PL 09/26/1973 - 7467�
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- --- ----- - _ -1973 - - -- _ _ ___ _ _ - --- - -- 1 9
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�r,Y'1'Ll'�i3'L''tC J� 1 y%� 1' � � 1' _
HOSPITAL DISTRl"CT: Rezone fro_n R-1 (single fam?ly
___ ___ctwelling areasj to Cx-i (general office arid iim-- _______.____ _
ited business), the area South of 76th Avenue N.E.;
-East of 5th Street N.E.; North of 75th �?venue N.E.;
and West of Unity Hospital, to allow cansi�ruction
of a medical office building.
Public Hearing oper�.
K�:���i�-- - _ __ _�� .. _ _ _.
x!...::�'_; =% -- — -�-- - `"s'='-' . Tcv�%iic
Lots -, 9 and the North 68 feet of Lot 20, Block
I, Central Avenue Addition from C-2 (general
1J11`u1iiE�".i5 cil E'.dti J dllU LU l.S lU-1't f t51VC:1S 1� 1.,C111.L d�.
Avenue Addition, from C-1 (local business areas),
, , , , , • ,- • � -- - �- -- _ , ,
e1:11 LU .1JC L CGUi1CC.i Lt) P'�l-1 � 11t�11 �. 111CLU5 l.t 1cL1 cei 8a5 � �
to make zoning consistent with pronerty lines, to
a�.1.Qu.' CQnc,.,i�rt�Ctl.Qr! p�= � y,TaY'G�J�?S�� y t�?F' �dttlr� kj2? nc.�
1290 73rd Avenue N.E.
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38 - 46
Chairman Fitzpatrick called the meeting to orc?er at
8:10 P.M.
Members Present: Fitzpatrick,•�lairs Lindblad, Harris
Members AbsFnt: Drigans
Others Present: Darr�l Clark, Community Development Adm.
1�OTIOn� b� Blair, seconded bu Lindblad, that the Planning
Commission approve the minutes of the August 22, 1973 meeting
as written. Upon a voice vote, ai1 voting aye, ihe �r�aiior,
carried u??�nim.ously.
JUNE 11, 1973
MpTIpN by Blair, seconded bu Harris, that the Planning
Commission,receive.the minutes of the Special Parks & Recreation
Commission meeting of June .Z..Z, 1973.
N�'. riarris Sd1Q ne nad a que5tioii Oil W11A NidS :CCSNOitSiuic
for law enforcement on the Isiands of Peace.
Mr. Clark said if they are in our jurisdiction, then
we are. He said he would check into this.
Mr. Harris said they hear shooting from the island so
nF:���P m���t he target practicinq and there should be some
policing of the area. Mr. Clark said the City has a boat if
they have to police it.
.7 r+-un�m���a7�77
UYVLV A VV1l.L VV'l'G� d.�Ll VVI.-�.11y� Ltic riev�3vli �u'iii.�'u ua. �>�
JUi�E iii, i973
MOTION by Lindblad, seconded-b� BZair, tha� th� P��nning
^ Commission r�ceive the mi,-�ates of the S�scial Parks & Recreetion
Commission meeting of June I8, 1y��.
Mrs R1 �i r a�kPr� if thP P��np.i ng �nmmi[�i�n .�rpul �7 l i k� �hP
minutes of the meeting of the P�ioore iake Study Task Force. He
said the� have i�a� orie meeting. The study was to see how Moore
Laka can be presErved and to determ�ine i� a profess.i.ona� stud_y
Piannir�g Commissicn Meeti.n� - September 12, 1973 Page 2 :
^ ��ould be done, or what.
�h�:i��a� �'i�z��..tx��k s�?� �he Planning �ommission would iike
the minutes of thi.s meeting.
��-v^iv � VOICa^ V�fiE, aZ1 -crp��.7ig aye, -L�� -mnt�.�n cazried unanimously.
AUGUST 30, 1973
1�lOT.ION ;by I,indblad, sPconded by Harris, that the P3anning
Comm.ission receive the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee
minutes of August 30, 1973.
� 1�ir. Hargi� ques°tioner�� if i�r�a;�iy�i �i-��i ��i�i�a'. 'riav� ���i�gh
�arkinq area. Mr. Lindblad said the_y had been q�anted a variance.
Mr. Clark said thE:y have an agreement with their neighbor,
�-..r�»r r�� M �F r.+-��v�i n +-h J- .1-L.....� ._ ' l 7 1.-.. ' .+�.-.�..7�.�
:�oui2aii�.� �-��ii3ui.�3.��ui..LT�iy� �aa�.� �iicY Wii..3. iiaJB a jviiti�. �,c�ihiiiy ivt�
�ad have ��v�n �as�men�s to ���h ��her for thi� �urpose�
UPON �1 YDICE VDTE, a,1.Z v�t,ing aye, �he �no�.inn carra�d unani�no.uslyg
iRezone from R-1 (single family dwelling areas) to CR-1
�general office and limited business), the areas South of
�fi��� nv�ilti� i3�E= _,�a�� �ri �s,il Si i��i �.3,E. ; Nc"}i yi� Gi %���i
Avenue N.E., and West of Unity Hospital, to a11ow con-
. s�ruc�iora o� a medical of�i�e building,
Public riearing c�pen.
Chairman Fitzpatrick said the Planning Commission had
re�eived a letter frarr� the i�i�rth Su�urban Hospi�tai District
which was as follows: i
' I�,rc�uld like tc� reqz:eGt .a �c��t�Qne?nea?t �f the he�r; ng
regarding the rezonina of thP North S�h�irhan Tiei�ni ta1
District property on Septembe�r 12. The postponement �
is requested because of a conflict of another m�eting.
1 s,,�ould like the hearing continued at the next meeting
�1�VII1\: 1 1.7 jL 1C4iL11C��.1 V11 �C�7LC11luCl LV � 1� 7 J�� . D1�"�.11CU�
��iia�rles E. ,ionanson, •T•reasurer, iv�rL'n 5uburban iios�itai -
, District. -
�Ir. F�tzp�trick sai� he re�3 the �At�ar �eca�:se }��re :s�ere
peop�e p�e�ent in the auu�ence f�r this request. He sa�d if
s��v��?� Ta� ��?�c3 �4 � s:k �,t1s c���- ��t i�n � Qr h�S� i��w �n���, ���y
/1 could be heard at this time.
._1�_r� C1ark said he had a meeting with Lhe petition�r on Sept�mber
� ,] Q7� an� a+r �-i_mA j-hnv r1-ir�t� °-1_ hai�a ,thp ini=r�Ymai-�1].n f.t]3�
., y �. ...� .... ---�-s ----°-- ----
was rec�ue�ted �n Aug�st 22, i973. You had re�uest�� a p3o� p3a�
snowing tne I.ocation oi 'tne buiiding, parking, dri�ev��� �riu a�c�5s,
and �ne eievation os "tne exterior porzion �� ti�� ���i�ii�r�. =h�Y
�1an�ing Commission Meeting - Se�tember 12, �973 Page 3
wili have aii this intormation for the September 26th meeting.
They will also have.a description of the parcel this building
will occupy. There original request was for the entire 11 acres
but tfiey are asking for the smaller portion now.
At your previous meeting there had been discussion of having
t�is nnder a�pecial Use ir� an R-1 District� In 19b9 �ur c�de
was revised sa that a m�dical ��ii�ing ��uid be �nder a�pe�iai
Use in this district. The othE:r avenue was io rezone t�e pro�Arty
-�� ��t-1.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked which way they wanted to go. Mr. C3ark
said they t3.on't ca�e, thelr just ca�nt tt� build the buil�ling.
_. __
2ir. Fi°t�pa�ri�x asked if �e ���id h�ve t� publish the notice
�,��in y.ii�h thr: new r�a.crrirti�n, Mr_ f`7�yk ca3ri i�'�, n4n a7;•:asg
recomm�nci sonlething more restricLive ana a Special Use would be
. �r� �'�st-�a-�_t•_3-� z�? i
Mr. George Johanix, 7566 5th Street N.E., sai� there were
�hings th�t �he neighbors�zaanted in regarr3 to this request_
Triey waiit a ie'c'cer iror�l th� Boa�ci 5i30w1i1cJ L't1d.L tn�y nave a
need for this building and are financially able to build it,
show�where the parking wiil be and what type or traf�ic contral
��?�r� x•a_.Z1 be; if sswer an� �a�er �r� avaa�a�ie fo� �Y��is -�rea,
and agree to keep this building for ten years and maintain it
far this 3ength �i time.
�Yi�. r i�czpairicic saici some oz znese znings wer� tni�gs �t:ne
Piannir,g Commission has already requested. They are a governmental
unit and the tax b�.se is you and me_. so there �_s no financial
�r�b��m. If tY��i� �equest was grante3 I�7.on' � nnow if .we have
any legal means of making them keep this building ten years or
11V{�..• 1111.�7 l.V'tA1U uC UCt�.Clltl'111CtA G'llL.� 1.11C �l�.Vlllll:.11 1CVC1� W11CiC 1..11C�� � �
City Attor.ney is present.
Mr. Lindblad said the reason for this request was so that
1L... TT.�....�.� L.-, i T.-.._��.7 l� 1 l LL ' J L__�� ' L '
1�11C i7VJ�J1l.G11 DVGiLU l:lJ�d1U SC11 L1115 .�11V�JC��y CLilU i1dVC 1l� I�CJ. .L111.V
private ownership.
Mr. Ciark said the qi�estions of the neighbors and the Planning
Commission would be answered at the September 26th meeting.
•MOfiTON by Harris, seconded bu Lindblad, that the Planning
Commission continue until September 26, .Z973 the Public Hearing
on rezoning request, ZOA #73-08, by North Suburban Hospital Dis-
trict, to rezone from R-1{singZe family draelling areas) to CR-Z
(gEneral offics and I.imited business) thz area South of 7Sth Avenue
N.E.; East of Sth Street N.E., North of 75th Avenue N.E.; and West
o� Unit� Hos�3ta1, to a11ow constrvction of a medical office build-
ing. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, tne motion carried
Planning Commission Meeting - September 12, 1973 Page 4
USE PERNill, 5� #73-08, BY JOfii3 J4Hi3ST0�: T� Nermi� traile�
and truck rental on Lo�s 9 and 11 of Auditor's Subdivision
No. g4, with exceptior.s, rer Fridley City C��e 45.101. Section
_ _ B, 3, E. _ - -- - - _
Mr. Clark said the petitioner has been aske� twice for a
letter withdrawing this request, which we have not received.
He did call on the phone and say ne was witna�a�rzz�y �iti� Nctit��r�
because he is moving from this location so has no need for the
Special Use Permitn
�� PII�I.��G ��,AR�NC�: COivSII)Eiu�TI0i3 OF �i r-cEuuEST FOR A SP�CInL
a sales and service building far recreaticnai venicies Qii
part oi Lo�s 'll ��n i2, Aud�tor's Subdiv�sia���vc. 155, ha�nq
parce�s ��I� an�. ��uu, per ��ridley ��t� Cod� �5. �0�, ��. The
3aiiiC 1JC111y Jr3�iv ��i�4.�ra.� �i�'2;1Z:� ?�.�.
�lr, Fitzpatrick asked what this request was for. Mr. Clark
� .i_ 7 7 ..� � ' r.�a-�� i r�n� l �7ah �n 7 p.0 _C77f"h .� S
St��.i� 1Z. lN'd� -Ll� �j�11 c'tiilz �c:i v i�c ic��-...��.�:...�++�•...�- -- 9 �
Winebagos, etc.
in t3�eir deed when they bought this prcperty from Target
°t�-i�r� WGLj a cavEr��nt th�.t t:o�ald gr��.�e�at anyone f_r�m bu�ls��.ng any
^ buildirg that would obstruct the view of Embers from I. 694. T��is
was a private restriction put on by Embers at the time the property
was purchased by Target. The petitioner is trying to get the
covenant less restrictive, but rather than h�ve the P�.annin3
�ommission keep continuin� this iteiin, has sent a letter withdrawing
" the petition 8t t�115 tlIl'lE'. � anct lt t11e iegai �rvi�ie�i► Gait %�c i aiici.
care of, will reapply at a later date.
�_ REQUEST BY JOHN DOYLE, f 305 Ea:st �:iver Road
Mr. �ohn Uoyie was preser�i
Mr. Clark said this item was before the Council on August Lu,
1973 and was referred by Council to the Planning Commission. As
I understand it, Mr. Doyie' s attorn.ey ana tne �ity A-�i��iiey a��u
Mr. Qureshi �rere suppased to ge-� tag�ther alternate routes that
��u1d be taken to dispose of Mr. Dayle's request. Mr. Doyle's
��t�rn�v,�s doina some research but neither.� attorney has any t�ing
1T: T,;.T�1-t.:,�n 7 ith i c E?yan i na. -. - - -
.1�ir. �7asim Qureshi ����i i•I�. ��yl�'s a��a����r h�s �is��.zsse3 �
number of proposals and one of them was to al7.ow this use as a
t�mparary as� unt�l ��rar���ce ca:� �e Q��a i n�C�. �r_ Herrick has
�a;� tr,a� ��is use should not be a1l.owed under a variance and i4
�}���Z� � r��o;���, Mr_ �Q��� �� �.������y has said there have been
^ cases allawinq this use with.a v�ariance_ Mr.= Qureshi said he was
r, " .1 ..,..._:�..�.-;�.,�. . :-.'�� .�F�mi 7 iar s.z� th _i-hp _��_SfvL��'V O� �hiS
''-u11�� �Ii� Y1c'3�1i:13:f� _�.iitwuio�iv„ �......------- _.---- ---
r�.,,,,� �.�oa,- �., M,-r i)nvlP dSk�d for rezoning of this prop-
�asz . nu�u� s �u� g.. j
�rty �nu ��- ���� ���e3 it ��� �����d �sa �Qth the �l�nni�g C�mmi��ion
. and the C���ci1. .
Planning Commission Meeting - September 12, 1973 Page 5
^ � Chairman �itzpat�i�k said i't sta�es in Mr. Doyle's letter
of August 13, 1973 that although the neighbors petitioned--against
the �ezan��g, at an i�f�rmai �oil at t�e Ci�� C�uncil iev�I there
wasn't ob�ection from the neig�bors of his continuing his real
estate business without rezoning. Mr. Fitzpatrick said he wasn't
at the Counczl meeting, but there was a�ot of objection to this
business from the neignbors at the Planning Commission level. Mr.
Everett Utter, Councilman-At-Large, said it was_so stated in the
Council minutes that �he neighbors didn't object to �r. DoyZe
cantinuing his business if�the property wasn't rEZOned_
Mr. Doyle said he just found out the day before this meeting
that his item was on the agenda tonight, and it was too short of
a notic� for his attorr�ey who had previous commitments. He was
�; �H � �w• •��m � �; � �•, �w� �, � ������r
1���AGj l.1iLW 1.11CA 4 t�111�7 � 1 l+Gltt 1JG l..Vll 1.111UGU Ull L11 1�11G till=.0 l.11lW V1 �Vli LVAlG1
3rd meeting so his attoxney had time t� prepare a presentati,�n.
Mr. Utter said Mr. Doyle was at the Council meeting when this
request was rei�rred �� the ridllTliilg Car►��-riission s� thi� was not a
surprise tfl hi,m.
i�' . Zi �tcz' SaZu .}'iE�.auSc ��� .�oy3e f�, O@S iiv V iiV2 1iI �r1iS ji�iiiie f
he �lian't �ee any �aay that ih�.� coula be allowe�. with a Spe�ial
IiSP P?rTt11t 3_n an R-1 area.
Chairma�i F%tzpatri�k a�ked �� Mr. Utte�` was objec�ing to �he
Planninq Commission hearing this item at all.
M�. iltter sai� in a way he was. He said Mr. �oyle has asked
£�r r�zoni�g, iahich ha� been denied_ i3e is asking for an ordinance
��.an�e �� =ch�z �.h.i� ��.� b� ���r�za��i �in a� R-1 ��e�. ��.t� � Sp�c�a�
t�se Permi�. This �aauid �e opening a pandora's box because it wou�d
b� �Iiowing �R-i businssses in tne residentiai areas tnrougnoui �ne
City. We have land zoned commerical in Fridley, and I want the
commercial business to be in these areas. �
Mr. Harris said he was opposed to letting this business operate
�µn.aoi ..�.. vT.',.i..'...,°.:iv° .Ti .+..1�'i :.L `hi v� i� '�1°..Y. �T°.Y. ��r�rr �l�o l u�.� T �h�::'I: �±1^:��
• -•- r �- y -
matter should be settled once and for all. Let's not continue to
keep dragging the neiahbors in here to protect their rights. I'm
oppas�d tQ try�ng �� skir� the ��ning �rdin�.n�e_
�'�1 .�a�`i1S S31u ii ��'i1S N�Z3�ci �� irJaS yC3.T1� tti �2 Z'JiiB`� �D-i i
�-�.>.s� .�1». �.�.,..J-.s �..... ..+L....s.7..7 .L..� �..,......+..7 J'+�7 ....s -:-�� _.,l�+s. i ,l- J?-�:_:.i-+ r.^�s��-
Lircai� -�iic tiiz�iic uicu �zzvuiu �.sc uviicu �..�i - �3. � n-v �wc vvaz �ti. ii2.vt �o�t+..,...
ie�c�iliiiy. He 5�tiu iiiai a�c�rdiiiy �c� �lie �:GTiiY�eiiei153.Ve �iail, �li:is
is a,changing area, so if any rezoning were to be done, the neigh-
bors should get together and rezone the entire area.
Chairman Fitzpatr.ick said this was considered a changing area
,�..-,,. � � .. � � �.. ,. .,.. ,,. , ..,, � ,..,. n,,.. ,. � ,. � �. -. :�.. �, ., �>., ; „ •
s;�cCau�c vi Liic vaia.vuo ic�uc��� i.iiaa. iiCavc 1.vii�c iii ivi Liii� t�ti`°�a�+.
Mr. Clark said the guide line of the comprehensive plan was
�o� high density housing, which wi11 still keep the area in resi-
denti�i �s�, n�t c��nrrm���i�i,
Planning Commission Meeting - September 12, 1973 Page 6
^ Mr. Harrss said he was not agi�nst home oceupations, but this
does n.ot fa�l into that category �ecauG? Mr= �oyle �oes not live
in the home.
Nir. �iarx said tne Cauncii wants inpuc iram �n� rianning
Commissian. The P3«r�ning Co�-�missior� can't give any inpuL until
we hear from Mr. Doyle's attorney and the City Attorney.
Mr. Harris said he feels we have the machinery in which to
operate. This propery is zoned R-1 and I don't see how we can
recommend a variance when we have zoning laws.
Mr. Clark said the Planning Commission isn't being asked
for a variance or if this should have a zoning change so it can
� � r+ 1 mi n�...�.....�� 1 .!-.� L.. 1.,....�.
�.70 dZ�.O�NZQ 1I7 uii n-1. ceiCa. li�c �.,�uli�:ll Waii�a �v niivw if yGu Cni�
recoinmend any other way to handle this request.
I�1r. Fitzpatrick said he didn't think the Planning Commission
had any informaticn te act upon at this time. He asked Mr. Utter
what the Council wanted when they recommended this to the Planning
Mr. Utter said it was just recommended to the Planning
�O:':122SS10^ r Tho �nie,,.1:C1� COLZG�ri� t COI??° tQ �u?1_y �PCZS� On j �?2� I
realiy don't see how �he Flarinii�g �ol�mission can either. He said
/'1 he agree� with Mx�_ Harris that this was R-1 zoning and we are
waiting for a decision by tY�is attorney's to find some way to
sneak around this zoning.
Mr. L����1� ��ia �ha± , � �hP a�tt�rneys �Q �ind � �o�ut�:4�
for this, h� felt the Council and the Planning Com.mission k�ere
making an arbitrary decision by not waiting until his attorney
could prepare his tindings on this matter. tie said nis attorney
was an expert on municipal law and he didn't want them to not be
even be willing to listen to what he has to say.
Mr. Harris said that as Mr. Doyle's attorney was preparing
a statcment he wanted to present that it woui� or.iy b� rair to
the petitioner to continue this item as he has requested.
M�TION by Harris, seconded by Blair, that the Planning
Commission continue the request by John Doyle, 6305 East River
F F ' .. �. i+ .�. i-
�Zoaa 111.�., until fJCtOI'7GZ' .S� 3t'J'%.l� "tG aiiGw �1ZS c3i.�dii1@y SiiiL3i..icii�
time to prepare nis case. ur'viv a v�ice vv��, a.i.i vvt�i,y, ay��
the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Clark said Mr. Doyle`s attorney would have to convince
r. ' i" T.� i L t.. .. t. L t. � 'I .7 L... l l . .
�ji;t� tryLy t��.t..f7ii�cy VttcL�. L1��.5 i.iac vvuiu uc ci.Liv'vvc'�' .
�'lt. LlI1C1'I�'lc°�C1 �d3�1 Il� �ei'G f:fict� i.�"ii5 i5 iivw StJ1TlC tl.liiiiySi �i c�i
�� 8�°:: � � ��:•:31 S ln �hA hAg±� i�tArc�ct �f the Ci tv � i?���.r7. en � SC?1T?� �'�C;�?�'-S��
just go on and on, and �he pPople get disgusted and quit coming to
th� meetingss and without opposition the petition wins approval. c���7 hnr �h_i�nht t-hi C W?C iinf�i r tn ±ha T�P.nt?� P. W}ln _�.1V_P_ 111 'tl'11S
. -^�- . � . . _ 1 . . Z . . .. . .
_ a r-aa _
Planning Commission Meeting - September 12, 1973 Page 7
Mr. Doyle said at this time of his rezoning request, the
Council said there was a comprehensive pian being prepared. It
there_ any action on this? _ ___ ..
Mr. Harris s�id the Council was waitir�g at the time to see
what the gui�e�ines would be for th?G area. The comprehensive
plan said this area would lend itself to high density housing.
The compre�ensive plan does not rez�ne any propsrty, This request
still has to come from the property owner.
Mr. Doyle said he would like to have this request in limbo
until the area is cnanged to a dii=eren�c use. He said the �roper�y
along East River Road is a.heavily traveled area. It's between
t�iis �iea��lY traveled �oad �nd the r�ilroad trarks� He didn't
thir�n th�s •,aas condusic=e to an R-1 area.
Chairman r�itzpatrick said znis p�t�pei�y wd� ��ile�. r'Z w'��
Mr. Doyle purchased the property. �
Mrs. Gerald verber, i��i5 r�asi iciv�� ��a�i► sd-�-u �hE iais�d
five children in this area and she thinks there is dangers no
matter where you live. Yau just have to teach yeur chilctren oT
the dangers. She said she likes the area the way it is. If this
areas went to high density housing, East River Road, the railroad
tracks and the river would all still be there.
Mr. Clark said when the com�rehensive pian saia thi5 ��ea.
could be used for high density housing, thi� was in the future,
and was a guideline so that with this use there cou�ci be controlied
access to East River Road.
Mrs. Loren Wolle, 33 63rd Way N.E., said she saw no reason
for a change in the area at the present time. She likes the way
�� �s ���o.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said that no one from the City i:� requesiing
a change. This request would always have to come from the property
my� �-.�mr�rohor�ci�,�A i a„ �� �»Gt a Q»ic?Pline for any future
1�4111tC1 j• 1 i3c �.va�iri �.aa�.+a..,.� �+-�--•- J�' �- .
Mr. Clark said this request will be on the Council agenda
next Monday nignt, �eptember i7in. •T-iiere wiii uc ca icNvit �r� h�::
this property is being occupied now and they wiii be discussii�y
whet�her to allow Mr. Doyle to continue on the small scale he is
operating now on a very temporary basis, during the time that
ii��._�._... J...-. .�7..1-l.rm� r+� i� �hoiA ��
we Wi'l� be Iistening �C7 �rle a�wLUCyS �-v uc�ci+«1-a•�= �-•-
an alternate route by which this use can be allowed.
Chairman Fitzpatrick said this woulc� be on the Council agenaa
September 17th as Mr. Clark mentioned, and on our agenda October
Planning Commission Meeting - September 12, 1973 Page 8
/''1 _
-- MOTION by Blair, secon�ed by Y.arris, that the Flanning
Commission receive the memarandum from Paul Brown on the
staff ineeting on proposed a�mory site �or Fridiey. Upon a voice
vote, a3.Z voting a�e, the mot�on rarr�ed unanimously.
Mr. C'lark saici this Ylanning c:ommission snouid set a daze
on which they wo�ld l�ke tc me�t with Genera� Cheeseman. We
can contact him and see if he can meet with the Pianning Co�ruilissi�n
or� th� date ��ou set .
Mr. Blair wondered if we should have a special meeting for
this item. _
Chairman Fitzpatricit asked if any staif people would Iike ta
be at this meeting. �Ir. CZark sai� he thou_qht Paul Bro�:n an� Boh
Aldrich titiTould like to be her�. Mr. Fitzpatrick said if this was
goina, t� i??�To1 v� e�; tv ��Q�1 e anavbe w� s�auld have a special meeting
tor this because tney wouldn�t want to sit tnrougn a whoie �ger��ia.
Mr. Blair said all we have talked about is City people. There
^ might be civic groups that mighz want to be here.
Mr. LindbZad said sa far all we have heard is th� good things
vae wauld have with an arm�ry in Fridley, but I haven't read anl
discussion about any drawbacks. Mr. Clark said this was true. He
said the armory will cost mone�� and there will be vehicular traffic
generated when the Guards were going on maneouvres, tc m,ention a
Mr. Harris asked if we shoul.d make this meeting a Pubiic
Hearinq and have it purblished in the paper.
.,��--=-----_ r,:L_�_i....t._i_ .....�a t... t,.7.F. .�t..�.-. �;�....+- moo-h�inn chniilr�
l..Iidiiittdil I'il.G��Q4i1��n��:�a�lu �iic ic�..�. ��us.:� ii��:....:._.•.,...,.--�a.=,'�.... ..�-... . _.
be for our own information.
Mr. Blair asked if anything was discussed about location.
Mr. Clark said two site were selected and General Cheeseman looked
at botn of tnem. One was by tne r^ridley High Schooi �y �1�ore Lake
?A :�. +-..ha c�-}-o ho r��g-FA�rnr.r� LTaC }ZP'FWPPi"t thP T�� �,Y�XlB 311C� the t,'1tV
_ _ _ ,• �
va.i ay c .
N�Y' .�indblad SS1C1 t72 WOLl'1Ci 'll'K2 LO hea� TtiO�e �7i05 ait'u t:vii5 'vii
�h;g rrnnn�al �ieforP thPy �av� a Public ?-iearinq. He continued that
he wondered how much we want to be under the Federal government.
mhov nan r�rnmi cA a 1 nt nf th i nc�'� ; hu{' t}lP_V C0111C�; for instance , f11.1
� thejparkingvlot with tanks and trucks, and what control would we
Planning Commission Meeting - September 12, 1973 Page 9
Mr. Fitzpatrick said his big question is how much use we
will get out of this building. How much recreational use will
we get, which we need, and if we do, who pays for that. I would
- 3ike to hear Paul Browm say what needs we have that will be filled
by this armory. -�
Mr. Harris said he thinks there is confusion on the size of
the armory. People are thinking of the downtown armory and its
size and how it is used. This will be a much smaller armory and
will not have the use the large armory has. The drill hall is
only 70' by 100' in the proposed armory, which is not a large
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if we want to set up a special meeting.
He asked if the lOth of October was too far away.
Mr. Blair asked Mr. Clark if he knew when the comprehensive
park pian wou2d be ready. I�Iaybe this couid. be included in this
special meeting.
Mr. Clark said another thing that could be discussed at this
Sr°C131 mAA�in� ,uCi�l � hg ir}�l.G �1 pn� r 1�i r�rr�ir1ar2C� i k?�G�11�� 1 OL
will be holding a Public Hearing on this Navember 7, i973 and it
^ would be nice to have it discussed before this hearing.
MOTION by Lind�.Zad, sec�ndad by Blair, that the Planning
Commis,sic�n �et altsrnate dateS of nctober 3 and October .ZO, 1973,
to discuss the armar�7 proposaZ, the comprehensive park p1an, and
the flood plain ordinance. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Fitzpatrick adjourned the.meeting at 1Q:00 P.M.
R�sp�ct�ully subm,itted,
�-; `�, � .s �� � t'��t; -,�: � ��
�Dorothy Ev nson, Secretary
Meeting was called to order at 7:50 p.m., by Chairman Blair.
^ MEMBERS PRESENT: Blair, Stimmler, Caldwell.
MEMBERS EXCUSED: Peterson, Wagar.
OTHERS PRESENT: Thomas 0'Hara, 267 69th Avenue NE, Fridley, 55432, Sears property.
Bruce Reveling, 181 69th Avenue NE, Fridley, 55432, Sears property.
Jean Reveling, 181 69th Avenue NE, Fridley, 55432, Sears property.
Harry Thielen, 6514 Fridley Street NE, Fridley, 55432, Hockey Rink
near Rice Creek School.
J. J. Gannon, 6516 Stinson Boulevard, Fridley, 55432, Hockey Rink
near Rice Creek Scliool.
Jera2d Tjader, 6563 Fridley Street NE, Fridley, 55432, Hockey Rink
near Rice Creek School.
Arlon Haupert, 6524 Anoka Street NE, Fridley, 55432, Hockey Rink
near Rice Creek School,
Gary Larson, 6530 Stinson Boulevard, Fridley, 55432, Hockey Rink near
" Rice Creek School.
Walt Traczyk, 191 69th Avenue NE, Fridley, 55432, Sears property.
Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation.
Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to the Commission.
Several residents from the Rice Creek School area were present at the meeting to
present a petition, requesting the re-installation of a Hockey rink either on the
� Rice Creek School property; or in the vicinity of the school. They pointed out that
at the present tir.:e, there is no place closer than Flanery Park or Gardena School,
for their children to play Hockey. This has presented a tremendous problem for their
children, both now and when they play against other boys who have had the advantage
of boards and better facilities. �
Mr. Stimmler stated that he could not remember what had been proposed in the 73 - 74
Budget for this area. He said that he was aware of the problem, and informed them
that the City was still searching for suitable park lands in the middle east axea.
He suggested that it was a possibility for the 74 - 75 Budget, but that he could not
answer, without consulting Paul Brown, what could be done for this season.
Mr. Blair mentioned the area which has been platted by Dave Harris for development,
on the South side of Mississippi Street, near Fridley Street. According to the plans,
Mr. Harris will be donating approximately one and one-half acres to the City for
Park purposes, but just when that will be is not known at this time.
Mx. Stimmler was asked why the rink was taken away from Rice Creek School. He stated
that it was a smaller rink and there were no lights. tiVith an unlighted rink,
utilizatiori stops at dark, due to the possibilities of injuries. The rink which had
been at Rice Creek School was moved to Flanery Park, and has since been enlarged to
regulation size and lights were installed.
The Commissioners suggested that the residents of the area contaet their Councilman,
the Councilman-At-Large, and the Mayor, with their request.
Mr. Blair informed the quests that agreements have been worked out with a couple of
the elementary schools in Fridley, whereby we lease some of the property, and do the
developing. This i.s what has been done with both Rice Creek and Gardena Schools.
The residents asked about the possibilities of a warming house for this season. They
were informed that all of the mobile units were being used, so nothing was available
Minutes of Parks � Recreation Commission Meeting, September 5, 1973 Page 2
at this time. The City presently has three mobile warming house / summer shelter
Paul Brown arrived at the meeting at 8:05 p.m.
Mr. Brown was asked if there was an extra set of hockey boards which could be installed
and the availability of a shelter building. He stated that all of the boards were
designated for their respective areas, and all buildings were in use.
Mr. Blair stated that at this time, the best the Commission could do would be to ask
for an additional rink in the 74 - 75 Season, and receive the petition. Mr. Blair
asked the Commissioners for a Motion to that effect.
M�TTON b Ccc.edwe,P.e, See�v�ded by S�unm.�e�i, �a �he �e.ti,��.�n
�.n�5za���.c� �. a� a o e zey z,�g 2au� e, ancC .P.c.g h�c.v�g, �� e
Mr. Blair stated that only the Council had the authority to change the 1973 - 1974
Budget. Mr. Blair asked Mr. Brown to make the necessary inquiries to the Council.
Mr. Brown will also check into the lots being developed by Dave Harris.
The Commissioners turned their discussion to the use of the Sears property, located
at 70th and University Avenue, by the mini-bikers. Several residents who live on
69th Avenue, were present to voice their objection to the use of the vacant property
by motorized vehicles. �
Mr. Brown opened his report by stating that he had done some investigation on the
possible leasing of the property for use by the mini-bikers and snowmobilers. He
said that he had called the real estate agent who is handling the property, and
they said that this is not something which is new to t�iem. Sears had purchased the
property with the idea of development, and later decided to locate their structure
in Illinois. They have, on many occasions, purchased several tracts of land before
making a final decision on the actual location.
Access to the property is bad because in order to get there, bikers have to travel
down 69th Avenue. On the West end af the property', the Metropolitan Sewer District
has installed a chain-link fence for erosion purposes. The Northern boundary is
73rd Avenue and University Avenue is on the East. There have been several very
"close calls" with youth trying to cross University Avenue with their bikes. Mr.
Blair said that with the development of the Northtown Shopping Center, traffic has
become greater and the risk becomes greater.
Mr. Brown stated that his investigation was done on behalf of the City Administration.
The Administratio� will be rep.orting to the City Council.
� Mr. 0'Hara, a resident of the area whose property backs up to the vacant land,
present to voice his disapproval in using the land for motorized vehicles. He
explained that they cannot open �heir windows and doors, due to the noise, use
their back yards is out because you cannot carry on a conversation with another
person, and the dust factor is tremendous. When the word first came out that this
area could possibly be leased for mini-biking and snowmobiling, Mr. 0'Fiara responded
to the calls of his neighbors by inviting them and Councilman Breider to his home.
Minutes of Parks � Recreation Commission Meeting, September S, 1973 Page 3
At this meeting were representatives of 18 families, all concerned about the problems
which would be created by opening the area to motorized vehicies. Mr. 0'Hara went
on to explain that they didn't feel that a program of low organization would be a
problem, if it could be kept at that, but that during the past year, the traffic on
the property has greatly increased due to people "trucking" their vehicles to the
area. They're coming from other communities where the vehicles are prohibited. Mr.
0'Hara stated that at least once every weekend, a complaint is lodged with the
Fridley Police Department, and if this area becomes legalized for this type of use,
we will be encouraging people who live in communities where the machines are banned,
to come into Fridley.
Mr. Brown stated that perhaps a boundary fence could be installed. Mr. 0'Hara didn't
feel a fence would solve the problem. He the fence which was installed
by the Metropolitan Sewer District, which has been cut many times, and is presently
cut. He said that if we establish an official area, they don't feel that even by
policing it, the area can be controlled.
Mr. 0'Hara felt that the City should be appraised of their concern through the use of
a Pub.lic Hearing. At the meeting, Mr. Breider was asked if representatives of the
area should attend the City Council meeting or if the question would be referred back
to the Commissions? Mr. Breider said that he didn't think that it would be referred
to the Commissions, but would rather be handled directly by the City Council.
Mr. Brown asked Mr. 0'Hara if he had any alternatives for the problem. Mr. 0'Hara
� said that his alternatives were not realistic. He did state that the area residents
are presently not able to carry on conversations in their back yards, and if the
area was declared an official area, they didn't feel that the 45 acres would be
large enough to handle the traffic.
Mr. Brown recommended that Mr. 0'Hara suggest that the City Council send out a feeler
to other communities, requesting information on how they have handled their
respective communities needs.
Mr. 0'Hara said that mini-bikes were not the only vehicles using the area. They have
seen jeeps, cut-down Volkswagons, and various other vehicles. .The neighbors would
like to know how they are going to be protected from the activity on the property?
As an alternative idea for the area, Mr. 0'Hara suggested developing bicycle paths.
This is a quiet sport which is not offensive to anyone. He stated that he, himself,
did not own a bicycle, but that he knew it was part of the City's plan to provide
for the bicyclers.
Mr. Blair said that he was mostly concerned with the safety factor. With the property
located where it is, there is no safe way to gain access without transporting the
vehicles to the area. He said that he has seen the mini-bikers trying to cross
University Avenue, six at a time. Mr. 0'Hara agreed that it was a wonder there
hasn't been a fatality.
Mr. Stimmler said that he really didn't know what to recommend to the Council. At
^,this point, he has not heard that anyone has petitioned for this time of an area.
All he has heard is objections. No one has approached the Commission for a mini-bike
area. He felt that we should not expend any money to provide such an area until there
is a need for it.
Mr. Blair stated that the Commission should recommend that the City Council take no
action until an overall plan could be looked at to determine just what should be done
Minutes o£ Parks � Recreation Commission Meeting, September 5, 1973. Page_4
in the best interest of the residents and the area, and that they hold public hearings
on the subject.
MUTION b B.�a-vc Sec�v�ded b S�,imm.�e�c, �a nec�mmend �ha.i �he C.i,ty Caunc.i.e. w,i.thha.�d
ma 'n a e.c.i�stiav� an �ie u�e �{� �tie Secuc� �nc,peh:iy, u " av� ave�c. �.ea.v� can e
b�u. � e av� � a u.?.i.c 6ieani,v�g e� e.2 �v �.v e� e ne��, ev� avt a �n,tuvLi,t y�v
vatice � wc o�tiruov�. e ha�',c.a�i catvc�ce .
MOTI ON b y S�,imm.�eh., S eca nde.d b y Ca2dwe��2, �a a��na v e�he M-iviu�e�s ���he PatcFz� and
Rec�c.ea� Camm.v���,av� Mee.t,i,ng�s, dated June ll and June l8, 19�3. 7he Ma�' ca�vr.t.ed.
The Commissioners were mailed copies of the results from the "Name Hyde Park" Contest.
After reviewing the names suggested by the children registered in the Playgrounds
, Program. They selected "SKyLIN� PARK", as chosen by Lorie Linton, 39 Logan Parkway
in Fridley. Lorie's reason for chosing the name was that ''you can see the skyline
of Minneapolis and St. Paul" from the park. �
MOTTON by Ca,edwe,P�. and Sec�nded br� S�',, �a Kame �h.e �cucFi �n��etc,ty .2aca�ted a�
�9�h. an.d 2nd. .�vc �he Hyde Panl�_Add.i�,i.vv�, SKyLIN� PARK. T e Ma�,c.av� ccvvued.
Miss Linton will be notified by mail and have her picture taken for the Fridley Sun.
Another area in need of a park name is located at Ruth Circle. It was generally
decided that Ruth Circle Park was most descriptive of the area and best locates it
within the City.
� � � �
MOT10N by S�imm.2en, Secvnded by Ca,�dwe,P.�., �a name �he pcvr.Fz
an b on vev►cce�, a� H R e v avt catvu.
p e�r.t y.2v ccLied ct,i � 2 v�d
Mr. Brown reported that he had met with General William Cheeseman, regarding the
Armory proposal, and he is preparing a report for the Parks and Recreation and
Planning Commissions. They would neea approximately 2.8 acres with the Federal
government paying 750 of the total cost. The remaining 25% will be divided with the
City paying 60a and the State paying 40%. Mr. Brown feels that the construction of
an Armory in Fridley would be a real asset to out Community.
Mr. Blair asked if we would have anything to say about the design of the building?
Mr. Brown said that we would, but anything which is not normally included would
cost the City for the total amount of the addition.
The Commissioners reviewed the Moore Lake Study Group's minutes and Mr. Stimmler
asked Mrs. Caldwell if she agreed that the general consensus of the group was to
hire a company to do a study to determine the best approach for solving the problems
at the Lake? Mrs. Caldwell said that she, personally, didn't feel it was necessary, but
that this is the way they summed up the meeting.
Minutes of Parks � Recreation Commission Meeting, September 5, 1973. Page 5
■ �: 7
Mr. Blair asked the Commissioners for their opinion regarding bi-monthly meetings,
rather than the regularly scheduled monthly set up. He stated that there has been
some objection voiced about the fact that all other Commissions meet at least twice
a month.
Mr. Stimmler reminded the Commission that this had been tried about four years ago
and that they ended up cancelling meetings because of small agendas. He said that
he would be in favor of calling special�meetings, when the need should arise, but
doesn't feel there is a need on a regular basis.
MUTI�N 6y Ca.2dwe�,e �a gtive Cha,inman �2a,uc �he a.u,iha�y �a ca,?.e emeh.geney mee�,i,ng�
when �he viceed cv�,i�s�s. See�nded by S�.mm.�e�c., ��a�.ng �ha,t he beX,i.eve�s �he CGuc.i�nav�
a.P�c.eady Fca.s �hc�i pne�r.aga�.s:ve. The Mv� ecr�vc,�ed.
Mr. Brown gave the Commission an update on the development at Innsbruck North. He
also said that the A-framed office which was constructed on the site by Viewcon has
been donated to the City and is to be used for the shelter building at Innsbruck
North Rark. The land it is on has been sold to a private party, and the building
will be taken apart and stored until the Park is ready for its installation.
MO7TON by, See�nded by S�unm.�etc., �a ad,�awr.n �he mee.t, cit 9:50 �.m.
The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, September 24, I973, at 7:30 p.m., in
the Community Room of Fridley Civic Center.
Respectfully submitted,
GC�t��;Ge/ �C.+�
CATHIE STORDAHL, Secretary to the Commission
The meeting c�.s called to order by Chairman Drigans at 7:35 P.M.
^ MEMBERS PRESENT: Drigans, Crowder, Gabel �
.OTHERS PRESENT: Howard Mattson- Engineering Aide
MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Gabel, to approve the minutes of the August 14, 1973
meeting as written. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried.
Mr. Merlin Brunkow was prasent to present the request.
MOTION by Gabel, seconded by Crowder, to waive reading the public hearing notice.
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Brunkow explained his existing dwelling is 20 feet by 30 feet and he would
. Iike to put an addition of 15 feet by 24 feet off t� the side toward the driveway.
He said it would be an enclosed addition that would be partially a bedroom and
partially a�den. He said the existing house is approxima.tely 20 years old and
is a one story and the addition would have the same roof line and have no basement.
Chairman Drigans asked Mr. Brunkow if he had talked to any of the neighbors about
/"1 the variance. �
Mr. Brunkow answered that he had talked to some of them and he met with no objections.
Chairman Drigans asked if any of the houses in the area, that are similar to this,
have additions built onto them.
Mr. Brunkow answered there are houses that have had additions put on them but none
have been put on since he has lived there. -
Mr. Crowder asked if there were any easements, that might create a pxoblem, in the
proposed addition area.
Mr. Mattson answered that there was not.
Chairman Drigans stated that Mr. Brunkow's request had been heard by the Council
on September lOth and he asked Mr. Brunkow what action the Council had taken.
Mr. Brunkow answered the Council had approved the variance depending upon what
this BcSard did.
Mr. Mattson stated the City had asked Mr. Brunkow to write a letter to the City
Council asking them to take action on his request before the Board of Appeals
meeting as he indicated he was in a hurry to start the addition.
/1 Chairman Drigans asked if the other homes in the area were a11 set back the same
distance as this one.
The Minutes of the Board of A eals Meetin of Se tember 11 1973 pa � 2 1s
Mr. Mattson answered that all the houses appear to be in line.
^ �MOTION �y Crowder, seconded by Gabel, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice
vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Crowder said he could see nothing undesirable about this request as the
existing house is very sma.11 and we have found no reason to be opposed to this.
Chainnan Drigans said the hardship seems to be the existing house location and
having only 600 square feet and the owner just wants to expand it.
MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Gabel, to concur with the City Council in approving
the variance. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Dick Brama, President of Bryant-Franklin Corporation, and Mr. Babinski's
partner, was present to present the request.
MOTION by Gabel, seconded by Crowder, to waive reading the public hearing notice.
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
/� Mr. Brama explained they bought the land with the understanding it was an
industrial site. He said when they applied for a building permit they found out
only part af the land was zoned correctly and part was zoned C-1 and part was
zoned C-2, so they are now also in the pxocess of rezoning these lots.
Mr. Brama. continued this building will be just north of the building they built
last year and are now renting out to Onans. He said they want to build this
building and incorporate it with the other for the rental ma.rket available with
Onan and Medtronics.
Mr. Brama said they have ordered the steel as they never anticipated they would
have t� rezone, and the steel should be delivered around the third week in October.
He added the building will conform to all the other Codes except the front yard
setback and they can't move the building back farther as they need the space in
back for parking and the loading dock.
Chairman Drigans asked how old the existing building was and Mr. Brama answered
it was just completed last fall.
Mr. Crowder asked about the zoning of the corner property on 73rd and Central.
Mr. Mattson explained there are two or three different zoning districts on this
property and across 73rd Avenue there is C-1S zoning.
Mr. Brama said the part of this building facing 73rd Avenue would be dedicated to
/'� offices and all the loading will be in the back so the C-1S zoning would be
looking at a store front more or less. He said the side of the building facing
Central Avenue would also not have any loading area. All the doors for loading
are in the back of the building.
The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meetin� of September 11, 1973 Page 3
Chairman Drigans asked if the semis could be turned around in the 75 foot loading
^ area.
Mr. Brama. answered they could very easily. He said they can be turned around in
not much more space than their length.
Mr. Crowder asked what the zoning is on the property down 73rd Avenue. He added
will the companys that own that land be coming in for variances also.
Mr. Ma.ttsan answered that it is M-1 across from C-2.
Mr. Crowder asked about the driveway entrances.
Mr. Brama. said the driveways could be selfsustaining but will probably be
overlapped for practicality.
MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Gabel, to close the public hearing. Upon a v�ice
vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Drigans stated that since a portion of the property has to be rezoned,
the Planning Co�anission will also be involved in this.
Mr. Crowder asked if this property stayed commercial, would he need a variance
at all.
Mr. Ma.ttson said if the zoning stayed commercial, he wouldn't be able to build this
/� bui.lding at all. He said the use of the building makes the difference.
Mr. Crowder said he didn't see anything wrong with what is being requested. He said
the building could be built sma.11er then proposed. He said he certainly would state
that if the variance was approved it would be contingent upon getting approval of
whatever zoning changes he needs to get.
Chairman Drigans said this type af building, all modular desi�n, is the most
economical for xenting or selling space. He said he would rather see the area
rezoned to have the two buildings complement each other and have all the storage
in back. He said the hardship here is the zoning across the stxeet.
MOTION by Gabel, seconded by Crowder, to recommend to the City Council, approval
of the variance, to be contingent upon the Planning Commission approving the
rezonings. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
— —.
Mr. Bernard Wedgewood was present to present his request.
MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Gabel, to waive reading the public hearing notice.
� Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
The Minutes of the Board of Appeals �eeting of September 11, 1973 Pa e 4 ��
Mr. Wedgewood explained he would like to add on a 16 foot wide garage but since
^ his lot is irregular, the garage would be 3.2 feet from the property line on the
back corner and the front corner would be 7 feet from the line.
Mr. Cxowder asked if the neighbor to the south has a garage and how far his
structures are from the line.
Mr. Wedgewood said the dwelling is the same as his and does not have a garage.
Chairman Drigans asked what happens if the neighbor wants to build a garage als�.
Mr. Floyd Bradley, 5861 West Moore Lake Drive, neighbor to the south, said his
house is approximately 24 feet 8 inches from the line so he has plenty of room
to build a garage. He said he has thought of building a 20 fo�t garage and then
he would need a 4 inch variance. He added he has no objections to Mr. Wedgewood's
Mr. Crowder asked Mr. Wedgewood if he planned on putting a patio off the back of
the garage.
Mr. Wedgewood answered he did not as his house is a walkout in the back and it
drops off at a 35 degree angle. He said it has been done in other places but he
d�es not plan t�.
Mr. Crowder stated the Board is concerned about the closeness of structures
because of fire. He asked Mr. Wedgewood if he would be willing to install a
^ firewall on the one side of his garage.
Mr. Wedgewood, after finding out what a firewall was, agreed that he would install
it if it was stipulated.
Mr. Crowder stated the only alternative would be to move the garage forward, but
then a front yard variance would be necessary. ,
Ghairman Drigans stated Mr. Wedgewood would need the incline to get into the
MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Gabel, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice
vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Crowder said that the garage can't be moved backward because of the lay of
the land and it can't be placed forward without another variance and one of the
hardships is that this is the only place to put the garage. He said Mr. Wedgewood
is only asking to build a single garage and he has agreed to install a firewall.
He added the lot does taper which is another hardship and there are no structures
that are to close on the adjacent property.
Chairman Drigans added that when and if both garages are built, they will be
approximately 8 feet apart.
MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Gabel, to recommend to the City Council, approval
^ �f the request for the hardships mentioned above and with the stipulation that
the south wall of the garage contain the necessary fireproofing and have no openings.
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
The Minutes of the Board of A eals Meetin of Se tember 11 1973 Pa e 5 19
Mr. Richard Kleinow, of Richard Miller Homes, was present to present the request.
MOTION by Gabel, seconded by Crowder, to waive reading the public hearing notice.
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Kleinow explained the problem with keeping the house at the required setback
is the steepness of the driveway. He said they have already dropped the floor
of the garage and added 3 more courses of block. He said as the last resort they
could cut down the lot but then they would lose a lot of the trees and destroy
the whole effect they are trying to create. H� said the lot is deep so there is
still plenty of back yard.
Chairman Drigans asked him if he represented the builder only.
Mr. Kleinow said he represented both the builder and the buyer.
Chaixman Drigans asked what.this kind of a setback would do to the other lots
on either side of this lot as they are all vacant.
Mr. Kleinow said in his opinion most of the lots are unbuildable because of being
� swampy. He said some of the lots could be filled in and built on and he expected
one or two to be deeded to the City.
Mr. Crowder asked if the house were turned, to be squared on the lot, and have a
35 foot setback, would the driveway still be to steep.
Mr. Kleinow answered the ratio would be 1 foot to 7� feet and would be so steep
that the car bumper would hit on the curb.
Mr. Crowder asked if there was anything in the area now. �
Mr. Kleinow said the streets are just now being installed. He added that if they
go much deeper, they would run into water problems. He said they have considered
all the alternatives and the only one they would possibly use is cutting the
garage floor down further but he added it wouldn't be a very good thing to do.
MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Gabel, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice
vote, there being no nays, the motion carried ananimously.
Chairman Drigans stated this is a lot where the topography dictates extreme hardship.
The adjoining lots are at the most questionable building sites according to the
� builder himself. He said there should be no problem to the rear, as this lot abuts
the freeway right of way and he thought they tried to keep within the Code for the
best suitable location for the house. He said he could see no other alternative
but to grant the variance.
�` Chairman Drigans stated the Board has to look at each variance in this area
individually and it has to look at all factors involved and all of these lots
are not the same as far as topography. He said Yee felt the Board should state
such whenever people from this area come before this commission with variances.
He said we want to maintain this area as far as trees and nature go.
The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of September ll, 1973 Page 6'��
MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Gabel, to recommend to the City Council, approval
of the variance. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried
� unanimously. � �
Chairman Drigans adjourned the meeting at 9:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
d �
p.: ��
/'1 ' .
'�� �i(��1i'fl 1`� iYlH� L{��VL�'' i'�'LV :
Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public
Hearing of the Planning Commission oi the C�.�y of F�idley in
the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday,
August 8, 1973 in the Council Chamber at: it:vu r.'r�. i�� ti��
purpose of: .
,^ -
Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA #73-08,
by North Suburban Hospital District, to rezone
frQm R-1 (,sincr.le family dwelling areas) to CR-1
(qeneral office and limited business) that part
of the Northeast �uarter af the Northwest Quarter
of Sectic�?? 11 T-30, �-24, lying Sautherly of 76th
r�vci�iic ���,�1. 1GUj4 UJ �:^,:: ��:.� ^L:t anr� �nn��rLlC�ed;
E���.Prly Qf 5th Street Northeast as now laid out
and constructed, and Northerly of 75th Avenue
Tdortheast as ncw� cut ana con�����tecx � and
r t' _ t_____ .7......�+..-�.1.�.�.7 i-v�..��i- �1 �. ��
excepLing =r�ri� t��� a,���C uc����uGU ��u�� ���-
, � 't�' tr^ ��
tnat pa�L t::ereof iiicsu�ed w� 1 �r. .� p�.-t o
*R � � wr � =7r..:� �•?a r3i3 i ,{.. i � � 31Z �fi��i��+(i �5 Ti i'�_'"�P
11�1�lUl% 1'1c.�11Vi c.ta�.a �!�-.,-ti�+�-L�-v'Z .
City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minne�ota.
Generally located West of Unity Hospital.
Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the
above matter may be heard at tnis mee�ing.
- - - - - - _ - i aTii:cTi°L v . i'im7�D�TUT('K
- _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _, _ _ __ CHAIRt1AN _ _ _ _ _ _
Publish: July -.2�, 1973
.� .
August 1, 1973
.. �
S'�� �-�� � �%�
py��;„ ���" : v�- i.3 - f� o
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� It�;oning
' ' . �,,,_Special U8� �'����
North S burban ospital District
AF�.��At�I�' 8 SIGNATiJRE,�1 ti : � ���,��:2'P �.�� .
g�,��ciy � �E — C���..,c�.
��rg�� 550 Osborne Road , Fridley, Mn . 55432
T��$�:j�►�� �iitas�cr 786-2200 �x 2C�1
North,Subyr,ban Hos{��tal �i�trict
_ �, i -v'`'�ir�c� 21' ,
�i���'�'i tX�3ir�R S �YCNA�tEr'z�'i`` �_ ti1�'f � .
,li�::�� L�-' wi: ��.w..,.,�
Add�ele�_ 5�50 Osborne Road, Fridle�rZ Mn. 55432
� ., ..
�A�iPhatlC t�csmber 786-2200 ex. 201
�,�, v�siance
�.Appxpv�� P� �re+
�I�ainery $��C
Appxova� a� $�,�4i
��$treeta or ,��e;,:;'�-.,.
� Oth�r
, Southerly of 76 Ave NE, Easter of 5th Street NE,
�����fi �.o�ation of Property Nartherlv of 75th A�r� R!F _ lA/QCtcY.t., , n n�� n�+�
. . ��ac.i�ii ` `ifi� a�iG'�L.14�j
� ��p��l Q�¢sription of property See attached teg_a2 description - Addendum 1
. ■ �.. ■ i �-�., r�.■ �-�
�;��a�r�t Ee�nin�: Cl��sification R-1
. .
$�t�f�iag U�e of the Property Undeveloped �
. Rxppo�ed Zoning Claaeification, Special Use, Variancc ot other req�est
�i�#�ti.�� brfe#ly the Tjrge of Usa and t!:= I�pravemec�� Fr�posed �
Construct Medical Office Building ,
�r�4$� ot Fraperty 10-8 - - -- -
, _
d�� �he �r�aeac Applicant Previoualy Soughc to R�sone� Plat, Obtain a;,ot Split�
Obta�a �a Ve�r�.�ar�ce or Sp�acia! tI�e Permi� are tise Sub j�ct Sa:� c�r �iFt 6� Zti�N���
: ^: �ihen4 �
• ifiaC Ne• Requtotcd � Pee Encloaed $
p�t� Filed Date ot Hearin� � 4, �,_!
• . • �
. . . . '' �
�- a �3'�C� .:� .
' pLANNINr 11N� ZONI2IC FOitM - e��
� � � 73` d� . �
� �amb�r s� . . � � • � -i
; /"`� _ _ .
�ea va¢er�L�ed understands that: (a) A list of aIl reside�ts �nd on�ners of pro-
. perty Within 34Q feet messt bt atteched to 3
. ..� � this epplication. �
-- _ . __ rb� This epplication must be signed by ail �
. ' : owaers of tha property, or an exglaaatian :
�iven why this ia not the c�se.
. (c) Responsibillty for any defect in the pro-
_ _ , . eeedings ztsulting from che feilure to list �
� �• � the �ames and ��dresaea of ali residents
� �ad pYC+gert� cati�r�er� ��' grope�ty �ithia� �fx�
� , gg�� Q� t�ae prop�riv in ques�i�a, b�ib�t�s �
c� �he �c���rs i��ed = �
iteeidents and Owners of �roperty vithia 300 fcet:' . „
. �RSOr�s . �n�ss �
. �
, •�
.. . .
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_ �
.. ,.
/Z eketch of propo9ed prQperty �a�d �tx�c��r� nu�st �e dxa4�n aa the back of this �
foren or attached, showing the followings 1. yotth'IIirection
. . 2. I.ocatiaa of Preposed 5tructure oa Iat.
3. I?i��asiQns Qf p����ty� n�on4s�d t
� . structux°. and fzont and�side set-bac�. �
. : : 4. Street t�ames � �
' ' S. Location �nd uae of adjac�nt ex3sting '
� b13i�d±^gS {�ithi:3 �QC� fBet}. f
� The undersigned hereby declarss that all the facts aad representatioc�a atatsd ia �
° t�'1�.� ��Qb�C��3�da �rC' �ZL�O �t1� C4�KB��a !�; �UF'LS3^r3.°..2^. �-?�Syt�.'..� Q:�ti^1C� i
. By _ �
�� � �� �' 1 -3 - S1�i1V1i� .Y l'4L2•ti� �'Lcln=tCi2� . (!�"`�.�u3(-. '1/r'1l,j�s�n Y- ��!;c+�.�
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(�» �.Z:..e..At.i� � • i
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. � . * f * � t * � * �
������ I3:�ie� � t :� �o:�d �#� u��,ia�
$t� the Follouing Co�ditiona: datt
_ Appsoved D+enied �y the Plnnniag Commissfoc� �a �P-� �� i�.3
�ub3ect to the I�ollowing Conditioaa: dato
a�proved: - - --- _-- _ Denied -- - — _ �y the Council os _ _
�ubjeet to tlte Following Conritiona: � � : d�E� '
• '
?oz�o PC 200
� ZOA #73-08, North Suburban
^ Hospital Districtz Rezone
From R-1 to CR-1
Rarcet �;
and that part of the Northeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter of said
Sectian 1 i, lying Southerly of 76th Avenue N. E. as platted in Osborne
Manor 2r�d additicn; tying Easterly of Fifth Street N.E. as platted in
Osborne Manor; lying Northerly of 75th Avenue N. E.; a.nd lying
Nc� t! �eas�e-r•Iy oi- IV"ieiocfy Manor 2nd Addition.
Said premised are located in Anoka County, Minnesota.
� .
Parcel 2 described above by a Warranty Deed containi ng the foliowing
legal description:
That part of the NE 4 of NW % of Se�tion ??, T�,�r,sni� 3�, Range 24,
2ying Southeriy of 76th Avenue Northeast as now laid out and constructed,
}( Easterly of 5th Street Northeast as no:.� laid cut and conscructed, and
Northeriy of 75th Averiue Northeast as �ow iaid out and canstructed, and
excepting from the above c�e����hA� `NUyt �t3 t �a� pdrt tnereofi included within
� the plat of Melody Ma+-�or 2nd Addition. �
_ - - --- �
Addendum '!
North Suburban Hospital District
ZOA #73-08, Rezone from R-I t�
CR-1, the areas South of 76th Avenue,
East �f 5th �*rePt Iti . i., a;�� �ar �h of
75th Avenue N.E. to allow Construction
af a medical office building.
William Adams
400 Osborn Rd.
Fridley 55432
Garl Gabriel
401 76th Avenue
Fridley 55432
Fridley Assembly of God
472 Osborn Rd.
�ridiey 55431
� oy Lenoy
7574 5th St. N.E.
Fxidley 55432
George .Jeh�nix
7566 5th St. N.E.
r'ridiey 55432
Kenne 4ii L 1 L L 1'C.'
7558 5th St. N.E.
Fridley 55432
Thas�a.s 6rvniund
7550 5th St. N.E.
Fridley 5543?
Georg� Pi��s
7542 5th St. N,E,
Fridl�y �SL��?
Howard Puffer
7534 5th St. N.�.
Fridley 55432
Michael lranfier
7526 5th St. N.E.
Fridl�y 55432
Roger Gabrielson
751$ Sth St. N .E.
Frid2ey 55432
Robert Burrell
75i� �Lh St. N.E.
Fridley 55432 �
Planning Commission � � �` �3
h`velyn Dahlin
7502 Sth St. N.E.
Fridley 55432
James Godwin
7501 4th St. N.E.
Fridley 55432
William Orr
7509 4th St. N,F,
Fridley 551+32
Robert Hoglund
7517 4th St. N.E.
Fridley 55432
Kenneth Christiansen
7525 �r� et. .:.i.
Fridley 55432
xobert Mos�man
7533 4th St. N.E.
Fridley 55432
Kenneth J. Mueller
. 7541 4th St. N.E.
Fridley 55432
Jack Hakenstrom
7549 4th St. N.E.
Frid'ley 55432
Jerry D. Larson
7557 4th St. N.E.
_ Fridley 55432
Harold I. Sorenson
7565 4th St. N.E.
Erid3ey 55432
Frank Davis
7573 4th St. N.E.
Fridley 55432
James Naleznv
350 Osborn Rd.
Fridley 55432
North Suburban Hosgital District ZOA ��73-08
Vern Godeen
37S �'� th Avenue N .E .
Fridley 55432
George Wilder
361 76th Avenue N.E,
Fridley 55432
Carl Wahlstrom
347 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley 55432
Grace Lutheran Church
460 75th Avenue N.E.
F�-���e;= ���:�2
Dorothy Johnsvn
340 Osborn Rd.
Fridley 55432
Edward Peterson
330 Osborn Rd.
Fridley 55432
Robert Holmquist
I.CA '7C�7_ •__�`_.-- *+
�FJV /JLlI tfVC11l1C 1V�A.
Fridley 55432
Robert Holmquist
476 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley 55432
� Bi11 Shaw
7400 Lyric Lane �
Fridley 55432
.Midwast Forklift Truck Co,
2711 Broadway N.E.
Mpls 55413
Dennis Dukart
7411 Lyr ic I�ane
. Fridley 55432 .
Linde�i Graham
7421 Lyric Lane
FridZey 55432 �
•Albert Roberge
7431 Lyric Lane
Fxidley 55432
Danna Lou Marcucci
7441 Lyric Lane
Frid2ey 55432
Bertram Smith
7�+5� Te�po Terrace
Eugene V�uck
7440 Tempo Terrace
Fridley 55432
Kenneth Johnson -
7430 Tempo Terrace
, Fridley 55432
Thomas Schonebaum
7420 Tempo Terrace
Fridle3� 55432
Harlan Mahowald
7451 Lyric Lane
Fridley 55432
Dorathy Wicklund
7461 Lyric Lane
Fridley 55432
G1en Byl
7513 Lyric Lane
Fridley 55432
Richard Nienow
i ��7 i,yri� Lane
Fridley 55432
Vern Franklin Barnes
7505 �Lyric Zane
Fxidley 55432
Kenneth Amundson
7501 Lyric Lane
Fridley 55432
�lbert Jorgensen
7500 Tempo Terrace
Fridley 55432
Clarence Olson
7502 Te�tpo Terxace
Fridley 53432
�page 2 )
Donald J. Leivermann
Associate Administrator
550 Qsborn Road
Fridley 55432
Betty Wall-Chairman
North Suburban Hospital District
550 Osbvrn Road
Fridley 55432
. .
. . .
. .. . ,
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� �� ? �DA # 7.:3 Q8.;, I�ort� "-Suburban l� - .
i;:- �:� ..�=•Ho�pi,t�i •Dist�ri,�t: Rezone from
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�;" , r - �� ' area South of 76th Avenue N.E E, t�"
i� i, ;- 'i� {��� ;- of 5th Street N.E, North of 75th
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°.�- "`� ��q,�� � �� - - ;� • i�venue N. E. to a �
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Notic� is hereby given that there will be.a
Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City
of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue
Northeast on Wednesday, September 26, 1973 in the Council
Chamber at 8:00 P.M, for the purpose of:
Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA
#73-1Q, by Donald Babinski, to rezone the
Rezone Lots l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and the
North 68 feet of Lot 20, Block 1, Central
Avenue Addition, from C-2(general business
areas) to M-1 (light industrial areas).
Rezone Lots 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, Block 1,
Central Avenue Addition, from C-1 (local
business areas) to M-1 (light industrial
All lying in the South Half of Section 12,
T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of
Anoka, Minnesota.
Generally located at the corner of Central
Avenue and 73rd Avenue N.E., the same being
1290 73rd Avenue N.E.
Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the
above matter may be heard at this time.
Publish: September 12, 1973
September 19, 1973
� �.�3 __ / �
�. �„�
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Telephone Nt�.mber �� j � -- � f�/ � �
PROP�RTY OW,'�LR' S SIGN��TllRE _ C,�-t:�<� � - �'- .__����� � .
� �--� ,- �—��� _�
Address �n t:a ��,.j� f,' / �'�r`r vr
� `'�� �� ��.
Special Use
Approval o£
.. Preliminazy :?la
Approval of
Final I'lat
Streets or
Alley Vaca.tions
Telephone Number Cf� ,S'(n -< �� ,�`
/� �Z __ ,,J ,.�1 i(' G`-'La-�-'` � C:. /L" ! /e.
Street Location of Property �`��; , `� ��
/`� ��.I c.�� � � C � � �- � � � � t� }�
Legal Description oi Property ��a �-� j�- �-j�J j�t8 � C5 �
�''- C°�`r�.- ( �2, ./'i t� r� � �^ � �� 1�.r �- �'C3 �r �T �� r= .�
-T-�- .
L�� c'- �- �`� _fJ / � �� r- �.- }; S� /
Present Zoning Classification �,�.-:., �,t �,,� I; � �i � L,,,. C�._� �—,� ,�G /)�%_ /
Existing Use of Property_ �����,, f .
Pr . osed �oning Classification, Speci�l Use, or other request ,/;�.,..,ry�,r%�.,�j;�' /-- ��
�' ��lj . � r � �.�-f-.�c�� � c._ C� �-:�—/�> --/ - ' �, �
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.-�li.t..��S � � ,I.�4 � __G `:� � �>!- �
Describe briefly the Type af Use and Improvement Proposed /' �(,r�t.7�, C� f� /.yl� '
.,�- N �) CS� /�" �' / C C� � 5� C�� i�' � y
Acreage of Property�t f�f _ �1 ��"Jlti"` � �
Has the Present Applic�nt Previously Sought to Rezone, Plat, Obtain a Lot Split,
Obtain a Variance or Special Use Permit on the Subject Site or Part of It? y�,�
-- When? ___.__---- .
What was requested
Date Filed
Fc;e Enclosed� ��('�-�''Rec. No���I�� `3
Date of iiearinb_ „� G ?°�
�I�dN��� �4r1� �ora�t�C For.N
,.� ����r .,; � � -�_� _� �.�
PAC� u
�4 ��+d�g��,r�ed �nderst�nvs Chst; (a) A IiRt o�' aIl residents ��$ •r�ae�Px g���
��S���q�R enc� �ners of
�t. �� .�ii �Tr' S
t iY A k; ;r C3-
perty witfifn 3GU feet cau�t� b� pCtacE�e� (��
cn�s �;�pzicario«.
(b) This ap,�licatfon r3�st be ��,�,�d by r4I
o���ners o� ti�z �r.operty, o¢ �n e�;��.�na��r�
�iven wEiy thi� tt; not tt��c ����,
(G) �iesponsihility ior eny ��z�ct fel the n�:a:-
eeedin�� ��sul.tir��; fro� �he f�iTyre [c� �.��; �
thc n�acn��a tifld a�dre€�Ees ob �sl� X'ecYir:i�^na�
und property asar�erC of prope�ty ��;�t�?,� ;`.�
fect of the pro�crty ic� queat�an, b��a���n�
to the un,dersi�ned.
�'�oPerCy► taithin 30� fcet:�
s��� a� � .
� . �� �� 4�.
,�,�,�t, r�, _ _ ._.
�. �t��tch o� propased property and stzucture c�ua� be drs4�r� on the bnck of �h�.a
��t'� Qr ��tac�;�d, showing the fo2lowing: 2. \Tarth Directi�r►
2. L�ict�tfa�a oi Proposed Structura ots pQS;.
3. A�.mens�ons of pro�vrcy, �ro�a���
' �tructurP� and �ronC �nd sidc ��t����t-i��
4. StreeC Ptaaes
S. Loc�tion �nd use of edjacent exgct�q�;
� huildings (within 3Q0 �eet),
a��p 4nd�x�$�ned hereby u��clAr�s that elI the ta-=t,a and represent�tian� stuted ��
fl1�� �pplfc�tion a,e true an� coxr�ct.
� ���;,� � �.
�� ' _,_...,�`7,�.___._,__SYGirATU"t'.E �i ?'� ,�' /�i.z,•r�'
t1 �► A � ,t �k 'tir � a
�:�xo�rad �!�csied � ay the :,o�sd o� Qp�bOe
�ca���tCC .�o C�� Follo,�ina Cond�[iana; , '�-'���
�� ��p�ov�d i3ented by the Plennin� Co^.snitcsioa o�
�u6,�tt�C Cp th� �,ollawin� Conc3S.tions; "°""�'*�—�t�
��n�r°a�d ��n��d __ by thc Council on
�;t����cC i� the Fqllowing Coiz:titian�: � d���...
�'ox� FC kU0
\ '
, �
Planning Commission Se tember 11,73
ZOA #73-10 Don Babinski City Cauncil
Rezone Lots 1-6, 9& N.
68' of Lot 20, and Lots
10-14, Central Avenue
Addition to M-I.(light
industrial areas)
Cooper Construction Co.
8457 University Avenue N.E.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432
Mr. & Mrs. John Haluptzok
Route #2, Box 381
_ Forest Lake, Mn 55025
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Thoe
7250 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, riinnesota 55432
Bryant-Franklin Corp.
^ 900 West County Road "D°
New.Brighton, Mn 55112
Determan Welding & Tank Service, Inc
1241 72nd Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Minnesota 55432
Onan Corp.
1400 73rd Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Minnesota 55432
Evert Swanson
782 29th Avenue S.E.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414
Superamerica Stations, Inc.
� P.O. Box 248
� 5t. Paul Park, Mn 55071
Mr. Donald Babinski
333 Rice Cr�ek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Central Auto Parts, Inc.. .
1201 73Z Avenu� N.E.
� Fridle1�, M?_nnesata 55432
ZOA #73-10 Donald Babinski � . �,� y ��
a ' f Lot �i�►
Rezone Lots 1-6, 9 nd N. 68 0
� 20 from C-2 to M-1, and Lots 10-14 from
C-1 to M-1 all in Block l, Central Avenue
SE t �----
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Bryant - Franklin Corporation/ 1000 W, County Road D/(Vew Brighton, Minnesota 55912
September 17, 1973
City of Fridley
6431 University Ave. N.E.
Frid�.ey, Minnesot� 55432
Attn; Honorab�e Village Council and Mr. Darryl Clark
In the process o£ re-zoning and variation request is our pro-
posed warehouse site at 73rd and 01d Central N.E., Southwest
t�Te are asking for these changes based on the spotizoning of
this particular parcel and a goal of continuity wxth back to
back loading from two similar warehouses and office._areas
fronting the streets of 72nd and 73rd Avenues N.E.
We purchased this site from Judge Wargo based on his assump-
tion, and ours, that the site was already acceptab.le zoning
wise for our proposed structure. However, when we attempted
to get our building permit, we found out otherwise. `Hence,
our request was made. Concurrent with our misunderstanding
during this period of site acquisition, we ordered steel,
which normally takes six months to get, and put a good faith
deposit on a mortgage commitment which have created.a dilemna
for us because the steel wil�. be arriving the third week of
October and our mortgage requires we start in October also.
Our request with this letter is that we be allowed to start
excavating and footing on or about October 15, 1973 so that
we can accept the steel. delivery and comply with the con�.i-
tions of our mortqage commitment.
Re, p� ectf�ully subm�.'ttte:d�
� Richar,� L. Br
� Presic�ent
�?N �� R��.�,� �N� �s
S� , Fo.� � c � I J
I� �`
� $i �
��� � ` � �. �. ;
r�,,;: ,�
� '��' ° �; `
�: r
6431 University Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Minnesota 55432
PAUI BR�G�'N, D.v�.eatoa
Phone; 560-3450 X64
TC1� Parks and Recreation �ommissiop ��� Sept ].1y 1973
SUHJECT� Co�nprehensine P1an Review F�� Paul Broxn, Director
Dear Cormnissioqer,
Please be a dvised of the folloving:
The Planning Department will present to the Co�nission on Monday, September 21�,
the Yinal draft copy of our Parks and Recreation Co^�prehensive Plan. -
Ws have put this on the agenda as a special item. Gerald Boardman and Jim West
v3.11 be on hand to formulate your final input into this overall plan.
Oace this is completed, the final copy will theo be completed and presen`�ed to
•the P7anning Cormnission (as requested by them at their last meeting) apd the Citp
Council for their input.
Once this is all completed, e final prin d copy vill then be campl ted.
Re ctfully subanitted�.�'�i�
ccs Plaoning Dept
Planniag Cownissio
City Maaager
� < '
. UNr���s��x o� inrcpsO�G� � � � . �
� � . "
PILT.SItiJitY iiALL • h1TNtiEAPOLIS, �SI\'hI:SOT� 55,55 -
- - -- -
_ _ - - - - _
- - _ ._. _. _ _ _ _ __ . pf[ONii 371_4508 • AREA COD� G 12
� . ,
Ju ly 2 3,� 19 7 3
� .
� r1r. James Langeni'�ld, Chairman `
Envirorir�.ental Quality Commission �
� City of Fridley _
6431 Universa_-ty Ave. N, E.
l�ridley, i•linnesota 55��F32
� • . . '
Dear I�Ir. Langenfeld :
.�..�i � . . _
Enclosed please find an oufiline of procedures T think appropriate for
� making a general lake quali�y inves•tigatiori of Moore Lake. �•;hi1e this
1is-t is not exhaustive, T believe �hat a study of this general design
should yield sui=ficient information for naking deczsion�s most likely
'' � to affect the recreational and aesthetic value of the 1ake.
'� .
At this time -the other help T am able to offer would be to revie�a
� proposals submi-tted by consul�ants. � .
� . . __ _ _ _ _ _ _
� � Sincerely�,
� ' • C
. �� _ -
�-�.- 7
. � John B. Lundquis-t
--_ � _- --- __ __ _ _
� J'BL/cmm
� , _-- _ - _ - - -
� � � � � .
:�� . ,
� .
� .
� � EAST i•iQORE LA�:F . _ �9
�. lemt�era-ture: Over deepest part of 1ake, measure ���ater temperature
� � a-t depth in�tervals of 1 meter from surface -to bottom�..rionthly. � �
2. Dissolvec? Oxygen: Over deepest part of lake, 2 meter depth intervals
frarn surface to bottom. r4onthly.
3. Secchi disc transparency: ��Jell ofi�-shore in wa-�er aeep enough that
disc isn't visible at lake bottom. t�7eekly or bi-��aeekly (This could
easily be done by local talent}.
4. Phosphorus (or-tho- and total): Over deepest part of lake, 2 meter �
dep-th intervals irom surface to battom. Mon-thly. __ ___ ___ --_ -.
- _ E
. ,
--5.- I�'itrogen (nitra��e and a;nr�onia) : Over deepest part of lake, 2 meter
dep-L-h in-tervals from surface to bottom. I�lonthly. . ;
_ {
6. �lgae and/or chlorophyll: Composite e��,?.�m��-r��..��m��a��Monthly
Apri1-October. � � . - -�
' 7. Chlorides: Over deepest part of 1�ke, surface sample and sample
� just off.bortom. Spring, �all, midwinter. �
8. Bacteria: Fecal co].iforn near beach area. Bi-wee}cly or monthly.
--- -
9. Macrophyte survey:� rlid-summer. . �
� �
10. S���imm°rs'itch: attitude survey, literature review, recommended
� � con-Lro1 procedures, if any. .
� .
1. Water budget for East Moore Lake
a. De-�erminazion of caater f1oGa for eaeh tributary and outflow.
b. Groundcaater hydrology by tes�t wells and residuals.
Nutrien�� bud�e-ts -- ortho- and to�tal phosphorus, ni-tra�te and
amrnonia ni�Lroo�n. . .
a. Sa:n�le spr. ing runoff c•Teekly for each storm drain to calculate
total input iro;n each.
b. E•stablish p�,oceciure for es�tir�atin�; nutrient inpu�:s for each
rain even ��. Aeoun�t i'or SEc1�OTlc"!� var�a-�ions .
c. S�-�mp1e any con��inuous tributaries biweekly.
6�latershed Survey: determine acrea�;e and �eneral land-use charac-
terzstics i�or each drair�a�e area.
� '.. ,
. c�1ES�r r�oo��: L�x� .
� � . . . . c�o
^ l. t�later budget. . � _ ..
� �. Nutrient bud�e-t, including anal rsis ..
nutrien�s. S of sedimen�ts as a source of _
� - 3. 1�iacrophyte survey. •
i� • Tota1 phos�horus pi�ofile of sediment core to determine feasibil. :_t
� of y
S. Feasibili-ty of continual artificial control of algae and macro�h t
� wi�h chemicals or machines. • i Y e
� ,. . .
� . .. . _ .
_-- - -
----- ---- _ _-- _
� -- _ --- -- ----- - - - _
� ^ � . . ,
. - i
� • . ' , ' ,
� . � � � �
� . • �
� .
� . , � _- ---
- - - --- --- ----
�- --- _ _ -- --- --- -
� . .. �
. �
� � • !
� ^ �
� ' �
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� ° �� I
� �1
SP):t;7 r'�1.. �I�L'TI\�G OF� Tii,'.: A;OORIi I.t11:�: f/1S?: ]�O;tCE S'ft1
c.zoul� � -
Ti�e n� t•,as c�.11cd to oxdc:r at 7;��0 ��.rt,, July; 17, ].J73.
P,OLL C:'tLI, :
. 1�iE��IBEP.S PP,ESE:�T :
J�im La�igenteid,�ln.n Spo�xe, T�103:�zs Su21.itTan,
r�lary I�Iar•tin, Sha.r.le�� r:ei�necl��, �J.oria lI�:;re�.,
IZ. l:. I�x•az�_er, Connie i�;etc��lf, 11aze1 O�Brian, -
Shixiey Calclti:�c11, �ob Pie�rce, P,. .D. 1�'ecibe�:°ocu,
and Petex Treuezlfcls.
Bob I-Iutcli�.nson, Jchn, and• Lonr�ey
Peissi�. � ,
'� l�ir. Lan�;�nfeld as�:ecl the mtm'uers iF tliey liad react �lie let�er sent
to the� tl�at -liad beei� fro,n Tir. l)a1Tis , tie su�gestecl using the
� 1e'�t@T �.S a �uide ior the neecina. NG S�.].CZ iter.� ���" 1�(a.5 a oOOCZ -
orie to Fo_1_lot•; :
�^ r�. Each swnmer there axe claiins t}ie 7.a1;� is pol uted. anct
unfit fo� sitiiir�:m:in�, iGe sencl the IIealth 1_nsp .c�-ox a�id
fa�nd �he �•:atex safe � or Sl�'llllTil"lIlh. I-Iard i.n�Eormai:i.on�
� is neecled on betLer de�ining "pol�ui,io��.."
�irs. Spoxre ��ead �.he lettex alouct for �hos� ti�ho did not gct �a ca�y
_� of it.
I�ir. Langen:.�`eld saicl t}ie disctissian should begin �szt11 the e7�alua-
tion and cosrunents for �rlai.ntaininb the lalce .
=� Df� s. Connie I��.cic�lf, •�GO t�'est i�•foore L� ke llrive, slle �;ould
li.l:e tlic__l��:e_�n �int��t_�.ox__�ool�s -a;lc�-s-i-,�3nimin-�,`-�,u •Pc�-��-S-,----------
�_ .1Srs . . S��orre sai.c� tllai. ei:hz s ti1� T �:,-� � � ' - �
. � P p )�y havc to sac �_��cc on4
sicte �L- tiie lake . Slie askecl ���ii�ct ti�o�zlcl_ be thc I�ri r:i ��T_ usc__fQx_•-_ ____
:_. _ _ ___ _.
---�h-e- �-�z-3�T----�-,irs :���ic ica�f _ sai.cT _i:lic pi'1011�;� tzsc� l��oua.< be to l:eel� i �
• . . _ -- .
•------- as--a 1.aI�-c i:•ttli no t•:eecls, sa--�liat it_ �.s sitlmm��b).e.
Alr. �'ei.ssi�� fzo�;l t;ie �i-i��iieso�ra �'olliztioii Coni:z•o1. A cl�c;� S31C� 13I
�_ 1J59 �the l�ia�;irtum cic�l�i:li oi thc lai;e ti�as 22 feeZ. _ --- ---- --
�ir.. Si�1li.van s�icl tlie cicepest paz-t no�. is 18 fect �» tiic: cas�C
� sicle o_f: tlie �al:c, �iorth of tlic cuJ.vert.
� . � . .
� ^
SPECT�'1L ;�11:rTX�dG Oi� TiiIi P,i00}t� L�1I�� TI�SK I�ORCI: STUDY GROLII�
v PAG� 2
ASr. Ilutchin�oiz s� id y�u ;i_��re to _cansi.dci• "�vhat is a laI�:e? IIe -!
- - _. _
saicl �ou i:iio��� i.h:is beLore yoti can �i��i.ain it. 1Ie co!rparecl ;
a lakc to a riuiaiari. �1 huinan cazi bcco:,ie ill or liaue acciclerits ancl ;
die, ��n;l a lal;e can also h<<ve accidei�ts. I-ie said the na-�ura1
ti;�i_ldlife te,zcl i.o adci to t;ie lak�. 1-Ie saicl t}ie pri:�.ary function '
� of other is as p�ricl and s�: immin,; arcas . 1I� asl:ed �ti�l�at is .
�the func�io�i a�id tlie l�urpose i:Le people ti�,z;i� it to serve. He
- - - _ - asl:ed ���iiat �•�as tlze abc of_ i.he la�:e. _ _ _ -
�1x. Lur�d��uist frori the Li�11T1o1oaiC�.1 ; esea.rch Cei��er at the Uni-
versit�� of ,�Iinnesot��, saicl ther.e are not a grea� many smull basins
fair].y i��ell zilled zn i��oore I,al:e. IIc saicl tI.cre �:��.s one until
recentiv �d'i1BI1 ihe hi�lit�ray ti4cnt- t�ITOlI�h . JIe st�,r;�;estecl ;cir�� abotzt
tlze prable�n tliat �}iere may be an incleiini �e lim�it to tlze 1al:e and
it may be real enou�li ai�.d maj or enou�l� to prevent ntuch bein� done
to xestore the la�e. �Ie said this �JZS ��exy dif_iicult to �.o.
He sai.d there 1�Tould be vexy �;iuc}z� on ai� econo,nical basis� to restore
it to a s��Timmina pool c�uality. '
� _
_ _ ___ _
_ __ _ _ _ _ _ - - _
�-- TTrs. iletcal� asked lioi�� t�ie lakc, has changed ill the last 25 years
or so? Slie said slie tliou�h� it tti�as a sc��ami� that lias been becon:ina
� a lake. S}zc said she ttiras sure ii. iaas a s���amp until they put
highi;�ay 65 throubh.
�. � �
A1r. Frazier, sa:id it Z,jas also a rural area. Not�* there is more
taater run off . He said he tti-ould need more informai.ion abou � the
lalce in orcler to say anything mucl�. Iie said tlle Zake ricles . ox:
the gr.ound i:Tater syster,�, The stor�3� seiYer system, he coinn:en�ed,
is ilie main thing. .
1�4r. Fraziex said this tJas a problcm tIzat n�ust be contended with
t� maintain the 1ake. 1-Ie saicl to ans�•;er ti��as iJhat can possibly
be done by tlie t�,o su:f£er. limit� ti�ns.
A•Irs. Gloria l-Iayes, S�'�0 �Ycst lfoore Lake Drivc, said thcre has i
� bcen f.illing by the Cifiy i��ith tar ancl other crud in�o the lake. __ �
She saicl it tliey coul.d stop t;ii.s, it �•�oiild i�Til�ra�Te �tl1e lal:e a �
gre� � cleal. She said the f:i11 i�as put in by the stLim,ning area- ----- -----�
by the lic}u�r store . -- -- - -- _--- -�
� -- ---_
Mr. PcissiL, from tJie P: C.�1. , said Iil�!]ly � akes are facecl tiait;i
tliis samc prol�lem, lic s��.id thc gx�ound ��,ater t-ai�l.c is extreJ;iely
lii€,li. Ilc said �1s ���e �c�i. iiito clr}'er ye,�ai•s, �lie 1cvel ���il.l fa11.
I-le cor►imentect, there are prvl�ahl;• mor. e t:I1�1T2 just a'couple oL
individuals doin�; this . IIe saicl h� has �ot3nd t`�o tyi�es of 1al:es .
� SPL'•Cl:f1L �SI;I�TING OF 1:11E P•i001:L !1LhI� ;C�1Sh. FO1:C1: S'fU17Y VROUP
� 43
P1\G� 3
1. Si.gni�ic�xil discharge - sor,ic area tryin� to ��.ake �reen area
arotuid tl,e la.}:e, for e��.mple, _�IinnehaIia. _ _
2. Dred�ing - all silt �oes do�,:n and out. �
;ir. Lanbenicicl asked i�ahat ponclin.� is?
�lr. �Iu�chinson said it zs t>>he�i tl�e storm ��rater be�ins_ to remove
- _ _ _ _ - -- - - -- -
sett�:.ble solicl.s.
I,Ir. Peissi.t said a green ar.ea �ti�i11 keep� dirt front runnin� into
the ���a �er . _ _
- l�;r. Fra�i�r said the 1966 analysis sho<<�ect I�ioore L�l:e as a fertile
lake. �Ie said that tvas a bloo�uin� 1ake. I-Ie said lakes get rid
of liigh fEr-tility in tt�o ti�ays. �
i- -- - - 1. Chemicals �
�---__ - --- 2. -32un Off __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ _--- - - - --- __ -- __---_ -
/"'1 Alrs. IIayes asked hoti�� phospherous af:iects the t�ri.lcllife such as
ducks and fish. 1ir. Fi•azier said zt �vould nat af£ect thc ducks
and there ��rould ve better Fishi.lg if some feriilii.y �•ras alloti��ed.
A9r. Hutchinson asl:ed i.:E there would be clierna,cal control? A1r.
Frazier said thcre would be.
A7�-. Langenfeld asl:ecl if dreclgino ivotzld l�ell�? T�Ir. Sullivan saicl
he laas 1�ot sure, they must havc technological things from chemical
en�ir.ecrs . '
� T1rs. �fetcalf asked J�.oti: frec�ueritl.y the ].ake is tes�:ed? Nir. I-Iutcli-
insoii saicl tl�e Colirity tests t}ie 1zI:es e��er�� year to see if they
- are acce�; �able tor s�•.1llllillii" pur.p�ses . �-Ie saa_d last year it ��Tas
� okay, but they ha�Te not recea.vecl tlie rel�or� back this ye�.x .
Air. Pierce, ���ho is o�� tlie Se��ior I�I�.�h Scliool Staf:E, asked ��rhzt
does the s� lt from the l�i ;hl�ay in the lti�i�itcr, clo to thc lake? '
;I�-. Fra�ier sai.d it mz;;es thc;e ili� in r.h.].oride. Afi�. " �
Sul:livan sa�.d that tliis lias come do��ii tliis su�ii;ner bocatisc t.icy- ;
ctid riat ]iave. to salt tile }iiglii�-ay so 111t1Cjl �liis ��ast: ��i_ri�lcr. ,
�3r. Lan�enfel.d zsl:ed �li-. llutcllinson t�}lat liis comme�lts ►�ere
re� arciin� s��ri.�a�,lers itcli, sl;i.n �aslies, ancl cye a�lci ear inf:ections.
�Ir. llutchintioii s;iid ey� and i;lTecti.ons ma}• not be related
to tlic la�;c at a1.:L. ltc saicl fi.lic SlJ11111i1Ci'S i.tch and sl:in i-as}ies
arc riost ].ik��].y the sa�nc. lie sai.d thcy have taken somc small
specimci�s ot t.he �c��tcr, ancl a►ti�ay to preveni: s��rinuners itc?i ana
� SPECI.�'iL ,�iI;I:TTi1G ni� Tilii i�;0�R1: L/1KL T�1S�: 1�URCFi STLIDI' GP.OUP
�� -
�nc}, ��
sk:in rashes is for tlie ��eople ���rir�iiuin;;; to xub themscl.ves brisl:ly
1J1tI1 a to��cl after they a.i c doTle s�:�-i�u�:ti_nL . Ii� said if they clo
no�, therc is i�o <<�ay' to cure i i. oncc it l�as set i7i'. Anothcx �� ay
to px•evciit- it ti��otzld be to e.lim:i.nat-e fihe sn4:i.:1s. lIe saicl it ��:oul.d
proliably noi be appropri.ate to get ricl oF the ducks.
�_ A1rs. I� asl:ed 1�;�Ien is the 1a�:e polJ.uted enaugh to stop
s��.immirg? i�ir. Lunda,uist saicl i��l�en the c{ua.ntity exceeds 1,000
nrn�ani st��s . theil �he 1�1Ce 7_S p011ut�d.
t•irs . Hayes asl:ed i�rli�r s��rii�?mers itcn. is more prevalen�i: no�J .than
it �aas a ieti� years a�;o ial�en tl�ere taere more ducks?
D,r. Hutchinso.� said there must zlso be thc right kir.d o:f snai.l.
He said condi �io�zs of �l:e lal%e riay no � ha.lTe been appropr:iate .
He saicl thexe rzay be so�ne ��:eeds �;hat could cause sl:in irxi�ations
also . ��e sai.u:. �his taas not a1.1 that disasteraus . -- _
A�rs. Caldwell zsl;ed i£ tliey do- attenlpt sometliir�g, would tliey use
� pesticicles? b�;r. Frazier said first you must determine ��=hat kind
_ of lake you t�rant. Garden, or tivilcllife, etc.
Mrs . Cal.dt,lell said they should have san.e l:incl o�' a magic forr:iula
at the beach house so that afte.r th.e people axe done s��Timmin;
all they i�,Tould have to do is pui i1�is l.otion on and there �vould
be no itciz. .•1rs . Sporxe said �ahy do that, aIl ihey have to do is
rub the�nse�ves off i��iih tlie tati•:el. A4rs. Cald«ell said true, � bui
people t�Ton't do tl�at.
Dirs . Sporre asl:ed i� they hatr: to kno1� abou� a11 of tlzese tliings ,
UeFore tlie�� can make a detcrn�in.ation?
TZr. Frazier said you'must recognize the follot,ing:
1. drecl�a_ng botli si.cles
__�._ chcmical-_control . . ?
-- -- -- --- ---- --
3: riec ica aspec �s - --- � - �
-__ _____ _
__ _-- ---- -_- - _--- _ ------- -- - -__ __- --
___ -----___._ ---- _ --_.
4. value judgc.nent as to 1�-hat you �aant tl�c lake to do. �
- - -- �I-�o�,� shou �_ci it servc tllf: COl1l)11UllltY. _ _ �
Dir. Frazier saicl tliey slioulcl knoti� 1��liat }:i�id of a lake tlZey ti�ant
and tlicii m�.il:e some decisioiis. �
� _ _ _- _ -
` SP]:CI:1L ;�Srl:'I'I;�G OF TII� i�i0012Li L��:r Z'�1SI: r0}:CE STUI)Y GI�OIIP . P/iGL S
- -- __...
__ _ _-- -
- ._ . _ _
;�Irs . Sj�orxc w�kecl �.�h��t c�.o yoti liave to knol�7 aLout t3ie lake :� -- - --
rlr. Frazi_er saicl for ane �hiii�, you h�ve to l:now ���liat saurce or
��ater i�. is. i,irs. Ca7.d�ti�el1 askc:l h�sa do they get that �in{ormation?
Dlr. Frazi��r said they could hav� an enUineering study. TJie Cit-y
-�� 5urveyor or t}�e City Ln�ineer shoul_cl kno�•� about the lal:e.
?,�Ir. Peissig said ther.e are vzrious consulti��p f_irms that could da
tliis nlso. He sa:ic? th.erc is the Coun`cy Surveyor, the University,
and the D.N.R.
1�Sr.. J�wldc�uis� said th.ey ti�ould have to have nLitrien4 loading, deter-
i7ine the phos���ierous and nitro�e,l cor�ing into the lake.
�. 1�1r. Su1li�ran said they 1�Ti11 have to monitor the storm seirers
everyti»�e it rai�is .
____ _-___ _ -- - -
_ _ _ _-
_ - _ _
_ __ -
- --
�irs. Sporre askecl ii the University could evaluate these kinds-of
� �. thin�s? �1r.. Ltzi�dquist said tI�ey could but it �aould be a 1ot oi
- tirie and people. �Ie said they ti��ould need about a year to study
� it. He said they ���oulct i�:ant i��ater budnet, where sources of
i,Tater 2��e, anci �ti�hexe it goes. Tl�.ey WUL1�.C�. a.lso c�Tan.t nutrient
budgets in terrr�s of }:ilograms ox ��ouncls . IIe said after this
and more, then you can determine what condii.ion the lzke is in
� an� make some state�aent abaut it.
T1r. Lundcluist said it is al�o verv diffictilt to measure t}le
phosplierous accurutely with.some kits.
Air. Pierce asked if i:h.ere i�las any oround ��Tater flot�r by the ritiTer?
A1r. I'razier s�id tliere iaas, but it tJas sli�ht.
A1r. Lan�en�e]_d said tl�ey sl�ould consider hirinG a firm to do a --
� sttxd�T on �ioore . l�iz s. Sporre said it sllould be studa ed on _
a Cc�unty le��e1 sisice tllere are peo��le si��il� filiere ira��, all
o�*er the Cowlty .
- - -----
- -
- -- -
�1rs . Netcalf �aicl s)ie tlt��i?�s the lakc is l�.k�e it is � -- -- - --- -'
i,ir. Pcissi� saicl tliey sl�atild ta]_?: to thz•ee di:£�erc�iit consultin�
� firms �nd �et so�ac e�ariples o:C their ��rork or otliex
D�rs . Sporre £111C� l�irs , J�iarti�� pa:i.rlt.ed otit that tliey t��arit sl�eci f:ics .
��, Atr. Lunciclui.5t saicl lic i��ou�ci reco�n�i�end .z year's stucty.
Alr. L� nc,ci►�cicl as};ccl if AIr. Lunclqtii.sL, �Ir. Pcissi�, TIr. Frazier, �
� ancl i�i� . Ii�itclti_>>soJi ►��ot�ld bc ���illin�; to CUIIIC 1:0 AI101:J1G1 mcetin�
and cli_scuss ihzs �t�ciin'? '1'licy saicl tl�cy woulcl.
'-CT�I� iil:L'rz�c or- TIIr i�iOG��E LI�I:E T�Sh. l?O1:CE STUDY GROUP Pt�G1; 6 �'�
____-^-- •
� _ —____,_--
�� a,�cl i�1r.. Hutchinson a�reed thut a
AIr. Luiicic{uist, i�3r. Peissig,
consulti.rt� firn� wou=�d be liest_ to conduct _tlic stt�cly.
Air. Pierce sa7.c1 they sliaulcl have the si.ucly and t�ien keep it up
on a year to year basis.
a,}i si�les
-- - • __ _
b, chem�_cal control - _- ----
- -- - ---- -- - - -- '
-- - --
- -- - -
�, try not-to upset present animal-li-�e and/or env�ronmcn
_ _ _ _ _ .
d. medi:al aspects
1, eli�niiiate sr.311-S��'1T1'iitl:T�s itch .
e, hoiv do ��ou ��, ant thc lal:e t.o serlTe the con:m�nii)' ,
1. S\d11i111Flllp� boatiiig, etc.
f�, what kind o.f lal:e-then clecicle the possibilities-��7h�t can
--- --- __- --- then be_ done . __ __
• -- - _ ___ -- -_ _ - -- -- _ _ -- _. . __�-- ..__
/^`� g. cost- ior mainte�?ance
-- �rotzp ��ill talk about these problems
� • Tqr. Langenfe]_d said the o
' and then get in touc}1 n�ith the geil�ler,�en agai.n as to a next
meeting �vith the�n.
� Mr. Langenfelcl �aou7_d to a.nclicatlll �ll�e�aeen�`lalceuandmits ,
recognize and evaluate Lhe xel�.tzons � •
� watexshecl.
ADJOt1R\?�i�I�T :
Ti0TI0N b)' Tirs • S1?oxre � to adj ourn the meci;ing . Seconclecl by I�ir .
� ullil�an. The ]il0 t.1011 carried unanir,lously and the meeting of
S .
Ju1y 17 , 197 3 a.d� otzriiecl at 10 : 2 Q p. i�l .
� Respectfull.y sub�nitt�cl, •
� _ _ _
C�11'.UL i�lt\I)L'
� Actin�; S�cretary ,
p,s, D�Ix. Taa�1gcntcl.ct ���otllcl lilc1 and�li�n] t] cZhospita�C 1`�teness
^ of these niiiiutes, as he ��as i1
� • i