PL 07/19/1972 - 31117�
The meeting was called to order at 8:05 P.M. by Chairman Erick��t�.
Members Presents
kiembers Absent :
Othere Preseat:
Erickson, Zeglea, Schmedeke, Fitzpat�iClc
D�rrel Clark, Enginecring Assietant
�TION bc� Schmedeke, seconded by ieglen, th�t the Planaing Cotr�►.issio� minut�
of Jnne 21, 1972 be approved. Upon a voice vote, all voti� aye, fi.� taption
carricd vnanimously.
1�TION by Sc2�me�delee, seconded by Zeglen, that th� Planrting Commissipn sec�iv�
�, the minutes of the Board of Appeals meet3ng of June 27, 1972. Upon a Voice Vote�
s1I vot�ng aye, the mntion carried una�m�usly.
I�TION bg Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Co�ni,�sioA �'eoeive
t-+tie m3nutes of the Board of App�ais a�eeting of July 5, I97Z. Upo� � Vc��Ce vot�,
al� voting aye, the mot�on carried unanimouslg.
Mr. Zeglea explained that there was not a quorum at the meeting! ao� t,�as he
�r�aent, but he atated to Council that he coacurred with the minutes. �'ha pd.nutes
Wess tbea passed by the Council.
'� l�170N by Zeglen, seconded by Sci�edeke, that the Plaaning Gb�n.i�s�1pA dCe�eiYe
the minutes of the Building Standards-Des�gn Control Subcoa�ittee �ee�� o�
,attu�e� 29, 1972. E(pon a votce vote, a11 voting sye, the m�tion carr�ed ur�imous7y.
�TZOW by Scim�eds�. seconded by Zeylen. t�at the Plaanir�g: �saaEo� �r�ceive
� tbe-mirnit.e� of tl�e.Plats 6 Subdiv3aions-Stseets & Utilities meeti� c�f �q1j 12r
1972. Upon a votce vote, all voting aye, i:h� m�tton carr�ed upan,tapt�l�.
^ .
� 00.: Parcel 1200fl Section 22, zoned 1�2. Sign to be 14 � it '9 rA be�
�arallel to �a�l�oad ;racisa, Sovth of �.fl. �694 and West of ���.1cg�+d ���ck�,
p�er Gity Code 45.04, 2.
k'lanr�i-i� Coffii.ssiQn M�t�� m��al� �9$ 1�72 ���� 2
�..�.w� — am s eae e�ID � � wie��-
� MOTICiN b� Schrnedeke, seconded by ZegZem, that tl�� �Zaa�r�a%a� ��$����d�
�Ce�e�ye t.�e Ietter fromNaegele Outdoor Adverta.sing Co. Inc. d+�t� bi�y �� f���?
�nd continue the reqaest for a Special Use Perau�, SP #i2-08r .�p� 9Q �� �� ��°
�'���te�t �� t�� Zetter. Upon a voice vote, a1Z votinq aye, tbe a�o�{�r� ��,�,���
TISING CO.: Parcel 5400, Section 2, side by side poster, 12'ac2�' p��' E��y
�Ade 56.p4, 2. Located at 7940 Universit�r Avenueo
�'ir. Raymoad Pfeiffer of ATaegele Outdoor Advertising Co. w�� 'p�'����6'�.
Mp�'�q1�1 by 2eglen, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning ��tr�is�i6�d3 W�K�
�a� x��ding of the Public Hearing notice of the request for a,Sp�,��1 tls� ��� t�r
,Sg #7�-09, by Naegele Outdoor Advertising Co. Upon a voice Vot�, �1,� Y��d&� �y�P•
the rrqtion carried unanim�usly.
Mr. Pfeiffes referred to a copy of the site plan explainin� �he �i�� W���.d
� b� located fln 79th Aveaue and IJniversity. Basically the, azea �.� o��ti �.�Ad �o��d
� �,�dustrial and owned bg► Fred Yesnes. There would be two 1�'x2�� �'�s�� �At������t�d
•�i��s. Tkie location confoims to State regulations and as ���c �s ��,�� k��w, 6b1�
�Yte staadards set up by the community. The sign would be �ha�ge� �Y�� C����y �A
���ty ��ys, The ad would be faciag Northbound traffic. The�re ��� ��i1;+� �4 �'�W
' ����� ��ar ttee sign and some have to be taken.
�1 Aaxrel Clark mentioned that the Golf Driving Range is,on $la�. �4�p ��� a�
g�he� billboards within 500 feet. There are other billboards NQrth �� O�b����
$oad. Brooklya Center does not have billboards any �re. They �1'�g th� �����'�°
��,��.a�g Qignsa The one for the new Holidaq Motor Ian is fair�.y �tu�1�,.
�. Clark read from the Ordinance whict► �h�red that bi���o�tgd� ��� ���fi���d
tA b� 500 feet agart, 500 feet from the intersectioxa, h�ve ��,� �'g��, 8�� ��'� �r��
��� ��.gk�� pf way and 300 equare £eet of area. This reque�t �� �tsk�'�� �6�� �FFTQ
��Q ��,ua�efoot sfgn� malcing a total of 600 square feet. Ref'e����� �tD t�� Q�°�d$S6�
�3tg+�a ril�, Clark said tae would iaterpret the Ordinance to read � p��� �G���� ��
�iy�u for oae sign double f�ced.
iKr, Pfeiffer �aid he hada't aa�aderstood thie ama fe�t t�$ �+�qu��� w9��d b�
�anged to one sign. He said he haat a five year lease fp� �t�� ��,g�� �y�� �;� �'��
�,�d was eQ2d or developed, the sign would be tsken dowu '���� ��O �,��* '�p��,a�,
�, Fitzpatrick said that he sat through th� writiag o� �$�� ��.�, Q�¢�,��Q�
�d 1��,� �at�rpretation certainly was a�ot two sigae aide bp s�de,
�. Schmedeke concurred with Mr. F'itzp�trick'a etateneat. �� �'��,� �� �p1��
�t�ia� would be put in the motion to th� effect if buildiags were �q�4t�t1���d q�
�th�ac eide of the sign, indicatiag th� number of feet, �he ai� Wp��,�� �� ���}"f���
�'ktg� k�e would concur with a�otion to that effeet.
^ �. k'feiffer said he would concu� a�tt� one sign and simil�� �� '����1�4�
�lat�ning Ca�ission Meetiai� - JuI�1 I�, 1�72 0� j�a���
� Mr. Clark added that there was a pretty good chance 79ti► A,ve��� ��1�1d ��
�g�ta�rucked, prqbably as soon as next year. It would have an �n�sx��t���,�� ���,
� ur��.versity Aven�e along the Southbound lane. �.'he crossover is a� $1�� �y��1��,
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeqlen, that the Planni�g �A�S�i�� �Z���
t�17�� Fub.�ic Hearing of the Special Use Permit, SP �i72-09, by Naeqele �?���e2c��
�dyertisiny Co. to construct a side by side poster on ParceZ 54pQ, �l�n c� Vg.���
V�t�v �1� voting aye, the rr�tion carried unanimously.
i�iro Minish a�ked if the Environmental Committee was actual�y �1�T���iq��1��A
I�� thou�ht this sign problem could be something they might lik� �q Wp��,�.��m
Mx�. Erickson asked how many more signs could be legally p1�G�d.
l�iir. Clark answered that most of the si�ns are in the last b�c��l�s �te���� �3r�
�ud �.Sth Aveuues. Some are advertising aigns aad not the sizQ q� 1��,�.�.1�q����9
!�'kte�� could be one more besides this si�n.
�?p�'lQN by Schmedeke, secondel3 by Fitzpatrick, that the �.1�7�� ���s�.¢�l�
�'��4�mm�nd approval to Council of the Special Use Permit, SP 1�7Z-p�, W.�� ��
�gllpwinq stipulations: The sign sh�uld be 12°x25' s::,g1e faced. �� �Q,�� ,��
�OtJstruction of an industrial or co�r,erc�al buildii�g w_ thin 300 feet, th� s���
w9uZd have to be reircoved. When the construction of 79th Avenue a�c] �r#iv�e�����
,�ver�ute is begun, the sign must come down six months after eomme�nce�ert'� p� �,��
�p�as�ruction since 79th Avenue would be an intersection which z'equ.�.�e� c� $�,��
�4� �ie �Qq feet from the i n tersect i on . Upon a voi ce vo te, a11 vo ti n� �pe, ��
m0�.iqn carried unani�usly.
DORSTAD -- DORSTAD ADDITION: A replat of Lot 39, Revised Au�����'.�
to Greenwood (Parcel 5640).
division �77 except part
�. �nd Mrs. Dozstad were preseat.
.�10�'.�OIV by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Pla�ra.��� ��t{�j.���g�� rnr���p
�� .�eadin� of the Public Xearing notice�for the Pro�osed ,���1�tn.�'��� ,�.���;�
8„�'• �`7�m��� Aorstad Addition by Einar porstad. U,�pon a vo,i.C� Vc���, ��,� V�+��d�' ���p
�j�� �g�;�o� �arried unanimouslym '
�Ir. Clark said that at the first meeting in June, Mr. Dor$ta� ��� ����p�„�y�
�.�eap for this parcel. The Hearing was closed and action delay�d bL���� �k�� ��,��
W�a �ceady for review. After looking at �the plat, Mr. Dorsta� W�+�1d �'Q�Q�i�����
�h� �'��Qning request.
�: C1ar1�c coatiaued tbat the preliminary plat shows a�G�Qg� ��� ����
�d We�� �rom Talmadge Lane conaecting to 75th Avenue and �as� �t�,y��' �p�¢ ������,�
�Tq��'� g�' �s�jprae road. Previouslq there had been some di$�us��,Q�, q�. ������^:�
C��Sb �;Aund on Talmadge Lane, but the new plan �de iC uane��p���►, ���� '��,�,
��$,�� be access to the Southbound lane, but not on the NorthbA��,4 �j��� '� �, ��
��'�g�� family homes on the lote except that the lots oa �as� Ri��� �,p�� �p�� ��
����p�a�d to R= 2£or double buagalows. �
�'�,anp,ing Commi.�sion Meetixs.g -� July 19 A 19 i 2 �a�� 4
p R a II e E 1 4 A P�l�ell�
� M�, i•undheim had not had time to look the plat ove�, but �� ��� �� �pi���(�+��'�d
�,� �p�j�tuction with the plans for East River Road. The houses �� ��� ���$ ��+��
g� ��st River Road are set back further than the ones on th� W�s� w�i�l� ��� ��,q��
�� th� �raad.
�ha�ixtnan Er�ckson said be thou�ht, as loeg as the minimum �g� ��.�� �,�, �.Q�QQQ
�qu�r� fe�t, som�thing could be worked out with the inter�eo���A �t ���� �.��7�
�A�d �ltd �he �'o�d that goes through the plat. If the line t��, ]�Q� �' �et��,d '�A
�qv�d b�ck a little from East River Road, there would be a litt�e taiA�� ��� 7�1�i'�
�� w�y�
e�,s €ar as �tilities go, Mr. Clark said the water line �uus dpW'� 'G'�� �e���
���� e� �ast River Road on the West side of the curb. Sewer ruas qµ� t� ��'�
�,ve� ltoad or South to Talmadge Way. 7'lae storm sewer ie on Talmac�ge 4��y ��
d�'�nQ �owards �ast River Road. The suggestion was made to M�r. Ao����� ��
app�os� �'ir. Greenwood, who owns Parcel 5640, askin� him, if 1�� we��t�,�i �a�� �p
��1A �x� tthe pla�ting. Mr. Greenwood's lot is $0'x165' p� �.�,2(�0 ������ ����P
��. �lark �ontiaued that the lots along East River Roa� wpµ�.� ��t1e �����i�t�d
�4����ts CA ���t itiver Road, -but they would be able to come ou� by s�T�� �� '��69
3i��,�h'����-i►8 streefis to the Highway. There would be sev�a R,-7, lpts �Ad �'���m �^��
MpT.TON by �eglen, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Cq�#���G+3� 4�j���
�� �tab.�ic Hearing of the request for a Preliminary P1at, P,S. #7��p�f ��°����
�d��I��pz� bc� �inar "Ted" Dorstad. Upor� a voice vote, a11 vvt�ng ��p,� �1�@ �tg����
,,+� ��sd���� t�naniraously.
1�i�c. �itzpatrick referred to the residents Nosth of Osbo��� �p�d �,� ���� p�
��s� �tiye� Road stating he felt they were very muct� involved W�.� ���� p���, ��
W� �c�fiiry �he Commission had not heard from them. It seemed �� 1��,uq �b�l�� �t�6��.�
'�gi ��zga� advantage for them,in the glaaniag of the new 0�'bc�'b'�� �$��da '�4� ��
�'o Cl�rl� �aid theq had rec�ived notice� of both thQ platt�t�� �d ������}��
, M�. S�hm�deke said the �eaer�l feelin� of the �lata & SubdiV�,��,�������fi� �
' '��1�.�.��+�s Subcommittee wae that this was a logical plat. It w�t� ���$ ��i� ���d��
th� �'lannin� Co�isaion was thia�king at the time-of the rezoa���P '�"'�� ��,��t $��/1
�b� �b�����p� wa� the R-3 xezonia�. Now that the lota mee� th� ���+��; ���{�
��g1�,��ut��t, the plat seemed the lo�fcai road to follow. $� ��� p�g�x�p�� �'��X
�� peo��e on the Last side c�d aot show up. The atreet go�n� �'������ $�� �,�,���
p� ��� �lat may �ary som�o It �y slip South to meet Oebo�ne ���¢ ���2�p��p� µ���
��. Y.uadheim. flis reco�eadation wroaald be for approval subjec� tg �������� pp,
�k�� W�a� s�de, possible alignment of the �treet further South ��' �,��� '��P ����
�,��� c�t� W�s� s�.de of East River Road are to be double buag$law� ��,��? �t� ���
'���,�ce 4�' the p2at R-1.
Cii�irm$n Erickson said that Osborae Road r�aliga�nt cpt��� �� ������ '��r
�ii�� C1�� bpuq�daries of Lot 1, Block 1 aad Lots 1 aad, i, 1�1q�'k 2� t� �;� ���}t��
�� T�t�d �exhaps cut off only 20 feet of that corner but wAU�,� ���� �.���� ��
� C�gt 9� saoving Osborae ,Aoad. �
�lanning Commt.ssion Meeting - July 19 H 19%2 _ ���� 5��
,� 1'�, C�.ark said he was thinking about th� cost to the C�.ty. Tk�� �c���,�� W�1��d
'�av� �q be conde�ed. You can't ask Mr. Lundheim to go ve=y f�� �A �1�� 9��d� �1At��
'hg j�gWs tk�e lar�d will be platted.
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Ml::ish, that the Planning �ta�8�,ioid Z'B�9AIw
mend to Council approval of the Preiimin�.ry �1at, P.S. #72-02, pqas�S� ,���,�'�.����
bz� �inar "Ted" Dorstad b�ing a replat of L:, t 39, Revised Audi tog's ,��b�'.�V�$���d
�77 except that part tv 1Nr. Greenwood (Parcel 5640) subject to poss.�k�� ut.���'��
,��serrtents on the West side of East River Road, that the extensiorJ o�` �5t,h W��J �
�v�d as ,far South as possible thus creating a minimum sized ,bui,�d,i�� �ca� �p� up w.�th Osborne Road, and requesting CounciZ take whatever ste,p� i����ssa�y
�� c��quixe as much of the corner of Osborne Road and East Rivex �i�d� t� a11pW the
extens�.p� of Osborne Road. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, th� ittg��.��} ���'�'.�ec�
uaic�nimo t� 1 y .
�IOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning ��+d►��,�1Q�
�ep,pen the Rezoning Rr:�urst, ZOA #72-05, by "Ted" Dorstad tq .����i� �.�g�
14-�1 to R-3, Lat 39, Revised Auditor's Subdivislon #77 except �art tA G�'��n�w�gd
(�arcel 5640) . Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the mation carz�i�d �a.n�A�t���ly,
Chairman Erickson asked if there were any comments from th� �ud�e��� ge$��d-�
i�� �k�� �rezoning. The original request was to rezone the prgpexty �� 1i��. �li�
p�s�posal now is to change only the three lots along East River �tc��d �t� �,�Z ���vi�A$
'�h�a �e+�� of the plat R-1. There were no co�ents.
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeqlen, that the Plann�:ng �p#�;�,�iQ� �,�Qs�
� i13e �Public Hearing on the Rezoning Request, ZOA #72-05, by Eiri�� "�'e�" �.�s���t
�Q rezone from R-1 to R-.3, �tevised Auditor's Subdivision #77 except ,Pa,��el 56�p,
�I�,DO� a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani�us�y.
Chairman Erickeon said the oaly comment he could make was that tl�e c����,s�g�
A� �t�� �'�anning Co�ission was not final, but it more or le�s �amtr����d �l�p �A�
�issioa. Going back. in the history, Mr. Dorstad was not in�e��s��� �� ��y�����
�A� � � 9riginally.
�Ir. Sehmedeke said foi his own protection, because he is �oi�,� �� 1��� ����
��t East River Road froffi R-1, Mr. Dorstad ahould provide some ��� p� �������
pX�ferably evergreens, to make it co� atible with the area and pr�a���ti�� gb�
t��i ghbqrs . -
� Chairman Ericksoa asked Darrel C3�rk if he were certain �1�e Ggt��►y�,1�
�t�� �� � median.
�� C�.ark anewered his understanding was "yes", but np t�ei W�� ��'�,
•' 1tli�TIDN by Min3sh, seconded by 2eglen, that the Planaing �par,���,��� ����,��
�p �punc3.I approval of the Rezoning Request, ZOA �i72-05, by E��� �►�'�i�� ��°���
�p .�ezone from �-1 (single family dwelling areas) to R-2 (two ���.t� dw�,�Z�,��
��reas) Lo� Z, Block 1, Lots 1 snd 7, BZock Z, Dorstsd PIa� (Pro�s�pj) ���,� g��
�Y�yeZa�pment pf these 3ots no access be onto East ltiver Road, st�je�� �g� �,��,�
��t�rqval o�' tho plat, P.S. q72-02, Derstad Addition. Upon � yca��� yiq'��� ��„�
� y�?t�t�t� ��e, the motion carried »nAn;�usly.
Planning Co�ission Meeting - July 199 19i2 ���� �
4, �QT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. �72-03, BY DON A. SCHiJLTZ; Lo�s �, s��d �� ��,���5 �.'
�d$�wa�e� Gardens. To remove lot line from uader adjac�A� hou�� �'g� �d�S�1���p
��.d� yard requirement.
M�s, �vnald A. Schultz was presentm
�Ix. Clark said that ithis x�equest w �s before the Plats & Subd�,q�,����������'�� �
vt��.iti�s Subcommitt�e aa;: tt,a�+ approv�.' _��e lot eplit. The Nqrth bQ����* ��
�heae lots is the shorrLine as it exist�.: �ra�n Edgewater Gardens w��'� �1�t��d.
�+�tween the Soueh land and the present stYJre land there is land awc��� �� �e�'���
g�x'�y. Mr. Schultz is trying to hire � surveyor to p�at the l�ke� ��, QB�1�{� �3�
1'�. A�ew Scherer have agreed to deed it to �he people arouad �he �,�k�a ��6� ����*
��A W1.�1 �uy and plat and deed to the people arouad the lake. 1�. ���,u�t� �,H.
Wprk�.a� wi�h the County Surveyor who said the platting wil� nQ� a��g�� �'�� j,�g
+����X •
I�Ur. Schmedeke said that Mr. Schultz built an addition ox� �.�.� �o� ���t
ex�eanded aver the old lot line. Ae rnwns b�th l�ts.
iMr. Minish added that Mr. Schultz waated to develop Lot 1 aa� ���� a�p ��
b��a�u$e qf the property line goiag under his present home.
M�. Clark said the peninsula that juts into the lake is o� ��� �� �,p�
�� Xh� k►pys� is on and the other lot would b� separate. Lot 2, �I�,A�I� ��� �����,
t���hAU� �AAsidering the lake bottom property. The descriptio� w�� c����,�� ��'�
�he fQUt�ty Surveyor and he will accept it.
Mre. Schultz explained that the house was fa�ing directly t� t'h� ��'e�►p��►
that belongs to Lot 1. If the house could have been facing ia �pt1��� ��,g������,e
fi�ey wou1dn't have this psoblem.
1'i�. Clark s�id it was diificult for the builder to decide wt���'��� �� ���
�1�� #ot�se perpeadicular to the street or the lot line. Witt� th� ��W �gt �,����
�h� 'hous� will be parallel to the lot liae.
�SQ�'�QN by Alinisho seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plan�?�� ��,��,��
�����nci to Covncil approval of the Lot Sp13t Request, L.S. �19'a.�p�r �� �q� �q
,��1��tz, of iets 1 and 2, �Zock 1, Edgewater Gardens to remov� t�'ae ��� �1,��}�
�',�p� under �he existing house arad p�°ovide adequate s�d� ysrd. ��p,� ����� yg���
�11 Y�ta.n� ac�e, the �otion carried �i�ous.2g.
� e �+0'1,' SPLIT AEQiJFST : L. S. �72-04, �Y EDWARD L. CALEIr1AN Fpbt
bAt �,6a except Eaet 165 feet. Revised Auditor's Subdivi i�
Q�°� Sg4tth 5 feet of Lot 16.
�. G�r�ld M. Raadall repseseated the petttioner.
�,'iie Plats & Subdivis30ns-Streete � Utilities Subeo�itt�e� ���014�l,�S6��� i9►���'�•e.
y�1, g� tthe �o� eplit. A survey wae made of the propertq af��� ��p ��pY�;g�
��+����� and �t showed that the aei�hbor'e �arage was located pa ��� ����,��� ��g��
i� T�����`A�'�, �th the City approval, �hey would like tQ sell ,� �'��� q�� �,���,� ���,
- �� �k�� �ei �hbor .
Plaanin� Co�ission Meetin� - July 19� 19�2 , p Pa�e 7
�„1 Mr. Schmedeke said the Subeom�ittee felt that thi� would be tb� ������ ��y
to �olve the problem of having a garage overlapping the lot li�� ��� �gw ������
MDTIpN by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the P1��� ��������
���pmme»d approval to Council of the Lot Sp1it request, L.S. #7Z�Q4� �� ���7 �s
4NIe��a1.�'e to spli t off the. South 5 feet of Lot 16, Revised Auda. t�.�'s ,�u,bd.�y.���4?#�
�2� �x�ept the East 165 fe�t subject to receiving a certaficate c�.� ���'Y�� �� ��
���e �,pt 16 sl�owing the Iocation of a11 subsequent lot 1in�� k►�t�i ,p�'O��` �g��.l�
��s��'iba.x�g them. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the a�ot�.pr3 gc�s�'��d u�i�gusly,
6• LOT SPLfT REQUBST: L.S. �72-05, BY LAUItEN BORN: Lot 2Q, $�9Ck �.s ����.�b�
V�lley Additioa to be split into four lots because of �ig�a ���s,
kix�. Schmedeke e�eplained that Lot 20 has two zonings, �e��1y d�,V�d�,�b� ��� l�t
�El half . If the Subcommittee went �long w�th Mr. Born's �equ�s� ��j��y w�t��d b�
�����i�t� twq substandard co�tercial lots. After a lengthy dis�t�t�s3.p�Eb� �h� R�,m���'�
A� the� Subco�ittee recommended Mr. Born should at�empt to uaabG� �h�,g �,�� ����
�h1C�� ��ts leaving the commercial as commercial and splitting �h� ��� ha�.� �t��cd
�io $ A building sites. In this way Mr. Born would still have tG1A 19�t� �,� �A��i��
��al area that would have to be rezoned before asking for the �p�,��. �� �� �$s�
��t the rezoniag, he could still request a lot �plit. Tlie �o�n�x���2� �9� �� A�W
itl a� non-conforming use because of the hou�e. To the South aud �Te�'�� �'��+s� �,�
��7. l'lvcal businesa areas) property. Mr. Born al�o owns Lo� �.�, Gl�� ��� �� ���
� �. �J,ark added that the Subcommittee discuss�d the fut��� ���4�� A�6 g�t�
�a�$ edg� of Lot 20. Mr. Born would be asked to give 34 f�g� �� a�d$,��p,�} ��g t'�g
. �� �go� alley making it possible for the lots facin� 64th �lveay�� �� �.������,�p�.
$Gge�t to split in half. When Mr. Walquist requested a Lot Sp�.�,� �g� �e�t �$�
���t 9� the appxoval was to dedicate the East 34 feet for street.
�, $ora said he plans to either sell or build. If he �0u�.d ��1�s �+� W���d
° �es17. There is a houae located on Lot 19 aad one on Lot 2p, �� ����� q��,�,� �
b�,t ��' 6�mey for the bause oa Lot 20.
�, C1axk a�id the figures suggeated by Mr. Born for t�e ���►�tp����� w�i�P
����d bj► Ghe Subco�ittee.
I�r. Schmedeke said that if 1Ks. Born asked for rezoaing, it wqt#�,� '�� �p��
�ot�it�g. If both Lote 18 aad 19 were �ezoned to R-1, that may 9�� �'�e y�aty �� �Qa
�� �hex� xesd the motion from the minutee of the Plats � Subd�v�.������������p �
�T'��1it�e� Subco�ittee meeting of July 12, 1972 fouad on p���� !� �,p�, �,
�h��nan Erickeoa said he thought the firat part of th� ����� w�y� ����, ��
����� �s �oing to be any further request, Mr. Born ehould �9� �.a �,'�� �����g��
�� �€+�t��et �ad divide the propertq at the s�me time. Se� �ta� ��� �4�g� �� jq�i��,�
q���gY� �hat t�rpe of �pot zoniag.
1��. Fitzp�trick eaid th�t so long as the house remain� g�; �� �� �,� ����p��,
�� t�gd aa commercial
�� b1x'� ��ark said Mr. Born eaas tol� ther� are man� types Af ���� �►�,�,py��+� �.�} �',��
Planning Commission Meeting - Julv 19, 1972 p�_
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planninq Commission recommend
� approval to Council of ,Lot SpZit, L.S. #72-05, by Lauren Born of Lot 20, Block 1,
Spring VaZley Addition to be split as follows: Lots 3 and 4 be shown as 75 foot
lots with a provision that 34 feet be dedicated for a street on the East side of
I,ot 4 and approvaZ for a future lot split on Lots 1 and 2 only if rezoned to R-1.
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousZy.
Chairman Erickson informed Mr. Born that what this did was to give him per-
mission to go ahead and sell the two lots on the East half of Lot 20. If he
desired to change zoning, it would be by a separate request. This procedure
takes three or four months.
7. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. ��72-06, BY MRS MARION JOHNSON: Lot 1, Block 2,
Moore Lake Highlands. To gain one additional building site.
This item was still in Subcommittee. No action.
minium portion of total multiple unit complex on part
North being 1600 Block.
Outlot H, Innsbruck
Mr. James London was present representing the petitioner. Mr. London pointad
out there were four less units on this plan, but the basic plan was not changed.
By the omission of the four units the parking area was increased. The garages
were moved back 10 feet from the road. In order to get the 2� parking stalls
per unit, there are 9 parking stalls per quad with four stalls in garages.
Mr. Schmedeke left the meeting at 10:25 P.M.
MOTIDN by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the PZanning Commission recommend
approval of the FinaZ PZan for Phase I br� Viewcon, Inc. of the 14 unit.guadra-
minium portion of the total muZtiple unit complex on part of Outlot H, Inns-
bruck North. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting a�e, i:he motion carried unanimously.
CLIFFORD H. THOE: Lot 18, Block 2, Central View Manor
Service statian l�ssee wishes to purchase business part
station owner wishes to retain residence for his home.
Petitioner withdrew his request.
ST, L. S. ��`71-OS, BY
(East 125 feet),
of property. Servicz
10. STUDY OF 40 FOOT LOTS IN FRIDLEY: Tabled to August 9, 1972 meeting.
PLAN: Tabled to August 23, 1972 m�eting.
Chairman Erickson adjourned the meeting at 10:40 P.M.
Resp�ectfully submitted
Hazg 0'B��n �
Recording Secretary
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