PL 02/21/1973 - 31147�� GITX OF I�RI�EY P�ANNING COI�IlNIS3ION I�ETING � FE88DARY 2�, 1973 PA� 1 CALL TO ORDERg Actiag Chairman Fi�zpa�rick called �ha meeti.ng to orde� at 8:OQ P.M. xOLL CALL: _....�.,.. �Iembezs Present: Fitzpatrick, Miai�h, Schmedeke, Zeglen M�mbe�e Abaent; Erickson Othera Present: Darrel Clark, Ccrmmun$ty Deve�.opment Administrator Jerrold Boardman, Plannin� Assistant lqasim Qureshi, City Eagineer-pirecto� of Plannimg APPROVE IPL,Al4NTNG COI�IISSYON MtNUTES: FEBRUARY 7, 1973 1rIQTI0I�T by Schiaed�ke, seconded by Miniah, Kha� the Plauaing Cou�issi,on taiau�ea aP February 7, i97� be approved. iJpaa a yoice vote, a11 voting aqa, the motian casried unanimously. r"� � . RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES; FEBRUARY 13, ].973 �IA'�ION �y Minish, seconded by Zeglen, �hat the Plann,ing Coum►ission, r�ceiv� the Soa�d of Appea�,s �►inutes of February ��, 1973. Upon a voice vv��, �1], vvtin� a�e, the� moti.on �axri�;d uaanimou�ly. � 1. CONTINUT�A; PIIBLi�^HEAttIN6: k'RpPOS�D COMPR,EHENSIVE PLAN �l��i.a$ Chairu�an �'iCzpa�rick a�ked if th�r� was �nyone presen� who hadn't �een the slidsa p�esentatioa. EWe�yqn� �adicated they had b���n pxeseat a� tk�� fir�t Puhiic Hearin� aad aaw th� p�e�entation at that tin�e. 'rlr� Fitzpatri�k said we woul,d rtot hav� the� s].id� pres�ntatioa tk►aa, bu� wo�sld raview any areas a�yoae had a par�icular int�reat in. Mr. Qureshi �aid a greseatation wa$ mad� fio the Lea�ue of Women Voker� �nd �k�e Chamber of Coann�rce. Most of �hs �emarke were qui.te �avorable to tk�� Pl��. T'he�� were a coupl� of axeaa th�y had e�uestions on, �nd i� th�r� are aay membexe of th�a� axgaa�zati.cn� t��re, we would like a �hamc� �a aa�w@t �heee� queatfane. Mr. Fitzp�tri�k �tated that 1� anyone had qusstions or input they a, wou],d be r�eo�mized b� t�� Chair at this tim�. Mr�. I��� aAna S�ors�, �O1 Trontvn Street 1�.�,� �aid sh� waa a zesident ����, g! Study Are� i and she would like a fx,��z� put oa any dev�lvpment in :�,� this ar�� for the px�sent. Th� C�ty i�` �a tl�e prc�c��s o� sger►din� $1�1,OOQ �a� a fea�ibili.�y studp of the u,�e� of �tk�e pa�k land in this area. Th�re ��e pro�osal� �� th+� �omp�r�hsnsiv�;,Pi.an th�� aze g��.ng xo �f�ect thi.s �. , �,w. r :r Plannin� Cqum►isaion Meeting - Febxuarv i.i, 1973 page z �� parc�l, and wil� hav� aa eavixanmenta� i�paat. ��eel the p�opoaed craaeing at 83rd'Aveaue N.B, will aff�ct a ponding area we call �aulson'a Poad and iC will �lsa affect the beave� dam, I f�el the propas�ls are psemature, aad w� �hould uee the mon�y �� asa ependiag for a park study wisely. Chair�►aa Fitzpa�ri�k �aid the pax�k study waa aomething new �nd tha Comprehensive Plax� was a long time in �he making. Mrs. 3paxre said the 79th Avenue crossing will make East River Road accesaibl,e to the multfple dwellings. It will create a traffic problem oa 79zia aad 83�d, because theae are aot expressways and wi11 cr�ate neighbo�rhood traffic, which ahe abjects to also. You are also talking abaut a North/South extension of Main Street to 85th. This wi1X create two more �si$ht of ways along the South bordez of the park land aad on the Easterly part of the park. Chairmaa Fitzpatrick said he agr�ed 2h�t this park study should be b�ought to the attention of the Planniag Co�iasion. There isn't much etated �peciiiaally about this area in the Camprehensive Plan. Mrs. Sparre sa�d theze was reference made that there wi�l be new additional crpsaings neede�t in the Nartherl,y part of the �ity. Ms�. Qureshi said the conceras that have been mentioned aze the -aoacexns that the C1ty has im th� past taken into consideration, �o come up with th� propoaal Chat is in �Ghe C�omprehensive Plan, He !�� sai.d our �ance�a is two-fold. One, bein� at present there are three croseings in� this are�; one at 77th, oae between I.iberty and Longfellaw, aad �ne at Troato� Street. These croasings are unprotected crossings, aad there wa� a, family of thxee killed aC one of these crossings last yeax, The p7,am ws had foz this area was made in 1961. The new proposal , will eliminate one �rossing and relocate two, ta align them �aith 79th and 83rd, to pxovide b�tter and safer faei�litiet�. The second con�ern is, to t�ke Xra�fic out a� a reaideatia�. area. All the area along the,railroad trac�ca i� zoaed industria�. The property along 79th i.s a11 zoned industrial aad m�uitipLe. The reason it was zoned thi� way, was to keep �oa�ercial tr��fia out of residential areas. The pr�sent use in this area is multiple, althaugh thers are a eoupl� of hame� on the North side of 79th that are in indu�trial or multiple zoniag. These lats cauld'be eubdivided and used as th�q ar� zoaed. The are� abuttiag $3rd i,r� Cooa Itapida is alsa zoned indu�ttrial, Evaa thou�h these proposal� ar�.in the Comprehensive Plaa, aad have beea ia the planning sta�e for some time, there would be a . Publi� Hea�it�� An at�y Yoadw�y� or improvea�ente in this area, to meet the legai requi�cemQx�te� and thi� would be a mose appropriate time to show local eoncera. Qux eoaeera i� ror few cras�ing��and safer croaeings, Mre. Spozr� s�ai,d ther� is a halding ar�a fo� 9pxing Broak Creek in ,' this area +�nd �he b�avez dam...She felt t�i� �ropo�ala made wauld be disturb�ag theee thiags, � 1Kr. �'itzpatrick eaid the people makir�g tk�e pa�k study �hvuld have sa vpiaian ox a�atem�nt to mak� on the proposals ia this a�e�. , . ° �laaain� Co�miisaion Me�ting Febru� 21. 1973 � Pa�e 3 _._. r'� Mrs. Sporxe said they were a sel�-contained neighborhaod, and while i� w�aa tru� they could s�11 their lots to fit the zoning, theq would be fo�cced to aell, becauea ii the crosaimg $oes in, they would have double froritage pa th�ir i�tee and w�th tha incs�a�� ia taxes, it would be not eeaaomically �tiasible to keep thei.r propeaety. • Mr. Reaaeth Sporre, 301 Ironton Str�et N,E., aaid that about a year a$o �hey weat to a� me�tin$ ia Coon Rapids. �oon R�pids pr�sented a study �f this area and ia this etudy thera wer� na roads in this area and it was laid ouE fvr aa iadustr�al site, Mr. gitzpatriek asteed the C;Lty Engineer what amount o£ coordination thera Wa� ia our plan and Coon Rapids, M�. Qureahi said th� City knows about this �tudy. �hia property is xoned iadustrial and is ownsd by Burlington Po�rthern. There have been �tatemeats made that this crossin� would affect the ecology, At present, ths beaver da� is North of this pxoperty. There ia a ditch which brings in the drainage from the East and South to a large culvert. The pondia� area will not be affected by this crqasing. There are a aumber af ateps the City has to take before it can fulfill the overall d�velopment af this area, We �iave to get permission from the Fublic Servic� Commiasio�t, there has to be Public Hearings and all af�`ected property owaera notified. This•is an overall plan, and it is aot infallik+le, W� are concerned about th� �onding areas and draina$e. Thia i+� pub7.ia land and whether it is usad as a nature center or golf couxse or for any other use, our recc�mmeadation would be to keep the � pondin� areas� but the con�cern here is for 120 acres in relation to the "� 20sQ04 acres ths Cit�► has to be concerned about. The deve].opment vf 8laiae and Cooa Ra�ida wi11 have much more affect on, the'dxainage probl�m. It also a�fected oux decimion on wher� the pub7.ic land would be £or a . pa�k, b�aau8a this area doea have large pondin� areas. Mx'. Schmedelte said there has beea �cefe�renc� made ko the beaver dam amd b�aver hou�e. Na one can say how lvng ane colony can ��.ve and multiply. They �ould mave out oa their owtt if they x�ttx� out of food. Mac. Schmedelce aaid he had a�m� experience wi.th �hi.s. lrlx'�. Spoxre said �h� felt we shouid�'t make premature decisions that caa affeat the la�gest area of park land ia th� City. Mr. SchmBd�ke �aid tl�at b�cause there ar� �tudie� goiag on in �his ars� at th� pre�sent tims� he didn'C thiak the Alanmin� Cammis�ion would ba making any firm deai�ion� on thie are� at this time. l�a. Sporre eaid aay praposala that affaet the eavironm�nt wil]. af�eet the �as� o� the park laad, Mr. Qux�ehi uaed the �xampis the prapsr�y formally known aa �eck'� Woads, "' whi�� has be�a� developed, ua�a$, th� �ame aoneep�, whi�h px°e�e�rvsd th� poadin� a�eaa aad th� ecolo$y, � � I�is. Parwaod 1V�l�gn, 7321 East R�eer �oad�, aa�Ced if �hs�r� wa� ar�1 �hing . propas�d iox a 73xd �t�e�t cra�aing. I�z, Qureahi �aid�th�.s ��oaaing �s no 1o�geac ia th� g1�n becaue� at t�i� tim� Chez� doea�n'e a�sn �� ba a�ac��d fox s a�9a�ing ia thia ase�, �� Plannin Caamuiseion M�eting - February 21, 1973 Page 4 Mac. �om Sarrea, �479 M1eslesippi Stre��a wanted to know the relation batw�sa the �roposed e4mpxeheneiv� plan �ad �ny future rezonin�. Mr, �itzpatrick aaid the Camprehen�ive Plan is aot a proposal �or rezonin�, 8v�ry rezoning reques� would come fram �he property owner, as it has in tbe �aat. I£ a propert� owaer fram one of the atudy areas cam� in with ''``'a �ezoni�$ �equ��� that eoiacided with the C�prehensive Plan, ��"was �u�� i� would �ave a mqxe favoxabl� responee; if it was different, it �ti11 would be judged aa ite own �eri�s. This Camprehensive Plan is a �e��ralized ��atement on what the City wou�d lik� in these a�eas. The F�v� etudy �reas are ei�her undeveloped or under going development with the exception of the Hyde Park:area. Mr. Qureshi said the proposed Camaprehene�ve Plan in ao way chan�es the.le�al requirements for rezoning X@��e�t�. ' Mr. xasren sa�d there is a�reen area in this atudy area that is zou�d R-1 aad you grvpose high inteneity houeing ia this area. Mr. Qu�eshi �aid �uch development could be araund the ponding areas which avuld thea be preserved. P'i�. Bi11 Nee, 21� Logan Parlcway said he still had strong reservations an the 83rd Street croseing. No one haa convinced me�they need a crossing to Ea�t R�ver Road. Z have some prejudices about addditional crossings. . Mr. �itzpatrick aaid there had beea a lat of discussion on where �he Crossings ahould be. Mr. Qure�hi said this area has been studied �� for a 1pn� time and this recommendation came from the Planning Coumiission � and Council over two years ago. The reCOmmendation was to el�minate one crosaing aad relocate twv tp keep the truck traffic on the main roadways and out o£ res�dential areas, There has been overall planning in this area and r�ow we are participating in,the North Corridor Study. If a bridge is built between I.694 and Champlin, we will have as many cars on 85th as we have on East River Road now. �hey estimate that in 1985 there wi11 be 23,Oq0 cars using 85th and anly l0,OQ0 cars using East River Road. r /'`� btr, 1Vee �aid tha� when you �i.ve aecea� �rom Iiighway No. 47 to East Bivsr Road� it wi11 b� twp way �raffic, so � lot of traffic could be $ec�erated, �Iz�. Qureshi �aid th�t no oae is saying this crossing should go �n at thi.s tims. �his ie a atudy araa. Mr. Mini�h a�ked how extens�.vely the gxi.�ting cros'sin$� are used now. Mx. Quresh� eaid t'h� 77th Ave�►uc cro�s�ng i� u�ed, but not the othexs. Mx, Qur�sh� add�,d tha� i�a 1961 they did d��i.�nate both 79th and 83rd as S��t� Aid �c�ada, which.givea u� money to maintain them, but not to construct rqads. Thege wa� a��ecif�ic hearin� for thi� �rea, and from this hearing aaaa� tha �e�oma�enda�ioia t� elimin�te a�e ex�saing and reloeat� two. I • Mr, ��hmedeke �aid thi$ reeorn�endation maq have been a mistake, because the pa�k 7.a�d wasa'� desi�nated a� such thea, �here axe differen� thinga r� eoaeider x�aw, P4r. �'i��patrick aaid that a�ter th� �ubl,ic Hearing is c1Q�sd, wQ �y wan� ta ehange our xeeoaensc�d�tion on the crosa:ings .:ir. 8o�rdr�n ���d ths p��a� daeen'� �eeo�end any apeeifie crosein�s, but �c�ii��,ad c�ros��.n�e �huuld be+ d�aigned fo� �a#e�y purpose� . Plannin� Commission P�eeting - February 21, 1973 Pa�e 5 Mx. Fee� �aid in s*udyin$ thia �z�a he thought somehow we should get r^`� pad��xriam and bieyc�e acceas to th� Nv�eh Park area: It wouid be quite retmote to childr�n. �r. Pitapatriek said �he Park Cammission is studyixsg iaterconaecting paths fram one area to another. I�r, Nee said that when they axe developin� this as an industriai area,;they should xeeommend aamethin$ that would beaeiit the �►�ople. Mr. Boardman said the City S�af:f wau�d be workin� on a Park 6 Recreatioa Camp�cehensive Pla�a a�d wi11 b� looking fox la�ationa fo�c bicycle paths. Ms. Janice Seeger, 324 Ironton Street, said there s�ould be som� way to get from th� park area to th� Y.M:CoA; ai.so. Mr. �I�nish aaid there w�re people at the first �ublic Hearing who were quite vocal who �eren't here temight ao he thought the Public Hearing ehould b� eon[inued. M�C, Schmedeke said he had been told the League of Women, Voters were l�uite sa�iAfied with the all-ove� plaa aud the Chamber of Commerce had ao pbjections. He aaid he waated to co�end the City Staff for coming up with a plaa that wa�n't causing agitation or rezoning. He thinks it is a good guide and wi11 suggeat to the people what the City would like to aee in the atudy areas. I�IO�J by Minish� seconded bp Zeglea, that the Plannin� Cammiasion continue th� Public Heaxing on th� propo�ed Comprehensive Plan to Ma�ch i.4, 1973. Upva a voice vote, all votin$ aye, the motion carxied unanimously. . ��� 2. MUGGLI VACATION REQUEST Mr. Aaxrel Clark said this item had beea recommended to the Subcammittee aAd �t copy of the lettex sent tp Mr, Mu��li was iacluded in this agenda, Mr. Muggl�. wil.l be maki.ng a formal xequest. 3. FRANK M. GABRELCIR, S.Pp �72-19 Mz, Clark �aid a latter had beea seat to Mr. Gabrelc�k, which was inaLuded �.n this agenda. Mr. Gabrelcik wa� xequested by the City Counei�. to �ubmi,t the information aslced for by th� P].anning Cou�mission. Mr, 4abreiaik has brought in the zequested ia�formation a�nd this item will be on �he March 7th agenda. ' 4. P.D, AEVELOFI�NT 87f CASTLE M�BILE ;HOMES (FORMERI,Y HOWARD DUNIPHY) 1�Ix�, Daya �atter, �epz�sentiag Caa�J.� Mabile Home�, was preaent. Mr, A��rrsi Cl�rk �a�,d thi� property �s i.n the �100 blo�k East v� �aat ltiv�r �t��d. Ia � 1'D �oain� all th� gLan� ehAuid be appxoved before � as� �oaatruc�ioa begia�. Ia the ori�iAa] p1as� submieted by Mr, Dumphy, ava� of th� �aad was it-� and so� aoami�r�ia1, Castle Mobi.le Homes wants ta be��in sQr�trtact�on i�t �h� araa that w�a de��.�aeed as comu�ercial. IA �o�'dex t� �ub�i.� the plaas �ox° r���lde�ti�i, hou�in� ind�v�dually, they shou�.d ' �ezoa�e �xc� 81� ta Rm9., They ar� z�ady �v ee�rt �onst�uetion nvw, ar�d , Cau�c�1 ha� $iven �k�e�. �arwi�sio�i foac twa bu�.lding pe�►�.ta wi.�h the '���omm��t�datic�n eha� t�ey caa�s �o tb� �'l�n�iAg C�n�saiar� fo� r�zon�.r�$. 4#s �h� xep�an�n� takee a caapl.e o���ao�tb�s� thsg waat p�rmission ta �,et buildin$ pexrpi,te ia tha� par� of the �A �ev�al.o�at rha� wa� deaignated as cosune�cial, , e P�aan�ag Cow�i�siqn Meeting Febru�r�r,21, 1973 �age 6 _.___�.�.. �., � 1'�r, �otter �aid they waat thie ar�a to rsverC back �o R-� becaua� , th� laad i� more va�uabl� as �esidential. Mr. Mi.t�i�1� �aid ws �re b�iag asked Ca r�:zones oae part �af a� P� Aieerict and 1eav� th� ��a� i.n a v�cuwn. Wiiea thi� w�� g��on�d to k'D i� wa� �oa�i.desed +�� vns wh41� uai� and Z would like �a see� i.t rezon�d as a��1. �R� �lA�.t s M�c. Qureshi eaid �hat ie what h� is r�questing. 'M�', �'I�a��,�1� said Qo, you are a�kia� u� to coasider only tk�e top poreina o$ tkle �D �ist�iet. Mr: Q�reshi said this ia a PD District �s it atands n4w. The Ci�y a�p�oved one parC as commercial and one pax� for apartments. What Mr. aotter 1a askin� is to chaage the P� p1an. He's asking to down grade tha coamter�ial a�ea to R-1. 1"1r, Miaish �said it was his poaitiqn that as lon� as ita zoned �� a PD Aiatsi�t w� should be eonsidering the entire D�s�rict and not just a pa�� �f it. If the to� portion is rezoned Co R-1, the entire PD Distzict ahaui.d b� R-1. With �he urgency of �he petitione this is the time to c�as�.der the �n�iacs Diatxict being xezon�d. " Mr, �'itzgatriek �tated that as �his i� zoned PA, it isn't legally �'� ' �tao�d �ax R-�. t � M�. Quzeshi aaid th� reasaa they want to change the c�ou�mercia� area to �,1 �s beeaua� the sewer and wate� ar� in and �he streets are already plaCted. �a �he p�at South of th� Creek� �treeta and util.it3.�� wou�d . haV� to be put i.a before it can be deve�Qp�d R-1, Mr. Fitzpat�ri�ek asked if the people who are buying hou�e� in this a�ea Mr. Rot�e� waata as R-1 ar� aware thaC the propexty acrosa �rom th�� ia plaaned �s 1i�3. 1�. R�tx�z aaid tl��y cautioa �heir bu�►�ra ��a �ave art �ttormey b�foxs purchaa ia� a ho�ae . , Irlx. �itzp�trick said he didn't lcnow how s�fective this is because e�v�acyon� who bou�ht � bou�e ia Fxi.d�.�y tho��ht they bAU�ht � hous� a���s� t�� et�eet fx�oa� � g��lc. 1�, iKinis� �aid h� did�°� diea���� with �h� ��qu�st c�g �h�n$ing th� • ��oae�c�i�� �$�� �Q �-1, bt►t I que��iera just coneid�ri.a$ a�axt o� it, I think i� �h�auid �il ba �c��oa�d R-1, I� �h�y wa�e pa�t o� �� x��Qned tv �-9 l��es, � rsque�� �ati b� mad� at Cha� tim�r �'h�� would p��tect the . � pseag��ty awae�� �vh� gu��haaed hamea ia tb� #�-1 are�, �hey wQU�,d b� aoti.�i�d c�! th� �c���ia� r�q��a� �a�d would be aws�e �� ��� �cr��,n$ �cx+a�s the stz�eat #��m tk�eir h�nm�� , �� 1�. li�ttex $aid h�a w�Ged t� gat ggi��.����a t� have the buildin� =' p�rotiit� i���ad. I� t�,1c�� �b4ut tw� �►or��h�� tQ� ��e�onia� �e�qussk �Q b� px�ea��ad a�d th� ���k ����on fo� ��9,1��►� ;�aam�s �.a r�ow, I� �he Planning Commiasi'ou Meeting ,Februasy 21„L1973 page 7 P�,aaaiag Caumniea�Qa want� to hav� a�tipulatio� +an thie requ�st that_is �"'� �g �o tham, but hia psima concezn wss g�ttiag authorizatioa to obeain the� buildiag psrmit�, Mx, Qureehi �aid ha 1s just modify�ag the ca�rcia7, a�ea of a ' �A Ai,stx�ct �o R-�. Mr. Claxk safd the �roblem with tk�is modification is if anyone calls the City Co �iad out the zoAing is this area, we would have to tell them it is PD, Th�y would ask what that zoning means and we would have to te1�. [hem it �an be any thing from sin$le �amily dwellings, up �o and incl�adi.ng GOmmerc�al. MOTION by Miniah,.seconded by Ze�len, that the Planning Commission r�commead Ca Coua�il that the entire PD Dietzict be rezoned to R-1 with the stipulation that no building permits be issued until petitioner makes ap�li�ation for �h� rezoniag. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, �he motian carried unanimously. . �. UNDERGRQUND UTILITIES Mr. Schmedeke thought a recaumiendat�.on ehould be make to the City CQUne�l �o check :inCo undesground utilities for Fsidiey. Mr. Aa�rel Clazk said this was being done in same new developments �m the City. The high voltage wiraa �eouldn't be put undergrour.d. If �'-.� u�erground utilities were put ia areas that are already developed, the , p�operty awner would have to stand the expenee. � � . � _ . � Actin� Chairman Fitx�atrick adjourned the meeting at �,p;�0 P,M. ��epect�ui.ly submi�ted, , {,/� .4�� AQ�A�tI�► �V�A QL1� Searetary , � ��, �--� � ���� � �1 . . ���/� � i.itrir � - i / / � . % ' / /// � _ � • i�: � P . �� ♦ 4 �' � , � ! ' � / _ � � LI / � � - ` / � ;` � � � / J � / � / � ,_ . � �'. � , { - - �_.�:� �.-f � -�-41''� / (�"�c'J � � __�i��� � ----+---- --,--- - - --- --� � - - ---.- _�_------------- - - - - -- -------- ----- -- - - - - -- � � 0 ' �2.% � --- - �^