PL 02/07/1973 - 31146�
Chai�cman Eriekson called the meeting to order at 8e00 P.M,
80L1. CALL :
Membera Presea�i Ericicsoa, FaLtz�atrick, Minish, Schmedeke, Zeglen
Members AbsertG: None
Qthe�cs Pxesea�: AarreJ, Clark, Commuaity Development Administrator
MO�iON by Fit�patr�.c�C, seeonded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission
ffiiautes o� �anuary ].7, 1�73 be approved. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
tlne �otion caacried unaaimously.
^ MOTION by Fitzgatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission
• minutes of .�anuary 24, 1973 be approved. U�on a voice vote, all voting aye,
�he motion carried unan�.mously. Mr. �Iinish called it to the attention oi tFe
secretary that theze was some confusion o� page 19 of the minutes because
there wasn't a headin� imserXed for Ttem No. 1 when it had beem post�oned to
the end of the meeting. He asked that in the future, there be a heading.
JANUARX 24, 1973
Motion by �Iinish, secoAde� b� Schmedeke, that the Planning Co�mission
receive the Plats & Subdivisi�on,-$treets & Ut�.lities Subcommittee minutes oi
�anuary 24, 1973. IIpqn a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
Motio� by Min�.�h, se�o�ded by Schmedek�, that the Planning Commission
- receive the Pa�ks � Iteere�tiva Cammission m�tnutes pf January 22, 1973. I;p��n
a vp�ce vote, all vpCing aye, the motion saxried unanimously.
�o��ou b�► �I�.�is'�, s�co�ded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission�
rece�ve th� �aaxd of �,pp�al� m�t�utes v� Jar�uary 30, 1973. Upon a voic� vrt�,
�",� a11 voting ay�, the mot3on c.-�r��ed unani,mously.
Plannin� Commission Meetin� - F�bruarX 7? 1973 Pag� 2
ATIONz Lots �3 tktrc�u�h 16, $�.ock 3, ltice Creek Terrace Plat 2, to
be rezoaed f�am R-1 (aia$la family dwell�n$ un�ta) to C-1 (lacal
busines� are�s) for a. prApos�d hardwar�.
i��, Noxma Swanson, �ep�eaet�ting the �rpperty owner, and Mr. Don
Babia�ki anc� R�.char� A�'ama, represest�.ag the $xyant-Franklin Corporation
were preaea�.
1�TY��' by l�itzpak�ci�k, s�conded by Mit�iah, to waive the reading of
the Public Hearin$ aQtiae �or the rezo�ing �equeat, ZOA �73-01, by Bryant-
Fsanflcgia Gorpo��ticam, ta �e��vae ��om R,1 (aia�l.e � dweiling units) to
C-�. (1oca1 busin�s&t are�s�, U�os� � voice vo�e, all yoting aye, the motion
carried uaanim4ual�►,
Mr, Hoa $abinalc�i ��id ttae r�zoa�ing xequest wa� for a proposed one-
�t�� ����.�� bu���l�.a$. I�o �°i�z����ick $�id the o�fgi�al request states
it is for a��opo�ed $aa�°d�a�re, �t. Cla�k safd h� �aould reiate some of
the �kain�� th�tt h�ve ���p6en�d �iCace ��ae pe¢ition�a ffiade the request, The
ori�iaal rc�queat wa� fo�r G-]., � commerc�al� zoning. The petitioner9 �he
ownera oE tlne p�so��zty a�d tuap caua��l�en, `�tet the neighbors about
a weelc ago and had aa ia��rmal public hea�eing4 ���e� �his aneeting, the
peti�ioaer dec3.ded to redu��e hia x�equest �rom C-��1 to C-Rl, which is re-
stricted �o offic� buildia�s. �►s fax as the Pulalic Hearing notice is
conceraed, y�u aou�d �ecommend for more r�strictivs zpning and you then
would aot have to te��dv�gt�.xe fox C�A1, '
Mr. �itzp�tri+�lc said t�he plan p��aeated shows this as a continu :tion
of the Red Ow�, builclia�o Ghaixaaan �ricksQn asked �f this was the plaa
pres�nted at the R�i$hbork�q�d s�ee�ia�, I�'. Babiaslci �aid it was different.
Mi. C1a��. aaid �� �e�med �� i� it wa� �he same plot �plan but �he building
was s�iQ�t�x �.n t�i� Ea��-G1�s� dime�sionsa t4ra. Swenao� said there is a lot
�o�re ��a�� ��. kh� �ide ar�d �ea� yards on �he n�w plan. A road on the side
of Che building w�� talcea qu�. �his wil� g�ve a lairger buffer zone between
the buildiag aud th� u�ei$hbo�h�od, Tiae people wan�t to keep the area resi-
dentia�, but �hey s�emed 1es� opposed to an oft�.ae type buildimg rather than
a cammeraial bui 7,d�.n� P. Mx�. P'itzpatrick asked if ��hia wa& the reason for
seducin� �he ai�� of tha buil.d�in�. Mr, $ab�aski answered �t was because of
the re�omuiend�tio�, £zom, �h� xepr�set��a�ivs� ��am the Council and tha nei,ghborhood
We can c��a�� th� �ae�de p� zhe t�uilding b�cauae we won'C have to caxry on�
the facia �lseady �rt the R.�d Owl buildia$. This wi.11 permit us to have a
�i�es b�a�.ldin� w�i�h w�ll gi.v� i� more r��siden�ial charaeteristics.
- 1`�4 Ezi�k�c�rt asked i� Chey had � pxppoaed uae for the buildinga Mr.
Bragt� said tbey dida�'� h�v� a��ecific tenaat in mind, but it would be for
denti�es, iawye$s, et�.
Mr, ��icl� oa ae�d �,# Ghey have acces� right$ from Red Owl wi.thout usin�
�he �6�� �#vea�ue dziv�, M�, Sr�ma sai� t�.�y did.
,� Mra �x��a ��id ti�g�� would be r�o doorways on the side yard, The origin�i
pxpg�sed bu��,d�.n� would �1�,v� hg� �,4. QO��4quare feet a Thls bui�ding will bA
7,�00 squar� �'�:et, $�cau�� the propos�ti use is fpr an o�fice building, there
w�11 b� �e�s �xaf�i.c at �igh� tha� i� it was used for residential.
P1�nning Comm3.ssioa Meetia� - FebruarX 79 1973 Page 3
� Mx'o 8xama �aid we did incprpara�e in th�s draw�ng the possible acquisizion
by the Ci.ty for the �� of way oa Missisaipp3 Street. In so doing, we are
e�,iminati.n� �Q sta9,1,� frcam �h� Red Owl parkiag lot, With the lot as it is
c►ow� this w�vuld consti,tute a hards�iip for Red Ow1, oz the property owaers
o$ Red Qwla �.� Cha� parkin� is aot xeplaced, i� would give them groua�d for
b���kin$ the�z lea�e, W� have demvnstrated the pa�king on the proposed
�i.aa thaC wpuld be livin� with t�e a�quisition rathex than without it. By
reduaiug ths �etba�k of ��d Qwl aad taking ouz a row o� paxking, Z think
W� +�g� �mpxavin� th� �co�ogy pt thia cornero I t'hin� there axe improvemet�ts
Chat ar� � eifecta fro� tt�ia reque�t,
Mx. 9ehm�dek� ��id th� v�ce�t�oa of the utillty aaaemeat had been before
Che Plat� Se Subdivf�ioas-Str�et� and Uti�itias Subeommittee, and while �ur
actioa a�eaas c�othin$ unti.l the re�onia� request ia approved or denied, the
Subcommitte� did r�commead that aA adequate drainage plaa be implemented at
tha devalopar� experase aad ther� be denia� of traffic accesa to 66th Avenue.
Mz. Lloyd A. �eanethum, 369 66th Avenue N.E „ said he wanted to present
a fiv� page p�titi�ra �gaia�t this p�roperty beiag rezoned to aaything.
MO�TON by Sebmedeke, �eaoad�d by �liai�h, tha� the Planning �ommission
aacspt th� petition to rafus� th� �ezo�e requeet ta �ezone from R-1 to C-1
ox any �ther a1.�sa��i�ation, tlpon a voice vote, a],1 voting aye, the moti�a
aarried unani�ou�ly.
� I�i
,.,.1 Mr. Lowell McG�'e�o�e, 3S5 66th Aveaue NoE,, atated that before he bought
his hou�� last �uneA �►e tal,ked to th� ta�c asseasor and th�� Superiatendent o£
�ub�.ic Worke ar�d te � coupl,e of othex offiees of �he City. The stat�menz
I wa� �iv�u was that the iatersection was developed end there were no fu�ure
plaas �o� developraent. �heq veri�i�d. that the 1ot� acroas the street �rom
me wes� �qa�d R-1. 7['�ey e�id a���i�ion to �azons had been brought up before,
but th� peop�.� we�� ra�posedp and th�y ehou$h� �� wou�.d stay R-1. Chaizman
�s���oa �mid �h�� pe�i�i�a� �aa� dated Janu�ry, 1973 �o he was given tl�e
co�r��� infoxiaatia�.
. �
Mre. Doaaid S�nasthu�, 368 66th ,Aveaue N,�,, �aid she•�ived adjaeent to
the back af the �sapoasd bui,lding. S'he sa�,d when 13ed Ow1 was built, they
braught in fill a�d �ades thq property �uch highex than tl�e adjoi.ning propexty.
All the wat�r d�aia� into hex� back yard. IF xhia bui�.ding goes in, they
w3,11 uss f�.11 aga�a, lriy yar�i will b@ �t 1e�st five �eet lower and I��ill
get mo�re tixaira$�� water't Ck�aizntat� �rickson said the drai.nage problem should
be tak�x� care� Qf ttx theripetltioner. He a�ked if this was her mai.a coneern.
Mr�, �ena�thu� ��id �►��� �a additio� toythe r�oi�e and traff�[c.
Mr. Gear�e M�lsesera 373 lrtlssissipp�t Str��t, asked if the pzo�osed,
with seduezia� c�! p+�rkia� ��,�eee �or Red �v1, s�et the code r�quir�mentso It
sseme t�a m� �hey would me�d �h� �dditional p�x�kiag oa tbe proposed pl,an �Q
�e�t the t'�qu�xeme�ite. Ch��xa►a� Eri�ksom �sked rir, C1ark, if the City a�qulres
the aa�e��a� �o�e �h� xight �ur� �.ane�caut aay addi.tional parkisg, would
Rod Owl meet thq �vdse �i�, Claxk said th�y just� m�et the code xequirements
� �or paxk�ng t�ow. �q E��,��,so�t asked �f ths proposal gpes through w•ith ttl�
+rac�tlaa o� C�� e�asme�C, would the parl�iu,� fox Red pwl and the proposed
buildin� mee� the ��quixe�ent�. �Ir. Bxama �aid that besides making up the
etalls �ha� �ed pw9, w�ould ?.Qae� th�y would have the x�equired spaces for a
7500 squa�ee Poat bu�ld:t�,g,
Plaaaiag G��is�i�� Mee�in� Februarv 7, 1973 Pa.�e 4
,� Mx. M�i�sa�x ��ked �� ther� were any pther legal requ�rements we
would$'t b� �eetin� wi�� th1� proposed p�an. Mr, Clark said outside of
�ezo�ing, �h��e are �o a�p��en� code violations, Mr. Meissner said the
, plan �hpwe Xhe ��txa�Ce �n the front. HQ was �u�e that fox fire purposes
ther� had to be a�p�he� doAr. Mr. �xaima sa�d there woul� be a door on
the ��a� of the �uild�t� w��ch he assum�� wQUldn't be used by people
,co��.A$ i.nto the bu�ld�i�n$,
Mr. �eissnex �slced �t� ths re�onia$ i� �ran�ed and fvr some reason
the�� p1�ns wexe abaadoaed, wh+at use aould xh�y put on the propexty,
C�uld �hey �xAa�ad th� �t�d t,.�l, for iastance. A�r, Er�ckson asked Mre Claxk
t� �.ia� Cih� taees p�rmitted in C-Rl zon:Ca�. Mr. Clarlc sai,d G-Rl use was
fv�c �e�e*�� of�fi.c� �ad 1im�ted busfine�s, such As offices for real e�tate,
lawye��, medieal8 denta.l, vptical climies �nd apothecary shops, harmless
and inofi��nsive Labolrato��t�� ancessory co permitted uses ia the same building,
anc� automob�.1� paxl�i��, lat� fo� of�-stree� garking spaces for any use on
ad j ����� �.��d o .
�c'. 1K���sne� sat�.d �h��e we�e dza�.nage problems on this property. Where
would th� wa��r $p €��u ths paxk�a� lots. Mx�. Clark said �here �aas a catch
bas��.� ��, iTn�ve�t�:�G� a�d lyl�.asi.�+�ippi.. Mr, A�am� sa�d there would be a dxainage
prabl�m if h�nes we�� bu�l� in thia axea �1so.
Mx. puaae Iian�o�a �6S 66th Aven�ue N.�.x �s�id he wauld like to s�e houses
ot►, �h���t fot�x Lots , �f �1�Qxq'�� mare s�oxes , there's- .mo�ce Craffic . Mr .
r,,, Eri,cic�on e�id this is a pie�e of propsx�y that has been passed over, and
we'd like �o ��� iC d�v�lQp�d. If th�re was a�eace or some type of earth
b�r�a �epar�tin� th�.� prop�gty from ths resid�ntial area, would that hel�<
Ms. �hexe�a ��ruaer�, 357 66th Aveaue N;E „ safd she'd still like to have
house� �'here, Mrs o pot� $er�nethutn �sk�d Mr. �ri,ckson if he thought the
devQle�p�e�� �� �l�is p�ap��ty wauld enhan�� the progerty v�lues of lthe homes
so if �he� went to ���1� them they w�ould realize the value they thought they
�hQUld have. Chai�t�� �sc�,��tso� said he wondezed if there wasn't som� way
�o ���o�vs thi.�, �1� �he ��tty has he�xd �.� opp�sitiono Mrs. Bennethum said
�hs wasn'e happy 1oak�.mg a� th� baek c�f �he R�d Owl Store, Mr, E�ickson
�slced f.f �he �hough� peop�,e wouid want to bn�l,d homes on Chese lots if �t�ey
wer+e avail�b�e o ,
l�iY'. ��ir>��,e� s��.d h� hadrt�C mentioned befot'e that he was oppo�ed to this
x�equ��t, Ii�s home fa�e� �Ii�sisS:Lppi Stree� ��d he would be against aa��
th�t $e�e�a�es �p�& tra�f�,c �u this s�xeet, He said he felt there was a
d�eivin� a�ed by th� Gi�y �o $eC prop�xCy �t� th� ta�c .rolls and they s���em to
waat developmeut otk�ex �ttan hotues. $p �hvugh hvme� would stil]. sel.l ir. this
' ax�a.
l�i�, �e$l�n, a�ked �� ��e prpperty being eon�idered tonight had eve� been
adv��tie�d �� ��m� si��sP Mra. Swanson �a�d heg �ather, Mr. Theisen, bou�hc
th� ��d Qwl praperty fvx� h�� owa atore� �c�d the adc�itional lozs for expansi,on.
She �a�,d �he w�s�tt hap�y t�j.�h the way z e property lopked now and woul.d
n • lik� to s�e �� d�ve�,Aped, She khought w�a� was being proposed tonight was
� go�d usQ for th� pxQp�r�y.
�,�e��aer ��1d �I� 4 Th�is�c� 'had o�ca,ed th�� p�rope�ty fox about 18 yeary .
F�.arin�ag Commf�s�ion�Meatin� w Februarv_7t 1973 Page S
_ ,T
At Que, sb� t��c� twa b�ye�us � fior 1.�ts� �a Ch�,� ar��, but whea she called
n �r. Theis��a, he sai,d �hey w��cea�,t �o� ���.e. .
�. T,g A. 8�t���huo� ��id th� Ci�y CQUn�i� aad the P�.anming Coumii.ssi.on
had th� 1��a1 �i.ght tp ��ian�e �h,e zoA�ng pi? thi� pxopexty a He didn't �eel
�h�y k�ad tkaa �n�x�i, �� eth�ca� �i$h� to do so, be�ause thQy had a],1 bought
kh�i� �rop��ty �.� ��e�ide�,xi,a] z�ne, We hav� baea su�c��sful so f�.r i�
ke�p�,a� Gh$.� pxc�pe��y zo��d R-b, Mro �hei�em told �e him�elf that �hese
lot� waulc� m�ve� b� �Q1d �os x� �u,rposes , Now th�y are petitioning
C4 �'+�ov� �� �yese��'� �.hQ�► k�ay� �xea�ed zhem�elves , � �iACe�ely hope Chat
th� �'l�a��.a�; ��a�����.aa a�id th� �ity CQUnc�.�, Wi1�. tipAQ�' tk�� wiahes of the
��AB��t�► AW��s� W�� sigAe� th� p�titione
Mx. ��h�ede�.� a�ked i� �hey would con��de� �a apartment hous� on thi�
progsr�y, �q $��ue�l�um �aid, a� �h� pe�ition e��ted, they reject any other
�r�z�aa�ia�, c�the� t�tar� �T�.
Ch�iratat� ���,���oai� a��ted �f there was an�►q�� it� ��vo�c p� this request
t� s�z�aaa, �th�� th�� �k�� psGitioaer. Thare was Rv �esponse.
I%. ���':ttc �lsga k1Q 47th �Ve�tu� �T.�p, �s�Ced if khe aceess from 66th
�v�a�a� ��u�d b� �.��a�.ly s14��d, M_r ���ricksc�n �aid' �his �c��ss was on
p�civat�a px�pe�cky � As a�oaditioa of sezosing, the City would be with�.r�
�,t� ���hx� �o c�os� th.i� �c�es$ if they so desired.
�°.�h ��ked it �h�re w��� ��atist�ca aVailabLe on the accidents
�"'� cc�nin� �r�ra the �i�d �4w1 p��kin� iot, Mr. �lark �aid t�he�re we�e, but he
d�,dae� k��v� �l�e� �Cc��i�ht, I�� s�id h� �rrtew you hav� to b� �ar�ful cpu�
out �� gh� �c�t bscaua� a$ �he t�af€�.c., �k', �Iiaist� asked �.� they w�uld
l�avA �y �.d�� how m�ch tr���ic would b� g�n+�ra�'�ed if �he �if th Avenue acca�s
wa� cl4sed, 1�i�, ��.ax�k ��,�.�1 �� h�d aoted th�� thera �a tPa:��ic generated
£�o�n �h�� �c���� �oad ghat �� tapt cotnin�g f�cm� Red pw1, �hera might be
��s� C�'�i�ic �.f th�s a����e was e�osed. M�, �4sp sa�d he thougk�t tl�e
F1�an��.ag Commi.�sio� she��ld �h��1� furt��er �Q aee i� i� wa� ].e�al to o�ly
h�v� ��� �4��.v�way �o cpt�ex�i�1. pxo��s�y, l�ir, Meit��snez also questi.on�d
�� yp�a �o�ald le�ally ��.o�e th� 66�1n t�vemu� access � Mr. Eri�ck�an said
i� wou�d �i� difEi�u��t �or �t�e Ci�y tQ �lase 3.t beeause of a traffic probl�m,
1�uC i� th�,�► en�de �,� ��eonditpm o� ths rezoAi��a and the developer agreed to
this t �.� �au�d �e dORe .
�'k� 4 AoAald ��tu��thu� ��k�d if this �e�om�.n� reques� raas granted, who
a�Cs u� tl�a res������pn� on setbaGks and b�:�fer �o�es, e�c. Mra Clark sa�d
th�e� we�r� al�, pa�r� �f th� �onin$ �cec�tairem��,ts . Mr, Gla�k expla�.ned that
wh�R a�l�velQp�x� coa��s w�.th � pxopas�d deve�oP:�en.t cha� requi�es re�o',
' it is pp��ih�.a �p� Cpun��l to ho9.d up the e��ond reading o£ the rezoning
prdit��ace. `�t��t� �f tthe px��exty i,s�'t dqv�l4�ed fo� �om� reason, the re�oA��bg
d��s�°� �c� �.nt� ����s�4 W� �l�o x�q��.x� tths deve�op�er to past a bo�d �o�
Qu���.�� ��p��Y������p �c t�a� a��►y�hi�g h� agxe�s �o, �.s don�, e�ther by Ghe
d�v��c�per �x �h� bQAdi�g �4�P$��'a b"�, �x'�.eksot� �aid thQ Czty Council has
���q��a�1�r dc��aa t��.� e�h�y hg1� up �h� Se6QA� read�Ic�g until. �il �ha plans
n �rid sp�c�.�ica�fo�s ��v� b��n, aPPx'oy�c�, sq they h�ye� �ontzol of what i.s go�ng
�atg t�� �ezpc�ed ��ea,
x''1�. ��?��Fne� �,��.4� W� �6sy� �iVen yp� ;�a�4�s agaj,nst this proposed r�zonino .
Wha� oCh�� b4����.ts wos��d the �i.�Y x�Ceive besidey �n in�rease in ta�c reven�e
�lanning Ca�ais�ian Mee�ing �ebruary7, 1973 page 6
�� and an im rovemeat a� � ieGe af
P p property. Mr. Erickson said the question
of haviag more �ax reyenu� hadn't been raised at this Hearing. Mr. Meissner
said �t had beea �e�tioned �hat th� City �ould get the right turn lane free.
Mr, Eriekson said tha� fs the ouly re�l coasideration that I can see. Mr.
C�ark sa�d �e d�da't �hink t�e City would sell the neighborhood short �ust
becaus� the� ���d �oxa� ri�hfi of way. If th� City Chought this rezoning
requea� ha� �erit, � think oae o� the atipulations would be that the developer
dedieats the la�d f4� the r�ght of way, bu� just beeause it will cost all
the citizens o� Fridley �ow� money to buy this ri�h� of way is no rea$on to
xe�one thi� pxo�e�tys �t i� only on� o� ma�y �hin�s to consider by the
Pl�nain$ Cominisaio� �ad �oun�i�. Mr, Minis� asked if the�e was a time table
on the �ight of way. �Ir. C�ark said t�e State Highway Depa�t�ent has �o
ftutd� tQ eonst�uct i� this y��r. �Ir. Minish asked if land was taken ar
- bou�h� ��t� this p�operty, and the Red Owl last pa�kiag spaces, could
they ��pXace �t the p�ope�ty we are discus�in� tonight. Mr. Clark
s�id they wau�d have to $et a S��cial Use permit. Zf the City has to buy
thie property for t�e ri�hz vf way, they w��� have to allow parking some
p1ac� o� ��� dearly fos �he ri�ht of way, ��. Erickson asked Mr. Clark
if the �a�king requi�eu►euta had be�n checked, and wouid Red Ow� be be�ow
the requi�eme�ta �o� p��kitng �� the City t�ok ��nd for the right Qf way.
M�. Cla�k ��id t�ey would becauae they �ust meet the p�rking requirements
M�. ��rvin ��p s�id �e �hou�ht having,on� acc�sa to �his property, ��
� not illegal, was �udic�ous, M�. Ron �i.ddlestedt, 495 66t� Avenue N,� „ asked
if th�rQ �pu�d b� a se�vice driv� fro� 66th Avenue,to Mississippi. Mr. Clark
said �h$� �rom a tra��i� �ea�dpvint, they were �rying to.�educa the t�af��c,
s4 there wouldn'� b� � serv�ee road ta Mississippi.
Mr, $�ama said ��e �ota1 squaxe footage of th� propo�ed building area
wi11 ao� cove� a� �uch of the land as four home si�es would. There would
be mo�� ��o1o�y, more plantings and a fence, He said he :<as heard here
tonight t�at �his propex�� �as been brought before Counci� many times, buC
he d�da'� �hiak t�e�� was �uah l�ght use p�Qpo�ed before.
1Kx', ��n�sh aak�d i� t��� w�s developed �or si�g�e fami�y homes, would
th� 66th �v�nu� �atra�ee b� �loaed anyway. Mr, C1ark said �t wou�d, unless
th� �xoper�y �wcier ���nte� a� easement. Mr. Ciark sa�d thsy have been
wo�kiag oa th�s �i�h� of way for the �i�h� tu�n for about a year, bu� th�s
waa the fi��t h� had heard tha� the W�st �n��ance to Red Awl would be closed.
��T��N by ��tzpa�r�ek, �econded by �e�1en, th�t the Plannin� Co�mission
.aloa� th� Pub1�c �earing An the �ezoning r�quest 20A ��73-01, by Br}-an��F�anklin
�orpo�at�o�, �n LvG� �� t�xough 16, B�ock 3, �ice Creek �e��ace �lat 2, to
r��oa� ��c� R@1 (si�g�e ����ly dwel�in� u�itsa �o C��1 (general offices and
li�ited bu�in�ss�, U�q� � vQ�e� vote� a�1 vpti�� aye, the mot�on car�ied
M�. Sshme�Qk� �sked �he p��i�ioner, �f, when he came_�n wit� this re�on�n�
� request, an� o���s$a� pf �he �ity had �old him o� th6 opposit�on to �e�;�r;i���
�n th�s ax�a. ��, ����a �aid t�ey had. �t w�s �or ���s x-�asan �hey haa
m�C w�t� �h� c����ra�d r�sid�nt� �nd t�i�d to come up with a development
the� m�gb� ag��� �o. N�rp Schm�dek� a�k�d if h� was zoid th�re �aas aiready
land zon�d �-� and ��� �f h� wa�t�d �o bu�ld a hardware. M�. Brama said the
Plannin� Coaunission Meeti�� � FebruarY 7� 1973 Page 7
hardwa�e w�s just oa� 4# �h� propo�als �or this property. What he wanted to
� do was d�velap thia paxt�cular property, and he thiaks he has demonstrated
his willin�ness to wa�� w�t� the p�operty pwc�ers ia the axea. Mr. Schmedeke
sa�d th�s prQpo��l wi11 �r�ate mox� tra�fie problemso T know we w�ll have
mor� Xraffic wi�� the developmeat of the Riedel property. I do noc want
aay �pxs �oaune�cial pr�pe�ty �� �his are�. � blame th� City fox bringing
this ug a$�i�, �hey know th� peop�e �� this area are opposed to any rezoning
aad they just keep a��ta�in� them. T�ere ia a drainage pxoblem, and that's
w�y � sugg�sted aa �paxtme��s because a developer cou�d afford to take care
of this dr�in�ge p�oblem, Wkie� aomething �aes �nto a coumlercial area, we
say the tr�f�ic ����le� h�� �o ba solved. W�th this development, running
traifi� �hrou�h a r�aide�tia� �ei�hbor�ood ia al�ost ��ust. For these
reaeotx�' I wi�� ��w� �o vote �o to this request,
F���N b� ������ke, s�co�ded by Mini��, tha� the Planning Cou�mission
se�o�nd to Aouncil,,d�nia� of the request �o �ezoning, ZOA ��73-01, by
Bxya:z�-Fx�uklia �or�oxatio�, oa Lo�e �3 thxough 16� Block 3, Rice Creek Terrace
Pl�t 2, �o rezaa� f�o�a R-1 (�ia�l� famigy dwe�ling units) to C-R1 (general
a�fic�� aad l��i�e� �u�i�e���o
1�. �iai�h ���d ��e�� we�� ��ve��� �s���r� a�ains� this geques�m The
firs�a w�s t�e p�t�tiP� si$n�d by almo�t all t�e �rope�ty ownexs in the area.
• The surxouadia$ area h�s bee� develo�ed R�is �nd �her� wa� �o strong or
impellin� s�ason £o� rez�ain�. There has '��en no effo�t to sell ths property
for R-1 use. �he la��$ w�� �he ��co�ait��� o� th� tsa�fic �go�lem9 and
i� wa� dea�rable to inhibit the ��un� o� t�af£�� on 6��h Avenue, This
�, wo��d put an addit�anal burden on Mississippi, and expand �he present tra�fic
UPON A VO�C� VO�, all voting, aye, �he mo�ion e�rried u�animou5ly.
20 �A�T�ON �Qti�STm SAV �73-01, BRY��� �N CORPORATION: Vacate dxainage
aad u�i�ity �as�meat o� the Southerly � feet of Lots 13 through 16, �lock 3,
���� C�ee� Te���ce Pl�t 2.
MOTION bX Sch�ed�ke, secoaded by Mimmi�h, tha��the Planning Co�ission
r�comm�ead d�nia� to �AU�cil of the vaeatia� re�uest SAV ��73-01, by Bryant-
�gaAklia Cosparatioa, to yac�ta drain$e aad utility easement on the Southerly
� feet o€ LoC� �� thxough lb, �lock 3, R�ee C�eek �errace Plat 2, because
they de�ied �hs �e�oning �equest, Upon a voice vpte, all voting aye, the
mot�va c�rx�ed uuanimously.
1�lr. I��rrel �1��'k s�id the City Council k�as sent Fran��C Gabxelcik back
to the Fla�i�n� ��nmi.s�ioA with the reco�meudatiota he give the Plannin�
Comrni�sion the i.aaf�rma�ia� �.t had rec�ueszed. M�°. Cla�k as�Ced if the Cou�ission
want�d Publi� Hea��.�� t��ti,c�s sent �ut ���in.
I�lr, F'�.t�pa��i�k �afd th� c�ew notice ��aa�aAd �t��e Ithis Special Use �'erm�.�
eQVexed an e�pans�io�a a� M�, f;abrelcik'� Used Car I,o�.
�ix'. Cl��k ��ked the P1a�aning �ommiss�.on i£ he should get tk�e �'equested
inforalat�.o� �ro� Mx�, Gabx���.�i,k beior� thi� iCem waa put o� �he Planning
P�anning Con�mi�aion Meet�ng - Febr�ar� 7, 1973 Page 8
�•.� Commi�sipn agenda. Th� Pla�a�m� Gom�iasion agreed that no notices should
be sent Qut un��� ���� have the requi��d i�formation from the petitioner.
UNiON OY� �O�PAI�Y, ZOA �7F-�1, and SP �72-18
Mr. �r�ak�on a�ked tha� the �inut�s o� th� mee�ings that these two
requests wex� �ad� �� �ncluded �a �he ��x� a�enda �pr review.
Cha�irmaa �ri�ltson adjourned the meeting at 9;40 P.M,
Resp� submiCted�
C � �CG�I �-E'? .AR'�
Dorothy �v�����a� Sc��r�tary
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