PL 01/12/1972 - 31111.�
JANUAR,Y 12, 1572
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Erickson.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Minish, Zeglen� Erickaon, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke,
Darrel Clark, Eagiaeering Assistant
�� Chait�man Erickson asked that the last paragraph on Page 9 be changed to read:
The present sewer aervice runs through the middle of the lot. If a basement were
dug, it would probablq be over the sewer".
MOTION by Sci�medeke, seaonded by Zeglen, that the Planriing Commission minutes
of December 8, I971 be approved as corrected. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye,
the motaton carried unanimously.
� MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the PZanning Commission receive the
minutPs of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee meeting of December 2Z,
�r 1971• U�n a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
1�TIpN by Zeglen, seconded b,y Minish, that the planning Commission receive the
aiinutes of the 8uilding Standards-Design Control Subco�ittee meeting of December 9,
1971. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unan.imousZy.
1�ATION by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the PZanning Comnutssion receive
the m.inutes of the Board of Appeals meet3ng of December 14, 1971. L"pon a vo3ce vote,
a21 voting aye, the mot�'on carr3ed anan�monsly.
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission
teaeive the minutes of the Parks � Recreataton Co�tssion meeting of November 22,
�Z971. Upon a voice vote, aZZ voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOT�'ON by Schmedeke, seconded by M3nish, that the Planning Commission receive
the minutes of the Plats 6 Svbdivisions-Streets & Utatlities Sabcommittee meet3ng of
�- December 8, 1971. Upoa a voice vote, aZ1 voting age, the motion carried unanimously.
Planning Coffinission Meeting - Januar,y 12, 1972 Page 2
''�. GARDENS, PLAT 2, BY SAM TEN�LIN: Being a replat of Lots 1 through 9, Block 10,
Fridley Park Addition.
2. CONTINUED VACATION REQUEST: SAM TEI�LIN, SAV �71-08: To vacate exiating alle�►
in Block 10, Fridley Park Addition.
l�ir. Templia wae preaent.
The Chairman said he recalled that the petitioa was coatiaued to discuss a
possible land trade.
Referring to the laad trade, Darrel Clark eaid the lots to the South of Mr.
Templin's plat (Lot 1, 89'x142', and Lot 2, 88'x142', Block 7, Edgewater Gardens)
were tax forfeit. Theae lots are being held by the County who planned to uae
them as a fill for excess dirt. The City would have to wait for Mr. 0'Bannon to
get a release of the lots from the County.
Mr. Templin said that the City had aeked him to make a distinctly clear state-
ment of what he would consider as a fair trade. Se felt he could not trade one
lot for one forfeit lot becauae of the price he paid for the property. He had
called the Village of New Brighton regarding building on lota which were platted
before tha present regulatioas and he was told theq consider any plat platted
a long time ago with small lots, that they allow constructioa on parcela that
contain 75� of the present minimum requiremente or 60 foot frantage. He would like
to know the policy of the Citq of I�ridley in this instance. Fridley Park Addition
was platted in 1886 with nine lots. If he could build on amaller lots such as
uaing three lots to make two lots, he could try► to see how it would come out.
Thes� lots would have a lot aad block deacription and not bq metes and bounds.
Chairman Ericksoa suggestad platting into six� rather than five, lots and
ewapping the North lot oa an evea basis could be conaidered. If Mr. Templin did
that, the Plaaning Co�ission would have to send the petition back to the Plats �
Subdivisioas-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee and the Parks and Recreation Commission
to make a determinatioa whether that North lot cut dowa 10 feet would be adequate
for park purposes.
Mr. Clark said that if the two tas forfeit lots were purchased, it would co$t
the City somewhere near $5,000 before giviag them to Mr. Templin. The assessments
oa each lot are approuimatelq $2,000 in apecials plus a possible charge of $500.00
per lot by the County for relinquisi�ing them.
Chairman Erickeon said that the City would be losing about 10 feet on the
�econd proposal.
Rob�rt Swetz� 10 Rice Creek Way: The first question was approximately how
much foatage would the lots be from the corner. The answer wae abaut the depth
of two lotB. Mr. Swetz said there was no playground for the children ia the area.
They have to go 20 blocka to get to a playgrouad. As a citizen, he felt the City
should acquire ae much land a� poseible before it ia built upon. Once the housea
are built, it ie too late. He felt the lot abutting Locke Lake should be purchased
and tbat part of Che lake caa be filled up tv the creek bed and make a larger park
^ area. 8e said there were tvo to four childrea in every house in the area, and
some type of park ehould be developed for the childr�n.
Planning Commi,as,ion Meeting - Januar 12, 1972 p��^
Mr. Schmedeke said that Mr. Templin has been very cooperative trying to come
^ up with a solution of some type. It would seem the Parlcs and Recreation would
have to be the co�ittee this problem should be sent to in order for them to see if
this is something they are interested in and give to the Plats & Subdivisions-
Streets & Utilities Subcommittee to study what kind of property would fit it.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said the land can be purchased as recommended by the Parks &
Aecreation and O.R,'d bq Council, and sometimes the Council just simply handles
this kiad of traneaction which does happen on occasion.
Mr. Templin said that this request could ba passed around for another year
aad he atill woulda't know which way to go. He felt the Citq should tell him
what way he should work. He did not like to sit with the property. Se did not
know whether or�aot the City had the money to purchase the lots or were interested
ia doing so, but he would like to start building right away.
Analyzing the financial end, Mr. Clark said it boils down to the fact that
Couucil would have to approve the transaction. For 10 feet, $5,000 is a pretty
expensive piece of ground. If the City does buy, we will then have to go along
wdth the 60 foot lota.
Chairman Erickson said that, generally apeakiag, the Citq has onlq allowed
6p fapt lots in areas that have other 60 foot lots. He preferred the original
proposal over the second one because the lota in this area all exceed 60 feet.
Mr. MiniBh said that the Plats & Subdivieions-Streets & Utilities Subcomanittee
� recoaoaended approval of the five lots and felt that 60 foot lota would not be
approved. The suggestion made by Darrel Clark of approving the reque8t and red
''� tagging.Lot 1 would be workable and atill allow the Parks � Recreation Commiesion
an opportunity to reconsider this, give the City time to consider, and allow Mr.
Templin to proceed.
Mr. Swetz felt the City ahould try to acquire as much land as possible for
park� and at the same time not hold up Mr. Templin.
Mr. Fitzpatrick assured Mr. Swetz that the Parke & Recreation is interested
ia having a park in this area and would cooperate.
1►1�TION by Min�sh, seconded by Ftizpatrick, that the planning CoAnnission close
the Publia Aear3ng of the proposed Prel�minary Plat, P.S. #71-05, Edgewater
Gard�ns P1at 2 by Saut Templ3n being a replat of Lots 1 through 9, Block 10, Fridley
�ark AdditioA, Upon a vo3ce vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousZy.
Mr. Scl�medeke said tbat 1ie felt Darrel`s suggestion probably wae the beet. He
could not Rpeak for hi� SuFicommittee, juet for f�imself, and he felt 60 foot lota
would not be approved.
1�TION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpoatrick, that tl�e pls�ntny Commission
.��Cammend to Counetl approval of tbe propcs+�d prelimtnarg Plat, P.S. li71-p5,
Edgewater Garden,� Plat 2 bg Sam Templtn, beirtg a replat of Lots .I through 9, 91oak
10, Fridley park Adci�[tion w3t,�i the sugge�tiQn tc rad tag Lot Z for paak purposes
to be ira effect fo� 30 dags after tbs final pZat.�s approved and oonaiderat.�on be�
^ g�ven to trading Lots 1 and 2, elock 7, Edgewpt�,r Gardens for Lot 1, 81ock l, Edge-
watez� Gardens Plat 2. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the �otion carried
Plannin� Commission Meetintx Jaauarv 12, 1972 Pai�e 4
, �
,,� MOTION .by Fitzpatr3ck, seconded by Zegler#, t,�at th� plar�ni,ny Corrcniss�or�
reconm►end the vacat3on, SAV #71-08, by S�m T�empZin to vacate that part of thQ
existing a11ey in Block 10, Fridley park Ac�ditio� Zying South of the Easterle�
extension of the North Zine of Lot Z, B1o�c1F ZO of said Fridley Park ,Add3tion and
that the a11ey adjacent to Locke Park be ret,.�iated for ,p�rk use. Upon a voice
vote, a11 votinq aye, the motion carried ���ous1y�
The Westerly flalf of Lot 18, Bloc&. 1, Spring Valley pdditioa to beLrezoned�
from C-1S to C-2 (general busine�s areaa) for a small golf puttimg couzse.
Mr. aad Mrs. Lloqd Mu�phy were preeeat.
The layout of the golf puttiag cour�e, �howing parking along Central Avenue
and the golf couree to the East, was shown tc the Commissioa. The 1ot is 125 feet
North/South aad 150 feet deep.
Chairman Erickson stepped dowa from the ohair becauae of coaflict of interast
aad Vice Chairmaa Fitzpatrick took the chair.
Some of tbe past history was reviewed by Darrel Clark. He eaid that in 1969
Ms. Walquist asked for a lot spl�t oa Lot 18 to follow the same line� �equested
in the preeent rezoning request and was propoeing to put ia a Taetee �reeze.
Council approved the lot eplit contingent upon the d�dication of the Tasterly
34 feet of the lot for a po�sible street. This lot ia 300 feet deep amd ie adjacent
to a 16 foot alley. With the dedication of 34 feet, the right of way would be
50 feet. The land ia under the same owaership. The owaer has not dedicated the
34 feet at this date. The Citq shou],d get that 34 feet now or they nevar will.
This does aot concern Mrs. Murphy's request.
F�rdinand F. Holzheu, 13�4 Miseissippi Street: Mr. Holzheu aaid he was aext
door to this lot. Se asked where the parking would be and if a fence would be put
up between the propertq and how high the fence would be. He would object strenu,
ously if paper or bottles would be strewn on his property. In the paet he had
beea keepiag up Lot 18. sud he would lik� to see the property xemain clean. He
would appxove the golf putting course if a feace� at leaet 6 feet hi�h� were put
up and the area kept clean.
MOTION by Schmedelce, seconded by Zeglen, t1�at the p2anx�.{ng Commission close
�khe public hearing of the Rezontng Request, ZOA #71-10, by Mrs. L1ayd Murphy,
that the Westerly Na1f of Lot 18, Bloak 1, Spring Va11ey Addition be rezoned from
C-1S to C-2 for a mtniature golf putting course. Upon a voice vote, �11 voting
aye. the motion carried unani�usly.
Mr. Schmedeke called atteation to the area eaying it did aot have eaough square
footage. He wondered if thesre would be eome way the putting course could be put
ia uader a Use Permi� rath�r thau changing the zoning because the Easterly
half of the lot wa� R-1. He was afraid th�y would be creating something thep
might regret if they reaoned to C-2. He tbougtlt he would like the City Attoruey
tp check to see if a Special Uae Permit for the�;golf putting couree could be uaed
�,,, undes a C-1 zoning.
Planning Commission Meeting - Januari 12, 1972 Page 5
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission tabZe
� the Rezoning Request, ZOA #�1-10, by Alrs. Lloyd Murphy for the WesterZy Ha1f of
Lot 18, Block 1, 5priAg valley Addition to be rezoned from C-1S to C-Z (general
business areas) for a sma11 golf putting course and ask the City Attorney whether
or not a Special Use Perm:it could be granted under C-1S zoning for th3s reguest,
and that the answer be readg for the ateeting on January 26, 1972. Upon a voice
vote, a1Z voting aye, the motion carried uuanimoasly.
Chairmaa Erickeon resumed the chair.
STATION: Requeat for U-Saul rentals on Easterly 351 feet of Lot 12 and
Easterly 351 feet of the Southerly 20 feet of Lot 11, Auditor's Subdivision
�155 egcept that part taken for highway aad street purposes, per Code Section
45.101, 6, 3-E, zoaed C-2S.
STATION: Requeat for U-Haul rentals on Lots 1 aad 2, Block 1, C.D. Hu
Additioa per Code Section 45.101� B, 3-L, zoned C-2.
The above iteme were considered separately, but were representad by the appli-
cante, Donald J. Michae]�for SP �71-17 aad Roaald J. Plomdon for SP �71-18, the
attoraey f or iJ-Haul Gerald Rumm�el � Richard l�arra and Charles Beck of the U-Haul
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by 2�grlen, that the Planning Co�ani.ssion waive the
°` reading of the Public Aearing notice for a SpecisZ Use Permit, 5P #7I-Z7, Den's
Gu1f Service Station for U-Haul rentaZs. Upon a vo�ce�vote, a11 voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
The drawing submitted of the area showing where the trailers and trucks would
be parked was atudied. Mr. Rummel said they have one agency in Fridley and one
in Columbia Heighte. Contracts may be terminated anq time for noncoaformaace of
coatract. They require a drivere license and sigaed contract for the rental.
The iasurance is written into the coatract and is 50� on trailers and $3.00 on
trucke. Only the large trailers are equipped with brakes and some of the older
10 foot models have brak�e. Trucks are 1� toas. It is aot neceasary to have a
chauffeur's licease. Theq have no policy for checking iato a peraon's driving
background. When you haul qour own material, a chauffeur's licease ie not aeeded.
From a safetq view point, U-Haul has a much lower accident ratio than the national
average and by a big margin. We think it is ;�ainly becauae a peraon ie not
iamiliaz wiCh the vehicle and will be more cautious aad aleo he is hauling hie
own material.
Mr. ai�mel continued that in the area of the filling atation, the U-Haul site
ie about 1200 aquare feet which could support 3 trucks and 8 trailera. Their
policy is that a filling etation is given an inventory of trucke, and if trailers
are returned to a etatioa where they were not taken out, to keep the inventory
at the required levsl� the etation reports to the main office and the trailer or
trailere are hauled away within a daq or two. They have three field men who -
,� check St. Paul and part of the suburbe and call on dealers to help with prob�.emis
of inventory. They do not want accidents with equipmeat.
Pla�nnint� Commission Meeting - Januarv 12, 1972 Pat�e 6
Mr. Rummel said U-Haul feels the appearance of the dealer's station is most
� important. About 70% of the customers first become acquainted with U-Haul by
seeing them on the dealer's lot. It is of prime importance to keep the area
looking neat. The major repair shop is in Savage and the majority of the staff
is down there.
Chairman Erickson commented that the area for the trailers was smaller than
the plan the Co�isaion had seen before. Mr. Rummel said the area is 60 feet
loag and 20 feet deep and is along the North line. This area could be marked off
on blacktop pavement where the trailers were going to be parked. The equipment
would be parked double.
Mr. Clark said that policing the statioas gets to be a headache. The permit
should be given on a yearlq basis so that if there were anq complaints, the permit
could be terminated at the time of the renewal.
Mr. Rummel eaid, in reply to the questionin� of the requests for two Gulf
Stations, the U-Aaul people feel they are better off if they can have more locations
with smaller areas for the trailers and less equipment rather than fewer areae
and overloaded with equipment.
Mr. Ruffiel said the U-Haul may possibly ask for more stations to take the
trailers if the commuaity grows and the needs increase. ThQ ratio is one station
for everq 10,000 to 12,000 people.
MOTION by Fitapatrick, secorsded by Schmedeke, that the PZanning Commission
^ close the public hearing fox a Spec3al Use Permit, SP #71-17, Don's GuZf Service
Sta tion for U-Haul rentals on the Easterly 351 feet of Lot 12 and Easterly 351
`� feet of the Southerly 20 feet of Lot 11, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155 except
that part taken for highway and street purposes, per Code Section 45.101, 6, 3-E,
in a C-2S District. Upon a voice vote, a11 votinq aye, the �otion carried
Item 5, Reauest for Special Uae Permit bv Roa's Gulf Service Station was taken
up at this time.
MOTION by Fitapatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the PZanning Commission
w�ive the reading of the Pub13c Hearing Notice for a Special Use Permit, SP #71-18,
by Ron's Gulf Service Station for U-Haul rentals. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting
aye, the mot3on carried unanimously.
Mr. Clark explained that both of theae hearings are basically in two parte.
The firat part is for the continuous use as a filling atation.and the second is
the request for U-Haul rentals. There was some question whether or not we could
grant rentals on a statioa that was a no�conformin� use. Now we would be bringing
�the station under the Fridley Code as it reads today.
Mr. Rummel said this is a large station site and there is plenty of room for
the txailers. The trailers would be along the tracks and 10 to S feet from the
North line being Osborne Road. The car wash no longer exista, but the building
is there. The amall store is vacant. They could get a maximum of 4 trucks aad
8 to 10 trailers as the trailer area i� a little deeper than Don's Gulf. He said
� the number of agencies in the entire 1�iia City area is 150.
�lannip.g Commisaion Meeting - January 12, 1972 Page 7
MOTION bg Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the PZanning Comm3ssion close
/'\ the Public Hearing of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #71-18, by Ron's
Gulf Service Station for the rental of U-Xaul trailers on Lots 1 and 2, BZock 1,
C. D. Hutchinson Addition per Code Section 45.101, B, 3-E, in a C-2 District.
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Clark eaid there is a third statioa with U-Haul rentals on 73rd Avenue
and Central Avenue. The�.have made application for a Special Use Permit, but
the application was on his desk because of the pending lot split. He brought
thie up if, perhaps, the Commisaion members might be considering how many U-Haul
reatals ahould be in Fridleq. 'Thia maa is the pre�eat euistiAg dealer, and haa
been renting trailers for a aumber of years. The station was moved from 73rd
Avenue on Highway �i65 to 73rd Avenue and Central Avenue. The pwaer of the station
did not have a permit because it was legal when he applied for the U,Haul agency.
On this property there is a house owned by the same persoa owning the filling
station. The owner still wants to live ia the house after selling the station
aad has a lot split pending. It ia clearly covered in the new Ordiaance that a
Special Use Permit can be issued under C-2 and C-2S zoning. (Ordinance No. 483)
Mr. Schmedeke referred to the service atation at 43rd Avenue aad East River
Road where the Co�ission receatly deaied a request to sell pickup campers,
and wondered if theq would not be inconsiataat if this application were approved.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said one reaction to this request is that it is a service to
the public and this ie the kind of place where you would expect to get trailers.
The request Mr. Schmedeke referred to was a requeat that did not have to be
�^� esaentially with a gasoline atation.
� Chairman Erickson �aid that something the Commission would have to take into
consideration in all requests like this is the qualitq.of the Company and the
way they propose to do buainees.
Mr. Minish said the reguest is for two different locations. He did not know
how manq competitora U-flaul has. The competitor may consider �ridley a favorable
location also.
Mr. Schmedeke said that here is another companq coming into Fridleq and he
could not see any tax base. He did not see any advantage in thie requeat to the
Citq of Fridley.
Mr. Rummel aaid the City does get its share of State taxes aad U-Saul paye
a eubstantial tax to the State. Also, a sales tau is paid oa every rental.
Mr. Rummel said that one of ths prime concerns is serving the area and U-Haul
doe�a't fe,e1 they are doing it now. The peak rental season ie from the lst of
May to the lst of November. The trailers move four or five timea a week. In
winter they move only oae or two times a week.
1llOR70A1 by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the PZanning Co�ission table to
February 9, .I972 the �request for a Special Use, SP._/i71-17, Don's Gulf
Service Station and Special Use Permit, SP #71-18, Ron's Gulf Service Statio�n.
Upon a voice vote, all voting age, the motion carried unanimously.
Rlanuiag Commission Meeting - Januarv 12, 1972 � pa�e $
Chairmaa Exickson left the meeting.
� .
except the Easterly 165 feet thereof, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 23.
For proposed second building site.
Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalfe were present.
Darrel Clark explained the existing house is located on the proposed lot
abutting the river. The water and sewer service doee run through the middle o�
the secoad buildiag site. They would have to run the new sexvice up the drive-
way eaeement to the existing hquse on the river. Ths new h4uae wauld be on that
part of Lot 16 abutting Riverview Terracea
Mr. Metcalfe aaid the lot is 300 feet deep. The back doo� of the new house
would be near Riverview Terrace. It seemed like a waste to have a huge lot juet
�etting there. The lota to the North are aot developed� but bave been ep11t
legally in a si�ailar manner to hie requeat. He would have to havs an easement
to come into his property from Riverview Terrace.
The documenta for Riverview Terrace have aot been recorded at the County.
The contract purchaser had signed, but the fee owner did aat.
Mr. M�tcalfe said that the fee ownex has probably about $1,90A remaining oa
tha coatract for deed which he (Mr. Metcalfe) asawaed. Mr, Rlingeaschm�.dt. his
father-in-law, has the moet equity in the property and approves the requeeC,
�, Mr. Metcalfe coatinued that the triangular piece of ground Eaet �f Iti.vexvi.e�,�
Terrace was cut off the origiaal piece by the atreet. Nothing has been doae
abaut it, but at the time a aurvey ie made� they could 1nc7.ude i.t�with the
hQUae East af Riverview Terrace.
Mr. Clark ea�d that at one time Riverview Terrace was not in a�ad all bousee
had tc� ga out to East River Road. The 12 foo� eas�aent goes out �o �ast River
Raad. Tha former owaer of Mr. Metcalfe'e houae kept the ea�semeat &croae the
Mattsoa propertq loca�ed oa the East eide of Riverview Terrace.
Mr. 'Metcalfe said hie intention was that the existing garags� aCtac�ed to
the house oa the North side, be encloaed for a family room and he would bui7.8 a
aeparate d�tached garage on the South eide of the propertq.
Mr. Mi�iah aeked Darrel to �ive a qulcic descripkiaa for the Aew �.ate ���s�
th� lot split c 1) al�. that part o� i�,�� ib �.��.a$ �astez�.y af A�verview Texracs as
laid out and traveled, 2) a11 tha� paxt of �,at 16 af the Eaexe�Xq 8 awaber a�
f�et Westerlq o� R�verview Terrac� aa ncaw laid ou�t and traveled � 3) a�.1
tha� part of i�ot 16 except tk�e Ea�atsxly X numbex o� feet� subject to �oad
eaee�aent � etc.
1N�OTIGIH by Schm�sdeke, soconded bg Zeglen, that the Ple�.it�g Co�i,ssralon secvm-
mend approval of the Lot Split request, L.S. #71-15, by John M. lyetcalfe, �a�
%ot 16, except the Easterly .I65 feet thereof, Revis�d Auditox's 3ub��y,f�iprt Np,
23 for a proposed second build3ng s�te wit.i� th� followin� st�pulat.�os�r
Planning Commisaion Meetint� - Janua y 12, 1972 Pa�e 9
.1) That the peti tioner rededicate the right of wag for Riverview Terrace.
'�, 2) That a 12 foot driveway and utilitg be retained from the 1ot adjacent to
Riverview Terrace to serve the Zot on Mississippi River.
3) That at the tiine a building permit is to be issued on the new lot, proper
steps be taken to relocate the present sewer and water service to the
house on the River.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
per Section 45.101, 3-N of the Fridley City Code for the location of Mobile
Home sales oa the Westerlq 600 feet of the Southerly 320 feet of the
Northerlq 750 feet of the NE'� of the NI� of Section 12.
Mr. Clark said that the first time Council considered this request, they
asked that it come back to the Planning Commission. Theq thought the Commission
would be meeting before Council met again. Item 7 was put on the agenda as
a matter of history.
No action.
There being nQ further businesa, Chairman Erickson adjourned the meeting
,� at 11:00 P.M.
Respectfully aubmitted
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flaZ ✓J. 0' Brian
Recordiag Secretary
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