PL 12/20/1972 - 7435!''\ ;. 0 � .� ' A G E N D A . �LANNING CO1�II�SISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 20, 1972 8:00 P.M. ` CALL TO -0RDER: . , �. . - PAGES ROLL CALL• �_• APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINVTES: DECEMBER 6 1972 1_g RECEIVE PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE 9-14 MINU�ES: DECEMBER 5, 1972 RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE M�NUTES: 15-19 DECEMBER 7, 1972 RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: DECEMBER 12 1972 20-21 1. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR REZONING, 20A ��72-11, 22-2b BY UNIQN OIL CO.: 5695 Hackmann Avenue -- to rezone from C-1S . 3-4 (local shopping) to C-2 (general business) � Public Hearing open. 2. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE FERMIT, 27 .SP #72-18, BY ITPlION OIL CO.: 5695 Hackmann Avenue -- to con- 25-26 struct a convenience store and continue the service station. 3-4 Public Hearing open. 3. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECI�,L USE PERMIT, 28-31 SP 4�72-I9, BY FRANK GABRELCIK: To continue the existing Use 6-7 as a Used Car Lot and conduct inside Repair Garage Shop to be located on Lots 6 through 10, Block 28, Lot 16, Block 21, Hyde Park Addition per Code 45.101, 3 B, D and G. Public Hearing open. 4. PUBLIC HEARING: iZEZONING REQUEST, ZOA �E72-13, BY CITY OF FRIDLEY: 32-35 � Part of Outlot H generally located on the North side of I��694 and 800 feet West of the East City Limits to be rezoned fror,: R-3A (apartment and multiple dwellings) to C-2S (general shopping areas, �v�-+� " ��� � �� �u.�' � � � �. �' � � o� �ao�. - � � - ...�. �� ^ Agenda - Dec. 20, 1972 . Page 2 Plannin� Commission . � Pages � 5. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP ��72 20, BY 36-37 CITY OF FRIDLEY: To pernu.t installation of an advertising sign in an C-2S District to be loeated on Outlot H, Innsbruck North generally located on the North side of I#694 and 800 feet West af the East City Limits. 6. FUBLIC HEARING: VACATION RE UEST• SAV ��72-07, NORTHWESTERN BELL 38-44 , TELEPHONE COMPANY: Vacate all that part of the North�South alley "10-13 in Block 11, Hyde Park Addition. 7•. PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED PRELIMIDTARY PLAT P.S. ��72-08 OSBORNE 45-48 � PLAZA, BY STANDARD OIL COMPANY: Generally located at 7609 13-14 IIniversity Avenue. , . � ^ . I I � CITY OF FRI�LEY � PLANNING WMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 6, 1972 PAGE 1 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Erickson at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL; Members Present: Erickson, Minish, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke, Zeglen Members Absent: None Others Present: Darrel Clark, Community Development Admi.nistrator APPROVE PLANNING COI�LSSION MINUTES: NOVEMBER 22, 1972 MOTION by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that tr,e Planning Commission approve the Piannir�g Commission minutes of Ncvember 22, 1972. Upur. a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimousl�,�. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: NOVEMBER 28, 1972 MO'i'ION by Minish, secox�ded by Fitzpatrick, that the P1ann�:�F ��ommissivn ,�-� receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of November z8, 1972. 'Jpor. ; � a voice vote, all voting �ye, the motion carried unanimously. R�CEIVE BUILDI�IG STtaNDARDS-AESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: NOVEM$ER 21, 1972 MOTiON by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, tha� the Fianning CommiSSion recEive the m�nutes of the Building Standards-Desi�n Control Subcomm�ttee minutes (af November 21, 1972. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, tt�e m�tion carried unanimously. � 1,. PTJBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED REGISTERED LAND SURVEY, P.S. 4�72-06, �3Y ' DONOVAN A. SCHULTZ: Replat of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Edgewater Gardens. MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Comm:.:�s�on waive the reading of fihe �'ubiic Hearing Notice of P.S. #72-06 by i;onovan P.. Sq�ultz, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the mQtS.on carried unan�r.�ously. �Ix. Harry AilwoXth, attqr�ey, was prese�t to represent the petitioner. Mr. Donqvan Schult� w�s also present. M�C. Dilwqx�h sair� he was not going �o make � pXesentation but was here tq answer any 4uest�ons the Commission mi�ht have. Mr. Da�z�J. Clark said Mx. Schultz was i,t1 earl�er this year on a lot split. They touehed on this problem with the lake shore. At that time we thought this /'\ w4t��d involv� ozk�eX people wi�h �ake shpre px�operty. Apparently Mr. Schultz �qund it di,fficu�.t �o work wi�h thaC 1ax'ge pf a graup of people so he has d�cid�d to Gak�e Gax� o� his own problem on his own lot� Mr. Schultz has a pur- chase agre�ment wi�h Mr• Ot�p pstma� Su�bject to app�oval o� the Registered Planning Commission Meeting - December �q 1�72 Page 2 � Land Survey. This item w�s before the Plats & Sub�ivi�ions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee last evening and they recommended approval if Tract A and D became one parcel and Tract B and C became one parcel. �his was to �liminate the problem of one of Che Tracts gaing tax forfeit. Chairman Erickson asked the purpose of this request. Mr. Claxk answeXed that a private party owns the lake and i£ the lake recedes Mr. Schultz would have the problem of someone owning property between his property and the lake shore. Mr. Clark said he had sent a notice to the Rice Creek Watershed and had got nothing back. He also sent a notice to the Division of Waters and Resources and had a phone call yesterday from Mr. Ray Schultz who said they had no objection provided they still had control of the land under the w�teX. Mr. Dilworth said the present legal description is subject to perpetual easement to the City of St. Paul and its Water Commissioners, to raise or , loweX the lake accordin� to the needs of St. Paul. If thzs were to be eradi- cated from the description, Mr. Dil.worth felt this would lead to major problems. � /� Mr. Fitzpatrick asked how the North property line was established. Mr. Clark said it was the center line pf Rice Creek before t�� lake was made. It has been the lot:'line since it was established by survey at the date of the Edgewater P�at. Mr. Dilworth said as this �s torrens property, the boundaries of this propeXty cannot change. Mr. Erickson said the City was asked to pay some of the �xpense of repairs on the dam. What would be the position if all the property owners around the lake have ownexship, Mr. Clark said whether this is privately owned by Mr. Ostman or Mr. Schultz. it would be the same thing. Mr. Schu�tz said �he dam permit was taken out by the City of Fridley. Otto Ostman was Xefused a permit to bui�d the dam, so Khe City owns the dam. � Mr. Ericksqn ask�d �.� Mr. Schultz was pxepared to allow the City to f laod the lake to k�ep Ghe water� 1eve1 up. Mr. Schultz �aid he had spent a lot of money �o keep Lqcke I.al�e �iet. Mr. Dilwort� said they had tseen in contact wi�h the R.ice CXeek Watershed peop�e and t�eg ars having a bad problem keeping the lake from fill.ing in. The lake was l0 to 14 �eet deep�and now it is under 4 feet. They have addx'essed the Rice Creejc Watershed on how this can be stopped or xeversed. They have a geo�.ogist's estimate that the�e will be np I�ock� Lake in five yea�s. . M�. E�ickson said if this request is �,Xanted, t�e qr�.�inal plat and ease- ments would not change �ox� any publia or p�ivate w�t�r rigl�ts and they are re�erved as �stablish�d. We are not allowing the petitio�er to fill the land �o th� l,ake wauld rec�de. MpTION by Fit�patxiek, secanded by Minish, to clase the Public Hearin� of the Proposed Registered Land Survey, P.S. #72-Q6, by Aonovan A. Schultz. Uporl �t vpice votea �11 votf�g aye, the mot�on carried unanimously. Planning Commission Meeting - December �, 1�i2 Page 3 � � Mr. Schmedeke said that the Plats & Subdivisians-Streets & Utilities Sub- co�nittee had approved this request subject to the approval of the Planning Commis�ipn. T't�e lake shore was merely ch�nging owiiership, and they were not harm�ng anyone, mainly the City. They all understood what he w�s doing and why. ' MOTION by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission r�ecammend approval to Council of the proposed Registered Land Survey, P.S. #72-06, by Donovan A. Schultz being a replat of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Edgewater Gardens with the stipulation that Tract A and D become one tract ar.d B and C become another tract. This action is not to be canstrued to in any way change the Locke Lake shore lit,e. Upon a voice vete, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: KEQUEST FOR REZONINGi ZOA ��72-11, BY UNZOIv OIL COMPANY: 5695 Hackmann Avenue to rezone from C-1S (local shopping; to C-2 � (general business). 3. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERPi�T, SP ��72--18a BY UIVION OIL COMPANY: 5695 Hackmann Avenue to construct a convenience store and continue the service station. Chairman Erickso�i ��tid tYie requ�st for the �tt��oning a,nd Special Use Permit w�uld be heard to�ether. � � h10TI0N by Scl�fiedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Fianning Commission '� waive the reading of the Public Hearing Ndtice for rezoning, ZOA #72-18, and '�;`; " the S�ecial Use Permit request, SP #72-11i by Union Oil Compat�y. Upon a voic� , vote, all voting aye, the motion carxied unanimously. Mr. Glen Hubbard, Union Oil Real �state Developer, was present to represent Union Oil Company. Mr. Clark sa�-d this is a result of a t�affic pattern study made by the City, County and State Highway pepartment because of the traffic!hazard at this intersection. The Xe�son;faX the study was that al� pazties involved felt the pxesent service driVe is i�ot a good traffic situation. We h�ve worked with Union Oil to develop a service $ri,ve around behind the site including various islands to con�rol the tr�ffi� f1ow. T�e.result of this is that Union 76 would like to relo�at� thei� structure on the sit�. We are szill negotiating with the Highway Department o� the utility easement�, �10 structures would be qn the xight of way. The whole parcel is zoned C-1S. The reason for the re�on�ng request is to ��ve the proper zoning classification fpr a service stat�.Qn, Ch�'. Exi�kson said the C-1S zoning �lassificatio� would allow the convenience sto�e, �k►Q �Qtal site was 3/4 acre. Mx. ��.ark said they would be losing one thixd of ;�t �so it wctuls� be somethi,ng less than half an acre. 1`��. �.ouis Hsdlund, �1�0 HaGkma�in Ave.: He said he owned the property �e�t eo tk�e o�l statiop. �hex� w�s � 1Q �oo� plar�t�.ng st�ip and a£ence betweei� his p�op��ty ar�d Zhe �tAti,qn, The Pure Oi�. Cpmgany had put up the ferice and ,� he ma��fi�ins it. �a n�W seryice raad w�,ll �liminate tl�is buffer between t�,� at�t�on and hi.s pxczpex��y, He didn't want it• He was a�so cpncerri�d if Planning Couunission Meeting - December �� 1�72 Pa�e 4 1"� the service station sold the property what other kind of general business could be using the site. Mr. Clark said that all the govermental bodies concerned wanted the ser- vice road changed. Chaixman Erickson said we have two requests here, one fo� legalizing the zoning fox a service station and one for a convenience store. Now we are talk- ing �bout the loopback that was not mentioned in the requests. Mr. Clark said that he would assume that the Union Oil Company would dedicate the land for the loopback if they have a usable site for their station, but if the requests aren't granted, they would not want to dedicate the road. Mr. Kenneth Fletcher, 5930 Polk Street: He asked what the reasoning was in creating �he loopback. Mr. Clark answered that it was to have more stack- room. It will bring the traffic closer to Mr. Hedlund's and Mr. Fletcher's , property. Mrs. Hedlund said that if the road was going to be mpved, they would want a copy of the survey to see how close their house we�ld be to the street. Mr. Clark said the clpsest corner would �e 24'� feet. �►-..� Mr. Hedlund asked if the road were pu't in, would they be required to fence ,\ iC. Mr. Clark answe��d that could be made a stipulation. Mr• Fletch�r thought they could find an alternate plan. He thought the pxqposed plan would make the situation worse. Mr. Min�Lsh asked at what stage the plan for the �oopback was at now. Mr. Clark answered that tMe State Highway Aepartment wi�.l build the road if the C�ty furnishes Che xight of ways. Mr. Schmedeke said he didn�t think the Planning Cammission could make any Xeeommendati�ons s�n this until all the people affected were notified. Chairman Erickson said this intex'section ha� been discussed for over a year. The Ci.ty has to come up with a solution. �ie did ag�ee with Mr. Schmedeke, however. MOTION by Zeglen, secorided by Fitzpat�ick, that the Planning Commission continue th� Rezon�.ng Request, 20A #72-11 and the �equest for a Special Us� Permit, SP #�2-18} by Unior� Oil Company until December 2Q, 1972 so that the property awn�rs affected b� the loopback can be notified. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng �ye, th� mUtiqn carried unanimot�sly. �+. �UBLIC HEARING: PROPQSED FRELIMINARY PLAT, Y.S. #72-07, JI1� LUND A $Y JAM�S I.UND CONSTRUCTTON C0. INC.t �eplat of �ot �.3; Auditor's ^ Subdivi.�io�. �.29. (S �E, carner of 7�th Avenue aT►d, Ce�txa�. Avenue. ) �• ^ � �1 Flanning Commission Meeting -_December 6, 19i2 Pa�e 5 Chairman Erickson stated that these two items would be considered together. MOTIQN by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission waive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice for the Proposed Preliminary Plat, P.S. �72-07, Jim Lund Acres and th� Rezoning Request, ZOA #72-12 by James Lund Construction Co., Incorporated. �apon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motior. carried unan�mously. James Lund was present. Mr. Claxk said the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee had recommended approval of the Proposed Preliminary Plat, .Jim Lund Acres, subject to the Plann�ng Co�aission approval of the rezoning of the West 250 feet of Lot 13 from C-1S to R-1. Chairman Erickson asked Mr. Lund if the entire tract will be R-1. Mr. Lund said it would. He said he couldn't find a commercial use for the pzoperty. The special �ssessments for the entire property seemed to deter commercial development. He feels that the property ��11 be used when it is zoned for residential use. Mr. Clark said the land zoned commercial around Mr. Lund's property is v$ca�t. MX. Minish said there might be some disappointed property owners if the 1and around it develop�. It was noted that ther�e were other single £amily dwellings in the general area. Mr. Lund said he would like to have the house that would be built on the cqxner of 75th Avenue and Central Avenue face 75th Avenue because of the traffic problem. MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission close the Public Hearing of the Proposed Preliminary Plat, P.S. #72-07, Jim Lund Acres, by James Lund Construc�ion Co., Inc. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, �hat the Planning Commissi�n close the Public Hearing of the Rezoning Request, ZOA ,#72-12, by James Lund Construc- tion Co., Inc. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Schmedeke, Seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission recommend tp Counc�l approval of the Proposed Preliminary Plat, Y.S. #72-07, Jim Lu.nd Acres, by James Lu1�d Construction Co., Inc. being a replat of Lot 13, Auditor's Subdivisio� #�29. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion c�xr�ed una�imPusly. MOT�ON by S�hmedek�, secpnded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission �ecomnlend to Counc�l approval of the Rezoning Request, ZOA #72-�2, by James Lu�d Construction Co., I�c. to rezone the West 25Q feet of Lot 13, Auditar's Subdivision #129 �xom C�1S (local shopping) to R-� (�i�gle family dwellings). Upon a voice vote, a�l voting aye, the motion carxied unanimously. ^ Planning Commission Meeting - December �, 1�i2 � page 6 I 6. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #72-19, BY FRANK GABRELCIK: To continue the existi�g Use as a Used Car Lot and conduct an inside Repair Garage Shop to be located on Lots 6 thru lU, Block 28, and Lot 16, Block 21, Hyde Park Addition per City Code 45.101, 3 B, D and G. �OTiON by Fitzpatricjc, seconded by Schmedeke to waive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice for the reque�t of a Special Use Permit, SP #72-19, by Frank Gabrelcik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Gabrelcik an� Andrew Kohlan, representing Mr. Gabrelcik, were present. ` Mr. riahlan said it was his understanding that the reason for this request was because the ordinance has been amended to require a Special Use Permit for a used car lot. This property has been used for this purpose for a long time with the exception of the one lot North of 58th Avenue (L�t 16, Block 21) and the two lots on the South end of the property, Lots 6 and 7, Block 28. The purpose is to establish some guide lines on the use of the land. Chairman Erickson said this property is presently zoned C-2, general business. iie wondered why he needed a�pecial Use Permit then. Mr. Kohlan said the business is a legal non-conforming use that has been estab'lished for some time, in fact, long before the zoning ordinance itself �„� was established. There is a licensing requirement and one of the requirements for obtaining a license is to get a Special Use Permit. i � Mr. Clark said the grandfather clause applies to Lots 8, 9 and 10. Mr. Gabrelcik had just purchased Lots 6 and 7 a couple of years ago and also the one Tot on the North side of 58th Avenue. Mr. Kohlan said they have been asked to show what part of the lots are used and what part of the lots are to be left vacant. Mr. Schmedeke asked if these requests covered two businesses. Mr. Kohlan said the inside repair shop is leased. One part of the building is used for the repair business and the other part by the used car lot. Mr. Kohlan said there was an annual reviewal for the license required, but if the �pecial Use Permit was granted that would continue in effect. Mr. Minish said the number of cars on ti�e lot seems excessive, and the lot untidy. If the CommisSion C$kes action on this request, they would want this condition improved. M7c• Clark said what is needed i� a plot plan on how he intends to use �he property, There is a new licensing ordinance on used car 1ots, but he didn't k.now if it was adopted yet, as a reading and publication had to take place. Chairman Ericks4n said the Special Use Pertni� could be issued under the present oXdinan�e, but the Cpmmissio� should have a plot pl�n showing wh'ere the existing building is and what lots w�ll be used f�r th� used car lot. � Mx. �lar�. aaid i# Mr. Gai�relcik would c�me in, the City Staff would work with h�m to ��^epare t��,q� p�.ot plan. � Plannin� Commission Meeting - Decemher 6, 1972 Page 7 ' M�TION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that'the Planning Commission continue• the Public Hearing for a request for a Special Use Permit, SP #72-19, by Frank Gabrelcik until December 20, 1972. tIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 7. SCHEDULE MEETINGS FOR FRIDLEY 1�TICIPAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: ' Mr. Darrel Clark said we have called several communities to see how they scheduled their Comprehensive P1an hearings. Al1 had only one hearing except Richfield. They said they have been having hearings for two years and if they had it to do over�again, they would have scheduled it for the one meeting. Most of the communities did the same as<we did, dividing the City into areas. I.f one area needs more time, you can contiaue the hearing for that area. Mr. Clark said that in some places it went to the Planning Commission for hearings, then to the City Councii for hearings, and some of it came back to the Planning Commission for more hearings. , • Chairman Erickson thought it would be best if the Planning Co�ission could have the hearings and send the pian to Council with the Commission's own recommendations. Mr. Clark said they also did not send notices to all the people. It was well advertised in the paper and editorials were written. Mr. Schmedeke thought it was im�ortant to emphasize that this is not a � rezoning hearing. , Chairman Erickson thought the Comprehensive Plan should be completely explained and the people told if thep have any questions before the hearing to come to the City Staff. He also wanted it clear that they were not going to be fhere to discuss the North Park issue. Mr. Cl�rk said probably a notice could be sent with the City calendar which will be going out soon. Mr. Schmedeke said we will be looking at a Comprehensive Plan again in three years. What we don't accomplish with this Comprehensive Plan, we will have a chance to look it all over agai.n then. Mr. Schmedeke mentioned that some of the Planning Commission members' term of office is up the first of January. He thought it best if the present members stay on the Commission until the public hearings were through'on the Comprehensive Plan. He said it would be hard for any new member to familiarize themselves with the Plan on such short notice. Chairman Erickson said he thought a letter should be sent to the City Council requesting that the new members not take office until after the Comprehensive Plan hearings. Chairman Erickson set the hearing for January 17, 1973 at 8:00 o'clock � P.M. in the Counci2 Chambers on the Comprehensive Plan. The members concurred. Mr. Clark asked Mr. Erickson if he would check the editorial for the paper and it would be shown to the other members before it goes to the papers � £or any additions they might want to make. �'1 Plantting Commission Meetin� - Decembex �, 1972 pa�e $ � 8. ADDI�IQNAL DI$CUSSION: Chairman Erickson said the Commission is continually getting requests for rezoning these service stations. I have �alked to Mr. Herrick as I would like to see the oxdinan,ce changed to grant � Special Use Permit for non-conforming Use regardless of the zoning. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that would save a lot of time, Mr. Clark said they can continue as a non-confo�ning Use until they want ta make some ch�nges. , Chairman Erickson said he felt that when we change the zoning classifica- tian, it could adv�rsely affect the area if the 5tation went c�ut of business. Mr. Minish asked if the loopback on CentXal and Hackm�nn was the optimum p].an. Mr. Clark said tba� no matter where the Ioopback goe�s in, it will disrupt someane. Mr. Fitzpatrick wondered ho�r good a plan it was. Chairman �xickson said he thought it had tao many �slands. Mr. Minish said it did not stxike him as a.good p�an. Darr�l Clark said in this loopback he thought the Unian Qi�. Compa�y would give the �.and if they could relocate their building. If the City had to buy the Xight c�f way, it could be expensive. �he She].1 Oil right pf way cost the �-� City $22,SQQ. �� Ch�,irmap, E�i�kson asked if the pol�.ce department �au�d quietly take a �raffic count on t�a�f�c going both ways at this int�raection, �s we may be ereating a problem it�s�eaK} pf solving one. When Mattexhoxx� Driv� is completed it couid be th�t Matterhorn Drive and S�.�ver Lake l�oad will take 80� of the t��ff�c. 0 , AAJOURNM�NTt �: � , �aixm$r� �ricksqn �d�ourn�d the meeting aC 10:30 P.M. , 0 Respectfullp subu�i�ted i.�/ ' Jr'+��'.�-% DOROT#i� E SON. A�ki.t�� SgCreta�3' � . � /"� i � GITY QF FRIDLEY PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS- . STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOi�Il�fITTEE NI�ETING DECEMBEi2 5, 1�7� PA��: I The meeting was called to order by Chaix'mam Scizmedeke at 7: i.E� �v�i� RfJI.L C ALL o Members Presenz; $chmedeke, Engdahl, �rench, Meissne�' Member Abse�iz; Forster . Others Present: �Jarrel Clark, Coma�uni.ty DevelopII�ent Adminzstxator 1. PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLATa P S 4k72-07 JIM LUND AC�ES ,�.�.:'i�>:5 LtJ:v`D CONSTRUCTION, INC, o Being a replat of Lat 1�, rSudzr,.or"s ;F:;=�;�ivisiun . No. 129. (Southeast corner of 75th Aven�ae N,Ea and �id Ceatral.) Mr. James Lund was pXesent. Mr. Darrel Cla�ck explained that this was a large pie�,�;_ �_�� ��-��perty �z�e pet�.tioner wants to split into seven residential lots. He tYas ;��et_�tioned, an,d there will be a hearing tomorrow night, before the Planning ;'���ission, to rezone the Westerly 300 feet from commercial to R-l. The prop��ed lots all meet the minimum requirements, in fact exceed the requirements for minimum areas and front footage. The City Staff feels this is a good R-1 plat. The only stipulations we would Iike to see the Plats & Subdivisions Subcor�mittee request is, make it contingent upon the rezoning being granted and before the p�at is finaled, check with the various utili;y companies to see what type of utiLities are necessary for serving the property. This property is located at 75th and Central on the S.E. quadrant. , Mz. SChmedeke said he couldn't see any problems, The utilities were in the street. Mr. Cla�k said sewer, water and the storm sewer .:�r�:� in on 75r.!t Avenue, �here aren't ar�y stubbs but that was no problem. � Mr. Lund said he wouid like to have the house built on the corner of %5th, faCe 75th, or aG least k�ave the driveway on %Sth, because of tratfic problem5. He stated the reason for replatting wzis to make use of the 1a;7ci. He c:ouldn't get anyone to use it for couunercial property but it would be ::;;ec� if its resic!ential. MOTION by French, seconded by Mei.ssner, that the Pla�s & Si,�r��ivisions- Str�.ets and Utilit�es Subcommittee recommend approval ta the Plac�z:ing Co�-mission as t�ze Proposed Prelimina�y Plat, PoS. ;"r`72-U7, Jim Lund Acres, by Ja�;���s Lund Co�stru�tio�, Inc ., bein� a replat of Lot 13, Auditor's Subdivi.s i��r: ;�?c , 129 , (S�utht.ast corner of 75th Avenue N�Eo and Old ��•ntral) subj�cr. t� i'rx� propertL• be�.ng rezoned and the n�cessa�y utility easement�� he dedicat�d an the final plat . i.Tpon a yoice vote, a11 voting aye, the motic-:ry carriec� �:ia.r ���,ously . 2.. REGISTERED LAND SURVEX° F�S� ��72-06, BY DOI�UVt�.� �,_�CHL'LTZ_ �.11 of Lots /"\ 1 and 2, Block 1, �dgewater Gardens, together ��iti: aIi t?�.at �art cf Lut 3, Revised Aud�tor'� Subdivzsian No. 23, except fnr par�s ,i; Z.ats 1 a:dd 2, $lock l, Ed�ewater Gardens. Mr. Donovan Schultz was present. � Plats & Subs.-S[r. & Uti,� Meetiei� - �3 v��„��r � ��;7� e� ,�> ;t � .�..�.�.. ' .�,.�.,..�.�.w.n._._aw _._' r_ _�__.__ � Mr. Clark said Mr. Schult2 h�c3 been before the Subc:::r-�.u.�.� `�� �,;a.ri.ier t i-iis year qn a�ot split. At th�,� t�me they had touched on Mr. �����"s �:'� �7roble:� With the lake bottom. q�riyate party owras the lake anc� if th� l.�r.:� rec�des, Mt. Schultz would h� �zcir�g a bad situat�ou �h�re �c��-��:on� wcsc��.ci c:��; the prcperty b�dw�en his pro�erty �es� �.��� iaiceshorea i�� :�a� au a���e:�����: s�:i�:�� }�he fee ��n�r to purchas� �h�.s �ax�d subject to approval of this req���ta M�. Clazic ss��.ci he had talked tp tk�e County Surveyor and Chey would rati�u� have just t�ta� tracts in thi� R�g,istered Land Survey. rr�ct A�rs,i �� car.az�' '�:�� �:�e tr :_: .: n �►�� B and C woul,c� be a�.o�i�e� traet, l�ira �chui�� h«�; a�;.�e�c� �.:-a ,_. If it remaj.med four tracts thexe is a pos�%bil�.�� �f scsme of t��ie ianrk �goi.r�f ,;�::. . forfeit. /'� � � � M�'. C2a�k �aid he l�ad sent a notice �� �he hear�.�x�; �s, x>;� T�.��t-r,�Fn€: ;-,� N��ur�l Resou�ces and hacl r�c�ived a telep���e eal��, t�i�.�.,r f����� a`. ����� � .. _;_ �hat �he �Departmen� woul,d have na ob j e�tion ta thi:� ty��� s� `��G '<.;i� p� o� ��z�d ' 'th�y s�iAl have contrQl of th� iand unci�� �w���a, ':;;��. nw�::, _, c°�rama�,� aL:e.�- G�?� iand under wa�,e� withou� Ch��.r pr.io� ap�,�..:.�-��. r �ix' .�t_���i Sc�au`latz wil.i �:�e ����s�ing a le�,ter to the C�.ty to that ef�eet. M�. Schme�iek� said k�� was sure othe� ��o�aer�;d ,�,�e�:; ° :R , �. �f �.. s � arrt: p�oblem wou�ld b� maki.n� this sams re4uest. Mr. Meissner said h� quest�.oned the contour of Ghe North bourrc'_�-y of t;�e Survey. Mr. ClaXk said this was the cemter line of the Creek before ;t was a i�ke, Mr. Mei9sner s�id at �he time Mr. Schultz was i.n bQfore there was an �ndication that t�is would involve a much �ar�er group. �vident�y the plan to haye all the 1a�e�hore owuezs handle thi� �� a grou� has been dropoed. Mr, �telssner mot�d that ther� were�,'� any utilit:a�s iz�volved in; this request. Mr* Don Schultz sa�.ci he che�ciced with the �ax assessor and this additio:�al J,a�pd would nqt imcr�ase his property tax. The assessor �aid the taYes for thi,s land wou�.d be kept at a mi�imum because it is pubLicly °..:sed, fie hoped �e� had received t�►2 correct inforu►ation. Mr. Cla�k said he t�-� �7�' [ thinh tnat i� the �and w�s four tracts qr �wo tracts it would IIl3lC� any �� x��� r, ence in ��e tax but he would ch�ck with the assesspr and have the ansk•:�:e �ir, Schultz said he had $15p0 iayolve� �n this now and z�ould not want an' increase in ta:<es. MOTIQI� by Meissner, seF;onded by �'rench, thaG the P1ats ;t Subdivisions- $treets aud Utiliti�;s Subcodimittee re�c;�iend approval to the �'���z��in; Co":�issicn p� Re�i:�t�7red Land Survey, �',S. ��72-06, by �3onavan �, SchUltz, �.i �-�f Lots 1 ��d �, Block 1, E�dgewater Gardens, together with all that par� U� �ot 3, Revised Aud:.tor's Subdivisi4� No. 2�, except for. parts of Lots 1 and 2, B?ocr: 1, E����- ta;�:���:� Gardens as shown �n the d�awing exce�t that Tract A and D;:: c.: r;oin��? : Tr�ct 1, amd Tract B an1 � be combined as Tz�act 2. Upon a voice ,.��::���, a11 bc�ting aye, the moCion carzied unanimously. 3s �iACA�TON R�QL'EST°< SAV �� 72-07, NOii'T���iESTERN t.::,L TEL�': iC`�r'„ �;0`�r�`��• Vac��e all th�� paXC of th� North/5uuth a31ey �rt Bluc� 11, H�,�cie Par�c Addit�on. Mr. Ra`aert Dokkeu, Real Estate DeL�eloper for Nor�hwester;y ��;.I was �:-m~�sent . � Plats & Subs,-Str. & Util. Meeting - December 5, I97i p��� .3 � Darrei Clark ave the followin as the � ' g g pr.es�nt occupancy of the block. Qn 2'� Street going frqm North to Scuth, the corner lot is tax forfeit, then thr�e single family dwel�.ings, thec-. the Northwestern Bel�, pxoperty and a 4-plex on the corner qf 59th. �here are two 4-ple�ces and a private home on the North end of 3Xd Stree� and a 4-plex on the South end of Block 11. IKr. Clark said the all,ey has not been open to the public. Northwestern Bei1 is askiclg for the alley vacation because their proposed structure wili block the alley. !'� , , Mr. Bob Aokken said �iC has b�come neCesSaxy to develop a new central office to service this area. AC the present time the area is serviced by thr�e pffices, octe in Sprin� Lake Park, one on 26th and Central Avenue N,E „ and one in Brooklyn Center. The area growth has u►ade it neceSsary to put �n a new office and Che object is to put it as close to the wire center of ��e area as possible. This location is as close Co this center as they can get. Thexe wil�, be a minimum disruption of th� neighborhood. `Shis property has �lready been rezo�ed. Northwestern Bel�, has bought, oz has option tc bu�, seven lots on each side of Block 11, a total o£ 14 �ots. Thsy have made some rou�h si�aw�.l�gs �f the proposed building. �t �rill be a low 1-starv structu�e that wil]. be 140 feet wide (Noxth and South) and 120 feet long. Wh�n expansion is necessary they will expand to the West a�t� �he building w#.11 b� 140 feet x�$0 feet, �hey will not be able to build this kind of buildin� without vacation o� Che alley. They could plan a building they cqu�.d us�, without vacating the alley, but it would not allow for orderly expar�s i on . Mr. Schmedeke ask�d if hpuses were going tA be boxed i� qn Northwestern $ell �xoFQxty. Mr. Aokken sa�d they have bo�ght one house and had option to buy the otheX �nd they wquld b� moved off the site. bir. Clark said Ghis iS a commercial area and the requirements are 20,000 squa�e �eet andJor �.60 �qqt �'rontage. Thexe were two properties on the South end of the block Chat are on lots 80 ft, x 1.�0 ft. which would not meet commQ�ci,al requiXemen�s a�.d the City could be boxed in and have to grant v�xiances for commereial use. The structures on both propeztie� are about teA yearS old, rir. AQkken said NoXthweStern Be�1 would be interested in buying additional pxoperty in the block when the structures have lost some O� their present vaj.ue. M�r'-.—�c.�a°d.z�c �-�-i�62 '" 1 T`� *'t}'<<Q �ern �3 a] L n �, r; r� �rr i t i n o r t, a r���, -�e��:�--t��--�-o-� ���---uP -- ��X- --g.r-aP.�.��}�-.-.f Qx__s al.�._� n tl�e--b1Q.� k . Mr. Robe�rt $�ke�, �94Q 3xd $treet N,E „ s�i,d he was �.n favor of the alley being vaca�ed. �ie has np use for the alley. He woul,d like to see it blocked so it Cou1d no langeX bq used as a raceway for m�.nibikes�etc. rlr. Richard W�lk, the new owner of the 4-p7.ex at 5794 3rd Street N,E „ sa�d he was agai.nst ya�afi�.ng the alley. When he purchased the prop�rty he �tas ne� aware of the rezoni8g or thaz �loxthwestern Bel� wa� coming into the area. He said it wasn't thQ wor�t thi�g that could come in but wondered :,ow i�t would affect the renC�l o� his building. He asked if the alley was vacat�:i, /'� do we gj.ve up all our �ights to khe all.ey. Mr. Clark answered that when an alley �s vacated _it is for the entire block and the peop�e do give up tl�e right to have an alley. M�'. Clark said he had a quest�,on on the dr•.;ve just N-.,r*_`�: of i�r. We1k's property to 60th Avenue. Was this a joint drivew�ay? Mr. tti�in �2 Plats & Subs.-Str. & Util. Meeting - U�c�ua�er 5� 1��z Page 4 �� eaid he had a driveway cou�ing off of 3rd Street that was hzs andthe dr,��war :_�ff ' 60th was on his neighbor's property. They have a"gentleman"s agreem�nt" ;ha� their tenants can use eithe�r driveway. Mre Welk said he thought other owner7 wereu't aware of the hearing or they would be here. Mr. Schmedeke asked if they made at�y use of the alley nuw. Mr, Welk said there was no alley to use. Mr. & Mrs Alfred Gabe� of 5947 22 S�reet N.E, sa�d they had no objection to the alley vacation. Mr. Gabel said it would stop the alley area from being used as a race track. Mrs. Gabel asked if their real estate taxes would go up with the addition of the f� �eet of property they would gain from the vacation. Mr. C]�ark said as tax�s were based on the frc�ntage, he th�ught ti�ey might go up some but they could check wiCh the City Assessing Department. Mr. Dokken said he had talked to Mrs. Meinert who owns Lots 14 and 15. She said if her husband had any objections they would ca11 and h� hadn't heard fram them. He talked to the son of the Schmidt's who owr► proper�:.y on Lots 16 at�d 17o He said he would give his parents the message and �they ��ould cal? if they had any object�ons, and MX. Dokken had heard nothin.g from them> He aiso contacted Mr. Myron Swenson, the owner of the 4-plezc on Lots 1 and 2, 5830 �rd $trret N.E,, and they had no objections. Mr. Schmedeke said he was concerned about the people ;:,� ��� ��uth end of the block if that pa�rt of the alley was vacated. They are usinJ what wi?1 be Northwestern Bell p�qperty now �o� parking and may need the alley. He asked Mr. Dokk�n if i.� would affect his company if that part of the alley � wasn't vacated. Mr. pokken said they would have no objectione Darrel Clark � ga�d he wanted it to go oA record that the City would never maintain stubbs � ot3 acl a11ey. Th� two pXqperties on the South end of the bloek are using it �,g a joint driveway now and Cheg c�uld continue to use it aS a private drivewa�� if the alley was vacated. The two property owners might have to have some k7�nd o� cqvenant betweeA thea� on the use of �he driveway. Mr. Allen Jensea, 5955 2� Street NoEo, said it was �is contention fro�. �n�ormatian he had rece�.ved fram the Planning Commission, the City Council, and oChezs, that they would discourage letting anybody come in and buy propert; and d@velop, property i,n the middle of the block. � think the} should have to buy oae end of the block and stazt their development there. If one concern can start their develQpmemt iu the center of Che block, other concerns w�ll do Che sam�. It wi�1 se� � p�ecedent. I want Che area to develop to its fuliest potenti�al, and not haphazardly. I have no opposition to Northwestern Bell coming intp the area, I just obj�ct �o them devel�oping the middle of the block. Mr, Sclhmedeke said i� was vexy difticult �o buy an �ntire block at one time. NL�. Dokken said whetl Che buil.ding is occupied there wil� only be 6 te 8 pee���.� employed at the �i�e> �� will be a quiet operation in an attractive building. Mr. Meissner asked Mr. Jensen if as long as they meet the le�.al requiL�,^.,ents of the City, have the x�ght size lot, the front footage needed, and are in the righC zoning classificat�on, how would he propose that the City r�gulate where they build or: the bloek. Mr. Jensen said he tliought C.his �..�as tnE: job of tt���• t'� Planning Cot:u::ission and the City Council to oyersee where develop�:ie;lt is p:�r-� �: t�._,: . _ _ . _. a� I Plats & Subs,�,tr. & Ut.''. MaetinK - December 5, 1972 ;� _ Page ( % between 44th and 49th A. �ue N,E, � Chairman Schmedeice adjourued the meeting a 9;15 P.M, , Respectfully Submitted, . / ' a--��, •��� AOROTHX E VE N —""'--"-- • > A�tin� Se�r�tarY f'� � t� � � CIi`�: ��` :°F�IDL':�`: BUILDING STANiaA�DS-DESIGN COIvTROL SL'F,���)MMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 7. 1972 The meeting was called to order �iy Chairman �eglen at 8:30 P,M. M�MBERS PRESENT; Ze.glen, Toncc, White, Sic�oueau MEMBERS ABSENT: Lindblad � OTHERS PRESENT: Jerrold Board:r:an, Planuing Assistant �� �. 0 t� �� MOTION by White to approve the minu�es of the Novec�ber 21, 1972 meeting as written. Seconded by Simoneau. Uppn a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO MOVE A HOUSE FROM 6125 NORMANDALE ROAD, EDINA, MINNESOTA TO PARCEL 2340, �UDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NOa 23, REVIS�D, THE SAME BEING 6420 RIVERVIEW TERRACE NoEo, FRIDLEY, r1INNESOTA, (REQLT�'ST EY :KRS JOHN M, METCALFE, 5418 RIVERVIEW TERRACE NaE „ FRIDLEY, MINi7ESOTA » 432.) Mr. Jofin Metcalfe was present to present the request. Mr. Metcalfe said the surveyor was in the process of drawing up the survey with the location of the proposed house. He said the lot the hoease was b�i.ng moved t�o was a walk-out Iot and the eievation of the �ot will raise t:.e hous� four feet, Mr. Tonco asked if the grade will be left as is and the bacfc excavated for drainage. Mr. Metcalfe said that was his intention. Mr. Metcalfe said the garage tiaill have a higher elevation on the new site. Eie felt this was an excellent house and was between ten and fifteen years old. Mr. Zeglen said this house will fit into the Rivezview area. Mr, Metcalfe said the house is briek on the first rloor level, but not'"s'o nruch of the front will be showing at th� new location. Mr. Tenco asked if the house met the Fridley Codes. Mx�o Boardman said it did. Mr. Tonco noted Mr> Metcalfe had not presented a landscaping plan. He said 'r.� knew this would "be difficult to draw up until the house was ira place on the lot. Mr. Boardman said we should have the elevation o£ the house �and the lot. Mr. Tonco brought up the subject of a performance bond. After discussion the Subcommittee decided a$5,000 performance bond should be posed to finish the house and the landscapit�g. Mr. Metcal,fe said he had to post a bond with the Sta�e of Minnesota to mpve the house from its pre$ent location by Janu<iry� 17, 1973. The 5ubcou�mittee gave Mr. Metcalfe until August 1, 1973 to compl�te aIi tt�e work covered by the per�ormance bond. MOTION by Tonco to reeommeAd to the City Council approval of the request to move a house into k`ridley with th,e following atipulationso _ �. $5,000 performance bond be posted for the completion of tt��e house and landsCapi�ag. (I,�ndscape p�an to be submitted to the Inspection Dept.j 2o Eleva�iona be presented to the Engir�eering D�partment. SeC�nded by Sip:�nea�. Upon a voice voke, �11 voting ayea the motion carried un�n�.mous�y. /'`\ � � � ��_ . Building-Standards-Design Control Subcomm�.��ee Mee�ing �f December 7, 1972 Page 2 2. CONSIDERATION QF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT �l 108 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX AND A S9 UNIT TOWNHO(JS� COMPI�EX TO BE LOCATED ON PARCELS 4800 AND 5200, SECTION 14,(FORMER REIDEL PROPERTY) GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN 5TH STREET N E AND 7TH STREET N,Eo, ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MISSISSI�PI STREET IN FRIDLEY, MINNES� �REQiTEST $Y THE WALL CORPORATION, 8030 CEDAR AVENUE SOUTH, BLOOMINGTON, MIN 55420. , " Mr. Richard Schwarz, architect for the Wall Corporation, was present to present the request. Mr. Schwarz pzeseiited the site pj.an. He said there woin'� be access to the deveopment from 6 3rd Avenue or Mississippi Street. There will be,a ponding area for storm sewer watex below the street level. The trees to be planted on the site will include Hackberry,•Lin�en, Sugar MapTe, Red Tw�tg Dogwood, Russian Olive and•Flowering Crab. The trees will be from 2- 2'� inches in diameter. Axound the apartment buildin�s the�e will be Junipex and $azberry to cxeate pzivate spaces between the units. ' $u�lding �1 on th� Squthwest corner of the sit� is the sma9.�.�5� apaxtment building. Zt i& �h� Cype pf building with two entries and two $taixways. Ther� wi11 be 4-unita on ea�k� floor, This is basically a 12-un�.t build�,ng wh��re we have combined two buildings to make � 24-un�.t, We have c�eat�d a li�tle semi.-p�c�va�e area far patios with shade tree�. Townhouse A will be [h,e basic unit. It will have u►any option$. The gxter�.ox will have stu�co end walls and stucco on the Lower ��vel. The balan�ce of the building wilj� have cedar pan�ls with 2x8 qz 2xj.0 txim a�ound the windows az�d.the perimeter of th� bui�ding. . �pwnhouse � which is lacated on the Northeast cor�er of� Mississippi Stz�eG ��aill. have tuek u�der �aXages because� o� the grade. Mr. �or�eo asked if any of �he garages wou�d be under someone e�se's uttit, Mr. Schw�x�z ,s�id the garages would be u�der its own unit. A11 roo£s wil]. be composition shin�gle. �k�exe wil,l bs be�ms �zom 4 to b feet high from the s�.dewal.k elevatians ori thi.s part of the s�te. Th� ,exterior o� Townhouse B w�ll k�ave $tucGO er�d �t�l.ls i�terrupt�d by prca,�ecting trian�u3,ar bays a�d �he i��er wa11s wi�l 'be ��ucco on the �asement 1eve1 with �t�� balance o� Che wa11 be�ng ced�x �idin8. �he apa�Ctment bu�.�ding glan sl�ows the en�rances Co be a�ew steps abc�v� ��ade, Xou w�.l.l �i,the� walk up a�ew steps or dowt� a few s�eps. Th� �sa�rances on the �ourtyard sid� are all at grad�� Thes� wi,1,1 be secuzity bu��.dings . At the end af each apartment t�uild;tn$ Ghexe wi1�. b� 2-bed�oou� u,rt7tts. The cen��� se�tion o� each buildi.ng wil� b� �.bedxqo� apartme�.ts, On tk�e fi�'st f�oo� therQ will be 2-efficiency apuztmet�ts in the cen�.er of the building uz�de� the �-bedroom apartmet�ts . There wi11 ii� one lau�dxy room fn eac�a s�cCion of kh� building. T1 Mr. W�i�e asked abc��t �h� disposal of C�ash, M�. Schwar� �aid 'bl� � dum�s��r built it��o the oµtside of the garage �k�u�tuxe. buildi.ngs wi�.l have s�u��CQ p�neled wa�ls at �he ent� of the h��h the�re would Th� apartme�t xis� seC�ion �. A / /"� Buildin�Standards-Des�gn Control Subcomms'.�tee Meeting of December 7, 1972 Page 3 with stucco dividing-walls in between, the other ends will be ceda� siding. �� Mr. Simoneau asked if there would be any recreational facilities in the apartment buildings. Mr. Schwarz said there would be a se�arate recreation building. Mr. Simoneau asked if this building will be used by a.11 the people iiving im the townhouses and�apartments. Mr. Schwaxz said this was the plan, " This will be ia t�te commons area and yau can enter from the townhouse area or the apartme�xt area. There will be a rental of€ice and's�.�es office in this building but 'this will become a meeting room. There will be an indoor swicrm►ing pool, a hobby room, smal�. and large �eeting rooms, one with kitchen facilities. Mr. Tonco asked how this area would be maintained. Mr, Schwarz said the Owner� Associat�on wi�.l take care of this. . Mr. Simoneau said he would like to have it brought to the atten�ion of the Wal,1 Corporatipn that during construction they should provide a good security rystem. The yaun$sters are used to playiag in the area and will be drawn to the cons�ructiou site. As many property owners in the immediate area were aegative ab.puC this groject if any child got hurt on th� pxoperty, it could be a bad situation. , Mr. �oaCO asked What the footage was along 63rd Avenue. Mr. Boardman said it was 594.89 feet. Tn the upper right corner of the apaxCm�nts„it is felt that we should have mare garage space available. MX. Schwarz said he �ouldn't �., ' atake'any ag�eemen� for additioaal garages. This would be a decision by the � Wali Coxporatian. Mr. �anco said ti�sy would like 22 more $arages in this � area Af� 5th Street N.E. . Mr. $oaxdoaan said they would l.ike to have more planting oa 5th $treet also. Tlney would like Che trees replaced that had to be destroyed for cqnstruction. ", Qn 7th Street they will have to take the driveway out to allow for the 20 foot set}�ack xequiremet�t and �ut im two exits with a LO �00� radius. There must be a 10 fqot radius qn all entrances and exits and ppured 6"x18" Goncrete curb a�ou�ud ali blackt+q� azea, All parking spaces must be 10'x20'. �. $oaxdmaa �said the C3,ty had a s�i$aed agreement wi�h the Wa�J, Carpoxation; and a list wau�.d be seat to �ir. Schwaxz so he wouid lcnow the items mvt ir�clud�d ;Cn th�,� pac��antatioc�. , Mr � TattcQ ca].J.ed atteatiot� to Che fol.low�ng items; Sou�dpxoo�i�g o� th� party wa�i�, �h� ��rr�dor wal].s, sepazatio�: betweea �loor$, transu,itt�I o� spund �h�c�v$h �kh� stac%�.tt�, o� pl.vmab�itg, the ���eproQfing in Che �Cai,rways, and t�,� �:leva�io� of ths gara�e rQof wi;i�h �as in �rror , Mr , SGhwarz ment ipnQd � eou�ie o�' op�ipu� o� the �a�ty walis �as� Cbe �e�a��.t��n bet�ee� :E�.oar� . � 'i�� said the� would uss wrapping and in�ulatio� oa �he stacked {�lumb�.n�. I�� S�id Ct�e s�a�.xw�ya wauld t�e i3qBoC, 2 hour �ated, H� said the ga�agQ pl.a�s we�r�a d�awu up in a kturry aad w,�Id hav� the �pr�ec� pitch Q£ �f1.2. . �x, &�hxarz said �h� project would be��,a as soon as s12 the glaAS were �ina�,ized a�ad the b ids ��� , , /'� �'���i by �cra�u to xecc�mm�ad �a the City Couacii approva� to eQ�str�c� an �tp��'t��R� �nd tQ�hCµ9� d�v�lOpme�t w�th the �oLiowing sCipul��iot�s: �. CP��auct• �� �addit#,Aqai, gara�es of� Sth S��ee� �1.�. ' $. Provid� aua�e �iantiag s� Sth Stxs�t. � �� uildinQ Standards-Design Control Subcomm��tee Meeting of Deeember 7, 1972 Page 4 3. Delete driveway on 7th Street and replace with two exits. 4. Poured 6x18 concrete curb around all blacktopa 5. Provide check list for the Architect on signed agreement between the City .nd the Wall Corporation. 6. Note the discussion on ite.rns of party walls, eorridor walls, separation between floors, stacking of plumbing, fireproofing .of stairways, and the error in the elevation of the garage roafs. 7. Provide 10 foot radius o� all entrances and exits. Seeonded by Simoneau. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the m�t°ion carried unanimously. 3. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A SPECULATIVE �iTILDING TO BE USED FOR A W?'REHOUSE LOCATED ON THE EAST HAI.F OF THE NORTHE�ST QU:�RTER 8g-THE SOUTH$AST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, THE FINAL PLANS TO BE SUB*LLTT:D FOR_�HASE I, THE SAME BEING 7901 BEECH STREET N.E., FRIDLEY, uINNESOTA �REQUEST BY $FYANT FRANKLIN CORPORATION, 900 WEST COL'�TTY ROAD D, NEW BRIGHTON, MINNESQTA 55112.) �� Mr. Richard Brama was present to present th,e the request. , � The Subcommittee had asked Mr. Brama to submit the matexial for the exterior of the building when he had presented the request for a permit to begin the construction of this building up to grade only. Mr. Brama brought in a sample of the structural panel he will use on the building. The structural panels are $" thick. The company that installs it will grout between the panels. It will all be in one piece from the fooCings to the the roof line. Mr. Tonco asked how they were gping to break up the monotony of having such a large buil.ding all the same material. Mr. Brama said he had it put in the electric3l bid that they would use decorative lighting, Mr. Tonco wor.dered if it could be painted arqund the windaw lines. Mr. Brama said they didn�t recommend painting but it cg►uld be stained. The Subcommittee said they would go �long with anything that •aould keep the building from all being the same finish. MOTIOId by Simoneau Co xecommend to the City Conncil approval of the request tp construct a waX�house, , • Seconded by Tancq. Upon a voice vote, a11 voti,ng aye, th� motion carr�.ed ^ uaanimously. � , . � . : 1"� �. � $uilding Standards-Desi n Control Subcommittee Meeting of December 7, 1972 Page 5 4. CONSIDERATION OF. A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A STORAGE BUILDING LOCATED ON LOTS 32-34, BLOCK 5, SPRING BROOK PARK ADAITION, THE SAME BEING 140 LIBBRTY STREET NaE „ FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 554320 (REQiTEST BY S& W REALTY, 140 LIBERTY STREET N,E, FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA,) (MACHINING, INC,) � NLX. Lynn S. Castner, attorney for S. & W. Realty, and Mr. Frank Schaul, a partner in Machi,ning, Inc. were present to present the request. Mr. Zeglen said he understood there was some problem with the location � of the building on the site which hadn't been resolved with the Board ' o� Appeals. , Mr. Castner said the plans had been changed so that no part of the addition was across the property line. Mx, Boardman said the City Coumcil would have to resolve the problem of the location of the building. All the Subcommittee could act upon was the addition itself and the improvement of the sit� regardless of where the building is located. Mr. $oardman said the Council could recommend that they request vacation of the alxey or purchase enough land so the old buil,di�g is a11 on their property. Mr, Castnex said they had discussed thi� as a long- �, � range solution to the pxoblem. �� The petitioner said th�y would be putting up a slotted cyclone fence tq match so�►e fencing on an adjoining property. The West side of the parking area and the South side of the property wi11 have a 5 foot planting stzip in wh�ch they have agreed to continue the plantings of the neighboz adjacent to this property line. �he curbiug a�ound the parking lot will come down aad tie i.nto the curb l�ne of the City so it will be there if the City curbs the street. Mr. Zeglen sai.d there should be 10 foot radius on all entrances. Mr. Schaul �aid this addltion will be used �or parts for a small machine shop. He said he employs SO-60 people on two shifts. Mr, Tonco said th� addition should be painted to match the existing buiJ�ding, Mr. Schaul 8aid the entir.e building will be repainted. 1 M�. Zeglen asked about secu�ity lightingo Mr. Schaul was to indicate wheXe he would add lighting. Mr. Schaul picked out five places for security l�ghts and this was maxked on �he plan, , Mr, �on�o asked about �he handling o� rubbish* Mr. Schau�. said he had dumpstex's that were emp�ied twic� a week, _ �Ir. $oardman said ta� wquld have to hav� a drainage plan and the elevations of the �ot. /"� . , . ' $uilding St�ndards-Design Cantrol Subcomm�ttee Meeting of December 7, 1972 � . Page b Mr. Schaul said that 5 fee� b�tween the property line and the blacktop he would use crushed rock. Mr. Schau� was asked to use some kind of posts ox bumper stops on the side of the bui�ding next to the parking lot ta keep the cars from hittiag ths building. Mr. Boardman said we wou�d like to see some low plantings and a tree in the front of the building. � MOT3QN by Tonco, seconded by $imoneau, to recommend to the City Council � s�te plan approval to coustruct an addition to an existing building, with ' the stipulation that an e�evation plan be given ta the City Staff. Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, the motion carried una�imously. 0 AAiQURNMENT at 1�:35 P.M. by Chairman Zeglen. R�spec�fully submitt�d, ,,. � � a��-x✓ �� � � , , � �; � po�cothy Eve �son, Secxetary , ' � t"', 4 �9 < ti� City of Fri�Iey � THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF DECENNiBER 12, 1972 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Minish at 7:35 P.M. N�ERS YRESENT: Minish, Harju, Sondheimer, Wahlberg kIENIBERS A,BSENT : Crowder OTHERS PRESENT; J. G. Thoele; Sales Manager for Lawrence Signs, Inc., Mike W. Salak; Retail Operations Manager for Lee Wards, Harvey Ka.lisch; Store Manager for Lee Wards �'• Harju noted a correction on the Nw ember 14, 1972 minute.s; the motio*� ta approve the variance for item ��2 was seconded h�� Mr. S:�ndhei.mer and not himself. MOTION by Harju to approve the minutes of the November 14, 1972 meeting as amended. Seconded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motian carried unanimously. MOTION by Wahlberg to approve the minutes of the November 28, 1972 meeting as written. Seconded by Harju. Upon a vvice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. /'� 1. A R�QUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 56.05, 3C, FRIDLEY SIGN ORDINANCE, TO ` I�iCRF.t�S� THE SIZE OF AN ALREADY NON-CONFORMING .AREA IAENTIFICATION SIGN FROM 22S SQUA.RE FEET (100 SQUARE FEET MAXIMUM) TO 279 SQUARE FEET TO ALLOW THE ADDITION OF A 6 FOOT BY 9 FOOT PANEL ONTO THE SKYWOOD MALL AR PYLON LOCATED ON PART OF LOT 4, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION ��153, T 5225 CENTRAL AVENUE N,E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY LEE �ENTRAL AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA.) E BEING S, 5225 ION Mr. Mike Salak was present to present th� request. He stated �he facts that the shopping center is set back so far from Highway �k65 and Howard Johnson's Restaurant al_ong with Ztain City Federal obstructing the view of motori5ts txaveling both north and southbound on Highway ��65 as primary reasons they are requesting the variance. He also said the sign would be built professionally and would improve the appearance pf the existing pylon. Mr. Minish asked how many tenants ax�e presently ocFupying the sh4pping center. Mr. Salak said approximately 25 of which most of them are serv�ce oriented. Mr. Minish requested clarificatiQn of the non-conforming 225 square footage. Mr. Moravetz said thi,s wa,s th� total squ�re foatage of �he ax�ea• identification si�n as it now stands, - Mrs. Wahlbexg asked about the number of signs that have been plaGed on the pylon and also inquired abaut the liquor store si$n. ^ Mr. Moravetz stat�d the liquox� store sign wi�.l be removed in the near future and that Krogers and �iggly Wiggly had si�ns up at ran,e t�me but he�was not awax� of �he tot,al numbe�c Ghat have been put up and �aken dawn. ��� The Minutes of the Board of L�ppeals Meet��s� af Dec��bex i�9 1972 _ __Page 2 Mr. Minish asked Mr. Salak about the natuxe of the products. Mr. Salak said � they have been in business 25 years and that 95% of their ceaterial is used to make things with. He also stated that this was going to become only the second Lee Ward's s�oXe in Minneapolis and that most people are not aware of their busi.ness. He sited this as another reason fur their request. Mr. Minish stated the propasal does not conform to the Ordinance. However he did understand the prob�em Lee Ward's does have with the long setback, Mr. Minish asked when they are expected to occupy the building and Mr. Salak replied the 9th of January, 1973, Mrs. Wahlberg asked if the proposed wall sign on the building conformed tc the Ordinances. Mr. Moravetz stated they were below the 15%, of the wall axea and are in conformity with the Ordinances. Mx. Harju stated ihe warrling on tt:e sagn. did not conform to the existing Glen`s Floral sign. He felt that the sign was too wordy and that he would recommend merely an identification sign. Mr. Sondheimer asked about thickness of sign. Mr. Thoele answera� 8 inches. MOTION by Mxs. Wahlberg to close the pubJ.ic hearing. /� Seconded by Harju. Upon a voicc� vote, fihere being no nays, the motion carried � unanimausly. , MOTION by Harju to recomanend approval to the City Council of the variance with the stipulation that they limit the sign wording to "1ee Ward's" only and not to exceed 27 square feet on the �.wo sided alternate sign. Also the sign is to conform to the existing signs on the pylon. Mr. Salak agreed w ith the motion. SeconSed by Sondhei�aer: i��o� a vai�e vote, Wa�lberg vating`na�, the motion carried, Mrs. Wahlberg opposed as slie is against any signs of this nature. , f ADJOZJRNNIE�T� : � / Th� meeti.�g was ad,���d at 8:25 P,M. by Chairman Minish, '� Respectfully subtai,t�ed, � -� c r'l. ' ' �fi : ?� L� ; -- �. CL E MORAV�TZ AG�in� SeGre�ary �"'� �� '; � ' , � . � `. . . . � `` NOTICE OF A CONTINUAL i�AIZING . . SP �'�72-18 ZOA �72-11 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Planning Co�anission.on December 6, 1972 opened a Public Hearing for the purpose of considering a request by Union Oil Company to rezone and acquire a Special Use Permit to reconstruct their service station and add a convenience store td their present site located in the Southeast quadrant of the intersection of Central Avenue and Highway �65. , � Since part of the proposal involves relocating Hillwind Road, (High- way #b5 East Service Road), as shown on the inclosed drawing, the Planning � Co�nission continued the rezoning and Special Use Permit hearing to December 20, 1972 and directed that the property awners in the general area be notified of the proposed road plan. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above are invited to attend the meeting of December 20, 1972 at 8:00 P.M. OLIVER R. ERICKSON CHAIRMAN PLANNING CO1�Il�ffS S ION � �. : - ti3 _ ,� . : � _ � � - ,,, - n W � _ - O ' o _ � � �� � _ ��� � � O *1 N �n� _ _ � O�� � Q : � t�'�'!� N � _ uj � > �-- � CJ � , J, � . _ . � � ts! _ � r . � Z � � ..._ . ... ..R .. . . .... . . . . . . � �. . � .. . ��# . . .. . .� � . � . � � � .. . . . . . . � . � . . � _ . . . . . . , � . . . . .. .. �. . � •. . . ! . � . . � � • �� � � - . � � . . . �. . . � . . . ~� � � j . �� � ; ` �': ; .. ._ . . -.. - � .. .. .. . . t� 3 . . . . . . � , �. . . .. 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' - . � , - . - - - J � s . - _ . � .`. _ �a, . - r � r� 0 /� , � � � � r ,� � CiTY QF FRIOLEY MINNESOTA i'LAMNING AND ZONINC FORM 1lW�1�Ri'�?�4 �•�E7�-11 +�FPL��,AI+1'�' S $�GNATURE i< ��. ,,,� j�-z�_ <�-.J , ��;¢�� 4940 Viking Drive, Minneapolis, Mn. 55435 TR�eFhPt►�t Nt�►ber 920-5050 ZRQ�'�"1`Y OWNER' S &ICNATURE MARDEVCO Union Oil Company Add�4s� 4940 Vikin� Drive � Minnea olis, Minn. 55435 . .. �,. �........,.. _. _ T�1tphQq� Number 920-5050 �� tYYE OF �QUEST �R�tt�l�oning SpRcial U+P� F,r���i V1�;�apce _r„�.ApF�ov�t1 P$ ��� lia�inarp PX1�� �Approval Q� i�•�4� F14C _....,,...,�$treet� o� ��^';':�.,o.,�. V�cati� � tfier $��lt8� j.4S#tion o# Prop�rty 5695 H�ckmanhAve. N. E. . ���.r �.....� ue a inrm.o osw t�p$�� QpaC=iption of.Property SEE ATTACHED p�aapat Zoning.Claesification C-1-S , � ��e��1�in� Use of the Property Service Station -�-�---..-.�... ' g�rqpoqed Zoning Claasification, Special Use, Variance or other requ+eet ��1c;�,be bsiefly the Zjrpe of Use and the Improven►ent Proposed Service Station Parcel l, Convien�e Store Parcel 2 .R. ��'R�$e Of Ptoperty Parcel 1-3/4 acre Parcel 2- 3/4 acre d�� �he ��seat Appllcant Pzevioualy Sought to Re:ons, Plat, Obtain a�,ot Sp�it, t�btain a Vur�a�ce or Spacial Uae Permit on tbe Sub�ect Site or �arc o# �t2�� Whaot -- CD i�haR Mas Aequrpted -- Fee Encloaed $ -� _ ���c"T _ � (a 3 �f� 7/ pat� F��,ed -- Dmte of Heartng - _., ..� .. .� ye . _ . . �� � . _ 1 ; t �% ��\ "v' l� d a s� . � / ; �: ,,, . Union Oil Co. s ZOA �72-11 � ;,•� � . / . , � SP #72-18 ,l : ' �'� y`����'� , �"�. � � ,'��'`� �;'' � � _ __ � , o� J I o�0. %,, f� . � . OZ. � � j �;�+4 /y, -. . e o : � � � . 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ZOA ��72-11 � _ �% � SP 4�72-18 .. �' �. ,- �f �r . +, ; . - � � ! ►.�..�._ y To continue service station �(G " i and have a convenience store. �,'�' :y �� - � ` � ' ? , il��� � _ �' v '� ' sc�� �� :�•_�,.$ t. � rs � r i 4 _ „: „ " E _, , .' � �h � H �. . i J � �� � -_� C • �� . V . .. 4✓ . ' A �� � �aP� _ V s - .�`��4�� ''• � �� ` r / Q. ;, .���r., - ., .. � . ,� / S � � . - ,. ,. ., �F : a c: .s �,• 1 / HATKa.vaY ah � - ;�e�:•, : � ` i , j 4 a� E ' .. : " ,„. , .� � < ;4 Q" ; , , �. �" �. , •- - � i.ivE '� Y , � � " �' : r ' � :3 � 7�t�1 � AG'all'�� � ;;,.., ,�„ ;,; /'i ` - ' f" - v ,� i,�.iiii.< � i. ««. �,...�.. .,� f'�� , � ;: ; 3 FN�T�PAf�C i �5�. ,,.� �� �,� � �� � � „ , � � :1,,, ,S '-� �L M�,,> - . � . � o � � ' , .� `^� . . •_,y _ � . .�:,) �� 1 � "'" t - �. P "'7T/,r! � � � . c. � � . . . . I � i // � � , ` }O� � ~j �- c ��O��O•S� u . i- i/ iV i ' '� � � �.1�/ ' � :s+ `_ J_� � £�, ,'tn`��. ��� �i �� �s � ic� ` �� s ' � �� � S�B �. �E �O,p ' ' i z : _ � 5 R �� --�-�-.' ` ;,�,� '� p 4 i e ���"' � � t'1((; N-� ����r // Y /O � 1(.r`.�;5 Vr C H1 �J�� ,t� , � ,. �T - 53� � � � Y = � � �� . - , , � CITY OF FRIDLEY ?X� 0'F R�QUEST HINNESOTA � ��R1t;oning iLANN�NG AND ZONINC FORM . _ ' X Spetcial UP4 Pe��� SP �72-18 1[WI��; v�tisnce � AP�.��'s �xcr�A� uN�or� ozL carz�� ___-__--ppp=ova� P� �4� �'-� _ �,� � �=��' lla�inarp �'��4t A��;*ti 4940 Vikin� Drive, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435 'PR��ephOn�e Nqmher 920-5050 . 1�QP�!!TY dWNER' S SICNATLiRE MARDEVCO : Union Oil Company �dd�4s• 4940 Vikin� Drive, Minneapolis, Minnesota -- - - T�lspho4� Number 920-5050 ���el�fi� j,oSation of Yrop�rty 5695 Hackman»Ave. N. E. ^ �L:$�11 Oe+OCSiption of . Property See Attached _ ___ � � w Approval Q� ��.�1� Plat ���$trecto or �M'M'=-�..,. . Y�Cat1�A Otfi�er _____.._._.. p�as�nt Zoning Claeeffication C-1-S � � . $�t�,�Giag vte of the Property Service Station , ------,�.-•..�,. Rx9Ao�ed Zoning Cleaeificatioa, Special Uae, Variance os other request C-2 Parcel 1 C-2 Parcel 2 �R�c;�,b� briefly the Tj�pe of Use and the Improvemen[ Propased Service Station Parcel 1 Convenience Store Parcel 2 �j�� B, ,�� ` �A+C�RS$e of Property Parcel 1- 3/4 Acre Parcel 2- 3/4 Acres ��� �he pr�ae�at Applicant Pzevioualy Sougbt to Reso�e� Plat� Obrain a�,ot Sp11t, Obt�l�a a V�rienee or Spacial U�e Permit on the Subject Site or Past of Itt�� -- iihenT -- r� • ilht� 4rsa Requeeted -- . Fee Enclooed $r�O"� ��� a�� 3 �f�. pat• �'ll��+d -- Date oi Hesring �.�.._�� . � � � 0 � � 0 CQ�F. +� +� , OPP�CxAL NO'�IG� C��'X QF F�AI,EX ' COI�IT�I�JED PUBLIC �EA�tING BEFQR� ��lE PL�iNi's G�&S�Q�I , TQ � I� MA�i Ct�CBR�t �atice� ia t�eret��► given tha� �i�e�cs �iii be a�'ubli� ii�ariag c►fi ther �'�aaaiug Gownisai,� of C�a Cit� oi Fridl�� ia �t►e ��.ty a�l� ak b43i, TTa�veacaity eveaus NQx�hea�� on Wsdn�e�day� D�ce�►b��c ' �#'�, x�7� in� t.�s Cow�ci�, �hamb�e� ,¢t 8: Q0 P.M. �o� �he purgc�ae oi � �1 �es�t ��r s 83+ecia� �tse Permit � 81' #�7�-�'�, by �+tnic �b�alc�.it t�r �nt�.tw� the �x#�r��.n� u�� +�� � Vu�d �a� Lv� aad coad�s* u► '�nuide R�apair �3a�a;� Shoy �o ba �osaeed am �Qt.� b �:��cu �Q, �ko�ek �t� aad i.pt �.4, Block �1, R�d� F��k Add�tioa �er City Cada 4S t141, 3�, �� G, �QCa��ed �n � tbe #vrth Iial.� a! �ect;to� 23, T-3Qs R-��i� C#t� � o� Fs'idl+��� �ouat�► ,a� AaQka, M�ll�e�s�ta, �a�x��3� ��c�t�d a� ��+r� �vae���� �veu� �e1�. r F�cidley. I A�yoaa dat3sing �o ba ���xd wi�k� r�t�ar�uc� �;� �l�� �bs�v�a �C#+e� �et� b� haaxd a� thi� t�m+e. � � � �� :t� �� �.�. �;�� s; � e +�e , �_ � �;- �1�#��at1i Ti+���abti` �.�, I97� � T�ea��r ��►r �97� � c �� _ _ _ . �7 l � . . Mailiag List for SP �72-19, Frank M. Gabrelcik Date Mailed for Planning Commission: November Z1 1972 Corrected P,H. Notice for Continuation: 12 7 72 Ms. Ethelyn M. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Eugeae P. Bennet 58Q7 2� St. . 792 Mississippi St. Fridley _ Fridley � Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Nye Richard Mierer ' • . dl91 j� �� 339 57th Place ��-Minr SS �,3 6 y Fridley !?�-� 7� Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Dobie floliday Station 5813 2'� St. N.E. 5807' University Ave. • Fridley, Minn. 55432 Fridley Mr. � Mrs. George H. Pfieffer McDonald's of Fridley 5817 2'�g St. N.E. 5831 Universitp Ave. Fridley : Fridley : Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Torgeson Frank Gabrelcik 278 58th Ave. 5740 University Ave. Fridlep, Minn. Fridley ' � � Mr. � Mrs. Raymond Hegna Da1e Bakke , 5770 3rd St. 5805 3rd St. Frid2ey Fridley Joseph P. Zizak Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Young 579� 2� St. 5847 3rd St. Fridley Fridleq Car1 E. Sarenson WiZliam A. �awislak 4615 IIniversity Ave. N.E. 2630 Grand St. N.E. Mpls. 55421 ' Mpls. 55418 - Ms. Angeline T. Burak Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bodin 261 57th Place N.E. 5824 3rd St. Fridley, Minn. 55432 Fridley 6c� Lyndale Terminal Mr. � Mrs. Ma.rtin Dykhoff ��3ca� 4567 W. 78th 5810 3rd St. &��x Mpls. 55424 Fridlep Mr. & Mrs. Max Hapka Mr. � Mrs. Max Barker 281 57th Place 5800 3rd St. Fridley Fridley r-, Mr. & Mrs. Ranko Schurr Mr. fi Mrs. Jene Christensen 5755 University, Ave. 5801 2� St. Fridley Fridley . Andrew G. Kohlan, Attorney 72b Midland Bank Bldg. Mpls. 55401 . ... 7 . . . . . . �. � . . . � � � � � � . �� �.. � � , �k . • e+ • .. � . .. .. � . . . . .. . � � . . . � . .. . .e. . . .f.. .. � � . . . . . . . . � .. . . . . . . . . . . ^ Ci1'Y OF FRIDLEY TYPE OF R$QUEST - HINNESQTA ' � �,_R�t�oning PLAt�iNING AND ZONINC FORM � Spocial U�►� ps���r .. �rw�� '� �' ' � �� /� , vwst�t►ae � �� � +A�,F� ��� 8 $I6NA - �'�f-' � � Li� � ��"`% Appzoval p� ��' �O�n� sya3 -3� , `31 . � , -�—_1�.tQinarp �'�#�C ��t¢i4 -`� �' ��� WJoYt`� • 1 �-.. I � _.__-__...,._APProval �o� ��•�1� ' � ��phOne N�mber - � -= :3 yC� Fl�t C �QP��'�'� OWNER'S SICNATURE ' ��� 2 '1���•�.•—Streeta oF �!�^�";-�..,. �/' 1� � V�cst ian�� Addr�s! � 3% . � " ° `Z C' ��n,1 � `�v�;�n : Oth�r .. _ � TR�ePhoqti Number 7 ED � 3 � � . . . _ , 4 ,� , ��ia�� �.oCation of Prop�rty 5 ��LS � 1i� �c�. � , � � �✓i.,e�� GT � ��.C�,���. � , ... ...�...__ � ,�, ����. �� +�A$A� QeaCript ion of Property � c� +�' '�, �' cf' f Q- li�z�irr,�;� ��, � cl�i •�rz��^ ��. /'\ � . � .� I�J��� � �ni�..f�w�w+! i e i! S r � � �� " �� -c.� a / - � � /°�.�,�e ,,� ��,�� � � +'�G �.,� �°�.. � �+�....,...... �. �. _.., � , . . �'-�r —.—�...—r- w.,—:-n—+t-a p��s�nt Zoning Claseification �- � - i,�.�c�� �ta+ccsct�f � �... .�,�,,.. � � �a �` � /J . $7iC�+�Gi�� Use of the Property_ _ � �- C.�+ � ( "���.!�� G�!„� �t:c�.9� . _ , r� P�opoped Zoning Claasification, Special Use, Variance os otl�er req�est �� �,5; o � �' � _ ZC,�.c�?' �. � � %.., ' "- �'�r�'e �-�� � � a�� 3 �3 _ �� � C-� -: �O�c;�b� bsiefly�the Tjrp � of Use and the Improveme�t Proposed �.z� -; � G��-� �+�.� C�� �� ����. �'� � ��;� ���G ) � � ..� ,�es�tt�e of Propertp��'�L'�` F �, 3'� C!"�> .�� � L���./ ,f �'�'� , ii#� tha �tseat App2icant Pzevioualy Sought to Rasone� Pl�rt. Obtain a 1,,at Sp�it, Q�tti.a a Ver�ance ar Spacial Use Permit on the Subject Site or Past of �tZ� Whent r--1 • ith+tt w�a Requested Fea Enclo�ed §;� E:� r� 0 % � � � � tr �•_ �C� P�led ���t.�;�-�.�-tx-�-�t ,.`�` l� ,�- Date of Hearin� ---..�:. �.. -. � / �j � � %�� C ��% ` ��z ° ������1�`'�tkc�/��'��� ' ' � } L��: C Y;c,�,�'r'-ti'�� !/ �'.�.� ��� (_���-:�=,.��" .� �� c�`�- "�'t , -�L �.-- � � � J/,1�� � � � � � � . . . . . y: / j/1 / yj� _ � � . . . . . � . . . .-L�.�1 � 1 .4". / � . . . �. _ _'. ... _ �¢� :i � /� Y /S ; = -o• .o. :� o „ �, O � 0 b ; i64 .�.:,�-� F � 9 � a .__� ��� � ? '. -- 4 _.._ � 6 _ = ' a � . .. . I .. I _ i - Z .3 �%�5'G � 7 6 ' 't� � I ao • ( . _ '/ :2 2; 4!5 � i�"� E�, a�l � j � ' � E!.! .e: . � - . � G. /p` l �`.. _��� •- � . � ° � i �- --- --- -- _ _ _ . = /7 : y i%__ � � .'!' ' ' , � /Y � ; � , /l i � � . Gt�_ � !6 /5� i iE�, � %; ° * ;6 0 . /3 r�� '' � ��v,.� ' •-�' '' 29 2B_— :27 � 26 Z5 24 23 Z�_/��: 2/ G� � — �, _ C{� ; /6:� ����� a ��� � ' � n9 o. 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' . � � i ` S O ' �if{ � . � _♦. -- r�r •. �_\ �. _.` � � i0 � ��yy...- y �� ' ,_� ..i. `�� 51' 1 � �: �8�-�-'-'�.�.�: � _ . �- _ - � � 1 ' I � Ca ' ` ' 1 � i - � ' � .- ` :� ( ; °ry ♦v _.._.._�.. � i i ; : ti �, . { • � � � j � � ,`�� �q � i0// �/?_, / 'I>? ? ..�! �;G��v.:� lOi �,�:/ 't' �r4 f�A9 _ 4 /3 . 4 •/ � 2 ¢ � _ , � /! - , . � ,� c. : ; � ( � I 't' ` , � � �. i �� .. ' � . �� j � � -` . . t ��""' '` l' J ti �.� S , . ' J—. 1. : t � . . � ( (,' � � � a�.:�l.._ _ jj �' , y;, •� #..:.- -----� . � : ; �. � . . . • . . . . �� .�.' � . . - • • � . ,' . : . OFFICIAL NOTICE . - � . , • � � � . . CIT'Y OF FRIDLEY . .. , . �. : •- • : : ; PQBLIC HEARING . ,, + : � . . . ` .. - BEFORE THE ` . . . . - . - ' . YI.AII�NINC COIyL*IISSION T0 T�iOM IT MAY CONCERN: . - � Notice is herebp givea that the Planaing Commission of the City of Fridley wilL meet in the Couacil Chamber of the Citp $all at 8:00 P.M. on Wedaesday, December 20, 1972 to consider the foZlowing matter: . Consideration of a rezoning request, (20A �72-13), �. • by the City of Fridley to rezone that part of . Outlot H, Innsbruck North, Aaoica County, Minnesota t the Southwest /1 \ . f""� ; •described as fcllows. Commencing a �� 'corner o€ said Outlot H; thence S 78°31'00" E, .� -�aloag the southezly Zine or said�outlot, said bearing � is assumed, 392_60 feet; thence S 84°13'38" E, Coatinuing aloug said southerly line, I00.50 feet; � theace S 78°31`00" E, contining along said�south- e=lp-line, 40 feet to the actual point of begianing; theuce northeriy, at a r:bht angle to said south- - e=Iy line, 30 €eet; thence easterly, at a right . aagle, 10 feet; thence soutnerly, at a right anole, 30 feet to tne southerly line of said outlot; thence �testerly, alon� said southerly lir.e, to the actual goint of begin�ing , fro�► R-3a, (AaartL ent and Mul �iple Dwellino Distric�s) to C-2S (General Sho�pir.g Areas) Iying in the South Half oi Section 24. Generally located on the North side of Interstate 694, 800 feet Gtest of the East city limits. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this meeting. ' Publish: December 13, I972 December 20, 1972 OLIVER R. ERICKSQ:: CHAIP..'�L�.'3 PLA.h'hI:�G CO:LII.SSIC:; � ! _ �� . f. . - _ . �"� _ , • ' ` � CITY OF FRIOLEY ?YPE OF it£QUEST HINNESOTA ' . . . 2oA �Z.��_tt�r�oning . �NNING AND ZONINC FO[tM S.PRZ•�.o. �Specfal U�e Pe�p#�� XV��; ZOA ��72-13 � _,_ V�siBpce ITY OF R LEY - 7C ABPL�CANT� s $IGNA �AFp=ov4tl P� �'�* A+d�it�• I1a�inerY I'1�C ' 1'RZsphone Nt�mber . lPl+tt�val Q� i�.�ts� 1� �Q�F+�ln OWNFiR�$ .SIC'iAIA11TR �� A�.i �-V�CaL�Otls� �!.'.�,::;�.y,,�. Addse�• , . Othcr . . ...`. . _ T+91eDhoq� Number . i�L�QBC j�o�atfon of Prop�rty ISCt� -Q.c.� cn� �}�.^�� ���i`� . . 1� M� �r� �i� ^. .�P$1�i GeBC=iption of_Property 11�st r-�'�''}�..��„�.�..,._`�c" . . . . . . ! ■ � Illr� • ■ 0 ■ I� �J . . ` .. . . � . . . . � . . � � . . � . . . . . . . ����1�� P�Iw�� � . � �� ., . . . . . , . . . �.�l���7 . � . . � . � - � . . . . . . . .. � � . . . . . . p�ea�at Zoaing Claeeification R_3� � n: .. . . � � � � . . � . . . . �x���i�g Uee of the Prop+erty � , PxOpo�ed Zoning Cleasification, Specfal Use, Varianct or other reques C-�5 � 9 ` Cz � �i n'; ti �- s�c . '' �o�esi�be bsie�iy the Type of Use and the ;aprove�nt propflsed ,,. �seage ot Prapercy ��{ ,� 'G�-Z. • —� g#� the preieot Applicant Pteviously Sought to Rezone� Plat. Ob�ain a j,ot Split, , Obt�ia a Yerie�ce or Special Use Permit on the Sub j�ct Sice or Past of It?_,,,_,,,,� r"', kfien? � ithat t+a� Requs�ted . Pee Encleeed S N�Q Fe___e_,�,� p$Ct Filed pate of 1�earing_ T ��� . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. � . � . � � .. � . '. w . � . � � . � � . ' � �. . . . . . . � ... . � ��. Planning Commission 1214/72 -Il Mailiag List City Couacil �"`� ZOA-�72-I3 Rezone from R-3A to C-2S .. '� SP 72-20 Advertising Sign - ' Citq of Fridley _ James R. Durand 1553 Berne Road N.E. � ' Fridley Donald Zappa 1549 Berne Road N.E. r Fridley, Minnesota Fouzi Rehani 1545 Berne Road N.E. ' � , Fridley, Minnesota > , , �•. . Acres, Inc. 1214 lst Natioaal Bank Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn.esota 55402 . _ Richard Yorston 1533 Berne Road N.E. _ Fridley ^� George Pagnucco 1 1529 Berne Road N.E. FridleY� Minnesota Viewcoa, Inc. Attn: James London 5901 Brooklyn Blvd. Brooklyn Center, Minnesota 55428 �� ; . _ '�: + ,. . � , � � a p S B M .,: .,. . - y, n . , ,, .� . .. _� � � AU ITOR' � � � l'� i •l `S� � .•�� �� . N �� I .. � M[ �� f.�EL. i1 � � � • t 2.. � �STE wKE C�E a " � • _. `1 . i j a � � ar¢ ; . .�.,,_ ; •. � .. , .. .: . . .� �. : , tl . % ' d G IY � I 1 A � � �.: � . ... . . � . . . ! + ' ' � � Z� S,oN ZOA 4�72-13 ' , . , ' . � . • EA�O. �-. ' , CITY OF FRIDLEY : �, �..� " ;.� �' s�e' • `' _ � . CITY OF FRIDLEY : SP ��72-20 � �` ,1--r ` � r s ��i��JJ � • � �.�. r� � �.�.� � C Z� N. �,� ..�� ..�. _ .� ` JUTlOT ONf� 1y : �� . . . . . . ♦ ♦ �. ♦ � v ''` '� � ° Rezoning to permi.t installation of „' ,, n ` �. �� '� ��= �, , "Welcome to Fridley sign. � •I ,.« ,.,. . .' . . . �'".sT.R'ce'7y� p �_-. / f a� �. ��.�.S�S�c�y� T�i C�0 30�' 'MfSSIS3iIT� .� 1• uMir e • ` r u Y . � . . . � � � ��. • / \ , ; . - E 'i ' su� , �� � . . N '1 � �i � � a v ��3 J J . . � . .1 •: � r. �r r:�: _ NGlBB _ �r r Q r •� � � \� � . ' � - � � . - \ e � .. . St � .s .., ,. 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' „ , - �VER LAKE R�. � � ,,� � � y � ---r#E20NtN6 — � =y'+' , r��Rrs��C: e� ���L?� J.� j-; 120 RESIOENTIAI: (. � � � .� ._�p7t� 5 5 '-+ � 1 FROM R't � �" '� r� �I�-��-4-- � � �oTS . � a_3� N � �� .`�•� ``��_�� L: rt � � . . � . : '" . . . �" �'-�j � -}JC'"'r` i � �� 1 �� � . __ r; i e� .�j ` � �o8 S�E 1Q� ��� �. .�' i< ��� at�l1% � � � 3 N£,G", � CM ~ _ � ` •�•r0 v '} i � . .. . � .s"`�-� �� + � . � � �'.'YK � � - �— � � � : 1 \ •. \\\\V � f t�. ::\\\ rs'.utrar r i �=� ::. : � : t,, , � � .! �a�� '. � � � �, �\\\� �_ R"1� °+�! � ���� f � ` '� 5 P yi�t� �... ° t r i ������� �R8 ,: �,,xr_�` �� _ rf,:(; � ''Q".• ,� •. � —_ ._. _."�� �... _ �, �\\ �, � ' � ' 3=! f` T' � . � a _ sy-��"` t ; ������ � C< ? � s .__iJ� . . �_ ,� . .. _�.___'.. _ __"_� --. . . \\� ;����: ��, y '.i,�-^r..._�`,y„���Er r$ u >.... �W o � :. ;� / .' � � f _ __ ._,� � � �� \��.� ,M . A 5r. T � • � 't� J � o � ��V���V � �� g��: :$ � q�� „t rs � � _-i t �l •✓ , i,. � , . � . s _. `\�\\\. 1 S�� .......:a���,��j'«o� ,.e r!T� .• �f-"' ��'�i1.f,� .�'�. C1f /� �e�`J .+�,' +�'�I' ° '� s ,AtIQ'fTDR�$,, ���`rt�--�a � .T� �N,�f�},�+_.�r� , ��* � ���I �s /� � . �\ �� .:`'�'°��-='���: ���_'�-'.,�.��n -�� i � i `�'P� � '�--''"� 'c�N �• 9. � `�/���L�� �� . . �AA�A � .� �-"-1=1°z ��'m � � �-, ��`� � P� �, °�, � ' T�' �� ` � � � �\�.. • 1 � , � � �r � � � � .. �� -{"__t �.-- ( `��.;'.,� � � � 'a '.'�-� �.J � .o• � ���t!$, �z'�`',f� ' .t� � '�„� ?d7 v\����.. ���:� `� -2 �� � ��� / L�' � � ,L;�'•"'�:j��- •- , , " ,,, , � w� . � ',y� ��� °C.i • ..,s �q- i:�l ir sss // �R-c i .`:'�... . •R'�.. ...'"�"..., . _. ,/-a"j?�J'1l�.'. .�' !�}` ��-- ` L . . . . � � �. � i^''1 OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY 1 PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING CO1�Il�IISSION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley will meet in the Council Chamber of the City Hall at 8:00 P,M, on Wednesday, December 20, 1972 �o consider the following matter: A request for a Special Use Permit (SP ��72-20), as per Section 56.04, 2, Fridley City Code to permit the installation of an advertising sign in a C-2S District to be located on that part of Outlot H, Innsbruck North, Anoka County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest � corner of said Outlot H; thence S 78°31' 00'' E, along the southerly line of said outlot, said bearing is assumed, 392.60 feet; thence S 84°13'38" E, continuing along said southerly line, 100.50 feet; thence S 78°31'00" E, contining along said'south- erly line, 40 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence northerly, at a right angle to said south- ; erly line, 30 feet; thence easterly, at a right angle, 10 feet; thence southerly, at a right angle, 30 feet to the southerly line of said outlot; thence westerly, along said southerly line, to the actual point of beginning. (City of Fridley, 6431 University Avenue N.E,, Fridley, Minnesota) Generally located on the North side of Interstate 694, 800 feet West of the East citq limits. , Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this meeting. Publis�: December l3, 1972 December 20, 1972 OLIVER R. ERICKSON CHAIRMAN PLANNING CONIl�Z[SSiON �� s t � � � . �.. � � � � I -" Y _ �� � . �-' 1 . CI1'Y OF FRIDIEY TYFE 0'F R�QUEST _ HINNESOTA • � OA �t• 43_..._�...Rit�oning iANNING AND ZONINC pOitM �1{iq��;< SP �F`72-20 $,p�z•lO�,Special L1�� F����i ,�_______V�sie�ce �C ±APYL��C,�N�' 8 $�GHATU �� __„_wAp�'ov�� P� �a� ��i���• litainery �lq•C ,..�, , � �_.,..._._ � Tlt�tphoae Nt,�mber ��,...,. APProval o� F�.c�4� .. Pi�tC , �treeto o� ��_.�^^+ �( 1�'RQ��� aWt1ER'S SICNATITR �if�� ���V�catia�t# � � . �a�� ."'._"" Addx�s• Oth�er --�-------� -_._—__..._ . _ T+R1eFho�s N�m►ber . ' $f�ee� j.o��tioa of Property t�Ob vr� �:�, „�� lo�i� ���� ��$�41 �108Cription of . Property nosz r� ,,Q.�- _ __. .,. ,� �� : . � J. . . � . . . . . � . . R��ea��t �tonisg. Claesificatioa Q_3p , . &i���ti�$ Uie of the Property-- �7�A � ` � --�---�,•.�,_ PCOpo�ed Zoaing Claosificatioa, Special Use, Variance ot other requeat �-� „ � {� . (1 n .�, � , �P,ta;�,be bsiefly the Tjrpe of Use and the ImprovemeRt proposed Q. " � � ,A�se�Rge oi Property--�'�'.- - �� - � fi#� tbe �►S�aeat Applicant Previoualy Sought to Resone� Plst, Obtain a�,ot Sp�it� 4bte�a a VAriance or Spacial Use Permit on the Subjact Sice os �ast of Zt2 - • ----�..... _ _ idhea? �� • WhaC Was R�quel�ted _ Fne Encloaed 5 None Q�C� Filed _ Dase of Hearing_ s � �---r°-+�w� d G � s ' . � � _ �� : . , �, . ^� N 0 T I C E CITY OF FRIDLEY �: PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLA�TNING COluL�IISSZON ` PLATS � SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCO:i�ffTTEE � T�0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERNt - Notice is hereby given that there will l�e a Public Hearing of the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subco:�- mittee on DecPmhP,- 5� 197� at 7•30 P*�t and a Public Hearing of : the PlanninQ Cor�T.issior. on Dece�ber 24 I972 at 8•00 P M in the Council Chamber for the purpose of: n Vacation of an alley (SAV �72-07) by Northwestern Bell Telephone Company represented by R. h'. Dokken described as follows: - � -All that pazt of the North/South alley . in Block Il, Hyde Park Addition, Icing in the South Hslf of Sectien 23, T-30, R-24, City of F�idle��, County of Anoka, Minnesota. . Generally locate3 in the 590Q Block between 2� Street and 3rd Street Northeast. Anyone des�.ring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this ti�e. /1 �.. . OLIVER R. E.',ZCKSOid CIiAI i2:•1A:� PLA�ti�iItiG CC�L�:ISSIO_: . � . J� 0 . . � CIT1f OF FRIDLEY MINNESOTA - � TYPE �3F R�QUEST Ri►;oning _..__.�.... P'�.ANNING AND ZONINC FORM &p�cial U�� Fe��� ��1�t�, �..,Y, � � � -0.,,7 v�siapce ___,____ AA�L��A�' S$IGNATUttE Northwestern Be1I Tel . Co . �pP�ov�� p� j��, �,�;�,�� 224 South 5th Street, Mpls. 55402 l�taxnary ���� TA�iephoaa N�►ber 334-6664 . —�-F aCpve� o� ��,c�+�� � �:� ��' • i��`• F� r;_�-t�- • X Strects o� ""_'}-�., . F�tQP�;1R?Y (yWNER'S SICNATURENorthwestern Bell Tel. Co.°""'""""'"' �'��' � V�cat1� Add��s• 224 South 5th Street, Mpls. 55402 p���r _____._.__ TAlephe�s Nua►ber 334-6664 ' ���4R� j.oS�tion af Property 5900 bl.ock, 2� Street and 3rd Street NE n ��p$�41 DQ6CSiptian of Property Lots 7 through 13 and 18 throuQh 24 � ��� �• rf�ur� r � w�si�a �M S �' Block 11, Hyde Park Addition to Fridley '�� � . F��s�at Zo�ing Clasaification C-2 � , ,_ . F,x���ing Uee of the Property 3� lots with 2 houses, remainder vacant , —�---�. PxOpo�ed Zoning Claasificatioa, Special Use, Varia�ce or other reqvest Vacate alley in Block 11, Hyde Park Addition �q�cr�be btiefly the Type of Use aad the Improvement Proposed Construction of Telephone Central Office �rR�t�e of Property 1.75 A N#� the �tc�teat Applicant Previously Sought to Resone� plat. Obtain a�,at Sp�.it, Obtal�a a Variance or Special Use Permit on the Su6ject Site or past oi �tt No . • –�-� Whea? – ^' •�tha� Mae Reque�ted – pee Encloaed $ 20.00 ''� 63730 �st• P�i,ed Da�ce oi Hearing . � , .� � ... � . . . . . h � . � .t . . . . . �� /1 • . Mailing List for: SAV #72-07, N.W. Bell Tel. Co. Public Hearing before Council: Hearing before Plan. Comm. 12/1/72 N.W. Bell Tel. Co. 224 S. Sth St. � Mpls. 55402 R. W. Dokken Mr. & Mrs. Alan C. Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Schmidt 5955 N.E. 2� St. 7637 E. River Rd.• . Fridley Fridley State of Minnesota in Trust Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Grape c/o Anoka County Auditor 2211 Birmingham Anoka, Minn. 55303 St. Paul, Minn. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred P. Gabel . 5947 2� St. ' Fridley n . Mr. & Mrs. Robt. P. Williams 5945 N.E, 2� St. Fridley Robert J. Ecker 5940 N.E. 3rd St. • Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Myron Swenson 1320 44th Ave. � Fridley Alex Mosicjczuk 3149 21st Ave. So. Mpls . 55407 Mr. & Mrs. Lester A. Mayo 4950 N.E. Madison , Mpls. 55421 Larry D. Meinert 2728 Councy Road H-2 New Brighton 55432 ^ Paramount Builders, Inc. 3926 York Avenue South r�ls . ss410 � � n i . �i ; ��,� �� . . NO-RTH BR N STATES POWER CO M PANY 4501 66TH AVENUE NORTH � . BROOKLYN CENTER. MINNESOTA '.55429 SAV ��72-07: N.W. Bell Tel. Co. Vacate alley in Bl. 11, Hyde Pk. Add. November 3, 1972 Mr R W Dokken Northwestem Be(I Telephone Company 224 Sauth 5th Street Minneapol is, Minnesota 55442 Dear Mr pokken � (n reply to the inquiry by your Mr. Pau1 Anderson regarding the vacation of the alley in Block 11, Hyde Park Addition, City of Fridley, we do not object to this vacation providing the city grant us a perm�;�ent easement to the north and south of your properiy. This easement is-necessary so that we may con- tinue to serve our existing customers without relocating ovr present facilities. (f you have any questions regarding the above matter, please contaet Mr Jim McElwain at 561-1921. Also, when you are ready to beg3n construction, contact Mr Larry Benson, 561-7200. He will arrange for electric service to your new building. Sincerely �� � n � �, �i �t.��tz � lr-- . ���s.c.-� • Warren R Johnson Municipal Services Representative North Division W RJ/i d ,� , �=,.: � � . m , . : , - __ .__ . . _ _ _ . _. . _ . A .._.___._ _ _..,.__ _ ._ � � . __ . .._.. .. _....._. _----- _. _,___.—�_�._._..�_ �#� `� ' _ . � ' ��iC. �a �G�=". ,: , . . , . ; : : , - � a r _ . !_°.� ,tr�v �' .. w'� r�% iN /� i-,x,c. ���� 4 � ; PA r5S / Q.G 4�. �/!L T% �-if T� L;� %�l �ia` w. � SAV ��72-0X : N.W. Be11 Tel. Co. � �-c�—�e, �•.; ya • , . Vacate. a ey in . , _ Y � Add . ; , � . _ . �4",i�io��Z. . i-� -- . - - _ . . _ -- __.._: ,_ : . . ._ • _._ ._.- ---� = -- _-- _ _ .. . . . - . . , ,, � .. _ . . . z�i-� _ , . .,� • �o, _ � . ,, i3o-G - "-._ ♦.30�� _ , . . � . a,�,cc y . . . - - � , ...___._ — .. -------_ _. . _ _ . - _ � . ; . ,. _ .� � , . � . ; �� f' � . K - _ : {,� � ' . � - o v . _. o ko _ _ : ; _ . _ __ , : _ � � . . � __ �' _ �Po���ip Fci�►' /G o `. ��'.ss• � . _ __ .___ _ _�:_: __ _. ___ . . � � � — — __ :�i�vTV/2�;� ---__� _ � . �` � h � � • /r �2,C:,. � . FaR. � � �y � S P . a2 1i _ � a y,� Q.�� Td.T. �Eiv T.E2. A,�i G p `., . . :• �S So C-I�I\T1 A . Q4Al2 t.�R� � ' � _ � I _ � , ,. . . _ ._ �t.. _ . _ _. __ . _ . _ _ - ----- -- , c'� � � -- �� __ . �I ' : pr, � �`� `�0 �� . - : � _ Q a � �, � � F. 1 . . _ _ � . +� � `t , �i, _ • _ . _ 1� - _ ��il � . . �t , _ - . _ _ _ _. . . � � , � . - �,����.�.�- -� —_ — � —� ! � �- � o K V � VENT 2ooM :Naiw- �S � ;� , . t� . � �; : . EQ � � .a � � _ �` � f: � � . � �f . � - • 0 V !. � o� _ � I �� � o� ' 3 � 9 Pi' .� j _ _ � ' _ . _ . _. �,: �;:;isc�� r�- .: �:-+i� •.�rao�.-�-,--a�aq y � t C �: , .-a-�;�,- ;i fI "� 1 � � � o � �. SS •Eqv/ P., ' ! �` v �- oa ' '4� � � � T�2 G� - - . _ �I . ; �. �� : � � ._ e � : - . . i� � � � _ _ __ __ . -- - _ _ . __ _ , ( - _ ,\ � � _ _ _ .. - _ ,_ . _ �) . _ N 6� , � � . � _ • � -.-- _...__ _._ , - - _ . }� ; .'. ��.�� _. • _ _.. � .� . . i) . a� � .� o,.o« . � � � y 2 c,-,.,, . 0 ' _ _ .. o � � � �m -T- � �i�Ei� ' ' ' n J— .r " 1�0(iJfiG ..,' � _ � �` _ . _. , .. .. ._ _ _ ._.. .. . i _ - - �,����4. E.C�C /'.C.�iNT 1 i� C � _ �r . � \ :tifQ. 3w.. �a` _ , _.. � BoisQR. LwJy �rt� J i: �1 pl%�`� . \ � . . . � %LOO/`I. �OOh . . .. . � � � f.�. � ._. � � _ _ � J . . � . O V� J,� . � ��T/isG.`/.�D. .Q�COt..Y �,,,, �/,� GO. Q.toG.�4 • ' �( ; ._� �l��� � _ __ - - 3r --�� ,e-re��r, SeccFC.:�� � 3� -----' �, _ . . _ _ _._. _, . _ . _ • i ; .:_ . _'. , _. __ _ :- . _; , , � . , _ o ., . . _ __ _ _ . _ _ _ . :. - -- - _ --- . _ :_ , � � , - ` �� �� . . `t• . � � � . � � . � . . . .. . . . . . . � . . .. . . SAV ��72-07: N.W. Bell Tel. Co. ...__.�c�ate:.alley_in.BL__ll, H e_Pk..Add.-_... . _.. . yd .. . �- - • :r _... _ . __.. _..___.__.___ �vl.o.C� • ��? � ��s_..y� , . /D zcY A v� . �Il: .�. ��� r'.� ;�,. �:�.s.a..._ � _ _ . � �iG D 1'" "�j iy''��.:r'"� / . _ � ` s � ��f�. �.O _ � � � � �� ^>.:' .0 � / . _. t .,� , . . . p1. ♦ , i, � ,X �. ... , . � _ . I� � /30.� ' E _ /30_ G_ _ __ ... �N . sc aie: = �'o : .__._.. _ _. _ . � a — — -- --- �� `- - '� � � � I�¢'�o • 7 �. _ � - i ` • - � o � . - � . a )o . � I,` `� � �. �! � — — — - � --� t ' L--- — @ � t� • � r - � � � .�I � .� � _ ° I�� o : o . � �. � !� I� _ _ - - -�--�- � __ _ _ . _ _. __ _ _ .__ __ . � � � � o � �- � __. _ i�� �, � a a � , �, o � ,� � � _ . _' W �� �___.._--- � ---- -� ` ; � - 1 �°. K : ; � � � �p �j • _ . _----- �-; - - -- - --1 �- - - �.� -_ _. _ ^ � J � � ... �a: . g �1 � � \ _ . :_._ _ , _- ---. .. ._ . _.. . _ ._ _ ._ _ ____ ___ ._ _ _ _: , _ _ _ -- - � � . _ . � ' _. _ . , _ ;. . � . _ _ _ _ � ' , � . � � ; _ _:. ._ _ . _ Q � ., � _ _ _ .._ _ __.. ___ .__ _ . _ � _ � _ b , � � � : - . . D��,.F- S rerrt'�t_ � . _ � , o �'' ° � � U • �> ; .a r V _ � � �! f/ c .0 % � ,� , _._ .. ..� _ _ ���.�-- �-+-- r /.2li- _ • �: ,�' �t{ ' '�l' � _ . , _ _____ _ __ � : ' -__ _ -- _ / � . . _ , . .. _: : _ _ _ . _ �S . `I • . . ___---._ —__ _ ' _ _. _._ _ _._.:.__ . _ � i- � h � � _ ,d1: OL � �� 11 ._ _ _ _ � C �-. � --------- }'`i --- � � c'l• � � �,.' _ � � _-� � v : cl` � � � � _ _ ` _ ;_ - pe'��N #p� � :_ � o# � � _ - _ �`� � ,` � � ,,. - ' - .. . - - - � v / 3 0,. G: � �,. _ _ _ %30 4 ' Yc � . _ _. . _ _ Y... ._ _ _ _ _ _- _ _ .,.-- - — - - - . � _ _ _ _ -- _ _ � _ _ _ ; _. _. . __ . _ .__ , , ; _ _ . . _: .__ _ , _, : ,�5 � �v.�. �✓.�, , � _ . _. _ :. _. , .._ . - - - -- ... ____ . ._ . ._.. . .._ - - - --- . _ _ __ -- - --- - - _ _ ._. __ ___ _ _ _ : . ._ , . __ �� _ _ - - __. , _ _ . _ , , , 1 , , . , .. . _ ._ ._.._, . , - _. _� _ _, _ . , . � - , . . ., , . _ ._ � . ._ - - _ _ , ; _ _ � . , . 2i � z' � � I �a. � ,; � . � --/6 ----- � 1 i t �� - Z � ,�c - c'/ /O �� � � ,� zo ir —� Z �9 ----- �G �9 � 2 : /3 .B ;_; /B �� /�, - -- _ -: .� , _ --',S -, N.W. BELL TEL. C0. SAV ��72-07 � Request to vacate alley in Block ll, Ayde Park Add. f.or,c �-a2. ^. . /317oJ itf.oJ p e � � 2� 2 � 2t� � z� g 26 5 Z5 E G y � _' 'I � �3 � i 22 9 . �• W U� 2/ /O . �: ZO /' Z � /9 /Z i /B I3 � �`� /¢ _ . � ` � � i6 �izq. ° � C �• ��I �� �,: � / .+.. --f ' ,� � 1 � � _9- _ _�_ B ? 4 6 -- _ w � O tf : • v 1 _.__ � ._ � ` � 9_.._ 2 -- � 28 _3 --. _ _ __._ 29 4 > 26 . 5. _ 25 -_ r "___ A.. . "_ ... _._. __... � r 7 _2.3� 2 Zi o ' c // ° /9 /L /9 /3 : �� � . _ � —_ a � �6 ` -- � � 59TH � ^ 0 � � C -� q � �� N ' 27 _:_ 24 . �r 2� ----+ �U i /9 /B �% c 7 H�� 58TH C � 0 � C ,`-, 9 B� a � 60 � � /B H -�7 � _ /�r _ _. Av�rruE �� _ � ` _5 ' N E 7 b O , �0 � /3 l¢ _/� ` Z! 20 ;' 9 ^.E� .6 _ ,.,.r i�.+�i+ ---/�t -- 2i � � t---- ,C� �i, 2� � �--�z�----- - ; , � i� ~ - - - � (1J . / .� � ;6: / _�_ �; a �7 � �� �� . �,i b �� � . ----� � � "" i ol*� .. - / -) � ^ � s/ ----y ..I _� : Z-« ---_�- --��- � 1`^ �-- ��� -?, y _t-- � ,r � �_ ; _ `� --- i --� . z -- �j .__ 1 � Q� � � �r � - . � !44� y,e_' ,� 3i9�9G � s �- - -- ��, �� --�- - , � l� o.; Y --�----1 a�: --- . .� ; N� � - .,' +'�n Or /� '� \� J�h � � � y �1 - ._'�' ' _a�^; 'b'foa p�`� .��., i.: c e0% o-� "-� ..o � C.. e� �C._ ? i+sc_,,. __ f� � ��-� —' � r. !41`; � .. �, � 5 ' � i e "' ' ' . 1 .�P'+ � -- ? Q-; � ; � -- ,� ---la ; . i Z��: Y . _"� .�_. � "�` + T� . ' ,� _. . �, �- -- - ---i '�= .. '„ __�� (� �� �', � - Y3"^' i ; � , --� `'__/r�l:. � � � i¢ c - -- --�-- � ' . ltlti' E ZB ` p � avE �uE -- -�-: E. a .._r_� h r��, 0 j'.y � � n ..:Gsti i`✓r4 .: .. .�zd!a � �iB .Y+ � . -� _ ° q ' � �, i /(' ��' _ � �.- a,, o 2 � � - � ., ;I ; ---- '' _ _ � �_ + r � �� , Z 8 -_�-- '� ---Z•�� � c4 . � %� y ;�r o �� --- j-- : �, z,,... _ � =_ � ' �- / _ - -i^ - -�-- ---+-----•-- ^�;S � . .r, _.S `O ? r� ��' �� `f. c 5 �, 'ra.. � _ �' _ . L Z 3'4 S'6 � B 9I ia�// �/Z� � ' I , , /3 /¢ . ; , ; . . _ .(.:�_i.. : .c. . . . �� �. i . � � . � . . �'�• � �:Aa I Q� .!i �i�' . � _�:i�.�{ '. �- � � - ,,- � ^ � Q�/ �� ,� i I C 6 • o•` �;zs c ts •, ;�.-r-- �i .. � ,f 213 �¢'S , , f� � j � I� ap ^ , . ,8;,`/ iG'%� /2 / ;/4+,�S.;s;;/,'� ?� � � � � s+. ', �� , � j, � . -�l'� � �70 ?5 f� I4� � �:�p In . , L:.__ , 5? T�1 � ' I ,. ; 1 B_L_ �'T 3/f � f1: 9 lo ; .. . , .. . . � ' . . . . , . �'f'.- , - r-. '. 4.'. . ._ Ti . :-- �J �r � . w QFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COIrIl�IISSION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Pu�lic Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, December-20, 1972 in the Council Chamber at 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of : _ � Consideration of a proposed Preliminary Plat, P.S. �72-08, Osborne Plaza, by Standard Oil Company represented by W. G. Housenga, being ,^ all that part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, lying Northerly of the center line . of Osborne Road and East of the center line of University Avenue subject to easement for Highway purposes over the West 75 feet and the Southeasterly 33 feet thereof. Subject to St. Paul Water Works easement as appears of record, All located in T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, Gounty of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located at 7609 University Avenue Northeast. ' Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this time. OLIVER R. ERICKSON CHAIRMAN PLANNING COI4II�ffSSION Publish: December 6, 1972 December 13, 1972 � . �� � . . '� CITY�OF FRIOLEY TYPS OF R$QUEST � �. ` MINNESOTA , �,�R4�oning iLAt�fHING AND ZONINC FORM !lgp�cial ti�� Fs�q}��i ���; pS d1- ?� ' O� - OSBORNE PLAZA v�tiapce __.__.__._ ` - �►F1'L� ' S $IGN�i;M�E : ,� .�/`� �,rAADs°�!t P� �a' . ��_�� W. G. nuse a lii�inery ��+�t ¢.. %�,�! rn���,�..�-�. � ��� �_�:_� �-� .��____ ______ _.__,,,.. �PProval o� i#.n�l� � Tlt��phon� Nt�ber��-,'`"�1�� r �5�.('- / �� � P14C ��......�,.. � ..._�.�......$tzeets o� �,�.�'>-*^,,. 1"RQ ''!tT'Y OWN�R' $ SICNATiTRE+__--J_�r„? t. . V�cations Addtes• .S�-9 �� -r r Other _____- . TA1ePho�4 Nemiber � ,� �>jJ : � ���� j,4��Lion of Property ��a i� G�Z� G-�`'u /'1' �, � � � �L�►$�bl t1��Criptiom af Property -�-�' � All that part of the NE� of Sec. 11, lying Northerly of the center line of Osborne Rd. and East of the center line of Univ. Ave. � subject to easement or ig way purposes over e es ee an e ou e e:y � 33 feet thereof. Subj. to St. Paul Water Works Ease. as same appears of record. p�as�at Zoning Claesification C-2 . y� � �#t�,4ting Uee of the Property �5�,-�--�.--. -���: •�z ���� �l /!I� ��t �s �1r�� �__�-;;; �.4 � . . -� �- � pxppo*ed Zoning Claeaification, Special 11se, Variance os other req�est �►qlles�,b� briefly che Type of Use and the Improvement Proposed . � �kre�$a of Property g�� �Qe �c�seat Applicant Previoualy Sought to Resone� Ylat. Obtain a�,at Sp�.it, Obta�,a a Var�ance or Spacial Use Permit on the Sub ject Site or Past of Itt,�,,,,�„� . Whe�i � r `��'� `. /'� • �aG �aae Reque�ted Fee Encloaed $ �,3� `�� y �aCw Y�led Date of liearing � ., * � �� Mailing List: P.S. �72-08, Osbome F�.aza Plan. Com. 12/4/72 Standard Oil Co. Council: William Adams t � -� :� ,. 400 Osborne Rd.' �315 76th Ave. + Fridley Eridlep � _ Warren Osborne � 330 Osborne Road �7565 Univ. Ave. ' Fridley Fridley Robert Blosky Eldon Schmedeke 3ps� 76th Ave. i 5400 Univ. Ave. j Fridley - Fridley " ! : P,.�,. �t�-���'`,�- � East Ranch Estates f--�'`__ Shel�. Oil Co. ✓ 7620 Univ. Ave. IO South Riverside Plaza Fridley Chicago, I11. Oliver R. Erickson Spr. Lake Pk. Village Offices - 6056 Woody Lane $427 Center Drive . Fridley Spring iake Park 55433 • Edward Fitzpatrick Standard Oil Co. - John P. YBungdale j 5273 Horizon Drive 4640 West 77th St. - Suite 32$ Fridley , Mpls. 55435 Fridley Assembly of God Church A. D. Strong Co. ✓ 472 Osborne Rd. 338 Midland Bldg. ' /'1. � Fridley Mpls. �Carl Gabriel William Swanson 401 76th Ave. r� 3I0 Osborne Rd. Fridley F=idley Vernon Godeen Carl Wahlstrom „-376 Osborne Rd. ✓347 76th Ave. Fridley Fridley ���n��Johnson 'Western Oil & Fuel Co. .✓ 340 Osborne Rd. : f7600 Univ. Ave. ' Fridley Fridley Ralph Lynn George Wilder � 7599 Univ. Ave. , j 361 76th Ave. ` Fridley Fridley Robert A. Minish Woodcrest Baptist Church � �/331 Pearson Way 333 76th Ave. N.E. Fridley '�Fridley Eze�Cia1 Moren� Geo. G. Zeglen, Jr. Fred Housenga o� 320 Osborne Rd. ✓ 841 Rice Creek Terrace 1405 Melrose Ave. Fridley Fridley St. Louis Pk. ;ss�y� � James Nalezny Lowell Ridgeway R. L. Ernst � 350 Osborne Rd. � Fridley �� • 1943 lSth Ave. N.W. New Brighton 55112 ��� b�aiLAGxs [raH�N4E 1'Sc.4�, ' p.s,� � �'(' � sNs',� 0 2 ' . . .. . . . . .. . � � . � � . . �. � . � ... . ��� i �� . . . .. ...+�17-"_ tandard Oil Co . ---„r--�' "" /� � COr��YER S ,�• f P:S. #72-08 - � � �� / .s� ,^•- � �_�:u.�� -.--..___ _ "r�r� -- ' .. — - izt"ss -�to ,r,. � � r w {1- _. % � � � -..- " p•t9 - ,'� 5 5L �� RO��J n dl•i9 ia9M . - .�� . r'SiSO% $ j , 1� � 71 � . � � . � . . . � . _ � :TC t3/1 �i'i� C �f' . . . - . - . . . . . _�_ �� t�'^� , .-< w �E,�1 , ,. t `� �, � . . . %e .. �RSL.. ti -- , � � � . � , . . � . . . . . � i . W . � . .,� y.�. . � . � �� ,i ":' �.��.� . . I ' . � � . . � r !P:^ � �:! ;� . +a �c�3 r .� ��, �` .,:; �, � s � j� /1 ; � ; � •ti F� cqZ'..+� ' o � � $ e n �-�� � * ; � � :':o•�•r� � ' . ;.f .�` � ,. e � M � � • s I g V f � it � � � � . . E .��fl�. ^ I i c -• V1 c3r,� $ �c�' � �.. 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