PL 01/17/1973 - 31145.�
Ct�a�rman 8r�ckeon laad laryngitis aad asked Mr. Fitzpatrick Co Chair
the mseti.n�* Actit►g Chairmaa I�ixzpatrick called the meeting to order at
$s1Q �'oMa
� ��
Mea�bere Pr�seat; $ricksoa, Fit�, Minish, Scbm�deke, �eg1eA
i�temb�re i�beeat; None .
Qthe�r� Px�eeents Darxel C1ark, Crnmmunity Developmeat Admiai$trator
'JerroLd Boardmaa, Plaaning Aeaistaat
Naeim Qureahi, Citq Engiaeer - Dire��or pf Planaiug
I�TION by $abmede'k�, aecoaded by Minish, that the Plaqning Caamiesictn
minut�s o� January 10, 1973 be approved. Upon a vo,ice vote, �11 votiag ays,
� the mation ���ried unanimousiy, .
, ..
I�'l�I0�1 by Mini�h, aeconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commisaion
receive th� miautes o� the Parke b Recreation Co�.aeion meeting o� Novembez
27, 1972. Upoa a voice vo�e� all votlag ape, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTTO�T by Zsglea, secpnded by 8chmedeke that the Planniag Con�iss�iom
zea�ive� tkae u��es o� the Joiat Public Hearing Meeting b�foz� the City
Ce�ua�il aacl the Platna�,ug Commiesiom oa flood plain zoniag� aa Deaember 11,
1972q t7pon a°�oi.ea yate, a11 voting aye, the motion car�ied unanitnously.
A��iag Chai.smaa d�it�parrick made aa�opening statemen�t, statin� that
�he c'hiaf purpoee� o� �he meetiag tonight t�as to hear and �ee a presentation,
and �s� &�y� a public hea�sing om the prop aed comprehen�ive plaa. This is
your appoxtunity a� c�ti��n� to give inpw�t into the pla.n..
M�c. �'itzpatrick cc�atiaued that qae c�f the purposes of the plaa, beyond
iC� need for aa order�y ey�tem h�re in the Citq, is that 'such a plan� is
�e�quired af �h� City �� they make any xequest for Federal, monies through
�h� �t�txopolitaa Counci. ThesQ requests must be accompanied by a compreMensive
�`'� gl,aa, p�e�a$�d to answer any questioae khey p�ight ask.
Ylaaniag Com�i.aeioa Meetin� - Jaauar�r,17� 1973 p�g,� 2
, _
� The etady area� qo be prQaeated �oaigbz are geaerallp areas that are
I+ndevelo�ed vr are�s b�ing dev�loped. These propo�Bals axe aot rezoning.
Aa�t s�zaaing �.a tb��� aTaa� would eti11 b� coneidered individual�y,— o iCs own
m�=ite, aad at the r�queat of the property owne�z.
The co7.ozed �l�d�e aad �arrat�.v� were,presea�ed. The aarra�ive ia as
fol,lows s ,
�-�avirom�sat io more thast ,ju�t a►akure. ' It is the re�.atioaship v# maa
to hie �nti�c� ausrgun�iag�. Maa has tbe kaowledge aad the ability to coatrol
hia envirca�►ea�, but can also beco�a enelaved if proger foresight aad coatrols
ars no� ut�,li��d,
T�e eaviroamo�e q� s��uoity ie d�t�rmi�ed to a l�rge de�ree by the
a�sede and desirea of ita inhabit�nts. Theae needs amd d��irea can bs ascer-
lainad by +� �tudy og �hei� characteri�tics and bq their owa voaal expreeei'ons;
but these oeede and d�aires a1Cex with ehangin� ebaracteriatice, ao it is
OsC0098ly �p e`I81Y8tE1 t�sOde aad changes to establieh future coaCrols for our
�viroamadtal aeede. Tba caa�uai,ty mu+�t gaia kaowledge of the various faceors
tbat detrac� .fscm tbe desirabill�y of i�s eaviroffisnt and take the measures
trbic4 will inar�as� emvisoameatal harmony within the commuaity. Wheo envlron-�
meotal ttaaquillity ie dierupted in aaq p�;r of the commuaity, the whole�balaac�
withis thia co�aity can be ag�acted.
8Md1�ty's Coa�preheneive Plaa is a part of �h� coati,auiag conm�nity planning
� psogsam de�igasd ta m�intaia and iniprove the urbaa enviro�ent. This seport is
a a�matfoa of a11 kh� work acconipliahed to data, with the purpose of directiag
our futnra efiorto to the goale and obj�ctives det�rmiaed by our aommunity.
♦ Compre4eneive Pian is u�ed to guide and coordiaate all public and p�ivatb
developat�a� eo tha� tho praper re�lation�bipe are eatabiiahed and develogmemt
dacieione made by th� Citq'e staff aad ita elected officials� to the co�pre-
bensive goale and policiea established by the community. The P1an itself does
aot re�zooe aay property. Aay r�zoaiag would etill be done separately� oa its
own taes�ta, as provided by tha City'Charter and ttie Zoniag Ordinance.
1'ha P1aa ie a blu�print Go be u�ed in determiniag th� coatinuing develqp-
man� aad rahabili.tatiori o� our City; it ie not iafallible and does nat claim
eo be. The�planaing g�oceso, �.f it is to be effective,, must maiaCain its
vi�ality through eont�auous r�view.
Initiaily, tbo coa�prehensiye plan ia prepared by the City Adeninietrative
8ta�l. The Ylaaniag Coamiisaiau re►view� and modifies th� initial plaa and gives
prelimiaary approval to the p1an, xba Plaaning Cammiseioa thea presents rhe
modi�ied p1$a �k a public heariag. The plan is further a�odified to include
iapyb �soaa cit�zene, aad a tia��hed plan 1e presented to the City Council.
Tho Cout►cil �eview� a�ad di�cusses thie plaa; it may call an addi�i.oaal public
b�ar�ag i# iC so shoo�e�. Fina�,ly th� plaa i� adopted by the City Council
�nd ie eafo��ed joimtly by the Counci� �nd the ada�lnistrative staPf. The
� 1�laa a�u�t be caatinually updated to provide ior the changisg aeeds af the City.
Tb� Elem�ate 4� a compreh�Raive plaa iaalude st�rvey and aaalysis, and
gaal. amd objectiX�s, Survey aad aaslysia ie a study oi the existing coadi-
tioqs� eavi�oa�eat, l�ad uss, populati,oa, houaiag, commuaity facilities,
•eooaadcs aad traaaportat�or�. �hes� aonditions when related tq the goals .�nd
objectivea of the �oaafluni.�y; sa�eCy� ba�aace, divezs�tty and �nvironu�ent, pr�dur.e
1t ,��tsR��tia s�}��m� �p� fu�i}��a d4velepme�t. TI1is is Ghe ¢a�is o� a l;q����;���.
B�Y� !� •� � . � r.yw. f.1��aM . °�i.�'•y 1 � .'^ 1 • � . . .
• e
P�aaait►g Commiesiaa Meetia��,- Januar� 17� 1973 Pa�e 3
,. � ,..
^ Parrativa oP the Comprsheasiv� plan (eaatiaa�d)
Ia bordering the e�re e�ty o� l�iinneapoli�, Fridley shares many commoa
abaraat�ristics with other firet sate �uburba, It provides a trafEic
Costido� to th� ceatre��, citiss. It a�te aa a tr�asition zone of developmeat
beCwaea th� h�ayily d�ve9,oped ceater �ity and th� aparsely developed outer
�uburbe aad it Cenda ko havs a more mature populatioa. Ualike mo�t fizat
=iag aubusbs, Pridley prov�dea mos� j�b oppoxtuaities than ars required to
e�uppose it� populatioos
Populatioa ie a n�&jox fozce ia determiaiag the future of a city. MovemenC
oF people ie follow�d cloaely bp the n�ed to� services. Thia is why it is
•o important ia planaia� ipr the� futuse to txy to accurately fa�ec€�$t ahan�ea
in populatioa characeariseic� �d pop�lation gacowth tr�r�d�.
Development ia Fridley hae baea pne of the major factors eupporting •
populatiott gaias ia Aaoka Couatq. Betweea 1950 and 1960, the populatioa of
8sidloy weot from 3,796 to 15�173. F�om 1960 to 1965' the Citq had its fasteet
sate of gsowth, Th� population jumped from 15,000 to 24,000. By 1970, the
City had a total population af over 29,000.. If the p.reaent zouia$ map remains
unchanged, a$ter 1975, the population growth will start to level off, due to
deas total d�velopaten� of choiFe resideati�l land. The projected populatioa
og 39,000 will be� reached by 19$0 aad the maximum saturation poin� of 44,000
xili be reached by 2���.
,.—� The City will eee� population chaages with an increase ia the eldezly,
� more balanced a�iddle group an+d a decliae ia achool age popu�.ation. These
. ara the characteriotice that will shape future plaaniag for Fridley, There
will have ko bQ iaczea�iag conaideration in planraing for the_elderly in both
howing aad servicea, a wor� balaaced plan for the different inco�e levels
tq keep a batter quality of living environmeat among fts populatioa aad a
loog look at the }►oung populatioa aeeda which will be deelining in the future.
. Houeing i� the largest aiagle u�e of laad ia a co�nunity and is usualiy
the moet important factor by �ieh a community ie judged. The reputation of
� aommuniCy �e shaped by the qualitp aad eondition of �ts reeideatial azeas.
$ouaing aeeds vary th,rough Aut the Life�ime of any individu3l. oariety
og housia$ type� would p�rmlt Fridley to cater to all age groups and su�pozt
a diver�ified populat�oa. Th�s diversified population would allow the City
Eo dsvelop � mor� ma�u�s� populatioa structuse sa�her than a youn� mobile
It will b� lmpostaat for the CiCy of Fridley to provide alternative
hous�ng o�eds i.a orde= to preveat th� problems af �igratioa to the outer
�he p�e�ent �xends of ia�z�ased hi�h d�ns��y v�l�.t9 as we�]. as nsw town-
hou�� aad quad7Co�inium developmeat� are 11ke1y Go eoatiaue. .It will be ir�por-
�aqt to ea=e�ully plan theee deve?�opa�eata to reach a balanced varfety vf ha�:sia�.
?her� eboul� bs �a incs�ea�ed 1a�portaa�� placed oa the quality o! develop-
m�ots far Ch� prQt�ctioe� �� the �i�i�eaa.
Pl�aoing Gammiasiaa Maetin� - Jaauarv 17, 1973 Page 4
Narxative of th� Comgrehene�ve Plaa (continued)
� �
A fosecast Q� �uture l�d uae is� aa eesential �tep ia the plaaaing
pracaao. Sefoze i,t �an be determined what ia aeeded for future development,
it is aeces�ary to coasider Iaow existing land ia uaed, what land is vacaat,
What ai�feCt �aciating land u�o p$tterna will have on the vacant laad, and
to measure projections for the type aa$ quantiey of land required for future
�Opula�laa a�ed$e
Bscanrse th� varied lsnd nses ia the coa�unity are related and iater-
depeadsnt, coord�,na�ioa, deaign an$ adjustments are applied ia deCermining
tho locatioaa aad relati.onships of these uses. Ualess these follow a Com-
. Prehens3ive Plan defiaing the goals sud objectives of the coamivaity, serious
maladj�etmeats caa occus.
P�ceseat laad use has �rovided a testing ground whe;e the succesa of
Iaad use patteras and xelationshipa can be stud�ed in order to more completely
satiefy humaa aad ecoaamic needs. Ia order for a community to attaia aa
iodependent stability, a lia�.aace in land use is ess�ntial. A 8alaaced
can��utity i.s $tt�ined wi�ea co�ercial services �neet tha needa a� Ghe reai-
:d�C PopuL�tioat s�r�d �.aduet�p provide� the aeeded jobe aad reveaue for the
acmiaanity'a progresa .
With th� hi�hest p�xcea�age of industxial land uae ia the Metropolitaa
Arsa� �ridley ha� su€f�si�n� i.x�dustr� to �upport its proj�cted population.
� Tlsarefore, aay future indu�trial development should be considered for the
a8tuse of ite work force aad ite impaet upora �h� coa�,uunity,
Tbe werall app�a�ance of a city ie oae of tta moet valuable assets. It
is theretore imporeaat ta p�resery� th� city's natural beauty as much a$ poasi-
b1a. Thie ha� besa, and �hould contiaue to be, oae of the major coasideratioas
ia plaoniag community �acilitiea.
, Ae a result o# higher iacome levele, mor� leisure time, aad increasin$
pppulation, there i�as b�ea aa increasing demaad for highex levels of community
The City o� F�idlvy h�� beea aware of th3a chat�giag mood and has been
very much in the iorefroaC ia establi.�hia$ sa?�muaiey facilities in keeping
with the comrmuaity needa and desizes .
A�1ose look at th� eeho;,�1 earollmeat cha�actesistic� wiil be important
i� plaaaiag Ch� tpp�ee o� #aci�itips that wi�1 b� �eeded in oux area. With
a decrease �a �leme�tasy a�e, ct�ildreae there a d�ecrease ia th�
oo�d Por gacili.ties ta �esv� thea and adjustmeata made to satisfy the needc
o� a mor� �a�a�s� �¢�cauaity,
The Ci�p oi P'r#dl�y baa beeq, very conaciea���.ous in che d�velop��at ��
ito Co�muaity services ia orde� to beet serve i.t� ci�tizens, There will be a
o�ed go� a�onstactt updatiag of these �esyi�ea it� o�der to se�eve the aeeds
�..;� of' a g�owla� popula�ioa ae well as � yatur�lag populatioa.
�t p�ea�n�, ��a� Ci,ky h�6 pxovided anore thaa the recocmiended min�mum of
otte �cxe o� r�:creatioa j,and p�r 1Q0 peopl� a� s�� by the Minaesota Sureau o�
Ou�door R�creatioa. �Now �F ��� � �oC�l o� 49� ����� ��r � �mp�a�ag��n of
Flaaaing Co�mi�sioa Meeting,- January 17, 1973 P�e 5
�arr�tive of the Gampr�hena�V� ��an (contiaued)
n .
' gppr�aimate�y 3�iQ00 p�aple, 40?� of this laad retaains uadeveloped aad there-
gor� d�vel�p�asn� to #it the �opuiatioa aeeds muse have a hi�h prioxity in
#uture �ark app�apri�tio�. .
Ths Citq o� Fridley ea�oys th� advants$e� of easy access routes that
ar� ne�ded foz �he developm�ae o� aay area. The City �s ser�red by a ma�or
Interstat� liak as well aa �ajor Federai, State and Couaty highways. These
higbwaxs provida the n�eded a��v�cee that the reaideaces, businesses aad
ioduatrie� af th� City require. They �ink the City to other major commercial
aad ���as�ortatip� cea�ers �ox the �onveaience of the City's citizens.
� �� to its lQCatioaa Fr�dley acta as a traff�c fuanel to the centxal
City, creatia� some tra�fie con�id�rationa: mois� pollution, auto satety,
pedoetrian saEety, bicycle �afetp and a conaideratioa for masa transit.
Eetablishmeat oi eo�mu�ity goals ie n�cessary to the auccess of the
�laoning program. Without proper directiou, the plaa would not be able
to �unetion. Onee the�e �eaerally accepted goals have beea established, more
O��Citic policie� caa �� d�;ived over a period of time to work withia these
ou going pxocea��e. Th� co�unity goals and policies are safety of the
s�aident, �o�munity balance, diversity of aervicea and enviro�ental preser-
a���oaa .
The Compreh�nsive �Lan results from the compariaon of the go�is of the
�..� Com�taity to all Che needs and desirea of the City's inhabitants, These needs
aud deairea caa be a�cartained by a study of their characteristics, so it is
oee�ee�a�y to evaluata trends aad changea to establi�h future controls for ou�c
�ttvi�onmeatal rae�d� .
Th� coa�munitq muat gaia a kaowledge o� the various factors that detract
l�ortt the desirablity of ita environment and take the measures which will
in�seaae environmeatal harmoay withim the commuaity, Whea eavironmeatal
taaaqu:illity is disruptea in any part of the community, the whole�balance withia
tbis sv�uaizg caa be af�ec��d.
For this x�easpn, the eQmpreheas�ye plaa cnust coasidez the chaaging char�
s�te=i�ticss ne�ds, aad desixes af the� total community ia all phases of develop-
a�sot. Th� comp�eheneive �lan �an be used as aa aid to achieve a de��.red result
I� �e geoeua�,�y aecepted planniag concept ehat a high inteasity us� is
undesirabi.�a nex� to �. �ow iateasity us� area without �ome Craasitional iatensities,
pa�k buff�zs, �r approp�i$t� planting atrips.
ai�h i�a[�a�ity ua� arQa� tend to c�eake a greater tsaffic vclume, �aEeCy
h��s�xds � hiek� a�i�e 1��e�, aad exces�ivs visual pvllutioa, which wi1]. disrupt
tho tr�squi�,�ity �t the� �ow i�tensi.ty u�ea.
7'he City p� �';�dl�y c�n b� d�v�.d�d into iqur iatenait� leve�s; high,
m�di+.�a hi�h, �nedi,u�t �,aw� �md �,ow, Th� hi$� ���easity level will in�lude ira,
� du���i�l �a�'sa�, caajc�� �ga�n��C���l, ce�ters, ��eewaYs and expressways. Tha a:edium
b��� iac�asi�y ��vei Sdill �c�clud� h��h densit� housing iucluding large aparcmemt
Planain� Ooamai�sioa Ms�tia� ��anuar� 17, �973 PBge �
r.,, , Rarrativ� o£ the C+v,apr�hen�siv� Plan (continu�d)
eomplexes etnd high r�e�8 �od tharougbfares. Th� med�um law inteaeity 1eve1
qill iacludca a�divat den�ity hQuaiag includiag Cownhouses, quadrominiu�s,
Qondominiumt�' gard� �par��enta as w�ll as scattered commerc�a�, areas. �he
low iaten��ty L�vsl i� oomprio�d ol aingl� �amily residential unit�. Park
tiuf��rs can be us�d io can,juncti,on �ith all �ntensity level�. Plaating strips
aan also b� u8ed aa bu��ere, p=ovided that theas �ive the necessary viaual
arotectia►a �or �b� low��r �aGen�ity $one�,
� Ia $�oa�p�eebsnsive ],and u�e pian it ia aeces�ary to locate
� evaflictin� iatet� itie� and eatamiae all develope.d and uadevelcped 7.aad. Thia
• e�camiaation ha� yieldsd f�va apecific areas of conceatrated �tudy.
ffiJD�A I ia le�aead in ch� Aorebw��� �o��r o! F��dle�, �ad ia border�d
pa th� Weet b' Ea�t itivar �asd� on C1�o E��t by usiveri�ty /1v�nu�, � rh� 1Vorth
by tbs corposatn limiCo, and on eha South by Aeborne Boad �ue iaelud�a Ch�
B111ereet Addikion,
� SCudy Are� Ao. 1 CoaCaine the largest trac� oi uadeveloped land in the
City. Thi� sxea will be pxofvundly affected by the Northtowa Shopping Ceater.
It �reeeate the oppostunity to develop a well planaed total neighborhood con-
�ept by providing a variety of lan,d uses which are complimentary to the Shop-
�ing Cent�r.
In aoo�e eection af �hi.� area, medium aad high density developmeats will
^ ba the best type o� rs� uae �.0 thi� ase$ due tc the high cost of land
dave�lopment� the groximity of hi�h ioten�ity usee a�d th� need for hous�.n� to
aaxve the planaed iadu�grial and coawercial centar�. Thi� medium aud high
d�neit�r hvu�in� wou�d moet effiaieatly utilize the land, allowing large portioas
o! the land to �em�ia ppea ia conjunctlon with the North Park prea and preserviag
. Che natuzai, dra�,aage a�d �ondin� ar�a�. •
With the development�of t6e No;Chtown Shopping Center, there eacisCe aa
opportuaiCy Co dev�lop a segiona� oifiae park�amd eatertainmeat centex. This
would provide the ea+ploymeat opportualties aad recreational facilities aeeded
to attract a more balaaced �opulatioa. •
T�ti� t�►p� ot perimeter use �s �vi�deat, in moat major regional shopping
�eot�ra and ca�, �� Be�Q a� ��Qp�al�� Southda�s, Rosedale, etc.
STODY AREA 2 is located ia Ea�t eeat;al Fri,dley aad ie bordezed oa the East
bq the cosporats 11miG�, on the� North by 69th Avsaue, aad oa the West by
CbaaQel Ao�d, aad aa tha South by Ri,ce Creek Itoad and Moore Lake.
D�velapansnt af inediuuq aad high deasiCy housing ia the best type o�
=esldentiai, us� ia s�m� ��ctioa� of this s�udy area. Ths vacant land betweea
69th Aveau� �i,L� aad R��B Greek i.� uasuitabl� �qr single £ami,ly development,
eince Gh� laad nor�h o! �his area ia #or hi$h intensity usa, This factpr
81oag with the p���ervdt�oa of Rice Cseek £or public u�e makes medium density
�„� ' development a deai.rab�� latnd uae.
The yacaat land be�w�en iti.ce� Gx�ek, Road and Miaslssipp�, Screet is a main
d�aiQa$a�ipa �xea �Q� the Mopr�e I,ake 8asi.a. �herefore it is necessary
ta preserve �he �oac�ia� ar�a� aud Ch� e�Q}ogy ac�c� s��,�l be able Co use the
re�t o£ Che l,�ad �o� dq�yelppmea�. By iaitiat�a� c�ed�vm dens�Cy development the
� ��ana�a� Commiss�vn M��tiag -,J$auary 17a 197� Page 7
. � .,. , �
^ Fa=rativ� �f �h� �omprei��a�i,v� P1aa (contiaued)
acQlo$iaa], p�e$e�vat�c�n �aaa bQ accom�lis�ad as wQll as justificatioa of high
de�vslopm�at soets . Aii �xanap�� Qf thi� type af d�yelopment coa�ept receaCl�
apA�ov�md �� tl�e plaa �ar the psoperty ju8� east o� th� Givic Ceater.
T4e las�d j�eC �o�tii oi Maor� Y.ake �each Park� �� made up oi a uumber of
d�ain+��ew�ys �o M�or� i.�ke� � vari�ty qE �lev�Ci.aa changes and poor soil
eaaditiona mak� iC a di.�ffeu7.t area to develop�
T� oxd�r t9 cotuseesbalaa�a ths davelapment �ost aad pr�eerve the natural
d�air�$�wa�r�' t�a are� should be dev�7,o�ed in hi�t� quality, mediw� deasity
.'� bAUlia,� un�t� , Thi� ty�� of dev�lopa�nt wonld n4t only make it f�!as�ible Co
doves�.vp the 1�adA bue would b� a defiaite aas�t to the �ommercial. develcpment
o� �4orswooc! P1aza. Mediun► deaaity uaits ia �thia area would b� e�aily served
b� �bs shop�ia$ eent�rw �h� publia paric lands, aad the major call�ctor streets;
aad eould p�ovida tt�� e�ola�ic��, prsse�rvat9.oa aeCessary and �ti11 make full
uea of ebe laad. .
IE wi11 b� ess�atial �A provid�, the aecesaarq landacapia$ in,oxder to
g�otaat tha pz����at res�,d�ati,a], a�eae from the medium hi�h iatensity use of
thia typ� oi' d�v�lopmea�.
Any furth�� dev�l�apmenG o£` cv�ercial land along Central AveQu� would
so� be tatally de�i�c�ble� becaus� of the already developed coamiercial centers
^ in the a�ea. Any d�vaiopmen� o� coaQaarcia�. Land in this area should be given
�a��iu1 study i� oacde�c to #it the mei,�hborhood aex�vices conce�t. Car�ful
tbou��� should b� $iv�u �a o�her poasible uses fcaa this land.
�TUDY AREA 3 iaclud�s th� �rea commaialy r�f�rxed tQ as flyde Park and ie
loc�ted i� �outh-Ceatral Fridlay,
Th� ���ia a�c�a� Tnte�ca�at� 694 ia at p�ceseat � temporary use area and
�ou1d proyicle+ +�a ex�ell�at 1c�G�tion �dr the d�v�l�opment of a s�ajor chain hotel
�r motel. Ttac� d�v�lopwent o� th�� type of uss wouid provide an excellent
tran�i�i�n betwasn th� high i�nt�a�i�y trafiic vol-ume on Interatate 694 aad
th� 1�w int�c�sit�r ��u��n� uaits tca th� aorth with the propex plaatiag or
b�tie�° .
_ T1�� �r�a ��G �f Uufyers�ty �,veaute ha� �acQparty zoned for r�sidential,
ac�aaosci��, a�ud �,s�du�taci�l, u��s, This offezs aa opportunity tq �stablish a
wel� planneci kot�� dev�lA�weRKa Oa� �once�t that could $ive special i.dentiey
to the a�c�� wQUld b� th� u�e oi a�wei,1 pl�aned architectural theme throu$hout
tb�� d�v�lapn�ene ,
BTUDY AREA �+ �e psimaxily tha� ar�ea bstt�een ���C River Road and the aurling�on-
Ho�eh��a r�il���d Cr��1s,� at G#�� int�s��ctiaa of lrii.ssissippi Street.
It would aot b� d��i�+�b�e ta ex��ad �,n�duatria�, far9.lities further iA�o
tho r�oid�ntial �rea� a�oa� Zhe r�,�1iCO�d' sou�h cai Aice Creek. Tk�ia ar��
n ahouLd ��taia i�� r�s�,daatla� �ha�ac�e�c t� fiC ir�to the surrqundin$ xes�deneial
tui�hborh�od. �tedium d�t��iKy hou�in$ wou].d �exv� aa a transitiun xor the
sxi�Cit�$ �ail,s��d a�d i�adus�sy and would pre�erve the publie use o� Rice �reek,
�laaain� Coam�is�ian Me�kin� a Jaaua�y 17. 1973 Page 8
�.wse++� .�w i e
�Taz3e�Give o# th�a Cw+pr�h�asiv�a Plaa (caatinu�d)
�e a�e� a��n$ th� we�� �ide o� �he xai�road eracks and south of Missi�-
:�gp� Stse�C ��ra�vi�da� aa Apportuni�p to develap a nei�hborhood entity. 8ecause
, OL t�a t��f�i� �z��d� caus�d �c► $asC R�ive� �toad by the numeroua street accesaes
' iR �ld bs de�ir�1�1.� tp d�velop a a�i$hborhood with limited access. Medium
d�aa�ait�r aad clu���;� d�ve�op�aeaC wou],d be ba�t suited fos this t�►pe of ciarGUla-
ti+oa. Thi� �gpo c�� dsvelQpmen�t would be mose consistent with high inteasity
�� i.eaveLa �ursoaadiug it a �
�TOD'8'dIREA g i� 1o��ted be�aneea Eaet 8iver Ioad and the Mississippi River,
$A1P� 61� ItiC����$t� (9EFe
Tt im det��rabla CA px�sei�re ae a►uch og the natural besuty of ths Missis-
�i�g� River a� pc►ssibl�. �h�a prese�tatiou could best be accomplished by
E1�e d�v+�Lopmea� o� mediv� and h�$h d�nslty develapments. This type of use
a�ttld pra�ri.d� two Eunatioas; preservation of the beauty of the river by
dovezlopm�t o€ o�en; epaces an�d provi$3.on of housing for the iadue�rial deve�-
o�C a�1 on,� $ae�� R1ve� aoad .
�t is e�sa�at�,a�. th�t �t�ict eafArcement of the zoning ordinance b�
�si�d au� ia �rde�r to pxpvide the needed visual and aoise protectioa �rom
iodustsy aad ths h��vy tra�£ic volume.
Thi� plaxt i�s ths fira� �t�p ia a planned developmeat process designed
,� !o m��t �hs goa�.a aad �b,je�tive� of a balaaced coa�unity. The plaa nat only
p�pvid�s d�.reGtic�a far future deve�op�ent, but also establishee guidelines
fo�e eatis tiag ua es . '
zhe �riaa muas� be �oati.nually reviewed in order to meet the changiag
ne�d� aad deai.r�s �af th� �c�.Cizea.
' Contiaued �i�i.ze� �Ap4l� is neCeasary for the successful implementation
o� tbia �Iaa. Ci.�ize� paxt��ipatioa i.9 a key £a�tar in the develQpment of a
toCal ba7,a��� �q�nuai�yt wher� individuals may work, live aad play ia eaviron-
1�lOCA� 11�IIRQRy, s
Thi� �.� the �ad o� the prepared Pxesentationa
Aatia� Ch$irm�a F'i,tap,a�xick said �t is aur intention at this time ta open
ug tbe di��u���.oa ic► a eer��� of five half-hour c�iscuosion$. Tt any oae, area
sbould �eae�raC� eaau�h di+�e��sioa for more than a hal� hour� discussioa on this
�r�+� wii� be �Qnti�u�d to � �,ater date.
st.,.���re._ 1 ie locatsdria the Northwes� coraer of Fridley, betweeen �ast
& Road a�d Uaiv�raity �Av�nue. Thi� iacludes the North Park area but we
•as� aa� hes� te� di�cus�� th� y�se of the park because whether a nature center or
��olf cour�e� �oee in�� �hat areaa they will both be low isteasity us�s, a� r►oted
ia the propo��d p].+�n. �
� Ac�iag �h�i�am Fit$pat�ick ask�d the audience, if they wanted to ask a
qu�e�iLc►r� vr �alce� a����eu�ent, to addx�ss thettus�lvea to th� Chai.r, and to identify
th+�sel,ve� b�► a�aone. �t�exe waa na discussiou Qa Study Area 1. Mx. Fit�patrick
�aid �we wauld $o on to the next Are� aad coms back to Area 1 latex if Aecessary,
Pianaia� Corm�►iesion Meetiag „_,Jaauary 17; 1973 pa�e 9
� 1Kr. 8itzp�tx�ck �ai,d stLd�,�a,- a �� �outh of Onan'�, East of Old
C�tral� �outh tv aice �seek aoad and the are$e bordering Moore Lakee
Mr. Whee��,e� Bmith# F.M.C. QQrporati,on, said he was confused oa the
t�rms �i�gb, medit� h1�b� mediw�q �.ow, and low �iuten�ities. Mr. Boardman
�aid Gh� �ediura�low i�teas�.ty Qr medium hi�h iatensity referred to traffic
gen�+r�ted i� are�e and thie ie what the aolor charts refer toe The medium
• de�aalt�r aad hi�h dene�,ty t�rms refer Co houaing.
William Di.�t�a 12�0 Hatkaway Laue� aaid he would like to laiow wha�
th�y +�r� goin� te do about the traffic pattern at the Old aad
, ai$hway 46S interas�tioa, fle oa�,d �Iathawaq was a State Aid road aad it's
dead-eaded. Wi19, it ga thraugh Co Matterhor�o Mr, Fitzpatrick said the
Ci�� had'brought a psopoe�i ta tbe Plasain� Commiesion with chaages in
the traffic pattorti im thia area. Mr. Clark �aid this 'propoaed comprehea�ive
p].aa �.a for land uae more thaa traffic plana. There are comprehensive
p�,ana ie� th� early �tag�e for traffic patterns aad parke, eec., but it
will be e��ier to eome up with t�caffic atudies if we have a good comprehensive
pl$a �o� land us�. '
Bob La���a, 14�2 Mi�aieaippi� Street, had an inquiry on eectian 4 of
thie �tudy ars+�. �la asked if ths City p�anned to u�e the poads as they
a�� c�r i# they w�u1d b� �►uttia� �a etorm aewers. Mr. Clark said if this
prapoead plaa is ado�ted ie wiil be a�ed a� a�guide and depeading upoa
bow ths land i� u��d will affea� the deciaioa on this.� If this area was
ue�d aa a t4wahouae dev�lo�eat, ior iaseance, then the pondia$ cou9.d
^ rezna�a. �l�wev�r� xhe�y tnight s�ill have � aeed for some storm aewer�.
M�. Jaekie T�e�a� aeked Ghe +dtfference betweea low intensity $ud
a�edium 1a��asiey hou�iag aad what they were goia$�to put in th� blue
a�ea. �r. Fi,t�p�t�iak �aid we aren't gain$ to Eut anything i.n the
areae, thi� i� m�arely ��uid�. �Ir. Boa�dmar� � low intensity housia$
wa� oiu$1� fa�ily dwell,ia�s, parka or buff�x zones. The greea ar�as
ar� ��d�ura iaten�ity, sueh a� townhouse� v�e quadrominiums, aot high
�is� Qr apartra�at �omplaxe�,
Irir. Jiat T,aag+ 64�0 Arxhur Street N.,�. a said he livea close ta
�rea 4 0� thia �tudy aad ther�; was soa�e work beiag done in that area,
�i�,1 b��a� haal,ed in� eke.� eca there mus� b� some plaae for the area.
�Tb�s� wi,ll i� ��ne up �c�r a Pu��,ic Hsarin$? Mr. Darrel Clark said the
Oity h�d �e� had aay ���a1 raqueats �gr r��oning or deve].opment of this
�r�� �� y�t� but �ub�i,� �tearia� aotices w��ld be sent out if any requ�sts
we�e ��d�,
�, �a7.CpR Il�t�ke' 14b4 Mi�ai��ip�i. St;c�et, made the recommendation
t� tb� F'i�wa�t�g C�.eaion to pres�rv� the water table for future $ene�azionse
�ia eG�t�d ha �s1G w� +�1�� ehould aot kurt� a deai eax to industry when other
�iti�e wa�c� b��g�n� �o� �ndustry.
I"i�o Fi�z�a�t�c��te e�id ,�SC�,,y,�e�, ip $�nerally kaown as the Hyde Park
�r�a ��d i$ aa a��a �t��t go�� u� ka 41s� �veaue� West of I. ��694,
Plannin�, Gosmii8eion Meetin� - January 17, 1973 ^ Page 10
Mx+ A�.aa ,iemsea, 59SS 2� Stzeet No�o, �aid that most of this area is
�1 deaign�ted as high int�nsity. �s there any specific type of development
that the �].�nn�ia� Conan�,s�ion is �hialcing of when they su��est a well planned
+�rchiCe�tural th��eo �ueh as mot�ls or hote�s, Mr. Fitzpatrick said much
pf Chi� ��r�a wa� r��h�r rec�ntly zoned commercialo Where most of the study
atxsss �x� psopoa�d d�velopment, this are$ follows the present zoning quite
* M�. Beard��n sai.d it is hard �ox a developer to come iato this area
b�cauas th� propexty i.a owaed by �a many dif�er�nt people, 7.'he on].y way
we could tie� the deve�.opmea� to��ther ia aa arehitectural theme,
We�re aqt khinkia� pa��ieularly oi aay hi�h intensity use, per se, but
we� would 1�1c� to ��e sa� type af office type a�plexo ,�1 mQGel o�
hot�l aloa� T�694 am tk�e present drive-in� theatrs propexty would be a
$oad uae but w� b$ve mo propoaal� at this time,
Mr. T,a Aq biuggli, S9i3 3xd Str�et NeE., asked if in regard to this
axchittectur�l th�me, would you b�; pointing at a epecific class ox type
of busiae�a o� dif�erent �ypese %ou aren't 9.imitiag it to a certain
arehitectural type. �Ir. Fit�pa�t�iek ��id only eertain things wer� a1J.owed
in �a�h zodin$ cla�si:�ic°atioa, �here were regulations on design and
eertain app�araaas�. Mr. Bo�rdman said th� architectural theme could be
that the axea �ollowed the same kind af landscapiag. This would be an
architeetural the�ne.
Mr. Jeas�n �sked if th�re w�s aay �hought of developing the South
i"'\ side of T.. �69�+ u�ia� the four �orners instead o� two. Mr. Fit�pa��cick
said �hat b�si�a�ly �h� emtire �ity is covered by the proposed comp�ehensive
plan bu� the :�ive study area� w�re the areas seiected that Aeed �.�ediate
at�enCipno �
.Stu y rea 4 i$ betwe�n the Railroad tsacks and East Rivex It�ad from
�he int�r�e�tion �f Ea�t Ri.ver ltoad and P�is�issippi Street an�d Noxth o�
IrJia�isai.ppi S�xe�t duwa to 6�,st Avenue,
Mr�, GQ�b��a b27S East R�.ye� Road, eaid y�u augge�t tha� the area
at�y as �.� bt�� have � limi�ed accesa, Whers would the limited acce�� be.
1�'ir. Cl�ack �msw�x�d that th� axea wQU1d atay Che same as far as land use,
but wQ wer�+ ps�j�cti.a$ ahead ma�y� years, Aa �he homes get older and the
laad v��uea ea��eed �h�-v�lues of the h�e�, the Qlder homes would �o and
clus��r h��� �s�u�.d be buil,t, �m R-1 �he requiremest calls �or a
tai.simupa og 9,Qp0 �q�.a�e ���t, Iu a towuh�us� development the xequi.rements
��� fxs�tn �� QOA Co 9, OQO. 1"�s . Gerber aaid she didz.'t think aayone would
w�sC �o bttild �los� Co �l�e �ailroad traGks. Mr. Clark said there would
be a huf��� b��w�e� ��e homea and the traeks. Mrs. Gerber asked him to
expi�ia wh�t � b�aff�r was. �. C�ark s�id it could be trees, bexms, fen�es,
at�. A�yt�ia� ts� �to�a nois� aad visual pollu�ioae
Irir. J. /l. LQVe�tr�.ad, 219 I,o�an Parkway, asked what.plans they had for
tl�� y�1�.ow aee��v� a� 1�c�a 4. �, Baard�an� �a�.d the arrow meant that it
bord��a tk�e �tf,�e� .��i��e are ao specific �1ana tvx the area bu� any £uture
,o-�� sh��ald i�e��da p���erv$t�on of tk�� x�iver.
Planning Coam►iesioa Meetia� ,�anuary 17, i973 Pa�e �1
— --- „
Mr, Lave�tsand aa�.d hs thou�ht Bast Rivar Aaad had as much traffic
� a� IIa�.v�rsi.ty Aveau� and plana fvr the futuree shauid include a wethod of
dimiaiahiag the traffla, Mr. Clark said you woa't see aay changes on
$aet Rivex ao�d ua�il after the �Torth Corridor cros�towa is completed.
rir. Boardmaa ea�d ther� �ere three different site� where a new raad
eould bs �ia�t�lled, all Narth of F�idley, in the vicinity of the Northtown
axea. Accoxdin� to thi� etudy, hy 1985 txaffic could be reduced by
th��e� �ia�e� Qn Eas� Rives $aad i� the North f�orridor gaee iato effect.
Mxo Bitzpatrick asked �.f these me�tings had reached a point wh�re Pub1iG
�eazin$s wouid be he�.d. Mr. Boaxcl�nan �aid they have had two hearinga
and there will be a Fubli� Aearia$ for eitizen�s coming up some in
aebllt$T'� a
Q�� i� 9auth of i. �694 t+o kh� lriinneapolis aoaed property,
6etwsea Eaet R3,ver aoad and Univ��caity Aveaus,
+ irir. Wh�eler Smi,th said this was hie fir�t coatact with the plaa and
thought it wa� very we7.l. conceived. Ia 1Qoking over the copy of th�
. aarrative ha aoeed th� atatements that preaeat zoning requiremeat� �hould
be eaforaeds and hhi.� was zoned xesideatial; that high deasity development
was gart o# thi� plan �a take care af iaduatrial workers, you're ta�lkin�
. abouZ hi$h gis� �partm�nte and develo�anent with open spaces, and whea �
• tbink of th�a trafiic p�pblems with the traffic coagestion now, i'm confused.
Y�ir. Clazlc oaid the zon�a$ lawe psrtaia to setback requiremeata; by opesn
spac� ws m�an aa a buil,disg like a hi�h �i�a there would be opea areas
around the buildiz��. We dan't want the area eovered with blacktop and
�"� roofe .
Mr, Fitzpatri�ck �aid th,� d��cusaion:�on the five stu�lp �reas was eam-
ple�ed quite rapidly so we caa go back to any area for iurther discussi.on
or hea� �aa�e general statea�eata,
Mrs, Ba�bara �u$he�, Lea$ue of Wome� Votera, aaid she uad�rs.tood this
m�aetia$ was fvx Gha Pl�nning Commission to give information aad there would
be ��h�s�•a��e�iage �chedu�.�d �or citizea input. Both Mr� Fitzpatrick and Mr.
Clark �asw�red th�� th,ey expect�d moxe input this eveniag th�n zhey had
r�e�iy�d and �ay deaisioa to contipue thQ Publie Hearin� would be made
befor� tl�s eveaiag wa� over, Mrs. Hu$hea said she wasa't prepared with
all he� quee��eae but eh� woade�ed what con�ider�tioa had been given to
oaaes �raae:lt ic� the p�opos�d comp�:ehensive plan. Mr, Fitz�atrick sai.d .
while thera wa� ��au� �n�ormation o� �xansit in the proposed plan, it is
ba�iaally �t ].a�,d ue� plan. Mrs. Iiugh�e s�i.d ahe didu't think you aould
conaider l�ad use witt�out making some pro�riaion on how traffie woul.d be
taken caxe of ia the ax�ay, Mr. Fitzpatri�k answered that the five study °
ageae wer� rel�.tively u�dy�veloped or unde�going a change a�d hopefully
therc� was aoth�a$ propo�ed thaz would genezate tzaffic. Mx. �oardman
a�id the queetion of ma�� trans�.t has to wait for a deaision from the
Met��p�iiCau CauAeil, �he pro�oeed aompreh�asiv� plan in order to be '�
effec�iv� at ail, wil� have to be constantly upd�ted as areas devela�< �:
The M�tropplit�r� Couaci� ail� have Public Hearings on mass traa�it with
input f�caw ths eiGie� iav�l.ved� and afte.r a plan ia evoLved it w:i17. have
�, to be a.FP�pv�sd by Ith� City,
� � �laaaing Com�a�ioa �����ag - �aauaxy 17� 1973 �a�� 12
-_ 1^9 Or �P���� � ��
� Mr, l�u�$�i. �a�i.d thi� wa� all new fa�ox�tion and i� wa� difficult tQ
�ake any m�a�ia�f:ul �cnament oa socaet�lag ys��a weren't that familiar. He
�hou�he i� p�opi,� � had a aha�c� t� thir�k ab��at it and ta].k it aver
�h�is aei�hbox� thcx would hav� �ome �a�►ent� or sugge�tione.
M�, �x�+ S�l��ei���', 6$51 Qa�Cley Stxec�C, ��ked what the timetabl.e
Would be �#te� th� �ubl,�e H�a�it�gs w�re aver and this plaa went to Council.
Whem would th� z�omiag chaagee be made. Mr, Fitzpatrick said �his pl,an
WAL��.��1 � t �han�e �ay �o�nin� . A�� thi� 18 A 9.s a propoaal, that has been
pre�au� �y Ch� City S�af�, modified by the Planning Conniasion and we are
naw a� th� paiat wh�xe we want iaput lro�n �he� citizea�. Mr. Boardaian said
�his g�laa has to go �o �h� l�trapolitan Coumcil and it is wi�him xheir
xi�h�+� to ho9,d the p]�e� �or ai�tty days, be�az� it caa �a to our City Couacil
!ar apprc�v��. , M� .&ahr�is��r a�k�d �. f thexs were zoaiag maps avai].�ble e
Mr. �Clark aaid w� haves the largs wa11 zonia� map� dated J'aauaxy 1972 and
� amailel� oa� dated January 1�69 that ar� availa�i].s at City Ha].1. Mr.
Qureehi e�id t�pdated �oniag a►apa will b� ava3lable in abouC a month.
l�r. Whe�el�� Sm�.th �aid �hs �lasai,a$ Commlesiaa has indicated that
thi� �lat� wQU�d �a updated aad ehang�d from time to time, What wou�d
ha.gpen i� �aa�eoae c�ae �� wi.t� a r�quest �h�� waa di.ffereat from the
�ropo��d F1�� b+�t the� �'],aania� Couunieaion thought ifi h�d �erit. Mr.
�'it�pa�risk eaid each �cequesfi wou�id b� handl�d oa its owa meri� but i�'
it w,�� in 1�.n� with �he pacop��ed plan ba would think the Planaing Cc�nnis -
.� �io� wcau�,d lQpk ��tya��bly upo�a i.�. �he Goamai�aioa wvuid not b� bvuad com.
• pl�tely by �h� a�pr�beasiv� plaa,, bu� prabably mors bound th�a th�y w�r�
b�foro a , ,
1�. �i,19, Nea, 21� Lo�an P�arkwaya sa�.d �here waa ao f�undatiou �o�c ac�y
a� tht� �g��u3�atiQa 3�A tl�e �tudy area�, ile wvndered i� any bf �t w�s f�a�ibl.�.
* �e� a�l�d �.f Chere wa� a��y do�uuaentation on whether �t w$s v�abl� or not. Mxa
�'�.tzpa�r��k �aid khsz� waa basie for the pr��osed aorapx�heusive pl�ae Mx°.
�Qard��a� o��d gk�� �tudy �reas wera �u�� ar� addeadum ta �h� pla�aa aad i.f
u�c�ss�ry the�► c�ul,� b� �pdated vr c�anged�
1Krs. �c��b€�r� ii�s�he� aske� what wa� tl�s b+aeis for th� st����ec�t tha�
�'ri,dley: i� ��►e��uxi�t� �oaaauai�y. i'iro ��ardiaam said the presenk t�ead �.s
�hat g�opl� with �aai�.].��s ��� a�ovi.n� ���the� a�way fxom �the �ox� citX o�he
seho�l a�g �a�v11��nG h��� reached �i�a p�ale and wi11 b� on th� da��ine. We
�r� +�� ;th� pc��.sa� �he;� ��op�e �z�o� out�id� the a�e� ars comin� i�to Fx'�.dley
t� �A�°�s
�Is'b, Aavs ila�eri� A k 0�t�c� Creek �exra�� � said he wanted to +�pmmend
�ho F�.$�1�� Comutii�o��n��aad th� City �ta��� on khi.s propos�d �c�mprehsnslve
glaa, h�t p�aa �h�� w�� davelop�d aad eh� City hae beea operati.n$ on, was
m�id� �n ���� �o � �nsw g,�a wa� lqn$ ovexdu�4 Ia prep�rin$ a plan
�baa��� 1�Ad ���awha� s�leo� �.� this �o�n$ to� h�ve rela�iva ko th� ktetro-
Foli��� ��u�,�i� aad �.�'+� ��w�x �o�rd on t1�� sese�ve eap�city and ic� th�
ut1�1�1eA �y���a�e b'afiD De�r��l Cl�rk said th�s pl�n has go �� ��o the
,,,� Me�r�pealit�x� Cou���.l �ox� approval. �ir, #iar�rls said he �ealized that, bu�
i� �h�ia$e� made �.� tk�Q s�ud� �r�a� woul�d x�quire a�ese�tve cap�ei.ty, would
w� pa��r t�x �Q�n�th�.ag C�d�y tlnat wa woulda't be us�ag t��c y�ara. Mr. qu�ceshi
Planaiag Co�misaian M�et�a� J„ anuarv 17: 19�3 , Pag� 13
�``� ,
aaswerad tha� t��git�uia� �he, �irst of thie ye�x we wen� on a SAC basis. Any
xtsw cot� t�u���.oa w�.�l pay to aon�ect to ehe aystem aad any exiating con-
a�rucioa w�.�l h�v� no �dded eharge. He said that for insCan�e in Area No. ].,
this was pl�nned �Qx a� induetrial �ark and �hs City has takea 120 acres
�v� pa�ck area, $o th� utilitl�s in th�� are� are more �haa adequate. Mic,
Harrie a�ked wh�t would happen in aew deve7.opmeat area� from the atorm
s�wer etar►dpoiat. Mr. 4�u;esh� said th� whole planning conc+ept is based on
cons�rva�ion. The �oa�s a=� ,�afsty for our �ity, a balaace ia housing sv
a11 �ype� �# houaia$ a�� av�i�able, divers��y, ao there is some industry,
�c�� �hep��.A� axe�.� am$ �ea��atf.onal are�s, Ths other goal is enviranmente
� examp�e at thia is �a the iansbruck,.Narth area, �ahare �he ponding areas
amd the aatural be�uty•of the area is bei.n$ pzeaerved. There ia a lot of
opea araa ia a towt�iiou$� develapmeat. Induatrial area� demand vaore ground
covsr. Thie is whp apartmeats should be closer to an industrial area, where
etoxm aewera are u�o�t �ec�s$ary. Ia Study Area 1, the drainage could be
used tp preeerve part af the Creek's b�auty. Whea we can develop an area
aad make use of wh�t�� a�tural, for housing, parks, shopping ar�aa, etc.,
' we ean k�av� mor� of a tatal eoa�unity,
irlro Rariis aaid dev�lapment in nei�hbQZin$ eommunities is s�nething
we have ao aoatrol, e�v�r, eueh as the Northtc�wn Shopping Center. This
dev�lopmea� will dictate wh�t goes inta Fridley. Mr. $oardmaa saic� we do
reali�e th�t Narth�own wil�, have an impact aimilar to shopping e�ntexs
�uch a� 8x�4kdale �nd Southdale. The City Council has eent me to partici-
^ pate in th� Northg� Task For�e Couacil. set up by the Metropolitan Council,
This is a�tudy �r�up �made up of Frid�.�y, B7.sine, Coon Rapids and Spring Lak�
Park. We �eali�e thexe will be c�haage� in the area and we wouid like �o
�ee an office eompl�x �a the area aloa� with the park land and iadustriai
a�e�a, Mr. I�arx�is �ta�ed thae i! Fridley doesn't develop the a�cea, some
oCh�r aubu�rb �urxound�.ng Northtown wouid. Mxq Boardman �aid Bl.�.in� is
developim� an oifiae eomplex aad high ari+se mi.xture. If the City Cauaeil
�oes a1va� witk� ths a�uciy aa thi� area, then all this area wi11, be studied
�o� C��ffic pattesas a�d txaffie gensrated and laad use.
. ' M�ce. I3u�he� ��id Fsidley was com�ared with 13 other first ring suburbs
i� �hQ compr�h�n�ive plan. Why was this us�d as a basis of comparisona Mr.
8�aa�dma� e�id as k'��d��y is a�1rst rin� suburb we wanted to comgare it fio
�u�ur'ba h�v�.ng �h� �a�Q eharac,�eristica as u$, For instance, we have
f p�cobl��t� that $la�iue clo�st�'C hav� because we'ze almost campletely developed
anld �l� has �bAUt �(i/, of fts land uadeveloped. The M�tropal�.tan area
�mclud+�a ��vera �c►unt��s, some hi�hl.y develop�d and some vf it still faz�
1aad, �o yc�u cAalda'� compax� al]. the ci.�i�� to Fridley: Mrs. Hu�hes said
Fridl�y wa� low ia th� rankiags in hou�ing �nd development. 1Kr, Board�lan
aasweced �$€tt the�� ��atement� are based on the raakings and �ookir�g at the
C��en�d� ta ��e haw �u� ¢ouanu��ty i� dev�lop�n� �in cpmparison to subu�bs Qf
�imilar r��kin$s, t�x�. Hu�he� ��ked �f we would have the same charaeteristics
a� th� cocnmunikiea wa a�� belag coa1pax�d wi�h �f ws didn't da �nythxag. Mr.
�oardmaa aaid tt�a� b�s�.Fal�,y we have to $et �p some �ype of gval., a Fl�ce
wh�xe we wa�nt �o �oe ctt}�erwiae w� woul.d h�ve piece-meal developmen�, By
� ���t�.n$ up �va41a afld cab�eetive� according C� rankings aad �xex�d� we �an see
1�pw w� f�t it� wiEh Atl��� �ommua�t�eep Th� �Qa$OA for this Public Hearing
. is ta fimd o�tt i� G1��ss are� the �h�n�� we w�nt ta atrive for, and �a de,
te�ain� whaC is h��P���mg in aur co�muait�► �ad if it is desirable.
Pl�nniag C�.i.a�i�m Meetia� - Januar5► 17� 1973 �age 14
n M$. �Ia��tis ask�d i�' ths�� ha�d be�a aay coaaid�ratio� of a s�eci�ic use
with�.a a�e�.��cal ua�. �y thi� h� meaat �.f �.� was go�sible to have inter-
gaixin� �� h�us�t��. �,e,�o�di,n� t4 the z�qu�.r�u�ente far a single family home
�ha lo� �aue� h�v�' � ati,nimum af 9,OQp aqua�� �eet. Mayb� one individual
would wa�at �� bu�].d e� awa11 house on 5,000 �quare feQt ar�d someone elae
mi�b� �aat Zp,QQQ ��uar� feet for a home. With the �ame r�qui.remenk �or
�11 hvtts�n�, �q ��►� �reas a11 the homes loQk the same except for the paint.
Mr. Claxk ���.d the�re w�ae � hpusin� $uide from th� Metropolitan Council
tha� sugg�st� tk��t hot�s�a� ehould be i�termixed. �The Planniag CauimisaiCon
aad City �t�f£ ha� moG �a�d �f �his i� good vr bad. Mr. Fitzpatri�k said
there is Fxeesux� for �he� community to provide low cost housing.
Mro �lark sai,d tha e7.�de �reaentati.oa is available to any group that
taig%t �aat �,� dur�a� �h� month betwe�n Pub�ie kiearin�s. Mr. Qureahi said
th� pr�po��d �omp�eh�mslve plaa could be made ava$lable pa a check-out plan.
�r. Q��e�hi ���.d �r� anawex to Mr. Harri��s questioa on the Noxth Park
area, t� hav� ,joined th� North�own ahopping area Task Foxce, which includes
8rid�.e��, Spxi� I,ak� �'�rk, B1aiA and Coon Rap�ds . There ie al�o a North-
towm coxxidox atudy a�hi�h involves 1S �qvernmental units in thxee eounties
wheaca a� bxi+��� will go in somewhere betweea th� Anoka br�dgs and �. �4694.
Thia will ��fect th� ��affic throu�h our cammuntty. Thia can b� an asaet
and ai�o aa a$�ravati.o� aa w� axe a traffic funnel to the core cities.
According to Cb�e �orridar atudy, i� the additional bridge is built on the
l�ii.s�i�a�ippi R�,v��e the tra�fic wi11 diminish on East River �oaa �y a.9�5.
W� wi.�l have �a update aad adju�t tha compx�l�ensive plan, accordia� to the
^ chan�in� d�velap��nt �nd aharaete�istica., Without the shopping center, we
�AU�id n�v�� b� p�c�go��a$ what w� ��re pr�pv�ing now.
Ma, T�+�a iJs�e 3�S �iee Creek Tersace�, sa�d there w�ra, many �tatementa
iaade �n wi��.t the �omm�aity wanted and how do �►ou know what we want? Mr .
Fitzp�eaei�k said �i�i� f,s anly � pro�oaed �i�a and we want ei�izea input.
M� . N�wma�i answex�d tk�at �� ea�'t � �►uch imput when most o� us h�r�
hawe ��v�x� se�a tl�e �p��lete p�ara un�i]. toui�hC . rir . Aarrel C1ark said
th,e ca�pl.�t� pz�4pQ�c�d plaa wa� �eat to severa], ox�ganizati.ons, aad w� had
t►oped that tb��� a���ni�"a�ions would t►ave p�ople h�xe to give �aput.
� Mr. W$It St�rwa��, �,102� Fiac�Cm�n� Ci�r'�:1�, said the propvsed pla�. was
�iv�s$ �a �wa��rae�� oi psea�a� zoair�$ ax�' usags, and the d�aired trend� .
T� wa� ot �. �irm thing Trir, Fitzpatxi� saf.d he thought h� should stress
a�ai� � at thi� w�a � p opo��d �amprehsa iv� plan.
I+k', Qta�s��hi �t�id ��' the P�, Coma►i�sio� was �oing Co continue the
P�b'�ie Heax�i.r��a theX �hc�ul,d s�� a spee�f�.� date so the people hsre wouJ.d
kaow wiaer� tha a�xt #i�a�i,n� was, and �h� p�p��e cQU1d probably h�lp us get
�he� inio�n���oa �e� t�� pub�.i� . We �aana� na�ify people again by mai,l
beeau�e of �h� ex��s��,ve cosC,
AiATION by Mitt�.sh, �eeonded by Zsglem� th�t the ��atlnin� Commi�si.on
�aa�iaue tlt� Publi�� �ea�i..n� ��, the propoa�d cos�preheasive plan uat3,1
n F�brua�y �la �.973. TJpom a voice vote, all votin� aye, the m4tioa carried
81�nning Commie�ioa M�etia� - Jaau^ar�. 17, 1973 Pa�e 15
� �tr. Sciam�d�ko �ai,d h� wanted to thaak all the peogle wha spoke. He
a�id thi� piaa h�e be�e� psspax�c� by the Ci.ty Staff, modified by the Planning
• Cc�.��ioms at�d h� th�u�hG it wa� a�ood �laa.
�Ix'. 1��ai�h e�i.d h� thintc�s we st�ould e�mphaeize that there are oth�r
areas that arc� be�,ng �tud�ed, but this �.e b�sica�ly ��and us� plan, aot
a tra�ffi� pr yar1� p1gm,�
I+�'. �u�eQkai s��d w� are im �he psacess of preparing a comp�c�heasive
park plan, a com�a��heaaivs sani�ary aewer p1an, comprehensive wat�r plan,
and a eomgg�,hea�iva $;��.n,ag� p�,an. We are study�ng individual ar�as and
tzaasi� atid Cranaport�ion plans and other things of this type, bu� the
plara b�in� pre��ate�d �erc� �.� ba�ieally a land use pian.
P�s�lic Hearia� �o�ea.
Mr, Aa�rel Clark stated tha� the Citq C�uacil is aot goia� to act on
�lood pl�in zoaia� until th�y �et a recommendation from the Planniag Gommission
xf th� �auacil i� $oia� to act on flood pla�a za�in$ they wouid �.ike to do
it �paa, i� th� Plana�a� Cammissioa feels this ahould be dvne. Mx, Qureshi
�aid th�r� ia some uxgency because the�► would like to have a deaiaioa befvre
�he po��atia�. Sprin$ �laoding.
n �it�i��� �ricic�on $aid we may be damagia� property values in these
ar�ae, I� ap��ara frpua �he fe�d-back tha� there isa't much iatexest from
th� p�biic �n flo�d p�.ain �pniag, FaH.A; aad the V.A. won't make a mort�
�a$e �on�mit�eak on prpper�p in the flood �1ain. He wondered if FxidlEy
'had a r�aaolufiioa �a ��.00d plaia zoning �.� th�s would be �i1ed with the
A�op��ty by �h� ��unt�.
�. 1�li.�i�h �aid k�� w�ul�d ba more f�vorable toward f�ood plaia zoain�
1€ w� �auld p�.�k �ad �hqo�e what area shc�uid be zoned flpod p3.a�a,
�e $o�rda�aa ��a�ed tha� whether �lood plain �oaiag $oe� iato effect
in ��r�d�,ey o�C �tot: ths �'+HeAo will not give mortgage Loans on anythi.n�
�og�d a� �i+aod piain by the, Army Corpa, of E��ineers Study.
1�. Fitzpatr�ele $�i� aaother poiat th�� perhapa shouid be che�cked more
e�.o���y �� wh�tta�x �h� City aets or not,�he Stats �egislature will pass
le��.�iatiac� cra th�� a I�r. 8o��dn�an �aid th� legisiatio� ha$ alr��dy been
�BS���de He dida'� kac��a°how ].e�ient they would be'b�fore i� hatl to �o i.n�p
�ff�c� bu� h+� ��i.e� thaC a11 coam�unitlea will have to h�ve flood p9.ain legis,
Ghai�a�n $ricic�oa ��lt th$t due to the lack of �esposse a� the �ublic
�e��a�ia$s s wl��+ would w� want th+e zoning .
l�k. Miaish a�id c��yl�e we �ould dea�gnate eertain areas aa f],oad plain
� sa th� G�.�y �ou�$ ��gu���� �h� buildin$ i�q these ar�ae. M�. �o��dmgn said
we e+�uld break away f�am Sta�� et��dard� and designate certain areas fload
, p�ait� Go r�gul�tg bu��.ding, buC p,o on� wou�.d be eli$ible fox floAd �,i.n.suran�e .
Plasaia� Cammi,�sion i�aeti�g �anua�y 17. �973 Page 16
�. Mim�eh ��id h� didq'C like to recvmmead approval of somethiag when
we wer�a�� sure o� th� fa�-reashin� consequences.
Ms, �o�xdmaa.s�ated thak wk��a the State i�gislation i� ia sPfect the
muaicip�litiea w�.�L h�v� to fo�lo� tha �uideline�. Th� State le�islation
i� mo�e s��tri�tiv� thaa the Federal require�ents.
Chaia�an �ri�keon eaid suppoae we adopr flood plaia zoain$ only ia the
areae we feel it is really aeed�d, would they reject our request? Mr.
Boardmaa aaid it would �o ta the Departmeat of N�tural Resourcee aad they
would send it dowta ta �f a
ChaixYaaa Ezickeon asked Mr. Qureehi if the City would noroaallq record
s reaolutioa with the, Cauaty. Mr, Qureahl said it would not be ia the
propartp file at �he Couaty�.
Chai�waa Eri,+ckson �aid that duzia� the floodin� of last year maay �
conm�unities we�r� axi�isi��d fo�c not having £lood insurance. We weat through
the asot�.oae of l�tting the people know what was available and the respanse
waa poo�°. Mr. �itzpatrick wondered if we cvuld recoum►end to Coune�Ll that
we have anotl��x� Publie Hearing. Mr. Qnreshi said we have met all th�
require�ents arad another �blic Hearin� wauldn't be held.
Mr. Schm�deke �aid the proble� �eems to be� that the Commission �'eels
eome proparty euch as Riverview Heights ahould be in the flood plain, and
�h� prop�rty �lot� Ri,ce� Creek ehould be flood fringe. Mr. Schmedeke thought
n it wa� th� City'e duty to tell people� their property is in a flood plain.
Mr. Clark aaid we do tell people whea they inquire about propexCy ia that
asea, but maay peopl� daa't inquire. Mr. Boardman said that HUD and the
8�ate legialatian ia�lud� both the Riverview Heighta area aad Aice Creek
ar�a accordin$ to the A�y Corps, En�ineear�a Study.
Cl�aixmaa Erickeoa �aid iaquiries should be make to aee if it wexe
goesible to �not desiga�te �11 areas im thi� Study as flood plain.
MQTION b�► Exialc�om, a�conded by Minieh, that the Plaaaing Ga�ami�sion
coatinue the eon�idsrati.oa of flood p�aia zoning uatil the Gity Staff inquires
in�o the posa�.bility of not �aning th� entire area of the Army Corps of
Eaginesr�a,Study as �loai plain. Upon a voice vote, all votiag aye, ths
a�otion carried uaaaimousl�y.
O'WY��IlV.�l�b�� 9
Aatiag Chai,rm�a Fitzpa�rick adjourned the m�eting at 11s00 P.Mo
aespeatful�y eubsai.�ted,
� t�/''.:�t�-G7` Y�d�•i.a•e=7t.�
Uorothy Ev� oa, Secret�ty
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