PL 05/03/1972 - 31114�
The meetiag vas c�Ii� to ardex by Qasirntan Esiciceon at 8:03 P.M.
�t�LI, CALL:
Members Present: �i.s1�, 8rickaon, Zeglea, S . Pitzpat�C�.ck
�es� �bsent: i�one
�hsrs Preseate el ��as�I�a �n �iat��
�I� COI�SS�p� 1�II�Ss AP�aI. 19, 1972
�'1'ION by Sc��k�, s��ed � Fatt���*�cics tdu�t the Plaruiing Comm3ss�jon
�irs�t� of Apr31 19, 1972 b� appacov�de Upo�a � vo�r,� vote, s11 vOting aye, the
r�otior� cerried urraaai��asly.
O� ��S .1N�OT�.S : �� 25 , 1�7�
• ' �I0�1 � Zeg.�ea, se�o�ded b� S�d�&e, �g � �lannir� Co�oission �eceive
� s�i��� a� t.i�e �rd of �pgeals m�eting of �il 25, I972. iJ�o� a voice vo�e,
�--., aJ.� �tir�g mm�te. ttt� motion carraed uas�3a�ously.
. � -DESI� � TTEE i�IIDTUTES: APRIL 20, 1972
1�TI0� �y Z�I�, secoraded by �'3tzpatr3ck, tPrat t� Pla�ninq Ca�ission
�� ��i�a�� c�g the euild3n� St�d�id�-Dea3gn Coatze�l S�omm3tte� apinutes
of A�°�3 ZOo �972e ilpon a vo�tce �tea �11 �ting age, the m�tion carr3e�3
1. P��O ��� �tBSTA� � g9�5 U�IV�S TY AVENIIE 16. E. : Lots 9, 16 , 17 ,
Block 3, �y Paric tion plu� �acated street.
����on ia#as�me� t.� � ��i.� t�at the Couaeil had referrsd
t�i� i�� �t ��j �t �e�imm� to t�ei,e C bafore they would act. The
�i�e of �� �� not coa�or� �a �� �e��t s�e, bnt �he Planaiug Cc�aslon
� xm mm�sage of tt� iot �is� s t� s� z�oaes.
�. Fitspa¢g�c� u�e� if ttaat eraa t�e only reaaoa the request was aen� bd��
to tk�s Cam�i�ei�n. Darral C].ark said he h�l talked to l�t. i�via �d �et�r Herlof-
•ky �d th�t vae tl�sir impsee�s�va �ieo. Ca�ll iflt c� ahould aoc apProve
�e �e�E[ �t �I�i�g Co�issfon�s i�noaled�e-
lrir. Asvid B2a�e, repreeenting the sequeet, came fosward with �eevised �lana
� i�aciuding tha cb�nges suggested by tbe Building Standarde-Design Contro� Subcom-
� �ittee. Theae were etudied.
Planaia� Canmiisaion Meetin� - May 3A 1972 P�ge Z
�...1 I�TION by Schmedeke, secanded b� Zegl�aa, t1�at the Planning Commissian
recoa�end to Cotuicil approval to con.s�auat the Z�pata Restaurant on Lots 9, �16
and 17, Block 13, Hgde Park Addatiora plus the vacated 59th Street s�a�bject to the
reco�endationss made by the Build3ng Standards-D�esign Control Subco�a.ittee �a8
that a row oF evergre�aas be planted oa � Sast side of the redwood Pence. �lpon
a voice vcte, a�l �ota[ng sr�e, �he ��i.on eazr�ted srraat�o�si�r-
ChafrmaA �ric.tceoa said the Pisx�a� C ��ioa iiad reco�de� to Cou�cil
that they reduce the area.require+�nt fro� 2�,��U t� Z0,000 aqc�are feet•�d 2A0
front footage go 16D front footagee �s xegue�t u�eets the 160 feet a�d �k��
miaimum 20,�D0 square foot sequiremeat. R� Ax�inance has mot pass�d �'C tt�is
point. The petitioner has as�c� pezmia�tag to buil� a reatauraut e�� ek►� g�operty.
� are merely r�useting Couacil ta ;�aat th�s requ�sta
Ap�rt�ats ,
6A�V eaaeaL�Si e ��66.���� E� �9�eYi+ irLi� • �b
e To xezo� fr� �-1 to R-3 fox Toa�o�es
1�T�[� b� e, �ao��T � g3��i�&, �t th� PZanAing Co�s�i�n
�ive t� .s�a� �f the �gat� ��i� l�a�� $�r ti:� Re�o�ing Regpes�, ZQ�1
�2-t�.3o Th� W�31 Co.rporait3� bt� �� �d��aa ���1. �t,�te) to reaoT�te ,f.t'a1A
�� � i4-3 for �'o�ause� �d �pu�ts. ii�a � mo�c� v�sate, al� FC+�rdg �y�.
�3� ��OYI CSPP�@!I vnanim�u�ly.
�a Nei� ��r: dre�i.tect for tlae isl�ll Cerp., ffi�id �he 7.a$t p�o�osa� W�� fo�
,,,� �� ���� ���t�ng buil�i:aga �ch �� de�ed. 1`i►ey t��ve a new b�eakdc� w�th
��i3 t�&�� �i�� �d 1�5 a�artffieat� �fcis g%� a total of �b$ dWe�.�.�A�
��s � �2� ta pn� � �hree s�ery � tx�a si�ry �p�t st��tare�� �tb ��e
�� of �he site. Al�ng the �T�stia �d �t sides they have, put tt�e��.r
,e�. T� �a�rking lo� is �.a ti� lw a�� �o �t it �s not vis�b�.� ��om
�d�a�ai �g�a�. Tou at�p doe� to ���fex�t ��rel l.�ds�e. ._t)nje,-� tt�e �
- '�� •��ii: at� �:a°��:�on�.ag ar�a. Tla�y fiave b�� told b� the City t'�a� they
�� 12 sc9ce fee� af paading area to take car� of the rua off. The�e ax�e �wo
, �tor� ts�t�ousea, bnt nat appreciably largsr than tbe rESideaces ac�A�� tt��
�r��t. ��ree etory apartmeat building ia th� furthest away ��om tta�
. �xi.��ix� x�idences. �ey �►ave tried to ahatir a loi of greeu epace amd betFleen
e� �snits t�ere is gr�a space. The materia�s �or tiie apastaueuts would p�Ab�b�.y
be rough sawa cedar. 'The s�artmeats are one or i� bedroom�, 55 oue �ed.�'g�t
�d SO two bedroam agar�ats� There.are two and three bedroam tvpx�bou�� �Ait�
�ith 1,150 square �eet for the twa bedraom and 1,25d s�quare feet fv� tl�� tbtee
b�idroa�. ghe towahouses each have a garage. The zoning requixemteRt� �p�' ��x'lc�.ag
axe I�g parking stails pes �tit �d sa additfon af oa� half sta11 �or e�c'h �dd1�
�.anal bed�oom over o�e per aait. �hera ar� 2$3 parlciag spazes fo7� apa��me�a�s
� for �tc�nmhouses 78 oa e3te ogen parking snd b3 garagas.
�. Weber said the setback would be 35 feet aad berms are to �e� p�t�aaas+�.
Pqro Tdall eaid hs hoped thie new plan would be tbe anewer for tbe u�e o�'
�i¢is l�nd. fle f�lt thay fiad came a}.ong way from tbe othe�c �lau b� li�v�a$ �wA
�torp apartmsat buildiags aad the townhonae�. Ti�is plaa eiiaiit��te� the A��d ��x'
� adtdi�icaal storm sewer charge. Th�y were opea for further $nggea�ia��, The+
� deasity is a good 20X Iaes than the previons plan. It drop�ed ��otm i� to 1Z uaits
-per acre, •
Planning Commisaion Meetia� - May 3, 1972 �'�gs �
^ . A. F.-Miller, 525 Benaett Drive: Ee �aid the� paid fpr a�torm �ew�x aud
' drainage aad he coulda'L a�e that poading aa a aolution ta thi�a stQri� soW�x.
The neighbors have all paid their storm sewer aasesament�. '�'be City tmade �
deal whereby they run all the water out of the Com�ons Park into thi� grqu►nd,
Se did not feel thie should be allowed or that ik would be f�.tr fox �'bem tc�
have the draiaage pond ae ft wauld be �taga�at water aa$ would get prsCty
deep during a flaeb ftood. There is a storm eewer in the ar�� whic.� 'rtsat� '�g
hill inetead Qf do�wnhill, but does aot iaclude the poading area. TEse peti.tioa�x
shonld have tp put ia a storm sewer.
James S. Langenfeld, 79 63� Way: He a�ked if it t,ras�'� up tp th� oT���a'
tion and C�any to take care of tl�eir owa drsinage rather tbaa the Gaxpayaxa
take the burdea. He felt the getitioner should take care of tbeir share oi the
storm sewer char8e• He was aot too much against the praject itself.
Mr. Wall said that'it aeems nobody wauts � poad there. 'Ttie wat�x �e� to
appear through the ground. The Ried�ls also paid for the storm aew��, �1 �
s�orm �ewer is put into the �hole site, the asseasmeats wi11 be sp11t to th�
benefitiag awaer�, bnt the Wall Corp. would be only paying their sh��e.
Ms. Miiies said t.hat 15 or 16 yesrs aga Fifth Street wa,s iucluded 1�3 t��
aBSess�eat foz tk►at atorm �er�er. He felt the minutea wauld shaw tha� tt�� Tt�.ed�l
propeztg was uct asseased bacauee the stor�► s�r did not go ia t��se. ��ch
contractor that developed in thia area had to #uraish the ator� se�e� �A� t��
hause he built. .
��u Robert McPheraon, 500 Benaett Drive: Be wiahed to diecuse th� tS�����
r problem. fle said that cars will be going out on Miesiselpp� St�'eet, �c�d Wsat�dexe�
if thie �rould creste a big trsffic probl�. In the rush haurs, he ��id �he��►
aaaaat get � tLe �treet s�r. Th,� traffic is gettiag $o hesvy aa �.asi�a�pp�
aa�� %e w� �uYe they were going to bave groblema t,iiere, This i� � ac'bc��� ���a
aad the bi$gest race track in Fridley. We ehauld atte�pt to allevi�t� g�v�,b"'�
bit of traffic we can from that etreet for ths protection of ouuc s.h3.].d�s�t�. ��
is s big problem. Se referred to the aetback of 35 fset sayiag "a�e w� go�.t��
to bave aa aephalt juagle acrose the atreet from us"? Mr. Wall. is �ba��.u6r+��.7
wrong to say we would like the propeity left the way it is. iis Wq��d �iks t�
have th8 property deveioped to somethiag iik$ ths coaditious �+e�� w�eR we �
out here.
W311ia� A. Hitci�ing�, 6270 6th St.: There sse twa b�o�ka �� ���.d�a����►�
t��re. Seveath 3treet would be covered with townho�es, but we�,.alt�Ag 63�d
llvenue, West of 7th Street, would be lookiag into tbe three s�oxy a��st�t���
buildfa�s aad they wonld �ook right down in hie backyard. The �ra�l�c g�ab��n►
is terrific aad this will add to it. Aaything else he conld say abput x�e�
rezoniag �rauld be agai.ast it. Se kaew Mr. iisll had tried, �ut �e ati.11 ����
it is aot the �lace for mnitiplea.
The questioa wse asked what the benefite wer8 the psrojec� w�t�d b�'�.�1$ ��
. °Lhe City of �idley: ,
iRr. Fa3.1 �nswered that the taaea that would bs generated wov►ld �9 6�u��t���a1,
Se t�uld assy�e the City of F'ridley could uee new residentia,�7, �qpaQ�, Th���
' wili be mn3tiple d�ellinge but atill they are som�bod7'a l�c�ate. W� th��nlc
. tlae �ity needs� ne� houeea. Thie tqpe of desiga wou�d p�obab��► �a�d�t�� ��W
ciiildrea. Obyiou�ly, the� are ao� goiag to baa chlldre�. a� wo��.d �+��� ��+���
are less cs�ildren per acr� that would uee a school. Vexy f�T ���'e��� �� �.�6'�t�
�hat develp�meat �o etreet coet aad maintenancmm a�e �ess. WeeC �� ��a�► ��Y����'
Planniag�Commission Meetin� - Mav 3, 1972 Pa�e 4
�"°� ment is coa�excial. He would aesume the people living 1n the tpwnhauses �d
apartmenta would be about the same kiad of people that 11ve �.n Fx'1d1ey �ow.
•' The townhouses would be in the price b�eacket of $28,000 to $40,Op0. Th� �awr►-
• houees are for sale per unit just like a house, A oae bedroom unit i� t.k�e
apartments would reat for $160 and the two bedroom for $200. From a mark�� �sta�d-�
point, they would aot want to build aaqthing that no one would want to buy o�
Mrs. Joseph Tapsak, 510 Miaeissippi: She stated sbe objects to tt�e wYaa�.e
plaa. The oaly way a child has to get to the Fridleq Commons Park is by �'th
Street and because of the traffic there now, she will not let hex child $A by
hia�elf to the park. This project would add to the daager. �
Mr. Wall said that basicallq this is not real expensive lan,d, I� �he �.and
were given to him, he would not put siagle family residential o� this propexty.
Nor are the single family homes being built today the sac�e kind o� ho�as�pg se
are already built. Se admitted the traffic is a problem, but ar�ythin� gp�n$ in
there would generate traffic.
Leii flensicksen, 495 Miseieaippi: B�fore he ca�ae to Fridleq he 11v�sd :Ln am
apart,ment aad the owner liv�d the�e� too. It wae kept up aice, bux now X�a� �he
apartmeat he occupied is rented,��.i4.looka like a dvmpa He would hate tca �e� that
happen to a nice piece�of grouad. fle still would like to see R�edel �e� h�.�s
�ney out of tbe property. He thought there could be 55 lots om thia pxAp��tty
which could be sold for single family homes and the Biedele ati�.l get a gpod
" chuak of gold".
William L. Simma, 6281 5th Street: He said he was against the �ezpt�ittg
as it affecte the whole comffiunity arouad it.
Virgil Mullin�, 6331 7th Street: The last time this xezouia� w� '���t�g1i�
up, the City �as asked to make a studq of it. Was it doae?
Chairman Ericksoa aaewered that the area wae being preseat�,y at�d�ed ulnder
the Compreheneive Plan, a etudy for the City. No conclusions bav� b�e� �e��hed
Donald L. Larsoa, 6310 Jeffersoa: This project would pxac�ica��� d�1t'�1�
tt►e de�nsit� of aingle faffily zoning. He objected.
Lloyd Beanethum, 369 66th Avenue: He asked the rate ox perceA�a�� Ai
occupancq of apartmenta in Fridleq at the present time. If Chese apartmeA�� are
built, preeuming this rezoning goes through, are theq goiag ta i�av� ���a�,t�'�
Would this eatablieh:aa injurious precedent in Fridley? ae w� p��t�,Gµ�.���,�
�,mtexested in the four lote on the corner of Univexsitq Avenue �d ���k� ��s�tu�.
�� � pre�edent wae established no�, how caa we say "no" to pt�e�� wk�Q w�t �A
�exone? �
Geoxge M�eieaner� 373 Miesise�ppi: Re�arding .occu�aucyw th� +Rg����R+��► ��
l�i�aneapolis of apartments is less than 70x right now. �e wauld l�l�� �A ��r �he
Wa�l Corp. has made an atte�pt to meet aom� of the objectiou� �� }�$d �,�� �.��
time. Traffic is �still the same coacern. It seems to be uude�s��ts� �p�
everyoae on the Plaaaiag Co�ission knows it. He h�d asked a�91�t 't�Yi'�$ ��Gop
�ight on Sth Street and Missiseippi because he t�as seea sev���1 �►���,c��R�� G'�+���,
P1�ninA Commiasion Meeting - Ma9 3, 1972 Page 5
^ �e was told it was not a feasible situation. He opposed the rezoning geaerally,
' particularly the apartments. The attempt to include apartmente ie repugaaat.
If it were all townhouses, he was not sure that was the anewer. fle thought the
problems with setbacks and laadecape were minimal, bnt poading and sewer wexe
difficult. If Mr. Wall would lib�e �o make a etatement that he would guasaatee
there would be� no etorm sewer aeaeesment �ater to the City, if he would take the
risk of that probiem coming up at a later date, it would help.
Mr. Wall esid it was hie hoaeat opinion, aesuming this develop�tent Wc�
approved, that because of the aeighbora, we have a ponding a�ea, he wou�ld ta1c�
up his share of the assesemente. If they put a pond in there, we have to tak�
' care of it aad it has to look good.
Ttie people were afraid the poad would.overflaw during a�e�vy �aia,
Mr. Meiesner aeked for a ehow of haada of the people iateres�ed i� tt��
rezoning aad then of those who were opposed to the rezoning. xt appsa�ed t� hs
Jemes Lieton, 6360 Waehiagton St.: He asked who would main�e�,�a th� �owc�owaes,
Mr. Wall answered the Asaociation. Then he asked about the dep�h e� ths po�d.
Mr. �deber said only a emall portion would be mai.atained continually. '.��i�� w���
be a gradual run off so that the pond will onlq fill up ��to�,.
Mr. Clark said there ia an overflow pipe aad will conaect �m�o t'�� �ac�.�tia�
line of 7th Street and Bennett Drive. Chairman Erickeon sa�d t�e p�Ad �.�
�' intended ta be a r�tention po�d.
Mr. Liatoa said that everq time there ie a heavq raia, i� f�c�n� Rt h�.�
garage they have a fountain eix feet high out of the grouad. There �� � b�'��
in the pipe aad he picked up the tab for it.
Mra. Robert McPherson eaid that when there is a real bad ato�, WaCss co�e�
down from Miseissippi on 7th Street aad also co�s dowa Ben:►etG Ax'i.Y�. �'h�
water backe up and lifts up the manhole covers.
Mr. Clark eaid�the City had had heariage on storm sewer eyetem�s. ���body
iias to come up wit� $250,000 to build a new one.
Mrs. McPheroon asked why the Riedel property was not purcbas�d �a1� � p�sk.
Mr. Fitzpatricl� said it was because whea the Park Dtpart�emt put u� s� bo1�d� �,�����
only 1,000 voted and 600 were against the isaue. This ie the maim �Rasou t�s
City does not have enough �ney for parks and the cloaeness o# t�e e�ie�i��
Commoae Park. '
Mr. McPherson euggeoted buildiag housing for tbe elderlp. �� 1� �q i��a�,
locatioa. close to ahopping and bus.
M�. Wall said he thought it wae a good idea and they w�uld b� w��1iA� to
include one oa something differeat. Whea they look at a piece o� ��autid, �C ��
ae real eetate developars. Fortunatelq they have been zi�h� mo�r� �ha� W�'�a�� Al�
r"� t�hey would not be here toaight. Theq felt this area wae �.deal fax� �p���t�ea��
and t�wnhouaes. They felt this would improv� the area.
Planning Co�ission MeetiaA - May S, 1972 � Page 6
^ Oae persoa felt the pbnd would be aa attsactive �uisance.
Mr. Schm�deke asked if the Riedel property was aasessed for the Misei�s�ppi
Street iu�rovemeat? Mr. Clark said he thought it wae asseesed fo� curb eu�d $utter
ot�ly being Mieaiasippi Street is a State Aid road. �th Street was assessed as
a normal street. Mr. Schmedeke asked him to �see if the Riedel people paid theis
share of the at'orm eewer and sanitary sewer. If properlg assessed, they would
have every ri�t to nse rosde�-Ehe same as you and I.
M�.:�i.seear �ske�� for an explaaation of the differeace betweea R 3 and Ti-3A
Chairmaa Ericksoa rep3,ied that R-3A would be strictly mult�.p�.e uAits aud
R-3 allows apartmeats and multigle dwelliags. fle the� read fro�a the Ordimance.
Ja�ea A. Thayer, 377 66th Ave.: Se aslc�d if Mr. Wall ever had expexience
with ponding -- how it will fuactioa uader raia conditioae? What would happen
if that pond. were ,full up -- where would it flaw? Basicallq, the ovexf].ow fx'om
.' that pond waul.d remaia oa that aite wae the aaswer.
Mr. McPhe�son wondere� if there would ise any pollutioa in coaaeetiom w�tk�
the pond.
�TI0111 .b �:Scl�nedeke, seconded bq �3aish, tl�ist the Planning Cou�ai$s�o� close
the Public gear3ng of the Rezoning Request, ZOA #72-03, bg the Wa11 Cor,pv�'at1��
� to rezone fz'pm �t-1 to �i-3 for Townhouses and J�part�entsr on the Riedel p�Qper�y.
Dpon � vo3�e vote,'a11"voting age, the motion carried wtanim�usly.
�lr. Schm;edeke saiei that he has lived in thie area for so� timet. �� kuowe
the �.ede1, properzy quite well. He hae ao coanection with the prese�t ��v�+�.ope�'.
Rev'tewiag the hietcry, the Riedei praperty waa reatsd tfl a farmer �ha ke�� h��
cattle ,on i�t. Ch3ldren ekated there in the wiater. �'he �l�ta preeea��ed �biS
8vening by: the Wall Corp. is the first aae he has seen aad he thou�h� t.�i� ��s
a aeasibl� plan:� ,
Mr. Sehmedake contianed that he'd like to read a shart excerp� ixqig G'he
Ae$ular Councfl l�etiag of Maq 18, 1970 oa Page 6, about the ceAfie� o� �'�s ��.x��
paragraph referriag to a stat�ent by Horman Biedel: "He said that he cA�a�� aot
find any zoning. map' for priar to 1956, but' he vaderst�d that at p�pq ti�ts th�
Riedel property,waa zoaed com�ercial". Mr. Schmedeke said this has ���t��d �
hardahip to other people, includiag himaself, who kaew they were a�s4 zoped c�
�mercial Uefore 1956 and suddenly thair recorda �rere lost. I� t�e �e�o�d� �,�d
not baen loet,�you would haVe a commercial area tvday. The deve�.opea�e e�id he
was willing to contribute an estra amount towarda tbe stox�a aewer. I� '��s
opinion, a haldiag pond will. solve the situation. A$tora� aewer had beeA pu��
i.n. The City eho�ld check and see who has paid fo� one. I�a a11 p�'�b�b��ity� the
Citq mag have made•an errar. Ia fact they have done �t goiAg dawn Lla�lv�r��ty•
�'his was his hu�ble 'opinion.
Mr. Schmedeke ssid be was going to jump around a bit. �it►en tt�� y�eW�e� ��p�7,�
came in, we had a traific problesn and every time a mew deve�.ope� �p�� �g}d we
�''`1 �have a traffic problem. We canaot tell a develope� he canuoC ow{q ��o�e��y. �''h�
-- waterahed dietrict is another thing that confu$�a him or What at�c���� �h�y
entai.l. Se did not eee a etorm sewer catcb basia in eitlie� SC1� �� 6t� �������4
Ylannina Commiesion Meetitig - Maq 3, 1972 , �_,,,��age 7
^ The water must have baen iato
ie tunaing North into three culverts
this property being a park, he did ao
because the Eridlay Com�one Park ie c
without a playgsound.of any kind. As
did aot think Rice Creek was feaced.
fully. IIntil all these que�tione are
Feoma for the elderly �aere gut up, kae
be for the elderly, but �a� �.�a�o� a
the Riedel ��op�xtq. 7,'h� xeet o� t'he wa���'
on 63rd Avenue. �a fax a� �hinkin� abou�
t feel thie ehould be coasidered as a paxk
1ose. Childrea have grow� up iu h�s are�
far as children falling ��to a pool, he
The omall childrea should be watched carea
answered, he can't give am answer. If a
did not know if t'hey could be sure it would
1�TZON by Schmedeke, s�corided by Zegl�n, that the �lannir�g Co�ission
cont3nue the Rezoning R�quest, ZOA #72-03, by the Wa11 Corporat�ton to rezone
from R°1 to R-3 for Townhouses and Apartments on the Riedel property:unt31 the
June 7, 197a meet3ng. Upon a vo3ce vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried
Mr. Minish eaid the traffic conc�rns him, particularlp e�iting oa Miesissippi
Street. Se would like the petitioaer to do some studies aad see if it would be
posaible to bave aa eatrance only on Miesiaeippi Street.
The audieace was iaformed that tite next meeting �aould be oa June 7th and
no noticee would be seat out.
JO�i B. DOYLE. PRESIDENT: Lots 12 through 17, West 5 fe�t of Lot 18, Block
16. Fridley Park. Rezone from S-1 to CA-1 (general offi�e and limited
' • busiaea�) � for Reai Ee�taCm .Office.
l�l'M'ZON by Fitzpatrick, s�conded by Zegl�n, tiret the Plann3ng Co�ntssion
wa3ve the re8ding of tAe Publtc Eear3ng Notice for the Rezoning Reqnest, ZA�
N72-04, Leigh Investment, Inc. by John R. Deyle, President. Upon a voice vote,
ell voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairmaa Erickson, at the requeat of Mr. Doqle, sead the woning xe����,+�tione
on the CA-1 Ordinance.
Mr. Doyle eaplained his plaas using drawings to 111uetrate the change� �a
the home. fle eaid this is a modeet home. They would like to go into �t�e ��t�8
and uae thie dwelling as a real estate office for the purpose af canductim� a
business. The reason for aekiag a rezoning wa8 due to the fa�� that a� th�.�
poiat and time, be did aot intend to live ia the houee, but upde� CR-�,t�e ��u�d
do so. 8e inteada to use tbe house for coaductisg of raal estate buaia�e�at�, ��
intende to remodel th� et�tucture� give it more of an up-to-data appearaa�es loqk
iaell, blead well with the aurrounding aeighborhood, complemen� the housea ia th�
area. The house will have a chalet appearance, emall foyer apd fraat rpa�
together. They would not be adding more apace to tiie house. �ey wi�.l e�t�nd
�or a porch aad eatry on the front of th� building iteelf. ,k1� �e�r ae the way
it fite oa the land iteelf, they were mak3ng very little cban$e to the eais���g
propertq. The driveway to the garage will have a tuni aroupd, �'hexe ase ��c�e�
to tha side ead fance with provieions for ohrubs. Tre�s to t�e �ack �ad ��vnC.
The entrance to tha parkias lot will be oato 63rd Way, WeaC O� ��1P �191i�9@s fi�
W�11 not pass by anyone'a driveway.
�lanniag Commisaion Meeting - May 3, 1972 P�e 8
^ Mr. Doy1e coatinued �ta�ing tt�e total area i� �aix iote. The properxy �o the
. East aloag the tracka is zoaed induatrial.. T�e property to tbe xear is zo�ed and
occupied by a dtiplex aad fenters. Tt►ere is a lot Sauth of here, aeross 88tst
River Road, which he understands t�as been chaaged to a dupleu zoning. Ttiey felt
this zoniag would blend ia with the neighborhood very nicely. It ��.�. b� kept
, up and in good coadition, if not better than what it is now. There wil�. be a�
emall parking lot. During the ruah hour traffic, they expect virtua��.q Ao more
than what the duplexmme generate. Th,ere will b� one small,eign faix�y c1oe� Co
Eaat River fload. It is expacted to be of normal �ize, about 30 or kA aquax�
feet. There will be no chaaging to any type of induatrial o� mauufaatu�it�g.
It is set up ia such a�way now that if you iivBd ia the property, ypq cou9.d tts�
it as a small real eetate office.
Paul gumhera, 134 63� Waq: fle said he had aiae pagea af si�tuxe� o!
people who are againgt this rezoaing. One of tiie seseoas would b� tbe addi��omal
traffic problem, the $rea fa reaidestial now and theq felt tha� eves� tb�e �yp�t
of co�ercial zoning would devalue thair property. He tbougttit tb�.e Wou1d 'be
aa opening wedge �o make all the property from Mis�i�aippi Street �o ��$�bWe�,y
�694 co�ercial. They were juat puttiag their foot in ti�e door. �� g�'e��+A��+d
the petitione.
1�TIOA► bg Schm�deke, seaonded by Fitzpatr3ak, that the plan�aE�� Co�$���tor�
rece3ve the pet3t3ons against the rezonirig reguest, ZOA �7?-04, b� T+��tg'!� �zdV�st�-
ment Inc., �7ohn R. Deyae, pres3dent, the signatures beiag c,c�lle�t�d by �'�,
GeraZd Gerber, 6275 East Rtver Rosd, Raymorld K. Eumauui, 40 62� Way at�d A1��.
b�31Z3am Boyt, I90 62nd Way. Dpon a voice votie, all voting a�e, t�e �a�.tlp�
f"'�; carried unanimous.Iy.
Richerd Bro�m. 6�103 E�t River Road: He waated to lcnow �ihat d�.��'s�en�� i�
makee who gete the petitione aa loag ao the psogle knaw who aigp� ��, �� W�
oppos�d to the rezoning. fle'd like to kaow haw gou would make at� �.ucoAapicaous
sign. � thought it was a.foot ia the door.
Mr. Dayle was aatied wLq he choae thia pasticulu site aa�d he auewe�ed �h�.s
area was chosea bacauae it wae oa Eaet Siver �oad �hicb �s �t b��v�,�y ���y����
road. It cbvioualy givsa a grsat dsal. of exposure to tsaffic at tt�i,s lo����ot�.
It ia readily acceseible. The ordinance i.a Fridley requirse ��ma�� �i�. 7�'p�
remo�el�ng of the bome it�lf will be attsactive. With w�etba,ng �ike �i��.� �t�
the area, it will•be upgrading. T6er4.ia.iaduotrial soaing alopg Cbes ���.1�oad
. tracks. Sooaer or later y�qu will hane iadustrial devalop�eat hare, but t�,�T
are ia ea eacellent positioa �o act ae a buffar. s�a day it �rsl�, be d�v��Ap�da
They ara ma�cing a propoaal �fiicii they iesl will have Li�e leeat 1�movppi� q! ����
and the greateet amount of protection to the area itseli,
. �
Ed Ellie, 70 63rd Way: He moved in Fridley it� 1948. They have paid �6�1 0�
their aeeessmeats ae a home awaer. He did not t�►aat commercial� prc�p��fir a�sl�p��
the etreet from him.and he objecte to the rezoniag.
C�rald G. Gerber, 6275 Eaet River Road: 8e oras vpposed to �e�Qt��.�� A�
this property.
� i�Iildred Ring� 71 63� Way: She aeted What beneiit w�.11 t�ti� �� �p �h�a�e whp
live bere?
Plannintx Coa�i.asioa Meeting - May 3, 1972 � Page 9
^ � Mr. Doyle aaswered that the tax baee of the property wauld go up crvti�e
appreciably. They would aot be produciag any children fxom bere iuta the sc:hpal
eystem to coatribnte more heavilq towarde echools than what you da qauxe�],ves.
They would be in the immediate area to belp aetvice thei� Aeeds wheA yaa geC
ready to sell or buy propertq.
Mr. Doyle contiaued that he had no conaection witb any other propea�y in
the area. No other designs on rezoaing auytltiag. They were rezoning to a very
limited co�ercial atatus. They are i�osing the least amouat of �mpact oA
the area.
Mrs. Gerald Gerber said sbe lived across the etreet from Mr. Doqle's �ro-�
posed buildlag. Sbe can't get excited over the parking let.
Mr. Barrq Crawder* 146 63rd Way: Se vould compliment Mr. Doyle. Sis plaa
migist be well for tbe area ezcept for spot reaoaiag, traffic problems, epeci-
fically East River 8oad which is heavily traveled aad Which makee it attracGive
for com�ercial uae. The lots thare are quite largs, �1t►ich again �akes it
attractive to co�ercial psoperty. Moot of the hasse are quite modest, somie
are vacant, oae hsa bu=aed. While Mr. Doyle's place might well make tt�e a7cea
look good, he was afraid of the next raquest aad the nezt one jnst because �,t
doee not lend iteelf to lasge home�.
,, ' Anot'her citizen sai,ct tbat� ia his opiai�, notic�s ehould be sen� �Q people
mare thaa 3Q0 fe�t �sye
�; Lorea Wolle� 33 63rd Way: He agread wit� the raat -- tha� ti�ie 1� ���a�ct
to get it all ca�ercial.
Mr. Doyle preseated a petftion �hich iw had.cir�ulatad for fsvo�ip� a� the
1M')TSON by ZegZen, sectinded by Fit�atrickc, that tiie Plas�iing �o��#on
receive the petition .circ�lat.ed by .To11n R. �1e in favor af the rexona.rag �eguest,
ZOA �72-04o bg Le�Igh I�ea�t, Ir�tpos'st�d. 17pon a vo3ce voter �.�� VA�.i'.A?
aye. the m�tian carrie8 �animo�ely.
�1pTi0111 by Zeglen, sacanded by Scha�edeJce, tlt�et the Plaaning Coam►.tss�o�
zeceive the letter fra� irr'. and l�lrs. Charle8 Bens.inger, 6�55 8ast R�ver ,�pad,
requesting the3r names be rem�v�d fs+�m. t.he Daqle petition and �ha Z�tt.��'_ �F�'9m
Mr. and :i�s. D. � J. �r3ng, Z82 �3� Nay requesting thi� letter bp con�s�ida�'ed
es a vote ageinst t1� rezoning reguest, K�1 N9?-04. Dpon a v+oice vote, ���
voting �}�e, the m�tion carried unarti�flcualy.
• I�c. Doy1e eaid the gene�al ares coneiste of vary �lest hc�ar�, abe��
$18,500. It would be very difficult Lo evan talk about building a i�ous� �Q�
�ha� �xic� na►. Tt ia going t� bacame more and �re difficult tq se�,�s 9�t�
people ia tbe area h� ovar built ior the area. You are bound on oae a�.d� by
a very bsavi�y traveled soad and on the other by the induetri�►3, a�rsa. '�.'��.�
�.11 force the ie�u�. Ae induetries coms in base, and it will aota�' �be�y w�.11
force the whole area to beco�me iaduetrial. iit,en that co�a, this wk�ole ar�s
� ie $oing to go. Unless you abolisb Ea�t River-Road alt4g�ther� it �s goim� to
happen. fle wae aoL caming in t�yiai to agpoes t�e whole nsighborhood. R�ctt
proPesty owner ha� tha rigttt to usa hi� prvgerty. Theee are a11 ataa�l �.4t�.
�,- Sa hed checked the plats �d everythiag in this area �oasieta af kQ goo� �9ts.
Y1an�nlaA Commiasion Al+est�a� - 1la� 3, 1972 Pa�e 1_
� Richard 8arrig, 6200 Biverview T�rracss Se bad to agree with Aa;i'y CraNder.
It hae beea for a loag ti�e that he did.not go along with epot rezoninfi. Ttae
�vhole Last River Boad situation is a misb maah but two wrongs do not mske a�ight.
There wae a propoeal b4fore Couacil that a etudy be made of this eituation, but
that got aide tracksd. He woadered if it would be p000ible for Mr. Doyle to
have tha real �atate office oa thie pzopQrty by spacial uas permit aad that a
etudy be iaitiated oa-tbe whole zoaiag aloag Eaat Riv�� �ad and get �i�aes set ug.
Ctiairman Erickson asplaiasd to Mr. Barzie that uader our ozdinano� �� �e
aot ;oaoible for a apecial use permit. The Plaaning Commiasion ia no�
a Co�rehenoive Plan for the City of IPri�ley-aad it will probably bs �iAiahed
withia the aext eixtq days.
Mr. Hasris thought it might �e well for Mr. Doyle to wait with '�it� �e�quo�t
until the Comprehensive Plan is finished.
Mr. Doyle �aid tPasre •vould be parkiag space for 10 care. '�he aue�ot�+�°� amd
sa�esman will be parking ia the frant oa the Ea�t eide of t'he parcel.
. fle. coatinuad that .tlie do�wnstairs of Lhe houa� .does aot lead iteel��' W��.1 to
, office epace. �he diaing and living rooa would be ideal for receptiot� Wo��
end files. In real eatate offiee �rou do lilce t� have aome kind of p�c�Y�a,
vbere you can talk to theae people away fro� ths hubbub. •They could haV�+l�9us
offices on the eecond floor.
Mra. Gerber asked Mr. Doyle what would. happen if he had to gi,p� u� g�1� a!'�i,ce.
� Mr. Doyle said if something happened to him, there was no Way �� cc►�ld
kaaw this. As to the graen areas. he had ao reaaoa at thie polnt to qdce aay
chaages here. It was not reallq an area he would want to ��e �� build on os
espand the office. fle wants to uas the buildiag for aa off�ce aa� ant� of X�e
lota for purposes of parl�ing.
Mr. Ellis said he knew tDey were ia for a new etreet aad curb 3� tb� p�+��
futurs. He kaew thare �rtll be eo� big asaa8�manto agaiast the �rope�ty, �e
tbougbt �Ir. Doyle shcnld change bia mind about holding the lots opeu•'
Bichard Dittao. 6�291 Riverview Tessrace; He felt very much in �.it�e Wi�t
Dicic Harris. Se did not go alon� witb apot tasoning. He tbought �r. Do�r�e
ehould wait. fle vonld be very disappointed if �ething w�en't doae abou�
buifering along the railroad euch as�plete co�ercial devs�o�eAt•
1�T20�1 by M�nish, s�conded by Fitspstria�, t.riat the Publia Hear�rx,� o� t�ie
Rezoning R�est, ZOA N7?-04, by Le.igh .investmeat, Inc. by Joiu� tt. Dey��,
Pre�ident, be cloaed. Upon a v�oice v�vte, a11 voting aye, ti�e motip�a cqacs�t��usly. .
Ch�irmea.8rictsaa •�plained to Mr. Dayle that, if he wi�hs$, hia Fe+q�s�
could be dolsyad uatil tha Planaia� Co�iaQion completed tha etvdy o� t.i��►
Co�spreheativ� �La .�f lhridlay. Thi� �rould be a matter of t�ro ar �b�+�e tl��tbe.
Or tbe Plaiming Ca�i�sioa could act on it toaight.
� Mr. Schmad�ite •aid b� toused tha assa ti�i.� aft�tnoou. 8e sa�t �.ots o� tnics
. ho�aes. Mamy wmrm �mder a20,000 that tte' d liice to awa. Cleaned up � pai.a�ec� an�
fi.�ed up. they'd look seal aice. �o didn't tbink the �rea had deteri.or���d,
dopn to tl�e po�at wl�ese t�ey �hotild b� ��Ckiag �on tbam. On the ��t ��d�i �are
b��uti�ul homeo. The oaes aext �o the Gra�k obPu�� uo� be ment�.oaed ae �'o�
Planniag Commi.esioa Meeting - Mav 3, 1972 , Page 11
� the wrong aide of the tracks". He met Mr. Doyle before. fle advised him that
we have mauy.areas in the City of Fridley it would b�a well for him to look at
and would like the type of house he would be developing. In his opiAion, if�a
partq co�s in to do commercial bueinese, he ehould be in a commercial area.
Mr. Zeglen asked if it werea't true that if a maa livea in the taoues ha
could have his own buainess in the houee, even though it would be ��xai�t�.a
Mr. Mimiah said he was terribly coacerned about the traffic �itu���i��•
The problem is severe and aerious for a number of years. It has beera uudes study•
Evea though the Commisaioa completed their plau aad came up wi�h a� etudy� h�
would be opposed to thie request principally because q� the �ac� tb�t t�g �o
ten o� mpre cara beiag fuaneled out to the East River itoad Esaffi� pxobl�.
Mr. Schmedeke said that this is spot zoaiag. He was sura even �FC�� the
study is completed, the Commission would not apQrove spot zoniag.
MOTION by Schmedeke, secoaded by M3nish, that the Plenning Comm�iss�p�a
recammend to Council denial of the 1Rezon3ng .�eguest, ZOA �i7a-04, b� i+e.�gi�
Inve�tment, Inc., John R. Deyle, to rezone from R-1 to CR-.� (ge�raer�d p�`��ce
and 13mited buaines�) Iats Z2 through 17, arid ti�e West 5 feet pf Lot .18, 8.�c�k
16, Fridley Park for Rea1 Estate Office. Upon a voice vate, a�1 vo4ixa� a�ie�
the motioa carr3ed unan3mously.
To rezoae from R-1 to R-3 (general multiple family dwell�,ags �o� �g
apartmgnt compleu�Lot 39, Revised Auditor's Subdivision �77 e�eeplt ���r�
to Greeawood 85640.
Mr. aad Mrs. Einar porstad were present.
1►1nTI0N by F3tzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, tha� the B.Ian�,i�g Cv�uisa�iot�
waive the resding of the Public gear3ng Notice for the Rezon.iAg R�guesfi, 2Q�
1�7Z-05, by Einar "Ted" Derstad to rezone from R-1 to R-3 (geAe�a.l �Au1.��.1t���
family dwe113ngs) for an apartment complex on Lot 39, Rev3sed Aud,itpz'�s �t�b�
d3v3sion 1i77 except Parcel q5640. vpoa a vo�ce vote, a11 votir�g a�e, the �t���
csrried unani�usly. '
Mr. �rstad said that whea he ceme to Fridley on December 2A, �.974' ���'�+�+�
the street from thie propertq was a filli�g statiqo, q a w�ootbee� amd �i��a
Ritchen. Lot 16 was not commercial. There were no new houses. �s&� w��'�
houses acrose from commercial. They were adivaed by five di�feser►t p�op�.� ti�sy
ehauld not attempt to make it commercial property. Bowever� it �.� �,pt �e���y
' It�-1 propertq. If they had R-3, they would build alangeide lris�. Gxesmwood��
prc�perty. They weat buildings nice enough that theq'd Nan� to �,iv� �,�u� ��.
ae could uaderstand objections euch se different casea whe�e�t�ultipl� dws�.l�ags
we�re vacaat later aa. That ie nothiag ne� to anqoae. But yp� ju�� C�A�C c�c�unt
ou se111ng eingle dwellings acroas from a].1 that co�ercial are�. '�'bs�� �
been some thought or discuesion putting a etreet khrough the mi�ddle of �,� laqd.
Oae plan was acroae the water easement wbich is the extens�o� e! 95th Wl�j► �d
� t�e wae aa alternate plan. If the street went thrpug�, e� ps�,Cp q�' g�� �►d
would be cut aoneiderablq.
Planaing Commisaioa Meeting - May 3. 1972 Pat�e 12
� Bert��llis, 115 Talmadge Way: fle stated he circulated a peti.tion o� a��
of the peaple oa Talmadge Waq and 75th Way. fle received sigaatures pf i00� of
everqbodp involved. Theq do not want tb�live across the etreet ��om ap�xtMt►k
buildiage or iadustrial the seme as Ted. Theq felt apartment buildiug� i� tha�
area would affect their property. If gou start chaaging the re�es�ia� i� oAe
area apottedly, it should thea be done on a citq wide basis� wi�'� ev� tho�t
of the people involved beiag laadowners. It ie a creepiag paraly�is. �Yea�
if everything on the East side of East Biver Road were iadustrial, �'ba� ie �o '
� seaeoa for 3t to iacsease. •
1�TION by Sci�mQdelce, second� by F3tzpatrick, that the Planrnatm� Cora�al�a2Lon
receive the Petit3ou svbmi�tec� by Be�t Ellis objecting to the re�anatng s�e�t,
ZOA #72-05, by Ein�a "Ted" lbrstad. fJpo� a vaire vote, aIl voting �xe, �,h�
mvt�oa carried rinauimousZy.
. Larry Chevalier,_ 48 Talmadge Way: He said that he Iined aczosa �xam �t�.e
land. Be had never yet aaen a requeat made for a r�zoaing without ec�a sox� o€
plaa, plat or.buildiag. If the request �as granted, what ia going tip tt►e�e.
He would like to go on recard ae oppoafag because o-f spot rezonipg ar�d b� d�.d
not want th� area across the atreet to be a big apartmeat.
Janice Deaa, 65 76th Way: Becauae of all the apartments a�d �omple�s� �a�
East River Road, some of which are about to be reated, Mrt. Dea� obje��etd �Q
the additioaal traffic problem this rezoaing would briag. Why take qne� ��.'���.e
block for more apartmeat8 when three sides are resideatfal? We ehou�.d fi�x�k
ebout that.
Anthoay J. flogan, 133 75th Way: He beZieved that many of the peoF�.e �,xe
vezy agprehensive as there is another three acres to the Nosth undeve�.o�aed.
T6e rezoafag w�.11 fa�i lige dominoe� whea it gets going. ae aaid t�e, wae��d R�t
build a home acrosa from co�ercfal. The people who live there mow a�� �t�o�c
tbere .
flarold J. Plaaf, 91 75th Way: He stated he was opposed to the �e�on�ia��:
C. M. 8am, 120 Talmadge Way: He �aid he lived in the area app��paCe��.�
17 years. He was strongly against tbe proposal.
A. H. Lucas.t: I� Talma�ge Way: T&ep would not want to butl� ac�o�e l�om
ca�ercfal. Ttzere are several lote faciag Talmadge. Tbey objec�ed ve�+ t��h,
Jim Beaa, 15� Talmadge �Tays He has lived there for 25 ye�r�. �� ���R�t��
help beiag eympat6etic with Mr. Doretad, but tbis requ�t would pu� tt�� �iCy
in the position of epot rezoning. They appreciate his t��,� p���� Af
p�opertp, but feel ft could be divided into eiagle familq �eaidetae��.
George J. I?eaa� 65 75t.b Way: iie falt the traffic problea� aho�lld b� b��ugbt
up agaia. If the rezoniag were sp�roved= Mr. Doratad would coqet�tct $���
�u].tiple d�iel2tags and they would add another IQQ to 150 caze usia�g ��e� iti.ver
Road. . They are goiag to have ta get on Basi Siver Roac� souteI�oW ar gA �u$ �p
ttse South. There will be � lot �ore traffic tham there is t�aw. $� wotb�d
^ d8fiaitely have to go on record se being apposed to ti�p �ezoAing.
Planning Commisaion Meeting - May 3, 1972 ,Pa�{� 13
._,1 _ Roger Wel�, 55 75th Way: Who makee the final decisioa? Chairmaa Erick�oa
. anewered that�the City Couacil does. Mr. Weleh �t�es asked if 100x of tbe ��
rssidentB are oppoaed, what leverage have they on the Couacil? Chair�atl �x�cksaa
said Couacil will lieten to the people. The present is wh�t pou p�e�$e� r-
the petitioner is the one who hae to prove his case.
1�OR70N. by Al3nish, seconded by F3tzpatr3ck, that the PlanniAg Co�is��c��3 Flose
the Pvblic I�eer3ng af the Rezoning Req�est, 7AA �72-D5, by �� "�ed" �p��gt�pl•
Upnn a voice v�te, a12 voting age, the motion carr�ed �ni.mor�si�.
Mr. 1Kinish said, that from the diecussion, this parcel conld be developed
ia aingle family dw�lliags aad still acca�odate the �art of the property
abuttin� Esst River Road. If the petittoner w8atad to modify hia request, he
�id take a secoad look. It did not seem appropsiate to rezoae �he wl�o�e
�arcel .to B 3. .
Mr. S�edeke asid that he ag�eed. With so manq people objecting, i� �a
har� to a�e� �rith the petitiaaer. He wot�].d like to eee the owaer deve�op his
l�nd, but with so many people agafnet the rezoniag, he felt Mr. Dorstad ehould
co� in �ri�th �other plan.
��s �rickeon addsessed Mr. Daxatad a�gring tfiat valess he wa���� �A
�#� th� �eque�t at thie time, t2�a he �onld have to wai.t for sia mon�tl�a to
briaig� ia. �� r�q�t.e He wse not threateaing him wftb deaial. �e �on�� �1�ink
�t �r ua�i tla� �l�iag Commiesi.on meets on Juae 7th. Mr. �ref�d ���cs�d
�� that. '
.. 1�TION be� �n3sh, seconded bg Sch�delre. that the Planniag Coa�#ss�fo�n teble
to ��e �, 2972 the rezoning reqttest, ZOA �Y7?-05, by Eine� ^Ted^ DarStaGd. ko
rezone fr� R-1' �Co R-3 (general multiple faffiIy dweZlings) �.ot 39, R�V��ec�
Aud�tor's Snbd3v3sian #?7 esr�ept part to �rseawxiod �5640. t7pon � vo3ce vot=e.
aLZ �ating ays, the motion carried ua�animou�lge
rezoae fram C-1 local buaineBS areae to C-2 (general business a�ea�)
Lot 1, Blac�C l, Commerce� Park.
STORES: To coatinue a cezvtce statioa and perm3t the additica o€ �ailss
and dieplay of garden asad Iawa euppl.ies. per Code Section 45. �0�., S�s�t�om a,
3-E, to be located om I.ot 1, Block 1, Co�erce Park.
Mr. L, J. 8ang, repreeentiag the petit�i, �raa preseat.
A�T'I0�1 b� Mir�tsh, seconded by Z�g1en, �hat the PZanning Co�a.isst�ox� w��Ve
the resding of the Publ3c 8earing Xotice for tbe Rezonirig Req«est, �O� I�7'�p6,
bg Wes�ern S�ores fio rezone from C-1 (Ioc�1 bu�3ness areas) �o C-2 (g�nte�q$
bus�aess areas) oa Lot 1, Alock 1, Coa�erce Park. ilpon� a vo�ice vpte, �.�1
vioting aye. the motion carr�ed unanim�vsly.
�ATION �y Air,.iah, seconded by Zeglen, that the P2arming Coa�iss�o� wa�tYe
� t?�e �ading of the PubI3C 8earing Notice for consideration of � S�eC�ia� flse
Fermit, SP �72-02, bg Western Stores to coatinue a service stat�i.op and �pe�t
the add3tion of sales and displag of ga�a�n and Zawn snpp3ies per C�qTs ,�e��t.�qz�
4�.101, Sect3on B, 3-E to be �,ocated o� Lot 1, 81oc]k 1, Co�erae �1�. fl,gcad�
a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, the motion carried unanimeusly.
Planniag Gommis�icn Meetiag - May 3, 1972 _,_,e, Page 14
^ `� M� Haug esgls%d t.trat abcnt April lat they aet up a miniature garden
c�nter. Tiisy fafmd ti�e� �rs s� �n public psoparty. They qulckly w�tbdl!ew.
�eg �re taxd. tn �pplp fctcc a�ge�isl �ase Pezmft. He iau�d out, whea ha ,�pp�.f.ed
� t,h� Special IIse Fermit, tb�t ia �9�8 the �tatiaa op� fQr �s3�►eea �d
� tl�at tfms, ti�g �ere � C-I. A statfaa �s �tEsei fa tflaS $��#,at,
�h� ia l%9 tbe seraice � cst�garg chaage�i fro� � Z t¢ C-� � 3$!�
� statiaa has Bees operatisg e�a�- � I isste� cf G�.
He€errt� ta� maPa: he a�eet �re t�e greea sse� � lacate�� �bta �o�a1
area thep are v�g m�g is �'s8t�' - 3T�eY � If�e a��s+a �.� i�Izer�
th� �id be resLs��t� fa tl�eir t� a� . Lie� aefaiatv�e �ar$ea �#s^�
�gs�. Ist to Jtsl.p Ist, z�ewab% � g�sr.
�m �ls� said fie cli� mot thi�k a sesvi�e s#atio� s� � aa� tw�teide
�31s��. � feit that �o�ida� �ld siso �e deterted becarose t�ep �� i�
��P�9fn8 Lbe�� f�rti,Iizer� out��e.
����: 3� isad ��fi� taf . tb� ��g. �e ��d t q ad� u�e t
i�s+e� � � � �. � ��t w� � tb�t � �in�iat�tee $a�den
�� � � � is� itpzil �d ���x � �a ��. � � � � t�� Bu��d a�
14��.s �a ��, � statia� �s ��� ��� t� � �he st� ��s& W�
taie st%n3,��#.o� t� na at��r �ign� �� ls� �S.�pl�� otber ti�a �e� �leatern
�i� � tlxe �es�i� �tatio� �aci � free �t�sd�,n� P�io� siga. Ti��� t�i�p�ayed
�si� ��.� ax� adverti��.a� a���ri�� in �alatioa of i.�e agree�ea� �.t� �.97�.
Mr. Hav� safd tae. came to �af.� at��.on f� Iaa� a�eax ago. R�$h� A47w
� theg h�ve a trlackt� coaPanF c�ag �. �i� the �atranc,e they dicit�'t aAd up with
�y re�i �i�g �. ac� t%g ���irt �f� sut�Y- Th� b1a��oF cu�biag
�i1 � � $# �e �trsa� � � t�g �i�t gst t�e g� S�8 ���•
� t ia� ti�e miaiature ��� �s �t �2.5�- �e �er �ad s�opped
� � � �.ty off�ces � :s� � .�.��2. � ges�i� � �d, A� W�a►s�
#�3�1 �� �fl �ep � �sea s�� � �� � �3. � 3ae�cha�dt a�. Wt�t
�e ��.y �as sag�g �as fi�at bs xse �t th� �eaay t:f ti�e City o� �d1a�r, �e
w�on7.d ].�� ts have uatil d�aae 33th ta c�ear the stoek. �at w�I.�. �te �►e �.ast
time thep �1i1 have a gardea reate�,
�''lt� �} l�Jiaish, 8e�con�3ed I� Schmede�C+eE t�at #.%e P2�g �SSio�
uut31 Ju� 7, I�72 tite rezon�ng requsst� �A �72-06, aAd �be c�idera-�
#3ta� �t' a S�3a1 Use ,Perati�r 5� �?Z-Q2, • Ix� ±��rn Stoaes. 7�ar� a vt��Ce VO�e.
a3� ��1� a�e. � ,�i3on �arr�eaT ur�an�mm�sl�.
�. 3Miaish seked if it were passible to ge� a sutvey pg vmes�oi�e��tb��,
�r. ��n�s aad a Iist af violattaas.
�� : SAY �32-ii4 �Y� . Il+�. � �ac$��
1�iyet A.veaue betweea L�� 5� Block 2 33�►e �f railr�.d.
� 2� �1�� ���.�ck 4. 3) IInnamed ��e�� �twe� 8�vr.�c 3 a�nct +��
�i� d S��eet b�Lweea Block ��d �, Beaclin Additian.
��b1ed to �us� T, 2972 �tiag.
�l�,iag Commisaion Meetiag — May 3, 1972 , , . Fa,�e L5
A member of the League of Woman Votere wi�1 give��he pxe�se��atioa,
'� Mss. Carolya Rouse, Z10 Hice Creek SI�d.. r�prese�tted tl� �sg� oi Wa��►
Votere. She distributed to the Pl�taiag Co�mies�o� �ets L'Ete '�aak "�he
Laad IIse Puzzle" Psepared by tiie Council of Metropalitan Asea L��t$t�.
Mrs. R,ouse said that the League hopes ae �t.tie Coamitssio� �orka �t� th�
Cop�preheneive Plan, �,h�y,.would call oa �the Leag�e if tbese wae aay aay they
could help.
The Caa�ntestoa appreciated receiviag the "The Laud IIse Puz�l��� aud a1e�a
the fact that Mrs. Rouae stayed to the "bitter end".
There b�ing no fustb$r buaiaees. E3�si=maa Lrickaon adjouraed the meetiag
at 3:00 F.l�.
Ree ectfull�,su tted
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