PL 05/17/1972 - 30350�`1
MAY 17, 1972.
The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick at 8:05 P.M.
Members Present:
Member Absent:
Others Present:
Fitzpatrick, zeglen, Schmedeke, Minish (8:30 P.M.)
Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant, Peter Herlofsky,
Administrative Assistant
Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick asked that the minutes show that Mr. Minish
arrived at the meeting after Item 1(Proposed Zapata Restaurant at 5905
University Avenue) had been acted upon.
Another correction was on Page i4, the closing sentence of Items 5 and 6
(Western Stores) should read: "Mr. Minish asked if it were possible to get a
survey of ordinances that were not being enforced because of difficulty of
!�� enforcement or lack of manpower and a list of violations of the Western Stores."
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by 5chmedeke, that the Planning Commission
approve the minutes of the May 3, 1972 meeting subject to the above corrections.
Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by 5oiunedeke, that the Planning Commission
receive the Building Standards-Design Control 5ubcommittee minutes of Ma� 4,
1972. Upon a voice vote, aZI voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planninq Conanission
receive the minutes of t.he Board of Appeals meeting of May 9, I972. Upon a
voice vote, alI vo ting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Block 2, Commerce Park, for Snowmobile & Sales Service.
barrel Clark stated thzt Council wanted some guidance in interpreting the
CR-2 Zoning Ordinance whether or not this type of business would fit in a CR-2
District. For the benefit of the petitioners he read from the CR Ordinance.
The most pertinent requirement was "Sales incidental to other permitted uses
providing that no more than 25 per cent of the floor space ava.i.lable to any .
user shall be devoted to sales". Also, "Uses permitted are those which do
not attract a large number of the generai public, such as retail shopping
areas, and which do not generate heavy vehicular traffic".
Planning Com�ission Meeting - Ma 17, 1972 Page 2
^ Ms. .Skiff said that the sales of snowmobiles and boats would not generate
a great deal of traffic, surely no more than the stores in the area do now. In
order fio comply with the requirement of no more than 25% of the floor space for
sales, they will allocate the area shown for a showroom on the plan for a
lounge area.
Mr. Clark said the building will be South of the Pet Clinic. There is no
problem with the land area. The question is zoning and use.
Mr. Schmedeke said, in his apinion, this was one of the situations that the
people coming in to buy property should consider an area where the business
would fit.
Mr. Zeglen said the sales would probably fit in the CR-2 more than the ser-
vice angle. If they did not sell, people wouldn't come in for service. fle
didn't know how much sales would be involved.
Mr. Schmedeke said he did not object to this type of operation coming fnto
the City. He wondered, because of the traffic generated by the Post Office, if
this type of business would add to the problem.
Mr. Clark said that if the Planning Commission and Council should say "No",
these people would have to decide whether or not they want to go for rezoning.
�•� Skiff said that they will be handling three lines of snowmobiles. If
� they have three franchises, they would have more service work. Basically the
/'�, building will be 3,000 square feet. The first building would be on one side
of the lo't. -It is not the kind of a thing that attracts drop in traffic. They
would like to be in business by July lst.
Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick told the petitioner that if the business were
totally repair, there would be no question. The Commission has to make a fine
distinction. Your request has�already gone to Council and Council referred it
back to us. We are obliged to give a very careful look because it would be
setting a precedent. They will be using the South part of the property for
parking which gives one of the questions for discussion. Certain kinds of ser-
vice generate almost as much traffic as retail. Repair would generate more
traffic. The assumption is then made that commercial generates more traffic.
Mr. Schmedeke said he realized time is important to buyer and developer
and time is always important to everyone. He did not feel a quick decision
should be made.
Mr. Minish arrived at 8:30 P.M.
` MOTION b� Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commissicn table
to June 2Z, 1972 the discussion of a Building Perrait for A-Z Motor Sports by
Ms. Vicky Skiff, to be Zocated on Lots 13 and 14, �lock 2, Commerce Park, for
snowmobile and boat sales and service. Upon a voice vote, aZ1 votinq aye, tlae
uaotion carried unanimously.
PlanninR Commission Meetin� - Mav 17, 1972 Page 3
Mr. Zeglen felt that because the Chairman was not present, and Mr. Minish
just walking in, if they could delay this request so that they could act more
efficiently. , •
Mr. W. "Red" Stang said if they couldn't build in Fridley, they could go
out on Highwaq �i65.
Mr. Ray Wormsbecker added that they have a purchase agreement deadline for
buying the piece of property. The closing date is involved now. If the request
gets delayed, it might be they would have to work out some sort of extension or
go to a different piece of property.
_ Mr. Minish asked for an explanation of
patrick said the question was whether or not
CR-2 zoning. This business involves a fair
the reason it was referred from Council.
the problem. Acting Chairman Fitz-
the use of the business fits into
amount of retail sales and that was
Mr. Schmedeke said that one of the reasons that he did not want to vote
on this request tonight was because he hadn't had time to study the agenda as
it was delivered only a half hour before the meeting. Secondly, they were once
a�ain putting a C-2 business in a CR area. There are areas for that type of
business and that is where they should be looking. He also felt these people
were told they could run into zoning problems.
The Co�ission.felt the snowmobile business would generate a lot of noise
because the people would want to try Chem before taking them home. Mr. Stang
said most people are in a hurry to take the machines home and do not bother to
take time to check them. The machines are serviced without checking them on
the street.
Mr. Wormsbecker said that just now, looking at the zoning map, if they
went about three or four lots to the North, �he zoning would be C-2 and they
would have access to both Osborne Road and 73rd, and have the same traffic
going up and down and just a couple of blocks North. They liked this site
better. It has a service station down the corner with a car wash. They would
have traffic in and out, otherwise they don't sell any goods or cars. These
people expect to se11 2 snowmobiles a day. Such sales would not create very
much traffic. If it were strictly service without sales, they would have much
more tra�fic. They need a large area to show three boats. The lots at Bob's
Produce were checked, but they are too large.
Mr. Schmedeke said he thought the traffic was not the worst situation, but
the noise and setting a precedent was the problem by allowing this type of
business in CR-2 zoning. It wouldn't be long before another business would
want to come in with a similar type of business.
Mr. Wormsbecker felt Council's objection was whether or not the business
° would fit in the CR-2 zoning, as they had looked at the plans.
Chairman Fitzpatrick said that, although Council might have had only that
question, he felt there were other questions. The Commission has to look
closely at this. It would not be the matter of percentage of business used
for sales.
-, - _ ..
Planning Commission Meeting - May 17, 1972 Page 3A
'�.., WALL CORP. REZONING RE UEST, RIEDEL PROPERTY: Mr. Schmedeke said he would
like a map of the storm sewer district in this area showing the amount of property
affected; how much each of the owners have paid; what was Riedel charged and if
he had paid.
Mr. Clark said he could tell what route and how much it was assessed in rela-
tion to all the land around it. This is because the way the storm sewer assess-
ment was set up. They charge the district and whatever it costs to take care of
the district. The storm sewer will hold the five year frequency rain. Now and
,� then we get a 50 year rain or a 100 year flood.
WESTERN STORES: Mr. Minish said he strongly urged that the Western Oil be
tagged. The Company was well aware at the public hearing at the last meeting
that they were in violation of the existing ordinance by having their miniature
garden on the green area. He�strongiy urge� the City Administration to investi-
gate that facility and if he does sell in violation, that the tag be issued, and
aee it done prior to the meeting of June 7th. The attitude exhibited by Western
Oil is they do not particularly care about following our ordinance.
s Mr. Clark said N�r. Haug had stated he was going to move the miniature garden
up to the building.
Mr. Minish thought that if the Planning Commission wanted to curb this type
of business, it might take phases, such as a series of letters that this is the
last season.
� VIKING CI�VROLET: Mr. Schmedeke asked if Viking �d a Used Car License.
Sis understanding of the reason for the fee was police protection. He asked
for a check to be made to see if other cities have a new car license. Also
junk yards.
The Planning Commission decided to meet at 7:30 prior to the regular meetings,
minium portion of total multiple unit complex on part of Outlot H, Innsbruck
North Addition being the 1600 Block.
Mr. Dave Phillips explained that these were new plans, the other plans being
discarded. They took off the basement and relocated the furnace. There was the
possibility of picking up some additional parking. He had been out relocating
parking along streets and garages areas. After the trees have been pin pointed,
they might be able to pick up some more parking stalls and save the trees. The
centerline of the road has been staked. Most of the supplemental planning is
' evergreens. They are using gumac between planting and bringing it in.
Mr. Schmedeke felt the plan looked fine and was much better than the last
one with more parking and no dead end streets.
Mr. Phillips said he would appreciate the Planning Commission approval of
�'�`� the preliminary plan for Phase I this evening for Council action on June 5th and
they would be back to the Planning Commission on June 21st. They wiV.l follow the
�, _ --- .. .
, - � _,:.,-
Planning Comadssion Meeting - Mav 17, 1972 Pa e 3B
Fridley Code. The walls are one of the major items. The biggest objection was
the parking, drainage and single wall construction. The new plans will be
,^ similar to the townhouses but with no brick. They will be a split foyer design.
� MOTION by ZegZen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission recommend
to Council approval of the Preliminary Plan for Phase I of the Quadrominiums by
Viewcon, Inc., being the condomini wn portion of the total multiple unit complex
on part of Outlot H. Innsbruck Nonth Addition (Block 1600). Upon a voice vote,
a1Z voting aye, the motion carried unazaimously.
The Recording Secretary left at 9:45 P.M.
The Planning Commission continued the study until 11:45 P.M.
Respectf.11y submitted
�'� �x�3�--
Haz 'Brian
Recording Secretary
^ �