PL 04/04/1973 - 31149�
Chaiaman E�ieksor� called the meeting to order at $:00 P.M.
Members Present: Erickson, i�aish, Fitzpatrick, Ze�len
Membera Abaent: Schmedeke (resigaed)
�hex� Presen�= Jerrold Eoardman, Plaani.�g As�istant
l�TION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, th�t the Planniag Goa�is�ion
tainutes of l�aaxch 14, 1973 be appsoved as rarittea. Upoa � voice v�t�,
a�1 votiag, aye, the motion carried unaaimously.
- ' 1�'1'IpR by Mini�h� aeconded by Zeglen, that the Planaing Coamaissioa
^ miautee o� March 21, 1973 be approved as writ�en. IIpoa a voice vote,
�11 voting aye, the m�tion carsied unanimously.
1�'.�ION bq Zeglea, aeconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Com�ieioa
rsc�i,v� the 8uilding Staadarda-Desiga Coatzol Subcbmmi.ttee minutes of M$rch 22,
1978. tipoa a voice vote, all voting aye, the motioa carried unanimously,.
M�'1'T� by l�ii.uiah' seaonded by Ze�lea, that th� Planning Commiaaiaa
rac�@ive tha Board of Appeala Miaut�s of March 27, 1973. Upon a voic�
vote�a a11 vo�iag aye� the motioa carried uaaaiarously,
, i.
aun�nr a�utuwr�n; Ta� Nor�hwa�t quarter of the Southweat Quazter
oi SeGtion 2, T-30, R-24, e�ccept that part taken tat highway purpoeae;
Pa�one ��am M-2 (heavy indua�riab aseaaj to A�3 (g�aeral multipi� family
d��111nge�, the Westeriy 493 feet, �nd r�zoae fr�n M-2 (heavy iaduetrial
e4reaa� to C�2 (ge�exal buaiaees areas) all that pa�rt af the Northws�t
Quarter ly1Ag Ea�� of tha iJeaterly 493 f�et, except tbat pa�rt taken for
ttighway purpoeee.'
Mr. Robert Scbrosr wae pseaent. • .
Chaismaa $�iokeoa eaid tha i�ubli� �i�aring wae etill open.
^ Plannin� Conaaieeion 1►�eeia� - April �, b9�� �a�e 2
• ' M>c. Sahsoex aaid b�� knew from ttae l�st m�eting that the C�m►iasioxi
.� wae not �a favor of sezoning to R�,3 �t tiais time, �e eaid he waated t$��
Commissfca to ae� o� th� c�me�cial rezoning, aad con�idex the R-3 rezoning
i"�, �f�es� �he C�apxehe��ve plaa �iad be�a approved ox d�e�ppsoa�d by the Council.
. Se eaid hie maia concera was th�t the Plan�iag Co�iesion c�asider the
comu�e�cia�, r�zota�.n� .
Mr. Baardmatt sa�.d aa Mr. Schsoer is in a hu�sy 6n the commercial
s�e�zoniag, the Planniug Commissioa could act oa �he C-Z rezoning and dea�
the R-3, Mr. $eii�o�a° eam act or� this part of ��e requ�et at a later dat�,
i�ir, �ricksoa asked tl�e reas� for the 900 fc�o� depe� of the C-2
z�zo�ing, Mr, Schroer said they �ad run• into prab�eme with 6�0 foo�
coa�mercial lots. They were too smalY for a 1ar�e co�m�gcia�. developmen�9
+�ad too de�p fo� a small coa�ereia� de�elo�men�.
Mr, Fit�patrick ,said his conceru i� �he di,ffe�cent widths of the
aama�rcial groperty in this area. Mr. Sch�oer said that when Raacher's
Boad is put in oa thio property, it will �eparate �he two zoaings.
Citaia�nan �sicks� asked if 81st was dedicat�d, ia writing. Mr.
____ Sahroe+r �aid he khought it was. .
�-�, Mr. Boardmea said the e�reet is alxeady iu on 79th froan B�ech to
. ..__�_ _..�aia. . Thi$ suQaner, Main to Iiighway 47 will. be put ia, and also Main
ta 83rd.
-� ---1� ;-� iioYmalbecker, 3200 North L�lee DY1Ves' Minneapol is , s aid h�
owne�d lote South ag t4e property Ir1r. Schraer �an.�� to xezons R•�. Ha .�aid
� bi.s propertq 3.� zoaed M-2 aad if this property wa� rezoned to R-3, it ,
could chan�e the setbacka on his property. For this reaeon he would not
be in.favor af R-3 zaaing ia this ar�a. If it dida't �hange hi� setbacks,
he� wouldn't objeat. He aaid they wou�,d atill be able to build oa 4(i/o of
their pzopertys but they would have eo rearrag� the buildings. He said
h� had �o obj�ction to the C-Z rezoniug.
Mr. Miaieh aeked Mr. Schroer if he waated the Commisaion to ace aa
both rezonin$s. Mr. Sahraer said he waated action oa the c�cmaercial rezoaia$
ac�, b�� he w�u1d withdraw the request for A-3 rezonia$ at thi� tisae.
MOTYON by �'i��p��rick, e�eoaded by Z��len, that tF�s Flaania� CoaQni�a�.on,
c1oe� the P�sblia H�arisg oa rgzoniag xequeat, �73-05, by ltobert Schr�e�.
Upoa a voica vate, a11 voting ay�, th� motioa carried uaaaimousl�►.
M�c. Boardmaa aeked Mr. Schr�eg ��� sort af timetab7.e he had on
�e�oain� thls grap�rty to C-2. Mr. Schaoer �aid betweea 60 and 90 day�.
. ' Mr. Mini�h +�eked what kimd of developa►eat the camm�rci.aJ. areae would
.• h+�ve. Mr, 9chroer o�ild he wae nc�t at libsrey to eay a� thia time. H�t said
n ther�s wsrs quit� a isW re�trictione on C-2 property and it would be �omeChin�
\ tha� m�t the �oning requiremente. Mr, Mini:h eaid we like to know th� uee
og tb� property befoze, w� recommead rezoain$, but in thie case, we have to
r�cogaize that thie ie a aatural development, due ta the other C-2 zonia�
�a thi� asea.
!1 ��aa����o� N�etia� - A���� �A 19�� P��� 3
� I�&. S�hroer said tha Univesr�ity Ave�ue Service� Road would be
� eu��ded aloag Chis property.
� �0'rION by Fit�patrick, aeconded by Minish, +khat th� Planning Commisaion
^ �ceea�s�d �a� C�uaeil appro��l of the rezoni�g requeet, �?9-05, by Rober�
Scbroe,r, Co rezone fraa� M-2 �heavp iaduatrial areaa) to C�Z (geaeral business
�rees� �ll thaC part of xhe Nosthwest Quarter af the 3�uthwest Quarter lying
�aia� o! th� W�aterly 493 feet, ea�cep� that par� take� f�r highway purpra��se
, • and t�a deay rezo�iag �r�sa M-2 (heav�r industrial ue��j to R-3 (�ersercal �
Wulti�ale family �1we1$,ia�s) oa the Wes�erly 493 f�et o� the NorthWest Quare��r
o� t1� Southwest Quar�er; with the stipulation that the�e b� dedicatiora €As
ths aarvice road, with loopbacke at both i9th aad �ls� Aveaues N.�. iipa�a a
� yOfC� y0�@� all votin�, aye, the mot�.on carried uaaaimously,
2. f�N1`�I�D : PiT�3LY� AE�IRING a ��POSED P�EY,IMI Y PLAT� P,�,#73 - 02 ,
�RPORATIONo Fc�x Phase� IV and V o¢ the towahous� area generally A
�.o�ated Qae Qu�r��r Mile L�st of Matterhora Dxive and North o� In�erBtate
�4. 694� being � replat of Outlot H, Iansb�ucis �Tvxti�,
�3• ��INUE�: P$�T.�IIIVARY PLAId AP��VAB.,. �,.5� TV AND V, T�73�O1, ,,,�11�
lqaated One Quarter Mile East of Matterhorn Arive aad North of Tat�r�t�ta
� �o. 694, beiag a xeplat of Clutlot H, Inasbruck Nor�h,
�`1 '
ffic� Jim Leadon, represeating Darre�l A. Farr Developm�at Gorposatio�s
^ WA9 �'�s�At,
4hairmam �ricicean said t�e pi�t a�d t1�e plaa css� b� aon�idsrsd ko���h��.
�fOTION by Fitzpatrick, �econded by Zeglen, that �hs, P�aaaiag C+�a�n���i.on
wa�,v�n �h� r�ading af tthe Publie Hearing aoti�e oa th� pxc►pg�ed p��limina�ry
pia��, �,Se t�73-02a ianebruck Narth �onhouaee Phas� IV �d Va by Da�rx's1 po
8a�g �v�ltapm�at Corpora�ion. Upon a voice vota�� a11 votiag �yes tbe metioa
cax ri�ci unanimoue ly . '
i�r, Ji�► I.onda� aa�id thie will be the� 9;aet o� Ia�sbxuck, Ph��e� IV a�d Y
Additi.oa� �o� Townhcuaee will have 62 uaits in Phaa� Iy arld S6 uni�� in Pha�s V.
Th� �lat� ba� bs�a c'�aa�od samewhat. 1'h� asw plan wi�1 better ii� th� contoura
o! � la�d, -
�' 4�aia�aa� E�iek�oa �ak�d how many towahou�a� t�a�� wer� on th� �ri�i.��l
� �lana M�c, L�adoa �+�i� ther� w�x� 120.
�, 81��patri�lc �aid he w�e c�nfaa�ed abaut th� i7� �overa�� figu��e �ha
pxan gg�e�ated �ook�d �� ig the cover�$s w�e mare tha� t�at. Chaira►aa E�isk�on
bq �ois�g eo�� qui�k �s�lm�tiugs aaid ther� we�e+ abou� �OsQOQ equare f��t o�
, buildi�age� c� � 41J0��00 e�ua�r� foot eite, which wa� ��os� eaou�h on ��ou�h
�9t1���e �o raalce hi� ��li�ve the cov�x��e wae �7"�.
n ![r. Mi��.eh a�k��d �bQ�� Gli� etatu� of th� �ia��i� fsaaily home��, 1�d�c� '
� l Loada�t ���d th��� w�sac� i.� h�m�a built ou� o� 1�2 ��t�a, ite �aid the�r w�t'�
• �ni7 e��velopi.r�$ th� �,ot� to� �al� a�d �ot coaet�uc�iag thn hom�� . They
h�vo a�qld abavt �Q 1�at�, but tb�y ��� not �a�oura$�i.a� d�velogm�nt thi�
�lanni�� Co�ie��o� I�eeting d A�r�l 49 197� .. . .- Pag� 4
yaar becauee �ewer a�d water ��� pi�d for th�� yeas �d t�� streeta
ars impaeaable.
Mr. Miaish aelced hows many of tbe multipl�a hav� beea built. Mr.
Laadatt eaid 102 uafts wexe completed �ad 8 were under canstructioae 7�his
would aaake a tot��, of 110 out of the 158 proposBd.
M�c. Ericicao� eaid the Plata & Subdfvfsions-Stre�ts & Utiiitiea Sub-
co�mittee rea�meaded approval of tlte prelimiaary plat, aad Buildia�g S��nd�rds-
Deaign Controi Subco�ittee reco�m�nde� approval of the preliminary pl�ns
'Mr. Zegl�a eaid •the�e towahouses are �oiag to foblow Che eame pattern aa
in th� other phaaea. Mr. Baardman �aid the Planaing Coa�miasio� �ai�� �s�n�3�er
tbe approval of the final plan �nd the �ouacil wrill cc�n�ider tl�� �pprcov�l
of tha fia�l plat.
Mz, S�ickson a�ked about the extesiors of th� �owahou�ea. P%e ��ndomm
$aid they us�d Texture 111 Mahogaay � Phase I, but had chac��ed to
Masoni.te %90 on Phase IE asd iII. • Chairmaa Ericic�on as�lced if they had
ta replace a lot a�f text�re 111. Mr. Y.ond�a aaid they did. This is why
they hay� changed the exteriox material. 2�. Lon�oa �aid they uae a�l
d�ubls wa11 c��truc�ioss.
Mr. $oardmaa asked Mr. E,oadoa if �e had made pl�ne for aay additioaal
. parking �ox the recreatiosal buildiag for the townhouses. Mr. Londom aaid
� thvp hadn�t planned anymore than 14 parking epaces becauae they felt most
p�sople would walk to the reereational buildiag.
M�. Miaieh aeked how many units �rould be using this recreatiaaal
building. Mr. Y,ondoa said there would 'be 276 uaits using it.
Chairmaa Erickson requested fr�m staff a camplete picture of all
five phaaee together and copies of the minutee, eo they could make a
detexmiaat3�oa� aa the parking,
I�IOTTON bq Fitzpatrick, aeconded by Minieh, that the Planning Co�is�lion
COIIC�ALts uaCil April 18, 1973, consideratioa of the propoaed pxeliminary
plat, F,S, �73-02, �ansbruck North Tawnhousea Phase IV aad V; and prelimfaar�►
p7,an approeal, Phase IV and V+ by Darrel A. Farr Developmeat Corpoxation�
located one quarter mile East of Matterhora Driv�a and North of Iaterstate
l�oe 6�4, bsin� a rep].at of Outlot H, Innsbruck North. Upon a voice vote,
all votin� ay�, the motion carried uaaaimously.
SECQND .61DDITION BY LONDA ENGLUND: A replaC of i,o� 15, Revised
Auditor s Subdivisiou No. 2�s except that part gla�tted as Vei�'s
A►ddition. �
Laada Engiund w$s�preaent.
MOTTO�'by Zeg1�n, $�caaded by Miaieh, tt�at the Planaing Co�mi.saion
n Waivo the reading of tbe Public Hearing aoCic� ca eh� proposed praliminary
,\ P�a�s �•s. �73-04, V�it'e 3acoad pddition� b�► Landa Eaglund. TJpoa a v�oic�
vo�e� �11 voting ay�, the matioa carried uneaimously.
P1an�ing Commfe�i� ��tia� m��r�l 4� 19�3 ' p��� 5
� l�ir, Boardrn� said it w'aa the rec�wdat�.on of th� Plat� b� Subdiviaioas-
S�reets 6e Utilities $ubca�mittee that the PlanniA$ Commisaio�a approye the
preliiai.nary plat far �eit'a Secoad Addition, with the, stipula��ioa tha�
� Lot 1 ba �ado aa outlo� and red tagg�d until the etreeC propoeal conceraia�
b3� Way ie deternda�d. If sameone doesa'� pe�ition to have the �treet
OpBUed� � thi.8 optioxt �11 be �qid aftez June 6' 1976 q
Mr. �rick�oa aa� the people in the audienc� who �ere heg� ��out
this pxslirait��ry, pla�, if �hey wege faffiilia� �th thi� j�1x'OpO88jL .
I�. Harold Becla�a, 6430 East River �oad, safd ��.i� was � pra�pos�1
whea Eva 8rickeaa Riverview I�Ianor w�s platted. We had fiiteen yeare to
�sk #or th� raad so woe could split our lots oai E�st River Ro�d, and
tiaere would be access to our property writhout u�in$ E�st ltivex �o�d,
I aa� �peakiag for rays�l�E, aad i�ir�. Eraa 3lawsoa, 6420 �ast River l�oad,
fi� do ao� waat the se�°eet o�peaed aad we� dm aot wan� �c� �plit ou� 1�t� .�
� Ai�c�. i'au1 I�xmhe��, 134 63� k�ay N.E., �aid �he w�� agains� th� �treet
b�iag o�n�d because �h� h�ci �a�ou�h �traffi� b� her houa� aow.
Mr, 8��lia Johnson, 123 66� Way P.E „ said he dida't waa� tha �tz�et
oge�a�d b�cauae of the additioaal traffic.
/`� • 1�is, Gl de Faxrl •
y ,�41Q �aat l�iver Aoad, �aid h� was ia �avor oE the
_= xoad. H� 'didnot car� if it west a11 the way through but.he would lik�
�.-..� it ta go �� #ar ae hia prop�rty.
Chairmara �rieks� aaked if. anyoa�s had aay ob��ction to the pzsl.imir�ary
plat. The�o aiae a�o �ropos�l for a�t��et oa thie plat.
� Na �a� had any abjeation to the piat. Mr, $ord� Mr. $eclaaasi, aad Mr.
Johneoa a11 said thep �ould like tv sse the praperty deve,loped.
Loada Ba�ivad said eh� waea't'a�re oi the �tse�t propo�ai whea ahe
mads Gh� r�queee for �he prelicniaarq p].ats She eaid Mr. Veit wae agaia�t
Ehe �t��et psopooal also. She said the i.oe 1 by itself was almoat an'
uabuildabl� eit� so �h�y had no objeetion� to i.t baia,� red �agged.
� I�1r , 1��eapatricl� qu�� tioned whethas thsy ehould be approviag a plag
with � lat t�at doea�°t m,e�t the miai.mwn requi.remente,
Chairman �ricic�ci� �aid �hey didn't have a� alteraative ae long a� that
�$s all th� land that �,as left.
1KOTION bp Miaieh, a�coaded by Fit�p�trick� th�C th� Pl.anniag Commi��ivn
alose the �ubli.c A��ring oa the propo�ed prelimiaary plat, P;So �73-04, yeit'�
S�+cond Additioa, by Landa �ngluad. Upon s� volce vot�, �11 votin� ay�� the
motion �arxied uaanimously. '
^ Mr. E�ickso� aaid we could approve the glat and �ed tag I,ot 1, for 9Q
'�' daye to detsrn�iae if a road eaeemant ehould be x�etaiasd on this lat,
I�r. Miniah �aid they woulda't be abla to bui.�d on Lot 1 without �
'�[81 � 8Q48 e •
Pl�s�� Ca�a�����a F�eet�n� - ���f� �9 �9J� ���� �
e �
� � Mr. Esickeon�eaid he didn't know if they would h�ve to �ee a vari�ce
. 1# th� plat was approvsd with thi� narra� loto
Mr. Miaiah asked wha would deter�iae if aa ea��nent ahoaald be r�tained.
�''\ Cbai�can�a ��oa� e�id it would b� t�e Subco�ittee arnd the �l�iag Co�i�sio�
P�D'�ION 9�y Minis�, seconded by�Ze�len, th�t the Planning Commission
re�caa�asad ta Council approval of the prelf�iaary glaty P.S, � 73-04, Veit's
S�aoad Additioa, by Londa Errglu�da � r�pl�t of �,o� 15, Revised Audi�tor°�
Svbd�.vision� No. 23, ,except that part pl�eted as p�it'� �'ire� Addition,
w:[th ths atipulatioa that E.ot 1 be included ia the pl�t and red taggedl for
90 day� to deterniine if a road easemeat should be �etair��d. �P�ms�. � v�►���
YOte' a�l votiag aye, the motion carried� amaa�ousi.y.
./ s
L USL PL�T, 3P #71-04, G1t�+EA1 GI� ii�AiE
s Located at 7622 University Aventa��N.E.
Mr. Dave �iak, 8tore Maaager of Gre�a Gi�at, �va� p�e�ent.
Mr. Rick �aid they were �proposiag to mrow� the paol area to anothax
1vcaCioa oa th� �ite. It will be clo�er to tl�e xoacl for higher traffic
cauat. They we�re aleo prapoaing to change the f�nce fram a cedar iene�
•ta a chaia link fence.
� Mx�. Boardman said the f�nce ahould•remaia cedar, •
,—., Mr, Miaieh aeked the purpose of cha�ging the feace. Mr. Rick sa�d
'� �the ch�ia li.nk fence would ba slatted aad it would be easier to maintaia,
M�, �iinish ielt th� cedar feace r�ould follaw ths architectural theme, as
oppased �o a chaia link fenc�.. �. Zeglea said a slotted fenee oaly
loolc� gaod whesn it� first put up. �e �aid ae ioag ae this was a gardea
center the�► ahould b� ab1e+ to _�lant eome treea aloag the ieace and this
. ' would �veatusily provid�a gcod screeusng.•
Mr. Ericicsoa said that �a� he wae most conceraed about waa that thes
8peciai Uae Permit wa,� granted on aa experimeatal baeie, and thia wae the
� e�+coad tim� it wae beia� reaewed. It has goae paet the �xperimental baai�p
W� ebouid know the� ei�e oi the area being ueead by the pool aente;, wlsar�
the fenc� �131 be lo�ated and the dimenslone of the exia�i.n$ building.
Mr. �i�k e�i� he had � plot plaa that had b�en drawa up at the ��oq��et
af Ciie Buildlag Staada�da�Deai$n Coatral 3ubcou�►ittee wh�sn they had bu11G
an additioa to ths G�zdea Center for eeora�e. Chairaaa� Bxi�ksoa ask�ed if
that plan had �ver beea approveda l�r. Boarda�an �aid it had a4t,
Chaisiaan $ricicaoa said he dic�n�t ttiink theq �hould �ct om the 3p�aial
Ume� P�nnit uatil th� plot plat and th� iocation o! the pool ceat�r had b��A
appsav�d by Buildin� Staadards-Deeigo Coaatrol Subea�mittee,
�...1 Mr. ��gTeu �aiti Mr. Rick eould briag �thie to th� Subeommi�te� me�kia�
o� Apri1 10, 1973A
� `,
�laani$� Comm���ia�s M�etin� m��r�l 4, 1�73 p��� �
� � .m>
: MOTIO� by Zeglea, secoaded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plaazn�ag Comm#.asion
aoatiuue� th� extena�oa ai the Speei�l Use Permit, SP �71-04, by Graea Gi�aat
8oa� aasd �ardea Ceater Pool Ceate�c, located at ?622 lUniversity Avenue Northeas
^ v��il Apr�l 1$, 1973. U�on a voice vote, a11 votia� aya, the motioa carried
aaauu��aoue la . .
Chairman Erick�on 8aid h� would lilce to se� the previous minutea on
t.hi.e Speaial Dse Pes�it so they had th� hietory o� �t.
Chaismaa Ericksoa asked Mr. Fitzpatrick if he had diacussed the
�sp prc�poeal witla the Parka � Recreation (3�,�aioa. Mr. Fitzpatrick
sa:Ld he hada't. H� ��id he t�ad come away fr� the meetiz�g s£ter Generab
Cheeseatau was here,'feeling that ttae City wou�d have to be willin$ to
PuC a lo� of moae�r �nto the armosp ii reereatiou facilities we�e �Qia�.
to be provided. �
i�4r. Miaiah safd if thfs was �oir�� to be a primary concera in
consid�ria$ �h� �ta�ory propoaal, we could pu� up �ecreational facilitie�
toz a�Q� �ees coat than paying for theas in aa aznsory.
. Mr. Fitzpatrick said the Parks � Aecreatioa Commiasion is makin� a
n aompreh�aeive study of cost ia providin� recreation aad thi� atudy could
include the cost o� pxovidiag recreation ia aa armory.
�, Chairmaa Eriakaoa asked if aayone oa the Camm�.seiaa felt we had a
fivs acre parcel we aould purchase for thia use that would meet a�l the
�requiremaats th� aroiory muat mset.
Ms'. Fitzpatrialc eaid he thought a site wouAd ba difficul� to find
whea Fsidlsy wae already so well developed. Mr. �rickaoa said we are
having a problem fioding a site for a library.
�r. Miai�h said aeneral Cheeaeman had eaid the community hae to b+�
ia favor of the asmory and give it good �upport. I can't aee that stroag
. , eup�orct comiag from Fridley.
�. Exiake�n sai$ the propoeal Was �o yague and there was no �ouamitmeat
' fa�aa the Arary. Mr. Miaieh said it would b� five yeare or more before we
aould hav� a d�fir�i�� �ommitmeat.
� ' �
� �aismaQ Eriekaoa said ths Citq is iavolved in Ch�se Ieland, ths
Nac't4 Park area, the �c� Arena and other projects th� are a�l $oin$ to
hay� to fiad a place in the budget �ad I doa't feei we should lock up a
pa�s�cel of land for ysara when we don't kno� iF an armory wi11 evez ba
�ocated he�e.
l�r. 8ltzpatrick eaid that Fridleq t,ril� have done ita share ae a
� coo�ioaity.
, \ �
Flanaing Commi���� Meetiag - April 4a 19i� • '� la�� �
�� � �
, MOTION b�r Zeglen, esconded by Fitzpatrick, tbat the Planaing Couaaiss�on
recommead to the Counc�.l that since the City has a aumber of�inter-community
pro�ecCs alre+ady ia exieteace and under development, euch ae Locke Park, Moore
n Lak� $esach, Columbia Areaa, North Park, and Islaads of Peace, it wouid aot be in
the beat� imtexe8k o� Fridley to add the additioaal facility of a National Guard
Asmqr�► whi�h would require the purchase by the City af about 5 acres of choice
zeal eetate� far aa indefinite per�od of time for a use which could be easily
provided by one or more surrounding co�munitiea �hose land availability ia �ueh,
tbat their tax baae would aot be eroded by su+ch �urchase as would Fridl�y�o
Rpom a voice vote,'all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Erickeon adjour�ied the mee'tiag at �11:00 P.M.
R�ep�atfully submitt�d,
Aorothy E �nsoa, &ecretary
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