PL 12/05/1973 - 30388�
Chairman Fitzpatrick called the meeting to order at 8:05 P.M.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
• Others Present:
Darrel Clark,
Harris, Drigans, Lindblad
Community Development Adm.
MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning
Commission approve the minutes of the November 21, 1973 meeting
as written. Upori a voice vote, a1.Z voting aye, the motion carried
unanimously. �
^ MOTION by Driqans, seconded by Z;indbZad, that the Planning
Commission receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting
of November 27, Z973. Ilpon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the
• motion carried unanimously.
BY MOTOFOTO OF AMERICA, INC.: To permit a film processing
drop-off booth on Lot 1, Block l, Sylvan Hills Plat 7, per
Fridley City Code, Section 205.101, 3, I, the same being
248 Mississippi Street N.E. in the Rice Plaza Shopping Center.
Mr. Morton Sleet was,present to represent the petitioner.
MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Harris, that the Planninq
Commission waive the reading of the Public Hearing notice £�r�
a Special Use Permit, SP #73-12, by Motofoto of America, Inc.
Upon a voice vote, alI voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
. Mr. Sleet presented pictures of a similar film processing
� ' drop-off booth'operated by his company in Fargo, North Dakota.
He said these booths were generally located at the extremity of
a parking lot in a shopping center so as not to hinder the parking
for such centers. ,
Mr. Sleet had a plot plan showing where this booth would be
� located in the Rice Plaza shopping center. He said the island
for this booth would be running perpendicular to Mississippi Street.
Mr. Lindblad asked how much property would be needed for this
type of installation.
Planning Commission Meeting - December 5, 1973 Page 2
Mr. Sleet said the actual booth was 4'x8'. The island is
18'x 25' with a planter at each end. The pad is actually only
5 feet so the actual driveway for this installation is common
ground and so's'tates in their lease. �
Mr. Harris asked if there was any provision.for heat, lights
or utilities.
Mr. Sleet said there would be electrical and telephone lines
coming into the building. There will be a 5,000 B.T.U. Bryant ��
baseboard heater and a quarter ton air conditioner. We are talking
about a 32 square ft. building.
. Mr. Harris said he understood all the utilities would have
underground installation. Mr. Sleet said they would be all under-
ground. ,
Mr. Harris said there would be no water or sewer in this
building then.
Mr. Sleet said that in this type of business, it is accepted
that if there are facilities near by, this is all that is required.
Mr. Harris asked if this was in the terms of their lease also.
n Mr. Sleet said he would be bringing in a letter from one o�
the tenants of the shopping center that the employees of the film
booth can use their public facilities.
Mr. Clark said the O.S.H.A. requirement is that a facility be
available within 200 feet. '
Mr:. Drigans asked if they had.any other booths located in the
Twin City area. Mr. Sleet said this was their first booth. They
have been doing business in Montana, their home base, and in North
and South Dakota, Wyoming and Colorado. We have just recently gone
into a franchise program.
Mr. Drigans asked how they happened to start their operations
here in Fridley. Mr. Sleet said�it was because of Fred Levy.� He
owns several shopping centers. Mr. Drigans said that since Fridley
already has � similar film booth in such close proximity to this
locatiqn, it would seem that another location would be a better place
to start. Mr. Sleet said it was a strategic move.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said the sign that will be on your building
says Kodak film but you will process any type of film, I assume.
. Mr. Sleet said.we will process any type of film with a code
n ' af C-22 by a patented Kodak process. Sears or Wards film, for
instance, will have to go back to them for processing.
Planning Commission Meeting - December 5, 1973 Page 3
�' Mr. Fitzpatrick said you will be selling Kodak film then.
Will you be selling anything else? Mr. Sleet said they would
be selling cameras and would have a small camera display.
Mr. Harris asked if they will want any other signs other
than the one on the building. Mr. Sleet said no.
Mr. Harris asked if this building was pre-constructed.
Mr. Sleet said it was. The building has Reynold Aluminum siding,
Owens Corning insulation, fibreboard on the inside, steel studdirigs
and will meet the requirements for wind resistant and roof loads.
Mr. Drigans asked Mr. Clark if there had been any compl�aints
-or any vandalism on the film booth already located in Fridley.. Mr.
Clark said not as far as he knew or recollected.
Mr. Drigans asked Mr. Sleet if they had a problem of robberies
in these booths. Mr. Sleet said he knew some�booths had this
problem but this unit has a floor safe grouted into the cement
floor so they felt this would elimina�e this danger. .
MOTIOIIB by LindbZad, seconded by Harris, that the P.Zanning
Commission close the Public Hearing on the request for a Special
Use Permit, SP #73-12, by Motofoto of America, Inc. Upon a voice
^ vote, aZ1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Harris asked if the traffic patterns had been worked
out for this proposal as yet. Mr. Clark said they would be before
this went to Building Standards. The lanes will have to be striped
and directional arrows put in for the film booth.
Mr. Harris said he thought this was far enough awa�r from the
intersection not to cause probleins. Mr. Clark said the most trouble
would come when the traffic was backed up because of a train.
Mr. Drigans asked Mr. Sleet if they ever had to relocate these
booths because of economics. Mr. Sleet said they sometimes have
to relocate but it is in their lease that if this happened they
would remove their construction and the property would be returned
to its original state. '
MOTION by Karris, seconded by Drigans, that the Planning
Commission recommend to Council approva.Z of the request for a
Special Use Permit, SP #73-12, by Motofoto of America, Inc., to
permit a film processing drop-off.booth on Lot 1, Block 1, Sylvan
Hi11s P1at 7, per Fridley City Code, Section 205.101, 3, I, at
248 Mississippi Street N.E. in the Rice Plaza shopping center witli
the following stipulations: •
n (1) The traffic patterns be worked out with the administration
- end approved by the Building Standards-Design Control Sub-
(2) The parking.lanes be striped and directional arrows be
provided for traffic direction. �
Planning Commission Meeting - December 5, 1973 Page 4
(3) A11 utili.ty lines be underground.
(4) A letter be obtained from an adjacent tenant stating
the employees can use the public facilities,:.within
200 feet of this film booth.
(5) Sn the event the building has to be removed for any
reason, the parking 1ot wi11 be returned to its original
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried
� Mr. Clark told the petitioner that this.would go to Council
on Council on December 17th. �
and alley described as Gumwood Street between the Westerly
extension of Lot 11, Block 6, Onaway Addition and the South
right of way of 78th Avenue; and t�e alley running on the '
� Westerly property line.of Lots 1- 8, Block 5, Onaway Addition,
between 77th Way N.E. and 78th Avenue N.E.
Mr. Clark said this request was started two years ago as
� SAV #71-04. It was recommended by the Planning Commission for
approval by the Council, and the first reading was read. We
decided to readvertise this to make sure it met all the legal
requirements. The second reading was held up to see how the
developement of�Beech Stree��was going to occur. Now that
. Beech Street is developed, this is the last parcel left. Mr.
Houser wants to sell the North half of his property and access
will be provided at 78th Avenue.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked the purpose of this request. Mr. Clark
said it will be landscaped and made part of the property, but the
utility.easement will have to be retai.ned.
Mr. Harris said half the vacation will go to Mr. Houser and
the other half to Mr. Smith. Mr. Clark said that when Mr. Smith
requested the addition to his building, it was felt this vacation
should be reinstated.
. Mr. Harris asked if there was a�ything in writing from Mr.
Smith and Mr. Houser saying they wanted this vacation. •Mr. Clark
said there wasn't but he was sure there would be no problem in
obtaining these signatures.
Mr. Harris said this is an old plat with 40 foot lots, and
with this vacation, there will be lots without access.
Mr. Clark said Mr. Houser is the owner of these lots and
he is the one requesting this vacation. Mr. Harris said there
should be someway to ti� these lots together so there would be
no confusion at a later date of a subsequent owner selling some
of these lots.
Planning Commission Meeting - Decembe� 5, 1973 • Page 5
Chairman Fitzpatrick said we should be cognizant of the fact
n that we are creating land locked lots and I think the City should
have some obligation.
Mr. Clark said if the vacation isn't granted the proposed
building will not meet the setback requirements.
Mr. Harris asked if there was dedication for the cul-de-sac
at 78th Avenue. Mr. Clark said we will be getting this dedication.
MOTION by Drigans, seconded bg Lindblad, that the Planning
� Commission reaffirm t�e�r recommendation to Council to approve -
vacation request, SAV #73-12 (SAV #7I-04) , by Edgar Houser, to
vacate a street and alley described as Gumwood Street between the
Westerly extension of Lot 11, B1ock 6, Onaway Addition, and the
South rig�t of way of 78th Avenue; and the a.1ley running on the
Westerly prope�t� line of Lots 1-8, B1ock 5, Onaway Addition,
between 77th Way N.E, and 78th Avenue N.E., with the following
(1) Both parties sign an agreement that they agree to the
• � � • vacation. � �
(2) City retain all the existing utility easements. _
(3) Have th� City Attorney look into Block 5, Onaway
� Addition, to see if some type of agreement can be
drawn up so that the exteri�or lots not be sold without
�, access to 77th Way or 78th Avenue.
(4) Provi�de dedication for 60 foot radius cul-de-.5ac on
, 78th Avenue N.E.
Upon a voice vote, a11 voti�ng aye, the motion carried unanimous-
Chairman Fitzpatrick said the letter in the agenda was
p�epared by the administration at our direction.
Mr. Clark s�id if there were any names any member of the
Planning Commission wanted on the mailing list in addition to
those attached, we could add them at this time.
Mr. Lindblad asked if any organizations outside of•Fridley
would be notified. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that most of the service
org.anizations have branches in Fridley so this could be limited
to Fridley at the present time. •
Mr.. Lindblad said he thought it would be a month or more before
�, we get any response from this letter.
� Mr. Fitzpatrick said we can continue this item a�d any response
can be put in the agenda for each meeting. He said he thought the
. Planning Commission would be ready some time in January to make
Planning Commission Meeting - December 5, 1973 �age 6
their recommendation.
Mr. Drigans asked !�"r. Clark if there was a copy of the
type of resolution that would be needed if they decided to
recommend favorably on this request.
Mr. Clark said he did and it was a"gentleman's agreement",
really not binding by the City or the National Guard.
Mr. Harris asked what steps the City of Fridley as a
governmental unit had taken to conserve energy during the
energy cris�� besides turning off the outside lights at 1:00 A.M.
Mr. Clark said all the pump houses and the filtration plants
have been insulated around the windows. The storage area of the
City garage is kept at 50° and the working area at 65°. As far
as City Hall if concerned, we can't change the thermostats until
we have a few days of colder weather so we can set the air mixture
properly. • .
We have a Phase II of our plan which will have to be approved
by Council because it will affect the services provided by the�
City. This would include a policy change in our snow plowing,
�, and whether we should shorten our work day by having half hour
lunches or go to � ten hour days.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said he thought 4 ten hour days would give
more service to the public than a day on a five
day basis.
Mr. Drigans said the last time they discussed this subject
it was my feeling that we�should, as a Planning"Commission, be�
involved in this energy crisis, either by giving input or as an
ad hoc energy commission.
Mr. Harris asked what the policy was for City vehicles. He
said it seemed like there was a lot of joy riding going on. Mr.
Clark sai�d that Mr. Volkman has instructed the Public Works Dept. .
that if they don't have anywhere to go, to stay where they are.
Mr. Harris said the�State has instructed the highway patrol to
only go out on specific calls and then at a 50 mile per hour speed.
Mr. Clark.said their function was different from the police depart-
ment who have routine patrols to make and this is a nessary service.
Mr. Harris asked if there was any rEason for Fri�ley vehicles
to be used outside of Fridley. Mr. Clark said they were used for
picking up parts downtown, or for meetings, but always for City
Mr. Harris said people get exasperated when they are told by
government to conserve energy and then these same governmental
uni�s waste energy like its going out of style. He said if Fridley
is making an effort in this energy crisis he thought it should
really be publicized to show how a local government was leading
the way. •
Planning Commission Meeting - December 5, 1973 �age 7
�"'\ , .
Chairman Fitzpatrick said we are talking organizationally
whether we want a subcommittee to be an energy commission or
whether there should be an ad hoc committee formed. It seems to
me we are talking about something that when the policies are set
that would be it. He said it seemed to him that these were
Council decisions,but where the input was to come from,was something
Mr. Drigans said he thought they should consider offering
their services to the Council to be used in any way _
see fit, in terms of the energy crisis. As we are all chairmen
of subcommittees we could get input from these subcommittees
and use this feedback to help determine what the policy should
• be . � -
t�Ir. Lindblad said he didn't think Fridley should be curtailing
services, if other cor.ununities were not doint� the same. He said he
couldn't see the sense of stopping Little League hockey in Fridley
if they were still going to play hockey out at the Met Center.
Mr. Drigans said you can't always wait for "big brother", or
you may wait a long time. He said the school boards and some
companies were making decisions to conserve energy and he thought
the City of Fridley should do the same.
� Mr. Harris said we already.have some guidelines from the
Federal and State government. Mr. Fitzpatrick said he thinks most
people look to the Federal and State government for direction and
he didn't know how much attention Gity government would get except
for the services City government supplies. He said this might not
to.right but this is generally the way it was. �
Mr. Drigans said he would like to ask:the Gity Council to .
pass a resolution banning , outdoor lighted Christmas decorations.
MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Lindblad, recommending that
the City Council view the Planning Commission as an Energy Commission
for the duration of the energy crisis and invite them to refer any
action they take, for review by this Energy Commission.
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning
Commission recommend that the City Council pass a resoZution
discouraging the use of outdoor decorative lighting during the
Christmas season to conserve energy. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Fitzpatrick adjourned the meeting at 9:40 P.M.
^ Respectfully submitted,
� � D j
' .e 6^= 1 i�' L /f✓1iQ7�J
Dorathy enson, Secretary