PL 08/23/1972 - 7419/"�
AUGUST 23, 1972
8:00 P.M.
AUGUST 15, 1972
SP ��72-12, BY BLAINE CONSTRUCTION INC.: To build a home
for the handicapped on Lot 16, Revised Auditor's Subdivision
��10 per City Code 45.051, 3, F.
1-11 w
SP �f72-10, CHARLES JOkDAN: Continue service station and permit
addition of U-Haul rentals on East 125 feet of Lot 18, Block
2, Central View Manor per City Code Section 45.101, Section .
B, 3-E.
ROBERT SCHROER: L. l, Block l, Lot 2& 3, B1ock 2 ar.d -
North 230 feet of Black 2, East Ranch Estates 2nd Addition.
Rezone from M-2 to C-2S (general shopping areas}.
Public Hearing September 6, 1972.
MRS. FLORENCE SWANSON: Generally lying South of Tronton Street
and West of Ashton Avenue.
Public Hearing September 6, 1972
located South of 79th Way, East of East River Road, West of the
railroad tracks and North of 77th Way. �
Public Hearing Septer.iber 6, 1972
Material to be har.c�ed out at the meeting.
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The meeting was called to order by Chairman Erickson at 8:00 P.M.
Members Present: Minish, Zeglen, Erickson, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke.
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant
MOTIDN by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission
approve the Planning Commission minutes of Ju1z� .Z9, 1972. Upon a voice vote,
a.Z1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. +
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Cominission receive
the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee meeting of
Ju1y Z3, 1972. Upon a voice vote, a1I voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission
receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of Ju1y 25, 1972. Upon a
voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
� MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planninq Commission
receive the minutes of the Parks & Recreation Commzssion meeting of June 12, 1972.
Upon a, voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission
receive the minutes of the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting of Ju1y 24, 1972.
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
CONSTRUCTION, INC.: To build a home for the handicapped on Lot 16, Revised
Auditor's Subdivision ��10 per City Code 45.051, 3F.
Representing the petition: Chester R. Tollefson, Blaine Edmundson, John
+� .
. ��
Planning Co�mnission Meeting - August 9, 1972 Pa e 2
, �
MOTIDN b� Fitzpatrick, seconded b� 5chmedeke, that the PZanning Commission
/'\ waive the reading of the public hearing notice for the�Special Use Permit, SP
� #72-Z2, b� Blaine Construction Inc. Upon a voice vote, aZl voting aye, the motion
� carried unanimousl�. `
Mr. Blaine Edmundson stated the petitioners would like to build a dwel-
ling for the handicapped. They will be people that work at Rise, Inc. (8406
N.E. Sunset Road), and perhaps some at Onan's. They would need a place to live.
An adult couple will operate the home and will see that the housekeeping is
done. It is proposed to have six men and six women. They will have separate
areas, divided by the day room, the dining room with the living room in the center.
This is meant to be their home and is a new concept. There are three such homes
operating in Victoria, Minnesota and others around the state. ,
Mr. Tollefson explained that he has lived in Anoka County since 1967.
He has a retarded son. For fourteen years Mr. Tollefson has been actively work-
ing for the mentally handicapped. There is an activity center equipped in .
Anoka County, one in Fridley. There is Rise, Inc. in Spring Lake Park. This
is a workshop for the handicapped where they can report to for employment.
They can't get a job such as you and I, but they can for things they can do,
under supervisiox�. There is a Day Care Center near Rice Creek School. When
these handicapped people become employed they, too, want to become self-inde-
pendent, pursue human dignity and would like to get an apartment,.but cannot
sustain themselves doing their own cooking needing supervision in this as well
as work. The result of this is that there is a need for this kind of home.
This project could probably house twelve handicapped people -- it could be a
mixed group. There would be two to a bedroom. The home would be operated by
an adult couple. They would be the caretakers and supervisors. These people do
not drive a car so there would not be additional traffic. One of the reasons
for starting up on Central Avenue is because there is'a bus line there. Being
handicapped, they do not tend to run around t�e neighborhood.
Chairman Erickson asked what type of handicapped were they referring to.
Mr. Tollefson answered they will be retarded but not retarded to such a
degree that they are not able to perform at work. They are able to get on and
off a bus by themselves. .
' Mr. Tollefson continued that there were rules and regulati.ons laid down
by the State Department of Vocational Rehabilitation on August 30th for such a
facility. These rules are in line with the State regulations. Anoka County
Department of Welfare has three or four people they could put in a place as
this right now.
Chairman Erickson asked who would own the building.
Mr. Tollefson answered it would be a non-profit corporation. It was not
fully decided as to what route they could take, but no doubt it would be a private
Mr. Blaine Edmundson said that as a,builder, he would be building it and
have an interest in the property. At this point, Mr. Tollefson and himself:
would be the owners.
��atici$�,ii� Ga�ssion Meetin� - Au�ust 9y 197� Pa�e 3
, _�_ - - � .s��
�` !� M�. Tollefson said that he was on the Board of Di�ectors fp� R�.��, ��►c}
Mx'. Min�sh asked about the density. Mr. Clark sa�d that the�e w�,�
3p,OQQ s��t�x�e feet and would take about a 12 �nit apar�m��t bui�.�.ing i� �!4�ed
�he meeting was then opened to the public.
�hristopher Aasland, 1330 69th AVenue: He said he w�� told �he b�}�.�,c�}��
WA�}�.d be 35 feet from the South line on b9th Avenue. The o��3��' bu��t�7,?��� i�#
F ��},�� b�.ack all �he way down are offset approximately 7S fe�� ��'Qm �k�s stre��
�,��}e. Thi�s one building would be different from all the res�, Qf eQµ�se �.�
w�� �qt by �.ny stXetch of imagination a one family dwellin� w�i�h th� �'��fi p� °
��� i}Qt���s �t�� �t�n���. yq�} �et to the County line, F�o� whe�e he 17-Ves, �f ��
WQ�1�, �.p�� ou� pv��' �his �Qt, what he would be able tQ s�e :�s pne s�.c�e of ��}e
�id�-�d�.ng pXact�cally covering the whole view of the lp�. Mr. Wi�iz��sk� w7,�1
�ave� h,�� v�.ew �om��etel� blocked to the North and West if �h�so bu��di�;p is p�3�
upR W�.t1� ��� �ize of tl�� proposed building, th�re wi11 be just ������ er►au�t}
�qo� for a��iveway between the building and the East line of the loG, Wk1er�e
��� the autos going to park?
� ca�.
M�. Tollefso� said the caretakex wo�ld be the Qt�ly one who wou�.d h�y�
Mr. Aa�land then said this request really 3mQUnts tp a six bgdroom ho�a+�.
/'1 �S� W?.dzinski, 132Q 69th Avenue; He asked if Ghese people woul�l b� safe
�o be th�a$� }�eighba�s? W�th twelve people and just one ca�e��t�.er, a�d if �t��X
�#�v� �o �� undex supervision, would it be safe?
Mr. Tollefson said he personally could say they would be as safe w�Ith
Xhem as w�zh any normal people. Because the retardation is to a degr�e that
z�ey c�n't cook their own meal, write or read a recipe, they certainly are
nq� ��bb�.e �o�tsex�. Iie wished the people would go up and t�.ke � lq�k a� tk�ese
pe4p1� wQx�ki�g a�: Rise. It is working really beautiful. It i� a gc?Rd thi��
fo� th�s� people.
l�z. Fit�patri�k asked who determines who would live the�e -- the owners,
Qper�tors or Anoka County Welfare?
Mr. Tollefson said that it would be under approval of th� A�pka �q�n�y
W�e�.fare Board.
}��. �'itzpa�iCick asked if a family could place a member of th� f�mily ther��
ih�t reply w�s they would have to go through a scree�►ing bQard at �h�
Mr. Minish co�ented that this type of request would corne unc�er �?ivisio�n
o� St�te Loans Aid and connected with the Department of Welfare. He was wonder-
^ ing w��t happ�ns to the Structure if the loans were not �enewed or �evoked
be��g � build�ng placed in a neighborhood for one purpose and co��d no� be �}�ed
fQr an��her?
Plannia-�� Co�nission Meerin�.___ r'1..:�'_ * '-` Fa� 4 I
� cr; . _ ._. r�.�--J t' __y._.r...�_.. _ .
/1 Phillip 0'Lou;;hiin, 4;s;; a,',rur�
to the South. This ,-ea is r:._�. tl-��:v
The homes are all R- � anc; t?,: i_litv
give. He was opposec� to tr�e r,�:.:st. .
Road: He explained that he o�ntned ��}e �o�
t�el the praperty should stay �-l.
it to ha��e more people t}�an Rr2 woul,�
Mr. John Gemp�=rle, 4�1.3 '�;ain Street, Columbia Heights; Referrin� to the
statement whether or �zot th� pror�le in the n�ighborhood would be s�fe, Mr.
Gemperle aske�l if an}� of the people personaliy knew a mentally reta�ded m�n Q�
woIItan. A man 20 to 30 years would have the actions o� a 10 ar 12 yea� o�dR 'Tt�is
shquld give 8n idea of how much danger there would be and probably �.1�� ber� way
qf e�cplaining it. They would t;e just as daci.le to the house pa�en�s �� tY��y
wq�]��i be to their own parents, We have in Anoka County some 9Q0 �ei}��lly �����c���=
AbQut 400 oz 500 of these people are ar�und 25 years old and �hey wou�d b�
�ppl�ca�ts for a place like this. t11so there are 8p residents in Cambrid�e,
�0 ��� �v�r �1 years and some come from out of the Sta�e an� l�ve �n these
£acil��i�s. He has a boy in Cambridge, and if �here had been � p�ace l�kg ��e
��e being proposed this evening, his boy would not be in ��mbri�g�. He w�pt���l
��v� � hom� atmosphere such as this facility wou�.d provide.
Mr. Tollefson said this again would come under welfare until a persot�,
if he h�s a job, would give a certain paxt of �rhat he makes towa��s his re��,
The QcunCy has figures to show that it is cheaper to support him in a fac��i�y
li�.e �his than in an institution. It would be taking him ouz of the �nst�.tu�
t�pr� ��� b�ck into the cqmmunity.
Mr. Aasland wondered if the adult couple would be able �o keep a stricG
� �uP��v�s�Qn over th� twelve "children" from getting out of the hous� ��d out o�
��l�h �vgpt�e or Cen�ral Avenue. Then he said he assumed tl�ey were bu��.dir�p it
�'�� p�ofi�, H� asked if they were goi�g to sell it to someone af�er the �ouse
w�,� bµilt, �To doubt the buyer would be a profit making corporation. In oth��
W0�'ds it �s a business progosition, pure and simple.
Mr. Tollefson cqmmented that as far as the retarded getting out in the
st�e�ts, h� has a retarded boy who is �ow 17 years. He is in a special c�ass
in the At�oka Sc�ool system. They did not have any problem with him at home
�bout �;etting out in the street. With a little supervision, just like a parent
would give, he did not think Mr. Aasland would have any problem. During the
day they would be wherever they were emplayed. His boy has a�ways got along with
the neighbor children. This child has never been a problem to them, �he
n��ghbors or anybody else.
Mr. Blaine E�3mundson gave a few comments on the buildi�g. He s�id they
were trying to design the structure to make it look lik.e a home. It would be
bigger �han the average home. There would be a tuck-under garage for the
ca�etaker in order not to add another building. They would be willing to meet
whatever ��quirements the Council and Planning Commission suggest.
Regarding setbacks, Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if all of the other Y}omes a��
setback as much as 70 feet, would it be possible for them to meet �hat?
Mr. Edmundson said the structure could be set back a little further, but
� they would like to have a little picnic area for the residents. The space out
to the street is not doing any good, but the backyard might. The bui]_ding h��
been designed with hallways and doors wide enough for wheelcha:irs. 'I'hey felt
the driveway should be cn the Eas; �ide.
��sn�i�,�Gommissio� Meeting - AuQUSt 9, ?972 �age �
�,P- � �. . �z____..� _.
� l�x!. A�sland said that he still objected vei'y strenupusly. ��� }��i���q�s
on the East and South object.
Mr. Edmun3son said that he would like to go back a��.ttle i� th� l��story
of t�e lot. The cozner is coned residentlal. The owner, Mrs. Anderspn, is
siX�ing i�} �he au�lie}�cg this evening. She lived there u[�til 1965 when the
�o��a�io took the home. Then they moved to Coon Rapids. Since then tl�ey have
�een suppo�ting the home in Coon Rapids, plus paying taxes and asses�ments of
$53$ per year ot� this �ot. This has not been a saleable res].d�t�tial lot. Wo1��d
yq� p�X�onally consider building a residence on that corner wit� Ox�,aC�'s an�i
Iyj�c�Kroi�i.cs across the street? He was pretty certain commercial wi�l conti�u�
on ��ntral Qvenue. Does she have to wait for 20 to 25 years �nt�l thes� �quse�
a�� disposed? She had it sold for tw� duplexes last year and the request �Q7�
r��oning waS rejected. T�is is the first opportunity since then. He had ,�
b�ye� �qw who would put �n a 12 unit apartment pn th�s �,p�, bu� thsy feel �he
ner��i fc�� tt��.s builc��ng is very great. The location is goad, t�e stru�tu�� wg��d
IoAk more l�ke a home and fit into the neighborhood better.
E The�e is also a real severe need for Mrs. Anderson to disppse of �h�s
lo�. Wi�h bus���ss and t�aftic on the corner, it is not a desir��le resid��ti�l
Mr. 0'Loughlin said lie thought the Planning Commiss�on has dpne � pr�tK�
�oo� job �.n that area. If you look at these factories, ttiey ��'� nic� �oo�C�rtg
S pl�ces. The ground around them is very open and th�y are far away fro�n t��
����d�n,ti�l area. H� �elt the lot should stay R-�. The p�ople who are buying
^ qn� of �hgiX lots ��'� putting up R- L
MOTION by F�tzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Plar�ning Comm.ission
close the Public Heaxing of the request for a Special Use Permit, 5P #72-12,
by Blaine Construction In�,to build a home for the handicapped on .i_,ot 16,
Revised Auditor's Subdivision #10• Upon a voir.e vote, aI1 voting aye, the
motiq� carried unanimously.
Chairman Erickson said he would like to see such an operation.°
Mr. Tollef�on said there is a large facili�y in St. Paul o� East Seventh
Street near the 3M Compa�y, having about 100 units. There is one simila� to the
�lan they are subm�tting in Victoria, Minnesota.
Mr. Gemperle said that in Gambrid�e on the State grounds n�ar the toW{�
�here are two facilities, each one housin$ 12 residents. There �re six boy� �}r�d
• �ix women in each one. They have freedom to go and come, and are no� t�►e type
to run away. This would give you an idea of the physical plan.
A1r. Tollefson said that the couple who runs the pl�ac� has to leave �o
do shopping. When they take a vacaiion, another couple replaces them.
Mr. Gemperle said these residents wauld be capable of taking care of
� Chairman Erickson asked who in the County is responsib�e �or this typ�
of �,��ili�y.
Planning Cammi�sion l�leetic� - A�c#�.,; __._ '�..°-..._�_�__ ____._�__.__..______ _ Pa�e 6
^ Mr. Tollefson answered G��i;rge ::�t.einer, Harold McClure, Mike 0`Ban�on and
A1 Ko�diak.
Mr. Schmedeke said he .�;:�s -.iir<. that there is a need for this type of
facility and he. sym�.athized wi; ci t'��s�� people. He was n�t sure if �his w�s �he
proper setXing. If there were r«ore re�idei�ts in the area, the Commission pXObably
would have heard some vbjectio.zs from them. He asked where the building in
Victoria was locat�d.
The answer was that it was on the Southeast edge of Victoria. An ap��tt�ent
buil�iing was 300 feet away.
Mr. Gemperle said r.hat ar_ ?6th Street and Fremont Avenue So�}th an ol�ex�
hqme was taken over by the Mini�ea��olis Association for I�etarded Children. Th�
s�n� �ype of inen and women live there as the kind they wou�c� like to have in
' Fridley.
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeqlen, that the Planning Comm.ission
continue for a period of two weeks the request for a 5pecial Use Permit, S�
#72-12, by B.Zaine Construction Inc. to buzld a home for the handicapped on Lot 16,
Revised Auditor's Subdivisior #10. Ilpvn a voice vote, a11 votinq aye, the
�p�ion earried unanimously.
STATION); Rezone East 12S feet of Lot 18, Block 2, Central View Manor f�qm
^ C-1 (local bus.iness) to C-2 (gener-�i business).
Present for the request: Chuck Jordan, Chuck Beck, Clifford J. Thoe,
MOTION by Schmedeke, se�onded by !'itzpatrick, that the Planning CommisSion
wa.�ve the reading of the Publi.c Hearing Notice for the Rezoninq request, ZOA
#�2-09, by Charles Jordan to rezone the East 1.25 feet of Lot 18, Block 2,
Ce�?tral View Manor fro.m C-i to C-2. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the
�nqtion c��ried unanimously.
Mr. C1ark said that this lot is zoned C-i which category does not permit
� service station, nor does it pertain to U-Haul The rea_�nin� request
is for the entire parcel. The area of the l.ot is 20,125 square Eeet.
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded b� Mirish, that the planning Commission
clo�e the Pu.�1ic Hearing of the Rezoninq Request, ZOA #72-09, by Charles Jord�n.
Upon a voice vote, a1� voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTiON by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the PZanning Commission
r�commend approval to Covncil of the Rezoning Request, ZOA #72-09, by Charles
Jord�n to rezone from C-1 (local business areas) to C-2 (general business a.�eas)
the East Z25 feet of Lot 18, Block 2, Ce��t_-ra1 view Manor. Upon a voice vote,
a1.t votin_q aue, the motian carried unanirn��usly.
Plannin� Commission Meetin� -���ust 9�_�.'�72� ^_ page 7 (
JORDAIv: Continue service st<it�on �nd ���ermit addi�ion oL U-Haul renta�s on
Eas� 125 feet of i,�t l�, I3:l.oc.ic 2, Cent� al View Manor per Code Section
45.101, Section B, 3,E.
MOTION b�; ��i�n;.�, seconded by Ficzpatrick, that the Planning Commissio�;
waive the readir.g of tl�e Public Hearing f a req�.est for a Special Use Perrrut,
SP #72-10, by Charles Jordan. Upon a voice vote, a11 votinq aye, the motion
ca�ried unanimously.
Mr. Clark gave the following history: Chuck Jordan operated a Gulf
stat�on on 73rd Avenue and Highway �665. At that place he had tt}� U-Hau1. I#}
Nov�m�er of last year he moved to 73�d Avenue and Central Avenue and took witk}
him the U-Haul rental. He was told to make a request for a Sp�cial Use Permi�
a� that time which he did. In the meantime, Mr. Thoe requeste� a lot split �nd
i� took from January to the last meeting in July before the lo� split was with-
��'awn. The U-Haul permit was not processed because the 1ot split would a£€�et
the size of the lot. Then he requested rezoning heard this evening.
Chairman Erickson asked the date of the request for the Special Use
P��mit. The date was November 1, 1971.
Mr. �'itzpatrick asked how many locations the City has for U�Haul r�nt�,ls.
Mr. Clark said there is one that has been granted on Osborne Road ar►d
East River Road which is not being used. Up until a month ago, the�e was a
^ Ryder Truck Rental on Highway 4�65 �nd 61st Avenue at the Texaco station. There
used to be a U-Haul at Sinclair.
In other words, Mr. Fitzpatrick said, we do not have any trailer rentals
in the City of Fridley only on the location where it is going now.
Chairman Erickson asked what improvements did Mr. Jordan �lan on making
�� the station.
Mr. Jordan s3id that the way he understands it, there have been quite a
few stations that have changed hands. The reason he wanted U-Haul was that the
rentals amounted to 25% of the gross profit. He thought a gas station and
U-Haul go hand in hand with all the aparrments in Fridley. It is tough to make
j�s� a service station go.
Mr.. Jordan continued that when the Edison Homes moved, k►� used ni}�e
trycks to move them to Florida.
Mr. Chuck Beck from U-Haul said that the station on East River Road
wh�ch had been granted a permit for U-Hau1 changed operators and the new operator
does not want U-Hauls.
Chairman Erickson said he thought Mr. Jordan's station would be a good
place for a L'-Haul and he would also like ta have the place improved.
^ Mr. Jordan said so far he has put in new pumps, new lights, toolc down
the sign and put up a 6 foot vertical redwood fence on the front part of the
P�ann�ng Comm: ssi_on Mee�in� �-_ Augu�„ ; 9.�; �?� _ �'a�e $ I
Mr, Nieison, a citizen, said that Mr. Jordan is a sponsor of ycuth foot-
^ b�ll� He �as never turned them dot�n wl-cen they use a truck for fund raising and
�ev�r ct�arged. He helps the City of Fridley and footbalZ.
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Commission
close the Public Kearing of the Special Use Permit, SP #72-10, by Charles Jordan
to contin�te a service st-ation and perm�t the addition of U-Hau1 rentals or} the
E�st 125 feet o� Lot 18, B1ock 2, Central View Munor per Code Section 45.1o1,
B, 3-E. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the rnvtzon carried unaninously.
Mr. Clark said he had discussed the request with Mr. Qureshi, who ques-
tio��d whether the site is big enough for the house, service sta��on and U-H�ul,
Mr.` Minish said he had a hard time trying to differentiat� th�s rec�uest
�nd other Uses for service stations. Could a car rental agencX a�.so ask fqt
�n agency for camper rentals? He did not know where you would draw the �.i�e if
these Uses are granted for service stations.
M�. Clark said the service station at 39th Avenue and E�st River �o�d
had catnper �en�als.
Mr. Schmedeke concurred with Mr. Minish. The Commiss�on did reject a
�ental on 39th Avenue and East Itiver Road because he requeste'd a Special Use
�'e�t for travel trailers. There are at least ane or two other cqmpanies
b��ic�es U-Haul that rent these. If U-Haul is allowed, other companies will
cqme in. Another thought is that the site is small, as it is an o�d service
^ station site.
He continued that the owner is here and he sympathized ahd would likg
�o �elp him. The only thing going for him is that the station is not on a
m�i� thoroughfare. He would like to stud;� this request a little more.
Mr. Jordan said kie would have four trailers and a trucic that would be
a permanent truck for local use. �'hey would be on the Nqrth a{:d West side o�
t�� station and neither on� visible �'rom Central Avenue.
Mr. F'itzpatrick said that he agreed with many of these object#�ons. He
would like to state again he does believe we have an obligation to provide a
service of this kind to the citizens. He was not sure at what level or how
many permitS, but the Commission was under obligation to provide � sg�vice
af �his kind in a city of 30,000.
Mr. Mii�ish said he did not disagree with making this tvpe o€ service
aVai�able, but he would like to see this type of husine:,s handled by U-Haul
themselves. ThE_ point is that U-Haul is leasing th�ir busi�ess to a local man
w�o payes the taxes in Fridley while U-Haul are benefitting. This was the way
he felt about it.
Mr. Chuck Beck said he thought U-�iaul was giving the small business
man a chance to make a living too. He has been to the Planning Commission
and Council for five different locations and only one was apprcved.
Mr. Schmedeke said he felt U-Haul should come i.n and o�erate as a
separate b�siness.
Pl�nning Commission Meeti� - Au�ust (3_ 19;"2 __ pa�� g I
_.__ �_-�___.---
^ MOTION by Fitzpa�rick, seconded by Zeqlen, that the Plar�nin� Co�rt�ltissio,�
co�tinue unti.� August 23, 19?2 the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #72-�0,
by Charles Jordan. Upon a voice vote, a.Zl voting aye, th� motion carriec�
unc�.�i mo us 1 y.
RO$ERT L. MCGREGOR. North $24.7 feet of the W4 of th� N�� o� �'he N� �
Section 13.
Mr.�T�zl E. DeZurik represented Mr. Robert Mc�regor wh4 w$� out q� �aw�,
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by F�tzpatrick, that the P1a�rdi�g Cqm�is�.���g
waive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice for the Propos�d p�e1�m1�}�r�
�.j��, P.S. #72-03, Timber Ridge, by Robert McGregor. Upor� � vo,�ce vote, al,�
�0�,?�g �ye, the motipn carried unanimously.
Mr. DeZurik presented the revised plan showing thE changgs in tk}e
���cemer�t of the buildings to the South. He pointed out that the g�raggs wil�
be o� a c�ommon lot and in an open space.
Mr. G�.ark stated that the plat was dictated by the plan. The 88Q
�con�bur will be an Outlot and deeded to the City. M�', McGzegor ��so �greed �Q
give th� City $500 for � walkway for a wood chip path. This was o�e of t�e
�o��itio�s of the preliminary plan.
� I�r. Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Clark if the change was ther� in the d��e�t�qn
. �1� t�ie �ommission's request and Mr. Clark ansWered "yes".
Mr, C1ark said l�r: McGregor will be hooking oz� to a�.ine that �,��p p�� �
�t� �y a private c�eve�.oper, The City can't grant permission. The permi�sion
�ust come from the private developer. The pipes run down � dedicated str�et.
` �h� �ity has not taken over the utility oX street and it is �ot ou� line u�ti.�
�t is taken over. The �ines are plenty large -- a typical 8'" sewe� line and
w�ter �.�.�es a�e 6" .
Mr. Clark called attention to Unit No. 34. It looks like it �.s go�ng
dowti the slope. Precautions should be taken so that it would not destroy the
Mr.� DeZurik said they would definitely take precautions to kee� th,at
frq�n happening.
Mr. Clark continued that a hydrant will be installed for the pond. They
will be pumping tq keep the water from being stagnant and also that the wate�
wan't seep into the ground. The only water that will dra�n into the pond is
the g,reen areas .
Leslie Tikkanen, 1400 69th Avenue: He said that he lived two blocks ov�7�
to the East. He wondered if the walkway would be at the bottom of the hill.
Mr. Clark answered that the walking paths wi11 probab�y go from one
� $i��e pf the creek tq another and near the bottom.
�'�i� Preliminary P1at used this evening was marked and dated by Aa���1
�lark. ^
�'lannin� Commi_ssion Meetin�_:_ A.����,r 9, 1972 � Page 10
' MOTION by Mzr.�sh, �:� ,�ie.3 by �f �r?,.;�, that the Plannir;q Commission �Iose
the Public Hearing of the Py � ,� Yrc,.m:nary f�lat, P.S. #72-03, Timber Ridge
by Robe�t McGreqor. ilpon a voice vot��, a11 v�ting aye, the motion carried
unani�rrous 1 y .
Comment was made about using gutters on the houses and Mr. DeZurik sa�.s�
that unless it was absolutely necessary, Mr. McGregor does not intend using
gutters because he felt they added ver_y little to the aesthetics. If possib�e
they would prefer not to hav� gutters ir� the stipulation, but have the wo�c�i��
in such a way that they would be open ro other alternates. That wo�tld ��
M�. Clark stated that the Association By-Laws will have to be app�;Av�t�
by khe City Attorney. He believed there should be a statement whereby th,�
p�ti�ioner does recognize there could be an erosion problem with Units 33, 34
and �5 wi�h drainage a�d grading, and the building permits note it the�eon.
This may or may not be taken care of in the By-Laws of the'AssociaC�A�.
Mr. DeZuri_k said if the Home �wners' Association should �hat�ge ��� land
in some, they wauld not want to be resPonsible. �
MOTION x�y Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the plannir�g Cqmmission
.�ecamrqend ap�rovaZ to Council of the Preliminary PZat, P.S. #72-03, Timber
Ridqe, by Rol�ert L. McGreqor beinq the North 824.7'of the West Qu�rter of �h�
Northeast Qvarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 14, and �hat the F.�NAL
^ p�.AN of the Townhouse DeveloPment be approved subject to showing on the pla�
��je Zand dedicated to the City for park Zand, satisfactory a�rangement fo�
�ndemtzification to the C�ty in the event an erosion problem develops along
tl�e bank, approval of rh� By-Laws of the Association subject to study by the
City Attorney, depcs.�c with the adminlst_ration of $500 for park escrpw, accept-
able drainage and gradinq on the bank improvement to retain soi1. Upon a
voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
S. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. #72-06, MRS. MARION JOHNS�N: Lot 1, Block 1,
l�oore Lake Highlands. To gain one additional building site.
Representin� the petition: Mrs. Marion Johnson and Mr. Dennis Collins.
Mr. Schmedeke explained that the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilit�E$
Subcommittee met at 7:00 P.M. Chis evening. They approved the lot split. Tt}e
frqntage is to be on Able Street, a 12 foot sidewalk easement is to be given o�
the �Vorth. The members of the Subcommittee had walked th� area. Th� homes
to theFSouth are a smaller type; the home to the East is set back quite far.
Mrs. Jqhnson'� home sets back quite far also. The second home sets forward.
Witt} t��.s in mind, the Subcommittee approved the request because the pxopo�ed
house will conform to the neighborhood.
Mr. Clark said the size of the new lot would be 80'x100'. The person
who contemplates bui_?ding will seti his house back 35 feet from Mississippi.
^ There will be a tuck-under garage with access 25 or 30 feet back from Mississi�pi
and �ccess off Able Street. The rear yars� would be 19 feet a�d there would
be �bo�}t 2Q feet between �he East side and East lot line. He was told he
' would have to go for on the rear yard bef�re he started to build.
Plannin� Commission Meetin�- August 9, 1972 ^ pa�e 11
^ Mr. Sch:nedeke added that the neighbor, Mr. Paulson, was wri�ten a lett�r
informing him of the lot split. He d:idn't answer or show up. Mrs. Johnson
said that she spoke t� him and he didn't object.
Mr. Clark said the new house wculd set further away from Able Stre�t
by 5 or 10 feet. The t�ouse will face Mississippi Street with the tuck-under
garage exiting on Able :>treet. Because the rear yard would be encroaching
on the petitione�'s house, there probably wouldn't be any object�Qns.
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commissio�
recommend approval to the City Council of the Lot Sp1it Request, L.S. #7,�-06,
by Mrs. Marion Johnson of Lot 1, Block 1, Moore Lake Highlanqls subject to the
frontage being on Ab1e Street, the Iot to be a minimum of 80 feet, � j.2 �qq�
sic�ew�lk easemept on the North 1ot line adjacent to Mississippi Street be
deq?icated, and driveway access to the 1ot be from Able 5treet. Upon � voice
vote, a11 voting aye, the motzon carried unanimously.
There being no further business, Chairman Erickson adjourned th�
m�eting at 11:20 P,M.
Respectfully submitted
,, ,,
` �.j�. ( � � „c,< . .c zx_i:�_
Hazel 0'Brian
Recording Secreta�cy
i �
^ .� �hs meetiag was ca].led to ord�r by Mr. Touco at 8:15 P.M.
M��EItS PBES�NT: Toa�o,' Siatoneau, Lindb�ad
��RS A�S�N'�� Zeg�,emt Wtaite
QTI�Ra PR�S�ZVT: Jer�old Boa�daiaa, Plat�iag �l�aistan�
MOT�QN by L�.mdblad to app�ove the minut�s of th� Ju�y 13, 197� a�stt�,ag
�e� t�►ritt�a.
$scqaded by �imQaeau. Upoa a voice vote, all� votimg aye, C�� mot�,py� �
C�rried una.m�mously. �
Dk. Joi►a Joae�, Const�uctiou Superiatendent for �be Grsen G�.aa� Cornpamy�
�'. David Rick, Maaa��� pf the Gardea CeAt�r, and Mr. Robert Sch,roez o¢
�ob'� Produce Ranch w�re preseut to p�cesent the reques�,
� Mx'. Joraes ;said that what is being presented aow are not fi.nished Wpxki�tg
dxawings. There are �o detRils, but the building wi11 be a modif�,�� Faj.w
� sCructure with a 10' qverhaag on a pitch type xoof .� It will be a t�o�}•
he�Ced area. Mr. Schzoer said it will be au eaclos+�d 1aad�.ug dack,
Mt. Toaco asked if they would be storing patio blocks in this area. Mx.
8cbxoe� ea�id ao, this area would be used for $oods �oming in�,.b aC� as a
security roo¢t amd getfiic►g• merchaadise ou� af th+e elemer�t� ,
Mr. Jones said �his addi�ion would help clean up�a. Tha s1�e�.��p�g
t�ll, be under cover aad the trailer aad old building wi1�1 b6 removes�.
M�, Boardman �aid it was against the City Ordinance to havs an,4�xt�r�,Q�
malea area o� a planting strip faciag a public �ci;;ht of way, q�.1 m������,�,�
f0� storage should be fe�tced aad screened. Mr. Scl�roe� sai.d he wasc�r�
awa�'e he was iA violatiom of any ordinance, Mx�, Boa�dmar�'asked Mr.
8chroex ko come in and talk to Darrel C�ark about tk�is p�rpb�,�m �md car�
�t difterence of opinion on one adyertisement sign.
1'k. $aarda�an �aid the Giky wants a new plot plan showing the ea�i.��i.ttg
b�uildi.ngs and what and where merchandise will be stored p� the �axQpr�����
�, Joties said he will submit a ful�. layout iacluding wh�r� tbey wan�
��p �ave tempora�y sales area for seascsnal merchandise, �e s$�d k�e
_� Kas startiag hia vacat�,oA �hortly so he wouldn't b� able tp cQU�pj.ate
tha '�ayc�ue uatil someti,me im September. �Ie hopsd Chis waul,d b� stiti��
/-�,• tactory, .
,. . .
. . . ,.
' , .. . �� -
� ,+
. ,
8vi�dia Standards-Des1 n CoAtrol Subcc�uanittee Meetin of Au ust 1 1,972
� Pags
�Jr� S�hoer �a�.d he thought they had a specia�, use permiC �ct�' �emgor��y
�+�le�! pf s�asonal merchaadise. Mr. Boardmant said h� was*��� awar� ct�
e�rty •pecisl uee permit. Mx. Tonco asked Mr, Schroer to g�3t this clmx��i�d
t�li.tb the City staff alsa.
. �'i�', I.i.ndblad asked abo�t trash disposal. Mr. Sct�roer �aid t�e X�tp���t�
tb�y bad tha� p�coblem pret�y we11 so].ved. He said durin� tbe Ch�'�.�t�►a�
�qd �pring �easons they have more trash so th�y requested ext�;a pictk•t}��.
�ON by S�.moneau to recaa�end �o the City Counci� appxoval o� tb�
' ��qt��st �o construct a storage and rec�iving additian with ths t��ipuj,�t��pn
that +� comFlete plot plan be given to the City in 8ep�ember� 1972«
/'1 '
$etCpnded by �,indblad. Upoa a voice vote, a11 votiAg aye, t'�� �t�t�,oA
C�t�xisd um,an�.mous ly .
3+QGA�'k:A ON I�OT $, �
i ��a.r
�.la4TH AVENUE N . E
SOTA 55421. (R�QU�ST BY
SA.*iE BEING 25 -
�k. William Edberg, Plant Manager of Mi.nnesota Linseed Oil Compar�g �gd
• Chris and�Ga�th JenseA were present to present the request.
�, �db�rg �reated this was a normal piace o� aquipment far Chair busin��l,
�t t�i11 be erected on the site, on a fouadation.
bt�. Lindblad asked if the City would be getting complaints att th� �pise,
M�. Chris JeASen said the fan is completely enclosed.. Mz'. Edbs�'g �i�d
it is a quist machine. The only aoise is ��'om the blower. They �ava
ppproval from the Minnesota Pollutiom Control Agency, Ha sai,d ther�
wpuld be more dust emis&ion than fume emission. Mr. �dberg 6�id th�y
had checked other makes of driers but the one manufac[ured by Car�r��^�
Day wa� the cleanest on the market.
Mr, Tonco a�id he saw no problem i�i granting this �equest bu� t�e Wa�.�sd
�q j.nquire why the trees weren't planted as agreed when they �p� the�x
��BC pe�^mit, Mr. Edberg said they had a problem removing ag p�t1 �h��i
�d by the Cime they got sameane to haul it away, the purserymat� said
i.t wa� too �,ate to plant trees and that they would have Co wai� ��d
plant them �his fall. .I�ir. Tonco asked Mr. Boardman how thj.s �ou�d b�
��ndled on Chis permit, Mr. Boardman said we could ask foX a S�gned
ag�sem�r�t oa the tre� plaating.
�TQN by Liadblatd to recommend approval of the request to �Dris��y�C�
��p' g�aiu drier and � foundation with the s�ipulation Gha� Minme�Q�a
�,i.n�esd Oil prpvide a sigaed agreement that the trees would be ����C�c�,
�econded by Simoneau. Upon a voice vote, gll voting aye, Lhe gtp�i.oA
�ax'�ci�d unanimous ly .
I �� �
:� . :.
t �+
.� u us t 1
�a$� 3
5 0' x 7�' STEE
RE iJ�ST $�
zs, rtir�x�soTA
1�'c, Rober� Goyle of the Balco Suilding Spstems aud Mr. Gar� Tej�ge� p� $ux•
1i,t�tot��Nozthern were present to present the request as represent��ivds
0�` M�, 811�. Johnson of S� S Trailer Repair Sexvi�e tx Parta. M�, �Toh�eo�
�,i 1A CaliEornia. He �repairs piggy-back trailexs in many citi�ea� iA
th�'Uuited S�ates. Here, he repairs trailexs for $urlingtom-Nq�cthe�A
#�Ad pther xailroads who use Burlington-Northeru's facili�ies� I�p� ���
bseA woxking out of a truck but he needs soa�ething tha� ca� b� h��t�ad
du�itlg ChQ w�nter. Mr. Jahnson wants' ta have tbis al�. stesl buildim�
e;ected �ar a�wc� year useage. Mr. Telford said the site om th� 8ur-
2iu�ton�Northern property will only be available until. 1974, at wbich
�ime M�c'. Johmson will move it to another city.
�', Cayle said this will be a camp].etely enclosed building wi,�hout �
�i.00r. It wi.11 have a full foundation with frost footings on st�uC�uxt��
pai�ts .
�. Simomeau asked how it would be heated. Mr. Coyle thpught Mxf JohAmot�
Wpu�d use hes�ers run by propane gas. 1�Ir, Liadblad asked if �t would be
bOO�Cad up to watex aad sewer. Mr. Tel�ex sa�d uo, they wou�.d b� u��LAg
�u�1,lugton-Northern's� facilities . A telephone artd e7,ect�i�it�► wc►t��,d
ptobably be the only utilities. ,
�: T+i�dblad asked about disposal of refuse. Mr. Coyle said t�ost o�'
th� xegaiz work was on electrical systems. Mr. Telfer said thexe Wc�uld��t
�s S�y dumping of fuel oil or any other fuel or oi1. -
�Et'. Toaco asked �if Mr. Johnson would agree to a per�orataac� bpnd Co
iAsu�e Che City Chat the building would be temporary. M�. Coyle sai.d
1'bc'. JQhntson had discussed this with him and he would be willin$ to pQSt
a bond: Mr. Tonco said he thought a$2500 bond would be faix. The
bQnd cau�.d run until December 31, 1974. Mr. Telfer said Buxj,��gtop-
1�OZt�i� might need the site before or after that date. Mr. �rACo
��tid �f the site was available after that date, Mr. JohnsaR cou�.d �ty��t
#ar an extension of time.
M��IOP by Simoneau to reco�mend to the City Council approva� qf Che xeques�
to cotu3truct a tempo�ary steel maintenance building with the stipulBCio�t:
1. �er post a p�rformance bond in favor of �he City tbaC ��te
bui�ding will be xemoved from the site b� Uecember 3i: I97tr,
;�,fi, �,�: .
S�CQAded by Lindblad. Upon a voics vote, all voting aye; the mpt�,t�tt
��tr�'�,ed unauimously.
M�'. �oaGa �a3�u��d the meeting at 9:20 P.M.
R�t� Submi�ted�
� ��J
Ao�othy E enson, Secretary
�� tn�e�lt�g was e�lled tc� order by Acting Chairraom� Wah�berg �� 7:33 P,�l,
�'$b���t� �R�S�N� : Wa,hlbsrg, Crowder,
�8�� A��a$�1�; M7it�ish� Harau
0','j�� �RES�Ai�, C].arence $elisle -
Building �nspecto�
�1'��Q',�T by Cxo�ader to approve ,the minutes of the July 25, 1972 me�ting �s W'����a�,
,����t��i�f� b� ���dt��imer. Upat� a voice vote, ther� beiz�g np n$ys� ths mo�ic�t�
C�,�ri�d ut�animou�ly.
�A'j'�Q1� b� ��c�+�,e� �o wai,v� the public hearing nA�ice.
I���ar�dec� k�y Sondheimez. Upan a voice vote, there bein$ no nays, the mo�.�,�n �����q�,
1!�7�, ,�i�'t Sai�.�x ax�d kir. Irv Reese were present to present the recjuest. Pic�ures ca�
^ �� Qat�,s��.�g and proposed si�ns were shown to the Board�
�. �s��e eac��ained ��e �c�apany is getti�ng. ready to reidentify a�l of �h��.�
��,���,�a��. They �elt the public would identi�y moze with �he Chaznpl�.n "�" t��
�t��� �k�� wo�d �hampl3.n. The change is �making �he appearance of the ��gr� �p,oxe
���rn a�d ch,ang�.ng the Fridley station sign will make it uni�oxm w�,�h tk�a qthea�
����s ,
k�'� ���,�.8x axpl,ained the new sign will be four-Sided and have inter�.Q� ��,ghl�i�e
'.�h�t �.�,���ing is low vapor and at night the sign l.ight w;tll nQt s�,a�,d pµt f�q� ��
����.on 1�.$h�s. It wi.11 not b� as bri�ht as other station si,p�s. He add�d �h�t�
�e�� sigx�� are very bright and its ve�ry uncom�ortable for the people livin�g �,n �h�
�� bµ� �hey hav� taken this all into conaideration.
�+� eqcisC�t�� �Rigin �.� po�i�ioned 10 �eet froiq 73rd A,vernxe prop�rty li�e, �d ���rp
���� ��'pm �he Central Avenue p7COger�y line, The propoaed sign w�,�.l be p,���,�,�,p���}
�Q ���� fxom the 7�rd Avenue pxoperty line and 2 feet fxrnn the Ce����.]. .A,ve.T�u�
F�'ag�ty l�na.
�, �or��eime� asked why they need to go so close �o �h� pxqpexty line w�.�h �l�e
�►�� bei.�� �0 ��st 1nf.�h.
��. �aa�.le� said the p�esent sign is in a low spot on the property and �,�p ���c� ��
���a 1���.gh� �,nd the var�,ance to the lot line to have the sign seen becaµse �h�
v�}g��a��,Qr� al.ox�g the trailer court on 73rd is c�uite hi$h a�d thick. He a�ide�l ��
i'1 �,�.�Ip wQU],d to at�r.act the traffic off from 73rd Avenue,
�'he Mi.�utes of t�e Boa d of � ea,la Meetin of hu u�� 15 1972 p�
�xs� Wah�.berg read the following from the Board of Appsals l�inutes pf 1Ka,x�'h 2�a �.�jj,
^ GQYerin� ��e vaxiance on the existing sign: ,
"I�'�x. Norderhus stated the reason for the request was that a grc�ve Q� t�'�t�,�
�� the North of their property would obstruct tk�e sign i� i� had �o �+�
plaeed 10 feet in from the property line. There also axe powsr po�s�+ ��►
t�e r�ght of w�y that wQuld block the view of the sign. if we wa�e �o
zQak� �he sig� higher than the 24 feet we are proposing Co cle�r the ��,���
w� would be competing with the high line wires and there is �p r�eed to go
'��.gher �f we can go out Go the property line. -- "
�� Cxc�wde� said tk�at to his knowledge, the Board hasn't granted a size va�ri�1��
�p� �, �e�vice stati.on in the last couple of years. To grant t�is va���,���s
WQyld i� effect be setting a precedent. Heasked where the price s�,gn (�.� ,������
W�auld b,e located c�n this sign,
1'Sx'� ����.er s�id th,e com�ax�y does not allow price signs to be put on thi.s s��n,
�}e p���� �igns h�ve to be on a light pole or on A-frame signs.
�„ �Io�c�eime� asked how much room would be between the top of the prop��ed
��.j�n �� �.7.1c�wed and the high line wires.
1"�'R S�il�x aa�.d he did not know.
Mx', Spndheimer asked if they had talked to N.S.P. about the possib�.lity q#
�ppvin� �he lines .
/1 �'. 9ai1�� sa�s� he has nat.
��IQN by C�owder to close the public hearing.
�a��ox�ded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mo�i,o�
�a���,ed unanimously.
�, Crpwdsr sCated he is not willing to go along w�ith doubling o� the s}�n
a��a a�d W�th this p�rticular sign area he wou�.d be ppposed to go�.ng ta �h�
p�'p�a��ty iine as much as the s ign area . They have no s igns on 73�d Avenµ�e, w�ta.�h
}�e f��.� they were entitled to, and this sign would help �o attraGt ��e publi�
gca�ng East on 73rd but he said he could be persuaded to ask them tq �ook �or
Aipm,�t�i.�g e�.se for 73rd.
�, Beli���e said they were aititled to a wall sign facing 73rd and a��v �, �Ie�Qn�d
�ylcan .
i�I4TIQP1 by �ondhe�imer to table this request to the August �9, �972 m�et�.�$ �o
��l�w t�ie appl�cant time to abtain further information f�om N.S,P, about h4w
close the lines would be �o the sign and what their �eelings are abaut th� s�.�t�,
$�+Gan+ded by Cxawder .
j�, Cxowde� stated that even i.f everything is okay with the power company, k�e
' didn't think �e could go along with the sign area.
^ �
M�'. Sandheimer said he fel.t the City should not allaw a forest .�f �igr..s a,n��►ex�
aztd the �i�y �hould not a�law certain signs anywhere. He �,dded he was no� so
• cc7rr4c�7rxied ,��ot�� �hg s ign �potage .
The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of Au�usC 15, 1972 Page 3
--�..,�-�.-�.-., _.,,.,,,
t��. Reese stak�d he wauld �,:tke the Boa,rd to keep �.rc mind that ��i.s new s�g�
� i� �, cl�ange thxoughout their company for �dentification.
.� Va�'E UPON THE MATION, thera being no �ays, the motion carrj.ed u��tnimpu�ly,
1�Q'�;�QN by �pndh�imer to waive reading the pub�ic heaxing noti�e. ���p�nd�t� �y
C�oWde�. U�ca� a voice vote� there being no n�ys, the motion ,�arx'��d urtan��a�p�,y,
�', Wi.�7. �r�c�.s was ���sent �o present tMe xequest.
,�i p�,�t gl.axl and struc�u7ra1 �lan for the stozage building were show� to t�e
�� �x�ia �xplained the building will be 100 �eet by 35 feet and w�.�l, b�
��,��ad in �he southwest corner of the prope�ty, 3 feet from �it�e�c �.o� ��,r}�,
�11� bu�,�,dit3�; wi�.l have 3 sides with a roo£ and be made of �pxxugated m��,��.
'TY�� px4pe��y does have a fence araund i�.
.�'. I�rxis �,dded the back o� his property abuts R-2 Zoning bu� th� �t-2 lot�
�e quite l�,�ge so the aCtual R-2 buildings are a long ways �xom the commo�
�'1 P�Qp��'�� ��.�e •
�, Belia�,e added that the �;iCy Code does not specify setbacks fox a��e�so2^y
bu#.�.dir�gs in M-1 Zoning but the Code does require a 15 �oot si,d,e yaxd s�t��.�k
�Pi �he main building. He added the Board may have to get the City ��tor���'s
o��.n�.on on setb�cks for accesso�y buildings in this z.oning. „
�. Harr�� �pl.ained his company stores and moves furniture fo� se�vi.eem��
,�p�.rtg Qvexse�s or coming back from overseas. This s�orage wauld, bg
uBed to s�ox� the wooden crates that are used for transporting the furn�tu��t.
'J.'hey wquld stoxe both empty and full crates but the majority would be e�p�y,
�. Harris added that this is the only location he could pla�e this bu�.ld�,ng on
��,� propexty and not restrict the movement of the sesnis in Che yard,
Mr� �t�ndheimex asked if the storage building could be attach�d to tha main
1�(r. �axris said that wouldn't loolt good because of the different heights o�
�h� �wo bu�.ldings. He added he does store loose storage in the u�ain bu#,�.��.ng
I�ut �h� p�lletized storage would be in the new building.
i��. �elisle added the City staff thought there should be 6 feet between th�
x�ew buildi�g and the 2 lot lines for fire purposes. He added that this
building igself would have a very low fire rating but the m�texa.als �ha� a�e
^ stRxRt� w{�u�d be mo�e �la�mtable.
�+a M�.nutes of the Board of Avpeals MeetinA of �tx�ust �5�, 1972 Fasx� 4
i`�• �ia,�'xa.g said the only prob�.e�n; with a 6 i�oot space t�etweer� �he bu�.ld��g ��� �����
^ �a�µlc� �� peo�le dis���d�.ng itepas they wanted to get r�.d of �.��p this s�a,��$*
Mx'. �ra�d�x asked �.� this bui�ding was approved to be 6 feet from the 1#.�e� wot��,d
�h� Qi�y be restric��.ng the undeve].oped lot tq the South and had we he�rd ��Q�
Ch� pwt�er o f�hat px�operty .
�', ?��1�.s1� s�ated that his department had talked to Mr. Walq�xist who �s ��e
�,�i�d �ager of the undeveloped land, ar�d 1Kr, Wal.quist had stated his clien� ���
'�s��t�� s�� rezoning his land to co�ercial zoning, �Ir, Wa,�,qi��.st said the� wou��
��,y�� �c� �bjections as long as this pxoposed buiJ.ding would not restr�ct th� �,}�
d�'v��o�►�.r►g thei�' land coAaaercial.
�'. G�'�►Wd�� asked �r, Be�.isle �.f he could get an interpr�tati.on fx�� the Ci��*
,d���o�[i6y oa acc+e�sory bui�.dings b� �he ne�c� meet�.ng,
�j7r, ��1�sle sa�.d he thou�ht he could.
�Q��Q�T �y �rowder to table this request until August 29, 1972 to allow time �o
�e� ��.x��srpretation from the City Attorney on accessory buildings i.n kI-1 ,�qn�.�}g4
'�A 8p��'d wou�.d alsa like a written opinion of the variance from the pro�e�ty
�w�t��' �A th� south.
�pcp�td�d by Sondhe�f.mer.
�� 9p�tt�3+�i.ntex asked that we obtain the Minneapolis a�nd St. Paul Codes fp�c
������o�y bu�-�.dings �,x� 1�I-1 and for M�1 abutting another zoning dist�i�tR
,6� YQ'I'� tJi'QN � 1�pTI0N, there being no nays� the xuotion carried unanimausly.
� NT:
�7I� 1p���iT�$ w�� ad journed at Q:00 P.M. by Acting Chairwomaxi Wahlbarg .
�i�e���t�7,�,y submi.tted,
� ,
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�1 '
Nt�aber_ '� (�''"'� '%2. � � Z►
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w,�,,,,_,R n i ng
1/. c a �
��,.,_Spe i 1 Uae Permit
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APPJ,ICANT' S SIGNATURE J�f;`.� ,��t�„ ��-,: � 7", ,,. �i,�, �^Approval of p�re• -
, liminary Plat
Address -- /r� s � - ��.ff,: .- L, �� S T /�%./1f -
�'` `•1 /'%'•<<S - s3 y 3 3 Appraval af Final '
Tel�phone Number __ �1�;.���
- .. Plat
PROP�RTY aWNER' S SIGNATURE ii ):,,.� _,;`� -:c� �}� ,�/r�,�� �,�� �1
Addreso-- /� � -- � c �, �`-=! �-,, . . �I/ i,�, - �I - -- (� . ' �
T�lephone Number _ � �Y �� _ �%7 �- j
______._.,Streets or All.ey�—.._,
�_._... ;
Stteet Loc$tioa of Proporty / y.� 7- �"..., �,.,, _�,,, • •
•Lega�. Deec;iption of . Property /,_ � �`'/j _ /"�.,, �J`� J ���. �
Prea�nt Zoning Claasification %�, /
Existing Uae o� the Property �_.,�+_, �� ,
Proposed Zoning Claseification, Special Use, Variance or other request
_ S�� .� N,r. r� %�, : p�r ci r� ode 45 O51 3 F
Deacsibe bxiefly the Type o� Use and the Improvement Proposed �--,;,� -��r,.
I! <' +� �� Ij ,t i'j�:','Y
- i ,�,�„�, „
� ,i ,
bcreage of Property '�' �
Ha�_the i'rtraent Applicant Previoualy Sought to Rezone. Plat, Obtain a I,ot Split� '
Obtain � Vqt��nCe or Special Use Permit oa the Snbject Site or Par[ of It? �%`-��
. • �......__
........�..�.�_., When?— - 7 / % � i� � �
�---e �. .�..��
ifiat vae Requeated Fee Enclooed $ �, ��
D�c� Ft�aa R�c �. `"Lo�K
Date of Hearing_�_
. . � .. ' w . ��„
h • :
;- . , ,
- , . . Sp ��%2-i2: Blaine Construction Inc.
- •� Lot 16 Revised Auditor's Subdivision
- • . . No . 10 . �
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SP ��72-12: Blaine Construction Inc.
Lot 16, Rev. Aud. Sub. ��10
Home for Handicapped
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APPI,TCAIVT` 8 SIGNATURE< <�c"�'�C�' ;%?` "£� tL�/ APProual of Pre-
�-�' �.-`� liminery Plat
Addre es ,��� ..�,� `5� �-..� 7" ,�1�l� _ ,
� _._____.. � ,
e;,_, � �ApprovaT of Final
; .
Telephone N�eY /�,-�.�/ � �.�'���--�ZE.��.�%�-%.Cf lCi ;�•' Plet
,. ,
, , / �: �
r r� _ � ,' i � �=�, ' ' '- � 5treets or A1Le7�--._.
PitOi�RTY OWNER' S SIGNATiJRL l-/C/`'l� G G- _: �'%/ .l C.�" �""�VacaLion.e _
Addr�sp_ �� ��-� � �.�!� ����Y�'.���i -���-�re�� Other
TclephAne Number 7.1��1 '/��/ r �
Stteet Locstion of Property /� r���
L.. ,. - - _ � � < < ..�- .� ,�,;
�`- _
•I,egal Descziption of . Prvperty ...�t ,�' ��� i=.� � ,�� �-� �1"c�2/ ,
_East l25 feet of Lot 18� Block 2, Central View Manor
Plceaent Zoning Claeaification_��'�=�>����� �'�:!"t?��1'� C-1 (local business)
8xiating Uee o� the Property �,� f; j:�' , ../ '/ _ j2 under consideration '
. w r.� 'f.� ��� �- ` . ( -..� ( � /'� .-�-..�-�-��'
Propo�ed Zoniag Classification, Special Use, Variance or other request
Deacsibe b�ie�ly the Type of Use and the Improvement Yroposed ��� i���%-:-�
/\_,,;:,,w'`, r�,�`,".=-,�`5 Per Section 45.101. B, 3-E
_�_ ...�
/Lc�e�ge of Property �� -
iia� Lhe preaent llpplicant Previoualy SoughC Co Rezone� Plat� Obtain a Lot Split� ,
Obtaia �t Var�ance oz Spacial Use Permic on the Subject Site or Part of Itt�
. •
. iihst wae Requeated � � Fee Encloo�d $ _i!� . % �<'1
r� a� �5� /
DBt� Fi�ed Date of N��ring
-++.r� r
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��,�l1$q� QC6�tiption of Property L 1, Block 1, Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, and the
North 230 feet of Lot 3,.Block 2; East Ranch Estates Second Addition •
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General Sho in Areas
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�reage of Property
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/� . �Jhat �rsa R�queeted Fee Encloaed 540.00 '
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