PL 10/18/1972 - 30359� CITY OF FRID�EY PLANNING CONAIISSION MEETING OCTOBER 18, 1972 PAGE 1 CALL TO ORDER: The meetin� was called to order by Chairman Erickson at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CAI,L : Members Present: Minish, Zeglen, Erickso�, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke Members Absent; None � Others Present: Darrel Cl�rk, Community pevelopment �,ominiatrator, Nasim M. Qureshi, City Engiaeer-Dixector of Planning, Jerry gOB�d�� planning Asaistant APPROVE PLANNING CO1rIIrILSSION MINUTES: OCTOBER 4 1972 .There was an err.or i,n the motion on the bottom of Page 9. The descrip- tiot� should read "----approval of vacating the 3� £oot wide extenaion of 5th Street between 57'� Avenue and 57�h Place and also to vacate the 33 foot strip between 57th Place and 57th Avenue------." MOTION by Fi tzpatrick, seconded by Minish, thet the Planning Commission ,� approve the Planning Commissiqn minutes of October Q, 1972 as corrected abcve. Upon a voice vo�e, a11 voting aye, the mot,iqn carried unanimous,ly. 1. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. 1i72,09s BY EAST RANCH ESTATES 2ND ADDITION: Lot 4, Block 2, East Ranch Eatates �econd Addixion: Robert Schroer waa present. Mr. Schroer explained that the lots apparently are too large for commercial development. He is now requesting that he be allowed to sell and develop the North 160 feet o£ the East 200 feet of Lot 4 aeparate from the rest of Lot 4. They plan to submit a riew plat �to be a replat of t1�e commercially zoned gortion of East Ranch Estatea 2nd Addition which will, if approved, divide �at of th� co�tercial lots' into thxee new pareel$. In order to provide access to all the lots, they willr�ropose to dedicate an additional road lying in a Ne�r�h/Soutl� direction through the approximate middle of the present commercial property. This lot aplit, if approved, would result in two lots both having road and utilitq accesa. The Commisaion felt they definitely could not act on the proposed replat, but could act on this one eplit as the two resulting parcels meet the preaent Code$ and would have acceee to streets and utilities. � Yl,anning Commissian Meeting - October 18, 1972 Page 2 MOTION by Sahmedeke, seconded by Min.ish, that the Planning Commission � recomanend to Council approval of the Lot Split, L.S. #72-09, by East Ranch Estates 2nd Addition to split aff the North 160 feet oE the West 200 feet of Lot 4, Block 2, East Ranch Estates 2nd Addition, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � �� 2. REVIEW OF THE CON�'REHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: The review was handled in two parts; (1) Review of the changes made in the first two sections, (2) Review and discuesion of the Comp�ehensive Plan Section. Mr. Qureshi said that there was one importaa� change in the first section of the report. This was the land �se tabl� which was updated to give a better overview of the City's land capabilities. The Co�nission felt that the comprehensive plan sectior► should contain at least ment3.on of the possibilities of Elderly housing which could develop wi�h the needs of a maturing city. Mr. Qureshi agreed to add a statement ia this section. The Commissioa also felt that the commercial sectioa should be expanded ta encompass all areae of commercial developmeat. The study areas were generally accepted by the Commission w3th a f�w miaor changes which Mr. Qureshi said would be handled. Chairman Erickaon asked if the corrections could be aaade in Cime for review by the Comm4iasioa on November 8th. Mr. Qureshi said they could. ADJOURI�IENT : There being no further bu$iness, Chairman Erickaon adjourned the meeting at 10:50 P.M. : �ectful � a b� tt�d � ' � 1 Darrel C�.ark Jerry ardtnan