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PL 01/24/1973 - 30366
�^� �, � �. �[TX Q8 A�IAit,EY PLANb�T�l�ti CO1�I$8x0� 1�lE��NQ J,ANtTAitX �4, 1973 , PAt�E � eVAL'I� T4 ORDFIR t Chaiz�q ��rtclu�oa aa1L�d the maet�a$ to axdar a�t 9: QO P,M, ��i' --- _� 1�b�r� ���r+��a�ts $�r��1jc�Ax�, $ahmedek�R Zegl�as Fit�patr�ek, Minieh M�b��� Abse�at� 1Qoae gthes� lx�s�ats A�rrel Clar�c, �ommu¢�ty �`relogmeat Admiaistrato�e �7�rrold �oa�dmaa, P�.at�ia� Asoieta�at M�ION by b'itzp�tri,�ka �ecanded by Zeglea, tha�� the Flaaai,n� Coa�ai�eion rece�y�n the Quax�C�r�.,y �arko �ud Ite6ss�t�oa Do�artmea� Work Report �or Oetobor� Novemb�r aad Dece�abe�c� 197z: Dpoa a yoiae vot�, ali voting ay�, tho an9tioa ��rsigd uma�imou�iy. 1. �i�o a� � i�o�d Ca�� I,ot a�d �con ls���te�d ox1 T��ts f� �h�QUgt� l0a Pax'k �dditi�a� . a� I,vt 12 ��d Ced� 4��101� 9�a D, and �. ��a To coaC��us eh� exl�tir�g �tc�t �a�side� �.epaix' �a�ags Shop to be �1ac1� 28� a�d ;Lot 16� �1o�k 21, Hyds l�, �1o�ts 2e City y3,sw Addi�tioas �er �ir. �'ra�n�e (#�bs�lci.k �aa �reeeue. C1�airaaaa �#�i.�k�vn ��k�d �t�, Giab�elc�1� i! Mr s Kohi.an would bs p��a�nt toa���ht, irix, +Oabr��,�i'k ��id �� h�da'� �isard from him aad �idn'r 1c�vw �.f he wc►�e1d �ome o� ao�. �, �rick�cna a�ked 1� i.t wa�-�$r�ea61� with the �►�itiot��� to wait �ad ��� i;� h� eara�. A�ixe C,abselcik a�r�edl. Chait°�aa �rl,ckaa�n a�id th� �th,�€ it�� �n �k�� �g�a�de� ehouidn't tak� �.ong �o th�X w�ould ,go o� t� th� �i��t ��e�, , 2e „RE��,iJ�ST�'pR A��T SP,��TT��L.S��73 Ol, �OSERT SC#IRoER� I�ot �, �14ck �A �+��� �,���h �e�at�s 2nd Add�.tign, l�r. ae�berk 8���aa� �a�� �ros��t Mr. Satu�dal� ���d �hi� �.�em Waa �a kh� ���ada �f th� �lata aad �u►bAieia�gn� *��s�+�G• aa� U��l�,tie� �ubc�snikLe� sg��ad� toai�ht a Wha� ie am�$�nE� �� �.� �� �p��� ��� �t�a S�v�t�a 20�e ���t �� tk�e �a�t 200 fa�t o� Lo� 3��l,o�k �s E��� ttaach ���a�+as 2nd Ac�d�.�iaa, to �vnsCau�� a�ts�cfiur�. �rw Dar���, O��xlc ��i.d �l�i� px�op��e�► i.� ,�us� �ox�h o! C�gp iiome�, a �l�aain om�.eo�o� �e��in a anua 24 1 3 $a �� , . � 1�G �pi�t �ha� �rae a�ppxav�� ���z � tew m�o�ti�s agQ� Th9.a lo� i� mar� �haa ad�qv��t� !ox tb�a ac�r��.��, ��quir���at�, Th� r�av�ltin� I�orth io� would t�e � 1�tt1� ���l�,�r y�t a�;��t� �kae ��q�si��a��a� tt��t th� �Qt �ither b� 1�0 to�� wid� c�r th� ��t�,�� 1ot �� 2A,9A0 �gu��� #e�C. The Plat� 6� Sub� Sub- c�itts� �r�c�et�d�� �pP�ov��. +a�ti�n��a� t��rvq �a e�dd���o�a� 17 f�et beir�$ �dd�d t� �h� �ac�,at�a� �Q l�e� �gw�� �a���a���� t� wetk� � 3i io�C saeecaea� �� C'h� 1oC t� �t�� ���.r a� th� �s�p��cy ha� a��,e�• �� th� ��rait�ry �ewsx th�t �c�� �h��u�b, �k��e g��c��.. Cha��aaa� ���,�ka� a��C�d �� thi� w�� �� �p��py�d plat w�lr. Cl�xk aaid th� pl�t th� ac����.ae� ��id �� th�:�� �g�ada wa� tb� �pp��,v�d p1at. Th� �1�e h� wa� �howiag ��� t�as � pF��oo�d x�pla� tha� t�adn'� b��n �ct�d <3pcaA• Ti�ue� �.,a � p�apo��d �Ae��d th�t w��l �us� �tiace�.y We�t nt thiw pax��l, Mr. Sahu�� �aid ��tex� t�sy b�c� p�.a�ted aad recosded thio p1aGa 9ubu�baa Ea$#m a��sig� taad ���o�e�dod ti�� �Qad, Mx', �'itapa�ri,ck �sk�!� i,t the A�i�i�a1 a���aent wae wh��� �h�y ha� �pact�d tha 1�G �ic�� �c� b�. M�s G�a�rk said th� eaeew�at w�a put in fc�g a�xci�� x���e����s�ate ��� i,t a±au�.d eithex be to th� r�a� ar ia frc,nt of soa�r�i�l d�V�Lo�met�� ta ��i�miaat+� tt�e long �ut out to th� ��rvics drive, Tbi• pe��C �� tha lo� wau�d ��ther be a parkia� ],ot or boul�y��d �o it dt'►�ton' � i�Cext�re �►�,�t� �be develo�ne�t of the lot . M�r, Glax�tc e�id ths pl�� be wa� �h�wwiag tb,e C�uai��sio� would ���h�z° b� ���t it�c�ch �stat�� ��SL A���$�.OIIs �ev�asds ox �aat xaa�h �etat�s 3�� A�diti�, �� 1�, S�h���� �+��d k�� xe���o� �c►z� �hi.� 1Qt �pll.t b�ing l+�r�er thara th� l+�s� �a�� was becaue�� k� d�y��o�e� af thi� ��t xant�ci to l�ave mor� p�.rki.�n�, i�ir, ��h��d�ak� ��id �'��� �pl#,� �ff did leaye �h�a North iot quit� marxpw but �! Mr. 6�hro�r t�ad �� Ab,�B���A19�8e i,t wasa'x the coae�ra of th� Pianain� �oa�ai��io�o � bir, 6�h��r �a�d th�g i��d b�a� e�t th� Cauacll a�e,�ting �f ,Taauaxy 22 witb thi� r�equa�t' T�i� d�v��,�per has mo�tg��s �a+�mitaaeat� th�� h�v.e �o �� ei��sd by ��b�u�ary �.st. �h� Cc►uacil �ppr�ved ti�a xequeat �ubj�at"��a �h� A1��aiu� C�mi,a�ioa'� de�i�ion, ' �(1TIOI+tt b�r �cl'u�d�k�� Se�o�ded by.�it�p��r�ck, that th� Planain$ Co�i��ion ������d �pp�°cva�� t� ��1it p�� th� S�t�ti� x04 feex o� the �ast 200 f�e� �t i��t 3s �l�e� 2, $�s� �anch ��te�te� 2nd Addi�tioa: aubject tv an add�ti,�nal i7 i��t b�iag �dd�d t� th� oxi,�i.nal 20 fogt ea+�emea� to giv� the 1ot to th� �+e�r ��' th� grep�x�y r����es �o the s�wer. llpaa a vo1c� yote, a11 vating �ye� th� �otiv� �ax�iod u�a�aia�ou��,y. 1'�'. Aaacr�l Clark ��id th� oa2y ob��c�io�a th� p�Qp�rty owner might hav� t� th�� �ddi���oraa�, ����mea� �a�ald be 1u' �aet�.�� �h� s��a ordinan�s r�quix�- maat� � Cl�ait-a�a� ���.�ic+��► �n,d �ir. �itzp�trick sa�.d tt�ey didn't thi.nk th� p�tit�or�e+��wou�d h+�v� aQy p�oblea� gete�ng a va�ianc� �or a sig�. i"� Ple�nnin Commi e on etia - J�aua 24 9 � F� e 3 �. ,r� .� e /'�1 � Y�cwrxv� ��RU�S�s sAV i�7�-oi� �RYI�ivT��RANI�.�T CORPORATiON, �o va�ats �rai�a�� �a� u��1���r ���ement �in, th� �o therly ����t of I.ot� 13 throu�h �6 ��lack 3 s���� G���k ��rt�a�ca 81a� 2. �, �arx�al. Q���k ���¢ �h�� v��c�tic�a r�qe��afi �houid b� �n th� ���ada �l.eb th� r���aim� ��q���C wh���b �.�� b� o� ti�� Feb�uax�r 7th a�e�d�, Th�y WAa � � W��,C tb� '�����i�t� i.# �he s��on�n� �.�u't �pp�ov�d . l�0'1'u01�1 by ��t�g���'��ks ���+�c�ed by Miai��s tha� th� -�larlair�� C�iaaioa ��ti�t�e ttse ���a,��,�►�, ��qµ���s SAa �i�°Ol� ����t-F�r��kli� Co�pox�tioa�, to Y�a�t� dae�it��a aad �t�l��y e�a�t on th� 3o�th�rly 5 l�et �f Zots �,3 Chsou�b 16s ��,c���g 3� R�i.�ro C���1c �es�a�ce �]�a�t 2, uat�l F�bru�ry 7, 1�73. Upan � v���� �►ot�R e�3,�, v�►�in� �y�a t�a� �t�.cx� �axg�«�d uaanimou�ly. 4, tTES�' FAR T S�'i.iT L S #T3 QNY �l�+�k �Q, k��m� �a�'a �1d 3�. A�r�cpl C���k �ai�d t�� ���7 C��rk d�e aot h�v� to aplit aae��amaat� w�t��, �t ��� �p1�.G 1��� be�t3 �p��ov�. T�1� i� t1�� pxops�ty c�E P��tl �u�kl�oldex, �ad thio s�qu��C w�l� Qx�i�i�lXy �ppsov� tb� ��vel,Qpmen� o! laad b�tw�er� tl�� p�t�t3�a��� aa�d th� ��m����y e M�� I��.�����x��� ���,d t� +��,1� v�c.�t�oa� waw �����v�d but �oe th� �e���t Y�{���iAi� r �� �l�R�p$ �a�i,�a�,�+, w�� ,���tas�d �a th� d�ecriptioa o� th� �at apllt b�����o �� 1��� w��� tn��t��r��de �. C��ark ���� th�r� ha� b��� ��� p�'�bl�� �i,t� �t�� �t��cy��r �t�� �' � B�skhold�� �+c�t��ht 234 te�t o! thi� b�c►�k n� �set��c ��r �t i� +����r�b�d. ��T b� ���ed�sks, ���o�d�d by 1�ia�i��is t��� �k�� ���na�.ag Ca�ais�i�n ���w��ad Co Gt�� Coua���. �F��'�va� Qi th�a xeq���� ��r a t��t Sp��ts �eS. �73�Q2, b�► �t�t� �,a�d aad D�y����RC �oaa�a8� tc� sp��t �t� tk�e North �34 ���� af ��p�l� �LQe iie�i,�t;�4�� Add��,�.o�� L��OS4 � 114��Gl� YO��e all v9C�lq�I� ay�„ the Q►ot�lo� ��l�x'��d I.tA+�:�1isQu!���, T�r � �r���,�q ��k�.d, �. ��br�,�.c�1� �� �. �hl�a w�� CCn11ri$ e �t�° e ��b��laik �a�e����d th�� h� h�d�et, ��ok�R t� �r. Roh�.�c� �i�aa� �t�a ia��t m���ing, Chairman $x'i�k�oa e�i,d �h+��r w��ld �op►�i.�u� tba P�b�.�s �lea�ria.g a�a Mr. C,�br�ieik's ��qussG ��i�' 4 ��►����� ��� ��i4��� �� ��1� ��m�' �e'a �r�"���� ���� �'�Q 1��� �.� i11�4► ��X'� ��is ��• �'A�Y61�,C�LfR W� 8A1S8d !�� a�k���h �� Ch+� �x�p��e� ��Q �# y�u� ����ou�o 1A� ��u have i�2 A�x, Q�hx�e��i�C �a�,d h! l��da�� ��'�� a��y sk�t�h, �. ����k��� s�id w� �la� 8�k�d !�� gxo��! Q# �4������ a� x�� d���� Y�u� ��� u�i,�,� �s w��h to u�� a� w� wo�id �o� t�i��� g��� o$ ���� p�a�+�te��r i� soyesed by ��a �raadt�Che� c1au��o �ix. �Q�b��1��k �e��d �h� ��'����C �oa� ��x �t���a��t�� wa�uld thex d�. �hairma� �s��k�a� •�a�� �� d�d�g'� �!�w �� ���y �ot��� ns �ao�, b�� tb� C�i.��i�u wau�.d look at �l��, . Ch�i�a�� �i�'���ce�, ���6�� �1fi+ G�b�C�l�ik 1+t�y h�a t��d�p� bxpugk�t a ok�t�� g�' Flaania� Commiaeio� Meetia� • Jaauary 24 1973 Pa�e 4 �+O�P!lT+��1 � A I A�w��ws4�� ,�.1 b�s pxAperty. M�. Gabg��ai.�t aaid t1�� Ci�y waa cn�kin� up a ske�ch. Mr. C1$rk �aid ���y h�v� ��de a ok�tcb bu�t tlxey didR't think Mr. Gabrslaik �a�ld lik� i.t. , Ch+�i��� Exickso� ex�a���d th� �ax et�tement� , The ta�x eta�ea�ent ��x Lot 6 aad th� 8� �f 7�.� in the aaan� of Ca�rl Sor�a�so�a, Fxank Gabr�l.ailc $�tting th� C� ���temeat� �h� N� o� �,vt 7 aad �1� a�' �ot �, 3.s in �he name o� �aytno�td Meg�it' Mr, Gabs���i�C �e�ttin� the ta�t �t�tement; Lot� 9 and 10 a�c� ia th� uam� �� Gaxl S�se��ou, Ca�txact Purcha�er, H$xsy Johttsotz' Mr. Gabrnlcilc ��tti�� ��x �ta,�Q�►���t; LQt 16� Blo�k 21s �s th� Sta�a o� Mi.nne�ota, Mr. t��bx�ic�k ��ttin� t�x �tateq�aRt; I,ote 12 and 13, Blocic 2, City View Addition, ira th� �a�r,a� o�' C�rl Sax���AO�, Mr. Gabrel�ik again $et�ia� the tax atatemea�. C�ait�� �x�ck��� �aid t�►�� acco�rdia$ �a th� Cvuaty, yau doa'� have �it].� to vegy much. �r. G�►bg�ale$k said h� juet i��dn't got ove� �a �h� Couaey �o r��i�t�� th� d��ds. Chaia�a �rickeoa� �ai.d ther� �e�� tyro thin$e the Fiannia� Coa�i.��i�n �p�a�fiaally aa�ked #ox� ou�, evldeac� o# purcha�� of �h� pxapertp, �nd thie to eae i� aot �vido�a��, �ou �say vesy w�ll have ���le Go thf� prape�t�►, but wa� a�e iatax�e�t�d �a wiiea yn+� �o� owaership ci the propexty you hav� pux�chased . W� �loc� aak�d �'or a�m o�aC��ns os 'how you plan to +ase thia proger�y, which you have aoG Purai�h�d. �r. �abxelcik said he wa� ,�nly ��kiag to u�� T.ots l.2 and 13, ia �dditio� to whaC h�a w�+� u�ia� bo�oxa. � Mx�. Eriekeas a��k�d �.� L�c. Kot�laa wa� st�1l Mr. Gabrel���e'� atto�ney, ^ Mr. aab�cel�i.k ��id h� guea��d �c�. He aaid �ne did�'t kaow who appoiated Mr. Itohl,an or e�nythia�, �i�'0. �r�akao� a�ked thea why w�e be here before repr�sent- in� y��a, l�tr. G�br�lcik aaid t�e didn,'t hire h1m to repre�ent him, h� though� �ABG�c��� �t1e6d 81���1�6P�',&d �ia1e l�i�. t�abxe�l�ile aaid he gaid � lo� o� moaey fax th� property h� has and P+�yp ���� Q� t��te� oa thi.� pro�erxy aa�, now �th� Ci�g says he c�a't use i�. Ch�is�aa Ea���ksot� addr���ed �Jr, Qab�°�lci,k a�d �aid you �re her� askia� th� Pl�aai�g C��as�oA t� g�.v� you pexm��aion to expand youx� u�ed car 1ot to two �.ot� No�rth s�� �Bth �lvamue and to on� lot 3puth �f S7� Avex�u�, that you haveast b��a ���ag be�o��� �a I u�dexsta:ld it. '�e t�is �ight or wron�? I�1rm @�bx��,��� ��id h� h�s b��a ua�.ng th��s lot� fox yeaxs but iiL�g�lly, � �L18�8e I�W ��tcia�� to u�� �,ota �2 aad �� becau�� they arer��t �overed by tha g�e�d��eh�� ei�uo�, - Mra Schg►�d�1cs eaid 'he t��dn't iaG�n�ed to $e� involvFd in thi� �ut he e�,id ha bad e�pis� o� w�nut�a of ineeting� by ths City th�t $o back sevexai y��r�, O��x t�a yeare a�a �h� p�toperty Eas� aad West o� University Avenue � i� thi� a��a wa� de���i��d +�� aa ��►�aor�. I� the n►iautea af April 1�, 197]. � the� OitX �u�i.�e�; ��ate�i t��� the Aas� C�ae F�ank's Cax Lat had been in lo�c a�.�,c�xtee' h� h�d t�keta p��ture� �hcwing c�ra p8rked on City st��e�s �ad ju�bc 4r� tk�e lot. T,�te� tha �ar� had bee�a ��moved from th� �re�t, Mr. 8chm�delce ���.d �ha� a� �haia�maca Q� th� P1at� �t�d Subdivi.sions - Strsets and U�ii�ties Suba�+m��ke�� �ta tho��ht it wotsld be Prc�pez to aSk for a survey a� �,.� ti�ie pxqp�rty, �hexe� �x� ��m� lots i� City V��w th�t have g�culi.�� boundaries . ThQ F�.�nait�� �c�m►��siQn ehaul.d be moxe i�io�ed he€oxe wa �ct �n som��hing of � thie �aCuac�e l"�. �chmedelc� d�.dn'� th�mk B�ocjc 21 �#►ould be �neluded in the �p��ia1 Us� �'e�m�� €�a �a� �� �h� atree� ax� al�.ey ia coneex�ed� unzi� ths PLBAA�II$ Gomrnie�iaa Mse�ia� ��aauar� 24. 1973 Page 5 a 0 \ I��� p trs#fic pattera was #i� �n �h�� ar�a. �� co��inu�d that Mre Gabrelci.k �' naede �a�s ss►d azau�d hia bu$ldin�, eod asoand th�a sidewalk �rea, some plaaatia� qf �y�s�r�re�m� a some e�i,sting trses re�►oved, aad the ,�unk and 7,umber cl��n�d up �� it'ie Y�ry u�ef�htlyo H� said Mr. Gabrelcik �hould decide what typ� �f bua�Lne�� k�� waat� on the lot. ae has $our bu�ine�sas now; u�ed e�r�, b�dy re�a�x, txu�k rep$ix �n�d a�ab buai.��ase If w� get +a susvey a£ thia prop��ty� $ th1n�C wg wi�.� need �ou�e piantin� to protec� �hs a�i�h�aox� to th� �auth. �h�se ar� th�n�s we requix� �� evexyoae �1se, e�ad w� ehou�d tre�t �,ve�yone �like, � Ch�i,ma�a Ericksa� �aid ts� MUce Gab�elai.k that you ��y �►ou'r� not actua].ly a�lei.a� f��e �nythia$. Mx. Gab��J.cik aaswered that he wamts �o use Lots 12 and 1�. klr, �rickaoa �a�.d thea you ax� askiag �or somethi.ag, �xpaASioa a� your uaed ��r io�. �h�u w� unders�and each othex. Chaia-�aa� ���s�Q� �,o�d �ir. Gabrelcik if you waat us to vote iatel9.i��atiy oa� thi� �squ�s�, we �h�uld ge� �omethin� �xom you. Cltherwi�e yau're �oiag to hav� to a�k u� to v�aC� on th� infor�a�tiou �hat we h�ve now aad T car�'� �e� �hat tha�"a �oia� �q do �►pu aay goQda I�, 1���,re1 rlark �a�i,d i�� though� we shouid yerify �ihat hi� pr�sen$ Lic�rae� �cA�,�rs, .[t dqe�n'� c�v�r �.o� 6 ar �h� N� �f L�t 7, Th�a licen�� ��qu��� �� �ox th� �T'� o� �at �, and all of T,a�� 8, 9 a�nd 10. Whera thi� li�eae� We�t �� Couaic��, they x�queated rir. Gabrelcik to �eG a Speeiai [J�� Y�rrai.t to� wh�t was cA��red by k►is exi,sting licea�e plus what�ver el.�e �� ws� t��isg� �h1c� ia�lud�ea �eot 6, the 1J� of Lv� 7, L�t 16, and Lat� 12 �nd 13. . Cb�ia�aa Eri�k�oa �t���d ��a� �Mr. Gab�qicik said hs k�a� beara u�i�ag I.at 6�nd tha t�� �� �,�� 7 a'�1 th�a �ime a�d I b�li�ye �hat is si�ht. Mr, C9.�rk ��k�d why th�� wa���a'� included in th� 1ie�nse sequest, IK'c. �abrel�ik sai.d h1� wil� m�d� �uC Ch� '��.ce�as� request aAd he didn't kaow why �h� dida't ia�l+�+�� �h��� lot� , Ch�i�aa �x�eka�� ��lc�d �e �abr�lci,k wha� �e wa�t�d te� d�. Mr� f��breicik ��id h� w�t�t� �h� s�g�t to �t�e I�ots �2 and 13. Mz, $x�c,kson eaid i� th� r�st o! xhe Coasai����a #e��,� tha wa�► � do, we'xe aot able �� taake a deei.s�oa �a thi�s �xe�p� �dyer��l�►, 4��eas yot� �a� abow u� aom�thi.n� �ha� we'd liks t� ���, aad that i� h+�w yQU ia�tead to u�e the proper�y �nd ��atr�cte an whe� yo�s bou�ht th� gxop�rty, �a�d �'m mot au�e tt�e�t'a �ain�� �o �iva y�u wh�t y�u t��r�t �, Mx°, ��h�edek� �aid it �auld ba i�axd to eo�� to �ay d�ci�i.on uale�� we bav� ��urv�y a! th� �.ots ��i� ua�d��cstp�d w�ieu l�xs o Kvh�an w�� �ex� at the 1aeC ea��etin�, tk��t �h�r� wa�a sam� px�ab�e�a w�t� a fenc� li�e o Ural�s� we kAaw wtt�r� th� pxQP���y l�pee ��Qo � doA't fegl ws can� vote int�ll.i�en��.y� 1�, S�hmed�ek� aa�,d tt6a� y�ar� a�o yQy �ould come i.rt az�d do a� yc�u p�.ea��d, k�t timo� h�v� �ha��ed e a��d w� �1�Q�ald k�ave e� plot plan af s�ne kind o Th��� ar� �uLe� ��d x�g�l�t��ra� �o �cilow �,ow� Ms a G�br�ic�.t� ��id whPq k�e tal�ted tQ �tay�r. I,�.ebl aad Mx, Kahlan, ha �"1 thou,�h� they w��s a�,in� tQ ��tc� .��rs of t�ia for me s Mx p�e�len �sk�d i.� i�x. KQhlaa wa� �ep����r���A,� l�x'. Ga�r�l��ke OQt h18 �sques� �a� � SpeGial �Tse . ���n�� i'� i��� th� �,Qta��,��, �� t�e�e a�� �t�y q�es��.o�s� c�ll Aud�ew �;cb��aao llanniag Co�i��,� io Mee�iag - Jaaua� 2��973 ' � Page 6 Iq th� di��u��io� tk�at tc��lc�w�d� �� was det�ra�ia�ed tha� �. T�ohlan mads �. out tbe r�qt��a�t and i�s. Qabre��ik sig�ed it. Mx. G�br�lail� aaid he did�'t a�k I�, Itabl�a ta, p��p��r� th� ��qu�at 4�e �aid whea he weat �� Cauaei,l, about hi� li�ea�a�e, �i�C�� �t w�� �ivea� and �hsa� h� �at � aotie� it had b��n v�aidoci, May�� $,��bl c�me ovar wi��h a�ier o£ thinge t�.e C�ty wanted M�. 4�brele�le �� ��r�e to d� t� impxov� b�� property, �a tl�e 7,ic�nse �ould b� is�u�ds but lri�'o �abx�l��k rot�s�d tp �i� �h�a a���etaent. 1"i�. Babrelci�s �a�,d Ma��r 1Gi��1 thaa� ���d him �ds�. i�hlan w4uid holp h1�, Ii+a �aid ha �aad p��d �SO t�r tta� li��a��� �a� the CQUx�cil ��ked hia� to xaquea� a Sp���al Ve� P�t-cni� s�tx. �ab�����le �aid h� did�qt't want to �p�ad � lot af m�r��y on tha p��p�rtqe be��u�� it � b���x ceae aloa� he would �sli it. 1�. ��i�k�or� �aid t� Mx. ��bxe7.e�k, you a�� askia$ th� C3ty, aad this i� th� ti�et step� �� xt�n � u��d c�r lot on eexta�a px�p�rtyP a�me you',v� ��v�� ���d b�#o��. W�'ve+ s�k�d �►o�a �o� px�o� oi �waesship, wh�ch you l�av�n't doa�, W�'v� ��lc�d �e� ��k�tch �f how y�u i�ltet�d �� ueQ th� propexty� b�cau�e w�'x� t�a�� t�o h��AY �,th �h� w�y �►o�'�� u�in� i.� ��wa �iich you h�v�a't d�ne, i�o you w�nt �h� �'1�►��iag C��.��ior� t� a�t o� thi� aow or do yo�a w�nt to com� b��k actid b�sia� �se �hi.s �.a#aztaa,ti�a�p W� c�s ��� �ci�ht aow, o� informati�a w� dc►a'� h�v�a �ad �+a w�.�.�, '��v�, to re�ca�e�nd deaial t� tho Cs�uuail, I�S s t3abs����k a��d !�� �a�p�d �� ��v� �+�� �� th� c�ra h� h�� a�ud may�� h� wv�°t a��d �� u�� tl�� addiK�oaal �.��s. i�'. ��i�k�ot� ���.d yo� w��� h,av� �+a �$ra� that whe� y�u driv� by youx 1�C � it da�aa' ��001� 1�k� a u�e� �a� i.�t e�h� cax� �iave �now �ra them, /"� they'x� paclt�d in th�r�, �a�d �h�x�� �.� �o, �videue� th�c th�y've bsea mov�d f�x� a�a ti��a ���re, �.a ���$ �� mater�al oa the laC that x�e�lly doesn't ��ign� �� � ue�d ca� �.o�e � Ms. 4�bx�9,��k �+��r �ve�yoa� te�ls t��w bow t� �k� the 7,a� 9.00k a�ic�, ;� Th� ili�hw�y �depast���a� wan�s t��e�, Frid��y wa�ts 8od! ie l�oks like h�'� � ouppoo�d t� �ai�t�la� ��9, �Qu,r �Axnera �nd whe�re i� he �uppoged �Q go with tb� ���a e�I� d����' �k h�v� $��'�w t� k��p t�ie �now o€� th� �a�c� and ke�p tta� b�tC��i�e� �ha���d �,p ��d cq�ye th� �a�ra li�C� a lax��� vpez��tor � Mr � 6��bx�l�ik ��id h� w�u�.d ���,� �1�� pxpp�+xty x�t�er t�a� �►ak� a�.1 tl�ess imprs�Ve_ : m�a�aC� . � � �h��.r��� ��1���� ag�i� �aked Mr, Gabrslcil� if h� want�d th� Cammissa.on � te vote aa t�� i��axm��ioa tl��y h�de ��e Gab��lcik s�id th�y �hou1d go ahead , aad v�t�e Z dom'� wa�� �o ��e �k�o�� i�t� (l� �nd 19� oaly wher� th� xegulas ' 1�t �a taa ��i,�� ��'� tQO �a�� away �r�m th� �uildin� anyway. I o�ly w�at �o ua� i� Qc&a�iQa�lly. Irir, C�ask �a�� h� �t��� �►��ds a�p��181 t7�e �e�mit f�r the p�opartY, Ct�aR �t i� uc� ���g�� ����a� t�on�ecoa�ox��a� u�ee � dv�'t th�ak you hava �o aet qs� th� �eaGi��� g��c��, Mx e M�t�i�� ��k+�d 1'��' � Glask �t t�e G1t�► has ��k�t�h o� the praperGy . Mx, Ql�rk es,�,d w� �id, a�<< Che aketct� o��t ��m� of th� cod� and setback ��Qt�igs�te��� w� e S►al����.��k d�,du't �ay �,� �a� agprAVed ar' dis�,pprov�d of �'1 �h0 �k�t�h � Mrs �di�i�h �+��d �h� �ao��c�� e�y� to ��atiaue t�e �xi.st�.n� uee� but Planai�� Goanniseio� Meetin� �� JanuarY 24a 1973 Pa�s 7 ,� Yuclud�� 1ot� that p�o�1e wk�c� �o� the nqCice, mi�ht ao� be aware that this aoaatitut�e aa �a��ansion e� �he uee. Ch�irc�a �rickaon �slc�d Mxe Claxl� hQw the expan�ioa la�� got in the a��otic� whea th�y'�� aQt �� Gh� r�ques�, Mr. Ci�xk answ�red that at the 9.ast m�et�.n� i� D�eemb�r, Mr, �ab�elcik aslced tha� these 1ot�, 12 a�d 13, be i�clud�d �.t� th� aotiG� �ad it be xe�ub�iahede 4'aXe Fitzpatri�k said the a�aCica �,� ex�oa�oua thea wk��a 1� do��A't menzioa expanaion. Mro Clark �aid be�al•1y, you �ay have qt polaGs but M�o �abrelcik says he i� usin� the�� iots r�ow. Mr. �'itzpa�rick �aid it he gar a not�ce saying to cQntinue a u��i h� wou�.dra't �s�u�ne automati�a],1y tha� it applied to Lo�s ].2 and 13. Chairman E�i.ck�oct ��id it wa� qu�stionabl,e in his own anind that peaple w0�ald reao�a�i.ze the 1e�a� deacriptio�. They would recogai�e 1�Ir, Gabrelaik's aata� aad th� geae�al loe$tion. MATIp�V by Mia�ah, ae�FOt�d�d by Fit�patxisk, �hat the Planniag Commisslon +clo�� the public t�eaxi�ng o� �h� xequest �or � Special Usn Permit, SF ,i672�i9, by 8raak G�bre�c�k, tp coat�,�ue tha exiating TJee as a Used Ca� Lot aud �anduc� in�id� Its��i� Garage ���ps �p �ie 7.ocated oa I�ots 6 through 10, Blacic 28, aad Lolt 16, �L�a�k 21,, �yd� Park �4ddit�oa, �nd ILota 12 aad 13o B1ock 2w City View A,ddit�.c�a g��� Gcde k�.101s 3�, ��ad G. Upo� a voiae vots, a�l votin� ay�, tho motion c�xz�.�d uaamimou��.y, � . �tc. S�chm�delc� �ai.�i h� wQUld �.ike �ot 12' �loek 21� �iyde Paxk Add�tion, �.�ft off the �setiom uati,l, the d�c�.�io� oa the street was firm. Mr. �r�clzso�a ��id that w+�u1d d�pend �ip�,� the mQtloa. Mr, Cl,&rk ��id frc� �h� etandpoin� o� admiai.at�riag the liceaee amd Sp�ci�l 0�� Peria�tP the SCaif woui,d lilce to have a plot plan th�t recommende�d whafi �hauld be f��.1Qw�d ia p�aG�m�ut o� the c+�ra oa th� lot. It i.s innpossible to ad�ini�t�� a us�d �ar l�t Q�r auy busiaees without a�1ot pl�a that bath th� vwa3�r �r�d the C�tX a�ree upoa a� w� �au"t te11 i� ther�'� a viol�tiQra o! wh��'e ����ed up�n ax IIp�e Chai�nan Er�clusact aslcsd i� tk��xe w�� �ay�hing that cau pezmi� M�, f3abg�icik to opexate � used F�ar laC witho�t a Sp�cial Usa Permit, Mr. S�hss�d�k� said he �aa us� the �ot� cov�red by tha gr�nd£ath�r clause inc�efinitely. I�o Miaish �sid w� wo��� a11 bs in�ci.iaed to coa��.der this r�quest more t�vox�bly if tha�;� wa� aA i,�nd��a�t�oR o� a w1��ingne�& to cooperate wiCh che City in reaQlviQg wha� cq�ld be �h�x��tably d�ac�ibed as an eyesore. I suppose wa co��.d �pasi,d�e� � layout �k�at would ea�ompa�a Lot� 1� and T3, if i� wa� �aupl�d wi�h a�n �e��a�� to ��etxuctu�� �h� who1Q opexation, b�ut until that psa�.nt �� wQU�,d be �slucGa�,� �o da aayth�.n� to ehang� anythiag ox gi.va him W�xg le�i�imacy to hf� op��ca��io�� I dou't wat�t to do anytbing �h�t would �.a� �aywaX pu� Mr. Gab����i1� ou� of bus�n�a�a l��ybe hoidin� up on the li�ens� w�u�,d be xh� wa�► EQ get t�� i,�,formati.o� ws asked fox. , ^ �lanuin G i��io Meeti � JaAUar 24 1973 pa �� � M�. Ds,r�al Cl�rk �a�d �� thau�h� that wa� Eh� lntsa� �f th� Couacil 1� �ekia� 1�, G�bxela�k �p g�fi a Sp�a�a1 Ua� Pesaait on the land he wa�t� �o u�so �t'� ����a�d� o�ee �� w��nta eo �xpaad oa �h�se lots that wsrsa't �� hi� Li��RSe pxiox t� �h�a; ��d two, dr�w up ��Lot plaa hs acu�d ��ve wiEh �ad tha a��y �ould �liow• 1Kx, Miaish ��id w�'sQ g�ep�red to work with hima but it does�'t �ppear �h�� h�'� pr�par�d t� �QOp����� 1� �uraiahi�g th� �atoxmation we r�qu�seed. �c, Sci�ad�ke ��id b� had ��px����d hi� opin�o� �arl�er, a�d �t had�'t �h�a�ed. MOTT�N by M�.ai��� ��aa�d�d by ��tzpatri�ke thae �hs Plaania$ Caaaai��ion ���a�snd t� Couacil, ���� ba�ed o� the lack o� in�ax�ei�a by the pstiti�aer, that th� re����t to� � Spec��� ve� Psr�it, SP �72�19a by Braak G$brelc�k, g� ��a�i�ue th� •xi�ti�� ��� �a a�sed Car �ot and coaduct iaaid� Repair ��x��� Shop, t� b� l�cat� on, ���s 6 thx�u�h �Q, $lo�k 28, and La� 16, Bloek 21, �yd� P��k Additioa' �ad �ote �2 aad 13, Bl�ck 2, ��ty V�ew Additi�n, per Code 4�,1Q1e 3 8�•� oAd da b� d�q�ed wixh t�e aCipul�tioa that it aould b� xe- aub�i�t�d �� �u�h time t�e xequs�t�d ��tA�e�on �e forthc�niag, UpoA a voi�e �ot�s �11 vo�1A$ �ye, fib� mQt�oA carried uaa�imou�l�. ' Chais�ta �xi�kee� ��ld ��. �abr�lcik that �� wou�d su��e�t �txoa�ly t�at h� �� a� ae� P�'. �i�bl a�d try �o �eC th�� woxk�d out. �'m coa�us�d �ad w�,s� �11 �oa����d� W���� aok too aura who's responeible for eend�ng � �eu ��x� �lth thia ��p� �� r�quea�. I thiak yoa'-r�=�onfua�d. Mr. Gab�slclk a�1d thsy kald �� I��sd a Sp�via� Vse Permi�. Mr. Ericksoa answe��d M�. �����c1k by ��yia� w� did�'t g�� th� 1af�rmat�an fro� you that we �eque���d �o wa couidast v�t� �ay otih�� way. Maybe you wera miainform�d. i eugge�� you $o b�ek aad talk �o �hs p�opl� yau ta�ked to 6efore aad pursua this mat�er furth�x, Th�� ��e� �� �ouncil on �ebruary 5th. 1'4x'e E���k��� s�id w� r��lize we hava certaia �xoblema in i�prov�ng p�pp��t� �h�� wa� �� e�i�t�n�� b��Qr� th� or�iaanG�s went into �ffect, but �h���v�� we havs ��hana� tq �agrov� thes�, � thin� wa �ra going to do �t, Th� �gp tuaity easA�� �h�� ���oa� waat� to e�pa�d th� area of their oper��iqn. Tha 1�� thfa$ w� w�m� t��d� �� p�t y�u �ut o# bus�me��� but if y�u are $oi�g C✓�xpa�d y��� b�si����s 1C ie �u� duty to bxia� it up to �or� mod�ra� �t�ncl��d� , ! _ _ - ----- I�i� ON by �'i�apat���k, �nd ��cos�ded, that the Plannitng Cor�anis�ion �����Y� , he ��equeat tro� Cou��i�. gp d�te�mi�� the use of the txiang�e �a�d� by ;�h� �Q�h Av��n�ss ��ipRof�� iJpa� � voice vote, a11 votin� �y�, �h� anariota c�.rried t��ani.�►ou¢�y, Cha��tnaa E�i�k�oR �ak�d �.! the P1atu�ing Commi.��ion was supposed tc ^ �c� gr� th� l�tte+� ���a� �.c, ��ggli, l�r, Aax�cel C�.axk said he had spoke n to the� Cit�► Fn���tia��c �tid �� �r. �tu�gl� w��ts to petitian �Qr vacatior� on a - port�.c�n a;� th� ri�hC �vP w�ty a�d shQw how t�e would use it, we eoulo act u� th� p�tikict� p�a ar ��m� Planning Commi�sion 1yi�� in� �, Januarv 24,i �973 Page 9 , �haix�aa�� $x��tc�on �a��d Mr. M��g�i i� a�king �v u�e a partion of wha�? �'�1 M�a �lartc �aid it was the ��;�p-of€ x�ng on 60th Av�nue, �he City paid � ��ou� $1S,pOQ ��x that 9,��e l�ir'. ��C�p�tx'��ck sa�d h� had b�ea� at the Coum�i 1 mee�ing aad ��t�x d�.��u���.pn' �hey d��ided ta �se�er it tc� the P�.aanla$ Commiss�.an �o ds���ni�e Che 7r��cvm�n��,ded u�� �f thi� �xiang] e, $�,ther l�t l�lr. riug��i request tk�e u�� o! �he ���a�g�* A� �h� Gity spould ke�p it aad pl�at �v�rgresns arad �9d tha ax�a, Ms, Sci��d�k� �aid �t 1� it� �he wi.auGe�, a�nd a�ll ov�x, th�a� nc�a� a� thi�� th� �oa�a� a� ci���a flQw p1aA wqu��l �o un1��� all a� it weat, We �ot th� cQmc,erc�ax �Ax�i,a� �nd kh� �lipro:�# aad thea it al� s�op�+�de U� until �i�c �►anth� ��aa Mx. �1ug�li. �khougl�� tl�� City waa gQi�� tto buy his pxo�erty, �Ie bougb� eom� propex��y �urthQx out to put �i� �nachfnery on, N�w hs ta�� �wo #ort�► fasat loGa ptt a aa��wap etr��t � Ms, S�ha�ed�k� sa�d �� dl.da't �o� how l"�'. Mug$�.�. i��en,ded �tQ us+� this tria�l��, bu� h� thinlcs it sh�oul,d b� le��t a� is, with l�acR �u�gli $ettin� first Ghamc� to u�e �h� tri�n�l� wYa�n a�a� Cx��#�.� pa�t��� is d+�ve�.oped. l'SOTIa�T by ��t�ge►tx�i.sk, ���c�aded by �aish, tha� ths Planain� �amm��si.on r+a��r ti�i� ��q���� ��Am Cou���� �o t�� Plats �ad Su�bdivisi�a - Stresfis �nd Uti�iCi�e 'S�bcc�i.tt�� aad s���e�nd �t�at rtx. Muggli �ak� a farmal xequ��t for v��stior� �� $ po��i,o� �f the. tr���$1� ���ated by th� slipaof€ at 60th Aveau�. TJpan a V�ic� vot�ii al�, vAkin� aye, the motioa �arri�d uaamim�u�ly. ,'"� �C1NZ'INUEDg �CON9iDE1�1,TI0N OF FLOOD YLAIN ZOIVING �'i�c° � Js�xold �o+��daiaa �a��! t�e had �alk�d to Jim Wri�ht f�r� the I?�p�rtsasn� �1 N��u�c�l I����ux����o ti��.� aft�rt�oon, aad hs sa�d thsx� is gh� po�sibi��y �hat w�e �Q�a�d �li��.t��$e G�e �i.�� Cr�ek erea #oa� th�. f.l�ood w�ty, � Th�y wquld ��iil be i� �h� €l�v�d pl��� �ad sti,19. h��e �he xestric��.or�� � buC th� ��sa ���ald b� �a�1�d �al� ils�od fx�n$e Qv�rla�, ox� so:ae d��fera�t r�aa�s. Thexe is th� posa�b�lity w� cou�d ba�d�e thi� w�.th �ome type of ordin�ac� sueh ��"� Cxg�k �'x��erva�ian Q���.R$s��e and tk��� w� cauld e�iminat� thi� area �r� tl�� ilaod pl�i�e . i'i��, Da�ca�e� C����C ��id th� S�a�� d�.d pas� ��t�t�ate i� 1969 that ana�� �� w���latox�y �ax ���ry ���►�r��,�y ia riiaaesota to �on� tlo�d pl.ainQ T�'� g�ly ���tG�r o! t��� b��o�� tt�ey ���rt �hsaki.n�g tQ s�� i� we h�ve �cxn�l�.�d, W� ah��ld d� ����h�m� a�d ��ry �o wo�k �th tha Stat�. I�drr, Sak�►�dek� ���d they wi�l be #or�ia� us to do �om�thic�� wi.�hin a Gvupi� v� g►ea�s . W�a �haui.d p��s �a ,��diaaac� ox take �am� �ctiga b�for� �h� Stat� fgrc�� �� �o compl�►, I�x. 1Ki.a1�h e��k�ed h+a�a tl�� R�e� ����k Wat��csh�d �iatsict wi.I,l aff��t �ha ��.oc�d plai� ���C�ic��Qa��, In ��ve�al w�Gr:rshed di���Ci�t� ther� can be ao �e�n�txu�ti4� uc�lea� �t h$� t�ad cl,+�a�aa�� ��om ehe disex�.ct . T f the R�G� C�re�l� W���x�h�d A�����c� ha� �'�&k���C19�s a�,a�b� it wou3.d tak� �s ��t �h� -h�p� �� ��� �t� tk�e R��� Gx��k ��tu�tio�9 �� . M$ . C�+��ck ���d �� e�� ass �c��n� to s�vi�� �u� �p�i,ag osdiaa�ce� as �a$ �� x�estri�ttP� �� t�1e ��9Q+� W�ys � ����,�.d �he��c w�th �ua �nd gh� �ice Pl�nnia Go�nlva�a� Mestiu - Januar 24 i973 Pa e 10 ^ Cx��k Wat�r�h�d ���txic� to s�a what �h� ��ideline� of ��ch �r�� �a xha� �11 t�� r�����at�on� �x� th� �a�e. Ch��r��� �ricksQA aaked wh�ch ras�xictions �o�1d �verxid�o M�� �lax� ea�d th� mo�t ��eC��Ckive would Qverride. ws c�a cha�k �ad a�e wh�� �h� Aic� Cx�ek Wa����hed �iatxic� r��tr�ct�cas are. G���rmaa �x��kaoa ���d w� a�e ap�roachin$ ao�ethi�� that wa �a� 1�ve wit�. i Ghi�k t�e ���a�_ �g R�ve�vlew Hei�ht� should b� xoned fl�od plain. T thiak t�e�� p�opl� eho��d ��C t�e oppo�tumity t� h�v� flavd iaauraacs. Ms. ��a�dma� e��d �i� W���h� �a�d h�� that pqssibl y the xau�e to �o, wa� t� h�va tb� C1�y �dopt wh�� he aa�led the Motherhood C1au��, sayla� th�� th� city wi11 d�v���g �oms ty�s Q! ��ood pl�i� maaageta��� a�d wi�h th� �d�gtio� o# t��� a����a� we wQU�d b� eli�ibl� �or �lood �asurancs �n �b�ut �hre� w�e1s�� withAUt �atually d�aignatia� axaae in the ��ood pla�no Th�a w� wpuld wagk w�tr �h� 3t�Ce oi l�i�nesota tv �et up some Cype af �A���mCA� Co�t�4�e I"1s� Mi.aiah asked w�a� wou�d happ�a it wo adcpt�d ��s resolut�oa aad a�v�r asais to t�x�ma With �h� Sta�e, Mr, �aardu�aa eaid we car� adapt th� r��olu�ian; i�f w+e do�,'� agre� w�.th t�ha State� we can a�,way pu11 �ut, Ws wi�1 b� fo��ad to h�Xe � seao���io� later Qa. . �Ch�i�a►�t� ��cia9�a�aa said he th�al�a the 9tat� ie anx�aus to �et thi� �r��x�m wox1�1A� �nd �h� v�ore cap�+e�+�t�.an th�y get 4 the �a$i�r �.� wi�.l be ��r Fxidi�y, � �iQTIQN by PZ11ai�ha ��eoAd�d by �'itzpagr��k, tk�at tha Planniag Co�umi.s�ioa s��o�r�d th�t Coua�cil adopt fi#��.s �eea�utloa �Q b� �ee�1 whem applyia� �a� li+�od ia�eura�ca 1n M�.na�so�a, ppon a voice vQte+ a�l votia� aye, �he motioa ca�r�i�d ur�animo�s��.�r� �D�OU�NI�N'� s Gh�i��� ����k�oa �d���araed �k�e rae�ting �� lOt� �pMa �s�pect�uily �ubr�i�t�d, � • •��, �...�� ����thy �v ���aP Se���t��y ,�1 � � Se��,ion IV. �, � , SUGO�ST�D RESOLlITiON TO B� USED WH�N APPLYING FAR F100Q INSURANCE IN MINNlSOTA N14�R8AS, cmrtain are�s o! the �CpUN1'Y� (COhl�lt�+IITY) are aubject to per�adic �aodin�ro�a the (3TR8AM�sj c,suain� s0riow da�s�es to p�ope�rti�� withia thas� � � ' - N�18dt�AS, relis! is r�erailnbia in th� lor4 0! Flood in:vrance as authoxized br Lhe National F1ood Insuranc� Act o! 1868 ae �nd�d; and i�R�A3, it 1a� the intent of this (BOARD� COUNCII., ETC.) to coaply Kith land v�� a�d aaa�ag�ment crit�ria reg�ul�tions a� a�qairsd in �atd ut; and MIi�R6AS, it fs also xhe int�at of thia (BOARD, COUNCiL, BTC.) to �cosnize snd duly ovaluat. fiaod h�xssd� in sll olficisl sctions x�lating to lsnd usa in th� Ploc� plai�n aress havia�S sp�cial flood hszard�; aa�c1 -�R8A9, the Cad� Citatian(�) of St�R� fnabli�n� �o�is��tip� �nd of eu�y . s��ult�es oc�i ordirianc� that authosis�� this (COt11�t'1l� (COM►�A�1I7Y) to adopt land uN and aontrol osasures are: Minrt. Statutea Sectiw►s 3�.41 �t �se ,and SOS.09 ;,,� to 8QS.13 (coun�iea)� Miru►. S�stutea 462.551 - 46Z.363 (citia� vi3Tages, boroughsj; Minn. S=atutea, C. 104 (�lood Piafr� Mana�esent Act); e�c. � l�M� TI�BRBPOR6, I� iT tt&SOLYBD, that thi� (60ARD, COI�iCIL, BTC. � hereby taius�s th� Federal I»aurance Ad�iaiatsation that it tsk�s ths tolioMin� l��lslaRiv� aat�on: , � tl' Appoint� (o�ficia]�+ oflico or a�nar� rnith Lho �sponsibilitr, , �ll�ositr �d �ans �o: �' ��) Delineate or �s�i,st the A�ini�trttor, �t Ai� reqw�t, in � dl�liasatin= tAe limits o# the aros� havin� spe�ial liopd ha:ards oa av+�il�ble ��� � lo� �aps AP I�utfi�ci�n� ��ai• to idsAtif�► th� 1oca�isn oi� buiiding aitea. � � (ba Provid� �u�h infor�ation ai �ho A�i�istr��or �sy rRqu�s= .,qot�csrnir►= prasent uses aud oacupanay o! eho fiood p�sin �a. (�) �Msint�ir� !or public in�pe+at�an a�d l�rr�i�hin� upon request, �;b r�sp�ct to oaah ara� havia� sp�ci�i llood h�zaade, in�pr�atl.on on elsvations �' ti� �lativn to �een ,�o+� 1�ve1' of the lOMa't �10A�� q� �11 1l�M O= llLtbs��Tltially � ��sowd strucewc�►s g �n� �� (d) ,�oop�rat� Mieh p�d�r�i, �eat�,'�nd looal a�mCiea and paivato �is� Mhl�oh vind�rt�ka io �lvrd�►, ,��arv�Y� ��►p, �d d�ntilp !'loaii plain areu, and , ,,�+eo�t�� Ni�h nei;hboring co�ua�leio� �rith sA�� to w���� o� �djoinin� �� i'�a�d �1�in aara� i� oaedor to p�nv��t �;�avaeion o! ��istin� hu�sds e � � , (m� �t�i� �► `�� �iv��csasy �at� �� �h� c�17"If'S� ��O�i�IJ[�%Tli'S) , ��� ��� �����`�� � 1��411� re to tbs l�i�i�i�r�saeor o� ehe prA`resa �►d� iu; �1�► �� r Mith�n Rb� ( ountya�� ti' �n the develo�snt and i�p�wiw�t� !r� �P fioo� �1�in �����snt �8iu�,�, ,.. . � � � . Plaaning Commiss�an Meetin� �anuary 2k, 1973 pa�e 12 _ ,�.______ � (2) Take such ath�r of�ia�a�l ae�ion as may be rea�sonable aecessary to ,—� aara�y out the ob j�ct�v�s of the y�rogram. A$ IT FURTi�� RL�SOLVES, tha,t this (aOARD, COUNCIL� ��Co) hereby appoints {.4G�NCY or OF��GIAL) with th�e ovexall �e�po�sibili,ty, autharity and mean to implemeat a�l commi.tmeAt� caade he�C�ino � s /"'1�