PL 08/08/1973 - 31154�<`�1
���II+T�'a GOMPR�SSION MEETITTG ,A,LI��ST $, 1973 ppi(�,�+ �,
��Y,� �O ORDEii:
Chairman �itzpatri�k callec� the meeting to orde.� at
��00 �k�,Nl.
��iT,T.� ��1I.L :
Meanbers Preser�t: Fitzpatrick, Dric�ans, B�air, Lindblsci�
Harris �
Me�nber$ .�lbsent; None
C��hers Presents Darrel C1ark, Community DeveZo�mer�t �dm,
Jerrold Boardman, pl����,ng �s����,&�t
l�OTION by Drigans, secortded by .��air, that the �'1$n��ng
G'��t��s�ion minvtes of Ju1y 18, 1973 be approved a� w.�i���n.
�l1P�ti � voic� vote, a11 voting aye, th�� ,cqotio�t ca�rriec� r�n��im�p�,�y.
�IiI,� 2 6, 19 7 3
1�dQ�'IOtV_ by LindbZad, seconded by, that th� �la�nir�g
���ttt�e��on receive the minutes pf the Bu.�.�diny Stand��°ds�Des.��fl
C���,�q.i Subcommittee oP Ju1y 26, 1973. Upo» a voi�e v�t�, a�$
v���ng a�e, the motion carried unanimously.
�lQTION by ,Drigar�s, seco��ied by ���ir� that the ,A1�,�n�tng
��sn.�����on receive t�� '�oa�rc� g,� ��,P�q�1� m��utes of Jul� 3�t.
19�3a L1�on � voice vote, a�1 vot�ng aye, �he mot.�oa� �������
�t��ta�mou�1 y . .
° rom R-1, (single fami�y dwellinc� c�reas) to CR-1 (g�neral
offi,ce and li�ited busix�ess) �he ar�as South of 76th A�enu�
A1 �� a, Eas� Q� ��� Street �1. �. , and Nprth of 75�.� Avenue
�TaE,, an�d West o� q�ity �iospital, to allow con�structiorl
�f a �nedical office buildinc�.
1+'�a Cha��.e� Jc��a�$qn, Mx� Doa� �,��y�r�niann, a�d Dr. Jerome
��r�y Wese present to represent the pe�itior�er,
' o�oT%vlv by .�at���Tad, $��pr�ded �e� ,p������. t1�a� t�� PZarsr��rag�
��►�����.�oaa wa���° g�� ,��ading� o�' tt��r �ubgfa Aear��tg �not��� 'fpr
�'+��Cdti,�f�g xec�'uest. �0.� �?,�-0$. b�+ Nort,� ,Subur�j$,� flO��p,��r�.� ,p,is��,���a
L%j!��9 � V�ice yo�e, a1Z vat.�ng eye, the �otion carr��� �{,� .imAv�Ig,
, . . . -. , . . .� �'� , �
� �l���i�g Commission Meeting - August 8a 1973 � ��ge 2
�. ����nson s�id �e r�presented F�idley �n �he �a��h
����ba� ��spital Distric�, and the pur�ose of the re����n�
��� t� �on���uct � medical office build�ng. The �osp�t�� �is�ri��
����� �ua�� th� medical b��ldi�g w��hout rezoni�g, �u� �h�y h�d
�����p �£ docto�s who will own this building an� the� �QUId ���
��� ����l��ng pe�mit to construct thi� �uildi�g u�le�� i� ia
x������a Mr. Joha�so� said h� had��alked t� Mr. C1ar� and ��i�
W�� ���side��d to be the best class�£ication of �e�on�n� that w�a
���i���l� unde� �he present code. H� s�id the N�rt� ���ur��n
H��p���l A�s�rict �as no pl�na �or the b�l�nce �f ghe px���r�y
�hoy ���� asking t� be rexoned, but it would be used ��� medi��1
�u�pos�� �x rel�ted uses. �h� proposed medical buildi�� wi1�
b� 2��Q00 ��uar� f�et a�d w�uld be ��� s�me sty1� a� �h� he��i��l
����l�m ����e �il� be �� enc�osed walkway be��e�� tfi� �edi��l
��il�i�g �nd the ��spital, �o ��at �atie��� eould g� ���m �h�
��di��� �uil�ing to the hospital for any tests �ha� w�r� ne�ded.
T�� �r�ug o£ doc��r� tha� wa�t to constru�� thi��buildi�� ar�
Mr. Drigans asked Mra Johanson if'they wer� asking �or ��i�
�����i�g a� the speculation that s�me doctors would�com� in and
b�ild � bu�ldange Mre Joh�n�on said they h�ve b�e� pi�nn�ng t�
,:.1 �� t��� ��x �everal �earsg but they d� have a�irm �omm�tmen�
' ���� �� do��or�� who will own this buildin�, M�� Drig�n� sa�d by
���o��n� �h�e to CR�1, it wiYl allow the Hospita� g�oup to put
������n� on the balance �f the pr�p�rty �h�� i� ailowe� i� �h��
� ,�
_ t� .
_ ., ::. .
Cla�k said it was pos�ible t� �av� a priva�e ��v��ent
�h�t this �ro�erty ��n �nly be used for medic�l pu�pos��.
'�t�� eovea�e��s ora pl�t� ��� fc�r t�re��y ye��s, �ndl �e
�hi�o �YP� �f cover�enfi woul� �be �he saane. He ���.ci �&aa�
the u�es �llcawed �x� �trictly 1iin�.�ec1 �o pres£�a�ional
I�1r. I3�rri� ��id k�� fei�k �t waaald be bett�r to fir�d �r�c�ti�er
w�y `ko c�on�kscal this property, becaus� twenty ye�s�s is ric�t very
���qe �. Johans�n ��aid he thaught a'�ew �oning �1as�i�icatioa �
�o� ������� purg�o��s� could b� s�sae ��lrztioa� �
s � ,
M�. Y�rn �ar�ae� � 7�05 Ly�i� L�x�� N w E m e ���.d �tha� � a �'oh��aota
��i� ��hey �a�d pl�r�s ��r � medic�l bu�lding �n par� of °thi� ���d
��� �o pia.n� f�r �h�a balanc� 0 He w�aad�red why �he ho�pita7, aa��d�d
�11 fit��� l�a�d, 1�1�°� Johar��oa� ��id �her� wras a�tuci� �n�d� by H�nt�epin
Co�aul�aaalk� �boaat �our year� �c�� �r�dl �hey x�co�uttended thait w� q�t
e�� s�uoh �.arad a� ��s��.bl� q W� may ��, ��m� �im� o� �aao���sr go °�o a
��+��h��g ' �o�p�ta�. ��� w� y��u�d ���d �oran�to�i��s for �t�uclen�ks. � �1e
� �r�a�� � rau����a� ��a�� �t ��m� ti�� �r� �h� ��a�ur�. �lh� t�dic��
����� �� ch�a���a�� �� ����dly tha�, �� �,� hard �o �a���ci���t� i��
����� ��sl w�a�� �i.����i�ra �� wi�l tak� e
�o �e�r�� �o���a�x, 756� ��� S���ea� �.�., �a�d i� r��e �is
� �d�z��aandl�sag ��,�� ��� ��rt� �������� ���p�.tal D��triv'k �an bui1�
� m�dioal bui�:ding t e� sc� �� re, w��iou� �ezoni.�g. .zf �.� wae
. �„
� ,� , _ ._
P��nning Commission Meeting - A�gust �, 1973 ' paqe 3
r��on��� �kais land we�u].cl qc� on �he t�as rQ�.la. H� thouql�� �hi�
p�op��t� �Yaou�.d not b� rez�r�ed becau�� �o� anaaay �th�ar bu�ir�ess��
��t��� �� �a� t��.� pr�pex��y. I,et the Hosgit�l �oa.�d k�uil� the
&��di��� �u�.�d�.�g �rad s�19, th� la�ncl the�v Ya�v� �ao u�� �o� ��
��� � Thea� ��.n�l� ��.a�a�ly �aame� �c�uid t�� built �n �h�.� p�op�rty
��d th� �i��r would s�ill get t�xe�.fsom this property. .
�. �ohanson said the Hospital D�.�trict did no� w�nt �o
a�dmini�te� the meclical building ancl would pr���x �� hav� i�
$�siv��k�1� �wn�d a
� v .LbYd/uGac6a� S76 �aB��AaG1 � I�� o ��j; � G.1. �.G.� L\ � G s � Q��� �V RR� Vba�
o� a�n� t�e�� go parote�� thi�, anci w�at� were the� doing Y�e�e al� '
��� t3c��g�.t�1 co�1d build this att�dical buildinc� anyway. i+�I=.
F�t�p��xi�k said that �he rezonir�g request woulci determi,ne whe�th�r
°t�� builc�i�g would be publ�.cl�r or priv�tely owneci.
�_��cuc��.,7�4� Lyr�.c Lar�ea ��id the�� was s�a�1� ��,s��iic
���b�e�a �.r� th� ���a now �hat �h� �a� opposedl �.o �ny m�r� land
���.t�g ��a�e� �w����i�l e
� F�t�pa�rick said �� doa� e t l��,v� �zaythinc� znore �e��rictive
�h�s� what they wer� asking �o have i� re��ned �oa
Mr. Robert Moseman, 7533 4th Street N.E, ,�sa�.d the� �1.dra't
rt�t�d a11. the �and they were proposi�g �o rezon�, �ox �h� m�dic�l
build�.ns� a Ms 4 F�tzpa�r�.ck saicl they �ould have asked iE�� �.ese
bu� t��� have not. �lr, l�osemara asked �� the Goammission h�d look�d
�n�o �he �raffic p�roblem either on 5th Street, off �rom paborne
13c��d, or the Univer�ity Avenue Service Dri.v� to 751th 1�v�nue ancl
�ver �o ��h Stree� NoE. He said he tk�ought �hey shouid ��do a t�a�P�.c
�t�udy �h��eaas th� siragl� family homes were completely sur�oun��d
by �a�uner�i�.1 d�v�lopment.
t�r . F�.�xpatrick said that orie Q� the prob].sms w� aa�e alway�
la�c�� with is that t�e differea�t zoning district� were e�.ther
t� sc��trict�.ve �� �o� iaroad, .
l�r s�ia�ria s�ic� t�aere ��ght be a way to and�nd th� �-1 zoa�inq
ordi���ce to �llow anedica� uses �der a S�ecial� Use Pexrtti�, at�d
�h�� way we ��tzld re�tri.ct tiaat �a�ly ��i1d,i�ag� for sned�.ca], purpos��
��tt�.d be coaa�tr�cted. If t�� rezone, then other profession��
p�Op2.� could c�n�truct soz�e differer�t ty�e �f businesa. '
b�r. F�.tzpa�ric�C a�I��d Mr. �la�k, wh�� the zoninq ordinanc� aaid
�e �ar �� hosp�t�l� �a� �� �-i districta Mrm Cl�rk said this laa�d
�,� pt��licly o�ed �r�d, i� taat exeanp�,. ��cause it �.s publia lands
�t�ey �ar� tase it �or �ny needs tYa�t they laave the same w�y �he
C�,t� �an m
1�. Ariqaans ��id �th� ��as�r� th��r �xe xec�u���i.nq r��o�ninc� i� �o
�h�y �a�n sell �art o� ��eix� p�operty an�1 �t wou].d go b��k or� �h�
taac xa],le. i�. JoY�ansQn said he felt �it wa� in the �e��, iz�t�r�a��
�` �� ic�a ��.�y th�� �h�� ���.oa�. b�ai�.�i�nc� be �n t,h� tax xo�l� o
Pl�n��ng Commission Meeting ^ August 8, 1973 � $8q� �
Mr. Drigans said he thought another alterna��ve w�s to 1q�k
�� � med�cal zoni�g code. He said he was concez�ed th�� �n�� �hi�
prog�r�y is rezoned that the North Su�urban Hosp�ta� p�$���c� c�u�d
��1� �h� �and �o the highest bidder and other things ot��� ����
�hi�g� that are medica�ly oriented could go in on �h�� �and,
�h�irman Fatzpatrick said that a�ter everyone has been h�a�d
��n�gh�, this�item should probably be continued to expl�re �h�
�a��i�i�i�y of another zoning division.
�r@ Haxri� asked about rezonang it to PDv Mr. C1�rk said
�h� ����xe �r�perty would have to be planned a�d �ppx�ved befo��
��� bui���fl� Wauld be allOw�d a�d this wasn°t �he HOS��ta� D�����A���
������9 .
1+�. �obert Burrell, 7510 5th S�reet N.E., sai� �e �elt ���
���f��e would at �east be tri�led by this pxoposa�.
��a �erome �ardy said he has s�m� i��erest in s����g t���
m����al building is ��nstructed. �e s�id thexe wo��d �� a pha�m��y
i��� ��xug �torej and there has been interest b� an o�ti�a�.c�mp�ny
i� g��ti�g space in this building. He felt it would b� �h� ���ur�1
t�i�q �p �ome into the Hospital parking lot as acc�s� �� thi�
�. �i�z�atrick said he �el� t�at most o� the �uesti���
r���e� ab�ut tsaffic b� the audie�ce were �ore �once�n�� �bout
�h�� ���e w�uld be �oming into the �rea be�ides the•med��al ���ic�
�u���i�g, ,
�rsq Ke��eth L�ttl�, 7558 5th Street N.E., asked �� �hi�
bui�d�ng we�e really necessary. She felt�that most o� ��� �Q�t�g�
�� th� Unity Ho�pital staff alr�ady had o�ficea and didfl'� n�ed
���� £���1��Y� ��a Liev�rmann said �her� wer� �anX do�tors o�
�h� ���f� who wer� undes a hardsh•ip b�cause they wer� �o �ar ��cam
��� ho�pita� and thi� would be co�ven�e�t for them a�d for thei�
p������� w�o n��ded the hosp�tal facilitie� iox x-rays ��d t��t�
o� �� out-pa�ien� basi�.
�°. �ohanix pr�sented a��titio� �hich he said was s��ned
by 100� of �h� people receiving notice of the Pub��c He�r�ng
who were �pposed aq��ns� rezoni�g for an unknown business.
�O�ION by N�rris, �eco��ed �y �1s�r, that tbe P1en�i�g
�o������o� r�ce�v� p�t���o� Noo 1I��973, opposing �h� ���an�n�
��o� ��� t� �R-1 �ZO� �73��81a �h� ��ea� Sauth �g i6th �v�nu��
����� �� �th 3��e�� �orth����, �nd N��th ag �5�� �ve�u� N.�e, ��
���w� �o�����c�io� �� a �edi��I o�fi�� b�i�d��ga �po� � �o���
s�,` V��eP �aI �oting �yep th� m�t�o� casr�ed u�a�imous3ye
� 8�c. �ohani� s��� ��e �e�g�� w��� no� ��go�ed to th� ho�pit��
b�i�di�g a m�di�al �f ���� b�i�di�ge ��ey w�r� ��st op�p�e� to
, • t�� ��zo�ing.
Plan��ng Commission Meetin� - August 8, 1973 • Pag� �
�x'. Don Lievermann asked for a clarification of th� peti�i��.
�. �xigan� read the petition. Mr. Fitzpatrick sai� �hey w���
p��e�ti�� �o the rezoning of the whole area for the pur�p�� o�
bu ��in� a medical building o� p�rt pf it.
M�e Mos�ma� sai� he wanted it brough� to the a�tentiflfl
�� �h� C��� Council and the City Plannex where they would all�w
��t����es and exits on this �roperty regardless o� the �on�ng,
`��es� �hould be something worked out to relieve �he tra�f��
�rc�i�l�am. .
Mr. Johanix asked how much of wk�at they weze askiaag to
?�� �ezQned would be used for a meclical office bt�ilding, �,
��ha��on ��id it woulcl be abQUt th��e acrea. Nir. JQhan�.x sai�
�t1��� ��operty was about 11� acres sa we have 7 plus a�r�s to.b�
�+�t�cerned abou�.. Or�ce tk�is is re�oned, na one can giy� ua ar��r
���s�t�ar��e of what this proper�y will be used for. '
IKs. Leona�rd Samuelson said that i� the growth of k'��dle�r
�1�i�y �To��ital hms beer� a tremendou� asset. He said �ie �ou�.d
�e��gn�.�� �.h� concern of �he homeown�rs in th� area, ��� ��.
th�j� Goulcl Jlook at i� on t�e basis that this medica]. buil�ling
�t�u�� comp].�ment the present hospital faciliti�s and wou�.� be
� �r� ��s�t to the homeowners, the community and the hospital.
° �ie �aa.d a.� this r��oning was to go through, the second az�d
tl�i�d � of the ordinaE�ce cauld be held up �nt�.l �h�
��.tl�� �1ans w�re presented for this property and �t tha� �ime
th� 1�om�Owne�cs would have a chance to see the p�.an& ant� ��eak
���ir�. �
Mro Lieverman said there has been discussion of �h� amot�a�t
A� land the,Hospital District owns, I� has beeln the �xperier��e
�o� ma�y hospitals that when they want to expand their ����.7.��1��,
�ii�y have to bu� up existi�nq properties for thi� expa�$�.pn aa�d
�h� �ost is quit� prohibitive. He said he thought it wa;a pru��r�g
gf �he N�rth suburban Hospital District to obtain as much land
�� �hey have, so the land is there for expansion, suc� as th��s
med�.��.1 of�ice buiiding. We can't 1.00k that far ahead arad ]��ot�►9
�h� �h�nging needs we will have for this property, becaus� m�d�.�in�
i� �k��nging so fast,
Mx'. Howard Puffer, 7534 5th Street AT.E., said the r�otice h� g�t
t�fl dche rs�oning request did n,ot state that this was fo� a med���,l
of�ice building, Mr. C�.ark sa�.c1 this was according to �.he orc��ana�no�.
Tbe Public Hearing r�otice states what the petitiqner wan�s to ro�o��
�h� property to, but the use he will put tY�e land to i$ preser���c�
�� �l�e Public Hearing. �
,�^� �. Puf�er $aid thex didn't kr►ow until th�y inquired at �ity
�_. �ail wl�a� the rezpr�ir�g request was for and it �urpra,s�d � lo� o�'
Planning Commission Meeting - August 8, 1973 � ��g� �
,� .
M�T%ON by Dx�gans, sec�nded by ��ndblad, th�� �h� �lan���g
�O�m��s�pn close tha Public Hearin� o� rezoning re�ue�t, �QA #T3�Q�,
bp Ne��h Spbuxban �osp�tal District, to �ezone ��om Ra� (s�ng$�
����1� dw��ling are�) to CR-1 (g�ner�� aff�ce and ��m�t�d bu������),
�h� ���as 5auth of 76th Aven�a No�theast, Eas� of S�h ���e�� N��t����t
and North of 7St� Avenue Northeast, to a11ow �onstxuct�pn Qf �
����C�Z oPfzce build�ng. Upan a votce vote, aZ1 vati�� aye, ���
��t�o� carr�ed unan�mously.
� k�. Drigans said it was his f�eling that we shoul� ex�lo�e
��� po��iblity of a medical rezoning code, and also thQ poss�b��ity
�� � Sp�ial �s� in an R-1 area. My cancern is about x�����ng auah
���x�e area. If the land was sold, there would be �� ���trol �
ove� wh�� went into this area, and I can't see it bein� r�xo��d
�ack to R-1 again. I think adm�nistration and the le��� d�p���m��t
�h�uld check �nto these two possiblities.
�r. Har�is said he preferred amending the R-1 ord�n���e ao
�h�� could be und�s Sgecial Use. He said if we shoul� �eeomme�d
j��� sezQning the �art for the medical�office bui�din� we wou�d
b� dQ�ng s�ot rezon�ng which we do not like eithero
�o C�ar� said if eith�� o�, t��se two t��ng� wer� �p8�ib1�,
�r"�, �� W��ld tak� some time to make changes in �h� �oni�g o�di�anc�s,
• ��d he w�nde��d abou� the t�e sche�ule of th� Ho�pi�ai ���tr���0
' �o ��h�n�on �aid 90 d�ys wou�d�`t �old them u� toQ �uch, Mae.
L�ndblad a�ked �f it were possible to get �his und�z a 5����a�
��a �exxn�t in an R-1 area, coul'd th� interest�d��ar�i�� s�art
����in� up theiz pla�� while the legal aspeats were b��n� worked
�u�, 1�'. Clark said they could if the Plannin� �ommiasion we��
��v������ to t�� medical �ffice buildi�g. �r. Fit�Qa�x��� s�id
h� �f��°� ��i�k they c�uld m�ke any posi�ive statemen�s a� thi�
�im�. �. �ohanso� said as the Hospit�l Distzict Favared aelli��
th�s prope�ty for the medical office bui�ding, theX.w�uld��t
��nt �o go to the expense of drawing up the plan�.
�OTION b� Har�fs, seco�ded by pr3gans, tha� the P1�����g �
Co�m���ion continu� the xezo���� r�ques�. ZOA �7�,QS, b� �ort�
�Ub����n Nospita� District, to rezone frpm R-� (s�n�1� �����y
dw�����g areas) to CR-1 (general o�fice and Zimi��d bus�ne�s)
��� ��ea S�vth of 76th Avenue N,E.o East of �th ������ �.��,
��d No�th �� 75t� Avenue N.E., �o ���pw construct�an o� � med��s1
������ bu�lding, unti� Augu�t 22, 1�73. Upon a vo3ce vot�, a1�
�� VQ��ng ��a, the �otion c��ried unan�mously.
�Y CENTRAL AUTO PARTS: R��one Lot 10, B�ock 1, ���t�a �W
M��or� f�om C2-S 4g�ner�l ah�ppi�� areas) to M-� (light
/�`�, ��dustrial �rea�y to make xoninq consis�ant w�t� p�op��ty
� ����s. (�201 73� �ve�ue N.E,,,
Pl�n��ng Commission Meeting - Augus� 8, 1973 p�g� 7
i"� �
AUTO PARTS: To allow junk yards or the baling c�f �unk or
��c�s, ir� a buildirtg enclosed �n all sides o� wh�� �pm�1��k�1y'
. enc�.osed in a solici fence, per Fridley City Cod� Q�,131r ,A,
�� Ao�ated o� I�o�s 14 through 15, B1ock 1, �entr�l Va,e�v
M�a�c�r. �12Q1 7�� Avenue �T.E. ) .
�ir. �ohn Buzick was, present. '
l�l�lTlpN b� pri��ns, secand�d bc� L�ndblad, th�� tha 1�.�s�nnita�
����is�a�e�n wa3ve the tead.�t�g of t�i� pub.Iic nvfia�c� fvr
�'��a��a�g raquest, ZOA �+73-09, by Cer�txal Auto Paxta. U,��n a
���i�� �o�e, a11 �� ay�, t.he mot�on c�rr.ted�u�ly.
��R°I�1�i by D��ga��, s�cO,�d�c3 by L,t�ad�a2aaTP tP��t t�i� �l�xart.��a�
Coa����as�c��a w�iv� �1a� �ea��n� of �h� Pub1�c Nea��n� .not.�c� .�vr
�pe���Y dl�� Pe$mi�, S�P }�73-07, by C�ntrel Auto P����. Ugan �
Y��p• yoto, a11 vot�a�g aye, th� mot�on Car�,�ed ua�an.�tnr�ta�ly.
P�. Buxick �aid w� propose to co�sts�.ct a bu�,�.di�e� �nd
di�m�r�°kle the �ars inside tlh� buildirag� �.a�steacl ��E c�u� ,�a� ��i�
���'do We c�nno� ge� a bu�ldin� perani� cantil, La�t, �.0 i� r�aoned.
°�hi� 1�� ha� a�way� beea� us�d �or dismantlinq parts. ��.�hou h
��i� �� ��� �am� ��rpor��ion, w� purG�asecl the �roperty t�e �
�"'1 , f�s�� �� th�s y��r, We �zaly handle c�rs that are 196�'� anci
' ����3°° o
�la°, �lai� a�ked if tk�ey �ould still be �tock�ili�� �ars
out�i.deQ Mr. �uzick said that when cars wer� disman�l�d, ,�c�ane
ca! t.k�e ��arts� would be bu�.ky to store iriside a�d they gQt �oan�
�ar� �that were repa.irable �nd they would be �tored out�ido.
��m I���dblad asked P�r. Buzic�C where the� c��t th� �ars.
�a �u�i�B� �aid �hey purchased them from insurar�ce c�rm��r�ie$.
P�'. iiarsis asked the zoning �on Lo�s 1 th�rough 9, a].c�ck 1,
Ce�t��l View Manc�r. Mr. Boardman said it was �2-�. �x, ���r�,�
��k�d �he aoa�ing �n Iaot 11 throug�h 15, and L�t� 16 through 1B.
i�Ce ����dmar� �aid this was all M-1. 1Mr. Harris wonder�� why
the�� wa� C2-S aoning ia� this area. Mr. Boardman saicl i� h�s
b�ea� C2�S s.�nee tbe zonia►g ordinanc� came into be�.ne� �
' 1�4�. Huzick �aid he thi3�ks Lot 10 rnras purchased l�ter �har�
th� o�eigina]. pxop+�rty and that ° s why its zoned �2--5,
Mr, Hlair asked about the parking facilities. M�e �uziGk
�xplained the parki�g oa� the propertyo Mr. L�.ndb].ad �aid the�
mat �11 ti�e code x�equirements g�r paskin�.
� P�� �l��s �sked �ah�t type s�f bui�dia�9 tl�ey were pxopoaing.
- �0 8�����C ���d �.t �►i7.1 be � tneta]. buildiz�g,
� P��nning Commission Meeting=A� st 8, 1973 � p�q� $
� �
Mr� Boardman said this property has been unde� t�e ��me
u��; be£ore the zoning ordinance of 1969. Mr. Buzick sa�.d he �t��W
i� �iad been under this use for 15 years before they bough� t��
p]C4p�rty, Mr. Clark said the use is grandfathert�d in, but
�ht�� havQ to bring the entire property into propez zon�,ng so �
�p�+��.al u�e permit can be issued. Mr. Harri� said he fe7.� �h�.�
pXq�OSal is upgrading the property, Mr. Clark agreed.
Mr. Boardman said when Mr, Buzick came in with hi� orig�.i���,
p��p��al, they asked him to move the proposed location of th�
k�t�i�.ciing so it was not on Lot 10 at a11. They do wan� �o Gp�tp1.�°��
th�� bui�.ding by Decembex 31st and would like to hav� a fc�und��i��
pezcma,� by the ls� of SeptemY)er. W� would like to hav� in�lue��d
�.� y�u�' r�cQmmentiqn to Council tha� he be allowed tc� �uild h�s
���.�.��.r�g anci parkinc� be allowed on Lot 10 under the Spe� LI��
P�a�tit tahile Lot 10 is being rezoned. This way th�e b�ilds.nq �
���63.� wi,11 not be held up during �the rezoninq pxoce��,
MO�'IQN by Haz�ris, seconded by 9Xair, tha� the P1ar�.��I1g �
�A�7�.���.ion �.�ose the Public Hearin� on�r�zoning �egu�s�, �OA
N7�°°OQf on Lvt 10, B1ock 1, Central View Manox, and �a� �J�� •
�,p@G.��.� Use Perm�t request, SP i173-07, on Lots �.0 thz�ough 15,
� ��Q�k ,�, Cel�tral View Manor, by Central Auto �'az�t�, 12Q.I 73�
�p�a�u� N�rtheast, Uppn a vo�ce vote, a11 vo�i�q aye, tl��
� �1o��on �a.�ra�ea unanimpusl�.
�lr, I,�ndblad said he feit th� petitione� was upc�raclir�g
�h� �xo��r�y aaad he already h�s t�� land. Thi� p�pppsa�, har
b��t� �omp�lete.�y'�eviewed by Building Stanclards-De��gn �e�fltrc�l
�t�bC�►m1��ee and he fav�red approval of the requests.
N1�'� ��Ygan� asked Mr. Clar� .� f t�,ere i�acl b��n; c��tt�l��.r�1��3
�b��� tk�i� bu�iness. 1+4r, Clark said there had he�n �om� �nd t�h�y�
���� a�ev� month� �gor fie didn't know where the��r, ��n�e
f�A� bu� �he� cou�.d hav� be�n macie by Gity staff. M�. �'itzp���°i�ic
���d t�e �d�acen� proper�y ow,ners had bee� z�qtiti�d �� khe��
s�uo�t� and ther� was no or�e here objecti�ng to th� pxo��aale
Mx. C�.axl� said ti�is pro�osai Will make it easie� �or th�
F�titio�ner to comply with the �onir�g ordinances, '
�. �lai�' asked how h�gh the Pe��� wot�ld be a Mr, Clarlt
���.d i� would 1be � 7�oot screening �e�nce .
$�t', Ha�ris sai.d $�� t�as in favox ot the request,
�OTION by �,ft�db��td, �gco�tded �iy �B?air, that t1�Q $.��,��i�g�
�, ���tR,to��on aecommend to Ce�nci.I ap�,�qva1 af the rezon��g z�gu�atP
8i�i� i�7�3�09, by Cer��,�al ,�uto ,�arts,, tc� rezo�e Lpt ,�Q, �,�q�k ,� �
- ��rata�� [i�ew Mano,�, #'roa� C2�,S /g�n�r�.� s1�oPp�n� �reasJ �o M-�
r��f�'ht �t�dustri�l ���as) to �nal�q zq��ng codls3s�e�� wi�h psopea��
��n�+�s the �atne +��jn9 ,I201 73� Avenue NQ�'theas�, upo�q a� y����
Y���o ��� K�����j �b?�� ��� mgtior� carried �qa�fmops,�y.
� '
w;"� �1�nnin� Commission Meeting - August 8, 1973 � pag� g
�O�ION by Harris, seconded by Blaix, that the P1a���ng
Cp��is��on recomme»d to Council approval of the re�u��� PQr
��p�c��1 Use Pe�mat, SP N73-07, by C�ntral Auto P��ts� tp
��11ow junk yards or th� baling of junk o� rags, �n a b��1d�n�
���To�ed vn a�� �ides or when compl�tely enclas�d in ��o1�d
g����� F�r Fridley C�ty Coda 45.131, A. 8, 1oca��� o� �Qt� �Q
th��ugb 15, �1ock Z, Central View �anor, tha asme bein� 1?py
7�� �v��ue Northe�st, wit� the recommendatio� �hat ��� ���pa��ti�n�
�f t�� �u�lding Standards-Design Contxol Subco���t��� b� par�
�g fi�� motio� which are:
a. Su�ldinq msterial �e an apt�an of the bu�lde�
aubjeGt t� City �pp�Q�a�, ioz�ow�ng de��g�
� ��e�ented to the S�bco�m�ttee.
�s �ork out a ti�e t�b1e with t�e C�ty �ta�� ��� ���
� �xter3o� dev�lopment of t�� p�operty.
�, ��rk au� �ny drs���ge problem �it� th� En�i�������
��8��tme��, .
A�d ���th�� recomme�d t�at paxkin� be al3owed A� �o� 10, �nd
t�� ���Id�n� perm�� be issu�d on th� ��Qp��ead� �v��d ��$,
�pA� � v��ce vote, a11 voting sye, the,mot�o� ������� u�a����u�Zyo
,� ���� c�ener� ly oca�ed can 5� st�°��t arad �1� ��r�:�t 1� 0 E,
���m Miaais�ip�i Stree� to 63rd �venue N.�,
�C'. Fi�I'��C RE4'$�Q fl�g°o RL1S�0��:1 Li1A't,£ 1114� M�'. M�J�j� TaA�Q���
���� pr��ent to mak� the �resen�ation�
1Mr. �esse �aid k�� thought �h�y w�uld s�t�,rt �lheix ��@��n�,�ti���
w�1th �fl�� outside appearas�ce of �h�e pro ject �rhic� �.nc�,�de� lan�d�
�e�pinq anci th� � appearance of the ex�eriqrs of �he �OW31p3p1,18@� e
I�. �aberee presen�ecl ��ae landsca�e pl�na H� said �ho�
wc��tic� +give �ach unit some amour�� of screening �rom th� �txeet,
Th�� wou�d be using evergreens such as clougl'as �iae, ��a�uQe az��
jt�n�.per, They would be us�.ng some decorative tree� a�ci m�king
u+s� o� some of the large trees o� the site, The healtl�y �ull
�zvwa� tre�a would be moved around �he site t�, �k�e bes� �dva��a�g�.
Chairman Fi��patrick aslsed if . th�re would sti�.l b� b�x�ttil�g.
�r. R�ees said there would be berming on Mi�sissippi ��reet and
7�h �trest.'
l�ir. Drigans �sked the total cost oE tY�e land�cap�nq. Mr,
R���� �aaid it w�u1d be about $50,000 including the �o�dirag.
,�dr. baa�t� �afcfl &�� ha�d to le�v� shs�actly and would lik� ik� �
�,., �AaW+�� any questio�n� the CqYnmis��.o�a he�cfl, at �hi� ti,me. M�. �l��k '
a�ke�� him if h� had a copy o� tt�� as�ocia�ian �y-1�wa q�Mz. Aa�,t�
sa�d theee wou].d a��� b� �� exis�eric� wk�i�,e �he tQwa�h�u��� w���
r�nte�. Th� Wall Co��oratiox� will �e ae�ago�sibl� fo� a11 mai��en�
�il�e p��% o g L12�,t��. 6'i�.l t�i�3 'tQWi�t1011�f�'..9 �1�'G BC�I,C: • �Z" s�.'��L�� ��i�
� s�o�el R� �i����a��4?�? �?�-1�ws sho�alc� be Prepared and p��a�ra�ed
to th� Ci.ty �o�a��i� � °' � ,
�l�naing Commission Meeting - August �� 1973 P�ge 1Q
NI�. Axigans said that in a let�er of Juiy 11, 19i'3, they w�x°�
��c�u���ed to consider an underground sprinkler sy�tem. 1�, k��Q��
�e�i� �ha� Toro wa� working on a plan but it wouldn't be reacly ur��i1
�ht���day mornin,q. Mr. Lindblad sa�.d at the �g��c��xd�-
A���.gn Control Subcommittee meeting there was ciiscus�alQr� a}�ou�
u�i�t� ti�e water from the ponds for, or in��a7.l�.nq $
�ar�.v��e we11. Mr. Dante said they.were pretty def�.nite about �
h�v�.�ag a sgXink�ing system.
�!x'. Drigans said he had �ome que�tion� about the t�i.x'd s�i�aulatio�
wh�cl� sta�tess "Those units in the R-1 are� be owner occupied wi�khia�
S p�riod oi three year� aftex the aompletion of the ��t�s�ru��.iora
�nd a� t�hat time a two year exter�sion of the time b� c�ranted �� .
�a��d�ci" . These wiil be rental units �n� what wi11 h�ppez� i� ��k
th� �nd ��.the speci,fied time, they cannot sell �he uni.�a �hat
�x� in an R-� area. Mr, Dante sa�.d that is a quest�.q�n tY�a�, car�" �
b� ar�swe�ecl beaau$e no one k�ows what lies ia� the ��u�ure. �Ir. �
l��,fizpatr�ck �a�.d that was one of the Commission'� con�e��s
�kha� yQU will have multiple dwellings in an R-1 dist�i�t.
, '
I�tr. �iarris said the Commission had considered t�h� libra�y�
p��go�al a� their last meeting and would li}c� t4 see a c�mmo�a
� clxiv�w�.y Qn 5th Street worked out between the Librar�r 8oa�rd
ar�cl �Ya� Wa11 Corpoxation. Mr. Dant� said they were vex�g rece�ative
' �o h�v�tng a�.ibrary located on the adjacent property �n� they
we�� �ur� s�omething could be worked out with th� Gour�t�t, M�,
Cla�rk s�id this should be wo�ked out before the �zna7, gracle �or
�t�h �tree� is cQmpleted.
Mr, %aber�e said there would be gas lights placed around
the��lev�l,opmen� and also aloag the pathways o� �rushed �oek,
Th�re w�.17. i�e bark mulch with flcawers in the er�tranae ar�as e
�hey wil�. keep some of the natural vegetation, Mr, Arigan:�
��id w� have been given the complet� cost of the land�capa�ng,
�u� how �nucl� will be spent on just plantings. Mr. L�ber�� ��3,�1
i�G would b� about $25,OOp. l�r. Reese said we are usi.nq � si��
�p�r��eer� t%at wi11 be effe�tive right from the star�.
I�. E�rigaas askec� if the �hrubbery �a�i�g the str�eta wcauld
b� ia� �r�oue�h ba�k �o they wou�dn ! t be af fect�d b� srac�w and ��1t
ia� 'tY�e winter, Mr. Clark sa�.d one a� the stipulations was f�x
��i��w�lk on 7th Stree� and 63�d Avenue which will be 10 �e��
S�c�1 �Pae �urb �o the shxub� would be �a� ��nough bac�C so as no°�
`k� b� afi��t,ec� b� snow plowi�.g. �lr. Clark said �tipulatio� No.
�.0 ���ttt pa�i�g the cast o� putting an additioa�a7, lane �rr� 7th St�'��t
�t���inq 2QQ fee� South of lkiasissippi Street to the Mississippi
��k���t riqht of way shouid b� takea� into accourat in plaaiag �k��
�,.� �hru�bery and sidewaik in the a�°ea� Mr, Boar�na� said w� hay�
� aiql�ed agreeme�,t �'or this stipula�i��, � •
l�tx'. �toes�e ���d +a �tud�► i��� bee� �nad� �f th� water ��bl� oa�
, th property ai3c month,� apar�. Tl�� w�ter table varied only g
����� '�� ��� ��o�. He �ai� c��� of �.l�e commi����s had r�q��+�t+�d
P����i�g Commission �eeting - August 8, 1973 ' pag� �1
r _._.�.,�.�
�hat th� pools be lined with � vinyl mat�rial of ��m� �ype, bu�
th��e ��s�s rhow that this ia not n�cessary and �hey w�.�.1 no� k►�
��n�do The pond will be abciut three feet deep and �he w�te� w�.l�,
� r���.rculated by a pump and a iQunta�,n. These wa��rwa�ys w�.�.1
�� ��.�I�� feet wide and can be ussd for ca�noeing and �.ce �ka1��,�c�.
T��y w�,11 not be used for swim�ning. PRr. Labere� �a�.d ther� w�.�.l
�� �sam� �Inrubbery around, the ponds' and ben� in the open ar���.
P�'. �lark said there would have tp be verificatic�� o� th�
�l��r�tions as �hown on the plan. A walk-out type hom� would h�v�
t� hav� �he lowest floor elevation a� the structure 3 foot above
��L2 �cre reservoir; a mor� conventi4nal type structu�e, ths
��t�►�,�t grade at the foundation will have to be three feet abov�a
tk�� 12 acre r�sex�vair, and the basemer�t �leva�ion ean b� �.8 i�cY��s
it�t� �.he 12 acre reservoir, with waterproofinq. Mr. Re�se said
���� ir� �ddition t� waterproofinc�, they will be stabl�.z�.x�g th�
����, where they think water may be � problem. �Mr� Cl.ark �aid
1tk�ere wex'e some soil problems as to bearing ca�acity �or tl�e ��wra-
�i�t���s and tha� would have to be taken care o£ al�o.
�haixman Fitzpatzick asked if tl�ey had ag�e�d to �.i.n� up fi�h�
�����a �tQ 7th $treet with Bennett Drive. Mr. Rsese �aid th��r
$��t�� �nd also to the limited access �prov�.ded oaa Miss�asippa. �;����t�
�l�. D�igans said he felt the third stipulation wa� �upexflou�
�� We have no way of enforcing it. Nl�c. Clark said Mx�. px�.g$��
h��1 ��3.lec� him on this s�i ulation a few days ago ancl 1�� hacl
c�hr�ek�d with Mr. Herricko �he City At�orney. The Wa�7, Corpr�r�tiora
�a�t� i�ave the best intentions of selling these townhnu�e� w�.�hir�
�he �xve year period, but what can we do if every e€,�ox�t �s m�de
�� ���.�.�them and they aren't sold. Mr. Reese said it is ea�i�x
'�O ���1 �owrjhouses on a convt��sion basi� than when �hey were n�v��
NR�. �7.�rk said we aren't questioning tk�e ia�ten�ions Q� ��� Wa�,�
C�rpox���on, we �re just saying that this stipulation is c�oir��
�o be ��rd to enforce. -Mr. Dsigahs said this is why he �.s �o
�o�cexr�ed about the density in an R-1 area. Mr. C1ark aa�.�d �ki��r�
i,� � c�r�a� dif�exence in rental �roperty arad ow��r
000upi.�d �roperty, These townhouseg �h4u1c1 be architectura�l�
d��,ie�ned to meet �he owner-occupied standards and paxt� Wa],��,
Gha��anan Fitzpa�rick said these two points shpuld be bx�ught
°to �h� �t�enti�n o� the City Council.
�h�1�a�r� FitzpatriGk said we h�ve b�ex� goir�q through the
��ipula�.�or�a point by point, and �kYae aae�t o�ae ia the clrainag�
�9COblem. Mr. Rees� said t�ey wer� agre�able to �he walk-ou�t�
�it�g thre� feet albove the 12 acre foc�� reservoir; �he conven�ional
ty�� +�truc�ur�, �� qxade lir�� bei�g three �eet above the ,�2 ����
�ocat s�aseryoir, a�c1 th� laase�ent elevations b�ing 18 i�nei�es iA�o
th� 12 a�are fqot reservoir, wi�h wa�erp�oofir�g,
D�'. C�.ark �aid t1�� Wail C�xpa�r�tio� ��� anst al�. th� arequiz�m����
t�� �h� recreation r�om. ��ae opt�or� y�as Reft qpen for the tea�r�i.�
��u��4 �a�� i� i� nc�� �r���µd�d or� th,�,s �lane lMl.r. F�.t�patr�tcle ��$d
�hie °t�atini� coiart waa x�c�anme�ade� b� ua and th� Cot����,1,
Pl��ning Commission Meeting - August 8, 1973 '
,� , ��g_ e �2
�hairmaz� Fitzpatrick said they accepted th� lax�ds���ae p�.at�,
�at�.�� acidi.�ional berming alang 7th Street, and MX. �1as��e h�s �g�����
°�� p���ide a madel c�f association by-laws.
Mx. ��ese saic� he would discuss la.ter the brick b�.inq bae��t���
into tkae exterior of t�e builciings..
l�x'. F�.�zpatrick said the 9th stipul�tion was about ths s�d�w�lk,
1���ozding to �he plan presented this has been provided. A sid�wal7c
1� �h�wn ],0 �ee� irom the curb line on 7th St�eet and 63rc1 Avenu�
��d alsca �n �5th Street. Mr. Reese said they had dec�.d�d �to �u�
the �i�ewa�lk in on 5th Stxeet also. Th,e sidewalk is already �.n.
o� �is�i�sippi.
1Kr• �°itzgatrick saicl tkaat the ],Qth stipulati,on wa� an agre�m�a�t
't� ps��v �he co�t of putting ax� addi,tion�l lan� on •ith Street, e��e
Thi� has b�en agreed to. Mx�, Clark said it has been ag�e�c1 �Go bt�t
t�e �xac�t �.ocation has not been de�ermined.
,Mr. Clark said thexe is a hearing �oming up for �i�e assea�-
m�rtt� iog the improvement o� 5th ,treet and �her� has b�er�
d�¢�,���,�on0 A4r, �'i�$patric� �aid we would eontinu� ti�i.s stiptal�ti�s�.
� � �'. �'it�pat�icBc saicl it looked like the ],ight�.nc� h�� been
�` ��'��i���� �• Blair said he thougYat we had stipulated el�ctxic
��. htirtg �nci it looks lxke tk�ey have switched to gas. l�ix�, Re��e
���cl �h��� w��ld be +�l.ectrical light�.nq ia� t�� �oux�,�,a��.
b�. Ftee�e said we 1�ave k�ac� plan� drawri fo� a spri�kl,�r �yst�n
but �khe Wal1 �orporatipn haven ° t saidl yes ox s�o. �Ir, Harr�.s s�i�
�� thouqht the� should have � sprink].e� systean but he �k�ought th�
W���� �h�ul�° come �rc�m a private w��1 rather th�� t,he muni�iga�,
�����' �Y����e H� di�xa' � thi.nk i� w�� �t all nec�ssary to sprinkle
t�i�h c�a���°iraateci, flaaari}��.�e.dwater whez� surf�c� water �rquld do
'��� job. 1�. C1�,sDc �a�.d this �rQUld ?�ave ta b� �pp�rav�d lay� the
���t�m �4 H�rsis ��1d he dicir�'t tk�in�C we h�d �r� unl,�m�ted supply
�� t����r, so h� tiaou�lat thi� �hpu].d b� Gi�ec�ed �.r�t�. l�r o Linciblad
�aid �h�t �con�micall� � �t waui.d b� c1�ea�er �vez � pe�ioc� of �t�m�,
�ko gut ira a priv�te we11.
a E�i�zpa�sic3� �aid t�e las� �t�p�l�t��r� was for r�crea�ioa�al
���i������, i'�. ��ber�� said th� �c�t �.ots we�e provided on the
pla�a wi�h �e�dernis��.c pl�}� �c�ui�t�aen�. He said he hadn't b�en aware
t��'t �P�ere shoui.d be a picnic area but th�re wa� space wh�re or�e
cO�Rd b� psovided,
Mx�. Reese said it be nica �ta have �olor�cA sketch�s ancl
s Gaxdboard model ��a preser�t, but ux��o��un��t�ly they� wouldr� ° t
'� b� stVa�ilable unt�il the ne�t d�x �� h� W�ta�.d a��k� the
-= s�# t�a� exter�or �� �ia� b�a�],d,�,r�e�� ���m �h� w�a��Ci�ag drav�ai�q�nt����r�
��t���'�or ��t�ri��. v�i11 be rough �a`vn �aci� bqa�d with► v��t�.aal Y�
��'�YO trd�terial o a�� the windows would h�ave roug� saw� trizt�, Thex�
���nain Commission Meetin - Au uat B 1973 Pa e 1�
tv��.� be br�ck on the ends of the units facing �he stz�et. T�ai�
b�ic� w�.91 extend abou� three feet and vary gr�m 4�e�t o�n
MiR��.��i�pi. and ta three to five f�et on the walk�-puts. M:�.
F'�.��p��ric}e sa�d he still saw a pretty blank wa11. I�x. Reese
���,d they could use vertical panels f�om the foundatic�n to �1��
���� in line the kitchen window to break up tha blan}c ].oQlt.
1�. Fitz�atrick thought it would he].p c�uite a bi�.
Nir. Boardman said expased black elid not loo� we1� anc� aak��l
�Yt�t a�urring cover be put on the blocJcs and �h� ��d�.nc� be brQugh�
�A�� �c� �over these expQsecl blocks. Mr. Boardm�n saic� he waulcl
�.��e �c� see either this or some brick c�n th� siclea �'a��.ng th�
�. z�����,�� �f the proj ect.
l�ix. Reese said the recreation room would ��y� a swimming
p�c��. Th� r�of of the pool will have a�es�wood deGk� I�r, Ha��i�
��}c�d how far apart the boards were on the deck anc� k��aw 1��.�h i�
�vtauld be, I��. R�es� said it would be��hes an ce�.#.+er �x�d
. �� ���� high. Mr. Harris said as this w�s close to a�1ay aXe�
�Q� ����.dren, he would likethe '�Qard to be 5;Cnches o� c�nte�'
�s�d ��� heiqht 4 feet. Mr, Clark sa�.d'that 7 inche's was God�
��� h� ��l.t 5 atnckaes would be more at a saf�t�r factos, ' Tk�e
������t�l�a� buildimc� will have a suana, fir�p�.a�e, sta�ac�e ' rcaont�
� �'��°kro��s, a bacl� bax and a party room�. N[r. Reese s��.d tiae
-�xt�x'ater would be rough sawn plywood with 3/� V-qrove �
pl�oo� �anels. Mr. Bl�ir asked the capacity o� the party reoine
Mso Re��� $aid ��k would be 28' x 28'. Mr, C1ark ask�d Nl�. Re��e
�t �� k�ew �.f �rovi�i�r�s had to be �nade fcar �he hand�.�a�ped. Nlr.
����� ��.id �he l��a�c�ic�pped couidn' t us� any of the re�rea�iorl ar��
��xs���� �kae �wimming pooi a�.d Y�e would assume they wou�Lci�' � u�� i�
��.��ou� hel�, He said h� woulel eheck t�e State requ���ionse
NG�T�'�Dl� �by Arigan�, secon�ed b� B1a.i�, th�� the p.��nr�,�r��
�'oenmi���ora ,zec�m�end ta th� City appz'ova,� o#` +�ha final
�1�n� ��z� �h� W�.i1 CotporatfQra TQwa�hpu�e� locat�d in tbe ��ea '
��de��al1� .tocs�ecT �n 5t�a Street snd 7th Stre�t North�ast� ar�d
���� M��a�sst,ppi Stx�et to 63rd Aven�ae Narthea��, wi�1s tb� .
��3�oaal�eg ���pula�t.iorass �
I. �°bat t�ae 7th Stre�� access ��a real�gn�d as clo�e to
8e��ett �r�ve as po�sibl�e. ��igreeci pga,nl
�?, TJaat onlq 1�m���d �c��ss be provided vn Mis,�.��s,�ppj
St�ree� . �Agreed u,�on)
�30 �'1��se uraits ��a tl�e R-1 aarea to b� own�r occu,��ed
w�t�ira �a pe��tad Qg t1a.�ee y�ar�, after the car��lQt�or�
v�' t�ae coa�str�av��on a��d at tl��t �,tme � two y�ar
�,.� e,xtens�oa� on �h� t�tm� bg graa�ted as ne�d�d.
(Cou�c3t ��aoulai look �nt� �I�.�s sti�ul�t.ion ar�d �e�
� � t' i t c�n b� t��ror��� �ca ma#� a[ t mora enforc��b��
�� rea4����+v �r�d ti�� �� �s� �,� �o���xuc�ed �o th�y
me�t �h� ��aa�r-vccup�ed coda� ��a ,�r� �t-1 ar�a,l m
,�l�nni�� Commission Meeting - August 8, ��73 ' p�c�� 1�
4. Ara�nage problem be �olved with the Eng�n������ ��pt.
�A walk-out type bome wouZd h�v� to hav� �h� 1�w��t
f1ao� �1ev�tion of t�e struc�uxe three fee� �b�v� th�
12 acre �o�t reservo3r, a more convent�Qna1 ��p�
�tru�ture, the lowest grad� �t th� foundat�o� w�11
havQ to �e three fee�,above the 12 acx� f�a� ��se�v��r,
�nd t�� ba�ement elevatjon can be 18 �nches �n�� �h�
12 ac�� foot reservoir, w�th WaterpTpp�i�g. (Agr�ed upv�j
S. That ��e recreatio� buiZding ��clude an ��dq�� �w�m���g
p�o1, p�rty room, war�ing roAm, �aana, �nd �h�t �������
cour� be grov3de8, l�v�r�thi�g a�reed to e���p� �h�
tenn�s �ourt. P1a�n�nq Co�m�es�on st�11 �a��s t�nn�� �
��urt a stipula�ion).
�. �hst a comp��t� Zandscape plan be subm�t��d ��� �p���y�3.
(Agr��d uponj
i. �ha� a capy Qf the ma8e1 �ssoc��t�on by�aws �� avs������
�o t�� Caunc�7. (�gre�d ��on�
�. e��ck wilZ bs b�ought into ��e ext��ior da��g� �� ���
build��g (�t 1es�� on the stFee� sid�s), �h�� �us� b�
� �ubm�tt�d �or f��aZ app�opsl. (�reak u� ��� ����k
���erio� of the�e buildfn�� w��� v�xt�e�1 p���1� ��
1�n� w�th th� win�ow, u� to the �aQg ��n�� �n� d���
tb� c�dar �o�n ta within ���c�es to �a snah�� a� �h'o
g�o�nd Te��1 to cover the �e�ent b1o�k�). (����ed up��)
�. �hat a g�v� ��o� ��dewa�k be proP��ed 81o�g lth St���t
�nd 63�d A�anue N.E, at ZO ��et �r�m ��e �u�b ����,
�ASz�'�d u�pn, also Sth Stre�t)
I0. pay th� �a�t �! p�tt#�g �� a8d���o��� 1a�e �� Tt� St����
�t�rti�� Z00 ���t �vuth°o� M��s�s�#pp� ��r��t to t��
M����ss�pp� r�g�t o� ws9, (�9�eed ��on)
1�• pe��aat� the ���terly hali 9� t�� Sth �t�e�� �����
vf w�y a3ong th� We�t bQU�d�ry ���e �nd a�a�pt t��
��ae����nt fpr th� �mproy��ent of St� 8tx��� ��
saeo�d$nae ��th npr��1 City pol�cy, l�g�e�d upp�1
1�� L�gh�i�� on p$thways d�rected down awsy from the home�,
fAgr�ed upon)
�3. v�der�round s$�inkl�a sys��� t� be con��der�d by
developer. (Not a�reed W�p�, but if �px�nkX�r
�y�t�m �s put �n, every �ffort be mad� tp h�ve �
n �rlvat� 8u�p1y o� water rat�er than mu�f����3 wateg'
_ 3�. Prov�d� m�n�m�m r�����t�A��� ��G���t��s �n ���� �raa
o� tMO to� Iots� P��yyrou�d �cu3�tuxe�, an8 �
b�;g���� �i�n�a �r�a. {�yteed n�on, no �icn�a axe�
�hAW,� o� P�Bn, but ���oe a��������•%
PlB��inq Commission Meeting - August 8, 1973 �age 15
Mx', Lindblad ask�d about the treatment o� the f�repl�ce�,
D�x'. �e��� said they would have wood e�teriors but th� ata�k�
would b� Govered with a metal material that would 1o4k like
8���6�db s
LId+91V A V0�'CE i/�TE, sZ1 voting aye, th� mot.ion cax�i�d uJaa�a�mou�2ys
COMMISSZON: �ons�der possib�.e uses Plannix�g Comm �siort
+�an make of cable television.
�Y�airman Fitzpatrick said all tk�e Commissioners had
�'����.v�d copies of this letter but he didr�'t thin}c t��y wer�
px� a�ed at this time ta discuss how th� Planni�.g Comfini.s��,on
�ou�d tnake use of Gable television. We do want �ko s��y �.r�
��mmun�.�ation with them.
�ix'. Ar�.gans said he would lil�� someone �rom �he ��ble
`����Y�s�on �ommission to come be�ore use �nd .�n�or�n us a�
t�A wha� their respansibilities are and w�iat the� are doing.
T wptt�d �ike to ir�vite all the members of the Cab�.e ��levisi�a�
���i��ior� to a joint meeting with the� Planninq Comm���a.c�n
�� �13�� �an �ell us their role in assisting .th� C�.ty ar�c� the�r
��t� ���.1 �s how we can assist the Cit� as �erta�n� �� t�lev�.��.pn,
F�� c�c����.nuecl that h� would be inter�s�ed �,n a semin��' ���ac1u���c1
k�y ��� �a�k��.� Tel�vi�ion Commission for the Planning �ominis�ion.
dt��'.iPON by D�i�ans, se�anaed ,�y B1�ir, t.hat t1�� ���ra�.�ng
C�A�st����on secreta�y write � lette� t�a the �a.b3e T�7�v�s��a13
��r�aa����v�a stat�ng �ha� the PZanz��n� �omm�[��ion w�tsh��a to
�t�� .�� �vmmun�cs��on w.ith them and �ra fnte,����ed �i�a � p,���
���F����e��s .�n a joi,�t meet�ng of the twc� Comm�ss��ons �� t�i�
C'abl� �'�levision Comm�ssion'� ear�.�est cor�venienpe. i�p�r� �
1t+���� vo�e, �a31 tr� �ye, the motion earri�d unan�!mot�a�1� s
1�'. G�.a�k said this imeeti�ng wil1, b� att�ndecl b� c��her
��t��e���ec3 mem�bers Qf t�e Gity staf�. Thi� mez�orandum w��
jt��t �ko keep th� �lanni�g Commission informed ora the me�tinq
�c��ommenc��d by them.
M:�. Hla�ir said th��� �,�r�� a rei�erral fxoan fihe Pa�k� i
ReCSire�tioa ConQmi�sion to do a study for recommendatio�t �.a�d
los�et�on of a tree nur�sery.
i�l�°. �la�k sai,d �he�r werc� st�]l� �,p��g a�u�vey o� otk�e�
�C�mu��,�i�s on tt�ei� handling of �uxiiliary bu�,�.dir�g�. He �a��
�l�nninq Commission Meeting - August 8, 1973 �aqe �6
moe� c�mmunities requ�re that any metal sh�d b�'o� a��u�dation.
W� have ��ready had some discussion on this here and �1a� dis�u���on
Qt �l�m��atin� a sp�cial use germit for up to ��exta�� �quaz� �
#�Q��ge, Mr. Harris said he has been stud�ing some o� �h�
�pe�i�ic��ions on metal sheds and que�tioned the �nQw ��a� on
�hi� ty�� of construation.
I�x°, Lindb�ad said along this s�m� vein, th�r� wa� a�axa�e
moV�� in on the 5900 blqck on Main Street that has be�n ther�
�v�r � ye�r and hasn't been painted, This contr��utes �o �h�
��obl�ms we have in the Hyde Park area. Mr. �lark sa�d he had
��p��ted thi� garage last fall but the year �e waa g�v�� to
��mpl�t� �his eonstu�tion wasn't up yet then. He aaid h� woul�
�h��� �nto �his matter. �
�OTIQN by BZ$ir, seconded by Harr�s, t�at t�� P�a�����
�o����s�on �h�nk the City CounciZ for �heix gro��tab2e d��n��
���t��g with the Caun�il on Ju1y 30, 1973 and�ho�e the �ou���l
��1� ��x�QUS1y conside� the itemg d�seussed �t ��is m��t���.
V��n � v�ice vote, �11 woting aye, the mAtio� ea�ried ����i��u�Ty.
��"� �h�ixman Fitzpatrick adjourned the meeting at ��:5� AsMs
R�����t��l�� submitted,
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