoui.�g xequ�es� �d w�t�k unde� the R-1 and R-2. They were now asking for double bunga].pw$ �loz�$ �;��t �tiver Road with a six foot privacy fence along East River Road. '����'e w�.��. �� � ������ i� �zont of the doubl� bungalows. The �ots Cc� the Sou�?� wil�. h�v� e���a���s s�t� '�a9.m�dge Way. T�ere will be two lots exitiag on Talmadge �.an� on Cl�e W�sC. �,"!'►1@ p�qFg�ty �cax �he double bungalows would be 150 feet deep alang EasG ltive� Rv�d. ��irman �rickson asked how essential it would be f�rom th� C�.ty�a ��aa�dp�ia�t �Qg Osbo�ne Road to cross East River Road. Iri�. Clark answered that if a median was instal�.ed on E��g� g,�.v�x �q�c�, �� WqV►1S� �,�..� the exits. He did not believe there would be an opening o� 95�� Way Q�' '��1m�dge W��, but the logical one would be Osborne Itoad. TQ k��ve ��'p�d 4v�;� tl�� ;�, ��ul Waterworks Easement would be too cpstly. A stt�dy has been made �f tk�� ��i,�� a�i ��,gt River Road, but it is indefinite when the sr�udy wil�. b� pu� �,t��t� ��`�'��L• �h� people present were asked what they thought of the proposal. A���� �t� �xp�an��:�an of the routes the people would take to get onto $as� Riv�� �tp�d, th�� �g�'eed �Q th� double bungalows on East River Road and the xest of �.l�e �.a�d b��'�$ �1��t�d. The zoning will remain the same, � � - June 7 19i� -,MQTIqN b� Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Pla��si�� Ga�#��G� /'1 �k� t�e �qllpwing cpmmitment: The Commission will be ag�ee�b�� �� �������� �� p�p����y �1Qng �ast River Road, being 150 feet in depth, to R�Z wit�'► th� ��la�Ce pg ��� ��p���ty remaining R-1, and that the petitione� p�at the p�QAe�t�. i��@����� �� tq �ia �1at$ � 5ubdivisions-Streets & Utilities Su�cort�����• �1�� � V��� �'����' �,�,� ���g ac�e, the motion carried unanimousl�. 'Mr. Glaxlc said it might be possible to set a public hearit�g fox tk�� ��COAd ����.�,g a.� J+�ly. Chairmaa Erickson suggested to Mr. Dorstad �Y��� �� t��� ��' ��►� ��,pF1�+, o�c� p� the East ead of 75th Way and the other on the �a,st eAd o� T€�].����� W�ty ��d tel], them there is a pos�ibility the street might be �los�� t!� ���t A�'��� �Rad• �, CQNTINUED• xEZONING REQUEST• ZOA 1�72-06i BY WESTERPT STORE�at �Q ���Q�� ��''� ���. (1oca1 business aress) to C-2 (geaeral business areas) �.ot l, �1vC�C la Gou�n�rc� Fark. �j. (�pNTINU�:D: CONSIDER A SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP �72-02 BY WES'�ERN SI'�RE� t To aontiaue a service etation and permit the addition of sa��s and di.�p�aY Q� ��,�c��� �nd lawn sugplies per Code Section 45.101, Section B, 3-�, �a be 7.oaated on Lot 1, Block 1, Commnerce Park. �ub�.� �earing open. M�. L. J. Haug was present. n ,�z � px�vious meetiag a request was made to list the vio�at�.vns a�ait��t thi� p�pp����. I�r. • Clark reported that he did not make a comparisoa, and t�Q'��1�.y �� ��,d �tQt g�� in�volved with violatioas as it is handled by the Buildi�g ���F�����e ��t���taen�, �Ie believed that most of these violations have b�en �ax��C�ed. y�Q�.�xio�►s are probably not out of the ordinary. Thexe is pxobably abo�� �h� a�►� ��� ,�� �1���g going an in most of the service stations . The �miniatu�te g�rc�e� has b��A �'�tt�eY�d. At the last meeting the petitioner asked for �erm�.s$ivt� ts� �4mt1��t� �1�� t�.n�.ature garden to June 15th and this would be the oniy yeax he wv��.d ha�v� �.� * 1lKJTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish� that �he �lanninc� �or�,���5�73 Q���+� t�� ,�ublic Hear�ng for the Rezoning Request, ZOA #72-06, b� West�z�n �tQZ'e� �� ���o�� from C-1 (local business areas) to C-2 (general busines� a.�ea�) €Qr �� �r g�,p� .�, �qmmerce Park. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, th� moti�a� G��'�.�ed �3�+arl.�r�c►u�1 y • MQTTQ,N b� Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Pla�n� Go��ss�o� �.lc��� �1�� ���b�ic Hearing for the Snecial Use Permit, SP #7�-02, by W�stex'�t �tc�Z'�� �C� �c���,��ue a service station and permit the addition of sales and cii�,��,a� o� 9arc�e� ,��c� .�awn supplies per Code Section 45.101, Section B, 3-E, to be lac��e� p� �rG� .Is ',��p�k 1, Cortm►�rce Park. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the mo��c�� ��t'�'��� t13:�trt.i.moi�sl y - ' Alp�'.�QN b� Minish, seconded by � Zeqlen, that the P.lann.i.ng G4����g� �F��°�'�'�� ��' . Re� n9 Request, ZOA 1�72-06, by Western Sto�es, �o rezone f.�om ��l f.�e�a.� bu���Q�s � �Z��p�) �p �-� (general business areas) Lot 1, Blpol� �, Co�m►exce .�ark. �1�� � yg��� yq�e, a�l voting aye, the motion carried unanirrausly. � Planning; Commission Meeting 3une 7, 1972 ���� � —_------._ lyQT�'QN by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, t.hat the ,P1�7���9 �Q����A� ������'� thdt ,�a�'t Of tize request fot a S�ecial Use �e,rmi�G. S�' #72-03, �y W�+�t��`A �'��J���e � 'G� �4�{t�i�sU� �he serv.�ce sta�ion, but not to �.nclude the sal�s �7�d d��,p��� �� ��t.�d�� �nd lawn su,�,plies, ,�e� Code Section 45.101, Section �a �°�� !�� �� �� .��ic�crk 1, Cv�cunexce Par1�. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, �h� ���G7� C��'�'��� Ri1ar�.�,Rtpusl y. �i�, Mi��.sl� stated he was pleased to see the g,arden disp��y ����� �'��� �� ��� ��,wgy� beer� �oncerned with the manner the station has been s�pe����.�$, �ut t�o�v W1�t�t �.�w pexsot��,el, he hoped they will conform to t�e Code of th�= ��.�Y• �. �T�� EIj�� VA(.Fll'lULV icril�uL' Jt , �av 1r ��.-v-r, ...v....+ j,? �►1st �lvenue b�tween Lot 6, Block 2 and �t �1oGk 4. 3) Unnamed Street between Blocks b�Cween Blocks 4 and 5, BerLin Addition. NGTON NORTI3�RN, ING.: '�Q v�C$�$ w line of rai�.�oad. 2j A11eY i� 3 and 4. 4) Cln�nam�d ��r�et Rqbe�t Ii. Brokop�, Supervisor of Title and Closing, o� �lae �uxl��g�Q�"No�t�te�cx� TA�. was present. Mr. Sch�deke stated that normally vacations are brought befc►�'�3 h�s Subco'mmittee� �n ���� ca�� it l�appens most of these stx'eets have never been used ��' s►����d� but t�ay �how Qn the plat and are under one ownership. It was �elt th� 8�����Q� �Quld �� �����,�ered at the Planning Cpmmission level. . Mx'. Claxk said it is also a matter of cleaning up some old g��ttit�g. /'\ MpTI0A1 by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the P�an�'ta.n� Co�r�n,iss�o� �'��mm�nd to Council approval of the vacation Requ�st, SAV #9��Q4, k� ���'.��n9'��� Np�"�'je.�n, ,�nc. to vacate 1) 41st Avenue between the East 1i�� O� �t ¢� ��+��� � a1�d �he R/W line of the railroad. 2) Alley in Block 4. 3) Un�amed S�re�a� ��W�ez� ,�T.ock ,� �nd 4. 4) Unnamed street between Blocks 4 and 5, 8��'�.�� �d���j��r �$ ��,���i.bed on Pages 44 and 45 of the Planning Commissiqn Agenda Q,� +��3T3� 7, lg��. Uj�pn a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimous��- f, pUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL U' To pexmit the sale of Art Paintings on a pe�c City Code 45.101, B, 3-E-1. 1�%'. Vern Johnson was present. lNOT�ON by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatriak, W�,�v� �he readinq of the Public Hearing Notice for ,�� #?��03, by Vern Johnson. Upon a voice vote, all u��r�T.mously. SP �7�--03, � basis (Sp����; that the ,�lanning �amm�s��o� the S,pecial U�e �erm,i� z'�u�r�tG,� voting aye, the mo�ivn ca.��',��tl 1�ix�. Johnson presented a picture of the way the display wo�ld be ��L up. H� �,� ��ui�g oil paintings on velvet baclaing. The trailer is 13 feet �.�ng artcl X44�1c� be parked on the Southeast corner of the serv�.ce statioa prpBs�ty. '�'�'te�6t �,�� p���u.res on thxee sides of the trailer. !•-� �I�. $chmedeke said th�t he had seen a similar display in �Tew ���.gl�tc��, �tid s��,�� they are attractive drawings, they are kind of a�raf�i� �aza�d, i F F1anz��g Couttui.ssion Meeting - ,7une 7 �r. ��.tzp�trick was not certain they would �o� d3.atxact the p�+��!��► p'� G��Cr�� � ,�,vellue. �x. Johnson said he had displays in Rich,field and �lpomin�t�►x�* 'T�►�Y �►�u�� i�e shown only on a seasona�. basis. Mr. Schmedeke said if the Coamnission allowed�o�ners�els�th�.�a�W��� ��������d have requssts �Qr other types of display on ma Y �Ix. M:Lni�h said outdoo� displays are by pexmit. His �e��.�.n$ wa� Ch��� �1��µ�� j�� ����rol�e�d and discouraged. This is just ona more exa�le o� outdo�'� d��p��y�• /'\ ^ 1`��. Claxk $enforce hours�and timeQ numbernofhdays�axidutheyaa�reai�aQbi.�.$� d�'s��ay �� ��te City can Mr. Schmedeke countered that the Planning Commissio� have t�i�+� C�t ��������'� $a�.e of autos on these Iots and if this display were permitted,. $��Q���� �p��� b�: made to se11 ears. ��. Fitzpatrick added that in terms of setting a precedent, he wottl,d objeC�, h�tt in terms of this operation, did not object. I�Ir. Schmedeke said he felt this was a business that probably could xei�t $p,��� in a large store. If the Co�ission allows to display the gictu�es, �+� w�.�l have requests for potatoes and fruit. fle wouldn't object if i�x', Johnson Wanld sell his drawings in oae af th� larger stores. ��. Minish would like to see a direction eliminating the hardware s�o�� �x�'ay q� lawn mawers and similar outdoor displays. Chairman Erickson said that he was less concerned about hav�n� �tt An���s�' pf� type of business in some of the areas, but did not look with f�vc��' Qn �h�s �,gGation at all. 1►�TION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Plan�?�,i�i� �o�n�zS��Q� Cl��� �� �ublic Hearing of the request for a 5pecial Use Permit, 5� N7��0.�, by Ve�C� �ph�spn to permit the sale of Art Paintings on a seasonal basis lS,p�'�-�9 ��'Q��� g�,�1) on fihe East 351 feet of Lot 12 and Bast 351 feet o,€ �e South 20 fe�� t?� ,�o� 11, Auditor's Subdivision #155 except part taken for highway and ���'e�t �au�'' �,��,�, U,�pn a voice vote, alI voting aye, the motion carried ��n��►t4ti�,1�1* 1HC)TIDN by Minish, Seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning C��&�Q� �'��Q�'��� c���a1 to the Counci1 of the 5pecia1 Use Permit, SP #72-03, by Ver� �To,hr��ri t� p�rmit the sale of Art Paintings on a seasonal basis (Spring th�'c�u�I� �'�IZI Q� �� ��5� 35,� feet of Lot 12 and East 351 feet of the South 20 feet ca�` �Lot 1.�, R�#d.�t��'�� ��division #,155 except that part taken for highway and street pu�poses. t�,pC+i3 A ypi�� vqte, all veting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �ix, Clark stated that Mr. Johnson came into the office ct� his caw� ac�Q�� Cs� ��a �,� �e wexe required to have a permit. He did not just se� up h�.s disp��►y €�tic1 W��,� �Q be told he had to. � � Planning Commission Meetin� June 7, 1972 pag� 8 7. PUBLIC HEARING : RE UEST FOR A SPECIAL US�: Y�tu�t i �r x i�-v� y. •u�� ••w--•-- NESS: To permit the construction of a two family dwelling in an R-1 District on Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Hillcrest Addition per City Code, Section k5.051, 3-A• MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Cpmmission waive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice for the request of a Special Use Permit, SP #72-04, by Mrs. Robert Ness to permit the construction of a twp iamily dwelling in an R-1 District on Lots 7 and 8, B1ock 1, Hillcrest Addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Robert Ness was present and explained that they would like to build a two family house. ` Mr. Clark stated that the plans presented this evening showed there would be a two stall garage 24'x22'. The garage would have to be changed from two ta three stalls to meet the code. Probably one car could be parked in front of the garage door since it was in the rear yard. There will be a split foyer entrance. Mrs. Ness said they would be willing to build according to Code. The plans she presented had been used for another house and they could be adjusted to meet the Code. It was determined that the area was predominantly single fam3.ly llome&• Mr. and Mrs. Sprungman (7255 East River Road) and Mr. and Mrs. Waldemar Anderson (7271 East River Road) being the property owners to the North obj�Gted to the double bungalow. Mrs. Ness said the people on the South had no argume�ts against the duplex. Mr. James Sprungman presented a petition objecting to the construction o� � two family dwelling in an R-1 District and showed a photograph of the p�COpexty just North of these lots with a rented home on it also owned by Mrs. He�s, MIDTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Platu�ing Colce�t.ission receive Petition #10-1972 objecting to the request for a Special U�e Fermit, SP #72-04, to permit construction of a two family dwelling in an R-.1 District located on Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Hillcrest Addition. Upon a voice VQte, a11 vpting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mrs: Ness said the home did not belong to her until April of this yeax. She had sold the property and had to take it back. Mrs. Sprungman read the letter ahe had written to Mrs. Ness d�scri.bing th� unsightly condition of the home and lot and sent her pictures. NOthing was accom�liahed. Mrs. Ness said she would rent after the two family house was bui7,�, Sh� sold the other house in December of �970. She rented it before and then so].d 1t. Now it is rented and the tenants are buying. It is a small home. �t is naC px'operty you can rent for a large amount of money. They did have the lote fo� sale, bu� did not feel the price was right. , /'1 Mr. Zeglen asked how she would take care of the house as lvng �� ah+� livQd in Wiaconain. Mrs. Ness answered that with the freeways and the �hild�sA $e�xi.t►8 olde�c, she can leave them. P Commissinn Meeting - June 7 1Q72 P Mr. Sprungman objected to the Special Use Pernlit because the area wa� pre� domi.�antly one family dwellings, nor did he feel the objection was unreasoA�ble• ^ Mrs. Ness saidtheeback eatfour lanerhighwayninhtheefr ntSand�onathe�North ^' xailroad tracks in . commercial. The depth of the lots is 300 feet. Mr. Sprungman countered that houses near his home were asseased �,� $25,000. MpTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Comr�tission clqse the Public Hearinq of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP N72-04, by Mrs. Robezt Ness to permit the construction of a two family dwellinq in �» R�1 District. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unan.imously. Mr. Erickson asked how far away Mrs• Ness lived. She answered 140 miles•_ MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that in view of the fact tha� �� Comnission have had quite a few requests for the same kind of constructio» down the street a ways, and that the area consists of single family dwellings, the plitr�ning Commission recorrm►ends denial of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP �72-04, by Mrs. Robert Ness to permit the construction of a two family dweZling in �n R-1 District on Lots 7 and 8, 81ock 1, Hillcrest Additipn pex' City Code Sect3on 45.051, 3-D. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, the motion carried unaniaausly. The Commission took a five minute recess. ^ $. PUBLIC HEARING• REZONING REQUEST, ZOA ��72-07, BY JOHN GABRELCIK: To rezome from C-1 (local business) to C-2 (general business) for a Used Car Lot on part of Lot 50, Block J, Riverview Heights and part of Lot 13, Revised Auditor's Subdivision �103. 9. PUBLIC HEARING: RE UEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP �72-05 BY JOHN GABRELCIK: To permit a Used Car Lot, per City Code 45.101, �, 3-$� to be �.o� part bf Lot 50, Block J, Riverview Heights and part of �ot ].3, Revised Auditor's Subdivision �1103. Mr. John Gabrelcik was preseat. l�TION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the PZanning Co�ssion , wsive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice for the Rezoning Request, ZOA � Ai72-07, by John Gabrelcik to rezone from C-1 to C-2, for a Used Caz IA � on pa�'t of Lot 50, B1ock J, Riverview Heights and part of Lot 13, Revised Audi�or's 9ub- division #103. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously., MpTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Pla�ning Gqmmission w,�ive �he reading of the Public Hearing Notice for the request for a S aia�l Use permit, SP N72-05, by John Gabrelcik. Upon a voice v�ote, all voting a A� the � moti.on carried'unanimously. Mr. Gabrelcik said this is the form�er Standard Oil Station site. He expected � to improve it. He would have shrubs in the front, clean it up and ta�ak�3 it look decent. The building itself is twelve years old. It would have two or three stalls. He does body work. fle would carry about 30 or 40 cats. There� �.s 207 �eet of fronta$e o�t �ast River Road. There would be overhead lot lightiag. He would clos� aboµt 9:00 P•M. aqd be cloaed on Sunda�. 0� ��turday the p1aGe would c�.os+� Planning Commission Meeting - June 7, 1972 �$Se 10 at 6:00 F.M. There would not be much noise around the weekends. ^ Caxl Lee, 544 Fairmont: He said that he was sort of in favor of the tequest. He lived 3 houses from it. The site is run down and is used fot a rac� track. The �oiss is there sometimes all night long. This would be an imptove�nent. Ralph Swanson, 511 Ely: He lived exactly behind the store. The backyard would be more or less his concern. Generally speaking he was against a Used Gar Lot with all the lights. It would be an eyesore in the neighboxhood. Robert Jobnson, 471 Ely Street: He has lived there for eight years. Most o� the time this site has been run down. It seems like no one can make it Chexe. Some are there five months. He would like to see it opened as a gas statiaA, but did not like to see a lot of cars around there. Kenneth P. Peterson, 500 Dover St.: His concern is the �olice have been up there many times for the store and laundromat. A lot of kids hang around up t�ere. At all hours of the night you hear brakes squealin�, motorcy��es revimg. His feeling was a car lvt would contribute more to the noise. The police Can�t seem to do much about it. The reason the station lost their business was because they let the kids hang around it. They destroy everything. He did not think a Used Car Lot would help them at all. He was against it. Arnold Englund, 470 Ely: He objected. Mr. Gabrelcik said he thought he would be able to keep the kids out. �� ,^ would lock the doors every night. He has a Used Car Lot aow at 581 Highway 8, New Brighton. New Brighton lost a lot of traffic when the freeway was built. He is not being kicked out. Mr. Schmedeke said he has known the petitioaer for some time. He informed Mr. Gabrelcik he goes by the same rules as he has since he wae appoi�ted tp the Planning Couo�ission. He dislikes having someone come in on C-1 propesty and a�k for a change in the zoning when the City still has C-2 zoning available, It saeme that when one service station is closed, another one springs up. He also haped that there would be some way to get less traffic on East Rive� Road, but this request taay generate more. Mr. Schmedeke said he informed Mx. Gabrelcik about the Uees permitted in G 1 and that there were many �re Uses in G-2. Mr. Minish said he did not have a car lot in Fridley, but he was not desir0us 'of seeing more. Mr. Zeglen said he has seen occupants come and go for �nany ye�rs at this sits, He did not think a car lot would do anything for that corner, He had a �celative whp lived on the corner and he used to tell him about it. It is a wicked Gari►e�c• 1�IOTIpN by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the ,Plann.ing CQmmis�ion �los� the Public Hearing of the Rezoning Request, ZOA #72-07, by Jcahn Gab.relcik to Te�o�e from C-1 to C-2 for a Used Car Lot on part of Lot 50, Blpck J, R�verview He�.S►bt,.t� and part of Lot 13, Revised Auditor's Subdivision #103. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �, ' MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Cptppn,i.ssipx� close the Pttblic Hearing of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #7.?-45r by Jol�nt G�}bt'elcik to permit a Used Car Lot. Upq� ��o�.c� yote, a11 voting ayp, thp motion carried unanimously. Plannin� Cotnmission Meeting - June 7, 1972 Pa�e �1 �� Mr. Fitzpatrick felt this Use was not compatible with the surroundia� �x�s. As long as this Use is not allowed in C-1 and is allowed in C-2� he �elt Chat /'� inasmuch as the City had plenty of C-2 land still available, he could �o� appxpv�, Mr. Minish did not feel this Use was appropriate. 1�. Zeglen agreed with the comments and did not believe �his was a plsc� �0� the Used Car Lot. Would generate a lot more kids hanging axound, Thexe �s gQi�g to be a lat of noise in there, a lot more noise than a gasoline $tation would generate. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planru.ng Cqmnnissio�t xecom- mend to Council denial of the Rezoning Request, ZOA #72-07, by John Gabxe.ICik to xezone from C-1 to C-2 for a Used Car Lot on part of Lot 50, �1ock J, R.�v�ezv�ew Aeights and part of Lot 13, Revised Auditor's Subdivision #103 for the x'edso�s sfi,.ated abpve. Upon a voice vote, Minish, Zeglen, Fitzpatr�ck, �r.�GkSGn VOtiAg aye, Sch�rredeke abstaining, the motion carried. Inasmuch as the denial of the rezoning would preclude puttiA� �.n a Used Cax Lot, the Commission did not act upon the Special Use Permits 10. . AN AND LOT WIDTH REQUIREMENTS FOR C-l. C-1S 45. 1M�TION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Plar�ninq Commissipn wa.ive the reading of the Ordinance Amending Section 45.103 Relating fio the Lot Area and ,^ iqt Width Requireirtents for C-1, C-15, C-2, C-2S. Upon a voice vots, a11 Voti�ng age, t�ie motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Co�nm.iss,ion close G1Ye PuX�1ic Hearinq of an Ordinance Amending Section 45.103 Relating to the Lot �iz'e� and Lot Width Requirements for C-1, C-1S, C-2, C-2S. Upon a voiCe vpt�, a1� vq�ing aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the PlanniMg Cor�.ssio�l reconmend to Council approval of an Ordinance Amending Section Q5.1p3 Relatin� to the Lot Area and Lot Width Requirements for C-1, C-1S, C-2, C-2S. Uppn a vqice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 11. BUILDING PERMIT: A-1 MOTOR SPORTS BY MS. VICKt S&IFF: I,ots 13 and 14, I37.p�k 2, Commerce Park, for Snowmobile and Sales Service. The people present representing the request were Ms. Vicki Skiff, W. '�Red" Stang, Ray Wormsbecker, Gordon Jensen and Robert A. Guzy. MpTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Building �ermait by A-1 jNoto�' Sports by Ms. Vicki Skiff, concerning Lots 13 and ,14, B1pcI� 2, �pmtne�Ce P�x.k, foz' Snowmobile and Sales Service be removed from the table. U,pox� a VOiC� vQ�e, a11 voting aye, the motion Carried unanimously. �. Planning Commi.saion Meeting - June 7, 1972 PaBe 12 Chairman Erickson removed himself from the Commission. �'`� Gordan Jensen, Attorney, introduced himself as representing tb� A-1 MoCOx Spprts in the purchase of the property. This was a company that Wauld deal with service and sales for snowmobiles and boats during the summner tim�. The depth of the property is 265 feet with 200 feet of frontage. There wpu�d be adequate parking area to the South with room for expansion to the West. Mx. Jensen continued that the reason they felt this is a� ideal area is that fir$� you have traffic control on Osborne Road and 73rd Avenue tq get �A�O the servi.ce drive. There is industrial property to the West, so With thi� �yp� o� operation the people that would be using the roads would b� �he peopl� bxiagi�g sAOwmobiles in for service. After 4:00 o'clock people would be coming in aad using the plac�. To start with, they would be open from 9:00 a.m. �0 9:Q4 p.m. end possibly open later in the morning. The owner of the laad to t�e South o� this property has no objection whatsoever. His land is vacant at khe px�seAC tim8. Mr. Jensen said that this type of operation is not predpminantly � sal�s operation, the use is service. The owners plan to have six employees, G 1� the se�vice department, 1 handling parts and the other managing the p1ac� and haAdling Salea. Three different lines of snowmobiles would be carried. Du��i�g the suA�ter i� order to keep this many employees on, they would go into anather type o� sesvice. They would be working on outboard and inboard mQtprs. '�'k►e �e�airs will be done inside. They can teat the new snowmobiles on the Dynometex, T�e xessAn: they feel they need this particular zoning for this operation (CR 2) �s because �here 3� �o land available in Fridley for this type of operation. Ae checked other sitnilar Uses as far as retail sales of boats, but not lopking s� the sales /"� aspect. This particular piece of land is vacant now and except f4� thia proposal, would remain vacant. If the Use would be considered favorab��� they wou�d p�an tp build imanediately. As far as any danger to the general pub lic, thexe �� np xesidential property in the area. Mr. Jensen continued to'the Sou�h,i� vaca�t property, tq t�e North business of#ices, behind strictly industrial. They feel it meets the inzention of th� CR�� �oniag. With snowmobile repairing, people bring in the snm�pobile and �e8ve it fox . �iQ or three aays. There would be traffic control as far as the haure of beipg open. They are talking about a service type of operation. 1'h� oxdiris►�ce r�quir�a 25X for a display room. Referring to a map showing the proposed building, ��. Je�sen pointed out thz area shown as the show room was obviQus�y more thaa 2�X v� the axea,.but it will also be used as a reception area. To show three �i�es of snowmpbiles and to display boats in the summaer takes up a lot of the spa�e. Ev�n what appears to be about 40X of the building for display, because pP the bulk of the items, it is necessary. Mr. Robert A. Guzy spoke from the audience saying he was the owciex of t�� p�operty. Mr. 2eglen asked if they could say they would be sellin� qnly boats and s�c�w� mpb��ea. He has seen where minibikes and motor bikes were also added Iatex, �� �s�Ltmed t�is was not the intent. Mr. Jensen said he felt the bikes would probably be xepai�ed, bu� th� main � aalea line was snawmobiles and boats. P�.anning Com�ission Meeting - June 7, 1972 PaSe 13 -,-T-- ---- Mr. Guzy, in answer to Mr. Schmedeke's question, said he bought the property when it was zoned CR-2. � Mr. Schmedeke then asked if che City Code has no specific zoning for snow- ipobiles was Mr. Guzy asking that it be put under CR-2? Mr. Guzy answ8xed that these people feel this property is an excellent location for their devel.opment as far as the developing of this type of property. They want two lots. They aTe comi.ng in with a business with one particular use, that of snowmobiles and balts. � � Mr. Jensen added that he felt this would be a permissible use. Mr. Guzy said the general tenura of the ordinance is being met by these people having a limited use to facilitate a low traffic generation. Mr. Minish asked how tlte Commission could know that this business will be low traffic oY 11igh txaf�i�? You a�� going into sales and the intent is to sell Che product. Ms. Skiff said the money is not in sales. The money is in service. Mr. Stang stated expansion is planned for spring for the ahowropm. Mr. Schmedeke said he would be hard pressed to say there is a b48� and snow- mobile sale and that it is not a sales operation. That is only a servi�e typ� operation and they do mechanical work. He still felt that this is a$ales type operation and should be in a C-2 center. Mr. Guzy countered that there is no residential area. This busines8 gene�atea low traffic. The only thing he could say was they are asking for more thant 25X sales area. Mr. Minish said he finds it hard to be convinced this business wquld be low traf f ic. Mr. Schmedeke said his son purchased a snowmobile and seems to be hauling �t BoIDe place and getting it fixed all the cime. The dr:�c�rg of sn000etobilea -- they pqve. Mr. Guzy said this would be the best place to move. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the following opir�ion b� g.�ven to Covncil: Because of traffic potential and some degree of the uncertainty P� the sale�, this particular Use proposed does not come withir� the GR-2 zoning, The pet�tionex should come in under Rezoning or Special Use Permit, and Purth�r �'�com- me�d to Council that this may require both Rezoning and Special Use Permit. D,�On a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 12. $TUDY OF FORTY FOOT LOTS IN FRIDLEY: Tabled. 13. SCHEDULE MEETINGS IN JULY: The Commission decided not to change theix sCh�dulf�. ATIJOURNMENT: � �_ _ ._._ � '!/iGC�.C� _ ....... There being no further business, adjourned the �ns�ti�g �t ].1t45 P.k�. s ectfu],ly�u�tL�d �� C(� ��� Haze p'Brian - Recording Secretg�y n °� _ OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMNII SSION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, June 21, 1972 in the Council Chamber at 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of: A-request for a Special Use Permit, SP ��72-06 by Larry L. Ludford (Champlain Petroleum) to permit the addition of U-Hau1 Rental Equipment r� as per City Code, Section 45.101, Section B, 3E-1, to be located on that part of Block l, Fridley Industrial Park Plat 1 lying Northeast of Highway No. 65 West Service Road as now laid out and traveled located in the South Half of Section 12. . ^ Generally located at 7298 Highway No. 65. � Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this meeting. Publish: June 7, 1972 June 14, 1972 OLIVER R. ERICKSON CHAIRMAAT PLANNING COMMISSION '� .� d - . ^ CITY OF FRIDLEY . MINNESpTA __ , ' �� �: TYP'B OF REQUEST * . . ____„�,,,,,.ttetoniag PZ�ANNING AND ZONINC FORM �(' � � _..,�L.1.....Special Uae Permit Nua�r � V�riance . . G v , ,/ '�.r APPLICANT` S SIGNATURE , ,? �GZ I-��� � �-�- �ApProval of Pre- /lddre����!� `�� �? y��Y. /v,-,�°° .� .�%'.g,�,�•S/ liminary Ylat ,� Approval of Fin�►1 Teisphone Number _�����, _��~� ��'��J t��f,�fi7 �3�"'�'"""Plat r' �.�. I r� r N�� ir �, � r:c.. wi n-.� . . '"��CX �f StreeCs or All.e�--.... PR4PERTY OiWNER' S SICNATURE c:,'� �, � ���(.�i,.6%l �"� . Vacatioas Addses• �. �i /�.,C�Lt. � S � Other _______ T�lephoae Number �,Z,�- ���� . . - - $treeC Locatioa of Propor �✓ �� _ ., , ., ., . -.,�Le al Desc i tion of -.� `� � r P . Property �N--� �i t <>t' 1 �,� _ !� _ i i' �r ± � ! u . �r.r..ws� ��. �. i�.: � .���. �� _ � � t�:.l, `.�� 'Y� :. a.+.� � f: Y' 'C\ � (' �� a� i� � � ti . .-� . /://'...w+..-.l . �� � � � .7 9 � / � . ... . � . � � �� . � r, • ptesent Zoning Claseifiaation %�?��;`;�. . 8xi�tting Uae of the Property :^ i���l:r:.,�:�,� �-t,.'�,-,;,� _��, _ Propo�ed Zoning Claasification, Special Use� Variance or other request Descsibe briefly the Type of Use and the Improvea►ent Propoaed � C - ,�/.._ : � i 1'' rtn_ � � �= t,�- , i^^ � � � Lcre�$� of Property Ha• the prf�eat Appticant Previoualy Sought Co Resone� Plat, Obtaia a Lot Split, Obt�ia �t Vat��ance or Special Uae Permit on the Subject Site or Part of Itt "� ? , • When? � ^• iihat Mas Ragueeted Fee Encloaed $ O � D�tt� Filed Date oi Hearing r : �� - C ��,� � � ,, � � SP ��72-06: Larry L. Ludford (Champlin,Petroleum) MAILING LIST: PZanning Coa�►ission May 31, 1972 . Larry L. Ludford -10541 6th St. N.E. r Mpls. 55434 Mr. Gerald C. Rummel c/o Smith, Blomquist, Vitiko & Rummel W 880 First National Bank Bldg. St. Paul, Minn. 55101 � Target Warehouse , 7120 Highway ��65 . . Fridley - 55432 . Chuck's Gulf Service � 7315 Highway ��65 : ' Fridley - 55432 Superaraerica-Division of Northwestern Refining � 5 West Broadway • . St. Louis Park, Minn. Attention: Real Estate Office � Fridley Terrace ; 7400 Highway �E6S ` Fridley - 55432 . , . ' . �.�J � r , , � . _.... . _.., . _ _ , __ _ _. _ . � . - �` , • � � s - . � i .. . . • . , � . . � . . � .. .� . w . . � � . � � , . . . . . �� REGULAR CWNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1971 PAGE 5 ^ Councilman Kelshaw continued that this is a democracy and the majority speaks. He said that he would have to say that the owners of the land have the right to came b�fore the Council to ask•that they be able to develop their land and that they have a right to deviate fro�n the present zoning. This would be only if it did not interfere with the econanic standing and the homes already in the area. He said that if the positi� is hard for•the property owners, he is sorry, but the people have spoken. The question of the drainage system has been brought up. He said that he has talked of this with the people he has spoken with. The people also expressed strong feelings of opposition tc� this. He said that he realized and understood their feelings on this. However, the people that own the land have a right to develop the land. The buildex has said that if he cannot develop R-2, he will_develop R-1.. There is still a lot of diecussion to do an the question of the �tozm sewer system, but ttiere will not be any decision made on it tonight. He said that he would also stand on the same pcssition as far a� the storm sewer system is concerned. � THE MOTION seconded by Council.man Breider. Councilman Breider said that he aqreed with Councilman Kelshaw in regard to the storm sewer. It appeared to him that not only this particular area, but the whole drainage diatrict is in need of atorm sewer. The Council should plan for the total area, rather than just this particular area. Mayor Kirkham pointed out that the Engineering Department already had the plans for the total area. The City Engineer said that in 1962 there was a plan presented. It was presented (��. again in 1966 and at that time the Council again chose not to i.atplement the project. �� This is the only large residential area left within the City without a storm sewer system. If development ia to be allowed in this area, an underground system wauld be necessary to develop the roads properly. Councilman Kelshaw urged the people to consider the storm sewer proposal. iie pointed out that now the cost is estimated at $600 per 10,000 square foot lot, or $6.00 per 100 square feet and in 1962 the estimated cost for a 10,000 square foot lot was $207. He said that as their CouaciLnan, he felt that it was his solemn obligation to inform the people of this fact, but the project will not be crammed down their throat$. The day will ccme when the system will be needed and it will be even more expensive. . .. UPON A ROLL CALL VOTE, Harris, Breider, Kelshaw, Kirkham and Liebl voting aye, the motion to deny the rezoninq was carried unanimously. Upon the vote on the motion,. there was again npplause expressinq appraval of the Council action. � � RECESSs Mayor ICirkha� declared a:recess at S:aS P.M. to 9:05 P.D�. FIRST RE.ADING OF A REZONIDiG ORDINANCE (ZOA #71-02, BY COLONIAL SERVICES TO REZONE ��_ I+'FtL?M M-2 TO C-2 THAT AREA �..�*7ERALLY LOCATED IN THE SOUTF�'.ST i2�l�,DR.�.NT OF FiIGii;r]F,Y �65 AND 73RD AVENUE: ALSO CCNSIDERATION OF THEIR REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. /'� BUILDING PLANS AND A SIG'�1 VARIANCE: �e City Engineer said that this is a piece of property presently zoned M-2 and the request is to rezone to C-2. Champlin Petrolsum Company is aleo requesting . ^ � . m REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1971 PAGE 6 ^. a special use permit to build a qas station - superette type of business. The Planning Couunission recoenmended approval of the rezoning and the special use permit. He then showed a rendaring of the type of building they are planning to build. � Gounci]man Harris asked the square footage of the parcel. Mr. Lance Norderhus said 35,000 square feet. Councilman Harris asked the size of the building and Mr. Norderi�us replied 836 square feet. � , 3 l � ��� � I The City Engineer showed the plans at the Council table and said that the Building Board had recomanended approval. Mr. Norderhus said that he was the owner of the property and Mr. Jim P7illiams representing Champlin Petroleum Cornpany is also present to answer questions. Mr. Norderhus continued that he purchased this property three years ago and t-he intention was then to put in a restaurant. At that ti.me he was not directly involved. The property was on the market for two years. They also contemplated putting in a pancake house there. After their studies they deterniined that this wouZd not be successful and it was again on the market. Zn their attempts to sell the property, they have run the gamut of buyers. He said that they have agreed to put in a right turn lane and close off the approach to 73rd Avenue. . Councilman Kelshaw asked what tha taxes are estimated to be on this type of business. Would they be higher or lawer than on a regular gas station. Mr. Williams said that there was less square footage than with other gas stations. 2he City Assessor said that a normal gas station pays between $2000 and $2500, but in this case the land area is larger, so he estimated that the taxes would be about the same as for other gas stations, the land area making up the difference in square footage for the building. He a�dded that he did not h�ve the dimen:�:._ons. Mr. Williams explained that the,superette would be dealing in the sale of con- venience foods. Mayor Kirkh�m c�ented that he had wondered whether this type of business would be successful, but after givinq it more consideration, he felt that this was not just anoth�x aesvice atation, but a different type of business. He had compared it to the one on East River Road and Osborne Road, but it is not the saiae.. Councilman Kelshaw�asked if their building wau2d look like the picture aubmitted. Mr. Williams said that they have aubmi�ted their plana. This is a variation from the starrciard type of service etation as you knaw it. T'hey intend to merchandise convenience items. There is landscaping provi.ded for with a green area on the aprons and they have sh�.�m r�aae artif.icial plants. They intend to m�.ke it attractive and cleun, and they are abso3utely against having i� become a junky area. They are convinced that with the nu�or of homes and the traffic, that thi.s type of business can succeed. Councilman Kelshaw said that he had lived in the mobile haae park there and this type of business would be of service to these people in that area. This is not the run of the mill type of sezvice station. '. Mr. Norderhus said that it was the request of the Building Standards - Design Control Subcoaanittee that they put brick on all four sides, and the plans naw ,� _ . show thi$. . /"� . � _"- Councilman Kelshaw asked if they had any plans for makinq a freeway stop. Mr. Williau�s said that there aas an apron area wi�,ere theze could be an iunbrella put in. They will be having vendinq machines, but thsy did not plan to ma}ce �► picnic area, but there is an area there that could be utilized. Councilman Kelshaw said that there would be traffia coaaing throuqh and wondered a�bout putting in a picnic table. . � REGULAR COi3NCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1971 /� Mayor Kirkham pointed out the close proximity to Locke Park. . �9 PAGE 7 MOTION by Councilman Harrir� to approve the Ordinance�for rezoning by Colonial Services on first reading and waive the reading. Seconded by Councilman Kelshaw. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Breider and Kelshaw voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carrie$ unanimpusly. S�ecial Use Permit The City Engineer said that all qas stations require a special use permit. The Planning Commission recommended granting the premit. He xeconrnended certain conditions be put on the special use permit as follaws: The City of Fridley needs a 15' stxip of land for a turning lane which they are aware of and show on their plans. They are also to bear the cost of wideniny the roadway along the highway. They are to work with the City in reqard to parking. They feel with this type of business they have provided enouqh parking, but he would like assurance that if there a.s a problem, they will provide additional parking. He also wanted it clearly understood that this special use permit.is only for the dispensing of groceries and gas, there is to be no re-sale of any items. MOTION by Councilman Kelshdw to approve the special use pexmit contingent upon those items outlined by the City Engineer. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carr�ed unanimausly. Building Permit (Approved by the Buildinq Board March 18, 1971) � The City Engineer reported that the Building Standards - Design ControZ Sub- comnittee recommended approval of the plans. He then presented the plans at the Council table. � MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve a buildinq parmit for Champlin Petroleum Cosapany. Seconded by Counci].snan Kelshaw. Upon a voica vnte,.all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion aarried unanimously. Variance for Sign (Approved by the Bosrd of Appeals March 23, 1971) The City �nqineer said that the vc'�riance requested is fran 10' down to the property line. The reason is that there is a hardship, they feel, in that there are hedges that obscure the visibility. Mr. Nordarhus said that there were a1�so hiqhline poles and wires, and they woutld be 8' - 10' inside the poles. MOTION by Cauncilmau Kelsharr to approve the vari�ce as requested by.Champlin Petroleisa Cosapany. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. _ s . ,�,_______ ____ _. _ _ REPORT ON COMPLAINT REGARDIDiG YARD FLOODING PROBLEM AT 6335 PIERGE STREET: (RON SLATER) Councilman Kelshaw said that lrlr. Slater is present and he had asked him to present his opinion in wra.ting. iie did, and it is as follows: A �' �`�; /i ^'-- // c: s-- a,. ,, � �'-�<l�t.c.� �".�L v-<--�' �-�'—� �� J �� ORDINANCE NO. 478 ^ AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINidESOTA BY MI�KING A CHANGE IDI ZONIDiG DISTRICTS The Council o� the City of Fridley do ordain as follaws: SECTZON 1. Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is amended as herein- after indicated. SECTION 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: That part of Block l, Fridley Inciustrial Park Plat 1 lying northea�t of Highway No. 65 West Service Drive as now laid out and traveled lying in the south half of Section 12, T-30, R-24. Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District known as C-2 (General Business). SECTION 3. That the Zoning Administratar is directed to change the official zoning map to shaw said tract or area from zoned Distzict M-2 (Heavy Inelustrial) to C-2 (Genasal Busines8). PASSED BY THE CI'1'Y COUDTCIL QF THE CITY OF FRIDI.ESC THIS 3RD DSY OF MAY, 1971. � 0 ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MAFtVIN C. BRUNSELL Public Hearing: April 12, 1971 First Reading: April 19, 1971 Second Readinq: May 3, 1971 Publish....... May 12, 1971 � MAYOR - JACK O. KIRKiiAM � � . ,. � , � � ' 1.�..t-- =�'' --- � • ;' _; w � �:::::::�::i � �"� .: L 9 i .. � # - r � 5 .......::::: ...... • _ ............ .. ���' � 2 ' `� — , 28 a Q ............ .. t� � .,.--! -- p ^ ; v' Y 1 �. r2 ' 2 S — ' � " ............ ..............•..................... . t 2e t s �. _. � 1� - � ' 14 (7 6 �. i�' i { - �e � #' 5 7 14 . �'. 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Ludford �� �.��,r� iI ° S ` '' That ��� .� � , �, . _ - .., _ • part , of Block 1, Fridley Ind. �� �"� � � �' '' '; , - - - -; Park Plat 1 lying NE of Hwy ��65 West :=- ,t o .; I ,, � p - �- Jc �� .. � ' =. ; Service Drive - zoned C-2 f or U-Haul _ �� �, ,. . _ , _ , � i �>�:� . . I b 6RTN. AdE4 /�� � /I (� 'u n -- ;'Iy�V� H4NNc: . ,. �-----.- , ;'�4� L �,j � . �- ��fY�� E C�'�_� �\_ . ��- . � �� � � � !"Y,'� � li �� r. � n, _� �� (� t \�� l' .; , d f - -- � / • �-�---r-- , __j . . . � -- -- --1 d • � ^ J� ' ' �V ,� � — cz�r oF FRiutr;Y MINNESOTA PIANN�NG AND ZONINC FORM Nwober „�..,�:�n �'.��. 0 APP�,ICANT'8 SIGNATURE Reynold �E. Swanson Address��sS R; P St ��[:16 Roseville Minn Tele hone � ''-"� P Numbez C�g�-1762 lf�S� �t/�� .,_.__.__..�. PRpP�RTY OiWNER'S SIGNA Addrevo�i„�n���v ��65 NE Fridley, Minn. Tslephone Number�84_g221 ----- ______,_ 1 � TYPE OF REQUEST ,,,_,_�_Retoning !�1 � X.w..X„_„__Special Uae P�rmit „��Variance � Approval of Pre- liminary Plet _____,__�Approvsl af Final Plat ._ - i treets or All.er-.,_. acatioas �^,,,Othe r , 8treet Locatioa of Proporty _7151 Hi hway ��65 NE •l,,e$$1 Aescsiption of.Property The West Three Hundred Seventy Five (375� Feet of lot three (3), Auditors subdivision No. $9, Subject to a street and utility easement over the westerly Forty (40) feet thereof, ,t1�r��alr-� C.. ...,._ ,r; ,�,o��+-� �_°7 _.� �,�.. P�esent Zo�ing Claaeificetion M_�" , ---- 8xiating Uae of the Ptoperty_M�y1z � p Nnma �� � P� T.nfi _ .---.....-... Propoaed Zoning Claseification, Special Use, Variance or other reques ��.•,al Use permit be extended for another three (3) years. Oeacribe bsie�ly the lype of Use and the Improvement Proposed Mnhi 1 a Hnma Sales lot using present improvments. Acre�ge of Property i�� �Q �Y�xw;p useable) tia• the preeeat A�plicant Previoualy Sought Co Resone, Plat� Obtain a Lot Split, ObtaiA • Var�ence or Spacial Use Permic on the Subject Site or Part of It? • • .._...._. .....-._.Y.°.s ..___..___, When?__I�,_73r 19h9 ,__r — _..�.._ ^� ilhat wae Requeated_ �= P�. � a 1 TTc A PPrmi fi �_Fee Enclosed S20 ,�p ��, J 3�� Datt Pilod_�jt��c�7�� _ Date oi Hparing�une 7. 1972 and � � June 12, R1972 � • .; .:� . � PLMiNINr, /�Nii ZpNING FORM pu�aber 0 �� PAC� 2 '�' Ylte uaderaiga�d understands theti (s) A lisC of all residenta and o�wners of pro- ^ � perty within 300 feet mase be atteched to th�s eppiicacion. - (b) This app2ication m�st be •igned by aI! � owners of tha property� or an explanatioa ' . €iven why this ia not the caae. � (c) Responsibility for eny defect in the pro- ' � ceedings rtsultin� from the failure to list ��'� the names and addreeses of all resident• �nd Qropert� aac�er� of property within 300 feet of the prop�rty in question, belongs ' Ret�deaks and Owners of �roperty within 300tfeetndersi�ned. t�tt.A cnraC � ADDRESS . n, M `7 � _ � �_ ;�,� ,� �/�./ . �.� . _--.�.%_,L; �- � � �,�t.� s s r3 � A sketch of proposed property aad stxuctuze must be dra�m on the back of thia !`o�cm ot' attached, showing the following; 1. Notth Direction 2. Locatioa of Proposed Structure on lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structurp. and front and side set-baci�a. � • . 4. Street Names � S. Location bnd uae of adjacent exieting The underaigned hereby declares that all the factadendsrepreseatati�se�tated in tbte applicatioa are true and correct. D�A� June 1, 19 7 2 SIG'isATURE (APPLICANT) . . • .. . . . .M. � f � • t �ti � * Approved D�aied Dy the 3oasd o� Rppeiia a�tbject .to tba Follo�ting Conditions: date Approved Deaied by the Planniag Commiasioa on 8ubject to the $ollowing �onditionas' � date Approved Denied by the Council oa iubject to� gollowing Conditiona: " � date losw PC 100 1 ., a e� ia � `+ � � • e��\ � ! 1 • _. ,�_ I � — T � d0 4J � 40 � . I 4D� '4 �i � � � � ' 3.�-- - w. SP #72-0 Reynold E. Swanson �� i3; k) � s�,' z' 1_� w �� RT. .z3�. y��• W. 3 7 5 f, o f L o t 3 ^"', ` :�� 3 Aud. Sub #89. � � � �; � y � ' ; - � �t PQ s ' � f/, l.iS r S4. � qt � /S /i 18 ' /9 2A;�;�- 6 - a O' 9Z' iPf. � � 7 P D O•/s' .�, 8 � T /lO.O' ��� . 3� �0 40 -oo ae *� �' . L 280.0' ' : a ; - <. ry , !J� : Srpi� A/ret c� S1e%.ns /.�c • ... . f -� ;� i zii.�. � j� i .�„ � �.i�s.. . I �. t ��% �i � //!/IESOfd QOa � a � CO. � r/7C' � ��-�- ..a'-.�►'.i � �� ,�- _:,,f... /�� o , <,k� 4/ ,CI � �.. � � � ' I J3�� ' j�i%��� 1 t ' � � , .to) D:.,.�o rx ir.,.r�..s 4 � s �� � � f. � � �5. . i i � � � j �� - ==1�-, i _ I � , �� �`��' .. . .. ,�� - ., ` +t--� i i � i p _ i I.�I� 4 - � � � o� � Qi �� ' I , I iso'--�- �s i � ! 2/1+00' .._ iso -- i) � � i I i � i �E� I I� �� I t � I iLliaae.rof�� dvsfri.�/ � . � /'ir.Ef/.sc. �/iria9/��{.sit, ��'.� ' � ' :Op" . !4� 2_ � � .. -= � UJ s-7fo-' 2. � � S � � .s (S/Of %� �t2S% 2 ."3"2oi �S/5) G��C.9 t'�Rvtb . � � � , ✓ Ho��� � �%� —__ SU6D1 � iS�N � �,'A` i �� � f . � . c � .., _�Q���.__..; , �52f) `� 3 e �o) �6310,% p O..Se�� No�'e- ' i68o) I - ....,a�... .. -:. � ' ...70�_;' De-JCri tioiis Ovtr/oP Zo L... __ .... ... •- ...... ..._ 1� , .100• ....... • ::. e.:;- o�'-... � � M '[3d � 77 ioS -- . . � 0 3 3 � h ^ � � i / .1 � �oo� ...::":aoo...: :-- ^ !pf n h I � � � � � � //10 (B40J ;c�) � � Pas//• A / !•"� . ` ��/ �� �i � ��� ' � � Q � �'� � ✓ca.� �9201 � � ��,� '� � ' V J i gE Hin� ' o � F� ! � � ? 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Q � . � M � v � � � ^ � Q � � O a � ' , � S.1 O Q � � •� '' A z Z :�, . , -� � o . . � � , � F �,� � - • ' C fL U � � G' � ` � "t . �3 a W � ; � ' • : . .� � i Z � _ � � ` \ L � + �i _ � \ Q, �� ' � � -. �' .� - ---------- ._�:__. � U �► W N �'i. ?� I i � ' � '� ( � � i � ( � - � `'.t� Z � ��'.' ? � ' O , - v i � t ' vi Q� 1�, a� I � � I o Z°� N� � �` � � Q o m o o� o� �'�' �^ ; . ---�- ---;:; -- � - --- ---- ---- -- - — ------- - .. , � ,. - .: � , , • . : . . . � '.:_—__--�-- ----- --° -----0 ---- m � C � v � m 3 � m y� m�� N ,. � 'b � � -"'i � O al �I ¢ I3 0 i O °� Z � C : _ . i � � \J p ' ro � � � � �� o � ; � i �� � �, � � z H�. �. � � N (, fA p 0 � y i � � � � m Q i� .� n ^ '�. � -�i :� � = _ �' , O 1. � .... Z '� � � � � � a" ��,° a . A • ; � . � U � p r, �' � � �� r , . • �� a . �, ` :.. � �� L* • • a v ' .i:�: 1 3 � � j z � O �y f. � . � ; � ,•� � � .� ` •o i � ' ^ \ '�� . h �, J� ' Cr'J i'. , � GD � , �' ;� . ? f � I i �� 9 . � � . � �V� y � . rv � . . . . . . . . �"'. ^ . . � . . . . � � � . .� . . . . . .� . . . A�rtl 20, 19]1 � � • Caetle Mobil� Flomes - 7I51 Highway �65 � � . F=id2ey, Mi.nne�sota �5432 Aear Sirs: �'h� following �aork wtll have to be eorrect�d in an agp�rova�d ma�ner. The electrical pawer to yaur sign does nbt �EonfoYtn to City Code - at present it is hazardous laying on Cop ai the graund. � You wi11 employ a Master Electricinn to coxzect eame. He wi11 file �I1 neceesary germits with the City of Fridley. thz campletion of �h�a job he �aill �all far an inspeetion. This work wi21 be camplestsd t�ithin 1.5 daqs o� �e will start di�cQnnect pxaceedings. Sin�ei�2y, ;. _..-� ": � , � /f `: � .:' %' � :' ' _ '� ; •. � � �.� �-'L�� � - LBO�IA1tD �ICHrIILLER Blectirieal Inspeerar I.L/mh ^ � ;a �� /'\ 2. The liinutea of the Board of gppeals Meeting of July 2, 1969 Page 2 4. .There was submitted, letters signed by the adjacent property ownere indicating their approval. Mr. 0'Bannon arrived at 7:50 P.M. from the Plats and Subdivisione-Streete and Utilities meeting. `' Seconded by 9honen. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. rl 1 ZONING LOCATID ON T: PARCEL 7i0, THE SAME LE MOBI 151 �7 'S _��� i Mr. Bernard Rotter -President of Castle Mobile Homes, Mr. Willie Johnson-Secretary- Treasurer of Caatle Mobile Homes and Mr. Mike Kubiatowicz Representing Macey Signs rrere preaent to preaent the request. , � Mr. Rotter explained to the Board where the land ie located, and that it ie 160 feet wide and 325 feet deep. He also explained that they feel Highway #65 is the beat loaation they could find for a mobile home sales eatablishment as 90 per cent of the traffic travels on Highway #65. We don't require a very large piece of land ae we only plan to have around 11 mobile homee, and this lot ia what we axe looking for. We would be leasing this land, from Mr. Harstad,�for a three year period. He hae indicated he ia not #nterested in selling the land. Mr. Rotter was asked what type of a building would the main office be. �^ He anewered they operate out of a mobile home that has been partitioned into offices. It would be 12 feet by 60 feet long. To put up a permanent structure r�tould be a disadvantage for them. Mr. Harris asked if they were planning on blacktopping any area of the �roperty. Mr. Rotter ssid they were planning on blacktopping the entrance and parking srea. The area where the mobile homes are parked would be rock. Mr. Haxria asked if they ha.d any sanitary facilitiea as the City Code calls for two reetrooms. Mr. Rotter $aid they would install two restrooms inside of the main office mobile home. _ The Board was shown eketches, of the proposed layout, drawn up by Macey aigns. The Board asked about the propoaed lighting and fencing. Mr. Rotter said they planned on having quartz lights, colored lighte and security lighte. They had not planned on any fencing: MOTION by Harris to close the public hearing. Seconded by Miniah. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �� � .� � The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meetin� of Julv 2, 1969 Page 3 �� Chairman Mittelstadt informed the applicant that if the request was granted the Special IIse Permit would terminate when the three year leaee was up and the property � would revert automa.tically back to M-1 Zoning unleas the applicant�reapplied and was � granted another permit. MOTION by 0'Bannon to approve the request with the Pollowing stipulations; -� 1. There will be ao permanent residence in the mobile homes, and no repe,iring of or storage of damaged trailers. ' 2. The Special IIse Permit will expire when the three year lease expires and the property will revert back to M-1 Zoning. 3. Adequate security lighting be in$talled for better observation by the Police. PJ. The entrance and parking area are to be blacktopped. � 5. Two restrooma be installed for the public's use. 6. There be a minimum distance of 15 feet between structures and the trailere be parked horizontally on one side of the lot and vertically on the other eide to provide an adequate parking area. Seconded by Harris. IIpon a voice vote, Ahonen a.nd Minish voting.nay, the motion carried. � Mr. Minieh explained hia vote by saying that he had nothing against this particular operation but he felt Central Avenue was developing into a mobile homes eales street Q� and by allowing another mobile home sales operation into this axea would only worsen thie condition, and we would be encouraging other mobile home operatione to come into the City to requeet more spot rezoning along Central Avenue. He felt it would be better if the applicant would look for a piece of land where they could have permanent occupancy inatead of asking for a Special Use Permit where they would only be assured of a three year occupancy. r' /� �..< Mr. Ahonen agreed with Mr. Minish in his reasons for voting against the requeat. �hairman Mittelstadt asked the applicant to bring in a copy of their lease with Mr. Harstad, which the public could examine if they so wished, to be assured that the lease and the permit would be for a three �ear period only. ADJOURNMEN�P • The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Mittelstadt at 8:45 P.M. Respectfully aubmitted, 0 MAHY HI Secretary � �3 �:� ROUGH DRAFT OF THE CYTY COUi�ICIL MINUTES,OF JUNE 12, 1972 INFORMAL HEARING ON SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP #72-07, BY REYNOLD E. SWANSON, TO OPERATE A MOBILE HOME SALES LOT AT 7151 T.li. #65: • � Mr. Reynold Swanson said he was asking the Council consideration for xx renewal of a special use permit that has been existing on this property since 1969. He has submitted �-,� � a plot plan with some changes they would like to make, which shows how the homes would sit on the lot, He said he presently works £or Castle Mobile Homes. Castle has expanded " greatly and he hoped that in running this business, he could expand also. He saad he has been brought up �c in the City of Fridley. The permit that Exists on the property for Castle expires July 8th. Mayor Liebl said this is actually not the correct procedure, the request should have gone to the Planning Commission first. The City has had a little trouble with Castle and there was some difficulty in enforcing what was to be done. He added that he hoped Castle Mobile Homes would do what they have promised at their new location. Fridley has two trailer courts which are very nice areas of the City. Mr. Don Harstad owns this lot, and the permit would b�onsidered in the nature of a temporary permit for the use o£ the land. There are some people in the City of Fridley that are opposed kux to having too many mobile home sales lots, but he realized that all people cannot afford to buy an expensive home. Councilman Mittelstadt said that when this special use permit was granted in 1969, the request went before the subcommittees and there were stipulations imposed. 1�TION by.Councilman MITTELSTADT to instruct that $kxs these stipulations that were imposed on Castle Mobile Homes be sent back to �e Planning Commission for them to review to see if they were followed, and if not, why not. They are also requested to review their plot plan, and to place this item on their next Agenda. He would also move to extend the special use permit until the Planning Cammission forwards their recommendation and Council action is taken, due to the fact that their permit expires Jul y 8, 1972 and the first Council Meeting in July is the lOth. Seconded by Councilman Breider. ^ Councilman Utter said that this lot has been used for mobile home sales, the property belongs to Mr. Harstad, but as long as he does not have immediate plans for expansion, the 0 . . . . � � C.r.�. � ... • � � ' � �• • � �a � .f � K ' . • ' . • . � �� .�', . _ .. . �� �� �age 2 of Rough Draft , Council Minutes of June 12th �June 12, 1972 . , '� pr�erty might as well be put to use. Mr. Harstad said that in defence of Castle Mobile HOmes, they could not use the full width of the lot because of �x loading docks just to the north, they 1xsx�x had to make some adjustments in the placement of their trailers. If they were guilty of anything, it was just because they did too much business off that lot. He said he would like to see an extension of the permit. x�txx�x�s�� Mr. Harstad , said that at present he is building an industrial building on Beech Street and he has his - hands full with that so he would like the lot to be used for this }�x� purpose. Councilman Breid�r said that when Castle relocated, there was some discussion that this was very valuable land, but there was no immediate use, so the Council allowed Castle to go in. This same is true with their old lot next to Harstad's, but as to Mr. Swanson's comments about expanding in the future, he would have to say that personally� he is not prone to allowing trailer sales �n.commercial ax�asxx property. His reason is mainly because of the tax structure, they cannot be taxed on a permanent structure basis. He said he would be � • a�_aeable to an extension of the special use permit but he wanted it understood that when that time lapses, that would �e the last time he would be agreeable to an extension. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vo�e, aval�iLdmcu. � _._.,.R..� ¢'°'w�.. ' � � �t � . � �DILDING,�,STANAASDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOI�►SIITEE,�ETIP(3 OF p�d $, 197� '1'h� ��ting was called to order by Chairmau Zeglea a� ���,Q ��M. �EKS PRESE�; Zeglen� Simoneau, Wt�ite, Li���d, Tc�Cp �MBRRS ABSENT: None Q"�i�&� PRESENT: �eter Herlofsky, Admiai$trati�e As�i�G�t�t t�IO�T by Toaco to a�prove the minutes of the Ma� 18, 1972 aad �y 23, ' 197Z meetings as written.. 9�COnded by Simoneau. IIpoa a voice vote, all �ptin� a��, Ch� u►a�i�R CaYrl.ed unaai.mously. ' �, t�3IDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A RESTMRANT ON'. C��RCE PARK ADDITION, THE SAME? BEING 7510 UNIVBRSITX � F�ID�LEY, MINNESOTA 55432. (REQUEST BY CARL BEADDRY, 312 AlIORA. 1�IINNESOTA 55303 .) (I�NTUCKY FRIED CHICI�) 1�C', Ca�1 Besudry and Mr. Ron Porter were present to ���est�� the �equ�S�. Mr, Heaudry presented a detailed landscaping �1aa and �Cat�d '�a wou�d �"� bave an uadexground sprinkling syetem. Mr. Porter sai,d �h�r� would bs � asathetic appeal to the lot. They hoped theq conld s�ve ��i� �rees a4 �he+ Sput�t side of the lot.. 1�'. $ot4 korter preaented pictures to the Board of the €acii.�,ty �,q Q��9p, Tbis is a modular metal structure that is identical to the bu�ld�ag �h�Y watl�t �Q cogstruct ia Fridley. The conatruction� exceeds a11 Che �od�� �d �a��iea a 2-hour fire rating and a N.S.F, ce�ti��icat�or�. '1'ktp f�At41C1Q�F T��.7. hsve a11 metal paaels aad a quarry tile floa;. �e ���st#�u��� Wi11 eea�� 3Z peapl�, 1�ir. �erlofsky told Mr. Beaudry to pre�ent a aet p� the ��am� �Q tl�� A�g1�� Cpttmtp 8ealth Departmeat for their approval. This appraval M�e �eca��arY h�efo�r� � building permit could be issued. �'. Toncp said the radius on the eatraace ahquld lt� enla��s� CQ �i�t� ���� � 1�* Z�$�et� asked if Che �arking area met the requi�etae�stta, M�+. �ie��,Qliky s�t�.d i� �1�� more thac� adequate . �ls, �erlofsk� asked about the d�ainage, of the �rppercy, M��t �o�C�x p��+� tbey hadn'� �r�solved this problem. Mr. ��rlofaky �ai� t1�$y S�p�ilS� t���� ��� oux Engiaeering Department and work it out �fth themt �. ,��g],�n said there was some problem with the plac�men� o�' ��� 1��,�, � � Tb4 �Od� req�air�s the siga to be 10' fxc� 8�1, Proper�y �i�t�� . W� �qq���+� ��sp�;��� p��niE �or signs and they w��,�, �aY� t4 mleQt ��,�, ��� �'g�41��'�l�R�1� Q� th� �iga +���it�anCe, " 0 \ �tandards-pesign Control Subc . � . Fa�o 1�r. �'orCer p�esented pictures of the kr�sh stor��e b�i,ld�p�, T'�1�,� �,8 ��apa�at� structure that has a dumps�er and ��om�l�t��y t�R�G�O�ad . ' ���a �px Che s�orage of boxes. 1�', Z�gl�� asked about security lightiag. Mr. ��&udrY +��{id !,� i1qp��1 ' be w�11 �i$hted arouad the restaurant and the trash bt�i�.dit�. $� . pr�tferx'�d the complete lot to be well lighted. 2, � MQTION by White to recom�end tp the City Couacil approva�, p� ���, ;��y�� Co cpns�xuct a restaurant with the follo�iag �tipul�tioqut j., �?raiaag� pxob�ems ta be work,ed out �ith 8agiq�e��i� �p�=p�e��. 2, �haage placement of sign to meet code� 3. 10' radius an drivewap entrance. S4�onded by Tonco. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting a�re, kk� mo��,piA C+II�,'��d utie�ai,�aous�y. COPSTRIICT A p �T $, BLOCK 1, S E Mr .�oaald Tadsen and Mr . William I.eibel were p�eaent ta ��I�1�1p1� �� request. M7c, T�d�en said he was the architect of the t>r�.g�a�1 bu��,t�1pg, � t���,d thie wi�il be aa interim entry. It wil�, be used for ��g�p��pi��p��r ���p� y�ars while Mid Continent leases out part of their bqi,�.dit1� �� ��1��,�,s��qq , North�ra Co uae during the railroad's constructioa p���.vd, � , 9. n .., , M�, �as�sen said they vanted to construct saoething ccmpatib�� p��� �� ��p�G Q� the building. He presented a picture o� �be pre���� �����r, � ��i.d �he prQpoaed additional entry would be the eame eac�p� � a em�l�{� �Cdll� e I�OTiQ� by Tcn�cc� ta recaa�ead to the Gity Camc�� �pp�p�y��, Q� ��� ���� to coast�uct �n �dditiona� antry. $��pad�c� by Lindblad . IIpc�a a voic� v�t�, all votin� +a�►e, ��p� p4q��� c�arri+�d unaaimowl�. � �e D�R� �ohmsap and Mr, ,Adolph �. B��ccb Yera �;�4ent to �'E��4� �� ���,{�I�#1 � , � B�ild�Ag Standards-Design Control Subcoamiittee Meeting af �uae 8, 19a$ - Pago 3 n Ms, p��k JAhnson said this addition would be a�ppt�qua���� g� ��� ��O�a �u��d��g. It Wi.11 �dd approximately 12,OA0 squax� ��st, `�'�i� �d��Ci�R wi�L be used pxi.marily fo� the storage Qf w�oden pa���t� amd pa��, wiCb ��� fC, x 14 ft. section used for inflaa�bie mater�$��= '�'h�p ;aGt�oR w��� be ��npletely fire-proofed. This paxt of t�e add�t3t� ��� be�R �0�4� over with Bob Aldrich, Fire Prevention Chief of F�idley. aRd Wi,11 1��� a1'� the stringent requiremeats necessary for storing it�f�,atR�tb�e+l, Mac, JQhnspa said they will have to relxate a catcb basf.0 �Ad �� � QOQ ga7,lot; propane tank. ' . 'Mac. �i��'loisky said he had no questiona on the addi.tioc� ��t� 1�� ha$ A x�quest �o make. He stated there was going to b� ar� �m�r�pVem�m� pq � �ast River Road. A semaphore will be Located close tp �p�Wq��$ �jt�G Campamy, The City would like a plot plan showing the tr�liie p���14� of entrances and exits, parking patterns of cars and tru�ks, �xi�t�.t�$ landscaping, lacation of the catch basin, lacation of t�e pzap�pp �±u�� Q� aayChiag else located on the property. This wil�. he1� �h� c�•�, �m�iaee�Ciag Department alleviate the traffic problems pR $a�� ���; Re>ad , �pT�Q�4 by Liadblad to reco�end to the City Coumci7, app�ppa3� q� t�� ^ �ec�uesC to coastruct an additioa with an additioaa�. ��qu��� �h�� Cb�� p�pvide the City with a plot plan showiag traffic and park�t'1� p�tt��R� �nd the additional iaformation needed bq the Citp Engiaee��,� pepa�t�e��. ��. � � Secoaded by Tonco. IIpon a voice vote, Zeglen, Tonco, Lin�db��d� �9��tt� votiag �ye� White abstaining, the motion carried. � THE SAME BEING UEST BY GORDON M�, Gordon Aspensaa vas present to present tbe request. �, �eglea asked about the zoning. Mr. Herlofsky said i� M�►# !�{� �A �rea zoned for multiple d�ellings. Mr. Herlofsky eaid �b�s�it►esl� �� �a�d�'qqm, u�tit$ and there we�e 2 stalls prpvide�l fq]c �ach uA�� RA C111� glpt p1� t�h�.cb meet the code requiremeats fo� garking, �. ��adb�.ad �sked about the storage of refuae, 1'��', 44,s���pp� ���,¢ �g wqu�.c� do whatever the code required. Ms. Herlofsk� �taCed X� N+pt�i�d ��%1t �h� a��a fenced. Mr. Aspenaon said he would p�ovid� Cw9 �pp��q�,����I �q; �p��h ttmit, �iar. Zeglea said he wo�ld have to pol�ce tt►� ���� �1�tc� �,�' C�1� m��a �ouldn'� be kept cleaa he wanted Mr. As�enaon to �k����r ��t,���1��, �, A�tpeason said the exterior irill be Texture 111 rau�h �4�tln �l��a; 0 e �� 4 , il :n^ Standards-De�i n Control Subcommittee Meetia o! una PagR t`r with a� asphalt $hiagle zopf . There will b� gutCer$ .'1'hl��* W��,1 �1e paCio doors i�ad�.ag oa to a deck for each �nit. Th��� w�,�1 �ac� �be� river, I��. Toacp askec� that the number Qf exits b� ch�cklt� �p p0+� i�' a S�sir Q� i.adder was aecessary from this b�ticoay �p� �� ���,�� The ►oaxd asked about firewalls between unita, iacludiag Ch� b�60�leACs� �Rd what type of soundproofing there would be between uni,C� � 1�C � j1,�A*�pq iaid thie wou�.d be bui1C with double wall constructioa attid �p T���,� tpa�t �1.1 th� code requirements for firewalls and soundprp�pg�,mg� �* TOpca �aaked if the garage will have the same extezior a� ��a �t�����p� �Ad 1'u � A�peusQa said th�y would. ° Mx. Aspea$v+tt agr,�ed to poured 6"x12" concrete cu�b a�ouA�d thp bl�Cktpp a��e7�s , Mx, Zeglen asked about security lightiag, Mr. Aspenson said th�t� T+4uld be li$hts on each building and on the garages. MOTI0�1 by Simoneau to arecammend to the City Council app�pva�, p�' �hp; �cequesC to coastruct a 4-plex with the coaditipn that tt�� ������t COAB��t�C�ivA pl�u8 be submitted and approved b�► Che �uilditl� Ippp1�CC1pp Dept�x't�aeA� befot� the request goes to th� City 4qup4��. ^ Se��uded by Toaco. IIpon a yoice vote, all votia� �p�, ��� a�p��,p�p CB�zi,ed uaanimowlp. Th��s i8 the cam�letioa of the agenda items. • ' Trk'. Bob Minder of Suburbaa 8agineering came to the aieetia� Cq b�ve t�t� Soard �au�id�� b��� �requeat to conscruct an addi�ioq tp tb��.� R7t�,��ip� buildiag, �ie sa�d more space is needed as the bu��,dio�, ��1�y ��y� �a $etLitl� too Cra�cied. As the aext Building Sta4dard�.pe���a Qpqt�ql , Svbcqnwi�tee maetiag is three weelcs away, he came �p Eb,�q �*��,p� � ' tbey w�re aaxious to get coastructioa Btarted. Mr. �tiader ps�a�an�sd a pi��ure of the existing building and a drawing ot whaC ��#;� pqplp�,p��d bu�ld�ng would look like. $e said the addition would con��q{�� �j�� �� tppe 0� �o��ructi,oa as Cl�� origiaal building, and the �At�,=p b��,�,��,p� Kpu1d be �aittted at the same time so it would a11 be� the #s�, M� � ToRCO oa�d t1�a Bo�rd �rould be uaable to take �ny ��pc� p� aG��,qa q!p l4 ��QC �►��A RAd 1! p�IO�O��aph. �. Ae�1o�'eky �o1d lris�. Minder if he'd g�t three e��� o� �ou�►1o�� p�,� to �b�9 8v�1d�.ag Inepectiom Department as soon as possibl�� t�� �tL�g �ouj,cl be ��a�eased while Mr. Minder vas coming back to �u�,�d��� $��qd�t;� ou Ju�� 2ACb� �ad appearin$ before the City Council a4 ,�u�,T �,Q��t �� pot�id Ehel� ��� his pe�m�t Qn Ju1y llth after Council mpp�qy�� ����; M� ,� b� �4t�ldn'� be lo�ing aoy time, " ' , _ . . � : • . t • .., . � - . ;�, �� ;, • � u d Standards-Desi n Control SubconQ►ittee M�eeti o:� June 8 i'a�� �v �aG��a; w�s taker�. �sr, Minder was toid to get a cc��let� ��� o� �1�M d�cawn ap amd aPpear before the Board ae the ��tq� ZSt# �,'�7� . • viso��. Chai�'aatt Zeglen adjaurned the meetiag at 10:00 P.M. Resp��etfully aubmitted, Dosotby 8v on, Secretary � r_ ` r , v , �� �,• 0 HE MINUTES OF THE $OARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF JUNE 13 1972 �� tAe�ting was cal�.ed to order by Chairman Minish at 7:30 P,M. � �Ek�S PR�SENT: I�M�ERS A$S�NT: OT�RS �'RFS�NT ; �� n 1�(i�iish, Crowder, Wahlberg Clarence Belisle Harju, Sondheimer - Building Tnspector 1�iQTI(�N by Harju to ap�rove the May 23, 1972 minutes as w7citCen, $�&p�ded by Sondheimex. Upon a voice vote, there being no �►ay�, th� mo��9�t� ��x�l�d t�}�animpus ly , ''� �,��j.�� ��.t�isl� explained this request had been tabled from the May 23, 1972 tn�e�in� �p ���q�a �he applicant time to redraw his p2ans to accomodate 44 p��'k�ng ���1��, 1+'�r. E�,st came forward with a new site plan showing the 44 parking Sta�,�s. k�� sa�d he �ad talked with Mr. Dean Redman, project engineer with the County, abou� t�� p�ppctsed i,m}�xovements for Osborne Road and these impravements were incOx�07c8��6i iA�o �,k�� new siGe plan. One improvement was a 12 foot right turn lane on Osbo�e �c��nd�ng G� p��,v�rs��y Avenue. There will be room for a 7 foot sidewalk an Che �edi�a�ed ��,�1�� p� w8y on Osborne Road. The 6 additional parking spaces were ahown a1Q� Qp�p�tts Ro�td property line and Mr. Ernst explained he would then p1at� to puG �,� ����3�� �t��t��g� �o malce up for the loss of 10 feet of green area fo� the kr�r����t of �h� ��sidential area across the road. Mr. Ernst added that if �hi$ p���l wa� �O�e �q �h+� $pard's approval than the original request, he would make �pplicat��� �Q� � �`�p3�t yard setback variance of from 20 feet to 10 feet. �'t Crowder s�a�ed �his item was tabled as he had wondered how the site wquld 1Q�k w�t� the 6 addi�ional parking spaces in the front as Mr. Er�at had s����d he did }�Q� want tq c�C daw� the size of the building. Now that the new site ���utt 1�#+� b���i ���m�.tted, he wnndered what the residential area would think of loaing 1Q ���� o� tl�� g���xt are� � �„ ����.sle added that in the winter the snow from Osborne Road wqu�.d be �►i.�.e�1 tx$ �� �tti.� lo��tion o� �he property by the plows on Osborne and also from cl�ax�.�4� C.he p�7Ck�r►g lot, �, Sandheimer �tated that the parking spaces in this location could be �sed in � �}�$ $ut�nex bt�t ir� the win�er they would probably be filled w�th anow, �'1 /'\ �� �he Minutes o� the Board of AFpeals Me�ting of June 13, 1972 e ,�,�,-�.�_ ,.— .��. �,�� � �� � � � �� �ix, kl���sh �sked what the size of the building was at the ti,tne the x�+Pning r+�qt�R�� was ��ked fo� on th�.s property, �r, �7rns� said thexe was no specific measure�nts for the building tQent}pi�ed �� �h�� Ci,�na. I�. Minish'stated that if the Planning CouQnission had had all the fact& on �he bu��.ding and on the code requirements not being able to be met, they might have ac��d c��.f��r�ntly on the rezoning. T�. Cr�iwdex said that after seeing where the addi.tional parking spaces would be and th�� ��ey would probably be lost during thi: winter with the snpw pj,le ��, he was no� i� favoT c�� this layout and �e would nc�t be able to vote for a vax�.ance on �h� fxc��at yard setback if re4uested. �, �a�ju stated that he felt the right way to go would be to cut the building do� �he �a40 square �eet and have the minimum parking requirement for that ��ze build��g. �� sa�i+d that since the tenants could possibly change, the Board has Go look at �h� qV�x�11 effects and what the future might bring in the way of paYking �pac�s th�� W9uld �� necessary. 1�t �elisle added that having the parking spaces along Osborne Road would xesul.t �� �,�� lights ��ining across Osborne Road onto resider►tial proper�y. �bO��QN by Harju to recommend to Council denial of the request and xequest to �qulnci�. ���� Ghe building area for parking spaces needs to concur to the City Gode. �a�Cprld�d by Crowder . t��#animous 1y . 2. ��T FOR A S AItD ADJOI O�' A 10 FOOT AD ^ Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mQtj�qr� �arried OF SECTION 45.053. 4B. 4. FRIDLEY C TO ALLOW ED ON LOT TREET N.E. MQTIAN by Harju, seconded by Crowder, to waive the reading of the publ�.� heaxi�g �ot�Ge. UpA�a � VQ�Ge vo�e, there being no nays, the motion carried unani.mousl�. �, J�s C�rlson was present to present the request. He explained he �as a�wo dpp� g�,�age r�ow but he can't fit 2 cars in it without taking down his wo�kb��ch �d s�o�ing everything out side. There is a furnace in the garage inside a 5 foo� by 5 foo� box as there is no basement under the house. The duct work i.s in t�e a�tic, #�e a�dded th�y do need two cars as, both he and his wife work. 1�4 (;a��,&on said he will be moving the wall out toward the p�pper�y li.ne and t�,e�.�� ��t �h� �oo� w�.tk� the existing roof. He will be blocking out pne garage doo� �q h� woul�d �nlg end up w�th 2 doors. He said he ha$ converted a dog pen beh�.nd C}�e garage ��}�c► a����'age shed for his snow blower and lawn mower and tools aind he Woul�l j.�}ce ��p $�pre these in the garage and get rid of the.shed as it doesn't look good. .r1 � ^ The Minu�es of the Board of Appeals Meetin� of June 13, 1�72 Pag,ef 3 �� Mr. So��e�mer asked what the distance between structures was, M�, Ca�l�on said t�ere is approximately 40 feet betwee� st��t���s� M�• Minish asked if the adjacent proper�y owner had bee� �n�ormed o1 �h�� vari,ance. b1x'. Walter Lei,�grubQr, 1p27 Mississippi Street, adjacent pxoperty owner, was in the audience and said h� had no objections to the additio� as th� houses ax� far enough apart. I�, Harju asked if there was a utility easement dowr� this side of Ghe p�op�r�y aS �he picture shows poles toward the back of the house by the prape�'ty li��. �x. Belisl�e stated the Building Inspection Department h�c� ca,lled N.S.P, ko f�.nd out if they had an easement there but the answer would not be available until tomorrow (14th). (NATE: Mr. Larry Benson, N.S.P., called June 15, 1972 and said �hey have �o easement along`the East side of this property. They do have a 6 fpot easemen� a1on� the back line. If there are any poles along the East side p� �he prope��y they were put in with a permit from the previous owner and N.S,P, w�ll move �� p,ples �f necessary at no charge to the property owner.) MOTION by Harju to close the public hearing. Seconded by Crowder. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, �he mp��on carried unanimously. Mx'. Sondheimex said that if a fence was to be put up on� the Eas� p�c�p��ty ��ge, on�y twq fee� might present a problem for maintaining the garage ���,�.. Mr. Crowder sai,d his initial thought was why Mr. Carlson had �p $q ��e�� �o ���e line whe� h� �as such a big lot but since Mr. Carlson has expla�.t��c�, ��p�t� t.l�e 1,ayout�. of the garage, Mr. Crowder feels he could go along w�.t� ��� g�gue�st. Mr. Car]�son asked the Building Inspector if he had to put in frost �oc�t��tgs under the addition as the house and existing garage are built o� jus� � s1�b, M7c, $elisle replied �hat he would have to underpin the ex�.sting sGxvctux'� �r►d h�ve frost footings under the addition. �. �p�IQN by Crowder to reco�end to the Council approval o� t�e requ�s� w�.th the s�ipulation Chat if there is a utility easea�en�t along the east �ro����y 11x�$, Mr, Carlson �et the necessary agreement f;rom N.S.P. , w Se�Qnded by I�arju. U�o� a, voice vote, the�re being no nay�, tha ���,q� ���;���, ul�an imQU� ].y . r ;. � , r �• ^ � 7.'lie�,,,,Minutes o� ths Boarc�, of Appeals Meeting of June 13i 1972 „ � Pa�� � eeq �, .Iack Ge�zel, Di$trict Supervisor, and Mr. John Klava, Store Manager, W+�r� px��ent to Fresent the request. �"�?T�QN by C�'owder, Seconded by Harju, to waive the reading of �he pub1�.G h�ax�ng t��t3,ce. Upon � voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unax�i.uqpu�ly. ' ��,��u��s of the existing sign were shown to the Board. The pictures showe�l �he q�4i-n sign, 167 square feet, an open 9:30 sign , 11 square feet, and an oper� furtday ��.gr4 ��at :Is to be removed in a few weeks so it is not included in the propp�e�l tQ�a� ar�a of 212 sc�uare feet. k�, Rlava explained they want to put up a sign that says "Tall Mens Shop" w�i�h �,�s a, 33 squ�re foot panel. He said there used to be a"Shoppers Charge" eign o� t1;�e �aylon tlzat has been taken down and is not shown on the pictures . Mx, Ge���l $aid the Tall Mens Shop is an extremely importa�t business �o them. They a�e only competing with 2 other stores in the area for thi,s k►µsirte�s at►d �he i�ig1� i.& t��ce�ssary to inform the larger clientel that they can buy their c�p�hes �� �hi.� s�pxe, The larger men do have a hard time finding clotk�e$ to �it them �trJ;d �t►ey Eael that with the sign up it would increase thei= business. � /1 �t was brought out, by looking at a picture taken in 1970 of the sign, that they u�sd t�o have 4 signs on the pylon plus the main sign. �'* G�tze1 said they:haven't had the proposed panel made up as yet as it is a� �cger��ive sign and they wanted to first make sure they would be allowed to pt�t i,t t�p,� '�e sign would have a white background with black lettering and be i1lu�ainated ��o�{{ �e �ix���de. �c� $e�isle sa�td that theoretically they should be allowed the same squax'� �ootage ;�x► �ign area that they had at the adoption of the new sign ordinance. ' �, H�,icju sa�d that if both smaller aigns were removed from the p�lon, �'�e paa1�1 cqu].d then be put up without increasing the sign area �at �uch, �, �g��.sle sa�d that the Board could aee by the pictures that the�e �s at g���.� �b�� p� sig;r�s along Central Avenue already. I�* Getzel sai�l that a man from 1�ain City Federal came to talk ta him a,bout �he g�c��test and they had no objections to it. �'. Sondheimer stated that if the proposed panel could be moved up ta abut �l�e Qp�� 9:30 sign it would make the sign area mor�: compact and people could se� it ��qtu � �arther distance. �� The Minu�te� of the Bvard of Appeals Meetin� of June 13, 1972 ���� S �. , ,e .. � . � ,++e*r•--^� �r I�. Klav�, �.skec� �.f the opeu sunday sign would be allowed Q� �j,e 1��;��,�1�,�,�� /"� �,', B�1i.+6�� said t�a� he would have to check into that a�tex th�y ma�e a� a�p���at�c�n. He d�.dn't know what type of signs are on the build�.t'� �lxe�ady. ���Q�I1�y Crowder �o cloae the public hearing. S��qx�ded by Sondk�ei,mer. Upon a voice vote, th�e being no nays, the mo�ion car�i��l ti�1��10u$ �.y c �p��0�i by Sondheimer to reo��nd to Council a�prov�l of �i�,e r�qu�st �o �odi�y ��� ��,8t�,�g pylon by adding a"Tall M�ens Shop" sign that will abu� th� Qp�n �;3Q ��,�� �,� w�,�,l a,�,l.aw �le�,rance of approximately 16 feet plus fxoap tt�e grounda u�d�r tk�� �q���,��,�n that no additional eigns be installed on the pylon (besidea �� ppex� �j;�Q �.�ic� '��,�] Men� Shop si�ns) and under the condition that the construc��,qn pf tt�� �g�,�t� �� �,b�plu���y stornnproof. ���gtid�d b� Harju. 1�, Harju added that thia is a xeduction from the present sign are� and ifi w�.11 �ke � taore compact s ign. ' '�te YQCe upo� the motion, there being no nays, the motion carri�d unan�qu$j,y. �.J+�NT t Ttue 11�eting was ad journed at 9:00 P.M. by Chaixman Minish. � R�s�e��iul�,y submitted, �� �1 :..._ 7 '�.t� o x z�x� $�p�etary s �