PL 03/21/1973 - 31148`�
Chairman Ericksoa called the weeting to ordex at 8:00 P.M,
Members Preseat: Erickaon, Schmedeke, Zegl�n, Fitzpatrick, Miai�ia
Members Absent: Roae
Others Preaent: Darrel Clark C�inity Development Administrator-
Mr. Fitzpatrick asiced that paragrsph 2, on page 18 of the minutes
be amended to,read that Mr. Fitzpatrick waen't coavinced that this was
the solution to a problem iatersection. .
Mr. Miniah said a request he made was anitted from the minutes. He
waata a report oa the extent of the rusty water problem in Fridley. Ae
�--� wanta to know what steps the City ie t�king to correct the problem and
- if there are any iron removal plaas.
f �,
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, aeconded I�y $chmedeke, that the Planning
Co�ission approve the miautea of March 7, 1973 as corrected. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, the motioa ca�ried unanimously.
FEBRUARY 28, 1973 . _ . , _
1�sOTION by Schmedeke, aeconded by Zeglea� that the Planniag Co�ission
zeceive the Plate & Subdiviaiona-Streets & Ut.Llities Subcommittee minuees
of February 28, 1973. IIpon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried
1�TIOP by Fitzpa�rick� �ecacided by Miaieh, that the Planning Commissian
receiva Paxks 6 Recreation Coamiis�ioa minutee of February 26, 1973. Upon a
voice vote, all votiag aye, Che motian carried unanimously.
• iti0TI0N by Zeglen, seconded bp Miai�b, that the Planning Cammission
receive the Building Standards-Deaigti CauC�ro1 Subco�ittee minutes of March 8,
� 1973. IIpoa a vaice vote, $11 voti,ng ay�, the motion carried unanimously.
' MOT�ON by Ze��,en, e�conded b�r M�,ni�sh that the Planning Commission
receive th� miautee of th� 8oasd of Appe�,�q far March 13, 1973. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, the motion ca�xied uaaaimously.
Planni Cammisaion Meeting-March 21, 1973 Pa e 2
TEI�LIN:. To rezoae Lots 1 and 2, 39 through 42, Block 6, Fridley Park
Addition, from R-1 (aingle family dwelling areas) to R-3 (general
multiple family unita) for townhousee.
Mr. Samuel Templin was present.
� Chairman Ericksoa said this rezoning request had beea continued to
allow the petitioner and the people in the area to come up with a possible
Mr. Templin said that he would change hia proposal fram one four
unit aad oae five unit to two four units. By decreasing the request
by ane unit, he could build a better lookiag project.
Chairman Erickson said there was objectioa to having any of these
units facing Rice Creek Waq. Mr. Templin eaid these would be such nice
units that they wouldn't ruin the property valuation ia the area.
Mr. Fred flalveraon, 85 Rice Creeek Way, said he was speaking for
himself and for Dick Silverst�in, 6675 East 8iver Road, when he said
they didn't waat any rezoniag in thia area.
Mr. Don Smith, 81 Rice Creek Way, eaid there have been manq nice
rental units builti in Fridley, but'after a feTe� years the maintenaace
begins to alip. Se said it was the nature of income property that when small
units were built, they were hard to maiatain. He said Mr. Templin kaew
the land was zoned R-1 whea he purcha�ed it, with no promise that it
could be rezoaed.
Mr. Ericicson eaid he would auggest that the property on East River
Road be rezoned to R-2 and the lots facing Hickory Street remain R-1.
Mr. Smith said he woulda't be opposed to this proposal.
Mr. Templin said he would like ta get along with the neighbors in
the area and wondered if they would accept a 4 unit on East River Road
and x-1 on flickorq 3treet.
Mr. Clark said the four lots on East 8iver Road had 45 foot frontages.
Mr. Erickson said this would make two 9p foat eites on East River Road if
it was rezoned R-2.
A�IDTION by Zeglen, seconded bp 9chm�deke, that the Planning Commisaion
close the Public Hearing oa the r.ezoaiag requeet, ZOA, by Samuel Templin.
Opon a voice vote, a12 voting aye, the �aoti.on carried unanimously.
I�r. Clark said if thie was �ezoned to R-2 we may have to give accesa
to 8ast Rives Road. If this wae a four plex it could use the Rice Creek
�1ay enCrance. The petitioner could use Ghe vacated alley for an entrance;
however, th� Ci.ty does�'t waat to maiataia an alley.
Mr. Fltzpatrick said the petitioaer ie not asking for R-2 rezoning.
Plan�iag Co�missian Pieeting - March 21, 1972 , Page 3
,.�..1 , � � .
• �J
,•-� I�TI� by Fitzpatrick to contiaue the Public flearing on rezoning
request #73-04, by Sa�el Templin, to give the petitioner a chaace to
chaage his request. ?8E MOTION died for lack of a aecond.
t:hafrma$ Erickso� said we couid �ecoamnend a ffioderation of the
petitioner°s request.
Mr. Schmedelce said the petitionez did sa� he would accept R-3 rezonin�
on East 8iver 8oad aad leave the zoning R-1 on Hickory Street. Mr. Erickson
said if the rezoning was granted thi� way, the second readiag could be
�ield up uatil the plaas were approved. .
Mr. Fit=patrick �aid ehe proper�y South of thia parcel was zoned R-1.
Mr. Minieh aaked Tdir. Templia if he would agree to R-2 rezoning of
the property facing East River Road. Mr. Templin eaid he would not becau�e
there was ao moaey market for double bungalows at the present time.
MOTION by Minieh, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission
secom�end to Council desial of the rezoning request, �73-02, by Samuel Templia,
to rezone Lote 1 and 2, 39 through 42, $lock 6, Fridley Park Addition, from
8-1 (sfngle familq dwellin� unita) to 8-3, (general multiple family units).
IIpoa a voice vote, all voting aqe, the motion carried unaaimously.
the North South alley ia Block 6, Fridley Park Addition.
Mr. Scim�edeke �aid the Plats 6 Subdivfsions-Streets � Utilities
Subcammittee recoamended to the P1a�iag Commiasion approval of vacation
request SAV #73-02, by Sa�auel Templin, to vacate the alley, not contingent
upon the rezoaing request being approved.
Mr. Cla�k said there was a ce�texy eacroachment on this alley so
it would never be opeaed.
Mr: Glena Thompson, of the Michael Sex�vetue �Unitarian Society, said
thep �ere responsible for the cemetery and would like to have the alley
Mr. Schmedeke asked if ther� was anyoae �.n the audience who was
against the vact�tion of the alley. People fr� the area said they had
no objectiona,
Mr. Minish said he is agaiast the vaca�ion of the alley at this
time because if the area is developed a� R-1, there would be property
that wouid have to have accese on Eaet River Road. He said part of the
all�y could be vacated, but the part of tbe a11ey that servea this property
he� would like left open.
^ 1r10TI0N by Schmedeke, seconded by Zegj,ea, that the Planning Coumnission
-� � recommead to Counai� approval of th� vaaatio� request, SAV �73-02, by
Samuel Templin, to vacate the North/South a�ley in Block 6, Fridley Park
' Addition, subjec�. to'the 12'foot utility �asement being retained. Upon a
va�ce vo�e, Erick��n, FiCzpatrick, Schmedske, Zeglen vot�ng aye, Minish nay,
the motion carried,
PlanninQ Coam►iesion IK,ecting-March �1, 197_ 3 _ Page 4
� ..
. .�;
HO1� ASSOCIATION: ltezone from R-3 (geaeral multiple family dwelliaga)
to C-2 (general business areas), Lot 1, Block 1, Harstad Addition, and
the Southerlq 150 feet of Y.ot 18, Brookview Addition, subject to road
easement over Sout6 50 feet, to bring it up to right code classification.
l�fr•. $ichard Schintgen and Mr. Sichard I�rench were present.
Chairman Ertcksoa said �his requeet was made so the Knights of Columbus
could build an additic� to their building. The Plaaning Coamnission continued
the Public Searin- while the Ca�iesion made a request to the City Attomey
to eee if our ordinaace could lae altered so we would not have to re�omme fox
a non-conforming use.
The Commiesion members all have copiea of a letter from the City
Attorney in which &e said the request for this particular addition be
referred to the Board of Appeals.
• Mr. Darrel Clark said that was hie interpretation of the letter also,
but ia t�llcing to the City Attorney, he aaid thie variaace could be acted
_ upon by the Planning Caa�iaeion. If the petitioner was just starting out
in his requeat, he could have gone to the Board of Appeals. As this
request has beea before the Planning Coa�issiaa, it could be acted upon
�--� by the Commission. Ia ftture cases, the,City �ttoraeq will direct us on
' � bow to handle the request.
^ � .
� Chairman Ericksoa told ihe audience that what the Coffiission understanda
the City Atto'rney to be saqing,'•is,'if we'don't wish to iezone the property,
• we could reco�end that the petitioner be allowed to have his request
granted under the appeal section of our osdinance, and if the Council
eoacurred with this approval, the petitia�er could b�ytld his addition
without rezoning.
Mr. French aaid the rezoaiag m�kes ao difference to the Kaights of
Columbus. We don't care what the zoning is, as long as we can build our
addition. The property awnera ia the area don't want the propertq rezoned.
MOTION by Minish, aeconded by Fitzpatsick, that the Planning Coa�issi.on
close the Public Hearing on rezoning request, ZOA �73-04, by North Air
$ome Aesociation. IIpoa a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
1�TIQN by Minish, seconded b� Zeglen, that the Planning Coammias'ion
' reeommend to Council denial of the ;ezoning xequeat, ZOA �73-04, by North
Air Home Association, to rezoae from 8-9 (geaeral multiple family dwelling�)
to C-2 (general businesa areas), Lot 1, 81ock l, Harstad Addition, and
the Southerly 150 feet of Lot 18, Brvokview Addition, subject to road
eaaement over South 50 feat, aad recan�end �o Couucil the granting of
^ the variance neceesary ta permit the isauance of a buildin� permit for
�� the proposed addition,•subject to the conditions of Building Standards-
. Deeign Control minutes of March $, 1973. Upoa a voice vote, all voting
aye, the motian carried uaanimously.
� Planniag Commission l�eeting-March 21, 1973 Page 5
The 3outhwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 2, T-30,
�-24, except that p�rt taken for hi�hway purposes; rezoa�e from
M-2 (heavy industrial areas) to R-3 (general multiple family dwellings),
the &lesterly 493 feet, and rezone from M-2 (heavy iadustrial area�) to
C-2 (general businese area�) all thai part of the Southwest Quarteg
lying East of the �Testerl� 493 feet, e�cept th�t part taken foar
- highway purposes.
Mt. Robert Schroer was preaent.
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Pl��ning
Caomiasion waive the readiag of the Public �earing �otice fo� r�zoning
request, ZOA #73-05, by Robert Schroer.
Mr. Minieh eaid the Public Hearing notice aaid this property was
located an Highway �65, and it should read Highway �k47. Mr. Clark said
the legal description was correct, but the generally located should read
Higt�ay �47.
.. � OP� A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
� Mr. Clark said Mr. Schroer was proposiag to rezone.the Easterly
part of this parcel ca�ercial along Highway �47, and the Westerly part
^, of the parcel alaag Maia Street to R-3. This proposal doea follow the
general plan ahowa in the proposed campreheneive plaa.
Mr. 3chroes said his plans for the property were still rather vague
at the maa�eent, but he had had some good interest in the propertq for
commercial use. He said that in talking to City officials, they said
they would like to eee to�mhouaea ia the`area he was proposing to rezone
to R-3, because the laad is difficult to work with because of the peat
in the area. He said he had agreed there will be some ponding done in
the towahouse area.
Mr. Clark said the land North of thia parcel is zoned M-2. The
property South of tl�e parcel is zoned C-2 on the Eaeterly 600 feet, and
the balance is zoned 1�-2. Mr. Schroer�e propoaal woiild rezone 900 feet
as C-2, so there would be a jog in the zoniag of C-2.
Mr. Wayne D. Wormsbeck, 3200 North Lilac Drive, Golden Valley, said
he owned the lot South of what Mr. Schrosr proposea to rezone R-3. He
said he wae nor aure that was the ri�ht sp�t for R-3 zoning and would
like to see the area stap iadustrial.
• Mr. Clark eaid the Whole area is baeically industrial. In the
comprehenaive,plaa, we recoumiended tbia land be rezoned multiple because
,r"� w� �elt we had a suf#icient supply of vacaat industrial property. Mult�ple
�,.� dwe�lings caa make better use of thia land thaA ain�le family dwellings.
Chairmaa �rickson said these was a question in his mi�d that we may
l�q a�tiqg a bit prematurely. The Council hasn't reviewed or given appraval.
� Planning_Commission M��ting - March 21, 1973 Page 6
' 1�TION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning
Co�iesion coatinue the Public Hearing on rezoaing request, ZOA 4�73-05,
by Robert Schroer, the Southvest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of
Section 2, T-30, R-24, except that past taken for highway purposes; rezone
froa� M-2 (heavy industrial areas) to R-3 (general multiple family dwellin�s),
the Westerly 493 feet, and rezone fr� 1K-2 (hea`ry industrial areas) to
C-2 (general business areas) all that part of the Southwest Quarter lyin�
Eaet of the Westerly 493 feet, except that part taken for highway purpose�s
until the Council�has time to approve or amend the comprehensive plan.
Ia his second of the motian, Mr. Fitzpatrick said this was a judge�ental
consideratioa whea the Commiseiaa recomm�ended we had more industrial land
than we aeed and that ffiultiple dwellia�s were a good use for this iocation.
Chairmaa Erickson said we can eoiatinue this until our next meeting.
fle asked Mr. Clark when the Council would review the comprehensfve plan.
Mr. Clark said they would get the minutee of the last Public Hearin� on
April 2nd. .
Mr. Fitzpatrick said he r�ougd withdraw his section to the motion.
Mr Schmedelce said HE WOULD WIT�RAW gIg 1�TIOA.
/�1 •
Mr. Fitzpatrick said that within 90 days we should kaow if the Council
/'1 1e going along with the proposals of the camprehensive plan.
Mr. Clark said the request could be contianed for a ahorter time, and
act on the part of the property that ie requested to be rezoned coumiercial.
This would allow the petitioner to make some plans for the commercial area.
MOTION by Minish, aeconded by Fitzpatrick, to coatinue the Public
$earing by the Planaiag Co�ission until April k, 1973 on rezoning request,
ZOA �73-05, bq Robert Schroer, on the Southwest Quarter of the South;aest
Quarter of Sectioa 2, T-30, R-24, except that pazt taken for highway purposes;
sezone from M-2 (heavy industrial areas) to R-3 (general multiple family
dwellings) the Westerly.493 f��t, and rezone fram M-2 (heavy industrial area�)
to C-2 (general business areas) all that part of the Southwest Quarter lyiug
Eaat of the Westerly k93 feet, except that part takea for highway purpose�,
to accomodate the petitioners time schedul� and take into account the Couaail
revi�w of the compreheasive plan. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aqe, the
motioa carxied uaanimously. '
A replat of Lota 12, 13 and 14, �lock 1, Spring Lake Park Lakeside.
Mr. Rudolph Bayer was preseat.
,� MOTIOIV by Fitzpatrick� second�d by 3chmedeke, that the Planning
Caamti��ion waive t'he readiag o� the Publia Hearing Notice on proposed
� � r�liminar
p y p1at, P,S. #73-01, by Rudolpb Bayer. Upon a voice vote, al�
votiag aye, the motioa cazried unaa�,mously.
Planning Co�i_asion Meetin� - March 21, I973 Page 6
'^ • Mr. Schmedeke said this request had been continued from the February 28tt
Plats � Subdivisions-Streets � Utilitfes Subco�nittee to March 15th. Mr.
Bayer was not present at the March 15th meeting but the Subcommittee made
their recommendation to the Planning CoaQaission because it was scheduled
. for a Public Hearing tonight. The Subcoamnittee recoa�ended to the Planning
Commission that the five proposed 72 foot lots on McKinley Street be
chaaged to four 90 foot lots, and that the 20 feet to the South of the
lots on Lakeside be included ia the plat �s an outlot.
Mr. Schmedeke said the Subcommittee had been quite rigid on meeting
the requirements of the ordinance, except in hardship cases, and they
did not feel this was a hardship.
�Ir. Clark said this reques� was �ontinued to allow Mr. Bayer to
confer with other people ia his firm on this reco�endation.
Mr. Bayer said they still wanted to plat the lots on McRinley Street
into 72 foot lots.
Mr. Ericksan asked ehe purpoae of making an outlot of the South 20
feet on Lakeside. Mr. Clark said this 20 feet was being purchased by
• the adjacent property owner on the South end of this Plat. Mr. Erickson
n asked if we had any assurance the lot would be purchased. Darrel Clark
said not ia writing.
'� Mr. Bayer said if the 20 foot was not sold it would be added to the
lots on Lakeside. Mr. Bayer said if the lots on McRinley were to be
platted as 90 foot lots, he would r�ther leave the back of the plat as
it is. We will just plat Lakeside. .
Chairman Erickson asked if there were any utilities in on McRinley
Street. Mr. Clark said there could be some power lines, but there were
no water, aewer, or street.
Mr. James Rudnitski, 1658 77th Aveaue N.E., said he opposes the 72 foot
lote on McRinley. fle also objects to McRinley Street being opened.
Mrs. Jean Alstrom, 1645 75th Avenue N.E., asked Mr. Bayer what type
of house he was propoaing on the 72 foot lots. Mr. Bayer said it would
be an L-split with a S1 foot frantage. Mr. $ayer said that although the
lote were only 72 feet wide, they were deep enough to have 9,864 square
feet on each lot, whic,h exceeds the minimum requirement by 864 square feet.
With the large lots on Lakeside, the people living on these lots would
be muc� lesa than if we met the mfnimum requirementa on all the lots.
Mrs. Alstra� said she had no objection to the proposal. She said
they were alao requesting that McKinley Street be opened.
� . Mr. Rudnitski asked what type of zonia$ would apply to these lots.
°'�' Chairman Erickson said they would be reaidential. There has been no
request for a zoning change.
Plannina Co�ission Meetin� m M�rch 2A, 1973 pa�� g
Mr. g. M. Passenheim, 355$ Rsaox Ave:aue North, Minneapolis, said he
'^` was epeaking for Saad=a Chelatrom, 1670 77th Avenue N.E., aad they wer�
a¢raid these houses would look like cracker taoxes as did some other new
hames ia Fridley.
i�r. $ayer said he thougist they were referriag to the 235 housing.
Tise homes Mr. Baqer was proposing are nothing like that. Mr. Bayer said
the hames he wanted to build would upgrade the neighborhood.
Mr. Leo Heyae said he had talked to the aban who wanted to purchase
property from Mr. Bayer on the South side of Lakeside. He said the man
said he was purchasing 40 feet. Mr. Douald Wehlast, a partner of NLr.
Bayer. said he had talked to the purehases and it was a misunderstandin�.
They were only going to sell 20 feet.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked th� name of the purchaser. Mr. Bayer said
his name was Mr. Coraell, 7525 Lakeside Drive. He said Mr. Cornell
would have been here toaight but he receatly was discharged from the
hospital. Mr. Cornell needs tha property because part of hi� garage is
already on the property, �
, Mr. Robert Henderaon, 7600 Stinson Blvd., sai,d Mr. Bayer saqs
this will be a nice developmeat but open land is nice too. Mr. Bayer
said there was a school going in oa the Tdest side of Lakeside so there
� will still be open land ia the area.
/"'� Mr. Gene Lake, 7584 Stinsoa Blvd., said he has been paying assessments
on his 1ot for eleven years and he still doesn't have a decent street ia
froat of his house ar anq curbing. If they opea McRinley, I will get
loaded with assessments for the bacic of �y lot. I couldn't keep my
property with all these a�sessmente. .
He eaid he had brought a letter from David A. Bergsven, 7566 3tinson
$lvd. N.E., which containe Mr. Bergsvea�s fe�liags on this proposal. Mr. L�ke
iead the letEer in which Mr. Bergsvea stated his'opposition to the opening
of McKinleq Street.
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, secoaded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission
receive the letter fra� David A. Bergsves dated March 20, 1973. Upon a
voice vote, a11 voting aqe, the motion casried uaanimously.
Mx. Bayer �aid we are not x�eally aekia$ for a etseet. We would like
to have Lakeside platted so we could start building.
Mr. G�ne Lake said that once developtnent starts in the area, we will
end, up with McKirtley ,Stxeet op�n whethe�e ws want it oz not .
1Kr, Bayez said that when the atreet comea up for consideration, we ,
could n�eet with �he property owner� aad �ork something out to mutual agreement,
.� Mr. Cl.a�k eaid we have
1KcRin].sq' gtreet, There ie
. �� t:hi� �lat was a�prov�d,
had anoCher request to consider the opening of
ao echedule s�t oa the opening of the strest, but
i� cauld come up �'or causideration.
Mr. Baqer �aid we're not the oae's �pp �equested the street be put in.
Plaaning Cammission Meeting - March 21, 1973 page q
i"'�, Mr. Schmedeke said we maybe should have an either/or clause in our
o�dinance. The 72 foot lots do aot meet the lot width requirements, but
the square footage exceeds the minimum lot requisemeats.
� �
Mr. Erickson asked Mr. Schmedeke if the Subcommittee considered
leaving the back part of this plat an outlot. Mr. Schmedeke said the
petitioner was aot at the meeting, a�d they just considered having the
lote meet the code sequirements.
Mr. L. A. Alstr�m said that 1300 feet is alseady dedicated for the
stzeet. There are oa,.y four property owners who haven't dedicatced l�nd
for McKinley Street.
Mr. Erickson asked if there was anyone on Stfnson wrizo would want
to eubdivide his property if McKinley weat in. Mr. Rudnitski �afd it
would be our oaly alternative because of the aeaessments.
Mr. Lake asked if they could wait and eubdivide their lots after
the street has been p�roposed, or if they�still would have to pay all the
assessments. Mr, Clark said the City has no requirement that all the
asseasmente had to be paid at once, but most mortgate companies have
that requirement. •
Mrs. Alatrom said we are payiag taxea on these lots now that are
worthless to us. If McRinley is opened up, it would raise the value
of the lots. She thought they would gaia much mo�e than they would
lose if McRialey wa� opened.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said at thia meeting, and at other meetings, there�
were people who did aot express an opinion. He said he thought it was
verq important that people who attend these Hearinge express an opinion.
MOTYON by Zeglen, aeconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plannin� Coa�isaion
close the Public Hearing on proposed preliminary plat, P.S. #73-01, by
Rudolph Bayer. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
Mr. Schmedeke said the petitioner shouldn°t be atymied completely.
Re thought the platting of the 85 foot lots on Lakeaide should be allowed
and make the back of t�e property an outlot.
Mr. Minish said he thought the Cv�miseion should ask for some type
of agreement on thQ purchase of tkae 20 feet on the South side of Lakeaide.
MOTION by Minish, seconded by Schmedelce, that the Planning Commission
recoam►end to Council approval of the preliminarq plat, P.S. �� 73-01, by
Rudolph Bayer, a replat of Lote 12, 13 and 1G' �loak 1, Spring Lake Park
Lakeside, with four 85 foot lota on Lakeside, and four 90 foot lots on
McRinley, with the South 20 feet being made part of the plat as an outlot,
the fina], plat not being approved until a copy of the purchase agreement
ia furnished the City, and escrow of purchase price to insure that the
awaer to the 9ou�h �s purchasing the pxoperty, contingent upon the filing
of the p1at. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimau��,y
Plannin� Ca�issf� Aseeting - M�rch 2�, 19�3 p� ��p
CORPORATION: For Phase Iv and V of the townhouse area generally
located�One Quarter Mile East of Matterhorn Drive and North of
Iater�tate No. 694, being a replat of Outlot H, Innsbruck North.
�7C D�tREL A. FARR DEVELOPME� CORPORATI01�: Generally located One
Quarter Mile East of Matterhorn Drive and North of Interst�te No. 694,
being a replat of Outlot H, Innsbruck North.
Mr. Darrel Clark said the petitioner had written a letter to the
Co�mission asking that these items be contiaued until April 4, 1973. �1e
got the letter soon enough so the Publ.ic Hearing notice sent to the people
cpuld be ameaded.
Chairmaa Erickson said these items wouid be continued until April 4,
1973. .
38RVET[TS UNITARIAA SOCIETY: A replat af Lot 8, Second Revision
Auditor s Subdivision Ao. 21, except that part taken by,the City.
r'�1 Mr. Glena Thompson and Mr. Robert Hughes were present.
^ MOTI0�1 by Schmedelce, seconded by Ze�len, that the Planning Cou�ission
Waive the reading of the Public Hearing'PTotice on the proposed preliminary
plat P.S. �73-03, by Michael Servetus Unitarian Societq. Upon a voice vote,
all votiag aye, the motion carri�d unanimously.
Mt. Schu�edeke said the Plata & Subdivieions-Streets � Utilities Sub-
coam�ittee recommended to the Plaaning Co�mission approval of the proposed
p1,at coatingent upon the petitionex bein� auccessful in obtaining 12 feet
fram the� City so the lots meet the minimua� frontage requirement of 75 feet;
. oCherwi$e it will have to be platted into 96 foot lots. Also recommended
' for approval were two cul-de-sacs; a 60 foot cul-de-sac on Oakley Drive
�nd a 50 foot cul-de-sac on 67th Avenue.
Mr. Clark �aid this is simil$r to wlxat the Admiaistration wanted
except they waated th� atreeC to go through from Oakley Drive to 67th Avenue,
buC it was the recoamneaadation of the Subcommittee to allow the cul-de-saca,
at.the petitioaer'e sequest.
7l'he petitioner wanta to dispoae of the Sorth half of its property, to
ba platted for single family homea, and waat�a to obtain 12 feet of the
property it had sold to the City, f.or a park, back from the City, to meet
�be code requirementa, ,
�'�1 I� � l�iia�sh asked the width of tt►e p�oper�y they have now. Mr . Clark
�,"`� eaid it was 288 feet.
�. Ericksoa asked the reasoa the Ci�y Staff recommended the road to
' Planning Co�nia��on Meetin� - M�rch 219 �973 Page 11
!�1 _
n Mr. Clark said there were a couple of reasons. Oae, was to eliminate
two turn arounds for traffic flow, and it would make it easfer to plow;
and secoad, we cot�ld more economically take care of the drainage by
putting in oae storm sewer. With cul-de-saes there will have to be a
dra�nage pipe from one dul-de-sac to the other.
Mz. Schmedeke said the Subeo�ittee was ia favor of the cul-de-sac
plan because this property does ad�oin a park. �he cul-de-sac on Oakley
Drive could be iased for aa entrance to the par�s. 4�enever there is a
road by a park, there see� to be a problem of excess speed, The church
will g�ve us the land aeeded for the cul-de-sace.
Mr. G1enn �'&�pson said the Boaxd of Trustees felt it would serve
the best interests of the area by havin� the cul-de-sacs. We do want
to �taia the 12 feet from the Cfty so the lots can be platted into eight
75 foot lots. If it had to be platted into six 96 foot lo�s, the lots
- would be more difficult to see: 75 foot lots would be more marketable.
8e thought this was a�ood location for homes. He said if the street
went through he wondered if ti�e Citp was aware there was about six or
aevea feet of pe�t where the street wou�d be located, which would ineolve
a Iot o£ expense ia removing and refilling. He said they are willing
to contribute enough land to have a 60 faot cul-de-s$c on 67th ".venue also,
if the City so wishes, �e said there was a ditcH on the park property and
�,..1 a� he undesstood the situation, the City could give 12 feet of this land
withaut loaing land they could use for the park.
^ Mr. Fitzpatrick said t�e icnew there iaas a problem of wet land and
drain�ge in this area.
1Kr. G1ark eaid ther� was 37 feet bet�eea the center of the ditch
and tbe present property line of th� Church. If 12 feet were sold,
there would still be 25 feet left. He tbought there should be a 10 foot
easement on the property the Church obtained for a slope. Mr, Clark
eaid he had talked to Pau1 Brown, who said he didn't have any authority
ta aell park property, but thought the land could be made available.
�Ir. 8obert Hughes �aid it was preferable in a11 regarda to have a
cul-de�sac appsoach. He said he believed the extension of Oakley Drive
woulda t serve a�ay useful puzpose either for the Cl�urch or the park. He
said it was usuaZly a high speed area bq the parks, and it would be a
protection for peo�le usin� the park to eliminate this.
l�r. Erickson aske$ haw lon� the cul-de-saca would be. Mr. Clark
said according to the ordinaace, the lengeh of a cul-de-sac cannot be
longer than 900 feet and � don't think ei�her of these cul-de-sacs will
be that long.
Mr. &oaald Aesbit, 990 Pandora Drive I�9�., asked if the Public Hearing
^ notic� he received was because of the prapo�ed development or because of
� �
additiona� asseasments because of the de�elapment.
Chairmaa Erickson sa�d it was a requ�.r�ment of the ordina�nce that
property o�ters be notified when propesty Wa� being platted. This was not
Planni�g Ca�mi�sior► Meeting m M�r�h 21� 1933 pa�� �2
� fo� assessmeats. Any asaessmenta nece�sary to develop this property w�uld
be paid•bq the property ownera in this development or there would have to
be another hearing on the improvement� aad those aff�cted would be notifieda
Mr. Raya�ond Gerrety, 1051 67th Avenue �.E�, said he lived right next to
this progerty and hadn�t received a notice. Mr. Clark said �is file may
have beea out of the drawer at the time the names of the property ownex�
we�e taken. Mr. Gerrety asked the purpose of the proposed plat. Mr.
Clark said it was to plat the property into buildiag aite for aingle family
homes . �
Mrs. Jamee Breider, 969 68th Aveaue N:E., asked if the Church w�s
goiag to build the homes cm thia property. Mr..Glenn Thoffipson said this
Qu�stion hadn't been resolved yet. He said it was his contentioa �hat
the Church was not in the real eatate business and he would like to
se� the lots aold to s responeible developer to build homes.
Mr. Neabit said he would �o along with what the Church proposed and
ag�eed with the cul-de-sac plan.
Mr. Lewis We11s,�6553 Oakley Drive, aaid he had nd objections.� He liked
the cul-de-eac.
Mr. Peter Percic, 1050 68th Avenue N.E. eaid he wasn't aware cul-
de-sacs could be put in. He thought 0$kley Arive would have to continue.
Chairman Erickson said from the City�e etandpoint, they would like
ta have it contiaued, but the petitioner wanCed cul-de-eace and the
Subcoa�ittee agreed to thia.
Mr. Clark said that most p�ople find it desirabls to live on a street
with a cul-de-sac.
Mr. Glena Thompaon eaid there was quite a drop off fram Oakley Driv�.
Mr. Rober� ilughes said there were treee whexe Oakley Drive would
contiaue aad they would like to keep the trees.
M4TION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Ze�1en, that the Plaaning Commission
; claee the Pub�.ic Heaxing on the propesed �seliminarq plat P.S. �73-03, by
^ Michael Servstus Uaitasian Societp. Upa� a voice vote, all voting aye; the
motioa earried unanimously,
MOTION by Schmedeke that the P�.anning Ca�nmisaioa recommend to Council
appx'oval of the p�opoeed preliminary pia� �.s. #73-03, by Michael Servetus
Uaitarian 3ociety, to replat Lot 8, Second Revision Auditor's Subdivision
No. 21, excep� that par� taken by the City, aubject to negotiation �or
a 12 foot purchase �rom the City, a�p fao� ��ope easemtnt to be ret'ai,ned
^ ou the prope�tp purchased, aad a 60 faot radius cul-de-sac oa Oakley Drive
__� aad a 50 foot radiva cul-de-eac oa 67th Avenuep
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if aay of the aul-de-sa� was caming from park
-- ,�"`�
Plaasin�t Conomiasion MeetinA 4 Asarch 21, 1973 , Page 13
property. Mr. Clark said part of the cul-de-sac on Oakleq Drive would be.
I�c. Fitzp�triclt SECONDED TaE M�0'PION.
Ii�r. Plin�,sh asked i� any �+o�ey fsoa� the sale of this property eou�d
be uaed by the Park Board to purchase more park•land. Mr. Fitzpatrick
said the mo�ey goes into a gene�eal fund �ad the Park Board works on a
budget. .
II�d A VOI�iE V07.'E, all voting �gre, the motian carried unanimously.
�. �/�CATION REQIIEST: SAV #73-04, EY WA7� SIMOFTLAII: Vacate 572 Aveanue
�oxtheast between T,ots 10 and 16, Block 4, City View Addition, between
6th and 7th Street N.E. '
' �Iz, I�ar�ria Ha�°tse and t�, �obe$t �a��tra�, who k�ad joiae� ghe petitianer
in bis zequest, were pa�eeent,
Mr. Schmedeke said this i� a�imiiar aituation we had in my area,
th� Hyde Paric Area, on 3rd St�eetm �� et�tent�on of 3rd St�eet was opened
after being cla�sed for maay, many �ears to give �ecess for emergency
The Plata � Subdivisions-Streeta b IItilitiea Subcommittee recommeaded
to the Planning Comrnissioa the vaca�i� of the North/South alley in alock
32, Hyde Park Addition, aAd re��m�nded vacatioa of 58th Avenue Northeast
between, 6th as�d 7th Street Northeast, mnd denied vacation request, �73-04,
by Wayae 3imoneau, to vacate 57� Aveaue between 6th and 7th Streets Northea�t,
secomneading that the Citp retain the right of way and ask the Council to
coaeid�� the possibility of opeaixlg th�� street.
Ptx', Clark �said , Mr. 3itnoaeau withdrew hia reque�t at the Subcor�ni����
meeting of March 15, i973 because of this reao�enda�ion.
' lir. Fitzpatrick �ai�d if this recw�endatioa were followed, the petitio�e�
wauid then be i.n the poaition of having a street behind his property, and
b� asse�sed far it, without beaefit.
Mr. Cl�xk said that when the C�ty �uts in a dc•uble frontage
� the coste ars levied on the property � a double stree� and
3/k is paid by prop�rty owaers abaut hal� way up the block.
�lr. Fitzpatrick said he didn't think anp of the people that
asessaed by th� opeaiag oF thi� �t�eet Waui,d benefi�.
the othex
would be
l�c. Max�vi�t Hartse, 47S 57th Place 1�.E�, said the etreet being opened
wouid be•of no benefi� to him and that Mrs. 1�Iildred M�rler, who owned
propertp in the iwaediate area, Who had be�n a� the Subcommittee meetatng,
wa8 oppQSed to the qpen�ag of tbe Street aad waated it v�cated a1so.
1Ks�, ltobeact Engatrom, 45.� �7th 1'lac� N.E., said he wae opposed to
t'�e 3treet bein$ opened. Iie �aid �here ar� already three intersectioas
ia a t�o b].oelc a�rea on 7th Streee �nd th�e wau],d make Che feurth , The
�ch�ldren have a di�ficult tin� aaw walking saf�ty ta schoal on 61st Avenue
Plaanin� Cammia�ion Meeting - March 219 1973 Page 14
,� �
� without having to croas another i�tersectioa.
Mr. Schmedeke said the reason the Subco�mittee made this reco�endation
was to see if the City might want this street open to cut down on the time
it would take an emer�ency vehicle to reach residences in the area. This
reco�snendation would leave the decision up to the Couacil, the hameowners
in the area, and any reco�endatioa the Fire 1Karshall might have.
1rlr. Fitzpatrick �aid he t�ou�ht �here was a� iron� here. A�equ�st
was made to v�cate a street and it ended up a requsst for a decision on
opening the street; and the closing of anoeher atreet and alley that
the petitioner didn't ask for. Ae said he underatoad the reca�endatio�
fraa the Subcommittee and lmew they were doiag what they thought was righta
Mr. Minish asked how the petitioaer felt about the vaeation of 58th
Aveaue and the alleya Mx. Clark said the petitioaer was in f�vor of these
I�r. Schmedeke said no one objected to the vacation of the alley or
of �8th Ave�ue. We are just holding off the decision on 57� Avenue to
let the Council make the decisi�n on whethe� they wa�t this �treet opened
or clo�ed. �
Chairman Exickson said what you waat is to pass thfs on to Council
� ao they will have a Public Hearin� oa the opeaiag of 57� Avenue,
^ Chairman Erickson said a motion could b� made oa what the Subcommitte�
recomme�ded ior vacation.
MOTION by Sci�medeke, �eeonded by Fitzpatxick, that the Planning Commi�aic
recommend to Council vacation of the North/Sout� all�y in Block 32, Hyde
Park Addition, aad recamonend approval of the vacation of SSth Avenue Nozthe�at
between 6th and 7th Street Northeast, �orth of Block 32, Hyde Park Addition.
Hpon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the aQOtiom carried unani�ously.
I�OTION by 3chmedeke, seconded bq Zeglen, that the Planning Commission
recan�ead to Council delay of the vacatioct request SAV �73-04, by Wayne
Si�oneau, to vaeate 57� Avenue between Lote 10 and lb, Block 4, City View
Addition, between 6th aad 7th Street Northeas�. IIpoa a voice vote,
�chaiedeke and Ze�ley voting ays, Fitzpatrick, Minish aad Ericicson voting
Mr. �'itzpatrick said he wss not prepared to reccm�end denial o�
�he petitioner'a request to vaaat� tite stree� bq a§king Couacil to open
khe atreet. .
MaTION by Fitzpatrick, aeeaaded bp Miaish, that the Planning Commissioa
reco�end to Council approval of the vac�itina reques�, SAV �73-04, by Wayne
� Simoneau� to vaaate 57� Aveaue b�tween Lota 10 and 16, Blvck 4, City View
' � Addi.tioa�, between 6th and 7th St�eet Northeast. Upor� a voice vote,
��^ Fitz�$�ricic, Mi.x�ieh, �rickeon voting aye, Scbmedeke and Zeglen votin� nay,
A � �1QTION CARRI�D . . .
� Plauntiag C�missioa Meeting - March 21, 1973 Page 15
l�r. Darrel Clarl� said we have .9 �i.Ies of State Aid roads to
dedfcate. Iat �oux zecommeadation you sbould come as close to that
fi�ure as possible.
Lsst week the Plata � Subdivisio�-Streets b� IItilities Subcommittee
�eco�nded �.s thei� first c6oiee , Sth Street between 61st and 64th
Aveaues and 63rd and I�onsoe. The State would not go along with the
reconbteadatiqn for Sth 3treet because 7th Street and the University
Avenue Service Road are State Aid Stgeets and they thought this
�ceco�endatioa would make too many St�te Aid Streets in a concentrated
�rea .
Tbeir second recommendation was for 63ra and Monroe and Arthur
Street, which would make a total of .72 of State Aid Roads, and the
third recoam«ndation was fos Main Street comP�ined with either of the
otber ti►o . •
Tite� State has also given us a aeco�meadation for a route for Rice
Cre�k Terrace to be eatended to Osborae 8oad, but thia route would go
through the middle of Locke Park and would have too much impact on the
�� area. �Ir. Clark said when they recammend these routes they do it from
a map aod are not aware of what the atreet will go through.
'� I�. Fitxpatrick said he thougbt they Iooked for parks. Mr. Ministi
�afd i€ there wasn't a park in the area, it.would be a natural route.
Chatira�an Erickson asked iE ther� w�s any atipulation oa how long you
a�ta�leave a State Aid road uaimproved. Mr. Clark said there wasn't, but
it t�as best to make a reca�endation on a road we imow is going to• have
to be improved. He said 63rd aad Monroe, aad Arthur Street, will have
�o be ia�proved in the aeact five years .
� 1Kr.. Cla�k e�id the atreete recaam��ttded for State Aid had to connect
�$tat� Aid Road Co a County Ai,d Road.
Mr. Miniah asked Mr. Clark if he wanted a motion. Mr. Clark said
�he reca�tend�tion had to go in ia April for aext years request for State
I�'1'ION by Mi,aish, and aecoaded, that the Planniag Commisaion reca�end
to Council that 63rd and Monroe, aad Artltiur 3treet, be dedicated for
State Aid Roads. IIpoa a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion caxried
. Chairman Erickson adjourned th� �neetia� �at I1s45 P.M.
�� _`'� Aespectfully �ubmitted,
Douothy v son, S caretary "
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