PL 04/04/1973 - 7457, _�
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MINUTES- MARCH 22, 1973 21 - 23
BY ROBERT SCHROER: The Southwest Quarter of the�Southwest
Quarter of Section 2, T-30, R-24, except that part taken
fer highway purposes; rezone from M-2 (h�avy industriai
area) to R�3 (general multiple family dwellings), the
Westerly 493 feet, and rezone from M-2 (heavy industrial
area) to C-2 (general business areas) all that part of the
Southwest Quarter lying East of the Westerly 493 feet,
except that part taken for highway purposes.
IV and V of the townhouse area generally located One Quarter
Mile East of Matterhorn Drive and North of Interstate
No. 694, being a replat of Outlot H, Innsbruck North.
MENT CORPORATION: Generally located Onz Quarter Mile
East of Matterhorn Drive and North of Interstate No. 694,
being a replat of Outlot H, Innsbruck North.
^� Lot 15, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 23, except
that part platted as Veit's Addition.
Agenda for Planning Coumiission Meeting - April 4, 1973 Page 2�
AND GARDEN CENTER POOL CENTER, located at 7622 University
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Chairman Erickson called the meeting to order at 8:05 P.M.
Members Present: Erickson, Minish, Zeglen, Schmedeke
Members Absent: Fitzpatrick
Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, Planning Assistant
Chairman Erickson said these natices are for property in the
general location North of Osborne Road and East of Central, bounded
by Lakeview Lane, on the liarth and East to be rezoned from R-1 to
G2, and C-2 to M-1; a Special Use Permit to construct townhouse
dwellings; and a subdivision of lots.
Mr. Erickson asked Mr. Boardman to check the proposals with
Spring Lake Park to see if anything going into the areas would
iaterfere with the resideatial character of the area in Fridley
that is close to this prop�rty. He said it might be necessary
to give aotices to people in Yridley who cauld be affected by these
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, for authorization of Public
Hearing notices being sent to affected property owners in Fridley by
these proposals in Spring Lake Park. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
the motion carried unanimc3usly. '
Chairman Erickson said the Public Hearing on the proposed comprehensive
plan was still open.
Mrs. $arbara Hughes, representing the League of Women Voters, was
` Mrs. Rughes said there were a few things the League would like to
briug to the attentiop of the Planning Commission. She said the League
feels its a good plan and! are anxious to see it used for future gro�ath.
We believe there should be coordination between the various Subcouw�ittees,
including the newly forme�d Envirvnmental Quality Commission, so the City
is not going in a variety of ways, We know th�t there are some things
touched upon in the comprehensive plan that are problems of the Metropolitan
Plan�nin_a Conm�ission Meetin� - March 14, 1973 PagE 2
� Mrs. Hughes said the League was especially pleased with the recognition
of using the natural environment. We believe �n protecting the natural
environment as pertains to land, water and open space, before and after
development, or keep s�e land fram development, if necessary.
We are concerned about open space. If the North Park area is left
as it is, or made into a nsture centex, with Locke Lake, the Rice Creek
flood plain, aad the river bank, we would have adequate open space for
recreational areas. We have no further suggestions for open areas.
Chairman Erickson asked if it was the �eague's position that the
Ci�y withhold deve�opment in wild areas.• Mrs. Hughes said we are not
suggesting that. She said she thought we should be retaining peat in
the North Park area for water regeneration.
Chairman Erickson asked if retaining peat for regeneration of water
is a local problem or a problem for Metropolitan Council. Mrs. Hughes
eaid we can't expect our neighb4rs to be cancerned about us. It has
to b� considered by local people. Mr. Erickson asked if there was a
staad by Che Metropolitan Council that watex retention areas should be
preserved. Mr�. Hughes said in our area there is very little to be
protected as yet. We do not know where the water regeneration areas are,
Mrs. Hughes said the League felt there should be no development in
the flood plain area. Mr. Boardman said by telling people they can't
� use the land will cause th� proper�y to go tax delinquent. Mr. Erickson
said we had someone else at one of the Pub��c Aearings who wanted the �ity �Q
hald up development of an area,, �Ir. Minia� said that unless the City
owas the land auch a policy could foxce the City to pay damages.
Mrs. Hughes said that part of the improvement of the North Park
area could include trail� along the River, Mr. Boardman said the open
space plan oi the Metropolitan Cauncil do�s not include our side of the
River. He questioned if we would be able to get MeCropolitan funds if
its not in the plan, Mrs. Hughes said if the question isn't asked, how
caa you get aa answer.
Mr, Schmedeke said he was glad the League of Women Voters are
cancerned about the environment, Ae wandered if he could,get them interest�d
ia having evergreens �lanted to replace the trees lost through Dutch Elm
diSease, He aaid he also felt thexs should be no building in the peat
axeas of Pridle�.
_• Mr, Schmedeke said he was conce�ned tha� people could buy hpmes in
the fload plain area and not be aware they w�re in a flood piain,
Mrs, Hughes said the Lea�ue wQUld like to emphasize the role of the
City of iaforming tha public on a�oatinuin$ basis. The ci[�x�ns o£
Px�dley should know the goals and objeetivea of the �ity.
^ �Ira, Hu$hea eaid C�ere wer� four pa�nts she would like t4 make in
re�ard to land use, One was the emvironaiental impacC of the dev�loprnent,
$16o the eaf�t� factor in XEgg�� tp the pepple and traffic, the intrinsic
auitability of the land fo� t�e develqpment, and the transportation availabl�
for the land use.
^ Planning Commission Meeting - March 14, 1973 Page 3
" Mra. Hughes said thaC in planning any development, the City should weigh
the enviro�ental cost.
Krs. Hughes felt there should be transportation available to
all paxts of the City. Chairman Erickson said that what was proposed in
Che camprehenaive plan will not hasten the development of any area.
Chairman Erickson asked Mrs. Hughes if the League thought the
Plaaning Coamiission was wrong in any of its proposals. Mrs. Hughes said
the League found nothing wrong with the proposals as long as the Horth
Park area was protected. •
Mrs. Hughes said that in defining Fridley as a maturing community
to be careful in planning recreation for a more mature co�unity. There
still are a lot of young children in Fridley. Mr. Boardman said they
had just recently platted the population in all the blocks in the City
by age groups. We find we have recreational facilities that aren't
fuactional for some areas. Because our population is maturing, the
city-wide parks could be for all aegmenta of the population and local
area parks should be provided for amall children.
Mrs. Hughes said the League strongly supports low income housing.
She said we should be replacing the lost coat housing that was lost
from the Hyde Park $rea someplace else in Fridley.
� Chairman Erickson asked Mrs. Hughes if the League would support
the Rorth Park Study if the proposal was different from a nature center.
Mrs. Sughes said we could go either way. The League has great confidence
in the study. We would prefer it be a nature center. We will be evaluating
the study when we get its recomnnendation.
Chairman Erickson said let me try to aum up what you have given as
the position of the League of Womea Voters. You endorce the type of use
that we have recommended for the five studp areas. Y�u are concerned
with the environmental impact fran development. You are interested in
low cost houaing, providing open space, and concerned about pollution.
Mrs. Hughes said the League didn�t aee anything in the proposals that
would conflict with our positioa.
1�'�ION by Minish, aeconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission
alose the Public Hearing on the proposed comprehensive plan. Upon a voiee,
vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Erickson said it would be in order to recommend approval of
�Che co�prehensive plan with any changes the Commission might wish to make.
Mr. Mini$h said as he understood Mrs. Hughes, the Leage of Women
_• Voters weren't rec�nending any changes in the comprehensive plan, only
a matter of emphasis.
l�t. Minish said that one thing that did come up during the Public
Hearinga were ohjections to the railroad crossings on 79th and 83rd.
Mr. Erickson said �he people �eeq+ed tp object to the crossing on 83rd
the most.
Plaiunin8 Caamission Meeting - March 14�1973 Pa�e 4
Mr. 3chmedeke said at the time this axea was studied, the elimination
of an unprotected crossing and the two neW proposed croasing s for the
coamercial area seemed like a good plan. Po� it aeems possible that we
could have beea mistak�ea. Mr. Boardman aaid the problem with the street
plan was that it was set up five or six yeaxa ago before the City obtained
the park property. This was a good traffic glan for a commercial area.
• Chairman Ericksan said we should probably have additional emphasis
ou certain thiags. . ,
Mr. Minish said that one of the things Mrs. Hughes mentioned was a
aeed for low cost housing. He said he didn't recall if we have this in
the plan. Mr. Boardmaa said a statement cou�ld be put in under Goals and
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that paragraph one under
Population Objecti�es be amended by deletiag �by encouragiag the growth
of managerial and professional sector of our population' aad changing
the paragraph to read ' Establish a balaace of peoplea within the
co�mity by encouraging the provision of the appropriate industrial,
cammercial and housing facilities.' Upoa a voice vote, all votiag aye,
the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Minish said he didn't think there need be any other statement
� aa transit as�this is a land use plan.
MOTION by Minish, seconded bq Zeglen, to add an enviroriment statemen�
to tba t3anar+�1 Objectives sectian as paragraph six� ' Pr�+�a�cv� mu�h a£
our aataral ecology in order to develop as ca��ortsb3,a a living +enviro�me+nt
a� ia feaaibly paaeible.' Upoa a vote, sil voti�� aye, tha cnotiaa ,
caxriad unanimously.
Z10TIO1Q by Minish, aaaoaded bq Zsglen, to changa paragraph six under
Assidantial Objectives from ' Encourage tho devalopment of high cost
housing unite to provide a balsnce of houeiag valuea in Fridley' to
�Provide a balaace of bigh quality housing unita for all income levels
Within the City of Fridley to insure the provisiou of social amenities
ta low and modorate income familiee and the elderly.' Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, the motion caxried unanimously.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the last paragraph on
page 42 be amended to change the will to me�y in�the etatement ' There
m�ay be additioaal crossinga needed as the I�oxthern paxt of the City
davelope,' And add the sentence 'Further study will be needed to determine
�the effects of additional croasings in thie area.' Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, the mQtion carried unanimously.
l�lOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, thak the Planning Co�issian
^ r�commend to Council approval of the comprahensive plan as amentied. Upon
a vaice vote, all voting sye, Che motion aarried unanimously.
Planning Commission Meeting - March 14, 1973 Page 5
/1 — '
Chairman Erickson adjourned the meeting at 9:55 P.M.
Reapectfully submitted,
orothy E nson, Secretary
� -
Chairman Erickson called the meeting to order at 8:00 P,M.
Members Present: Erickson,.Schmedeke, Zeglen, Fitzpatrick, Minish
Members Absent: None
Others Present; Darrel Clark Community Development Administrator�
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked that paragraph 2, on page 18 of the minutes
be amended to read that Mr. Fitzpatrick wasn't convinced that this was
the solution to a problem intersection.
Mr. Minish said a request he made was o�nitted from the minutes. He
wants a report on the e.�ctent of the rusty water problem in Fridley. He
wants to know what steps the City is taking to correct the problem and
if there are any iron remc,val plans.
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning
Commission approve the minutes of March 7, 1973 as corrected, Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
FEBRUARY 28, 1973 - - • -
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission
xeceive the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee minutes
of February 28, 1973. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission
receive Parks & Recreation Cammission minutes of February 26, 1973. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission
receive the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee minutes of March 8,
1973. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission
receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals for March 13, 1973. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Planning Commission Meeting-March 21, 1973 __ Pa�e_ 2
� TEMPLIN:. To rezone Lots 1 and 2, 39 through 42, Block 6, Fridley Park
Addition, from R-1 (single family dwelling areas) to R-3 (general
�� multiple family units) for townhouses.
Mr. Samuel Templin was present.
Chairman Erickson said this rezoning request had been continued to
a11ow the petitioner and the people in the area to come up with a possible
Mr. Templin said that he would change his proposal from one four
unit and one five unit to two four units. By decreasing the request
by one unit, he could build a better looking project.
Chairman Erickson said there was objection ta having any of these
units faeing Rice Creek Way. Mr. Templin said these would be such nice
uaits that they wouldn't ruin the property valuation in the area.
Mr. Frec3 Halverson, 85 Rice Creeek Way, said he was speaking for
himself and for Dick Silverstein, 6675 East River Road, when he said
theq didn't want any rezoning in this area.
Mr. Don Smith, 81 Rice Creek Way, said there have been many nice
rental units builti in Fridley, but after a fe� y�ears the maintenance
begins to slip. He said it was the nature of income property that when small
units were built, they were hard to maintain. He said Mr. Templin knew
/1 the land was zoned R-1 when he purchased it, with no promise that it
could be rezoned.
Mr. Ericksan said he would suggest that the property on East River
Road be rezoned to R-2 and the lots facing Aickory Street remain R-1.
Mr. Smith said he wouldn't be opposed to this proposal.
Mr. Templin said he would like to get along with the neighbors in
the area and wondered if they would accept a 4 unit on East River Road
and R-1 on Hickory Street.
Mr. Clark said the four lots on East River Road had 45 foot frontages.
Mr. Erickson said this would make two 90 foot sites on East River Road if
it was rezoned R-2.
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission
close the Public Hearing on the x.ezoning request, ZOA, by Samuel Templin.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Clark said if this was rezoned to R-2 we may have to give access
to East River Road. If this was a four plex it could use the Rice Creek
Way entrance. The petitioner could use the vacated alley for an entrance;
however, the City doesn't want to maintain an alley.
^� Mr. Fitzpatrick said the petitioner is not asking for R-2 rezoning.
_ 8
Planning 'Coumiission Meeting - March 21, 1972 Page 3
• MOTION by Fitzpatrick to co�tinue the PubZic Hearing on rezoning
request ��73-04, by Sa�el Templin, to give the petitioner a chance to
change his request. THE MOTI01� died for Iack of a second.
Chairman Ericksan said we could recommend a moderation of the
petitioner's request.
Mr. Schmedeke said the petitioner did say he would accept R-3 rezoning
on East River Road and leave the zoning R-1 on Hickory Street. Mr. Erickson
said if the rezoning was granted this way, the second reading could be
held up until the plans were approved.
Mr. Fitspatrick said the property South of this parcel was zoned R-1.
. ,
Mr. Minish asked Mr. Templi.n if he would agree to R-2 rezoning of
the property facing East River Road. Mr. Templin said he would not because
there was no money market for double bungalows at the present time.
MOTION by Minish, seconded bq Fitzpatrick, that the P anning Gommission
recoumnend to Council denial of tl�e rezoning request, ��73-0�, by Samuel Templin,
to rezone Lots 1 and 2, 39 throug,h 42, Block 6, Fridley Park Addition, from
R-1 (single family dweiling units) to R-3, (general multiple family units).
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
the North/South a11ey in Bi�k 6, Fridley Park Addition.
Mr. Schmedeke said the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities
Subcammittee recou�aended to the Planning Commission approval of vacation
request SAV �i�73-02, by Sarauel Templin, to vacate the alley, not contingent
upon the rezoning request being approved.
Mr. Clark said there was a cemetery encroachment on this alley so
it would never be opened.
Mr. G1enn Thompsoa, of the Michael Servetus Unitarian Society, said
they �aere responsible for the ce�etery and would like to have the alley
Mr. Schmedeke asked if there was anyone in the audience who was
against the vacation of the alley. People from the area said they had
no objections.
Mr. Minish said he is against the vacation of the alley at this
time because if the area is developed as R-1, there would be properCy
that would have to have access o� East River Road. He said part of the
alley could be vacated, but the part of the a11ey that serves this property
he would like left opea.
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission
/'1 recommend to Council approval of the vacation request, SAV ��73-02, by
Samuel Templin, to vacate the North/South a12ey in Block 6, Fridley Park
Addition, �ubjer: to-the 12�foot utility easement being retained. Upon a
voice vote, Erickson, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke, �eglen voting aye, Minish nay,
the motion carried.
Plannfn� CoBmiission Meeting-March 21, 1973 Page /+
HOME ASSOCIATION: Rezone from R-3 (general multiple family dwellings)
to C-2 {general business areas), Lot 1, B1ock 1; Harstad Addition, and
the Southerly 150 feet of Lot 18, Brookview Addition, subject to road
easement over South 50 feet, to bring it up to right code classification.
Mr. Richard Schintgen and Mr. Richard French were present.
Chairman Erickson said this request was made so the Knights of Columbus
could build an addition to their building. The Planning Coum►ission continued
the Public Hearin- while the Commission made a request to the City Attorney
to see if our ordinance could be altered so we would not have to rezone for
a non-conforming use.
The Comm�issiom members all have copies of a letter from the City
Attornep in which he said the request for this particular addition be
referred to the Board of Appeals.
Mr. Darrel Clark said that was his interpretation of the letter also,
but in talking to the City Attorney, he said this variance could be acted `
upon by the Planning Commission. If the petitioner was just starting out
in his request, he could have gone to the Board of Appeals. As this
request has been before the Planning Cou�ission, it could be acted upon
by the Commission. In fLture cases, the City Attorney will direct us on
how to handle the request.
/1 Chairman Erickson told the audience that what the Commission understands
the City Attorney to be saying,'�is,�if we�don't wish to 'rezone the property,
we could recom�end that the petitioner be allowed to have his request
granted un.der the appeal section of our ordinance, and if the Council
concurred with this approval, the petitioner could build his addition
without rezoning.
Mr. French said the rezoning makes no difference to the Knights of
Columbus. We don't care what the zoning is, as Iong as we can build our
addition. The property owners in the area don't want the property rezoned.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission
close the Public Hearing on rezoning request, Z0A ��73-04, by North Air
Home Association. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission
recommend to Council deniai of the rezoning request, ZOA �k73-04, by North
Air Aome Association, to rezone from R-3 (general multiple family dwellings)
to C-2 (general business areas), Lot 1, Block 1, Harstad Addition, and
the Southerly 150 feet of LoC 18, Brookview Addition, subject to road
easement over South 50 feet, and recommend to Council the granting of
the variance necessary to permit the issuance of a building permit for
the proposed addition,�subject to the conditions of Building Standards-
Design Controi minutes of March 8, 1973. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Planning Commission Meeting-March 21, 1973 Page 5
The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 2, T-30,
R-24, except that part taken for highway purposes; rezone from
M-2 (heavy industrial areas) to R-3 (general multiple family dwellings),
the Westerly 493 feet, and rezone fram M-2 (heavy industrial areas) to
C-2 (general business areas) all that part of the Southwest Quarter
2ying East of the Westerly 493 feet, except that part taken for
highway purposes.
Mr. Robert Schroer was present.
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Sctzmedeke, that the Planning
Commission waive the reading of the Public Hearing notice for rezoning
request, Z0A ��73-05, by Robert Schroer. .
Mr. Minish said the Public Hearing notice said this property was
located on Highway ��65, and it should read Highway �k47. Mr. Clark said
the legal description was correct, but the generally located should read
Highway 4�47.
_ / UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Clark said Mr. Schroer was proposing to rezone the Easterly
part of this parcel commercial along Highway �i�47, and the Westerly part
of the parcel along Main Street to R-3. This proposal does follow the
^ general plan shown in the proposed comprehensive plan.
Mr. Schroer said his plans for the property were still rather vague
at the moment, but he had had some good interest in the property for
cowmercial use. He said that in taZking to City officials, �hey said
they would like to see townhouses in the area he was proposing to rezone
to R-3, because the land is difficult to work with because of the peat
in the area. He said he had agreed there will be some ponding done in
the townhouse area,
Mr. Clark'said the land North of this parcel is zoned M-2. The
property South of the parcel is zoned C-2 on the Easterly 600_feet, and
the balance is zoned M-2. Mr. Schroer's proposal would rezone 900 feet
as C-2, so there would be a jog in the zoning of C-2.
Mr. Wayne D. Wormsbeck, 3200 North Lilac Drive, Golden Valley, said
he owned the lot South of what Mr. Schroer proposes to rezone R-3. He
said he was not sure that was the right spot for R-3 zoning and would
like to see the area stay industrial.
Mr. Clark said the whole area is basically industrial. In the
comprehensive plan, we recommended this land be rezoned multiple because
we felt we had a sufficient supply of vacant industrial property. Multiple
dwellings can make better use of this land than single family dwellings.
Chairman Erickson said there was a question in his mind that we may
be acting a bit prematurely. The Council hasn't reviewed or given approval.
� ��
Planning Commission Meeting - March 2I, 1973 Page 6_
' MQTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning
Ccm�ission continue the Public Hearing on rezoning request, ZOA ��73-05,
bq Robert Schroer, the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of
Section 2, T-30, R-24, except that part taken for highway purposes; rezone
fran M-2 (heavy industrial areas) to R-3 (general multiple family dwellings),
the Westerly 493 feet, and rezone from M-2 (heavy industrial areas) to
C-2 (general business areas) all that part of the Southwest Quarter lying
East of the Westerly 493 feet, except that part taken for highway purposes,
until the Council has time to approve or amend the comprehensive plan.
In his second of the motion, Mr. Fitzpatrick said this was a judgemental
consideration when the Commission reco�►ended we had more industrial land
than we need and that multiple dwellings were a good use for this location.
Chairman Erickson said we can continue this until our next meeting.
He asked Mr. Ciark when the Council would review the comprehensive plan.
Mr. Clark said they would get the minutes of the last Public Hearing on
April 2n�. .
Mr. Fitzpatrick said he wouid withdraw his section to the motion.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said that within 90 days we 5hould know if the Council
is going along with the proposals of the comprehensive plan.
Mr. Clark said the request could be continued for a shorter time, and
act on the part of the property that is requested to be rezoned commnercial.
This would allow the petitioner to make some plans for the commercial area.
MQTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, to continue the Public
Hearing by the Planning Commission until April 4, 1973 on rezoning request;
ZOA ��73-05, by Robert Schroer, on the Southwest Quarter of the South�aest
Quarter of Section 2, T-30, R-24, except that part taken for highway purposes;
rezone fram M-2 (heavy industrial areas) to R-3 (general multiple family
dwellings) the Westerly,493 feet, and rezone from M-2 (heavy industrial areas)
to C-2 (general business areas) all that part of the Southwest Quarter lying
East of the Westerly 493 feet, except that part taken for highway purposes,
to accomodate the petitioners time schedule and take into account the Council
revi�w o€ the comprehensive plan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
A replat of Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 1, Spring Lake Park Lakeside.
Mr. Rudolph Bayer was present.
MOTIOR by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning
Commission waive the reading of the Public Iiearing Notice on proposed
preliminary plat, PoS. �73-01, by Rudolph Bayer. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Planning Couimission Meeting - Ma:rch 21, 1973 ` Page 7
• Mr. Schmedeke said this request had been continued from the February 28th
Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcoma�ittee to March 15th. Mr.
Bayer was not present at the March 15th meeting but the Subcommittee made
their recommendation to the Planning Commission because it was scheduled
for a Public Hearing tonight. The Subcommittee recommended to the Planning
Commission that the five proposed 72 foot lots on McKinley Street be
changed to four 90 foot lots, and that the 20 feet to the South of the
lots on Lakeside be included in the plat as an outlot..
Mr. Schmedeke said the Subcommittee had been quite rigid on meeting
the requirements of the ordinance, except in hardship cases, and they
� did not feel this was a hardship.
Mr. Clark said this request was continued to allow Mr. Bayer to
coafer with other people in his firm on this reco�endation. �
Mr. Bayer said they still wanted to plat the lots on McKinley Street
into 72 foot lots .
Mr. Erickson asked the purpose of making an outlot of the South 20
feet on Lakeside. Mr. Clark said this 20 feet was being purchased by
- the adjacent property owner on the South end of this Plat. Mr. Erickson
asked if we had any assurance the lot would be purchased. Darrel Clark
said not in writing.
^ Mr, Bayer said if the 20 foot was not sold it would be added to the
lots on Lakeside. Mr. Bayer said if the lots on McKinley were to be
platted as 90 foot lots, he would rather leave the back of the plat as
it is. We wi11 just plat Lakeside.
Chairman Erickson asked if there were any utilities in on McKinley
Street. Mr. Clark said there`could be some power lines, but there were
no water, sewer, or street.
Mr. James Rudnitski, 1658 77th Avenue N.E., said he opposes the 72 foat
lots on McKinley. He also objects to McRinley Street being opened.
Mrs. Jean Alstrom, 1645 75th Avenue N.E., asked Mr. Bayer what type
of house he was proposing on the 72 foot lots. Mr. Bayer said it would
bean L-split with a 5I foot frontage. Mr. Bayer said that although the
lots were only 72 feet wide, they were deep enough to have 9,864 square
feet on each lot, which exceeds the minimum requirement by 864 square feet.
With the large lots on Lakeside, the people living on these lots would
be much less than if we met the minimum requirements on all the lots.
Mrs. Alstrom said she had no objection to the proposal. She said
they were also requesting that McKinley Street be opened.
Mr. Rudnitski asked what type of zoning would apply to these lots.
�1 Chairman Erickson said they would be residential. There has been no
request for a zoning change.'
�� �
Plannin Commission Meetin� - March 21, 1973 � Page 8
Mr. R. M. Passenheim, 3558 Knox Avenue North, Minneapolis; said he
� was speaking for Sandra Chelstrom, 1670 77th Avenue N.E., and they were
afraid these houses would look like cracker boxes as did some other new
haones in Fridley .
Mr. Bayer said he thought they were xeferring to the 235 housing.
The homes Mr. Bayer was proposing are nothing like that. Mr. Bayer said
the homes he wanted to build would upgrade the neighborhood.
Mr. Leo Heyne said he had talked to the man who wanted to purchase
property from Mr. Bayer on the South side of Lakeside. He said the man
said he was purchasing 40 feet. Mr. Donald Wehlast, a partner of Mr.
Bayer, said he had talked to.the purchaser and it was a misunderstanding.
They were only going to sell 20 feet.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked the name of the purchaser. Mr. Bayer said .
his name was Mr. Cornell, 7525 Lakeside Drive. He said Mr. Cornell
would have been here tonight but he recently was discharged from the
hospital. Mr. Cornell needs the property because part of his garage is
already on the property.
Mr. Robert Henderson, 7600 Stinson Blvd., said Mr. Bayer says
this will be a nice development but open land is nice too. Mr. Bayer
said there was a school going in on the West side of Lakeside so there
will still be open land in the area.
Mr. Gene Lake, 7584 Stinson Blvd., said he has been paying assessments
/"\ on his lot for eleven years and he still doesn't have a decent street in
front of his house or any curbing. If they open McKinley, I will get
loaded with assessments for the back of my lot. I couldn't keep my
property with all these assessments. �
He said he had brought a letter from David A. Bergsven, 7566 Stinson
B1vd. N.E „ which contains Mr. Bergsven's feelings on this proposal. Mr. Lake
read the letter in which Mr. Bergsven stated his opposition to the opening
of McKinley Street.
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission
receive the letter from David A. Bergsven dated March 20, 1973. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Bayer said we are not really asking for a street. We would like
to.have Lakeside platted so we could start building.
Mr. Gene Lake said that once develop�.ent:starts in the area, we will
end up with McKinley Street open whether we want it or not.
Mr. Bayer said that when the street comes up for consideration, we
could meet with the property owners and work something out to mutual agreement.
� Mr. Clark said we have had another request to consider the opening of
McRinley Streeto There is no schedule set on the opening of the street, but
if this plat was approved, it could come up for consideration.
Mr. Bayer said we're not the one's who requested the street be put in.
• � t�
Pl.anning Commission Meeting - March 2I, I973 Page 9
Mr. Schmedeke said we maybe should have an either/or clause in our
oYdinance. The 72 foot lots do not meet the lot width requirements, but
the square footage exceeds the minimum 1ot requirements. .
Mr. Erickson asked Mr. Schmedeke if the Subcammittee considered
leaving the back part of this plat an outlot. Mr. Schmedeke said the
petitioner was not at the meeting, and they just considered having the
lots meet the code requirements.
Mr. L. A. Alstr� said that 1300 feet is already dedicated for the
street. There are only four praperty owners who haven't dedicated land
for McKinley Street.
Mr. Erickson asked if there was anyone on Stinson who would want
to subdivide his property if McRialey went in. Mr. Rudnitski said it
would be our only alternative because of the assessments.
Mr. Lake asked if they could wait and subdivide their lots after
the street has been proposed, or if theq stil,l would have to pay all the
assessments. Mr. Clark said the City has no requirement that all the
assessments had to be paid at once, but most mortgate companies have
that requirement.
Mrs. Alstrom said we are paying taxes on these lots now that are
worthless to us. If McRinley is apened up, it would raise the value
of the lots. She thought they would gain much more than they would
lose if McKinley was apened.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said at this meeting, and at other meetfngs, there
were people who did not express an opinion. He said he thought it was
very important that people who attend these Hearings express an opinion.
MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission
close the Public Hearing on proposed preliminary plat, P,S. ��73-01, by
Rudolph Bayer. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
Mr. Schmedeke said the petitioner shouldn't be stymied completely.
He thought the platting of the 85 foot lots on Lakeside should be allowed
and make the back of the property a� outlot.
Mr. Minish said he thought the Commission should ask for some type
of agreement on the purchase of the 20 feet on the South side of Lakeside.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission
recommend to Council approval of the preliminary plat, P,S. �� 73-01, by
Rudolph Bayer, a replat of Lots i2, 13 and 14, Block 1, Spring Lake Park
Lakeside, with four 85 foot Iots � Lakeside, and four 90 foot lots on
McKinley, with the South 20 feet being made part of the plat as an outlot,
the final plat not being approved until a copy of the purchase agreement
is furnished the City, and escrow of purchase price to insure that the
owner to the South is purchasing the property, contingent upon the filing
of the plat. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
. . � . . . . . � . . . . .... � .. � . � � . .. � . . .. . . � � �0.�� . �.
Planning Commission Meeting - March 21, 1973 Page 10
CORPORATION: For Phase Iv and V of'the townhouse area generally
located One Quarter Mile East of Matterhorn Drive and North of
Interstate No. 694, being a replat of Outlot H, Innsbruck North.
Quarter Mile East of Matterhorn Drive and North of Interstate No. 694,
being a replat of 0utlot H, Innsbruck North.
Mr. Darrel Clark said the petitioner had written a letter to the
Co�ission asking that these items be;continued until Apri1 4, 1973. We
got the letter soon enough so the Public Hearing notice sent to the people
could be amended.
Ghairman Erickson said these items would be continued until April 4,
1973 .
SERVETUS UNITARIAN SOCIETY: ,A replat of Lot 8, Second Revision
Auditor's Subdivision No. 2I, except that part taken by the City.
Mr. Glenn Thompson and Mr. Robert Hughes were present.
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission
� waive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice on the proposed preliminary
plat PoS. ��73-03, by Michael Servetus Unitarian Society. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Schmedeke said the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Sub-
cammittee recommended to the Planning Commission approval of the proposed
plat contingent upon the petitioner being successfui in obtaining 12 feet
from the City so the lots meet the minimum frontage requirement of 75 feet;
other�ise it will have to be platted into 96 foot lots, Also recommended
for approval were two cul-de-sacs; a 60 foot cul-de-sac on Oakley Drive
and a 50 foot cul-de-sac on 67th Avenue.
Mr. Clark said this is similar to what the Administration wanted
except they wanted the street to go through from Oakley Drive to 67th Avenue,
but it was the recommendation of the Subcommittee to allow the cul-de-sacs,
at_the petitioner's request.
The petitioner wants to dispose of the North half of its property, to
be platted for single family homes, and wants to obtain 12 feet of the
property it had sold to the City, for a park, back from the City, to meet
the code requirements.
Mr. Minish asked the width of the property they have now. Mr. Clark
^ said it was 288 feet.
Mr. Erickson asked the reason the City Staff recommended the roa� to
Plannin�_C_ommiss�on Meeting - March 21, 1973 Page 11
/"\ Mr. Clark said there were a couple of reasons. One, was to eliminate
two turn arounds for traffic flow, and it would make it easier to plow;
and second, we could more economically take care of the drainage by
putting in one storm sewer. With cul-de-sacs there will have to be a
drainage pipe from one dul-de-sac to the other.
Mr. Schmedeke said the Subcommittee was in favor of the cul-de-sac
plan because this property does adjoin a park. The cul-de-sac on Oakley
Drive could be used for an entrance to the park. Whenever there is a
road by a park, there seems to be a problem of excess speed. The church
will give us the land needed for the cul-de-sacs.
Mr. Glenn Thompson said the Board of Trustees felt it would serve
the best interests of the area by having the cul-de-sacs. We do want
to obtain the 12 feet from the City so the lots can be platted into eight
75 foot lots.: If it had to be platted into six 96 foot lots, the lots
would be more difficult to see. 75 foot lots would be more marketable.
He thought this was a good location for homes. He said if the street
went through he wondered if the City was aware there was about six or
seven feet of peat where the street would be located, which would involve
a lot of expense in removing and refilling. He said they are willing
to contribute enough land to have a 60 foot cul-de-sac on 67th .�.venue also,
if the City so wishes. He said there was a ditch on the park property and
as he understood the situation, the City could give 12 feet of this land
without losing land they could use for the park.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said he knew there was a problem of wet land and
drainage in this area.
Mr. Clark said there was 37 feet between the center of the ditch
and the present property line of the Church. If 12 feet were sold,
there would still be 25 feet left, He thought there should be a 10 foot
easement on the property the Church obtained for a slope. Mr. Clark
said he had talked to Paul Brown, who said he didn't have any authority
to sell park property, but thought the land could be made available.
Mr. Robert Hughes said it was preferable in all regards to have a
cul-de-sac approach. He said he believed the extension of Oakley Drive
wouldn't serve any useful purpose either for the Church or the park. He
said it was usually a high speed area by the parks, and it would be a
protection for people using the park to eliminate this.
Mr. Erickson asked how long the cul-de-sacs would be. Mr. Clark
said according to the ordinance, the length of a cul-de-sac cannot be
longer than 900 feet and I don't think either of these cul-de-sacs will
be that long.
Mr. Ronald Nesbit, 990 Pandora Drive NoE., asked if the Public Hearing
notice he received was because of the proposed development or because of
additional assessments because of the development.
Chairman Erickson said it was a requirement of the ordinance that
property owners be notified when property was being platted. This was not
Planning Commission Meeting - March 21, 1973 Page 12
for assessments. Any assessments necessary to develop this property would
be paid by the property owners in this development or there would have to
be another hearing on the improvements and those affected would be notified.
Mr, Raymond Gerrety, 1051 67th Avenue N.E,, said he lived right next to
this property and hadn't received a notice. Mr. Clark said his file may
have been out of the drawer at the time the aames of the property owners
were taken. Mr. Gerrety asked the purpose of the proposed plat. Mr.
Clark said it was to plat the property into building site for single family
homes .
Mrs. James Breider, 969 68th Avenue N,E „ asked if the Church was
going to build the homes on this property, Mr. Glenn Thompson said this
question hadn't been resolved yet. He said it was his contention that
the Church was not in the real estate business and he would like to .
see the lots sold to � responsible developer to build homes.
Mr. Nesbit said he would go along with what the Church proposed and
agreed the cul-de-sac plan.
Mr. Lewis We11s, 6553 0akley Drive, said he had no objections.� He liked
the cul-de-sac.
Mr. Peter Percic, 1050 6$th Avenue N.E, said he wasn't aware cu1-
de-sacs could be put in. He thought 0akley Drive would have to continue.
Chairman Erickson said fram the City's standpoint, they would like
to have it continued, but the,petitioner wanted cul-de-sacs and the
Subcommittee agreed to this.
Mr. Clark said that most people find it desirable to live on a street
with a cul-de-sac.
Mr. Glenn Thompson said there was quite a drop off from Oakley Drive.
Mr. Robert Hughes said there were trees where Oakley Drive would
continue and they would like to keeg the trees.
MOTIQN by Fitzpatrick, secanded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission
close the Public Hearing on the proposed preliminary plat P.S, ��73-03, by
Michael Servetus Unitarian Society. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye; the
motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Schmedeke that the Planning Commission recommend to Council
approval of the proposed preliminary plat P,S. ��73-03, by Michael Servetus
Unitarian Society, to replat Lot $, Second Revision Auditor's Subdivision
No. 21, except that part taken by the City, subject to negotiation for
a 12 foot purchase from the City, a 10 foot slope easemtnt to be ret'ained
on the property purchased, and a 60 foot radius cul-de-sac on Oakley Drive
and a 50 foot radius cul-de-sac on 67th Avenue.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if any of the cuZ-de-sac was coming from park
Planning Commission Meeting - March 21, 1973 Page 13
^ property. Mr. Clark said part of the cul-de-sac on Oakley Drive would be.
Mr. Fitzpatrick SECONDED THE MOTION: _
Mr. Minish asked if any money from the sale of this property could
be used by the Park Board to purchase more park land. Mr. Fitzpatrick
said the money goes into a general fund and the Park Board works on a
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
9. VACATION REQUEST: SAV ��73-04, BY WAYNE SIMONEAU: Vacate 57'� Avenue
Northeast between Lots 10 and 16, Block 4, City View Addition, between
6th and 7th Street N:E,
Mr. Marvin Hartse and Mr. Robert Engstrom, who had joined the petitioner
in his request, were present.
Mr. Schmedeke said this is a similar situation we had in my area,
the Hyde Park Area, on 3rd Street. The �tention of 3rd Street was opened
after being closed for many, many years to give access for emergency
The Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee recommended
to the Planning Commission the vacation of the North/South alley in Block
32, Hyde Park Addition, and recommended vacation of 58th Avenue Northeast
^ between 6th and 7th Street Northeast, and denied vacation request, ��73-04,
bq Wayne Simoneau, to vacate 57� Avenue between 6th and 7th Streets Northeast,
recommendi�g that the City retain the right of way and ask the Council to
consider the possibility of opening this street.
Mr. Clark said . Mr. Simoneau withdrew his request at the Subcommittee
meeting of March 15, 1973 because of this recom�endation.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said if this recommendation were followed, the petitioner
would then be in the position of having a street behind his property, and
be assessed for it, without benefit.
Mr. Clark said that when the City puts in a 8c�uble frontage street,
'� the costs are levied on the property with a double street and the other
3/4 is paid by property owners about half way up the block.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said he didn't think any of the people that would be
assessed by the opening of this street would benefit.
Mr. Marvin Hartse, 475 57th Place N.E „ said the street being opened
would be of no benefit to him and that Mrs. Mildred Marler, who owned
property in the immediate area, who had been at the Subcommittee meeting,
was opposed to the opening of the Street and wanted it vacated also.
^ Mr. Robert Engstrom, 455 57th Place N.E., said he was opposed to
the Street being opened. He said there are already three intersections
in a two block area on 7th Street and this would make the fourth. The
children have a difficult time now walking safety,to school on 61st Avenue
�9 I
Planning Commission Meeting - March 21, 1973 � Page 14
^ without having to cross another intersection.
Mr. Schmedeke said the reason the Subcommittee made this recommendation
was to see if the City might want this street open to cut down on the time
it would take an emergency vehicle to reach residences in the area. This
recommendation would leave the decision up to the Council, the homeowners
in the area, and any recommendation the Fire Marshall might have.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said he thought there was an irony here. A request
was made to vacate a street and it ended up a request for a decision on
opening the street; and the closing of another street and alley that
the petitioner didn't ask for. He said he understood the recommendation
from the Subcommittee and knew they ware doing what they thought was right.
Mr. Minish asked how the petitioner felt about the vacation of 58th
Avenue and the alley. Mr. Clark said the'petitioner was in favor of these
Mr. Schmedeke said no one objected to the vacation of the alley or
of 58th Avenue. We are just holding off the decision on 572 Avenue to
let the Council make the decision on whether they want this street opened
or closed.
Chairman Erickson said what you want is to pass this on to Council
so they will have a Publi:. Hearing on the opening of 57'� Avenue.
Chairman Erickson said a motion could be made on what the Subcommittee
recommended for vacation.
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Gommission
recommend to Council vacation of the North/South alley in Block 32, Hyde
Park Addition, and reco�rmend approval of the vacation of 58th Avenue Northeast
between 6th and 7th Street Northeast, ?�orth of Block 32, Hyde Park Addition.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission
recommend to Council delay of the vacation request SAV �k73-04, by Wayne
Simoneau, to vacate 57� Avenue between Lots 10 and 16, Block 4, City View
Addition, between 6th and 7th Street Northeast. Upon a voice vote,
Schmedeke and Zegley voting aye, Fitzpatrick, Minish and Erickson voting
Mr. Fitzpatrick said he was not prepared to recommend denial of
the petitioner's request to vacate the street by a'sking Council to open
the street.
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission
recommend to Council approval of the vacation request, SAV �k73-04, by Wayne
Simoneau, to vacate 57� Avenue between Lots 10 and 16, Block 4, City View
Addition, between 6th and 7th Street Northeast. Upon a voice vote,
Fitzpatrick, Minish, �rickson voting aye, Schmedeke and Zeglen voting nay,
Planning Commission Meeting - March 21, 1973 Page 15
Mr. Darrel Clark said we have .9 mi2es of State Aid roads to
dedicate. In your =eco�unendation you should come as close to that
figure as possible.
Last week the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee
recommended �.s their first choice , Sth Street between 61st and 64th
Avenues and 63rd and Monroe. The State wauld not go along with the
recommendation for 5th Street because 7th Street and the University
Avenue Service Road are State Aid Streets and they thought this
reco�endation would mak� too many State Aid Streets in a concentrated
Their second reco�endation was for 63rd and Monroe and Arthur
Street, which would make a total of .72 of State Aid Roads, and the
third recommendation was for Main Street combined with either of the
other two.
The State has also given us a recoumiendation for a route for Rice
Creek Terrace to be extended to Osborne Road, but this route would go
through the middle of Locke Park and would have too much impact on the
area. Mr. Clark said when they recommend these routes they do it from
a mag and are not aware of what the street will go through.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said he thought they looked for parks. Mr. Minish
said if there wasn't a park in the area, it would be a natural route.
Chairman Erickson asked if there was any stipulation on how long you
can leave a State Aid road unimproved. Mr. Clark said there wasn'�, but
it was best to make a recommendation on a road we know is going to have
to be improved. He said 63rd and Monroe, and Arthur Street, will have
to be improved in the next five years.
Mr. Clark said the streets recommended for State Aid had to connect
a State Aid Road to a County Aid Road.
Mr. Minish asked Mr. Clark if he wanted a motion. Mr. Clark said
the recommendation had to go in in April for next years request for State
Aid .
MOTION by Minish; and seconded, that the Planning Commission recommend
to Council that 63rd and Monroe, and Arthur Street, be dedicated for
State Aid Roads. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
Chairman Erickson adjourned the meeting at 11:45 P,M,
� Respectfully submitted,
Dorothy Ev�ison, Secretary
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Zeglen at 8:06 P.M.
Zeglen, Tonco, Simoneau, White, Lindblad
.None .
Jerrold Boardman, Planning Assistant
MOTION by Tonco, Seconded by Lindblad, to approve the minutes of
March 8, 1973 meeting as written with the following ammendment:
page four, paragraph ten, discussion between Mr. Tonco and Mr. Zbi-
kowski of Toolkraft, regarding the southerly wall of the lunch room.
It should read: Mr. Zbikowski did not understand why the architect
had a}og in this wall on the plans, and he would rrefer to run the
wall straight and still be able to keep the uniform spacing of the
exterior windows. Mr. Tonco asked him what his intentions were and
just wanted to suggest that straightening the wall would be a good
idea. Mr. Zbikowski agreed with him and decided on making the
wall straight.
1. Consideration of a re uest to a rove the
or Innsbruck North Townhouse Phase IV an
to be located in the Southeast uarter of
Re ueste the Darrel Farr DeveZo ment
Brooklvn Blv ., Minneapolis, Minnesota 5
reliminar lan
V. 118 units�
ection L4.
orp., 5901
� Mr. James London was present for the Darrel Farr Development
Mr. �eglen said this is the last phase of the development, and
wanted to know if there were any major changes.
Mr. London said Phase IV and V will be very much like the first
three phases. However, this phase will only contain townhouse
buildings, using the same plans minus the split-eniry.
The members went over some of the basic problems and plans
(such as road widths, thru streets, low land areas) that they were
aware of for Phases I, II, and III, mainly for background purposes.
Mr. Zeglen asked Mr. Boar«man if there were any main layout
problems he could see.
Mr. Boardman said no, except that street names and house numbers
had not been fully decided on. Also some type of tree buffer planting
would be needed, and this was being worked on. The buffer strip
would be between Interstate 694 and the homes. This problem was being
discussed with the City Planning Department and possibly the Minnesota
State Highway Department.
Mr. Lindblad was curious if a lot of trees (dead) were taken
/1 out of the area between I.694 and the homes. Mr. London said yes.
Mr. Lindblad wanted to l�now if there was much of a cushion from the
highway to cut the noise (especially if people are out in their yards
during the summer months;. Mr. Zeglen said with the tree foliage and
Fage two
and uneven topography, the noise would not be as bad as people thought.
Mr. Boardman suggested a green buffer (evergreens) strip to fill
in for the dead trees removed. The evergreens would also give a year
around buffer since most of the trees are oaks and would only help
reduce noise in foliage season. The idea would be to protect the
homes that will be built as close as 50 feet from the highway.
Mr. Boardman went on to say that Mr. London and he were going
to check to see what type of aid could be received from the Minnesota
State Highway Department.
Mr. White asked what the average price of the townhouse would be.
Mr. Londond replied approximately $31,000. Plans for the townhouses
will be A, B, C, D, and E. Mr. London said they had changed the
siding to Masonite X-90, but will use the same building standards as
in Phase I, II, and III. Mr. London explained that after checking
with local lumber dealers, Masonite X-90 would be the best to use.
The former siding in Phase I, II, and III buckled and had to be re-
placec�. Mr. London said if the X-90 was put on right there will be
no probelm with buckling.
Mr. Tonco asked how it was put on right. Mr. London replied by
leaving a small expansion space between the boards, but he was not
sure how this space was sealed. The exterior color of a brown or an
� olive will match the same used in Phase I, II, and III.
Mr. Boardman brought up the fact that there is one tot lot for
the area developed, which is located in the center of Phase I and II,
with paths leading to the green area the horhes west of the tot
lot. However, Mr. London and the City with Mr. Boardman's recommen-
dation feel a second tot lot is needed for the las� three phases. A
proposed second location is in the center of phase �V, southwest of the
recreational building. The subcommittee felt this recommendation was
very much needed.
Mr. Simoneau was concerned about providing an area for adult
and especially teen-age recreation. There is a recreational building
(excluding the apartments) with access from all directions with indoor
facilities and an outdoor swimming pool. Mr. London feels this build-
ing and facilities should be able to provide the needs for the entire
Mr. Boardman and Mr. London also pointed out the fact that the
Darrel Farr Development is donating 12 acres of land on the North
side (by Grace High School property). This area will be adjacent to
city land, which will give a park area of approximately 35 acres. In
this park, Darrel Farr Development will help develop outdoor facili-
ties, such as tennis courts, basketball areas, etc. This park wiil
^ provide a recreational area for the 500 unit apartments being built by
Darrel Farr Development, the rest of the dcvelopment and the surround-
ing community.
�age t ree
Mr. Boardman said the area around�the large pond in the first
phases will remain a green area. This area will have one of the
neighborhood parks and walking paths.
Mr. Boardman, Mr. London and the subcommittee seemed satisfied
that after all details have been worked out and carried through, this
development will have plenty of recreational opportunities for the
Mr. Tonco asked if there would be any type of refuse problem.
Mr. London said no, it will be handled the same as in Phase I, II, and
MOTION by L�ndblad, Seconded by White, that the Subcommittee �
recommend to the Council approval of the request to approve the pre-
liminary plans for Innsbruck North Townhouse Phase IV and V(118 units)
with the following stipulations:
l. Additional tot lots be provided for Phases III, IV, and V.
2. That planting of buffer trees (preferably evergreens) be
planted between I. 694 and the homes, working out the de-
tails with Planning Department and possibly the Minnesota
State Highway Department.
/1 UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the.motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Zeglen adjourned the meeting at 9:11 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
r G� �, (_' << 9 J � :
Paula R.�Long, Sec etary
.�._ -
The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Harju at 7:30 P.M.
1�I�ERS PRESENT: Harju, Crawder,
OTHERS PRESENT: Jerrold Boardman
- Planning Asaiatant
MpTION by Crawder to approve the minutea of the Maxch 13, 1973 meeting ae
Seconded by Wahlbe�g. i�pon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion
carried uaanimouely.
1. Mr. Boardman explained to the Board that the firat item, a sign variance
for Georgetawn Court Apartmsnts, wae not echeduled for tonights meeting
but Mr. Filiater had been told by the Building Insgaction Dapartment that
.'he could appear before the Board and present hia requast without going
through the normal procadure of having public hearing noticee aent out first.
Mr. Filister was preeent to explain hia sign variances to the Boaxd. He
de�cribed the aign ae a 12 foot by 8 foot sign placed between two brick pillara
and it would be located just north of the antrance. The oign would advertise
the complax and would have Gaorgetawn Court Apartments in old engliah ecript
with the addreee.
Mr. Crawder said that bie biggeat q�ustion on the aigh eize was haw the vision
of the automobilee would be affected? Mr. FilieCer anawered that they could
not eee any problem with the eign in blocking viaion. There would be approx-
i�ately 60 feet from the street curb to tha interior drive and that at least
three cars could be backtd up and etill not be visually�blocked.
Mrs. Wahlberg asked what other aigna were presently on the buildings or
grouad� which are uaed aa area identification? Mr. Filiater answered that at
pre�ent there are two eign� located on the buildinge and a free etanding sign
in front of thie sign he wanta approved.
Mr. Craovdar aaked if th4se aign will crnae c}aNn? Mr. Boardman eaid that the
developer ie raquired to take dawn all temporary eigns (which are naw located
there) after the project ia 95% completed.
Mrs. Wahlberg asked haw high the eign would be of# of the lot grade? Mr.
Filiates anawered that it would be approxin�ately 9�eet.
Mr. iiarju a�ked if thi� wouid comply to the Zoning Ordinance? Mr. Boar,dman
•tatad that the hoig�t �oi�ld.aleo have to be variod becauoe 6 feet ie the
uwcimum height from lot grada in sn R-3 Aistrict.
Mr. Ii�rju asked the re+��on for the loca�ion of tha •ign ao cloee to the
property 13�na and x�ot further back? Mr. k'ili�ter annvered becauee of the
proximity to tha entraace and i# it Wae back furehar tha elactric pola it ia
sitting next to would block the vi�nw from Eaat Rivex Road.
F4 J
The Minutes of the Board oP Appe�ls Meeting of March_27, 1973 Page 2
^ Mrs. W�hlberg asked if there wae any other location on the site that he could
put the aign? Mr. Filister said that this was the only spot that was
appropriate for the entrance aign.
Mxa. Wahlberg asked if the properties surrounding this property in question
had been notified of this variance? Mr. Boardman eaid they had not because
Mr. Filiater had only brought the aign in for review that morning.
Mrs. Wahlberg then asked why wae the heaxing tonight in view of the many
variances? Mr. Boardman anewered that Mr. Filietar had called in to see if
he could get on the age�da tonight becawe he had ordered the aign and the
pillars �rsxe already in bafore he r�ali�ed that he would have to appeal and
he wanted to get it ae faat ae poaeible. �
Mr. Crawder �aked for tha liat of appeal• that they will be acting on for
thie raqueat.
Mr. Boardman said tha variancea are:�l. Sign are�t from 24 �quare feet to
96 equase feet. 2. Sign setback from 10 feet to approxieately 5 feet. 3. Sign
maximum height from 6 feet to approximately 9 feet.
Mr. Crawder asked if there ara other apartment complexee that are also using
signs larger than the 24 aquare feet.
�� Mr. Boardman said that he thought there were eo�e eigns that were larger than
the required 24 square feet but could not eay for sure, and added, that they
^ would not be for a complex thie big.
Mr, F1liater said that he could go along with 24 •quare feet of sign area fox
a amaller complex but he said that becauas hia eomplex ie a lot larger than
any other and the location ie os� euch a buey street, he ah�uld be able to
put up.a larger eign. He said he didn't feel that the sign ordinance that
•et 24 equare feet for all apartmanta regardless of•tize wae just.
Mr: Haxju etated that he wants notices eent out to adjacent property awners
so they can appaar at the Counc�l meeting if they have any complainta about
thi� sign. '
MOTION by Crowdaz to recamwnd �ppraval of the variancea, ae previously liated,
to the City Council Nith tha fo�lawing atipulatione: 1. That the City aend
out public hearing noticea to the adjacant property ownere. 2. That all other
temporary aigne be ramoved.
Secoaded by Wahlberg. Upon a voice vote, there baing ao naya, the motian
carried. �
. Mrs. Wahlberg eaid tha Maated to r�gi�ter a compiain� aith tha adminietration.
Sha felt ail ptreona coming bafore tha Board of Appe�ala ehould have to go
through the norn�al �ppaal piocet� with only ep�cidl consideration going to
those with ecvere hardehip� only.
Ail af tha Board members agreed aith the compl�int.
The Minutes of the Soard of A�eais Meeting of March 27, 1973 Page 3
1�OTION by Crawder to wsive the reading of the public hearing notice.
Seconded by Wahlberg. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the uation
carried. .
Mr. Irving Olund wa� preeent to present the raquest. He said that the property
in question was a vacated 60 foot atreet right of pay. He awaed the property
to tha t�eet and hia garage was set 5 feet off of the property in question. The
property to the east had 20 feet from the property line to the garage. He eaid
that he would like to build a houte with a detachad garage and either move into
it or sell it becauea he can't afford to pay taxeo for both lots.
Mr. Cra�der aaked who i• primarily affectad by thie variaace? Mr. Olund said
the naighbor to tha eaat. Ae �aid that he triad to buy •ome land from him but
he Mouldn't eall any. The neighbor vae aware of the appeal and had no objectione.
Mr. Harju asked if anyone wantad to be heard on thia matter.
^ Jim Balcer, 564 - 53� Avanue N.E., •aid that ha �ss tha neighbor behind the lot
to tha north. He aaid that he came only to find out what Mae happening and
haw it Mould affect hi.e pro�erty and that he had ao objection to whst Nas
_ - praposad.
I�11ZON by Crawder to close tha public haariag.
Secondad by Wshlberg. Upon a voice vote, thera being no nays, the motinn
c�rried uaanimouslq.
Mr. Harju aaid that thi• i� not diseim.ilar to Wiut ha� baen brought to the
Board m4ny tima�.
Mr. Crvwd�r askad �ahat �ra the variance� being requs�ted? Mr. Boardman eaid
they psre: l. Rnduca area r�quired frrna 9,Q40 squarw feet to 8070 aquare feet.
2. Reduca the lot t+idth frvm 75 feet to 60 feet.
Z�lDTION by Wahlberg to r�comaend to Council aQpraval of the variances as
requested. '
8econded by Cro�der. Upon a voice vote, th�ra b�ing no nay�, the motion
Ths meating �AS adjourned by Acting Chat,xman Harju at 8sk5 P.M.
Aaspect su tt
Acting Secretary
Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public
Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in
the City Ha�l at 643I University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday,
April 4, 1973, in the Council Chamber at 8:00 P,M, for the
purpose of•
Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA ��73-05,
by Robert Schroer to rezone from M-2 (heavy in-
dustrial areas) to R-3 (general multiple family
dwellings) the Westerly 493 feet of the South-
west Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, all lying
in Section 2, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County
of Anoka, Minnesota, and, to rezone from M-2
(heavy industrial areas) to C-2 (general business
• areas) all that part of the Southwest Quarter
of the Southwest Quarter lying East of the
Westerly 493 feet thereof; except that part
taken for highway purposes, all lying in Section
. 2, T-30, City of Fridley, County of Anoka,
Generally located between 79th and 81st Avenue
N.E, and the West side of Highway ��47.
Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the
above matter may be heard at this time.
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/►pproval o� ��.M�
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/� • Streeta or ��,-;>-�-.,.
1'RQD'�1lTY tXit�tER' S� IG�IAYl1RE +: "' ��V�ut iona
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Add���� � Othtr
T�1eFho�►a Number %5���- 9�3i — 71� �l�zy
�E�ee� �,ocatioa oi Pxop�rty
��,�1$;1 Ot�Csipt�on of Px'o�erty ��.�� the Southwest Qua�rt_e Tof� th� !
Southwest quarter of Section 2, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County'of
Anoka, Minnesota, except that part �x taken for hi ng way purposes.
�� `!� �� w 1 II ■ 11�"�'P
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p��ap�t Loning Claaeification M-2
$xl�itin$ U�s of Che PtOptxty Vacant .
�ropp�ed �onf.a� Claoeiiieatioa, S��cial Use� Yariance or other request
See attached sheet
p��crf�b� bsie�ly ths 1�rp� of Us� aud the Improvemenc Proposed
ACrRi;� ot Ptapert�
�1�� tha �tc�ata� Appl.ican� Pr�viousty Sought to Re�ons, �let� abtain a�,ot Sp�it«
Obtsia � VAr;ence� os Sp�ci41 U�a Permit oa the Sub jaes Site or Pasc oi Itt,_,,,,,�
, _
, . iiltat 1�+�� Requestsd Fe4 Enclo�ed $ S� ��1��7� �'
pst� �'il�d Dat• ot Hcarin� �,�_�,
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11we un�es�igaed �adesstands th+�ts (a) A li�t nf al! rea.ideats and w�ers of pro-
perty within 300 teet must bt atteched to �.
tbit applic�tion.
(b) Thie app2ic�tion must be �igned by ell
- . owners oi tha propexty, os an explanatioa '
�iven why thi� ia not tha caae.
� (c) Responaibility for any defect in the pro-
eeediag� sesulting fYOm the failure to liat �
• the n�tmea a'nd a�d•re�sea of all residenta
and propert� owr�er� of Qroperty Within 300
' -ttet af the property in-quastio�� belongs '
to the undersi�ned.
Re�identa �nd O�ess of �roperty vikhia 30t� feet:'
A•keEch o� propa�ed property and structure mu�t be dreF�n on the back of thia
iQ�a or attached� �howing the following; 1. �otth Direction
• 2. Locatiaa of Proposed Structure on lot.
3. Diaiec��ions of property, proposed
structurP. and iront and side set-becks.
. 4. SXreet Names
� S. tocstion �nd uae oi edjacent exisCing
b�ildiags (Within 300 fest).
'I'bi vnd�s�ig�ed Etex�by deelares that all the facts and repreteatations •taced i.a
' �bi• �pplicstion �se tsua aad correct. �
w►� �� -- � / - 73 sxc�rvt�
� (t►�rt.icarrr�
. . ., .,, •, �...
. � .. •
. • . . � t � �► ,► +► '
App�Ov�d W�tied Dy th� �ossd o� Q�peiis
iNbj�aE.t4 cb� Pclloviag Conditioaa: d�t�
� Apptoved flenied by the pl�tpqia� Commiseion on
3pb�jec� co �he �ol�owin� Conditioaa: daCt
�PPxoved Ds�ied by tha C�ut�cil oa
iub j�eet to tho Fvllowing Condl�tioc�s� � ' d�te
f � .
��� � i�
Mailing List - ��
� .
ZOA �73-05 ROBERT SCHROER Planning Commission 3/6/73
Rezone from M- to R- an COUNCIL
C-2 --._
� a. Park Construction Co. Robert Schroer -
7900 Beech Street NoE, 490 Rice Creek Blvd.
Fridley, Mn 55432 Fridley, Minnesota 55432
Bryant Franklin Corp: Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bury
900 County Road D - 7479 Able Street N.E.
New Brighton, Minnesota 55II2 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432
Mr. & Mrs. William Barbush
528 University Avenue S;E.
Minneapolis 55414
Armond P. Jahnke
5204 Columbus Avenue S.
Minneapolis 55417
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Iverson
3551 Spain Place N.E. "
�y 55418
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Brown
2204 45th Avenue N.E,
Minneapolis 55421
D. W. Harstad Co.
7101 Highway �k65
�'. Fridley 55432
H. C. Wager
5940 Stinson Blvd,
Minneapolis 55421
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Viet
7873 Elm Street N.E,
Fridley, Minnesota
Carl Sorenson
4615 University Avenue NE,
Columbia Heights 55421
Village of Sp. Lake Park
8429 Center Drive
Spring Lake Park, Mn 55432
Wayne D. Wormsbecker
3200 North Lilac l�rr�i��e
. Golden Valley, Mn 55422
- �� -
^ Proposed Zoning Classification - � �
xezone from M-2(Heavy industrial areas) ta R-3 (general multiple family
dwellings), the Westerly 493 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter , a�.1 lying in Section.2, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley �
County of Anoka, Minnesota, and
Rezone from M-2 (Heavy industrial areas) to C-2 (general business areas)
a12 that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter lying
East of the Westerly 493 feet thereof, �F
except that part taken for highway purposes,
all lying in Section Z, T-30, R-24, City of Fridl.ey, County of Anoka,
. #•p • �� _ . . .
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,r E,,,�a' ;z '� ��� �tezone from M-2 (Heavy industrial areas)
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` '; � ,, ; ` ; �� �'=���,,:�--�--
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. . _ � �``a ..�� '� �
'� - f ' `�' ^� ``� r;= 'LOA ��'73-05 BY ROBER7' SC�iROER
, w' �:,;• � ` - � ,� ' �
� �'y �3 �'' �,`"'� �,"'} � ';;;� :,,;; Rezone from M-2 to R-3 & C-2
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Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public
Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in
the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on March 21,
1973 in the Council Chamber at 8:00 P,M, for the purpose of:
* Consideration of a Preliminary Plat, Innsbruck
North Townhouses 4th and 5th Addition, by Darrel
A. Farr Development Corporation, P,S. ��'73-02, for
Phase IV and V for the Townhouse area generally
located One Quarter Mile East of Matterhorn Drive
and North of Interstate No. 694 being a replat
of Outlot H, Innsbruck North, lying in Section
24, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka,
Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the
above matter may be heard at this time.
* Petitioner has requested that this item be continued
until April 4, 1973.
Publish: March 7, 1973
March 14, 1973
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T�1q�hG�t �lus�bez �'S.� .ZSS.i .,..�APProval o� T�,c���
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-- ��V�ut ian;
Addz�s� " Othar
TA1ePhoq� Nu�ber
�i��eeC Z.oc�tion of Prop�rty_ �NNS�rKC�t lvor�"�i Q'� _�9¢
� ...-....-�...
�I���F1 Dosctiption of P�ropeYty
/1 . INNSbMNt�� 1Va��� T,,�,�hokses .�#,r4 ,�, .S'±t �a/�.�ens -
� ��synt Zoaing Claseification tC� 3
$x���iag U�s of the Prop�rty_ �QL �
-----..-.-.. •
�'tOpo�ed Zoning Claoqi�ieatioq� Sp4cial Use# Variance or other request
<<8 t�k��s o'F �owKl�a�scS
���cif,be brie�ly che Type of Ua� aod the Impzovement Proposed
t oa+r► � OK i t S
�LerRtR� ot Property �.t 'f' 8.8 = i8.0 At�tS
�i�� Lha �soseat Applic�nt Prediou�iy Saug�t tc Rsr�on�, Pl�a�� abtatn a�,ot S�a�.it�
Obtaia • Varl4ace oz £p�cl,al U�e P�rmit an th� Subjas� Site or piYt of It?�
,�.� ent ,�.�,.�f�
~'• Mh�tt M�� Rsque�ted ��., ��t.ts�e
Peq Enclaaed $ ���:
Ost� �'11�d ��G,��'-� �
Date of Hearin�
,_ . • ', ��
�� •
PI�CE � 2
Nta�bss ��� � �1 %�.�'� .
� .
i'h� Vo¢essigned unde���anda thets (a� A list of a11 res.idents •nd aw►ners of pro-
pesty within 300 feet must b� etteched to `
tt�is appl icat ion.
. (b� Thie app2lcation must be si�med by ell
owners of thr property, or an explanation '
_ �iven why thi� ie not the caae.
. �e) Responsibility for any defect 1n the pro-
�� eeediags sesulttng from the failure to list �
` tt►e ndmea a'tid addreases of alI residenta
�nd propezt� owr�eYO of property Within 300
� feet of the property in question� belongs '
to the undcrsi4ned,
Reaideats end Owners of �roperty vithip 30� feet;'
. .
. -
� .
A iketch of propoaed preperty and structute mu�t be dra�m on the back oi this
tota� or attached, showing the #oilrx�ing; 1. �otth Direction
• 2, Locati�a of Proposed Structure oa lot.
3. Dims�sions of property� praposed
structuz�� and front and aide set-becks.
• 4. Stseet Names
S. Y.ocation End uae of edjacent existing
buildings (Withln 300 feet).
�'he underiig�ed hereby de�lares that all the facts and representitiocis atated i,a
' tbis �pplication ere tsue •nd correct. �
,w►ts a-� 3- � s ` s�c-ru�rux� ��/
� - �' . , • ....
. . ,. •
' tf**♦w�►** .
ApprAv�d O�saied Dy th� 3oard c� Qp�pebis
i�b�tct,tQ the Folloviag Cond�tions; d�t4
'� Approved Denied by th4 Plattnin� Coa�mis:ion oa
Iiubjac� to the �ollowing Cond�tioas; date
,�pp�oved Denied by the Cou�cil on
iub�ect tp the Foll,owing Condl�t�o�a� � ' ""'— dAce
f ��
�'0�?9 �'% lQ�
Mailing List
Planning Commissinn : 3-6-73
Innsbruck North Townhouses 4th & Sth Council �
Addition, for Phase IV and V �'
Darrel A, Farr Development Corp. -
5901 Brooklyn Blvd. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Phillippe `
Brooklyn Center Mn 5542� 146I Windemere Drive N,E,
Fridley, Minnesota 55421
Mr. & Mrs. John Powers
1613 Berne Road N,E;
Fridley Mn 5542L
Acres, Inc.
1214 lst National Bank Bldg.
120 S 6th Street
Minneapolis, Mn 55402
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Bloha
1605 Berne Road N:E: .
Fridley 55421
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Williams
1601 Berne Road NoE;
Fridley 55421
Mr. & Mrs. James Durand
1553 Berne Road N;E;
Fridley 55421
Mr. & Mrs. Donal Zappa
1549 Berne Road N:E;
Fridley 55421
Mr. & Mrs. Fougi Rehani
1545 Berne Road N;E,
Fridley 55421
Mr. & Mrs. George Pagnucco
1529 Berne Road N,E.
Fridley 55421
Mr. & Mrs. James Swan
1525 Berne Road N.E.
Fridley 55421
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Neuman
1521 Berne Road N.E,
Fridley 55421
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Moen
1485 Windemere Drive N<E,
Fridley 55421
Mr � Mrs. Robert Harmon
1481 Windemere Drive N,E;
Fridley 55421
n:�. s. � fp� �� �
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�t' 4�� � �,� ;- , -'� � , r .� ' ��.7=� �-. 4� P.S. ��73 02 b Da ..._ `�
R ,�, � ���� sss`i� .T � � ,� , ,;, ;Sg�.y � rrel A Farr .. •• �
� �B � ��S�A_,ri:�, �.3,�% v �� r�'� �ti.' 'ss ��r.'t ; Develo nt Cor �•� '
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s!�.p' �'.,T;'� •��� �k�'s�;���, .2��-r�, ,� Innsbr North Townhouses �
ss� ��' "`� �,� � • � s r-'�:, '.� ��,.. �s; �� 4th & 5 h Additi n �... ..f �
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_ � ��
Rotice ia hereby given that there will be a Public
fleuing of the Planniag Cocaniseion of the City of Fridley in
tbe City Hall at 6431 Univereity Avenue Northeaet on Wednesday,
April 4: 1973 ia the Council Chamber at 8:00 for the purpose
/'\ Gansideration of a Pxopoeed Preliminary Plat,
P.B. �73-04, Veit'a Seaond Addition, by Zonda
Englund, on Lot 15, Revised Auditor's Sub-
, divis�on No. 23, except that part platted as
Veit'a Addition, lyiag in the South Hali of
3ection 15, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley,
, CouaCy af Anoka, Minneeota.
, Generally located between Riverview Terrace N.E.
aad Ba�t Aiver Road on the South side of 64� Way.
Anqone deeiring to be heard with reference to the
sbwe matter wi,ll ba heard at this meeting.
^ Pub].iah: March 21, 1973
March 28,,1973
�. , . • ��� � �i►7
, � �
M��• r CJ � �/�� �+ � ��.....��SP�c ia 1 Ui4 Pe��� .
�8$'L��AN�'$ #I�NATU1tE_ � -, =� �� ,-'. t'<<- -�-� 7� AAFrO„tl P� �e+
���-, ..._, r � ` : ,l 1 L�insry �+l�t
�iix���_1 � /� - � i --r-/: //'�-
� Approval o� ��M�
Tt��tphoe►� Number__ �`� _s— -,,7/ <�"� �Pl�t
. �..,� _.. .. �.
�''R ilTY 041t�iER'S �iCNANRE �/,��i_CC<.- /.! � _..�.,.,,,._..Streets or �#,j,3,="`>�,..,�.
—..; � Yacat lou�
G. .�,-� �=- — �T�/�c /l �. % � � � - —
<«.�c c �< .�//`: S � -� .i y�Y6
Ad4z1t•�_- �...'`` �' - ��- ,��� - r<
....,._. �. G �. � �_ � _� . .� Othsr
T�1��phae►t Number 1/. ? s "- .:^/,� � �. ��-I�a� ��� �
r / �
i{tie� � jQC�tlon o!' Yrop�rty ����� .r- ,� c.; , ��.:::, � F°r �� � �_ �; �n �l /z: C�. �c- c
/, >
.���{t Ot�eription of �roQerty � c� %� ,��'� �i �����` f � t f� , ,�c ; �) /� ; _ �`� �
. .�� �_.. ,.� - �
� F�'���a! Eoning Cl�se�iication � - ?a
$x�itfAg Uas of the Ptope�rty L%<<c�_��.�f ,
�'xOpo��c� �onin� Clao@f�licatioa, Speclal Use, Vari��ce or other reque�t
p��ar��e bsie�l�► tht Typ� o� Ust aod the Improveatc►t Preposcd
�rRS;t oi Prape�ty
lt�� the �tr�s�at App�icaA� prtviowly Sought to R�:on�� �la�. Obcaia a�,ot Sp�it'
Obta�n � VAriac►ce or 8p�ci�1 U�e Fern�it on the Sub ject Si�e or �ait of Zt1 v�r ,��
6lfisnt ,• �- / � �
� , qaheC M��► Reqvo+ttsd '' �� % F'e -`� !�r;�
' .' — - - +t Enc lage� $ `< � ,
Ost• ?il�d `���%.3 tiats oi �Hearin '�"l�� 3
. . .— a.�wi�...w�� '/ n��..., ��. r� � . . �.��.�w r�.�.�� � ..
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.. . , . ��_.�
�.,, lft�b�r ..5" � 73 0 � : . '
TM uo�ss�igtted uade=standa th+tts (a� A li�t oi all res.idenes and arners of pro-
. perty within 300 feet muat b� atteched to
this �ppiicatio�.
. (b� Thie applic�tion must be �isnad by all
o�Wae=s o! thr Property. or an explanatioA '
. �iven why th�s ia aot thc caae. �
. {�� Responsf6i21ty for any deiect in the pro-
eeedlage sese,lciRg trom the failure to list �
•' the ��emea ind addressea of all reeidenta
�nd propert� owr►er� of Qroperey Within 300
� feet of the property fn queatioa, belon�;s '
to tbe unde=si�ned.
Rtaid�tttit� .�nd Owttrers of �topesty irithitt 30� feeL:'
. � -
. ,
. — .._._..... '
A•ketch o� propo#ed pxoperty �aad structure muat be dreF�n on the back of thia
t4riR ot' aetachea, showiag the following; 3. �otth Direction
- 2. Loutiaa of Proposed Structure on lot.
3. Dim�asions of propertY� Proposed
stsucturr.� and iront and �ide set-becka.
. • . 4. Street Names
S. Locatioa �r►d uae oi adjacent exis�ing
� b�tildfngs (withia 300 feet) .
'�bt uad+ex�i$�ed hareby de�lares that all tfie facts and repreaentttiona •tated !,a
' tbii •�pliution �re tsua •nd correct. �;':
-��, � . �- �
AA!$�% ' _ < _. _. ,,� =`%'� >' , __.� �
— - �.._ `.,...._�� IGisAT!!RL'-� � _ /, � - . _ ( .< � , _ � �"
, % -�.-�-��� --- --�'--"--
��" (APPLICAriT)
� � , � . � . . . � .. � - � �� _ . . .. � • + . • �,.
. . � . . . . . .' •. . .
� r . . . . . . � . . . . . � .
. • ! i R ! �M' • * .
A�prov�d 0*�i�d Dp tha :o�id c� Qppeii•
iYbjtct.t4 tb� Pollovis� Go�ditions: � date
App�rovad D�eated by tha �I+��c�in� Coctmiasion on
=u�b,�ect to the Twltawin� Conditioaa: dat�
�Ppravsd D�nied by the_ Gs�uncil oa
:ub j�cR to the Fo1�l;oa►iag Coc►�d�,t�onsl ' date
� .�
�'�� � lara
` !��
P.S. ��'73-04, ZONBA ENGLITND Mailing List
Replat of Lot 15, Rev. Aud. Planning CQmmission March 9, 1973
Sub. �23 Veit's 2nd Add. • Council
^ except th�t part platte
�- Veit's lst Addn.
Mr. & Mrs. Herlin Johnson Mr. Chris Jelevarov
I23 66'� Way N.E, 1b0 Mississippi Place N.E.
Fridley 55432 Fridley 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dale Mr. & Mrs. John Estling
135 63'� Way NoE, 6440 Riverview Terrace N,E.
Fridley 55432 Fridley 55432
Mr. � Mrs. Carl Humble Mr. & Mrs. John Fullmer
. 147 63'� Way N;E. 6480 Riverview Terrace N.E.
Fridley 55432 Fridley 55432
Mr. Raymond F. Vallin Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Johnson
157 63� Way N.E. 6500 Riverview Terrace N.E.
Fridley 55432 ' Fridley 55432
Mr. & Mrs. James Lorbeski Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sakry
171 63'� Way N,E. 121 64� Way N.E,.
Fridley 55432 Fridley 554�2
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Masuda Mr. & Mrs, WaZter Luckow
183 63'� Way N,E, lb1 6/+'� Way'N.E.
/'1 Fridley 55432 .
� Mr. & Mrs. Richard Olshetski
195 63 2 Way N.E ; Mr.` & Mrs . Larry Gilmer
Fridley 55432 141 642 Way N.E.
Fridley 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Roy
b351 Riverview Terrace N,E. Mr. & Mrs. John Koprowski
Fridley 55432 6470 Riverview Terrace N.E.
Fridley 55432
Mr. Victor Volstad
6350 Rivexview Terrace N,Eo Mr. & Mrs. John Kimbler
Fridley 55432 80 Mississippi Way N,E.
Fridley 55432
Mr. Jerry Levina
6458-78 East River Road Mr. John Metcalfe
Fridley 55432 3940 Richfield Road
Minneapolis Mn 55410
Mr. D. C. Chandler
6458-78 East River Road Mr. Clyde Ford
Fridley 55432 6410 East River Road
Fridley 55432
- `M'r. & Mrs. Allen Mattson
6320 Riverview Terrace N.E: Mr. & Mrs. Harry Smith
� Fridley 55432 b416 Riverview Terrace N,Eo
�; _ ..� � _3,�;�,
1`k .& Mrs . John Matti Murco Station, Inc .
140 Mississippi Place NoE. 6485 East River Road N.E,
Fridley 55432 Fridley 55432
Page 2
P.S; �73-04, VEIT's 2nd Addn.
by Londa Englund .
Mr. � Mrs. Orville Salmonson -
6431 East River Road
Fridley 55432
Mr. & Mrs. HaroYd Beckman •
6430 East River Road N.E;
Fridley 55432
. Erna L. Slawson
6420 East River Road N,E;
Fridley 55432
� The Veng Company . .
2856 Johnson Street N.E; .
Minneapolis, Mn 55418
xoberta Beightol
6408 East River Road N.E. :
Fridley, Minnesota 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Leb Carda '
6443 East River Road N,E,
Fridley 55432
/-, Mr. � Mrs. WaYren Palm
' 6421 East River Road NoE.
Fridley 55432
Mr. Edward Klingbeil
6409 East River Road N.Eo
Fridley 55432
Londa Englund
7900 Lakeland North
Minneapolis, Mn 55445
Arthur Veit
6500 62nd Avenue North
Minneapolis Mn 55429
.i _ r,
.• .
�� � w � P.S. �73-04, Veit's 2nd Addition /���
t � � � :
��tt�f Bq Londa Englund, Lot 15, Revised
` '� �1 -Aud. Sub. �� 23, except that�part
.R. - ,.
�/� �,�r"` � „� taken for Veit's lst Addition
1 f - � • D��'� L `� ~.
.�. �:.
�A :' � r` � � r b� '..3�s ;.ai� s fs� y3- d e �
, �
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