PL 02/07/1973 - 7452� AGENDA PZ.ANNING CONIlKCSSION MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 1973 8 a 00 P,M, CALL TO ORDERe PAGES ROLL CALL° APPROVE PLANNING CONIMISSION MINUTES: JANUARY 17, 1973 1- 16 APPR.OVE PLANNING CONIl�IISSION �NUTES o JANUARY 24, 1973 I7 - 28 RECEIVE PLAT & SUBDIVISIONS STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOrIlKITTEE MINUTES; JANUARY 24, 1973 29 - 31 RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION CONII�IISSION MINUTESo JANUARY 22 1973 32 - 34 RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: JANUARY 30, 1973 35 - 37 1. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING REQtT�ST, ZOA ��73-d1, �RYANT- 3$ - 45 FRANKLIN CORPORATIONo Lots 13 through 16, Block 3, Rice ✓'1 Creek Terrace Plat 2, to be rezoned from R-1(single family dwelling units) to C-1 (local business areas) for a pro- posed hardware. 2o VACATION REQUEST, SAV �73-01, BRYANT-FRANKLIN CORPORATION° 46 - 47 Vacate drainage and utility easement on the Southerly 5 feet 4.1 _�.� af Lots 13 through 16, Block 3, Rice Creek Terrace Plat 2. �\ 0 � CI�'�f 4� FRIDLE'X � . . RI.ANNII�G COMMISBION 1�BxING JANUARY 17, 1973 PAGB 1 �4 � Chairm�aa 8ricksoa had laryngitis aad aaked Mr. Fitzpatrick to Chair the ma�Giag. Acti.ag Chairmaa Fitzpatrick called the meetiag to ord�r at $:lq P.M. AtiLL CI►t.i. s .�.__.. MM�nhmrs Pxeaeat: Eriakacra, Fit�patrick, Minish, Schmedske, Zsglaa M�embara Aboents Foae Oth�rs P�e�aeat: Aar�el Ciark, Co�mnunity Developmeat Admiaiatrator ' Je='x'old Bosrdalat�' Plaaning AsaistaRt Naeim Qureahi, City Eagineer , Direckor of Planniag A�PPAOVE P'LANNING CAI�IiS3I0N I�NUTES: JANUARY 10� 19�73_ 1�lOTiOTT by Schmedelc�, seconded by Minish, that the Plaaning Cc�mmissiqn minufi��s o� January 10, 1973 be approved. Upon a voice vote, a11 voti.ng aye, � the mc►tioa caxxied unanimously. � . . • � RECBIVE PARK3 & RECREATION COMrQSSTON 1�IINUTBS: NOVEMBER 27, 1972 I T � �I�i � �. 1+�Q'��QN by Miai$h, aecoaded by Zeglen, that the Planniug Cocimiesivn receive the minu�ea s►£ the Parka �&ecreation Commisaioa meeting of Noveanber • 27, 1972, Upou a voice vate, all votiag aye, the moCioa earried unanimously. aBCEIVE J4INT PUBLIC HEAR�NG 1�pUT$S: DECE1�8x 11, 1972 r MOTI+�Q by Zaglea, secoaded by Schmedeke that the Planaing Comnisaioa �+ea�:tv� �k�e minatea o� the Joiat Pub�ic Hearing Meeting b:�fore the City �Couaoil aad the Planaing Coamiieaion oa flood plain zoniag� on December 11, 197�. Upoa a v,o;tca vate, all votiag aye, the motion caxried ua�mimously. ` � 1. PUBI.IG HBARINO OTi TI�E GOMPREHEN3IVE �'LAN AcCing Chairaian �'it�Cpatrick made an�opening st,aCement, stat:ing �hat the chisf purpoae of Che mseting tonight�was to hear and �ee a presentation, and ta hay�a a publ�ic heapring om the prop sed comprehensive plan. This ia �rour Qppar�unity ae cizixens to give inp�t iatp the �lan,. M�ic. 8ltzpatr�.ck aoatinusd �hat c�ne qf tha purposes of the plan, beyQnd ite need for aa order�.y ay�tem hare ia the City, is that auch a plan is x�quirr�d s�f th� City �f they make any requeet fo�r Federal, monies thr,�ugh th� t�tetropolitan Gouna�,. Thea� xequests must b� accompan�.ed by a cc�c►prehen�ive �� p�.an, pxe�az�ed ta answ�r any queationa they might ask. , Ylanning Qommieaiaa MeetinS Jaauar� 17i 1973 Pag� 2 � , . .,�.,._ i�` 1'he study aroao �o b� pr�aeated Coaigh� ar+a generaily areas thax are - undevalopad or axaae bein� dev��,pped. These propasals axe aot re�aning. Aay xazaaiag i.a thea� arsa� would ati�1 ba coneidered individually, on its owa marixs, and at the r�tqueat af �he prop�arty owae�c. The coloz�d •l�d�s aad aarrat�v� Wer�,�reeaated. xh� narra�ive ie as �ollowas , -Eav3.ra�amt ia mora� than ,�uat na�ure�. ' Tt is the re�.a�ionah�.p af man to bia t�uti,xe eurrot►ndi,age . Maa has the laaowledge aad the abi�ity to coatrol his �av�,�o�mea�, but �aa aleo beaome easlaved ii pruper �oreeight and coutrols �rs ao� ut�l�.�ed. � The �qv�raaaaea� p�' a ac�aual,tg i�• determi.aed to a large degres by the nseda aad desi.rea� of its iahabitante. The�e aeeds and d�aires can be ascer- ' taioed by x study of theix characteri�tice and by theiz awn voeal expressi�ons; but these meeda aud d�sirea al�ex with chaagiag cbaractexiatica, sa �t is neceaaarar �o eWaluat� t�eada aad changes to establish future cantrpls for our tnviroameata:l aeeda, Tha �awmuaity must gain kaowledga of the various factors khaC dstract ,�rom ths dasirabil:lty of its eaviromaent and take the measu�es y+hich will i.ncr�aaa emviroamea�al harmoa�r Withia the com�►uaity. When eavixon- mental �ranquilli�y ia diarugted in any pax� af the c�muaity, tha whole balana'e tvithia thia commuai.ty cact be af��cted. Pridlep's Ccxnpr�henaivs Plaa is a par� of the continuing coamauaity planning �. prograa� de�ligaed to maintai�a and improve Che urban environment. Thia report is a summatfoa af a11 zh+e work accocnplished to date, with the purposs af dix�ecting our futura effort• to the $aalo and objectives determi,med by our ccx�uni�y. A Cc�apreheasive P],att ia u�ed to guida aad coordinate all public aad private developausa� sa t�ia� t}a� progex r�lation�hipa are eatablished and d�tvelopmeat deci�iorts saade by the� �ity'� sta�f aad iGa elected afficials, to ths coupre- be�nsivs gvale and pQlici.ea established by the community. The �1an itself do�s not razoae aay propex�ty, Aay razoaing would etill be don,e separately, oa its oMn m�txits, as provids�d by the CiCy�Charter and ehe Zoaiag Ordinance. Th4 Plaa is a blu�primt �v be used ia determining the coatinuing develop- mea� aaci xahabllitaC�oa of oux Ci.ty� it isi not infallible and does aot claim to ba. The planning pxaceas, if it ia to bs effective,, must maiatain irs vitality Chroagh coat�muous review. Initially� thea c�npreheasive plan i,s prepared by the Gity Admiaietrative 8taff. The P1aa�aiag Gc�i�aiau reviewa and modifies th� initial plan and give� preliminary appraval ta the pl,an. '�he Flanaing Commission thea preseats the tnodi,�ied plan at a puttlic hearing, Tha plaa is furth�r modlfied to include �npt�C �x�om cit�zea�, and a�'in�.�hed plan 1s preaeated to Che Ci.ty Council. The Couacii xeview� a,nd di�cusses thia �lan; it may call an add�.Ci.ona�. pubiic hear�,a� A�' i� �o sh4ose� .�iaally the ylan �s adopted by the C�.C� COl:4C�� aad ia �nforced j�iAtly by th� �oun��.� aad thr administrative stapf, The � Plan a�u�t be coatiaually updated to provide �o� the changing aeed� of the City. T Th� $lemet�t� Q� a camprsh�eqsiva plaa ia�lude surv�y and analysis, and gpal+� �tmd abjecti�r�s: Survey and aaalysis is a study of th� existing candi- tiaas� eavirat�ent, laad use. papulaki,oa, hauaing, community facili.ties, �aomom�ca �nd ��c�mepa�tatiom, �'hess Conditions when r�lated ta khe gaaLs �:nd vb,�e�c�ivea of the coaanunity� sa��ty� ba�aace, divera�Lty ac�d anvirq:unent, produr.e al��i�C�eR�ay�ia s�'��p�q �p� EuKu�� d�velapma�t. Ti�is is the pas�i� oT a Go���'�;�}�Cr� P�R�� f�6�� �� ..r.1�rr 14F��aR� � .i�r.w.'4 . . . ..'1 ., � f . . , . � ! Fl.anai Con�iaeioa Msetin - J$auar 17 1973 Pa e ^ parrativa o£ �he Camprehemsive Pl.aa (coat�nued) �n borderiag kha c4re c�.�p of Mianeapal.i$, Fridley shares mar�y com�moa 4bar�cteri.stice with other fi.�et rate subuzba, It provides a trafEic �os�idor to th� central. �i��.es, It a�te as a traasizion zone of development bst`►eea the� l�eayilp developsd ceater aity and the sparsely developed ourer �uburbs and �t tead� ko havo a more mature popul�a�ion. Ualik� moak firat ria� auburb�, 8ridley pxovi.dae more job appoactuaities than ar,� rsquired to �l�aPozt ics populati,00. Populatioa ia a ma,ja�c �oxce 3n determiaing the future of a c�.ty. Movement A� ��Op�.Q ie fallowed claa4ly by the need fox se�cvices. This is why it is •o tmparta�at ia planni�� �qr tha #uture te try to accurately forecaat changes in popuiatiQn charactaristica and population growth Crends, Davelopn�eat ia 8rid],ey ha� been pne of the major factors supportia$ - populatioa gains in Amaka �ounty. Be�weea 1950 and 1960, the populatioa of �ridley weat froc4 3,796 ta 15,173. Fxom 1�60 ta 1965, the City had its fastest rate af grcwth. The populatioa jumged from 15,000 to 24,000. By 1970, the City had a to�al pvpulation of over 29,OOQ,, If the present zaaing map remains unchanged, a�ter 1975, the populatios $rowth wi11 start to l,evel oif, due to neax total davslopmenC ai ehoice resideati+�l laad. The projected papulation oi 39,OQ0 will b� raached by 19$0 and the maximum saturation poia� of �+4,000 xi.11 b� reached by 20�,Q. � The City wi11 ae� pogulatioa chmages with an iacrease ia the eldezly, a a�oro balanced middle group and a da�cliae in achool age population. These , ua Che cha�acteris�ics that will shs�e future planaiag for Fridley. There will have �o b� iaczeaqiag �on�ideration 1n p�.anaing �or th�_�lderly in both hou�iag aad sexvices, a mvx� balaaced plan for zhe diffezent inco�pe levels to ke�ep a betkex quality �f living eavironmeat among its populatian and a long lQOk at the� youa$ population aeeda which will be deeliniag in the £uture. �i�ausin$ i� the largest si.ngle use of land �a a co�uni.ty and is usually tha most impoxtant �actor by which a�ommunity ia judged. The reputation of a eQmmuai�y �.�a �haped by the quality aad condition oE its reaidential axeas. . Housing n,�eds vary t�rough out the life�ime of any individual. Qaristy o! hou�ia� typ�� would perm�.0 Fzidle�r to cater tQ all age grQups aad su?po�t a divsraif��d populatiom, This divexsified population would allow Che Ci.ty to davelog a mart� mature populaci,oa atructure raCher than a youag mobile pattexn, It wi11 b� impartant for the Ci.�y of Frid�ey to provide alternative hou�ing a�sds i.a oxde� to preveaC th�, problems s�� caigration xo the outex . areas , Tho p�esemt �send� o£ iaczeased hlgh density uQits as well. as new �vwn- housa aad qu�d�c�iq.ium develogmenta are 1ike�.y to cantiaue. RIt wi.11, be ir��or� xant to eare�ully pLaa these devel�opa�eata to reach a t�alanced varfety of hpusina. � "�hera �1�ould� b� �a �ac�ea�ed impartamc� piaced aa �he q,ual.�ty oP develop- m�nt� �ar �h� pr4tectioa �f ehe ciC�&eas. , Planaiag Commisaion Meetiag �anuarv 17, 1973 p� 4 .� �arsa��ve of tho �rnapr�hena�va P1an (coatiaued) � , A iorsc�st o� �utur� l�d uae ia an eeaential ateg ia the p�aan�ng pxaasa�. ��fpr� it caa be deCez�ain�d what is needed fo� future d�velapment, it ia aec��sarq to �oasider hver �xistim� land is uaed, what laad is vacaat, �u� a�fact �xi$tiag laad u�a p�tterns will have Qa �he vacant laad, and �Q me�aure pro��cCions for t�e tppe aad quant3ty of land required for future popula�iaa naed$. . ��aaase tha varied laad uae� in the ca�nunity are r�lated and inter- � dsp�adan�� coard�aa�ioa, deqig�, aad ddjustment� are a�plied ia determining tba laca�iAaa and relatlans�ips of the�e uses. IInlss� these follow a Com- . Fr�ea�iva Plaa d�fia�ag th� goals and ob�ectiveo of [he cv�rnuaity, aerious a�aladj�atmaats can uccur. Ihcese�tC l,aud use ha� pxavided a testing ground whe�e the suacess of Iaad uss �at�erra�a amd �alatioaship8 can be studied im order to mor� completely satia�'X humaa as�d �conaaic �aeeds. Ia order for at cc�mmuaity to atCaia aa �,ndepe�dent s�ability, ��ial,aace ia laad u�e is �ss�ntia].. A Balaacsd �o�ity 1� attai,aed when cammercia� services mee� the needs vf the reai- .deat gopu�a�icta s�nd i�aduetry providea the needed jobs aad rever�ue for th� aa�enuaitg's pxvgresa . f W�t� ���+ �►i�heet �+ea�cen�a�e of iadust�'ia�, laad uae iu ths Metropol�tan AaES+t� i�ridlc�y has auificiea� industry eo aupport i,ts prajected population. T�4r�efor�, anp fu�ure iadu�trial devel,opmea� ahould be considered for the /'\, a+attu�re af its worl� #orce aad its impaet upaa Che communi�y, The ave�rall appeaxance af a�citp is one of �ts moat valuable assete. Zt is th�az�fora impc�rGant to pxeserv� tho aity's natural beauty as muah as pos�i.- b�s. �hf� ha� be�sn, aad ehQUld cQQtinus to be, �oae of ths major coasiderations in pla�taing �onuau�►i.�y �aci��ities , . As ����u1� o;� higher :lacoma level8, mor� leisure ti�ne, and incz�asia� popul+�tion� there� has beea an ivar�asi,ng demand �ar higher l.evela o� community •ervicas, ��� C�ty Qt` ��idl+�y haa� b�en aware of thia �hangia� mood amd ha� b�en v�zy a�uch i.a �h� i�arefronC ala e�stab].ishiag co�muaiey faciliti�s in keQpiag w:tth �be cowmuaiCy aeede aad desires. A�l�a�� IQCak at thr� acho�l earollmeat �hax�acteristics wiil b� i,mpartant ia planaiag �he �ypea o�` faci�i�tiPS that will b�e needed �n ou�c ar�a. W�,�h m dacre�as� im e'��a�ntary ages chil.drea, �h�re a'ha�ld- be a ciecrease in the oeed f+�r faci�i�i�� to serve tbQn� aad adjuatmeats made to �atisfy ths n�edG o!' +t �►ors� ma�ure ccxaauuaft�r. Tha Ci�y o# Fridlsy ha� beeq ver� cpascieAkious in the d�velapmeat Qf ite coamivaf.ty :exvicea in �rde� �o bes� serv� i�� citi�ens. Thers will b� a a�ed for a coa�taAt updatimg of th,ese� �ervices �a o�der to sexve the a�eds � o!' a growin� papula�io� as well as a� a►aturin$ Population. At pr�aen�� tbs �ity ha� provided mot�e than Che ��cemmended minimum of oQO acre a� r�cxea�ti.oa �,and p�r j,QQ peop�.� a� s�� by the Minnesota �ux,�au o� Outdoas A�c�r+�at�oa. � Now �� ��,� $�ot�l. o� 497 a�res �or a�opulatioc� o� n Planuing Commi$aion Meetiag �anuary 17, 1973 Pa�S �" �arx�tive vf the Camprehema�v� Plan (contiaued) app�Qximately 31�QOQ p�ople, 44'�, of thi� land remains undeveloped aad ehere- ior� d�v�ivgmen� to fit �he pppulation ueeds must have a high prioxity in l�ture par� app�Qpri�t���. , The C�Cy of Fxidley en�ays the advantages of easy access xoutes tha� a�s ae�ded io� the dsv�lop�ea� of aay area. xhe �ity �a served by a ma�or xat�rstata liak as w�ll as ma�px ge��ral� State snd Gouatp highways. These ��$hwaYa provido th� a�eded s�rv�cee that the reeidemces, buainesses and i�dus�rie� a� th� City require. �hey �ink the City to other major coa�ercial '+tad �ran��orCation ceataza �or the conveaience of the �ity's citizens. Aae to iC� 1QCatian, Br�dlep acta as a�raffic funnel to the central �ity� c�eaxing eoaao traPtia ��as�darations; noiae poilutioa, auto eafety, ped�#tria� �a�ety, bicycle oafety and a coasideration for mass traasit, 8a�ablishm�n� oF coamiumity goala ia na�essary to Che succesa of Che FLd��mB pxp$rem. Without proper directiaa, the plaa wouid not be able to �uactioa. Oaee thesa �enerally accepted goals have beea esGablished, more apec�t�a polici�a ca� be de�ived over a pericd of time Co work wi.thim these An gQiaB pxoc�ss�s. Tha eammunity goals and policies are safety of zhe ���ident, �omm,ua�ty balaace, diversity of aervices aad enviroamental preser- vatioa. , The Camprehe�nsive �'lan results from the coaiparisoa of the go�ls of Che ^ cammuaity ta all the needa and desirea of the �ity's inhabitaats, These n�:eds at�d d�aires can b� aacertained by a study of their characteristics, so iC is n�ereasary ta eya�uate treada and changes to establiah future controls for ou� �sa,vironmemtal ae�ds , Thn cpmmnunity muat gain a kaowledge o� the va�ioua factars that detract l�co� the de�i�cabLitq of its environment and take the measures which will in+�rea�� environmental harmoay withim the communit�►, When envirvnmeatal �raaqu3,11ity is disxuptea i�n any paxt pf the community, the whole l�alance withiu tttia ac�munity caa be affecG�d. Pa� �h�.s reason, the a�xnprehens:�ye p�an mus� eon�ider the chaaging �hax� �t+�taziaC��s� ���d�, and dea�xes of tha total community in a11 phases of develo� atea�k. The comp��hensive �lan can be used as an aid to achi�ve a desf.red result I� i� $eme�ra�,1� accepted planning concsp� that a high inCensity usa is uudea�r�ab�.a nexk to a, 1ow �.atensity us� area without aome traasiti.onal intensities, pa�k ttu:���r�, Qr �appropximt� planting stri.pa. �iigh i.ntaAO:lty uaes axea� tend to create a greater traffiC vclume, �afety kta��rd, � high p��.se 1sve1, and exces#ive visual pollution, wl�ich wiJ.7. disrupt �he tgan�ui].�1ty bf th� 1qw iakensi,t�► uses. T�e Ci�y a� �'�tdl�y c�n be d�v�.ded int�a �our inten$ity lev�ls; highx medium high� medi,�►a� �Q� and �,c►w, ���i hig� i��ensity level will ir�Clude in- ^ du�Cria1 area�+ ma jor qqQa,nexC�.a�. ce�yters, �re�ways and expressways . Th� medium high iatensi�y ��y�l �lill �nclud� ��g1� density housing including la�cge aparcmemt , Plaamiag Com�issiom Msati�g •�SAU$X�1 1% �973 Page 6 ^ . �azratiWe of �hs ��apr�he�aivs �laa (continu�d) �omplaxes amd high ri�ee �ad tharou$�fares. The medium law intensity level tr1.11 iacludea aiedi�uca dsnaity houslag including townhousss, quadrominiums, �va4domiaiva�, gardeq ap�r�m,ents as we11 as aeat,tered commerc�al areas. The lpw int�as�.ty ��vsl itt �omp�ieed af siagl� �amiJ.y reaidential unit9. Park bufiera caa ba u��d ia con,junctioa Kith all ;latensity levels. Planting strips eaa a�.so be uaQd aa bui�sra, p�ovid�d that theas giv� the necessaxy viaual psQCect�oa for �ha 1Qwe� �inker�ity zenea. � �n �depel�►$ia� a c�c�p�ab�nuive land uae plan it is neces$ary to Locate cvafliating iatensi�ties and examia� all. develog�d and undeveloped ].aad, This •+uGaminatioct haa yielde�d f�va specific areas of conceatrated �tudy. �,TDY AREA I, i�• lo�sat�d in th� porthwest corner oi Fridley, and is boxdared oa the Wea� by East River Road, oa the Eaat by tTaiveriaty Avenue# oa th� North by Cha aorporate limiCe, and oa the SQUth by Qaborae Road but includes the S111crsat Additi.on. . � 8tudy Area IQa. 1 Coataiae Ch� largest t�cacC of uadeveloped J.aad ia the Citp. Thi� area wi,l]. be pzofoundly affected by the Northtowa Shoppiag Center. It preseata the oppartuaity to develop a well planaed total aeighborhood con- cept by providla$ a variety of laad uses which are complimeatary to the Shpp- �iag Center. Io �oa� secCioa af thi� axea, medium and high densit� developu�ents will � be tho best type of ra�ideatial uae ain th3�a area due Co the high cost of land d�velopmeat, tha proximi.ty og high �aten�it� use� and the need for hausing to serve the glanaed indu�trial and coaanercial aeatara, This medfum and high dea�ity houaing wou�d cno�t efficiea�tl�► utilize �he laad, allowing large portions o! th� land to remaim Qpea in caa,junction with �he North Park prea and preserving , khe natural draiaage aad ponding area�. ' With the dev�e].opmant� o�E the No�thtown Shopping Center, there exists an 4P�oxt��►��y �� �ievalop a re$ional a�fice gark and entertainment ceater. This wauld provide ths emplaym�at opportunitie� aad acecreational facilities needed to attrac� a more bala�tced popula�ioa. • 1'hio type of perimeter uae is �videat,in most major regional shopping centeexa and caq, he� oees� a�, �rocakdale, Svuthdals� Rosedale, etc. STUAY AREA 2 is ].ocated ia Eaat cent�al Fridley and is bordered on the East by the +�orparate �.imf,x�, oa the North by 69th Avsmue, aad oa the West by Ghaaael AQad� aad oa tha Soutt� by Rice Creek Raad and Moore Laice, Devalop�aan� af inedi.un� aad high densi�y houaing is the best type o� r+sslden�ial, u�e iu same oe�tioa� of th�is s�ud� area. The vacaat land betwezn 69th Avemu� N.E. amd Aice Creek ia uasuitable fqr single �amily development, •io�e Ch� laad o�Qrth o! Chis area is for high iatensity use� This factor aloug wi�h Che pr��erva��aa o� Rics Creek £or publi�c use makes medium density �' d�v�lopment a deaixabia la�nd use. xhs va�ant Land be�w�en itic� Cr�e�C Road �ad Mississippi, Scree� is a main dz�aiaaga +�p1lecCipm axea �ox the MQAr� Lake aasin. �here£ore it is n�c�ssary to preserve �h� �onc�iag ar�a,� aad th� e��a�ogy anc� s�j,}1 be able to use khe x'i:tat af th� �,�,nd fo� d�yelppmea�, By initiat�ng med�.µm densi��y development the � ► Y aania Commias�on Maet�a -�aauax 17 1973 Pa e 7 p�sr�k�va of Ch� Co�prehaa��v� P�aa (conti�ued) •colagiaal prs�e=vat�oa caa b� accc�p�ishad as we11 as justificatian of high d�velopm�at coats. ,Au exaanpla QP this typa of deve�apaaeat concept recently •ppsoved 3s t�e plaa tox tha property jus� east of the Civic Center. Th� Lae�d juat aorth o� Moora Lake Beach Park ia mads up of a nuimber of d�aiaa�swaya Co Moor� �ake� a variaty og alevation chaug�a aad poor aoil �o�diGioas �ake iC a d�lfi�ult axea to develop. Io order to couatssb�lanae the development coat aad preaerve ehe natural draiaagewaya� t�a area •hould ba developed in high quality, mediva� de�aity .'� hou�iag uaits, Thi� typs of deveiopmsnt would not only make it feasible to dsw�og ths �aad, but would ba a definite asset to the co�ercial development ot 8hareaaod Plaza, Mediun� denaity ucits ia this area wouid be easily served by �he shop�iug caater� th� publia par� lands� aad the ma�or collector stxeets; sad aau�d p�ovidm the ocolagica� presarvatian ne�easary and atill make full u�e o! eha 1aad, . It wi1.1 be� es+sential fio proyida the aeceasazy laadacaping ia ,order to psotec� thn preseat rea�denti,al a�eas from the medium high intensity uae of tbi• Cypa of davolopmea�. �ay furthez developmant of comQUe�cial land slong Central Avenue would no� be totaliy d�a�xab�e, becau$e of �he already developed coa�ercial centers ^ ia th� area. At�y davelopanenC of coa�ercia�. 1,and in this area should be givea Cart�#ul, skudy i,u oxde�c to #it the ne�ghborhood aervices concept. �areful thAUght ahould be givea to oCher poasible uses far thia land. STUDY AREA 3 iaclude�e the �rea counmoqlp referred to ae Hyde Park sad is lpcaxRd in SouCk�-Csn�ral Fzidloy. The s�aa aloag InCera�ate 64k ia at preseat a temporary use area and could provide aa excelleuC l�acati.Qn �t�r the development of a major chaia hotel or motel. Th� developaae�at o� thi.$ type af us� would provide an excel�.enC tsaa�itiaa laezween the high iat2naity traffia volume oa Interatate 694 aad the low intemsity hou+�iag uaita tQ the� aorth with the propex plaating or btettax . . �he ares We�o� oi� I1niv�rai.ty qvep,ue ha� p�oparty zoned for residential,, ac+�xaial aad �aduotrlal, us�s, Thi� o�fers an opportunity tv establish a Well planned ta�a1 d�valapment, One coacept thaC cauld give speclal identity to xhe area wQU],d be ths use oi' a w�],1 plaune�i arch�tectural them� thrcu$hout ths� deveiapca�at . STtJAY AREA 4 ia� pri.msxily thst ax��a bett�eaa �a�t R�vex Road and the Bur].iagtoa- po�the�ra r�i.l�oad �x�ck� at the iatat�sectioa of Mississippi Street. !t xould nak b�s de�lrabi+� to ex��ad i,aduatriaJ, fac3lities further inCo tha rat�idenkial area� a�,ong t�e �rall�co�d, souCh a� Rice Creek. Thia ar�a � ehou�,d �etaia ita rea�,daatl�� charac�e� Co fit iato the surroundin$ residential aaighboxhood. �tedium d��a�iKy hou�iag wauJ,d se�ve as a transitiun xor the �xi�tlo� rai,lxoa�d and iadusCry +�ad wo�ld pses�rve the public use o�' Rice Cree�c. n la�ti Cou�is�ian, Meekin � Jaaua� 17 197� Pa e 8 Aarr�tiv� a� th� Ca�apr�h�aeiv�e Plaa �(comtiau�d) =h� arRa alcmg tha ws$� eide o� the rai.�road tracks and south af Missis- sipp� �ts��� �rctv�d�s aa apportuni�p to devalap a nei�hborhood en�iep. Because Rt! � tr�a���� ha.za�de cause�d oa �as� River Road by tha numerous stxe�� accesses �� tt�ld be desi.rab�.a �a aeve�lop a aei.ghborhood with limited acc�ss. Medium d�pta��y sad cluAee� dove�.a�mea� woul,d bs b�at suited for this type of circula� t�va. This ��o o� davalopmenz would be moze caa�istene with high iatemsity ws lavel.� s�a.rrc�uading �t . iTtTLR' AREA 3 ie l�ated be��ea 8aat River Hoad and the Mississippi River, aa�b of iacsra�ata b94, �� ia daa�rabla tp p�Ra�� sa pntch o�' the natwral beauty of the Missis- sippi �ive� as passible. �his preae�vation cou�,d best be accomplished by f.hs devalo�nent af madivaa �nd high d�asi.ty developments. This type of use �p�d �rsxvi.da kwo fu�actioaa; prese�rvation af the beauty of the rivex by d�tlopa�eat of open apaces and pravisioa of housing for the iadus�rial devel- v�C sLon� �ss!G River aoad. �t #s eas�saati.al thmt at�cict eato�'cement oi .the zoning ordinaace ba Ca��ied aut i�, axdex to prpvide the needed visual aad aoise protectica irom iodustsy aad tha haa�v�► Cra:E�ic yolume. Thi+� plam �� r'�, to me�t the� goa�.� prov3des dire�ctic�a #c►�c aacia tia� u� ss . the fira� stesg in a plaaned development process deaigned �aad crb,je�tives of a balanced coam�unity. The plan nat only fox futu.r� develapment, but also establishes guidelines The plaa mua�t be �ontinuaily reviewed in order to meet the changing ne�ds aad, d�sir�s cai the ci,�is��n. ' Coat;[nued ai�izen inpu� ia mecessary for the suecessful implementation pf thia plan.. Ci�izen par�iei.patic�a �ts a ke;� £a�tor in the development of a tota� balaace �pasaun,i�y� where individuals tnay work, live and play in environ- tneaC��, haxta�ay R s Thi� �.� �h�. end o� the preparecl pxesentatione Actia� Gk�a�,rmaa F�.tzpat�i.ck said it is Qµ�' intention at this time to open up the diseus�ion �.�t a aeraie$ o� fi,v� ha1�-haur �iscuESions. If any ona area �whou]�d geuexa�� emvu�h d�.+se�asion for more than a half hour, discusaion on this ar�s wi11 be conCiau�d ta a�ater date. stLdv A�-ea 1 i� lacatedria t�he Noxthwest carner of Fridley, betweeen East Aiv�r Road a�d univereity �#v�nue. Thie iacludes the Narth Park area but we -are� aat her� ta diacuea the Wae of t�►e park because whether a natur� center or gQ1f cauesc� �c►,�e int�o that area, they will both be low iatensity u�es, as noted in ths propa�ed p].aa. ^ Ac�ing Chai�mat� F�.tzpat�ick asked the audience, if they wanted to ask a queeti�rn or q�ak� e ata�tea►ent, to add�ress the�nselvea ta the Chair, and to identify thsmse],xea by aacne. '�t�exe was no discussio� on Study Arsa 1. Mr. Fitapatrick oai8 we wou�.d �o on �a �he next Area and eom� back to Area 1 latex if necessary. 0 P1$aaia$ Cc�cniaoian MestiaS January 17, 1973 Yage 9 „ ^ Mr. 8ittg�ltrick �aid ,S.�udv�Area, 2�� �outh af Onan'a, East of 01d C�ptra�� aou�h to Qice+ C�csek Road and the axeas borderin$ Moore Lake, Mr. Wla�e�lax Smith� F.M.C* C+arporati.on, said he was confused on the tasms h�.gh, medium hi�h, mediuns �.ow, amd ].ow iat�nsitiea. Mr. Baardman said �h� a�ediwa► 1ow i�n�eas�.ty Qr medium high intensity referred ta eraffic �anerat�d in are+�a and �hia i,e whaC Che color chart$ refer to. The medium de�ai.�y amd high dene�.X�r terma refer to housing. � Williac� Aiet�, 128Q Hathawa�r Lane, aaid he would Like to know what �hey ar� gaing to do about the t�affic pattexn at the p1d Central and Highway �fig intexsecti,on. He oa�.d Hatha�ay was a State ,Aid road and it's de:ad-ended. Wi11 it ga through to Matterharin. Mr. Fitzpatrick said the Ci�y had�brought a prapo8al to the Piannin� Commia8ion with changes in th� �raffic pa�ttQra im �hia area. Mr. Claxk said this �proposed comprehensive p].+�n is for laad uee more than traffic plans. There are compreheasive p].aas im the� eaxly �tages �ar traffic patterna and parks, ete., but it will be eaai�r to �coms up with t�caffic atudies if we have a goad camprehensive glaa far land uae. ' Bab Lax�oa� 1482 �ississippi. Street, had an inquiry on aection 4 of thia ��udy arsa. iIa aaked if th� CitX planned �o use the ponds as they axe or i.f they would bes putting in etoraa sewera. Mr. Clarlc sai.d i.f this progasesd plan is adapted it wi�l be used aa �'$uide and dependin$ ugon haw the laad i� u�ed will affec� the decision on this. Tf this axea was ^ uaed a� a towahouee developa�eat, far iastance, then zhe pondiag cou�.d remaia. �iowev�r, thqy snight st111 have a need for some sto�cro sewers. Ms, Jacki� i+enz aaked �he diff�rence betwee,n low in�ensity a�d medium �.A��AB�.ty► t'i'1quS�A$ and what they were going� �o put in the blue a�ea, 'kl�r. F'i,t�p�kri�k said w� aren't goiag to p,ut anything in the area�, thi�a i.a m+nreiy a guide. Mr. Boa�dma� srid low intensity housiag Xas e�.n�1� �amily �lw�ll,ings� pazks or b�ft�� zones. The green ar�aa arc� med�.uaa �.ntesus�ty� sueh ae �ownhouaes or quadrominiums, not high riee c�r apartmenE complexes, Mr. Jim Lang� bk20 As�hur Stre�� N.,E., aaid he �ives close to ax�a 4 oi thia .tudy and thera was aoan►e wQxk being doae in that area, �'il,l bei,n� haul�d �.n� �k�.� sa thers must b� some pl.ans fQr the area. Wher� wil,l i.� aame up far a k'�bl.�.c HQazia�? Mr. Darrel �lark said the City had �aoC k�ad any laza�al r�queats ��r re�onin$ or develogmeat cf �his arsa �a y�t� but �ub],i� Hearin� uotices would be aent ouG if any rec�ues�a were mad�� l�x', Aa7,ta� N�t�t�e, 1464 Mie��.saippi Stx�et, made the rscouimenda�ian t�a Ch� Fl��m��g �oa��aalo� CQ pxe�erv� ��te water table for fu�ure $�nera�ionse �i� et�cad h� ��lt we aloo aho�ld aat turm a d�ai eax to industry when other aiti+es ws�� b��g�t�g fox �nduetry. I�tr. F1�aaatx�ek �atd ,�y;d��,�, �.�p g�nerally known as Ghe Hyde Park Area a�d is an a��a �tk�at goe� ug to blse Avenue, West of I. �i�b�4. � Plannin� CoIImniasion Meeting -�anuaxy 17s 1973 Page 10 Mx. A�aII �eABe�, 5955 2� Stxeet N.$., &aid thaC most o£ this area is � dea�gnated as high �ntanaity. �a there any specific type af development Chat �he ��ann�a� Co�ni$sian is thiaking of when they su�gest a we11 planned �rchi�ectural theme, �ueh as �otels or hvte�s, Mr, Fitzpatrick said much Qf thi� ar�a w�� r�th�r recently zoned commercial. Where most pf the study ar��s �x� propas�d development, this are$ follows the present zoning qui�e C�O�B��. • Mx, Board�an said �t is hard fox a dev�loper ta come in[o Chis area bec�us� tha propexty i� owned by �o many dxfferent people. The on�y way we could tie the deve�opment together is with aa architectural Che�e, W�'re not �himkiu$ par�icularly of any hi�h intensity use, per ae, but w� would like ta a�e some type of office type �omplex, A mQtel or hotel aloag T�694 an �he preaent drive-in theatrs property would be a �ood uss bu� w� have no propoaal$ at thia time. , Mr, L. A, Mu$gli� 5973 3rd Street N.E., asked if in regard to this archi�ectural thsm�, would yau be pointing at a specif�c class ox type of businea� or differen� Cypea, You ar�n'� limitiag it to a certain archit�Ctural Cyp�. Mr. Fit�patriek �aid anly eertain things were al�owed im each zvnin$ claasiiieation, There we�e regulations on design and certain agpsarana�a. Mr. Boardman said th� architectural theme could be that the azea fo��owed the same kind of landscaping. This would be an archit�ctural theme, Mr. Jens�m asked if there was any thought of developing the 3outh /� side of I.�69� u�i�� the f4ur cornera instead o£ two, Mr, Fitzpatrick said �hat basically �he entire City is covered by the proposed Gom�rehen�ive p�an �u� the fiy� study areas were the ar�as sQlected that need immediate �tt8nC�0A, � ��.1iS�,X „L�4��..#, is ketween Cha Railroad tracks and East Rivsr Rvad fron� the iaterae�ti.on Qf Ea�t River Road �nd Mississigpi Street and Noxth o� Mississipgi Skreet dowcx to 61,�t Avenue. Mra, GQrbex, b275 East Rive� Raad, said you sugg�st tha� the area �tay as �s but k�mve a limit�d access, Where would the limited acces� be. 1Kr. Cla�k aRSwer�:d that th�� �,�cea would atay the same as far as laad use, but w� were p�'ajec�i.ng ahead man� ysars, As the hom�s geG olde� and the �.aad vai.ues axcee�i the �va�.u�a p� the l�omes, the older homes would go and �lus�sr 1nomQ� could be buil�. �c� R-1 zon�.ng the r�quirement ca11s for a minimum o� 9,QQQ squar� ���C. Ia a tow�h�use d�velopment th� xequirements +a�� fx+�m ��OQO to 9,000, Mrs. Gerber said she didz.'C think an,yone would t�ant Ca build close �o �.he �ail�oad tra�ks, Mr, Clark said Chere would b+� a t�u���x b��ween� the homes and th� tracks. Mrs. Gerber asked him to explai� what a b�u�fe� was. Mr. �lark said it cvuld b� trees, berms, fen�es, �atc. Anytk�ing t� sko� aoise aad visual pollution. Mr. J. A. LQVe��r�nd,, 219 L,ogan Parkway, asked what.plans �hey had �or th� yal�.ow �ecti.on cr� A�ces 4, �r, Baardman sa#.d the arrow mear�t that it bor�i�xs the Iti.tre�, Thexe are no specific plans for the area bu� any �uture p1�an� should imc�ude p��sezvat�4n of t?n� �iver, P�annimg Carn�isaion M�eting �anuaxy 17, 1973 Page �1 - , * ^ Mr, �cveatrand aaid h� thau$ht East Rivar Raad had as much traffic ae Univ�ra�ty Aveau� aad plaaa for the futura should include a method of d�miai�hing th� traffic. Mx, Clark said ycu won't aee any chan$es on $ast �iver Avad vn�il after the North Corridor crosstown is campleted. Mr. Boardmaa aaid there ��re thrQe different sitea where a new raad could ba �astalled; all North of Fxidley, in the vicinity of the Northtown arQa, Acaording �a this atudy, by 1985 txafftc cauld be reduced by t�r�� �imea on East River �oad if the Noxth Gorridor $oea into effect. Mx. 8it�patrick asked �f theae mQeting,s had reached a point where Pu61ic Seaziu$s would be ha1d. Mr. Boarc�aan said they have had two h�arings and there will be a Pub1iG Hearing for citizens coming up some time in ��b�uBX�e �tu y„1j�� ia Scuth af T. �694 ta the Minneapolis zon,ed property, b�stween Ea�� Itiya�r xoad and Univereity Avenu�, •�i�c. Whseler Smith eaid this was his fir+st contact with the �laa and �hought it wa� ver�r we11 conceived. Ia 1QOking over the copy of the narrative he noted th� sCatements that present �oning requirement� should b'e ea�orced� and thi,a was zoned xesideatial; that high density development wae part o� tk�ia plaa to take care ctf iadustrial worl4ers, you'�e �alkin� about high rise� apartm�nta and developmeat with open spac�s, and when T • thiak oi the traffi� p�Cablems with the traffic congestioa now, I'm eoafussd. Mr. Clar�c said the zonin$ laws pQactaia ta setback requirements; by ap�n •pace ws a�an aa a buil,ding li.ke a high riae there would be opea areas arouad the building, Ws dan't waat ths area covered with blacktop and /'1 roafe . Mr, Fitzpatrick $aid the discuasion:•oa the faive stu�ly areas wa$ cAm- pleCed quite rapidly eca we eam go back to aay area for further discussion ox hea� ppmes geuexal s�atementa, Mra. $arbara Hughes, Laague of Womea Voters, eaid she und�rs.tood this meetia$ was for �he Planning Commission to give iniormation and there would bQ o�he�-meeCin�s +�aheduled fox� citizen input. Both Mr, Fitzpatrick aad Mr. Clark aa�wex�d that t�,ey exp�ated moxe input this eveniag than they bad xec�iyed and aay decieioa to continue thQ Public HeariaA would be made bafore the eveai.ag wa� over. Mrs. Hughea aa,id she wasa't prepared with all hex quest�.one b�t she� wond�xed what consideratioa had beea given to ntaos traaeit ic� the p�copoaed comp�ehensive plan, Mr. Fitzpatrick sai.d whilo there was aome i,t��ormatior� oa �xansit i,n the proposed plan, it is baoicaily a laad uss plan. Mrs. Iiughea s�l.c� ahe didn't think yau cvuld coasider laac� use without making some pro�ision on how traffic wou].d be �akert �axe o£ in, th,e az�ay, Mr, �itzpatri�'�.k answered Chat the five study �reaa wer� relativ�ly uad�aveloped or uade�rgoing a change a�d hopefully thera was aothing propos�d that would generate traffic. Mr. �oaxdman said tha quQStion a# a►ae� transit has to wait for a deciaivn from the Metxapalitaa Cc�uncil. �ha p�opoeed compr�hensive plaa in order ta b� 81gflGC�Y� at all� wil'� have �o be constantly updated as areas develapo �he� Metroppli.xac� Caunci], wi11 have Publi� Hearinge on mass traasit with iaput froa� ths citiee iaval�ved� and after a pla�, is evolved i.t wil�. have � to be approv+�d by �he �ity, Planaing Commis�ioa ��ating - Jaaua�� 17� i973 Pa�e 12 n' Mr. Mu���,i ��id thi� was all new infaxmatian and it was difficult to maka an� �n�an.��g�u1 �cxmment on something you weren'� that famillar. He khou�ht i# psaplo,�had a ahanc� ta think abput it and calk i.e over with th�►ir �eighba�a the� would ha�� �ome coIIanenta or sug$estiona. �, Ma�x�+ SGhre�.��r, b$51 4a�Cley Streest, asked wha� the ti�n��able woul�d be after Ch� Pub�.�c Heaxin�s wer� ovex and this plan went to Councii. �Th�m [+ould th� z4z�in� changea be mad�, Mr, F�.tzpatrick said this plan wauldn't aha�ge aay �oaia�, A1� thie is, �.s a propvsal, tha� has been prepared }�y ths CitX S�af�� modified b� th� Planni.ng Cona�.ssion and we axe now a� �he pQint whaze we want input fx4m �h� eitiz�na, Mr. $oardman said this pla� haa to go �o Che MetrApalita�: Gouncii aad it is within �heir ri�hCs to hol,d the p],art for si�tty days, be#are it can ga to aur City Council �or apgrQ�►al., M�. Sahreiner asked if there were zrnning mapa available, M�. Clark sai.d ws h�v�s the lar$e wa�1, xonia$ map$ dated J'anuary 1972 and a 8aualle� �aas datsd Jaauary 1�b9 that ar� availabLe at City Ha11. Mr. Quxeahi said t�pdated �oning mapa will b� available in about a month. Mr. Whe�lex Smi�h aaid the Planni.a� Coa�aiaeioa has indicated that thia plan wou�,d be updated and changed �rc�n time Co time, What wc�uld h�ppe� i.� �ou�eaaae came �u with a requea� �h�t waa diffsreat fro�n th� gropo�ed pl�rt but th� Flaaniag Couimiesion thvugh� i� had merit. Mr, �'itzpa�xi.ck aaid each xequest would b� handled on its own merit bu� if i� waa in l�.ue with �he propoa�d plan h� would �h�nk the Planai.ng Cvmmis- /'1 sion would 1Qpk ��tvQ�ably up�n i.t. The Commiesi.An wvuld not, be baund com�- , • ple�t,�ly by �h� aacupre�heusi,ve plan, but probably more bound thaa they wer� bslora, , �tr. �i11, Ne�� 21� Logam Parkwaya a�i.d there waa na foundatioa �or any af thi.s �p��ulatian �A tha study areas. He wondexed i;E any bf it was feasible. Hs sst��d if �h�r� wa$ a��y dacumentatisaa s►n whether �� was v�abl� Qr not. Mra 8ltzpa�ri�k �a�.d �hsxe wa�a basis for the p�c�posed compr�h�naiu� piane Mr, Beardc��n ,a�,d th� e�udy �reas wer� juat aA addendum ta �h� plan, amd i.f aeeeae�Xy tktey aQUl�d b� upda�ed ur changed, �r�� �a�bara� Hugh�a aeked what was the hasis fc�r th� sta��emea� �ha� �'ri,dl�y; i� � m��uxi�� �oaunuai.ty. Mr. �oa�dman� sai.d the present trend is �hat gao�l� with �am�li�� ax� movi.ng �u�the� away ;Erom ths �or� ��.�yo The sel�a�l a$e earallm��t tt�a rsached ita p�ak and will� b� oa th� d��lic�e . We ar+� at '�ha �o�.aC �e;� �eople P�aai outsi.d� ths area ar� �a�in� i.nto �'ridley �ta wark. � M�r�, Aa�va �taxr�.�, �+;'0 Rics Cree�e Tex�race� said he wanted �o commec�d �ha Pla�z�img Cammi,�o�QU'aad �h� City S�a�� oa �his proposed e�mpr�hensiv�a p1am� ha p�an �hmt wa� d�ve�ap�d aad �h� Gity ha� bee� operaCi.n$ on, was made in 19�� aa ��ew p�an waa �Qn� oversiuee In preparin� a plan which chaag�� land use�wh�t a��ec� �� this �o�ng Co hav� rel.a�iv� �� the ki�txq- politaa G��s��il +��d �.t'� Sew�� H�oard c�� the rese�ve capaeity and i� th� utilitieA ay��ea�. Mr, Aarx�l �1ark sai.d �h�.� glan has Co ga to che � Meerapali�an �our�c�,�, �o� mp�xAVal, Mr. iiarxia sald he �realiz�d tha�, but if �tta��e• cnad� it� th� s��dy �reaa wou�.d ��quir� a�es�x�v� �ap�c�typ would we pay fc�x �Qmatktiag �s�da,y th�� we wouldn't ba using fox y�ara. Mr, Qu�ceshi, Planning Coa►miaeion Me�tin� Januarv 17= 1973 Page 13 ^ � _ auswered that bQginaim� �hQ first af thia yea� we went on a SAC basis. Any aew co�stxun�iaa wi.11 pay Cp aonaect to the syatem and any sxiating con- ��ruc�oa w�.11 h$v� no added charge, He said that for insCance in Area No. 1, this was planned fox an �ndustrial park and tha City has fiakea 12Q acres #as pa�� ar�a, �o th� ut�litiss in this area are more than adequate. Mx, 8arris aaked what would �appen �n new developm�nt areas fxom the storm sewer ata�dpoin�. �r. Qureshi said the whole planaing concept is based on can$ervation. The goals axe safet� for our Gi�y, a balance in housing so a11 �y�ea of hou�in$ a�� ava�lable, diverai�y, so there is some industry, s an4 shopping areaa an� recreational areaa. Tha othsr goal ie enviro�aat. An exa�pl� o� �hia ia ia the Inasbruck Nor�h area, where the ponding areae and the n�tural beauty�of the area ia being preeerved. There is a 1ot of opea area ia a townhouea development. Industrial areas demand more ground cover. Thie ia why apartmeata ahould be closer to an induatrial area, where atorm aewera are moat naceasary. Ia 3tudy Area 1, the drainage could be ueed to preeerve part of the Creek's beauty. Whea we can develop an area and m$ke yse of wh���a natural, for houeing, parks, shopping areaa, etc., 'ae can have wore of a total community. �ir. Harri� said development ia neighboriag communities is something we have �no control ov�r+ euch as the Northtown Shopping Center. This dev�lapmenC will d�ctate wha� goea into Fridley. Mr. Boardman said we do rea�i�e that Noxth�owa wil�, have an impact simi],ar to shopping centers such ae 8rpokdale and Southdale, The City Council has sent me to partici- ^ psea in the Northtowa Taek Force Couacil sek up by the MetrapoliCan Councii, This ia a atudy groap nnade u� o� Fridley, Blaine, Coon Rapids an,d Spring I,ake Park, We xealixe t�ie�e will be c�haages in th� area and we would like to see aa affi�e campl�x i.n tha area along with the park land and iadustr�al sr�a�. Mr, Harxis atated that if Fridley doesa't develop the area, some other euburb �urroundia$ Northtown would, Mr. Soardman said B].ain� is developing aa office complex and high rise aaixture. If the City Council $oea a].on� with Chs s�udy pA thia area, then all this area wi11 be studied �or CratEic pattarns aad txaffic genereted and Land use. . ' Mre. ilughes +said Fridley waa compared with 13 other first ring suburbs in the camprehenaive p],an, Why was this us�d aa a basi.s of comparisono Mr. Soardmaa said as k'ridley ia a first rin$ suburb we wanted to compare it to suburba havi.ng th� aa�ne charaateristics as us. �'or instance, we have � prob7.sma that �laine doesn't have� because we're almost completely developed aad Blaine has abput b�i/'. of its land undevelo�ed, The Metropalitan area i.aciudes s�v�n couat:l�s, same hi$hly deueloped and some of tt still farm 1aad, ao you couldn't aompaxe a�.l. the c;tties to Fridley; Mrs. Hughes said �'xidl�y waa 1QW in !the raakiago i.n hou��ng and development. Mr. Boardr.lan aaawered Chat khes+� ata�ementa nce based on tbe rankings and looking at the Creada to aee how our aammun�.ty is devalop�.�g in comparisoa to auburbs of �imilar ran�kings, Mr�. ilughes aaked �.f we would hav� the same characteristics a� the Ccmmsuni�ie� wa axe being cpmpaxed wi.th �f we didn'X do anythxng. Mr. Soardenan sa�d �hat br�a��a11y wa hav� Ga eet up same �ype of goal, a place where wQ want �o �o, ot}�exwiae we wou�d havs piece-meal developmen�, By ^ �etti.m$ up �oa�l,a and ab�ective� accoxding tp raakings and trend� we can see haw w� fxC in w�.Cl� pt%e�' commun�ties. The �easoa for this Pub�ic Heari.ng . �a to find out 1�` th��s ares the thin�$ we want ta etrive for, and ka de- ke�iae what iq hapP�a��s �n au�r coamivaity �tnd if it is desirable, P1aAnin Comm�aaiom Meetia - Januar 17 1973 Pa e 14 ^ �I�c. Harris asksd �� th��� h�d besn any consideratio� of a speci�ic use withia a����xaL u��. $p thie ha mean� �f �t was gossible to have inter- tr�.xiag o� hou��ng. A�cord�n� CQ the x�quire�ents for a single family home �he �o� mu�� h�ve'a m�aimum Qf 9,QQ0 squar� �eet. Maybe one indiv�duai wauld �a�t t� �uiid a s�al� house on �,OQO �quare feet and someone else mi�hk Waa� 2Q,OQp s�uaxQ �ee� fox a home. W�th the aame r�quirement �or all housia�, �a •aKme area� a�l th� han�s look the same excep� �Ar the paint. Mr. C�ark oaid Che�� was a h�using guide from the Metropolitan Counci� tha� su�g�s�� that hausiag should be i�te�nixed. The Pl�nning C�aunission aad Citp 9taf� haa ma� aaid �i �his is goQd or bad, Mr, Fitzpatrick said thore ia gresaux� fox �hs community to provide low cast housing. Mr, C�ar� aa�d th� s�ida �reaentatioa is available to any �roup that �ight waa� �t dur�ag �ha month �etween Public Hearin$s. Mr. Qureshi said the proposed �ompxeh�naive plan could be mad� available pn a check-out p1an. I�c. Q�reshi aa�d �a answe� to Mr. Harris'$ question on the Noxth Park area, Fte have �oimed �he North�qwn ahoppin� area Task Force, which includes �rid�ay, Sprin� �aka Park# B�aia and Coo� Rap�ds, There is also a North- towci Co�r�d�r ekudy whic� involve$ i5 govern�nental units in three Counties whe�o a bridge wi11 go �n sar►ewhere be�ween the Moka bridgs and I, �G9�, �his wi1� a�fect �he ��a�fic through our cc�,�uniry. This can be an ass�� aad al�c an agg�avation �� we axe a tra��ie funnei to the core citiss. Aaaordin� t� th� �or�idQr study, i£ th� additional bridge is built an the Mie�iasip�i Rive� th� t�a�fic w�11 diminis� on East River Road by 19$�. W� �.�1 havs ta updats amd adjust th� campxe�en��ve plan, accordin$ tp the � �haagiag deYQlopmsat �nd Gharaateris�ica. W�thout Lhe shopping eemter, w� would �ave� b� px��o��ng what w� a�e pr��vsimg now, i+�, ��xn �ewaaan, �75 Aice C��ek Terrace�, sa�d �here w�re many statements made c�� wha� tha �ommuaity wantsd and how do yvu know what we wan�? Mr. $itxpatri�k said thia i� on�y a propoaed �1�m and we want citizen input. Ms. Newmau ana�wer+�d that we �aa't �i.ve �nuch impu� when most caf u� he�a 'haue nave�: se�a tk�e �qm�],ete pi�ar� uakil. tonigh�. Mr, Daxrel Clark sa�d the campJ.eke ��ogsro�d pla� wa� seat ta ��veral, ar�anizat�ons, and we had h�a�ed �haC �hese o�'�ani.�aCioas would hav� p�o�1e here Co giv� input. . ; , , ��:'. W�lfi� Starwa],�� ,1021 H�ckmau C���`.�.le, said the gropased plan was givi�,g a awa�ea�ee of p�essa� zoning a�i" ueage, and the deaired trex�ds. It waa at a�irm thing� Mr: Fitxpatxi� sald he thaughG he should stxess agair� L a� thi,a was a p,ogos�d �omprehen iv� plan. Mr, Qu���hi ��id i�' the PJ.anain$ Commissi.on� was going ta eontinus the Pub��c H�ar�.a$a they �hq�ul,d s+at a spec�.f�.c date so the people hers wouJ.d know wben th� �aext �i�ari�ng was, aad the �aper cquid probably h�l.p us $et �he in�o�►a�ivn tv the pub�.ic, We aanno� notify peogle again by mai� b�caua�a of �h� exaessi,ve cost. �Q�T4N by Miniah� �econded by Zeglen� that the Platlning Commi�si.on ��a�iuue zh+� Publi� �i�ar�.ng o�i the prapoa�d comprehensiys plan unti.l �1 F�bxu�ry 21, �,973. U'�az� � voice vote, a11 vo�in� aye, Che motion earr�,ed uaanimcau� ly , �lanain Commieo on M�etia . anuar 17 1973 Pa e 15 /� l�s. $c�m4deka sa�d h� waut�d to thank al� the peogle wha spoke. He ��id thi� plaa h�� bee� ��Qpazed by Che City Sta#f, modified by the Plann�ng • G4�1i81PAs and he though� it wa: a good plan. Mx. �iaiah ea�d h� thinka we ahould empha�ize tha� there ar� oth�r araa� Chat are be�ng �Cudied, but this i� basiaally a iand us� plaa, mot a ttafiie Q� �ark p�a��. Mr, �uzeehi said wa �re i� the procQS� of preparing a com�r�henaive park plan, a compxeheaaiv� sanitary sewer plan, comprehe�sive wat�r plan, �nd a�omp��henaive d��in�8� Plan. We are studying individual ar�as and traasit and transpqrt�ion plan� and other things of this type, bu� the plaa b�ing pre��a�ed �er� is ba$ically a land use plan. 2. C(�QTINUEAt CONSIDERATiON OF FLOOD PLAIN ZONING Pub],ie Ssarin�p, �o�ea. Mr, Aarrel Clark s�ated tha� the City �ouncil is not going to act on ilood �1aia ionin� until they get e recommendatiQn fr� the Planning Commission Ii tho; Counc�l �s going, to act on �],00d plain �oaim$ they would like to do it ooc�a, i� ths P�ann�ng �ommission feels th�is should be done. M�. Quresk�i a�aid there� i$ some urgemcy because they would like to have a decision before the potential. Spr:[ng �looding. n Chairmaa Erickson safd w� may be damaging property values in these a����� It appeara frs�m the feed-back that there isn'� much interest from the public c,n flood �Lain xoning, F.�i.A, aad the V.A. won't make a mart.� $a�e aammitmeak on prqperty ia the fl.00d plain. He wondered if Fxidley 'had a a�e�olu�ion c�a �lood p�ain zoniug �.�' this would be £iled with the proparty by th�e �ount�. Mr. I�i�miah aa�,d k�� x�ul,d be moxe £avarable toward f�.aod plaim �oninq 1f we �ould �i�k and �hqose what area ah�uld be zoaed flood p1,a�,n, �t�. $aa�dmaA stated tha� whether fiood p],ain zoniag �oee ia�c efP�ct in Fr�,d�ey o� �ot, ths �,H.A. will mot.$�,ve mortgage loans on aayth�ng aot�d a� i�lc►od plaia by [h� Army Corps. Qf Eng�neers Study. M�. Fit�patr�ck ��i.d anoCher poin� thaC perhapa shauld be che�ked more clo��ly i� wbeth�x �h� �it� aets ox nat�th� Stats Le�ialatur� wi.11 pass l�g�.s].ati,�a oa thi,�. I�rR �aa�dm�n eaid th� legisia�i.on has alr�ad� been pas� �d� �ie didn�� knc��a`�ow j,eni,e�nt they would be'before i� ha�i to �a i.ntp effect bu� he f�31.� that all communities will havs to have flaod p].ai.n legis- �. #t� �!)A , Chaircna�n Erickaoa f�lt th�C due Ca the lack of reaponse at �khe Fubl�c il�a�iag$ � wb�► would w� waat th+� zoning . M�, Minis� �aid mayi�� we could designate eertain areas aa f1QQd plain :^ #a the Gi�y could �'a�u�.��.� �h� build�.ng in these areas, M�.' Boar�lrna� said wg cQUld brealc aw4y �xc�m Sta�e ata�dard$ and design�te certai,n areas flooci , pLait� Co re�ul�t� b�ti��,din,g, bu� �to on� wou�d be ellgible fox flcod �in.suran��. � Plaanin� CQmm�eai4n �eetia� -�anua�Y 17, 1473 pa�e 16 , �, Mini,ah ea�,d h� did�'t lik� ta rrcammend approval of aomethin$ when ^ we wereA't sure o� the� �ar-rea�himg eonsequenc�s, Mr. 8oaxdmaa.a�ated Chat wh�a the State legislation is ia effect the municipali�ie� w�.11 h�v� to �ollow ths �uidelines. The State ].egislation ie mQr� reatri,�tiv� than th� Federal requixements. �hairca�n Ericksan said suppose we adopt flood plain �oaing only in the areas a� f+�e], it is really r�eedsd, would they re,ject our r�equesC? Mr. Boardman said it wo�ld �o to the Department vf Natural Reaourees and they would aend i� doans tQ HilD. Chairman Ex�ckaon aaked Mr, Qureehi if the City would normall.y xecord a reaoluti.on wi.th the Cauaty. Mr, Qureahi said it would not be in the prapsrty file at ChQ Cauaty. Cbaixrnan� Erioksat� said that during t:�e f�.oading of last year man,y commuaities w�r�: ar�.tiaiz�d for not having f1ooS insuran,ce. We went throu$h tha motiana of lest��n$ the people know what was available and the response waa poor, Mz, Fitzpatricic wondered if we could rec�end to Caunc�l that t�e have an;othe� Publi,e Hearing. Mr. Qureshi said we have met all the r�qu�.rements aad anoth+�r Put�lic Hearing wpuldn't be held. Mr. Schmedeke said t4e problem aeem� to be that the Coawnission feels some progarty sucln as Riv�erview Heights should be in the flood plaia, and th�a propsxty �lon� Ri,ce� Creek should be flood fringe, Mr, Schmedeke thought � it was tha CiCy'e du�y to tell people the�tr property is in a�laad p�ain,. M�r. Cl.ark eaid we do tel.l people when they inquire about pxopezty ia that area� but man� people doa't inquire, Mr. Boardman said Chat HU1? and th� ��ate ],�g�,slatiun in�lude both the River'view Heights area and Rice Creek area $ccording t�a the Army Corps. Engineer'$ Study, �haixsnan Eri,Gkaon aaid inquiries should be make to aee if it we�e paaeible �a �o� +desigaate all areas in this Study as flood plain. M�TIQN b�r Eriak�on, aecoaded by Miaish, that the Planning Commission contimue the coneideratia►a of flood pJ.ain zoning until Che Ci.ty Staff inquires iato Che posaibiiity of not �aning the entire area of the Army Corps of $ngiaes��a,Study as #lood plain. Upon a voica vote, all voting ay�, ths �otion carried u�nanimously, 1ilDJ0URNI�NT a Actiag Chairman �'itzpa�rick adjourned the m�eting at 11t00 P.M9 Reapectfully eubc�i.tted, ^ c�� t•�� Aorathy Ev� on, Seeretary �� CITY OF FBIDLEY . � PLANNING COrII�tISSION MEETING JANUARY 24, 1973 PAGE 1 CALL TO ORDER• Chairman Erickson called the meeting to order at 8:00 P,M, � � ROLL CALLa Members Present: Erickson, Schmedeke, Zeglen, Fitzpatrick, Minish Members Absent: None Others Present: Darrel C1ark, Community Development Administrator Jerrold Boardman, Planning Assistant RECEIVE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT QUARTERI,Y WORK REPORTo October, November, December, 1972 i�OTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission receive the Quarterly Parks and Recreation Department Work Report for October, November and December, 1972, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING; REPUBLISHED, REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP ��72-19, BY FRANK GABRELCIKo To continue the existing �Tse as a Used Car Lot and conduct inside Repair Garage Shop to be located on Lots 6 through l0, Block 28, and Lot 16, Block 21, Hyde Park Adc�ition,.and Lot 12 and 13, Block 2, City View Addition, Per Code 45.101, 3 B, D, and G. Mr. Frank Gabrelcik was present. Chairman Erickson asked Mr. Gabrelcik if Mr. Kohlan would be present tonight. Mr. Gabrelcik said he hadn't heard from him and didn't know if he would come or not. Mr. Erickson asked if it was-agreeable with the p�titioner to wait and see if he came. Mr. Gabrelcik agreed. Chairman Erickson said the other items on the agenda shouldn't take long so they would go on to the next item. � Z. REQUEST FOR A LOT SPLIT: L,S, ��73-01, ROBERT SCHROER: Lot 3, Block 2, East Ranch Estates 2n� Addition. Mr. Robert Schroer was present Mr. Schmedeke said this item was on the agenda of the Plats and Subdivisions - Streets and Litilities Subcommittee agenda tonight. What it amounts to is to split off the South 204 feet of the East 200 feet of Lot 3, Block 2, East Ranch Estates 2nd Addition, to construct a structure. Mr.'Darrel Clark said this property is just North of Capp Homes, a I _ I /"� - 1� Planning'Commission Meeting - January 24, 1973 Page 2 lot split that was approved just a€ew months ago. This lot is more than adequate for the commercial requir�nents. The resulting North lot would be a little smaller but meets the zequirement that the lot either be i60 feet wide or the entire lot be 20,OQ0 square feet. The Plats & Subs Sub- committee recommended approval contingent upon an additional 17 feet being added to the existing 20 feet sewer easement to make a 37 foot easement so the lot to the rear of the property'has access to the sanitary sewer that runs through this parcel. Chairman Erickson asked if this was an approved plat. Mr, Clark said the plat the Commission had in their agenda was the approved plat. The plat he was showing them was a proposed replat that hadn't been acted upon. There is a proposed road that will run entirely West of this parcel. Mr. Schroer said after they had platted and recorded this plat, Suburban Engr- neering had reco�imended the road. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if the original easement was where they had expected the lot line to be. Mr. Clark said the easement was put in for c�nnnercial requirements, so it would either be to the rear or in front of commercial development to eliminate the Iong run out to the service drive. This part of the lot would either be a parking lot or boulevard so it doesn't interfere with th� develop�ent of the lot. Mr. Clark said the plat he was showing the Commission would either be East Ranch Estates 2nd Addition, Revised, or East Ranch Estates 3rd Addition, ^ Mr. Schroer said tlie reason for this Iot split being larger than the Iast one was because the developer of this lot wanted to have more parking. Mre Schmedeke said this split off did leave the North lot quite narrow but if Mra Schroer had no objectians, it wasn't the concern of the Planning Commission, r�'� Mr. Schroer said they had been at the Council meeting of January 22 with this request, The developer has mortgage commitments that have to be closed by February lst, The Council approved the request subject to the Planning Commission`s decision. - MOTION by Schmedeke, Seconded bq Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission recou�end approval to split off the �outh 204 feet of the East 200 feet of Lot 3, B1ock 2, East Ranch Estates 2nd Addition, subject to an additional 17 feet being added to the original 20 foot easement to give the lot to the rear of the property access to the sewer. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani.mously. Mr. Darrel Clark said the only objection the property owner might have to this additional easeme�t would be in meeting the sign ordinance require- ments. Chairman Eri.cksan and Mr, Fitzpatrick said they didn't think the petitioner would have any prob2em getting a variance for a sign, � . 19 Planning Commission Meeting - Januarv 24, 1973 Page 3 3. VACATION REQUESTo SAV #73-Oi, BRYANT-FRANKLIN CORPORATION, To vacate drainage and utility easement on the Southerly 5 feet of Lots 13 through 16, Block 3, Rice Creek Terrace Plat 2. Mr. Darrel Clark said this vacation request should be on the agenda with the rezoning request which will be on the February 7th agenda. They won't want the vacation if the rezoning isn't approved. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the_Planning Commission continue the vacation request, SAV �73-01, Bryant-Franklin Corporation, to vacate drainage and utility easement on the Southerly 5 feet of Lots 13 through 15, Block 3, Rice Creek Terrace Plat 2, until February 7, 1973. Upon a voice vote, all:voting aye, the motian carried unanimously. 4. REQUEST FOR A LOT SPLIT; L S, �73-02, STATE LAND AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY; Block 10, Hamilton's Addition, Mr. Darrel Clark said the City Clerk does not have to split assessments until a lot split has been approved. This is the property of Paul Burkholder, and this request will officially approve the development of land between the petitioner and the cemetary. Mr. Fitzpatrick said the alley vacation was approved but not the street vacation, The Planning Commission was canfused on the description of the lot 1"'� split because no lots were mentioned. Mr. Clark said there has been some problem with the survey but Mr. Burkholder bought 234 feet of this block no matter how it is described. I''1 MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission recommend to the Council approval of the request for a Lot Split, L.S, ��73-02, by State Land and Development Company, to split off the North 234 feet of Block l0, Hamilton's Additiono Upan a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Erickson asked Mr, Gabrelcik i£ Mr. Kohlan was coming. Mr. Gabrelcik answered that he hadn't spoken to Mr. Kohlan since the last meeting. Chairman Erickson said they would continue the Public Hearing on Mr. Gabrelcik's request for a Special Use Permit at this time. Mr. Erickson said the last ti.me you were in, Mr. Gabrelcik, we asked for a sketch of the propased use of your lay-out. Do you have it? Mr. Gabrelcik said he hadn't drawn any sketch. Mr. Erickson said we also asked for proo� of ownership on the lots you are using or wish to use so we would know what part of your property is covered by the grandfather clause, Mr. Gabrelcik said he brough� some tax statements, would they do. Chairman Ericksaa said he didn't know if they would or not, but the Commission would look at them. Chairman Erickson asked Mr. Gabrelcik why he hadn't brought a sketch of /1 � ^ 2�0 Planning Commission Meeting - January 24, 1973 Page 4 : his property, Mr. Gabrelcik said the City was making up a sketch. Mr. _ Clark said they have made a sketch but they didn't think Mr. Gabrelcik would like it. . � Chairman Erickson examined the tax statements. The tax statement for Lot 6 and the S2 of 7 is in the name of Car1 Sorenson, Frank Gabrelcik getting the tax statement; the N� of Lot 7 and all of Lot 8, is in the name of &aymond Meggit, Mr. Gabrelcik getting the tax statement; I,ots 9 and 10 are in the name of Garl Sorenson, Contract Purchaser, Harry Johnson, Mr. Gabrelcik getting tax statement; Lot 16, Block 21, is the State of Minnesota, Mr. Gabrelcik getting tax statement;,Lots 12 and 13, Block 2, City View Addition, in the name of Carl Sorenson, Mr, Gabrelcik again getting the tax statement. Chairman Erickson said that according to the County, you don't have title to very much. Mr, Gabrelcik said he just hadn't got over to the County to register the deeds, Chairman Erickson said there were two things the Planning Cornmission specifically asked for; one, evidence of purchase of the property, and this to me is not evidence. You may very well have title to this property, but we are interested in when you got ownership of the property you have purchased. We also asked for an outline on how you plan to use this property, which you have not furnished, Mr. Gabrelcik said he was only asking to use Lots 12 and 13, in addition to what he was using before. Mr. Erickson asked if Mr, Kohlan was sti11 Mr. Gabrelcik's attorney. Mr. Gabrelcik said he guessed so. He said he didn't know who appointed Mr. Rohlan or anything, Mr. Erickson asked then why was he here before represent- ing you, Mr, Gabrelcik said he didn't hire him to represent him, he thought someone had appointed him. Mr. Gabrelcik said he paid a lot of money for the property he has and pays a lot of taxes on this property and now the City says he can't use it. Chairman Erickson addressed Mr. Gabrelcik and said you are here asking the Planning Commission to give you germission to expand your used car lot - to two lots North of 58th Avenue and to one lot South of 572 Avenue, that you haven't been using before, as I understand it, Is this right or wrong? Mr. Gabrelcik said he has been using these lots for years but illegally, I guess. I'm asking to use Lots 12 and �:3 because they aren't covered by the grandfather clause. Mr, Schmedeke said he hadn't intended to get involved in this but he said he had copies of minutes of ineetings by the City that go back several years. -0ver ten years ago the property East and West of University Av�nue in this area was described as an eyesore. In the minutes of April 12, 1971, the City Engineer stated that the last time Frank's Car Lot had been in for a license, he had taken pictures showing cars parked on City streets and junk on the lot. Later the cars had been removed from the treet, Mr. Schmedeke said that as Chairman of the Plats and Subdivisions - Streets and Utilities Subcommittee, he thought it would be proper to ask for a survey of this property, There are some lots in City View that have peculiar boundaries. The Planning Commission should be more informed before we act on something of this naturea Mr, Schmedeke didn`t think Block 21 should be included in the Special Use Permit as far as the street ar alley is concerned, until the I ^ �, _ 2�.: Planning Commission Meeting - Januarv 24, 1973 Page 5 traffic pattern was firm in this area, He continued that Mr, Gabrelcik needs some sod around his building, sod around the sidewalk area, some planting of evergreens, some existing trees removed, and the junk and lumber cleaned up as it�is very unsightly, He said Mr. Gabrelcik should decide what type of business he wants on the Iot. Ae has four businesses now; used cars, body repair, truck repai� and a cab businessa If we get a 'survey of this property, I think we will need some planting to.protect the neighbors to the South. These are things we require of everyone else, and we should treat everyone alike. Chairman Erickson said to Mro Gahrelcik that you say you're not actually asking for anything. Mr. Gabrelcik answered that he wants to use Lots 12 and 13. Mr. Erickson said then you are asking for something, expansion of your used car lot. T}�en we understand each other. Chairman Eriekson told Mr. Gabrelcik if you want us to vote intelligently on this request, we should get something from you, Otherwise you're going to have to ask us to vote on the information that we have now and I can't see that that's going to do you any goodo Mr, Darrel (:lark said he thought we should verify what his present license covers. It doesn't cover Lot 6 or the N� of Lat 7. The license request is for the N� of L ot 7, and a11 of Lots 8, 9 and 10. When this license went to Council, they requested Mr. Gabrelcik to get a Special Use Permit for what was covered by his existing license plus whatever else he was using, which includes Lot 6, the N� of Lot 7, Lot 16, and Lots 12 and 13. Chairman Erickson stated that Mr. Gabrelcik said he has been using Lot 6 and the NZ of Lot 7 all this time and I believe that is right. Mr, Clark asked why this wasn't included in the license request. Mr. Gabrelcik said his wife made out the license request and he didn't know why she didn't include these lots. Chairman Erickson asked Mr. Gabrelcik what he wanted to do. Mr, Gabrelcik said he wants the right to use Lots 12 and 13. Mr. Erickson said if the rest of the Commission feels the way I do, we're not able to make a decision on this, except adversely, unless you can show us something that we'd like to see, and that is how you intend to use the property and contracts on when you baught the property, and I'm not sure that's going to give you what you wanta Mr. Schmedeke said it would be hard to come to any decision unless we have a survey of the lots. He understood when Mr, Kohlan was here at the last meeting, that there was some problem with a fence line, Unless we know where the property lines are, I don't feel we can vote intelligentl}�. Mr. Schmedeke said that years ago you could come in and do as you pleased, but times have changed, and we should have a plot plan of some kind, There are rules and regulations to follow now. Mr. Gabrelcik said whPn he talked to Mayor Liebl and Mr. Kohlan, he thought they were �oing to take, care of this for me. Mr, Zeglen asked if /'1 Mro Kohlan was representin� 1+�, Gabrelcik. On his request for a Special LTSe Permit it has the notation, if there are any questions, call Andrew Kchlan, � 22 Planning Commission Meeting - January 24, 1973 Page 6 In the discussion that followed, it-was determined that Mr, Kohlan made out the request and Mr. Gabrelcik signed it. Mr, Gabrelcik said he didn't ^ ask Mr. Kohlan to prepare the request, He said when he went to Council about his license, first it was given and then he got a notice it had been voided, Mayor Liebl came over with a list of things the City wanted Mr. Gabrelcik to agree to do to improve his property, so the license could be issued, but Mr, Gabrelcik refused to sign the agreement. Mr. Gabrelcik said Mayor Liebl then told him Mr, Rohlan would help him. He said he had paid $50 for the license, and the Council asked him to request a Special Use Permit. Mr. Gabrelcik said he didn't want to spend a lot of money on the property, because if a buyer came along he would sell it. Mr, Erickson said to Mr, Gabrelcik, you are asking the City, and this is the first step, to run a used car lot on certain property, some you!ve never used before, We've asked you for proof of ownership, which you haven't done, We've asked for a sketch of how you intend to use the property, because we're not too happy with the way you're using it now, which you haven't done. Do you want the Planning Commission to act on this now or do you want to come back and bring us this information, We can act right now, on information we don't have, and we will have to recommend denial to the Council. Mr. Gabrelcik said he hoped to move some of the cars he has and maybe he won't need to use the additional lots. Mr. Erickson said you will have to agree that when you drive by your lot, it doesn't look like a used car lot. The cars have snow on them, they're packed in there, and there is no evidence that they've been moved ^ for some time, There is a lot of material an the lot that really doesn't belong on a used car lot. � Mr. Gabrelcik say everyone tells him how to make the lot look nice. The Highway Department wants trees, Fridley wants sod; it looks like he's supposed to maintain a11 four corners and where is he supposed to go with the cars. He doesn't have a crew to keep the snow off the cars and keep the batteri.es charged up and move the cars like a large operator. Mr. Gabrelcik said he would sell the property rather than make all these improve- ments. �hairman Erickson again asked Mr. Gabre2cik if he wanted the Cammission to vote on the information they had. Mr, Gabrelcik said they should go ahead and vote. I don't want to use those lots (12 and 13) only when the regular lot is too full. It's too far away from the building anyway. I only want to use it occasion�Yly, Mr. Clark said he still needs a Special Use Permit for the property, then it is no longer a legal non-confarming use. I don't think you have to act on the entire parcel. Mr. Minish asked Mr. Clark if the City has a sketch of the property. Mr. Clark said we did, ant� thQ sketch met some of the code and setback requirements. Mr. Gabrelcik didn't say-.if he approved or"disapproved of the sketch. Mro Minish said the notice says to continue the existing use, but - �3 Planning Commission Meeting - Januar 24, 1973 Page 7 iricludes lots that people who got the notice, might not be aware that this ^ cpnstitutes an expansion of the use. � Chairman Erickson asked Mr. Clark how the expansion lots got in the notice when they're not on the request. Mr. Clark answered that at the last meeting in December, Mr. Gabrelcik asked that these lots, 12 and 13, be included in the notice and it be republished. Mr. Fitzpatrick said the notice is erroneous then when it doesn't mention expansion. Mr, Clark said legally, you may have a point, but Mr, Gabrelcik says he is using these lots now, Mr. Fitzpatrick said if he got a notice saying to continue a use, he wouldn't assume automatically that it applied to Lots 12 and 13. Chairman Erickson said it was questionable in his own mind that people would recognize the legal descriptiono They would recognize Mr. Gabrelcik's name and the general location. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission close the public hearing on the request for a Sgecial Use Permit, SP ��72-19, by Frank Gabrelcik, to continue the existing Use as a Used Car Lot and conduct inside Repair Garage Shop, to be located on Lots 6 through 10, Block 28, and Lot 16, Block 21, Hyde Park Addition, and Lots 12 and 13, Block 2, City View : Addition, per Code 45.101, 3 B, D and G. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr, Schmedeke said he would like Lot 12, Block 21, Hyde Park Addition, � left off the motion until the decision on the street was firm. Mr. Erickson said that would depend upon the motion. n Mr. Clark said from the standpoint of administering the license and Special Use Permit, the Staff would like to have a plot plan that recommended what should be followed in placement of the cars on the lot. It is impossible to administer a used car lot or any business without a plot plan that both the owner and the City agree upon as we can't tell if there's a violation of what's agreed upon or not. Chairman Erickson asked if there was anything that can permit Mr. Gabrelcik to operate a used car lot without a Special Use Permit. Mr. Schmedeke said he can use the lots covered by the grandfather clause indefinitely. Mr, Minish said we would all be inclined to consider this request more favorably. if there was an indication of a willingness to cooperate with the City in resolving what could be charitably described as an eyesore, I suppose we could consider a layout that would encompass Lots 12 and 13, if it was coupled with an effort to restructure the whole operation, but until that point, I would be reluctant to do anything to change anything or give him more legitimacy to his operationo I don°t want to do anything that would in anyway put Mr< Gabrelcik out of businesse Maybe holding up on the license would be the way ta get the information we asked for. � 24 Planning Commission Meeting - January 24, 1973 Pa�e 8 Mr. Darrel Clark said he thought that was the intent of the Council ^ in asking Mr, Gabrelcik to get a Special Use Permit on the land he wants to use. It`s two�old; one, he w:�:nts to expand on these lots that weren't on his license prior to this; and two, draw up a plot plan he could live with and the City could allow. Mr. Minish said we're prepared to work wi.th him, but it doesn't appear that he's prepared to cooperate in furnishing the imformation we requested. Mr, Schmedeke said he had expressed his opinion earlier, and it hadn't changed, MOTIf�PT by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission recommend to Council, that based on the Iack of information by the petitioner, that the request for a Special IIse Permi.t, SP �72-19, by Frank Gabrelcik, to continue the existing Use as a iJsed Car Lot and conduct inside Repair Garage S�iop, to be located on Lots 6 through 10, Block 28, and Lot 16, Block 21, Apde Par�. Addition, and Lots I2 and 13, Block 2, City View Addition, per Code 45.1�1, 3 B, D aad G, be denied with the stipulation that it could be re- submitted at such time the requested information is forthcomiug. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried un.animously. Chairman Erickson told Mr. Gabrelcik that he would suggest strongly _ that he go an see Mr, Liebl and try to get this worked out. I'm con€used and we're all confused. We're not too sure who's responsible for sending ^ qou here with this type af request. I think you'_re=confused. Mr. Gabrelcik said they told me I need a Special Use Permit, Mr. Erickson answered Mr. Gabr"elcik by saying we didn't get the infarmation from you that we requested so we couldn't vote any other waye Maybe you were misinformed. I suggest � you go back and talk to the people you talked to before and pursue this matter further. This comes to Council on February 5th. Mr. Erickson said we realize we have certain problems in improving property that was in exist?nce before the ordinances went into effect, but wherever we have a chance to improve these, I think we are going to do it. The opFortunity comes when someone wants to expapd the area of their operation. The last thing we want to do is put you out of business, but if you are going to expand your business, it is our duty to bring it up to more modern standards. DISCUSSION ON MUGGLI REQUEST REFERRED TO PLANNING COMMISSION BY COUNCIL MO�TION by Fitzpatrick, and seconded, that the Planning Commission receive the request =ram Council ta determine the use of the triang?e made by the 60th Avenue slip-off. IJpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Erickson asked if the Planning Commission was supposed to act on the �etter from Mr. Muggli, Mr, Darrel Clark said he had spoke n ^ to the Gity Engineer and if Mr. Muggli wants to petition for vacation on a portion of the right of way and show h�ow he would use it, r�re coula act on the getition pro or con. _ ti� Plannin� Co�ission Meeting - January 24, T973 Page 9 Chairmaa Erickson said Mr. Muggli is asking to use a�sortion of what? Mr. Ciark said it was the slip-off ramp on 60th Avenueo The City paid ^ about $15,000 for that lot. Mr. Fitzpatrick said he had been at the Council meeting and after -- discussion, they decided to refer it ta the Planning Commission to determine the recommended use of this triangleo Either 2et Mr. Muggli request the use of the triangle or the City should keeg it and plant evergreens and sod the area. Mr, Schmedeke said it is in the minutes, and all over, that none of this; the zoning or circle flow plan would go unless all of it went. We got the commercial zoning and the slip-off and then it all stopped. Up until six months ago, Mr. Muggli thought the City was going to buy his property, He bought some progerty further out to put his machinery on. Now he has two forty foot lots on a one-way street. Mr. Schmedeke said he didn't know how Mr, Muggli intended to use this triangle, but he thinks it should be left as is, with Mr. Muggli getting first chance to use the triangle when our traffic pattern is developed. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Mi.nish, that the Planning Commission refer this request from Council to the Plats and SubBivisions - Streets and Utilities Subcommittee and recommend that Mr. Muggli make a formal request for vacation of a portion of the triangle created by the slip-off at 60th Avenue. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. CONTZNUED. CONS3DERATION OF FLOOD PLAIN ZOI�TING � Mr. Jerrold Boardman said he had talked to Jim Wright from the Department of Natural Resources, this afternoon, and he said there is the possibilty that we couZd eliminage the Rice Creek area fom the_�lood way. They would still be in the flood plain and still have the restrictions, but the area could be called R-1, flood fringe overlay, or some different name. There is the possib:�.lity we could handle this with some type of ordinance such as a Creek Preservation Ordinance, and then we could eliminate this area from the flood plain, Mr, Darrel Clark said the State did pass a statute in 1969 that made it mandatory for every community in Minnesota to zone flood plain, It's only a matter of time before they start checking to see if we have complied. We should do something and try to work with the State. Mr. Schmedeke said they will ba forcing us to do something within a couple of years. We should pass an ordinance or take some action before the State forces us to complya Mr. Minish asked how the Rice Creek Watershed District will affect the flood plain restrictions. In several watershed districts there can be no constructian unless it has had clearance from the district. If the Rice Creek Watershed District has restrictions, maybe it would take us off the_hoo� as far as the Rice Creek situation, /1 Mr. C1ark said if we are going to revise oux zoning ordinances as far as restrictiansin the flood way, we should check with Hud and the Rice � � ^ . �� Planniag Cammission Meeting - January 24, 1 973 Page 10 Creek Watershed District to see what the guidelines of each are, so that all the restrictions are the same. Chairman Erickson asked which restrictions would override, Mr, Clark said the most restrictive would overridee We can check and see wh:�t the Rice Creek Watershed District restrictions are. Chairman Erickson said we are approaching something that we can live with. I think the areas in Riverview Heights should be zoned flood plain. I think t�ese people should get the opportunity to have flood insurance. Mr. Boardman said Jim Wright told him that possibl y the route to go, was to have thP City adopt what he calZed the Motherhood Clause, saying that the City will develop some tyge of flood plain management and with the adoption of this clause, we would be eligible for flood insurance in about three weeks, without actually designating areas in the flood plain, Then we would work with the State of Minnesota to set up some type of management controlo � Mr. Minish asked what would happen if we adcpted the resolution and never came to terms with the State. Mr. Boardman said we can adopt the resolution; if we don't agree with the State, we can alway pull out. We will be forced to have a resolution later on. Chairman Erickson said he thinks the State is anxious to get this program working and the more cooperation they get, the easier it will be for Fridley. MQTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plauning Commission recau�►end that Council adopt this resolution to be used when applying for flood insurance in Minnesota, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously, ADJOURNMENT° Ghairman Erickson adjourned the meeting at 10:05 P,Mo Respectfully submitted, GZ��..� /��7��� Dorothy Ev son, Secretary � ; '• Plannin� Commission Meetin� - January 24, 1973 Page 11 . . SeCtion IV. - . ,. _...,..... ' 2'7 � , SUGGEST�Q RESOLtJ�iON T4 6£ USED WHEN APPLYING FQR F100R INSURANCE IM MINN[SOTA : . � ; , 1YHER8AS, certain t�reas of the (Ct)t�V"I`Y) (CpM�lUNITY) ase subject to periodic ��in�ro�n the (STREAM(s) csusin� serious daraa�sa ta proparti�a within these i . . ' ��REAS, relieP ia available in the Pora� o! f2ood insurance ss authoxized b�► Lhe National Flood Insuranc� Act o! 1Q68 ss �nd�d; a�td ' ���, it ia� the intent of this (80ARD, COUNCIL, ETC.) to co�eply with land v�� and a�a�su»nt crit�xia r�Yui�tioas a� r�quir�d in ;sid act; artd MlHEReAS, it is also the intent of thia (�IRD, CQIJNCIL, BTC. ) to s�co�ize and duly evmiw�,t• fioad hazard: in ail oiffcial sctioas s�lstin� to ��nd us� in the flaod pl�in ueas havirt� sp�cisl fload haz�rds; and MI�IERBAS, the Cods Citatiars(s) of Stat� �nsblin� le�isistipn and of sny s�sulting lacal ordiaanc� tha� suthorizes this (CQtdNt'Y) (CpI►�JNIT�f) to adopt land w� and Controi raeasures srs: t�[inn. Statutes Soctfons 394,41 et se and 505,09 to 505.13 (caunties); Minn. SLatutes 462.351 - 462.363 (cities v�ages, boroughsa; Mian. Statutes, C. 104 (F1ood Plain Mans�esent Act�; etc. n . • NON, THBREFOliB. B8 IT RE50LVED, that this (BOARD, COIAVCYL, BTC.} hereby as�u�s th� Federal Insurartce Ad�inistrstion that it t�tic�s ths iollowin� l�tialativ� action: . * (1) Appoints (official, office or s�encyj ►tith the �sponsibility, , �utiw�ritY attd neans to : � (�) Oeliaeate or assist ths Itd�inis�rator, at Ait request, in , d�lineatin= the limits pf the as�+as havin� special Plood hssarcis on available � locti �aps of sufficient �cal� Lo idsntify th� tocatton of buildin� sitea. (b) Provid. iuch iasfvrution a� the Ada�inistr�tor �ay r�qu�st ..00ttc�srti�= pr�s�nt uses �d occupancy of ttN flood plain area. . (c.) Msint�►ir� for publ�c ins�ction ar�d llxrniahin� upon reQue�t, M►ii� r�:p�ct to each aret havin� s�clai flaod h�zards� infor�stion on eievation� •' (i� ralation to Man saa i�v�l� of the lo+�e�t floors o� all n�r or subatantially , i�rov�d structur�s; �nd ;' � (d) ,Coop�rate Mith i�td�ral, l�tat�, �d loc�l a�tnties and privste �� �iz�ts �ahhich �md4rtake to otu�r, snrv�Y, �ap. �d �ds�tify flood plain are�s. and , , ,��opsrs�� Mi.th nei�hboria$ co�nnrities �+ith r�s�f to n�ana�o�esat of adjoining . llood pl�in area: in o���r to pr�veat a�gxs�s�iQn o! oxiatin� ha:�rds. ^ (e) Sub+�it on thR anniv�x:ar�► dst• of tlt� (GOl�+1TY'S) (�!l1tVITX'S) : #Ri�l�#�, �1l,�ibi,�,it�►, �► ��,N,1 rl�rt to th� A�i�h���Mtor ort tht pTOgros� �de du��in= t�s �a�t year within tl� (�o�trj �C��;�;tr� iTM the devela�snt and � i�pla�t�t�� af fiaod pltin �s���snt ��s�us�s, � � . , .. .. : . , Plaaning Commission Meeting - January 24, 1973 � �8 page 12 (2) Take such other official acfiion as may be reasonable necessary to carry out the objectives of the program. , ` ^ BH IT FURTHER R�SOLVES, that this (BOARD, COUNCIL, ETC,} hereby appoints ' (�GENCY or UFFICIAL) with the overall responsibility, authority and mean to '' implement all commitments made herein, � P'� � �� ^ CITY -0F FRIDI,EY PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS- STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOMMITTEB MEETING JANUARY 24, 1973 PAGE 1 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schmedeke at 7:00 P,M, ROLL CALL° Members Present: Schmedeke, Forster, French, Meissner, Engdahl Members Absent: None Others Present: Darrel Clark, Community Development Administrator 1. REQUEST FOR A LOT SPLITc L.S. �73-01, ROBERT SCHROER• To split � off the South 204 feet of the East 200 feet of Lot 3, Block 2, East Ranch Estates 2nd Addition. Chairman Schmedeke said the reason for this lot split was to build a structure: Mre Darrel Clark said"this lot is adjacent to the Capp Homes split that we had about five months ago. This lot split, for a pancake house, will be 40,800 square feet. The lot to the North will be 25,200 square feet, so both resulting parcels are large enough to meet the present re- � quirements for commerciaL zoning. The easement will be used for parking lots or boulevards. Mr. Schmedeke said the lot to the North of this lat split seems quite narrow, but if the owner is satisfied, that`s his problem. Mr. Schmedeke asked when the proposed street would go in. Mr. Clark said they haven't brought in this glat for approval yet. This is a proposed plat. Mr. Meissner asked why they hadn't brought in this plat when they're starting to develop this area. Mr. Clark said they don't know what size lots they want. They have already changed their minds, and they haven't brought the plat in yet. Mr, Meissner asked about the width of tha proposed road. Mr. Ciark said it was 30 feet, but they know they wi.11 have to �iden it to 40 or 50 feet. Mr. Schmedeke asked if this went to Council on Monday night (January 22). Mr. Clark said it did, and Council approved it contingent upon approval here and by the Planning Commission. They had to get all the approvals before February lst because of mortgage commitments. Mr. Clark said one thing they grobably should do is they should grant the rest of the property between the easement and the lot line as additional easement for access to the sewer line. The easement is 17 feet from the ^ property liae, Mr. Freneh said this would end up being the Westerly 37 feet � _____ a�. � Plats � Subs. - Str. & IItil, Meeting - January 24, 1973 Page 2 for a utiiity easement. � MOTION by French, seconded by Engdahl, that the Plats & Subdivisions- Streets � Utilities Subcammittee recommend to the Planning Commission, agproval of the request for a Lot Split, i,S; ��73-01, by Robert Schroer, to split off the South 204 feet of the East 200 feet of Lot 3, Block 2, East Ranch Estates 2nd Addition, subject to an additional 17 feet being added to�the original 20 foat easement to give the lot to the rear of the property access to the sewer. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimouslya 2. VACATION REf�UEST. SAV #73-01, BRYANT-FRANKLIN CORPORATIONo Vacate drainage and utility easement on the Southerly 5 feet of Lots 13 through 16, Block 3, Riee Creek Terrace Plat 2. Mr. Schmedeke said this request is contingent upon a rezoning request. Mr. Darrel Clark said they are planning to add on,to the Red Owl Store. if it is properly zoned. He said he had talked to the power company and the telephoae company and they have no objection to the easement being vacated if this was all one big development. If the rezoning isn't approved, then the vacation shouldn't go through because they would need this easement if it was developed residential. Also, the developer will have to provide drainage, an equitable means of drainage to either street. '^ Mr. Meissner said the water tends to pond on thxee of these lots now. Mro Clark said as long as they provide good drainage, the City has no objections, Mr. French said he would not care to have any access traffic going out to 66th Avenue. Mr. Clark said the private drive going out to 66th Avenue now was at the request of the City and not Red Owl. Mr. Meissner said he didn't think the residents in the areas should be assessed for storm sewer charges if the developer has to have storm sewers for drainage. MOTIQN by French, seconded by Meissner, that the Plats & Subdivisions - Street & Utilities Subc�ittee recommend approval to the Planning Commission of the Vacation Request, SAV �73-01, by Bryant-Franklin-Corporation, to vacate drainage and utility easement on the Southerly 5 feet of Lots 13 through I6, Block 3, Rice Creek Terrace Plat 2, subject to proper rezoning, subject to an adequate drainage plan implemented at their expense and denial of traffic access to 66th Avenue. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimouslg. 3o REQUEST FOR A LOT SPLIT: L,S. �73-02, STATE LAND & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, to split off the North 234 feet of B1ock 10, Hamilton's Addition. Mr. Clark said we've looked at this once on a vacation of the alley and '^ the street. When the survey was completed, the 1ot line the fence is located on does not follow the existing property line. He has to go through the , _ 3�. : Plats S� Subs. - Str: & Util. Meeting - Januar 24' 1973 Pa e 3 /1 mechanics of getting a lot split approval.' There is no change in any of the proposals he`s made to us. The site',is etill the same, the same_location. It's 3ust that the property line between Pau1 Burkholder's property and the cemetery does not follow the existing lot line. Mr. Schmedeke asked if both parties were in agreement. Mr, Clark said they were. Mr. Meisner asked if this was the proper way to describe this lot split. Mr, Clark said the County Surveyor hasn'� decided on how he will describe this property. The intent is to split off the apartment site from the cemetery site. MpTION by Meissner, seconded by Engdahl, that the Plats & Subdivisions- Streets & Utilities Subcommittee recommend to the Planning Commission approval of the request for a Lot Split, L,S, ��73-02, State Land & Development Company, to sglit off the North 234 feet of B1ock 10, Hamilton's Addition, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Schmedeke adjourned the meeting at 7:40 P.M. � Respectfully submitted, i`J'�.ur� Z'�'�'.�'T/ Dorothy Ev son, Secretary ^ - �� � �C�j�T I ON �OA'NI I SS I OM �,L�(UARY , 1973 Meeting was called to oa�der at 7:35 �,m., by Chairman Fitz�atrick. /� MEMBERS PRESENT: Fitzpatrick, Bla�.r, Kirlcham, Stimmler. MEMBERS EXCUS�D: Wagar, OTHERS PRESENT: Mrs. Janice Seeger, 324 Tronton Street NE, 55432, 784-7441, L,W.V. Mxs. Barb Hugh,e�, 548 Ri�ce Creek Texrace NE, �5432, 560-2618, L.W,V. �Irs, LeeAnn S�ore, 301 Ironton Street NE, 55432, 786-2765, L.W.V. Mrs. Pat Cariolano, 604Q Sth Street NE, 55432, 560-2765, L.W.V. Cathie Stardahl, Secretary to the Commission. LIONS CU� DONATION� Mr, Fitzpatrick informed the Commissioners that the Fridley Lions Club has a large sum of money which they would lik� to put into a park projQCt, and perhaps, add additional funding ir� the years to come, They are looking for a project with which they can identify, Th�; im�rovements at Moore Lake Bea�h and Park, which were donated by the Lions, were mentioned. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked the Commissioners to give some thought to a suitable project for the Fridley Lions Club, and it would be discussed again beiore the meeting was adjourned. M I NUTES FROM THE I�VEI�3ER Z%, �.9� �ET I NG � MO7IUN Ea� 8�ac;n, See�nded Ey S�t;,mn,,e.eh,, �o apryc.av4� .the M-i.nu..�e�s a� xh.e Re.cau.ecvc Panh�t and ReeJee.cr�i,an Camm,i,bai.pn Meefiting, da.ted Navembeh 27, 1�12. The Ma.ti,an ecvur,e;ed. �. � OF PEACE� There was a brief discussion of the statu� of the Islands o� Peace Project. Mr. Fitzpatrick stated that he had been in attendance at one of the Committee Meetings, and briefed the Commission on his observation. Mr. Blair asked that the Islands of Peace Project be placed on the February meetir�g agenda. (�l1ARTERLY REPORTS � In Mr, Browr�'s abser�ce, he ask�d the Cammission Secretary to relate to the Commissioners, his desire to change the f�uart�rly Mamorandum and Quaxterly Parks Work Progxess Report, to a less lengthly report which will inform the Commissioners af only the major changes and happenings goin� on within the Depaxtment. The reports, as they're presently being wri�ten, invply�a much repetitivn and are very time consumin� to prepare, The Commissioners agreed th�t the r�:�orts could be combined and changed, to inc�.ude only those hagpenings which wer� out oi the oxdinary. Mt7TI0N Ey BZcci.�., Seeonded b,� K.i.nFzham, zo au�'h.oni.ze Mn. Bnv un and M�c, Va.2Ftma�, �a nevus � xhe� pne,� en,t �eia�c.t�y Memanandum and Qu.ah,te�c�y Pcvcfia Wanh Pnogneaa Rep��r.�, ��.ncQude on.Q.c� �.�� uc,.th,i„n �he Depwc�ment, uhi;ch wvice, au:t a� �ie a�t.di.nah.y. Th� Mp.t,i.an ca�ed. � , 1.�i� MEETTNG DATGS AND TIMES� Mr. Fitzpatriek asked �he Comm1��ioners to +�oice their opinions in setting up the meeting dates and times for the ��73 agenda, It, was agreeable with evexyone tt�at the 4th Monday o� each Month be set as�ide £or the regular meeting date, and the Minutes o� the Parks $ Racr�ation Commission Meetin , Januar 22 �973, pa � 2 3`3 � ME�1'INGS �CON�T); time wi11 �emain at 7:3Q p.m, The Ghaix�man called £or a Mo�.zon to tha� eff.ect and a copy of the mseting dates wil� b� mail�d, MdTION (y S.�i.mm.2e�r., Secanded ��Qa.i,.n, ..�;�a ee,i ,�.e Regu.�ah. Me,e.i<:ng da.iea �a�. .the Pczhh4 and Reene.a�t:an Camm�,a.a:�;an, vn �he 4�h Manday a� ectch mawih, cc.t 7;30 �r.m. The Ma�:an ccuv�,c;ed, Mr. Fitzpatrick said that it was �ustQmary at the January meeting each year, to elect a Vice Chaix�man to chair �he meetings in the absence of the x�egular Chairman. Mr. Stimmler said that in li&ht of Aon Blair's past experience as Vice Chairman and a job well done, h� would like to re-nominate Mx. Blair as Vice Chairman f4r 1973, All Commissioners a�reed and Mr, Slair will serve as Vice Chairman for 1973. BURVEY RESULTS� Mr. Fitzpatrick askad �f there wera resul�s available from the Sun Newspaper survey for development o£ Narth Park, The Cammission Searetary reported that the last count s}wwed 71 votes for a Natuxe Center, 67 votes for a Gol£ Course, and one vote to leave the area �ust as it is, She said that one vote had been mailed from a ship. INr. Kixkham voiced hi� disappointment in the 1ow number of ballots, Mr. Blair said that ix's about wha� ha had expected. Mr. Fitzpatriek �aid that he was not sux�rised with �he results, either. L�IS DONATION � "7 T Mr. Fitzpatrick, on�e again, asked the Commissioners to turn thei� attentxon to the �ions offer of funds �or a paxk praject, Mr, Stimmiar ask�d �.�' the Lior�s� were thir�king of taking an undeveloped park and developing it, callir►g ait Lions Park? Mr, Fitzpatrick said that he didn't know just axactly what th�y had in mind, and xhat he had only taiked briefly with A�.lie �rickson, a membe� o� the Lion�. Mr. Stimmler referred to a memo wri�ten by Mr. Brown �to the Lions, where he made same suggestions such� as bleact�ers, bxid,�es, a van bus, park building, audio ec{uipm�nt, or park lighting fox� Mooxe Lake, Qf Mr, Brown's �uggestions, Mr, StimmlBr fe7,t tha� the bridges far I,o�ke Park we�e th� only thing which might be of �.nterest to the i.ions , Mr. P3,t�patri.ck said that ano�t�ex idea wauld be the development of West Moar� Lak� Park, He mad+� r�afexsn�e tQ a� glar� drawn up by Ed Braddock, a Consultan�, whi�h included just a walkwaya ber�ch��., anc� lands�aping, Mr, Pi:tzpatriek asked th� Commission �scx�ta�y tc� attemp� to �ocat@ a copy o#' that plan, � Aftsr som� disc���i.en, the �Qmmi,ssion�rs agr�ed tha� bridge� across Rice Creek in Locke Paxk wc►uld b� a vexy wox�h�th�l+a prc� j ect for the Li.ons . Thi� is something we've been try��.�a,� �� dc� ior at least four years, and it would make the park more �cces�ibl� ta th� rssi�den�s �ivin,g on the South side of the Creek. lNr, Fitzpatr�.�k �1�Q ��id th�t i� w�uld be ai.ce i� a coupie of br�idges could be ias�alled sn that ^ you evu�,d crcass �t, one �nd and walk the Creek bank on one side, and nat havv ta back�ra�k to �r�s� �ver again, Mr, Fit�patr�.ck a�ked tt�at Mr, A�Awn Wxita a��ttex t4 the Fridley �.ions Club�, r�e�ommendin� th� coa�tructiQn c�� b�id,�es acxoss Rice �reek in Lack� Park, as a suitabl� ar►d w�xthwhil� proje�� for th�ir gxpup, and that'the I.ioa�s put th��r ��►t:� q� t ,�� pac�� � ;t , -� � ;: Minutes of the Parks $ Recreation Cammission Mesting, JanuaxY 22, 1973 Page 3 �� . I�QNS DONATION (CON'T)� M07`IUN by IGi.�ctzham, Secanded b,� S-t.i.mm.Zett, �a d%nec.i M�c. �.vwn -t.a c�r.i.�e a.2e.tte�c, an be.ha.�b a� �he PcucFr� and Recnea.�i,an Gammi,dai,an, .ta �he fix.i.dCey LLon�a C,2u �� uggea �i,ng �ha.i �h,e 1.%and can�i.den �he hu,2.ckng a� ane an mane, t�ci.dgeb ach.a4� Rc:ce Cneeh, �.ac.a,ied �.n loche, Panft., a.�6 �'h�i.�. cammuni.�y pnaJec.�. The Ma�i.an cct�vu;ed. COMMENT: Mr. Stimml�r asked that Mr. Brown mention the fact that the City has already obtained permits £rom the State, for construction of these bridges. � •�• , Four women, representing the Fri.dley League of Women Voters, were present, to update the Commissioners' inform�xion on the Noxth Park development discussion. Mrs. Barb Hughes spoke brisfly qn the present status o£ the controvexsary and said that the League is broading their scope, hoping to £ind the best possible use for �he land, whether it be a Nature Center, �olf Course, or something entirely different. Mrs. Hughes stated that they had just come from a City CounGil meeting where pon Bauer of Bauer � Associ�ates spoke on a feasibility study, Mr. Bauer explained his fee which includes $10,000 for the basic services (studyj, $1,000 for a sommunity seminar, and $3,40Q.00 ior a summary report document ta be written on the feasibility oi the development. Mrs. Hughes said that she would bs speaking at a District #1� PTA meeting, regaxding fundin$ for the project. � Mr, Fitzpatrick asked if the City Couneil had appointed a North Park Committee and Mrs. Hughes said that it had been delayed until the February 5th meeting. Mrs. Spore told the Commission that she felt the £easibility study would be very beneficial to the City, regaxdless of the outcome� MO(?RE LAICE BEACH & PARK � Mr. Fitzpatrick said that he felt the Beach should be supervised the day after school is dismissed £or the year. He made reference to the•tragedy of last Summer and said that it need not be officially opened, but at least supervised, to hopefully prevent a reoccuran¢� oi a similax tragedy �.n the future. MOTIUN B�Q.ai,n Secanded Ki.�cfzham -ta neeammend .th.u,t Maone Lafze Beach and Pwcfzz .aupenu�cae e y a en. e a �s a�aunna an e, umme�c. e o on ...V,,,,,,.. �,.,.� . ADJOURMIENT � Mc1TT�N �o ad�ouh.n �{�.e meefi.i,ng c� 9: p5 p.m. The next regular mse�in� will, be he�ld on Pebruaxy 26, 1973, at 7:30 p.m „ in the Community Room of F�ra.dley �3.vic Center. n F�.,pectfully submitt�d, CATHIE STORDAHL, Seeretaxy to the Commission _ /1 � � � o� r•- a3� THE_MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 30. 1973 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Minish at 7:38 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Minish, Crowder, Wahlberg MENIBERS ABSENT: Harju, Sondheimer OTHERS PRESENT: Ron Morris I�?TION by Wahlberg to approve the minutes of the December 12, 1972 meeting as written. � Seconded by Crowder. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carr ied unan ianous ly . 1. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 1B, FRIDLEY C�'lY CODE TO REDUCE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED LOT AREA FROM 7500 SQUARE FEET TO 5250 SQUARE FEET AND SECTION 45.054, 2A, 2B, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO ALLOW THE FINISHED FLOOR LEVEL, OF THE UPPER STORY IN A SPLIT ENTRY DESIGN HOUSE, TO BE LESS THAN 6 FEET ABOVE GRADE, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING TO BE LOCATED ON LOTS 27 AND 28. BLOCK S. RIVERV_I_EW HEIGHTS ADDITION, TI� SAME BEING 8125 RIVERVIEW TERRACE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY ROBERT DEGARDNER, 7950 EAST RIVER ROAD N.E.. FRIDLEY. 2. MINNESOTA.) MOTION by Wahlberg to waive reading the public hearing notice. Seconded by Crowder, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Mr. DeGardner was not present to present the request. Chairman Minish stated the Board wouTd consider the requests by Mr. Drake and return to this request after Mr. DeGardner arrived. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 1B, T0 REDUCE THE MINIMUM RE UIRED LOT AREA FOR A LOT IN A PLAT RECORDED BEFORE DECEMBER 29, 1955 FROM 7500 SQUARE FEET TQ 5500 SQUARE FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DW�LLING QN LOTS 15 Ai�ID 16, BLOCK H, RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS ADDITION, THE S�ME BEING 529 GLENCOE STREET N E FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY MR. GORDON R. DRAKE, 7226 RIVERDALE ROAD, BROOKLYN CENTER, MINNESOTA.) 3. A_REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053 1B TO REDBCE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED LOT ARF.A FOR A LOT IN A PLAT RECORDED BEFORE DECEMBER 29, 1955, FROM 7500 SQUARE FEET TO 6875 SQUARE FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING ON LOTS 14 AND 13, AND THE WEST Z OF LOT 12, BLOCK H, RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS ADDITION, THE Sr'li'� BEING 527 GLENCOE STREET N.E., FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY MR GOR.DON R DRAKE, 7226 RIVERDALE ROAD, BROOKLYN CENTER, MINNESOTA.} 4. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 1B. TO REDUCE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED LOT AREA F0� A LOT IN A PLAT RECORDED BEFORE DECF�IBER 29, 1955 FROM 7500 SQLTARE FEET TO 5500 SQUARE FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING ON LOTS 57 AND 58, BLOCK I, RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS ADDITION THE SAME BEING 520 GLENCOE STREET N E, FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY MR. GORDON R. DRAKE, 7226 RIVERDALE ROAD, BROOKLYN CENTER, MINNESOTA.) � . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meeting of January 30, 1973 ���'�e 2 5. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 1B, TQ REDUCE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED LOT ��j ARF.A FOR A LOT IN A PLAT RECORDED BEFORE DECEMBER 29, 1955 FROM 7500 SQUAR$ FEET ^ TO 5500 SQUARE FEET T0 ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING ON LOTS 55 AND 56, BLOCK I, RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS ADBITION, THE SAME BEING 526 GLENCOE STREET N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY MR. GORDON R. DRAI�, 7226 RIVERDALE ROAD, BROQKLYN CENTER, MINNESOTA.) � Mr. Gordon Drake was present to present his requests.� Mr. Drake explained the sizes of each prospective lot; those north of Glencoe were to be 62� feet each and those south of Glencoe were 50 foot lots. Mr. Drake further explained that the homes were ramblers laid lengthwise on the lot and that each house placement would meet a11 zoning requirements. Mrs. Wahlberg asked where a garage would be loc.ated. Mr. Drake indicated a driveway along the side of the house with a garage in the rear yard, to be built later if the owner desired. Mr. Crowder asked if Mr. Drake felt the cost would be prohibitive to purchase additional lots abutting the present lots. Mr. Drake replied that the 50 foot lots abutting the property were being sold at the cost of an independent building site and consequently would put the homes out of range of other homes in the area. These homes were to be at the top of the price range in this area, $24,000 -$25,000. Mr. Crowder moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Mrs. Wahlberg, upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. MOTION by Crowder to recommend to Council approval of all four requests by Mr. Drake, ^ for variances of the square footage requirements on Lots 15 and 16, Block H, Riverview Heights Addition, Lots 14, 13, and the West 2 of 12, Block H, Riverview Heights Additi4n, Lots 57.and 58, B1ock I, Riverview Heights Addition, and L�ts 55 and 56, Block I, Riverview Heights Addition. Seconded by Wahlberg. Upon a voice �ote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Chairman Minish referred back to item ��1 as Mr. DeGardner had arrived. Mr. DeGardner explained that a building was presently on the site, and this building would be razed and a home built in its place. A discussion followed in regard to the likelihood of future floods in this area. Chairman Minish reminded Mr. DeGardner that this area was part of that being considered for flood plain zoning. Mr. DeGardner replied that he realized this, but he lives in the area and cannot see where there would be a pr�blem since the road was raised. Mr. Crowder asked if he would consider waiting until the flood plain question is settled. Mr. DeGardner indicated a desire to begin immediately and would like action this evening. .^ Mr. Minish was concer�ed about the welfare of the prospective owner in that he be informed of the location of the house in relation to the 1965 flood and the flood plain. The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subco�nittee Msetint� of January 30, 1973 Page 3 A discussion followed regarding bank loan proposals and requirements. � Mr. DeGardner mentioned the price of the home to be in the area of $28,000. ��� A gentleman from the audience co�nented that his son owned the home to the north and he had no objections to the variance. Mr. Crowder moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Wahlberg. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Mr. Crawder stated he was concerned with the 5200 square foot lot but was willing to act. He felt it might be possible for the future owner to pick up additional land but that it would presently be a hardship especially considering the utilities running along the north boundry of the property. Mr. Crowder said he would have preferred to wait till the river plan was complete but since the petitioner desired immediate action he would act of the request. MOTION by Crawder to r.ecommend to the Council approval of the variance if . Mr. DeGardner would be willing to notify the prospective owner in writing of the high water 1eve1 of 1965. Seconded by Wahlberg. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT• The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 P.M. by Chairman Minish. ^ Respectfully submitted, / �� RON MORRIS Acting Secretary � /'`� � n � 0$j,►I��AL NOTIC$ C�T�t OF �RIDLkY �c�aLZC �xixc �a��ou � �ixc cor�asszox - x0 WHt1� IT MAY GONG'�RN; Not�,ce� is hereby given tha� there wi.11 be a Pub1�c Searing of Ghe Planning Ca�missioa of the City of Fridley in Che Git�r Ha�.�. at b431 tTniversity Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, $ebacua�r 7, 1973 in Che Council Chamber at 8:00 for the purpQSe o�: ,w , Consid�ratiot� of a�ezoning request, ZOA #7�-01,, bp aryamt-Fraaklim Corporatioa to rezoae Lots 13 th�ough 16, �lock 3, Rice Creek Plaxa Plat 2, fram R•1 (aingle famtly dwelling units) to C-1 (].qcal business ar�as), all lying in the North �talf v� S�etioa 14, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anqka, Minnesota. Gen,ex��,�.y lo�aCed �ast of Univeristy Ave�ue and �outh o� 66�h I�venue N.E. Apyqae �ie�ixiag tp be heard •w1.th re�exen�e to the � aboY� �attez map be heaxd a� this time. J'uhli�bi J�nt�ary �4� �,��� Ja�au�sY ��, �473 . QLIVER R. ERICKSON CI�IRMAN - YLANNING COI�IlrQSSION �� _, .. - - — - -� u ti i:_ t f�r- r -il -= - • ' - , _ . , x t�! , . �� 7 � . 4 / .. . : . CI?Y OF FAIDLEY .. ?1 � .�Q �� � � HINNESQTA ., � . . � , �esoning ^ �'I.Ai�1NTNG AND ZONINC FOcZH t �"� Special Use Pezmit l�t�abe= ZOA �73-01 ------ � �' _�_ BR , FR1�N�L�I�� �RATION Varience APPLICANT' 8 SIGNATIJRE :•� % j. �'i. �/ /.'/' •- �,.• �'wPDroval of Pre- /lddre�o_ g�0 ta. �o. Rd l� , NewlBrighton, Mn. SSll2 liminary Plat �� ' ?elephoat Ntmnber 636-191.I ______r,Approval of Ffnal Plat �'heisen, Inc. � � , � ' Streets or All.er-.,_. PROPERTY t7WNEP.' S SICNAT[iRE bv :�� �--'��::..( i.r,;-�.�,�-.r�-----• ` Vacationa Addseso_ 4�5 NoYth Shore Drive , Mou.�d Mn 55364 - ___-___-0ther Telephone Nunber 472-3775 � Street Locatiou of Property ��� C F' ('n rn a r n f S:�it & Un � ve r s i tv �..r •I,agal Descxiption of.property T,�fC �3 14 15 and 16 in Block 3, Rice -- _ _ C'rPAk TP�r�-a� Plat 2 . � � - � . Preseat Zoning Ciaasificatioa R-1 . Existing llae of the prcperty vacant ---� _ � Proposed Zoctiag Classification, Specfal Use, Yariance ar othez request C-1 � Deacsibe bsiefly the Type of Us� and the Ie�zovenent Prcposed Commercial Use-----p*-onosed Hard�h�are Stc�re Lkresgr of Property B�• Lhe present Applicant Pzeviaualy Sought to Resone� YI�t; Obzain a Lot Split, Obtaia a Varience or Special tTae Permit on th� Subject Site cr :�zt of It2 . - _�.�.._. Yes Whar?_ _ - �-.� - � � j •"O.c�� c,-� • �lhat uae Requeeted ,�., �., � .: Fee Encloaed $ �O.OG C� ` � 3 � Date Filcd D�te of NaBring � � /'� � � ^ ��� � �� R�� ; �LlWN1NG ANI� ZONINC_ FORM ` � pAC'� � �VIPb�I= ZOA �73-01 �� . ?h� T�pdesaigued underetands chat: (a) A liet of all sesidents and o�n�rs of �►40- � perty Within 300 feet muat be �tLaChed ��! tbis application. �b) This application nust be ci�nzd by all owaers of th� property, ot an explan�tion ' �iven why this ie not the case. . (c) Responsibility for any degect iq the p�'qr eeeding� sesulting from the failyre Lo ?i�� � the namea �nd a�dres�ea of el� reai�°at� �nd propert� owner0 of propesty W�ti��q �t�1 feet of t6e prop�rty in questioa, be�ot��s ' to the undcrsi�ned. AR����q;� and O�aers of �roperty withtn 300 feet:� PERSOtiS ADDRESS • See Attached Sheets � I � ,,.,� �..,, �� . . �. - . . � d�kqtch o� proposed property and struccure must be dr84�n on the back o� th�e �4� Or a;tach�d, showic►g the following; 1. Notth Direction 2. LocAtion of Propoaed Structuts os� Iet. 3. Dimtr.sions of property. prapo�ed ' structure, aad front �nd side fet�ba���. . 4. Screet Nar�es S. Locstion bnd uae of edjscent existl.ng + buildings (within 3(i0 feet) . Th; yndetsigned hereby declarea that all the faets a�d representaticsiia at8ted �a tbi� •pplication a:e true an� correct. ;-�-r"�, ; " i _ , � . ,. �, . y`. ;.� _. _ _ �Z$ l � '"' �� 'a SIG"i�1TiJ,'2E �' _�--.� � % . ' �f � �` ' �� . _ ______ . ..�.�. � �__� — � (APFLICA.�1T) `_ _ . � _ !i' • / . . . .,. * * ! * * � �k * * /18provtd D�aied E�r th: ;o�rd c� Ap�el�e 5����cc.eo c�e pollo�i�8 canascionR: . ��c� /�pprov�d Denie�i by the Flannin� Coc�mission or► �ub,�aGt tp Lhe P.oZlowing Conditioae; ' b ��i� �.��roved T,enied by the Council oa �,Wb jsct Lo the Fqll.owiceg Coa�itionsz sldte • .� �orm PC �� f � . 636-1911 - � . �1973 ZOA-�673-01 BR�iANT-FR.ANKLIN CORP, - MAIL: = Rezone from R-1 to C 1 r PLANNING CONIMISSION �an„a,-�, i q u ;. . ��.ots 13-16, Block 3, Rice Creek Plaza ,;., COUNCIL: � �, Plat 2 , - . �-� Bryant - Franklin Corporation / 900 VII. County Road D/ New Brighton, Minnesota 55112 �LLoyd A. and Anna May Bennethum`� 369 66th Ave. N.E. State of Mi.nnesota Trust of: Leonard Lindstone 5825 McGee Kansas City, Mo. 641.13 , Jon B. and Helen_M. Larson 367 66th Ave. N.E. Duane Ercell and Pegcry Eileen Hanson r/ 365 6bth Ave. N.E. /'1 Nolan E. Johnson and Joyce Y. Johns� 363 66th Ave. N.E. Duane Jacob an� Betty A. Prestby � 361 66th Ave. N.E. �+?. Gustave Dotv C.P. Avis C'ampbell 35 9 6 6 th Ave . N. E.'� ' Theresa P. Benner 357 66th Ave. N.E.'� Pete F. ca � 35 e. N.E. - Harold O. A. and Viva I. Ohlsson 376 66th Ave. N.E. Maraaret F. Johanson 374 66th Ave. N.E. Donald V. an3 Rachel M. Hinz ✓ 372 66th Ave. N.E. �; Sylvester and Marion J. Klo�s � 37Q 66th Ave. N.E. Danald J. and Pear1 L. Bennethutn � 368 66th �,ve. N.E. ! 636 1911 - <., � . : �� ZOA #73-01, BRYANT -FRANKLIN CORP. Rezone from R-1 to C-1 � . %ts 13-16, Block 3, Rice Creek Plaza '' :at 2 ; � � - Bryant - Franklin Corporation / 900 W. County Road D/ New Brighton, Minnesota 55112 Wally J. and Suzanne R. Miskowic {Bruri�`how) � 370 Mississippi Street Holly Shopping Center Project Number Sixtv-0ne Corporation 110 Times Bldg. Mpls., Minn. Phillips 66 Reproco, Inc. Phillips Petro Co. 1750 Brentwood B1vd. St. Louis, Mo. 63144 Arthur E. and Pearl Christianson (Pro�erty owned) 231 Rice Creek Terrace f33Q Mississippi Street) � � (6481 Mississippi Street) Lawrence�W. and Marie Pearce 35Q 67th Ave. N.E. Russell J. and Rita F. Smith 360 67th Ave. N.E. LeRoy A. and Florence Blomster 370 67th Ave. N.E. Ly1e R. and Josephi.ne E. Larson 380 67th Ave. N.E. Grant �l. and Marie L. Olson 390 67th Ave. N.E. Catherine A. Loquai 400 67th Ave. *1.E. Marvin H. and Doris A. Asp � 410 67th AvP. N.E. Ranko and Icena Schuur 401 M1SS1SS1pUl Street � George and Delores Meissner - 373 Mississippi Street Clifford A. Nelscn 365 Mississip�i Street . ' 636-1911 . . � - ' ZOA #73-01, Br�ant Franklin Corp. Rezone from R-1 to C-1 ' ir Lots 13-16, Block 3, Rice Creek Plaza �� .. ^ �a� �lat 2 � � �'� : _ Bryant - Frank{in Corporation / 900 W. County Road D/ New Brighton, Minnesota 55112 Otta R. and Lucille Morsolek : � ' 355 Mississippi Street Bryant-Franklin Corporation 900 West County Road D - New Brighton, Minnesota 55112 . Theisen, Inc. - 4495 North Shore Drive Mound, Minnesota 55364 Lowell McGregor � 355 66th Avenue N.E. � Fridley, Minnesota 55432 � .� : \�1 � , ._�`�� �; : _ � - t �--: -�.. } ��- -_ . _ , 4'� � � . , . . . �.... ��. • . li : w . � . . . . . . .' . _ . . � �. � . . . . . . . . . �. ..� ` . . � �.t . . . . . _ � . . . N� � � y � . . . �,. . � C� 4VfR iri . ... , : _ � N+ M �/f ^ . , � �i3'j� � �A 3. . G�� !t ? I= � 1 � 3 z .� ,'"' .. _ - .__ •�. M 69TH, AVE; N.E. . . - � .n' ,1.Y A w•K �4 " � i ✓f+J n1 . . '`�♦ . �;_ � . . . ` �� ., . ' s �is , . . ., I� �► . . i . � i;�%E. '+ +", ?, � I : �• .. t ',• ; •� � , r, �• � � -� � '' , „ ,s � %i' �c .3 s� Ninv �` - - �i a 2' 1 , �2` R, • Q _�ar: , : • .,� �3�Z? 1 • �44 '°� — ; .� .p� 3 2 •F � ? � � � �. � 3„L �.i • - ,5+ �. . a � � ��` �� . 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Telephoae Number 472-3775 . _ Stteet Locatiea of Prop�rty c� r•,,Y„o,- �,f ti�t�y & un�versity •Legal Descrigtion of : Property T,��_� 1, 1 4, 15 and 16 in B1ock 3, Rice _— _ crepk Terrace Plat 2 � , ,`.,.... _ Present Zoning Claseification R-1. . 8xisting Uae of the Propezty vacant .-----..--.. _ Propo�ed Zoafng Clasaificatioa, Speciel us�, Variance or othez request C-1 Deacribe btie#ly the Type of Usz aad the Improvement Proposed Commercial Use-----Proposed Hardware Store _.�..._._.._.__. ,.�,� lkreago of Pro�erty H�• the preseat Applicar►t Pzevioualy Sought to Retone, PI�t, Obtaia a Lot Split, Obtala a Varisnce or Special Uae permit on ti�� Subject Site or �'azt of ItZ • - �.,.,_,_ Yes �lhent �-/- G 5/ -�-�----_ - "_'� o. o"" � ".�,�'c • Hhat uae Requeated_�,�,�_, Fee Encloaed $�0.00 �� Date Fi�ad � D�te of H�aring . � , • . ' , : I��� , �LANN�NG !� ZON�NG FORM , � YAC'� � . , ^ N�r }-- ����i - %� "—�' / � . ,� - ^ ZM �odesiigrned und�rstanc3� that; (a) A list of aIl res�dents and o�rn�rs p�` �O�o- perty within 3�0 feet must be *tC+9Ched �,p this applicecion. (b) This application mdst be oigntd by a11 ' owners of thz property� o� �c� cxp�aaati�� ' , Eiven why tbia ie not th� caac. (c) Responsibility for any de�Fect i,t1 the p�ror eeedings tesutting from the fa�it�re to ���� � the namee and addresaea of �1� �ce8��1�c��� �nd property owr�er� of propexty M$�l��q �� feet of the prop�rty in queatAoa� be�o��s' ' tc the undersi�ned. #tt��dqqC� and Ownere of �soperty Within 3QQ feet:� i'ERSOtiS ADDR�SS . See Attached Sheets , � ,-.�..�-�� -- - - �� n J r �A1 i ��n�rri �n�iw � . , .. . . .. . . . � ,. . . � pk�lkch o� propoaed property and �tructure anust be drawn on the back p� Ch�$ �Qs� pt' �4tact��a, showing the foilowing; 2, Yotth Dfrectioo . 2. Locetioa of Proposed Structur� oti �c��, 3. �imensions af property� propose,� �trutture� and trant pnd side �eCpba�l�, � 4. Strset Nsmes S. Location End uae of adjacent exist�c�� � buildiags (within 3Q0 �eet). �.'h� vndersigned hereby d�clares that ell the faets end represeat�tions st�tted �p ' Rbi• epplicatio� are true and corrtct. ,--� - � 1 -� � ' � � �.� _ /,.:�'/.iL' .°� f:.\�:..� �'� ..._�il. � -7/�' _� '�... �� � r� �` `...��s4;�t��� / �--�,i � / ` � /' "-� � _. �_,a. . ...r � ' (APi'LICANT - � . ) �.=..�'. . , . . _ . . . . . - . N . . � . • . � . � . . . � � � � af � � * � * lf � . � � . � , APP=ov�td � Daaied �r ths 3o`sd �� ltppe�ls �nb�tat.to Cbe Folloving Conditians: � da�� ,�Pprov�d Deaie� by the Plannin� Cammission on � �ub��it tp the $,sllawing Conditione; "'"""""�""�t� � ����Srovea Denied _ by thr Council oa ' i�v��tct Lo the gQllowing Coc�itfant: d�1t� . -• �arn PC �00