PL 06/20/1973 - 30377�
June 20, 1973
Mr. Fitzpatrick called the meeting to order at 8:04 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESEN�': Fitzpatrick, Blair, Drigans, Harris, and Lindblad
OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Darrel Clark, Community Development Administrator.
Mr. Drigans pointed out the last paragraph on page 7 and the first
paragraph on page 8, and said that he did not recall Mr. Harris �
saying that. Mr. Drigans said that he was trying to explain why he
voted nay on the motion.. The reason was that if the Planning Commi-
ssion referred the bus facility to the City Council directly, the
subcommittees would be circumvented, and have to follow suit. Mr.
Drigans said that it was Mr. Boardman�s statement that the City wants
to retain a walkway.
Mr. Drigans stated it should have read that the reason he voted nay
r^� was if the Planning Commission referred the action to the Council
that the subcommittees would have to follow suit as being subcommittees
of the Planni,ng Commiss�.on.
Mr. Harris said that Mr. Boardman�s statement was that if the City
did not acquire tIie pxoperty, then the City.would want to retain
it and use it for a walkway anyho�r,.
by Mr. Blair.
Drigans to receive the minutes as corrected. Seconded
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
JUN , 1973:
MOTION by Mr. Harris to receive the minutes of the Plats � Subdivisions-
Streets F� Utilities Subcommittee meeting of June 6, 1973. Seconded
by Mr. Lindblad. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
JUNE 7, 1973:
MOTION by Mr. Lindblad to receive the minutes of th
Design Control Subcommittee meeting of June 7, 1973.
� Mr. Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
� unanimously.
e Building Standards-
Seconded by
mation carried
MOTION by Mr. Drigans to receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals
meeting of June 12, 1973, Seconded by Mr. Bla�ir. Upon a vQice vote,
all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
SELEDIC JR.: Rezone from R-1 sin le famil dwellin areas to
R-3 general multiple family wellings) Lots 3-10-14-20, Block 20,
an Lots 3-7 19-24 Block 19, all in Fridle Park Addition to
allow construction of a 9 unit apartment comp ex:
MOTION by Mr. Blair to waive the reading of the Public Hearing
Notice. Seconded by Mr. Drigans. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, the mot�.on carried unanimously.
Mr, �itzpatri,ck asked if the petitioner had anything to add from the
meeting of two weeks ago? The petiti,oner, Mr. Seledic, said that he
has not done anything outside of one meeting with Mr. Clark. The
only thing that Fie could conclude was the easement for the road along
the backside of the property and the easement for 61st to come through,
was a controlled intersection. He said he had no objection to this.
Mr. �itzpatrick sa�d tha.t one of his major concerns was the use of
the pxoperty� of tlie surrounding home o�mers.
Mr. Drigans asked if tFiere Iia.d been any changes in the plans since
two weeks ago?
The petitinner said�there have not, but drainage and traffic would
all have� to be engineered. Mr. Clark said that 611/2 Way vacated,
would have to be a cul de sac r o ad. The Commission would then
want all parking areas o� the apartment site to bring access down
61st Way. He said that in vacating all of the other right of ways,
they would like to see that the City get a 20 foot addition to
connect 61st Way to 62nd Way and continuing north to 64th Way. He
said this would be beneficial if and when there is ever a median
down East River Road.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said this would involve getting an easement from
much of the property up to 64th. He said on his draft there is a
difference showing between the railroad property north of 62nd and
south of 62nd. He asked if there was any real difference in the
Mr. Clark said it has been platted. North of 62nd is kind of a sub
�"� Mr. Drigans asked Mr. Clark how he would propose to handle lots 20
and 21 in block 20 with that jog. Mr. Clark said the ownership
probably doesn't jog like that.
�AGE 3
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked why the City has chosen 61st for the exit for
making a signalized intersection. Mr. Clark said that it was prob-
ably looked at prior to the abandonment as 61st crossed the�tracks.
He said 62nd Way, going west, may have access also.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said that there was some discussion on the drainage
at the meeting two weeks ago. Mr. Clark said that they really
haven't done anything about this problem except talk about what
can be done about it. It appears to be complex and involves
property outside this proposal.
Mr. Harris said it would be necessary then, if the project went,
to install a storm sewer system. Mr. Clark said the drainage must
be taken care of. The nearest is at 694. Mr. Harris said there
was no storm sewer system in this area now.
Mr. Clark said that there was another at 63rd and East River Road that
would probably not be deep enough. He said the storm sewer system
is � problem that will have to be solved.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said it was apparent that they would have to ask
the City for a proposal for drainage and traffic before acting upon
Mr. Fitzpatrick opened the public hearing.
Mr. Richard Brown, 6103 East River Road, said that this proposal
sounds worse and worse the more he hears. First they just wanted a
rezoning reQuest, and now other things are coming up. Mr. Fitzpatrick
said that the street proposal would just be a dedication from the
property owner. Mr. Brown handed the Commission a petition opposing
the rezoning request of Mr. Seledic Jr. for building apartments in
the area of 61st and East River Road presently zoned R-1.
MOTION by Mr. Blair to receive the petition. Seconded by Mr. Harris.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Richard Soj, 65 - 61st Way N.E., said that the only way child-
ren can go by now, is the back street. She said East River Road is
too busy already without any apartments in the area. She said when
they bought their homes there, a factory was supposed to be built,
and that was it, She said that since there was no park in that
neighborhood, it should be made into a park. There were six people
in the audience who suggested they were opposed to this also. Mr.
Drigans said he would like to hear some of the reasons why they are
Mr. Richard Soj, 65 - 61st Way N.E., said that he was opposed for
the same reasons as Mr. Brown stated.
PLANNING CQ1��SSfiON 1�F�ETTN6 Q�� �'UNE 2Q, 1973 �'AGE 4
� �
MOTION by Mr. Bl�.ir to close the public hearing. Seconded by Mr.
Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani-
Mr. Fitzpatrick said before they can act upon this, they need to
have some 'specific recommendations on traffic and drainage from the
Mr. Clark said that the traffic patterns will be easier to plan than
the drainage because tTiey have fiad other studies with the traffic
in this area, and the drainage would prvbably involve a large area
of property. He said that the drainage study may take at least
30 days.
Mr. Drigans asked Mr. Clark if there was any chance that East River
Road changed, will leave the people without access to East River Road?
Mr. Clark said coming from the north they woiYld have to go down
Mississippi Street one block to Ashton, tfien follow Ashton along
the tracks right of way, Mr. Drigans said the people on 61st 1/2
Way won�t be able to get through. He said they•will have to go all
the way around and under the 694 underpass. NTr. Drigans said that
,..-1 he was concerned about rezoning a block with residential structures.
He felt this would lower the property value.
Mr. Harris said there are always two sides. He said looking at this
area from the Comprehensive Plan, a multiple development, or some-
thing besides an R-1 area, it is probably �he best place for apart-
ments. He would like to see something developed there. But on the
other hand the adjacent property owrrers would suffer, He said when
the people bought their property, it was R-1 and they believed it
wv�ld rem�in R-1. He said the general layout of the apartments look
like army barracks. He said it renders the rest of the property
unusable for further development. He didn't like the idea of "spr�t
Mr. Drigans said he would be more favorable towards R-2 than R-3.
MOTION by Mr. Harris to recommend to the Council, denial of the
petition for the Rezoning Request ZOA 73-06 for the following reasons:
1. The property owners would suffer as they are in R-1 zoning.
2. The general layout of the building is not good, it renders
the rest of the property in block 19 unreasonable for further
3. There is strong objection from the adjacent property owners.
4. It renders the R-1 residents traffic hardships.
''~ Seconded by Mr. Drigans.
Mr. Harris said that perhaps the petitioner could modify his plans
in some way to make the development more compatihle with the sur-
rounding areas.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting�aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Vacate 61st Way etween East River Road an�. BurliZgton Northern
ro ert ; vacate alle between lots 4-10 and 15-20, block Z0; vacate
_11 2 Way etween lo�s -23, block 19, an lots 3-7, lock 20; vacate
— . � ..�.. �� �r � a�.� yia 111lLltr L Gil1�
A ition, to allow construction o an ap�xrtment complex.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said this reauest was contingent upon approval of
the Rezoning Request and therefore, they must act upon ii to
recommend denial based upon the denial of the rezoning request.
MOTTON by Mr. Harris to recommend dsnial of the aracation request
based upon the denial of tFie Rezoning Request. Seconded by Mr.
Bla�r. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani-
ally located between 5th Street an 7th. Street N E from Mississippi
Street to 63rd Ave. N.E.
Mr. Clark said that recently the petitioner had changed his mind about
building apartments and wanted to increase the density in the R-1
area so that the total sites would hold 155 units. He said the Board
of Appeals acted on this and made a recommendation to Council. Their
recommendation was to drop the density to 140 units. This recommenda-
tion went to Council and the motion Council made was to allow the
155 units. The petitioner, Frank Reese, from Reese-Robe � Associates,
came forward. He said he had several site illustrations and actual
details of the building itself with him. He said that they have
taken out some of the town hou5es in the middle and added a sizable
recreation building recommended by Council. He said Council aske�d
for an indoor swimming pool, recreation facilities for ping pong
and pool, and a room for changing ice skates in the winter.
There were no members in the audience for�this item.
Mr. Reese displayed another drawing illusirating the exterior walls
that would be of prefinished wood, Some units will have fireplaces.
The general characteristic of them would be gable roofs, asphalt
shingles, and rough sawn boards for trim. He indicated that they
w�ll be us�.ng a number of diffe�►ent color stains so that they won't
all be the same. He said it will be combinations of tans, golds,
greens, and browns.
Mr. Reese said these
^ market in three years.
unit and storage space
1/2 flight up will be
Another 1/2 flight up
flight up will be mast
are designed for a rental market now and a sale
He said there is a clouble garage for each
for bicycles and other yard goods. He said
the kitchen, living room, and dining area.
will be two bedrooms and a full bath. Another
er bedroom, shower-bath, and a walk in closet.
Without the garages this is about 1300 square feet of space. The
basement will be alittle over 400 sauare feet of finished space.
This is floor tile, ceiling, sheet rock, and walls; but it won�t be
carpeted or plush. The total garage space will be 428 square feet.
The total square feet will be 2200 per unit. �They will be �tentatively
marketed in the high $30,000 range. He did not have any figures on
rentals. Mr. Reese said that the main concern in the site itself
was the proposal on surface development. The critical part of this
project is the ability of the interior area to retain water during
an unusually heavy rainstorm. One of the requirements in the
contract between the City and the Wall Corporation is that it retain
12 acre feet. He said that they know that the water comes from the
south and that it is 7 feet higher than the catch basin on 7th
and Bennett Drive, which �s a low point. The ponding area will
be below the catch basin area. He said what they have proposed for�
this project was a system of trails and club facilities. He said
th�s space would be about 4,000 square feet. About 1/2 of this would
be the swimming pool area. The building will run about $80,000
and about $5,500 for equipping it. Over the pool there will be a
flat deck, He said that the•recreation area would include a fireplace
and a k�tchen area for parties. He said he did not have shown, the
qual�ty of the landscaping although he knew they were interested in
�t. The budget set up now is approximately $100 per unit for plantings.
He said there is public se�er, gas, and water adjacent to the site.
Mr. Bla�r said that Mr. Clark mentioned that the drive-ways would
handle 20�40 units, He asked whether that wasn�t a lot for one drive-
way? Mr. Clark said no because he has seen others with 10 times
as many that axe okay,
Mx. Dr�gans asked if there �as any way to take that one unit exit
on Miss�ssipp� and exit it through the one on 5th Street? Mr. Clark
sa�d not conven�ently, but possible. A right hand turn only sign
could be put in.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said the Commission has heard the plan that is now
approved and was before the Cammission at great length and what it
was about was in reducing density along 7th Street, and having the
apartments built in the southwest corner. He said they have reduced
the overall density, but increased the density greatly along 7th
Street. Mr. Clark said the Board of Appeals discussed that and all
must�agree that it is one complex now. He said while some thought
should be given to buffering along 7th Street, there is still one
complex there. The Board of Appeals, in their motion, took R-1
densities and applied them to R-3. However, the Council felt this
plan of•155 units would be acceptable and in part perhaps, better
than 59 townhouses and 108 apartment units.
. -��
Mr. Harris asked if there wilY be a pump in the ponding area? Mr.
Reese said yes and also some fountains. Mr. Harris asked what about
the elevation of the Recreation building in regard to the f�ood
stage. Mr. Reese said that the contract said that all living areas
be 3 feet above flood stage, that included the pool etc.
Mr. Harris asked what the $100 per unit for plantings would include?
Mr. Reese said this would include shade trees -and individual plant-
ings throughout each townhouse. The plantings do not include sod.
He wasn�t sure if it included the trails.
Mr. Harris said he didn't see how they could put in 3" trees in the
proposed plan for that price. Mr. Reese said not every townhouse
will have trees.
Mr. Drigans said that this is a preliminary plan and he would like
to review with the architect whether these things have been fulfilled
before they recommend approval or denial. One thing is the applica-
tion that shall be filed when the building inspection has been done,
and the application shall be submitted to the Building Standards
Design Control Subcommittee, so that they can review it and make a
� recommendation. Mr. Clark said that would be done June 21, 1973.
Mr. Drigans asked Mr. Reese if his firm was involved with the Larsen
Townhouses? Mr. Reese said they were. Mr. Drigans said he was
concerned with the appearance of the townhous�s.
Mr. Harris asked what the exterior fini:sh would be? Mr. Reese said
rough sawn prefinished plywood panels on tfie outside. The area
around the eves would be red�rood stained, The trimming around the
windows would be 1 x 6 rough sa�vn boards.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked how many units have exterior fireplaces? Mr.
Reese said they all have interior fireplaces but they would have
plywood panels coming up on the outside ones.
Mr. Drigans asked what kind of material will be on the roof? Mr.
Reese said asphalt shingles in three colors.
Mr, Harris asked if there would be sidewalks? Mr. Reese said not
really. -Mr. Clark said there will be sidewalk� along 63rd and 7th
Streets and there already is one along Mississippi Street.
Mr. Blair asked if there will be any lights along the trails and paths?
Mr. Reese said there would be lights every 50 feet with 100 watt lamps.
Mr. Harris asked if there would be lights in the parking lots? Mr.
� Reese said yes, they will be on at all times. He said they will prob-
ably add post lamps on each side of the drive-waysalso.
Mr. Drigans asked if there has been any thought to the garbage dis-
posal in these areas? Mr. Reese said they will have a screened in
garbage collection point. .
Mr. Drigans said he was concerned with the stucco areas. Mr. Reese
said that the area is 2 ft high and 8 1/2 feet wide, there are the
two bedrooms over the garage area. He said they will be having
redwood dividers between each patio unit.
Mr. Drigans asked if using brick in the 2 x 8 1/2 area would be
more appealing? He asked if the cost would be much greater? Mr.
Reese said brick is heavier looking and it would look good at the
bottom of the building but no� at the top. ,
Mr. Harris asked if the chimneys are covered with brick. Mr. Reese
said they are covered with wood.
Mr. Harris asked Mr. Clark who will maintain this area. Mr. Clark
said that while it is rental, the Wall Corporation will be maintain-
ing it.
Mr. Lindblad asked about the tennis courts. Mr. Clark said that the
^ Council wanted them but the developer discouraged them.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said that one of the commission� chief concerns is
the exterior appearance, Mr. Drigans said his concern was that not
all of the plans were available, the project has been going on for
over a year, and the commission is asked to give a good preliminary
approval for recomm�ndation to the Council �ithout all of the
plans available. He said he would like to see some work done on the
project�to enhance the w�ole project. Mr. Drigans said that the
Building Standards Committee should look at the other townhouses that
this architect has planned on 69th and Stinson Boulevard.
Mr. Clark said the Commission could make a preliminary plan approval.
He said the next meeting isn�t until July 18, 1973.
Mr. Drigans said he wanted to reemphasize that this complex is in
the heart of the City, it is adjacent to a residential area, the
density is extremely high, and considering all of this he thinks
the aesthetic appearance of the entire project is more important
to the City of Fridley; theref ore, the landscaping plan, the exter-
ior appearance of these buildings should be scrutinized by Council
very tightly. Any type of substandard appearance should be dis-
cussed with the Wall Corporation so that people can look at this
project with pride.
MOTION by Mr, Drigans that the Planning Commission consider this as
a preliminary plan and recommend to Council approval with the follow-
ing stipulations: .
1. That the 7th Street access be as close to Bennett Drive as
2. That limited access be provided on Mississippi Street.
3. That those units in the Ral area be owner occupied within a
period of three years after the completion of the construc-
tion and at that time a two year extension on the time
limit be granted by the Council if it is needed.
4. That the drainage problem be solved with the Engineering
S. That th� recreation building include an indoor swimming pool,
party room, �arming room, sauna, and that a tennis court
be provided.
6. Recommend that brick be used on the exterior of the complex.
7. That they have a complete landscaping plan.
8. That it is contingent upon approval of the Building Standards
Subcommittee .
9. That a copy of the Model Association bylaws be available to
the 6ouncil.
Seconded by Mr. Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
To continue a service station and permit the addition of rental of
local and one�way truck and trailers, as per City Code, Section 45 101:
MOTION by Mr. Blair to waive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice.
Seconded by Mr. Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
Mr, Kei�h Swenson, the petitioner, and the representative for E-Z
Haul, said �iis xequest is to use the Texaco Service Station located
at 6071 University Ave, as a rental outlet for E-Z Haul trucks and
trailers. He �elt it would be a good service to the residents of
� Fridley and it would prove to be valuable.
Mr. Blair asked how many trucics and trailers they plan to have put
on this lot? Mr. Swenson said a maximum of triree trucks and five
or six trailers, depending on their size.
Mr. Harris asked Mr. Clark �f.there was enough room on that lot?
Mr. Clark said it depends on the operation of tfie station. He said
that the site is large enough for this if there were not more than
three or four.customer cars on the lot for servicing. He said that
the three or four trucks that would be parked in back by the frontage
road, might impair vision. He felt one should be dropped. Mr.
Swenson said they took this into consideration, He said they would
move one truck over to the other side of the building and move the
other two trucks over.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said that his biggest concern was that that was an
awfully busy intersection. Mr. Clark said that there was an access
to the south and two accesses to the north. Mr. Fitzpatrick said �
that going off to the north there could be a problem with the street
divider. Mr, Clark said they would not be able to get into the west
bound lane from the most �esterly entrance.
Mr. Drigans asked how many of these type services does Fridley now
have? Mr. Clark said one has been approved for the �ulf Station
on Osborne Road for U-Haul.
Mr. Clark mentioned that you can make permits for six months or a
year, whatever you want.
Mr. Lindblad asked how much additional traffic would this kind of a
business bring in? Mr. Swenson said primarily these trucks move only
on weekends, and trailers primarily twice on a weekend.
Mr. Drigans said hi's major concern was the visibility around the
frontage road.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Swenson that with that type of turn over,
was it necessary to have three trucks. Mr. Swenson said it wasn't.
Mr. Drigans said also, when they back the trucks in, they could have
a lousy backer upper and he could back it up into the frontage road.
Mr. Clark said there should be st'riping provided to outline these
Mr. Drigans asked Mr. Swenson if they negotiated only with Texaco
Service Stations? Mr. Swenson said they negotiate with several
stations. Mr. Drigans asked where their nearest location to Fridley
was? Mr. Swenson said in Columbia Heights.
Mr. Fitzpatrick opened the public hearing.
There was no one in the audience on this item.
^ Mr. Clark asked what would the sizes of the two trucks be? Mr. Swenson
said they would be 18 foot vans and 12 foot vans. Mr. Clark said that
the drawings said 28 x 12. Mr. Swenson said that was the total length
of the truck. Mr. Swenson said the size of the trailers would be
5 x 8, 4 x 7, and 4 x 6. '
Mr. Harris said he thought two trucks and six trailers would be suf-
ficient and they should put a time limit on the permit of about a
year to see how the service operates. He felt�we need thisbservice
in Fridley. �
Mr, Clark said that if one is approved they will probably have more
applications so they should be sure why they approved it and must
then use the same criteria for others. He felt that the time limit
would be wise.
Mr. Fitzpatrick questioned whether they are about to recommend
approval at a site that is not as good as some in the past. Mr.
Swenson said that it wasn�t necessarily the site that was good, it
was the location.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said that the motion should state the reasons that
approval was recommended.
Mr.•Drigans said he didn�t think this was a suitable site. He was
concerned with the traffic problem because this was a very windy
road, He said they have no guarantee that these trucks, even though
� they are striped, are going to be parked unless there is some kind
of a barricade. In the winter, if that frontage road is slippery,
the trucks will be a problem. He said it is tough to see around
that corner. There is too much of a blind spot. He did agree that
this type of a service is needed but this was not the suitable site.
Mr. Harris said they would eliminate one truck and could put in
concrete curbs so that the trucks don't back up too far.
Mr. Clark said that they could put limitations on it or deny the
whole thing . He said with the,two trucks there you could still
see �'ox 1 QQ �eet ;
�qTI;ON fi� 1�r, Ha,���s to close the publi,c hearing. Seconded by Mr.
L�;ndfilad. UpQn a v�a�ce vote, all vot�,ng aye, the motion carried
unan�nousl�, .
1�OT�ON by Mr. Blair to recommend the special use permit #73-05, for
the following stipulations:
1. That the permit be granted for one year.
2. the parking area be marked.
3, That the number of trucks be reduced from three to two.
� 4, That the parking of the trucks stay in line with the east
wall of the station and the width be not more than 25 feet
from the building.
5. To put restraints on tTie trucks from coming back too far,
some concrete stops or other means of control.
6, To get a si,gn �erm�.t separatelY,
Seconded by Mr. Harris. Upon,a voice vote, Harris, Lindblad, Blair,
and Fitzpatrick voting aye, Dr�gans voting na�, the motion carried.
Mr. Clark reminded that this would go to Council on July 2,`1973.
��y�M��n 11L1HL rnnn1CH11UlV 1N�. xezone Lots 1 Auditor's Sub-
.7�,.�,......, Ib�n ----- . .. ... - - — -
MOTION by Mr, Blair to waive the reading of the public hearing
notice. Seconded bv Mr. Lindblad. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
The petitioner explained that the reason for the rezoning rec{uest
was that they needed more room to expand. He said the rest of the
property of theirs belongs to the railroad and on the south side
it is zoned industrial, The lots facing Main Street are zoned
Ra3. He said their work i� not heavy industrial and they have had
no complaints for tIie pa5t 7 years. Mr, Drigans asked the peti-
tioner how fax av,ray this ne�t location from the present location was.
,� The petitioner sa�,d about 6 or 7 blocks. He said there was an old
vacant house on the new property, a garage that should be condemned,
and a chicken coop, etc,
Mr, Drigans asked if this type of operation would include any out-
door storage? The petitioner said it woulc�.
Mr. Harris asked about utilities and drainage?
Mr, Clark said the water and sewer would come from Columbia Heights.
The drainage would be out to the street or back to the railroad
berm where it is going now.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked where the berm was, the east or west end?
The petitioner said at the west end. But from the bottom of the
berm over the hill top is approximately 150 feet.
Mr. Clark said that this parcel is not presently M-2 and is less
than the 1 1/2 acre.minimum requirement. He said with this plan,
it meets all of the setback requirements except the frontyard
requirement, He said it shows 35 and the zoning ordinance calls
for 100.feet when located across from any residential zoning.
The petitioner said we do have one industry located on 44th, he
said they are 30 foot setbacks. He said they need 59 feet for
^ trucks coming in and loading. Mr. Clark said it might be better to
have the loading and storage areas in the.rear yard.
�AGE 13
Mr. Drigans asked if there weren'�t any other sites? The petitioner
sa�d there are some. One on 37th and East River Road and one on 32nd
and California, but they don't want to move that far from Columbia
Heights. b
Mr. Drigans asked if this type of business had any noise level?
The petitioner said it must meet federal and state code. He said
they get more noise ��th the motor bikes and dunebuggies than they
would �ith his compan�. He rem�nded the Commission that they have
not xece�ved a complaint in 7 yeaxs.
Mr. Fitzpatrick opened the public hearing.
Mr. Henry Zimmer, 4021 California said he took up a petition to
stop the Metal Fabrication Inc. from �uilding a welding shop for
building truck bodies and a yard to store the bodies in. He felt
that this building will interfere with their peace and quiet and
beauty of the neighborhood,
MOTION by Mr. Drigans to receive the petition. Seconded by Mr.
Harris for discussion. Mr. Harris said there were 35 names on the
petition and he wanted to know if they were all Fridley residents.
n Mr. Zimmer said some were from Columbia Heights. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Zimmer said he did not think there was enough room to put that
building in there. He said he did not think it would look very
nice to have a lot of truck bodies out in the yard.
Mr. Floyd Ryman 4004 Znd Street, said that they are supposed to
build a park in that area for the kids and he felt the industry
would stink up the neighborhood. He said he has seen them working
on Sunday out by the street and if kids walked by there it could
be hazardous.
Mr. Anthony Picus, 4036 Main Street, said that this is going to
drive down their property values. He said that the barn on their
now,should be condemned. He said as far as complaints, he did not
think there were more than five single dwellings on 39th where the
business is now.
Mr. Dennis Bertrand, 4042 Main Street, referred to the
Zoning Ordinance on page one under the very first part
He said building this would constitu�e spot rezoning.
the noise would be auite high. Further expansion or a
the owner could result in further deterioration of the
from the residential standpoint.
of the purpose.
He felt that
change in
Darleen Austin, 10 41st Ave. said she would not want the property
value of her home to drop.
Mr. Drigans asked the petitioner if they will be doing any work
outside of the building. The petitioner said they do not plan to.
He said they haven't worked on Sunday since January,
Mr. Zimmer.said he thought the people have suffered enough already
with the railroad.
MOTION by Mr. Blair to close the public hearing. Seconded by Mr.
Lindblad. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
Mr. Drigans asked Mr. Clark if this property was vacant right now?
Mr. Clark said it is not being lived in. Mr. Drigans asked if
this could be any type of a hazard, Mr. Clark said he was not sure
since he had not seen it himself. Mr. Lindblad asked if it was a
livable s�ructure? Mr, Clark said it had not been inspected.
Mr. Harris asked if there had been any response from Columbia Heights
as they were contemplating a park there. Mr. Clark said there had
been no response from them alt�ough we sent them a notice. He
said he could contact them again. He said they should have received
�1 their notice two weeks ago.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said he wanted to bring up the point that Mr.
Clark brought up that any action by the Council to rezone this for
any particular purpose also gives the variances, so the commission
has a lot to look at aside from the rezoning.
Mr. Drigans asked Mr. Clark if he recalled on the Comprehensive
Pfian how much percentage is of unused land in Fridley. Mr. Clark
said he could not quote a figure, however, there is a substantial
amount vacant� . '
Mr. Drigans said that this constitutes spot re.zoning when an R-1
district is concerned.
MOTION by Mr. Drigans to deny the rezoning request #73-07. Seconded
by Mr. Harris for the following reasons:
1. Spot rezoning. `
2. Depreciate the property value of R-1 areas, no buffer zoning.
3. Doesn't meet the minimum �.ot size area.
4. Plenty of M-2 zoning already in Fridley that is available.
5. Sizable objection from property owners.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
No final report� yet.
The dinner reservations have been set for July 30th.
The meeting adjourned at 12:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted:
� Acting Secretary