PL 03/08/1972 - 31112�� i � . G� � �"` CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING CO1�Il�IISSION MEETING MARCH 8, 1972 PAGE 1 The meeting was called to order bq Chairman Erickson at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: � Minish, 2eglen, Exickson� Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke Noae Peter J. Herlofsky, Planaing Assistant APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTLS: FEBRUARY 23, 1972 MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Plar�n3ng Gommissian minutes of February 23, 1972 be approved. Upon a voice vote, a11 vot3ng aye, the �tioA carr3ed unanimously. MOTION b� Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Con�.is�s�oX� receive the minutes of the Plats & Subdiv3sior�s-Streets & Util�ties Subcot�ttee meet3ng of February 23, .1972. Upon a vo3ce vote, all voting aye, the �t1to� carried unanimously. RECEIVE PARRS & RECREATION CONIlKISSIOAT..MINtITES: JANUARY 3_l, 1972 14[IOTION by F3tzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commis��p� receive the minutes of the Parks & Recrest3on Commiss�on meet�ng oP Janu�'y 3l� 1972. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carr3ed tu�animvusly. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: FEBROARY 29, 1972 hI�OTION by Minish� seconded by Zeglen, that the pia��natng Comm�ss.ioA t�aeivg the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of February 29, �199a. U�+or� a vo.ia� vote, a11 vot3ng aye, the motion carried unan�mously. RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DE6IGN CONTROL SUBCOI�A�ITTEE MINUTESS F'�BRUARY 24, 1972 Mr. Zeglea' Chairm�tn of the Bui].di.a� Sta�dasds-Des1$a CoACxol Su6�olmni�x�� requested the following ca�crectioa be made: "1MOTION by Tonco to reeouaaend �eo tha City Council approval of �he preliminary co, AC@pt plans �ot Phase T-_-r-�� � Mp�'ZON by Zeglen, seconded by Minisla� that the Pla�n9 �oaaniss3on �eve�Vf� tbe minutes of the Builcii�g Standards-�e�igs� Control Subaomm.ittee meeting o� �ebruaz,y 24�, 1972 subject to t�e above c4��ection. 11pon a vo�ce vote, �11 yot��n� �y�, the a�ot.ion carr3ed uraanfmousZy. �.. PUBLIC IiEARINGs SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP 72-01 PAT C . G SiN�t Sia�.� fam3.lq h�me with rental unit ia b��ement. R-1 Lli���i.ct, ��' ,, :�: 1;%'±� � Planniag Com�isaioa Meeting - March 8, 1972 page 2 The Chairman said this item would be coatinued at the requeet of the petitioner. � 2. PIIBLIC flEABING• BEVISZON TO SPECIAI..IISE PEBMIT� SP �71-09, SOCIAL DYNAM[C$t . To enlaxge the eite to include Ea�t 45 �e�� ot Lot 3s Block 1, Oak a111 Addit3.on to p.ermit canstructio� and Qpe�atioa af day aursexy aud �ea�a�.ng ceater per f;ity Cod� 45.051, 3-F. , 3. . LOT SPLIT RE UEST: L.S. �7.2-01, GE�AI. BE�RINGERt I�Ot 3' �lACk l� 0� Hi11 - pddition to be oplit in balf to creat� one %5 �oo� �es�dettt�.al 10� a re�.i.nde� . u��d fox s�ope and bac�cyard for Learniag Tree Day Gase �eat�x. 4. VACATI4N REQUESTt SAV �72-01. RIISSELL M. HEDGE: Vaaate biadiso� �txse�� �.yiA� between Blocks 1 and 2, Oak flill Addition. �naemu�h as t�ese Ttems are interrelated, Chai.rmen Ericksom dix�et�d th� diecuu��ioa to include a11 three. 1��'IpN by Sciunedeke, seconded b� Fitzp�trick, that the ,Plen�ing Co�ppi+9��#c�d8 w�t3v� the �eading of the Public Xearing fo� the Revis3on to the S���ial �1�� g�szaoit. SP #71-09, by Soc3a1 Dynaaiics. Upon a vo3ce vote, s�1 voti�� ay�� �h� mptipn carraed unan3mously. Peter I3erlofaky eaplaiaed that the vacation Af MadisaA $t�eeG affe�ted ��� tb�ree requesta. Becauae of the place�nent of a stoxm sewer an the ioC �h�� �9�l��$� ^ �aamica was going to use for their buildin�, the plans had to b�+ cham�ed �ttd �v� the� building. Whea Madison Street is vacated, t�ie East�gly 4�i ���� �� L�e� '� �'"� �wi,�l be added to Lot 2 of the Social Dyaamics prope�ty. This k� ���� w�.�l �1Y� the �earning Ceates more recreatiom area. Lot 3 will thea t►ave ks �ee�s �P��s� ��.yimg kS feet to Social Dqnamics �ad the East ha�f of vacatec� I�adi�oA �,�x'��t ���h is 3p feet making a�.ega1 size 1ot of 7S feet. The othe�� h�l� �� �'h� �t�ce�et wi11 go to Mr. Hedge. Chais�nan Erickson asked if the City eaw somett�i�g abou►t the bv�19.d1n� $o� $g��al Ayaamic� being different from what they showed o�iginall�r, � �ir. ae�clofsky aaswexed that the lapaut wouid be chaaged �omewh�t. '�� qxi�ina2 building waa 80'x72', but bescause o! the aCorta �ew�r, th� s�w d��A� �i�aa� are �6' xG 8' . � - -- � � 1�ir. Berringer said that at ths time ��e Sxa�� wa� $iv�� ��'op�ir��+ t��' �ka� �$��wa�► � the�► also took tbe draivage easeme�t. Th� �ase�neint wae n�v�� �'h�xwu oa �h� Ra1f Sec�ion. The original building�wae Am the Stat� �as�at�A� �Rd t�►$'� waa why Soaiai Dq�amics had to narrov and lengthea their buildin�. l�irr, S�hmedeka said there �axe a caup�� c�# tt�g� th�t h� �alt ne�d�d 9�0�� ciie�usa�on. Se uaderetands the�r�� is scnae iciad of atora� sew�r p�p�+ go��t$ �c� b� a,mdex tl�e Learning Car� Ceatex. TI� otheu th�ag is the Staadard A�l Co�paa�r p�.��1�a� over the South 2S feet of ti�e prcapett� wi;ish iaclud�s a� Pwo� ��t�s �a��msa� aad a�0 foot u�il�ty easetue�t o� the �Tort� �:� th� propex�ty. �a p�.p� dad�r the Day Care Ce�ter is tbe one tlut bothers him txte �aos�. �, �* flexriager anid_ it� was nece$sa�t fs��c d�aiaaage gc��.a� f�tA� �h� Ne�t� t� �1� Sauth* In ordsr to maintai� tl�at dr��ma$�� t.b�ey 1�ad two +alte�cnate�. �fa� w� to �ua a pipe axoimd the outaide. The othex was to tua � cas� i�Cpn p�� Planning Commiesion Meetiag - March 8, 1972 Page 3 � �� directly uader the bu.tlding. Coaoetock � Davi� recomoaended caet iron uader the �, buildiag. Now it is an open ditcb draining the area over Lot 2. Ths pipe, ` half way in the "lot, is already there. We will add to the pipe and �o North. � �lhen the eatire area is developed, the draiaage may go to a different placa. MOTZON by F3tzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that t.he Public 8earing for the Revis3on to the Spec3al Use Perm3t, SP �I71-09, by Soc3a1 pynamics, tp e.r�lazge the site to include the East 45 feet of Lot 3, Blxk 1, Oak Ni11 Addition be . closed. Upon a vo3c� vote, a11 voting aye, the mdt3on carried una�.imously. 1�OTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, t.hat the Planuaing Commiasion recommend approval to the City Counc3l of the vacation request, BAV �t7Z-01� by Russell tledge to vacate Madison Street lying between 8locks 1�d 2, Oak ��.11 Addition subject to retainfng the Northerlg 10 feet �or uti.Iit� and �z'a�r�age, the Southerly 25 feet for Standard Oi1 Compariy pipeline, a ded�icat�to� p� tt�� Nesterly 4 feet of E,ot 1, Block 2 for the o1d existing wates�ai�, ded�aqtiAn o�° the Santherly 6 feet of Block 1 and the Southerly 6 feet of Lot 1, �lock a, �d �the ded3cat3on oi the NortherZy 10 feet of BZock 1. Upon a voice vo��s, �t1d vnting age, the motion carried nnan��pusly. - � 1�TION by Schmede&e, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Comm�'ssio�n recon�rtea�d approval of the Lot 5plit reguest, L.S. ,�72-01, by Gezz'al G. Berringer to sp13t Lot 3, Block 1, Oak 93I1 Addition in half subject ta th� City receiving a 10 foot essement on the North and a,s3x foot ease�t or� t,.�e South subject to the vacation of the street. Upon a voice vote, a11 vot„i�R� aye, ;�j �� the � ti on carried unani�aousl y. � _ 1Ni�TION by F3tzpatrick, seconded by l�inish, that the plann3ng Co�L�aipr� ;� re�aanead to the Council approval of the Revision to the Special Use Perm3t, SP #71-09, Socisl Dynam3cs to enZarge ti� site to include the Eattt 4S feet pf - Lot 3, Block 1, Oak sill Add3tion to permtt construction and operatiqn of � dey aursery and lesrning c�nter per City Code 45.051, 3-F. Upon � voice v�te, all voting sye, the motion carried unanimously. • $. LOT SPLIT RE UEST: L.S. 071-08 BY CLIFFORD TBOE: The Eaet 125 fee� of 'F� Lot 1. Block 2, Ceatral View Man�r. Owner wiehes to ep11t af� reaid�acs' `� approximately 70'x100', and aell balance of lot to service e�atiot� lee�ee. Mr. Clifford Thoe wae present. Air. Schmedeke �plained that this iteaa wae before the Subcouuoittee a coup�.� , of times. Oae time they aent it back becauee of the hookup of the eaw�r 3.i.as, Abaut eix months later the request again cama before tbem� aud the $ubcom�ti.tt�� � secomm,anded approval. Mr. Sch�edeke said the aew alze of the lot wae tauch �emaliar thaa the City requirememts. He per�onally felt that, iAaamuch � ti�ie '� wae so�thiag that happeaed ia the past, and Ilt. Thoe hae a chaace �� �e�1 th� ' commercial part of the propsrty keepiag the part hie home ie built an. '1'la�.e �.e aaother example of the reason fot changiag the Zoning Ordi,aanca 1ot requixe� meats in eom�ar�ial srea�. �e aloo f�lt the �ee owner probably ha� ti►� ri�ht to da prettq muctt a� be likse with his property. Se thougbt that, at �ome tlma ia the future� verq likeiy this pro�erty will be before th� Subco�aitts� �"`', with a requeat fos oae parcel. � P�.anning Commisaioa I�etia� - MBrch 8, 1972 ,�, 8�ge 4 .�-� � Chairman Ericl�eon aaid that if Mr. Thas sold _ the etatioa, 'b1e cotaca�s► was � , the fact, a�. Mr. Schmedeke sai8, tliat we wovld aost�inue �o have tt�e e��.s'Gi'�� uae of the property, that i�, co�ercial pr.oparty with a houae� ot� ite �! tb� Com�i.eeioa did split the prope�ctye they Were creatiag a is000 �qt�8�� �o�t ����+� 4i property. �e did not t}aiak the conm�uaity would Waat thea� to do th�� � The Chsi�m,aa contimued t�at he did �ish to help Mr, Thoe ��d h�� ��ob��,. Tf tD�e Co�nissioa did approve t�►e lot aplit, tt�e City would h�v� to 11aY� e� kind .of agree�►eat that hie property wou�.d not be a coam�e�clal dev�l��ept, Tkas land with the house �.a much sanaller than maay other piecee oF p�vp��t�►. ` Mr. Thoe aaid he had been in this place ever eince 1951. �� asked if � � there would be an objection to continuing the amaller pa�cce� ae a�e�ide��� c►v�7c � the yeara. What is the main objectionY iie was told tha� tl�� �1��.�►� Cou�al.s��.�►t� has b�en working with the Zoaing Ordinance aad the last chaage W�a 25�000 �qu�� '. feet for C-1 and C-2. '1'he 7,000 square feet i� too smal�. aa a�e�. l�x'e T'h�e� said he was put in thie poeition when 73rd Avenue wae paved. R�c���� �►� h+�d to dedicate 33� feet for a road, he lo�t that much on the Sou�h �1d�. , This could almoet be coneidered to be a hardship caee cpmnt�t�t�� �. S��d�k� so if the City could draw up an agreement whereby lthis 1�omeeit8 weuld ��V��t '� back to tbe station, there would be some protectfon. ' The Chairman said the taxes can be split, but not the asesset�nC� w���,o�t� going through the City procedure for a lot �plit. It is poeeible t� a�t �h� n� mortgag� on the propertq, evea if the taxes are aot aplito 'J Mr. Thoe said the atation would be mortgaged separately. Chairman Erickaon said ha would suggest the Commiesion fiad +aut �be�t��W��� to the followiag itema beiore theq rule on it: �� 3,) Whether or not the City could impose any rmatrictione oa the tu�� p� t�� e ' proper�x� they would aot be foresd�to grant, a-��. g� - ��--���° L�v�i �—i�'-�c �e,.�yv�.e�z�-e�� ..a�.�—t��% �'�-C�•.—G�,�—�e���2� � �, 2) If the divieion were made, would the taxee be divided? 3) Wou1d aeeeeements be divided? Ms. Schmedeke would like to see a covenaut on the hou�e th�� 1�. �ho� qW�p �� that it would clear the City if, in the futuse, someone �l�ou�d W�ut Cd t�s�e thaE small piece for a commescial use. �TION by Minish� seconded by Schraedeke, tbat the P1enr�r�� Cvn�+s��ot� �b.�• fi.h� I.ot Split request, L.S. t171-08, bg Clifford Thoe to sp7it th� ���t I?S ���� ot Lo� 18, alxk 2, Cer�tral View Manor by splitting off ttie r�s�8��a�. fJ�l A v�,fae vote. a11 voting age, the motion carried unanimcu�ly. � e VACATION REQiJEST s SAV �72-03. BY JQSEPE A. LAUREI+TT q VRC�t� f.ti� �,i�/$�&"��► . 4.5 �eet of the Westerlp 15 feet of Lot 5��loalc 1� S���t�o�� � G���� �°� ,..�. tQ bu�1d a�wa car garage. � 1�iu, Laureat was preseat. ..., .:r: t � � \ �� �f � t, ,.. ,: �,. pl�aain Ccmmisaion l�ieetin - March 8 1972 Pae5 � Mr. Sct�edelce stated it coacerned him a bit w13en this request caIDe in because the storm sewer wae so cloee to the propoeed garage. Iie was info�e�d bq the City ataff that if Mr. Laurent put the top of the footinge at the eata►e� elevatioa as the bottom of the storm sewer, they wouid allow hita to put ttae addition aegt to his home. The Subcommittee approved it on the grouads that the Citq said it would aot hinder or harm our �torm draia. i�ir. Laureat aaid he had a split entry hoffie with the garage takiag up about pae half of the actual width of the house. If he could put on aaother garage, he could finish the base�ent area. There followed a discusaion of the posaibility of changing the location of the garage, but Mr. Laurent decided to leave the petitioa as origiaally preeented. MOTION bg Scr,medeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plarm.in9 Commis�+ign , reao�mmend to Council approval of th� Vacation reqnest, SAV N7Z,�2. �by Jose g. Laurent to vacate the Easterly 4.5 feet of the W�sterly 15 feat og IAt �r Block 1, Swanstrvm's Court Add3tion only 3n the area to be occu�ied by th� proposed 9az'a9@. subject to keeping the top of the footings at the saute elevat..ion a� t&e �ttom offth�esdescr3ption before thenOrdinancefisapassedsur���31�t+'i��a� the dimens3ons o vote. all vot3ng aye� �he a�otion carried unanimously. . %. PRELIMINARY llrrmJVAa+ vr rs.r.�.+ � � •--- --- - Coadomiaium portion of total multiple unit complex located oa �'�t� � Outlot fl. rlr. Ken Nordaune represeated Viswcoa, Inc. � a new architect w'ith �11sw�ot�. 1�ir. flerlofsky used a map on the projector and euplained wbat ha� b�eA developed, gaYotgbeenttakeneout�dSeithen pointednouththe area fo�r he�a� do� permits hav n miniums. Chairman Erickeon expl�ined the procedure for the approval og tha daYej,og- n�eat saying the application f irst is submitted to the Buildiag Staudarde����.� Contxol Subcom�ittee. Their recommi�ndatioas are aubmitted to the Pla�n1'�� C�° m �,i.ssion and both recommendations are eubmitted to Council for appsoval o� t� preliminary pian. If Couacil approves, the finai pian wiil be filed at tta� �u�,ldiag Insendatione�andt hey�areesubmittedeto Council�forifinal acticnn ��� their reco� 1�0'1'ION. by 2eglen, seconded by l�in.fsb. that the Planning �ou�r►iss�9d� a�p�'�Ye �p ,�reliminary concept of Phase I(5 Four Uni� Quadrominiums) by V����� �n�e �bo�ns �he condomfn3um �rtion oi the tota� multiple unit comp��x .locatec� o: �xt qf Outlot N. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the mot�ora catt'�� �aa�i�itnc�usly• ' Tnr. NEWSLETTERt Ms�. '�exlofsky $ub��ted a�ougl� dr�ft a� � a�ti�l� �Q�' tkle Newsletter �coacernlagssio�n a�rovedCth�e�contenta af�the a ticl��el�ot6�iver ���ta. The Planaing Commi PP m ^u.':�Y`�� ��i �. ,.n r P1�aiaS Commissi_n Meetin� - March 8, 1972 _ Page 6 g. C01�RCIAL ZONING REVIEW MATERIALs C-1 & C-2, C-1S and C-23. Mr. Herlofsky stated that C-1 and C-1S Uses are basica'11y amall business. Ia C-2 and C-2S the eame Usee are permitted but on a larger scale. Tt►e Special pee Pesmit basically allows for outeide type of facilities and IIses which s�quire outside space. �Iape were aho� indicatia�, the C-1 and C-2 a�eas in Fridley. Discussion followed. 1�OTION by Schmedeke, seconded bg F3tzpatr3ck, that the Planaing Commission . reco�aend to CouriciZ approvBl of amending Sect3on �15.103, Paragraph 1�nd 2, end Ordinance No. 459, published June 24, 1970, to read as followss � � 1. Lot Ares: A Iot area of not less than 20,000 square feet 3s regu.ired for one ma31 buildir�g, however, if tbe lot width for a Iot 3s a minimum of 160 feet, the lot ares re�uirement of 20,000 square feet is waived, and rio sainimum lot area 3s required. Z. Lot W3dth: A lot width of not less than 160 feet 3s reqv3re� at tiie reguired setback, however, if t.�ie lot area for a lot is a minimum oP Z0,000 squate feet, the lot w3dth reguirement of 160 feet is waived and na min.i�t 1ot width is requir�l. Upon a vo3c� vote, Zeglen, Erickaon, Schmedeke, F3tzpatrick voting ar�e, Miniah voting nay, the motion carr3ed. Mr. Miniah etated he opposed the motion pes ae becauee he would be i.t� favox of eliminsting the lot area and lot width requiremente. 9. SUGGESTED AREAS OF FU&1'HLR STUDY.BY ELDON SCI�DEKE: 1) Mr. Schmedeke, xeferring to the lot etudy of tax forfeit subataadaxd i.n aize lote,_asked if it would be poaeible for the Planaing Commiseioa to ask the Gity staff to notify ownaze of lote theq felt were buildable to see ii they can get them worked oa -- especiallq the lota on Usdversity AVes►uee The owners of these lots are probably not aware that new guide lines have beeA appsoved. One such person would be Mr. Cline. 2) Mr. Schmedeke thea brought the matter of etreets and alleqe in tbo Citq of Fxi.dley that he felt ehould be vacated. Washington Stre�t and Jefferaoa Street near the Sedge lot on 53xd Avet►us are oaly one lot ia length. Agaia he wondered if the City etaf� could cbeak • and see how many of thsee subetandard atreete we have throughout Che City. rti , �_i Mx. �'Iinish commeated that this, perhape� could be somethlag tha� would t1.e ia wjth the Compreheneive plan -- could be a xeasonable goa1. �O�i � Tbese being no furthes.bueineee. Chairman Erickson adjoutued the m��tiAg at 11tOS P.M. Respectfully eubmitted Hazel 0'�rian Recording Sscretary ��_ f x� ��a� 77�?7 / Tz L � � ")�'1 � 1 S S l L`� �j / ��` , -- ��Y, r� �� � T �- ' � . �/ S! � �7 l �7,� /?�7-c ' _ � �f / �Y 7a�_`E3 _ _ __ _..__ _ _ __ _ 7`�-��� �� � _ _ _ -- - __ ___ . �_.0'�ZZ�.1� _______ --- _.__ � � �„-"'�".. 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