PL 04/05/1972 - 31113�
CI�'7'I' 0�' FRIDLEY
APRIL 5, 1972
Ia the absence of the Chairman, the meeting was cal�.ed to order at �s1.0 P.M.
by ,Acting Chairman Edward J. Fitzpatrick.
"Members Present:
Membex Absent:
Others Preaeat:
Minish, Zeglen, Schmedeke� Fitzp$tsick
Darrel Clark, �ugi.neerin� Assistant
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning CommissiQS1 a�,psove
the minutes of the March 22, 1972 meeting. Upon a vo3ce vote, a11 voti�tg ay�,
the motiora carried unani�usly.
�TION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Plaraning Comrrr.i��aq�a �°ece.�v�
the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control 5ubcommittee arteeting Q.f
March 23, 1972. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, the motion caarr��d ur�Aiincr�t�ly.
l�TION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Co�n.i���Qri �'s��iv�
the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of March 2B, 1972. U�Qd� a vp�.��
vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried ur�animously.
MARCH 29i 1972
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish. that the Plann.i�� Commig�io� �e�a�ve
the minates of the Plats & Subdivisior�,s�-StxQ�ts & Uti.lities Subco��tee mee���
o� M�rch 29, �97�. Upon a voice vote, aZZ voting aye, th� r�qt,�ari aa��a.�d
unar�.imously. .
ADDITION $Y MIKE 0'BANNON: Being a replat of �,ucli�o�'s Su�d�.v��ion �2�+
Mr. Mike 0'Baanon anc� Mr. Merlin Gasl�.� repzesen�ed the pe���ion.
MOTIOIV by Schmedeke, :seconded by Ze�len, t$at the �+,���.i�7Q �o�'.,�s�ip,� qra.iv�
t�e xeading o� the Public liear�nq for the proposed Prel�.m.�na�y P�a�, �.5, #i�?�Ql,
by Mike 0'Bannon being a replat of Lot 23, Auditor's Su�id.�Ivis�ior� �i2,�. U,pv7� �
vo�ce vote, all voting aye, the motion cart.ied unanimously.
�lanning Commissi.�n Meeting - April 5, 1972 Page 2
�' Darrel C1ark gave a short explanation of the �eeting with the Plats & Sub-
divisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee. The street atudy and p].an of the
Rice Creek Area prepared ia 1968 by the Subcomm�ittees and the PlanaiAg Commiaeion
was to be used as a guide liae for plats that would occur in the futux'e foY this
area. Mr. 0'Bannon has about one half dozea new housee built. Thexe is a sJ.i�ht
change of the road in the proposed plat of Heather Hills 2nd Addition. The cul
de sac drops further South than the one ia the original plan. Tkiis e1�.tn���tQs
the possibilitq of a street going out to Ceatral Avenue. There are two ��cesaQ�s
oae going up the hill and the other over to Benjamin Stxeet.
`�;;: �s , � .
`.; p.::. r.'� r. '.
' •1
Mr. Clark continued that the Subco�ittee recomm�end�d app�rav��, ot th� plag
and that the plan adopted in 1968 be changed to show the cu1 d� a���. M�+�b€���
of the Peoples Church seemed to like this idea better than having �tae �t�e�+�t
run through their property and exiting on Central Avenue. T1aey ws�� cot��+��A�d
in Plats & Subdivieions-Streets & Utili�ies that Rice Creek Itoad and �e�j�t�
Street sanitarq sewers were not deep enough For a gravity �yQt�t, bt�t ����� cheak-
ing further at the end of the meeting, they believe the �a�it�ry eewa� c�A be
taken from the cul de sac, go to Benjamin Street and oug to Rice C���k Tto�d,
The lots are all standard size and larger. Utilities are i� plac� z�Aw. ��x
draiaage, there'will probably be a storm sewer installed and d�a�� iato �he
$quthwest co�ser.
Rev. flenderaoa �aid, spesking for the members of the Chu�clls Ckt�y f+���. �h�X
this is probably as good a compromise that they have been able to wo�ck ou�.
Theq would look with approval on the cul de sac. They rathe�e f�vor �hi& pl�t�
over the one worked out earlier.
Mra. Waqne Welch, 6115 Woodq Laae: She asked i€ thia me�� th�t d���.�i1te�,y
there would be ao entraace on Ceatral Avenue. The plan was eup�.aita�d tc� h��
that the South road doea not go through, however, there maq be oa�e f�om t�3a ii�w
northerly street.
Mr. Schmedeke said his Subcommittee looked at th�s request a we�k �gc�. �e
was one of the members that worked with this studq from �he b��iaA�.A�. �'1�ey
felt theq had something to start with and they did. Millex Ho�ne$ �x� b@��$
built oa the East area and Mr. 0'Bannon on the Weste�ly part. Mrs. Sko�r ���
of the three lar$e property ownere to the West, agreed. The P�pplas Chu�eh
looked favorably on this pxeaent plaa. Considering the th�ee ����e p�op��rty
owaers and the present plan, the Subcommittee felt this was tY�e+ p1�n �o �� w�th•
Saa�tary sewer and a street are going out to Benjamita so that e�semea�ts ax�� rt�t
aeeded �rom the Church property. The Subcommittee appxoved t1�e p1a�.
Rev. Henderson said they would like to feel the cul de� ae �ar tha �'��A�.��
Chytrch also be coneidered. They would like ,ta feel that th� sshow i� t�t� �es�card.
� I�ix. 5�hmedeke read the moti�hn of the Subcommittee which show�ed th�.s had �lx��dy
be�a done. `
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the P1aru�.in� Coat�ni�s.��� ��ps�o �h�
Public iiearing of the proposed plat, P.S. #7Z-Ol, Heather b1�L.Ils incl Ad�i�,$ca� �by
M31�e 0'B�nnon being a replat of Lot 23, Auditor's SubdiVisiora #2�. �Ipo� a Vc����
vo�e� all votang aye� the motion carried unanimously.
,A connaeat w�s made about the cul de sa�cs showin� on the ori$��a�l �Xudy�
as "tem�orar3►". It was explained by Mx. Clark that they �ze cledi�at�r� a�
�lanning Commissi,�n MeetiaR - April 5, 1972 Page 3
temporary cul de sacs and the dedication is made. They are less than 900 feet
long and have two outlets.
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commissiola recom-
mend approval to the Council of the Preliminary PZat, p.S. #72-01, Heathe.� ti.flls
2nd Addition by Mike. O'Bannon subject to the plan approved .�n 1968 cJ�7ag�ed
to show a cu1 de sac in the 8eoples Church property and also a cul de sa� o� the
3rd Phase of the geather Ai11s area of Mike O'9annon's plat, Upor� � Vo�a� vvte,
a11 voting aye, the motion carried uzianimously.
2. . VACATION REQUEST: SAV ��72-03, GENE HETLANDs Vacate alleys in ��ack 7,
, Onaway Additioa, Nort1�/South alley between Beech Street and �lm Stxeet
� and the East/West alley that exists now.
Mr. Gene Hetland aad Mr. Ray Carlson were again present for thia ite�t.
Mr. Schtnedeke s�aid this item was before his Subcoaunittee a week ago. Th�y
approved the requeet, but asked that all the people owning property in �locls 7
be notified of Ehe meeting before the Planniag Commisaioa this eveui.a@�.
The reason 1Kr. fletland �ave for the requeat was the North/South a�.�ey w�a
aot being used for anythiag. For that reason, he felt the�e was nq Pu���B
having it. There are utility easements in the alley, but �s Yax° a� �h� t►�il�i�t�s
are concerned, a11 access is from the front of the lots.
� Richard Harris, 6200 Riverview Terrace: First of all, he �+�id, he e+b�e�ta
to "T". alleys. They serve no purpose, especially in ir�dustr��l �x��a. i�e �o�t1d �
see where there would be a possible use fox the East/West a��ey i�s��ua� it
does opea on Beech and Elm. It probably would aerve a pux'pase 1e�v�.t�� th� ��+���
•We$t alley �ntact.
� ':�
Mr. Schmedeke was a good point. There are ama11. la�a on 7i�h Way
Richard (Dick) Johnson, Harstad Co. : He had no ob j ec�lon t� �1�e Nox�tli/��tath
alley, but the East/West could be an access for the small house� �x�d �nak� ����e�
Co build on the lots facing 77th Way.
Mr. Fitzpatrick noted that no oae.present this evening spak� i.a� ��v�fi �f
V4c�tting khe East/Weat alley. The si�natures on the vacation appl�c�tio� �� the�
property owaers were checked.
� �ir. Glark added that the ditch ruaaing i�n �k�� East/W��� di.��ct�ar� t����a�h
`�loaks .5 � 6, � 7 and 8 will be abandoaed as a atox�m sewer i.s $oiag to b� insta�.�.ed `
in,: 9$tt� Avenue. He was not sure the City would physically �i17. ttt� d�reh im.
• The�'water and sto�n sewer should be completed th:�s fall.
Mr. Raq Carlson asked if the area c�uld not be fi�l�d iz� w1�t� d�.x'�.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by SchmedeJce, that the 1� Cpdrtm�.sslf��i
,..� �'e�omtnend �a the Council �pproval of the Vacation ,�Zequest, $�iV �1�,��-Q,�, �y
f�nQ Hetl�d to v�c�ate the North/Squth al�ey in 81ock 7, px�aWa� �dd�t����
re�aining the utility essements, but the East/West a11ey shoulul �'���� �� .��
exists. Upo� a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, the mctiorJ c�rr��ci Nt�a�e.i�tpu�1�.
Plauning Coa�isainn Meeting - April 5, 1972 Page 4
3. LOT SPLIT REQUEST; L.S. �`72-02 RONAI.D E. SMITH: Lota 15 aad 16, Block 4,
and Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 1, Adams Street Addition. To make three
66 2/3 feet lots from 5 fortq foot lots.
Mr. Dave Anderson was present to answer any questions.
Mr. Schmedeke stated that the P1ats & Subdivisions-Streets & Ut�.lities Sub-
co�ittee a week ago approved the lot split ia this fas�ion bec�use thexe �xe
five lots, �imilar in size, abuttiag this propexty to the East that wera split
into three 66 2/3 feet lots. They were O.K.'D.
Mr. Cl�rk said the total lot area measured 200 feet. The request M�r.
Schmedeke referred to was Lota 3 through 7, loeated to the rear of the lota
being coasidered this enening. There was some and c�if�erence of
opinion whether or not we ahould try to make one standa�rd lat ar�d the other �wo
60 foot lots. The request was approved by a�aajority vote and Council appa�oved
the split as requested.
Mr. Dave Anderson said they have built aeveral homes in this area. �.'h�y
are negotiating for thie land now providing they caa get the lot split.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Plar�nang Co�1,is,tipn �'ecotnmend
to Coancil approval of the Lot Sp1it Request, L.S. #72-02, by Ron��d E. Smi1:h
to make three 66 2/3 feet Zots from five 90 foot lots usinq I,ots .15 c�rJd 16,
� 81ock 4, and Lots 8, 9 and 10, B1ock 1, Adams Street AdditiQn. Upo� a voice
vote, Minish, Zeglen, Fitzpatrick voting aye, Schmedeke abstai�i�g, th� �c+�ia�
carri ed .
Mr. Schmedeke explained his abstention by saying the rea�Qn be�.�g.this
particular type of lot split. Re is Chairman of the Plats & Subdiyi��.ota��-S�r�s�s
& Utilities Subcommittee and he felt if thia man could come �,n a�d a�k fo�c �
66 2/3 foot lot, it would be hard for him, as Chairman, to ask $�Atti'�u �a� tc�
plat 75 foot lots. He did not look unfavorably if it were � b�x'd�hip e�s�. I�
there were three 40 foot lots and divided eve�►ly, �o objection. I� tber� wQ�'s
five 40 foot lots, and two lots could be full eized, he would ��re�a to bu�.ldi�t$
on a 40 foot lot providiag the lot was wedged between two hc�es. �he �e�s�att
for, abstaining wae that by abstaining, he was voting w�th the� but t�ot ���e�Gi.u�
per se. Iie did not thiak the Subcommittee Chairman should cat�dame tk�ia th�.n�.
�'tiis is the seco�.d request." A�a�x4ep� f�ct ���a t�a� the p�ev�ous Ieequ�st wa�
approved by Council and wen� through.
INC. : Co�domini,um po�tioa of total m�1.t�.p�e uai.t cotap�.�x A�a paxt a£
Qutlot �, Tnnsbruck North Addition be�ag the 160Q 81AC�t.
Reat�eth Noxdaut��, Architect, was presea�t aad explaiAed that a�,s���� h�d
been submitted by Viewcon, Ir�c. as to how the utilities would b� hat�dl�d �nd
the landscaping oa thi.a site. Originally they submitt�d a r�qt��st ��� f$v�
qtaadrominiums, �ut now theq have added faur to this makin� a tc�t�1� a! n�me.
Darrel Clark pvinXed out aevexal items on the layout used th�s s�v�u1A�• A
quadrominium is a group of f�ur dwel�.in$ uaiite. �acY� ��r�up of f�u� w�,11 h�tv�
EQUx garages. Vehicles eaa park in froat of the �alragea. Tlie �u�,�d��� s��a�d�agd�m
Planning Coauaission Meeting - April 5, 1972 Page 5
� Desiga Control Subcommn�.ttee u�g�:�` �-i:� ;�:��et p��-1c'ng stalls be made available,
but not necessarily on the etreets. �'he streets are 26 feet wide and thia
restricta travel through the area if parking were permitted on the street. The
City requires two parkiag stalls for apartment houaes. The City also tries to
have the curves lengthened to make it easier for trucks. They feel we ahould
have some sort of turn around on the South ead.
Mr. Nordauae said they have incorporated that in the plan.
Mr. Clark added that the City has not seen a sanitary sewer pxoposal or
water, but that ie no problem. The storm sewer in the whole project 1s bein$
carried through a series of ponds with ultimate outlet in New Brighton. Ne$otia-
�ions with New Brighton are ia progress, but if not approved, aA alteraate xoute
w`ill have to be effected which could affect costs aad locatioa.
T�e deneitiea on the different phases, if the pxoject is completed, would
be 826 uaita. They are a little under the origiaal f igure of 850.
Mr. Zeglen brought up the matter of the new Building Code which goes into
effect on Julq 1, 1972. Darrel Clark said we can use our owa 8uilding Code uatil
July lst of ttaia yeara Viewcon has a letter �oin� to Counci�. on the lOth of
April asking theq be allowed to build models with single wall now. CouACil will
act on that letter.
The problem of parking should be resolved before the project �-s developed,
�. Mr. Minish commented, becauae then the City would have some aontxol ove� i�.
�" Mr. Nordauae said if the tenants created a problem by parking baats,
recreational equipment aad weekend parties, the Association would have to solve
that problem by providing additional parking areas. He atated they wexe requixed
to furnish two stalls per unit. He agreed that there should be cot�tinuoue �cCess
fo� e�rgency vehicles. They could make the plan contingent upon an ag�eeabl�
solution with the City.
The Commissioa members felt they would like to see oa the plaas whex�e the
streets in the whole area would go.
l�ir. Clark eaid if a road ahould be coatinued Svuth, it shoul.d bs ehow� ��
the plan. The Contmission would still b� hav�ag a�other look �t the p1�a. Now
they should recoamnead whatever they feel is aecessary. Co�tc�.1 w�11 a��s a�d
the petitio�xer wi11 have to co�e b�ek �� the P�.anxaia�g Commis�ipR. I� Gh+� F�.t�►i��
niag Cotmnission and Council decide there should be one more p�xkin$ sCal�., �.t
would no� neces�sa�cily be shown on the plan. Until they ets��t rt�t��r�� �Q�d�
�; throu�h, they don't know where the additional pa�kia$ st��ls would b� i� ths
1�OTION by Zeglen, that the Commission recormrtetid ap�roval o� �'t�
� . i��'e,la.minarg P1ans �or the v�ewcon, Inc. P.hase z, 9 four ur�t Quadr�m.i�a.�uma f i�
the condomim.ium portion of the total multi,pl� unit complex ar� par� ca�' �lutlat ki,
I�n.sbruak NQrth with the exception that if tshQre ars any conditions ot� th�
additional pa�'king stalls, that these be worked aut with the �ity GAUn�.�1r
�: and th� con�i�uation of the street South from Phase I tti.rougb t�.� be �h�w�.
The J�TION FAII.ED %r lack of a second.
Planaing Co�iaeioa Meeting - April 5, 1972 Page 6
�� ' The ffiembers felt �herP �h��i�° 1.,. �o�e p���✓i��.�ns for of£ street parkiag,
and it should be sketched oa the plaa as to the aumi�er and the ratio of parking
stalls away from the froat of the garages.
Mr. Nordaune said it seemed the Co�i.ssion waa asking for mor� thaA two
parking �t8iie aad it would be di�ficult ia khis �ituatioA �o co�aply.
� Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick esid he did aot accept the taAdem parklag epa�e.
These must be access to each sta11, not as the plans ahow, oAe paxkiA� atall in
the garage and the second one to be in the driveway in f�oat of the �ara$e.
A diecussioa followed regarding the use of brick with Mr. Ze�len sayin$
the Subcommittee-felt there was enough brick on the buildings.
A further problem was the difficulty of the on-etreet parkiag.
h9�OTION bg Zeglen, seconded by Schmed�Ice, that the P1arJ�ting Co�i.iss�lon xea�m°
r�end approva2 of the Preliminary Plans for the Viewcon, Iztc. (9 fpur unai�
quadromin3t�ms) Phase I in the condominium port3or� of tbe tot�l �t%1tip�e �tn�t
complex on part of Outlot 8, Innsbruck NortJ� F�dali tio�, wi th the �'ollcawi�g �ug°
gest3onss . Parking as shown on the plans will remain as dr�wrl (t.�ndem ��x'Ic�tigl,►
the off-street park3ng wi11 have to be resolved by the Nome Owaae�� �s���.i�t�loai
pr Councilj the continuat3on of the street South to Phss� �'i a�ad �'ZI� �h�
East/West road be continued 20 feet to 30 feet beyond 81oCJc� i'��� 8�'A� �
turn around; that Yiewcon be aZlowed to start a rn�odel guadre�d9�ttm �t�t� ��t#la��l1
approval of the Prel3minary Plan if the storm sewer outiall i� a���1ed, ►J��
a voice vote, Fitzpatrick, Zeglen, 5chmedeke voting sye, �ita.i��7 v���a�� �al�e t��
m�tion carried.
Bob Schroer, Jersy Schroer and Dave Rick were presen�k.
; Bob Schroer explaiaed that the swimming pool venture was not halnd�,�d ��t�$°�
factorily last qear aud nOw the Green Giant peo�le requested your ;cot�s�d�+$�tioa�
�for a�ranafer and extenaioa of the Special Use Permit to kbetn. ae �re��8�8C�d
to a letter d�ted March 28, Z972 from the Green Giaat �offi� &�a�Cden Ger�t���s
Inc. , which the Planning Co�ssinn nad before them statia�� ttae� °'w��� ����
pa�e�d to accept full responsibility and accountability �ar cvmp�.��ncs w�.C�
app:L�.cabl� codea". Mr. Schroer eontinued that one of the th1t�$� t��� �����ll��
was that the small house be �emoved. It is �hex�e yet. Th� ppvls W��� Cak��
dawn as reco�euded. The landacaping was doae, but aot ke�t ug. Th� i�t�as�
were mandatory aad sti11 exist. The p�rovi�ion to come ba�1c �.a� 9Gt�bei �c�g
�tevi.ew of the p�rmit w�,s pever done. This was not a p�ofi.��b�e Ys��u�� ����
year, but �he G�een Giant people wish to remaia in the aw�� g�al bu�ia��a�,
��peciall,y as c�ae of the cotnpetition in Fridley wi.11 �ot be 1� the b�asi��s�
:, thi� y�ear.
� Th� �.ittle houee sit�ing in the feac�d-in area is ati�.� �l��b'�� It �� �
, we11 caaatru�cted building and ve.ry attractive. �ts uss �.e g���K�y �q� h��d �t��
�te��.al and display of pool euppliea. An sxtensioa phose wa� �,a�k��.�,�d.
Planning Commissioa Meeting - April 5, 1972 Page 7
Most of the actual closin� cs� '.'�� 9�' �s was �:�n� inside the main building of the
Garden Ceater. They would like to keep the house there because it is an emergency
type of thiag for adverae weather waiting in there until a show+er passes.
Mr. Schroer continued that there are other style poole beaides what they
h$ve on displaq. The laadecaping will improve quite a bit in that carner,
They were also in the process of making additional parking North of the�
buildia�. Th� cabaaa was at the maia entra�ce hopefully to sell the �oQl
setup . '.
Mr. Schmedeke said this was a tamporary building with np �auadatiat� �ad
no eaaitary facilities. The Co�i.ssion have tried to shy away fxom th�
� ' � t�mporary buildings.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the planning Commiss�on �rec�mmerdd
to Coitnci� that the Specisl Use Permit, 5P #71-07, be gzanted �v the G�e�� Giant
Home & Garden Centers, Inc. for the purpose of above ground sw.i�ng poo.� diaplay
and to a1Zow the cabana structure to be used again for a one yeas pe�iod a�r �+#'
the date of approval. Upon a voice vote, Minish, Fitzpatrick, zeg��rl ve��i�g �ye,
Schmedeke voting nay, the motion carried.
Mr. Schmedeke said that these loopbacks are attract�v� fo� a� s��vi�e �t�t�.pA
,,-1 use.' He felt a aervice station could be built behind a servlce d��.v� and �h�x�
` would be ao need for a loopback. The station would be 75 feet ��a� th� ma�A
thoroughfare under a regular loopback, but the station bui1� beh�nd the se�vice
drive would be back 150 feet. What we are saying and aakiag is that tbe �B��sra
goes back the same dietance as the service dri�re wouid be �f thrre w�� �
service drive next to the flighway. The secqnd recommendat�.ou i� XI�t the �xi�
should be the same as that of the White Rnight Car Wash on i��d Avs�u� a�d
Uaiversitq. The more he thought about it, if the service dg�.ve wae� be�we�� Lt��
service statioa and the main thoroughfare, the atation wouid �u�om����al.1y b�
8ut back.
� -�
Mr. Clark said that aervice statioas and a�y drive-ia typ� of p�t�o���a
l�ave to have a Special Use Permit and app�a� be€o�e the �'la,ttr�i.Ag CniR�9��.pR
aad Coua�il. Whera medians are constructed, thsy go past the f�lrst �At�'�B��eR
Where th�re is a 150 fooX p�edian, the Plats & Subdivisions-Stx�eeta & Uti�,�.�i�s
Subcot�it�ee th�u�ht the F1a�r�ing �c�m��_ss� on shou].d consideX t�o ��c�ts c�t� �he�
m�iA stir�et or cross stseet.
� .
'��e cvntinued that the new lots beiAg crea��d are iAduetxi�tl. li�ht ��d1�s�
txi�l. or .ev�nerc�.al. These lots are at least 3/4 of ar� ac��.
M�. Schr�edeke said th�� it will be up tc� tY�� �uildipg �nape�tox aAd �ui,ld�.m�
St�ndard��I�esiga Control Subcommittee to see Chat a ai.c� �t���oa is bt��.�.G. Tk��
s���vice stations are imp�oving themselves as far as looks a�p �o��ex��d.
Mr. Minish asked fox drawings of the lpopbacks for th� next ���git�$.
Ac�in$ Ch$i xman �'itzpatrick tab�.ed t�,e i�e� o£ i,vopb�a'k� �� ��� A.p�'�.�. �.��h
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Flannin�Commi.ssion Meeting - April 5, 1972 Pa�;e 8
The Parks � Recreation Co�ission discussed this item about a year ago.
Mr. Schmedeke said that the area abutting Highway 4t65 should have a chance
to develvp. If trees were plaated in this boulevard, making a beautiful natural
buffer, maybe there would be a chaace to develop. The strip could have side-
walks to go to Locke Park. Or the schools could participate by plaating txeea
in coajunction with a conservatioa course. Mr. $rian Ingvalson is the teacher
of horticulture at the Senior High School. It was felt that Mr. Uttex, Coun.cil-
man at Large, be made cogaizaat of the request. The Planning Co�ission should
take advantage of Earth Week, if it isn't too late, aud also Arbox Week.
Mr. Schmedeke said that after the survey of 40 foot lats in the PlymoutY�
Addition, he thought it might be advisable to have a aurvey of l►0 �oct lofi� �n
other parts of the City. This time in R-1 and Ii-2 Districts. In particular,
he was thinkin� of G��lc Grove �.cid-i�z:��aa He fe'_t that the people owning 4Q �oot
lots, if in the past they were told they could not build aa them, would g�.v�
y�p and not come back to check. He was trying to get these lot� qr� tl�e t�x
Mr. Miniah did aot agree. He did not feel the need to go qn a wt�o�esa�.�
This item was discusaed, but no actioa take�.
There being aq further business, ActiaB ��i�� Fit�patriek ac�jaux��d
the meeting at 11;15 P.M.
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