PL 02/21/1973 - 7453n ,P�GENDA PL�#NNING CONIlKCSSION MEETING FEBRU,s�RY 21 1973 8:00 P.M. C,�LL TO ORDER • ROLL C,�L • PAGES �i.PPROVE PL�iNN'IN+� CONIlNISSION MINUTES: FEBRIIARY 7 1973 1_ g RECEIVE BO�,RD OF APPE�t►LS MINUTES: FEBRII/lRY 13 1973 9-10 CONTINUED: PUBLIC HEAR,ING: PROPOSED COMPREHEN'SIVE PLAN MUGGLI VAC,ATION REQIIEST: Referred to Subcommittee 11 FRA►NK M. GABRELCIK, SP ��72-19 12 Referred back to Planning Commission from Council � �� '� CITX QF �1tIDLEY PI�ANNING COMMASSION MEETING FEBRU,�RY 7, 1973 CAi,T, TO ORDElt s Ct�ai:t�aa� �rielcson ca�.led �he meeting to order at 8000 P.M, �OI.L C�I,T, ; PAGE 1 Member� �'reseta�; Ericluson, F�.tz�atrick, Minish, Schmedeke, Zeglen Members Abae�t: None Athe�s �'xeaea�: Aarrel Clark, C�munity Development Administrator Ai'1'ROVE PLANNIN� Cp1�SSI0N MINUT�S e�AiWARY 17 1973 1�d0�i0JN 1oy F'it�patrf.ck, seGOnded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commis�ion ffiinutes o� January 17, 1.973 ba approved. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion cagried unanimously. APPROVE PLANNING CQNlM[SSION MTNUTESo JANUARY 24 1973 ,� rIU�ION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission • minutes of �'anuary 24, 19i3 be app�oved. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �he motion carried unani�mt�usly. Mr. �Iinish called ik to the attentian or tre � secretary tha� theze was some confusion oa �age 19 of the minutes becaus� thexe wasn°� a head�n� inser�ed for Itea��To. 1 whea it had been postponed to the end of the meeting. He asked that in the future, there be a heading. RECEIVE PLATS & SUBDIVISTONS-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOrII+SITTEE MINUTESa JANUARY 24, 1973 Motion by Mi,uisla� se�o�tded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Co�missicn �eceive the Plats & Subdivis�.on-$��eets & Utilities Subcommittee minutes o� �anuary 24, 1973. Uppa a vo�.ce vate, �11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION COMMiSSION MINUT�S: JANUARY 22, 1973 Motior� by Min��h, se�Q�ded by Schmedek�, that the Planning Gommissivn - receive the �'a�cks & Recre�tion �ommissiot� minutes of Jar�uary 22, 1973. L"pon a vQZCe vo�e, a11 va�ing aye, the mpti.on caxleied unanimously, RECETVE �OARD ��' �PPEAT.S �IINN[TTES; JANUARY 30, 1973 Mo�iom b�► M�lt��sh, s��o�ded by S�ha�edeke, that the Planning Commission � receive �h� 16oard o� Ap�a�a1� mit�u�es v� Jar�uazy 30, 1973. Upon a voic�. vct�. '� all vot�.ng �ye, the t�o�3on c:-�rx�;Ced unaz�i.mously. � ,. ,,. Plaaniag Gommission Mee�ing - February 7, 1973 pag� 2 � 1. PUJ3LIC HEAItING• REZpNI�+1G g�QUI,aST ZOA ,1k73-Ol,t, $RYANT FRANKLIN CORPOR ATw,IO�Ta Lots 13 tk�rQU�h 16, �lock �, ltice Creek �'errace Plat 2, to be r�zaaed f�om R-1, �simg�� �amily dwellaing uni,ts) to C-1 (local business ax����) �'or � p�opos�d hardwar�. � ��e �Tvxma �wa�$ot�, �ep�e�ex��i.�g t�e prpperty own.er, a�,d MIr. Don Babinski AAd Ri Ch��'� �x'aa1�,' x�px�sent;iug the 8ryaa��-Franklia Corporation were prea�n�. I�3�� by �'i��pat�i�lc� ��comded by Miaish, to w�ive the reading of the I�b1ie I�eaxia� a���oQ fcar th� re�os�in� �equeat, 20A �73-01, by Bryant- ��an$e1i�. ���pQ�a�ic�t�, to �rezoae �x�om R-1 �si��l,e iEamily dwelling units) to C-�. (local busin�s� aaea�j, �p0� � yai�� y���, al� �oting aye, the motio� caxriec� unamimou�a ly a l�ir, �oa ��bf.�a�lc�. �a�id t��ae �r�xo�iag �ecguest w�� �vr a proposed one- ���� ������ b�����.a�$ . Mx' e��.�z��t�iclt ���d the o�i�inal sequest states it ia fas �a par�p��ed ���'dv�a��, �. ����� �aid h� wou�d relate some of the �h�.a$s �h$t �x�v� �s��p6 e��¢1 ��.nc� the �ae¢tticaan�� ffiade the request o The ori�inal requ��� wa$ fo�r C-7., a co�uae�c�.a1 zoning. The petitioner9 �he ��r� o� ��� p�o��r�y aad tw� cou���lsaen';�`�e� witi� the �,eighbors about a w�ek ago aad �a�d an iafs�rmal public �ea��ng A�,f�e� this aneeting, the �etitioneac d���.de� tp r�due� hi� �equest �r�n C-��1 to C-Rl, whic� is re- etricted to ca��i��a ku��.dia�e .,Aa fax as tl�� pulalic Hearing notice is coaGextaed' y�u eou�.d �reaotrimend fo� mora ��strictivs �Qning and you then wouid ao� ha�Ye �o ��adv�rCf.�e fox C�A1 zpai.mg. ' Mr. �itapat�ci�lc �aid ttlne p].an g�eseated shows this as a continu :tion of the Rsd Ow� bu�.�d�n�, G1���.�nan Ex��cksoa asked i� this was the plan pres�n�ed �t t�ae R�i$hb�rkaq�d a�es�i��, 1�ix�� �abiaski �aid i.t was di�feren�, Mx'• C1ax� said �� �����d �� �i� i� wae �k�e �ame plot �p1aA but the buildin$ was �hQ�r��� �.� ��� ��,��_y���� ��me�sians. I�ra, Swenaom sai.d there is a lot ffiQ�'+� ����� �.� �la� �ide and re��r q�rds on the n�w �lan. A road on zhe side of �he b��.ldi�s$ w�� t�l�et� qu�, �i�is wi11 $ive a�a��er buffex zone between the 1�uildi�� �ud ��;� a�i�hbo�h�od, The peAple wan� to keep the area resi- dential, b�a� �hey ��e�ned le�� s�ppoaed �o an �o�fice type huildix�g r�ther than a�omme��i��, bu�.ld�u� a.�s'. Fit�pat�ick ask�d fi �this wa� the reason fv� sedu��.a� �h� ��.�� Qf �k�e b�u�ld�s��. Mx, �abi,nalci arsswsxed it was becau5e o� the recoza��t�d�tio� �zo�,1�h� �ep�ese���tivea g�om ghe Council and tha neighborhood We �an e'�att�Q tl�� ��cad� p� �he building because w� won'C have to carry on the �ac�.€� ���e�dy p� �he ��d Owl buildi�ng,. This w�ll permit us to have a �aice� b�a�ldi�,$ wi�i�k� w�1� giv� i.� mo�Q ��sid�n�ial charaeteristics . - �Ir4 ��i�ksc�� asked �� xhey had a pxopoaed us� for the building, Mr. Brata� �aid tk��y dida�'� 1��y� ��p@����,� tenaat in mind, but it would be for den�ists, l�wyes�, ��e. Msq E�i�leao� �aked �� �h�y 9�ave acee�s� right� �rom Red Owl w�thout usxn� �k�a f 6�i� �vsnue dri.v�, 1�', $��ma 8aid tk�ey did . � 1°'I�ee Br�a ��.i+d th��'� would be t�o doorway� on the side yard, The ori.gin:�l p�'oposed bu�,1,d�.a,� �aould h�y� �tad �4. QO��c�uare feet o Thfs bui.�.ding will be 7,�00 squar� fest, $�cau�� the propose use i� fqr an o�'fice building, there w�.l�. b� �e�s t�'af��.� a�� �fgh� tha�, i� it w�as used for residen�ial. � Plannin Coma�.i.ssion Meetia - Februax 7 1973 Pa e 3 � Mre $r8u�a� ��id w� dj,Cl �.AGQ]C�pXS�� �.n thi.s draw�n the $ possible aGquisition �Y �h� G��y fo�r th� xight of way oa Missis�:�ppi SGreet. In so doing, we are eliminatin� �Q sta],�,� ��pm �h� Red Qwl park�.ng lat, W�th the lot as it is mow, �hi� wguld �ot��ti,tute a hards�i�.p for Red Owl, s�z the pxoperty owners a� Red Qwl, �.� Chat parkin� �s aot xeplaced, it would give them ground for b�e�k�.n$ th�ix� lea��, W� have �lemanstrated the pa�king on the proposed �glaa ���t wo�tld b� livin� witk� the a�quisition ra�he�t than without it . By x�du�i�� �h� �etback qf ��d pE�,l and taking ou� a row o� paxking, I think w� +�r� �mprc�via� the �cology �f this eorn�r, � t�iak there axe improvements that ar� �i.d� e�fs�ta fro� ehi� s�eque�t, 1�. 3���d�k� ���.d ths v��at�aa a� tkte u�illty �asemet�t had been before the Pla�� � Subdivi��.ctn�-Stx�eta and U'ti�.ities Sub�o�aniztee, and while aur �ckion me�ms taathi�� unt%� �he rQZOn�a� xequest i� approved or denied, th� Subcom�it�e� d�d x�cc��ad that aA adequate dxainage plaa be implemented at th� devBl�psr� expenae ar�d thera 'be deni.al of traf�ic ac�ess to 66th Avenue, �'. I�1�aXd A, ��aneel�um, 369 b�tt� Aveaue NeE,, s�.id he wanted to present ���v� P$�e p���.tiAa a�aiaat tlsi� �roperty being x�ezoned to anything. MOT�QIN by Se;kwn�delc�R aec�ad�d by MiAiah, tha� �he P�,anning Commission a�ee�t tt�� p��itioa �o r�fus� th� �ezone xeque�� �a �rezone frc� R-1, to C-1 ox a�y �tttex� ��.a�aifi,cati,on, �pqn a voic�s vote, a].1 voting aye, the mot�,Qa aarr�.ed u�aai�ou�ly. , �,� �-•� Mr. �,ow�ll 1M�Gx��$o�, 3SS 66th Aver�ue 1J,E,, �tat�d �hat before he bought his hc�use la�� �Tun�s he ta�.ked to the ta� asse�sor a�d th�.Superintendent o� Z'ubi.�e Worle� axtd tcz ��ouple �� other oifiee� of �he City. The statemenz I was $iv�t� w�a that the ia�ers�ction wa� developed �nd there wer� no fut�are p1�ms �ox d�v�lop�eat. �hey vexi�iec� �hat the 1Qts acros$ the stree� �rom �� w�x� �on�d Rw1. 7['�e�° ���d a p����ioa to ���oa� h�d been brought up before, bu� th� p�op�� w��Q ��pos�d� �xad �h�y �hcs�x�h� �t wota�d stay R-1. Chairman ��'����� ���d th�� petitiou w�a dated Jar�uary, 1973 so he was given the �����e� i�fox���i�a. * . Mr�. DOA8ICI� aBilAet�1t11Qt' 368 �6th Avenue NoEo, said she• �,ived adjacent to the ba�1c qf the �rc�po��d bu�.ld�.ag, S'he said when Red Uwl was builta they bxou�ht in fi11 a�td �ads tktq property �tuch higher than the ad,j oi.ning property . Ail tl�e wa��r d�a1,+a� imt� hc�x back y��d, I� �his building goss in, tt�ey wi.11 u�e fi,bl aga��. l�y ya�r�i w�.11 �� at ieast five l:eet lowex and Z t�ill. �et �or� tl�r��raa�a w�ter t Ch�ixtn�z� $rickson said ths d�a�.nage problem sho�1� bs ��ken �$�� c�� by ���;rip��itic�n��. �Ie �.eked if this was her mai.n �oneex�n. �i�� s�ena��hu�► ��id yes� ia addi.�ior� to 4th� �oiae and traf€�.c. � M�. Ce�Qr{�� M�i�eaer, 373 Mi.�sissipp�t S�r���, a�ked if the pro�os�d plan, with ��du��tia� �i p�rkata� a��ces fQr ��d pw1, a�et �he cad� r�quirement�< It ���m� ta��n� tb�y wot�id meed kh� �dditional p��kin$ �n tbe p�oposed pl,an �o ���t the ��qu�,��s���t� � Ch��.�cma� Eri�k�oa� �sked Mr, C1ark, �.€ the eity aGqui.r�s t�� �����n�x�� �o�e th� xi�h� ��sr� 1an�e w�,tl�r�ut any addi�ion�l parki8g, would Red Owl at�e�. th� ��d�, ��� Clagk s��d thsy ju�� meet the cade �require�e�Cs n �o�r P�xk�.z�g �c�w, I�'a E�Ci�kBGr� �as�Ced if th� proposal goes �hrough w�ith tt� � +r�c�tiQn o� C�a ��s�ut�t��, wAU�d �he parkit� fox R.ed pw1 a�.d the praposed buildira$ �eet �ha ��quixe�ents. �ira $rama �aid tha� besides makin� up th� a�alba 1�h�C �ed Qw�, w�u1d 1o�e, Ch�y would havs the x�equired spaces for a 7SOQ �quag� �c�c�t build�.��, F��mm�ng Go�nisei�a Meetin� - Februarv 7, 1973 �a�e 4 � M�o M�1�$n�� �$�ed i� �h�r� wer� any ather �e�ai requirements we �Q����°t b� meetin� wi�� th�� p�opased p�an, Mr, Clark said outside of ���p��A$a the�e a�e �o aPp���a� code violatio�s, Mx. Meissner said the . pla� �hpw� ��� ����a�cQ �� '��g gx�t^ He was su�e that fo� fire purposes thes� �ad �o be a�A���� dop�. Mrp $�a�ma Sa�d there woul� be a door on th� r�ax a� th� ��ild�� w�ich he a$�um�d wvuldn't be used by peopie ,c���m$ i�to the b����i�$. t'i�, �eis���� �sked i� th� r�zoai�� �� granted and for svme reason ehe�e plaus we�� �ban�o�ed, wh�t use �auld �h�y put �n the prpper�y, C�uld �h�y �xFaad th� ��d Qw1, for ��stance, 1�r, Er�ekson asked Mra Clark �� ���� th� use� g�r�itted iu �-R1 zonin�, Mr. Clark sa�d C-R1 use was fQ� $��e��� o����� �md 1���Ced busi�e�s, �ueh �s qff�ces for real estate, lac����, medi�a�, �e�z�i, Qptical clinxcs and �po�heca�y shops, harmless ��d �aa����s�v� �abo�a�or��� acees�ar� to permitted uses in the same building, a�d a�to��b�l� p�xkim� lot� �o� o��-s�r�eC pax�ing s�aces �or any use on �d�a���� 1��d4 . Mt'q M�issn�� ��id �he�e we�� dza��age proble�s on this property. Where wpuld th� wa��r �Q �rqtn ths paz��n$ lots. Mx, G1ark eaid �here was a catch ba�i� �A ���versity and �����s�ipp�, M�r, $�ama sa�d there would be a drainage prQbl�� i� hau,ea we�e b�il� in t�is a�ea ��so. I�r• A�a�e Haa�o�, 36$ 6bth Av�au� N.�.� said he would �ike to see houses aa th��� f�ur lo�a. I� ���x�'�� �ere sta�es, th��e's..mo�e traff�c. Mr. ���ck��� e$id thi� i� a pieG� of prop�x�y th�t ha� been passed over, and �' w�'d l�k� t� ��e it d�v�l�p�d, I£ th�xe was a feace or some type o� earth b�rui �epax��in� th�� prop��ty ��a� the re�i��ntia� area, would that he��, M$, �he�e�� ���e�, 357 �6�� Av�a�� N;E,� �a�d she'd st�ll like to have hous�� �he��o I�rs, Ao� ��n�ethum �sk�d Mr. �r�cksan �i h� thought the d�v���P�e�� �� ���� P�pP�x�y would enham�� the property values of zhe homes so �i �he� we�� tv ���� �h�� they �ould ��alize th� va�ue they thought rhey sh���d have. Gha��uta� ��ickso�. �a�d he wand�xed i� there wasn't some way �� ���o�vs Ch��, ��1 fih� ��ty has he��d �� app�si�io�, Mrs. 8entnethum said sh� wasm't hapF9 ���ki�g �� �h� baek Qf �he Red Owl Store, Mr, E�ickso� a$ked �� �he �hA���� peoP�� wou�d want to �i1�1d ho�es on these lots if they wers a��ii�b��, , Mr. ��i��ne� ���d h� had�'t ment�q�ed be�Q�e that ha was opposed to this �equ��t. ��� �o�e ���e� M���iss�ppi St���� a�d he would be againse a�v�hing Chat $e�exa�e& �o�� �sa�f�� �n this st�e��, He said he felt �heze was a driv�n� ���� by ��� �i�y �o get ��vp�rty A� Ch� ta�.zolls a�d thev s�em to waa� deye�op���� Q��ex Cha� ho��s, H� �houg� homes would st�l� se11 ir. th�s ar�a. a lyi�', ��$��n �sked �� tb� propexty being eons�dered to�igh� ha� evex been adv���i��d �� h�m� si��so Mr�, Swa�son �aid her ��thex, �x. Theisen, boug�t t�� ��d �wl yrap�rty fv� hia vwa store, ��d ths ad�it�ona� lots �or expans�on. Sh� �a�� ahe w�sa'� �ap�Y ��$� �he way z�� pr�perty �o�ked now and would �"� • like ta s�� �t d�v��pped, �he though� w at was being �roposed tonibr�t saas a �oqd us� �or th� p�Qp�r�y, �o �a�ner ��id ��� Th���e� h�d o�p,ed �his p�ope�ty for about 18 yea��. F1a�ommi�sion Meeting m�ebruary 7, 1�73 g — •�— � Page � �--� At oae ��.ms, sh� h�d tw� b�a���rs ��'oz l�t� �tn �kh�.s ar�a�, bu� wheA she calied M� . T��� s e�„ he s��d they w���a� _�£o�r ���.e . . �. �e �1. ��t��thu� ���.�d th� Ct�y CQU�a6i.1 and the �l�aaning Cammi.ssion had kh� 1�$a1 �i.g�t tA ��an�e� tk�e �ot��ag a# thi.� prop��ty o He didn't £eE� eh�y had tk�� ��as��, �vx� e�h��al x��h� za do sQ, bec$us� they had a] 1�?ough� �b�:�� prop��ty �.ct ��e��de�atial z�ne. FTe h�v� beea �u�ce�sful so f�.� in keep�n� �h�.� p�r�p�xt¥ zo��d �-1. Mr e The���n� tald �►e himse�.f that �hess �o�� w�ruld n�ve� b+� �vld �'v� �r���d�n��a1 �t�r}�ose� . 1Vow th�y are peti�ivaing �s� �'+�QVe �� �y��Q�� �he� h�,�� ��ps�ed zhem�elves, T �iucerely hope that �h� �&.�aai�� �or�un����Q� $�c� ��� ��t� G�unc�.� wil� ho�ox� ths wishes o� th� ��o���t� ���s wt�� siga�d th� peti�iono Mx'. �i�h��delk� a��Ced i� �h�y wcauld cor��i,der �� �partment house on thi.� pxopsz'ty, �q ��t�4��&�u� �aaid, �� �h� pe�i�iot� e����ds they raject a�y other ��z�rr�#.��, c►the� thaa� �tTl. Ch�irmar� ��ie��o� a�lted �f th�r� wa� az��o�e �,� #�vo� o� �his r�qu�st t� x�zou�, �th�� th�� �h� p��itionero Tha�e wa� �c� �e��anss. 1�. i'��r:t� Asp� 41Q b7tk� A���ue �T.�pm aslced i� �he acees$ from b6th �v���a� c����! b� �e�at�ly ��o��d, 1�. ��cic'ks�n �aid tk�is �c�ces� was on pxivatte� gx�p��rty. �� a�oad�tioa of �ezom�.a�, the �C�ty would be wiGh�.�t �,t� ��t�h�� �o c�oe� tkais �c�e�s i� tlh�y �ca deaired. , �'. �ti-af�h ���ed �� th��e w�zs �katist�.cs a�a�tl�ble on �he a�cid�nts �"� ecnain� fxc+� th� �,�c� Aw1 p��k��z�� Lot, Mr. �l,ark �aid tt�e�e were, but he did�,� h�v� Ghen�a Co�al�ht, �le ��i.d h� kc�ew yau hav� t� bQ' �ar�fu], cQt�►ing c�ut �� th� ��t b���ua� a� �ta� t�af€3,e.. 1"t�� riia�is� a�ked �� tk�ey wouXd h�v� �y id�� how �auck� Cr��'��.c woulc� b� g�ne�a'�ed �.�' ehe fi�th Avenue aec��s was c7.��d. I�. Rlark sa�,c� he h�d nated kha� there� �a tra#fic ger�erated f�vm thi� �c+c+��� road �hat �� ��� com��ag �scc.x� Red pwl p�hera might be l�s� ���f�ic i.� Ch�.s a��e�e wa� ��.os�de M�°°, Asp �a�.d he �.ho�a��t �he Fl��ia�g �c�uani��i�� �In��ald ����k �urt�iex ta �ee i� �� wa� legal to ot��.y h�v� sa�� ��iv�way �o commex�ial p�o�ex��y, �i.r. 1�ei��uer also ques�i,o��d i� y�u �a�id l��al�y 61QSe th� 6b��ln t�ve�,u� a�cess, I�r. Er�ck�on said �.� wo�ld b� ��.f£i���t �a� �.t�e City �Q �1ca�e �,t be��use o� a Cxaffic pxobl�m, �taC i# th�y en�de �,� a t�oaditpa o1; the� rezotiiu�t �nd the c�evelope� ag��ed �v thia 4 i� �ou9.d b� do�.e , k'�'� r Aonald ��t��thuu� �,��C�d if thi� �s�om#.n$ request wa� grantec�, who ��ts up the rest�i�kiQn� pn �etba�k� and bta�fer �o�es, e�c. Mx, Clark sa�d th�e� wex� �11 pa�r� �� ��� zqnin� �eqtair�m���s . M�c, �lark e�cpla�.n�d tha� wk►�u a d�vel�p�� �caon�� wi.th � plCopo��d deyeXop:�ene tha� requi�es rezo�n�ng, '�t 3� p�s�i��� �Q� Ce�un��i tca hp�.c� u�p khe s�eomd reading o� �he re�on�,ng px'di.t���,ce, T��r� ii� �h� psQ�!��rty i.s�'� d�velaped ¢ox som� �easora, the �ezoz��ng d��s�R°� $cs �.n�t�p ���s��4 We �lso �eqa�.xe th� deve�.op�r to past a b�nd �ox �+�at�i,d� i�g��v��!���� ��� C��t �z�X�hi�B h� a.g���s �o, �s �one, either by the d+�valvper �� �h� �Q�d��� �4�P�saya b�, �x�etcs��a s��.d the City Council h�s f�'Eqta�atl�r d�aa thi�, T#���► h��d up �$t� �ec�ac�d read:�ag unti.l, all �.ne ��.�ns � ��d rp��3�ica�io�s have be�n, atPp�ov�de sQ Gh�� h�ye� �ontrol af what i�5 go�.ng 1�ttv t�e �e�q�ed a�ea, ��, M����a�� ��is� w� ��v� $ivea ya� �s��p�s aga�nst tt�i� prapos�d ���onin�. Wh�t vt'h+�� be+t��P�.�� wo�tj,d �h� ���Y t'�c�i�►� be�ide� �n iuex'ease in Cax reven�e � �lannin� Cmimisaiv� Me�tin� February'7, 19i3 � ,., Page 6 aud a�, imp�ovemera� ��' a pi�ae o� property. Mr, Erickson said �he question of having mo�re �ax x�evenu� hada't been raise,d �� thi.s Hearing. Mr. Meissn�r �aid i� lhad b��a �eationQd �hat tta� Ci�y �ac►uld �et the �ight turn lane �ree, Mr, Ex'�.cke�A said tha� is the only r��1 cor�sidexation that I can see, Mrm C�$�°k s��d tx� d�dm"� �t�inlc �t�s City would sel� the nei.ghborhood shorfi just becaus� t�aey �a��d �ca�►e ri�h� of way. If the City �hought this rezoning �e�u��t had �erit, � tk��n� ome of the stipu�.ations would be that the develpper dedieata t�as laud £o� �he rig�t af r�a�►, but just beeause �.t will cost a11 the aitizena �f k'xidley et�an� taoney t� buy this r�.�h� of way is no rea$on �o re�one thi� pxoperty� �.� i� m�al�► oa� �� m�ny �hin$a to consider by the �'lanning ��isai�x� atxd �oun�ii., Air, Minisl� asked i.f there was a time tab].e on the �i�h� of way. �ir, ��,axk. said the State Highway Depa�tment has xao iunde tp eans��u�t �t this y�ar. �ix. Minish a�ked if land was taken or • bau�ht frwa thi� prppe��y, arad the Red Owl �.ast paxking spaces, could they geplace it w�i.th t1�e p�4pert� c�e are di.scussing tonight . Mr . Clark sai.d �hey would hav� to get a Sp�cial Llse pex�it, If the City has to buy thia propert� �or tk�e �i.�ht a� wap, they wii.1. have to allow parking some plac� a�r pay deaxly �o� �he righ� Qf way, �r. �rickson asked Mr. Clark if th� parkin$ xequ��ea�euts k�ad be�n checiced, and would Red Ow1 be be�,ow the r+�qui��me�ata £o� pax�kia$ i� th� City toole land �or the xight Q� way. I�'. C1ark ���d �hey wauld beaau�e �hey jus� m�et the parking requirem�nts aow. Mx�, �'larviaa �p �aid 1�e �laou�hk havim�, on� acc�ss to �his proper�y, i� �ot illegal, w�.a lu�li��ous, Mx'. R,on Niiddles�ed�, 495 66tk� �venue N,�a, asked � if th�re �auJld �e a� �egvie� drive from 66th Avenue.ko Miasissippi, Mx�. C1ark aaid �h+�� froia a tra�fis �ta.�d�pinz, they were �x'yizig �o .�'eduCa the ��eaf��e, so th�r� wQU�dn't b� a se�vaLce road t� Mississippi, Mr. �I�raima aaid the �o��.l $qua�ce �oo�agr� of th� propo�ed bui.l.dix�$ ar�a wi].i. not �ove� a� much o� �he land as four 1�om� sites wou�.d. There would b� mo�� �colo$y, moz� p?�ant�.ngs and a fe�ee. He said he ':.as heard here toni.�k�t tha.t �his prop�r��► %�s beer� brought before Council alany times, but he d�da'� think the�� wa� suck� light use px�opo�ed before. I�r. M�n�.�h a�lc�d i� t��a w�a developed fox si�ng�.e family homes, would the 66t1� Averat�� ��atx�raee be �lvaed anyway. I�rr, Cl.�rk said i,t wauld, unless the prope��y �wwcier granted �� �asemen�. Nl�. G1axk said they have been wvxki.�g on �h�.� �i�k�� Q� �ra�y for �he �ei.gh� tugz� for about a year, but this ' waa t�e fi�st he had 'heard �hat Ch� W�st �r�txance to Red Owl would be closed. I����� �y k'�.tzpat�3.ek, seconded bX 2e�1en, that the Planning Coa,mission .clo�� Ch� Ptibl�e H��ring �an Che re�oning requ�st ZOA ��73-Q1, by Br,-an[-Franklin �t��rp��a��c�n, �n �,@�� i,� �k��ough, 1.6� Black 3, R.i�e Cxeek. �ex�ace �'lat 2, to x��v�� £�� R=1 (s�t��l,� ���n�l� dwelli.n� ua�its) �o C��tl (genera�. o€fices and lizaited b�a�iz�ess� q U�4� � vc,ic� vote� a�,l vratia�g ay�, the r�o�i:on carzi�d 1.1A�A�.irii@US �Y , 1��, S�t�ms��l�� ��lt�d �i�e p��i�ioner, if, wt�en t�e came_ �,� w�,Gk� this re�on�.ng � r�quest, �n}� of�i,�ia� �� �k►� Gi�� had �old him oi thc� opposit�.on t� �ez;�zii?t� - �n this �x�a. ��, ����a �aid tk�ey had. �� was fc�r �h�.s reason they ha,� ��� w�.th th� eoa�e���d r�s�.denta ancl C�'i�d �o �ome ug wi.th a dsyelopment they m�gh� �g��� tva 1'i�P Sclnm�dels� as�2d 'if h� was �oid th�re was a�.ready lamd zor�ed C�1 anci C�� �€ t�� w����d �c� bui.ld � hax�dw�re . M�c . Brama said the . P�anai� Caa�►�ssion MesCi� � Februar 7 1973 Pa e 7 , � bardwa�e w�� j�st one o� th� propo�a�s �ar this property. What he wanted �o da was d�ve�op th�s p�r��eu�ar property, and he th�aks he has demonstrated h�s wi�l�a�aes� �o wa�k with t�e property �wc�era im �he axea. Mr. Schmedeke sa�d �hi� prQpos�l w�11 �reat� m�x� tra��ic problems. i know we w��l have mo�� ���ff�c wir� ��� d�ve�ppment v£ the �iedel property. I da not want any ��r� �c►anme����1 prop��ty i� �h1s ar��. I blame �he City for bringing thi� u� ���in* �hey know �h� people i� this are� �re opposed to any rezoning aad theq �us� keep agita�ia� them. ihere is a draina�e pxoblem, and that's why x sugg�sted aa apaxtm���s b�cause a dev�loper cvu�d afford to take c�xe of th�� d��inage p�vblem, Whe� someth�mm$ $aes into a commercial area, we �ay the tra��ic �r�bl�m h�s Co be aalved. W�t� th�s develo��ent, running tra��i� �hrou�h a��a�de�tia� �eig�borhood is ���ost a mu$t. �or �hese rea�ota.�, I wi�1 ��v� to v�te �o ko th�s �equest, ��N �� 5�����k�, ���onded by M�ni�h, tha� the Planning Co�►ission ��� �d �o Gouneil,,d�nia� �� the r�que�� to xe2pning, �0� ��73-01, by Bxya:���F��mkli� �orpo���i��, �� L�ts �3 th�pug� 16' alock 3, Rice Creek Terrace Plat �, �� r��on� f�� R-1 (��n�le f���y dw��ling uni�s) to C-Rl (general affi��� a�d 1��i��� bu�������o �. �i�i�h ���� ����� w��� ���e��� �ac��r� a��ins� �his �eques�o The fir�ta ��� ��e p�t�ti�� si$��d by almogt ��� th� prvp��ty owne�s in the area. • �he sus�AU�di�� a��a h�s bee� developed R�la �nd �her� w�s �o strong or impel�in$ ���s�� £ox r�zoai��o There h�s 'ae�n no e�for� to sell ths prope�ty fox R41 us�a ��e 1���� ��� �he ��co$aai���� �£ t�e tra�fic pgo�lem9 �nd �t wa� �e��rabl� �a inhi��t ��e ��ummt o� t���£i� �� ���h Avenue. This r''`� wo��d �ut �n addi������ b�rden ori Mis�issi�pi, and e�pand �h� �resent �ra�fic proble�, UPODT � V��C� VQ�Ey ��1 voting, aye, �he �otion ��rried u�animously. 2o VA�A�IO�T �QTT�S�, �AV �k73-Ol' �RY��� I1V CORPORATION: Vacate d�rainag� a�ei u�i.�.it� �as�meat om the Southerly 5 feet of Lots 13 through 16, $lock 3, l�i�� C���ic ���x�ce k'7.�t 2. MO�IO�T bX Sch�red�ke, seconded by I�Iinish, tha�� th� Planning CoIIUnission z�coaar�end d�ni�i, to CAUacil of the vacatiora request SAV ��73-01, by Bryant- Fxankl�.ti Cvxpcax'atioa, to yac ��� drain,ge and utility easement on tkae Southerly � feE�t �€ �,p�� 1� thxough lb, $loclt 3, Riee C�eek Terrace Plat 2, because they de�ied th� ���oa�.n$ �equest, Upon a vai�e vote, al� voting aye, the motion c�rx��.ed unanimousl.y. � SPEGTAi, USE P�RI�I'� FOR FRANK GABRELCIK � 1�2s', I��xre�. Gls�'k sai,d khe City Couxaci�. I�as sent Fran�C Gabrelcik back to �he �la�iu$ Ccs�a�is��.oa wi�h the reco�endatioxa he give the �lanuing Commi,�si,o�t �he i.r�fai°mat;t�a �.t k�ad requested. M�. C�a�k asked �.f the Cou�ission waat�d Fublic Hea�i�a$ ���ic�� s�n� c�ut ag�in. I�ir, F�.��pa��i�k �a�.d the ta�w no�ice $�a�t�c� �t��e zhis Special iJ�� Permi� � cov�x�es� ax� ��€pansio�a �� [��'. GabXelcik'$ IIsed Car I�o�. �'. �b��k, a��.ed th� �l.�nuin� Commias�on if he should get �he ��quested i.r►fa�m�tiat� �ro� I� a�abx��.ci,3e beforQ th�� item wa� pu� oe� ��ae Plaaaning Planning Con�mi�e�pn Meet�n� - February 7, �973 Page 8 �� Commi�sipn ����da, �h� �la�a�n� Gour�ia�io� agreed that nq notices should be se�t qut un��� ��ey have Che �equi��d iafprmat�on from the petitioner. f� �Y& C��NY �OA �i�-11 and SP #72-18 �Ix'= �ri��sQ� ��ked �hafi the �i�utsa of the mee�i�gs that �hese two �eque�t� w��� �adg �� �neluded i� �he n�x� a�enda �Qr review. �AA.�O[l'RNM�1V'.� ; C�airmaa� �ri�icsvm adjourned the me�ting, at 9:40 �.M, 0 Resp�e�tfu].Zy �ubmit��d, � j .��. .��.-� AOxAtYt}► �Vf.�'���El� s��x���ary /'�� � � t � � I I .,4 i� ' i � � `� I I 0 T'HE MINUTES QF THE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBCOMMTTTE� MEETING OF FEBRUARY I3 1973 The meeting was called to orde� by Chairman Mintish at 7:40 P.M. � MENNTBEFS PRESENT: �iinisk�, Harj�i, Wahlberg MENNBERS ABSENT: Crowdex QTHERS PRESENT: Jer.ry $oardman - Planning Assistant MOTION by Harju to waive the approval of the 1��.nutes of the January 30, 1973 meeting until Mr�. Wahib�xg was present since she would be a little late. Seconded by Minish. Upon a vaice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. 1. A REQUEST FOR VARIAIVCES OF: a�CTION 45.134 4C FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE REAR YARD S]ETBA�K &'��M 25 E'EE� TO 5 F�ET SEC�ION 45.134 4 BZ TO REDUCE TH� STDE YARD �Q�TI I� F'RQA� �i5 �°EET TO 30 FEET �VD SECTION 45 135, 1. E2,� �Q ����� � OF�' ���T �A�iNG S��ACK ��'I 20 FEET TO 8�EET ON BEECH STREET �ID FROM 2d FEET T'0 S �'�ET ON 77TH WAY, TO AL,LOW THE CONS7.'RUCTION OF AN QFFICE ° W?�iEHOUSE T� BE LOCATED O�T LO'�S 27 28 AND 29 BLOCK 7 ONAWAY ADDITION THE SAME BEING 7701 $EECH STREET N�E , FRIALEY, MI�INESOTA (REQUEST BY D W HARSTAD COMPANY, 7101 HIGH�IAX ��65 N.E. e�+'RIDI,EY _ MTNATF':��TA _ 1 Mr. Dick Johnson was p�esent to malce appeaJ. for the var�ances. Mr. Johnson said he wanted to go for all o� the var�.anees listed e.�ccept the one on Beech Street (from 20 feet to � f�e�), He said that i� wasn'� neces�ary to have the extra pa.rlcing lot that the vari�nc� wauld ha.ve ��ovid�dm Mxa Johnson toid �h� Boa�°d �.hat he was g}ae�e b�c,�u�e he h�d �, c�ndition that needed help from the Ci�y so he could u�e his i.o�se He had th� bu�lding as r...,, small �.s he could get it to stii], make ii� pay off. , I"�1 Mr. H�.rju ask.ed wha owr�ed tlna pxoperty eas� o� tlne lots in question? Mr. Johnson said that an �1.derly woman lives th.e�ce in a.aa old house but the px�operty is zonsd M-2 �nd sh� is therefor� a n�n-conforming use. Mx. IKir�i�h asked �now ���' h.�x hou�� is froan 77�1� Way? • M�. Boardman said it wa� pxoba.bly about 30 to 35 fe�t back from the road. MOTION by Haxju to clos� the public liearing. Seco�nded by W�,��.b�x°g m earxied unanimous��y. A discussion foJ,lowed, U�on a voice vote, there being no nays, the motior� I�rs . Wahlberg sa�.d �ha� i� view o� the fa,ct t,hat the ad jacent pxoperty is zoned M-2, it would no� b� tpic�],iy� ju�t�fiatile to penalize the buildar of this lot bec�.use of a�tQ�-aonfc�xat�.ng uae, �speci,al.1}� with, the age of the house. Maco Mini�k� a�ked �£ t�e�� had be+en any ��sp9nse f�toan the neighbor"s M;ra Boaxdmar� sai,d tk�a� �.h�y had na� been ir� tottch with the City. � � The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meetin� of Feb�uary 13, 19i3 �a e 2 �� MOT�ON by Harju ,to reco�an�nd tp the C�ty Cou�cil approval of the variances and omit the variance from ZO feEt to 8 feet o� Beech Street as requested by� Mr. Johnson. Secon�ed by Wahlberg. Upon a voice vote, there being nv nays, the motion carri,:d unan in�nus lv . MOTIUN by Harju to apprvva �he MinuteS of Che January 30, 1973 meeting as written. Seco�ded by�Wahlberg. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. � e A RF.�QUEST FOR A VARILINCE OF SECTION 45.153 � 2 a FIZIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE ME.c�N FRONT YARD SETBACK FRO1dI 69 FEET TO �0 FEET TO ALI,OW � CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING ON I,OT 3, BLOCK 3, AL ROS� ADDITION9 THE SAME BEING 6230 RIVERVIEW TERRACE NoE. L F1tIDLEY MINNESOTA. RE UEST BY ROBERT DEGARDNIIt 7950 EAST RIVER ROAD N.E. FRIDLEY, MI SOTA.) Mr. Bob DeGardnex was pxesen� to m�.ke appeal �o�r chi� variance. Mr. DeGardner said that tha xeason for the variance was that i�he house couldn't be moved back any further because of st�ep ri.ver ban�. slope conditions and therefore he had to ask for this variance �0 60 feete To go l�ack any farther would create a definite hardship. Mr. DeG�,rdaa�r said Chat the house would be completely finished. The entire bac�C includin� ��a� walk.out wou9.d have c�dar siding. �m Ma��.sh asked if there was anyone tha� wiahed to be heard on this �earing. Mr. Richard Harris and NIr, Harold Harxis of 6200 Riverview Terrace and 621�0 Riverview �"� Terrace came forward. Mr. Richard Harris aafd tha� he had r�o objection to th�,front setback vaxianee. What he objected ta was the Gleax vi.o�.ati.an of the Codes by City Adminiatration. �Ie said that :peGardner was l.ed down the wxong path by th� administrataton. The administration had told AeGax�d�er t'�a� i� he got the neighbors to okay the variance Ghat tl�ey woulcln't Y�ave �.o gc� to the $oard of Appeals and evuld get their permit. The peranit w�.s issued witl�ov,� approval by the Board of Appeals and Council and r.hey �Caxted w��kingo Mr, Harxis said that he doesn't wan� this to become a habit. All variances must be taken ca�a of before the permi� is i.ssued. 1`'i�. Harris askQd Mro 1�Gardner �.f �om�thing would be done about the exposed concrete basement block on the sQ��l� a�.de of ths 1�ouae, He asked if siding could be extended o� �1�e block painted �.o give aome�hin� more pleasin$ to look at. Mr. DeGardz�ex said that he wou].d do whatever was necessaxy to protect the neighbors. 1KO�IQN by Wahlberg �o elc�se �he public hearing. Sseondsd by Harju. U�on � voi�e vot�, tkaere being no nays, th� motinn carried. i�it)��ON by Wak�lber� �v ���e►�d �o th� Ci�y Council approva�. of the variance with th� �ti�ulat�.vn th�t th� �xgA��d blo�k ot� the sc�uth ��.d� bs fin�sh�d eithex by �c��r�dir�$ the � idin� d�wx� o� by painti,n� . S��vndsd by ii��ju. Upo� a, voic� vot�, �hex� be�.n� no nays, th� mot�ion carx�ed. �, �,ATOURI�T1�'fE�l'P : �.`�i� mee�ing was ad�ouxn�d a.� 4;50 F.�. by'Chaixman �Iin�.sh. Re eGtfull ubm�ttad, ,a � =: 2 . _��_.._.- � � ,OARL'�1A�d - Aci�in� Secxetary � �. ;�, 560-3450 (...,i�t o ��id�% � � ANOKA COUNTY �431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE February 8, 1973 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 Mr. Law�ence A. Muggli 3Z28 �ont Avenue South l�Fin�eays�olis, Minnesota 55408 Re: 8ight Of Way Inquiry Dear I+�s. Muggli: In response to your letter dated January 9, 1973, the City Council referred you to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission at their ��nuarq 24, 1973 meeting suggested that you fill out a streeC vacatioea request, and that upon the City Staff receiving the reguest, refer �ou to the Pla�s �, Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee. I have enclosed the necessary form for you to fill out. Please complete the form and return it to me so that we can schedule your item for further consideration. DC/de Enc.. If you have any questions please call. Sincerely, � 1���� � � 7�/ DARREL CLARK Community Development Administrator �� � , t r"\ - :�..�� . Februarq 8, 1973 Mr. Frank Gabre�cik 5740 Uaivereity Avenne N.E. . Fridley, Minaesota 55432 Dear Mr. Gabrelcilc: As you are welt aw�re, the Fridley Citq Council sent your request far a Specia2 Use Permit b�ck to the P}.anaing Commission. It is my understaading that qou were told to supply tlae Co�niasion with items they previouely had asked you far, a�amely, a plot glan and praof of ownership. You w�re to do ao �aithout delay. T�e Plaaaing Coa�missiou ha� placed qour item on the Aiarch 7, 1973 agenda, and asked that the Citq Sraff reaotify your neig�bers c�ith writtea no�tica of this meeting; however, not to send out the a�o�ices until you hav@ aupplied the plot plan and proof of oWnerehip. Tf w� are to give owners propes sotiee, you must bring these item� in on �r before February i9, 197�. I urge that you get the abave infornnatioa to u� by the eta�e� tim�, or a report of youg failure ta comply will he given to the City Ccsu��i1 for their further consideratfon. Tbis office ie alwap� available for co�sultatioa and we wf11 tr�v to �seist you if you have any ques�ions. DC/de cc: Andrew �ahlan 0 - �� Siace�ely„' ~� %' -, , �:.-: �,., �' � � � '—.'` P�1�12�� ! : � y�� ....� " Dc3i��L \iLtu11� Cou�aunitq Development Administrator