PL 11/22/1972 - 30361i�
NOVEMBER 22, 1972
The meeting w$s called to order by Chairman Erickson at 8:05 P.M.
Members Present: Minish, Zeglen, Erickson, Fitzpatrick
Member Absent: Schmedeke
Others Present: Darrel Clark, Jerry Boardman
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Comm.ission
approve the Planning Commission minutes of November 8, 1972. Upon a voice vote,
all voti�g aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that
the minutes of the Plats & Subdivisior�s-Streets
"� ing of November 8, 1972. Upon a voice vote, all
� `
ur�animous ly .
s:;� • �
the Planning Commission receive
& Utilities Subcommittee meet-
voting aye, the motion carried
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission receive
tl�e minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of November 14, 1972. Upon a voice
vote, ��1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
PETROLEUM CO.: To continue the Use of the service station per Code
45.101, B, 3, E and to convert the North stall of the service station
to a car wash and install a car wash machine per Code 45.101, B, 3 H,�
located on the South 120 feet of the East 120 feet of Lot 18, Block S,
Rice Creek Plaza South Addition, being the Northwest corner of Univer-
sity Avenue and Mississippi Street.
Mr. Steve Palmquist represented the Phillips Petroleum Company
and Mr. Paul Klaverkamp zepresented the Hvlly Center.
Chairman �rickson stated the Public Hearing was closed at the last
Platining Commission Meeting - November 22, 1972 Page 2
Mr. Zeglen said he observed the station recently. He felt that the situa-
�: tion on the stall for the car wash was really bad. Coming in from the service
ro�d on �he West there is too much of an incline. He did not know how you
can swing a car fast and get it in. Going East there is room for only two
Chairman Erickson commented that the Commission has two requests, one for
the station to continue the Use as a service station and the second to make
the North bay into a washing stall by knocking out the West stall and instal-
ling an overhead door. .
Mr. Clark said that the areas on the drawing are not clear. It would be
better to drive in from the West side pf the structure and out on the East
Mr. Minish said that he had seen some of these sta�ions where they do
not drive through. There is concern if driving through would create a traffic
Mr• Steve Palmquist, representing Phillips Petroleum, said that they
would prefer to drive through because it is an easier operation. It is pos-
sible to operatQ coiping in from the East side and back out, but they prefer
to drive throu�h.
Chairman �rickson said that all of these cars would have to be in the
station to get gasoline and have to go out the station and around the front.
^ The stacking space would be in the rear of the building.
/ 1
Mr. Palmquist said, that along the West side, the stacking room would be
for three cars. The station has tk�ree entrances, one on Mississippi Street,
one off the West service road and one off the North service road.
Mr. Minish sa�.ci the entrance on the service drive presents a problem
at the present t�-me. The most troublesome corner is the one on the Southwest
side of the site.
Mx. Minish ask�d the purpose of the car wash. Mr. Palmquist said there
would be a wash with a fili of gasoline. It was strictly competitive and
o�fering more services.
Chairman Er�tckson asked what would prevent a station operator from
putting up a$1.00 car washing sign or� quoted days. He did not know how
they could stqp it.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said that was the question that kept him worried. What
assuran�e they would have that the station would continue the free wash With
a fill of gasoline. � {
Mr. Paul Klaverkam� said that four years or so ago they spent a lot of
t�me p��an�.ng the whole.inte�change. He was not prepared to say how much
t�aff�c would be there." With th� sCatipn as busy as it is now, it takes only
twp or three cars before you have a baclt �p into the service road.
Mr. Zeg1�n said that in wi�ter if a car is wet, coming down the incline
and mak�.ng that turn on the service road could cause trouble due to ice on
the driving surfaces.
�lanning Commission Meeting -�ovember 22, 1972 Page 3
�� Mr. Palmquist $aid they would have to raise the grade so that the flvor
grade would be comp.atible with the street. A retaining wall would be along
the North side apprvach to the North bay. There is abou� a 3 or 4 foot
transition in the elevation down to the service drive.
Mr. Klaverkamp agreed the cars would come out wet with this type of
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commi.ssion
reGeive a copy of the letter dated Nov�mber 14, 1972 and a copy of the original,
deed with Phil]�ips �etroleum Co. sent by Mr. Klaverkamp to Phillips Petroleum
Company. Upon a vqice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Minish said that recently the Commission has had a number of similar
requests for different accessory Uses for �as stations. It is indica-
tive w� have too many gas stations in Fridley. He was reluctant to se� the
Commiasion continue to cater to their problems to increase the business and
thgrefore justify their demands for more stations. There is the potential here
to al],ow the incre�se of traffic problem and already we have problems with
th� shopping center, particularly cars waiting to �et on�o Mississippi and
this thexeby would add more. He would be willing to look at the site if some-
thing were put in to prevent the left tuXn through the service drive going
East on Mississippi. Until the problem of backups is solved, he did not
want to see the situation aggravated in any way.
� MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeg1�n, that the Planning Commission
recommend approval to Council of the request�for a Special Use Permit, SP
;; � #72-16 by Ph�llips Petroleum Company �r t�e�cQntinued Use_of__the__Se_rvice
Sta ion per Code 95.101, B, 3, E, but the Planning Commission recommends to
Counci�. denial of the request to convert the North stall of the service sta-
tion to a car wash and install a car wash machine, per Code 45.1a1, B, 3 H,
located on the South 120 feet of the East 120 feet of Lot 18, Block 5, Rice
Czeek P1aza South Rddition. Upon a vqice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously. ,
BURKHOLDER): To vacate 55th Avenue between Sth and 6th Streets and
the 12 foot alley located in B1ock 10, Hami.lton's Addition to Mechanics-
ville that is located between Highway �i�100 on the North and 54th
Street on the South being the property o� the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Polish Catholic Church.
Ch�irman Erickson ex�lained thaX he received a lette� from Mr. Burk-
holder �dd�essed to him statin� he would be unable to attend the Planning
�pmmission meeting this evening because of the marriage of his oldest
daughter. He read the letter.
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commissipn
receive the let�ex dated Nov�mber 22, 1972 frQm Paul Burkholder. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, the motion aa�ried unanimously.
Plannin� Commission Meeting - November 22, 1972 Papie 4
Ctlairman Bricksou reviewed the discussion of the previous meeting by saying
i�1 that when the P�.anning Commission rezoned in 1969 a portion of Block 10, they
recommended 55th Avenue be kept open for a service drive. They were hard put
Cp find this in the Council minutes. H� asked Aarrel to research this and
find out i.f Couneil felt as the Commission did. Also he should consult Mr.
Mr. Clark said the memo is Mr. Qureshi's comments and his initials are on the
bottom. He didn`t get a written report from Mr. Hill. His verbal opinion wa�
that the servic� drive not be put in as it would create a problem due to
sig�� problems.
The 264 feet th,at Mr. Burkholder will put the building on does include
the 30 foot righ� o� way of SSth Avenue. Secondly, where this right of way
ad�oius the exi�ting driveway Which the highway built, does have a controlled
access. He talked �o the Highway Department about extending 55th Avenue from
5th'Street to 7th Street. They would reluctantly agree. They felt the
in�exsection which irttersects with 7th Street does have a visual problem.
The service road would actually run from 4th Street to 7th St�eet. Three
hundred fe�t is not open to traffic now. It would have to be blacktopped.
Chairman $rickson no�ed that the access is on Highway property and
askad who maix��ained it. Mr. Clark said the City does�sn�w plowing on�.y from
Stl� Street.. (Some pictures w�re shown of the intersections) One of the
pictures was taken standing at the so-called service drive looking towards
th� South and North. There is a hill about 300 feet South of the proposed
driveway. He xece�ved some data on design from the highway department. The
iqi�itnum distancg recommended on a 30 mile an hour street is 3p0 feet. Their
re�omtaendation was that intersection should be avoided if at all possible.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said that it did not seem to him that the Commission�
woµld have to justify the iunnediate construction of a service drive in order
to justify a City problem. It seemed to him too often there is a rush to
vacate a City right of way because it is not about to be used. They have
made that type of mistake in the past. One of the things Mr. Qureshi said
iA his answer to Darrel�s u�emo seems to indicate that the City might want
�o retain control until we see what the accesses would be.
Mr. Minish eaid he felt the reason for the vacation request was tp get
sufficient area for the 32 units.
Chairman F�xickson added that the petitioner claims he spent a lot of
�ime woxking out the complex. The legal description of 264 feet includes
thg stre�ts. Fie laid the complex ou� using th�se dimensions. If he cannot
vacate the street, he will have to move the ga�ages to the South and reduce
�he density.
MOTION by Fitz�atXick, seconded b� Zeglen, that the Planning Commissipn
reCOmmend to Council ap�xoval of the vacation request for the alley in
81ock 10, �iami.�ton's Addition to Mechanicsville, SAV #72-06, by State I,and
& Development Gq;npany by Paul Burkholder. UpoM a voice vote, a11 votinq aye,
the motion qarried un�nimously.
Planning Co�nission Meetin� - Nove�be� 22, 1972 Page 5
MOT�ON by Fit�patrick, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission
� r�comm�nd to Cpuncil denial of that part of the vacation request, SAV #72-06,
involvi�g the vacation of Block �0, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville
being 55'th Ave�ue bet�een 5th and 6th Streets. Upon a voice vote, all voting
ays, the motiori carried unanimously.
ZOA �72T1�, by Union OiI Company, 5695 Hackmann Avenue to rezone from
C-1S (local shopping) to C-2 (general business).
P'�TION b� Fitzpatrick, seconded by �eglen, that the P�anning Cominission
�on�irm the PWolic Hearing date o£ Aecember 6, 1972 for the Rezoning Request,
�OA #72-�1, by Unip� Oil Company. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
nto�ion aarried unanimously.
4. CONFIRM PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF DECEMBER 6, 1972: Request fo� a Special
Use Permit, SP �72-18, by Union Oi1 Compar�y, 5695 Hackmann Avenue to
construct a convenience store and continue th� service station.
. MOTION by F�tzpatrick, seconded by Zeg�en, that t�e Plaaaning Commission
�onfirm the Publ�c Hearinq date of DeGember 6, 1972 tor the Special Use
Pex'mit, S� #72-18, by Union Oil Company. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
th� moti.on carried unanimously.
� � 5. CONFIRM PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF DECEMBER 6i 1972: Proposed Registered
Land Survey, P.S. ik72-06, by Donald A. Schultz being a replat of Lots
1 and 2, Blpck 1, Ed�ewater Gardens.
MOTION }�y F�.ta�atrick, secqnded �y Zeglen, that the Planning CoAani.ssion
�Q�lf.irm �he Public Hearing date o� Aeceml�er 6, 1972 for the proposed Rec�iste�ed
�rtd 5urvey, �.5. #72-06, by Aonald A. Schultz. Upo� a vo�ce vote, all voting, the motion Gax�x�ied unariimously. '
6. COk1FIRM PUBLIC &iEAR.ING DATE OF DECEMB$it 6�1972: Proposed Preliminary
P1at, P•S. �i�7�--pi, ,Tim Lund Acx'es, by James Lund Cons�ruction Co., Inc.
�� beit�g a repla� o� Lot 13, Auditox''s Subdivision �129. (Sou�tt�east
�-• eo�n�r of 7.�th �venue and Central Avet�ue.
MO'�ION b� k'itzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the P1.anning Commission
cv��i� �he Public Hearinq date of December 6, 1972 for the propo�ed Pre--
�.��.in�ry Pla�, P.S. �72-07, Jim Lund Acres by James Lund Cons�ruction Comgany,
�rias Upqn a v�iCe vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
7, CONF$Rl�ii FUBI,I� HEARING DATE QF DECEMBER �, 1972: R�zpt�ing Reques�,
0 - e Y a�s Lu�d Co�stzu�tiori Co., Inco, to rezo�e Ch� �,1�s�
� ��� ��� o{ .Lpt 13, �Audi.tor'� Subd��.�ioia 4�129 �rom C?1 S (�.oe��. ��,pp-
pi��) to �ta� (�i.ngle fam�.ly dw�11.�.n�s� .
Planning Commission Meetin� - Nove�i�ae:_° 21, �9%` Pat�e 6
MOTION by Fitz�atrick, seconded �y Zeglen, that
�"`�, con�irm the Public Hearing date of December 6, 1972
ZO.� #72�].2, by Jame� Lund Construction Company, Inc.
vpting aye, the motion carried unani�mously.
the Planning Cp�nnu.ssion
for �he Rezoning Request,
Upon a voice vote, all
$. CONFIRM PUBL�C HEARING DATE OF DECEMBER 6, 1972: Request for a Special
Use Permit, SF �%72-19, by Frank Gabrelcik for Lots 6 to 10, Block 28,
�d Lot 16, �lock 21, Hyde Park Addition to continue the Used Car lot �
artd permit itts�de garage repai�s.
MOTION by Fitzp�trick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission
confix'm the Public Hearing date of December 6, 1972 for a Special Use Permit,
SP #i2-�9, by Frank �abxelcik. Upo� a�oice vote, all voting aye, the mot�an
carried unanimouslya
�90 LEAGUE OF WOME1� VOTERS: Nature Cer�ter presentation by Barbara Hughes.
�or the first part of thE program, Mss� Ba-rba�� Hughes showed maps and
�e��exs prepaXed for the League of Women Voters �rhicta "sho�as about everything
yotl'd wa�t to lcnow about a Nature Cen�er. The slides showed what some of the
surrounding �vmmunities were doing with their nature c��°��e�s. There were
also slides o� Friciley's North PaXk area. Her talk was well prepared an.d
in�.eresting. Ttze Chairman thanked he� for the presentation.
Jerry $o�Xdmant told the �ommission tha� basically the Plan is the same
,�s before. Tl�exe is a correction ar� the Land Use Table on Page 9. The
coXrection bas��ally given had taken �nto account the rates shown on the study
Wqx�e the same as before, but they found out the rates were 1ess. The differe�nce
bei�g a� �.�cxease in residential p�ope�ty from 25.2% up to 34°/„ which w,�s
b�s�.call.y what tk�ey had the fi�st time they came in. All other changes made
wete as �he �l��rtin� �om�ission directed.
�i� Br�id��', �ouncilman of Warc1 ��1: He was at the meeting in order to
+���.�iA �aiy �han��s the Council might hav�. One concern in the area of study
W��9 t�e N�arth section known as North Park and the exp�nsion of the storm
sQw�r ���$lities in that axea. His pe�sona�. opin�on was that he would like
tA ��� ChA a�'ea x'emain a� an open po�tding system �'ather than a pipe system,
xa��rdl��s what is set up. He did no� know how big a pi�ce of pXQperty they
hav� to talk abc�ut.
�'he� ihere was the Church of Sai�� William who own quite a large piace
cF� �d�veloped prope�'ty, two or threg acres, behind Moon P�,aza. He thought
�h@;� w�s nq p�,an �ox this area. The church �s wondering what thsy �ight dq
witt{ I�h� pr�pe�ty. X4u might in�lude in this plan a motion �-�h�.t would fit
be�� ��x�, �h�the� hi$h ris�, duplex ox multiple.
The�� was ��tgtk�e�r discussion �elatin� to the Spring Lake Park Court
� d�cisio� ���t has ye� to be d�cided,�the �ps� o� the stQ�m sewer wi�h ar with-
o�� a faVpx�b�.e d�cision, the g�.olo�ica]. ��fect of su�rface dg,�inage and
s�c�rm s�w�� p��g�s in reference to the North Park ar�a.
�lanning Commission Meeting - Nove�be� 22, 1972 Page 7
Then back to Church of Saint William, Mr. Clark said no ma�ter what
the use �s, whether multiple, commercial or industrial, they will have to
wo�k out the storm sewer problem.
Mr. Breider said that the Church people will say they want to know
where they are goin� and how are we getLing there. They'd li�e to know
r��Mt off the top what alternatives they can use.
M�. Boardman answered that th�s would be handled when a study is taken
o� this area, takin� into account d�ainag� and all other factors.
Chai�man Erickson said that the 6omprehensive Plan will let the people
knqw what the City feels is desirable in these areas. Out of these Public
He�rings w�ll come the final recommendation to the Council.
Mr. Boardman said they want to handle lar�e major p��blems right now.
Later on, whe� problem areas arise, they will be supplemena�� issues to �his.
Ch�i�man Erickson said if they were going �o ge� a plan started, they
wi�l h�va to be�in with the large parcels. Pe�h��s �..he only real problem
in the cqmmunity is the Hyde Park areae Mos� o� the oth�� areas are undeveloped.
Mx'. �oardman said that in order for the Comprehensive Plan to be workable,
it has tq b� in constant review. Conseant documentation is needed in order
fo� th� plan to be effective at ail.
The conv�rsation then revo�ved around setting the dates and the number
of Publi� Hearings.
Th� suggestion was made to include the people 300 feet outside of the
study �r�as in the Public Hearing notice.
MOT�ON by Minish, secpnded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission adopt
the CompXehensive Plan as presente� �t this meeting, that the Public Hearings
be held infor�lly fpr information purposes, and that January 10, 1973 be
; Set �o� the fixst Public Hearing for Areas 1 and 5. The dates for Areas 2, 3
�nd 4�o $e $et at � later date. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimous�y.
The Commis�io� suggested the following City groups be given a copy of
t�}� Comprehensive plan at this time: League of Women Voters, Chamber of
�ommerce, Jaycees, School District No. 14, Metropolitan Planning Commission,
Min�stexi&1 Association, Industrial Commission and other Civic Groups. �
�1. S�T PUBLIC HEARING DATE: Proposed Preliminary Plat, P.S. ��72-08,
Osborne Fl��a, by Stacidard 0�1 �ompany (W. G. Housenga).
�OT�ON �y �i��s�� seconde� by Zeglen, ��ia� the Planning Cammiss�on
set a P'i�b1iG H�ari�� d�te of Deoember 20, 1972 for the Proposed Prelimina�y
Pi�t, P.S. #i2=0�, Osbqrne Plaza, �� Standard Oil Company (W. G. Housenga).
U�on d Voice Vqte, all votin� aye, thF tnotion c arri et: �ir:ar.imously.
°� �
Plannin�Commission Meeting - Novembeg �29 1972 Page 8
12. SET PUBI.IC HEARING DATE: Request for Vacation, SAV ��72-07, by
Northwestern Bell Telephone Company to vacate the alley in Block 11,
Hyde Park Addition.
N�OTION by Fitzpa�rick, seconded by Zeg1En, that the Planr,ing Commission
set a Public Hearing date of December 20, 1972 for the Vacation Request, SAV
#72-07 by Northwestern Bell Telephone Company. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business, Chaixman Erickson adjourned the
meeting at 10:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
Hazel 0'Brian
Recording Secretary